高中英语真题-Unit3 Scienceandnature_2
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高中英语真题:Unit3 Scienceandnature
Part ⅠLanguage Knowledge (45 marks)
Section A (15 marks)
1.Banks was the first ________ crops from one continent to a nother on a large scale,
________ to develop local economies with new imports.
A.to have moved; to help
B.to move; to help
C.to move; helping
D.moving; helping
2.Despite all the benefits of building a factory here, only a fe w people argued ________ the project.
A.in terms of B.in need of
C.in praise of D.in favour of
3.________ there was no conclusive evidence, most people t hought he was guilty.
A.When B.As far as
C.As long as D.While
4.He ________ his plan for dropping out of the university reg ardless of his parents' opposition.
A.pushed along B.pushed ahead with
C.pushed for D.pushed forward
5.The poor mother, who had been ill in bed, had to have her little son ________ at his uncle's.
A.adapted B.adopted
C.adjusted D.applied
6.—Was the suspect pronounced guilty?
—Yes, the new evidence ________ the first witness' story. A.confirmed B.claimed
C.declared D.observed
测)He stood there without daring to lift his head as a ________ of his wrong action.
A.summary B.consequence
C.conclusion D.effect
8.Every country has the responsibility to ensure a safe,
________ and healthy development of the nuclear energy. A.flexible B.reliable
C.available D.acceptable
9.I would like a job which pays more, but ________ I enjoy th e work I'm doing at the moment.
A.in other words B.on the other hand
C.for one thing D.as a matter of fact 10.(2013·邵阳高二调
研)My son prefers us to email each other once a week ______ __ spend half an hour on the phone every night.
A.other than B.rather than
C.more than D.instead of
Could you do me a ________ and take the box up to the sixth f loor?
—With pleasure.No problem at all.
A.favour B.good
C.pleasure D.kindness
How can you borrow my computer without my ________?—Oh, I forgot to tell you.I hope you don't mind.
A.permit B.permission
C.belief D.instructions
13.Examtakers' “virtue” will be taken into ________ in the ne
xt nationwide public servants' exam.
A.focus B.target
C.consideration D.contribution
14.—How about your school?
—Oh, very good.You can't find ________ one in this city. A.the better B.the best
C.a better D.better
15.Not until he left his home ________ to know how importan t the family was for him.
A.did he begin B.had he begun
C.he began D.he had begun
Section B(18 marks)
One day I was mailing a package in the office when I saw a w oman approach the postal clerk.“I found this lying on the floor by my box,” she said, “and I'd like to hand it in.”
The postal clerk laughed and said, “I've __16__ had anyone hand in money before, but I'll put it in an envelope.Please writ e your name and telephone number on the front.If no one __1 7__ the money, we'll call you.”
The lady explained, “I've lost money before and it was never t urned in.I remember how I __18__.I don't want to make some
one else feel that way.” The postal clerk responded with her o wn__19__ of having dropped some money while shopping a nd not knowing it __20__ she was preparing to pay for her pu rchases.
I admit that I'd slowed down on my preparations as I was busy listening to their __21__.The lady who handed in the money l eft the post office.At almost the same time a very young wom an __22__.She approached the postal clerk and asked, “Has anyone turned in any money recently?”
She told the clerk the __23__, and the clerk laughed again.“As a matter of fact, yes!” she responded.“It was turned in jus t several __24__ ago.”
Then a young man ran in and said, “It's not on the ground!”She turned to him and said, “Someone turned the money in!”
The look of __25__ on both of these young people's faces is a memory I'll have for a long time.The young lady told how sh e thought the money was __26__ in her coat pocket when sh e walked in to check her mailbox.Only when she arrived home did she __27__ that it was no longer there.
Yes, I finally finished preparing the package to be mailed, but I was the one who had a very special surprise in the post offic e.
16.A.often B.always C.never D.occasionally 17.A.claims B.requires C.accepts D.seeks 18.A.behaved B.felt C.reacted D.imagined 19.A.way B.intention C.memory D.risk
20.A.until B.when C.after D.though
21.A.debate B.quarrel C.lecture D.conversation 22.A.drove in B.rushed in C.cut in D.broke in 23.A.event B.time C.story D.amount 24.A.minutes B.hours C.days D.weeks
25.A.surprise B.relief C.depression D.excitement
26.A.generally B.merely
C.badly D.securely
27.A.believe B.doubt
C.realize D.prove
Section C(12 marks)
考)My 15yearold brother, Carlos, is one of the people I can't li ve __28__.But sometimes I forgot to show him how much I ap preciate him.
I'm truly happy to have an older brother like him.He's caring, s mart __29__ responsible.I'm so proud of him, yet sometimes I fail to show __30__.I'm always annoying him, making fun of hi m and hurting his feelings.I do such things so that I can draw his __31__.I remember I once said that I wished I had another brother.
One thing made me see __32__ special our relationship is.I h ad a cousin who died seven years ago.The day of his funeral, his sister gave a speech and said that she wished she had a better relationship with him.But we can't turn back the hands of __33__.I don't want this happen to my brother and me.We s hould be happy that we have each other because we can nev er tell __34__ lies ahead.I will try to be a __35__ sister so that
my brother won't wish that he had a better one.
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(30 marks)
American job seekers who use the Internet are more likely to continue active job searches and less likely to drop out of the l abor pool when compared to those who do not have access t o the Internet, said the .
Using census (人口普
查)data from 2007, the study found that unemployed workers who use broadband, whether at home or a public facility, are at least 50 percent less likely to give up on their job than thos e who lack such access.Discouragement was cited by the Bur eau of Labor Statistics as a major reason for an increase in th e rate of unemployment in 2010.As of December 2009, a larg e number of American workers have given up looking for a job because of the thought that no jobs are available. According to the Phoenix Center, the new study provides imp ortant insights for policymakers at a time of economic crisis, w hen unemployment rates are extremely high, which now is mo re than 17 percent.The US Labor Department's Bureau of Lab or Statistics, which carries the responsibility for the governme nt's monthly data on employed and unemployed individuals, e stimates that adding “discouraged workers”, who had given
up looking for work, would increase the current US unemploy ment rate above the frequently reported 10 percent level.
By connecting American people to jobs and information about how to better find work, use of the Internet gives them hope a nd encourages the frustrated unemployed to keep on looking even when job prospects are dim, said Lawrence J.Spiwak, president of the .
“These new findings suggest that broadband connectivity can contribute to economic recovery,” Mr.Spiwak added.
The study has demonstrated that there are several reasons w hy the Internet helps keep the jobless from quitting on their jo b searches such as the inexpensiveness of using the Internet to search for information about job opportunities and salaries, as well as the emotional and other types of support unemploy ed individuals receive by means of the Internet.The study fou nd evidence that the unemployed are more likely to be discou raged when they do not surf the Web, and this evidence sugg ests that support and information obtained from the Internet si gnificantly reduce the chances that they might feel there are n o jobs, or no jobs for which they could qualify.
The study also highlights the benefits and importance of com munity broadband centers to assist those who do not have Int ernet access at home.
36.What do we know from the passage?
A.Researchers for the study analyzed census data of the las t ten years.
B.People who lack Internet access are less likely to quit on t heir job searches.
C.People can learn how to better find a job during economic crisis by using the Internet.
D.Many workers give up looking for jobs because they don't qualify for any jobs.
37.What important insights does this new study provide for p olicymakers?
A.The Internet is an effective means of looking for a job for t he unemployed.
B.Making the Internet access available is beneficial to econo mic recovery.
C.It is necessary to help jobless people keep on searching when job prospects are bad.
D.Teaching people how to surf the Internet will decrease the unemployment rate.
38.Which of the following is NOT an advantage of looking fo r a job on the Internet?
A.Offering information about jobs.
B.Helping to save money.
C.Giving encouragement in spirit.
D.Offering chances for increased salaries.
39.According to the passage, people who lack Internet acce ss at home can go to________.
A. anyone who has Internet access
B.the US Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics C.the
D.community broadband centers
40.In which part is this passage possibly from if it is taken fr om a newspaper?
A.Science. B.Culture.
C.Economy. D.IT.
If you know the following fact, you'll understand why many pe ople suffer from foot problems: The average person walks the equivalent of three times around the earth in a lifetime.That is enormous wear_and_tear on the 26 bones, 33 joints and mo re than 100 muscles that make up the foot.
In a recent survey for the American Podiatric Medical Associ ation, 53 percent of respondents reported foot pain so severe
that it affected their daily function.On average, people develop pain in their 60s, but it can start as early as the 20s and 30s. And usually women give care to their feet while men don't.“A lot of people think foot pain is part of the aging process and accept it, and walk with pain,” said Dr.Andrew Shapiro.Thou gh some foot problems are inevitable, their progress can be sl owed.
The following questions will help you assess whether you sho uld take more preventive action as you age.Do you have flat f eet or high arches (足
弓)? Either puts feet at risk.Shoes that support the arch and h eel can help flat feet.People with high arches should look for r oomy shoes and softer padding (衬
垫) to absorb the shock.Proper exercises also strengthen mus cles supporting the foot.
Do your shoes fit? In the survey, more than 34 percent of men said they could not remember the last time their feet were me asured.20 percent of women said that once a week they wore shoes that hurt, and 8 percent wore painful shoes daily.Feet f latten and lengthen with age, so if you still stick to the shoe si ze you wore at the age of 21,get your feet measured.
Do you walk? Putting more mileage(里
程) on your feet is the best way to exercise the muscles and k
eep them healthy.
41.The underlined phrase “wear and tear” in Paragraph 1 pr obably means“________”.
A.a surprising experience
B.an unimaginable distance
C.damage due to continuous use
D.a contribution to the feet
42.What do we know from the passage?
A. The population of men and women who have foot problem s is similar.
B.Walking as little as possible can protect your feet from pai n.
C.More than half of the respondents have serious foot probl ems.
D.53% of people develop foot pain in their 60s. 43.Compared with men, women________.
A.have a long walk each day
B.take good care of their feet
C.have a slow foot aging process
D.are likely to have foot problems
44.Which of the following statements best explains foot pain
A.Not all of it can be avoided.
B.People can't slow its process.
C.Walking more will stop foot pain.
D.Preventive actions can't work well.
45.If your feet are 26 cm long at 23, what is the probable len gth of your feet when you are 43?
A.25 cm. B.25.2 cm.
C.26 cm. D.26.2 cm.
Being a fashion model is a more challenging career than man y people think, because you have lots of things to be aware of like maintaining your perfect figure and competing with many beautiful and attractive models.
A famous company would probably choose the perfect model for its products and if you get chosen then maybe you can co nsider yourself a super model.Some super models are as pop ular as famous actors and actresses.
Let's talk about qualifications to become a fashion model.You should be between 15 and 22 years old, though probably clos er to 15.Models don't have careers that last as long as doctor s, so agencies tend to want to invest their time in someone yo
ung.You also have to consider your height.Being tall, longlegg ed, and thin is the most acceptable.At least 5′8″ in height and of average weight, which for a model is 108—
125 pounds.These characteristics are partly aesthetic (美的) and partly practical.There are always exceptions to the rul e, of course —
Kate Moss is 5′7″and Gabrielle Reece is a giant 6′3″—
but, in general, the closer you are to the industry criteria,
the better your chances.
Aside from height requirements, models are required to have good skin, great teeth, nice smile, healthy hair, and must be w ell dressed.Models must also be highly photogenic, able to do a variety of poses and expressions and take direction well.It i s possible to have a bad skin condition but as long as you are able to keep it under control, such issues can be fixed using Photoshop.However, the clearer your complexion (肤
色) is, the better.
There are many types of models, such as editorial fashion mo dels, commercial models, fitness models, and catalog models. Every type has its own criteria.That is why I believe that every person, who is inspired to become a model, has the chance a s long as they meet the criteria.This could be your career, if th at is what you want out of life.
46.What's the BEST title for the passage?
A.Modeling is a challenging career
B.Height requirements for a fashion model
C.Different types of models in society
D.Things to be aware of as a model
47.If you get chosen by a famous company as a model for a certain product,________.
A. you will become a model for other companies soon B.you are sure to be more famous than actors and actresse s
C.your career as a model will be prolonged
D.it means you are competitive among all the models 48.What are the qualifications for becoming an outstanding f ashion model?
a.Being able to do a variety of poses and expressions b.Having a good figure
c.Being less than 25 years old
d.Having good skin, great teeth and healthy hair e.Having beautiful eyes and long legs
A.a,b,e B.a,b,d
C.b,d,e D.a,c,d
49.We can infer from the passage that________.
A.a person who is taller than others finds it easier to becom e a model
B.famous models are all at least 5′8″ in height
C.not all famous models are 108—125 pounds
D.people with bad skin conditions can't become a model 50.A person who wants to be a model has many chances be cause________.
A.there're many types of models
B.models don't need knowledge
C.few people want to do the job
D.models'skills are very simple
Part Ⅲ Writing (45 marks)
Section A(10 marks)
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. (2013·衡阳八中高二上期
中)Laurie and Jake Rohrer live near the small town of Ha'iku o n the Hawaiian island of Maui.They have a recording studio in their home.They are helping to support the music of artists w ho they say are extremely talented yet largely unknown.
Jake built a recording studio in their garage.The couple produ
ced a CD with a singer named Ata.
The Rohrers wanted to continue producing music, so they est ablished their own record label.They chose the name that one of their artists had given to their home—Ululoa.
The Rohrers decided to invite only native singers they liked to record with them.They say they give their artists freedom of e xpression and cultural respect.They also give them half the pr ofits once sales have paid back the cost of producing a CD. There are no contracts (合
同).Jake Rohrer says everything is settled with a handshake based on the Hawaiian tradition of pono.
In Hawaiian culture, stories are passed down from generation to generation through songs.Many artists say the Rohrer are helping to save this oral tradition.But Laurie Rohrer says they are just trying to produce good music.
Laurie Rohrer said, “ It cannot be said that we are doing what we do to preserve Hawaiian culture.But if recording Hawaiian people and their music has an end result, we would be very h appy.”
Laurie and Jake Rohrer are already watching the next generat ion of Hawaiian singers.When the best of them are ready, the y will be invited to record on the Ululoa label.
SectionB(10 marks)
中)Housing policies differ from school to school.Students mig ht be able to choose whatever housing they can find.Or they might have to live in a dormitory(寝室),
at least for the first year.
Dorms come in all sizes.A building may house a small numbe r of students or many hundreds.Some have suites.Each suite has several bedrooms,
a common living area and a bathroom.Six or more students m ay live in one suite.Other dorms have many rooms along a co mmon hallway,usually with two students in each room. Many students say dormitories provide the best chance to get to know other students.Also,
dorms generally cost less than apartments or other housing n ot owned by the school.
Most colleges and universities offer singlesex dorms,
but usually males and females live in the same building.They might live on the same floors and share the same common ba throoms.But,in most cases,
they may live in the same room only if they are married.
At many schools,male students can join fraternities (联谊会,兄弟会) and females can join sororities (女生联谊会,姊妹
会).These are mainly social organizations but members may also be able to live in their fraternity or sorority house. Edward Spencer is the associate vicepresident(副主
席) for student affairs at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg.He says i
t is important to understand the rules of the building in which y ou will live.
He advises students to ask questions before they decide abo ut their housing.For example:
If a student requires a special diet,
will the school provide for it?
Virginia Tech,for example,
had a ban against candles in dorms.But it changed that policy to let students light candles for religious purposes.
61.In what condition may males and females live in the sam e room in universities?(No more than 5 words)
______________________________________________________ __________________
62.According to Edward Spencer,
what is important to the students when deciding about their ho using?(No more than 10 words)
______________________________________________________ __________________
63.According to some students,
what is the advantage of dormitories?
(No more than 8 words)
64.For what can the students in Virginia Tech light candles i n dorms?(No more than 3 words)
______________________________________________________ __________________
Section C(25 marks)
3.参考词汇:交通拥挤 traffic congestion;垃圾
场 garbage dump
Dear Mayor,
______________________________________________________ __________________
______________________________________________________ __________________
Li Ming
Unit3 Scienceandnature
Part ⅠLanguage Knowledge (45 marks)
Section A (15 marks)
1.Banks was the first ________ crops from one continent to another on a large scale,
________ to develop local economies with new imports.
A.to have moved; to help
B.to move; to help
C.to move; helping
D.moving; helping
2.Despite all the benefits of building a factory here, only a few people argued ________ the project.
A.in terms of B.in need of
C.in praise of D.in favour of
3.________ there was no conclusive evidence, most people thought he was guilty. A.When B.As far as
C.As long as D.While
4.He ________ his plan for dropping out of the university regardless of his parents' oppositio
A.pushed along B.pushed ahead with
C.pushed for D.pushed forward
5.The poor mother, who had been ill in bed, had to have her little son ________ at his uncle' s.
A.adapted B.adopted
C.adjusted D.applied
6.—Was the suspect pronounced guilty?
—Yes, the new evidence ________ the first witness' story.
A.confirmed B.claimed
C.declared D.observed
测)He stood there without daring to lift his head as a ________ of his wrong action. A.summary B.consequence
C.conclusion D.effect
8.Every country has the responsibility to ensure a safe,
________ and healthy development of the nuclear energy.
A.flexible B.reliable
C.available D.acceptable
9.I would like a job which pays more, but ________ I enjoy the work I'm doing at the moment .
A.in other words B.on the other hand
C.for one thing D.as a matter of fact
研)My son prefers us to email each other once a week ________ spend half an hour on the p hone every night.
A.other than B.rather than
C.more than D.instead of
11.—Could you do me a ________ and take the box up to the sixth floor?
—With pleasure.No problem at all.
A.favour B.good
C.pleasure D.kindness
12.—How can you borrow my computer without my ________?
—Oh, I forgot to tell you.I hope you don't mind.
A.permit B.permission
C.belief D.instructions
13.Examtakers' “virtue” will be taken into ________ in the next nationwide public servants' e xam.
A.focus B.target
C.consideration D.contribution
14.—How about your school?
—Oh, very good.You can't find ________ one in this city.
A.the better B.the best
C.a better D.better
15.Not until he left his home ________ to know how important the family was for him. A.did he begin B.had he begun
C.he began D.he had begun
Section B(18 marks)
One day I was mailing a package in the office when I saw a woman approach the postal clerk .“I found this lying on the floor by my box,” she said, “and I'd like to hand it in.”
The postal clerk laughed and said, “I've __16__ had anyone hand in money before, but I'll p ut it in an envelope.Please write your name and telephone number on the front.If no one __1 7__ the money, we'll call you.”
The lady explained, “I've lost money before and it was never turned in.I remember how I __1 8__.I don't want to make someone else feel that way.” The postal clerk responded with her o wn__19__ of having dropped some money while shopping and not knowing it __20__ she w as preparing to pay for her purchases.
I admit that I'd slowed down on my preparations as I was busy listening to their __21__.The l ady who handed in the money left the post office.At almost the same time a very young wom an __22__.She approached the postal clerk and asked, “Has anyone turned in any money re cently?”
She told the clerk the __23__, and the clerk laughed again.“As a matter of fact, yes!” she responded.“It was turned in just several __24__ ago.”
Then a young man ran in and said, “It's not on the ground!”
She turned to him and said, “Someone turned the money in!”
The look of __25__ on both of these young people's faces is a memory I'll have for a long ti me.The young lady told how she thought the money was __26__ in her coat pocket when sh e walked in to check her mailbox.Only when she arrived home did she __27__ that it was n o longer there.
Yes, I finally finished preparing the package to be mailed, but I was the one who had a very s pecial surprise in the post office.
16.A.often B.always
C.never D.occasionally
17.A.claims B.requires
C.accepts D.seeks
18.A.behaved B.felt
C.reacted D.imagined
19.A.way B.intention
C.memory D.risk
20.A.until B.when
C.after D.though
21.A.debate B.quarrel
C.lecture D.conversation
22.A.drove in B.rushed in
C.cut in D.broke in
23.A.event B.time
C.story D.amount
24.A.minutes B.hours
C.days D.weeks
25.A.surprise B.relief
C.depression D.excitement
26.A.generally B.merely
C.badly D.securely
27.A.believe B.doubt
C.realize D.prove
Section C(12 marks)
考)My 15yearold brother, Carlos, is one of the people I can't live __28__.But sometimes I forg ot to show him how much I appreciate him.
I'm truly happy to have an older brother like him.He's caring, smart __29__ responsible.I'm so proud of him, yet sometimes I fail to show __30__.I'm always annoying him, making fun of hi m and hurting his feelings.I do such things so that I can draw his __31__.I remember I once s aid that I wished I had another brother.
One thing made me see __32__ special our relationship is.I had a cousin who died seven yea rs ago.The day of his funeral, his sister gave a speech and said that she wished she had a b etter relationship with him.But we can't turn back the hands of __33__.I don't want this happe n to my brother and me.We should be happy that we have each other because we can never tell __34__ lies ahead.I will try to be a __35__ sister so that my brother won't wish that he ha d a better one.
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(30 marks)
American job seekers who use the Internet are more likely to continue active job searches an d less likely to drop out of the labor pool when compared to those who do not have access to the Internet, said the .
Using census (人口普
查)data from 2007, the study found that unemployed workers who use broadband, whether at home or a public facility, are at least 50 percent less likely to give up on their job than those who lack such access.Discouragement was cited by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as a majo r reason for an increase in the rate of unemployment in 2010.As of December 2009, a large n umber of American workers have given up looking for a job because of the thought that no jo bs are available.
According to the Phoenix Center, the new study provides important insights for policymakers at a time of economic crisis, when unemployment rates are extremely high, which now is mor e than 17 percent.The US Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics, which carries the r
esponsibility for the government's monthly data on employed and unemployed individuals, es timates that adding “discouraged workers”, who had given up looking for work, would increa se the current US unemployment rate above the frequently reported 10 percent level.
By connecting American people to jobs and information about how to better find work, use of the Internet gives them hope and encourages the frustrated unemployed to keep on looking even when job prospects are dim, said Lawrence J.Spiwak, president of the .
“These new findings suggest that broadband connectivity can contribute to economic recover y,” Mr.Spiwak added.
The study has demonstrated that there are several reasons why the Internet helps keep the j obless from quitting on their job searches such as the inexpensiveness of using the Internet t o search for information about job opportunities and salaries, as well as the emotional and ot her types of support unemployed individuals receive by means of the Internet.The study foun d evidence that the unemployed are more likely to be discouraged when they do not surf the Web, and this evidence suggests that support and information obtained from the Internet sig nificantly reduce the chances that they might feel there are no jobs, or no jobs for which they could qualify.
The study also highlights the benefits and importance of community broadband centers to as sist those who do not have Internet access at home.
36.What do we know from the passage?
A.Researchers for the study analyzed census data of the last ten years.
B.People who lack Internet access are less likely to quit on their job searches.
C.People can learn how to better find a job during economic crisis by using the Internet. D.Many workers give up looking for jobs because they don't qualify for any jobs. 37.What important insights does this new study provide for policymakers?
A.The Internet is an effective means of looking for a job for the unemployed.
B.Making the Internet access available is beneficial to economic recovery.
C.It is necessary to help jobless people keep on searching when job prospects are bad. D.Teaching people how to surf the Internet will decrease the unemployment rate. 38.Which of the following is NOT an advantage of looking for a job on the Internet? A.Offering information about jobs.
B.Helping to save money.。