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statutory causes of action

Case Information Statement


A case information statement (or cover sheet) is a document which is filed with the court at the commencement of a civil lawsuit. It is generally filed along with the complaint. It provides information about the case:


to let the judge and court clerk know what type of case is being brought by the parties, so that they can better prepare for the case to come to trial

suits in equity

unjust enrichment quantum meruit
The Civil Rights Acts allow persons who are discriminated against because of race, color, sex or religion to sue both state governments and private businesses for compensation and prevention of further discrimination.


Pretrial Procedure


Such a motion pleads for dismissal, claiming that while the alleged facts are true, they do not constitute a legal basis for a lawsuit. It raises a pure issue of substantive law. Examples:

Cause of action

the facts that give a person the right to seek judicial relief against another

the legal theory forming the basis of a lawsuit The cause of action is the heart of a complaint. Without an adequately stated cause of action the plaintiff's case can be dismissed at the outset. contract-based actions torts


a claim by a defendant against a plaintiff in a lawsuit intending to off-set or reduce the amount of the plaintiff's original claim against the defendant Counterclaims did not exist at common law; they are an invention of modern civil procedure. Examples

Content of a case information statement

who is involved in the case what is being disputed what prior relationships existed between the parties
Case Information Statement


to establish the court’s personal jurisdiction over the defendant
Service of Process
★Without personal jurisdiction no valid judgment can be rendered against the defendant.
US Civil Procedure
The Pleading Stage

A civil action is commenced by filing a complaint or petition with the court. ★The initial pleading in a civil lawsuit that seeks only money damages might be called (in most US courts) a complaint. ★The initial pleading in a lawsuit that seeks nonmonetary or equitable relief, such as a request for a writ of mandamus or habeas corpus, custody of a child, or probate of a will, is instead called a petition.
The Defendant’s Response

Third-party complaint

a petition filed by a defendant against a third party (not presently a party to the suit) which alleges that the third party is liable for all or part of the damages the plaintiff may win from the defendant.
A person sues someone for sticking his tongue out at him. A person sues a newspaper for publishing a true account of his divorce. ★In both cases, the defendant can file a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim.



assault battery intentional infliction of emotional distress invasion of privacy

fraud slander negligence

The Defendant’s Response


An answer denies all or some of the facts alleged in the complaint. It raises an issue of fact between the parties. a pleading in which the defendant admits the truth of the facts alleged, but alleges additional facts that require a different result. also called a plea by way of confession and avoidance Example:

to give the defendant notice of the proceedings and to command him to respond to the complaint
The Defendant’s Response

Responsive pleading

Motion to dismiss (also called a demurrer)

Affirmative defense

A plaintiff sues a person for battery because that person has broken his nose.
The Defendant’s Response
★In his pleading, the defendant claims that the statute of limitations period has passed since that happened three years ago.
The Defendant’s Response

A bank sues a customer for an unpaid debt, while the customer counterclaims against the bank for fraud in procuring the debt. Two cars collide. One person sues for damage to her car and personal injuries. The defendant counterclaims for similar property damage and personal injury claims.


A party may amend the pleading once as a matter of right if there has been no responsive pleading. If the opposing party has responded, leave of court or written consent of the other side is required. Frequently a party will amend the pleading to cure any deficiencies addressed by a motion to dismiss.

Cross claim

a claim by a defendant against a co-defendant previously named by the plaintiff It is a claim against a party on the same side of the lawsuit.
Service of Process

the act of delivering legal documents (to a defendant) ★Typically, a summons must be served with a copy of the complaint upon the defendant. ★The plaintiff is responsible for having the summons and complaint served.


What must be included in a complaint

parties jurisdiction and venue statement of facts—factual allegations cause(s) of action—legal claims request for relief Definition