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一般到个别(general-to-specific)也称为抽象到具体(abstract-to-concrete)的结构,是典型的西方文章结构,很多西方学者认为这是有别于东方螺旋型思维(spiraling)的直线型思维。按照这种结构组织的段落一般先就题目提出具有一般意义的论点(topic sentence),然后再以详细的阐述、分析或事例等论据来支持此观点。论据的组织方式又可分为列举(listing)和举例(exemplification).这种组织方式既适用于一篇文章,也适用于一个段落。如:

Color-blind people have problems that people who perceive color never think about. Perhaps the greatest handicap of color-blind person is evident when they select occupations. For example, they cannot work as interior decorators, commercial photographers, painters, a irline pilots, or railroad engineers. The second problem is with traffic signs and signals. Those that are red-green colorblind have trouble seeing stop signs found on shady streets be cause they may not notice them against the leaves. In addition, they have trouble identifyin g signal lights and must memorize the position of the light to know which signal is being gi ven. And perhaps less of a problem is that of dressing. Those who are fashion-conscious avoi d brightly colored wardrobe so that they will not wear clashing colors.

这一段中采用列举加举例的方式。首句提出论点,主旨(the controlling idea)是“problems”,后面用三个方面来阐述,从the greatest handicap,到the second problem最后到less of a problem,三方面分别是occupation、traffic signs and signals和dressing.这三个方面之间也是按照从大到小,从最常见的到最少见的,而对于每一方面的支持和论证,作者又分别采用了举例和列举方式(for exampl e; in addition等)。


Topic sentence (main idea)

Explanation/detail 1

Explanation/detail 2

Explanation/detail 3

1、2、3 之间又按照:

The most general------the least general

The most common------the least common

The most popular------the least popular

对于在课堂教学中的使用,教师可以做具体的演示。如讨论是什么因素导致了交通堵塞。课上b rainstorming后得到以下论据:


2.too many cars

3.insufficient roads

4.unreasonable design of infrastructure

5.people’s awareness

6.driving offenders


8.rules and regulations


Topic sentence: There are several factors causing traffic jams.

Explanation 1: The leading contributor is overpopulation, which leads to too many c ars available even though more roads have been constructed. The situation will be worse if t he infrastructure is not reasonably designed.

Explanation 2: Apart from these objective reasons, part of the blame should be laid on people’s awareness. There are many driving offenders either because they are drunk or t hey do not think it important to keep to the traffic rules and regulations.

Explanation 3: Besides, the police’s supervision also plays an essential role. If they do not manage well, traffic jams are more likely to occur.





