汽车后市场 外文文献翻译

调研汽车市场英文作文Automobile Market ResearchThe automobile market, a vast and diverse landscape, continues to evolve at an unprecedented rate. Driven by advancements in technology, changing consumer preferences, and evolving regulatory frameworks, the industry is witnessing transformative shifts that are shaping its future.At the forefront of these changes is the emergence of electric vehicles (EVs). As concerns about environmental sustainability and carbon emissions gain prominence, consumers are increasingly leaning towards greener alternatives. EVs, with their zero-emission credentials and lower running costs, are becoming increasingly popular, particularly in urban areas with dense populations and high pollution levels. Manufacturers are responding to this trend by investing heavily in EV technology, leading to a surge in the number of models available on the market.Autonomous driving is another technology that is revolutionizing the automotive sector. The promise of self-driving cars, which can navigate roads safely and efficiently without human intervention, is attracting significant interest from both consumers and automakers. While fully autonomous vehicles are still in the early stages of development, many modern cars now come with advanced driver assistance systems that provide partial autonomy in certain situations, such as parking or highway driving.Connectivity is another key trend shaping the automotive market. With the advent of in-car Wi-Fi and integrated infotainment systems, cars are becoming increasingly connected to the internet and other devices. This connectivity not only enhances the driving experience but also opens up new business opportunities for automakers, who can offer personalized services and content to their customers.The rise of car-sharing and ride-hailing services is also having a profound impact on the automotive market. These services, which allow individuals to rent or share cars rather than own them, are reducing the overall demand for private vehicles. As a result, manufacturers are looking to adapt their business models tocater to this new demand, offering more flexible ownership options and subscription-based services.In conclusion, the automobile market is undergoing significant transformation, driven by advancements in technology and changing consumer preferences. The emergence of electric vehicles, autonomous driving, connectivity, and new ownership models are shaping the industry's future, presenting both challenges and opportunities for automakers. As the market continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how these trends will play out and what new innovations will emerge to further transform the automotive landscape.。
汽车外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 中英对照 汽车金融研究

Automobile finance researchAbstract:The automobile industry has hundred years history in overseas oneself. The people in carefully examine, savors these 100 year historical time, often saw is the automobile industry magnificent and the wheel nationality's abundance, but has neglected in this century hundred year, billowing automobile dust behind, some unknown hero - automobile finance service station plays vital role. If did not have at that time “the carapace insect” unsolvable with Germany Volkswagenwe rk famous “five Deutsche Mark credits” emerging, does not have today “the unparalleled in the world” automobile empire and world top level German automobile industry; If does not have the Ford automobile credit company to take the lead the automobile finance service to take the impetus auto sale the release lever, standard and gets down fixedly the automobile finance service with the corporate system way, and first uses the securitization in the world the way to allow temporary credit class of the continuously fund, also does not have today automobile industry mammoth and the common people lives the convenience to be quick. In a sense, had the automobile finance service, only then had today automobile industry, today aviation industry and now weather all mechanical manufacturing industries; Also had the automobile finance service, only then had human's radius of action hundred, thousand kilometer level spanning, had the humanity to benefit in the geography space and time expands the humanities spirit sublimation which, the movement speed enhanced brings.Automobile finance researchMust understand truly the automobile industry, must first read the automobile finance; must develop the automobile industry truly, must first develop the automobile finance. Domestic and foreign historical oneself after has made clear this point. China passes for several dozens years to attempt one to leave the automobile finance continuously, the independence develops the automobile industry pathway, the result it can be imagined. Is big until now, realized only then gradually, the automobile finance is the automobile industry ox muzzle, the automobile finance starts one of important keys which the society expends.Although automobile finance expends in the finance in the overseas society,after has become continues the real estate finance the second big finance, but in China whether needs to develop also has the very great dispute. In other words, whether does the automobile finance production and develop in a disorderly way may follow?On the one hand I according to Mr. Liu Fuyuan “the national economy space and time theory”, also “national economy development phase to economical thing and economic phenomena keeping in balance with guiding function” the viewpoint embarks, “deepens and “the consumption pattern has and the change rule” the angle from the finance”, had the development national economy stage space and time characteristic to the automobile finance service to carry on the analysis, proposed “the automobile finance was th e national economy develops the financial phenomenon which under the specific stage appeared inevitably” and “the consumption pattern operating law decided the automobile finance had the development” and so on the viewpoints.On the other hand I attempt through the automobile finance service to macroscopic economical and the microscopic economical function analysis, explained the automobile finance service enhanced the automobile production, the service, the expense domain fund use efficiency, strengthened the financial service superiority, thus further emphasized the automobile finance produces rationality: The automobile finance can adjust in the national economy movement three big contradictory: “Production and expense contradiction”, “turnover of capit al contradiction”, “credit (demand) and deposit (supplies) contradiction”;The automobile finance has “the high value transferability” to the automobile industry, has “the height dependence and the catalytic nature” to the tertiary industry, has “the high placement” to the employment;The automobile finance may play “the maintenance sale system to the automobile manufacturer, the conformity sale strategy, provides the market information the role”; the automobile finance may play to the car dealer “provide s goods in stock financing”, “transport business fund allows temporary credit”, “equipment financing” the role;The automobile finance may play to the automobile user “provides the expense credit”, “rents financing”, “service financing”, “the insurance business”the role;In brief, “the automobile finance can consummate socialized, the marketability financial service system”.Under the above analysis premise, I place the research and the writing key point the automobile finance concrete operation flow in several key questions, argues vigorously establishes a relative consummation the structure system.Because at present in domestic, but also does not have one special to discuss with the literature, even is one has the depth paper, studies the automobile finance question, I only then “look for a needle in a haystack”, seeks some fragmentarily, the dispersible material from the overseas university development facility and in the automobile finance service website.The innovation aspect, belongs in the rese arch area “runs the horse stable place”, the basically entire structure is new, but also is preliminary. According to “automobile finance historical development - - research system foundation; Automobile finance profit pattern - research system core; Automobile finance credit administration - - research system inner layer; Automobile finance financing mechanism - - research system outer layer: Automobile finance product development - research system surface layer” the order launches; In the research techniq ue, has mainly used “the comparison research” the method, in the Western economic, the finance study, the insurance study, the service management science, the financial engineering, consumer economics domain extensive cultivation and so on the marketing study, compatible and gathers, uses these theories to explain diligently the automobile finance the related question, and has formed some new viewpoints, mainly has “the automobile finance increment profit pattern” in the concrete content, “the credit reimburses ability management”, “the automobile finance multi-dimensional financing structure”, “the automobile finance financial product development”, “the automobile finance product achievements marketing” and so on.First, understands the automobile finance “the development history”.Has analyzed the automobile finance service company's general evolution history process and the current several kind of main existence form, including “bigautomobile manufacture enterprise attached”, “big bank financial group attached”, “independent type”; Has analyzed the automobile finance service company newly “the compound superiority”; Also analyzed “the economical globalization” in the process the automobile finance service to start to appear “the multi-dimensional strate gy”, “the deepened strategy” and “the hypothesized service” the trend of development.Specially has also analyzed the Chinese automobile finance special development experience and the advantages in this foundation. According to “the modern effective marke t hypothesis”, has analyzed “the interest rate control” in the situation, the Chinese automobile money market non-validity, has drawn some basic conclusions: Induces and the start huge individual deposit with the automobile finance service, supports the national economy high speed to grow continually: The automobile finance service is helpful “the automobile expends the leading” in the establishment the market pattern; The automobile finance service is helpful to the elimination “the automobile demand growt h regional characteristic incline” the question; The automobile finance service is helpful in the display uses the Chinese automobile storage quantity property. Also to develop the automobile finance service existence “the human vehicle to be contradictory”, “the road vehicle is contradictory” and so on the main restriction factor to carry on the appraisal, proposed specially: The automobile finance can “the creation supplies”, be the science solution above question “the key”.After the understanding automobile finance service historical present situation, has then analyzed the automobile finance service existence “the origin of life” - - the profit pattern. This also is further is proving the automobile finance existence “the rationality” the question.After the introduction automobile finance profit pattern basic meaning, I divide into it “the basic profit pattern” and “the increment profit pattern” two kinds, and from “service management theory”, “financial service theory” the angle, proved the automobil e finance service profit pattern “not to be possible to know touches the nature”, “the indivisibility”, “the different principle” and so on the characteristics, proposed “the automobile finance service profit pattern core factor was the customer loyal degr ee of satisfaction”, “the automobile finance serviceprofit pattern secondary factor is the automobile finance service transmission quality”. Also to “the market concentration degree”, “the market entered the barrier”, “the market mechanism” and so on the market parameters has carried on the description.I the Western economic “the market analysis” the theory introduction, will also analyze and obtain “the perfect competitive market to the automobile finance service profit pattern non-serviceability”, “hav e monopolized the market completely to the automobile finance service profit pattern non-serviceability”, “the monopoly struggled the market mechanism unexpectedly to the automobile finance service profit pattern serviceability”, “the oligopoly market to t he automobile finance service profit pattern serviceability” the conclusion, and has specifically analyzed under each kind of market condition, automobile finance service profit pattern running status.In this part, my another new viewpoint is, proved the automobile finance service to rise in value fully the profit pattern necessity, the concrete method, the fund composition, the investment principle, the investment portfolio. Also introduced I apply the investment bank fundamental research development one kind of typical automobile finance service to raise in value the profit pattern - “to buy the vehicle to manage finances the profit pattern”.If the automobile finance service profit pattern is a core, then the credit administration is controls this patt ern the key. After inspects “the credit theory”, “the consumer credit theory” these theory origin, has emphatically analyzed the automobile finance service credit system function and the automobile finance service credit system specific connotation and the category, emphasized the key point is eliminates the automobile finance the information dissymmetry, according to credit rank decision financing quantity and deadline. Also “paid (deposit) toself-to restrain the mechanism”, “the joint and several liability mechanism”, “the credit system mechanism” and so on the automobile finance service credit operations machine has manufactured the description, has established the measure automobile finance service individual loan risk and the automobile finance reimburses ability management the essential method, and established the automobile finance service credit system on our country to propose thecountermeasure.The automobile finance service financing structure plays is gathering accepts the fund the role, is the support, the guarantee automobile finance profit pattern display function “the power” .It both automobile finance profit pattern control, and reaction in automobile finance profit pattern, therefore, met down has conducted the research to it. The automobile finance service company finances the structure rationale to have “the financial capital to say”, “the banking capital circulation said”, and “the transaction expense said”. The automobile finance service financing history process has experienced “endogen financing”, “extraneous source financing” and “highly effective in extraneous source financing”. Has analyzed the automobile finance service company's financing structural model and the automobile finance service company best financing structure function, as well as the influence automobile finance Service Company finances the structure primary factor. Also with emphasis introduced the automobile finance service company's several kind of main financing form, specially introduced in the automobile finance credit property securitization financing form, in the automobile finance service intangible asset capitalization financing strategy, in the automobile finance service special permission management financing strategy, in the automobile finance service project financing strategy, the automobile finance service level border financing strategy.The automobile finance service product development sells the camp is the entire system final link, it realizes the automobile finance profit pattern tool, is the automobile finance credit administration carrier, is the automobile finance financing mechanism operation goal.The automobile finance service product makes a general reference thought the automobile transaction and the use allows temporary credit the financial structure which the fund carries on (quantity, deadline, cost and so on), the financial strategy design and the corresponding legal contract arrangement, is each kind of question solution which in the reality the automobile finance service station faces, including encompassment price optimization aspect automobile finance product; Encompassment circumvention sale policy, system development automobile finance product: Revolves the automobile expends in the process to have servicelink convenience, efficient and indemnificatory development automobile finance product. The automobile finance service product characteristic by took the general use commodity the automobile and decided as the financial service contractual relationship two big factors: Has “compound”, “the accuracy”, “the risk”, “the continuous nature”, “the selectivity” and so on;The automobile finance product design is in the finance study is most difficult one of richest challenging topics. It is the automobile finance analysis inverse problem. Automobile finance product design general flow, including “goal design”, “structural design”, “product fixed price”, “risk income characteristic analysis”, “product standardization”. The automobile finance product benefit appraised the method includes: “Profit margin discount law”, “information feedback law”.The automobile finance product development innovation is the China monetary system reform intrinsic request, the interest rate marketability, is develops the Chinese automobile finance product core and the key.Had the automobile finance service product, but also must open “the direct marketing channel”, “the straight multiple marketing channel”, “on the net the marketing”, carries on “the potency to the automobile finance product sale personnel to dr ive”, and to “the potency drove” has carried on the model description.The analysis opens the Chinese automobile finance service market existence “the merger and acquisition conformity”, “the market reorganization” and so on the tendencies, proposed carries out Chinese Silver Jail to meet the spirit, the perfect automobile finance service company governs the structure, the use “the independent pattern”, “the union pattern”, “the Chinese-foreign joint venture pattern”, establishes the Chinese specialized au tomobile finance service organization, impels the automobile finance service industry moderately to grow in advance, promotes our country automobile industry, the financial service industry overall competitive power.文献来源:/Article/Automotive/index.html汽车金融研究摘要:汽车工业在国外己有百年历史。

原文Changing Channels In The Automotive Industry: The Future of Automotive Marketing and DistributionWho will be the winners and losers in the revolution that is radically reshaping the marketing, distribution and selling of automobiles? Will the vehicle manufacturers and their franchised-dealer networks be able to overcome years of inertia and complacency to pioneer and execute new concepts that will strengthen and extend the value of their brands? Or will nimbler, more imaginative retailers or software companies get there first?The transformation of the business of selling cars and trucks is happening before our eyes at an incredible pace -- promising to change forever an industry that has long been noted for its high costs, poor service and extremely unpleasant selling process. Auto manufacturers have competed fiercely among themselves to drive out cost and meet consumer needs for cheaper and better cars and trucks. Now the survivors face new threats from outside the industry that might thwart their renewed interest in building strong, lasting relationships with their customers.Entrepreneurs have dissected the cost-value equation and come up with new retail concepts. Their stories have been persuasive enough to attract hundreds of millions of dollars in public equity investment and persuade dozens of fiercely independent car dealers to sell out. Internet technology has lowered entry barriers for other entrepreneurs with new ideas about helping customers find, evaluate and buy new vehicles. These patterns are consistent with revolutions in other consumer durables markets that effectively transferred market power from manufacturers to retailers.Consumers are the only clear winners in this battle. While we are not sure which vehicle manufacturers will survive, we are confident that winning will require a better understanding of the life-cycle value equations of both cars and buyers, and the development of innovative strategies to capture that value.FORCES OF CHANGEFrom the days of Henry Ford's production line, the automobile industry has been based on a "supply-push" philosophy -- a strong bias toward "filling the factories" to cover high fixed costs.Dealer networks were created as logical extensions of the "supply-push" model. The networks were designed to hold inventory, leverage private capital (without threatening the manufacturers' control) and service and support what was then a less reliable and more maintenance-intensive product. Those networks generally were built around entrepreneurs focused on a defined geographic area, selling one or at most two brands.Despite its longevity, the traditional dealer channel leaves many people unhappy.High customer acquisition costs motivate dealers to convert store traffic to sales using aggressive tactics that extract differential margins based on customers' willingness to pay. Frequent well-publicized rebates have taught buyers to mistrust sticker prices and negotiate from cost up, rather than sticker down. As a result, dealers often find themselves competing not against another brand, but against a same-make dealer across town. This acute competition has almost bid away dealer profit on the sale of new passenger cars in the United States (with some profits still available on sales of trucks, sport utility vehicles and luxury cars).Shrinking dealer margins do not translate into happy customers: Most customers (approximately four out of five) dislike the purchase process, and many still come away feeling cheated and mistreated. This strong antipathy is largely responsible for the rapid growth of Internet-based services that offer alternative means of gathering information on cars, soliciting price quotes and, in some cases, conducting transactions.SURFING THE NET FOR PROFITSObviously the Internet is a major enabler of change in auto distribution. Many of the most important auto industry innovators today are developing Web-based services, leading some to predict that the most important automotive company of the next century will be a software-based company. Republic Industries, for instance, expects sales to reach $1 billion on the World Wide Web by the year 2000. Estimates vary, but some studies have shown that with some cars, as many as 40 percent of customers gather information from the Internet. A smaller but growing percentage of customers demonstrate what is called shopping behavior, or soliciting price quotations and availability information prior to the actual purchase.The dramatic growth and power of Internet technology have greatly reduced the cost of obtaining information on features, price and availability. Consequently, customers are better equipped to extract what they want from dealerships. One of the pioneers of Internet marketing, Inc., is working to speed response time from its participating dealers because it has learned that a staggeringly high proportion of its customers -- 64 percent -- buy within 24 hours of using its service to get price and availability quotes. The Internet offers new and better ways to perform many sales and marketing functions and makes it possible for manufacturers to have more and richer two-way communications directly with consumers. It has also provided, for the rest time, the capability for channel marketing on a national or even international scale, attacking further the value of the traditional, geographically depend channel.DEALERS STILL PART OF EQUATIONNo one is suggesting, though, that auto dealers will disappear. Ironically, changes in cars and trucks themselves are making dealers more important. Consumers have more choices of brands and models than ever before. Improved durability and reliability and faster design cycles have narrowed the differences among competing products in the same category. Brand loyalty increasingly derives not from the product itself but from the total purchase and ownership experience. Numerous studies show that customer satisfaction has become a much more critical competitivedifferentiator and a greater influence on repurchase loyalty than the car itself. And it is the dealer that controls these levers today. (See Exhibit II.) This explains the intense efforts many vehicle manufacturers have made to set standards for, measure and even base some dealer compensation on customer satisfaction scores.As a result of the high-cost, low-satisfaction proposition provided by the traditional dealer channel in general, many players have recently moved to capitalize on opportunities afforded by improving the channel-value equation. Entrepreneurs with access to public capital have strategic designs to modernize auto distribution. Six dealer groups in the United States went public in 1996-7. Collectively they soared past the $4 billion mark in revenue in 1997, up by more than 30 percent from 1996, with most of the growth coming from additional acquisitions of existing dealers.The most prominent new automotive industry entrepreneur in the United States is H. Wayne Huizenga, chairman of Republic Industries. Mr. Huizenga has a proven track record as an innovator who has revolutionized the waste disposal and video rental industries. Republic owns the nation's largest group of franchised automotive dealerships, operates the AutoNation USA used-vehicle megastore chain and owns and operates several car rental businesses. Republic is currently on an extraordinary acquisition campaign for new-car business dealerships. Even though Republic has almost single-handedly doubled the market price for dealerships, it does not appear to be slowing down.Nonetheless, manufacturers seem to be following, not leading, the revolution. Many are still being pushed or kicked along the path of change. There are real questions whether their late -- and in some cases half-hearted -- responses will be enough to protect the traditional position of the vehicle manufacturer as the caller of shots in the auto industry.VISION FOR THE FUTURENow that we see serious cracks in the walls protecting the traditional automotive distribution model, what will the future bring? Both the underlying drivers of change in automotive retailing and the trends already under way help answer that question. In addition, it is helpful to compare the automobile industry with other industries that have experienced distribution-channel evolution and look at the lessons they learned.Most consumer-durable industries have undergone substantial distribution-channel evolution resulting from changes in economics, regulations or technologies. Each one has unique circumstances, but we can see three relatively common, distinct stages in these channel restructurings:Stage One: This is marked by major improvements in value delivered, mostly reductions in cost. Usually the cost reductions stem from consolidation and rationalization in the channel as better concepts or bigger players drive out marginal or small players. The bigger players use their cost advantage to reduce prices and often to improve service, variety and convenience.Stage Two: Here channel evolution is focused on meeting the needs of specific customer segments. Channel functions are unbundled and restructured into more efficient or more appealing formats for defined groups of customers. Customer value is further enhanced through lower prices, better service or greater variety.Stage Three: This brings dramatic new paradigms not just for distribution but for the entire value chain. Full-service leasing ("power by the hour") in the heavy-duty-truck market is an example of this type of game-changing concept.We anticipate five major changes in future automobile distribution patterns and practices:FORMING A STRATEGIC RESPONSEGiven this view of the future, what should a manufacturer or major channel player do? Appropriate responses are to some extent situation-dependent, of course, but we believe the three stages of channel evolution observed in other industries provide valuable insight into what is and will be required to prevail in the automotive industry.Accordingly, we recommend the following strategic responses consistent with the three stages of channel evolution and the future automotive distribution vision described above:Aggressively and systematically pursue functional improvement beyond the factory gate. The most prominent opportunity is cost.Develop a vision of a desired end-game distribution channel strategy and begin making progress toward that vision, taking care to achieve consistency between the long-term vision and short-term functional improvement agendas.Build the means to create and capture much more of the "downstream" value associated with the automobile -- and, in so doing, strive to innovate "game-changing" approaches to the business.FUNCTIONAL IMPROVEMENTSIn the conventional dealer networks, tremendous improvement opportunities exist along two basic functional paths: reducing costs and raising customer satisfaction. Most manufacturers and many large channel players are jumping at these opportunities, given their magnitude. However, these players tend to select a limited number of programs, and they typically concentrate on single functional improvements independently or on a single functional path.A better approach is to address systematically the whole realm of possibilities with an integrated view of benefits within and across specific functions. This is not easy. Even programs with moderate scope and ambition typically require reforming entrenched business philosophies; coordinating several organizational groups with disparate incentives; managing complex and imposing legalities, and facing up to dealers resistant to change. But manufacturers must recognize that new players unencumbered by these constraints are raising the bar and traditional players must reach higher or fall behind.To date, Republic has focused primarily on pursuing the benefits of consolidation typical in the first stage of retail channel evolution. But some of its actions suggest the potential for truly game-changing retail evolution. When channel players, as opposed to manufacturers, are the winners in retail evolution, most often the one that leads in the first stage is the one that leads in other stages and reaps substantial benefits. Republic could be the first in the automotive industry to create an independent retail brand that actually "owns the customer."译文:汽车行业渠道的转变:未来的汽车销售和流通谁将成为赢家?谁能彻底重塑销售、分销和销售为一体的汽车?他们的汽车制造商网络能够克服惯性和骄傲自满的先驱和执行新观念,加强和扩大品牌价值的吗?或者,更富于想象力的零售商将nimbler或软件公司先到那儿?变革的商业销售轿车和卡车在我们眼前发生在一个令人难以置信的速度——承诺永远改变,长期以来一直使这个行业中付出很高的代价,可怜的服务和令人不快的销售过程。

汽车营销类外文文献翻译、英文翻译——汽车行业渠道的转变汽车营销类外文文献翻译、英文翻译——汽车行业渠道的转变原文Changing Channels In The Automotive Industry: The Future of Automotive Marketing and DistributionWho will be the winners and losers in the revolution that isradically reshaping the marketing, distribution and selling of automobiles? Will the vehicle manufacturers and their franchised-dealer networks be able to overcome years of inertia and complacency to pioneer and execute new concepts that will strengthen and extend the value of their brands? Or will nimbler, more imaginative retailers or software companies get there first?The transformation of the business of selling cars and trucks is happening before our eyes at an incredible pace -- promising to change forever an industry that has long been noted for its high costs, poor service and extremely unpleasant selling process. Auto manufacturers have competed fiercely among themselves to drive out cost and meet consumer needs for cheaper and better cars and trucks. Now the survivors face new threats from outside the industry that might thwart their renewed interest in building strong, lasting relationships with their customers.Entrepreneurs have dissected the cost-value equation and come upwith new retail concepts. Their stories have been persuasive enough to attract hundreds of millions of dollars in public equity investment and persuade dozens of fiercely independent car dealers to sell out.Internet technology has lowered entry barriers for other entrepreneurs with new ideas about helping customers find, evaluate and buy new vehicles. These patterns are consistent with revolutions in other consumer durables markets that effectively transferred market power from manufacturers to retailers.Consumers are the only clear winners in this battle. While we arenot sure which vehicle manufacturers will survive, we are confident that winning will require a better understanding of the life-cycle value equations of both cars and buyers, and the development of innovative strategies to capture that value.FORCES OF CHANGEFrom the days of Henry Ford's production line, the automobile industry has been based on a "supply-push" philosophy -- a strong bias toward "filling the factories" to cover high fixed costs.Dealer networks were created as logical extensions of the "supply-push" model. The networks were designed to hold inventory, leverage private capital without threatening the manufacturers' control and service and support what was then a less reliable and moremaintenance-intensive product. Those networks generally were built around entrepreneurs focused on a defined geographic area, selling one or at most two brands.Despite its longevity, the traditional dealer channel leaves many people unhappy. High customer acquisition costs motivate dealers to convert store traffic to sales using aggressive tactics that extract differential margins based on customers' willingness to pay. Frequent well-publicized rebates have taught buyers to mistrust sticker prices and negotiate from cost up, rather than sticker down. As a result, dealers often find themselves competing not against another brand, but against a same-make dealer across town. This acute competition has almost bid away dealer profit on the sale of new passenger cars in the United States with some profits still available on sales of trucks, sport utility vehicles and luxury cars .Shrinking dealer margins do not translate into happy customers: Most customers approximately four out of five dislike the purchase process, and many still come away feeling cheated and mistreated. This strong antipathy is largely responsible for the rapid growth of Internet-based services that offer alternative means of gathering information on cars, soliciting price quotes and, in some cases, conducting transactions.SURFING THE NET FOR PROFITSObviously the Internet is a major enabler of change in autodistribution. Many of the most important auto industry innovators todayare developing Web-based services, leading some to predict that the mostimportant automotive company of the next century will be a software-。
汽车 专业 外文 文献 英文 翻译

外文文献原稿和译文原稿A New Type Car -- Hybrid Electric VehicleWith skyrocketing fuel prices and changes in weather patterns, many car manufacturers claimed to develop the kind of vehicles that will increase the mileage and reduce the emissions. Hybrid car is a kind of vehicle which can meet above requirements. A hybrid car features a small fuel-efficient gas engine combined with an electric motor that assists the engine.The reasons of building such a complicated machine are twofold: to reduce tailpipe emissions and to improve mileage. Firstly, hybrid cars are good for the environment. They can reduce smog by 90 percent and they use far less gasoline than conventional cars. Meanwhile, hybrid cars burn less gasoline per mile, so they release fewer greenhouse gases. Secondly, hybrid cars are economical. Hybrid cars, which run on gas and electricity, can get up to 55 to 60 miles per gallon in city driving, while a typical SUV might use three times as much gas for the same distance! There are three reasons can mainly account for that: 1) Hybrid engines are much smaller than those on conventional cars. A hybrid car engine is to accommodate the 99% of driving time when a car is not going up hills or accelerating quickly. When extra acceleration power is needed, it relies on the battery to provide additional force. 2) Hybrid gasoline engine can shut off when the car is stopped and run off their electric motor and battery.3) Hybrid cars often recover braking energy. Electric motors could take the lost kinetic energy in braking and use it to charge the battery. Furthermore, hybrids are better than all-electric cars because hybrid car batteries recharge as you drive so there is no need to plug in. Most electric cars need to be recharged every 50-100miles. Also, most electric cars cannot go faster than 50-60 mph, while hybrids can.Hybrid cars bridge the gap between electric and gasoline-powered cars by traveling further and driving faster and hybrid gas-electric cars are proving to be a feasible alternative at a time of high gas prices. So, in my opinion, hybrid cars will have a bright future.How Does Hybrid Electric Vehicle Work?You probably own a gasoline or diesel-engine car. You may have heard ofelectric vehicles too. A hybrid vehicle or hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is a combination of both. Hybrid vehicles utilize two or more sources of energy for propulsion. In the case of HEVs, a combustion engine and an electric motor are used.How it works depends on the type of drive train it has. A hybrid vehicle can either have a parallel or series or parallel-series drive train.Parallel HybridThe parallel hybrid car has a gas tank, a combustion engine, transmission, electric motor, and batteries.A parallel hybrid is designed to run directly from either the combustion engine or the electric motor. It can run using both the engine and the motor. As a conventional vehicle, the parallel hybrid draws its power from the combustion engine which will then drive the transmission that turns the wheels. If it is using the electric motor, the car draws its power from the batteries. The energy from the batteries will then power the electric motor that drives the transmission and turns the wheel.Both the combustion engine and the electric motor are used at the same time during quick acceleration, on steep ascend, or when either the engine or the motor needs additional boost.Since the engine is directly connected to the wheels in a parallel drive train, it eliminates the inefficiency of converting mechanical energy into electrical energy and back. This makes a very effective vehicle to drive on the highway.Series HybridThe series hybrid car also has a gas tank, a combustion engine, transmission, electric motor, and batteries with the addition of the generator. The generator can be the electric motor or it can be another separate component.The series configuration is the simplest among the 3. The engine is not connected to the transmission rather it is connected to the electric motor. This means that the transmission can be driven only by the electric motor which draws its energy from the battery pack, the engine or the generator.A hybrid car with a series drive train is more suited for city driving conditions since the engine will not be subjected to the varying speed demands (stop, go, and idle) that contributes to fuel consumption.Series-Parallel HybridThe series-parallel configuration solves the individual problems of the parallel and series hybrid. By combining the 2 designs, the transmission can be directly connected to the engine or can be separated for optimum fuel consumption. The Toyota Prius and the Ford Escape Hybrid use this technology.Honda’s hybridFor those of you who have toyed with the idea of buying a hybrid but were discouraged by the price, you are not alone. In fact, despite the growing concern for the environment, not to mention the skyrocketing price of gas, hybrid cars still only represent a small percentage of global car sales, and a major reason for this is the cost.Hybrids are considered the wave of the future because they not only reduce emissions, addressing the issue of climate change, but they get great gas mileage, animportant consideration with the current price of oil. It should be noted that hybrids can also improve the power of the engine, which compromises any advantages in fuel efficiency and emissions. Whatever the application, however, the technology makes the cars more expensive.Because of this, they are the vehicle of choice for only a small niche of people who can afford them, and they currently enjoy a special status amongst the image conscious celebrity-set. For most average consumers, however, they are not an option.That may soon change.Honda Motor Corporation, one of the largest car manufacturers in the world and a leader in fuel efficient technology, has unveiled it’s plan to introduce a low-cost hybrid by 2009. If they can pull it off, they hope to make the hybrid a more mainstream car that will be more appealing to the general public, with the ultimate goal of achieving greater sales and broader appeal than their current incarnation.This, of course, is making Detroit nervous, and may signal a need for American car makers to start making greener and more fuel efficient vehicles, something they could afford to ignore in the past because hybrid cars weren’t worth their attention (due to such a small market share) while gas-guzzling SUVs have such high profit margins.Honda, meanwhile, has had to confront a growing need to compete with Toyota, which has not only grown to be the world’s largest automaker, but makes the car that has become synonymous with the hybrid movement, the Prius. Honda is therefore faced with the seemingly insurmountable task of challenging Toyota’s dominance in the market.Concurrently, Toyota is racing to lower production costs on the Prius, as well, which would hopefully result in a lower cost to the consumer. All eyes are on a potentially favorable car buyers market in 2009.In the meantime, with even adamant global warming naysayers warming up (no pun intended) to the possibilities of an ecological disaster on the horizon, maybe it’s time that we got over our need to drive huge SUVs and start moderating our fuel consumption.Then again, as gas prices hovering around $4.00 and with no ceiling in sight, we may have little choice in the matter.Engine Operating PrinciplesMost automobile dngines are internal combustion, reciprocating 4-stroke gasoline engines, but other types have been used, including the diesel, the rotary ( Wankel ) , the 2-srtoke, and stratified charge.Reciprocating means up and down or banck and forth, It is the up and down action of a piston in the cylinder blick, or engine block. The blick is an iron or aluminum casting that contains engine cylinders and passges called water jackets for coolant circulation. The top of the block is covered with the cylinder head. Which forms the combustion chanber. The bottom of the block is covered with an oil pan or oil sump.Power is produced by the linear motion of a piston in a cylinder. However, this linear motion must be changed into rotary motion to turn the wheels of cars of trucks. The piston is attached to the top of a connecting rod by a pin, called a piston pin or wrist pin. The bottom of the connecting rod is attached to the crankshaft. The connecting rod transmits the up-and-down motion of the piston to the crankshaft, which changes it into rotary motion.The connecting rod is mounted on the crankshaft with large beaings called rod bearings. Similar bearings, called main bearings, are used to mount the crankshaft in the block. Shown in Fig. 1-1The diameter of the cylinder is called the engine bore. Displacement and compression ratio are two frequently used engine specifications. Displacement indicates engine size, and compression ratio compares the total cylinder volume to compression chamber volume.The term stroke is used to describe the movement of the iston within the cylinder, as well as the distance of piston travel. Depending on the type of engine the operating cycle may require either two or four strokes to complete. The 4-stroke engine is also called Otto cycle engine, in honor of the German engineer, Dr. Nikolaus Otto, who first applied the principle in 1876. In the 4-stroke engine, four strokes of the piston in the cylinder are required to complete one full operating cycle. Each stroke is named after the action it performs intake, compression, power, and exhaust in that order, shown in Fig1-2.1、Intake strokeAs the piston moves down, the vaporized mixture of fuel and air enters the cylinder through open intake valve. To obtain the maximum filling of the cylinder the intake valve opens about 10°before t.b.c., giving 20°overlap. The inlet valve remains open until some 50°after b.d.c. to take advantage of incoming mixture.2、 Compression strokeThe piston turns up, the intake valve closes, the mixture is compressed within the combustion chamber, while the pressure rise to about 1Mpa, depending on various factors including the compression ratio, throttle opening and engine speed. Near the top of the stroke the mixture is ignited by a spark which bridges the gap of the spark plug.3、 Power strokeThe expanding gases of combustion produces a rise in pressure of the gas to some 3.5Mpa, and the piston is forced down in the cylinder. The exhaust valve opens near the bottom of the stroke.4、Exhust strokeThe piston moves back up with the exhaust valve open some 50°before b.d.d., allowing the pressure within the cylinder to fall and to reduce ‘back’pressure on the piston during the exhaust stroke, and the burned gases are pushed out to prepare for the next intake stroke.The intake valve usually opens just before the exhaust stroke. This 4-stroke cycle is continuously repeared in every as long as the engineremains running.A 2-stroke engine also goes through four actions to complete one operatingcycle.However, the intake and the compression actions are combined in one seroke, and the power and exhaust actions are combined in the other stroke. The term2-stroke cycle or 2-stroke is preferred to the term 2-cycle, which is really not accurate.In automobile engines, all pistons are attached to a single crankshaft. The more cylinders an engine has, the more power strokes produced for cach revolution. This means that an 8-cylinder engine runs more smoothly bdcause the power atrokes are closer together in time and in degrees of engine rotation.The cylinders of multi-cylinder automotive engines arranged in one of three ways. 1、Inline engines use a single block of cylinder.Most 4-cylinder and any 6-cylinder engines are of this design. The cylinders do not have to be vertical. They can be inclined either side.2、V-type engines use two equal bands of cylinders, usually inclined 60degrees or 90degrees from the cach other. Most V-type engines have 6 or 8 cylinders, although V-4 and V-12 engines have been built.3、Horizontally opposed or pancake engines have two equal banks of cylinders 180degreeas apart. These space saving engine designs are often air-cooled, and are found in the Chevrolet Carvair, Porsches, Subaus, and V olkswagens. Subaus design is liquid cooled.Late-model V olkswagen vans use a liquid-cooled version of the air cooled VWhorizontally opposed engine.译文新型汽车----混合动力汽车在油价飞涨的今天,汽车制造商被要求发展一种排放低,行驶里程长的汽车。

调研汽车市场英文作文Nowadays, the automobile market is a dynamic and competitive industry that plays a crucial role in the global economy. With advancements in technology and changing consumer preferences, the automotive sector is constantly evolving. In this research, we aim to analyze the current trends, challenges, and opportunities in the automobile market to provide valuable insights for industry stakeholders.Our study will focus on key aspects such as market segmentation, consumer behavior, regulatory policies, technological innovations, and competitive landscape. By examining these factors, we hope to gain a comprehensive understanding of the automotive market dynamics and identify potential areas for growth and development.Furthermore, we will conduct surveys, interviews, and data analysis to gather relevant information and draw meaningful conclusions. By leveraging both qualitative and quantitative research methods, we aim to present a comprehensive overview of the automobile market and offer strategic recommendations forindustry players.Through this research, we seek to contribute to the body of knowledge on the automobile market and provide valuable insights for businesses, policymakers, and consumers. By staying informed about the latest trends and developments in the industry, stakeholders can make informed decisions and drive innovation and growth in the automotive sector.中文翻译:如今,汽车市场是一个充满活力和竞争激烈的行业,在全球经济中扮演着至关重要的角色。
汽车 专业 外文 文献 英文 翻译

外文文献原稿和译文原稿A New Type Car -- Hybrid Electric VehicleWith skyrocketing fuel prices and changes in weather patterns, many car manufacturers claimed to develop the kind of vehicles that will increase the mileage and reduce the emissions. Hybrid car is a kind of vehicle which can meet above requirements. A hybrid car features a small fuel-efficient gas engine combined with an electric motor that assists the engine.The reasons of building such a complicated machine are twofold: to reduce tailpipe emissions and to improve mileage. Firstly, hybrid cars are good for the environment. They can reduce smog by 90 percent and they use far less gasoline than conventional cars. Meanwhile, hybrid cars burn less gasoline per mile, so they release fewer greenhouse gases. Secondly, hybrid cars are economical. Hybrid cars, which run on gas and electricity, can get up to 55 to 60 miles per gallon in city driving, while a typical SUV might use three times as much gas for the same distance! There are three reasons can mainly account for that: 1) Hybrid engines are much smaller than those on conventional cars. A hybrid car engine is to accommodate the 99% of driving time when a car is not going up hills or accelerating quickly. When extra acceleration power is needed, it relies on the battery to provide additional force. 2) Hybrid gasoline engine can shut off when the car is stopped and run off their electric motor and battery.3) Hybrid cars often recover braking energy. Electric motors could take the lost kinetic energy in braking and use it to charge the battery. Furthermore, hybrids are better than all-electric cars because hybrid car batteries recharge as you drive so there is no need to plug in. Most electric cars need to be recharged every 50-100miles. Also, most electric cars cannot go faster than 50-60 mph, while hybrids can.Hybrid cars bridge the gap between electric and gasoline-powered cars by traveling further and driving faster and hybrid gas-electric cars are proving to be a feasible alternative at a time of high gas prices. So, in my opinion, hybrid cars will have a bright future.How Does Hybrid Electric Vehicle Work?You probably own a gasoline or diesel-engine car. You may have heard of electric vehicles too. A hybrid vehicle or hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) is a combination of both. Hybrid vehicles utilize two or more sources of energy for propulsion. In the case of HEVs, a combustion engine and an electric motor are used.How it works depends on the type of drive train it has. A hybrid vehicle can either have a parallel or series or parallel-series drive train.Parallel HybridThe parallel hybrid car has a gas tank, a combustion engine, transmission,electric motor, and batteries.A parallel hybrid is designed to run directly from either the combustion engine or the electric motor. It can run using both the engine and the motor. As a conventional vehicle, the parallel hybrid draws its power from the combustion engine which will then drive the transmission that turns the wheels. If it is using the electric motor, the car draws its power from the batteries. The energy from the batteries will then power the electric motor that drives the transmission and turns the wheel.Both the combustion engine and the electric motor are used at the same time during quick acceleration, on steep ascend, or when either the engine or the motor needs additional boost.Since the engine is directly connected to the wheels in a parallel drive train, it eliminates the inefficiency of converting mechanical energy into electrical energy and back. This makes a very effective vehicle to drive on the highway.Series HybridThe series hybrid car also has a gas tank, a combustion engine, transmission, electric motor, and batteries with the addition of the generator. The generator can be the electric motor or it can be another separate component.The series configuration is the simplest among the 3. The engine is not connected to the transmission rather it is connected to the electric motor. This means that the transmission can be driven only by the electric motor which draws its energy from the battery pack, the engine or the generator.A hybrid car with a series drive train is more suited for city driving conditions since the engine will not be subjected to the varying speed demands (stop, go, and idle) that contributes to fuel consumption.Series-Parallel HybridThe series-parallel configuration solves the individual problems of the parallel and series hybrid. By combining the 2 designs, the transmission can be directly connected to the engine or can be separated for optimum fuel consumption. The Toyota Prius and the Ford Escape Hybrid use this technology.Honda’s hybridFor those of you who have toyed with the idea of buying a hybrid but were discouraged by the price, you are not alone. In fact, despite the growing concern for the environment, not to mention the skyrocketing price of gas, hybrid cars still only represent a small percentage of global car sales, and a major reason for this is the cost.Hybrids are considered the wave of the future because they not only reduce emissions, addressing the issue of climate change, but they get great gas mileage, an important consideration with the current price of oil. It should be noted that hybrids can also improve the power of the engine, which compromises any advantages in fuel efficiency and emissions. Whatever the application, however, the technology makes the cars more expensive.Because of this, they are the vehicle of choice for only a small niche of people who can afford them, and they currently enjoy a special status amongst the image conscious celebrity-set. For most average consumers, however, they are not an option.That may soon change.Honda Motor Corporation, one of the largest car manufacturers in the world and a leader in fuel efficient technology, has unveiled it’s plan to introduce a low-cost hybrid by 2009. If they can pull it off, they hope to make the hybrid a more mainstream car that will be more appealing to the general public, with the ultimate goal of achieving greater sales and broader appeal than their current incarnation.This, of course, is making Detroit nervous, and may signal a need for American car makers to start making greener and more fuel efficient vehicles, something they could afford to ignore in the past because hybrid cars weren’t worth their attention (due to such a small market share) while gas-guzzling SUVs have such high profit margins.Honda, meanwhile, has had to confront a growing need to compete with Toyota, which has not only grown to be the world’s largest automaker, but makes the car that has become synonymous with the hybrid movement, the Prius. Honda is therefore faced with the seemingly insurmountable task of challenging Toyota’s dominance in the market.Concurrently, Toyota is racing to lower production costs on the Prius, as well, which would hopefully result in a lower cost to the consumer. All eyes are on a potentially favorable car buyers market in 2009.In the meantime, with even adamant global warming naysayers warming up (no pun intended) to the possibilities of an ecological disaster on the horizon, maybe it’s time that we got over our need to drive huge SUVs and start moderating our fuel consumption.Then again, as gas prices hovering around $4.00 and with no ceiling in sight, we may have little choice in the matter.Engine Operating PrinciplesMost automobile dngines are internal combustion, reciprocating 4-stroke gasoline engines, but other types have been used, including the diesel, the rotary ( Wankel ) , the 2-srtoke, and stratified charge.Reciprocating means up and down or banck and forth, It is the up and down action of a piston in the cylinder blick, or engine block. The blick is an iron or aluminum casting that contains engine cylinders and passges called water jackets for coolant circulation. The top of the block is covered with the cylinder head. Which forms the combustion chanber. The bottom of the block is covered with an oil pan or oil sump.Power is produced by the linear motion of a piston in a cylinder. However, this linear motion must be changed into rotary motion to turn the wheels of cars of trucks. The piston is attached to the top of a connecting rod by a pin, called a piston pin or wrist pin. The bottom of the connecting rod is attached to the crankshaft. The connecting rod transmits the up-and-down motion of the piston to the crankshaft, which changes it into rotary motion.The connecting rod is mounted on the crankshaft with large beaings called rodbearings. Similar bearings, called main bearings, are used to mount the crankshaft in the block. Shown in Fig. 1-1The diameter of the cylinder is called the engine bore. Displacement and compression ratio are two frequently used engine specifications. Displacement indicates engine size, and compression ratio compares the total cylinder volume to compression chamber volume.The term stroke is used to describe the movement of the iston within the cylinder, as well as the distance of piston travel. Depending on the type of engine the operating cycle may require either two or four strokes to complete. The 4-stroke engine is also called Otto cycle engine, in honor of the German engineer, Dr. Nikolaus Otto, who first applied the principle in 1876. In the 4-stroke engine, four strokes of the piston in the cylinder are required to complete one full operating cycle. Each stroke is named after the action it performs intake, compression, power, and exhaust in that order, shown in Fig1-2.1、Intake strokeAs the piston moves down, the vaporized mixture of fuel and air enters the cylinder through open intake valve. To obtain the maximum filling of the cylinder the intake valve opens about 10°before t.b.c., giving 20°overlap. The inlet valve remains open until some 50°after b.d.c. to take advantage of incoming mixture.2、 Compression strokeThe piston turns up, the intake valve closes, the mixture is compressed within the combustion chamber, while the pressure rise to about 1Mpa, depending on various factors including the compression ratio, throttle opening and engine speed. Near the top of the stroke the mixture is ignited by a spark which bridges the gap of the spark plug.3、 Power strokeThe expanding gases of combustion produces a rise in pressure of the gas to some 3.5Mpa, and the piston is forced down in the cylinder. The exhaust valve opens near the bottom of the stroke.4、Exhust strokeThe piston moves back up with the exhaust valve open some 50°before b.d.d., allowing the pressure within the cylinder to fall and to reduce ‘back’pressure on the piston during the exhaust stroke, and the burned gases are pushed out to prepare for the next intake stroke.The intake valve usually opens just before the exhaust stroke. This 4-stroke cycle is continuously repeared in every as long as the engineremains running.A 2-stroke engine also goes through four actions to complete one operating cycle.However, the intake and the compression actions are combined in one seroke, and the power and exhaust actions are combined in the other stroke. The term2-stroke cycle or 2-stroke is preferred to the term 2-cycle, which is really not accurate.In automobile engines, all pistons are attached to a single crankshaft. The more cylinders an engine has, the more power strokes produced for cach revolution. This means that an 8-cylinder engine runs more smoothly bdcause the power atrokes arecloser together in time and in degrees of engine rotation.The cylinders of multi-cylinder automotive engines arranged in one of three ways. 1、Inline engines use a single block of cylinder.Most 4-cylinder and any 6-cylinder engines are of this design. The cylinders do not have to be vertical. They can be inclined either side.2、V-type engines use two equal bands of cylinders, usually inclined 60degrees or 90degrees from the cach other. Most V-type engines have 6 or 8 cylinders, although V-4 and V-12 engines have been built.3、Horizontally opposed or pancake engines have two equal banks of cylinders 180degreeas apart. These space saving engine designs are often air-cooled, and are found in the Chevrolet Carvair, Porsches, Subaus, and V olkswagens. Subaus design is liquid cooled.Late-model V olkswagen vans use a liquid-cooled version of the air cooled VWhorizontally opposed engine.译文新型汽车----混合动力汽车在油价飞涨的今天,汽车制造商被要求发展一种排放低,行驶里程长的汽车。

汽车营销类外文文献翻译——汽车行业渠道的转变Changing Channels in the Automotive Industry: The Future of Automotive Marketing and nThe automotive industry is undergoing a n that is radically reshaping how cars are marketed。
and sold。
The n is。
who will come out as winners and losers。
Will the vehicle manufacturers and their franchised dealer orks be able to e years of inertia and complacency to neer and execute new concepts that will strengthen and extend the value of their brands。
Or will nimbler。
more imaginative retailers or are companies get there first?As the automotive industry continues to evolve。
it's ing increasingly clear that nal marketing and n channels are no longer enough。
With the rise of digital technology and changing consumer preferences。
automakers and dealerships must adapt to new ways of reaching and engaging with customers.One potential n is to leverage the power of data and analytics to better understand consumer r and preferences。

汽车营销外文翻译文献编辑文献信息:文献标题:Planning of marketing communication strategies by car dealerships(汽车经销商营销传播策略的策划)国外作者:Makgopa S. Sipho文献出处:《Problems and Perspectives in Management》,2016,14 (4-1):212-220字数统计:英文2683单词,16642字符;中文4723汉字外文文献:Planning of marketing communication strategiesby car dealershipsAbstract Effective marketing communication strategies and campaigns are of much importance in many organizations in informing, reminding and persuading current and potential customers to support the organization by buying organizations product offerings. Organizations in planning of marketing communication strategies and campaigns, organizations in theory need to conduct micro-environmental analysis determining organizations’ strengths and we akness. The purpose of this paper was to investigate the planning of marketing communication strategies and campaigns of car dealerships in practice with more emphasis on micro-environmental factors of consideration. In achieving the purpose of this paper, a qualitative research approach using semi-structured in-depth interviews with marketing personnel of different car dealerships in Gauteng Province, South Africa was followed. In this paper a qualitative content analysis was used to analyze primary data using Atlas ti version 10 computer software. The results revealed that there are key micro-environmentalfactors of consideration during the planning of marketing communication strategies and campaigns. Based on the results of this paper, the author provided recommendations to stakeholders in the motor vehicle industry, specifically, car dealerships and future research directions.Keywords: marketing communications, marketing communication objectives, marketing communication strategy, mediatypes, micro-environment.IntroductionMarketing communication as a marketing mix element is one of the most difficult but crucially important component of contemporary marketing. In recent years this challenge has been made even more complicated by the explosion of new digital media options. These options offer new opportunities and hold much promise for marketers of organizations, but also bring great difficulty to managerial decision making. To highlight just a few of the benefits of marketing communications, marketers can choose to do some or all of the following with their brands: To use marketing communications to draw attention to their organizational brands, marketers can reach consumers through mass or targeted advertisements on social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or other social networks; banner or display advertisements on thirdparty websites; and paid or search engine advertisements. T o shape brand preference, they can send timely e-mails and use their own websites to provide detailed content. To drive short-term sales, they can offer promotions and other incentives through tweets, texts, and targeted e-coupons. And to reinforce long-term brand loyalty, they can form online brand communities through their own or third-party social media. Given so many different new andtraditional communication media options available to marketers of organizations and so many different ways to combine these options, Keller (2016) argued that marketers struggle with how to make good marketingcommunication decisions. Therefore, it becomes imperative to investigate the planning of marketing communication strategies and campaigns with more emphasis on microenvironmental factors of consideration.1.The purpose of the studyThe purpose of this research was to investigate the planning marketing communication strategies and campaigns in practice with more emphasis on micro-environmental factors of consideration. The stated research purpose requiresin-depth theoretical background on micro-environmental factors, marketing communications and its benefits of it thereof. This paper will start by explaining the concept of marketing communications and followed by literature review of previous studies on the topic.2.Theoretical background and literature reviewIn this section theoretical background and literature review on marketing communication is provided, focusing on micro-environmental analysis, the marketing communication concept, components of marketing communication mix, and conclude by reviewing previous studies on the topic.2.1.Micro-environmental analysisPerforming the situation analysis involves analysing the microenvironment of the organization. The microenvironment represents the internal environment of the organization. When analysing the internal environment, marketing managers need to analyze the organization’s mission, business objectives and strategies, its resources, skills and capabilities (Van Schie, 2012).According to Van Schie (2012) marketers should consider the organization’s targets or goals, services to be provided and synergy to be exploited, as no single management is expected to have all the talents and other qualities essential for planning, direction and control.Organizations can establish what its strengths or weaknesses are in terms of resources to be used during the planning stage (Helms and Nixon, 2010). These strengths or weakness may be in the form of resources, such as the skills and competencies of the marketing personnel (Morgan, 2012). From the marketing point of view, marketing resources refers to resources available to marketers that can be turned into marketing capabilities that can create value to customers (Morgan, 2012). According to Morgan (2012), the marketing resources within the micro-environment that can be used to the advantage of the organization include: tacit knowledge resources, physical resources, human resources, organizational resources, informational resources, relational resources, and legal resources.2.2.Marketing communicationsMarketing communication is a crucial part of the organizational activities of many organizations. Marketing communication initiatives are aimed at informing, reminding and persuading present and potential customers to support the organization by purchasing its products (Keller, 2009). Keller (2016) emphasized that marketing communications is a oneof the most difficult but crucially important components of modern marketing.Keller(2016) added marketing communications plays a crucial role when organizations aim to influence consumer decision-making, draw attention to organizations’brands,andshapebrand preferences. Marketingcommunication is also an important marketing tool which provides customers with information to help them make purchasing decisions. The result of a successful market ingcommunicationcampaigncanleadtosales growth, an increase in market share, and subsequently to increased profitability (Ahn, Lee, Lee and Paik, 2012).There are many elements of marketing communication at the marketers’ disposal; for example, advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, sales promotions, public relations and sponsorships may all be employed to maximize the impact of promotional activities (Keller, 2016). Many different marketing communications options exist that can play different roles and have different objectivesin the marketing of a brand (Batra and Keller, 2016). One popular distinction made by many marketers and academic researchers (e.g., Stephenand Galak, 2012) is between communications which appear in paid media (traditional outlets such as TV, print, and direct mail), owned media (company-controlled options such as websites, blogs, mobile apps, and social media), and earned media (virtual or realworld word of mouth, press coverage).2.3.Previous studies on marketing communicationMany studies have explored the economic impact of advertising on sales, and various other studies have examined the relationship between advertising expenditure and its influenceon achieving the marketing communication objectives. However, few researchers have focused on planning of marketing communication strategies in realising the marketing communication objectives of organizations, specifically, micro-environmental analysis during the planning stage. These studies haveoverlooked the internal environmental factors of consideration that during the planning marketing communication strategies and campaigns of the organizations in practice, specifically, car dealerships and they have focused more on advertisi ng such as (Buil, de Chernatony and Martínez, 2013; Feng and Purushottam, 2012; Singh, Sharma and Mahendru, 2011; Ventoura-Neokosmidi, 2011).3.Contributions of the studyIn reviewing the secondary research available, it is clear that the planning of marketing communication strategies and campaigns is not widely covered in the South African context and other parts of the world, specifically in the car retail sector. This study contributes to literature on the topic. Furthermore, this study further benefits car dealerships operating within the motor vehicle industry by revealing microenvironmental factors considered in planning of the marketing communication strategies and campaigns of car dealerships in practice. This study will help marketers make better marketing communication decisions, more on decisions associated with paid and owned media, as those are the areas over which marketers have the most direct control and therefore are responsible for making the most decisions.4.Research methodologyThis section outlines the research methodology followed to realize the research purpose of thisstudy starting with the research design, target population, sampling frame and technique, data collection, and data analysis method used.4.1.Research designAn exploratory qualitative approach was followed in order to address the research objective. Malhotra (2010) pointed that anexploratoryresearch design is useful when the researcher requires more information about a specific problem, an opportunity or a phenomenon. The qualitative research approach was chosen for a number of reasons: participants’ perspectives and experiences were emphasized, it took into account participants’ interpretation and it allows for flexibility. More specifically, the aim of using a qualitative approach was to collect data moreeffectively and to gain richer information by enabling participants to also express their opinions, and share their experiences with regard to the online social media platforms used in conveying marketing communication messages to their current and potential customers.4.2.Target populationThe target population of interest for the current study was the car dealerships operating in Gauteng province. Gauteng province was chosen due to its convenience and accessibility for the researcher. In addition, one province was selected, as the aim of the study was not to be representative, but rather to enable other researchers to gain understanding into the marketing communication practices of these dealerships. Marketing personnel or executives of dealerships were chosen as the unit of analysis considering their involved in planning of marketing communication strategies and campaigns. In this study, dealership principals, dealership assistant managers and senior sales managers of car dealerships were interviewed since they were holders of the data needed to answer the research questions.4.3.Sample frameIn the current study, the Retail Motor Industry (RMI) memberlist was used as a sample frame to select accredited dealerships included in the study. The dealerships operating within the borders of Gauteng were contacted. Tustin et al. (2005) indicated that the sample frame may be a telephone directory, customer list, and research company databases, a list of e-mails addresses or even geographic maps. The researcher used Google, which is a well-known search engine on the Internet and search for list of accredited dealership in Gauteng from Retail Motor Industry (RMI) organization website (Retail Motor industry, 2014). RMI member list contains the contact details of accredited dealerships operating in nine provinces of South Africa. The researcher used the e-mail addresses and telephone numbers obtained from RMI member list to contact car dealerships to get contact details of marketing personnel (involved in planning of marketing communication strategies and campaigns). Based on the contact details provided by the dealership managers or principals, other participants were contacted via e-mails to request their consents to participate andin-depth interviews were scheduled.4.4.Sample techniqueA purposive sampling method was used in this study. Purposive sampling method means that participants are selected because of some defining characteristics that make them the holders of the data needed for the study (Tustin et al., 2005). The population can be defined as the total group of persons or entities from whom information is required (Tustin et al., 2005). The target population refers to the collection of elements that possess information sought by the researcher (Malhotra, 2010).A purposive sampling method was used in order to concentrate on the participants, in this case marketing personnel who possessthe richest information based on their positions in their respective organizations, which presented a possibility to answer research questions.4.5.Data collectionIn-depth semi-structured interviews were used to collect the primary data in the current study using audio recorder. The primary data was collected using semi-structured in-depth interviews. According to Malhotra (2010) an in-depth interview refers to an interaction between an individual interviewer with a single participant, and the semistructured depth interviews allow the interviewer to uncover underlying motivations and probe on a particular topic. The researcher used a research guide containing research question topics during the interviews with participants. The researcher had to arrange a time and date most suitable for an interview with participants. All participants were briefed telephonically about the research objectives and the research topic was emailed to the participants. This was done to ensure that the researcher, as well as the participants, was at ease, and prepared for the interview, as well as to build rapport and relationship before the data collection began. Before the interviews could begin, the motivation for the research was explained to the participant to put participants at ease.4.6.Data analysisIn the current study the use of qualitative content analysis was followed, as it ideally suited the purpose of this study, which aimed to establish an understanding ofthe online social media tools used by car dealerships in their marketing communication strategies and campaigns. In addition, Atlas ti version 10 computer software was used to generate themes. During the data collection period, the transcriptions ofthe interviews were analyzed, to enable any decisions to be made relating to what and how to probe for more detail during further interviews. The trustworthiness or validity of the qualitative data can be assessed by the care taken and practices employed during the data collection and analysis procedures. Following these techniques, the length and depth of the interviews, as well as the level and experience of the participants, resulted in rich information discussions.5.FindingsThe following dimensions of the microenvironmental analysis were found to be of consideration in planning the marketing communications strategy of car dealerships, namely, the marketing communication budget, the marketing communication objectives, th e dealerships’ available products and services offerings.5.1.Marketing communication budgetParticipants identified the marketing communication budget as a primary internal factor that is considered in planning marketing communication strategies and campaigns. The majority of the participants indicated that it is necessary to ensure that the marketing communication budget is allocated in order to support the attainment of the dealer ships’ marketing communication objectives. In addition, dealerships use different marketing communication budgeting methods. The budgeting methods pointed out by participants include the percentage of sales, affordability and objective-and-task methods.5.2.Marketing communication objectivesIn general, the participants pointed out that they engage in marketing communication campaigns to achieve specific marketing communication objectives from target audiences,which in turn, can lead to responses or reactions from the target audiences. These marketing communication objectives aim to convey messages about the locations of the dealerships, available products on offer, brands and existence, and to convince target audiences to visit these dealerships for further information. Some participants also indicated that their dealerships maintain continuous communication with existing customers as a part of the marketing communication retention strategy.Conclusions and discussionsThe research study sought to investigate the planning the marketing communication strategies and campaigns of car dealerships with more emphasison micro-environmental factors of consideration. The results of this study indicated that during the planning of marketing communication campaignsthe available marketingcommunicationbudget, and marketing communication objectives are of much consideration. The participants pointed out that the marketing communication budgetremains a major consideration in planning marketing communication strategies and campaigns of car dealerships. Car dealerships plan different marketing communication activities in efforts to achieve various marketing communication objectives. These marketing communication objectives include increasing sales, creating awareness about the product offerings and the dealerships’ locations. In addition, this study uncovered the marketers of car dealerships use different marketing communication budgets in planning marketing communication strategies and campaigns.RecommendationsMarketers of car dealerships should consider the seasons ofthe year, marketing communication objectives and available marketing communication budget when planning marketing communication strategies and campaigns in order to guide allocation of budget, and allocate more budget to busiest seasons. In addition, marketers should considertheir internal stock in order to identify which products and old stock (in this case car models) that should be part of sales promotion campaign such as clearance sales, or alternately identify products that must be market aggressively in marketing communication campaigns.Directions for future researchThis study explored micro-environmentalfactorsof consideration in planning marketing communication strategies and campaigns. Therefore, it is recommended that a future study could be conducted to explore further on how microenvironmental factors’ influence on the decision related to the selection of traditional and new media types used in marketing communication strategies and campaigns of car dealerships in practice.In addition, future research study could investigate market and macro-environmental factors of consideration in planning marketing communication strategies and campaigns of car dealerships in real scenario. Furthermore, a study focusing on all environmental factors, namely: micro, market and macro-environmental factors at car manufacturer level could result with different findings.中文译文:汽车经销商营销传播策略的策划摘要有效的营销传播策略和活动在许多组织中非常重要,可以通知、提醒和说服当前和潜在的客户,通过购买组织产品来支持组织。

外文文献原稿和译文原稿Development of Used Car Market in ChinaABSTRACTAlthough still in its early development phase, rapid growth of auto ownership has also injected new vitality for used car market in China. Under the support of series policy, the used car market reveals leaping development character with qualified changes. It is essential to understand the new changes in the used car market. This paper conducted research on the new features of used car market in China to promote its development. Environment analysis showed that used car market will be strongly enhanced by the blooming of auto market, rapid GDP growth and policy support, which ex- perienced steady trade scale increase and structure optimization. The used car trade experienced steady trade scale in- crease and structure optimization. Along with the purchasing pattern changing, significant expansion of the second- hand car market is imminent, even with hinder issues such as lack of integrity, evaluation criteria and after-service sys-tem, and incomplete policy and regulation. Several new features were identified, strong policy support, enlarging mar-ket scale and irradiation loop, remarkable concentration increase, increased status of brand used car, and enhanced trading service platform establishment. It is indicated that China’s used car market is making the shift from subordinate position to one of the dominant positions in auto industry, which is expected into a high speed,up-going development passage in the future.Keywords: Used Car Market; Development; New Features; China1. IntroductionWith the rapid social and economical development, China has become one of the most important markets in the world for the automotive industry. In recent years, the scale of China’s automotive after-sales service market continues to increase [1]. Analyzing from thepolicy, market, development potential and other aspects, the Annual Report on Automotive Industry in China (2010) found that, in the ―Twelfth Five-Year‖ period, China’s automotive after-sales service market will maintain an annual growth rate of about 8 percent by a conservative estimate, and reach up to about RMB252.3 billion Yuan in 2015 [2]. Contemporarily, the rapid growth of auto ownership has also injected new vitality for second-hand car market. The trading volume of the used car market rose from 370 thousand to 4.33 million from 2001 to 2011, with an an- nual increase beyond 30%. The average trading ration between used car and new car is 0.24, which indicates the growing proportion of used car in auto industry [3]. In recent years, such operating models as used car brokers, used car auction and used car replacement have emerged in the market successively. The alteration of trading models provides new engines for the develop- ment of the used car market in China. It is estimated that the trade volume ratio between used and new car would reach 1:1 in the next ten years.However, China’s used car trade market is still in low proportion in the auto industry, even with its rapid growth. According to the experience of western ad- vanced countries, taking USA as an example, the bene- fits from used car sector accounts for 45% of the whole auto industry, and the average profit from one used car is around 20% [4].Under the support of series policy, the used car market reveals leaping development character with qualified changes. From 2000, China’s used car market experience high growth, and gradually became the major part of the auto industry. The used car market already made the shift from the subordinate position to one of the dominant po- sitions in the auto industry. It is vital to understand the new changes in the used car market. Thus this paper conducted research on the new environment of the used car market, probed into its new features, thus to further promote the development of the used car market in China. 2. Environment Analysis2.1. Auto Market Status AnalysisDue to the rapid development in auto industry, China’s auto market is becoming the most important area for auto trade and man ufacture. Fast expands was observed in China’s auto industry. From 2002 to 2011, auto trade volume rose from 3.25 million to 18.51 billion, increase- ing almost 6 times, with 23.5% annual increment, shown in Figure 1.Note(s): Red section represents passenger car, yellow section represents commercial car, blue line represents increment for total car trade volume.Along with the growth in auto trade volume, car is popularized in ordinary family. According to the data from China Automotive Industry Association, civil car population increased from 18.02 million to 93.5 million, with averagely 17.4% increment per year, shown in Fig- ure 2.Consequently, the car volume per thousand people grew steadily in China, from 3.7 to 46.8 in 2001 to 2011, increased 12.7 times, shown in Figure 3. According to the auto market development, China’s auto market is in the massive popularization stage. In the stage, car vol- ume will keep fast increase until the car volume per thousand people exceeds 250. Usually, it will last 10 years. Due to the regional difference in income, popula- tion, economy, this stage may last longer in China. Ex- perts from State Information Center estimated that this stage may last until 2013, with 12% - 14% increment an- nually. Therefore, the ever growing car volume due to the popularization stage of auto market, will provide more room and solid foundation for used car market develop- ment in China. Therefore, the ever growing car volume due to the popularization stage of auto market, will provide more room and solid foundation for used car market develop- ment in China.2.2. Economy Environment AnalysisDevelopment of Auto market is positively related to economy development and people’s income [5]. As the biggest population in the world, the market potential is enormous. Recently, China economy keeps steady and fast increase. Real GDP Per Capital increased from 1041$ in 2001 to 5432$ in 2011, with 17.4% annual increment, shown in Figure 4. As resident’s income level is the key factor for auto po pulation, the fast growth in income will transfer into higher demand increase in China auto market, which willFigure 1.Auto trade volume from 2002 to 2011.Figure 2. Civil car population inCh ina in2001-2011.Figure 3. Car volume per thousand people in 2001-2011.Figure 4. Real GDP per capital in 2001-2011.enhance the development of used car market in China. In a relatively long period, the auto and used car demand will keep a vigorous stage. The State Development Center and Auto Engineering Association estimated that the total vehicle demand in 2030 will be 32.43 million, with 8.8% annual increment [6], and the car volume per thousand people will exceed 100. This increase will stand for a relative long period (Table 1).2.3. Policy AnalysisApart from consumer demand, several government poli- cies and regulations have boosted the used-car market.The Administrative Measures on Used Cars, released in 2005, are the primary regulation governing the used-car market. The measures introduced a compe- tition mechanism that allows OEM-authorized auto dealerships to run used-car businesses. The measures also regulate different parties—including trading mar- kets, agents and operators—and strengthen the ad- ministration of organizations that appraise the value of used cars.The Notice on Upgrading the Used-Car Trade Market was announced by the ministries ofCommerce and Finance in July 2009. The circular aimed to improve the used-car industry. Initially, the PRC government selected 10 provinces and municipalities—Beijing, Hubei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Shandong, Shang- hai, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Zhejiang—to receive fis- cal funding to conduct pilot programs that focused on the management and information on used-car transac-tions to improve transparency.The Auto Industry Revitalization Plan, released in 2009 by the State Council, calls for the establishment of a national appraisal and evaluation standards sys- tem and a temporary ownership registration system. The plan also calls for adjusting the value-added tax rate on used car transactions and encourages dealer- ships to participate in vehicle replacement programs.The Twelfth Five-Year Plan encouraged consumer to purchase energy saving and environment vehicle. Se- ries vehicle subsidy and tax reduction on low emis- sion and new energy vehicle were implemented, which have direct influence on the future used car market. There would be increase in low emission and new energy used car in the future [7].3. Current Status of Used Car Market3.1. Trade Scale Kept Steady GrowthUsed car market increased dramatically in China from 2001. The trade volume rose from 0.37 million to 4.79 million in 2012, increased by 13 times. The average in- crement from 2001 to 2012 was 29.9% (Figure 5).The ratio for used car and new car increased from 0.16 to 0.23, averagely 0.24 from 2001 to 2011, nationwide (Figure 6). In some advanced area, like Beijing, the ratio already reached 1:1 in 2011. Along with the expansion of new car market, used car market was enhanced, cones- quently. It is estimated that the trade of used car and new car will come to 1:1 in 10 to 15 years in China.Consequently, the transaction money for used car trade increased steadily, which rose from 13.2 Billion Yuan in 2001 to 263.6 Billion Yuan in 2012. The annual incre- ment was 33.7% (Figure 7). The proportion of used carFigure 5. Used car trade volume from 2001 to 2012.Figure 6. Ratio of used car and new car.market in auto industry increased steadily, with the av- erage proportion of 5.5% from 2004 to 2010 (Figure 8) [7].The growing used car market is becoming the most important part of auto industry, which provide the foun- dation for leaping development.3.2. Used Car Trade Kept OptimizedAfter years of rapid development, the trade structure is optimizing. Along with the trade volume increase, saloon car gradually took major proportion in used car trade. After 2008, saloon car account for more than 50% of used car market share (Table 2).In the used car market, domestic brand car had the ab- solute dominant position, which accounts more than 95%. On the car age, even with decrease, used car in 3 - 10 years still took the leading position, which still had 75% share in 2011. Trade of used car below 3-year increased over the last few year, with 18.74% share in 2011 (Fig- ure 9).Obvious regional difference was observed in China’s used car market. According to the statistics from China Automobile Dealers Association, used car trade concen- trated in the developed area, is shown in Table 3. The first fifth regions account for 55.14% for used car trade in China, while the first tenth regions account for 77.02%. However, slight decrease was observed in those developed regions. This was probably due to the high level of used car trade in previous years already reduced the market demand.For the less developed area, rapid development was observed. Even with low market share, auto market was driven by the fast economy growth. The huge market potential was released, thus the used car trade increased very fast.Besides that, used car trade was mainly in local area. In 2010, local registered used car account for 88.27% of the total volume. This was due to the complex ownership transfer and registration procedure for cross regional transaction, and high cost. This had significant effect on rational circulation of used car.Figure 7. Used car transaction money from 2001 to 2012.Figure 8. Used car transaction money from 2001 to 2012.Figure 9. Brand and year feature for used car market.3.3. Purchasing Pattern ChangedAs a matter of fact, growth in the second-hand car market surpassed the sales growth of new cars. Used car grew by ear 20% in volume terms in 2011, reaching over4.3million. Indeed, as this trend intensifies, the used car segment will outstrip the new car segment in absolute terms as well. More specifically, given the current trend, almost 19 million used cars are expected to change hands in 2017. That translates into an impressive compounded annual growth rate of over 30%.One important reason for this change is the purchasing pattern of Chinese consumers. On average, 60% of Chi- nese car owners replace their cars every three years – much more frequent than other national car markets. This disposition is more apparent in the high-end segment. Here, automobile turnover is particularly strong due to fast-changing demands from wealthy individuals and a purchase pattern that closely correlates with their busi- nesses’ profitability. Cars that have barely been used enter the second-hand auto market, attracting new buyers in the process.Moreover, consumer attitudes are changing. From be- ing viewed as mere status symbols, cars are now in- creasingly being bought for reasons of functionality and transportation. Additionally, as most people currently buy cars for their first time, they willnot be as willing to spend a fortune on a new car. Especially as government policies are now helping car penetration deepen and spread to rural areas and lower-tier cities in China, where an estimated 700 million people live and purchasing power is much weaker. So, second-hand cars are becom- ing viable and desirable options for an increasing number of Chinese.With the increased supply of used cars to the auto market and the Chinese becoming more comfortable with the idea of second-hand car purchases, this segment is set to grow substantially in the coming years. Although there are some concerns, such as absence of trust between buyer and seller, as the market becomes more established and formalized through authorized dealerships, this problem will likely diminish in the future. And despite governmental policies that largely block second-hand cars from first-tier city markets, they are more attractive options for Chinese living in other areas, especially in poorer, rural areas and lower-tier cities. So, significant expansion of the second-hand car market is imminent and this creates many opportunities for used car trade and related companies [8].4. New Features of Used Car Market4.1. Issues of Used Car MarketAs one of the important parts of auto market, used car market kept 20% - 30% increase annually. However, the used car market is still in the preliminary stage, com- pared to the advanced market in western countries. Sev- eral dominant issues were as follows.First, lack of integrity in used car market. The lack of trust between buyer and seller currently remains a huge problem impeding the used car market in China. Chinese consumers, have few resources to help them understand the value of older vehicles. Used car broker often makes traps for consumer for high profit. There are quality, price and legal risk for consumers. And few mechanics are experienced enough to value cars independently. Due to the lack of trust, many potential used car demands cannot transfer into real market demand. Some foreign automakers are hoping to address this problem by setting up programs to sell certified pre-owned cars with war- rantee protection. As the used car market continues to evolve, this issue would be solved.Second, lack of used car evaluation criteria. Currently, there was no systematic used car value assessment crite- ria and residual value releasing system. On the national side, norule proclaimed for used car evaluation and value assessment. In practical used car trade, car evalua- tion is mostly subjective evaluation, only few companies have specialized equipment. Thus the evaluation result depends on the experience and responsibility of estimator, which weaken the fairness and rationality. When residual value assessment, simple average life span depreciation were used, without rational basis and reference, which reduce the fairness of value measurement.Third, lack of after-sell service systems. The used car market only had the function for industry and commer- cial bureau verification, and registration, did not have essential service function, facility and service method. One package service has been provided in new car mar- ket, but not in used car market. This is far more behind advanced countries. Due to the lack of proper service system, the confidence of consumer was affected, and the expansion of used car market was restricted.Fourth, incomplete policies and regulations for used car market. Access restriction is quite low in China, which result in low technical ability, poor management and irregular transaction, and weaken consumer’s confi- dence. The tax difference for different trade bodies for broker (0%), company (2%), auction (4%), and trade market (0%), result in chaos and unfairness in used car market [8,9]. There is no systematic used car evaluation and assessment criteria. The irrational and subject evalu- ation and assessment result from different personnel re- duced the real indication on car real value, which restrict the market development. A rational evaluation system should be established nation-wide. 4.2. New Feature of Used Car Market in China1) Strong policy support for upper developmentIn recent years, policy support is the most important booster for used car market. Series direct or indirect pol- icy has been released, and facilitate an favorable envi- ronment for used car market. Encouraging used car mar- ket development has been placed in government work report and plan, which confirmed the basic macro-policy direction.The policy support has been directly put into practice on the used car trade market, which already makes the shift from outside environment support to direct fostering on used car trade market. The most important one is the Demonstration Project of Used Car Trade Market Up- grading and Reconstruction. The project was executed by the Ministry ofCommerce and Finance. 40 used car trade markets were included in ten provinces. The emphasis was on the market environment and service facility, and management system. Series technical and operational supports were provide by the government. Information technology was widely used to promote national infor- mation interconnection and interaction, thus to build the foundation on national market and circulation.The application of these policies, were not only the support from government, but also the concept education for the whole used car trade and circulation industry. The aim was to reform and upgrade the mode of used car trade, enforce scale operation, and promote cross-re- gional used car transaction [8,10].2) Expansion of market scale and irradiation loopAfter several years of development, the used car mar- ket in the key cities as the core is becoming the basictrend direction for the nationwide integrated market. Due to the regional discrepancy in China used car market throughout the provinces, the gradient difference in used car consumer can be achieved for the market develop- ment. This was confirmed by the experience in devel- oped countries.The first priority is to taking advantage of radiation and leading role of core cities, to form regional used car market. With the market development, the seamless connection between regional market can be achieved. Then, the used car transfer gradient can be established from developed area to less developed area, thus to form the unified national market.The used car in the developed area is transferring to the less developed area, along with the demand changing from newly-increased to renew. This will be one of the most important features for China’s used car market.3) Remarkable concentration increase in used car tradeAccording to the experience in used car market in de- veloped countries, large-scale used car trade is always accompany with the arising and developing of wholesale. For China’s market, the used car wholesale mainly to auction is gradually arising, which will be one of the important symbol of large-scale market development. The advanced wholesale business provides strong sup- port for the large-scale used car trade. It is the foundation for cross regional used car transaction, and operation efficiency improvement. Thus theoperational transfer cost can be reduced, and improve the comparative ad- vantage in used car price, to promote used car consump- tion. It is essential to have gradient distribution of new car and used car, to enhance the maturity of China’s auto market.Fundamental changes will take place in the traditional small workshop operation mode. Used car broker com- pany with certain scale and with ability for cross regional transaction will arise in the market, and large-scale used car trade group will also grow. The small scale broker will be forced to quit the market. Thus, the obsessed is- sue characterized in small, scattered and disordered used car trade will be solved.Along with the change, professional division will be enhanced for the used car service companies. Integrated used car company will be replaced by specialized pur- chasing company, wholesale company and retail com- pany. More specialized service and trade company will arise, such as auction company, third-party detection service company, evaluation and assessment company and so on [11].4) Important role of brand used carBrand used car from car manufacture started from 2004. And great development has taken place in the re- cent years. Most of the car manufactures initiated their strategy and used car trademark in the brand used car, such as Chengxin, Anji from SAIC Motor, Certified used car from FAW-Volkswagen, Anxin from FAW TOY- OTA Motor, AAA from FAW Audi, and Xiyue used car from GAC HONDA, and so on.Replacement of used car is becoming the main mode for brand used car. Competition among different used car brands went deep. There are around 1000 auto dealer involved in the used car replacement. As 4S shop is gradually becoming the main brand used car source and trading place, the advantage of dealership is more and more obvious. On the basis of advantage in brand influ- ence and, maintenance and service, brand used car will be the major proportion of used car market [12].5) Trading service platform establishment will be the main content of used car marketUnder current circumstance, trading service platform establishment is quite essential for the used car market in China. Used car trade related testing, evaluation, assess- ment and other service can be provided in the platform for both individual trader and dealer. Thisplatform in- cludes replace platform between new and used cars, ser- vice platform amongmanufactures, and alliance platform among trade market nationwide [10].Service platform is required to joint new car and used car trade service, due to the replace business majored used car trade in China. Brand used car rely on the plat- form to achieve replacement business and internal re- source interchange among 4s shops. Dealership can use the platform to enforce used car source integration and cross-regional transaction. For professional, large-scale and regional demand, traditional trade market and broker also need this platform. Derived services like finance and insurance also rely on the platform to business develop- ment. 5. ConclusionsEnvironment analysis showed that used car market will be strongly enhanced by the blooming of auto market, rapid GDP growth and policy support. The used car trade experienced a steady trade scale increase and structure optimization. Along with the purchasing pattern chang- ing, significant expansion of the second-hand car market is imminent, even with hinder issues such as lack of in- tegrity, evaluation criteria andafter-service system, and incomplete policy and regulation.The new features of China’s used car market were identified. First, strong policy support will promote its upper development. Second, both market scale and mar- ket irradiation loop will enlarge. Third, there will be re- markable concentration increase in used car trade. Four, brand used car will gradually take an important role. Fi- nally, trading service platform establishment will be the main content of the used car market. The market feature indicated that a major turning point was taking place, which showed that China’s used car market is making the shift from the subordinate position to one of the domi-nant positions in the auto industry. Chi na’s used car market is expected into a high speed,up-going develop-ment passage.6. AcknowledgementsThis work is sponsored by the 12nd Five-year Support Program in Shanghai University of Engineering Science (2012-09-nhky) and Shanghai Automotive EducationalFoundation Project ―Used car business mode research under new market circumstance‖.REFERENCES【1】A. D. Little, ―China’s Automotive Market,‖ Automotive Viewpoint, 2011.【2】China Automobile Dealers Association, ―2010 China Auto Market Yearbook,‖China Commercial Publishing House, Beijing, 2010.【3】China Automobile Dealers Association, ―2012 China Auto Market Yearbook,‖ China Commercial Publishing House, Beijing, 2012.【4】X. B. Sun, ―Contribution of Used-Car Business for OEM and Implement Strategy,‖ MBA Thesis, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 2011.【5】X. C. Li, ―Effect of Real GDP per Capital on Private Car Demand,‖ Special Zone Economy, Vol. 1, 2010, pp. 284-285.【6】State Information Center and National Development and Reform Commission, ―Forecast of China’s Auto Market in 2012,‖ China Machine Press, Beijing, 2012.【7】China Automobile Dealers Association, ―2011 China Used Car Industry Development Report,‖ Beijing, 2011.【8】IPSOS in China, ―Related Policy Analysis on Used Car Market Sta ndardization and Promotion Development,‖ China Motor, No. 2, 2011, pp. 32-35.【9】China Automobile Dealers Association, ―2011 China Auto Market Yearbook,‖ China Commercial Publishing House, Beijing, 2011.【10】Z. Y. Luan, ―Research on the Current China Us ed Car Brand Marketing Model,‖ Master Thesis, Jilin University, Changchun, 2011.【11】H. Zhang and A. W. Zheng, ―Current Situation Analysis and Development Strategy of China’s Used Car Market,‖ Auto Industry Research, No. 7, 2012, pp. 10-13.【12】Industry Economy Division in Development Research Center of the State Council, China Association of Auto- mobile Manufactures, Shanghai VW, ―2012 Development Report on China’s Auto Industry,‖ Social Science Aca demic Press, Beijing, 2012.From:Yali Yang, Hao Chen*, Ruoping ZhangCollege of Automotive Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China Received April 25, 2013; revised May 25, 2013; accepted June 15, 2013译文中国二手车市场的发展摘要尽管目前仍处于早期发展阶段,在中国迅速增长的汽车所有权数量也为二手车市场注入了新的市场活力。

二手汽车-外文文献翻译————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:学校代码:10128英文参考文献及译文题目:T h e U s e d C a r I n d u s t r y姓名:马威学院:能源与动力工程系别:交通运输系专业:交通运输班级:交通运输09-2指导教师:高志鹰副教授二〇一三年六月The Used Car IndustryWith annual sales of nearly $370 billion, the used vehicle industry represents almost half of the U.S. auto retail market and is the largest retail segment of the economy.In 2005, about 44 million used cars were sold in the U.S., which is more than double that of the nearly 17 million new cars sold. In 1898, the Empire State Motor Wagon Company is one of the very first used car companies. The used vehicle market is substantially larger than other large retail sectors, such as the school and office products market ($206 billion in estimated annual sales) and the home improvement market ($291 billion in Estimated annual sales).The Federal Trade Commission recommends that consumers consider a car retailer’s reputation when deciding where to purchase a used car.In the United States, an estimated 34% of consumers (in 2006) are buying a Vehicle history report for used cars. Vehicle history reports are one way to check the track record of any used vehicle. The report may indicate minor/moderate collision damage or improper vehicle maintenance.These reports will indicate items of public record, such as vehicle title branding, lemon law buybacks, odometer fraud, and product recall vehicle history reports provide customers with a record based on the vehicle's serial number.An attempt to identify vehicles which have been previously owned by hire car rental agencies, police and emergency services or taxi fleets is also made. Consumers should research vehicles carefully, as these reporting services only report the information to which they have access. In some places the government is a provider of vehicle history, but this is usually a limited service providing information on just one aspect of the history. Two vehicle history reporting services used to offer the service for free namely Install VIN and Vin Check. But currently customers need to pay to view vehicle reports through Instating. Vin Check became part of Auto Check and provides very little information for free, and customers need to buy a detailed report.Several of the services, most notably those in the United Kingdom and theUnited States, sell reports to dealers and then encourage the dealers to display the reports on their Internet sites. These reports are paid for by the dealer and then offered for free to potential buyers of the vehicle. Car check service is available online for the public and motor trade.Companies may add to the reports additional information gathered from police, finance and insurance companies.In the UK, the DVLA provides information (Car check) on the registration of vehicles to certain companies for consumer protection and anti-fraud purposes. Used car pricing reports typically produce three forms of pricing information. Dealer or Retail Price is the price you should expect to pay if buying from a licensed new-car or used-car dealer — retail price. Dealer Trade-in Price or wholesale price is the price you should expect to receive from a dealer if you trade in a car. This is also the price that a dealer will typically pay for a car at a dealer wholesale auction. Private-Party Price is the price you should expect to pay if you were buying from an individual. A private-party seller is hoping to get more money than they would with a trade-in to a dealer. A private-party buyer is hoping to pay less than the dealer retail price.The growth of the Internet has fueled the availability of information on the prices of used cars. This information was once only available in trade publications that dealers had access to. There are now numerous sources for used car pricing. Multiple sources of used car pricing means that listed values from different sources may differ. Each pricing guide receiving data from different sources and makes different judgments about that data. Pricing of used cars can be affected by geography. For example, convertibles have a higher demand in warmer climates than in cooler areas. Similarly, pickup trucks may be more in demand in rural than urban settings. The overall condition of the vehicle has a major impact on pricing. Condition is based on appearances, vehicle history, mechanical condition and mileage. There is much subjectivity in how the condition of a car is evaluated.There are various theories as to how the market determines the prices of used cars sold by private parties, especially relative to new cars. One theory suggests that new car dealers are able to put more effort into selling a car, and can therefore stimulate stronger demand. Another theory suggests that owners of problematic cars("lemons") are more likely to want to sell their cars than owners of perfectly functioning vehicles. Therefore, someone buying a used car bears a higher risk of buying a lemon. A car dealership or vehicle local distribution is a business that sells new and/or used cars at the retail level, based on a dealership contract with an automaker or its sales subsidiary. It employs automobile salespeople to do the selling. It may also provide maintenance services for cars, thus employing automobile mechanics, stock and sell spare automobile parts, and process warranty claims.In China, an authorized car dealership is called 4S car shops. The 4S represents Sale, Spare part, Service and Survey .In most cases, brand-name new cars can be purchased only from 4S shops. For new cars in high demand, a premium is sometimes added for instant delivery or just placing an order. Likewise, cars with high supply are often discounted. The profit of car dealers in China is quite high compared to the rest of the world, in most cases 10%. This is due to the non-transparent invoice price as announced by manufacturers and to the premiums they charge for quick delivery. Due to the lack of knowledge for most customers, dealers can sell add-ons at much higher prices than the aftermarket. This field is ruled by Commission Regulation (EC) NO 1400/2002 of 31 July 2002, on the application of article 81(3) of the Treaty to categories of vertical agreements and concerted practices in the motor vehicle sector.In the Member States of the European Union, motor vehicle and spare part manufacturers distribute their products through networks of distributors. As far as motor vehicles are concerned, these distributors are commonly known as dealers. Motor vehicle manufacturers and other undertakings also operate networks of authorized repairers. Such a distribution or repair network consists of a bundle of similar agreements between the manufacturer and the individual distributors or body shops. For the purposes of EU competition law, these agreements are referred to as vertical agreements, as the manufacturer and distributor or repairer each operate at different levels of the production or distribution chain.Whether a vertical agreement actually restricts competition and whether in that case the benefits outweigh the anti-competitive effects will often depend on the market structure. The new Regulation 1400/2002, which entered into force on 1 October 2002, introduces a number of substantial changes as regards the exemption ofdistribution agreements for new motor vehicles and spare parts. It also introduces major changes] as regards the exemption of agreements for the provision of repair and maintenance services by authorized and independent repairers and other independent operators, such as onroad assistance operators, distributors of spare parts and providers of training for repairers.Auto Transport is used to move the vehicle from the factory to the dealerships. This includes country to country shipping as well as state to state shipping. Auto shipping and transport was largely a commercial activity conducted by dealers, manufacturers and brokers until the last ten to fifteen years. The explosion of Internet use has allowed this niche service to grow and reach the general consumer marketplace. This car shipping industry has grown explosively since the advent of the Internet. People are now able to purchase cars from anywhere in the world and have them shipped to their doorstep.Used Car Roadshow is a car programme that was originally aired on the Men & Motors channel, but now it is also shown on ITV4. The show is presented by Penny Mallory and Jason Dawe. The show airs for one hour. Each programme is filmed at car shows throughout the UK, where enthusiasts display their cars and collections, as well as some who want to sell and buy cars. Penny and Jason always attempt to pick the most eye catching and unusual cars at these shows, as well as demonstrating bargains that can be had from the used car market. Every programme has a different scenario, where a viewing member of the public is looking to buy a used car. Scenarios can vary from the budget-conscious student wanting to spend no more than £1500, to the mid 20 year old wanting a sports car for no more than £20,000. There are also in betweens who want something economical, or good for long distance touring, or for the family. They give Jason the specifications they want, and the things they would like and not like.Throughout the show Jason comes up with different cars to suit the buyer's needs, summarizing the positives and negatives. He often picks three cars, with one mystery car thrown in to interest the buyer. Normally the buyer is given three cars to examine and decide from with the guidance of Penny and Jason throughout, from which one has to be dropped before the other two can be tested. The test drive isnormally taken with Penny on board, who gives her opinions on the car to give the buyer a better insight as to what they may want. If the buyer decides that he/she does not like one of the cars, then Jason will throw in his mystery car to liven things up.In the end the buyer usually makes a decision on the car they want, and attempts to negotiate with Jason, who consequently rings the seller on air from a mobile and tries to achieve the best deal possible for the buying member of the public. As of 2009, no new series/episodes had aired.二手车行业随着每年接近3700亿的成交量,二手车行业占据了美国接近半数的汽车零售市场,它也成为了最大的零售业务的经济体。

(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)中英文对照外文翻译China's automobile development trend of the circulation systemBrand is the business of sustainable development one of the most important resource. In the Chinese automotive market development and the process of development, the concept of brand is being more and more attention, but, for many vehicle operators, the brand concept is very vague, they often attach great importance to corporate image of the shape, attention Product promotion, to the neglect of the brand value and role. On a business, the corporate image in the first level, at the second level of brand image, product image in a third level. A brand must exist in the enterprise, must depend on the tangibleproducts (services), but the brand can be independent of the companies it represents, independent of the products it relies on the outside. Because enterprises can be mergers, joint or reorganization, bankruptcy may, for type or products can be updated, but the value of brands is eternal, is the value-added. With a product, for a brand can be worth 100 times, which fully demonstrates the important value of the brand. "Lamborghini" sports car in both the public by the German company acquired before or after the acquisition, brand image of the core values and not because of inter-enterprise mergers and change. Therefore, development, shape and brand management, corporate image is the fundamental, is the personification of product value.In the car with a strong personality of the car, the brand means that the market position means that the product quality, performance, technology, equipment and services and the value of its ultimate manifestation of the company's business philosophy. Brand recognition from its consumers, "are being added," the value chain and not "Canada is negative." This value chain by the people "reputation spread" and "the effect of" double drive. If consumers do not establish communication channels, can not obtain the trust of consumers, brand value is equal to zero.Brand is a soul, personality, environmental characteristics, is alive. Brand and the end result is the core of customer satisfaction. User satisfaction with the largest direct driving force comes from the use of the product results were satisfactory level. Products derived from the value of location and thus generate the feelings of value for money, it is these factors prompted enterprises have continuously develop new products, increase the technology content of technology and equipment, and continuously reduce costs, in other words continue to technological progress. The car is different from general merchandise, it has high prices, re-use, repeatedly put characteristics. Therefore, the user satisfaction of a more important drivers of marketing system is the level of services and functions of diversity, that is, dealer branding is a concrete manifestation, not only with the sale of products and achieve the interests of a single Function, should also have the market development, supply of spare parts, maintenance, vehicle beauty, insurance, licensing, leasing, hire purchase, old cars by then the whole transaction, information feedback, and many other features. Marketing channels is to build brand users to communicate directly with the bridge is to improve customer satisfaction in important areas.The traditional marketing system can not improve customer satisfaction and create brand image. Because they are horizontal, pluralistic, non-integrated. On the dealers, no brand or brands must be the result of the horizontal development of a single function,extended to other areas of business management, this way, the risks are great, difficult to manage, no image.The importance of vehicle brand marketing is the brand value chain from the decision, it must guide the distributors to develop in depth, through multi-functional integration and integration services to create more value and interest. The car companies, brand marketing, to concentrate manpower and energy market research, market development and is conducive to the planning, development and management of sales and marketing networks and distributors to increase the service functions and is conducive to market with product development and production of Convergence and cooperation is conducive to the market for forward-looking planning, to develop flexible marketing policy, and so on. It can stabilize the market, the development of the market, can be divided into regional, control prices, dealers can become a powerful helper competition in the market.Currently, Buick, Honda, Audi's sales and marketing networks are developing in depth. Their basic characteristic is the exclusive distributor operating on it, that is, specific franchise brand products, with independent distributors or independent legal person status, with independent financial accounting function, multi-function integrated, unified image of the entire network System showed a flat structure, directly facing the ultimate user sales.Second, China's automobile distribution system - from non-brand marketing brandmanagement to changeOne. China's automobile circulation system generally has experienced four stages of development:The first stage is planned economy period (1953-1979), during this period the basic characteristics of the automobile market is highly centralized management. State vehicle for centralized allocation of resources.The second stage is two-pronged period (1979-1985), and sales of motor vehicles into the management of the guidance and market regulation scheme of combining the operation system, the allocation of resources of "national market regulation, market guidance of the" model.The third stage is market-oriented period (1985-1997), enterprises will gradually become market-oriented production and operation, showed regional market demand, a buyer's market began to emerge. This phase is divided into two periods, the early cars is a seller's market, the latter part of a buyer's market.Several stages over the most essential characteristic of all non-brand management, especially market-oriented period, dealers, institutions are not independent, accounts unclear, features a single, market confusion, the layers of the wholesale market when the strong rush headlong into mass action , For resources, market weakness,competition.The fourth stage is to brand management transition period (1997-present), China's car market has started to brand management people into the initial stage, especially in 1999 to Shanghai GM Buick, Guangzhou Honda Accord, FAW - the public, such as Audi City people brand marketing system after the building as the hallmark, China's car market to accelerate the pace of development of brand marketing. Their dealer network from the appearance of the image to the internal layout, and input from hardware to software management, pre-market sale of after-sales service and a series of procedures, have a unified standard, uniform logo, the image of unity, unified management and Strict implementation of the training. Brand management can not only regulate the market order, strengthen market management, to avoid over-or vicious competition is more important to establish a brand image.FAW Group Corporation is China's largest automobile manufacturer of. 1997, the Jetta as a pilot, started a brand marketing attempt. Taste sweetness, the red flag, liberation and Audi have also started marketing brands, has achieved very good results. Jetta sedans to as an example, in the implementation of brand management asked the previous five years, always in annual sales from 10,000 to 20,000 between wandering, the establishment of the FAW in 1997 - after the public sale of the company, was on the more than 40,000 Vehicles, after an annual rate of 20,000 increase in 1999 from January to October, has sold 62,896 Jetta sedans, the market share of 13.51 percent, while brand management in 1997 before the market share of only about 5%. Especially over the past few years, the car market is completely transferred to a buyer's market, increasingly competitive, the results achieved this more difficult, that the great role of brand marketing.Of course, the FAW Group Corporation of brand management is still in its initial stage, in the process of development there are still various historical burden and the many contradictions and problems. This is the future to overcome the difficulties. The Jetta sedan, the network operators to brand marketing has just begun, the next to go a long way to go.From the results of brand management, compared with non-brand management, marketing, quality improved markedly. Specific performance in the following areas:1. To solve the previous after-sales service and spare parts supply and sale of the state of separation, on the other service functions such as licensing, insurance, beauty, and othervehicles to be strengthened. Separation of these links is the result of interest difficult to coordinate, through different sectors of the lack of a smooth channel for feedback, the lack of specific brands of concern.2. Delineation of the regional scope of the operation, unified price policy, and is conducive to the depth of its business development. The past in a region scattered with many dealers, leading to price, service and other disorder, not on specific brands to market development.3. By the end of the multi-layers of wholesale sales sectors, directly to the people of the ultimate user-oriented sales, reducing the supply chain, lower transaction costs.4. The end of a "small window dressing" and "stall" mode of operation, steering procedures, high input of the business. This is undoubtedly the tangible car market has posed a challenge.5. Cash transaction or a guarantee that the pledge, to avoid the risk.6. The end of a single new car sales, hire purchase, on the 1st car replacement, leasing and other financing vehicles began attention.7. Initially set up customer management systems, track users, improve customer satisfaction.China's automobile industry faces the challenges of the next century, the car market in constant change of the division and trespassing. We believe that the structure of a brand marketing at the core of the vehicle circulation system framework, the cross-century China's auto market is the basic marketing model and the inevitable choice. Brand management is based on the establishment of the new Trade and Industry, Trade and Industry to form an appropriate division of labor between the positioning of the vehicle turned into enterprises under the leadership of the participation of financial institutions to brand marketing at the core of the circulation system. Trade and Industry should be between a bite very close gear, the car companies is an active round, and the dealers are driven round and round it should take the initiative driven by a stable and harmonious functioning.Two. China's car sales managementCar manufacturers of domestic marketing network management, many from foreign parent companies or technology transfer from the copy, but, because of the domestic car market some of particularity, copies began aliasing, which makes car sales and marketing network confusion. At present the domestic car manufacturers sales management problems are basically the same, because of marketing and management methods and policies for thecar market caused by the confusion and car dealers in speculation, dealers and intensified the contradictions and production enterprises so that users The decline in product satisfaction.1. Distribution centres and regional centres and the construction site manager. SAIC Sales Corporation, the country gradually built 24 distribution centers, its intention is to strengthen the management of local dealers to promote sales. Shenlong company's regional centres (business offices) is Shenlong companies throughout the country a regional management center, but because too few officers in each region, in particular the lack of after-sales service professionals, makes too much work span, but also because of management Function is not clear, the task had passed Wuhan headquarters, leading to poor coordination with the dealer, not really a big area of management functions.In addition, the current domestic car production enterprises with specialized regional manager of the site, devoted to tour the scene, such as Shanghai Volkswagen, FAW-Volkswagen, the Shenlong Company. However, the survey found that most managers at the scene because the scene could not solve the problem, coupled with the site manager and the issue of coordination between headquarters, sales and service network makes the problem can not be resolved in time, causing the backlog problem, thus increasing the network management Difficult.2. The support of dealers and evaluation. For a long time, production enterprises with the support of the dealers are mainly embodied on the end of the year, sales of major distributors of assessment criteria, making dealers do not pay attention, focus only on sales, many dealers at a low price Sales, thanks to more sales, they often look to the huge annual sales corporation, a loss of even out, once the company not to sell, most dealers will be a huge loss, resulting in the loss of sales force and Competitors into the sales network. After sales management policy changes, all enterprises and the loss of basic sales channels to stop, but the profit cycle only about 500 to 2,000 yuan, far less than the sales network of foreign profits.At present, aware of the shortcomings of the end of Fan Li policy, domestic car manufacturers basically have all abolished the end of Fan Li policy and a comprehensive index of small-scale examination after the award. Enterprises for comprehensive examination including sales, financial return, feedback and hardware facilities. However, its core content and in terms of sales and capital returns, the hardware facilities of the assessment did not change to the planning and encourage dealers to invest, such as Dragon's Award is the most important indicators of monthly sales evaluation is completed,the extent of the return of funds. FAW-Volkswagen examination indices, in addition to the assessment of sales, also increased the feedback on the evaluation (mainly referring to new users file feedback), failed the examination of the maintenance stations to cancel their sales commission. The introduction of these policies, to a certain extent, improve the assessment indicators, but the intensity of this examination norms for the conduct and dealers are still not enough direction.In 1999, SAIC Sales Corporation in learning the German public sales network management methods, introduced a system of franchisees and the "three Maori" policy. Shanghai Automotive Industry Sales Corporation brand franchise through the idea of transforming the traditional distributor for the franchisees, through "three Maori" policy to promote the transformation of dealers. Apart from considering the franchisees sales Maori, but also in accordance with its investment in hardware and services in the corresponding gross margin and investment services to Maori. Although this policy comprehensively on the various dealers and investment to the guide, however, due to the lack of detailed study, launched the "three Maori" policy of the lack of other supporting management policies, will not be able to contain a good distributor, And the speculative dealers will soon find the existence of speculative opportunities.3. Of after-sales service management. Domestic car manufacturers are faced with after-sales service network management difficulties. The main problems: the supply department of spare parts and after-sales service sector manufacturing enterprises can not control the outflow of accessories, especially the system of supporting parts enterprises. In many parts production enterprises without the permission, accessories will be sold directly to the maintenance business, coupled with the impact of counterfeit parts, maintenance service stations operating conditions deteriorate. At present, Shanghai Volkswagen, FAW Volkswagen and ShenLong companies such as after-sales service companies are facing these problems, thus also means that the maintenance of the control points lower.4. Of dealers and repair stations intelligence management. Domestic car manufacturers marketing departments began to attach importance to the management of intelligence, such as FAW-Volkswagen dealers will require all new car sales to return to the user files, and as an incentive assessment of one of the key indicators. SAIC sold the company to all authorized dealers in a unified software system planning,it also requires dealers will sell new cars to return to the user files. Shanghai Volkswagen in the maintenance stations across the country to promote reunification of the computer management system, then you can repair station repairs, claims, the user files, andaccessories sales, inventory and other information for all, maintenance and analysis of the situation and stop the operation of the market Situation.Although the domestic car manufacturers to begin sales and service network of information management, but many of these systems or just started, many enterprises in urgent need of basic database have not yet completed, the computer management is still in its initial stage, and so on. In addition, intelligence collection and transmission of the dealer is a huge cost, the effect of slow business, the majority of dealers in China do not attach importance to this, there are a lot of raw data big problem.5. Franchise brand awareness. Since the domestic car manufacturers and dealer network's overall environmental situation determines the domestic car sales method is relatively backward, and foreign brands compared the current concept of the concept of brand competition and did not form, making manufacturers, retailers and service stations operating without a unified Planning, not standardized, so all sales outlets fragmentation, irrelevant, and bidding each other, leading to confusion in business scope, quality of service decline, increased costs and falling profits, this situation is all the car factory there are problems.Third, marketing and management analysis concluded1. The level of management is not clear. Regional management and maintenance of the retailers at the lack of control efforts, this makes the level of retailers, most retailers and wholesalers are a retailer, but because the results of the auction each other, making great profits fell.2. Retailers on the assessment is not comprehensive enough. At present, domestic car manufacturers to focus on the assessment indicator sales volume, but not revenue from sales and profitability of the two areas to conduct a comprehensive evaluation, especially quality of service for assessment, guide retailers to improve service quality is negative.3. Brand the concept of the poor. Manufacturers and retailers are not the business of brand planning, manufacturers and retailers are not under the name of the scale, it is an increase of the internal friction among retailers.4. Retailer's intelligence network is not perfect. At present, China's car manufacturers to retailers intelligence network has not been perfect, but retailers were not seriously, this will affect manufacturers to retailers were operating as intelligence.中国汽车流通体制的发展趋势1 品牌与品牌营销品牌是企业可持续发展的最重要资源之一。

汽车营销汽车售后服务中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Automotive after-sales serviceAutomotive after-sales service is a means of car marketing which produced early in the automotive industry. As car consumables characteristics, the customer attaches great importance to its maintenance and repair.Automotive after-sales service is an important part of the automobile circulation,which covers the quality assurance of the car after the car sales, claims, repair and maintenance services, auto parts supply, maintenance and technical training,technical advice and guidance, market information feedback series.Manufacturer to establish closer rapport with the customer after-sales service, so as to establish a corporate image, enhance the reputation of the product, to expand the impact of the product, cultivate customer loyalty. After-sales service as a "double-edged sword, good after-sales service support and promote product sales, marketing, brand and reputation play a strong role; poor after-sales service can also make the product unmarketable, brand reputation down and can even make brand discredited.Therefore, only after-sales service to improve the automotive products, auto 4S shop attentive service to moving customers, improve customer satisfaction, in order to win the market. This indicates that the car service in the whole process of automotive marketing, there is a special "mission" for to procure automotive products and services into the market to play an active role.Therefore, the automotive aftermarket has far-reaching significance and prospects for the prosperity of themarket.4S shop is a car service, including vehicle sales, parts, service, information feedback, 4S four feature set in one of the car service companies, S is actually four prefix abbreviation of the English words. Although China's auto industry from the history behind the developed countries, but the evolution of the service model can be said is basically the same way, but also the abbreviation of the foreign auto industry 100 2 years of history. The construction of the 4S shop, foreign auto supply store and some do not the China Construction Luxury and hardware facilities grade is not high, the size of the investment does not necessarily larger than domestic car shop, but the level of foreign car shop management services, software construction, but can be described as first-class, more nuanced, and will definitely not happen only to look at the appearance, is not allowed to enter the compartment to see things, even some auto shop has its own proving ground, customers can freely choose and test. Repair services of motor vehicles is a major part of the benefit in the automotive aftermarket repair shop is obviously important.Between foreign manufacturers, they have established a close relationship of production and marketing, has a beautiful shopping environment, brand awareness and clear advantages, but also a lot of manufacturers to follow suit.Brand stores in the United States is the United States the most important automotive aftermarket mode, whichrise in the United States is not long, but rapid development in the last 20 years. Chain initiator is not a vehicle manufacturing plant, but set position in the automotive aftermarket auto parts supply, maintenance, fast curing of an integrated service provider.At present, the company has nearly 20 U.S. more than more than 500 chain stores of spare parts. This model integrates the resources of the various brands of Auto Parts and Accessories, breaking the vertical monopoly, on the basis of price transparency, vehicle maintenance, repair, beauty and spare parts supply one-stop service, the owner can be a one-stop solution to the problem. In the same brand of chain system, each branch uses the same store design, service marks, personnel training, and service standards in the management, the same price of services, unified management rules, unified technical support, unified logistics and distribution system, not only can effectively reduce operating costs, but also improve the overall brand image.Brand chain initiator is not the OEM, 3 but the car service business service providers, the main business of the brand chain including supply of auto parts, car repair, fast curing, and every brand chain branches not only numerous but also widely distributed, according to statistics the United States more than 20 spare parts company has more than 500 stores, more than 70% of the auto parts market spare parts by brand stores, brand stores can sell more than one brand of car parts resources and price transparency, and that the integration of variousbrands of cars resources, played the economies of scale, and convenient to the customer, which has suffered an unprecedented favor.4S stores will generally take a brand in an area designed and built in accordance with uniform inside and outside the shop, a huge investment.4S shop is a very large investment market analysis, in Beijing, 4S shop hardware investment is usually about $ 15 million in sales between 5 million to 10 million of liquidity.Some sales of economy cars 4S shop is a relatively small investment, but it also needs about 800 million.Such a huge investment did not stop the enthusiasm of the people, whether you are a 4S dealer which car manufacturers in the country, usually a collection of environment. Tianjin Toyota dealer about 40 or so, but there are more than more than 400 dealers to submit applications Tianjin Toyota.This is mainly because it is more profitable car sales, if you choose a good car manufacturer, may be it will recover the investment within two years. Authorities believe that almost every major car manufacturers are concerned with the manufacturer's brand and product competitiveness.In other words, the car manufacturers not only to choose a products, brand awareness and potential for the development of enterprises, as well as the speed of introduction of new models these are the very elements can not be ignored. Shanghai General Motors dealers and car sales say, they chose the agent of Shanghai General Motors, because Universal is the largest distributor of Chinese investment,technology 4 research and development work. Many dealers say, "as long as the product of your choice is correct, then waiting for the money on the line." A proxy seven or eight car brand CEO said, can not make money, the key is depends on your agent what brand of car, whether the car is popular models. Best-selling Honda, for example, if you do not increase, selling a Honda car in Beijing for $ 15,000, but the reality is that Honda cars in short supply, increase sales is very common, and some because no invoice fare, do not pay taxes , dealers earn more profits.In Beijing, Honda 4S shop profits last year's net profit of at least $ 400 million. Of course, not all the dealers can get tense car type, they are in what ways to make money. Agent jetta car dealer said: "Now the sale of the vehicle does not make money, Sell a car dealer would have died. Most of the articles have been added in the sale of the vehicle. Say" article "refers to manufacturer rebates, insurance costs, interior decoration and maintenance 4S shop location determines the right decision by car manufacturers, because the planning and layout of the factory, the 4S shop location is not very good, most of the car users are also times to buy a car, they tend to be a taxi or bus, they tend to choose convenient place, 4S shop business for their own survival, often using very flexible operational mechanism. The general practice is to apply for a booth in the Asian Games Village Automobile Exchange Market car market in Beijing or northern or find partners in these areas, so that the company's businessexpansion.Of course, there are many of 4S shop dealers rent an office phone consultation service or services to sell more cars in the automotive market, compared to the 4S shop, car and more popular in the market.At this stage, the average consumer can also buy economy cars, car brand and not the main factors they buy, they are most sensitive to price changes in the price of the same grade they are most interested, if car prices slightly low, sales will rise.Automotive marketing services are divided into three 5 parts: pre-service, sales service and after-sales service.With the advances in automotive technology and the rapid development of science and technology, automotive products into the home, and as a means of transport, gradually entering China.Domestic after-sales service more and more people's attention, the emergence of the car service is due to market competition, and also a means of automotive marketing. The rapid development of China's automobile industry, car ownership has increased significantly, reaching more than 8500 million cars in the automobile industry occupies an important position. China's huge car ownership and fast car sales growth, the development of the automotive service industry provides a huge room for growth.Traditional car sales services, is also subject to international popular "four in one" sales and service shop (also known as "4S shop") impact.Car manufacturers and dealers deeply realize that only through rigorous, perfect, thoughtful, quality of service, cultivate a high level of customersatisfaction, a good and stable customer relationship, to grappling win in the increasingly intense market place.Increasing competition in the automotive market, car manufacturers focus on profit growth in the after-sales service, the pros and cons of the quality of after-sales service has become a key differentiator for automotive manufacturers in the incentive market competition aspects.As a bridge connected to the car production and consumption markets - auto 4S shops, however, the service sectors also there is a lack of personnel, poor service concept, craftsmen low technical level, has seriously restricted the 4S shop or even the entire automobile industry.Therefore, the establishment of an effective car 4S shop after-sales service evaluation system will help to promote automobile 4S shops or even the entire automotive industry to flourish.4S shop can not provide customers with personalized service to meet customer needs, and not enough emphasis on customer care, in the face of complaints, 6 answer can not be given customer satisfaction, and service personnel with low skills and lack of integrity in the 4S shop.To solve these problems, this paper proposes the establishment of industry standards, improve laws and regulations to strengthen skills training for maintenance personnel, to design an effective performance appraisal system, and regulate the standards of service price, after-sales service industry chain extension, the timely processing of complaints from owners, strengthen 4S shop owners between emotional interactionmeasures. Automotive aftermarket service area, the automotive service chain management and enterprise management chain has become a development trend of automotive after-market services, is a big market, competing parties are sure to become an important position in the future.Four external services, especially because of its strong financial support and advanced management concepts will generate a considerable impact on the domestic service market.For example, the car rental industry will eventually go to the chain operation.Chains, competitiveness and visibility in well-known international leasing companies have thousands of high development and growth of domestic enterprises, sand together to form a pagoda, the process is essential.Borrow abroad experience, the car rental business will be gradually formed enterprise.The car rental industry is a strange phenomenon in the country, to holiday car rental rent a car, usually do not are in the minority. In this case of the leasing industry in Europe and the United States are precisely the opposite foreign experience has shown that, for automobile manufacturers in terms of the essence of the car rental car ownership and use a separate form of trade, car sales means effective extension For in terms of the domestic automobile manufacturers, recognizing that this is especially important. After China's accession to the WTO, the automotive industry has suffered an unprecedented impact and influence.This impact and influence not only the financial impact from 7 foreign automanufacturers, brand impact, impact of technology, quality impact will be reflected in the negative impact of domestic car sales market.At this point, China's auto consumption market increasingly need a way to adapt to this consumer psychology needs new form of automobile consumption, car rental is undoubtedly the best choice. In other words, the car rental industry in 2023 even longer period of time in the future, will become a "bottleneck" in the most effective way to break through China's auto production and market demand, for the following reasons: Car rental automobile manufacturers provide society with products, value in use, one of the most convenient channel; finance leases role is to alleviate the problem of insufficient demand and purchasing power, the potential consumer into real consumption; kind of lease role is to provide new options for the domestic automotive consumers, stimulate and expand the automobile consumption; car rental help to help automobile manufacturers to establish customer loyalty on the company's automotive brands.Automobile manufacturers continue to receive car rental consumers the most timely and direct market information, to improve the competitiveness of their products.In foreign countries, the majority of automotive aftermarket chain operation, bringing profit higher than the profit of vehicle sales. Both experienced overseas and the development of the domestic chain management is the inevitable development of the road car service operators.State-of-the-art car service concept "seven support third repair" is the generally accepted concept of car service in the United States, because of the United States, a country on wheels, it is the prevalence of maintenance than maintenance more important automobile consumer attitudes, which determines the dominance of the automobile aftermarket warranty business, car sales in the United States is the franchise, and after-sales service can be relatively independent. Due to the rapid 8 increase of the scientific and technological content of the car, required maintenance equipment rose water boats, small professional repair shop (2 - 4) due to less income and maintenance technology is not mature enough and are gradually incorporated into the large repair shop (over 25) or integrated with each other, the most important car warranty enterprises are concentrated in automobile production factory authorized warranty station, separate factory warranty, after-sales service departments of authorized dealers, professional repair shop, brand stores warranty Ministry. The current separation of many manufacturers in the United States after-sales service and vehicle sales car service become more and more specialized.Car service brand building more and more important for the car service enterprises, brand-effectiveness of the after-sales service will be unprecedented attention and enhance attention to after-sales service brand to brand driven service network construction has become essential.Withthe wave of car service market set off franchising, chain business brand will be the future of automotive after-sales service to create objects.Car service must be done specialization, standardization, standardization, high technical content services in order to adapt to market development, and make their own characteristics and perfect after-sales service network is the inevitable trend of the development of automotive service market.汽车售后服务汽车售后服务本是汽车营销的一种手段,产生于汽车工业初期。

外文文献原稿和译文原稿Development of Used Car Market in ChinaABSTRACTAlthough still in its early development phase, rapid growth of auto ownership has also injected new vitality for used car market in China. Under the support of series policy, the used car market reveals leaping development character with qualified changes. It is essential to understand the new changes in the used car market. This paper conducted research on the new features of used car market in China to promote its development. Environment analysis showed that used car market will be strongly enhanced by the blooming of auto market, rapid GDP growth and policy support, which ex- perienced steady trade scale increase and structure optimization. The used car trade experienced steady trade scale in- crease and structure optimization. Along with the purchasing pattern changing, significant expansion of the second- hand car market is imminent, even with hinder issues such as lack of integrity, evaluation criteria and after-service sys-tem, and incomplete policy and regulation. Several new features were identified, strong policy support, enlarging mar-ket scale and irradiation loop, remarkable concentration increase, increased status of brand used car, and enhanced trading service platform establishment. It is indicated that China’s used car market is making the shift from subordinate position to one of the dominant positions in auto industry, which is expected into a high speed,up-going development passage in the future.Keywords: Used Car Market; Development; New Features; China1. IntroductionWith the rapid social and economical development, China has become one of the most important markets in the world for the automotive industry. In recent years, the scale of China’s automotive after-sales service market continues to increase [1]. Analyzing from thepolicy, market, development potential and other aspects, the Annual Report on Automotive Industry in China (2010) found that, in the “Twelfth Five-Year” period, China’s automotive after-sales service market will maintain an annual growth rate of about 8 percent by a conservative estimate, and reach up to about RMB252.3 billion Yuan in 2015 [2]. Contemporarily, the rapid growth of auto ownership has also injected new vitality for second-hand car market. The trading volume of the used car market rose from 370 thousand to 4.33 million from 2001 to 2011, with an an- nual increase beyond 30%. The average trading ration between used car and new car is 0.24, which indicates the growing proportion of used car in auto industry [3]. In recent years, such operating models as used car brokers, used car auction and used car replacement have emerged in the market successively. The alteration of trading models provides new engines for the develop- ment of the used car market in China. It is estimated that the trade volume ratio between used and new car would reach 1:1 in the next ten years.However, China’s used car trade market is still in low proportion in the auto industry, even with its rapid growth. According to the experience of western ad- vanced countries, taking USA as an example, the bene- fits from used car sector accounts for 45% of the whole auto industry, and the average profit from one used car is around 20% [4].Under the support of series policy, the used car market reveals leaping development character with qualified changes. From 2000, China’s used car market experience high growth, and gradually became the major part of the auto industry. The used car market already made the shift from the subordinate position to one of the dominant po- sitions in the auto industry. It is vital to understand the new changes in the used car market. Thus this paper conducted research on the new environment of the used car market, probed into its new features, thus to further promote the development of the used car market in China. 2. Environment Analysis2.1. Auto Market Status AnalysisDue to the rapid development in auto industry, China’s auto market is becoming the most important area for auto trade and man ufacture. Fast expands was observed in China’s auto industry. From 2002 to 2011, auto trade volume rose from 3.25 million to 18.51 billion, increase- ing almost 6 times, with 23.5% annual increment, shown in Figure 1.Note(s): Red section represents passenger car, yellow section represents commercial car, blue line represents increment for total car trade volume.Along with the growth in auto trade volume, car is popularized in ordinary family. According to the data from China Automotive Industry Association, civil car population increased from 18.02 million to 93.5 million, with averagely 17.4% increment per year, shown in Fig- ure 2.Consequently, the car volume per thousand people grew steadily in China, from 3.7 to 46.8 in 2001 to 2011, increased 12.7 times, shown in Figure 3. According to the auto market development, China’s auto market is in the massive popularization stage. In the stage, car vol- ume will keep fast increase until the car volume per thousand people exceeds 250. Usually, it will last 10 years. Due to the regional difference in income, popula- tion, economy, this stage may last longer in China. Ex- perts from State Information Center estimated that this stage may last until 2013, with 12% - 14% increment an- nually. Therefore, the ever growing car volume due to the popularization stage of auto market, will provide more room and solid foundation for used car market develop- ment in China. Therefore, the ever growing car volume due to the popularization stage of auto market, will provide more room and solid foundation for used car market develop- ment in China.2.2. Economy Environment AnalysisDevelopment of Auto market is positively related to economy development and people’s income [5]. As the biggest population in the world, the market potential is enormous. Recently, China economy keeps steady and fast increase. Real GDP Per Capital increased from 1041$ in 2001 to 5432$ in 2011, with 17.4% annual increment, shown in Figure 4. As resident’s income level is the key factor for auto po pulation, the fast growth in income will transfer into higher demand increase in China auto market, which willFigure 1.Auto trade volume from 2002 to 2011.Figure 2. Civil car population inCh ina in2001-2011.Figure 3. Car volume per thousand people in 2001-2011.Figure 4. Real GDP per capital in 2001-2011.enhance the development of used car market in China. In a relatively long period, the auto and used car demand will keep a vigorous stage. The State Development Center and Auto Engineering Association estimated that the total vehicle demand in 2030 will be 32.43 million, with 8.8% annual increment [6], and the car volume per thousand people will exceed 100. This increase will stand for a relative long period (Table 1).2.3. Policy AnalysisApart from consumer demand, several government poli- cies and regulations have boosted the used-car market.The Administrative Measures on Used Cars, released in 2005, are the primary regulation governing the used-car market. The measures introduced a compe- tition mechanism that allows OEM-authorized auto dealerships to run used-car businesses. The measures also regulate different parties—including trading mar- kets, agents and operators—and strengthen the ad- ministration of organizations that appraise the value of used cars.The Notice on Upgrading the Used-Car Trade Market was announced by the ministries ofCommerce and Finance in July 2009. The circular aimed to improve the used-car industry. Initially, the PRC government selected 10 provinces and municipalities—Beijing, Hubei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Liaoning, Shandong, Shang- hai, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Zhejiang—to receive fis- cal funding to conduct pilot programs that focused on the management and information on used-car transac-tions to improve transparency.The Auto Industry Revitalization Plan, released in 2009 by the State Council, calls for the establishment of a national appraisal and evaluation standards sys- tem and a temporary ownership registration system. The plan also calls for adjusting the value-added tax rate on used car transactions and encourages dealer- ships to participate in vehicle replacement programs.The Twelfth Five-Year Plan encouraged consumer to purchase energy saving and environment vehicle. Se- ries vehicle subsidy and tax reduction on low emis- sion and new energy vehicle were implemented, which have direct influence on the future used car market. There would be increase in low emission and new energy used car in the future [7].3. Current Status of Used Car Market3.1. Trade Scale Kept Steady GrowthUsed car market increased dramatically in China from 2001. The trade volume rose from 0.37 million to 4.79 million in 2012, increased by 13 times. The average in- crement from 2001 to 2012 was 29.9% (Figure 5).The ratio for used car and new car increased from 0.16 to 0.23, averagely 0.24 from 2001 to 2011, nationwide (Figure 6). In some advanced area, like Beijing, the ratio already reached 1:1 in 2011. Along with the expansion of new car market, used car market was enhanced, cones- quently. It is estimated that the trade of used car and new car will come to 1:1 in 10 to 15 years in China.Consequently, the transaction money for used car trade increased steadily, which rose from 13.2 Billion Yuan in 2001 to 263.6 Billion Yuan in 2012. The annual incre- ment was 33.7% (Figure 7). The proportion of used carFigure 5. Used car trade volume from 2001 to 2012.Figure 6. Ratio of used car and new car.market in auto industry increased steadily, with the av- erage proportion of 5.5% from 2004 to 2010 (Figure 8) [7].The growing used car market is becoming the most important part of auto industry, which provide the foun- dation for leaping development.3.2. Used Car Trade Kept OptimizedAfter years of rapid development, the trade structure is optimizing. Along with the trade volume increase, saloon car gradually took major proportion in used car trade. After 2008, saloon car account for more than 50% of used car market share (Table 2).In the used car market, domestic brand car had the ab- solute dominant position, which accounts more than 95%. On the car age, even with decrease, used car in 3 - 10 years still took the leading position, which still had 75% share in 2011. Trade of used car below 3-year increased over the last few year, with 18.74% share in 2011 (Fig- ure 9).Obvious regional difference was observed in China’s used car market. According to the statistics from China Automobile Dealers Association, used car trade concen- trated in the developed area, is shown in Table 3. The first fifth regions account for 55.14% for used car trade in China, while the first tenth regions account for 77.02%. However, slight decrease was observed in those developed regions. This was probably due to the high level of used car trade in previous years already reduced the market demand.For the less developed area, rapid development was observed. Even with low market share, auto market was driven by the fast economy growth. The huge market potential was released, thus the used car trade increased very fast.Besides that, used car trade was mainly in local area. In 2010, local registered used car account for 88.27% of the total volume. This was due to the complex ownership transfer and registration procedure for cross regional transaction, and high cost. This had significant effect on rational circulation of used car.Figure 7. Used car transaction money from 2001 to 2012.Figure 8. Used car transaction money from 2001 to 2012.Figure 9. Brand and year feature for used car market.3.3. Purchasing Pattern ChangedAs a matter of fact, growth in the second-hand car market surpassed the sales growth of new cars. Used car grew by ear 20% in volume terms in 2011, reaching over4.3million. Indeed, as this trend intensifies, the used car segment will outstrip the new car segment in absolute terms as well. More specifically, given the current trend, almost 19 million used cars are expected to change hands in 2017. That translates into an impressive compounded annual growth rate of over 30%.One important reason for this change is the purchasing pattern of Chinese consumers. On average, 60% of Chi- nese car owners replace their cars every three years – much more frequent than other national car markets. This disposition is more apparent in the high-end segment. Here, automobile turnover is particularly strong due to fast-changing demands from wealthy individuals and a purchase pattern that closely correlates with their busi- nesses’ profitability. Cars that have barely been used enter the second-hand auto market, attracting new buyers in the process.Moreover, consumer attitudes are changing. From be- ing viewed as mere status symbols, cars are now in- creasingly being bought for reasons of functionality and transportation. Additionally, as most people currently buy cars for their first time, they willnot be as willing to spend a fortune on a new car. Especially as government policies are now helping car penetration deepen and spread to rural areas and lower-tier cities in China, where an estimated 700 million people live and purchasing power is much weaker. So, second-hand cars are becom- ing viable and desirable options for an increasing number of Chinese.With the increased supply of used cars to the auto market and the Chinese becoming more comfortable with the idea of second-hand car purchases, this segment is set to grow substantially in the coming years. Although there are some concerns, such as absence of trust between buyer and seller, as the market becomes more established and formalized through authorized dealerships, this problem will likely diminish in the future. And despite governmental policies that largely block second-hand cars from first-tier city markets, they are more attractive options for Chinese living in other areas, especially in poorer, rural areas and lower-tier cities. So, significant expansion of the second-hand car market is imminent and this creates many opportunities for used car trade and related companies [8].4. New Features of Used Car Market4.1. Issues of Used Car MarketAs one of the important parts of auto market, used car market kept 20% - 30% increase annually. However, the used car market is still in the preliminary stage, com- pared to the advanced market in western countries. Sev- eral dominant issues were as follows.First, lack of integrity in used car market. The lack of trust between buyer and seller currently remains a huge problem impeding the used car market in China. Chinese consumers, have few resources to help them understand the value of older vehicles. Used car broker often makes traps for consumer for high profit. There are quality, price and legal risk for consumers. And few mechanics are experienced enough to value cars independently. Due to the lack of trust, many potential used car demands cannot transfer into real market demand. Some foreign automakers are hoping to address this problem by setting up programs to sell certified pre-owned cars with war- rantee protection. As the used car market continues to evolve, this issue would be solved.Second, lack of used car evaluation criteria. Currently, there was no systematic used car value assessment crite- ria and residual value releasing system. On the national side, norule proclaimed for used car evaluation and value assessment. In practical used car trade, car evalua- tion is mostly subjective evaluation, only few companies have specialized equipment. Thus the evaluation result depends on the experience and responsibility of estimator, which weaken the fairness and rationality. When residual value assessment, simple average life span depreciation were used, without rational basis and reference, which reduce the fairness of value measurement.Third, lack of after-sell service systems. The used car market only had the function for industry and commer- cial bureau verification, and registration, did not have essential service function, facility and service method. One package service has been provided in new car mar- ket, but not in used car market. This is far more behind advanced countries. Due to the lack of proper service system, the confidence of consumer was affected, and the expansion of used car market was restricted.Fourth, incomplete policies and regulations for used car market. Access restriction is quite low in China, which result in low technical ability, poor management and irregular transaction, and weaken consumer’s confi- dence. The tax difference for different trade bodies for broker (0%), company (2%), auction (4%), and trade market (0%), result in chaos and unfairness in used car market [8,9]. There is no systematic used car evaluation and assessment criteria. The irrational and subject evalu- ation and assessment result from different personnel re- duced the real indication on car real value, which restrict the market development. A rational evaluation system should be established nation-wide. 4.2. New Feature of Used Car Market in China1) Strong policy support for upper developmentIn recent years, policy support is the most important booster for used car market. Series direct or indirect pol- icy has been released, and facilitate an favorable envi- ronment for used car market. Encouraging used car mar- ket development has been placed in government work report and plan, which confirmed the basic macro-policy direction.The policy support has been directly put into practice on the used car trade market, which already makes the shift from outside environment support to direct fostering on used car trade market. The most important one is the Demonstration Project of Used Car Trade Market Up- grading and Reconstruction. The project was executed by the Ministry ofCommerce and Finance. 40 used car trade markets were included in ten provinces. The emphasis was on the market environment and service facility, and management system. Series technical and operational supports were provide by the government. Information technology was widely used to promote national infor- mation interconnection and interaction, thus to build the foundation on national market and circulation.The application of these policies, were not only the support from government, but also the concept education for the whole used car trade and circulation industry. The aim was to reform and upgrade the mode of used car trade, enforce scale operation, and promote cross-re- gional used car transaction [8,10].2) Expansion of market scale and irradiation loopAfter several years of development, the used car mar- ket in the key cities as the core is becoming the basictrend direction for the nationwide integrated market. Due to the regional discrepancy in China used car market throughout the provinces, the gradient difference in used car consumer can be achieved for the market develop- ment. This was confirmed by the experience in devel- oped countries.The first priority is to taking advantage of radiation and leading role of core cities, to form regional used car market. With the market development, the seamless connection between regional market can be achieved. Then, the used car transfer gradient can be established from developed area to less developed area, thus to form the unified national market.The used car in the developed area is transferring to the less developed area, along with the demand changing from newly-increased to renew. This will be one of the most important features for China’s used car market.3) Remarkable concentration increase in used car tradeAccording to the experience in used car market in de- veloped countries, large-scale used car trade is always accompany with the arising and developing of wholesale. For China’s market, the used car wholesale mainly to auction is gradually arising, which will be one of the important symbol of large-scale market development. The advanced wholesale business provides strong sup- port for the large-scale used car trade. It is the foundation for cross regional used car transaction, and operation efficiency improvement. Thus theoperational transfer cost can be reduced, and improve the comparative ad- vantage in used car price, to promote used car consump- tion. It is essential to have gradient distribution of new car and used car, to enhance the maturity of China’s auto market.Fundamental changes will take place in the traditional small workshop operation mode. Used car broker com- pany with certain scale and with ability for cross regional transaction will arise in the market, and large-scale used car trade group will also grow. The small scale broker will be forced to quit the market. Thus, the obsessed is- sue characterized in small, scattered and disordered used car trade will be solved.Along with the change, professional division will be enhanced for the used car service companies. Integrated used car company will be replaced by specialized pur- chasing company, wholesale company and retail com- pany. More specialized service and trade company will arise, such as auction company, third-party detection service company, evaluation and assessment company and so on [11].4) Important role of brand used carBrand used car from car manufacture started from 2004. And great development has taken place in the re- cent years. Most of the car manufactures initiated their strategy and used car trademark in the brand used car, such as Chengxin, Anji from SAIC Motor, Certified used car from FAW-Volkswagen, Anxin from FAW TOY- OTA Motor, AAA from FAW Audi, and Xiyue used car from GAC HONDA, and so on.Replacement of used car is becoming the main mode for brand used car. Competition among different used car brands went deep. There are around 1000 auto dealer involved in the used car replacement. As 4S shop is gradually becoming the main brand used car source and trading place, the advantage of dealership is more and more obvious. On the basis of advantage in brand influ- ence and, maintenance and service, brand used car will be the major proportion of used car market [12].5) Trading service platform establishment will be the main content of used car marketUnder current circumstance, trading service platform establishment is quite essential for the used car market in China. Used car trade related testing, evaluation, assess- ment and other service can be provided in the platform for both individual trader and dealer. Thisplatform in- cludes replace platform between new and used cars, ser- vice platform amongmanufactures, and alliance platform among trade market nationwide [10].Service platform is required to joint new car and used car trade service, due to the replace business majored used car trade in China. Brand used car rely on the plat- form to achieve replacement business and internal re- source interchange among 4s shops. Dealership can use the platform to enforce used car source integration and cross-regional transaction. For professional, large-scale and regional demand, traditional trade market and broker also need this platform. Derived services like finance and insurance also rely on the platform to business develop- ment. 5. ConclusionsEnvironment analysis showed that used car market will be strongly enhanced by the blooming of auto market, rapid GDP growth and policy support. The used car trade experienced a steady trade scale increase and structure optimization. Along with the purchasing pattern chang- ing, significant expansion of the second-hand car market is imminent, even with hinder issues such as lack of in- tegrity, evaluation criteria andafter-service system, and incomplete policy and regulation.The new features of China’s used car market were identified. First, strong policy support will promote its upper development. Second, both market scale and mar- ket irradiation loop will enlarge. Third, there will be re- markable concentration increase in used car trade. Four, brand used car will gradually take an important role. Fi- nally, trading service platform establishment will be the main content of the used car market. The market feature indicated that a major turning point was taking place, which showed that China’s used car market is making the shift from the subordinate position to one of the domi-nant positions in the auto industry. Chi na’s used car market is expected into a high speed,up-going develop-ment passage.6. AcknowledgementsThis work is sponsored by the 12nd Five-year Support Program in Shanghai University of Engineering Science (2012-09-nhky) and Shanghai Automotive EducationalFoundation Project “Used car business mode research under new market circumstance”.REFERENCES【1】A. D. Little, “China’s Automotive Market,” Automotive Viewpoint, 2011.【2】China Automobile Dealers Association, “2010 China Auto Market Yearbook,”China Commercial Publishing House, Beijing, 2010.【3】China Automobile Dealers Association, “2012 China Auto Market Yearbook,” China Commercial Publishing House, Beijing, 2012.【4】X. B. Sun, “Contribution of Used-Car Business for OEM and Implement Strategy,” MBA Thesis, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, 2011.【5】X. C. Li, “Effect of Real GDP per Capital on Private Car Demand,” Special Zone Economy, Vol. 1, 2010, pp. 284-285.【6】State Information Center and National Development and Reform Commission, “Forecast of China’s Auto Market in 2012,” China Machine Press, Beijing, 2012.【7】China Automobile Dealers Association, “2011 China Used Car Industry Development Report,” Beijing, 2011.【8】IPSOS in China, “Related Policy Analysis on Used Car Market Sta ndardization and Promotion Development,” China Motor, No. 2, 2011, pp. 32-35.【9】China Automobile Dealers Association, “2011 China Auto Market Yearbook,” China Commercial Publishing House, Beijing, 2011.【10】Z. Y. Luan, “Research on the Current China Us ed Car Brand Marketing Model,” Master Thesis, Jilin University, Changchun, 2011.【11】H. Zhang and A. W. Zheng, “Current Situation Analysis and Development Strategy of China’s Used Car Market,” Auto Industry Research, No. 7, 2012, pp. 10-13.【12】Industry Economy Division in Development Research Center of the State Council, China Association of Auto- mobile Manufactures, Shanghai VW, “2012 Development Report on China’s Auto Industry,” Social Science Aca demic Press, Beijing, 2012.From:Yali Yang, Hao Chen*, Ruoping ZhangCollege of Automotive Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China Received April 25, 2013; revised May 25, 2013; accepted June 15, 2013译文中国二手车市场的发展摘要尽管目前仍处于早期发展阶段,在中国迅速增长的汽车所有权数量也为二手车市场注入了新的市场活力。

文献信息:文献标题:Planning of marketing communication strategies by car dealerships(汽车经销商营销传播策略的策划)国外作者:Makgopa S. Sipho文献出处:《Problems and Perspectives in Management》,2016,14 (4-1):212-220字数统计:英文2683单词,16642字符;中文4723汉字外文文献:Planning of marketing communication strategiesby car dealershipsAbstract Effective marketing communication strategies and campaigns are of much importance in many organizations in informing, reminding and persuading current and potential customers to support the organization by buying organizations product offerings. Organizations in planning of marketing communication strategies and campaigns, organizations in theory need to conduct micro-environmental analysis determining organizations’ strengths and weakness. The purpose of this paper was to investigate the planning of marketing communication strategies and campaigns of car dealerships in practice with more emphasis on micro-environmental factors of consideration. In achieving the purpose of this paper, a qualitative research approach using semi-structured in-depth interviews with marketing personnel of different car dealerships in Gauteng Province, South Africa was followed. In this paper a qualitative content analysis was used to analyze primary data using Atlas ti version 10 computer software. The results revealed that there are key micro-environmental factors of consideration during the planning of marketing communication strategies and campaigns. Based on the results of this paper, the author provided recommendations to stakeholders in the motor vehicle industry, specifically, car dealerships and future research directions.Keywords: marketing communications, marketing communication objectives, marketing communication strategy, media types, micro-environment.IntroductionMarketing communication as a marketing mix element is one of the most difficult but crucially important component of contemporary marketing. In recent years this challenge has been made even more complicated by the explosion of new digital media options. These options offer new opportunities and hold much promise for marketers of organizations, but also bring great difficulty to managerial decision making. To highlight just a few of the benefits of marketing communications, marketers can choose to do some or all of the following with their brands: To use marketing communications to draw attention to their organizational brands, marketers can reach consumers through mass or targeted advertisements on social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or other social networks; banner or display advertisements on thirdparty websites; and paid or search engine advertisements. To shape brand preference, they can send timely e-mails and use their own websites to provide detailed content. To drive short-term sales, they can offer promotions and other incentives through tweets, texts, and targeted e-coupons. And to reinforce long-term brand loyalty, they can form online brand communities through their own or third-party social media. Given so many different new and traditional communication media options available to marketers of organizations and so many different ways to combine these options, Keller (2016) argued that marketers struggle with how to make good marketingcommunication decisions. Therefore, it becomes imperative to investigate the planning of marketing communication strategies and campaigns with more emphasis on microenvironmental factors of consideration.1.The purpose of the studyThe purpose of this research was to investigate the planning marketing communication strategies and campaigns in practice with more emphasis on micro-environmental factors of consideration. The stated research purpose requiresin-depth theoretical background on micro-environmental factors, marketing communications and its benefits of it thereof. This paper will start by explaining the concept of marketing communications and followed by literature review of previous studies on the topic.2.Theoretical background and literature reviewIn this section theoretical background and literature review on marketing communication is provided, focusing on micro-environmental analysis, the marketing communication concept, components of marketing communication mix, and conclude by reviewing previous studies on the topic.2.1.Micro-environmental analysisPerforming the situation analysis involves analysing the microenvironment of the organization. The microenvironment represents the internal environment of the organization. When analysing the internal environment, marketing managers need to analyze the organization’s mission, business objectives and strategies, its resources, skills and capabilities (Van Schie, 2012). According to Van Schie (2012) marketers should consider the organization’s targets or goals, services to be provided and synergy to be exploited, as no single management is expected to have all the talents and other qualities essential for planning, direction and control.Organizations can establish what its strengths or weaknesses are in terms of resources to be used during the planning stage (Helms and Nixon, 2010). These strengths or weakness may be in the form of resources, such as the skills and competencies of the marketing personnel (Morgan, 2012). From the marketing point of view, marketing resources refers to resources available to marketers that can be turned into marketing capabilities that can create value to customers (Morgan, 2012). According to Morgan (2012), the marketing resources within the micro-environment that can be used to the advantage of the organization include: tacit knowledge resources, physical resources, human resources, organizational resources, informational resources, relational resources, and legal resources.2.2.Marketing communicationsMarketing communication is a crucial part of the organizational activities of many organizations. Marketing communication initiatives are aimed at informing, reminding and persuading present and potential customers to support the organization by purchasing its products (Keller, 2009). Keller (2016) emphasized that marketing communications is a one of the most difficult but crucially important components of modern marketing. Keller (2016) added marketing communications plays a crucial role when organizations aim to influence consumer decision-making, draw attention to organizations’ brands, and shape brand preferences. Marketing communication is also an important marketing tool which provides customers with information to help them make purchasing decisions. The result of a successful market ing communication campaign can lead to sales growth, an increase in market share, and subsequently to increased profitability (Ahn, Lee, Lee and Paik, 2012).There are many elements of marketing communication at the marketers’ disposal; for example, advertising, direct marketing, personal selling, sales promotions, public relations and sponsorships may all be employed to maximize the impact of promotional activities (Keller, 2016). Many different marketing communications options exist that can play different roles and have different objectives in the marketing of a brand (Batra and Keller, 2016). One popular distinction made by many marketers and academic researchers (e.g., Stephenand Galak, 2012) is between communications which appear in paid media (traditional outlets such as TV, print, and direct mail), owned media (company-controlled options such as websites, blogs, mobile apps, and social media), and earned media (virtual or realworld word of mouth, press coverage).2.3.Previous studies on marketing communicationMany studies have explored the economic impact of advertising on sales, and various other studies have examined the relationship between advertising expenditure and its influenceon achieving the marketing communication objectives. However, few researchers have focused on planning of marketing communication strategies in realising the marketing communication objectives of organizations, specifically, micro-environmental analysis during the planning stage. These studies haveoverlooked the internal environmental factors of consideration that during the planning marketing communication strategies and campaigns of the organizations in practice, specifically, car dealerships and they have focused more on advertising such as (Buil, de Chernatony and Martínez, 2013; Feng and Purushottam, 2012; Singh, Sharma and Mahendru, 2011; Ventoura-Neokosmidi, 2011).3.Contributions of the studyIn reviewing the secondary research available, it is clear that the planning of marketing communication strategies and campaigns is not widely covered in the South African context and other parts of the world, specifically in the car retail sector. This study contributes to literature on the topic. Furthermore, this study further benefits car dealerships operating within the motor vehicle industry by revealing microenvironmental factors considered in planning of the marketing communication strategies and campaigns of car dealerships in practice. This study will help marketers make better marketing communication decisions, more on decisions associated with paid and owned media, as those are the areas over which marketers have the most direct control and therefore are responsible for making the most decisions.4.Research methodologyThis section outlines the research methodology followed to realize the research purpose of this study starting with the research design, target population, sampling frame and technique, data collection, and data analysis method used.4.1.Research designAn exploratory qualitative approach was followed in order to address the research objective. Malhotra (2010) pointed that an exploratory research design is useful when the researcher requires more information about a specific problem, an opportunity or a phenomenon. The qualitative research approach was chosen for a number of reasons: participants’ perspectives and experiences were emphasized, it took into account participants’ interpretation and it allows for flexibility. More specifically, the aim of using a qualitative approach was to collect data moreeffectively and to gain richer information by enabling participants to also express their opinions, and share their experiences with regard to the online social media platforms used in conveying marketing communication messages to their current and potential customers.4.2.Target populationThe target population of interest for the current study was the car dealerships operating in Gauteng province. Gauteng province was chosen due to its convenience and accessibility for the researcher. In addition, one province was selected, as the aim of the study was not to be representative, but rather to enable other researchers to gain understanding into the marketing communication practices of these dealerships. Marketing personnel or executives of dealerships were chosen as the unit of analysis considering their involved in planning of marketing communication strategies and campaigns. In this study, dealership principals, dealership assistant managers and senior sales managers of car dealerships were interviewed since they were holders of the data needed to answer the research questions.4.3.Sample frameIn the current study, the Retail Motor Industry (RMI) member list was used as a sample frame to select accredited dealerships included in the study. The dealerships operating within the borders of Gauteng were contacted. Tustin et al. (2005) indicated that the sample frame may be a telephone directory, customer list, and research company databases, a list of e-mails addresses or even geographic maps. The researcher used Google, which is a well-known search engine on the Internet and search for list of accredited dealership in Gauteng from Retail Motor Industry (RMI) organization website (Retail Motor industry, 2014). RMI member list contains the contact details of accredited dealerships operating in nine provinces of South Africa. The researcher used the e-mail addresses and telephone numbers obtained from RMI member list to contact car dealerships to get contact details of marketing personnel (involved in planning of marketing communication strategies and campaigns). Based on the contact details provided by the dealership managers or principals, other participants were contacted via e-mails to request their consents to participate andin-depth interviews were scheduled.4.4. Sample techniqueA purposive sampling method was used in this study. Purposive sampling method means that participants are selected because of some defining characteristics that make them the holders of the data needed for the study (Tustin et al., 2005). The population can be defined as the total group of persons or entities from whom information is required (Tustin et al., 2005). The target population refers to the collection of elements that possess information sought by the researcher (Malhotra, 2010). A purposive sampling method was used in order to concentrate on the participants, in this case marketing personnel who possess the richest information based on their positions in their respective organizations, which presented a possibility to answer research questions.4.5.Data collectionIn-depth semi-structured interviews were used to collect the primary data in the current study using audio recorder. The primary data was collected using semi-structured in-depth interviews. According to Malhotra (2010) an in-depth interview refers to an interaction between an individual interviewer with a single participant, and the semistructured depth interviews allow the interviewer to uncover underlying motivations and probe on a particular topic. The researcher used a research guide containing research question topics during the interviews with participants. The researcher had to arrange a time and date most suitable for an interview with participants. All participants were briefed telephonically about the research objectives and the research topic was emailed to the participants. This was done to ensure that the researcher, as well as the participants, was at ease, and prepared for the interview, as well as to build rapport and relationship before the data collection began. Before the interviews could begin, the motivation for the research was explained to the participant to put participants at ease.4.6.Data analysisIn the current study the use of qualitative content analysis was followed, as it ideally suited the purpose of this study, which aimed to establish an understanding ofthe online social media tools used by car dealerships in their marketing communication strategies and campaigns. In addition, Atlas ti version 10 computer software was used to generate themes. During the data collection period, the transcriptions of the interviews were analyzed, to enable any decisions to be made relating to what and how to probe for more detail during further interviews. The trustworthiness or validity of the qualitative data can be assessed by the care taken and practices employed during the data collection and analysis procedures. Following these techniques, the length and depth of the interviews, as well as the level and experience of the participants, resulted in rich information discussions.5.FindingsThe following dimensions of the microenvironmental analysis were found to be of consideration in planning the marketing communications strategy of car dealerships, namely, the marketing communication budget, the marketing communication objectives, the dealerships’ available products and services offerings.5.1.Marketing communication budgetParticipants identified the marketing communication budget as a primary internal factor that is considered in planning marketing communication strategies and campaigns. The majority of the participants indicated that it is necessary to ensure that the marketing communication budget is allocated in order to support the attainment of the dealerships’ marketing communication objectives. In addition, dealerships use different marketing communication budgeting methods. The budgeting methods pointed out by participants include the percentage of sales, affordability and objective-and-task methods.5.2.Marketing communication objectivesIn general, the participants pointed out that they engage in marketing communication campaigns to achieve specific marketing communication objectives from target audiences, which in turn, can lead to responses or reactions from the target audiences. These marketing communication objectives aim to convey messages about the locations of the dealerships, available products on offer, brands and existence, andto convince target audiences to visit these dealerships for further information. Some participants also indicated that their dealerships maintain continuous communication with existing customers as a part of the marketing communication retention strategy.Conclusions and discussionsThe research study sought to investigate the planning the marketing communication strategies and campaigns of car dealerships with more emphasis on micro-environmental factors of consideration. The results of this study indicated that during the planning of marketing communication campaigns the available marketing communication budget, and marketing communication objectives are of much consideration. The participants pointed out that the marketing communication budget remains a major consideration in planning marketing communication strategies and campaigns of car dealerships. Car dealerships plan different marketing communication activities in efforts to achieve various marketing communication objectives. These marketing communication objectives include increasing sales, creating awareness about the product offerings and the dealerships’ locations. In addition, this study uncovered the marketers of car dealerships use different marketing communication budgets in planning marketing communication strategies and campaigns.RecommendationsMarketers of car dealerships should consider the seasons of the year, marketing communication objectives and available marketing communication budget when planning marketing communication strategies and campaigns in order to guide allocation of budget, and allocate more budget to busiest seasons. In addition, marketers should consider their internal stock in order to identify which products and old stock (in this case car models) that should be part of sales promotion campaign such as clearance sales, or alternately identify products that must be market aggressively in marketing communication campaigns.Directions for future researchThis study explored micro-environmental factors of consideration in planning marketing communication strategies and campaigns. Therefore, it is recommended that a future study could be conducted to explore further on how microenvironmental factors’ influence on the decision related to the selection of traditional and new media types used in marketing communication strategies and campaigns of car dealerships in practice. In addition, future research study could investigate market and macro-environmental factors of consideration in planning marketing communication strategies and campaigns of car dealerships in real scenario. Furthermore, a study focusing on all environmental factors, namely: micro, market and macro-environmental factors at car manufacturer level could result with different findings.中文译文:汽车经销商营销传播策略的策划摘要有效的营销传播策略和活动在许多组织中非常重要,可以通知、提醒和说服当前和潜在的客户,通过购买组织产品来支持组织。
independent aftermarket 汽车

independent aftermarket 汽车独立后市场汽车行业是指与汽车制造商和经销商无关的汽车零部件和维修服务市场。
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The Competitive Dynamics in the Automotive Aftermarket: Branded Products and Private Label ProductsTHE BUSINESS CASEThroughout the automotive aftermarket industry,senior executives are facing the reality of private brands. Similar dynamics exist outside of the automotive aftermarket and are intensifying in other sectors, such as traditional consumer goods. Also known as “private label” and referred to across many consumer-oriented industries as “store brands,” “control brands” or “own brands,” their risin g prominence has led top executives to ask: • What issues and risks do U.S.-branded manufacturers face with respect to private brands?• How are market forces different today than in years past? How will this landscape evolve?• How can I better understand my operational blind spots in an increasingly competitive landscape?• What can my management team focus on to protect and grow my brands? Where do we start?•What are the similarities and differences between the private brand trends in the automotive aftermarket and the consumer products sector?• What can be learned by automotive aftermarket executives from the private brand experiences in other sectors?Although answers to these questions are not simple and some market dynamics are not yet fully clear, the availability of private brands and other competitive trends are growing in the automotive aftermarket community, just as they are in many consumer product segments.One out of every three consumer products sold by one of the nation’s largest retailers is now private brand – up from one out of every five just a few years ago. With U.S. private brand sales in the grocery market surpassing well over $80 billion, for example, private brands can no longer be ignored by consumer product manufacturers. The U.S. market share of private brands in food, drug and mass merchant channels is more than 20 percent, according to industry data research firms. More than 80 percent of consumers shopping in big box, warehouse clubs and superstores frequently buy store brands and, depending on the specific product category, multiple store brands at a time. Retailers are focusing more resources on private branding to enhance margins, increase shelf velocity and expand storeloyalty and traffic.Private branding in food, drug and mass merchant consumer products channels is not a new phenomenon, nor is it a new concept in the automotive aftermarket. However, there are differences in the degree to which private brand penetration has occurred in traditional consumer goods industries compared with the automotive aftermarket. The factors giving rise to these differences include the nature and use of the products (e.g., immediate consumption vs. durable goods), the ability of the consumer to exercise preference at point of sale, technological or other barriers to entry for alternative manufacturers to produce private brands, the degree to which products are subject to regulatory controls, and the differences in the channels in which the products are distributed. Notwithstanding these distinctions, private branding will continue to impact the competitive landscape.Consumer behavior has gone through a dramatic evolution in the past five years, with the economic shifts and downturns, and with the exploding access to information and technology. The lines of consumer priorities are blurring and shifting, and regardless of brand or product mix, measurement and management of these shifts will be the key to strategic success and growth in a global marketplace.The U.S. automotive aftermarket is one of the single largest markets in the U.S. and is increasingly affected by private brand influences similar to other consumer product markets. However, total private brand penetration in the aftermarket is not as closely measured and monitored as in other consumer sectors. As brand and product strategies continue to evolve among aftermarket channel participants, more sophisticated measurements of private brand penetration rates are beginning to take root.ISSUES, OPPORTUNITIES AND RISKSThe degree of market consolidation among retailers is believed to be one of the influences at work in driving increased private brand market share penetration. Retail consolidation is also one of the contributing factors to increasing retailer pricing leverage, according to the AASA(Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association) Q4 2009 Aftermarket Supplier Barometer report, and ultimately can lead to supplier margin erosion.Retail consolidation can create economy-of-scale advantages for private brands, allowing brand development and deployment costs to be spread incrementally across higher product volumes, decreasing their relative per unit volume significance. Further, private brand penetration appears to vary across product categories. Those experiencing a higher degree of“commoditization” (little or no perceived differentiation across brands) have demonstrated higher private brand market share levels compared to product categories with low degrees of commoditization. Within the automotive aftermarket, product categories such as tires, accessories and maintenance parts are showing similar trends. One recent research report for brake component sales from Frost & Sullivan shows private brands had a 60 percent market share in 2009 and are expected to increase to 66 percent by 2015.Monitoring private brand market share penetration levels in each aftermarket product category where a branded manufacturer participates can help assess the current degree of commoditization. However, detailed and accurate data regarding private brand penetration levels within many aftermarket product categories are not readily available — unlike other consumables sectors, where scanner-level data from IRI and Nielsen offers good visibility. Private brand penetration varies by type of product category, geography, channel partners and consumer segment. Having more data and measurements regarding private brand penetration, consumer behavior and supply chain visibility will be essential moving forward, in order to respond to opportunities and risks and sustain a competitive advantage.Understanding customer and consumer segments: private brand preferences Demographic and ethnographic segment patterns matter. More than 50 percent of18-to-34-year-olds buy more than half of their consumer staples from private brands. Attitudinal segmentation — similar attitudes and values such as degree of importance placed on the dealer or repair professional, parts availability, do-it-yourself (DIY) considerations, price sensitivity and convenience, shared across segments — can show varying degrees of influence on private brand choices. Understanding customer and consumer decisions across the entire value chain from manufacturer to ultimate consumer will enable better tailoring of brand positioning and more effective promotional programs.Knowing your customers, where they purchase and what drives their purchase decisions is paramount. In March 2010, Ernst & Young conducted a survey of more than 1,000 consumers and discovered:• 56 percent of consumers surveyed purchased vehi cle parts and accessories in general automotive repair shops, parts and accessories stores, or chains;• 22 percent purchased them from new and used vehicle dealers;• 15 percent purchased them from big box, warehouse clubs and superstores (nonautomotive);• 7 percent purchased them online; and• 20 percent also serviced their vehicle themselves (maintenance, repair, customization).Private brand market dynamics are impacting aftermarket channels through which the majority of products are sold. Developing a unique value proposition for each consumer and channel segment based on channel customer influences will be paramount in maintaining market share.Understanding consumer defection rates (velocity, magnitude and motivations) from major brands to store brands within a product category can be an excellent gauge of brand relevancy in the eyes of a brand’s user base.The automotive aftermarket is experiencing low brand awareness in certain product categories. For select manufacturers, this implies that the risk of becoming a commodity and facing more margin and sales pressures is influenced by degree of brand loyalty across shoppers. Retailers with DIY or do-it-for-me (DIFM) shopper advocacy programs focusing on serving repair professionals can create brand loyalty among their consumers for store-branded products using their reputation as a technical services-oriented supplier of parts. Manufacturers also are trying to get closer to their primary and secondary consumers and raise brand awareness through techniques such as professional installer training programs and advertising campaigns. These special offers are designed to reinforce the message that longer-lasting, better-performing replacement products are today’s best quality and area longer-term affordability option for consumers. According to recent Nielsen Co. data on consumer trends, a key piece of data to keep in mind when considering consumer behavior trends for 2010 is that, “Value messaging must include differentiation beyond pricing for consumers.”Retail engagement: keeping advocates and influencersRepair professional recommendations and influences on consumer choice are important dimensions in the private brand or name brand success equation. According to a January 2010 Frost & Sullivan report, vehicle owners will adopt repair professional recommendations for batteries up to one-third of the time. The important question to ask is: What are the key influences the repair professionals look at when making brand decisions? It is important to recognize th at all participants in the supply channel influence the repair professional’s choice.New and used vehicle dealers, accessory stores or auto parts chains, big box, warehouse clubs and superstores, online providers and search partners all play an increasingly importantrole in affecting consumer choices. Big box, warehouse clubs and superstores are concentrating on improving the shopper experience by offering a wider selection of private brand offerings in many consumer durables and non-durables.IMPLICATIONS FOR AUTOMOTIVE AFTERMARKET LEADERS: UNDERSTANDING OPERATIONAL BLIND SPOTSTypically, branded manufacturers and retailers focus only on price gaps and performance gaps, but that may be shortsighted in an increasingly multidimensional competitive game. Ern st & Young’s professionals believe there are at least six dimensions or strategic levers —both quantitative and qualitative — that manufacturers and retail channel players should identify to understand, measure and evaluate private brand competitive dynamics. These six dimensions are pricing, quality, promotion, distribution and merchandising, marketing and packaging perception and organization .Which of these six are the most relevant to the automotive aftermarket? In many consumer goods product categories, consumers often perceive the quality of private brands as being equal to name brands. But a recent report from The NPD Group, a leading market research company, suggests this isn’t always the case with consumers of automotive aftermarket products. According to NPD, some automotive aftermarket consumers still perceive a quality difference between private brand and name brands. In the category of motor oil, NPD suggests that more than half of consumers surveyed believe motor oil name brands are of better quality than store brands, while nearly one-third see no real difference. What quality level is each consumer market segment willing to pay a premium for? Are independent repair professionals willing to risk their repair shop’s reputation on products that customers may perceive as lower quality?Manufacturers need to understand where their customers stand on quality vs. price, and must clearly differentiate those attributes that will best drive purchase choice behavior. Likewise, retailers should evaluate brand assortment to ensure they are meeting the requirements of both quality- and value-driven consumers. It is a fact that in some cases, repair shops may utilize original equipment parts over aftermarket or private brand parts. Retailers and warehouse distributors may utilize private brands to promote their reputation as more economical in the short run. The key question to ask is: Keeping safety, dependability and performance in mind, what is the true risk/benefit ratio perceived by consumer segments where each aftermarket product category sells and what levels of price portfolio are fair?Remember, it is the consumers who pay, and depending on whether it is a repair or maintenance issue, they wield more power today than ever.Safety, dependability and performance are of utmost importance to the vehicleowner/consumer when it comes to automotive aftermarket parts used for vehicle maintenance and repairs. As participants in the aftermarket distribution channel (including manufacturer, distributor, chain or independent retailer and repair professional) seek to respond to and influence consumer choice, build trust and maintain market share in vehicle repair and replacement, all players must understand how the products they offer meet these key consumer values and support their reputation in the market.AASA has launched an initiative called “Know Your Parts,” designed to encourage all distribution channel participants to fully evaluate the increasing number of competing products in the marketplace across several dimensions of dependability, quality and performance. This campaign highlights the importance in understanding the extent to which there is transparency in the manufacturer’s commitment to provide support in the form of technical specifications, warranty, quality assurance, training and other services. It recognizes the important role that repair professionals, distributors and retailers play in influencing customer and consumer choice, particularly when the consumer is more dependent on the supply chain for information to support choice decisions among complex products. PROTECTING AND GROWING BRANDSBoth manufacturers and retailers are asking for clarity in how to understand and act upon private brand market dynamics. We suggest they begin by asking the following questions:1). Learn the market: See reality in customer and consumer perspectivesa). What levels of awareness, consideration, purchase intent, usage and loyalty exist within the categories and brands where I compete?b). How is the market changing, and how will future consolidation create opportunities?c). Are we using digital and social media resources to gain specific insight into consumers?d). Should we establish strategic listening posts using social media as an ongoing program rather than a one-time effort? Where along the distribution channel should such measures be used?2). Know thyself: Look at what value your brands offer in each product category and consumer and repair professional segmentsa). How can my management teams think differently rather than preserve the status quo?b). Should organizational practices or structure change in light of private brand dynamics?c). Which brands represent leading practices that should be replicated?d). What marketing and promotional levers can be pulled to preserve and grow brand loyalty and quality perceptions among all distribution channel consumers?3). Evaluate new competitiona). Where are my marketing activities over- or under-resourced as compared to competitors? Does this new reality offer cost-reduction or revenue opportunities?b). What is the potential to maximize revenues given the price elasticity of my products as compared to competitor and private brand offerings?c). How are competitors combating private brand threats, and what lessons can be learned?4). Build private brand defense and offense strategies and competenciesa). How can I build a private brand monitoring capability?b). Should I develop a private brand index or similar measure?Aftermarket companies need to develop holistic, reliable and multidimensional measures to better understand, evaluate and monitor private brand value gaps across the entire aftermarket distribution channel. These measures must go beyond pricing and include quality, innovation and other dimensions such as customer and consumer perceptions. Obtaining information to develop such measures will likely mean using different approaches to gather consumer-level insights. This analysis focuses on three areas: 1) measuring and evaluating the true penetration of private brands within various product categories experiencing a high degree of commoditization, 2) identifying the root causes of this trend in quantitative and qualitative terms and 3) building viable and practical responses at brand and category levels.汽车售后市场的竞争动态:品牌产品和自主产品业务案例在汽车零配件行业中,高管正面临私人品牌的现实。