



医生病人英语对话-2日常生活中我们难免会有生病的时候,去医院与护士医生之间该如何表达自己想要说的话,那么关于去医院的日常口语该如何表达?以下是我给大家整理的医生病人英语对话2医学口语情景对话,盼望可以帮到大家n: there is nothing to worry about. the doctor who will operate on you is very experienced and considerate. if you have any discomfort during the operation, please dont hesitate to tell him. i11 give you an enema tonight. after that please dont take any food or water before the operation.不必担忧,给你做手术的医生是富有阅历和细致急躁的。




p: how do you do it? does it hurt?你怎么个做法呢,痛吗?n: i11 insert a rubber tube into your anus and let the soapsuds solution flow into your rectum. please let me know if you feel distension. i11 stop the flowing. hold it for several minutes before you expel it. that may produce a better result.我先给你肛门里插根橡皮管,再在(直肠)里送些肥皂水。





医院情景对话大全:入院和出院日常生活中我们难免会有生病的时候,那么关于入院和出院日常口语该如何表达?以下是给大家整理的关于院和出院的医院情景对话大全,希望可以帮到大家nurse:how do you do.welcome. im the nurse in chage of this ward. we hope you will feel at home here. these is nurse wang. 你好。




patient: sorry to bother you all. 麻烦你们大家了。

n:if you need anything,just press this button.你若需要什么,就请按这只电钮。

p:is it possible for my sister to stay here with me?我姐姐可以在这里陪我吗?n: yes, but she has to pay for her bed.does she want to have meals here too? we dont think it is necessary. your condition isnt so serious.可以,但是得交陪住费。

她也在这里用饭吗?我们想不需要.你的病情不那么严重p:what are the hours here for meals? 这儿什么时候开饭?n:patients usually get at 7 am。

breakfast is at 8 oclock.the ward rounds and treatment start at 9 am. lunch at noon. after that you have a nap or rest. visiting hours are from 3-7 pm. super is at 6 pm. bed time is from9:30-10:00 pm.病人一般早7点起床. 8点吃早餐. 9点医生查房和做治疗.12点午餐。



护士1——护士2——病人——家属——Nurse 1:Hello,Miss Backer,The doctor is going to discharge you later this morning.护士1:你好贝克女士,医生早上过些时候安排你出院。

Patient:That's great, thanks.病人:太感谢了!Nurse 1:You will need to come back to have your sutures removed in 3 days护士1:你需要三天后过来拆线。

Patient:Do I come back here to the ward?病人:我需要回来这个病房吗?Nurse 1:No, you need to go back to Outpatients, pleaseremember you will need to re-register again when you come back.护士1:不用,你需要去门诊部,请记住当你回来的时候你需要重新挂号。

Patient:Oh, OK, who do I ask for?病人:哦,好的,我该找谁?Nurse 2:I will write the doctor's name down for you, so you can give it to the registration nurse护士2:我会把医生的名字写给你,你把它交给挂号处的护士就可以。

Patient:That will be great, thanks.非常感谢!Nurse 2:You need to keep the dressing on until you have your sutures removed, please do not get the dressing wet.护士2:你要一直绑着绷带直到拆线,请不要弄湿了。



医疗情景会话,英文Patient: Hello, Dr. Smith. I'm here for my annual checkup.Dr. Smith: Good morning, Mr. Jones. How are you feeling today?Patient: I'm doing well. Just a few minor complaints.Dr. Smith: Okay, let's start with your blood pressure.Dr. Smith takes the patient's blood pressure.Dr. Smith: Your blood pressure is a little high today. It's 140/90.Patient: Oh, that's not good.Dr. Smith: It's not ideal, but it's not dangerously high. Let's see if it comes down with some lifestylechanges. I'm going to prescribe you a low-dose blood pressure medication.Patient: Okay.Dr. Smith: I also want to check your cholesterol levels.Dr. Smith draws blood from the patient's arm.Dr. Smith: Your cholesterol levels are also a little high. Your total cholesterol is 220.Patient: That's not good either.Dr. Smith: It's not ideal, but it's not dangerously high. Let's see if it comes down with some lifestyle changes. I'm going to prescribe you a statin medication.Patient: Okay.Dr. Smith: I also want to talk to you about your weight. You're currently overweight.Patient: I know. I've been trying to lose weight, butit's hard.Dr. Smith: I understand. Losing weight can be difficult. But it's important to do so for your health. Being overweight can increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health problems.Patient: I know.Dr. Smith: I'm going to give you some tips on how to lose weight. And I'm going to refer you to a registered dietitian who can help you create a personalized weightloss plan.Patient: Thank you.Dr. Smith: You're welcome. I also want to check your prostate.Dr. Smith performs a digital rectal exam.Dr. Smith: Your prostate is slightly enlarged, but it's not cancerous.Patient: That's a relief.Dr. Smith: I'm going to prescribe you a medication to shrink your prostate.Patient: Okay.Dr. Smith: I also want to talk to you about your smoking.Patient: I know. I need to quit.Dr. Smith: Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your health. It will reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health problems.Patient: I know.Dr. Smith: I'm going to give you some tips on how to quit smoking. And I'm going to refer you to a smoking cessation counselor who can help you.Patient: Thank you.Dr. Smith: You're welcome. Well, that's all for today. I'll see you back in six months for your next checkup.Patient: Thank you, Dr. Smith.Dr. Smith: You're welcome.。




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出院生活场景口语实战及应用解析人难免会有生病的时候,对于入院之后想要咨询医生什么时候可以出院各种问题,应该怎么问?以下是小编给大家整理的关于出院生活场景口语实战及应用解析,希望可以帮到大家1. When am I allowed to leave the hospital?我什么时候能出院?还能这样说:When can I be discharged?How soon can I be released from the hospital?应用解析:allow for sb./sth. 在计算、估计、考虑时包括某人或某事物;allow of sth. 容许某事物;对某事物留有余地;allow of no excuse 不容辩解2. It's hard to say. It depends on your recovery.很难说,这得看你的恢复情况了。

还能这样说:It's difficult to say. If you have a good recovery, you can leave the hospital.You can be released from the hospital after recovery.应用解析:You may depend upon it.肯定无疑,放心好了。

3. Can you tell me why I can't be discharged now?你能告知我现在为什么不能出院吗?还能这样说:Will you please tell me the reason why I can't be released from the hospital?Could you tell me the reason why I can't leave the hospital?应用解析:discharge a gun 开炮;discharge one's pistol in the air 假打,佯击;discharge sb. from an obligation 免除某人的义务;bad conduct discharge 撤销军职4. You are going to be discharged tomorrow.您明天就可以出院了。






1. Greeting and Introduction1.1 Greeting英文:Hello, how are you feeling today? 中文:你好,你今天感觉怎么样?1.2 Introducing Yourself英文:Hi, my name is [Your Name]. I am a doctor/nurse here. 中文:你好,我的名字是[你的名字]。


2. Patient Information2.1 Asking for Personal Information英文:Can you please tell me your name and date of birth? 中文:请告诉我你的姓名和出生日期,好吗?2.2 Asking about Allergies英文:Do you have any allergies? 中文:你有过敏吗?2.3 Asking about Medical History英文:Do you have any medical conditions or past surgeries that I should be aware of? 中文:你有任何疾病或过去的手术吗?我应该知道吗?3. Symptoms and Complaints3.1 Asking about Symptoms英文:What symptoms are you experiencing? 中文:你有什么症状?3.2 Describing Pain英文:On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain? 中文:根据1到10的标准,你的疼痛程度是多少?3.3 Asking about Location of Pain英文:Where is the pain located? 中文:你哪里疼?4. Diagnosis and Treatment4.1 Giving a Diagnosis英文:Based on your symptoms, I believe you have [diagnosis]. 中文:根据你的症状,我认为你患有[诊断结果]。



Prepancy and breakfeeding
Pharmacists must provide specific guidance on the use of subscribed drugs during preparedness and breakfeeding, considering the potential risks and benefits
Prescription pending
Prescription verification
Pharmacists must verify the prescription with the patient's name,
drug name, dosage, frequency, and duration to ensure accuracy
Pharmacists provide clear instructions on how to take the subscribed drug, including dosages, frequency, and
route of administration
Pharmacists must inform patients of any contraindications or drug interactions that may occur
Example dialogue: "Based on your symptoms and physical examination, it appears you have a urinary tract infection. I'll subscribe to some antibiotics and you should take them for the next 10 days." "I understand. Thank you for your help."




以下是一些常用的情境和对话:患者登记与预约 (Patient Registration and Appointment)1. 请问您是预约看医生还是急诊治疗?2. 请问您的姓名和联系方式是什么?3. 您有预约吗?4. 请填写这份表格,写上您的个人信息。

5. 您需要提供一份身份证明。

6. 请您将这张预约单交给护士。

7. 患者在等候区稍等一下,医生会叫您的名字。

问诊与病情描述 (Medical Consultation and Symptom Description)8. 您有什么不舒服的症状?9. 您什么时候开始感到不适的?10. 您的症状是怎样的?11. 您有没有吃任何药物或做出任何改变?12. 您是否有过敏史?13. 您的疼痛程度是如何的?14. 您有没有发烧?15. 您有什么特殊的饮食要求?检查和治疗 (Examination and Treatment)16. 请您脱下上衣并戴上医院提供的病号袍。

17. 请您坐在这个椅子上,我要给您量血压。

18. 我会给您做一次血液检查。

19. 我要给您拍一张X光片。

20. 请您躺下,我要给您做一个超声波检查。

21. 我会给您开一些药物。

22. 请按照药物使用说明服用。

出院和支付 (Discharge and Payment)23. 您可以出院了,但请遵守医生的嘱咐。

24. 医院会寄送住院费用清单给您。

25. 您可以使用现金或信用卡支付费用。

26. 您需要提供保险信息吗?27. 您需要开一张病历报告吗?28. 如果您对治疗结果不满意,可以提出投诉。

29. 您好,我是您的医生/护士。

30. 请您坐下,并告诉我您的症状。

31. 我会给您一个诊断。

32. 您需要做进一步的检查。

33. 我会给您开一份处方。

34. 请将这张处方带到药房购买药物。

35. 请记得按时复诊。

紧急情况和急救 (Emergency Situations and First Aid)36. 这里有个紧急情况,我们需要您的帮助。



常用医学英语口语对话 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】P:Goodmorning,doctor.D:Goodmorning,pleasesitdown.WhatseemstobethematterP:IthinkImighthavecaughtacold.D:HowlonghaveyoubeensickP:Fortwodays.D:WhatsymptomsdoyouhaveP:IhavearunnynoseandIacheallover.D:WhatwasthedischargelikeP:Watery.D:IsitthesametodayP:No,itisyellowandthickertoday.D:DoyouhaveafeverP:Ihaven'ttakenmytemperatureyet,butIfeelfeverish.D:Letmetakeyourtemperature.Itwilltake10minutes....Yes,youdohaveafeve r.WereyouexposedtocoldtemperaturesP:Yes,thedaybeforeyesterdaywhenIwenttowork,theweatherwaswarmsoIdidn' twearextraclothes.Intheeveningthetemperaturedroppeddownrapidly.Ont hewayhomeIfeltverycold.AfterarrivinghomeIbegantosneeze.WhenIgotout ofbedthenextmorningmynosewasstuffyandrunning.D:DoyouhaveacoughP:Ijuststartedcoughingtoday.D:DoyouhavephlegmP:Yes,butnotmuch.D:WhatcolorisitP:Paleyellow.D:IsiteasytocoughupP:Notvery.Ihavetouseefforttocoughitup.Thephlegmisalittlesticky.D:HaveyoubeensweatingP:Isweatedalittleaftertakingsomemedicineforfeverlastnight.D:AreyouthirstyP:Yes,Ifeellikedrinkingcoolwater.D:DoyouhaveasorethroatP:Yes,Ido.D:Iwanttolookatyourthroat.Pleaseopenyourmouth.D:DoyoufeelanyotherdiscomfortP:IfeelsoreeverywhereandIfeelverytiredtoo.D:Pleasestickoutyourtongueandletmehavealook.Youhavearedtonguewiththi nandyellowcoating,whichindicateswindandheatinthesuperficialarea.Pl easeputyourhandhereandletmefeelyourpulse....Thepulseissuperficiala ndrapid.P:WhatdoesasuperficialandrapidpulsemeanD:Asuperficialpulsemeanstheattackofpathogenstotheexteriorlayeroftheb odywhichiscalledexteriorsyndromeinTraditionalChinesemedicine,while arapidpulseindicatesheat.P:WhatisthediagnosisofChinesemedicineformeD:Itisacommoncold.Accordingtothesymptoms,themanifestationofthetongue andpulse,youhavegotacommonwind-heattypecold.P:CanyouexplainitmoreindetailD:Pathogenicwindheatoftenattacksthebodythroughthenoseandmouth.Thelun gisinvolvedfirst.Pathogenicwindofyangnatureischaracterizedbyupward andoutwarddispersion.Whenafightgoesonbetweenthepathogenicwindheata ndthebodyresistance,fever,slightaversiontowindandsweatingresult.Wh enthepathogenicwindheatattacksthehead,symptomslikepainanddistendin gsensationoccurinhead.P:That'sinteresting.D:Whenthelungfailstodisperseanddescend,aten-year-oldpatienthasacoughwithyellow,thicksputum.Whenthepathogenicwindhea tstiflestheairpassage,thepatientexperiencingacongestedsorethroatwi ththirst.Thin,whiteoryellowishtonguecoating,andsuperficialrapidpulsearethesignsshowingthelungandthedefensivesystembeingattackedbythepathogenicwindheat.P:Isee.I'dliketobetreatedwithTraditionalChinesemedicine.ThatiswhyIca mehere.WhatkindoftreatmentwillyougivetomeD:IsuggesttheprescriptionYinQiaoSanforyou.Itisatypicalformulafortrea tingwindheattypeofcommoncold.Wemaymodifyitbyaddingsomemoreherbstorelievethesorethroatandtherunnynose.Iwillgiveyoufourdoses.Everydaytakeone.Everydosebringstoaboilanddrainofftheliquid.Addcoldwaterandbringittoaboilthesecondtime.Drinktheliquidfrombothtimes.DoyouunderstandP:Yes,Ido.D:Also,I'llnowgiveyouacupuncturetreatmentonthepointsofthelung,largei ntestineandbladdermeridians,usingthereducingmethod.Thiswillbeveryeffectiveinrelievingyourheadacheandrunnynose.P:WillitbepainfulD:No,justlikeamosquitobite.Afterthatwemayapplycuppingtoyourupperback.(Afterthetreatment)P:Oh,Ifeelmuchbetteraftertheacupuncturetreatment.Myheadachehasgonean dthesorethroathaslessened.Thankyou.D:Afterreturninghomebecarefultorestanddrinkmorehotwater.Thisisyourpr escription.GototheChinesemedicinepharmacyandfillyourprescription.P:Ok.Thankyouverymuch,doctor.D:Youarewelcome.参考译文病人:早上好,医生。

表达医院看病的英语情景对话 英语演讲稿

表达医院看病的英语情景对话  英语演讲稿

表达医院看病的英语情景对话英语演讲稿我要做切除阑尾的手术AYou must know youve been scheduled to have an operation the day after您一定知道,您的手术安排在后天。

BYes. But I dont know the exact time.是的,但是我不知道确切时间。

AThe operation starts at 10 0clock. But youll get an injection of anaesthesia about 30 to 45 minutes in advance. If your family es to see you before the operation, they should e before 8:30.手术10点开始。



BOh, I see. I will tell my wife. Thank you for telling me so much.哦,我知道了,我会告诉我妻子的。


AIts nothing. Did your doctor explain to you about what operation you are going to have没什么,您的医生向您说了要动什么手术了吗BYes, of course. I am going to have my appendix removed.当然了,我要做切除阑尾的手术。

AOK. Have you signed the consent好的,在手术同意书上签字了吗BYes. Here it is.签了,给您。

探望生病的朋友ASteven, have you got better now史蒂文,你好点了吗BYeah, the doctor said that I can leave soon.I really miss home.好多了,医生说我很快就可以出院了。



常用医学英语口语对话1. Patient Registration (患者登记)- English: "What seems to be the problem today?"- 中文: "今天您感觉哪里不舒服?"2. Taking Medical History (询问病史)- English: "Have you been experiencing any pain?"- 中文: "您有没有感到疼痛?"3. Physical Examination (体格检查)- English: "Please take a deep breath and exhale slowly."- 中文: "请深呼吸,然后慢慢呼气。

"4. Prescribing Medication (开药)- English: "I'm going to prescribe you some medication for your infection."- 中文: "我将为您开一些治疗感染的药物。

"5. Explaining Procedures (解释程序)- English: "You will need to fast for at least 8 hours before the test."- 中文: "在做这个检查之前,您需要空腹至少8小时。

"6. Giving Instructions (给予指导)- English: "Take two tablets with water after meals, three times a day."- 中文: "饭后用水服用两片药,一天三次。



护士与病人之间出入院的英语对话English:"Good morning, Mr. Chen. I'm Nurse Smith, and I'll be assisting you with your discharge today. How are you feeling?""Good morning, Nurse Smith. I'm feeling much better, thank you. I'm ready to go home.""That's great to hear. Before you leave, I just need to go over a few things with you. First, I'll review your discharge instructions with you and make sure you understand everything. Then, I'll provide you with any necessary prescriptions and schedule any follow-up appointments you may need. We'll also discuss any dietary or activity restrictions you should be aware of. Finally, I'll give you some tips on how to continue your recovery at home and when to seek medical attention if needed.""I appreciate that, Nurse Smith. I have a few questions about my medications and how to take them properly.""Of course, Mr. Chen. I'll make sure all your questions are answered before you leave today. Once we're done, I'll arrange for a wheelchair to take you to the hospital entrance where your family can pick you up. Is there anything else you need before we get started?""No, Nurse Smith. Thank you for your help and for taking care of me during my stay.""You're very welcome, Mr. Chen. It's been a pleasure assisting you. Now, let's go over your discharge instructions together."中文翻译:"早上好,陈先生。



住院流程及对白英语英文回答:Admission Process and Dialogue in English.Step 1: Registration.Arrive at the hospital's registration desk.Provide your insurance card and a photo ID.Complete the admission forms, including your health history, current medications, and allergies.Dialogue:"Good morning, I'm here to register for admission.""Sure, can I have your insurance card and a photo ID, please?""Here you go.""Thank you. Please fill out these admission forms as completely as possible."Step 2: Triage.You will be assigned to a triage nurse who will assess your condition and determine the level of care you need.The nurse will ask you questions about your symptoms and medical history.You may be asked to provide a urine sample or have your blood pressure checked.Dialogue:"Hi, I'm the triage nurse. I'm going to ask you a few questions about your symptoms and medical history.""Sure, no problem.""Have you had any fever, cough, or shortness of breath?""Yes, I've had a fever for the past few days.""Okay, I'm going to need to check your blood pressure and take a urine sample."Step 3: Assignment to a Hospital Bed.Once you have been triaged, you will be assigned to a hospital bed in the appropriate unit.The nurse will help you get settled in and explain the hospital policies and procedures.Dialogue:"You've been assigned to bed 3 in the medical unit.""Thank you.""Let me help you get settled in. Here's a call button if you need anything.""Okay, thanks."Step 4: Medical Treatment.Your doctor will visit you to discuss your condition and treatment plan.The doctor will order tests, prescribe medications, and provide any necessary treatments.The nurses will monitor your condition and provide ongoing care.Dialogue:"Hi, I'm Dr. Smith. I'm your doctor.""Hello, Dr. Smith.""I've reviewed your chart and I think you have a case of pneumonia. I'm going to order a chest X-ray and prescribe some antibiotics.""Okay, thank you.""The nurse will be in shortly to start your IV and give you the first dose of antibiotics."Step 5: Discharge.Once your condition has improved, your doctor will discharge you from the hospital.The doctor will provide you with instructions onfollow-up care, medications, and any other necessary appointments.Dialogue:"You're ready to be discharged today.""That's great news!""I've given you a prescription for antibiotics and pain medication. Please take them as directed.""I will, thank you.""I'm also going to schedule a follow-up appointment for you in two weeks.""Okay, thanks again for everything."中文回答:住院流程及对白。


































医学英语口语情景对话篇1病人:这是我的药方,你能帮我配药吗?patient: this is my prescription. can you fill it for me, please?药剂师:当然可以。

chemist: certainly.病人:谢谢。

patient: thank you.药剂师:别客气。



chemist:you're welcome. well, let me see. it will take about five minutes.病人:好的。

patient: all right.药剂师:好了,这是你所需要的中草药。

chemist: ok. this is your herbal medicine.病人:请您给我解释一下怎么熬这副中草药,好吗?patient: could you tell me what i should do with it?药剂师:每天早晨打开一包,倒入500毫升冷水中浸泡一个半小时。






chemist: every morning soak one bad in 200 mls of cold water for one and a half hours, then heat it up quickly. as soon as it begins to boil, turn down the heat, and simmer for thirty minutes. then turn off the heat. leave it to cool, then pour out theliquid to drink. be careful no to let any of the leaves go into the cup.病人:还挺复杂的。




P: Good afternoon! I've come to go through the discharge formalities.职员:你康复了,祝贺你!你的出院证呢?C: You recovered, congratulations! Would you please show me your discharge certificate病人:给你。

P: Here you are.职员:这是住院部开的帐单,总共690元。

C: This is your bill from the Admission Office. 690 yuan in all.病人:这是所有的单据。

我总共要付多少钱?P: And here's all my paper work. How much will I have to pay altogether职员:请等一下,我来算一下。




C: Just a moment, please, I'll work it out. 890 yuan for hospitalization expenses and 456 yuan for medicine fee. Well, that comes 1346 yuan altogether.You can either pay in cash or by cards.病人:我给现金。


P: I'll pay in cash. Here’s 1400 yuan.职员:这是找给你的零钱,54元。

C: Here's your change,54 yuan.病人:你能给我详细的清单吗?P: Can you show me the details of the accounts职员:能够,但你得等到明天上午。



关于谈论出院的英语口语带翻译英语口语:询问出院事宜1.When can I be discharged?我什么时候能出院?也可以这样说:When am I allowed to leave the hospital?2.But how can I get discharged?不过我怎么办出院手续呢?3.I wonder if I can be discharged soon.我想知道我是否可以很快出院。

4.Can you tell me the reason why I can’t be discharged now?你能告知我现在为什么不能出院吗?5.What should I do before I am admitted to be discharged from hospital?在我出院之前我应该做些什么?6.Can you give me some suggestions before I am discharged from hospital?在我出院之前能给我一些建议吗?7.It's hard to say, and it depends on your recovery.很难说,这得看你的恢复情况了。

8.First please get the bill at the doctor’s office; then pay it either with cash or by check.首先到医生办公室取一下费用帐单,然后用现金或支票支付费用。

9.You can leave the hospital when you are completely cured.你痊愈时就可以出院了。

10.You're not allowed to be out so soon.你不能这么快就出院。

11.It is preferable to have her staying at the hospital to continuefurther treatment.她可能仍要住院继续治疗。

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D:I have made the last check-up for you,and all is right. You can discharge from hospital.
病人:是吗? 那太好了。

P:Is that so It's really good news.
D:You have been in the hospital for 3 weeks,haven't you

P:Exactly 3 weeks.


D:This is your discharge certificate. I'll send a nurse to fetch your bill at the Admission Office and then you can go through the discharge formalities.
P:Thank you! What should I do after I go home Any suggestion

D:Firstly,avoid any mental stress and have a good rest. Secondly,give up smoking and drinking. Have more nutritious food. Thirdly,don't stimulate the
incision when you have a bath. Finally,come to have examinations of fasting sugar and ECG regularly.

P:I'll follow what you say.

一共1600 元。


D:Here comes your bill. Altogether 1600 Yuan. You may pay either in cash or cheque.

P:I will pay in cheque.
D:Have you made sure you haven't left anything behind


P:I don't think so. I’m really very grateful to you all.

D:Don't mention it. That’s our job.
P:May I ask you a few questions about exercises


D:By all means. Please go ahead.
P:What kind of sports fit the patients like me

D:Doing aerobic exercises such as jogging,rowing,skating,playing badminton and other endurance exercises are all good for you. They enhance the ability of muscle to use oxygen and improve heart and lung fitness.

P:Once again thank you for your suggestion and your treatment.
Related sentence patterns
You can't return to your work right now.你不能马上恢复工作。

Get much outdoor exercise.多做室外活动。

Keep a diet.饮食要有规律。

You are going to be discharged the day after tomorrow.你后天就可以出院了。

The doctor has written a certificate for you 医生已给你写了出院证。

I really feel strong and fit.我真觉得有健康有强壮。

Have you got thinner since you fell ill 你生病以来瘦了没有?
You can go home tomorrow. Congratulations!明天你可以出院了,祝贺你!
All the doctors and nurses here are very kind. I'll always remember you.

It is our responsibility.这是我们的职责。

The exercises which occur without oxygen are called anaerobic.

Such exercises as weight-lifting are anaerobic,which require brief spurts of intense effort. They improve muscle strength or build up speed.

I've benefited a lot from your advice.

Continue taking the medecine and come to the hospital regularly. Once your illness worsens,see the doctor at once.

