
式 刊登 有 关 中 国卫 生体 系 的系 列研 究 文 章 ,对 这 些 问题 进
行解 析 。 同时 发行 中文版 专 刊 。专 辑首 发 式于 1 0月 2 日在 0 人 民大 会 堂 举行 ,全 国人 大 常 委会 副 委 员 长韩 启 德 和 卫 生
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品药 品 监督 管 理局 局 长邵 明立 、 财政 部 副 部 长 张少 春 、 国家
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为整合我国肝癌研究的优势资源袁推 动我国肝癌研究从治疗到预防的转变袁促 进抗肿瘤药物的发展袁充分发挥上海在肝 癌研究领域的优势袁采用跨系统渊军地结 合冤尧 跨学科的集成式研究模式袁2006 年袁 吴孟超院士联合上海其他 6 位多年从事 肝癌研究的院士袁向国家提交了野集成式 开展肝癌研究冶的报告袁得到了国家领导 人以及卫生部尧科技部的高度重视遥
国家肝癌科学中心主体工程院2012 年 2 月 24 日袁国家肝癌科学中心工程总承包 招标评标会在上海举行袁上海市第七建筑 有限公司获得承建权遥 国家肝癌科学中心 主体工程招标内容涉及主体结构尧幕墙工 程尧钢结构工程尧室内精装修工程尧弱电工 程尧洁净实验室尧绿化景观等袁中标价格为 1.47 亿元袁工期为 445 天遥 根据工程进度 安排袁计划今年 3 月份开工袁预计 8 月份 左右结构封顶袁 年底完成外立面装修袁于 2013 年全部建成遥
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2003 年春节后袁非典病例剧增袁广东 告急遥 2 月 3 日袁大年初三袁钟南山临危受 命袁 出任广东省非典医疗救护专家组组 长遥 他向广东省卫生厅主动提出袁野把重病 人都送到我这里来浴 冶遥 他在自己所在的广 州呼吸疾病研究所建立了临时病区袁集中 治疗最危重的病人遥 每次病人送到时袁他 都亲自检查袁甚至不带口罩袁只是告诉病 人袁忍一忍袁不要咳嗽遥
主办 浙江省癌症中心 浙江省肿瘤防治办公室 浙江省肿瘤医院

内部资料严禁翻印测量系统分析参考手册第三版1990年2月第一版1995年2月第一版;1998年6月第二次印刷2002年3月第三版©1990©1995©2002版权由戴姆勒克莱斯勒、福特和通用汽车公司所有测量系统分析参考手册第三版1990年2月第一版1995年2月第一版;1998年6月第二次印刷2002年3月第三版©1990©1995©2002版权由戴姆勒克莱斯勒、福特和通用汽车公司所有本参考手册是在美国质量协会(ASQ)及汽车工业行动集团(AIAG)主持下,由戴姆勒克莱斯勒、福特和通用汽车公司供方质量要求特别工作组认可的测量系统分析(MSA)工作组编写,负责第三版的工作组成员是David Benham(戴姆勒克莱斯勒)、Michael Down (通用)、Peter Cvetkovski(福特),以及Gregory Gruska(第三代公司)、Tripp Martin(FM 公司)、以及Steve Stahley(SRS技术服务)。
EN 62040-2-2006

EUROPEAN STANDARDEN 62040-2 NORME EUROPÉENNEEUROPÄISCHE NORM March 2006CENELECEuropean Committee for Electrotechnical StandardizationComité Européen de Normalisation ElectrotechniqueEuropäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische NormungCentral Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels© 2006 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.Ref. No. EN 62040-2:2006 E ICS 17.220; 29.200Supersedes EN 50091-2:1995English versionUninterruptible power systems (UPS)Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements(IEC 62040-2:2005)Alimentations sans interruption (ASI) Partie 2: Exigences pour la compatibilité électromagnétique (CEM) (CEI 62040-2:2005) Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgungssysteme (USV) Teil 2: Anforderungen an dieelektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (EMV)(IEC 62040-2:2005)This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2005-10-01. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.EN 62040-2:2006–2–ForewordThe text of document 22H/74A/FDIS, future edition 2 of IEC 62040-2, prepared by SC 22H, Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS), of IEC TC 22, Power electronic systems and equipment, was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and was approved by CENELEC as EN 62040-2 on 2005-10-01.This European Standard supersedes EN 50091-2:1995 + corrigendum January 1998.The following dates were fixed:– latest date by which the EN has to be implementedat national level by publication of an identicalnational standard or by endorsement (dop) 2006-10-01– latest date by which the national standards conflictingwith the EN have to be withdrawn (dow) 2008-10-01This European Standard was prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association and supports the essential requirements of Directive 89/336/EEC (see Annex ZZ).This European Standard makes reference to International Standards. Where the International Standard referred to has been endorsed as a European Standard or a home-grown European Standard exists, this European Standard shall be applied instead. Pertinent information can be found on the CENELEC web site.__________Endorsement noticeThe text of the International Standard IEC 62040-2:2005 was approved by CENELEC as a European Standard without any modification.__________3 – EN 62040-2:2006 –CONTENTS1Scope (6)2Normative references (7)3Terms and definitions (8)3.1 83.2 84Environment (8)5UPS Categories (8)5.1UPS of category C1 (8)5.2UPS of category C2 (9)5.3UPS of category C3 (9)5.4UPS of category C4 (9)5.5Categories and environment (9)6Emission (10)6.1General (10)6.2General requirements (10)6.3General measurement conditions (10)6.4Conducted emissions (11)6.5Radiated emissions (13)7Immunity (14)7.1General (14)7.2General requirements and performance criteria (14)7.3Basic immunity requirements – High-frequency disturbances (15)7.4Immunity to low-frequency signals (17)7.5Immunity to power-frequency magnetic field (17)7.6Immunity to voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations (17)Annex A (normative) Electromagnetic emission – Test methods (18)A.1General (18)A.2Measuring equipment (18)A.3Test unit configuration (19)A.4Determination of maximum emission configuration(s) (20)A.5Operation of the equipment under test (21)A.6Method of measurement of mains terminal interference voltage (21)A.7Method of measurement at a.c. output ports (where applicable) (23)A.8Method of measurement of radiated emission (23)A.9Measurement site (24)A.10Equipment set-up for radiated emission tests (24)A.11Measurement of radiated magnetic disturbances (25)Annex B (informative) Electromagnetic emission limits and measurement methods of magnetic field – H field (33)Annex C (informative) Electromagnetic emission – Limits of signal ports (35)Annex D (normative) Electromagnetic immunity – Test methods (36)D.1General (36)D.2Electrostatic discharge (ESD) (36)D.3Immunity to radiated electromagnetic (EM) fields (36)D.6Immunity to low-frequency signals (37)Annex E (informative) User installation testing (39)EN 62040-2:2006 –4 –Annex ZZ (informative) Coverage of Essential Requirements of EC Directives (40)Figure 1 – Examples of ports (8)Figure A.1 – Circuit for disturbance voltage measurements on mains supply or UPS output (26)Figure A.2 – Minimum alternative test site (26)Figure A.3 – Set-up for measurement of conducted emission for table-top units (27)Figure A.4 – Test set-up for floor-standing units (27)Figure A.5 – Test configuration for table-top equipment (conducted emission measurement) (28)Figure A.6 – Test configuration for table-top equipment (conducted emission measurement) – Plan view (29)Figure A.7 – Alternative test configuration for table-top equipment (conductedemission measurement) – Plan view (29)–5 – EN 62040-2:2006Figure A.8 – Test configuration for floor-standing equipment (conducted emission measurement) (30)Figure A.9 – Test configuration for table-top equipment (radiated emission requirement) (31)Figure A.10 – Test configuration for floor-standing equipment (radiated emission measurement) (32)Figure B.1 – Test set-up for measuring radiated disturbances (33)Figure D.2 – Phase unbalance (38)Table 1 – Limits of mains terminal interference voltage frequency range 0,15 MHz to30 MHz for category C1 UPS and category C2 UPS equipment (12)Table 2 – Limits of mains terminal interference voltage frequency range 0,15 MHz to30 MHz for Category C3 UPS equipment (12)Table 3 – Limits of radiated emission in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz (13)Table 4 – Performance criteria for immunity tests (14)Table 5 – Minimum immunity requirements for UPS intended for UPS of category C1 (15)Table 6 – Minimum immunity requirements for UPS of category C2 and C3 (16)Table B.1 – UPS which has a rated output current less than, or equal to, 16 A (34)Table B.2 – UPS which has a rated output current greater than 16A (34)Table C.1 – Limits of signal ports (35)EN 62040-2:2006 –6 –UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SYSTEMS (UPS) –Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements1 ScopeThis part of IEC 62040 applies to UPS units intended to be installed– as a unit or in UPS systems comprising a number of interconnected UPS and associated control/switchgear forming a single power system; and– in any operator accessible area or in separated electrical locations, connected to low-voltage supply networks for either industrial or residential, commercial and light industrial environments.This part of IEC 62040 is intended as a product standard allowing the EMC conformity assessment of products of categories C1, C2 and C3 as defined in this part of IEC 62040, before placing them on the market.Equipment of category 4 is treated as a fixed installation. Checking is generally done after installation in its final place of use. Sometimes partial checking may be done before. See Annex EThe requirements have been selected so as to ensure an adequate level of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) for UPS at public and industrial locations. These levels cannot, however, cover extreme cases, which may occur in any location but with extremely low probability of occurrence.This part of IEC 62040 takes into account the differing test conditions necessary to encompass the range of physical sizes and power ratings of UPS.A UPS unit or system shall meet the relevant requirements of this part of IEC 62040 as a stand-alone product. EMC phenomena produced by any customers' load connected to the output of the UPS equipment shall not be taken into account.Special installation environments are not covered, nor are fault conditions of UPS taken into account.This part of IEC 62040 does not cover d.c. supplied electronic ballast or UPS based on rotating machines.This part of IEC 62040 states:– EMC requirements;– test methods;– minimum performance levels.–7 – EN 62040-2:2006 2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.IEC 60050-161:1990, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) – Chapter 161: Electromagnetic compatibilityIEC 61000-2-2:2002, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 2-2: Environment – Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systemsIEC 61000-3-2:2000, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-2: Limits Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current 16 A per phase)IEC 61000-4-1:2000, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-1: Testing and measure-ment techniques Overview of IEC 61000-4 seriesIEC 61000-4-2:1995, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4-2: Testing and measurement techniques – Electrostatic discharge immunity testIEC 61000-4-3:2002, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) Part 4-3: Testing and measure-ment techniques Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity testIEC 61000-4-4:2004, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-4: Testing and measurement techniques Electrical fast transient/burst immunity testIEC 61000-4-5:1995, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-5:Testing and measure-ment techniques – Surge immunity testIEC 61000-4-6:2003, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-6: Testing and measure-ment techniques – Immunity to conducted disturbances induced by radio-frequency fieldsIEC 61000-4-8:1993, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-8:Testing and measure-ment techniques – Power frequency magnetic field immunity testIEC 62040-3:1999, Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) – Part 3: Method of specifying the performance and test requirementsCISPR 16-1-1:2003, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 1-1: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus Measuring apparatusCISPR 16-1-2:2003, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 1-2: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus Ancillary equipment – Conducted disturbancesCISPR 22:2005, Information technology equipment – Radio disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurementEN 62040-2:2006 –8 –3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 60050-161 related to EMC and to relevant phenomena apply, together with the following.3.1portparticular interface of the UPS with the external electromagnetic environment (see Figure 1)3.2enclosure portphysical boundary of the UPS through which electromagnetic fields may radiate or impingeEnclosure portFigure 1 – Examples of ports4 EnvironmentThe following examples of environment cover the majority of UPS installations.a) First environment: environment that includes residential, commercial and light industrialpremises directly connected without intermediate transformers to a public low-voltage mains supply.b) Second environment: environment that includes all commercial, light industry andindustrial establishments other than those directly connected to a low-voltage mains that supplies buildings used for residential purposes.5 UPS Categories5.1 UPS of category C1This category includes UPS intended for use without any restriction in the first environment. Such UPS are suitable for use in residential establishments.Category C1 UPS shall meet the category C1 UPS emission limits and withstand the immunity requirements of Table 5.–9 – EN 62040-2:2006 5.2 UPS of category C2This category includes UPS with an output current not exceeding 16 A and intended for use without any restriction in the second environment. Such UPS may also be used in the first environment when connected:– through industrial plugs and sockets or– through national plugs and sockets or– permanently.Category C2 UPS shall meet the category C2 UPS emission limits and withstand the immunity requirements of Table 6.The following wording shall be included in the instructions for use.WARNING: This is a category C2 UPS product. In a residential environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take additional measures.5.3 UPS of category C3This category includes UPS with an output current exceeding 16 A and intended for use in the second environment. Such UPS are suitable for use in commercial or industrial installations having a minimum boundary of 30 m from other buildings classified as first environment.Category C3 UPS shall meet category C3- UPS emission limits and withstand the immunity requirements of Table 6.The following wording shall be included in the instructions for use.WARNING: This is a product for commercial and industrial application in the second environment installation restrictions or additional measures may be needed to prevent disturbances.5.4 UPS of category C4This category includes UPS intended for use in complex environments and subject to an agreement between supplier and customer regarding applicable emission and immunity levels.The UPS of category C4 is not limited by current ratings.5.5 Categories and environmentIf the environment has been determined as the first environment, UPS of category C1 or C2 should be used.If the environment has been determined as the second environment, UPS of category C2 or C3 should be used.If the environment is not covered exclusively either by the first or second environment, UPS of category C4 should be used.EN 62040-2:2006 –10 –6 Emission6.1 GeneralDisturbances in the frequency range from 0 Hz to 1,0 GHz are covered.The emission requirements have been selected so as to ensure that disturbances generated by UPS operating normally do not reach a level which could prevent other apparatus from operating as intended.NOTE 1 The limits in this part of IEC 62040 may not, however, fully provide protection against interference to radio and television reception when the UPS is used closer than 10 m to the receiving antenna for category C1 or C2 UPS and 30 m for category C3 UPS.NOTE 2 In special cases, for instance, when highly susceptible apparatus is being used in proximity, additional mitigation measures may have to be employed to reduce the electromagnetic emission further below the specified levels.requirements6.2 GeneralUPS shall comply with the emission limits of 5.3 to 5.4.The tests shall be made with the UPS in the following conditions:– rated input voltage;– normal and stored energy mode of operation;– linear load that results in the highest interference level.The objective of 5.4 is to define limits and test methods for UPS defined in the scope of this part of IEC 62040 in relation to electromagnetic emissions which may cause interference in other apparatus, for example, radio receivers.These emission limits represent essential electromagnetic compatibility requirements.Test requirements are specified for each port considered. Refer to Annex A for test methodology.6.3 General measurement conditions6.3.1 GeneralThe measurements shall be made in the operating mode producing the largest emission in the frequency band being investigated consistent with normal applications. UPS operating modes (normal mode and stored energy mode) shall be investigated.An attempt should be made to maximise the emission by varying the test set-up configuration of the test sample.For UPS with additional mains terminals (ports) for the connection of separate supplies for static by-pass and/or maintenance by-pass circuits, these terminals (ports) shall, wherever possible, be temporarily connected to the normal a.c. input port supply. Conducted emission tests in 5.3 shall include measurement of these additional circuits.If the UPS is part of a system or can be connected to auxiliary accessories, then the UPS shall be tested while connected to the minimum configuration of auxiliary accessories necessary to exercise the ports, or be terminated in an equivalent impedance.UPS a.c. outputs shall be loaded with a linear load capable of operating the unit under test for any load condition within its output rating.The configuration and mode of operation during measurement shall be precisely noted in the test report. Refer to Annex A for test set-up and measurement criteria. For in situ testing, see Annex E. The tests shall be carried out within the specific operating environment range for the UPS and at its rated supply voltage, unless otherwise indicated.6.3.2 Documentation for the purchaser/usera) The purchaser/user shall be informed if special measures have to be taken to achievecompliance, for example, the use of shielded or special cables. Any restriction on the length of the a.c. output cables shall also be indicated.b) Notwithstanding that the scope of supply of the UPS shall comply with any localregulation, documentation shall be available to the purchaser/user upon request. A list of auxiliary accessories, together with the UPS complying with the emission requirements, shall be made available.6.3.3 ApplicabilityMeasurements are made on the relevant ports of the UPS.emissions6.4 Conducted6.4.1 Limits of mains terminal interference voltageThe UPS shall not exceed the limits of either Tables 1 or 2 according to the category of UPS and the rated output current under test.The UPS shall meet both the average and quasi-peak limit when using, respectively, an average detector receiver and a quasi-peak detector receiver, and measured in accordance with the methods described in Clause A.6.If the average limit is met when using a quasi-peak detector receiver, the test unit shall be deemed to meet both limits, and measurement with the average detector receiver is unnecessary.If the reading on the measuring receiver shows fluctuations close to the limit, the reading shall be observed for at least 15 s at each measurement frequency; the highest reading shall be recorded, with the exception of any brief isolated high reading, which shall be ignored.a) UPS of category C1 and C2Table 1 – Limits of mains terminal interference voltage frequency range0,15 MHz to 30 MHz for category C1 UPS and category C2 UPS equipmentFrequency range Limits dB(μV)MHz Category C1 UPS Category C2 UPSQuasi-peak Average Quasi-peak Average 0,15 to 0,50 66 to 56a56 to 46a79660,50 to 5b564673605 to 30 60507360a The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency.b The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequency.b) UPS of category C3Table 2 – Limits of mains terminal interference voltage frequency range0,15 MHz to 30 MHz for Category C3 UPS equipmentUPS rated output current Frequency range LimitsdB (μV)A MHz Quasi-peak Average0,15 to 0,50b10090 >16 – 1000,50 to 5,0b86765,0 to 30,0 90 to 70a80 to 60a0,15 to 0,50b130120 >1000,50 to 5,0b1251155,0 to 30,0 115105a The limits decrease linearly with the logarithm of the frequency.b The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequency.6.4.2 Limits of a.c. output interference voltageThe limits in Tables 1 and 2 apply.An allowance of +14 dB is permitted for conducted disturbances at the output of the UPS as specified in Tables 1 and 2, except for C3 greater that 100 A where no increase is allowed.These limits only apply to UPS where the output cable, as declared by the manufacturer, inhis users’ instructions, can exceed 10 m in length.The values shall be measured using a voltage probe in accordance with A. Limits of signal and telecommunication portsFor ports intended for connection to the public switched telecommunication network (PSTN),the test methods and limits of CISPR 22 apply (see also Annex C).6.4.4 Limits of d.c. portsThe d.c. port is deemed an internal part of the UPS and, as such, is not subject to limits of conducted interference. The effect of conducted interference on the d.c. port may, however, cause radiated interference, but no further tests are required, provided that the UPS, in both normal and in stored energy modes of operation and when set-up as described in this clause, complies with the radiated requirements according to 6.5.Where a UPS is provided with terminals for the connection of an external d.c. source, thisport shall be included in the test set-up and tested as shown below.For table-top UPS, the battery and its enclosure shall be installed in a position permitted by the manufacturer's instructions. For floor-standing UPS, the external d.c. source and its enclosure shall be positioned 0,8 m from the UPS and wired in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.For large UPS, where the d.c. source will be installed at a distance from the UPS, the port shall be wired in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, and a test battery or power supply shall be fitted to the d.c. source end of the cables to enable measurement in stored energy mode.6.4.5 Low-frequency emissions – Input current harmonicsIf the rated input current and voltage are within the scope of IEC 61000-3-2, the limits and test methodology therein shall apply.emissions6.5 Radiatedfield6.5.1 ElectromagneticThe UPS shall meet the limits of Table 3.If the reading on the measuring receiver shows fluctuations close to the limit, the reading shall be observed for at least 15 s at each measurement frequency; the highest reading shall be recorded, with the exception of any brief isolated high reading, which shall be ignored.No limits apply for radiated emission below 30 MHz.Measurements methods and informative limits for study are given in Annex B.Table 3 – Limits of radiated emission in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 000 MHzFrequency range Quasi-peak limitsdB(μV/m)MHz Category C1 UPS Category C2 UPS Category C3 UPS30 to 230 304050230 to 1 000 374760The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequency.NOTE 1 The test distance is 10 m. If the emission measurement at 10 m cannot be made because of high ambient noise levels or for other reasons, measurement may be made at a closer distance, for example, 3 m (see CISPR 22, 10.3.1, note).NOTE 2 Additional provisions may be required for cases where interference occurs.6.5.2 MagneticfieldNo limits apply for magnetic emissions. Refer to Annex B for measurement methods and informative limits.7 Immunity7.1 GeneralImmunity requirements in the frequency range 0 Hz to 1 GHz only are covered.These test requirements represent essential electromagnetic compatibility immunity require-ments. Test requirements are specified for each port considered.The levels given in this clause do not cover extreme cases, which may occur in any location but with an extremely low probability of occurrence. For such cases, higher levels may be required.NOTE In special cases, situations will arise where the level of disturbances may exceed the levels specified in this part of IEC 62040, for example, where a hand-held transmitter is used in proximity of a UPS. In these instances, special mitigation measures may have to be employed.7.2 General requirements and performance criteriaThe equipment shall, as a minimum, comply with the immunity limits of 7.3 to 7.6. The performance criteria adequate for UPS are given in Table 4.Table 4 – Performance criteria for immunity testsCriterion A Criterion BOutput characteristics Voltage permitted to vary only withinthe steady-state characteristicsapplicable (100 m sec limits inFigures 1, 2 or 3 of IEC 62040-3)Voltage permitted to vary within the inverse time characteristics applicable (<100 m sec limits in Figures 1, 2 or 3 of IEC 62040-3)External and internalindications and meteringChange only during test Change only during testControl signals to external devices No change Change only temporarily in consistencywith the actual UPS mode of operationMode of operation No change Change only temporarilyThe tests shall be made with the UPS in the following conditions:– rated input voltage;– normal mode of operation;– linear load at rated active output power or at light load according to IEC 62040-3.The UPS shall be specified with the proper level in case of different levels of performance criteria.Refer to Annex D for test methodology.7.3 Basic immunity requirements – High-frequency disturbances7.3.1 ConditionsIn Tables 5 and 6, the minimum immunity requirements for high-frequency disturbance tests, and acceptance criteria are stated. The acceptance criteria are detailed in Table Equipment of category C1The levels in Table 5 shall be applied to UPS of category C1. If a UPS is designed to have immunity according to Table 5, it shall include a written warning in the catalogue or on the equipment which indicates that it is not intended to be used in an industrial environment.Table 5 – Minimum immunity requirements for UPS intended for UPS of category C1Port Phenomenon Basic standardfor test methodLevelPerformance(acceptance)criterionESD IEC 61000-4-24 kV CDor 8 kV ADif CD impossibleBEnclosure portRadio-frequency electro-magnetic field, amplitude modulated.IEC 61000-4-380 to 1 000 MHz3 V/m80 % AM (1 kHz)AFast transient-burst IEC 61000-4-4 1 kV/5 kHz a B Surge b1,2/50 us, 8/20 us IEC 61000-4-51 kV c2 kV dBAC input and outputpower portsConducted radio-frequency common mode e IEC 61000-4-60,15 to 80 MHz3 V80 % AM (1 kHz)ADC power port Fast transient-burst e IEC 61000-4-4 1 kV/5 kHzCapacitive clampBFast transient-burst e IEC 61000-4-4 1 kV/5 kHzCapacitive clampBSignal and control portsConducted radio-frequency common mode e IEC 61000-4-60,15 to 80 MHz3 V80 % AM (1 kHz)ACD = contact discharge AD = air discharge AM = amplitude modulationa Power ports with current rating < 100 A: direct coupling using the coupling and decoupling network. Powerports with current rating > 100 A: direct coupling or capacitive clamp without decoupling network. If thecapacitive clamp is used, the test level shall be 2 kV/5 kHz.b Light-load test condition is acceptable for power ports rated for current > 63A.c Coupling line to line.d Coupling line to earth.e Applicable only to ports or interfaces with cables whose total length according to the manufacturer's functionalspecification may exceed 3 m.。

中国人口·资源与环境 2023 年 第33 卷 第5 期CHINA POPULATION , RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT Vol.33 No.5 2023马丁,李硕.中国地表水水质变化趋势及治理政策应对[J ].中国人口·资源与环境,2023,33(5):27-39.[MA D ,LI S.Trends in China ’s surface water quality and control policy solutions [J ].China population , resources and environment ,2023,33(5):27-39.]中国地表水水质变化趋势及治理政策应对马丁1,李硕2(1.北京大学国家发展研究院,北京 100871; 2.香港大学经济及工商管理学院,香港 999077)党的十八大以来,包括水环境在内的国家层面环境治理的力度明显上升,并取得了显著成果。
联合国可持续发展目标6(Sustainable Development Goals 6, SDG 6)即“为所有人提供水和环境卫生并对其进行可持续管理(Ensure availability and sustainable management ofwater and sanitation for all )”。

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HospitalT A B L E O F C O N T E N T SContact Directory (1)Introduction (2)The Value of Joint Commission International Accreditation (2)Joint Commission International—Who Are We? (3)Who Is Eligible for an Academic Medical Center Accreditation Survey? (5)How to Request an Academic Medical Center Accreditation Survey (5)Survey Scheduling, Postponements, and Cancellations (6)The Standards Manual (7)Scoring Guidelines for Survey Consistency (9)Accreditation Decision Rules (15)Accreditation Preparation (17)Preparation Timeline (18)Accreditation Process Timeline (21)The On-Site Survey (22)Sample Survey Agenda (23)Tracer Methodology (28)The Accreditation Decision (31)Survey Agenda: Detailed DescriptionsOpening Conference (33)Orientation to the Hospital’s Services (35)Surveyor Planning Session (36)Document Review (38)Documents Available in English (39)Daily Briefing (43)Facility Tour (45)Sample Outline of a Facility Inspection Report (47)Individual Patient Tracer Activity (48)System Tracer: Medication Management (51)System Tracer: Infection Control (54)System Tracer: Improvement in Quality and Patient Safety (56)Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Monitoring Plan:Measures Documentation Tool (59)System Tracer: Facility Management and Safety System (61)Undetermined Survey Activities (65)Education Session: Hospital Decision Rules,Scoring Guidelines, and Strategic Improvement Plan (66)Staff Qualifications and Education Session (67)Medical Staff Qualifications Worksheet (69)Competency Assessment Process Review Form (71)Other Health Care Professional Staff Competency Assessment ProcessReview Form (72)Staff Qualifications and Education Resident Session (73)Resident Staff Qualifications Worksheet (74)Closed Medical Record Review (75)Medical Record Review Tool (76)MPE Supervision Medical Record Documentation (80)Medical Education Interview (81)Medical Professional Education Management (82)Human Subject Research Accountability Interview (83)Management of Contracted Research Studies (84)Human Subject Research Review (85)Leadership Conference (87)Surveyor Team Meeting (89)Surveyor Report Preparation (90)Leadership Exit Conference (91)Survey Planning: Reference ListsRequired Quality Monitors (93)Required Hospital Plans (94)Required Policies and Procedures, Written Documents, or Bylaws (96)Standards That Reference Laws and Regulations (114)Law and Regulation Worksheet (115)External Auditing Body Recommendation Worksheet (120)Contact DirectoryJoint Commission International Accreditation Central Office1515 West 22nd Street, Suite 1300WOak Brook, IL 60523 U.S.A.Phone: +1.630.268.4800Fax: +1.630.268.2996E-mail:jciaccreditation@Joint Commission International Joint Commission International Joint Commission International European Office Middle East Office Asia Pacific OfficeDr. Carlo Ramponi, Managing Director Dr. Ashraf Ismail, Managing Director Dr. Paul Chang, Managing Director Via Ripamonti, 44 P.O. Box 505018 37th Floor20100 Milano Dubai Healthcare City Singapore Land TowerItaly Dubai , United Arab Emirates 50 Raffles PlacePhone: +39.02.890.75.940 Phone: +971.4369.4930 Singapore 048623Fax: +39.02.999.80.695 Fax: +971.4362.4951 Phone: +6. 6829.7208E-mail: cramponi@ E-mail: aismail@ Fax: +65.6829.7070E-mail: pchang@ Contact Joint Commission International for any of the following:∙To inquire about a completed application for survey, survey date, or schedule or for assistance with specific problems or information related to accreditation∙To register for or receive information about education programs and to purchase or to inquire about publicationsJoint Commission International Website: Visit the Website to obtain any of the following:∙General information about accreditation∙Joint Commission International news∙Information about accreditation status for specific hospitals∙Application for survey∙Frequently asked questions (FAQs)∙JCInsight, JCI’s newsletter∙Revisions to standards∙Standards∙To submit a complaint about an accredited organizationJoint Commission Resources Website: Visit the Website to obtain any of the following:∙Information about upcoming education programs∙Catalog of publications∙Access to official JCI publications and e-books∙Video streaming presentationsIntroductionThe Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide for academic medical centers is designedto help hospitals learn about Joint Commission International (JCI) standards and the survey process. This guidewill provide hospitals with important information about JCI, the hospital standards manual (expanded for academic medical centers), eligibility for accreditation, how to request accreditation, survey preparation, the on-site survey, and the accreditation decision.Hospitals should not hesitate to contact any of the JCI Accreditation Offices by telephone or e-mail using the contact directory above for any other information they may need.The Value of Joint Commission International Accreditation Accreditation may benefit hospitals by accomplishing the following:∙Giving hospitals a competitive advantageAccreditation provides evidence of high-quality patient care that helps level the playing field forhospitals performing the same types of procedures.∙Strengthening community confidenceAchieving accreditation is a visible demonstration to patients and the community that a hospital iscommitted to providing the highest-quality services.∙Obtaining recognition from insurers, associations, employers, and other stakeholders Increasingly, accreditation is becoming an eligibility prerequisite for reimbursement, associationmembership, community awareness, and contracts or grants.∙Validating high-quality care to patientsJCI standards are focused on achieving one goal: raising the safety and quality of care to the highestpossible level. Achieving accreditation is a strong validation that a hospital has taken the extra steps to meet a high level of safety and quality.∙Helping hospitals organize and strengthen their improvement effortsAccreditation encompasses state-of-the-art performance improvement concepts that help hospitalscontinuously improve quality.∙Enhancing staff educationThe survey process is designed to be educational, not punitive. JCI surveyors are trained to helphospitals improve their internal procedures and day-to-day operations.∙Improving risk managementBy enhancing risk management efforts, accreditation may improve access to or reduce the cost ofliability coverage. It can also assist in lowering adverse events or outcomes for the hospital and, moreimportantly, for the patient.∙Facilitating staff recruitmentAs staff recruitment becomes more difficult, achieving accreditation as a demonstration of a hospital’s commitment to quality and patient safety will enhance recruitment efforts and retention of staff.∙Promoting team-building skills for staffThe process of obtaining and maintaining accreditation demands a team approach to good patient care.Establishing processes and systems that support good patient care is achieved through strong teamactivities.。

治疗不及时 易形成恶性循环
痰中酸性黏蛋白含量 增加,形成凝胶网
痰液给我们的生活带来 很多尴尬
为避免以下尴尬出现,请立刻服用 “霸灵”
02 羧甲司坦口服液的概述
液体制剂、口感好吸收好, 适合老人及儿童服用
Contents 目录
1 痰液的产生机理及危害 2 羧甲司坦口服液的概述 3 羧甲司坦口服液的科研成果 4 联合用药 疗效更好
01 痰液产生的机理及危害
分为上呼吸道和下呼吸道,是气体进出入肺的通道。整个呼吸道的内表面, 都分布有分泌液和纤毛 。
粘液与上皮纤毛相结合,起着转送及运输的作用,以每分钟10~20μm的速度 将气道中的污物排出,保护呼吸道的正常菌群,抑制炎症的发生。
当呼吸道受到刺激或发生炎症病变时,呼吸道液体的成分就会发生改变, 形成痰液。痰液中包含粘液、异物、病原微生物,各种炎症细胞及坏死 脱落的粘膜上皮细胞等成分。
白云山制药总厂目前已拥有国内发明专利35项,自主培育出由中国人自行研制、拥有 自主知识产权并率先应用于临床的头孢菌素头孢硫脒,获得国家技术发明二等奖,在研 一类创新药BYS03首批进驻呼吸疾病国内重点实验室产学研基地,自主创新项目入选广东 省现代产业500强项目,企业被认定为广东省高新技术企业与创新企业。

C. 美国一些政客污名化中国的行为是徒劳无益的,也是不堪一击的,这种行为对全球团结互助抗击疫情不会产生消极影响。
D. 世卫组织正因为秉持客观、公正、科学的态度,积极推动抗击疫情国际合作,才得到更多的国际主流组织的支持与响应。
3. 下列说法中,不能作为论据来支撑材料二观点的一项是( )
A. 美国政府启动“曲速行动”,推动卫生与公众服务部、国防部等多部门加速研发新冠疫苗。
5. 中国:①疫情防控行动快,规模大,效果显著。②不惜一切代价抗击疫情,以牺牲正常生活的方式为全人类做出了贡献。③中国向遭受疫情的国家及时伸出援助之手。美国:①在疫情防控方面存在种族歧视。②在疫情初期,白宫没有采取强有力的防控措施。③没有承担更多国际义务,没有帮助更多防控薄弱国家和地区。
B. 目前,美国是全球疫情最为严重的地区,感染病例数已超过500万,死亡病例数超过17万。
C. 美国国务卿蓬佩奥说自己有“大量证据”证明新冠病毒源自武汉,却又拿不出任何证据。
D. 中国的专家学者,通过互联网与150多个国家和国际组织举行了70多场疫情防控视频. 中国和美国在疫情防控方面各有怎样的表现?请结合材料一和材料二简要分析。
【答案】1. B 2. C 3. A

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补充微量元素 有“天赐的良药”“穷人的医生”之称
西兰花对杀死导致胃癌的幽门螺 旋菌具有协同功效
美国营养学家号召人们在秋季多食用西兰花,因为这时的西兰花花茎中营养含量最高。 保胃无“幽”,健康全家!
直选纯净原料 维优安,探寻植
凝聚一瓶,防、控、补、养全方位 保护你的胃。
辣木叶通过特殊的分离和提取技术,提取辣木叶有效成分 具有全面补充营养,提高免疫力,排毒养颜,通肠利便,减肥、消除口臭、解酒等功效. 又有食疗保健的功能,广泛用于医药、食品及保健等方面,
查 看 网 址 : h t t p : / / w w w. d o c i n . c o m / p 240796161.html
美国食品和药品监督管理局(FDA)认为, 特异性卵黄免疫球蛋白作为食品比作为药物更有利, 并将其列入“一般公认安全物质(Generally Accepted as Safe,GRAS)”范畴,
焦永军 教授 研究员。长期从事病毒、疫苗和人源性抗体类药物的开发研究,是 行业内的领军人才。
在全国率先获得了可用于临床治疗发热伴血小板减少综合征布尼亚病毒( SFTSV)感染的人源中和单抗,完成3个免疫学诊断试剂的研发,首次证实了长 角血蜱为 SFTSV传播媒介,使SFTSV诊断治疗达到国内先进水平。

目前,居民人均预期寿命从新中国成立前的35岁上升到 77岁。
实现了新生儿疾病筛查项目覆盖所有贫困地区;加强贫困地区出生缺陷防治,启动实施遗传代谢病救助项目和先天性结构畸形救助项目,截至 2018年底累计救助出生缺陷患儿1.3万名,拨付救助金超过1.5亿元。

2015年度医学事件大盘点策 划:本刊编辑部执 行:西 捷【本刊点评】深低温冷冻消融去肾动脉交感神经系统是由中国人自主研发,具有独立知识产权的,全球首个专门用于肾动脉冷冻消融的导管系统。


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THE LANCET Lancet-CMB china Series: China's Health Future Celebrating 100 Years of China
Medical Board
全国人大常委会副委员长、中华医学会会长陈竺,CMB主席Licoln Chen、《柳叶刀》杂志执行主编William Summerskill ,北京大学常务副校长、医学部常务副主任柯杨等出席会议并发表重要演讲。
《柳叶刀》中国专辑 Aug 30-Sep 5, 2014
•8月30日,英国《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)杂志在出版的第5期中国未来健康专辑中,发表了柯杨等人撰写的“中国医学教育转型:成就与挑战 ”一文。
•China Medical Board (CMB) 中华医学基金会•National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC)
•Non-Governmental Organization(NGO) 民间组织•Peking University Health Science Center
•Peking Union Medical College(PUMC)
•health for all 全民健康
•universal health coverage (UHC)
•health equity 健康公平
•life expectancy 寿命
•dispute between doctors and patients 医患矛盾
•violence against doctors(health workers) 医暴