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两类重点话题: “熟人” & “名人”
★熟悉的人--可以用来准备描述家庭成 员,朋友,邻居,帮助过你的人,老 人,孩子等卡片素材。 ★名人--电影明星,体育明星,歌手, 成功的人,你羡慕的人,可以和电影, 书,音乐结合。
• Describe a celebrity/famous person you like = a leader = an idol = a person you want to become one day = a sports/ movie star= a person who has great influence on you= successful/ happy person= a person you admire= a person you want to visit = a character from a book/ TV
Part 2 人物题答题参考模式
1. 转述题目the person whom I like to describe is … 2. 描述人物身份,外貌,性格 (给考官直观感受) 3. 描述你是如何认识这个人的 4. 描述共同经历的事情(普通人题) 5. 描述他/她传奇的人生(名人题) 6. 回答为什么你喜欢这个人,对你的影响
• Describe a friend = a person you want to talk = a person you want to spend time with =a person who helped you = a neighbor = a teenager
• Describe a person you know who speaks a different language = a teacher = an unforgettable course or lecture = an unforgettable experience
• I remember a teacher I had at primary school who was wonderful. • From the first day she was friendly and kind towards the students, who were eight years old. But she was also strict. I mean, on the first day, she took out this old fashioned strap and banged it on the desk and we all got such a fright, but she was just trying to show us she was in control. She wasn’t really that scary although she was quite short and she spoke in a loud voice. Everybody called her Mrs T. • She taught us for every subject, so she taught us English, maths, writing, and actually I can’t remember what else!
You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
• The person I am going to describe is my mother, who is not my whole life, but a really big part of it and she is the most influential person who inspires me. • My mother is always beautiful to me although she is in her late fifties. She has smooth shoulder-length hair and bright smiling eyes in which you can always see love and passion. Despite the fact that she is fairly short, she is strong, both physically and mentally, powerful and caring. She, with all her traditional value, would do anything and sacrifice anything for the family.
• 例句 My cousin Lu is a young guy with square face, small but bright eyes, and spiky hair.
• • • •
• • • • • • •
Age elderly middle-aged young
Clothes casual clothes (n.)休闲装 formal clothes (n.)正装 smart clothes (n.)漂亮潇洒的打扮 tidy clothes (n.)整洁的打扮 messy clothes (n.)肮脏凌乱的打扮 例句 My sister is always in tidy clothes.
Describe a family member who has influenced you greatly. You should say: Who this person is. What this person is like. How you are like and unlike this person. And Explain why he/she has influenced you greatly.
• • • • • • • • • • • • teacher engineer doctor nurse designer cook company employee businessman public official policeman firefighter housewife
Describe a teacher who has influenced you in your education.
You should say: where you met him/her what subject he/she taught w explain why this person influenced you so much. You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.
• I guess what I used to enjoy most about her classes was her personality and the fact that she cared about all of her students, even the naughty ones. • I remember her daughter lived in America and she used to send over American sweets and chewing gum for Mrs T to give to the good students. All the students tried to be really good to get that reward! • I particularly remember my teacher Mrs T because she was so kind, helpful and patient. I was very young and she was like a mother to me, gentle but strict at the same time.
雅思口语Part 2 ——人物题
• • • • •
• • • •
A family member A child An old person A friend / neighbor / classmate / teacher A famous / successful / admirable / historical person A person who has influenced / helped you An interesting / happy / adventurous person A character from a film or TV programme ……
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Appearance and hairstyle good/ordinary-looking charming cute round face (n.)圆脸 square face (n.)方脸 wrinkles (n.)皱纹 bright eyes (n.)明亮的眼睛 small eyes (n.)小眼睛 Prominent/ flat nose Round / point / square chin bald (adj.)秃顶的 spiky hair (n.)板寸头 short curly hair (n.)短短的小卷发 long straight hair (n.)长长的直发 medium length wavy hair (n.)中等长度的大波浪发 pony-tail (n.)马尾辫
• 大家特别注意在回答时也要遵循一定 的结构,比如这里的开头句:The person I am going to describe is…,在描述第二个问题时会说: My mother is always beautiful to me…,然后再去论述母亲的具体长 相,大家要在考场里留给考官一个思 路清晰的好印象。
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Optimistic (adj.)积极乐观的 Pessimistic (adj.)消极悲观的 out-going (adj.)外向的,喜好交际的 Extroverted (adj.)活泼愉快的 Kind (adj.)和气的 Generous (adj.)慷慨的 Reliable (adj.)可靠的 Friendly (adj.)友善的 Quiet (adj.)娴静的 Shy (adj.)羞涩的 Patient (adj.)耐心的 Diligent (adj.)勤勉的 Conservative (adj.)保守的 例句 I work as a nurse and I’m an extroverted person.
• Height • tall, short, pretty tall, fairly short, has a medium height, has an average height • 例句 My father has a medium height. • • • • • • Build plump, fat, overweight, stout thin, skinny slim, slender well-bulit, broad-shouldered 例句 My mother is a plump lady.