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【摘要】To balance clustering wireless sensor network nodes energy load, and improve the energy efficiency of the network, an energy optimization algorithm based on particle optimization and the minimum spanning tree clustering rules is proposed. In order to achieve the balanced energy cluster head load, particle optimization-based approach is used in this algorithm to solve the adaptation value, then the best cluster head is obtained based on the compared adaptation value and the transmission of energy is reduced by adapting fitness. Then, a minimum spanning tree clustering rule number cluster head selection method is proposed, based on the residual energy and distance factors, it selects the optimal number of clusters of the first, to ensure the quality of the data transmission network while minimizing the total energy consumption. Simulation results show that, the wireless sensor network clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks clustering algorithm compared to a novel differential evolution and multi-saving and distance perception, the node average energy efficiency OMST algorithms are increasing by 16.7%, and 6.4%, the net number of surviving nodes are increasing by 24.1%and 13.7%.%为了均衡分簇无线传感器网络节点能量负载,提高网络的能量利用效率,提出了一种粒子寻
【作者单位】常州工学院网络与教育技术中心,江苏常州 213000;常州工学院计算机信息工程学院,江苏常州 213000
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