
Rock Climbing
Rock climbing i the mountaineering in the Soviet union as a military trainin was listed in the wo competition in 1974 1980s, the rock clim competition began attracted wide atten
However, some extreme sports are very dangerous. If no assurance of physical su technical assurance and security measur should rationally treat them and don’t try i easily, take charge of the life of yours and others. If your do this adventure for your own love can ignore the previous attention. becaus Octavian said “life is precious, and love m
Skateboard is granddaddy of ex Many of the extre extended by skat
In the late 195 1960s, the skate evolved from sur become the "coo earth.
Pakour is a str extreme sports. P throughout the cit training ground. a have become obj climb, crossing, e the abandoned ho Parkour was born in France, “Parko the French word “ literal translation everywhere”
极限运动PPT 英语23页PPT

ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
极限运动PPT 英语
46、我们若已接受最坏的,就再没有什么损失。——卡耐基 47、书到用时方恨少、事非经过不知难。——陆游 48、书籍把我们引入最美好的社会,使我们认识各个时代的伟大智者。——史美尔斯 49、熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。——孙洙 50、谁和我一样用功,谁就会和我一样成功。——莫扎特
6、法律的基础有两个,而且只有两个……公平和实用。——伯克 7、有两种和平的暴力,那就是法律和礼节。——歌德
8、法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。——亚里士多德 9、上帝把法律和公平凑合在一起,可是人类却把它拆开。——查·科尔顿 10、一切法律都是无用的,因为好人用不着它们,而坏人又不会因为它们而变得规矩起来。——德谟耶克斯

Major: Mpacc Name: Yang Yang(杨洋) Student No.:201230020423
Field Survival is one of the most dangerous Extreme Sports
it means survival in the wild such as mountains,jungle,desert, islands by personal skill instead of external support.
• 1. According to the track of the sun,we can set a wooden stick into the earth vertically in a open area, the shadow of the stick will point to the northwest in the morning ,the northeast in the afternoon and due north at noontime.
In the wild, fish is a great choice as food supply and often available once we get a proper tool , I would like to present a way to make such a tool for you !!!
2、Collect the steam: when temperature is high,
dig a hole (50cm*50cm*50cm) near your tent and put a cup within it. Cover the hole with a piece of plastic cloth, you may get half a cup of water in the next morning if you are lucky.
Field Survival is one of the most dangerous Extreme Sports
it means survival in the wild such as mountains,jungle,desert, islands by personal skill instead of external support.
• 1. According to the track of the sun,we can set a wooden stick into the earth vertically in a open area, the shadow of the stick will point to the northwest in the morning ,the northeast in the afternoon and due north at noontime.
In the wild, fish is a great choice as food supply and often available once we get a proper tool , I would like to present a way to make such a tool for you !!!
2、Collect the steam: when temperature is high,
dig a hole (50cm*50cm*50cm) near your tent and put a cup within it. Cover the hole with a piece of plastic cloth, you may get half a cup of water in the next morning if you are lucky.

cintakuan anande inteman.
Inbound Transport
Lorem Ipsum is dolor sita slidera power adus ana but volup dalam
cintakuan anande inteman.
Lorem Ipsum is dolor sita slidera power adus ana but volup dalam
Title Gose Here
is on a beginning section which tstates the purposet an the ofT
writing. This is generally followed by the body and
Title Gose Here
is on a beginning section which tstates the purposet an the ofT
60 mph
Speed 02
Lorem Ipsum is dolor sita slider power adus na but volup anande inteman.”
30 mph
Middle Speed
Lorem Ipsum is dolor sita slider power adus na but volup anande inteman.”
35 mph
Speed 03
Lorem Ipsum is dolor sita slider power adus na but volup anande inteman.”
50 ph
Speed 04
Lorem Ipsum is dolor sita slider power adus na but volup anande inteman.”
Inbound Transport
Lorem Ipsum is dolor sita slidera power adus ana but volup dalam
cintakuan anande inteman.
Lorem Ipsum is dolor sita slidera power adus ana but volup dalam
Title Gose Here
is on a beginning section which tstates the purposet an the ofT
writing. This is generally followed by the body and
Title Gose Here
is on a beginning section which tstates the purposet an the ofT
60 mph
Speed 02
Lorem Ipsum is dolor sita slider power adus na but volup anande inteman.”
30 mph
Middle Speed
Lorem Ipsum is dolor sita slider power adus na but volup anande inteman.”
35 mph
Speed 03
Lorem Ipsum is dolor sita slider power adus na but volup anande inteman.”
50 ph
Speed 04
Lorem Ipsum is dolor sita slider power adus na but volup anande inteman.”
Extreme Sports PPT课件 3 北师大版1

and the romantic…
Comparing cultures
Answer the questions about sports in the USA and Britain.
1. What do American footballers have to wear? Why? They have to wear helmets and special protective clothes because it is a very physical game and they could get hurt.
snow boarding
snow rafting
white-water rafting
skate boarding
mountain biking
Just Do It吕
Pre- Predict the answers. l1i.Psetoepnile do extreme sports in order to feel
Lea 极限运动本身也有广义和狭义之分。 叫d-做极一限些运挑动战,性比高如的蹦非级奥、运攀、岩非、世悬界崖运跳动水会等项等目。广义上都可以 in
狭义的极限运动单指各个大型极限运动会中包含的成型的 项目,比如极限摩托车、极限轮滑等等,由于运动会中的这些极 限运动经过长时间的系统发展已经有了规模,组织严密,规则完 善,比赛合理,因此很多项目正逐渐被大型综合性运动会吸收, 那么这些极限项目简单来说就是两种,一种是由一项成型运动演 变来的,极限滑雪是从普通的滑雪演变来的等等。而另外一些是 从游戏、生活和工作中演变来的,比如滑板、攀岩等等。
M3U8 L2
Extreme Sports

the end of fifties and the early
nineteen sixties,the Skateboarding
evolved from surfing, and now has
become one ofgthe world's most"
cool" movement. 可编辑课件PPT
As a kind of extreme sports, from the towering buildings vertical(垂直面) and relatively dense(密度大的)city high
jumping, limit skydiving does可h编a辑v课e件tPhPeT out of the ordinary 17 wonderful place.
swimming(天然水域游泳),scuba(戴水肺潜水)diving, windsurfing(帆板 运动 )etc.
NOW let's go to see some popular extreme sports
Bungee jumping is an
activity that involves jumping from a tall structure while connected to a large elastic cord.
In 2004, author Joe Tomlinson classified extreme sports into those that take place in air, land, and water.
extreme sport 极限运动

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LOGO 企业名或组织名
rock climbing
roller skating
orientat ion (定向运动)
extreme sports
skatebo ard 企业名或组织名
canyone ering
Which one do you like most?
game for valiants
What are extreme sports?
examples of extreme sports
some advise
e 企业名或组织名
sport or physical activity high level of danger high difficulty high challege
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企业名或组织名 LOGO perform tricks on flat ground
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Extreme sports(极限运动)

轮滑,又称滚轴溜冰、滑旱冰,是穿着带滚轮的特制鞋在坚硬的场 地上滑行的运动。今日多数的滚轴溜冰者主要都使用直排轮,又称刷 刷、66。因此直排轮也几乎成为了轮滑运动的代名词.
Rock climbing:
Rock climbing is a popular sport, it set fitness, entertainment and sports in one. It requires the physical quality of athletes, have the courage, tenacity and perseverance of the spirit, can be in a variety of different height and angle of the rock easily stretch, accurate completion of maneuvers, turned; jumping, pull ups, thrilling action. People enjoy a beautiful, breathtaking, so it is also called the rock climbing to the cliffs of the ballet
攀岩运动是一项深受人们欢迎的运动项目,它集健身、娱乐和竞技 于一体。它要求运动员身体素质全面,具备勇敢、顽强和坚韧不拨的 精神,能够在各种不同的高度及角度的岩壁上轻松舒展、准确的完成 腾挪、转身;跳跃、引体等惊 险动作。给人们以优美、惊险的享受, 故又称攀岩为"岩壁上的芭蕾"。
Parkour is a street scurry extreme sports.Parkour movement throughout the city as a training ground, all the walls, roofs have become objects can climb, crossing, especially the abandoned house. Parkour was born in 80 in France, "Parkour" from the French word "parcourir", literal translation is "run everywhere" of course in which meaning is "obstacle course" mean.
Rock climbing:
Rock climbing is a popular sport, it set fitness, entertainment and sports in one. It requires the physical quality of athletes, have the courage, tenacity and perseverance of the spirit, can be in a variety of different height and angle of the rock easily stretch, accurate completion of maneuvers, turned; jumping, pull ups, thrilling action. People enjoy a beautiful, breathtaking, so it is also called the rock climbing to the cliffs of the ballet
攀岩运动是一项深受人们欢迎的运动项目,它集健身、娱乐和竞技 于一体。它要求运动员身体素质全面,具备勇敢、顽强和坚韧不拨的 精神,能够在各种不同的高度及角度的岩壁上轻松舒展、准确的完成 腾挪、转身;跳跃、引体等惊 险动作。给人们以优美、惊险的享受, 故又称攀岩为"岩壁上的芭蕾"。
Parkour is a street scurry extreme sports.Parkour movement throughout the city as a training ground, all the walls, roofs have become objects can climb, crossing, especially the abandoned house. Parkour was born in 80 in France, "Parkour" from the French word "parcourir", literal translation is "run everywhere" of course in which meaning is "obstacle course" mean.

cintakuan anande inteman.
Lorem Ipsum is dolor sita slidera power adus ana but volup dalam
cintakuan anande inteman.
Lorem Ipsum is dolor sita slidera power adus ana but volup dalam
ame lovera don Wakamare Dalam perjalanan cintakura
Perfect Speed
Denima stebus danime lovera don Wakamare dimas quosam santLoirem ipsume koler sita denimastebus danaasl
ame lovera don Wakamare Dalam perjalanan cintakura
Good Speed
Denima stebus danime lovera don Wakamare dimas quosam santLoirem ipsume koler sita denimastebus danaasl
Good Speed
Denima stebus danime lovera don Wakamare dimas quosam santLoirem ipsume koler sita denimastebus danaasl
ame lovera don Wakamare Dalam perjalanan cintakura
Lorem Ipsum is dolor sita slidera power adus ana but volup dalam
cintakuan anande inteman.
Lorem Ipsum is dolor sita slidera power adus ana but volup dalam
ame lovera don Wakamare Dalam perjalanan cintakura
Perfect Speed
Denima stebus danime lovera don Wakamare dimas quosam santLoirem ipsume koler sita denimastebus danaasl
ame lovera don Wakamare Dalam perjalanan cintakura
Good Speed
Denima stebus danime lovera don Wakamare dimas quosam santLoirem ipsume koler sita denimastebus danaasl
Good Speed
Denima stebus danime lovera don Wakamare dimas quosam santLoirem ipsume koler sita denimastebus danaasl
ame lovera don Wakamare Dalam perjalanan cintakura
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Extreme Sports
Reporter: Wang Lili () Members: Yang Yanqiang (2010101046) Cui Yakun () Sun Fengluan () Zhang Chao ()
Do you like running, bicycle-riding , skidding or street-dancing? Then, compared to such ordinary activities, have you ever participated in some fierce sports or games ? what are those?
Supposing you get a chance to learn a special
Kongfu skill, which is your prefer one? Xiuhua-
pine of “Kuihua Baodian”, Duanshi Yiyangzhi?
What about flying and walking on the wall or in
Passion Health Nature Stimulation Dangerous …
Surfing Rock climbing Bungee jumping Air slide ...
Bungee Jumping
Rock Climbing
Skidding of the wheel
ALICE Adventure
Bicycle Riding
If your ever/next action was/will be shocking like that mentioned below? Zhang Jian cross over Qinghai lake
Hu Beilei hitch-hiking home
“Higher, faster and stronger” “Participation, entertainment and bravery”
Compared with the traditional sports (including Olympic events), extreme sports is abundant of self-challenge, Entertainment, technical content and commercial operation. Extreme sports brings us not only crazy, but also more enjoyment of life! Freedom
Of course, there have many soldiers never give up their dream, and they already put these ideas into practices, even though they are out of the age of dreaming .(ha ha …) If you want to know how passionate they are, please follow our wonderful travel in their world.
Did you ever have an adventure experience ? Such as, exploration , DIY tour. (en… it is sure that the thing shouldn’t be as fantastic as the thing faced by harry potter, @-@)
驴友 探险
轮滑 滑雪
你的第一次行动 ,或是下一次行动有他们震撼吗?
但是一些极限运动是极富危险性的,在没有体力支持、技术保 证和安全措施的情况下我们应当理性对待,不要轻易尝试,对自己 和他人的生命负责。如果是为了很崇高的爱情,那你可以不考虑这 句话,因为屋大维说了“生命诚可贵,爱情价更高”。Just a joke!
与传统体育项目(性、观赏刺激性、高科技渗透性、 商业运作性。极限运动带给我们的不只是运动的疯狂,更多 的是对生活的享受!能否用词语形容下你感受到的极限运动。 自由 梦想 激情 健康 自然 刺激 危险 ……
近几十年来,极限运动发展越来越快,项目众多,有些是由已成型 运动转变而来,如极限滑雪由普通滑雪演变而来。而流行更广的是一 些集娱乐,游戏,挑战一体的前卫运动,你知道的有哪些? 冲浪、攀岩、蹦极、空中滑板……
极限运动是人类在与自然的融合过程中,借助于现代高科技手段, 最大限度地发挥自我身心潜能,向自身挑战的娱乐体育运动。 “更高、更快、更强” “参与、娱乐和勇敢精神” 追求在跨越心理障碍时所获得的愉悦感和成就感. 体现了人类返璞归真、 回归自然、保护环境的美好愿望,以及人类追求自由,积极向上的精 神。 因此已被世界各国誉为“未来体育运动”。
However, some extreme sports are very dangerous. If no assurance of physical support, technical assurance and security measures, we should rationally treat them and don’t try it easily, take charge of the life of yours and others. If your do this adventure for your own love, you can ignore the previous attention. because Octavian said “life is precious, and love more.” (Just a joke!)
the air?
What mentioned above are always fairy and fancy, but they are indispensable in our life time from childhood and afterward . Now, Let us hailing these classic literature and figure. All people ,contain You and I , everyone, had or have a dream that becoming a superman or a Kongfu master.
CX——China’s extreme sports The full name of CX is“CHINA X-GAME”,which first organized by the Chinese Extreme Sports Association in 1999.It is the authority of extreme sports event in China.It can be called the carnival event of the extreme sports professionals and enthusiast.
Reporter: Wang Lili () Members: Yang Yanqiang (2010101046) Cui Yakun () Sun Fengluan () Zhang Chao ()
Do you like running, bicycle-riding , skidding or street-dancing? Then, compared to such ordinary activities, have you ever participated in some fierce sports or games ? what are those?
Supposing you get a chance to learn a special
Kongfu skill, which is your prefer one? Xiuhua-
pine of “Kuihua Baodian”, Duanshi Yiyangzhi?
What about flying and walking on the wall or in
Passion Health Nature Stimulation Dangerous …
Surfing Rock climbing Bungee jumping Air slide ...
Bungee Jumping
Rock Climbing
Skidding of the wheel
ALICE Adventure
Bicycle Riding
If your ever/next action was/will be shocking like that mentioned below? Zhang Jian cross over Qinghai lake
Hu Beilei hitch-hiking home
“Higher, faster and stronger” “Participation, entertainment and bravery”
Compared with the traditional sports (including Olympic events), extreme sports is abundant of self-challenge, Entertainment, technical content and commercial operation. Extreme sports brings us not only crazy, but also more enjoyment of life! Freedom
Of course, there have many soldiers never give up their dream, and they already put these ideas into practices, even though they are out of the age of dreaming .(ha ha …) If you want to know how passionate they are, please follow our wonderful travel in their world.
Did you ever have an adventure experience ? Such as, exploration , DIY tour. (en… it is sure that the thing shouldn’t be as fantastic as the thing faced by harry potter, @-@)
驴友 探险
轮滑 滑雪
你的第一次行动 ,或是下一次行动有他们震撼吗?
但是一些极限运动是极富危险性的,在没有体力支持、技术保 证和安全措施的情况下我们应当理性对待,不要轻易尝试,对自己 和他人的生命负责。如果是为了很崇高的爱情,那你可以不考虑这 句话,因为屋大维说了“生命诚可贵,爱情价更高”。Just a joke!
与传统体育项目(性、观赏刺激性、高科技渗透性、 商业运作性。极限运动带给我们的不只是运动的疯狂,更多 的是对生活的享受!能否用词语形容下你感受到的极限运动。 自由 梦想 激情 健康 自然 刺激 危险 ……
近几十年来,极限运动发展越来越快,项目众多,有些是由已成型 运动转变而来,如极限滑雪由普通滑雪演变而来。而流行更广的是一 些集娱乐,游戏,挑战一体的前卫运动,你知道的有哪些? 冲浪、攀岩、蹦极、空中滑板……
极限运动是人类在与自然的融合过程中,借助于现代高科技手段, 最大限度地发挥自我身心潜能,向自身挑战的娱乐体育运动。 “更高、更快、更强” “参与、娱乐和勇敢精神” 追求在跨越心理障碍时所获得的愉悦感和成就感. 体现了人类返璞归真、 回归自然、保护环境的美好愿望,以及人类追求自由,积极向上的精 神。 因此已被世界各国誉为“未来体育运动”。
However, some extreme sports are very dangerous. If no assurance of physical support, technical assurance and security measures, we should rationally treat them and don’t try it easily, take charge of the life of yours and others. If your do this adventure for your own love, you can ignore the previous attention. because Octavian said “life is precious, and love more.” (Just a joke!)
the air?
What mentioned above are always fairy and fancy, but they are indispensable in our life time from childhood and afterward . Now, Let us hailing these classic literature and figure. All people ,contain You and I , everyone, had or have a dream that becoming a superman or a Kongfu master.
CX——China’s extreme sports The full name of CX is“CHINA X-GAME”,which first organized by the Chinese Extreme Sports Association in 1999.It is the authority of extreme sports event in China.It can be called the carnival event of the extreme sports professionals and enthusiast.