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【摘要】利用高时空分辨率的地面观测资料、探空资料、NCEP再分析资料和多普勒天气雷达资料,并结合中尺度数值模式WRF分析2013年5月15日发生在广西广东地区的一次强飑线过程,着重分析了中尺度对流系统(Mesoscale Convective System,MCS)由平行型(PS)模态到拖尾型(TS)模态的转变过程及机理.结果表明,此次飑线过程发生于高层弱辐散区,500 hPa有明显短波槽东移发展,850 hPa有切变线和低空暖湿急流,地面有冷锋和低压倒槽.西侧初始对流发展为PS型MCS模态,成熟期无雷暴高压.东侧减弱的初始对流再次加强发展后与西侧PS型MCS合并发展成为TS型MCS模态.数值模拟结果显示,PS型模态具有平行于对流线的气压梯度力和加速度分量,该分量产生了平行于对流线的风分量.TS型模态中,平行于对流线的气压梯度力和加速度很小,而垂直于对流线的气压梯度力和加速度很大,正是由于平行于对流线的加速度分量的消失和垂直于对流线的加速度分量的增强促使对流线内部相对系统流场由平行向转变为垂直向,导致MCS模态由PS型转为TS型.%Based on high spatial and temporal resolution surface observational data,sounding data,NCEP reanalysis data,Doppler radar data,and high resolution data produced by WRF model,the severe squall line event that occurred over Guangxi and Guangdong Provinces on 15 May 2013 is analyzed.The paper mainly focuses on the transition process and mechanisms of mesoscale convective system(MCS) mode from PS
mode to TS mode.The facts of observation showed that the squall line formed in the region which was under the divergence area at 200
hPa,ahead of the eastward trough at 500 hPa,between the northwestern shear line and the southeastern low-level jet at 850 hPa,near the surface cold front and in the area of surface inverted trough.The initial convection was triggered in the north of the surface inverted trough.The western convection was organized into PS mode owing to the surface cold pool and strong divergence,but no thunderstorm high was seen in the mature stage.The eastern weakening convection strengthened again when moving to Guangdong Province,and then combined the western PS MCS to convert to typical TS mode with thunderstorm high,wake low,and cold pool.In order to analyze the mechanisms of the transition,WRF model was used.The results of simulation were almost in accordance with the observation facts in the isochrones of the squall line,the 12 h simulated cumulative precipitation,and the transition process from PS mode to TS mode.The main results could be summarized as follows:(1)The initial convection was triggered in the center of Guangxi Province.There were two convections in the beginning.One of them was the line convection in the northeast of Laibinand the other was the convection in the west of Laibin.The latter developed to northwest-southeast PS mode later.The former developed again when moving eastward to combine with the western PS MCS to typical TS mode with bow echo and stratiform cloud in the north.(2) In the northwest-southeast PS mode,the pressure perturbation was negative in the convective regions.The pressure
perturbation was positive in the southwest of the convective regions,which resulted in line-perpendicular pressure gradient force.So that the line-perpendicular pressure gradient force also resulted in line-perpendicular acceleration and stream.But in the southeast of the convective region,the pressure perturbation was positive,which resulted in great line-parallel pressure gradient force,acceleration and relative line-parallel stream.The result that PS mode had deep line-parallel stream which matches with the conclusion of Parker(2007a,2007b).(3) When the squall line developed into TS mode,the pressure perturbation in the convective regions was still negative,while the pressure perturbation in the southwest of the line was still positive,thus there was still great line-perpendicular pressure gradient force,acceleration and relative line-perpendicular stream as PS
mode.However,the positive pressure perturbation in the southeast of convective regions in the PS mode was converted to be negative,which made the line-parallel pressure gradient force,acceleration and relative line-parallel stream disappear.Generally speaking,in PS mode there was strong line-parallel stream for line-parallel pressure gradient force and acceleration.But the stream was converted to be line-perpendicular in TS mode for the disappearance of lineparallel pressure gradient force and acceleration.It was this change which led PS mode to TS mode.
1.近海水汽初值和对流影响一次华南前汛期沿海强降水对流系统发展过程的机理研究 [J], 鲁蓉;孙建华;傅慎明
2.一次华北飑线天气过程中环境条件与对流发展机制研究 [J], 陈涛;代刊;张芳华
3.江南一次持续性暴雨过程中线状中尺度对流系统模态转换机理研究 [J], WANG Xue;LIN Yonghui;LIU Shanfeng
4.尺度适应的对流参数化方案对一次华南飑线模拟的影响 [J], 赵晨阳; 徐国强
5.中国江南—华南地区一次强飑线天气过程位涡诊断分析 [J], 李文娟;俞小鼎;滕代高;彭霞云;刘汉华