Hypatia滑铁卢数学竞赛(Grade 11)-数学Mathematics-2008-试题 exam




Since Bea flies at a constant speed, then the ratio of the two distances equals the ratio of
the corresponding times.
HF 60 minutes 4
Therefore, =
GF 45 minutes 3
(b) Solution 1
Since ∠OP B = 90◦, then OP and P B are perpendicular, so the product of their slopes
is −1.
4−0 4
The slope of OP is
= and the slope of P B is
Since F GH is right-angled at F , then F GH must be similar to a 3-4-5 triangle, and
HG 5
so = .
GF 3
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
©2010 Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing
2010 Euclid Contest Solutions
Page 2
1. (a) Solution 1 Since 3x = 27, then 3x+2 = 3x32 = 27 · 9 = 243.




该竞赛由加拿大Caribou Mathematics Competition组织,每年举办一次。















1. 国际数学奥林匹克(IMO):这是最具权威性的国际中学生数学竞赛之一,每年有来自世界各地的参赛选手。



2. 亚洲太平洋数学奥林匹克(APMO):这是亚太地区最高水平的数学竞赛,每年有来自多个国家和地区的代表队参赛。



3. 英国数学奥林匹克(BMO):这是英国最高水平的数学竞赛,每年有来



4. 罗马尼亚数学奥林匹克(RMO):这是罗马尼亚最高水平的数学竞赛,






























滑铁卢数学竞赛1、21.|x|>3表示的区间是()[单选题] *A.(-∞,3)B.(-3,3)C. [-3,3]D. (-∞,-3)∪(3,+ ∞)(正确答案)2、15.下列数中,是无理数的为()[单选题] *A.-3.14B.6/11C.√3(正确答案)D.03、9.一棵树在离地5米处断裂,树顶落在离树根12米处,问树断之前有多高()[单选题] *A. 17(正确答案)B. 17.5C. 18D. 204、若tan(π-α)>0且cosα>0,则角α的终边在()[单选题] *A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限(正确答案)5、下列说法正确的是[单选题] *A.带“+”号和带“-”号的数互为相反数B.数轴上原点两侧的两个点表示的数是相反数C.和一个点距离相等的两个点所表示的数一定互为相反数D.一个数前面添上“-”号即为原数的相反数(正确答案)6、16、在中,则( ). [单选题] *A. AB<2AC (正确答案)B. AB=2ACC. AB>2ACD. AB与2AC关系不确定7、260°是第()象限角?[单选题] *第一象限第二象限第三象限(正确答案)第四象限8、4.已知两圆的半径分别为3㎝和4㎝,两个圆的圆心距为10㎝,则两圆的位置关系是()[单选题] *A.内切B.相交C.外切D.外离(正确答案)9、下列各角中,是界限角的是()[单选题] *A. 1200°B. -1140°C. -1350°(正确答案)D. 1850°10、下列各对象可以组成集合的是()[单选题] *A、与1非常接近的全体实数B、与2非常接近的全体实数(正确答案)C、高一年级视力比较好的同学D、与无理数相差很小的全体实数11、若2?=a2=4 ?,则a?等于( ) [单选题] *A. 43B. 82C. 83(正确答案)D. 4?12、47、若△ABC≌△DEF,AB=2,AC=4,且△DEF的周长为奇数,则EF的值为()[单选题] *A.3B.4C.1或3D.3或5(正确答案)13、8. 下列事件中,不可能发生的事件是(? ? ).[单选题] *A.明天气温为30℃B.学校新调进一位女教师C.大伟身长丈八(正确答案)D.打开电视机,就看到广告14、3.中国是最早采用正负数表示相反意义的量,并进行负数运算的国家.若零上10℃记作+10℃,则零下10℃可记作()[单选题] *A.10℃B.0℃C.-10 ℃(正确答案)D.-20℃15、19.对于实数a、b、c,“a>b”是“ac2(c平方)>bc2(c平方) ; ”的()[单选题] * A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件(正确答案)C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件16、22.如图棋盘上有黑、白两色棋子若干,找出所有使三颗颜色相同的棋在同一直线上的直线,满足这种条件的直线共有()[单选题] *A.5条(正确答案)B.4条C.3条D.2条17、f(x)=-2x+5在x=1处的函数值为()[单选题] *A、-3B、-4C、5D、3(正确答案)18、10. 如图所示,小明周末到外婆家,走到十字路口处,记不清哪条路通往外婆家,那么他一次选对路的概率是(? ? ?).[单选题] *A.1/2B.1/3(正确答案)C.1/4D.119、15.如图所示,下列数轴的画法正确的是()[单选题] *A.B.C.(正确答案)D.20、-950°是()[单选题] *A. 第一象限角B. 第二象限角(正确答案)C. 第三象限角D. 第四象限角21、1.如图,∠AOB=120°,∠AOC=∠BOC,OM平分∠BOC,则∠AOM的度数为()[单选题] *A.45°B.65°C.75°(正确答案)D.80°22、27.下列计算正确的是()[单选题] *A.(﹣a3)2=a6(正确答案)B.3a+2b=5abC.a6÷a3=a2D.(a+b)2=a2+b223、16.“x2(x平方)-4x-5=0”是“x=5”的( ) [单选题] *A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件(正确答案)C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件24、19.下列两个数互为相反数的是()[单选题] *A.(﹣)和﹣(﹣)B.﹣5和(正确答案)C.π和﹣14D.+20和﹣(﹣20)25、13.在数轴上,下列四个数中离原点最近的数是()[单选题] *A.﹣4(正确答案)B.3C.﹣2D.626、14.命题“?x∈R,?n∈N*,使得n≥x2(x平方)”的否定形式是()[单选题] * A.?x∈R,?n∈N*,使得n<x2B.?x∈R,?x∈N*,使得n<x2C.?x∈R,?n∈N*,使得n<x2D.?x∈R,?n∈N*,使得n<x2(正确答案)27、8.(2020·课标Ⅱ)已知集合U={-2,-1,0,1,2,3},A={-1,0,1},B={1,2},则?U(A∪B)=( ) [单选题] *A.{-2,3}(正确答案)B.{-2,2,3}C.{-2,-1,0,3}D.{-2,-1,0,2,3}28、7人小组选出2名同学作正副组长,共有选法()种。

Fermat滑铁卢数学竞赛(Grade 11)-数学Mathematics-2002-试题 exam

Fermat滑铁卢数学竞赛(Grade 11)-数学Mathematics-2002-试题 exam

Canadian Instituteof Actuaries Chartered AccountantsSybasei Anywhere SolutionsScoring:There is no penalty for an incorrect answer.Each unanswered question is worth 2, to a maximum of 10 unanswered questions.Part A: Each correct answer is worth 5.1.If x =3, the numerical value of 522–x is(A ) –1(B ) 27(C ) –13(D )–31(E ) 32.332232++ is equal to(A ) 3(B ) 6(C ) 2(D )32(E ) 53.If it is now 9:04 a.m., in 56 hours the time will be(A ) 9:04 a.m.(B ) 5:04 p.m.(C ) 5:04 a.m.(D ) 1:04 p.m.(E ) 1:04 a.m.4.Which one of the following statements is not true?(A ) 25 is a perfect square.(B ) 31 is a prime number.(C ) 3 is the smallest prime number.(D ) 8 is a perfect cube.(E ) 15 is the product of two prime numbers.5. A rectangular picture of Pierre de Fermat, measuring 20 cmby 40 cm, is positioned as shown on a rectangular postermeasuring 50 cm by 100 cm. What percentage of the areaof the poster is covered by the picture?(A ) 24%(B ) 16%(C ) 20%(D ) 25%(E ) 40%6.Gisa is taller than Henry but shorter than Justina. Ivan is taller than Katie but shorter than Gisa. Thetallest of these five people is(A ) Gisa (B ) Henry (C ) Ivan (D ) Justina (E ) Katie7. A rectangle is divided into four smaller rectangles. Theareas of three of these rectangles are 6, 15 and 25, as shown.The area of the shaded rectangle is(A ) 7(B ) 15(C ) 12(D ) 16(E) 108.In the diagram, ABCD and DEFG are squares with equal side lengths, and ∠=°DCE 70. The value of y is (A ) 120(B ) 160(C ) 130(D ) 110(E ) 1409.The numbers 1 through 20 are written on twenty golf balls, with one number on each ball. The golfballs are placed in a box, and one ball is drawn at random. If each ball is equally likely to be drawn,what is the probability that the number on the golf ball drawn is a multiple of 3?(A )320(B )620(C )1020(D )520(E )12010.ABCD is a square with AB x =+16 and BC x =3, as shown.The perimeter of ABCD is(A ) 16(B ) 32(C ) 96(D ) 48(E ) 24Part B: Each correct answer is worth 6.11. A line passing through the points 02,−() and 10,() also passes through the point 7,b (). The numericalvalue of b is(A ) 12(B )92(C ) 10(D ) 5(E ) 1412.How many three-digit positive integers are perfect squares?(A ) 23(B ) 22(C ) 21(D ) 20(E ) 1913. A “double-single” number is a three-digit number made up of two identical digits followed by adifferent digit. For example, 553 is a double-single number. How many double-single numbers are there between 100 and 1000?(A ) 81(B ) 18(C ) 72(D ) 64(E ) 9014.The natural numbers from 1 to 2100 are entered sequentially in 7 columns, with the first 3 rows asshown. The number 2002 occurs in column m and row n . The value of m n + isColumn 1Column 2Column 3Column 4Column 5Column 6Column 7Row 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Row 2 8 91011121314Row 315161718192021M M M M M M M M(A ) 290(B ) 291(C ) 292(D ) 293(E ) 294x + 163xA BD C15.In a sequence of positive numbers, each term after the first two terms is the sum of all of the previousterms . If the first term is a ,the second term is 2, and the sixth term is 56, then the value of a is(A ) 1(B ) 2(C ) 3(D ) 4(E ) 516.If ac ad bc bd +++=68 and c d +=4, what is the value of a b c d +++?(A ) 17(B ) 85(C ) 4(D ) 21(E ) 6417.The average age of a group of 140 people is 24. If the average age of the males in the group is 21 andthe average age of the females is 28, how many females are in the group?(A ) 90(B ) 80(C ) 70(D ) 60(E ) 5018. A rectangular piece of paper AECD has dimensions 8 cm by 11 cm. Corner E is folded onto point F , which lies on DC ,as shown. The perimeter of trapezoid ABCD is closest to (A ) 33.3 cm (B ) 30.3 cm (C ) 30.0 cm(D ) 41.3 cm (E ) 35.6 cm 19.If 238610a b =(), where a and b are integers, then b a − equals(A ) 0(B ) 23(C )−13(D )−7(E )−320.In the diagram, YQZC is a rectangle with YC =8 and CZ = 15. Equilateral triangles ABC and PQR , each withside length 9, are positioned as shown with R and B on sidesYQ and CZ , respectively. The length of AP is (A ) 10(B )117(C ) 9(D ) 8(E )72Part C: Each correct answer is worth 8.21.If 31537521219⋅⋅⋅⋅+−=L n n , then the value of n is(A ) 38(B ) 1(C ) 40(D ) 4(E ) 3922.The function f x () has the property that f x y f x f y xy +()=()+()+2, for all positive integers x and y .If f 14()=, then the numerical value of f 8() is(A ) 72(B ) 84(C ) 88(D ) 64(E ) 80continued ...Figure 1Figure 223.The integers from 1 to 9 are listed on a blackboard. If an additional m eights and k nines are added tothe list, the average of all of the numbers in the list is 7.3. The value of k m + is(A ) 24(B ) 21(C ) 11(D ) 31(E ) 8924. A student has two open-topped cylindrical containers. (Thewalls of the two containers are thin enough so that theirwidth can be ignored.) The larger container has a height of20 cm, a radius of 6 cm and contains water to a depth of 17cm. The smaller container has a height of 18 cm, a radius of5 cm and is empty. The student slowly lowers the smallercontainer into the larger container, as shown in the cross-section of the cylinders in Figure 1. As the smaller container is lowered, the water first overflows out of the larger container (Figure 2) and then eventually pours into thesmaller container. When the smaller container is resting onthe bottom of the larger container, the depth of the water in the smaller container will be closest to(A ) 2.82 cm (B ) 2.84 cm (C ) 2.86 cm(D ) 2.88 cm (E ) 2.90 cm25.The lengths of all six edges of a tetrahedron are integers. The lengths of five of the edges are 14, 20,40, 52, and 70. The number of possible lengths for the sixth edge is(A ) 9(B ) 3(C ) 4(D ) 5(E ) 6。

Cayley滑铁卢数学竞赛(Grade 10)-数学Mathematics-1998-试题 exam

Cayley滑铁卢数学竞赛(Grade 10)-数学Mathematics-1998-试题 exam

Chartered Accountants SybaseInc. (Waterloo) IBMCanada Ltd.Canadian Institute of ActuariesDo not open the contest booklet until you are told to do so.You may use rulers, compasses and paper for rough work.Calculators are permitted, providing they are non-programmable and without graphic displays.Part A: Each question is worth 5 credits.1.The value of 03012..()+ is(A ) 0.7(B ) 1(C ) 0.1(D ) 0.19(E ) 0.1092.The pie chart shows a percentage breakdown of 1000 votesin a student election. How many votes did Sue receive?(A ) 550(B ) 350(C ) 330(D ) 450(E ) 9353.The expression a a a 9153× is equal to(A ) a 45(B ) a 8(C ) a 18(D ) a 14(E ) a 214.The product of two positive integers p and q is 100. What is the largest possible value of p q +?(A ) 52(B ) 101(C ) 20(D ) 29(E ) 255.In the diagram, ABCD is a rectangle with DC =12. If the area of triangle BDC is 30, what is the perimeter ofrectangle ABCD ?(A ) 34(B ) 44(C ) 30(D ) 29(E ) 606.If x =2 is a solution of the equation qx –311=, the value of q is (A ) 4(B ) 7(C ) 14(D ) –7(E ) –47.In the diagram, AB is parallel to CD . What is the value ofy ?(A ) 75(B ) 40(C ) 35(D ) 55(E ) 508.The vertices of a triangle have coordinates 11,(), 71,() and 53,(). What is the area of this triangle?(A ) 12(B ) 8(C ) 6(D ) 7(E ) 99.The number in an unshaded square is obtained by adding thenumbers connected to it from the row above. (The ‘11’ is one such number.) The value of x must be (A ) 4(B ) 6(C ) 9(D ) 15(E) 10Scoring:There is no penalty for an incorrect answer.Each unanswered question is worth 2 credits, to a maximum of 20 credits.A BCD DAC B10.The sum of the digits of a five-digit positive integer is 2. (A five-digit integer cannot start with zero.)The number of such integers is(A ) 1(B ) 2(C ) 3(D ) 4(E ) 5Part B: Each question is worth 6 credits.11.If x y z ++=25, x y +=19 and y z +=18, then y equals(A ) 13(B ) 17(C ) 12(D ) 6(E ) –612. A regular pentagon with centre C is shown. The value of xis(A ) 144(B ) 150(C ) 120(D ) 108(E ) 7213.If the surface area of a cube is 54, what is its volume?(A ) 36(B ) 9(C ) 8138(D ) 27(E ) 162614.The number of solutions x y ,() of the equation 3100x y +=, where x and y are positive integers, is(A ) 33(B ) 35(C ) 100(D ) 101(E ) 9715.If y –55= and 28x =, then x y + equals(A ) 13(B ) 28(C ) 3316.Rectangle ABCDhas length 9 and width 5. Diagonal is divided into 5 equal parts at W , X , Y , and Z area of the shaded region.(A ) 36(B ) 365(C ) 18(D ) 41065(E ) 2106517.If N p q =()()()+75243 is a perfect cube, where p and q are positive integers, the smallest possible valueof p q + is(A ) 5(B ) 2(C ) 8(D ) 6(E ) 1218.Q is the point of intersection of the diagonals of one face ofa cube whose edges have length 2 units. The length of QRis(A ) 2(B ) 8(C ) 5(D ) 12(E ) 619.Mr. Anderson has more than 25 students in his class. He has more than 2 but fewer than 10 boys andmore than 14 but fewer than 23 girls in his class. How many different class sizes would satisfy these conditions?(A ) 5(B ) 6(C ) 7(D ) 3(E ) 420.Each side of square ABCD is 8. A circle is drawn through A and D so that it is tangent to BC . What is the radius of thiscircle?(A ) 4(B ) 5(C ) 6(D ) 42(E ) 5.25Part C: Each question is worth 8 credits.21.When Betty substitutes x =1 into the expression ax x c 32–+ its value is –5. When she substitutesx =4 the expression has value 52. One value of x that makes the expression equal to zero is(A ) 2(B ) 52(C ) 3(D ) 72(E ) 422. A wheel of radius 8 rolls along the diameter of a semicircleof radius 25 until it bumps into this semicircle. What is thelength of the portion of the diameter that cannot be touchedby the wheel?(A ) 8(B ) 12(C ) 15(D ) 17(E ) 2023.There are four unequal, positive integers a , b , c , and N such that N a b c =++535. It is also true thatN a b c =++454 and N is between 131 and 150. What is the value of a b c ++?(A ) 13(B ) 17(C ) 22(D ) 33(E ) 3624.Three rugs have a combined area of 2002m . By overlapping the rugs to cover a floor area of 1402m ,the area which is covered by exactly two layers of rug is 242m . What area of floor is covered by three layers of rug?(A ) 122m (B ) 182m (C ) 242m (D) 362m (E ) 422m 25.One way to pack a 100 by 100 square with 10000 circles, each of diameter 1, is to put them in 100rows with 100 circles in each row. If the circles are repacked so that the centres of any three tangent circles form an equilateral triangle, what is the maximum number of additional circles that can be packed?(A ) 647(B ) 1442(C ) 1343(D) 1443(E ) 1344。



1 2
− ∠DBA)
1 2

We calculate the length of AD.
Method 1
By the Sine Law in DBA, we have
sin(∠DBA) sin(∠BDA)
6 sin(30◦)
4. (a) We consider choosing the three numbers all at once. We list the possible sets of three numbers that can be chosen:
{1, 2, 3} {1, 2, 4} {1, 2, 5} {1, 3, 4} {1, 3, 5} {1, 4, 5} {2, 3, 4} {2, 3, 5} {2, 4, 5} {3, 4, 5}
∠B C D)
1 2

Therefore, BCD is equilateral, and so BD = BC = CD = 6.
Consider DBA.
Note that ∠DBA = 90◦ − ∠CBD = 90◦ − 60◦ = 30◦.
∠ADC = 360◦ − ∠ADB − ∠CDB = 360◦ − 130◦ − 150◦ = 80◦ .
(c) By the Pythag√orean Theorem in EAD, we have EA2 +AD2 = ED2 or 122 +AD2 = 132, and so AD = 169 − 144 = 5, since AD > 0. By the Pythag√orean Theorem in ACD, we have AC2 + CD2 = AD2 or AC2 + 42 = 52, and so AC = 25 − 16 = 3, since AC > 0. (We could also have determined the lengths of AD and AC by recognizing 3-4-5 and 5-12-13 right-angled triangles.) By the Pythag√orean The√orem in ABC, we have AB2 + BC2 = AC2 or AB2 + 22 = 32, and so AB = 9 − 4 = 5, since AB > 0.



欧几里得数学竞赛(Euclid Mathematics Contest)是由加拿大滑铁卢大学的数学院(Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing, CEMC)主办的一项国际性高中数学竞赛。

Certificate of Distinction:颁发给在全球参赛者中排名前25%的学生。

Contest Medal:由CEMC决定,通常授予每个学校表现最优秀的学生。

Honour Rolls:根据成绩分设不同的荣誉榜,如全国荣誉榜、省级荣誉榜等。







( x – 2)( x + 1) = 0
∴ x = 2 or x = –1
Solution 2 1 6 x2 – x – 6 1– – 2 = x x x2 x 2 – x – 2) – 4 ( = x2 –4 2 2 (since x – x – 2 = 0 ) x 2 But x – x – 2 = ( x – 2)( x + 1) = 0 ∴ x = 2 or x = –1. x = –1, Substituting x = 2, or –4 –4 = 4 1 = –1. = –4 =
–1 O
Solution 3 Let the equation of the parabola be y = a( x + 2)2 + c . Since (0, 6) is on parabola, 6 = 4 a + c , and ( –1, 0) is on parabola, 0 = a + c . Solving, a = 2, c = – 2. ∴ Equation is y = 2( x + 2)2 – 2 . 3. (a) How many equilateral triangles of side 1 cm, placed as shown in the diagram, are needed to completely cover the interior of an equilateral triangle of side 10 cm?
If the point P( – 3, 2) is on the line 3 x + 7ky = 5 , what is the value of k? Solution Since P is on the line, its coordinates must satisfy the equation of the line. Thus, 3( – 3) + 7k (2) = 5 14 k = 14 k =1



滑铁卢数学竞赛年1月10日更新这篇主要来介绍一下滑铁卢系列数学竞赛,下面是该项赛事的特点以及备考建议:【特点】(1)全年龄段,从7年级到12年级都有,建议参加12年级Euclid 竞赛;(2)全球统考,高含金量,对于申请有帮助;(2)有些比赛项目并不是选择题,是填空、简答题,对于英语表达有一定要求;(3)难度相对比较小,获个奖比较容易;【建议】做真题!做真题!做真题!真题网址:下面是Waterloo数学竞赛的详细介绍以及21年Euclid真题卷:滑铁卢大学始建于1957年,在加拿大最权威的教育杂志Maclean's (麦克林)的排名榜上,连续五年综合排名第一第二。









滑铁卢数学竞赛高中试题一、选择题1. 已知函数\( f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c \),其中\( a, b, c \)为实数,且\( f(1) = 2 \),\( f(-1) = 0 \),\( f(2) = 6 \)。

求\( a \)的值。

2. 一个圆的半径为5,圆心位于原点,求圆上点\( P(3,4) \)到圆心的距离。

3. 若\( \sin(\alpha + \beta) = \frac{1}{2} \),\( \cos(\alpha + \beta) = \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} \),且\( \alpha \)在第二象限,\( \beta \)在第一象限,求\( \sin(\alpha) \)的值。

二、填空题1. 计算\( \int_{0}^{1} x^2 dx \)。

2. 若\( \log_{2}8 = n \),则\( n \)的值为______。

3. 一个等差数列的前三项分别为2,5,8,求该数列的第10项。

三、解答题1. 证明:对于任意正整数\( n \),\( 1^3 + 2^3 + ... + n^3 =\frac{n^2(n+1)^2}{4} \)。

2. 一个矩形的长是宽的两倍,若矩形的周长为24,求矩形的面积。

3. 已知一个等比数列的前三项分别为3,9,27,求该数列的第5项。

四、应用题1. 一个工厂每天生产相同数量的零件,如果每天生产100个零件,工厂可以在30天内完成订单。



2. 一个圆环的外圆半径是内圆半径的两倍,且圆环的面积为π。


五、证明题1. 证明:对于任意实数\( x \),\( \cos(x) + \cos(2x) + \cos(3x) \)可以表示为一个单一的余弦函数。

六、开放性问题1. 考虑一个无限大的棋盘,每个格子可以放置一个硬币。


























If f (k) = k , then k2 – 3k – 5 = k
k2 – 4k – 5 = 0
(k – 5)(k + 1) = 0
k = 5 or k = –1.
(c) Determine all (x, y) such that x2 + y2 = 25 and x – y = 1.
Therefore BC = 59 m to the nearest metre.
Solution 2
Since QR AC, ∠QRP = ∠ BAC (alternating angles).
This means ∆ ABC ~ ∆ RPQ (two equal angles).
By Pythagoras, PR2 = QP2 + QR2
2. (a) The vertex of the parabola y = (x – b)2 + b + h has coordinates (2, 5). What is the value of h?
Solution Since the x-coordinate of the vertex is 2, then b = 2. Since the y-coordinate of the vertex is 5, then b + h = 5. Since b = 2, then h = 3.
Let n be the smallest integer in one of these sequences.
So we want to solve the equation n2 + (n + 1)2 + (n + 2)2 = (n + 3)2 + (n + 4)2 (translating the



2014-2012加拿⼤滑铁卢⼤学11年级数学竞赛试题1.For real numbers a and b with a≥0and b≥0,the operation is de?ned bya b=√For example,5 1=5+4(1)=√9=3.(a)What is the value of8 7?(b)If16 n=10,what is the value of n?(c)Determine the value of(9 18) 10.(d)With justi?cation,determine all possible values of k such that k k=k.2.Each week,the MathTunes Music Store releases a list of the Top200songs.A newsong“Recursive Case”is released in time to make it onto the Week1list.The song’s position,P,on the list in a certain week,w,is given by the equation P=3w2?36w+110.The week number w is always a positive integer.(a)What position does the song have on week1?(b)Artists want their song to reach the best position possible.The closer that theposition of a song is to position#1,the better the position.(i)What is the best position that the song“Recursive Case”reaches?(ii)On what week does this song reach its best position?(c)What is the last week that“Recursive Case”appears on the Top200list?3.A pyramid ABCDE has a square base ABCD of side length 20.Vertex E lies on theline perpendicular to the base that passes through F ,the centre of the base ABCD .It is given that EA =EB =EC =ED = 18.(a)Determine the surface area of the pyramidABCDEincluding its base.(b)Determine the height EF of the pyramid.A B C D EF 2018(c)G and H are the midpoints of ED and EA ,respectively.Determine the area of thequadrilateral BCGH .4.The triple ofpositive integers (x,y,z )is called an Almost Pythagorean Triple (or APT)if x >1and y >1and x 2+y 2=z 2+1.For example, (5,5,7)is an APT.(a)Determine the values of y and z so that (4,y,z )is an APT.(b)Prove that for any triangle whose side lengths form an APT,the area of thetriangle is not an integer.(c)Determine two 5-tuples (b,c,p,q,r )of positive integers with p ≥100for which(5t +p,bt +q,ct +r )is an APT for all positive integers t .1.At the JK Mall grand opening,some lucky shoppers are able to participate in a moneygiveaway.A large box has been?lled with many$5,$10,$20,and$50bills.The lucky shopper reaches into the box and is allowed to pull out one handful of bills.(a)Rad pulls out at least two bills of each type and his total sum of money is$175.What is the total number of bills that Rad pulled out?(b)Sandy pulls out exactly?ve bills and notices that she has at least one bill of eachtype.What are the possible sums of money that Sandy could have?(c)Lino pulls out six or fewer bills and his total sum of money is$160.There areexactly four possibilities for the number of each type of bill that Lino could have.Determine these four possibilities.2.A parabola has equation y=(x?3)2+1.(a)What are the coordinates of the vertex of the parabola?(b)A new parabola is created by translating the original parabola3units to the leftand3units up.What is the equation of the translated parabola?(c)Determine the coordinates of the point of intersection of these two parabolas.(d)The parabola with equation y=ax2+4,a<0,touches the parabola withequation y=(x?3)2+1at exactly one point.Determine the value of a.3.A sequence of m P’s and n Q’s with m>n is called non-predictive if there is some pointin the sequence where the number of Q’s counted from the left is greater than or equal to the number of P’s counted from the left.For example,if m=5and n=2the sequence PPQQPPP is non-predictive because in counting the?rst four letters from the left,the number of Q’s is equal to the number of P’s.Also,the sequence QPPPQPP is non-predictive because in counting the? rst letterfrom the left,the number of Q’s is greater than the number ofP’s.(a)If m=7and n=2,determine the number of non-predictive sequences that beginwith P.(b)Suppose that n=2.Show that for every m>2,the number of non-predictivesequences that begin with P is equal to the number of non-predictive sequences that begin with Q.(c)Determine the number of non-predictive sequences with m=10and n=3.4.(a)Twenty cubes,each with edge length1cm,are placed together in4rows of5.What isthe surface area of this rectangularprism?(b)A number of cubes,each with edge length1cm,are arranged to form a rectangularprism having height1cm and a surface area of180cm2.Determine the number of cubes in the rectangular prism.(c)A number of cubes,each with edge length1cm,are arranged to form a rectangularprism having length l cm,width w cm,and thickness1cm.A frame is formed byremoving a rectangular prism with thickness 1cm located k cm from each of the sides of the original rectangular prism,as shown. Each of l,w and k is a positive integer.If the frame has surface area532cm2,determine all possible values for l and w such that l≥w.l cmw cmk cmk cmk cmk cm1 cm1.Quadrilateral P QRS is constructed with QR =51,as shown.The diagonals of P QRS intersect at 90?at point T ,such that P T =32and QT =24.322451P QRST (a)Calculate the length of P Q.(b)Calculate the area of P QR .(c)If QS :P R =12:11,determine the perimeter of quadrilateral P QRS .2.(a)Determine the value of (a +b )2,given that a 2+b 2=24and ab =6.(b)If (x +y )2=13and x 2+y 2=7,determine the value of xy .(c)If j +k =6and j 2+k 2=52,determine the value of jk .(d)If m 2+n 2=12and m 4+n 4=136,determine all possible values of mn .3.(a)Points M (12,14)and N (n,n 2)lie on theparabola with equation y =x 2,as shown.Determine the value of n such that∠MON =90?.yx(b)Points A (2,4)and B (b,b 2)are the endpointsofa chord of the parabola with equationy =x 2,as shown.Determine the value of bso that ∠ABO =90?.y x(c)Right-angled triangle P QR is inscribed inthe parabola with equation y =x 2,asshown.Points P,Q and R have coordinates(p,p 2),(q,q 2)and (r,r 2),respectively.If p ,qand r are integers,show that 2q +p +r =0.y x4.The positive divisors of 21are 1,3,7and 21.Let S (n )be the sum of the positive divisors of the positive integer n .For example,S (21)=1+3+7+21=32.(a)If p is an odd prime integer,?nd the value of p such that S (2p 2)=2613.(b)The consecutive integers 14and 15have the property that S (14)=S (15).Determine all pairs of consecutive integers m and n such that m =2p and n =9q for prime integers p,q >3,and S (m )=S (n ).(c)Determine the number of pairs of distinct prime integers p and q ,each less than 30,with the property that S (p 3q )is not divisible by 24.。















Fryer滑铁卢数学竞赛(Grade 9)-数学Mathematics-2012-试题 exam

Fryer滑铁卢数学竞赛(Grade 9)-数学Mathematics-2012-试题 exam

1.(a)In Carrotford,candidate A ran for mayor and received 1008votes out of a totalof 5600votes.What percentage of all votes did candidate A receive?(b)In Beetland,exactly three candidates,B,C and D,ran for mayor.Candidate Bwon the election by receiving 35of all votes,while candidates C and D tied withthe same number of votes.What percentage of all votes did candidate C receive?(c)In Cabbagetown,exactly two candidates,E and F,ran for mayor and 6000votes were cast.At 10:00p.m.,only 90%of these votes had been counted.Candidate E received 53%of those votes.How many more votes had been countedfor candidate E than for candidate F at 10:00p.m.?(d)In Peaville,exactly three candidates,G,H and J,ran for mayor.When all of thevotes were counted,G had received 2000votes,H had received 40%of the votes,and J had received 35%of the votes.How many votes did candidate H receive?2.The prime factorization of 144is 2×2×2×2×3×3or 24×32.Therefore,144is a perfect square because it can be written in the form (22×3)×(22×3).The prime factorization of 45is 32×5.Therefore,45is not a perfect square,but 45×5is a perfect square,because 45×5=32×52=(3×5)×(3×5).(a)Determine the prime factorization of 112.(b)The product 112×u is a perfect square.If u is a positive integer,what is thesmallest possible value of u ?(c)The product 5632×v is a perfect square.If v is a positive integer,what is thesmallest possible value of v ?(d)A perfect cube is an integer that can be written in the form n 3,where n is aninteger.For example,8is a perfect cube since 8=23.The product 112×w is aperfect cube.If w is a positive integer,what is the smallest possible value of w ?3.The positive integers are arranged in rows and columns,as shown,and described below.A B C D E F GRow1123456Row2121110987Row3131415161718Row4242322212019...The odd numbered rows list six positive integers in order from left to right beginning in column B.The even numbered rows list six positive integers in order from right toleft beginning in columnF.(a)Determine the largest integer in row30.(b)Determine the sum of the six integers in row2012.(c)Determine the row and column in which the integer5000appears.(d)For how many rows is the sum of the six integers in the row greater than10000and less than20000?4.The volume of a cylinder with radius r and height h equalsπr2h.The volume of a sphere with radius r equals43πr3.(a)The diagram shows a sphere thatfits exactlyinside a cylinder.That is,the top and bottomfaces of the cylinder touch the sphere,and thecylinder and the sphere have the same radius,r.State an equation relating the height of thecylinder,h,to the radius of the sphere,r.(b)Forthe cylinder and sphere given in part(a),determine the volume of the cylinder if the volume of the sphere is288π.(c)A solid cube with edges of length1km isfixed in outer space.Darla,the babyspace ant,travels on this cube and in the space around(but not inside)this cube.If Darla is allowed to travel no farther than1km from the nearest point on the cube,then determine the total volume of space that Darla can occupy.Fryer Contest(English) 2012。



9559 = (100 + 21)(100 − 21) = 121 · 79 Therefore, (a, b) = (121, 79) satisfies the conditions. (In addition, the pairs (a, b) = (79, 121), (869, 11), (11, 869) satisfy the conditions. The last two of these pairs cannot be obtained in the same way.) 3. (a) The area of quadrilateral ABCD is the sum of the areas of ABC and ACD. 1 1 Since ABC is right-angled at B , its area equals 2 (AB )(BC ) = 2 (3)(4) = 6. Since ABC is right-angled at B , then by the Pythagorean Theorem, √ √ √ AC = AB 2 + BC 2 = 32 + 42 = 25 = 5 because AC > 0. (We could have also observed that ABC must be a “3-4-5” triangle.) Since ACD is right-angled at A, then by the Pythagorean Theorem, √ √ √ AD = CD2 − AC 2 = 132 − 52 = 144 = 12 because AD > 0. (We could have also observed that ACD must be a “5-12-13” triangle.) 1 (AC )(AD) = 2 (5)(12) = 30. Thus, the area of ACD equals 1 2 Finally, the area of quadrilateral ABCD is thus 6 + 30 = 36. (b) Let the width of each of the identical rectangles be a. In other words, QP = RS = T W = W X = U V = V Y = a. Let the height of each of the identical rectangles be b. In other words, QR = P S = T U = W V = XY = b. The perimeter of the whole shape equals QP + P S + SX + XY + V Y + U V + T U + T R + QR Substituting for known lengths, we obtain a + b + SX + b + a + a + b + T R + b or 3a + 4b + (SX + T R). But SX + T R = (T R + RS + SX ) − RS = (T W + W X ) − RS = a + a − a = a. Therefore, the perimeter of the whole shape equals 4a + 4b. The perimeter of one rectangle is 2a + 2b, which we are told equals 21 cm. Finally, the perimeter of the whole shape is thus 2(2a + 2b) which equals 42 cm. (c) Solution 1 Suppose that the rectangular prism has dimensions a cm by b cm by c cm. Suppose further that one of the faces that is a cm by b cm is the face with area 27 cm2 and that one of the faces that is a cm by c cm is the face with area 32 cm2 . (Since every pair of non-congruent faces shares exactly one side length, there is no loss of generality in picking these particular variables for these faces.) Therefore, ab = 27 and ac = 32. Further, we are told that the volume of the prism is 144 cm3 , and so abc = 144.


























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2008Hypatia Contest(Grade11)
1.For numbers a and b,the notation a∇b means2a+b2+ab.
For example,1∇2=2(1)+22+(1)(2)=8.
(a)Determine the value of3∇2.
(b)If x∇(−1)=8,determine the value of x.
(c)If4∇y=20,determine the two possible values of y.
(d)If(w−2)∇w=14,determine all possible values of w.
2.(a)Determine the equation of the line through the points A(7,8)and B(9,0).
(b)Determine the coordinates of P,the point of intersection of the line y=2x−10and the
line through A and B.
(c)Is P closer to A or to B?Explain how you obtained your answer.
3.In the diagram,ABCD is a trapezoid with AD parallel to BC and
BC perpendicular to AB.Also,AD=6,AB=20,and BC=30.
(a)Determine the area of trapezoid ABCD.
(b)There is a point K on AB such that the area of KBC
equals the area of quadrilateral KADC.Determine the length of BK.
(c)There is a point M on DC such that the area of MBC
equals the area of quadrilateral MBAD.Determine the length of MC.
4.The peizi-sum of a sequence a1,a2,a3,...,a n is formed by adding the products of all of the
pairs of distinct terms in the sequence.For example,the peizi-sum of the sequence a1,a2,a3,a4 is a1a2+a1a3+a1a4+a2a3+a2a4+a3a4.
(a)The peizi-sum of the sequence2,3,x,2x is−7.Determine the possible values of x.
(b)A sequence has100terms.Of these terms,m are equal to1and n are equal to−1.The
rest of the terms are equal to2.Determine,in terms of m and n,the number of pairs of distinct terms that have a product of1.
(c)A sequence has100terms,with each term equal to either2or−1.Determine,with
the minimum possible peizi-sum of the sequence.。
