body英语课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能掌握与身体部位相关的英文词汇,如head、eye、ear、mouth、arm、leg等。
2. 学生能够运用所学词汇,正确描述身体部位的痛楚或功能。
3. 学生了解并掌握常用身体部位的英文表达方式,如“眼睛疼”表达为“My eyes hurt”。
技能目标:1. 学生能够运用所学的身体部位词汇,进行简单的自我介绍和身体部位的描述。
2. 学生通过小组合作,运用所学知识完成身体部位的配对游戏,提高口语表达和团队合作能力。
3. 学生能够运用所学知识,创作一段关于身体部位的英文小故事。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,增强自信心,敢于开口表达。
2. 培养学生关爱身体健康的意识,了解身体各部位的重要性。
3. 培养学生互相帮助、团结合作的品质,体会集体学习的乐趣。
二、教学内容本节课教学内容主要包括以下三个方面:1. 身体部位词汇学习:根据课程目标,选取教材中关于身体部位的词汇,如head、eye、ear、mouth、arm、leg等,让学生掌握这些基础词汇,并了解它们在不同句子中的用法。
2. 句型和语法:结合教材,教授如何用英文描述身体部位的痛楚或功能,如“My eyes hurt”表示“我的眼睛疼”。
3. 实践活动:设计小组合作活动,让学生运用所学词汇和句型进行身体部位配对游戏,巩固知识点。
(School of Foreign Languages,Yan ’an University,Shaanxi ,716000)[Abstract ]Based on the analysis of the questionnaires administered to the first-year non-English majors,the au -thors propose that design of English course should conform to three principles.Firstly,major-related materials may cover 30%or so of the whole textbooks.Secondly,the textbooks should concentrate on training students ’learning skills and provide task-based stly,the textbooks should identify a language focus.[Key words ]needs ;design of English course ;principle [中图分类号]H319.1[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1672-8610(2009)04-0122-03○SunJuanjuan ,Wang HuigangDesign of English Course Based on Needs Analysis[作者简介]孙娟娟,女,陕西省延安市延安大学外国语学院硕士研究生,研究方向:语篇分析和应用语言学;王会刚,男,陕西省延安市延安大学外国语学院硕士研究生,研究方向:英国小说。
Ⅰ.IntroductionNeeds analysis is generally regarded as a criterion to ESP and has been substantially studied by many scholars such as Berwick (1989),Brindley (1989)and Richterich (1983).How -ever,“needs ”is not that easy to define,just as Brindley puts,“It is difficult to find a usable definition of needs in the con -text of second language learning ”[1].Also in Richterich ’s words,“The very concept of language needs has never beenclearly defined and remains at best ambiguous ”[2].Although no one provides full,all-round explanation that satisfies all,com -bination and synthesis of opinions of various scholars will shed bright light on the understanding of the meaning and types of“needs ”.Well known is Berwick ’s (1989)terminology of needs.In his words,“needs ”is a gap or measurable discrepancy be -tween a current state of affairs and a desired future stage.Be -sides,“needs ”can be divided into “felt needs ”and “per -ceived needs ”.While the former are those which learners have and therefore are also termed “subjective needs ”,the latter are “judgments of certified experts about the educational gaps in other people ’s experience ”[3]and hence are named “objective needs ”.Berwick ’s idea is made clearer and more obvious by Hutchinson and Waters (2002)with the formal introduction of the three terms:necessities,lacks and wants.They comment that “necessities ”is “the type of need determined by the de -mands of the target situation,that is,what the learner has to know in order to function effectively in the target situation ”[4].This corresponds to Berwick ’s “desired future stage ”.Afterknowing what the learner needs to know,needs analysts also need to know what he already knows,equal to Berwick ’s“current state of affairs ”to figure out which of the necessities he lacks.What ’s more,Hutchinson and Waters also agree that learners themselves may have their own viewpoints about their needs,i.e.,wants,sometimes different from that of the experts or needs analysts.This is the equivalence of the concept of “felt needs ”.In all,needs analysis has been and is still being studied from various angles.Doing needs analysis needs to distinguish subjective needs from objective needs because it helps locate the source of needs and strike a philosophically satisfying bal -ance between learner-centered and teacher-centered inputs to the planning process.It also requires a combination of goal -oriented needs and process -oriented needs.In other words,while the target situation or destination calls to be predicted,the learning route from the present situation or starting point to that goal bears no negligence either.Only in this way can a thorough and effective investigation of needs be conducted and achieved.Of course,needs analysis is not an end of itself.The pur -pose and the resultant product is course design.This paper aims at designing proper courses for the non -English -major freshmen from a certain university in Shaanxi Province based on the analysis of their needs.It is hoped that the present study would shed some light for second language learning of these students.Ⅱ.MethodBefore design of the English course,some freshmen areTEACHING RESEARCH Sun Juanjuan ,Wang Huigang /Design of English Course Based on Needs Analysis1222009年第4期语文学刊·外语教育教学first chosen as the subjects and then questionnaires are admin-istered to them.2.1SubjectsThe subjects are non-English-major freshmen from a uni-versity in Shaanxi Province.For sake of convenience,students from three schools,that is,School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Humanities and School of Architecture are investi-gated and only two months away,they will finish their first-year study.Based on the strategy of random sampling,ques-tionnaires are then distributed to60students.20are males and40are females.2.2QuestionnaireQuestionnaire is designed and distributed to the subjects. In order to facilitate the process of reading and completing the questionnaires,all the questions are devised in Chinese.The questions can generally be divided into three aspects.Ques-tions2,3,4,5deal with the target needs;number6concerns the student’s evaluation of their present English learning level and the rest aim at students’learning needs,that is,what they need to do in order to learn well.Ⅲ.Data analysis and resultsAfter two day s,all the questionnaires are collected and then analyzed from three aspects:target needs,English profi-ciency and learning needs.3.1Target needsAccording to the data,40subjects predict that they will use English mainly in reading materials related to their majors and the rest20claim spoken English is important as they will mainly make face-to-face exchanges with their colleagues or partners in future jobs.Since34show interest in their majors and the rest choose“so-so”,the authors seek their opinions about the design of some major-related materials in English textbooks.While28(18are major-lovers)show great enthusi-asm,20hold“so-so”attitude and12veto this proposal con-sidering the same type of test given to different majors,such as CET4or CET6.What’s more,36(24are major-lovers)sug-gest a proportion of more than50%and24(16are so-so group members)comment that20-30%is enough,which is a little contradictory to the previous finding that12subjects ob-ject to introduction of major-related materials into English text-books.3.2English proficiencyAs for the present English proficiency,22(18are English-lovers)show their satisfaction and declare that there is not much difficulty except inadequate vocabulary during their self-study or previewing process.The other38comment that cer-tain complex structures bring difficulty to their English learn-ing.3.3Learning needsWhile the target needs are mainly perceived from the au-thors’point of view,the authors also consult the subjects’opinion or“wants”about learning English and conduct a deep investigation into their way of learning and ideology towards language,learning and teaching.According to the data,34stu-dents show that they learn English because they are interested in English culture and others predict English need in later ex-aminations.As regards the distribution of time on English listening, speaking,reading,writing and vocabulary and grammar,36 spend more,if not most of the time on vocabulary and gram-mar and34place speaking in the last two places(They are asked to arrange these five items based on the time distribution in a decreasing order).However,there are also24students(22 are English-lovers)who give almost most attention to speaking. Reading and listening are more or less in the middle,and writ-ing often appears in the last two places.When inquired about their concept of language,28agree that the process of learning English is the process of mastering skills;16emphasize the function of language;4consider the structure as the essence of language and only12acknowledge combination of the three as the most effective way of learning English.However,interestingly enough,46express later their wants of learning English in an all-round way.Besides,56ad-vocate a student-centered class teaching.Ⅳ.Course designBased on the analysis of students’needs,design of text-books should conform to the following three principles.Firstly,major-related materials may cover30%or so of the textbooks.In a long run,students will mainly use English in their major-related areas,especially for reading major-related materials in English.Introduction of major-related ma-terials may enhance their interest and arouse their enthusiasm in learning English.Secondly,the textbooks should concentrate on training stu-dents’learning skills and provide task-based exercises.In consideration of the fact that the subjects have ahead only one year of English study and four hours a week,the materials should be able to,in such a short time,train their abilities to cope with future work as well as present examinations.Task-based materials offer students opportunity to practice English in a quasi-authentic situation and add flavor and meaning to language teaching.Lastly,while the students advocate a skill-based syllabus and expect all-round development of the basic language skills, the textbooks should identify a language focus.It should give the learners the opportunity to take the language to pieces, study how it works and practice putting it back together again. After all,many students,according to the questionnaires,learn English mainly motivated by exams such as Band4and 6. What’s more,not a small proportion shows that unfamiliar structure or expressions bring difficulty to their learning. Courses with a language focus provide students with a solid foundation of learning English and conduce to their short-term needs.123Ⅴ.ConclusionThis paper aims at designing some proper English courses for students in School of Mechanical Engineering,School of Humanities and School of Architecture.Their needs,in both a short and long run,are analyzed.Of course,this paper investi -gates students form only three colleges and course design,ac -cordingly,has its limitation.For example,students in other schools or with different majors may not favor major interfer -ence in the textbooks.Further work will be done on a much larger scale to be a little widely applicable.If the paper can shed a ray of light for language teaching and learning,the au -thors will be very much honored.附录:关于英语需求分析的调查问卷学院___专业___性别___这是一张关于英语需求分析的调查问卷。
英语问路与指路课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能够掌握问路和指路的基本英语词汇和句型,如:turn left/right, go straight, cross the road等;2. 学生能够理解并运用方位词描述地点和路线,如:north, south, east, west 等;3. 学生能够掌握使用英语询问和提供具体地点的信息,如:Where is the post office? How can I get to the library?技能目标:1. 学生能够运用所学英语进行问路和指路的实际情景对话;2. 学生能够通过观察地图,用英语描述和分析路线;3. 学生能够培养良好的听说能力和团队合作能力,以便在实际生活中灵活运用英语问路与指路。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生能够增强对英语学习的兴趣,提高学习积极性;2. 学生能够培养乐于助人的品质,关心他人,善于与人沟通;3. 学生能够尊重不同文化背景下的问路与指路方式,增强跨文化交际意识。
具体内容包括:1. 词汇与短语:- 方位词:north, south, east, west, left, right, front, back- 问路句型:Where is ..., How can I get to ..., Can you tell me the way to ...- 指路短语:turn left/right, go straight, cross the road, take the second turning on the left2. 句子与对话:- 情景对话:模拟问路和指路的实际场景,进行角色扮演- 句子练习:用所学词汇和句型,编写关于问路和指路的句子3. 实践活动:- 小组合作:学生分组,根据给定的地图和任务,进行问路和指路的实践操作- 角色扮演:模拟实际生活中的问路场景,培养学生的口语交际能力4. 教材章节关联:- 词汇:与课本第3章“Location and Direction”相关内容关联- 对话:与课本第4章“Daily Communication”中的问路和指路情景对话关联教学进度安排:1. 第一课时:学习词汇和句型,进行简单的情景对话练习2. 第二课时:小组合作,进行问路和指路的实践操作,角色扮演3. 第三课时:巩固所学内容,进行拓展练习,提高学生的英语应用能力三、教学方法本节课将采用以下教学方法,旨在激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的主动性和英语应用能力:1. 讲授法:教师通过讲解和示范,向学生传授问路与指路的基本词汇和句型,为学生提供清晰的知识框架。
下面将介绍一些常见的英语教案中使用的英文术语:1. Lesson Plan (教案)Lesson Plan是指教师在教学前所制定的详细计划。
一个好的Lesson Plan能够帮助教师有效组织课堂教学。
2. Teaching Goals (教学目标)Teaching Goals是指教师在教学中想要达到的具体目标。
3. Classroom Management (课堂管理)Classroom Management是指教师在课堂上对学生行为、注意力和秩序进行管理的过程。
4. Differentiated Instruction (分层教学)Differentiated Instruction是指根据学生的不同学习需要和能力,采取不同的教学策略和方法进行教学。
5. Assessment (评估)Assessment是指对学生学习成果进行评价和反馈的过程。
6. Engaging Activities (引人入胜的活动)Engaging Activities是指吸引学生注意力、激发学习兴趣的各种教学活动。
预计时间9--10分钟微课程设计教学过程(请在此处以时间为序具体描述微课程的所有环节)(请在此处说明你择)导语: Today we’ll review the words: on,in,under,behind.(今天主要任务是复习巩固区分英语的四个方位词。
微课视频的优势课⑴课件出示第一步in the box (拿in的卡片放box进行全班说的操练)T: First ,it says “It’s in the box”in in in in the box(把“in”的卡片放到盒子里、) 全班齐读操练。
⑵课件出示第二步on the box(分小组说)T:And then, it’s on the box, On on on It’s on the box. (分小组操练)。
⑶课件出示第三步 behind the box.behind 请个人读,正音(用ppt课件和动考察学生灵活运用的能T: Look here , It’s behind the box.拿出事先放在门后的 Minnie 手偶。
Hello, boys and girls. I’m Minnie.分别把Minnie 放在书本、课桌和盒子后面用开火车的方式进行单词操练。
2.用“in ,on , under”描述物品的位置。
on under in从关注视觉性辨别入手,通过及时的反馈练习,检测学生对in on under behind 的掌握情况。
Please guess guess guess!(运用课件让学生玩猜一猜的游戏) 合理运用任务,开发学生的动手能力和合作能力。
What can you do? 课程设计一.教学目标1.进一步掌握四会单词及词组:speak/hear/see/help/open/close/take photos/play the music2.初步熟悉句型:What can you do? I can speak/see/run/sing.语音语调正确,并能使用句型和别人作简单的交流。
二.教学重难点重点:1.能熟练掌握四会单词及词组speak/hear/see/help/open/close/take photos/play the music,发音准确。
2.初步熟悉句型:What can you do? I can speak/see/run/sing.语音语调正确,并能使用句型和别人作简单的交流。
难点 :1.使用 What can you do? I can speak/see/run/sing.2.培养学生良好的学习习惯和学英语的兴趣。
三.教学准备:课件四.教学过程1. Greeting2. Warming-up Let’s sing a chant3. New lesson(1)Question: T: What do you do on Saturday? S: I often see a film.Lead--in the word "see"Teach the word, and students should read, write and spell it.(2)Show a picture (a man is speaking English.)T: I can speak English, can you speak English?S: Yes, I can .T: I can speak Chinese, can you speak Chinese?S: Yes, I can.T: What's meaning of "speak English"? S:说英语。
What's more, there are regional phrases too; an expert can sometimes pick out a native of Wisconsin just by the way a person uses his or her eyebrows during conversations. Everything from your sex, racial background, social class, and communication style all influences your body language .
Usually, our body language acts to further emphasize our words. What the nonverbal gestures put across very often and very efficiently is the emotional side of the message. This is clear when a person feels liked or disliked, as he or she will often communicate emotion "not in what is said but in the way it is said."
Body Language in Daily Use
We all communicate with one another using both verbal and nonverbal language. Most of the time, however, we are not even aware that we’re doing it. We move around in our chairs, gesture with eyebrows or a hand, meet someone else’s eyes and look away. These are some of the many small and radonm things we do. But researchers have discovered in recent years that there is a system to these gestures.
关于课程设计的英语作文Title: The Essence of Course Design: Bridging Theory and Practice.In the realm of education, course design is a crucial aspect that shapes the learning experiences of students. It involves meticulous planning and consideration of various elements to create an engaging, effective, and impactful learning environment. This essay delves into theintricacies of course design, focusing on its essential components and the role it plays in fostering meaningful learning.Firstly, course design begins with a clear understanding of the learning outcomes. These outcomes define the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students are expected to acquire upon completing the course. They provide a roadmap for instructors, guiding them inselecting appropriate content, methods, and assessments. By setting clear and achievable outcomes, courses are morelikely to be relevant, engaging, and effective.Secondly, effective course design incorporates active learning strategies. Traditional passive learning methods, such as lecture-based teaching, often fail to engage students and promote deep understanding. Active learning, on the other hand, involves students actively participating in the learning process through discussions, projects, case studies, and other interactive activities. This approach not only enhances student engagement but also helps them apply knowledge in real-world contexts, fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills.Moreover, course design should emphasize theintegration of theory and practice. Theory provides the foundation for understanding concepts and principles, while practice helps students apply these concepts in real-world situations. By integrating theory and practice, courses become more relevant and meaningful, enabling students to make connections between what they learn in the classroom and what they encounter in their daily lives. This integration can be achieved through field trips,simulations, laboratory experiments, and other experiential learning opportunities.Furthermore, course design should be inclusive and adaptable. It should cater to the diverse needs, backgrounds, and learning styles of students. By incorporating differentiated instruction strategies, instructors can ensure that all students have equal opportunities to succeed. Additionally, courses should be flexible enough to accommodate changes in the field or industry, ensuring that the content remains relevant andup-to-date.Assessment is another crucial aspect of course design. Effective assessment not only evaluates student performance but also provides feedback that can be used to improve teaching and learning. Assessments should be aligned with the learning outcomes, focusing on assessing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that the course aims to cultivate. They should also be diverse and inclusive, accounting for different learning styles and abilities.In conclusion, course design is a multifaceted process that requires careful consideration of various elements. It involves setting clear learning outcomes, incorporating active learning strategies, integrating theory and practice, being inclusive and adaptable, and using effective assessment techniques. By attending to these aspects, instructors can create engaging, effective, and impactful learning environments that foster meaningful learning and prepare students for success in their academic and professional careers.。
用英语写一篇课程设计作文Designing an Engaging and Effective Course: A Comprehensive Guide.In the world of education, the importance of course design cannot be overstated. A well-designed course notonly captures the attention of students but also ensuresthat they acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in their academic and professional careers. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of course design, discussing key considerations, effective strategies, and practical examples that can help educators create engaging and effective courses.1. Defining Course Objectives.The first step in course design is to define clear and measurable objectives. These objectives should align with the course's overall goals and the learning outcomes expected from students. For example, a course objectivecould be to "develop students' understanding of the fundamental principles of economics and their applicationin real-world scenarios."2. Identifying Target Audience.Knowing the target audience is crucial in course design. Understanding the students' backgrounds, interests, and learning styles helps educators tailor the course content and delivery methods to their needs. For instance, if the target audience is undergraduate students with limitedprior knowledge of the subject, the course might include more introductory content and use accessible language.3.Selecting Content and Topics.Once the objectives and target audience are defined,the next step is to select the relevant content and topics. The content should be aligned with the course objectives, cover key concepts, and provide opportunities for studentsto apply their knowledge. For example, in an economics course, topics could include supply and demand, marketstructures, and macroeconomic policies.4. Designing Course Structure.The course structure organizes the content and topicsin a logical and sequential manner. It should provide aclear roadmap for students, guiding them through the course from start to finish. The structure should include lessons, modules, assignments, and assessments, with each component serving a specific purpose.5.Employing Active Learning Strategies.Active learning strategies engage students actively in the learning process, rather than passively receiving information. These strategies can include group discussions, case studies, role-playing, simulations, and hands-on projects. For instance, in an economics course, students could analyze real-world economic scenarios in groups or conduct research on a specific economic topic and present their findings to the class.ing Technology and Digital Tools.Incorporating technology and digital tools can enhance the learning experience and make the course more engaging and accessible. Online platforms, learning management systems, and interactive multimedia can be used to deliver content, facilitate communication between students and instructors, and provide additional resources. For instance, an economics course could utilize an online quizzing system to test students' knowledge or a simulation software to model economic scenarios.7.Assessing Learning Outcomes.Assessing learning outcomes is crucial in course design. It helps educators determine whether students have achieved the course objectives and identifies areas where further improvement is needed. Assessments can include quizzes, tests, assignments, projects, and other forms of evaluation. For example, in an economics course, students could beasked to complete a research paper on a specific economic topic or participate in a debate on a current economicissue.8.Providing Feedback and Support.Providing timely and constructive feedback to students is essential in course design. Feedback helps students understand their performance, identifies areas for improvement, and motivates them to continue learning. Instructors should provide feedback on assignments, projects, and assessments, offering specific suggestionsfor improvement. Additionally, instructors should be available to answer student questions and provide support when needed.In conclusion, course design is a complex process that requires careful consideration of multiple factors. By defining clear objectives, identifying the target audience, selecting relevant content and topics, designing a logical structure, employing active learning strategies, using technology and digital tools, assessing learning outcomes, and providing feedback and support, educators can create engaging and effective courses that foster student success.。
教案标题:Introduction to English LiteratureCourse Overview:This course provides an introduction to the study of English literature. Students will explore various literary genres, including poetry, prose, and drama, from different historical periods. The course aims to develop students' critical reading and analytical skills, as well as theirability to write coherent and persuasive essays. By the end of the course, students should have a better understanding of the main themes and trends in English literature and be able to appreciate the cultural and historical context of literary works.Course Objectives:1. To familiarize students with the major literary genres and their characteristics.2. To develop students' skills in close reading and textual analysis.3. To enhance students' ability to write clear, coherent, and persuasive essays.4. To deepen students' appreciation of the cultural and historical context of literary works.Target Students:The course is designed for undergraduate students who have a basic knowledge of English language and literature.Course Duration:The course will be taught over a 16-week semester, with one 1.5-hour lecture and one 1-hour tutorial per week.Course Assessment:1. Mid-term exam (30%)2. Final exam (35%)3. Essays (35%)Course Content:1. Introduction to literature and literary study2. Poetry: Forms and techniques3. Prose: Fiction and non-fiction4. Drama: Forms and techniques5. Historical periods: Medieval, Renaissance, Enlightenment, Romantic, Victorian, Modern, and Contemporary6. Critical theories and methodsWeekly Outline:Week 1: Introduction to Literature and Literary StudyLecture:- Definition of literature and its importance- Different literary genres and their characteristics- The role of the reader and the literary criticTutorial:- Introduction to the course and expectations- Close reading exercise: Analyzing a poemWeek 2: Poetry: Forms and TechniquesLecture:- Definition and history of poetry- Major poetic forms: sonnet, ballad, ode, etc.- Poetic techniques: metaphor, simile, personification, etc.Tutorial:- Analysis of a poem: "The Road Not Taken" by Robert FrostWeek 3: Prose: Fiction and Non-fictionLecture:- Definition and characteristics of prose fiction and non-fiction- Short story and novel: Forms and techniques- Non-fiction prose: Memoir, essay, etc.Tutorial:- Analysis of a short story: "The Catbird Seat" by James ThurberWeek 4: Drama: Forms and TechniquesLecture:- Definition and characteristics of drama- Major dramatic forms: tragedy, comedy, etc.- Dramatic techniques: dialogue, stage directions, etc.Tutorial:- Analysis of a play excerpt: "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare Week 5: Historical Periods: MedievalLecture:- Overview of English literature before 1500- Major authors and works: Chaucer, Langland, Gower- The cultural and historical context of the periodTutorial:- Analysis of a Middle English poem: "The Wife's Lament"Week 6: Historical Periods: RenaissanceLecture:- Overview of English literature from 1500 to 1660- Major authors and works: Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson- The cultural and historical context of the periodTutorial:- Analysis of a Renaissance sonnet: "Sonnet 18" by William ShakespeareWeek 7: Historical Periods: EnlightenmentLecture:- Overview of English literature from 1660 to 1780- Major authors and works: Dryden, Pope, Swift- The cultural and historical context of the periodTutorial:- Analysis of an Enlightenment essay: "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan SwiftWeek 8: Historical Periods: RomanticLecture:- Overview of English literature from 1780 to 1830- Major authors and works: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats- The cultural and historical context of the periodTutorial:- Analysis of a Romantic poem: "Ode to a Nightingale" by John KeatsWeek 9: Historical Periods: VictorianLecture。
english file 英语 课程设计
Title: English File: Curriculum DesignIntroduction:The English File is a comprehensive English language learning program designed to help students improve their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. This curriculum is suitable for students of different ages and proficiency levels, from beginners to advanced learners. The focus of the program is on communicative language teaching, where students are encouraged to use English in real-life situations.Curriculum Structure:The English File curriculum is divided into different levels, each level corresponding to a specific proficiency level. Each level includes a set of modules that cover different areas of language learning, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing.Modules:1. Listening: The listening module focuses on developing students' ability to understand English-speaking native speakers. It includes listening activities such as listening to dialogues, stories, and news reports, and answering related questions.2. Speaking: The speaking module emphasizes the development of fluency and accuracy in English. It includes speaking activities such as role-playing, group discussions, and oral presentations.3. Reading: The reading module helps students improve their reading skills by reading different types of texts, including novels, newspapers, and emails. It also includes activities such as comprehension exercises and vocabulary building.4. Writing: The writing module focuses on helping students improve their writing skills by writing different types of texts, including essays, letters, and reports. It also includes activities such as grammar checks and proofreading.Assessment:Assessment in the English File curriculum is continuous and formative, with regular tests and assignments to monitor students' progress. The assessments are designed to evaluate students' performance in different areas of language learning, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The assessments also help identify areas where students need further support and guidance.Conclusion:The English File curriculum is a comprehensive and effective program for teaching English language skills. It covers all areas of language learning, from listening and speaking to reading and writing. The focus on communicative language teaching helps students use English in real-life situations, making the program suitable for both beginners and advanced learners. The regular assessments allow teachers to monitor students' progress and identify areas wherefurther support is needed.。
steam英语课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能够掌握并运用本单元新词汇,如:engineer, innovate, collaborate, sustainable等;2. 学生能够理解并运用一般现在时和现在进行时描述科学实验过程;3. 学生能够理解并运用STEAM相关概念进行英语表达。
技能目标:1. 学生能够运用英语进行团队合作,完成STEAM项目任务;2. 学生能够通过阅读STEAM相关文章,提高英语阅读理解能力;3. 学生能够通过写作,表达自己对STEAM项目的看法和建议。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 培养学生对STEAM领域的兴趣,激发其探索精神和创新意识;2. 培养学生团队合作意识,学会倾听、尊重他人意见;3. 培养学生关注环保、可持续发展等社会问题,提高其社会责任感。
二、教学内容本章节教学内容以《牛津英语》五年级下册Unit 5 “Our Earth”为基础,结合STEAM教育理念,拓展以下内容:1. 新词汇:engineer, innovate, collaborate, sustainable, resources, recycle, protect等;2. 语法:一般现在时和现在进行时;3. 课文阅读:STEAM相关文章,介绍地球资源、环保、可持续发展等主题;4. 写作:描述STEAM项目过程,表达个人观点和建议;5. 项目任务:设计与环保相关的STEAM项目,如制作分类垃圾桶、太阳能小车等。
具体目标如下:1.掌握与野餐相关的英文词汇,如:picnic, food, blanket, sunny, forest等。
2.学会描述野餐的英文句型,如:We are going to have a picnic. Weneed some bread and cheese for the picnic.3.能够听懂并正确回答关于野餐的英文问题,如:What are you goingto take for the picnic?4.能够运用所学词汇和句型,与他人交流并描述一次野餐的经历。
情感态度价值观目标:1.培养学生对自然环境的热爱和保护意识,如:We should keep theforest clean.2.培养学生与他人分享和合作的精神,如:Let’s share our food witheach other.二、教学内容根据课程目标,本节课的教学内容主要包括以下几个方面:1.野餐相关的英文词汇和短语的学习。
smart英语课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能够掌握并运用本单元的新词汇和短语,如“smart technology”, “benefits”, “drawbacks”等;2. 学生能够理解并运用一般现在时和现在进行时描述科技产品的功能和日常使用;3. 学生能够理解并分析课文中的信息,概括出智能科技在日常生活中的应用及其影响。
技能目标:1. 学生能够通过小组讨论,提高自己的听说能力和团队合作能力;2. 学生能够运用所学词汇和语法,独立完成写作任务,表达自己对智能科技的看法;3. 学生能够通过查找资料,提高自己的信息检索和整理能力。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生能够培养对智能科技的兴趣,认识到科技在生活中的重要性;2. 学生能够关注智能科技带来的社会问题,学会理性看待科技的利与弊;3. 学生能够树立正确的价值观,明白科技发展要遵循道德和法律规范。
二、教学内容本节课教学内容选自八年级英语教材第四单元“Smart Technology”,围绕智能科技主题展开。
1. 教学大纲:a. 阅读理解:课文讲解,分析智能科技在日常生活中的应用及其优缺点;b. 词汇学习:学习与智能科技相关的新词汇和短语;c. 语法讲解:一般现在时和现在进行时的用法;d. 听说练习:小组讨论,探讨智能科技对生活的影响;e. 写作任务:根据所学内容,撰写一篇关于智能科技的短文。
英语衣服课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能够掌握并运用本单元关于衣服的词汇,如:shirt、dress、pants、skirt等。
2. 学生能够理解并运用描述衣服颜色和款式的句子,如:“This dress is red and beautiful.”、“Those pants are too tight.”等。
3. 学生能够听懂并参与关于衣服的日常对话,如购物、搭配等场景。
技能目标:1. 学生能够通过观察、听力和阅读,获取关于衣服的信息。
2. 学生能够在真实场景中运用所学知识进行交流,提高口语表达能力。
3. 学生能够运用所学知识,编写关于衣服的小短文。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生能够关注日常生活中的英语表达,培养学习英语的兴趣。
2. 学生能够学会尊重不同的文化和审美,培养跨文化交际意识。
3. 学生能够关注环保,提倡节约资源、合理消费的观念。
二、教学内容本章节教学内容以人教版小学英语三年级下册教材中“Clothes”主题为依据,结合课程目标,组织以下教学内容:1. 词汇:学习衣服相关词汇,包括shirt、dress、pants、skirt、socks、shoes等。
2. 句型:学习描述衣服颜色和款式的句型,如:“This dress is red and beautiful.”、“Those pants are too tight.”等。
3. 对话:学习关于衣服的日常对话,如购物、搭配等场景。
4. 语法:复习一般现在时,学习使用is、are、like等动词描述衣服的特点。
优化课程设计英语一、教学目标本课程的教学目标是让学生掌握英语课程中第三单元“Our animal friends”的主要内容,能够听、说、读、写关于动物的词汇和句子,提高学生的英语语言运用能力。
具体目标如下:1.知识目标:学生能够准确地掌握和运用本单元的重点词汇,如monkey, panda, tiger, elephant, parrot等,以及重点句型,如“What’s this/that?It’s a/an…”和“Can you guess what it is? Yes, I can. It’s a…”。
二、教学内容本课程的教学内容主要包括英语课程中第三单元“Our animal friends”的主要内容,包括词汇、句型、对话和阅读理解。
具体内容如下:1.词汇:学生需要掌握本单元的重点词汇,包括monkey, panda, tiger,elephant, parrot等,以及它们的复数形式。
2.句型:学生需要能够运用本单元的重点句型,如“What’s this/that?It’s a/an…”和“Can you guess what it is? Yes, I can. It’s a…”进行简单的交流。
Course Title: English for Reception and Customer ServiceCourse Duration: 12 weeks (1 hour per session)Course Overview:This course is designed for individuals who work in the hospitality industry, particularly in reception and customer service roles. The course aims to enhance participants' English language skills, focusing on communication, vocabulary, and cultural awareness essential for providing excellent service to international guests.Course Objectives:1. To develop strong communication skills in English for reception and customer service.2. To expand vocabulary relevant to hospitality and tourism.3. To enhance listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills within a hospitality context.4. To improve cultural sensitivity and awareness when dealing with diverse guests.Course Structure:Weeks 1-4: Foundation Skills1. Session 1: Introduction to Reception and Customer Service- Introduction to the course and its objectives.- Overview of the hospitality industry and reception roles.- Basic greeting and introduction phrases.2. Session 2: Essential Vocabulary for Reception- Common terms used in hospitality and tourism.- Pronunciation practice and vocabulary building exercises.3. Session 3: Listening Skills for Reception- Listening exercises focusing on understanding guest requests and needs.- Practice in identifying key information from conversations.4. Session 4: Basic Grammar for Reception- Introduction to essential grammar structures for customer service interactions.- Role-playing scenarios to practice grammar in real-life situations.Weeks 5-8: Advanced Communication Skills1. Session 5: Advanced Vocabulary and Phrases- Expand vocabulary to include more complex terms and phrases.- Role-playing scenarios involving challenging situations.2. Session 6: Communication Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Guests- Techniques for managing difficult situations and maintaining a professional demeanor.- Role-playing exercises to practice conflict resolution.3. Session 7: Listening and Responding to Guest Complaints- Listening exercises to understand and address guest complaints.- Practice in responding empathetically and effectively.4. Session 8: Advanced Grammar and Writing Skills- Advanced grammar structures and writing techniques for emails and written communications.- Writing exercises focusing on hospitality-related correspondence.Weeks 9-12: Cultural Awareness and Professional Development1. Session 9: Cultural Differences in Customer Service- Discussion on cultural norms and expectations in different countries.- Role-playing scenarios to practice cultural sensitivity.2. Session 10: Professional Etiquette and Dress Code- Overview of professional dress codes and etiquette in the hospitality industry.- Group activities to develop personal branding and professional appearance.3. Session 11: Advanced Customer Service Techniques- Advanced techniques for providing exceptional customer service.- Role-playing exercises to practice these techniques.4. Session 12: Course Review and Assessment- Review of key concepts and skills covered throughout the course.- Final assessment, including a practical role-play scenario and a written test.Assessment:- Formative Assessment:- Regular quizzes and vocabulary tests.- Participation in role-playing and group activities.- Feedback on individual progress and areas for improvement.- Summative Assessment:- Final role-play assessment simulating a reception scenario.- Written test covering vocabulary, grammar, and cultural awareness.Materials and Resources:- Course workbook and handouts.- Access to online resources and multimedia materials.- Role-playing scenarios and case studies.- Dictionary and grammar reference books.Conclusion:This English reception course is designed to equip participants with the necessary language skills and cultural knowledge to excel in their roles within the hospitality industry. By the end of the course, participants should be confident in their ability to communicate effectively, handle a variety of customer service situations, and provide a positive and memorable experience for their guests.。
给英语设计课程设计一、课程目标知识目标:1. 学生能够掌握并运用本单元的新词汇和短语,如:environment, pollution, recycle, conservation等;2. 学生能够理解并运用一般现在时和一般将来时描述环境问题和解决措施;3. 学生能够理解并运用课文中的重点句型和语法结构,如:There be句型、祈使句等;4. 学生能够了解我国及世界范围内的环境问题,提高环保意识。
技能目标:1. 学生能够通过听力练习,提高获取信息、分析问题的能力;2. 学生能够在小组讨论中,运用英语进行思考、表达和沟通;3. 学生能够通过写作练习,运用所学知识描述环境问题并提出解决措施;4. 学生能够运用网络资源,进行环保知识的学习和拓展。
情感态度价值观目标:1. 学生能够树立环保意识,关注环境问题,积极参与环保活动;2. 学生能够培养团队合作精神,学会倾听、尊重他人意见;3. 学生能够增强社会责任感,关注全球环境问题,为保护地球家园贡献力量;4. 学生能够通过本课程的学习,认识到英语在环保领域的重要性,激发学习英语的兴趣。
二、教学内容本课程以现行英语教材中“环境保护”单元为依据,教学内容主要包括以下几部分:1. 环境问题认知:通过学习课文,让学生了解全球范围内的环境问题,如空气污染、水污染、土地沙漠化等,并掌握相关词汇和短语。
2. 语言知识学习:学习一般现在时和一般将来时,运用这两个时态描述环境问题及其解决措施。
同时,学习并运用There be句型、祈使句等语法结构。
具体目标如下:1.知识目标:学生能够正确拼读和书写颜色词汇(red, yellow, blue,green, purple等),理解颜色词汇的用法,并能运用到简单的句子中。
2.简单句型“What color is it? It’s …”的练习。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
(4)ask students whether they know some storys about the flower or some other information about the flower
(5)give them some other information about the flowers
(1)use PPT show the pictures and their flower language.
(2)Give them some exples:
a.GARDENIA - You\'re Lovely, Secret Love
(1)teach students read the English name about the flowers you present
(2)let several studengts read the English name about the flowers you present
Step 1:lead in
Have a free talk about flowers and their flower language.Then discuss the questions below:
(1)which flower do you like best
(2)How many flower do you know,and do you know their English name
And so on
(1)Go through the important points and difficult point of this lesson with students once again.
(2)Come to the screen
a.to know about the English name of the flowers
大学本科课程名称来自The flower language
The flower language
Let the students recognize and know some flowers and their flower language.
Teaching steps:
b.review the flower language
The English name of the flowers and the flower language
Some of the flower language
(1) know The English name of the flowers and the flower language
b.HYACINTH (GENERAL) - Games and Sports, Richness, Dedicated to
d.POPPY (GENERAL) - Eternal Sleep, Oblivion, Imagination
e.ROSE (BRIDAL) - Happy Love
(1)show the students pictures about some flowers
(2)present each flower’s English name:
Hyacinth . Violet.. Poppy. Tulip.Nelumbo nucifera.. Paeonia suffruticosa. Balloom Flower. Maiden Blush Rose and so on
(2) find some other flowers and know thier flower language
(3) send flowers to your families or your friend
(3)How many flower language do you know ,what are they.
(4)Have you ever send flowers to somedody,do you know the flower language about that flower.
Step 2:Presenting