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学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
1. 1. 目前,国久“汉语热”持续升温
2. 出现这种现象的主要原因
3. “汉语热”给我的启示
On Foreigners' Learning Chinese
2. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Pros and Cons of Online Shopping. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:
1. 简单介绍网上购物的方法
Useful words and expressions:
网上购物:online shopping/E-shopping
信用卡:credit card
3. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Career or Marriage?. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.
Career or Marriage?
4. 1. 老一辈常说,能力比相貌重要
2. 如今很多人却认为相貌比有力重要
3. 你的看法
Ability and Good Looks
5. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter —on behalf of the Students' Union and the Academic Lectures Association —to invite a visiting foreign professor, David, to deliver a presentation to the students in your university. You are NOT allowed to include the name of your university in this letter. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.
1. 对这位知名的外籍教授的到来表示欢迎
6. 1.越来越多的大学生一毕业就迈入婚姻殿堂
7. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Wealth and Health. You should write at least 150 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:
2. 也有人认为健康比财富重要;
3. 我的观点是:
8. 1.近年来,各类培训班如雨后春笋不断涌现,很多大学生报名参加各类培训;

9. Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter of at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.
1. 有个国外的朋友来访,告诉他你已经做好安排。


10. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on Campus Violence. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:
1. 近来不断有大学校园暴力事件发生
2. 产生这力事件的原因
3. 我的看法
My View on Campus Violence
二、2.Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(10题)
The author strongly believes that parents should care as much about ______ as with ______.
12. What is people's attitude towards a mixture of blood between dogs and wolves?
A.It's not encouraged.
B.It's strongly protested.
C.It's warmly welcomed.
D.It's responded indifferently.
In William Roberts' experiment, monkeys learned to take one date because they foresaw they would be ______ in the future.
14.A Brief History of American Anti-Smoking Campaigns
The First Anti-Smoking Treatise
Tobacco is a native American plant that was first used as a smoking substance in the religious ceremonies of Indian medicine men in coastal regions of North and South America. Its use had become widespread in Europe by the late 1500s, but was not well received by all. King James I of England published what may be considered the first anti-smoking treatise in 1604, which described tobacco smoking as "a custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs".
Despite King James' effort, tobacco use, in the form. of snuff dipping and pipe smoking spread in England and then quickly throughout the world. The English colonial companies, working against the wishes of the royal family, promoted the use of tobacco. Tobacco became a profitable export for the newly formed American colonies.
It was not until the 20th century that large numbers of people began to use tobacco in a much more deadly form. cigarette. Cancers of the mouth, lips, throat and nose had already been linked with the use of snuff, cigars and pipes by a few astute (敏锐的) physicians. With the development of the blended cigarette, smokers had the "advantage" of being able to inhale smoke into their lungs, more efficiently exposing the entire body to many of tobacco's harmful substances. The epidemic of cigarette-related diseases soon followed. The Great Cigarette Advertising Campaign
Before 1915, cigarettes were not particularly popular. However, beginning in World War Ⅰ cigarette sales rose sharply, boosted by distribution to soldiers and sailors, the invention of match packs and an unprecedented postwar cigarette advertising campaign.
During the war, General John J. Pershing stated "you ask me what we need to win this war... I answer tobacco as much as bullets." Cigarettes were sent
overseas to American troops. They were so much more convenient to smoke in the trenches than pipes or cigars. Millions of soldiers thus took up cigarette smoking during the war and continued their habit once they returned home. The great 20th century cigarette advertising campaign began right after World War I, capitalizing on the patriotism that accompanied the war effort. The ads often featured testimonials (证明) by movie stars, athletes and even doctors, who went so far as to suggest that good health and good looks were the rewards of smoking. Some cigarette manufacturers made particularly bold health claims for their products, advertising that their brand could steady the nerves or even prevent smoker's cough.
The advertising campaigns were so effective that by 1939, a Fortune magazine survey showed that 53 percent of all adult American men smoked cigarettes (as did 66 percent of those under 40).
The widespread use of cigarettes among women lagged some 25 to 30 years behind that of men. Although a few dating women had smoked cigarettes even before World War I, women did not take up smoking in large numbers until the 1940s. During World War Ⅰ, cigarettes were again sent tree to American military. At home, cigarette advertising was targeted at females, who had taken over traditional male jobs.
First Clues
Unknown to the smoking public, an impressive amount of speculation--and some hard scientific evidence--which linked smoking with disease had emerged between 1920 and 1940. Tobacco companies chose to ignore this evidence and continued to promote cigarettes heavily.
By today's standards, the medical evidence gathered against cigarettes by 1940 would have been enough to stimulate a thorough investigation of the matter and the extensive coverage in the popular press. Unfortunately, this was not the case at the time.
Few people were aware of the evidence, and those w
Wheat cereals are suggested to give to babies weaned from breast milk in order to obtain iron.
Nanotechnology is the study and manipulation of the very small matters such as atoms, molecules and viruses.
17. According to David Vaughan, the Antarctic is shrinking due to climate change.
Despite knowing little about what was happening, the author's mother is happier in ______.
Before Andy Hildebrand retired, he worked for ______.
A.a record factory
B.the oil industry
C.a consultation company
D.the advertising industry
The type of technology protection system, which means the GM crops that fails to produce fertile seeds, is called ______.
三、3.Listening Comprehension(10题)
rmation on the man's booking and the hotel's telephone number.
rmation on the man's booking and the hotel rules and regulations.
C.The hotel services and its telephone number.
D.The hotel address and its rules and regulations.
22.听力原文:W: Roger, any problems in your Korean study?
M: The biggest problem with me is the Korean vocabulary. It really makes me frustrated. The pronunciation and usage put me into great confusion as I keep forgetting them.
W: I guess first of all you can narrow down the vocabulary sphere. I mean, try to learn "core" vocabulary, the words with high frequencies of occurrence. M: That sounds quite reasonable. Do you think I can find in bookstores a book or dictionary where such kinds of words are listed?
W: Yes, definitely. Another thing, the first several occurrences of strange words are very important. Words are best remembered if they are learnt quickly with a few presentations. You may not have much trouble in remembering swear words, may you?
M: No. They're very impressive and quite memorable. I don't even need to
practice them.
W: That's it! For other words that don't have such a strong effect, yon have to make yourself highly attentive and sensitive. If not, later practice and repetition don't seem to work so well.
M: I see.
W: The last thing I'll say is that if you want to remember something for periods longer than a year or two, you need to space the presentations over quite long intervals of days, say 30 days. A more frequent interval doesn't promise you longer remembrance.
M: Really? I have thought every word should be practiced as often as possible within a short time span.
W: No. How the word is practiced is much more important than how often it is practiced.
M: You really do me a great favor, Teresa.
A.He keeps forgetting the important things he has to do.
B.He has great difficulty remembering Korean words.
C.He can't find the most helpful Korean dictionary.
D.His pronunciation of Korean words confuses others.
A.At home.
B.In a telephone booth.
C.At a meeting.
D.In the hospital.
A.He thinks the book should include more information.
B.He doesn't think it necessary to provide the answers.
C.The answers will be added in a later edition.
D.The book does include the answers.
25.听力原文:M: What did you do to celebrate your birthday?.
W: My friends took me to see Cirque du Soleil. What a show! It was unlike anything I had ever seen before. The performances were mesmerizing—they were art!
M: Wow, it sounds like you really enjoyed yourself. What distinguishes Cirque du Soleil from other circuses?
W: It simply has class. The acts have a certain style. that you don't see in other circuses. There is soft, romantic lighting and fantastic music which ranges
from classical to jazz. But, what realty sets the circus apart is the costumes with their beautiful fabrics, rich colors and fairy tale designs.
M: It sounds amazing, but I always feel a little guilty when I go to the circus. It seems so creel to use animals for our entertainment.
W: Cirque du Soleil doesn't believe in using animals They rely on human performers including acrobats, trapeze artists and contortionists.
M: That's wonderful, I wish other circuses would do the same.
W: And the human performances are much more fun. There was one clown who actually juggled eight wine glasses at one time. I couldn't believe it. There was also a magician who performed a series of comical tricks involving members of the audience. I loved the whole thing. You realty should see them while they are in town.
M: I think I'll go this weekend,
A.It's a concert,
B.It's a circus.
C.It's a game.
D.It's a movie.
A.The man couldn't find a parking lot.
B.It's hard to find a place to leave the car.
C.The woman was upset due to his late arrival.
D.The man apologized because of his negligence.
27.听力原文:W: Hello, Steve?
M: Hi, Veronica. What's going on?
W: Oh, my car's having problems again, but I don't have the time or the money to get it fixed.
M: Is it really bad?
W: It's starting to overheat whenever I'm idling or in heavy traffic, and two days ago I had to pull off the express way and wait until the engine cooled down.
M: Have you taken it into a shop?
W: Wall, I went to two different Places yesterday; one mechanic said he'd check the coolant level and look for fluid leaks; the other guy said he thought it was the thermostat. I didn't leave the car with either of them, though, because I didn't have a ride back.
M: What are you going to do?
W: I really don't know. I'll have to figure out something; the bus service is terrible around where I live. Anyway, could I ask you for a favor?
M: Of course, what is it'?
W: You know, tomorrow's Monday and we're supposed to turn in our homework in English, but I've only gotten halfway through it I've just been too busy. If I came over, would you help me finish it?
M: Sure, I'll be here all evening. And actually I haven't finished the homework either; I've just been putting it off, so it's good you're coming over—I need someone to motivate me.
W: Thank you so much, Steve. It's so nice of you. See you later.
A.She decided to throw it away and buy a new one.
B.She took it to the repair shop but refused to have it repaired.
C.She didn't take it to the repair shop at all.
D.She turned to mechanics for help but they could do nothing with it.
28.听力原文:W: You had met Professor Johnson before, right? How would you describe his lectures?
M: Well, let me put it this way: I could never stay awake in one of his classes without first drinking at least two cups of coffee.
Q: What does the man imply?
A.He liked to drink two cups of coffee before the professor's class.
B.One cup of coffee is enough for him to keep awake in the class.
C.The professor's class is very interesting.
D.The professor's class is very boring.
29.听力原文:M: Did you hear the weather forecast this morning?
W: Yes. It said partly cloudy today, with a strong wind from the northwest. The highest temperature will be six below zero, at least in the morning. But in the afternoon it will rise a little bit.
Q: What is the highest temperature in the morning?
A.Sixteen below zero.
B.Six below zero.
C.Sixteen above zero.
D.Six above zero.
30.Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions
will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.
听力原文:Most single-parent families result when a marriage ends in divorce. In most cases the divorced parents decide who will have the children. About 85 percent of the children live with their mother after divorce. However, more divorced men want their children to live with them. Sometimes a divorce causes a dispute about who will care for the children. In these cases a judge decides. In an increasing number of disputes, a judge orders that both parents share the children. Usually the children will live with one parent, and both the mother and father will take part in decisions affecting them. In other cases the children will live with the mother part of the time, and with the father part of the time. Frank and his divorced wife, for example, share responsibility for caring for their 6-year-old daughter. The little girl lives with Frank for 10 days, then she lives with her mother for 10 days.
In other cases men care for their children alone. Tony, for example, was 18 when his girlfriend had a baby. His girlfriend disappeared and left the baby behind. Tony decided he wanted to care for his son by himself. Yet he was not sure he knew how to do it. So he joined a group in Boston called Fathers Incorporated. The group offers advice and skills to help. Tony takes care of his son. Tony believes he can be a good parent. He says women have been doing the job for a long time. "So," he says, "why not men?"
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
26. What is the main topic of this passage?
27. Whom will most children live with after their parents are divorced?
28. What does Tony mean by saying "Why not men"?
A.Divorce Rate.
B.Fathers Incorporated.
C.Single-parent families.
D.Children's care in single-parent families.
四、4.Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)(3题)
31.Section A
Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
The geographical location of a country and its physical【C1】______ are very
important to its development and progress. The United States is ver【C2】
______ in this respect.
First of all, it has good【C3】______ . In almost every section of the country it is possible to live【C4】______ during the whole year. It is true that in the
south it sometimes gets very hot and in the north very cold. But the people who live in these regions become accustomed to the climate and never【C5】
______ much when the weather is either very hot or very cold.
In a large country there is usually a great【C6】______ of different physical
characteristics. In the United States, there are wide plains and high mountains, thousands of lakes and rivers of all【C7】______ , cool forests and hot deserts,
and a coastline several thousand miles long.
The many lakes and rivers, as well as the long coastline, have been of great importance to the development of the country, since they made possible the easy【C8】______ of the people and all the things people need. Ships and
boats are still necessary and important. In modern times, however, trains, automobiles, trucks and airplanes are doing much of the【C9】______ which
was【C10】______ done by ships and boats.
A. climate
B. sizes
C. characteristics
D. work
E. fortunate
F. damage
G. recently
H. comfortably
I. transportation
J. location
K. formerly L. suffer M. weather N. job O. variety
Which of the following places is the most likely setting for allelomimetic behavior?
A.A lake.
B.A cave.
C.An underground tunnel.
D.A thick forest.
五、5.Error Correction(3题)
六、6.Error Correction(3题)
1.On Foreigners' Learning Chinese Nowadays Chinese our mother tongue is
enjoying an unprecedented popularity in the world. Over two hundred Confucius Institutes have been set up in sixty-nine countries and many foreigners are attracted by the old mysterious and charming language. Several factors account for the enthusiasm for Chinese learning. Firstly with the rapid economic development China has experienced a dramatic rise in its international influence which enlarges the need of many countries for professionals with a proficiency in Chinese language. Secondly Chinese serves as a useful tool for foreigners to investigate the splendid Chinese culture and its rich connotations. Finally the wide spread of Chinese is partly due to the every endeavor made by plenty of Chinese training organizations. The popularity of leaning Chinese has not only increased my national pride but made me realize the significance of economic development. Besides we college students should first learn our mother tongue well and then take the responsibility to popularize it.On Foreigners' Learning Chinese Nowadays, Chinese, our mother tongue, is enjoying an unprecedented popularity in the world. Over two hundred Confucius Institutes have been set up in sixty-nine countries, and many foreigners are attracted by the old, mysterious and charming language. Several factors account for the enthusiasm for Chinese learning. Firstly, with the rapid economic development, China has experienced a dramatic rise in its international influence, which enlarges the need of many countries for professionals with a proficiency in Chinese language. Secondly, Chinese serves as a useful tool for foreigners to investigate the splendid Chinese culture and its rich connotations. Finally, the wide spread of Chinese is partly due to the every endeavor made by plenty of Chinese training organizations. The popularity of leaning Chinese has not only increased my national pride, but made me realize the significance of economic development. Besides, we college students should first learn our mother tongue well, and then take the responsibility to popularize it. 解析:





2.Pros and Cons of Online Shopping Rapid development of the Internet leads to the rise of online shopping. People first browse through the screen to find wanted articles then pay with credit or debit cards and the goods are later delivered to them. Websites such as eBay and Taobao have become burgeoning competitors versus real stores taking up a considerable market share Convenience is the major attraction about online shopping. While it usually takes a whole day to wander about the malls online shopping process is within several clicks of the mouse at home. Since the ordered goods are delivered to your doorsteps there is no need to lug heavy bags home. Lower price is also an advantage. Online Stores have lower overheads thus reducing the costs. As a result customers can have real bargains. However at present security of online shopping is still a concern for some people. There is a chance you could get ripped off by the website or a hacker could work out the password of your credit card. What is more customers only see the pictures online and are sometimes dissatisfied with the actual items. After all online shopping is an emerging thing and we believe these problems can be solved when the market is more mature. By then people can go shopping online free of worry.Pros and Cons of Online Shopping Rapid development of the Internet leads to the rise of online shopping. People first browse through the screen to find wanted articles, then pay with credit or debit cards, and the goods are later delivered to them. Websites such as eBay and Taobao have become burgeoning competitors versus real stores, taking up a considerable market share Convenience is the major attraction about online shopping. While it usually takes a whole day to wander about the malls, online shopping process is within several clicks of the mouse at home. Since the ordered goods are delivered to your doorsteps, there is no need to lug heavy bags home. Lower price is also an advantage. Online Stores have lower overheads, thus reducing the costs. As a result, customers can have real bargains. However, at present, security of online shopping is still a concern for some people. There is a chance you could get ripped off by the website, or a hacker could work out the password of your credit card. What is more, customers only see the pictures online, and are sometimes dissatisfied with the actual items. After all, online shopping is an emerging thing, and we believe these problems can be solved when the market is more mature. By then, people can go shopping online free of worry. 解析:写作提示:网上购物是近年来一种新兴的并且比较流行的购物方式,大学生一般应该有一定的了解。

命题为“Pros and Cons of...”,即要求正反两方面的论点不仅都要涉及,而且内容上需要保持平衡。




3.Career or Marriage? A growing number of female college students are choosing to get married soon after they graduate from college. So while other students are busy with seeking jobs they are busy with blind dating. Of course most of them are looking for their Mr. Rights who are wealthy. More often the reason why many new female grads are choosing marriage the time they get out of school is all about the employment pressure. Due to the tough job market many female grads feel great pressure to find a good job after graduation. They choose to pick rich men as their dates in the hope of living away from the work pressure. Besides because the future as an adult seems scary it feels so much easier to face things with a spouse especially a rich one. In my opinion college students who are facing an uncertain future may see marriage as a way to make the transition from school to the society easier - but it's not. There are all kinds of bad bad reasons to get married and this is one for them.Career or Marriage? A growing number of female college students are choosing to get married soon after they graduate from college. So while other students are busy with seeking jobs, they are busy with blind dating. Of course, most of them are looking for their Mr. Rights who are wealthy. More often, the reason why many new female grads are choosing marriage the time they get out of school is all about the employment pressure. Due to the tough job market, many female grads feel great pressure to find a good job after graduation. They choose to pick rich men as their dates in the hope of living away from the work pressure. Besides, because the future as an adult seems scary, it feels so much easier to face things with a spouse, especially a rich one. In my opinion, college students who are facing an uncertain future may see marriage as a way to make the transition from school to the society easier - but it's not. There are all kinds of bad, bad reasons to get married, and this is one for them.
4.Ability and Good Looks Old people usually toll young people that they should not judge people by their appearance. That means appearance is loss important than say ability. Indeed we've seen so many brilliant people who are not good-looking at all. In the film "Mozart" an opera singer reiterates this view by saying: "For a woman of taste it is not the looks but the talent that interests us." For her the preference shows one's taste. Nowadays however things are much different in the job market. With more and more interviewers putting emphasis on the looks or the appearance of the job applicants a lot of people come to the conclusion that appearance is more important than ability. Many beautiful girls acquire very good positions although they don't have much talent. In my opinion ability is definitely much more important than good looks not only because ability comes from efforts while good looks are born but also because ability is the most important factor that determines a
person's value. Good looks are pleasant but if I have to make a choice between them I'll choose ability because it proves my value.Ability and Good Looks Old people usually toll young people that they should not judge people by their appearance. That means appearance is loss important than, say, ability. Indeed, we've seen so many brilliant people who are not good-looking at all. In the film "Mozart", an opera singer reiterates this view by saying: "For a woman of taste, it is not the looks, but the talent that interests us." For her, the preference shows one's taste. Nowadays, however, things are much different in the job market. With more and more interviewers putting emphasis on the looks, or the appearance of the job applicants, a lot of people come to the conclusion that appearance is more important than ability. Many beautiful girls acquire very good positions although they don't have much talent. In my opinion, ability is definitely much more important than good looks, not only because ability comes from efforts while good looks are born, but also because ability is the most important factor that determines a person's value. Good looks are pleasant, but if I have to make a choice between them, I'll choose ability because it proves my value.
5.April 4 2007 Dear Professor David First please accept our warm welcome for your visiting our university during your academic exchange programs in China. You can not imagine how flattered we feel to have the opportunity to meet the author of several of our textbooks. We are writing this letter to invite you to deliver a presentation during your one-week visit in China on the topic of the Labor Movement in Developing Countries and Its Implication for China. We would really appreciate it if you can use your expertise to show us some roles of the immigration workers in some developing countries preferably Asian countries for that would probably give us more to learn from. If you can include in your presentation the problems these countries face and their measures to solve these problems it would be even better. Thank you for your time and patience. We eagerly wait to hear from you. Students' Union of * * * * Academic Lectures Association of * * * *April 4, 2007 Dear Professor David, First please accept our warm welcome for your visiting our university during your academic exchange programs in China. You can not imagine how flattered we feel to have the opportunity to meet the author of several of our textbooks. We are writing this letter to invite you to deliver a presentation during your one-week visit in China, on the topic of the Labor Movement in Developing Countries and Its Implication for China. We would really appreciate it if you can use your expertise to show us some roles of the immigration workers in some developing countries, preferably Asian countries, for that would probably give us more to learn from. If you can include in your presentation the problems these countries face and their measures to solve these problems, it would be even better. Thank you for your time and patience. We eagerly wait to hear from you. Students' Union of * * * * Academic Lectures Association of * * * *
6.Marriage upon Graduation ①As long as we open our eyes and look around。
