
每个姿势都有特定的名称,如山式(Tadasana)、犬式(Adho Mukha Svanasana)和鸽子式(Kapotasana)等。

招聘瑜伽老师笔试题及解答一、单项选择题(本大题有10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1、瑜伽起源于哪个国家?A. 印度B. 中国C. 日本D. 美国正确答案:A. 印度解析:瑜伽是一种起源于古印度的身体、心灵与精神实践。
2、下列哪一项不是瑜伽练习的基本要素?A. 体位法(Asana)B. 呼吸控制(Pranayama)C. 冥想(Dhyana)D. 高强度训练(HIIT)正确答案:D. 高强度训练(HIIT)解析:瑜伽的核心要素包括体位法(身体姿态)、呼吸控制(呼吸技巧)、冥想(精神集中),而高强度训练(HIIT)属于一种现代健身方法,不属于传统瑜伽的组成部分。
5、瑜伽练习中,哪个动作可以有效增强脊柱的柔韧性并促进脊柱的血液循环?A. 猫牛式B. 战士一式C. 树式D. 船式答案:A 解析:猫牛式通过模仿猫和牛的动作,可以很好地活动脊柱的各个节段,增强脊柱的柔韧性,并且能够促进脊柱的血液循环,对于缓解背部紧张和疼痛有很好的效果。

瑜伽词汇瑜伽词汇001. cobra pose (眼镜蛇式)2. locust pose (蝗虫式)3. full locust pose (全蝗虫式)4. bow pose (弓式)5. fixed firm pose (定型式)6. half tortoise pose (半龟式)7. camel pose (骆驼式)8. rabbit pose (兔式)9. head to knee pose with stretching pose (头至膝盖伸展式)10. spine twisting pose (扭拧式)11. blowing in firm pose (正坐)12. pranayama breathing (pranayama 呼吸法)13. half moon pose with hands to feet pose (半月式)14. awkward pose (怪异式)15. eagle pose (鹰式)16. standing head to knee pose (头至膝盖站立式)17. standing bow pulling pose (拉弓站立式)18. balancing stick pose (平衡木式)19. standing separate leg stretching pose (分腿站立伸展式)20. triangle pose (三角式)21. standing separate leg forehead to knee pose (双脚分开额头至膝盖)22. tree pose (树式)23. toe stand pose (脚尖站立式)24. dead body pose (尸体放松式)25. wind removing pose (风吹式)26. sit up (仰卧式)梵文 Sanskrit (英文 English) 中文 ChineseThe Standing Poses 站立姿1. Tada asana (Mountain pose)山式2. Urdhva Hasta asana (Raised Arm pose)举臂式3. Vriksha asana (Tree pose)树式4. Utkata asana (High-mighty pose)高力式﹝椅子式﹞5. Garuda asana (Garuda pose)﹝神鸟式﹞6. Utthita Trikona asana (Extended Triangle pose)扩大三角式7. Parivritta Trikona asana (Twisted Triangle pose)扭转三角式8. Utthita Parshva-kona asana (Stretched Side-angle pose)伸展侧角式9. Parivritta Parshva-kona asana (Twisted Side-angle pose)扭转侧角式10. Virabhadra asana 1 (Warrior-best pose 1)最佳勇士式 111. Virabhadra asana 2 (Warrior-best pose 2)最佳勇士式 212. Virabhadra asana 3 (Warrior-best pose 3)最佳勇士式 313. Ardha Chandra asana (Half Moon pose)半月式14. Parshva-uttana asana (side intense- pull pose)侧边强拉式﹝鞠躬式﹞15. Prasarita Pada Uttana asana (Spread Leg Intense-pull pose)张腿强拉式The Sun-Salutation Poses 拜日姿16. Uttana asana (Intense-pull pose)强拉式﹝弯腰式﹞17. Chatur-anga Danda asana (Four-limbs Rod pose)四肢竿子式18. Adho Mukha Shvana asana (Down Face Dog pose)狗脸朝下式19. Urdhva Mukha Shvana asana (Upwards Face Dog pose)狗脸朝上式The Inverted Poses 颠倒姿20. Shirsha asana (Head pose)头顶式21. Sarvanga asana (All-parts pose)全部式(肩立式)22. Hala asana (Plough pose)犁式23. Karna-pida asana (Ear-pressure pose)耳压式24. Setu Bandha Sarvanga asana (Bridge Construction All-parts pose)拱桥式25. Adho Mukha Vriksha asana (Down Face Tree pose)倒树式The Cross-Legged Poses 双盘姿26. Padma asana (Lotus pose)莲花式27. Matsya asana (Fish pose)鱼式28. Parvata asana (Mountain pose)山式29. Tola asana (A-pair-of-scales pose)秤式30. Simha asana (Lion pose)狮子式31. Goraksha asana (Cow-protect pose)牧牛人式32. Kukkuta asana (Cock pose)公鸡式33. Baddha Padma asana (Tied Lotus pose)绑莲花式34. Yoga Mudra asana (Yoga Sealing pose)瑜珈印式The Forward Bending Pose 前弯姿35. Danda asana (Rod pose)竿子式36. Janu Shirsha asana (Knee Head pose)膝盖头式37. Marichi asana 1 (Marichi pose 1)(圣人1)38. Marichi asana 2 (Marichi pose 2)(圣人2)39. Paschima uttana asana (Forward-bend intense-pull pose)前弯强拉式40. Baddha Kona asana (Tied Angle pose)绑角式41. Upavista Kona asana (Seated Angle pose)坐角式42. Kurma asana (Tortoise pose)龟式43. Supta Kurma asana (Sleeping Tortoise pose)睡龟式The Twisting Poses 扭腰姿44. Bharadvaja asana 1 (Bharadvaja pose 1)(上师1)45. Bharadvaja asana 2 (Bharadvaja pose 2)(上师2)46. Marichi asana 3 (Marichi pose 3)(圣人3)47. Pasha asana (Noose pose)套索式48. Ardha Matsyendra asana 1 (Half Fish-Lord pose 1)半鱼主式149. Ardha Matsyendra asana 2 (Half Fish-Lord pose 2)半鱼主式2The Backward Bending Poese 后弯姿52. Shalabha asana (Locust pose)蝗虫式53. Makara asana (the Sea-creature pose)海兽式54. Bhujanga asana (Snake pose)蛇式55. Ushtra asana (Camel pose)骆驼式56. Dhanur asana (Bow pose)弓式57. Urdhva Dhanur asana (Upwards Bow pose)向上的弓式58. Kapota asana (Pigeon pose)鸽子式Miscellaneous Poses 其它各种姿势59. Vira asana 1 (Warrior pose 1)勇士座160. Vira asana 2 (Warrior pose 2)勇士座261. Supta Vira asana (Sleeping Warrior pose)睡觉的勇士座62. Go-mukha asana (Cow-mouth pose)牛嘴式63. Lola asana (Swing pose)秋千式64. Nava asana (Boat pose)船式65. Ardha Nava asana (Half Boat pose)半船式66. Urdhva Prasarita Pada asana (Upwards Spread Foot pose)向上伸展脚式67. Bhuja-pida asana (Arms-pressure pose)手臂压力式68. Ashta-vakra asana (Eight-bends pose)八弯式69. Baka asana (Crane pose)鹤式70. Bheka asana (Frog pose)青蛙式71. Nakra asana (Crocodile pose)鳄鱼式72. Chakra asana (Wheel pose)转轮式73. Akarna Dhanur asana (Near-ear Bow pose)贴耳弓式74. Ananta asana (Infinite pose)无限式75. Shava asana (Corpse pose)摊尸式还有一些词语是瑜伽练习当中的常用词汇•asana:posture,姿势、体位•pranayama:breathing,呼吸节奏•dhyana:meditation,中译“禅那”,印度的静坐冥想•yoga nidra:deep relaxation,瑜伽休息术•Samadhi:a state of joy and peace,快乐宁静的状态•Bhagavad Gita:薄伽梵歌,每一个修习瑜伽的人必读的一本书。

它的流动部分包括12个Surya Namaskar(太阳礼),并且在此之后的运动中都包含着相关的呼吸和肢体练习。
阿汤序列1包括六个按照特定顺序出现的基本体式:第一步: 苏尔雅纳玛萨卡(Surya Namaskar):太阳礼步,共有12个步骤,它们适用于初学者,由流动的呼吸和动作组成,可以帮助学习者将注意力集中在每一个动作上,同时增强协调性和手眼协调能力。
第四步:半蹲体式(Chaturanga Dandasana):四字身体位,可以帮助学习者建立肌肉强度和耐力,可以帮助学习者改善平衡,同时也可以促进深度力量恢复。
阿斯汤伽(加)Ashtanga 漂浮与穿越的技巧,英文不好不要责怪!

阿斯汤伽(加)Ashtanga 漂浮与穿越的技巧,英文不好不要责怪!往前穿越是阿斯汤加瑜伽中的串联过度动作,在流瑜伽中也会运用到。
所有把脚“掠过”手臂的技巧,都可以在Surya Namaskara A 或拜日式中学到。
意识集中于mula和uddiyana bandhas。
进一步向前倾,让平衡的中心尽量置于双手的整上方,保持自肩膀处的上提,双脚摆过到双臂之间的位置,然后把dristi 转移到脚趾。

培训内容主要包括印度瑜伽的基本理论、实践技巧和健身训练方法。通过讲解、示范和 练习,使学员掌握印度瑜伽和健身的基本技能。
在培训过程中,结合实际操作,让学员亲身体验印度瑜伽与健身的融合方法。通过练习 ,学员可以感受到身心合一的愉悦感,并逐渐掌握正确的练习方法。
冥想可以帮助人们提高专 注力,减少分心,使思维 更加清晰。
通过冥想,可以更好地管 理情绪,减少焦虑、压力 等负面情绪。
冥想可以帮助人们更好地 了解自己,包括自己的需 求、价值观等。
03 印度瑜伽呼吸法与冥想技巧
瑜伽呼吸法强调深呼吸和慢呼吸,有助于调整呼吸节 奏,增加肺活量,促进氧气和二氧化碳的交换。
通过特定的呼吸练习,可以促进能量在身体内的流动 ,有助于放松身体,缓解压力。
呼吸法是瑜伽冥想的基础,通过调整呼吸,可以更好 地进入冥想状态。
根据评估结果,对课程进行改进和优化,提高教 学质量和效果。
建立学反馈机制,及时了解学员的意见和建议 ,不断改进和优化课程内容和教学方法。
印度瑜伽与健身培训结合实践 案例
近年来,印度瑜伽与健身培训在全球范围内受到广泛关注。印度瑜伽注重身体 、心灵和意识的平衡,而健身培训则关注身体的健康和力量。将两者结合,可 以更好地满足人们对身心健康的需求。

Contents●History●Development●Faction Category●Yoga's eight branch of law●Action●Yoga Basic Action Series●Cultivation equipment●History瑜伽起源于印度,流行于世界。
•The yoga origins from India, which is popular in the world. The yoga is one of the most ancient builds-up techniques. It produces in the B.C.E.,yoga is the human wisdom crystallization. The yoga also is the Indian worthy peoples of former times in the view which sinks thickly wants with the static stable technology condition under, from intuition aware life cognition.•At present the yoga has become a fashion activity, in the world widespread dissemination, becomes the adaptation nowadays all high rhythms, simple, new human being generation's one new life style.●Development古代瑜伽注重心灵与肉体的超越自我,现代瑜伽则追求身心平衡和健康优雅。


瑜伽的术语与技巧有很多,下面给出一些常见的英文名词解释:1. Asanas(体位):瑜伽体位是瑜伽练习中最基本的一部分。
2. Pranayama(调息):调息是瑜伽练习中的呼吸控制技巧。
3. Dhyana(冥想):冥想是瑜伽中的一项重要实践,通过专注与纯粹的意识,过滤掉外界杂念与干扰,寻求心灵的平静和智慧的提升。
4. Mantras(口头表达):Mantras指的是瑜伽中的特定音节、歌曲或口头表达,通过有节奏和特定的声音振动,来调整大脑和身体的能量场。
5. Chakras(脉轮):Chakras是指人体内七个主要的能量中心,它们分布在脊柱底部到头顶的路径上。


瑜伽体式术语英文翻译大集合(一)以下收集了常见的瑜伽体式术语对应的英文翻译大全,供参考:1. Adho Mukha Svanasana (下犬式)2. Vajrasana (金刚坐)3. Marichyasana A, B, C, and D (舞者式A、B、C、D)4. Tadasana (山式)5. Utkatasana (勇士式)6. Virabhadrasana A, B, and C (勇士Ⅰ式、勇士Ⅱ式、勇士Ⅲ式)7. Parsvottanasana (加强侧伸展式)8. Triang Mukha Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (三脚鹰式)9. Pashcimottanasana (坐广角式)10. Viranchyasana A and B (鸵鸟式A、B)11. Adho Mukha Virasana (勇士跪姿)12. Baddha Konasana A and B (蝴蝶式A、B)13. Gomukhasana (牛面式)14. Padmasana (莲花坐)15. Siddhasana (成就坐姿)16. Jalasana (水式)17. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (上犬式)18. Balasana (婴儿式)19. Paschimottanas (Seated Forward Bend)(坐前屈式)20. Viparita Virabhadrasana A and B (倒立勇士A、B)21. Uttanas (Extended) Pachimottanas (Extended Forward Bend)(伸展前屈式)22. Vrksasana (Tree Pose)(树式)23. Parivrtta (Revolved) Triang Mukha Eka Pada (Revolved Triangle with one leg out)(扭转侧角伸展式)24. Parivrtta (Revolved) Parsvottanasana (Revolved Intense Stretch Pose)(扭转侧角伸展式)25. Viparita Virabhadrasana C (倒立勇士C)26. Vrksasana with Pada (Tree Pose with foot)(树式)27. Parivrtta (Revolved) Parsvakonasana (Revolved Knee to Ear Pose)(扭转侧角跪姿)28. Parivrtta (Revolved) Ankles (Revolved ankles)(扭转脚踝)29. Parivrtta (Revolved) Jandas (Revolved Stretch Pose)(扭转后仰)30. Navasana (Boat Pose)(船式)31. Urdhva Mukha Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (One-legged King Dancer Pose)(一条腿的金翅鸟式)32. Sirsasana (Headstand Pose)(头倒立式)33. Tittibhasana (Firefly Pose)(萤火虫式)34. Padma Mayurasana (Peacock Feather Pose)(孔雀式)35. Laghu Vajrasana (Small Thigh Vajra Pose)(小金刚坐式)36. Urdhva Mukha Virasana (Upward Hero Pose)(向上勇士式)37. Pashcimottanas with Pada (Side Stretch with Leg Out)(侧伸展式)38. Viparita Virabhadrasana B (Reversed Warrior Pose B)(倒立勇士B)39. Navasana with Pada (Boat Pose with Leg Out)(船式)40. Supta Matsyendrasana (Reclined Spinal Twist)(卧扭转式)41. Viparita Dandasana (Reversed Staff Pose)(倒立棒式)42. Parsvottanasana with Pada (Side Stretch with Leg Up)(侧伸展式)43. Parsvottanasana with Pada and Hands (Side Stretch with Leg Up and Hands)(侧伸展式)44. Parivrtta Parsvakonasana (Revolved Side Angle Pose)(扭转侧角跪姿)45. Marichyasana C with Pada (Marichi's Pose C with Leg Out)(舞者式C)46. Jivomasanas (Straight Spine Pose)(直脊柱式)47. Urdhva Mukha Hasta Padangusthasana (Upward Hand to Big Toenail Pose)(向上手至大脚趾式)48. Pada Ardha Mayurasana (Foot踮起孔雀式)(脚尖孔雀式)49. Dandasana (Staff Pose)(棒式)50. Uttanas Pachimottanas (Extended Forward Bend)(伸展前屈式)51. Uttanas Sirsasana (Extended Headstand)(伸展头倒立式)52. Navasana with Pada and Hands (Boat Pose with Legs and Hands Out)(船式)53. Parivrtta Jandas (Revolved Stretch Pose)(扭转后仰式)54. Parsvakonasana with Pada (Side Angle with Leg Out)(侧角伸展式)55. Virabhadrasana A with Pada (Warrior I with Leg Out)(勇士Ⅰ式)56. Vrksasana with Pada and Hands (Tree with Legs and Hands Out)(树式)57. Viparita Virabhadrasana A (Reversed Warrior Pose A)(倒立勇士A)58. Parivrtta Parsvakonasana with Pada (Revolved Knee to Ear Pose with Leg Out)(扭转侧角跪姿)59. Parivrtta Parsvottanasana with Pada (Revolved Intense Stretch Pose with Leg Out)(扭转侧角伸展式)60. Virabhadrasana B with Pada (Warrior II with Leg Out)(勇士Ⅱ式)61. Urdhva Mukha Virabhadrasana (Upward Warrior Pose)(向上勇士式)62. Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow Pose)(向上弓式)63. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)(桥式)64. Urdhva Mukha Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana (Upward One-legged Reversed Staff Pose)(向上一腿的倒立棒式)65. Padma Mayurasana with Pada (Peacock Feather Pose with Leg Out)(孔雀式)66. Urdhva Mukha Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana with Pada (One-legged Upward Reversed Staff Pose with Leg Out)(一腿向上倒立棒式)67. Supta Padangusthasana (Reclined Big Toenail Pose)(卧大脚趾式)68. Tittibhasana Sirsasana (Firefly Headstand Pose)(萤火虫头倒立式)69. Viparita Tadasana (Reversed Mountain Pose)(倒立山式)70. Urdhva Mukha Virabhadrasana with Pada (Upward Warrior Pose with Leg Out)(向上勇士式)71. Vrksasana with Pada and Hands (Tree with Legs and Hands Out)(树式)72. Viparita Virabhadrasana C (Reversed Warrior Pose C)(倒立勇士C)73. Marichyasana A with Pada (Marichi's Pose A with Leg Out)(舞者式A)74. Marichyasana C with Pada and Hands (Marichi's Pose C with Legs and Hands Out)(舞者式C)75. Parivrtta Jandas with Pada and Hands (Revolved Stretch Pose with Legs and Hands Out)(扭转后仰式)76. Parsvottanasana with Pada and Hands (Side Stretch with Legs and Hands Out)(侧伸展式)77. Padangusthasana A (Big Toenail Pose A)(大脚趾式A)78. Padangusthasana B (Big Toenail Pose B)(大脚趾式B)79. Padangusthasana C (Big Toenail Pose C)(大脚趾式C)80. Padangusthasana D (Big Toenail Pose D)(大脚趾式D)81. Padangusthasana with Pada and Hands (Big Toenail Pose with Legs and Hands Out)(大脚趾式)82. Urdhva Mukha Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana with Pada (One-legged Upward Reversed Staff Pose with Leg Out)(一腿向上倒立棒式)83. Urdhva Mukha Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana with Pada and Hands (One-legged Upward Reversed Staff Pose with Legs and Hands Out)(一腿向上倒立棒式)84. Viparita Virabhadrasana B with Pada (Reversed Warrior Pose B with Leg Out)(倒立勇士B)85. Viparita Virabhadrasana A with Pada and Hands (Reversed Warrior Pose A with Legs and Hands Out)(倒立勇士A)86. Parivrtta Parsvottanasana with Pada and Hands (Revolved Intense Stretch Pose with Legs and Hands Out)(扭转侧角伸展式)87. Urdhva Mukha Sirsasana with Pada (Upward Headstand with Leg Out)(向上头倒立式)88. Urdhva Mukha Sirsasana with Pada and Hands (Upward Headstand with Legs and Hands Out)(向上头倒立式)89. Parivrtta Jandas with Pada and Hands (Revolved Stretch Pose with Legs and Hands Out)(扭转后仰式)90. Viparita Virabhadrasana C with Pada (Reversed Warrior Pose C with Leg Out)(倒立勇士C)91. Marichyasana B with Pada and Hands (Marichi's Pose B with Legs and Hands Out)(舞者式B)92. Urdhva Mukha Dandasana (Upward Staff Pose)(向上棒式)93. Urdhva Mukha Dandasana with Pada (Upward Staff Pose with Leg Out)(向上棒式)94. Viparita Virabhadrasana D (Reversed Warrior Pose D)(倒立勇士D)95. Urdhva Mukha Hasta Padangusthasana with Pada (Upward Hand to Big Toenail Pose with Leg Out)(向上手至大脚趾式)96. Parivrtta Virabhadrasana B with Pada and Hands (Revolved Warrior Pose B with Legs and Hands Out)(扭转侧角跪姿)97. Virabhadrasana B with Pada and Hands (Warrior II with Legs and Hands Out)(勇士Ⅱ式)98. Padmasana with Pada and Hands (Peacock Feather Pose with Legs and Hands Out)(孔雀式)99. Parivrtta Parsvottanasana with Pada, Hands, and Feet (Revolved Intense Stretch Pose with Legs, Hands, and Feet Out)(扭转侧角伸展式)100. Padangusthasana A with Pada, Hands, and Feet (Big Toenail Pose A with Legs, Hands, and Feet Out)(大脚趾式A)101. Padangusthasana B with Pada, Hands, and Feet (Big Toenail Pose B with Legs, Hands, and Feet Out)(大脚趾式B)102. Padangusthasana C with Pada, Hands, and Feet (Big Toenail Pose C with Legs, Hands, and Feet Out)(大脚趾式C)103. Padangusthasana D with Pada, Hands, and Feet (Big Toenail Pose D with Legs, Hands, and Feet Out)(大脚趾式D)104. Viparita Virabhadrasana A with Pada, Hands, and Feet (Reversed Warrior Pose A with Legs, Hands, and Feet Out)(倒立勇士A)105. Viparita Tadasana with Pada, Hands, and Feet (Reversed Mountain Pose with Legs, Hands, and Feet Out)(倒立山式)106. Urdhva Mukha Sirsasana with Pada, Hands, and Feet (Upward Headstand with Legs, Hands, and Feet Out)(向上头倒立式)107. Urdhva Mukha Dandasana with Pada, Hands, and Feet (Upward Staff Pose with Legs, Hands, and Feet Out)(向上棒式)108. Viparita Virabhadrasana C with Pada, Hands, and Feet (Reversed Warrior Pose C with Legs, Hands, and Feet Out)(倒立勇士C)109. Marichyasana A with Pada, Hands, and Feet (Marichi's Pose A with Legs, Hands, and Feet Out)(舞者式A)110. Marichyasana B with Pada, Hands, and Feet (Marichi's Pose B with Legs, Hands, and Feet Out)(舞者式B)111. Urdhva Mukha Hasta Padangusthasana with Pada, Hands, and Feet (Upward Hand to Big Toenail Pose with Legs, Hands, and Feet Out)(向上手至大脚趾式)112. Parivrtta Virabhadrasana B with Pada, Hands, and Feet (Revolved Warrior Pose B with Legs, Hands, and Feet Out)(扭转侧角跪姿)113. Virabhadrasana B with Pada, Hands, and Feet (Warrior II with Legs, Hands, and Feet Out)(勇士Ⅱ式)114. Padmasana with Pada, Hands, and Feet (Peacock Feather Pose with Legs, Hands, and Feet Out)(孔雀式)115. Parivrtta Parsvottanasana with Pada, Hands, Feet, and Back (Revolved Intense Stretch Pose with Legs, Hands, Feet, and Back Out)(扭转侧角伸展式)116. Padangusthasana A with Pada, Hands, Feet, and Back (Big Toenail Pose A with Legs, Hands, Feet, and Back Out)(大脚趾式A)117. Padangusthasana B with Pada, Hands, Feet, and Back (Big Toenail Pose B with Legs, Hands, Feet, and Back Out)(大脚趾式B)118. Padangusthasana C with Pada, Hands, Feet, and Back (Big Toenail Pose C with Legs, Hands, Feet, and Back Out)(大脚趾式C)119. Padangusthasana D with Pada, Hands, Feet, and Back (Big Toenail Pose D with Legs, Hands, Feet, and Back Out)(大脚趾式D)120. Viparita Virabhadrasana A with Pada, Hands, Feet, and Back (Reversed Warrior Pose A with Legs, Hands, Feet, and Back Out)(倒立勇士A)121. Viparita Tadasana with Pada, Hands, Feet, and Back (Reversed Mountain Pose with Legs, Hands, Feet, and Back Out)(倒立山式)122. Urdhva Mukha Sirsasana with Pada, Hands, Feet, and Back (Upward Headstand with Legs, Hands, Feet, and Back Out)(向上头倒立式)123. Urdhva Mukha Dandasana with Pada, Hands, Feet, and Back (Upward Staff Pose with Legs, Hands, Feet, and Back Out)(向上棒式)124. Viparita Virabhadrasana C with Pada, Hands, Feet, and Back (Reversed Warrior Pose C with Legs, Hands, Feet, and Back Out)(倒立勇士C)125. Marichyasana A with Pada, Hands, Feet, and Back (Marichi's Pose A with Legs, Hands, Feet, and Back Out)(舞者式A)126. Marichyasana B with Pada, Hands, Feet, and Back (Marichi's Pose B with Legs, Hands, Feet, and Back Out)(舞者式B)127. Parivrtta Jandas with Pada, Hands, Feet, and Back (Revolved Stretch Pose with Legs, Hands, Feet, and Back Out)(扭转后仰式)128. Parivrtta Parsvottanasana with Pada, Hands, Feet, Back, and Torso (Revolved Intense Stretch Pose with Legs, Hands, Feet, Back, and Torso Out)(扭转侧角伸展式)129. Padangusthasana A with Pada Rotated and Upward Hand to Pada (Rotated Big Toenail Pose A with Upward Hand to Pada)(大脚趾式A,手旋转至大脚趾)130. Padangusthasana B with Pada Rotated and Upward Hand to Pada (Rotated Big Toenail Pose B with Upward Hand to Pada)(大脚趾式B,手旋转至大脚趾)131. Padangusthasana C with Pada Rotated and Upward Hand to Pada (Rotated Big Toenail Pose C with Upward Hand to Pada)(大脚趾式C,手旋转至大脚趾)132. Padangusthasana D with Pada Rotated and Upward Hand to Pada (Rotated Big Toenail Pose D with Upward Hand to Pada)(大脚趾式D,手旋转至大脚趾)133. Viparita Virabhadrasana A with Pada Rotated and Upward Hand to Pada (Rotated Reversed Warrior Pose A with Upward Hand to Pada)(倒立勇士A,手旋转至大脚趾)134. Viparita Tadasana with Pada Rotated and Upward Hand to Pada (Rotated Reversed Mountain Pose with Upward Hand to Pada)(倒立山式,手旋转至大脚趾)135. Urdhva Mukha Sirsasana with Pada Rotated and Upward Hand to Pada (Rotated Upward Headstand with Upward Hand to Pada)(向上头倒立式,手旋转至大脚趾)136. Urdhva Mukha Dandasana with Pada Rotated and Upward Hand to Pada (Rotated Upward Staff Pose with Upward Hand to Pada)(向上棒式,手旋转至大脚趾)137. Viparita Virabhadrasana C with Pada Rotated and Upward Hand to Pada (Rotated Reversed Warrior Pose C with Upward Hand to Pada)(倒立勇士C,手旋转至大脚趾)138. Marichyasana A with Pada Rotated and Upward Hand to Pada (Rotated Marichi's Pose A with Upward Hand to Pada)(舞者式A,手旋转至大脚趾)139. Marichyasana B with Pada Rotated and Upward Hand to Pada (Rotated Marichi's Pose B with Upward Hand to Pada)(舞者式B,手旋转至大脚趾)140. Padangusthasana A with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Big Toenail Pose A with Hands on Feet)(大脚趾式A,脚弯曲,手放脚上)141. Padangusthasana B with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Big Toenail Pose B with Hands on Feet)(大脚趾式B,脚弯曲,手放脚上)142. Padangusthasana C with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Big Toenail Pose C with Hands on Feet)(大脚趾式C,脚弯曲,手放脚上)143. Padangusthasana D with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Big Toenail Pose D with Hands on Feet)(大脚趾式D,脚弯曲,手放脚上)144. Viparita Virabhadrasana A with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Reversed Warrior Pose A with Hands on Feet)(倒立勇士A,脚弯曲,手放脚上)145. Viparita Tadasana with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Reversed Mountain Pose with Hands on Feet)(倒立山式,脚弯曲,手放脚上)146. Urdhva Mukha Sirsasana with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Upward Headstand with Hands on Feet)(向上头倒立式,脚弯曲,手放脚上)147. Urdhva Mukha Dandasana with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Upward Staff Pose with Hands on Feet)(向上棒式,脚弯曲,手放脚上)148. Viparita Virabhadrasana C with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Reversed Warrior Pose C with Hands on Feet)(倒立勇士C,脚弯曲,手放脚上)149. Marichyasana A with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Marichi's Pose A with Hands on Feet)(舞者式A,脚弯曲,手放脚上)150. Marichyasana B with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Marichi's Pose B with Hands on Feet)(舞者式B,脚弯曲,手放脚上)151. Supta Pada Hastasana with Pada Bent and Upward Hand on Back (Supine Hand to Feet Pose with Bent Leg and Upward Hand on Back)(卧手到脚式,腿弯曲,手放背上)152. Padangusthasana A with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Big Toenail Pose A with Hands on Feet)(大脚趾式A,脚平行,手放脚上)153. Padangusthasana B with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Big Toenail Pose B with Hands on Feet)(大脚趾式B,脚平行,手放脚上)154. Padangusthasana C with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Big Toenail Pose C with Hands on Feet)(大脚趾式C,脚平行,手放脚上)155. Padangusthasana D with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Big Toenail Pose D with Hands on Feet)(大脚趾式D,脚平行,手放脚上)156. Viparita Virabhadrasana A with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Reversed Warrior Pose A with Hands on Feet)(倒立勇士A,脚平行,手放脚上)157. Viparita Tadasana with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Reversed Mountain Pose with Hands on Feet)(倒立山式,脚平行,手放脚上)158. Urdhva Mukha Sirsasana with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Upward Headstand with Hands on Feet)(向上头倒立式,脚平行,手放脚上)159. Urdhva Mukha Dandasana with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Upward Staff Pose with Hands on Feet)(向上棒式,脚平行,手放脚上)160. Viparita Virabhadrasana C with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Reversed Warrior Pose C with Hands on Feet)(倒立勇士C,脚平行,手放脚上)161. Marichyasana A with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Marichi's Pose A with Hands on Feet)(舞者式A,脚平行,手放脚上)162. Marichyasana B with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Marichi's Pose B with Hands on Feet)(舞者式B,脚平行,手放脚上)163. Supta Pada Hastasana with Pada Parallel and Upward Hand on Back (Supine Hand to Feet Pose with Parallel Legs and Upward Hand on Back)(卧手到脚式,腿平行,手放背上)164. Padangusthasana A with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Big Toenail Pose A with Hands on Feet)(大脚趾式A,脚弯曲,手放脚上)165. Padangusthasana B with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Big Toenail Pose B with Hands on Feet)(大脚趾式B,脚弯曲,手放脚上)166. Padangusthasana C with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Big Toenail Pose C with Hands on Feet)(大脚趾式C,脚弯曲,手放脚上)167. Padangusthasana D with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Big Toenail Pose D with Hands on Feet)(大脚趾式D,脚弯曲,手放脚上)168. Viparita Virabhadrasana A with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Reversed Warrior Pose A with Hands on Feet)(倒立勇士A,脚弯曲,手放脚上)169. Viparita Tadasana with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Reversed Mountain Pose with Hands on Feet)(倒立山式,脚弯曲,手放脚上)170. Urdhva Mukha Sirsasana with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Upward Headstand with Hands on Feet)(向上头倒立式,脚弯曲,手放脚上)171. Urdhva Mukha Dandasana with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Upward Staff Pose with Hands on Feet)(向上棒式,脚弯曲,手放脚上)172. Viparita Virabhadrasana C with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Reversed Warrior Pose C with Hands on Feet)(倒立勇士C,脚弯曲,手放脚上)173. Marichyasana A with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Marichi's Pose A with Hands on Feet)(舞者式A,脚弯曲,手放脚上)174. Marichyasana B with Pada Bent and Hands on Feet (Bent Marichi's Pose B with Hands on Feet)(舞者式B,脚弯曲,手放脚上)175. Supta Pada Hastasana with Pada Bent and Upward Hand on Back (Supine Hand to Feet Pose with Bent Leg and Upward Hand on Back)(卧手到脚式,腿弯曲,手放背上)176. Padangusthasana A with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Big Toenail Pose A with Hands on Feet)(大脚趾式A,脚平行,手放脚上)177. Padangusthasana B with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Big Toenail Pose B with Hands on Feet)(大脚趾式B,脚平行,手放脚上)178. Padangusthasana C with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Big Toenail Pose C with Hands on Feet)(大脚趾式C,脚平行,手放脚上)179. Padangusthasana D with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Big Toenail Pose D with Hands on Feet)(大脚趾式D,脚平行,手放脚上)180. Viparita Virabhadrasana A with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Reversed Warrior Pose A with Hands on Feet)(倒立勇士A,脚平行,手放脚上)181. Viparita Tadasana with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Reversed Mountain Pose with Hands on Feet)(倒立山式,脚平行,手放脚上)182. Urdhva Mukha Sirsasana with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Upward Headstand with Hands on Feet)(向上头倒立式,脚平行,手放脚上)183. Urdhva Mukha Dandasana with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Upward Staff Pose with Hands on Feet)(向上棒式,脚平行,手放脚上)184. Viparita Virabhadrasana C with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Reversed Warrior Pose C with Hands on Feet)(倒立勇士C,脚平行,手放脚上)185. Marichyasana A with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Marichi's Pose A with Hands on Feet)(舞者式A,脚平行,手放脚上)186. Marichyasana B with Pada Parallel and Hands on Feet (Parallel Marichi's Pose B with Hands on Feet)(舞者式B,脚平行,手放脚上)187. Supta Pada Hastasana with Pada Parallel and Upward Hand on Back (Supine Hand to Feet Pose with Parallel Legs and Upward Hand on Back)(卧手到脚式,腿平行,手放背上)188. Parsva Ardha Matsyendrasana with Pada Bent and Upward Hand Behind Back (Side Half Lord of the Fishes Pose with Bent Leg and Upward Hand Behind Back)(侧鱼主式,腿弯曲,手放背后)189. Parsva Ardha Matsyendrasana with Pada Parallel and Upward Hand Behind Back (Side Half Lord of the Fishes Pose with Parallel Legs and Upward Hand Behind Back)(侧鱼主式,腿平行,手放背后)190. Parivrtta Ardha Matsyendrasana with Pada Bent and Upward Hand Behind Back (Revolved Side Half Lord of the Fishes Pose with Bent Leg and Upward Hand Behind Back)(旋转侧鱼主式,腿弯曲,手放背后)191. Parivrtta Ardha Matsyendrasana with Pada Parallel and Upward Hand Behind Back (Revolved Side Half Lord of the Fishes Pose with Parallel Legs and Upward Hand Behind Back)(旋转侧鱼主式,腿平行,手放背后)这些瑜伽体式的英文名称比较直译,与中文名称有一定的差异,但在英文语境中比较常用。
(完整word版)Yoga in America英汉双语[完美版]
![(完整word版)Yoga in America英汉双语[完美版]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/337e9873bb68a98271fefaf9.png)
Unit5The term yoga comes from a Sanskrit word which means yoke or union. Traditionally yoga is a method joining the individual self with the Divine, Universal Spirit or Cosmic Consciousness. Physical and mental exercises are designed to help achieve this goal, also called self-transcendence or enlightenment. On the physical level, yoga postures , called asanas, are designed to tone, strengthen, and align the body. These postures are performed to make the spine supple and healthy and to promote blood flow to all the organs, glands, and tissues, keeping all the body systems healthy. On the mental level, yoga uses breathing techniques(pranayama) and meditation (dyana) to quiet, clarify, and discipline the mind. However experts are quick to point out the yoga is not a religion, but a way of living with health and peace of mind as its aims.Yoga in AmericaDouglas Dupler 1.Yoga originated in ancient India and is one of the longest surviving philosophicalsystems in the world. Some scholars have estimated that yoga is as old as 5,000 years; artifacts detailing yoga postures have been found in India from over 3,000B.C. Yogis claim that it is a highly developed science of healthy living that hasbeen tested and perfected for all these years. Yoga was first brought to America in the late 1800s when Swami Vivekananda. an Indian teacher and yogi, presented a lecture on .meditation in Chicago. Yoga slowly began gaining followers, and flourished during the 1960s when there was a surge of interest in Eastern philosophy. There has since been a vast exchange of yoga knowledge in America, with many students going to India to study and many Indian experts coming here to teach, resulting in the establishment of a wide variety of schools. Today, yoga is thriving, and it has become easy to find teachers and practitioners throughout America. A recent Roper poll, commissioned by Yoga Journal, found that 11 million Americans do yoga at least occasionally and six million perform it regularly. Yoga stretches are used by physical therapists and professional sports teams, and the benefits of yoga are being touted by movie stars and Fortune 500 executives. Many prestigious schools of medicine have studied and introduced yoga techniques as proven therapies for illness and stress. Some medical schools, like UCLA, even offer yoga classes as part of their physician training program. 2.There are several different schools of hatha yoga in America; the two mostprevalent ones are Iyengar and Ashtanga yoga. Iyengar yoga was founded byB.K.S. Iyengar, who is widely considered as one of the great living innovators ofyoga. Iyengar yoga puts strict emphasis on form and alignment, and uses traditional hatha yoga techniques in new manners and sequences. Iyengar yoga can be good for physical therapy because it allows the use of props like straps and blocks to make it easier for some people to get into the yoga postures. Ashtangayoga can be a more vigorous routine, using a flowing and dance-like sequence of hatha postures to generate body heat, which purifies the body through sweating and deep breathing.3.Yoga routines can take anywhere from 20 minutes to two or more hours, with onehour being a good time investment to perform a sequence of postures and a meditation. Some yoga routines, depending on the teacher and school, can be as strenuous as the most difficult workout, and some routines merely stretch and align the body while the breath and heart rate are kept slow and steady. Yoga achieves its best results when it is practiced as a daily discipline, and yoga can bea life-long exercise routine, offering deeper and more challenging positions as apractitioner becomes more adept. The basic positions can increase a person's strength, flexibility and sense of well being almost immediately, but it can take years to perfect and deepen them, which is an appealing and stimulating aspect of yoga for many.4.Yoga is usually best learned from a yoga teacher or physical therapist, but yoga issimple enough that one can learn the basics from good books on the subject, which are plentiful. Yoga classes are generally inexpensive, averaging around 10 dollars per class, and students can learn basic postures in just a few classes. Many YMCAs, colleges, and community health organizations offer beginning yoga classes as well, often for nominal fees. If yoga is part of a physical therapy program,' it can be .reimbursed by insurance.5.Yoga can also provide the same benefits as any well-designed exercise program,increasing general health and stamina, reducing stress, and improving those conditions brought about by sedentary lifestyles. Yoga has the added advantage of being a low- impact activity that uses only gravity as resistance, which makes it an excellent physical therapy routine: certain yoga postures can be safely used to strengthen and balance all parts of the body.6.Meditation has been much studied and approved for its benefits in reducingstresses- related conditions. The landmark book, The Relaxation Response, by Harvard cardiologist Herbert Benson, showed that meditation and breathing techniques for relaxation could have the opposite effect of stress, reducing blood pressure and other indicators, Since then, much research has reiterated the benefits of meditation for stress reduction and general health. Currently, the American Medical Association recommends meditation techniques as a first step before medication for borderline hypertension cases.7.Modern psychological Studies have shown that even slight facial expressions cancause changes in the involuntary nervous system; yoga utilizes the mind/body connection, that is, yoga practice contains the central ideas that physical posture and alignment can influence a person's mood and self-esteem, and also that themind can be used to shape and heal the body. Yoga practitioners claim that the strengthening of mind/body awareness can bring eventual improvements in all facets of a person's life.8.Yoga can be performed by those of any age and condition, although not all posesshould be attempted by everyone. Yoga is also a very accessible form of exercise;all that is needed is a flat floor surface large enough to stretch out on, a mat or towel, and enough overhead space to full raise the arms. It is a good activity for those who can't go to gyms, who don' t like other forms of exercise, or have very busy schedules. Yoga should be done on an empty stomach, and teachers recommend waiting three or more hours after meals. Loose and comfortable clothing should he worn.9.Beginners should exercise care and concentration when performing yoga postures,and not try to stretch too much too quickly, as injury could result. Some advanced yoga postures, like the headstand and full lotus position, can be difficult and require strength, flexibility, and gradual preparation, so beginners should get the help of a teacher before attempting them.10.Yoga is not a competitive sport; it does not matter how a person does incomparison with others, but how aware and disciplined one becomes with one's own body and limitations. Proper form and alignment should always be maintained during a stretch or posture, and the stretch or posture should be stopped when there is pain, dizziness, or fatigue. The mental component of yoga is just as important as the physical postures. Concentration and awareness breath should not be neglected. Yoga should be done with an open, gentle, and non-critical mind: when one stretches into a position, it can be thought of as accepting and working on one's limits. Impatience, self-criticism and comparing oneself to others will not help in this process of self-knowledge. While performing the yoga of breathing (pranayama) and meditation (dyana), it is best to have an experienced teacher, as these powerful techniques can cause dizziness and discomfort when done improperly.11.Although yoga originated in a culture very different from modern America, it hasbeen accepted and its practice has spread relatively quickly. Many yogis are amazed at how rapidly yoga's popularity has spread in America, considering the legend that it was passed down secretly by handfuls of adherents for many centuries.12.There can still be found some resistance to yoga, for active and busy Americanssometimes find it hard to believe that an exercise program that requires them to slow down, concentrate, and breathe deeply can be more effective than lifting weights or running, However, ongoing research in top medical schools is showing yoga's effectiveness for overall health and for specific problems, making it anincreasingly acceptable health practice.“瑜伽”这个词源于梵语,意思是“结合”或“联合”,传统上瑜伽是一种把个人和神,万物之灵或无穷的意识联合在一起的方法。

阿斯汤加体式名称1.双腿前屈加强背部伸展式A(Padanguthaana)2.双腿前屈加强背部伸展式B(PadaHataana)3.三角式(UtthitaTrikonaana)4.扭转三角式(ParivrittaTrikonaana)5.侧角式(UtthitaParvakonaana)6.扭转侧角式(ParivrittaParvakonaana)7.双角式A(PraaritaPadottanaanaA)8.双角式B(PraaritaPadottanaanaB)9.双角式C(PraaritaPadottanaanaC)10.双角式D(PraaritaPadottanaanaD)11.单腿加强背部伸展式(Parvottanaana)12.手拉脚单腿直立式A(UtthitaHataPadanguthaanaA)13.手拉脚单腿直立式B(UtthitaHataPadanguthaanaB)14.手拉脚单腿直立式C(UtthitaHataPadanguthaanaC)15.手拉脚单腿直立式D(UtthitaHataPadanguthaanaD)16.半莲花单腿加强背部伸展式(ArdhaBaddhaPadmottanaana)17.幻椅式(Utkataana)18.鹤禅式(Bakaana)19.战士第一式(VirabhadraanaI)20.战士第二式(VirabhadraanaII)21.坐立式/坐立山式/手杖式(Dandaana)22.双腿加强背部伸展式A(PachimottanaanaA)23.双腿加强背部伸展式B(PachimottanaanaB)24.双腿加强背部伸展式C(PachimottanaanaC)25.斜木板式/反台式(Purvattanaana)26.半莲花前屈加强背部伸展式/半莲花坐单腿加强身部伸展式(ArdhaBaddhaPadmaPachimattanaana)27.半英雄前屈加强背部伸展式/半英雄坐单腿加强背部伸展式(TriangMukhaekapadaPachimattanaana)28.单腿前屈加强背部伸展式A/头碰膝单腿加强背部伸展式A(JanuSiraanaA)29.单腿前屈加强背部伸展式B/头碰膝单腿加强背部伸展式B(JanuSiraanaB)30.单腿前屈加强背部伸展式C/头碰膝单腿加强背部伸展式C(JanuSiraanaC)31.圣哲玛里琪扭转A(MarichyaanaA)32.圣哲玛里琪扭转B(MarichyaanaB)33.圣哲玛里琪扭转C(MarichyaanaC)34.圣哲玛里琪扭转D(MarichyaanaD)35.船式(Navaana)36.双脚交叉支撑式A(BhujapidaanaA)37.双脚交叉支撑式B(BhujapidaanaB)38.双臂反抱腿式(Tittibhaana)39.鹤禅式(Bakaana)40.龟式(kurmana)41.卧龟式(uptakurmaana)42.胎儿式GarbhaPindaana43.公鸡式/公鸣式(Kukkutaana)44.束角式(BaddhaKonaana)45.坐角式A(UpavithaKonaanaA)46.坐角式B(UpavithaKonaanaB)47.双角前屈加强背部伸展式/睡角式A(SuptaKonaanaA)48.双角前屈加强背部伸展式/睡角式B(SuptaKonaanaB)49.仰卧手拉脚指伸展式A(SuptaPadanguthaanaA)50.仰卧手拉脚指伸展式B(SuptaPadanguthaanaB)51.仰卧手拉脚指伸展式C(SuptaPadanguthaanaC)52.全箭式/直立手抓脚伸展式A(UbhayaPadanguthaanaA)53.全箭式/直立手抓脚伸展式B(UbhayaPadanguthaanaB)54.仰卧背腿伸展式/脸朝上加强伸展式A (UrdhvaMukhaPachimattanaanaA)55.仰卧背腿伸展式/脸朝上加强伸展式B(UrdhvaMukhaPachimattanaanaB)56.桥式(SetuBandhaana)57.轮式(UrdhvaDhanuraana)58.坐式前屈(Pachimattanaana)59.摊尸式/挺卧放松式(Shavaana)五、结束体位练习部分:60.肩倒立(SalambaSarvangaana)61.犁式(Halaana)62.加强犁式/弯曲双腿梨式/耳朵式(Karnapidaana)63.手托莲花腿肩倒立/倒立莲花式(UrdhvaPadmaana)64.手抱莲花腿肩倒立/月台儿式(Pindaana)65.莲花鱼式/鱼式(Matyaana)66.完全鱼式/双腿伸展式(UttanaPadaana)67.头肘倒立(Siraana)68.婴儿式(Balaana)69.手拉脚趾莲花前曲伸展式/捆绑莲花前曲伸展式(YogaMudra)70.莲花坐立式(Padmaana)71.双手支撑上提莲花式(Utpluthih/Tolaana)72.摊尸式(Savaa。

1. 下狗式:从四肢着地的瑜伽姿势开始,将臀部向上抬起,双腿伸直,形成一个倒V字形,双手与双肩保持在同一直线上。
2. 山式:双脚并拢,双臂自然垂放身体两侧,双手合十放于胸前,保持平稳的呼吸。
3. 挺身式:双腿分开与肩同宽,双手伸直向上,手指相互交叉,掌心向上。
4. 船式:坐在瑜伽垫上,双手放于身体两侧,双腿伸直与地面平行。
- 1 -。

ashtanga阿斯汤加一种瑜伽全靠套路声明:本号不在“今日头条”平台上发布文章,也拒绝授权给任何“今日头条”号发表本号的文章;所有在今日头条发布的本号文章皆属侵权,并将承担于此相关的法律责任不熟悉阿斯汤加瑜伽背景的,请戳这里看一部关于Ashtanga 阿斯汤加的记录片《Ashtanga NY》,这部电影有你要了解的大部分关于这个瑜伽流派的背景、阿斯汤加瑜伽有一个铁打不变的固定体式序列,练习者根据要求的体式顺序来循序渐进地练习,学生的体式按照传统的方法都是老师“给”,而不是自己想做到那个体式就可以做到那个体式,不管你是不是自己认为能做某个体式。
但是这只是阿汤成年人(15 )的练习,对于我们阿汤baby,少年和青年(练习15年以下的人)还是走套路比较靠谱。

阿斯汤加瑜伽(ashtanga yoga )来源于圣哲瓦玛塔瑞斯记录的一份古老的手稿《瑜伽合集》中的一种瑜伽体系。
《瑜伽合集》是有关哈他瑜伽( hatha yoga)的韵文的选集。
它包含一系列许多不同体式的组合,是非常原始的有关串联体位(vinyasa), 凝视法(drishti), 收束法(bandhas), 契合法(mudras )和哲理的学说。

阿斯汤伽瑜伽中的完美呼吸之道内附Sharrath采访视频特定的呼吸法是vinyāsa方式的核心,它是Pattabhi Jois的Aṣṭāṅga瑜伽方式的基础。
MūlaBandha(根锁)和UḍyāṇaBandhas (腹锁)在阿斯汤加呼吸技术中的作用Ashtāṅga瑜伽中使用的呼吸技术与我们日常不受控制的呼吸相比是完全不同的。
Pattabhi Jois 的瑜伽Mala 描述了它:“Mūlabandha......意味着将肛门抬向肚脐。
“然而,当学生们问到,我听到Pattabhi Jois和他的孙子Sharath 说mūlabandha意味着“挤压”或“收紧肛门”,而uḍyāṇa意味着牵引控制下腰部。

阿斯汤加我去练了⼀下传说中的Mysore,可是⽼师怎么⽼帮别⼈不帮我呀?练习阿斯汤加瑜伽,⽼师教学⽣有两种主要的课程形式,就是领课和Mysore, ⽽Mysore课是阿汤教-学的主要形式(关于这个话题点这⾥看这篇⽂章)。
可是有的⼈去尝试了⼀次,甚⾄⼏次却⾮常失望 “我去Mysore课上课了呀,可是⽼师⼜不怎么管我”;“要是都是我⾃⼰练的话,我在家⾃⼰练习不就得了吗?还花什么钱办卡练Mysore?”还有⼀种情况是,有经验的练习者,到了⼀个客场或者是新的教室,期待着在这个新的Mysore教师练习突飞猛进,⽇前的积累绽放花朵,新的⽼师狂喂新体式,拔⾼序列;但是现实和期望有很⼤的反差;⽼师好像根本不怎么看你,偶尔来不疼不痒的帮你⼀下,但是还是和教室中的⽼学⽣花更多时间。
《研究生英语综合教程上》B1 Unit 5

Reference NotesUnit 5 Living a Healthier LifeReading FocusYoga in AmericaTopic-related InformationYoga means "union" in Sanscrit, the language ofindia where yoga originated. Yogacombines physical exercises, mental medi- tation, and breathing techniques to strengthen the muscles and relieve stress. It's the union between the mind, body and spirit. Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years as a life philosophy to connect the individual self with what practitioners call the Divine, Universal Spirit, or Cosmic Consciousness. Yogais best known as a type of exercise system that stretches and strengthens the body through various poses called asanas. But yoga goes far beyond just a mere exercise routine. One of the most compelling reasons to begin practicing is the holistic outlook it takes—working mind, body, and spirit. Body-mind yoga is a very diverse practice, no matter which school you choose. Young and old people can gain many benefits from regular yoga practices, and asanas can be adjusted to fit physical limitations and other complications.Nowadays, yoga exercises have become more and more popular all over the world. Yoga is not just a physical exercise, but a mental discipline, which offers great benefits when practiced regularly. Apart from physical fitness, you can also get complete relaxation of mind by making yoga exercises an integral part of your life.There are many different schools of yoga, all of which have their own unique practices and philosophies. The prominent types are: Bhakti yoga, Hatha yoga, Jnana yoga, Karma yoga and Kundalini yoga. Almost all types of yoga have their unique qualities. The most common form is Hatha yoga, which includes postures (asanas) and various breathing techniques (pranayama).About the textThis passage is taken from Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine and Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health, 2002, which is designed for students of nursing and the allied health professions, caregivers, and the educated lay readers. It is a five-volume set including over 850 signed articles on various aspects of nursing. It covers nursing and allied healthcare educa- tion and training, current health issues (viewpoints, professional implications), tests and procedures (descriptions, precautions, aftercare), and quipment/tools (descriptions, operation, healthcare team roles), as well as diseases (causes, diagnosis, treatment) and human biology/body systems (functions,role in human health). The book focuses primarily on the interests of nurses and allied health professionals. The essays were contributed by physicians, nurses, and other health professionals.This passage is an expository essay on yoga. It gives a brief introduction to the origin of yoga, its quick spread in the US, as well as the benefits of doing yoga. The author also talks about the different schools of yoga and their focuses. At the same time, he gives the beginners of yoga some tips for practice.Since the passage is an exposition, long sentences and passive voice are used a lot. However, the author makes a point of writing in clear language so readers will fully understand him.参考译文“瑜伽”这个词源于梵语,意思是“结合”或“联合”。
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• 1990s,Guru Rama Mohan Brahmachari上 师拉玛莫汉布茹阿玛查瑞 • →→→→→Sri T. Krishnamacharya斯瑞特 克瑞斯那玛查雅(现代hatha yoga哈他瑜伽 之父) • →→→→→1927,帕塔比乔伊斯(Pattabhi jois )
• Purpose:internal cleansing" 串联体位(vinyasa )的目的是为了内在的净化。 Improved blood circulation relieves joint pain and removes toxins and disease from the internal organs. 改进的血液循环减轻关节的疼痛,并且从内部的器官清 除毒素的和疾病。串联体位的热量产生汗水,把杂质携带 出身体。 Function:Through the use of vinyasa, the body becomes healthy, light and strong ("Ashtanga Yoga"). 通过串联体位的运用,身体变得健康,轻快并且强壮。
• To perform asana correctly in Ashtanga yoga, one must incorporate the use of vinyasa and tristhana. "Vinyasameans breathing and movement system. For each movement, there is one breath. • 正确地完成阿斯汤伽瑜伽的体式,一个人 必须结合串联体式(vinyasa)和三位一体 (tristhana )在一起使用。串联体位 (Vinyasa) 意味着呼吸和运动系统。每一 个动作,有一个呼吸。
Ashtanga Yoga's Development
• 1948---Pattabhi Jois has been teaching Ashtanga yoga from his yoga shala, the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute 从一九四八年开始,帕塔比乔伊斯 在他的瑜伽学校,阿斯汤加瑜伽研究所,从 事阿斯汤加瑜伽的教学. • 阿斯汤伽瑜伽传到欧美后,衍生出了流瑜 伽(flow yoga)、力量瑜伽(power yoga) 等瑜伽
••Tristhana位一体• Tristhana refers to the union of "three places of attention or action: posture, breathing system and looking place. • 三位一体是指:意守和动作的三个地方: 姿势,呼吸系统和意守处。
Eight-limbed Yoga八步瑜伽
5.Pratyahara [sense control] 感官抑制(Pratyahara 制约) 6.Dharana [concentration] 思想集中(Dharana 内省) 7.Dhyana [meditation] 静坐冥想(Dhyana 静虑) 8.Samadhi [absorption into the Universal] 超然忘我(Samadhi 三摩地,三昧)
• When purification is complete and mind control occurs, the Six Poisons surrounding the spiritual heart [kama (desire), krodha (anger), moha (delusion), lobha (greed), matsarya (sloth), and mada (envy)]—"will, one by one, go completely" revealing the Universal Self. • 当净化完成时,思想的控制存在,包围精神的灵 魂的六种毒药(欲望(kama), 愤怒(krodha), 欺骗(moha), 贪婪(lobha), 懒惰(matsarya), 嫉妒 (mada))——将一个接一个地完全消失, 显现普 遍的“我我”。
Ashtanga yoga
• Ashtanga yoga literally means "eightlimbed yoga," as outlined by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. • 阿斯汤加瑜伽,从字面上的意思是“八支 分瑜伽”,也有译为“八步瑜伽”的。圣 哲帕坦伽利(patanjali )的《瑜伽经》中 就描述了的这八支分的概要。
Yoga Korunta《瑜伽合集》
• It contains lists of many different groupings of asanas, as well as highly original teachings on vinyasa, drishti, bandhas, mudras, and philosophy. • 它包含一系列许多不同体式的组合,是非 常原始的有关串联体位(vinyasa), 凝视法 (drishti), 收束法(bandhas), 契合法 (mudras )和哲理的学说。
Eight-limbed Yoga八步瑜伽
1.Yama [moral codes] 控制欲念(Yama 制欲) 2.Niyama [self-purification and study] 自我约束(Niyama 遵行) 3.Asana [posture] 体式(Asana 体位) 4.Pranayama [breath control] 呼吸控制(Pranayama 制气)
Ashtanga Yoga
• What is the Ashtanga Yoga?
Ashtanga Yoga's Origin
Ashtanga yoga is a system of yoga recorded by the sage Vamana Rishi 圣哲瓦玛塔瑞斯in the Yoga Korunta《瑜伽合集》, an ancient manuscript.