
动物权利英语作文With the tremendous development of modern society andscience,experimentations become an essential impetus to the scientific advancement. Accordingly, the using of animals in experimentations is raising peoples attention for the number of it has exceeded 8 millions according to figures ,what a huge amount !Which means 8 millions lives disappeared by force. Some people persevere this standpoint that human being is the domination of the world ,who has the domination patent of using animals to the experimentations for the purpose of progress of science.As well as the sacrifice of animals is prerequisite to some extent .Not only agriculture、industry、medical science、hereditism 、militarybut necessities of our daily life ,the using of animals in experimentations plays an significant role to these researches ,The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences data shows that three fourths research achievements depends on the experiment animals every year . However, the others take prohibiting using animals in experimentations forgranted ,especially zoophilists .From a modern perspective,1they understand that equal rights take precedence over scientific interest. Science improvements should not at the expense of animals .How can the animals rights be neglected as the human rights has been upraised toa high position which touch off so many watchful eyes that every country has to do something for their management and legislation. If evolution is survival of the fittest, why should we give them a peaceful and safe environment not force them in death for experimentations butlet them go? My friend, a student in college of medicine posted a card in Internet says that when the using of animals inexperimentations can over, seeing these innocent animals lost their life for a reason to research is so cruel .We can never taste thepainful feeling of experimentalanimals .injection narcosis surgery seaming even struggling against death.Every step they taking stands drastic sufferings .how dear can we leave them in this situation ? It is a vivid life ,not a thing but our company in this world ,who own a longer living history than we human being .All in all, every thing has two sides ,what we should attach importance to is judging and weighing which side is2more meaningful and worthy. If you ask me ,i will provide you a viewpoint that the using animals in experimentations is so ruthless and brutal that should be forbided as soon as possible . Of course the science moving step is necessary for us ,however,which can not be a powerful reason that we can ending a life without permit . And we can use dead humanscell or organs to the experimentations instead of vivid animals ,As the technology of science high developed ,we has no hinder that we can create a now tool or something kinds like appliances can be used in experimentations .Remember we are a member of living lives ,we are equal ,please do not deprive the rights of animals ,just give them a space to be alife.篇二:英语辩论关键句动物权利英语辩论 (动物权利)人类不应该拿动物做实验Humans should not take the animal experiment1.动物权利说1 animal rights动物也有权利Animal also have the right to人类也是动物,如果人有基本的公民权利,动物也应该有。

英语辩论关键句动物权利第一篇:英语辩论关键句动物权利英语辩论(动物权利)人类不应该拿动物做实验Humans should not take the animal experiment1.动物权利说animal rights动物也有权利Animal also have the right to人类也是动物,如果人有基本的公民权利,动物也应该有。
Man is an animal, if people have the basic rights of citizens, animal should also have.Humans now change the law of the jungle, they used to do experiments with should not dead animal, betortured to death.This affects the integrity of the food chain, so that the animal be starved forfood animal, thereby affecting the higher animal.Is this small change, the accumulated, will affect the whole biosphere, it will affect the human.2.换位思考说think that第二篇:自由辩论句数据类:大城市的就业饱和率是80.2%,中小城市的就业饱和率是19% 蚁族平均收入为1956元,收入风险是3.5倍以上。
雅思作文animal rights所有论点

Arguments for vegetarianism
• Vegetarians do not eat foods that are produced by killing animals. • Many people choose a vegetarian diet for moral or health reasons. • A healthy diet is possible without eating meat
Positives of zoos
• Zoos allow scientists to study animals and their behavior. • Children, in particular, enjoy learning about animals. • Zoos provide job opportunities.
Animal testing 动物实验
• • • • Animal experimentation Laboratory animals 在实验室被使用的动物 Cause suffering to them Is morally wrong 在道德角度看是错误的
Animal testing 动物实验
Habitat 栖息地

雅思写作范文赏析:动物权利小马过河为大家准备了“雅思写作范文赏析:动物权利”,供各位备考雅思的考生们参考使用,来提高自己的托福成绩!免费咨询电话:400-0123-267Animals were friends or foes of humanity at different stages of the human history. In modern times, experiments upon animals have been a breeding ground for spirited debate. Some animal rights activists argue that we should ban animal experiments altogether because subjecting animals to experimentation is unwarranted on moral grounds, whereas some other people contend that the advancement of science necessitates animal testing. Personally, I am in favor of the latter view.Granted, mounting empirical evidence suggests that many animal experiments are performed callously without any heed to the discomfort or pain that laboratory mammals endure. For one thing, improper confinement of test animals such as locking them up in cramped cages is inhumane; and this, in turn, can severely disrupt natural biological functions of the test animal. For another, the effects of vaccination or vivisection conducted on live mammals can be chilling. In extreme cases, they constitute sheer torture of animals.Nevertheless, from a more pragmatic standpoint, evidence abounds that animal subjects are still an indispensable part of scientific research at this phase of human development. In the first place, drug experimentation on live mammals is, indisputably, far more effectual than experimentation on bacteria or on other lower species in determining drug safety. Medical history informs that drugs that can potentially exert grave side effects on homo sapiens must be tested by pharmaceutical companies on live mammals first to ascertain their toxicity. In the second place, in the realm of space research, live animals are still practical alternatives on a flight not considered to be sufficiently safe for human astronauts. And I would be hard-pressed to imagine the scenario that human lives should be put at stake when the objective of a space mission is merely to identify living creatures’ reaction to outer space experience. Lastly, lab research about the behavioral tendencies of chimpanzees, gorillas or other members of the primate group is also a worthy endeavor, in light of the fact that it generates outcomes consistently advancing anthropological and genetic sciences.To conclude, I concede that experiments upon animals may induce suffering to the test animals. However, it is generally arguable that there are no practical alternatives to this methodology at the current stage of scientific development. On balance , I am convinced that what we should do is to allow animals testing to be continued but at the same time use techniques such as analgesic, anesthetic and tranquilizing drugs to minimize the pain of the test animal.来源于:小马过河小马过河资料下载频道,欢迎您来下载!。

保护动物权利英语作文Animal Rights: A Moral Imperative.In the tapestry of life, animals, sentient beings like ourselves, occupy a vital and intricate place. Their existence enriches our planet, fostering biodiversity, maintaining ecosystem balance, and often providing us with companionship and solace. However, humanity's relentless pursuit of dominance and exploitation has often come at the expense of these voiceless creatures, leading to immense suffering and moral dilemmas. The question of animal rights has thus emerged as a critical ethical issue, demanding our attention and action.Defining animal rights involves acknowledging their intrinsic value and inherent worth, independent of their utility to humans. It is a matter of recognizing their capacity for sentience, their ability to experience pain, joy, fear, and suffering. By extension, it entails respecting their right to live free from exploitation,abuse, and needless harm.Protecting animal rights necessitates a multifaceted approach that encompasses both legal and ethical frameworks. Animal welfare laws, regulations, and policies play acrucial role in safeguarding their well-being. These laws often set minimum standards for animal care, transportation, and slaughter, albeit varying in their rigor and implementation across jurisdictions. While laws provide a baseline of protection, they can be limited in scope and enforcement.Ethical considerations, on the other hand, provide a broader moral compass. They guide our actions and decisions regarding animals, even in the absence of legal mandates. Ethical principles such as compassion, empathy, and non-violence should be integral to our interactions with animals. It is our moral duty to minimize their pain and suffering, provide them with adequate food, shelter, and veterinary care, and respect their inherent dignity.The ethical arguments for animal rights are compelling.Animals are sentient beings capable of experiencing a wide range of emotions and sensations. They have complex social structures, exhibit cognitive abilities, and form strong bonds with their kin and companions. The infliction of unnecessary pain or distress upon them violates their inherent worth and is morally unjustifiable.Furthermore, the concept of animal rights is inextricably linked to our own humanity. By extending compassion and respect to animals, we affirm the value of all life, including our own. It is a reflection of our moral maturity and an acknowledgment of our place as part of a larger web of existence.The protection of animal rights extends beyond individual acts of kindness or compliance with laws. It requires systemic changes in our societies and economies. The industrialization of animal agriculture, with its intensive farming practices and cruel factory farming, poses a grave threat to the well-being of billions of animals. Consumer choices and dietary habits play a significant role in shaping the demand for animal products,and we have a moral obligation to consider the implications of our choices on animal welfare.Recognizing and protecting animal rights also involves addressing the issue of animal experimentation. While animal research has undoubtedly contributed to medical advancements, there is a growing ethical concern over the use of animals in invasive and painful experiments. The development of alternative non-animal research methods should be prioritized to reduce the reliance on animal testing and minimize their suffering.It is worth noting that the animal rights movement is not about denying human rights or downplaying the value of human life. Rather, it seeks to expand the circle of compassion and ethical consideration to encompass all sentient beings. Recognizing the inherent worth of animals does not diminish our own; it enhances our understanding of the interconnectedness of all life and the moralobligations that come with it.The protection of animal rights is not merely anabstract philosophical concept but a fundamental moral imperative. It is a matter of justice for the voiceless, a recognition of their inherent value, and a reflection of our own humanity. By embracing animal rights, we create a more just, compassionate, and sustainable world for all.。

动物权利英语作文In the 21st century, as human civilization progresses, the concept of animal rights has emerged as a critical ethical issue. The treatment of animals, their welfare, and the recognition of their inherent rights have become topics of significant debate. This essay will explore the importance of animal rights, the current state of animal welfare, and the steps that can be taken to ensure the ethical treatment of animals.Firstly, it is essential to understand what animal rights entail. Animal rights advocate for the recognition that animals are sentient beings with their own interests, including the interest in not suffering or being harmed. This perspective moves beyond the traditional view of animals as resources for human use and calls for a respect for their autonomy and well-being.The current state of animal rights is a mixed picture. On one hand, there are numerous laws and regulations in place to protect animals from cruelty and abuse. For instance, many countries have enacted legislation against animal cruelty, and there are international conventions that address the welfare of animals in trade and transportation. However, on the other hand, animals continue to suffer in various industries such as factory farming, animal testing for cosmetics, and in the wild through habitat destruction and climate change.Factory farming, in particular, is a significant concern. Animals are often kept in confined spaces, subjected to harsh living conditions, and are processed in ways that prioritize efficiency over welfare. This has led to a call for more humane farming practices and a shift towards plant-baseddiets to reduce the demand for animal products.Animal testing is another area where animal rights are contested. While it has led to significant medical advancements, the use of animals for testing cosmetics and other non-essential products is increasingly being questioned. Many countries are now moving towards alternative testing methods that do not involve animals.To improve the situation, several steps can be taken. Education plays a crucial role in raising awareness about animal rights and welfare. By informing the public about the sentience of animals and the impact of human activities on them, we can foster a culture of compassion and respect forall living beings.Legislation also needs to be strengthened and enforced. Laws should be updated to reflect current scientific understanding of animal sentience and should provide clear guidelines and penalties for animal abuse.Moreover, individuals can make a difference by makinginformed choices. Choosing cruelty-free products, supporting animal sanctuaries, and advocating for stronger animal protection laws are all ways in which the average person cancontribute to the cause of animal rights.In conclusion, the rights of animals are a fundamental aspect of a just and compassionate society. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that animals are treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. By recognizing their rights and taking action to protect them, we can create a world where humans and animals coexist harmoniously.。
animal right

三、辩证1、我们所强调的animal rights 是有一定范围的,比如正如法律有不同的适用人群一样,珍惜动物享有rights和普通的家禽家畜不一样。
3、你的观点是不需要animal rights,那你怎么保护动物,正如我们的法律一样,如果不明文规定公民的权利仅仅凭我们内心所达成的契约,是绝对不会有效地,最好的证明因为总是会有人去侵犯公民的权利犯罪而被法律制裁。
我认为给animal rights 是保护动物的最基本的,如果这个都没有,光凭主观臆想是绝对不行的。
4、妈妈腹中的婴儿履行了什么义务,受精卵履行了什么义务,为什么不能杀死,而违反人权?诚然,animal right 是一个伪概念,但是这个伪概念代表的才是我们真正要说的东西,也就是人怎么对待动物,animal right只是一个关于人怎么对待动物的一个铭文规定。
动物的权利 Animal Right 英语作文

Animal RightIt is the idea that all animals are born free like humans, and we should not subject them to exploitation for our needs. Animal rights aim to give animals the same rights as humans in which they are not killed or tortured at the hands of people.Animal Rights Essay: Animal Rights is the thought or idea that says that some or all animals are entitled to their basic rights such as possession of their life, and other crucial needs to survive.It is the idea that all animals are born free like humans, and we should not subject them to exploitation for our needs. Animal rights aim to give animals the same rights as humans in which they are not killed or tortured at the hands of people.Long and Short Essays on Animal Right for Students and Kids in EnglishWe provide children and students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short piece of 150 words on the topic “Animal Rights” for reference.Long Essay on Animal Rights 500 Words in EnglishIs it unjust to kill animals to feed ourselves? If you are a vegetarian or an animal lover, you might find killing animals to feed ourselves as unethical. There are various views on the subject, and continuous debates and articles try to resolve the matter.Animal rights are the thought process that all animals have basic rights like all human beings, and they do not deserve to be killed at our hands or made to suffer. It is best not to viewanimals as our commodities. It is wrong to view them as our resources. If we can accept the fact that animals are not born to be killed or exploited at our hands, we can approach a human view of treating animals and can then genuinely discuss the rights of animals.We wrongly believe that animals are the commodities that we use. If we adopt this thought, our actions towards them will be unethical and regrettable. If we think that animals have no moral status, we will be extremely apathetic, which is diametric to human nature. The wrong thought process can hamper the understanding and reasoning of everything in our life.Animals are living creatures, and so are we. They too feel pain and suffering. Hence, it is not illogical to consider the topic of animals having rights.Believing that animals have rights does not necessarily mean that eating meat is wrong or unethical. People of different backgrounds and religions follow different diets and have different eating habits. Some of them include non-vegetarian diets, and some of them don’t.Eating meat is a lifestyle for some people, and others should respect it. But, eating meat is not the only question that comes to mind when we think about animal rights. Thousands of animals are kept in farms and slaughterhouses. They are brought up in extremely inhospitable environments and are ultimately killed. Many of them are brought and stored in labs, and people perform all sorts of heinous and inexplicable experiments on them.You can now access more Essay Writing on this topic and many more.Humans torture millions of animals every year in labs. They burn, cut or starve animals in the name of research that does not always bear results. Most drugs that work on animals might not work for humans or not have the same efficiency. Hence, it is barbaric to meaninglessly kill animals and think that they do not have any rights.People should never believe that animals are useless, dumb creatures. They too have a soul and can feel. Their emotions might not be as complex as humans, but they deserve to be acknowledged.Humans are different than other animals. We have a moral compass and try to justify the events around us. Hence, when we think about any living creature being hurt, it makes us sad.If you see an abused animal or an injured animal, you could walk past it. You could alsoreport the animal abuse if it is a domestic animal, or take it to the vet for treatment. We should have realized that it is more peaceful to care for animals contently, than kill or capture them. Animals are soulful creatures like us and magnificent creation. We should respect them, and they do have rights.Short Essay on Animal Rights 150 Words in EnglishShort Essay on Animal Rights is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.The animal right is the thought that all animals have birthrights like humans. It is the liberal thought process where we consider all animals to have basic rights that would protect them from being subjected to torture, starvation, slaughtering, etc. for our benefits.There are a lot of disagreements regarding animals having rights. Some people argue that animal rights should be protected, while others argue that there is no need for animal rights.People who say that animals have no rights, think it to be true because they view animals as commodities that we can exploit whenever required. Some people think that animals are created for our pleasure and our needs since we are at the top of the food chain. These people are largely mistaken.All animals have souls and are living beings just like us. They have sensations and can feel everything around them just like humans can. Hence, we are morally obliged to acknowledge the rights of animals and not harvest them.10 Lines on Animal Rights Essay in English1. Animal rights are the concept that animals have similar rights as human.2. Many people support animal rights, and many p eople don’t.3. Many believe that animal rights should be established to protect the basic needs of all animals.4. Others believe that animals don’t require any rights, and are present to satisfy the needs of humans.5. It is a wrong thought that animals are commodities for humans, and can be used as objects.6. Animals are projected to cruel treatments in places like animal farms, animal testing labs, etc.7. The animal rights issue is a hotly debated topic.8. All animals are living organisms and can feel like us. Hence, we should treat them as such.9. Humans are superior to other animals in terms of evolutions, but we belong to theanimal kingdom as well.10. Humans have morals, unlike other animals. We should use it to support the cause of animal rights.FAQ’s on Animal Rights EssayQuestion 1.What are animal rights?Answer:Animal right is the idea that animals deserve similar rights like a human. People who are supporters of animal rights believe that all animals have fundamental rights, such as the right to live and not tortured.Question 2.What is animal testing?Answer:Animal testing is the method of using animalsas test-subjects for testing drugs and products on animals.Question 3.Why is animal right relevant?Answer:We use animals as a commodity and use them as we will. As human beings who have morals, we can think about considering the rights of animals too.Question 4.Why should we give rights to animals?Answer:Like human beings, animals also are living being who can feel what goes on around them. Hence, animals should have the basic right to survive.。

英文:As for the topic of animal rights and human rights, I believe this is a very important issue. In my opinion, animals, like humans, should also have certain rights and protections. First of all, as living beings on Earth, animals should also be respected and protected. They have their own feelings and emotions and should be treated with respect and care. For example, we have a cat at home, andit is a member of our family. We provide it with food, water, and a warm home because we believe it should also be respected and cared for.中文:我认为,动物和人类一样,都应该享有一定的权利和保护。

我们应该如何保护动物的权利英语作文How We Should Protect Animal RightsAs human beings, it is our responsibility to protect the rights of animals. Animals are living beings that deserve to be treated with respect and care. Unfortunately, many animals are subjected to cruelty and exploitation every day. In order to protect their rights, we must take action to ensure that animals are treated humanely and with compassion.One of the most important ways we can protect animal rights is by advocating for laws and policies that prevent animal cruelty. This includes advocating for laws that forbid the mistreatment of animals in industries such as factory farming, animal testing, and the entertainment industry. By supporting these laws and policies, we can help ensure that animals are not subjected to unnecessary suffering and exploitation.Additionally, we can protect animal rights by promoting ethical consumption practices. This means supporting companies and products that are cruelty-free and do not harm animals in any way. By choosing to purchase products that are not tested on animals, or by choosing to adopt a vegan orvegetarian lifestyle, we can reduce the demand for products that harm animals.Furthermore, we can protect animal rights by actively speaking out against animal cruelty and exploitation. This includes educating others about the importance of treating animals with compassion and respect, and raising awareness about the ways in which animals are mistreated in various industries. By speaking out against animal cruelty, we can help change societal attitudes towards animals and promote a culture of compassion and empathy.In conclusion, protecting animal rights is an important responsibility that we all share as human beings. By advocating for laws and policies that prevent animal cruelty, promoting ethical consumption practices, and speaking out against animal cruelty, we can help ensure that animals are treated with the respect and care they deserve. Together, we can create a better world for animals and work towards a future where all living beings are treated with kindness and compassion.。

雅思 Animal 话题讨论引言雅思考试中,Animal 话题是一个常见且重要的部分。

保护动物雅思大作文英文回答:As an animal lover, I believe that it is crucial to protect animals and their habitats. There are several reasons why this is so important. Firstly, animals play a vital role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. For example, bees are essential for pollinating crops, and without them, many plants would not be able to reproduce. Additionally, animals contribute to the overall biodiversity of the planet, and losing certain species could have a detrimental impact on the environment.Furthermore, animals can also bring joy and companionship to humans. Many people have pets that they consider to be part of their family, and the bond between humans and animals is incredibly strong. For instance, my own dog has brought me so much happiness and has been a source of comfort during difficult times. It is important to recognize the value that animals bring to our lives andto ensure their well-being.In terms of practical steps that can be taken to protect animals, there are several measures that can be implemented. Firstly, stricter laws and regulations can be put in place to prevent the illegal trade of endangered species. This can help to reduce the demand for products made from animal parts and can ultimately save countless lives. Additionally, efforts can be made to conserve and restore natural habitats for animals. This can involve reforestation projects, creating protected areas, and reducing pollution that harms wildlife.中文回答:作为一个动物爱好者,我相信保护动物及其栖息地至关重要。

动物权益英文作文Animals have the right to live in a safe and natural environment. They should not be confined to small spaces or cages, but should have the freedom to roam and exploretheir surroundings.It is important to treat animals with kindness and compassion. They should not be subjected to cruel or inhumane treatment, and their well-being should be a top priority.Animals have the right to receive proper medical care and attention. They should not be neglected or left to suffer from illness or injury.It is essential to respect the natural behaviors and instincts of animals. They should not be forced to perform tricks or tasks that go against their natural inclinations.Animals have the right to be protected fromexploitation and abuse. They should not be used for entertainment or profit at the expense of their welfare.It is crucial to advocate for laws and regulations that protect the rights of animals and ensure their humane treatment.Animals have the right to be treated as sentient beings with their own thoughts and feelings. They should not be viewed as mere objects or possessions, but as living creatures deserving of respect and consideration.。

动物权利英语作文Animals have rights too. They deserve to be treatedwith kindness and respect, just like humans. It's not fairto use animals for our own entertainment or to exploit them for profit.Many animals are kept in captivity for our amusement, such as in zoos, circuses, and marine parks. They areforced to perform tricks or live in artificial environments, which can be stressful and unhealthy for them. This is a violation of their rights to live in their natural habitats and to be free from exploitation.In addition, animals are often used for scientific research and testing. They are subjected to painful and invasive experiments, which is cruel and unnecessary. There are alternative methods available that do not involve harming animals, and it's important to advocate for the use of these more humane practices.Furthermore, the meat and dairy industries exploit animals for profit, often subjecting them to inhumane living conditions and slaughter practices. It's important to support ethical and sustainable farming practices that prioritize the well-being of animals and minimize their suffering.Overall, it's important to recognize that animals are sentient beings with the capacity to feel pain and suffering. They deserve to be treated with compassion and consideration, and it's our responsibility to advocate for their rights and welfare.。
Animal Rights The Fight for a More Humane World

Animal Rights The Fight for a MoreHumane WorldAnimal rights is a topic that evokes strong emotions and opinions from people all over the world. It is a fight for a more humane world, where animals are treated with respect and compassion. While some argue that animals do not have rights and are merely property, others believe that animals have the right to live free from suffering and exploitation. In this essay, I will explore multiple perspectives on animal rights, highlighting the importance of this fight and the potential benefits it can bring to both animals and humans. One perspective on animal rights is that animals are sentient beings who deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Supporters of this view argue that animals have the abilityto experience pain, pleasure, and a range of emotions, just like humans. Therefore, they should be afforded certain rights, such as the right to live free fromcruelty and exploitation. This perspective is often associated with the beliefthat animals should not be used for human purposes, such as food, clothing, or entertainment. On the other hand, there are those who believe that animals do not have rights and are merely property. They argue that animals are inferior to humans and do not possess the same level of moral worth. According to this perspective, animals can be used for human purposes as long as it is done in a humane manner. For example, they may argue that it is acceptable to use animalsfor medical research if it leads to advancements in human health. Another perspective on animal rights is that it is not just about the well-being of animals, but also about the well-being of humans. Supporters of this view arguethat there is a strong correlation between the way we treat animals and the way we treat each other. They believe that a society that condones animal cruelty and exploitation is more likely to be violent and lacking in empathy towards its own members. Therefore, by advocating for animal rights, we are also advocating for a more compassionate and peaceful society for humans. In addition to the moral and ethical arguments, there are also practical reasons to support animal rights. For example, the mistreatment of animals in factory farms and other industries has been linked to environmental degradation and public health risks. Factory farmingpractices, such as overcrowding and the use of antibiotics, contribute to the spread of diseases and the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. By promoting animal rights and encouraging more sustainable and ethical farming practices, we can help protect the environment and improve public health. Furthermore, animal rights can also have economic benefits. The growing demand for cruelty-free and vegan products has created a new market for businesses that cater to these preferences. This has led to the development of innovative andsustainable alternatives to animal-based products, such as plant-based meats and cruelty-free cosmetics. By supporting animal rights, we can encourage the growthof these industries and create new job opportunities. In conclusion, the fightfor animal rights is a complex and multifaceted issue. It involves moral, ethical, and practical considerations, and evokes strong emotions from people on both sides of the debate. While some argue that animals do not have rights and can be usedfor human purposes, others believe that animals have the right to live free from suffering and exploitation. Supporting animal rights not only benefits animals but also promotes a more compassionate and peaceful society for humans. It can also have practical benefits, such as protecting the environment and improving public health. Ultimately, the fight for animal rights is a fight for a more humane world, where all beings are treated with respect and compassion.。
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• The lives of animals should be respected. • Humans have no moral right(道德权利) to do
experiments on animals.
• Animal testing/ animal experimentation 动物实验
• A wide variety of animals have used for animal testing, including primates, mice, rabbits, cats and dogs.
• A healthy diet is possible without eating meat
Arguments for vegetarianism
• It is unnecessary to kill animal for food.
• A vegetarian diet may reduce the risk of disease like cancer.
• 对比→ • Minimise their suffering 尽量减少他们的痛苦 • Reliable alternatives 可靠地替代方法 • Medical research 医学研究 • Medical discoveries 医学发现 • Develop new medicines and vaccines 研发新的药
Man-made habitat/artificial habitat 人造的动植物栖息地
• 对比→ • Help to protect endangered species • Are interesting and educational • Help children learn about wild animals
Animal rights
Arguments for animal testing
• Animals are used to in important scientific research.
• It is necessary to do medical tests on new drugs.
Animal testing 动物实验
• Animal experimentation • Laboratory animals 在实验室被使用的动物 • Cause suffering to them • Is morally wrong 在道德角度看是错误的
Animal testing 动物实验
Habitat 栖息地
• Wildlife 野生生物 • A patch of wasteland 一小块无人的废
Make good companions 是很好的伙伴
• Dogs make good campanions for human.狗是人类最好的伙伴
• Desire company/crave companionship • 渴望陪伴 • People who feel lonely end to desire
• Testing for the cosmetics industry化妆品 产业的测试 is now banned in many countries.
Arguments against animal testing
• The benefits of research using animals do not justify the suffering caused(证明造成的 结果).
Protect endangered species
• Extinction →n. • Extinct →v. • Face extinction 濒临灭绝 • Become extinct 灭绝 • The polar bear could become extinct
because of climate change.
Food chain 食物链
• Students are supposed to(应该) learn about the food chain in the 7th grade.
• 学生应该在七年级学习有关食物链的知识
Pharmaceutical company 制药公司
• Some pharmaceutical companies are heavily involved in animal testing.一些 制药公司极度依赖用动物进行实验
• 3. 动物实验是indispensable for medical research, all of which 是为人类造福,没有 人不希望在全球范围内消灭AIDS,而这一切 需要大量的生物实验来完成。而且目前还没有 有效的alternative methods,计算机还不足以 仿真整个生物实验,或许以后有替代方法了, 就可以取消动物实验。目前能做的只能是减小 痛苦,relieve pain.
• Children, in particular, enjoy learning about animals.
• Zoos provide job opportunities.
Negative of zoos
• Zoo animals are kept in artificial environment.被关在人工环境
• Animal testing helps to advance(发展) medical and scientific knowledge.
• Many important medical discoveries involved(包含) experimentation on animals.
• Researchers aim to minimize the suffering that animals experience.
• Our aim should be improve farming methods.
• Farms should produce organic food.
Positives of zoos
• Zoos play an important role in wildlife conservation.
Man-made habitat/artificial habitat 人造的动植物栖息地
• Are kept in cages. • Lose their freedom • Feel lonely and frustrated • Change their habits • Irresponsible zookeepers 不负责任的
• 2. Select the superior and eliminate the inferior, the survival of the fittest 是一个natural rule can not be violated,有些specifies缺乏生存技能, 就应该被淘汰,如果人们的过渡干预反 而会造成坏的作用对ecological system. 当然,如果是因为人类破坏了其habitat 而导致的endanger,另当别论。
• Create more wildlife reserves 建立更
• Are interesting and educational • Help people learn about wildlife • Can roam, fly or swim freely.
• (野生动物们)能自由地走动,飞翔或畅游
Damage the ecosystem 破坏生态系统
• Disrupt food chains 扰乱食物链 • Threaten the food sources of wild
animals. 威胁野生动物的食物来源 • Reduce biodiversity 减弱生物的多样性
Create more nature reserves 设立更多的afety of new medicines 检测新物品的 安全性
Animal rights 动物权益
• Animal rights have been created to protect animals from cruelty or extinction.
• They can help to protect endangered species.
• Zoo are educational, interesting and fun
Positives of zoos
• Zoos allow scientists to study animals and their behavior.
company 孤独寂寞的人们渴望陪伴 • Stray animals 走失的动物
• 1. 共同生活在一个地球上,应该保护动 物,maltreatment to animals is barbaric and uncivilized practice. 但 是说动物濒临灭绝是exaggerated,禁 止动物实验更是irrational
• Many people question the treatment of animals in factory farms.
Arguments against vegetarianism
• Vegetarians do not eat a balanced diet.
• In many cultures, meat is the main ingredient in traditional meals.