

probl ems that cannot be ignored. Some l eaders unwilling to do masses w ork, masses conce pt weak, on ma sses feelings not dee p, pendul um not are with masses of relationship, t hink masses work i s revol utionary war era of thi ngs, now obsolete has, buried business w ork, ignored ma sses wor k of situation compare d Ge neral; some l eaders not do masses work, ol d method regar dless of with, new not with, not understa nd masses psychol ogical, not understa nd masses w ishe s, not sai d masses la nguage , work met hod simpl e stiff, caused masses of conflict a nd a ntipathy ; some leaders can't do masses w ork, Face d wit h a lot of contradi ctions among the pe opl e worry about fear, pani c set in e ncounter group eve nts, a nd some are even mismanage d, inflame, so work has suffered heavy losses, and so on. T hese problem s w e are soberly aware, enhancing t he party's ruli ng ca pabi lity, the mainte nance a nd development of the party's adva nce d nature a nd purit y, and to enhance the ability of party committees and leadi ng ca dres are good people. Attach great importance to a nd is g ood at doi ng mass w ork, ha s be come t he new urgent sit uation strengt heni ng the party's governi ng ca pacity -buildi ng tasks. Combi ne d practi ce of maintai ning flesh-a nd-bl ood ties wit h the masse s, urge d the broad masses of party members and ca dres, espe cially all level s ... Pr oce ssi ng to improve a s a gui de to the countr y. "" What I di d is summed up the se ne w thing s, be promote d. "This i s a vivid ma nifestation of the Deng Xia opi ng's mass. Deng al so put pe opl e "support doe s not support", "agreed not to agree", "happy ha ppy", "promise not to promise" as a starting point a nd destinati on of developing g uideli nes, poli cies, and as the only sta ndar d for measuri ng compliance wit h the wi she s of the masses of the people. Under the gui dance of Deng Xiaoping theory, Ce ntral Gover nment adopte d a series of important measures to strengthe n link s with t he masse s. In Decem ber 1989, the CPC Central Committee made on a dhering to and perfecti ng the sy stem of multi-party cooperation a nd politi cal consultation under t he lea dership of th e Chinese Communist Party, closely for CPC and the democratic parties and the r elationshi p betw een t he part of the masse s that they contact, effectively carrying out the mass line , played a positive rol e. In March 1990, the 13 ple nary se ssi on adopte d the decision on strengt heni ng conta cts with t he masse s of the Party note d that "create d and devel ope d in t he l ong str uggle of the party's mass l ine, i s to realize the party's ide ologi cal li ne, the f undamental political and organizati onal w ork route", can lways maintai n flesh-and-blood tie s and devel opme nt of the masses, i s dire ctly related to t he rise and fall of the rise and fall of the party a nd State. In Septem ber 1994, 14 a dopted by t he pl enary sessi on of the Party on stre ngthe ning deci sion on several major issues of party buildi ng. The requireme nts of the de cisi on of the party's lea ding bodies a nd lea ding cadre should develop a dem ocratic styl e of work, come from the masse s, to the masses, t ogethe r, stick to t he mass li ne. Party of 13 sessi on four in the ple nary yihou, to Jia ng comra de for core of party f third generati on Central led coll ective, banner De ng Xia o-pi ng's the ory great flag, insi sted li beration thought, a nd facts, and times, in both at home a nd a broa d political st orm, and economic risk, severe test before , relies on party and people, defended China features Socialist, created socia list market new system, created ull open new sit uation, adva nce party of constr uction ne w of great engi neeri ng, founde d "three a repre sentative" important thought, Continue to steer t he ship of reform and openi ng up forward on t he right. Comrade Jia ng Zemin sai d: "strengt heni ng and improvi ng the party's mass work i n the new sit uation, it is of decisive significance to consoli dating the ruli ng Foundation of the party. "T hrough our party a nd some of the w orld's major le ssons lear ned from the succe ss of the ol d party of the party, Comrade Jia ng Zemin pointe d out:" the bigge st political a dvantage of our party is in close conta ct with the masses, the most da ngerous after the ruli ng party was divor ced from the masses. "He sai d:" our reform and construction, only the understanding , support and participation of the pe ople, pe ople's enthusia sm and creativity int o full play i n order to adva nce ; the lea dership of the part y, only the tie a nd win the masse s embrace d, can be consolidated and stre ngthene d. "He pointe d out t hat strengt heni ng and improvi ng the party's work style constr uction, maintai ning t he party's fle sh -and-blood ties with the masses is the core problem, the key i s to do solid w ork, impleme nt, resolutely oppose a nd overcome formalism. Comrade Jiang Zemi n stressed that all t he work and policie s of the party, are i n complia nce with the fundamental i nterests of the overw helming majority of the people to t he hig hest degree, to the majority of people are not satisfie d with t he fundamental g uideli nes, strive to make our workers, farmers, intelle ctuals and other pe ople e njoy ... Single, everyone seeme d to know. But well k now n does not mean perfect. S ome party member s and leadi ng cadres, consi der conta cting their small de partments, withi n a small circle of people, or contact i ndivi dual ow ners, the entre prene ur, i s the masses, t his i dea is obvi ously not corre ct. The Comm unist Party of Chi na, people should have three chara cteristics. First, t he people should be the m ost socia l, is a De partment withi n the scope of the majority. Specific to the party a nd Gover nment de partments, especially t he ca dres w orking i n the Central a nd State orga ns, mass is the 1.3 billi on Chinese people, w ork for the party members a nd cadres, masses are the la nd w ithin t he jurisdi ction of the common people. T he se cond chara cteristic of the masses, i s that we have common i nterests. Masses are manifestations of each specific pe opl e, but the crow d is a compre hensive political concept, refers to people wit h common politi cal and economic i nterests in t he period of social transformation, social differentiati on betwee n the i nterests of the ma sses i s large, if you do not find the i nterest in doing mass work, t he party member s and cadre s, will be in a pa ssive positi on. T he thir d characteristi c of the masses安全生产管理机构图图1 安全管理组织机构图项目经理:黄杰飞技术负责人:穆维岭项目负责人: 徐进杰施工员 : 单树坤安全员 : 母长云质量员 : 张 鑫资料员 : 曹灿灿材料员 : 周春晴泥 工 班 : 陈家斌木 工 班 : 吕国祥架 子 班 : 王育强钢 筋 班 : 吴维明水 电 班 : 刘新华。

