【51Talk-英⽂介绍中国⾮遗⽂化】中国⾮物质⽂化遗产:中国珠算中国⾮物质⽂化遗产:中国珠算Have you ever wondered how you would you solve math problems if you didn’t have a calculator or computer or even pencil and paper? For centuries, people in Asia have used an ancient counting tool to perform mathematical operations. The Chinese calculator name is “suanpan,” but it is also known as an abacus. Dating back to at least the 12th century, this simple counting device has been passed down through the centuries with its original design and purpose virtually unchanged.你有没有想过如果你没有计算器或电脑,甚⾄没有铅笔和纸,你会如何解决数学问题?⼏个世纪以来,亚洲⼈⼀直使⽤古⽼的计数⼯具来进⾏数学运算。
Considered one of the first mathematical instruments, the abacus has evolved significantly and so have the ways to use them. This Chinese Abacus also known as a Suan Pan has a 5+2 bead combination, with 5 earth beads and 2 heaven beads on a single rod split by a wooden barrier. The number of rods indicates the degree of accuracy of the calculated number for example 3 rods indicates a 3 digit number either 100, 010=10or 001 as 0.01. The choice of decimal point was dependent on the use.算盘被认为是最早的数学⼯具之⼀,已经有了很⼤的发展,使⽤算盘的⽅法也有了很⼤的进步。
算学的快速发展推动了手工业的迅猛发展。 算筹和算盘都具有携带方便的特点,但是 算盘胜在计算迅速、结果直观等环节上。 唐宋之际,是筹算发展的巅峰时期,算筹 能够熟练地解决“四则运算”问题。南宋时期, 珠算乘除法开始流行,宋末元初,人们已经发 明多种珠算乘除法,到明代已经极盛。吸引了 许许多多的商人将其广泛应用于商业领域。商 人在解决记账、计算利息、计算酬劳、缴纳税 赋等实际问题中促进了算学的发展。
《新集通证古今算学宝鉴》的作者是明朝算学大师王文素,出身 晋商。 他曾写诗道:“六艺科中算数尊,三才万物总经纶。乘除升降千 般用,量度权衡五品分。天下钱粮凭是掌,时间交易赖斯均。若无先 圣传流此,自古模糊直到今。”他以毕生精力完成了《新集通证古今 算学宝鉴》的撰写。
刘会稽问天目先生:“为算之体, 皆以积为名,为复更有他法乎?”天目 先生告诉他:“隶首注术,乃有多种。 及余遗忘,记忆数事而已。其一积算, 其一太一,其一两仪,其一三才,其一 五行,其一八卦,其一九宫,其一运筹, 其一了知,其一成数,其一把头,其一 龟算,其一珠算,其一计数”。
《周易·系辞》记载“上古结绳而治,后世圣人易之以书契,百 官以治,万民以查”。 《史记·夏本纪》记载大禹治水时已经用到了“规、矩、准、绳” 等作图和测量工具来对山川、江河进行测量计算。
【译文】Abacus is a simple computing tool invented by theworking people of the Han nationality. China is thebirthplace of the abacus. Today, when computers are widely used, the old abacus, instead of being abandoned, is still welcomed in many countries because of its convenience and accuracy. Therefore, people often equate the invention of abacus with the four great inventions of ancient China. Dueto its convenience and quickness in computing, the abacus has been the computing tool commonly used by the working peopleof the Han nationality for thousands of years, and even the most advanced electronic calculator cannot replace the abacus entirely. In 2013, the Chinese abacus was officially listedas an intangible cultural heritage of human beings.。
040计算机之母—— 算Abacus,The Mother of Computer“古人留下一座桥,这边多来那边少,少的倒比多的多,多的倒比少的少”。
042043SPLENDID CHINA 锦绣中国 编辑/晨风 图片均据视觉中国当时,珠算不仅在中国盛行,也进一步传到了海外。
太全了,教你用英文介绍中国传统文化~春节要到了,来提前渲染一下气氛吧除夕、拜年、春联、春晚庙会、压岁钱、中国结…【年味十足的春节英文小知识】给外国朋友介绍中国传统文化时用得上!春节文化:In the old days, New Year's money was given in the form of one hundred copper coins strung together on a red string and symbolized the hope that one would live to be a hundred years old. Today, money is placed inside red envelopes in denominations considered auspicious and given to represent luck and wealth。
辞旧岁 bid farewell to the old year扫房 spring cleaning; general house-cleaning新春佳节1.传统中国节日:traditional Chinese festival2.农历:lunar calendar3.腊八节:Laba Festival4.小年:Little New Year5.除夕:Lunar New Year's Eve6.春节:the Spring Festival7.正月初一:Lunar New Year's Day8.元宵节:the Lantern Festival9.正月:the first month of the lunar year10.二月二:Dragon Heads-raising Day传统习俗11.喝腊八粥:eat Laba porridge12.扫尘:sweep the dust13.扫房:spring cleaning14.祭灶:offer sacrifices to the God of Kitchen15.守岁:stay up16.拜年: pay a New Year's call17.祭祖:offer sacrifices to one's ancestors18.祭财神:worship the God of Wealth19.春联:Spring Festival couplets20.贴倒福:paste the Chinese character 'Fu' upside down21.去晦气:get rid of the ill-fortune22.辞旧岁:bid farewell to the old year23.兆头:omen24.禁忌:taboo25.烧香:burn incense阖家团圆26.吃团圆饭:have a family reunion dinner27.年夜饭:New Year's Eve dinner28.全家团圆:family reunion29.办年货:do Spring Festival shopping30.敬酒:propose a toast31.穿新衣:wear new clothes32.红包:red envelops33.压岁钱:gift money;money given to children as a Lunar New Year gift美食小吃34.年糕:rice cake;New Year cake35.饺子:dumplings;Chinese meat ravioli36.汤圆:dumplings made of sweet rice37.八宝饭:eight-treasure rice pudding (steamed glutinous rice with bean paste, lotus seeds, preserved fruit, etc.)38.什锦糖:assorted candies39.糖莲子:candied lotus seed40.花生糖:peanut candy41.蜜冬瓜:candied winter melon42.瓜子:red melon seeds43.金桔:cumquat44.红枣:red dates45.春卷:spring roll46.冰糖葫芦:candied haws on a stick47.驴肉火烧:donkey burger48.腊肠:Chinese sausage49.米酒:rice wine50.腊肉:preserved meat51.糖板栗:sugar chestnut52.四喜丸子:four-joy meatballs民间艺术53.泥人:clay figure54.皮影戏:shadow puppetry55.木偶戏:puppet show56.刺绣:embroidery57.剪纸:paper-cut58.中国结:Chinese knot59.年画:New Year painting60.吹糖人:sugar-figure blowing61.舞龙:dragon dance62.舞狮:lion dance63.秧歌:Yongko dance;rural folk dance64.灯笼:lantern曲艺表演65.戏曲:traditional opera66.折子戏:opera highlights67.相声:comic dialogue;cross talk68.小品:skits;sketch69.口技:vocal imitations;ventriloquism70.杂技:acrobatic performance71.马戏:circus performance72.京韵大鼓:drum song of Peking73.踩高跷:walk on stilts74.杂耍:variety show;vaudeville娱乐活动75.打麻将:play mahjong76.庙会:temple fair77.春节联欢晚会:Spring Festival gala78.灯会:exhibit of lanterns79.送贺卡:send New Year's greeting cards80.理发:have a haircut81.放烟花:set off fireworks82.放鞭炮:set off firecrackers83.灯谜:riddles written on lanterns各路神仙84.门神:the God of Door85.灶神:the God of Kitchen86.财神:the God of Wealth87.土地爷:the God of Land88.火神:the God of Fire89.喜神:the God of Happiness90.福禄寿三星:the three gods of fortune, prosperity and longevity91.八仙:the Eight Immortals其他92.生肖、属相:Chinese zodiac93.鸡年:the Year of the Rooster94.微信红包:WeChat red envelope95.年:Nian;Year monster96.立春: Start of Spring97.24节气:24 Solar Terms98.本命年:the animal year in which one was born99.春运:Spring Festival travel rush新年英文祝福语新年祝福语Treasures fill the home财源广进Business flourishes事业兴隆Peace all year round岁岁平安Wishing you prosperity恭喜发财Harmony brings wealth家和万事兴May all your wishes come true心想事成Everything goes well万事如意The country flourishes and people live in peace国家富强、人民安康Money and treasures will be plentiful财源茂盛Wishing you every success Promoting to a higher position 事业有成、更上一层楼、蒸蒸日上Safe trip wherever you go一帆风顺Wish you happiness and prosperity in the coming year!祝你新的一年快乐幸福Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family!事业成功,家庭美满(阖家欢乐)May the joy of New Year be with you throughout the year.愿新年的快乐一年四季常在。
1. Chinese Checkers(中国跳棋):这种棋类游戏起源于中国,后来传入欧洲并被重新命名。
2. Ginseng(人参):在中国,人参是一种非常受欢迎的中药材,其英文名称就是直接音译自中文的“人参”。
3. Kylin(麒麟):麒麟是中国传统文化中的一种神兽,其英文名称也是直接音译自中文的“麒麟”。
4. Mahjong(麻将):这是一种在中国非常流行的纸牌游戏,其英文名称也是直接音译自中文的“麻将”。
5. Peking Duck(北京烤鸭):这是北京的一道传统美食,其英文名称也是直接音译自中文的“北京烤鸭”。
6. Fēngshēng(风水):这是中国的一种传统信仰,认为环境因素可以对人的命运产生影响,其英文名称也是直接音译自中文的“风水”。
话题16:传统数学工具:算盘—中国古老的数学工具-高考英语备考热点话题短文填空专练30篇Abacus - an ancient Chinese mathematical toolThe abacus, also called the Suanpan, is an ancient tool from China used for math. It hasbeads on rods(杆子) that you move to count,add, or subtract. People in China have used itfor thousands of years, and some still use ittoday to solve math problems ___1___ (quick) .In 2013, UNESCO added Chinese Zhusuan,the skill of using the abacus for math, to its listof Intangible Cultural Heritage.The abacus has its roots in ancient China, ___2___ early versions dating back to the Han Dynasty. It was ____3___ (original) made from wood or bones, and over time, it evolved into the more refined tool we use today. It symbolizes the ___4___ (wise) and civilization of the Chinese nation.A traditional abacus has two types of beads: the upper beads, or heaven beads, __5____ represent five units each, while the ___6__ (low) beads, or earth beads, represent one unit each. Moving these beads allows you ___7__ (do) addition, subtraction, multiplication, and ___8___ (divide) .Although electronic calculators are common, the abacus is still used in some places, especially in schools and math competitions. It'sa great way to practice math and boost your____9___(memorize) and problem-solvingskills.We hope this article gives children___10___ deeper understanding of the abacus,and if they have the opportunity at school or at home, try to do a simple math problem with the abacus! (225 words)❤参考答案 do8.division9.memory 10.a❤答案简析1.quickly【简析】考查形容词与副词转换。
中国非物质文化遗产:中国珠算Have you ever wondered how you would you solve math problems if you didn’t have a calculator or computer or even pencil and paper? For centuries, people in Asia have used an ancient counting tool to perform mathematical operations. The Chinese calculator name is “suanpan,” but it is also known as an abacus. Dating back to at least the 12th century, this simple counting device has been passed down through the centuries with its original design and purpose virtually unchanged.你有没有想过如果你没有计算器或电脑,甚至没有铅笔和纸,你会如何解决数学问题?几个世纪以来,亚洲人一直使用古老的计数工具来进行数学运算。
Considered one of the first mathematical instruments, the abacus has evolved significantly and so have the ways to use them. This Chinese Abacus also known as a Suan Pan has a 5+2 bead combination, with 5 earth beads and 2 heaven beads on a single rod split by a wooden barrier. The number of rods indicates the degree of accuracy of the calculated number for example 3 rods indicates a 3 digit number either 100, 010=10or 001 as 0.01. The choice of decimal point was dependent on the use.算盘被认为是最早的数学工具之一,已经有了很大的发展,使用算盘的方法也有了很大的进步。
“Irony abacus” means “greedy for money”
We have to mention a beauty Xi Shi, one of the four beauties in Chinese history. She was Yue’s minister Fan Li’s wife. But she was sent to Wu as a tool of honey trap.
Chinese Abacus
“Once sound abacus ringing, there is a ton of gold.” “An abacus to his waist ”
That is to say the businessman calculate well so that
hIte“sAogaulinintdstslmeiruaocnbhyamacnuodns”emye. ans that he just calculate his
Chinese Abacus
When the war came to over, Xi Shi went back home and decided with his husband to leave the king to do business. As a result, they earned much money, but don’t know how to calculate. According to the legend, her husband Fan Li made a lot of clay balls. Then Xi Shi put the clay balls on bamboo sticks, and every five balls marked a notation,in which way they count clearly. As everyone knows that Fan Li, also called Zhu Gong, was a millionaire in Chineses history.
英语作文 算盘
英语作文算盘The abacus is a traditional calculating tool that has been used for centuries in many parts of the world. It consists of a frame with rods on which beads are moved to perform mathematical calculations. The abacus is a simpleyet effective tool for addition, subtraction,multiplication, and division.Using an abacus requires a certain level of skill and dexterity. It takes practice to move the beads quickly and accurately, especially when performing complex calculations. Many people find the rhythmic clicking of the beads on the rods to be soothing and meditative.In today's digital age, the abacus may seem outdated, but it still has its place in education and mentalarithmetic training. Some schools and educational programs use the abacus to help students develop their math skills and improve their concentration and focus.The abacus is also popular among enthusiasts who enjoy the challenge of mental calculation and the tactile experience of using a physical tool to perform mathematical operations. It can be a fun and rewarding hobby for people of all ages.In conclusion, the abacus is a versatile and enduring tool that continues to be valued for its simplicity and effectiveness in performing mathematical calculations. Whether used for education, mental arithmetic training, or as a hobby, the abacus remains a timeless symbol of human ingenuity and resourcefulness.。
介绍算盘的作文150字英文回答:Abacus, also known as the counting frame, is an ancient calculating tool that is widely used in many countries. It consists of a rectangular frame with vertical rods, on which beads are moved back and forth to perform calculations. The abacus is a versatile tool that can be used for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.One of the advantages of using an abacus is its simplicity. Unlike modern electronic calculators, the abacus does not require batteries or electricity. It can be used anytime and anywhere, making it a convenient tool for both students and professionals. Moreover, the abacus helps develop mental math skills. By using the abacus, one can visualize numbers and perform calculations in their mind, which enhances their mathematical abilities.Furthermore, the abacus is a tool that transcends language barriers. It can be used by people of different cultures and backgrounds, as the concept of counting and calculating is universal. For example, in China, the abacus has been used for centuries and is still taught in schools today. In Japan, the abacus is known as "soroban" and is widely used in schools and businesses. In both countries, the abacus is considered a valuable tool for developing mathematical skills.In addition to its practical uses, the abacus also carries cultural significance. It represents the history and tradition of ancient civilizations, and serves as a reminder of the importance of mathematics in human development. The abacus has stood the test of time and continues to be used in modern society, demonstrating its enduring value.中文回答:算盘,也被称为算筹,是一种古老的计算工具,在许多国家广泛使用。
AbacusThe abacus was invented on the basis that Chinese used the counting-rod (算筹) for a long period. In ancient times, people used small sticks to count. Later, with the development of productivity, the amount requiring calculation was greater, and calculation with counting-rods limited the calculation. Thus, people invented a more advanced counter — the abacus.The abacus is rectangular with wooden frame on the four sides and small rods fixed inside strung with wooden beads (珠子); a girder (横梁) across the middle separates the abacus into two parts: each rod has two beads on its upper part, each representing five, and five beads on the lowerpart, each representing one.With the application of the abacus, people summarized many abacus rhymes, increasing the calculating speed. By the time of the Ming Dynasty (1368 AD — 1644 AD), people could use the abacus in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, which were widely used in calculating weight, amount, space and volume.Since it is simple to make an abacus and cheap to buy one, and it is easy to remember abacus rhymes, simple and convenient to calculate with an abacus, it is widely used in China. There are many experts in the use of the abacus in all trades and professions, and some people can use an abacus with two hands at the same time.Later the abacus gradually spread into Japan, Korea, America, and countries and regions in Southeast Asia. People find that using an abacus can improve thinking and practical abilities in addition to providing convenient calculation. Since it requires cooperation of the mind, eyes and hand, it is a good way to improve the comprehensive reaction ability.1. What was the abacus invented based on?A. The calculator.B. The counting-rod.C. The sticks.D. The counter.2. Why did people summarize abacus rhymes?A. Because they helped interest students in the abacus.B. Because they helped increase the calculating speed.C. Because they helped reduce the cost of the abacus.D. Because they helped promote the use of the abacus.3. Which of the following is not the advantage of the abacus?A. It is simple to make an abacus.B. It is cheap to buy an abacus.C. It is easy to remember abacus rhymes.D. It is difficult to break an abacus.4. What do we learn from the last paragraph?A. The abacus is used only in China.B. Using an abacus can reduce thinking.C. The abacus can provide convenient calculation.D. Using an abacus does harm to eyes.变式训练1:语法填空在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式并说明原因。
In addition to its mathematical significance, the abacus also played a crucial role in the development of commerce and trade. It was a valuable tool for merchants, traders, and accountants, allowing them to perform quick and accurate calculations for transactions, inventory management, and financial record-keeping. The widespread use of the abacus in commercial activities contributed to the growth and prosperity of ancient economies and laid the foundation for modern accounting and finance practices.
木框中间的横梁(beam)将木杆分成两部分:木杆上方的两颗算珠 (counting beads)每个代表5,下方的五颗算珠每个代表1。
参考译文:As a traditional Chinese calculation tool and animportant ancient Chinese invention,the abacus was widelyused before the invention of Arabic numerals in the world.The abacus is a rectangle with a wooden frame. Within the frame,rods with stringed beads are fixed. The beam in the middle of the frame divides each rod into two parts. The two counting beads in the upper part of each rod represent five and the rest five beads in the lower part represent one. With the application of the abacus, people summarized many calculation tips to help improve the speed of calculation. As the abacus is simple to produce, and its calculation tips are easy to memorize and operate, it is quite popular in China.词句点拨1.广泛使用:能够用被动语态表示“被广泛使用”,即be widely used。
“Wishful abacus” means wishful thoughts.
Chinese Abacus
According to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Chinese Abacus
Chinese Abacus
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) claimed that Chinese abacus become alternate item on the Non-material cultural heritage list on 31st Oct. 2013. They also said that Chinese abacus was called the oldest calculating machine in the world.
personal tip. If a person just considers for himself, we will say he has a little abacus.
Chinese Abacus
“Irony abacus” “DirtFra bibliotek abacus”
“Irony abacus” means “greedy for money”
Chinese Abacus
During the Spring and Autumn Period, Wu and Yue competed for the overlord. Fuchai, the king of Wu was dead and then the king of Yue, Gouqian, won. But just because of his competitor’s death? Of course not. We have to mention a beauty Xi Shi, one of the four beauties in Chinese history. She was Yue’s minister Fan Li’s wife. But she was sent to Wu as a tool of honey trap.
• 由于生产劳动,人们已经发现了磁铁的指出 方向的特点,。通过试验和在许多方面的研 究,发明了指南针。
• The Compass give play to important function in the navigation after introducing to Europe.
• 指南针在传入欧洲 后,在导航上发挥 了重要的作用
• 罗盘、火药、造纸术和印刷 术,是中国古代四大发明, 这是中国成为这古老文明的 国家,占据在人类文明史上 占有重要地位的标志之一。
• 1. Compass
• The invention of the compass is the result of China ancient working people know to the object magnetism in the long-term practice.
中华民族对世界文明 的杰出贡献之一。
• In the Eastern Han Dynasty (A.D. 105), the papermaking skill inventor Cai lun is on the basis of that forefathers weave silks experience, Have made into the vegetable fiber paper with bark, broken fishing network, rag, etc. raw materials. From then on, paper become to the material that generally write.
• 东汉和帝元兴元年(公元105年),蔡伦在总 结前人制造丝织晶的经验的基础上,发明 了用树皮、破渔网、破布、麻头等作为原 料,制造成了适合书写的植物纤维纸,才
英语作文算盘In the realm of English composition, the abacus serves as a metaphor for the structured and methodical approach to writing. Much like the ancient calculating tool, the process of crafting an essay requires a systematic and organized method to ensure clarity, coherence, and precision in communication.IntroductionThe abacus, an ancient device for arithmetic, consists of beads sliding on rods within a rigid frame. Similarly, an English essay has a rigid structure: the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each part serves a specific purpose, akin to the beads and rods of an abacus.Body Paragraphs1. Theme and Thesis Statement- Just as the abacus requires a starting point for calculation, an essay must begin with a clear theme and a concise thesis statement that sets the stage for the argument to follow.2. Supporting Arguments- Each bead on the abacus represents a value. In an essay, each body paragraph functions as a bead, representing a single argument that supports the thesis. These argumentsmust be well-organized and logically sequenced.3. Evidence and Examples- To ensure the strength of each argument, writers must provide evidence and examples, much like how the beads on an abacus are manipulated to show the correct calculation.4. Counterarguments- A well-rounded essay, like a proficient use of an abacus, considers counterarguments. This shows the writer's abilityto anticipate and address opposing viewpoints, adding depthto the composition.Conclusion- The conclusion of an essay, like the final tally on an abacus, sums up the entire argument. It restates the thesis and reinforces the key points made in the body paragraphs, leaving the reader with a clear understanding of the writer's position.The Process of Writing- Writing an essay is a process that involves drafting, revising, and editing, much like the iterative calculations performed on an abacus. Each draft refines the argument, and each revision polishes the language, ensuring that the final product is as precise and effective as a well-calculated sum on an abacus.ConclusionIn conclusion, the abacus is a fitting metaphor for the structured approach to English composition. It emphasizes the importance of organization, clarity, and precision in writing. By understanding and applying the principles of structure and method, students can improve their writing skills and craft essays that are both compelling and academically sound.。
第十一页,编辑于星期五:十七点 三十六分。
Chinese Abacus
第十二页,编辑于星期五:十七点 三十六分。
Chinese Abacus
•This is a piece of famous painting called Riverside Scene at Qing Ming Festival from Song Dynasty, from which you can see abacus.
第六页,编辑于星期五:十七点 三十六分。
Chinese Abacus
“Irony abacus”
“Dirty abacus”
“Irony abacus” means “greedy for money”
“Dirty“Wabaischusf”uml eaabnascfuullso”f dirty tricks.
第十五页,编辑于星期五:十七点 三十六分。
Thank you!
第十六页,编辑于星期五:十七点 三十六分。
the Non-material cultural heritage list on 31st Oct. 2013. They also said that Chinese abacus was called the oldest calculating machine in the world.
第四页,编辑于星期五:十七点 三十六分。
Chinese Abacus
This picture shows the common abacus we used to see. Look at it, which remind me of my first abacus when I was a child. Actually abacuses often turn up in Chinese literature, just as we used to say “he calculates on an abacus jingle jingle” “he is smart by the means of calculating on the abacus”. We also often see the pictures of a bookkeeper calculating on the abacus from TV or films.
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If a person just considers for himself, we will say he has a little abacus.
Chinese Abacus
“Irony abacus”
“Irony abacus” means “greedy for money”
“Dirty abacus”
How long history does abacus has?
But it maybe wrong, because there isn’t any evidence to prove it. And it maybe longer according to the legend.
Chinese Abacus
Chinese Abacus
“Once sound abacus ringing, there is a ton of gold.”
“An abacus to his waist ”
That is to say the businessman calculate well so that little abacus” he gains much money. It “A sounds irony and means that he just calculate his personal tip.
Chinese Abacus
•Another legend said it was Confucius who invented the abacus. His wife helped him thread beads on string. So actually the inventor of abacus was Confucius’s wife. •However, as for the two legends, neither of them was convincing.
During the Spring and Autumn Period, Wu and Yue competed for the overlord. Fuchai, the king of Wu was dead and then the king of Yue, Gouqian, won. But just because of his competitor’s death? Of course not.
Chinese Abacus
Huizhou businessman respect abacus highly, and they had many taboos about abacus: •Firstly you have to wash your hand before using abacus. •Secondly don’t turn the abacus upside down, playing it as wheels. •Thirdly, put abacus on the counter if you don't need it.But don’t hang it on the wall. •Fourthly, after using abacus, you have to reset, moving the two upper beads up and five below beads down.
Chinese Abacus
-- the oldest calculating machine in the world
Group 3
Chinese Abacus
An abacus is essentially an array of beads threaded on string or held in grooves, with each row representing a different digit.
Chinese Abacus
This picture shows the common abacus we used to see. Look at it, which remind me of my first abacus when I was a child. Actually abacuses often turn up in Chinese literature, just as we used to say “he calculates on an abacus jingle jingle” “he is smart by the means of calculating on the abacus”. We also often see the pictures of a bookkeeper calculating on the abacus from TV or films.
Therefore, at latest abacus appeared in the end of Tang Dynasty, at least 1200-year history from now.
Chinese Abacus
In the Ming Dynasty, there were so many businessmen in Hui Zhou. And one of the famous businessmen was Cheng Dawei, who invented Who invented abacus rhymes? When Cheng Dawei was more than 40 years with rich experience all the systematic arithmetic of abacus. Atold, that time, different people he unified the abacus, just as it looks like now and then make the had different ways to calculate, and abacuses had different types, 4 rhymes. He book in 1592 AD, called Algorithm Tong Zong, beads, 5 wrote beadsa or 6 beads on a stick. including all the abacus techniques. In the ancient times, if you want to do business, you have to begin with learning how to use abacus.
“Wishful abacus “Dirty abacus” means full of” dirty tricks.
“Wishful abacus” means wishful thoughts.
Chinese Abacus
According to UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), abacus has 1800 years of history.
Chinese Abacus
Chinese Abacus
•This is a pie Riverside Scene at Qing Ming Festival from Song Dynasty, from which you can see abacus.
Chinese Abacus
When the war came to over, Xi Shi went back home and decided with his husband to leave the king to do business. As a result, they earned much money, but don’t know how to calculate. According to the legend, her husband Fan Li made a lot of clay balls. Then Xi Shi put the clay balls on bamboo sticks, and every five balls marked a notation,in which way they count clearly. As everyone knows that Fan Li, also called Zhu Gong, was a millionaire in Chineses history.
Chinese Abacus
Chinese Abacus
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) claimed that Chinese abacus become alternate item on the Non-material cultural heritage list on 31st Oct. 2013. They also said that Chinese abacus was called the oldest calculating machine in the world.
Thank you!
We have to mention a beauty Xi Shi, one of the four beauties in Chinese history. She was Yue’s minister Fan Li’s wife. But she was sent to Wu as a tool of honey trap.