



圣诞节ppt英文课件Christmas PowerPoint PresentationIntroduction:Christmas is a widely celebrated holiday around the world. It is a time of joy, love, and giving. As the holiday season approaches, many schools and organizations plan special events and activities to commemorate this festive occasion. One popular way to share the spirit of Christmas is by creating a Christmas PowerPoint presentation. In this article, we will explore the elements that make a captivating Christmas PowerPoint presentation and provide some creative ideas to make your presentation stand out.Slide 1: Title SlideThe title slide sets the tone for your presentation. Choose a festive background with vibrant colors and include a catchy title such as "A Merry Christmas Celebration." You can also add a relevant image, like a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, or a snowman, to instantly grab the attention of your audience.Slide 2: Christmas TraditionsIn this slide, introduce the audience to various Christmas traditions from around the world. Include images and brief descriptions of customs like decorating Christmas trees, hanging stockings, and exchanging gifts. This slide will help create a sense of cultural diversity and showcase the universal joy associated with Christmas.Slide 3: Christmas CarolsChristmas carols are an integral part of the holiday season. Create a slide that highlights popular carols such as "Jingle Bells," "Silent Night," and "Deck the Halls." Embed audio clips of these songs to make the presentation more interactive. You can also encourage the audience to sing along or provide trivia about the origins of each carol.Slide 4: Festive DecorationsChristmas decorations play a significant role in creating a festive atmosphere. Use this slide to showcase different types of decorations, including lights, wreaths, and ornaments. Include images of beautifully decorated homes and streets to inspire your audience to get creative with their own decorations. Slide 5: Delicious Christmas TreatsChristmas is synonymous with delicious food and treats. Dedicate a slide to mouthwatering Christmas delicacies such as gingerbread cookies, fruitcake, and candy canes. Include appealing images and share a few easy-to-follow recipes for homemade treats. This slide will surely leave your audience craving for some festive goodies.Slide 6: Acts of KindnessChristmas is a time for giving and spreading love. Use this slide to discuss the importance of acts of kindness during the holiday season. Share heartwarming stories of people helping others, volunteering, or donating to charity. Encourage your audience to participate in similar acts of kindness and make a difference in their communities.Slide 7: Christmas Around the WorldChristmas is celebrated differently in various countries. Create a slide that showcases how different cultures celebrate this joyous occasion. Include images and descriptions of unique traditions like the Yule log in France, the Posadas in Mexico, or the Feast of the Seven Fishes in Italy. This slide will broaden the audience's understanding of the global significance of Christmas.Slide 8: Fun Christmas GamesChristmas is a time for fun and games. Dedicate a slide to entertaining activities that can be enjoyed during the holiday season. Include images and descriptions of popular games like "Secret Santa," "White Elephant," or "Christmas Charades." Provide instructions on how to play these games and encourage your audience to try them out with their friends and family.Conclusion:A well-designed Christmas PowerPoint presentation can capture the essence of the holiday season and engage your audience. By incorporating elements such as traditions, carols, decorations, treats, acts of kindness, global celebrations, and games, you can create a memorable presentation that spreads joy and holiday spirit. So, let your creativity shine and make this Christmas a truly special one with your captivating PowerPoint presentation.。



,嘴勤,不怕苦,不怕累,对工作尽职尽责,尽量替领导分忧,提高了办事效率。 、在工作中存在 的问题。 在这一年中,存在着很多不足之处,如在面对千头万绪工作中,未能总结出积极有效、简
捷明了的工作方法,缺乏对保险理论与业务知识的深入了解。在今后的工作中,我会更加积极努力 提高自己,不断总结经验教训,让自己的不懈努力创造应有的价值。同时,在工作中如有不对的地 方,还需领导批评指出。 我深信,在领导干部正
MERRY Christmas
圣诞节(Christmas)又称耶诞节,译名为“基督弥撒”,西方 传统节日,在每年12月25日。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。圣诞节 是一个宗教节,因为把它当作耶稣的诞辰来庆祝,故名“耶诞节”。
大部分的天主教教堂都会先在24日的平安夜,亦即12月25日凌 晨举行子夜弥撒,而一些基督教会则会举行报佳音,然后在12月25 日庆祝圣诞节;基督教的另一大分支——东正教的圣诞节庆则在每 年的1月7日。
确指导和全体员工的共同努力拼搏下,未来太保中心支公司会做的更大、更强、更辉煌!财务部门 个人工作总结-个人总结 今年,是本人在财务科工作的第二年。在一年的时间里,本人能够遵纪守法、认真学习、努力钻研、 扎实工作,以勤勤恳恳、兢兢业业的态度对待本职工作,在财务岗位上发挥了应有的作用,做出了 贡献。 一、以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为行动指南,认真学习政治理论知识,参加 有益的政治活动,不断提高自
圣诞节也是西方世界以及其他很多地区的公共假日,例如:在亚 洲的香港、澳门、马来西亚和新加坡。圣经实际上并无记载耶稣诞生 日期,圣诞节是后人公定的。
看时,文件是一遍又一遍修改,一遍又一遍打印,甚至让自身泄气烦燥,可是后来将心比心,公司 领导都可以不厌其烦认真对待每一个文件,乃至每一个字,而做为我显然是微不足道的,达到了培 养耐心的良好目的。态度决定一切,在工作中我会继续竭尽全力做好自己的事情。 、执行做好领导 交办的任务。 做为自身来说,除了做好自己份内的事以外,执行领导交办的事情当然也是理所当然 的。同时我积极配合领导安排的工作,做到腿勤,手勤


It commemorates the birth of Jesus.
The date of commemoration is not known to be Jesus' actual birthday.
Santa Claus Christmas tree Christmas hats Christmas Stocking Christmas cards Christmas dinner Christmas carols
Christmas Day
Christmas is a joyful religious holiday when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. To people all over the world, Christmas is a season of giving and receiving presents. In some European countries, Father Christmas, or Saint Claus, comes into houses in the night and leaves gifts for the children. Saint Nicholas is represented as a kindly man with a red cloak and long white beard. Most children believe that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole. All year he lists the names of children, both those who have been good and those who have been bad. He decides what presents to give to the good children. Each child hung a stocking, or sock, over the fireplace. Santa entered down the chimney and left candy and presents inside the socks for the children. On the morning of Christmas day. Each child can't wait to open his or her eyes to see what Santa has left in the stocking.



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MerryChristmas !
Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas this holiday season.
Happy New Year !
To : Dear Peter
Merry Christmas and happy New Year! Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through Christmas and the coming year. Warm hearted wishes for an old fashioned Christmas and a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things.
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decorate/ˈdekəreɪt / 装饰
Santa Claus gives out presents to children. 圣诞老人分发礼物给孩子们。
Santa/ˈsæ ntə /Claus/klɔ:z / 圣诞老人 Christmas/ ˈkrɪsməs / father
greet/gri:t / 问候
computer robot/ˈrəʊbɒt / toy plane
Hale Waihona Puke hamburgerHere is present for you. Here is a computer for you .
一,Read A quickly, then answer questions:
Christmas/ˈkrɪsməs/ tree圣诞树
Christmas card
Present/ˈpreznt / 礼物
Celebrate/ˈselɪbreɪt / 庆祝
receive/rɪˈsi:v / 收到
People send Chritsmas cards to their friends. 人们送圣诞卡片给他们的朋友。
3、远眺开始,双眼看整个图表,产生向前深进 的感觉,然后由外向内逐步辨认每一层的绿白线 条。
4、如果视力不良,只能进到某一层时,不要立 即停止远眺,应多看一会儿,将此层看清楚后, 再向内看一层,如此耐心努力争取尽量向内看, 才能使眼的睫状肌放松。
5、双眼视力相近的,两眼可同时远眺;双眼视 力相差大的、将左右眼轮流遮盖,单眼远眺,视 力差的一只眼睛,其远眺时间要延长。
又 It’s Christmas again! I can’t wait to open

外研版小学四年级英语上册 《Merry Christmas!》PPT教学课件

外研版小学四年级英语上册 《Merry Christmas!》PPT教学课件
Module10 Unit2MerryChristmas!
Let’splayandsay. “记忆王”--回忆Unit1的单词,看谁想起来
的多;然后说一说春节习俗。 AttheSpringFestival,we..
NewYea r
family dinner
theSprin gFestival
Listen, pointandsay
MerryChrist mas!
MerryChr istmas!
Here’syour present.
Christmas present
A. 送礼物 B. 吃许多食物 C. 吃饺子 D. 唱歌
1. WeeatlotsoffoodatChristmas. (对划线部分提问) _W__h_a_td_o_y_o_u__d_o_a_tC__h_r_is_t_m_a_s_?___
2. 2. Samhasmanypresents. (改为一般疑问句) 3. _D_o_e_s_S_a_m__h_a_v_e_m_a_n_y_p_r_e_s_e_n_t_s?___
Wegiveprese nts.
Weeatlotsoffo od.
WhatdoyoudoatChristmas? 在圣诞节你们做什么? 这是一般现在时态的特殊疑问句。 答语:We… --WhatdoyoudoatChristmas? --Wesingsongs.



a variety of cookies (the golden butter cookies, fruit cookies and so on)
Eating turkey is popular in the Unite States from 1620.
Christmas dinner Although the foods served for Christmas dinner may vary from family to family(and from country to country),typical items usually found at an American family's Christmas dinner would include turkey and dressing (or sometimes chicken,duckor ham), potatoes ,sweet potatoes,green vegetables,sauce,nuts,fruits,fruitcake,pumpkin and sweets. 尽管提供食品服务的圣诞大餐可能会有所变动,从每个家庭的 (从国家),最典型的项目通常发现,在美国家庭的圣诞晚餐包括土 耳其和敷料(或有时鸡、鸭或火腿)、土豆、甜薯、青菜、酱油、 坚果、水果、水果蛋糕、南瓜和糖果。
Decorated with a variety of candles ,f ,toys ,stars…
Christmas Tree Westerners with red, green and white color for the Christmas colors, Christmas comes every household is decorated with Christmas colors. Red Colored with Christmas flowers and Christmas candles. Green is the Christmas tree. It is the main Christmas ornaments, with the cut to the cedar (['si:də] 雪松), cypress (['saipris]柏树)tower was a class of decorated evergreen tree. Hanging above the colorful lights, gifts and paper flowers, but also lit the Christmas candles. 西方人以红、绿、白三色为圣诞色,圣诞节 来临时家家户户都要用圣诞色来装饰。红 色的有圣诞花和圣诞蜡烛。绿色的是圣诞树。 它是圣诞节的主要装饰品,用砍伐来的杉、 柏一类呈塔形的常青树装饰而成。上面悬挂 着五颜六色的彩灯、礼物和纸花,还点燃着 圣诞蜡烛。


be brought in to preventpeople having more than
圣诞节—Christmas Day
❖ The origin of the Christmas圣诞节的由来 ❖ Christmas customs of different countries不
同国家的圣诞节习俗 ❖ Christmas Eve 平安夜 ❖ the Christmas tree圣诞树 ❖ A Christmas song
❖ 英国:他们认为圣诞节 必须吃得痛快。所以圣 诞大餐极为丰富,包括 烤火鸡、圣诞布丁、圣 诞碎肉饼......等等。家 里每一个人都有一份礼 物,连仆人也有,礼物 都在圣诞节的早晨分赠 。
The United States
America:A free and colorful country, Christmas is a carnival day . American nation is complex, so its celebration often different because of varied immigrants . Most of the interior have chic decoration, the beautiful wreaths and colourful decorations are hanging outside.
to try and stop some of the damage beingcaused
to real trees due to people lopping the tip off large
trees, thus preventing the treesfrom growing any



Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
• We won't go until we get some • We won'won't go until we get some,so bring some out here • We won't go until we get some • We won't go until we get some • We won't go until we get some,so bring some out here
• Good tidings we bring to you and your kin • We wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year • Oh,bring us a figgy pudding • Oh,bring us a figgy pudding • Oh,bring us a figgy pudding and bring it out here
Merry Christmas!
Long Autumn
• • • • • • • • Long autumn is over the long leaves Long leaves are over the long roads Long roads are over our minds As leaves leaving from trees It's a season of missing It's a reason of missing I miss you My dear friends


The tree means “life cycle ”(生命轮回)
after a cold winter
Santa Claus
• Parents buy Christmas socks for their children.
• In the streets, there will be many “Santa Claus” sending presents to the passers-by. It's also a traditional custom.
Brief introduction
It falls on the 25th day of each December
It is the biggest and oldest festival of the year in America
It originated from the Roman New Year‘s agricultural God’s day(农神节), which has no connection with CBherciastuiaseniotyf(th基e 督sp教re)ad. of Christianity, Christmas was
included into the Christian system to celebrate the birth of Jesus
——religious activity—

• Most churches will hold midnight mass(子夜弥撒) on
Christmas Eve.
Christmas card is a bless to relatives and friends , especially for those in loneliness.


Detailed description
Santa Claus is usually depicted as a chubby old man, wearing red clothes and a white beard. He usually rides a reindeer on Christmas Eve and delivers gifts to the children's socks. This tradition originated in Europe and has now become a global symbol of Christmas.
The Origin Story of Christmas
Detailed description
The origin of Christmas can be traced back to the winter solstice celebration in ancient Rome, and later combined with the Christian commemoration of the birth of Jesus, gradually evolving into modern Christmas.
A Christmas card is a greeting card sent during the holiday season to wish friends and family a Merry Christmas
The cards commonly feature messages of love, well wishes, and holiday greetings They are often sent through the mail or hand delivered to those who are close to the sender

圣诞节介绍全英PPT (共45张PPT)

圣诞节介绍全英PPT (共45张PPT)

Christmas Shopping
Americans spend a lot of time and money buying Christmas presents. The average American family spends about 800 dollars. Stores and shopping centers are crowded at this time of year. More than 20% of goods sold during the year are sold during the weeks before Christmas.
A story about the origin of Christmas
Joseph took Mary as his wife as god had directed him. Few months after their marriage, Joseph and Mary were forced to leave Nazareth, because Rome ordered a census and all men must return to the town of their birth, Israel was ruled by Rome that time.
Cartoon Christmas stockings
christmas bells
People always wear red and bright clothes and Santa Claus' hat
Christmas Customs
Going to church Christmas Shopping Christmas Tree Christmas Food Christmas Carol
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Firstistheoriginofthechristmas.Thenamechristmasisshortfor“christ’smass”.amassisakindofchurchservice.christmasisareligiousfestival.itisthed aywecelebrateasthebirthdayofJesus.Therearespecialchristmasservicesinch ristianchurchesallovertheworld.Butmanyofthefestivitiesofchristmasdonot haveanythingtodowithreligion.Exchanginggiftsandsendingchristmascards arethemodernwaysofcelebratingthechristmasintheworld.christmas是christ‘smass”基督的弥撒—一种礼拜仪式的缩写。




BritainTheythinkchristmasisagreattimeforeating.Sochristmasdinnerisextremelyri ch,includingporkandroastTurkey,christmaspudding,christmasbreakhambu rger....Everyonehasagift,evenservants.Giftsaredispensedatchristmasmorni ng.他们认为圣诞节必须吃得痛快。



america TheUnitedStatesisafreeandcolorfulcountry.christmasisthedayforrevelry.B utwaysofcelebrationarevariedbecauseitisacountryofcomplexnationandim migrant.一个自由且多彩的国家,圣诞节是他们快乐狂欢的日子。


RussiainchristmasEve,thefamilysitaroundthetree.Parentstellchildrenthestoryofgr andfatherpioneers.onandmonthsbeforechristmasday,peopleunderthemiddl e-classwillpourintobigmarketscausemanythingareonsale.圣诞前夕,家人会围绕着圣诞树坐下,给孩子讲述荒诞的老祖父拓荒故事。


oneoftheRichdinner,concludechristmasTurkey,smokedham,christmassalm on,christmasBoudin圣诞火鸡,烟熏火腿,圣诞三文鱼,圣诞布丁christmascard Peoplewillsendcardwithgreetingsandgoodwishestoeachother.人们会互送问候和祝福贺卡。


Fisrt,ithinkweshouldknowwhenischristmasday.Yeah,it'sdecembertw enty-fifth.andwhychoosethisday?weneedtoknowthefeastofchristmas.it'sachrist ianholidaythatcelebratesthebirthofJesuschrist.Today,ithasbecomeanational holidaywhichcanbecomparedwiththenewYear.itissimilartotheSpringFestiv alinchina.Howtocelebrateit?Letmeintroduceyouthecustomsandtraditionalactivitesint hefollowingtime.Thenightofdecembertwenty-forthiscalledchristmasEve.o nchristmas,peopledon'tgotoworkandchildrendon'tgotoschool. Beforethedaycomes,peoplemustprepareforchristmastrees,christmaslights, christmascards.onchristmaseve,weknowantraditionalactivitycalledcarollin g.Theysingmanychristmascarols.Beforegotosleep,thechildrenhangastocki ngattheendoftheirbedsforSanta'spresents.andtheyoftenwakeupearlyi nthechristmasdaytocheckthepresents.Thenthefamilywillhaveabigchristma sdinner.inthewestern,eachfamilyneedtoprepareachristmastreetoenhancethefestivea tmosphere.christmastreeisgenerallymadewithevergreensuchascypressitisa symboloflifeforever.christmastreeoftendecoratedwithavarietyofcandles,flo wers,toys,starsandallkindsofchristmasgifts.onchristmasEve,peoplearoundt hechristmastreearesinginganddancing.onchristmasEve,christmascarolinghasbecomeanindispensableprogram.Theteamismadeupofabouttwentyyoungpeople,plusalittlegirlwhodressedasan angelandaSantaclaus.whentheywenttoafamily,theywillsingsomefamiliarch ristmascarolslike”Silentnight”,”JingleBells”andsoon,Thesongsmostlyisab outthebirthofJesus.ThenallofpeopleprayedtogetherandSantaclauswilldeliv erthechristmasgifts.Theactivitycontinueuntilaboutfouro'clockthenex tmorning.althougheveryoneenjoyschristmasday,itisparticularlyenjoyedbychildren,w hogetveryexcitedbecauseofthepresents.itissaidthattherewasakindoldmanw hosenamewasSaintnicholas.Heoftenhelpedthepoorandgavepresentstothem .Today,Santaclausisanimaginaryfigure,butnearlyallchildrenbelieveinhim.T heythinkheisahappyoldmanwithalongwhitebeardandalongredrobe.another nameforSantaclausisFatherchristmas. Peoplealwayswakeupearly.inthechristmasmorningSomepeoplemaygotoac hristmasmorningchurchservice.Butmostpeoplewilljustwatchthespecialchristmasprogram mesTV orplaypartygamesbutthemotherswillbeinthekitchenpreparingchrist masdinner.Everyoneenjoyit,becausechristmasdinneristhemainmealoftheday,somefam iliesarrangeitatlunch,andsomefamiliesarrangeitatdinner.majorfoodforthec hristmasmealisturkeyorroastgoose,puddingsandavarietyofcookiessuchasth egoldenbuttercookies,fruitcookiesandsoon.Thecustomofeatingturkeyispop ularintheUniteStatesfrom1620andBritishchristmasdinnerisroastgoose.。
