
“技术”怎么准确地用英语翻译呢?英文里,和技术相关的三个词,technology, technique 和technical。
Technology,狭义上一般专指科学技术、高科技,尤其是IT 技术,像特斯拉、英特尔、思科、惠普、苹果、谷歌等IT 公司的缩写就是tech-company.故,“科技”可直接译作technology,不用多此一举再加个science。
Technologies are changing our life.除了上面的解释,广义上,technology还指各个传统行业的工业技术,像机械加工技术(machining technology),焊接(welding technology)等等。
photographing technology (设备的成像技术)photographing technique (人的拍照水平)medical technology(医学技术)medical technique(医生的医术)所以,在讲公司技术时是不适合用technique的。
He is technical.就是说这个人的知识、经验背景属于工程技术,而非什么管理呀、商科等背景。
再比如,我们说技术支持,就是指技术人员用它的知识或经验来提供必要的支持,英文直接说technical support,而非commercial support.Technical是形容词,technological也是形容词,由technology派生而来。

传感器技术论文中英文对照资料外文翻译文献Development of New Sensor TechnologiesSensors are devices that can convert physical。
logical quantities。
into electrical signals。
The output signals can take different forms。
such as voltage。
and can meet the requirements of n n。
and control。
They are indispensable components in automatic n systems and automatic control systems。
If computers are compared to brains。
then sensors are like the five senses。
Sensors can correctly sense the measured quantity and convert it into a corresponding output。
playing a decisive role in the quality of the system。
The higher the degree of n。
the higher the requirements for sensors。
In today's n age。
the n industry includes three parts: sensing technology。
n technology。
and computer technology。

1. Automation in this true sense is brought to full fruition only through a thorough exploitation of its three major elements, communication, computation, and control----the three “Cs”.自动化按其确切的意义,只有全面运用通信、计算和控制三个主要组成部分(“三C" )才能完全实现。
2. In the case of the blast-furnace, the computer would need to be supplied with information about the raw material which goes into the furnace, the temperatures at which the furnace works, and the best way of dealing with the various ingredients.就高炉来说,需要给计算机提供装人高炉的原料的信息、高炉工作温度的信息和处理各种各样配料的最好方法等方面的资料。
3. The operation of this part of the steel plant is a complex and highly skilled operation, requiringa great deal of knowledge, a great deal of integrated information and rapid decision-making, to make sure the furnace operates efficiently in relation to the next stage in the process.钢厂的高炉操作是一项复杂而要求技术熟练的作业,需要大量的知识和大量的综合信息,并迅速地做出判定选择,以便确保高炉工艺流程中的下一阶段的有效工作。

一、自动化概念及应用1.1 自动化定义英文原文:Automation refers to the use of technology to control and operate processes or systems without human intervention.翻译:自动化是指利用技术来控制和操作过程或系统,无需人为干预。
1.2 自动化应用领域英文原文:Automation is widely applied in manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and many other industries.翻译:自动化广泛应用于制造业、交通运输、医疗保健等许多行业。
1.3 自动化优势英文原文:Automation offers advantages such as increased productivity, improved efficiency, and enhanced safety.翻译:自动化提供了增加生产力、提高效率和增强安全性等优势。
二、自动控制系统2.1 自动控制系统定义英文原文:An automatic control system is a set of devices that manage and regulate the behavior of a system or process automatically.翻译:自动控制系统是一组设备,能够自动管理和调节系统或过程的行为。
2.2 自动控制系统组成英文原文:An automatic control system consists of sensors, actuators, controllers, and communication networks.翻译:自动控制系统由传感器、执行器、控制器和通信网络组成。

Numerical control is a specialized form of automation, specifically, automatic machine tools are programmed to perform an ordered sequence of events at a predetermined rate to produce a piece part with entirely predictable results and physical parameters数控是一种专业的自动化形式,具体的说,自动机床编程,按预定的速率进行一系列有序的事件,从而产生部分完全可预测的结果和物理参数.Control modes: point-to-point, straight line control,two-axis contouring control, three-axis contouring with continuous path control.控制方式:点对点,直线控制,两轴轮廓控制,三轴连续路径轮廓控制。
Piont to point: To reach a desired position all axes independently rapid-travers untill each axis has reached its programmed target value. Clearly no cutting occur during traverse and it commences only when the target position has been reached.点对点:为了达到一个理想的位置,所有的轴独立快速导线测量,除非每个轴已达到设定的目标值。
Three contouring with continuous path control三轴连续路径轮廓控制Continuous path control or contouring systems provide accurate spindle positioning at any point in space, all axes are precisely controlled at all times, both individually and in exact relation to each other.连续路径控制、轮廓控制系统提供准确的在任何空间中的点的主轴定位,所有轴在任何时候都精确控制的,无论是单独或相互之间精确关系。

l 中文翻译可编程控制器技术随着时代的发展当今的技术也日趋完善、竞争愈演愈烈单靠人工的操作已不能满足于目前的制造业前景也无法保证更高质量的要求和高新技术企业的形象.人们在生产实践中看到自动化给人们带来了极大的便利和产品质量上的保证同时也减轻了人员的劳动强度减少了人员上的编制.在许多复杂的生产过程中难以实现的目标控制、整体优化、最佳决策等熟练的操作工、技术人员或专家、管理者却能够容易判断和操作可以获得满意的效果.人工智能的研究目标正是利用计算机来实现、模拟这些智能行为通过人脑与计算机协调工作以人机结合的模式为解决十分复杂的问题寻找最佳的途径我们在各种场合看到了继电器连接的控制,那已经是时代的过去,如今的继电器只能作为低端的基层控制模块或者简单的设备中使用到;而 PLC的出现也成为了划时代的主题,通过极其稳定的硬件穿插灵活的软件控制,使得自动化走向了新的高潮。
PLC的最大特点在于:电气工程师已不再电气的硬件上花费太多的心计,只要将按钮开关或感应器的输入点连接到 PLC的输入点上就能解决问题,通过输出点连接接触器或继电器来控制大功率的启动设备,而小功率的输出设备直接连接就可以。
PLC 的内部包含了具有中央处理器的CPU,并带有外部 I/O 口扩展的 I/O 接口地址和存储器三大块组成,CPU的核心是由一个或者多个累加器组成,它们具有逻辑的数学运算能力,并能读取程序存储器的内容通过计算后去驱动相应的存储器和 I/O 接口;I/O口将内部累加器和外部的输入和输出系统连接起来,并将相关的数据存入程序存储器或者数据存储器中;存储器可以将 I/O口输入的数据存入存储器中,并在工作时调转到累加器和 I/O接口上,存储器分程序存储器 lROM 和数据存储器 RAMROM可以将数据永久的存入存储器中,而 RAM 只能作为 CPU计算时临时计算使用的缓冲空间。
PLC的抗干扰是极其优秀的,我们根本不用去关心它的使用寿命和工作场合的恶劣,这些所有的问题已不再成为我们失败的主题,而留给我们的是关心如何来利用 PLC 的内部资源为我们加强设备的控制能力,使我们的设备更加的柔性。

英语日常用语——技术资料和图纸TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS1 We completed this task according to the drawing number SD-76.我们按照图号SD-76的图纸完成了这项工作。
2 According to the technical standard (norm, rules of operation), the erection (alignment, testing )work is now getting on .安装(校准、试验)工作正在根据技术标准(规范、操作规程)进行。
3 This is a plot plan (general layout ,general arrangement, detail ,section, erection ,flow sheet, PID, assembly, civil, electrical, control and instrumentation, projection, piping, isometric ) drawing.这是一张平面布置(总平面、总布置、细部、剖面、安装、流程、带仪表控制点的管道、装配、土建、电气、自控和仪表、投影、配管、空视)图。
4 That is a general (front, rear, side, left, right, top, vertical, bottom, elevation, auxiliary, cut-away, birds eye) view.那是全视(前视、后视、侧视、左视、右视、顶视、俯视、底视、立视、辅助、内部剖视、鸟瞰)图。
5 How many drawings are there in the set?这套图纸有几张?6 Is this a copy for reproduction? 这是一份底图吗?7 What is the edition of this drawing? 这张图纸是第几版?8 Is this drawing in effect? 这张图纸有效吗?9 Is this a revised edition? 这是修订版吗?10 Will it to be revised yet? 这图还要修订吗?11 Are there some modifications (revisions) on the drawing?这张图上有些修改(修正)吗?12 The information to be placed in each title block of a drawing include: drawing number, drawing size, scale, weight, sheet number and number ofsheets, drawing title and signatures of persons preparing, checking and approving the drawing.每张图纸的图标栏内容包括:图号、图纸尺寸、比例、重量、张号和张数、图标、以及图纸的制图、校对、批准人的签字。

7.1 NA TURE OF PLASTIC DEFORMATIONPlastic deformation is the deformation which is permanent and beyond the elastic rang of the material of ten , metals are worked by pfastic deformation because of the beneficial effect that is imparted to the mechanical properties by it. The necessary deformation in a metal can be achieved by application of large amount of mechanical force only or by heating the metal and then applying a small force.7.1 塑性变形本质塑性变形是超过弹性变形范围之后的一种永久变形。
The deformation of metals, which is caused by the displacement of the atoms is achieved by one or both of the processes called slip and twinning. The details of the microscopic deformation methods can be found in the textbooks of' metallurgy. On the macroscopic scale, when plastic , deformation occurs the metal appears to flow in the solid state along specific directions, which are depedent on the type of processing and the direction of applied force. The crystals or grains of the metal are elongated in the direction of metal flow. This flow of metal can be seen under microscope after polishing and suitable etching of the mental surface . These visible lines are called fibre flow lines, some representative specimens of which are presented in fig金属的变形是由原子排列引起的,这种排列是由被称作滑移和孪生过程中的一种或者两者共同作用造成的。

附录:英文技术资料翻译英文原文:An Overview of Servlet and JSP Technology1.1 A Servlet's JobServlets are Java programs that run on Web or application servers, acting as a middle layer between requests coming from Web browsers or other HTTP clients and databases or applications on the HTTP server. Their job is to perform the following tasks, as illustrated in Figure 1-1.Figure 1-11.Read the explicit data sent by the client.The end user normally enters this data in an HTML form on a Web page. However, the data could also come from an applet or a custom HTTP client program.2.Read the implicit HTTP request data sent by the browser.Figure 1-1 shows a single arrow going from the client to the Web server (the layer where servlets and JSP execute), but there are really two varieties of data: the explicit data that the end user enters in a form and the behind-the-scenes HTTP information. Both varieties are critical. The HTTP information includes cookies, information about media types and compression schemes the browser understands, and so on.3.Generate the results.This process may require talking to a database, executing anRMI or EJB call, invoking a Web service, or computing the response directly. Your real data may be in a relational database. Fine. But your database probably doesn't speak HTTP or return results in HTML, so the Web browser can't talk directly to the database. Even if it could, for security reasons, you probably would not want it to. The same argument applies to most other applications. You need the Web middle layer to extract the incoming data from the HTTP stream, talk to the application, and embed the results inside a document.4.Send the explicit data (i.e., the document) to the client.This document can be sent in a variety of formats, including text (HTML or XML), binary (GIF images), or even a compressed format like gzip that is layered on top of some other underlying format. But, HTML is by far the most common format, so an important servlet/JSP task is to wrap the results inside of HTML.5.Send the implicit HTTP response data.Figure 1-1 shows a single arrow going from the Web middle layer (the servlet or JSP page) to the client. But, there are really two varieties of data sent: the document itself and the behind-the-scenes HTTP information. Again, both varieties are critical to effective development. Sending HTTP response data involves telling the browser or other client what type of document is being returned (e.g., HTML), setting cookies and caching parameters, and other such tasks.1.2 Why Build Web Pages Dynamically?Many client requests can be satisfied by prebuilt documents, and the server would handle these requests without invoking servlets. In many cases, however, a static result is not sufficient, and a page needs to be generated for each request. There are a number of reasons why Web pages need to be built on-the-fly:1. The Web page is based on data sent by the client.For instance, the results page from search engines and order-confirmation pages at online stores are specific to particular user requests. You don't know what to display until you read the data that the user submits. Just remember that the user submits two kinds of data: explicit (i.e., HTML form data) and implicit (i.e., HTTP request headers). Either kind of input can be used to build the output page. In particular, it is quite common to build a user-specific page based on a cookie value.2.The Web page is derived from data that changes frequently.If the page changes for every request, then you certainly need to build the response at request time. If it changes only periodically, however, you could do it two ways: you could periodically build a new Web page on the server (independently of client requests), or you could wait and only build the page when the user requests it. The right approach depends on the situation, but sometimes it is more convenient to do the latter: wait for the user request. For example, a weather report or news headlines site might build the pages dynamically, perhaps returning a previously built page if that page is still up to date.3.The Web page uses information from corporate databases or other server-side sources.If the information is in a database, you need server-side processing even if the client is using dynamic Web content such as an applet. Imagine using an applet by itself for a search engine site:"Downloading 50 terabyte applet, please wait!" Obviously, that is silly; you need to talk to the database. Going from the client to the Web tier to the database (a three-tier approach) instead of from an applet directly to a database (a two-tier approach) provides increased flexibility and security with little or no performance penalty. After all, the database call is usually the rate-limitingstep, so going through the Web server does not slow things down. In fact, a three-tier approach is often faster because the middle tier can perform caching and connection pooling.In principle, servlets are not restricted to Web or application servers that handle HTTP requests but can be used for other types of servers as well. For example, servlets could be embedded in FTP or mail servers to extend their functionality. And, a servlet API for SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) servers was recently standardized (see /en/jsr/detail?id=116). In practice, however, this use of servlets has not caught on, and we'll only be discussing HTTP servlets.1.3 The Advantages of Servlets Over "Traditional" CGIJava servlets are more efficient, easier to use, more powerful, more portable, safer, and cheaper than traditional CGI and many alternative CGI-like technologies.1.EfficientWith traditional CGI, a new process is started for each HTTP request. If the CGI program itself is relatively short, the overhead of starting the process can dominate the execution time. With servlets, the Java virtual machine stays running and handles each request with a lightweight Java thread, not a heavyweight operating system process. Similarly, in traditional CGI, if there are N requests to the same CGI program, the code for the CGI program is loaded into memory N times. With servlets, however, there would be N threads, but only a single copy of the servlet class would be loaded. This approach reduces server memory requirements and saves time by instantiating fewer objects. Finally, when a CGI program finishes handling a request, the program terminates. This approach makes it difficult to cache computations, keep database connections open, and perform other optimizations that rely on persistent data.Servlets, however, remain in memory even after they complete a response, so it is straightforward to store arbitrarily complex data between client requests.2.ConvenientServlets have an extensive infrastructure for automatically parsing and decoding HTML form data, reading and setting HTTP headers, handling cookies, tracking sessions, and many other such high-level utilities. In CGI, you have to do much of this yourself. Besides, if you already know the Java programming language, why learn Perl too? You're already convinced that Java technology makes for more reliable and reusable code than does Visual Basic, VBScript, or C++. Why go back to those languages for server-side programming?3.PowerfulServlets support several capabilities that are difficult or impossible to accomplish with regular CGI. Servlets can talk directly to the Web server, whereas regular CGI programs cannot, at least not without using a server-specific API. Communicating with the Web server makes it easier to translate relative URLs into concrete path names, for instance. Multiple servlets can also share data, making it easy to implement database connection pooling and similar resource-sharing optimizations. Servlets can also maintain information from request to request, simplifying techniques like session tracking and caching of previous computations.4.PortableServlets are written in the Java programming language and follow a standard API. Servlets are supported directly or by a plugin on virtually every major Web server. Consequently, servlets written for, say, Macromedia JRun can run virtually unchanged on Apache Tomcat, Microsoft Internet Information Server (with a separate plugin), IBM WebSphere, iPlanet Enterprise Server, Oracle9i AS, or StarNine WebStar. They are part of the Java 2 Platform, EnterpriseEdition, so industry support for servlets is becoming even more pervasive.5.InexpensiveA number of free or very inexpensive Web servers are good for development use or deployment of low- or medium-volume Web sites. Thus, with servlets and JSP you can start with a free or inexpensive server and migrate to more expensive servers with high-performance capabilities or advanced administration utilities only after your project meets initial success. This is in contrast to many of the other CGI alternatives, which require a significant initial investment for the purchase of a proprietary package.Price and portability are somewhat connected. For example, Marty tries to keep track of the countries of readers that send him questions by email. India was near the top of the list, probably #2 behind the U.S. Marty also taught one of his JSP and servlet training courses (see /) in Manila, and there was great interest in servlet and JSP technology there.Now, why are India and the Philippines both so interested? We surmise that the answer is twofold. First, both countries have large pools of well-educated software developers. Second, both countries have (or had, at that time) highly unfavorable currency exchange rates against the U.S. dollar. So, buying a special-purpose Web server from a U.S. company consumed a large part of early project funds.But, with servlets and JSP, they could start with a free server: Apache Tomcat (either standalone, embedded in the regular Apache Web server, or embedded in Microsoft IIS). Once the project starts to become successful, they could move to a server like Caucho Resin that had higher performance and easier administration but that is not free. But none of their servlets or JSP pages have to be rewritten. If their project becomes even larger, they might want to move toa distributed (clustered) environment. No problem: they could move to Macromedia JRun Professional, which supports distributed applications (Web farms). Again, none of their servlets or JSP pages have to be rewritten. If the project becomes quite large and complex, they might want to use Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) to encapsulate their business logic. So, they might switch to BEA WebLogic or Oracle9i AS. Again, none of their servlets or JSP pages have to be rewritten. Finally, if their project becomes even bigger, they might move it off of their Linux box and onto an IBM mainframe running IBM WebSphere. But once again, none of their servlets or JSP pages have to be rewritten.6.SecureOne of the main sources of vulnerabilities in traditional CGI stems from the fact that the programs are often executed by general-purpose operating system shells. So, the CGI programmer must be careful to filter out characters such as backquotes and semicolons that are treated specially by the shell. Implementing this precaution is harder than one might think, and weaknesses stemming from this problem are constantly being uncovered in widely used CGI libraries.A second source of problems is the fact that some CGI programs are processed by languages that do not automatically check array or string bounds. For example, in C and C++ it is perfectly legal to allocate a 100-element array and then write into the 999th "element," which is really some random part of program memory. So, programmers who forget to perform this check open up their system to deliberate or accidental buffer overflow attacks.Servlets suffer from neither of these problems. Even if a servlet executes a system call (e.g., with Runtime.exec or JNI) to invoke a program on the local operating system, it does not use a shell to do so. And, of course, array bounds checking and othermemory protection features are a central part of the Java programming language.7.MainstreamThere are a lot of good technologies out there. But if vendors don't support them and developers don't know how to use them, what good are they? Servlet and JSP technology is supported by servers from Apache, Oracle, IBM, Sybase, BEA, Macromedia, Caucho, Sun/iPlanet, New Atlanta, ATG, Fujitsu, Lutris, Silverstream, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), and many others. Several low-cost plugins add support to Microsoft IIS and Zeus as well. They run on Windows, Unix/Linux, MacOS, VMS, and IBM mainframe operating systems. They are the single most popular application of the Java programming language. They are arguably the most popular choice for developing medium to large Web applications. They are used by the airline industry (most United Airlines and Delta Airlines Web sites), e-commerce (), online banking (First USA Bank, Banco Popular de Puerto Rico), Web search engines/portals (), large financial sites (American Century Investments), and hundreds of other sites that you visit every day.Of course, popularity alone is no proof of good technology. Numerous counter-examples abound. But our point is that you are not experimenting with a new and unproven technology when you work with server-side Java.注:本文来源于中文译文:Servlet和JSP技术简述1.1 Servlet的功能Servlets是运行在Web或应用服务器上的Java程序,它是一个中间层,负责连接来自Web浏览器或其他HTTP客户程序的请求和HTTP服务器上的数据库或应用程序。

(1)1. Each of these areas has developed a deep DSP technology, with its own algorithms, mathematics, and specialized techniques. This combination of breath and depth makes it impossible for any one individual to master all of the DSP technology that has been developed.译文:每个研究领域都在它自身特有的算法、数学和技术的基础上更深入的开发DSP技术,从而使DSP技术在广度和深度两个方面都得到拓展,因此,任何人都不可能掌握所有现存的DSP技术。
2. The development of digital signal processing dates from the 1960’s with the u se of mainframe digital computers for number-crunching applications such as the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), which allows the frequency spectrum of a signal to be computed rapidly.译文:数字信号处理技术源于20 世纪60 年代,彼时,大型计算机开始用于处理计算量较大运算,例如可以快速获得信号的频谱的快速傅立叶变换(FFT)等。
在本句中,The development of digital signal processing是主语,dates from 是谓语,意思是起源于历史上的某一年代。
后面以which 引导的定语从句用于修饰FFT。
3. Without it, they would be lost in the technological world.译文:没有基本的电路设计的背景(经验),他们将会被技术界淘汰4. Note that the acronym DSP can variously mean Digital Signal Processing, the term usedfor a wide range of techniques for processing signals digitally, or Digital Signal Processor, a specialized type of microprocessor chip.译文:需要注意的是,缩写DSP有多种含义,它既可以解释为“数字信号处理”,也可以解释为“数字信号处理器”,前者表示一种目前被广泛采用的数字信号处理技术,后者则表示一种专用的微处理器芯片。

Executive summary执行大纲5G offers enormous potential for both consumers and industry5G为其消费者以及业界提供巨大的发展潜力As well as the prospect of being considerably faster than existing technologies, 5G holds the promise of applications with high social and economic value, leading to a ‘hyper-connected society’ in which mobile will play an ever more important role in people’s lives.5G除了拥有比现有技术更快的发展前景,还可能有较高的社会和经济价值的应用前景,使未来能够形成“超连接社会”,那时移动性将在人们的生活中发挥前所未有的越来越重要的作用。
The GSMA will work for its members and with its partners to shape 5GGSM协会效力其成员并与其伙伴合作去构建5G系统As the association representing the mobile industry, the GSMA will play a significant role in shaping the strategic, commercial and regulatory development of the 5G ecosystem.This will include areas such as the definition of roaming and interconnect in 5G, and the identification and alignment of suitable spectrum bands. Once a stable definition of 5G is reached, the GSMA will work with its members to identify and develop commercially viable 5G applications. This paper focuses on 5G as it has developed so far, and the areas of technological innovation needed to deliver the 5G vision.由于GSMA代表了移动通信行业,GSMA将在塑造5G生态系统的战略、商业和监管发展方面发挥着重要的作用。
英语翻译 分类(二)

•同声传译: 口译人员在演讲者讲话的同时,通过耳机将内容实时翻译给听众。
•交替传译: 口译人员在演讲者讲话完成后,将其内容翻译成目标语言并传达给听众。
•逐句传译: 口译人员将演讲者的每句话逐句翻译。
•书面翻译: 将一种语言的文字翻译成另一种语言的文字,如文件、合同、文章等。
•口语翻译: 将口头表达的内容进行翻译,如面对面对话、电话交流等。
•文学翻译: 将文学作品从一种语言翻译成另一种语言,保持原作的风格、特色和意境。
•科技翻译: 将科技文献、技术手册、专利文件等进行翻译,要求准确性和专业性。
•商务翻译: 将商务文件、商务谈判等进行翻译,要求准确传达商务信息和表达商务文化。
•法律翻译: 将法律文件、合同、法庭词语等进行翻译,要求准确性和法律专业知识。
•医学翻译: 将医学文献、临床报告、病历等进行翻译,要求准确性和医学专业知识。
•IT翻译: 将信息技术相关文件、软件界面、技术手册等进行翻译,要求准确性和技术术语准确。
•文化翻译: 将有关文化和传统的内容进行翻译,如历史文献、旅游宣传等。
•教育翻译: 将教育文献、教材等进行翻译,旨在传递教育知识和教育理念。
•新闻翻译: 将新闻稿件、报纸、杂志等进行翻译,要求快速准确地传达新闻信息。
•游戏翻译: 将游戏内容、游戏介绍、游戏对话等进行翻译,要求准确传达游戏信息和趣味性。

理学Science船舶与海洋工程Ship and Ocean Engineering化学工程与技术Chemical Engineering and Technology数学Mathematics航空宇航科学与技术Aerospace Science and Technology矿业工程Mining Engineering物理学Physics兵器科学与技术Ordnance Science and Technology石油与天然气工程Oil and Gas Engineering化学Chemistry核科学与技术Nuclear Science and Technology纺织科学与工程Textile Science and Engineering天文学Astronomy农业工程Agricultural Engineering轻工技术与工程Light Industry Technology and Engineering 地理学Geography林业工程Forestry Engineering交通运输工程Transportation Engineering大气科学Atmospheric Sciences环境科学与工程Environmental Science and Engineering中西医结合Chinese and Western Integrative Medicine海洋科学Marine Science生物医学工程Biomedical Engineering药学Pharmacy地球物理学Geophysics食品科学与工程Food Science and Engineering中药学Chinese Materia Medica地质学Geology城乡规划学Urban and Rural Planning特种医学Special Medicine生物学Biology风景园林学Landscape Architecture医学技术Medical Technology系统科学System Science软件工程Software Engineering护理学Nursing科学技术史History of Science and Technology生物工程Biological Engineering公共卫生与预防医学Public Health and Preventive Medicine 生态学Ecology安全科学与工程Safety Science and Engineering水利工程Water Conservancy Engineering统计学Statistics公安技术Public Security Technology电磁吸力eletromagnetic forces工学Engineering网络空间安全Cyberspace security克隆及克隆技术的未来clones and the future of cloning力学Mechanics农学Agriculture开窗口windowing机械工程Mechanical Engineering作物学Crop Science坡面流overland flow光学工程Optical Engineering园艺学Horticulture原子量atomic weight仪器科学与技术Instrument Science and Technology农业资源与环境Agricultural Resources and Environment相对原子质量relative atomic mass材料科学与工程Materials Science and Engineering植物保护Plant Protection元素的相对原子质量relative atomic mass of element冶金工程Metallurgical Engineering畜牧学Livestock science光纤optical fibre动力工程及工程热物理Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics 兽医学Veterinary Science雷达radar电气工程Electrical engineering林学Forestry崩越二极管impact avalanche transit time diode (IMPATT)电子科学与技术Electronic Science and Technology水产Aquaculture罗坦系统LORTAN信息与通信工程Information and Communication Engineering草学Grass ScienceCMOS集成电路complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor integrated circuit 控制科学与工程Control Science and Engineering医学Medicine3P抽样sampling with probability proportional to prediction计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology基础医学Basic Medical Sciences建筑学Architecture临床医学Clinical Medicine土木工程Civil Engineering口腔医学Oral Medicine肾虚nephropenia得气acuesthesia激素hormone胃热gastropyria伤湿腰痛hygrolumbago里实血厥blood syncope肺热lung heat屋漏脉roof-leaking pulse热邪heat-evil失神depeletion of spirit肝寒nephrocyria火热头痛headache due to fire-heat endosthenia “热带气旋”(tropical depression),“热带风暴”(tropical storm),“台风”(typhoon)“强热带风暴”(severe tropical storm)。

Unit 11.在历时四年的研究中,科学家调查了地球上的许多生境、物种以及将它们联系起来的生态体系。
For four years the scientists examined the planet’s many habitats and species and the systems that bind them together.2.《千年生态系统评估综合报告》为人们提供了认识生态系统经济价值的全新视角,也为人们尊重和保护地球的生命支持体系提供了新的论据。
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Synthesis Report gives people a new insight into the economic importance of ecosystem services and some new and additional arguments for respecting and conserving the Earth’s life-support system.3.科学家认为,水文系统的改变可能导致破坏性洪灾的发生更加频繁和严重。
According to the scientists, changes to water systems may increase the frequency and severity of destructive floods.4.从经济角度看,与那些被用于商业开发的生态系统相比,很多原始生态系统的价值更高。
From an economic perspective, compared with the ecosystems altered for commercial use, many intact ones are more valuable.5.如何在利用地球生态系统提高人类生活水平的同时,缓解该系统所承受的压力,完全取决于人类社会。

1. Electrical Measuring Instruments电子测量仪表Electrical personnel use many different types of measuring instruments. 电子技术人员使用许多不同类型的测量仪器。
Some jobs require very accurate measurements while other jobs need only rough estimates. 一些工作需要精确测量面另一些工作只需粗略估计。
Some instruments are used solely to determine whether or not a circuit is complete. 有些仪器被使用仅仅是确定线路是否完整。
The most common measuring and testing instruments are voltage testers, voltmeters, ammeters, ohmmeters, continuity testers, megohmmeters, wattmeters(功率计), and watt-hour meters(电度表,电表)。
All meters used for measuring electrical values are basically current meters. 所有测量电值的表基本上都是电流表。
They measure or compare the values of current flowing through them. 他们测量或是比较通过他们的电流值。
The meters are calibrated and the scale is designed to read the value of the desired unit. 这些仪表可以被校准并且设计了不同的量程,以便读出期望的数值。

U2PPT“Site” refers to the land and other places on, under or through which the Permanent Works or Temporary Works designed by the Engineer are to be executed.“现场”指工程师设计的永久工程或临时工程所需的土地和其他场所,包括地面、地下、工程围之或途经的部分。
If we close our eyes, we cannot see anything because our eyelids prevent the rays from entering our eyes.因为眼睑能阻止光线进入眼,所以我们闭上眼睛就什么也看不见了。
Traditionally, rural highway location practice has been field oriented, but the modern method is “office” oriented.传统上,乡村公路定线采用现场定线法,而现在的方法则是采用纸上定线或计算机定线。
In the earlier days of railways, the rules laid down that no train should be allowed to start, even if all signals were clear, until the station master had authorized the guard to give the driver the “right way”.铁路发展的早期阶段曾规定,即使所有的信号都已开通,列车也不能发车,一直要等到站长已授权站务员给司机发出离站信号。
Curved rails offer resistance to the movement of the train.弯曲的钢管有碍火车运行。

小到 一 台单 机
习惯 说 法 上
因 此 技术 文 件 的汉译英 就 有 着 繁 与 简
多 与少 以
及难 与 易 之 分
们 的 母语
总的 来 说
技术文 件 的 翻 译并 不是 一 件轻易 的 事 句子结构 上
而 汉 译英 又 比 英译 汉 难
因 为 汉语是 我
我们在词 汇 上
以 及 能够 用 它 来表 达的 知 识量 上
f 如s h a
r m a
r d o
ba r 等;
又 有 很多词有 轴
ha f t
iP n l d
译成 英语 是 i t l
但如 果 想 把这 堆词 中的 某 几 个用 来拼 凑成
杆轴 瓦
那 可能会铸 成大错
o 连 杆 轴 瓦 的 正 确 译法 是 c
都 比英语 有 着 更 而从 汉语翻
丰富 的 积累 译成英语
所 以在英 译汉 时
只要 对 原 文理解 透彻
我 们就 不难在 汉语 里 找 到 相 应 的 说法
情 况就 正 好相 反 了
在 本文 中
和 注 意 事项
笔者 想根 据 自 己 多 次 从事 技术文 件 汉 译英 工作 的 体 会
化 学 等理 科方 面 的 知 识
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Putting fresh groceries in the fridge is the quickest and easiest option after a shop, but whether or not those items belong in there is another story.
Surprisingly, most fruits and vegetables are better off out of the fridge at first, with many of them only needing refrigeration once fully ripe.
Daily Mail Australia spoke to leading senior nutritionist from NAQ Nutrition, Aloysa Hourigan, to find out what should be in the fridge and what should remain at room temperature.
《每日邮报》驻澳大利亚记者向NAQ Nutrition首席高级营养师阿罗伊莎霍瑞根咨询了什么该放冰箱里、什么该常温保存。
Putting bread in the fridge will dry it out so if you are not going to eat it fast, then the better option is to freeze it and get slices out as you need them. 面包放冰箱里会变干,所以如果你吃得慢的话,最好冷冻,吃的时候切片。
For those who do choose to keep it in the fridge, multi grain bread is the best choice as it doesn't dry out as easily as white or wholemeal bread does. 对那些选择冷藏的人来说,最好选杂粮面包,因为它不像白面包或全麦面包那么容易变干。
Tomatoes are commonly refrigerated after purchase, but there is a reason they are kept at room temperature at the supermarket.
'In terms of becoming ripe enough to eat, tomatoes do better when they are out of the fridge,' Ms Hourigan said.
'Once they reach their ripeness they can go in the fridge otherwise they start to spoil...but tomatoes won't ripen in the fridge by themselves.'
If you leave them out of the fridge for too long they will gradually lose their
Vitamin C content over time and the fridge will keep those levels higher for longer.
'Potatoes should never be stored in the fridge, the best way to store them, as well as onions, is in a cool dark place like the bottom of the pantry,' Ms Hourigan said.
'If they are in the light they go green on the skin and spoil and if they are in the fridge they become moist which is not ideal.'
'Berries - especially strawberries - ripen up much better out of the fridge, however they will spoil fairly quickly so you need to pick the perfect time,' Ms Hourigan said.
'Honey is better in the cupboard than in the fridge as it crystallises...it doesn't go off in the cupboard,' Ms Hourigan said.
'If they are whole bulbs they can just sit in a dish or container near where food is prepared,' Ms Hourigan said.
'Once you've peeled it however, it is better off in the fridge as it won't retain it's flavour otherwise.'
uld be before the British government tonight.他们必须于今晚把报告递交给英国政府。
2.Millions of the people in the mountain areas are finally off poverty.数百万山区人民终于摆脱了贫穷。
3.I pay 60pence for the book.我花了60便士买了这本书。