





























由于设计和制作增益高, 选择性好, 工作频率较原载频低的固定中频放大器比较容易, 所以采用混频方式可大大提高接收机的性能。


关键词:MATLAB,模拟乘法器,混频电路DESING OF MIXER BASED ON THE ANALOG MULTIPLIER MC1496AbstractAfter the integrated operational amplifier in the integrated analog multiplier is one of the most common analog integrated circuit, is a kind of multi-purpose linear integrated circuits.Modulator can be used as a broadband, suppressed carrier bilateral balance, don't need coupling transformeror tuned circuit, also can be used as a high-performance SSB multiplication detector, AM, FM demodulator, mixer/modem modulation, frequency multiplier, and phase discriminator, combiningit with amplifier can also do many mathematical operation, such as multiplication, division, chengfang, root, etc.This design mainly used integrated analog multiplier MC1496 achieve above functions. Analog multiplier is the main technique index quadrant, linearity and feed through work.Work quadrant refers to allow the input variable symbol scope.Only allow both ux and uy positive multiplier is called a quadrant, and allow the ux and uy can take the positive and negative is known as the four quadrants.Linearity refers to the multiplication of the input voltage and output voltage uo ux (or uy) into linear degree.Feed through degree is refers to the two input signals of ais equal to zero, the other in the size of the output terminal output.Mixing is the carrier for the high frequency modulated signal, no distortion for the carrier to transform to the middle of the modulated signal, must be kept in (1) modulation type, modulation parameters are the same, namely the original modulation law remains the same.The phase of each frequency component of the spectrum structure remains the same, (2) the size and the spacing between the same.Due to the design and production of high gain, good selectivity, and working frequency was lower than those of the original carrier frequency fixed intermediate frequency amplifier is easy, so the mixing method can greatly improve the performance of the receiver.This design is the use of simulation software, using analog multiplier to realize mixing circuit..Key words:MA TLAB, Analog multiplier, mixing circuit1.绪论混频技术在高频电子线路和无线电技术中应用的相当广泛。



信息系统综合设计报告书课题名称集成模拟乘法器的设计及应用 姓 名 学 号 院、系、部电气工程系 专 业电子信息工程 指导教师石家庄铁道大学四方学院2011年12月30日 ※※※※※※※※※※※ ※※※※ ※※※※※※※※※ 2008级信息系统综合设计集成模拟乘法器的设计及应用一、设计目的掌握集成模拟乘法器(MC1496)的基本工作原理及构成的振幅调制、同步检波电路的原理。






其内部电路如图1.(a)所示,其中 V7、R1、V8、R2、V9、R3和R5等组成多路电流源电路,V7、R5、R1为电流源的基准电路,V8、V9分别供给V5、V6管恒值电流I0/2,R5为外接电阻,可用以调节I0/2的大小。

由V5、V6 两管的发射极引出接线端2和3,外接电阻RY ,利用RY 的负反馈作用,以扩大输入电压U2的动态范围。

Rc 为外接负载电阻。

根据差分电路的基本工作原理,可以得到)2/(1521T c c c U u th i i i =- (1.1.1))2/(1631T c c c U u th i i i =- (1.1.2))2/(2065T c c U u th I i i =- (1.1.3)式中 ic1、ic2、ic3、ic4、ic5、ic6 分别是三极管V1、V2、V3、V4、V5、V6 的集电集电流。





在通信系统及高频电子技术中应用最广的乘法器有两种,一种是二极管平衡相乘器,另一种是由双极型或 MOS 器件构成的四象限模拟相乘器。






常用的集成化模拟乘法器的产品有 BG314 、MC1494L/MC1594L 、MC1495L/MC1595L 、XR-2208/XR2208M 、AD530 、AD532 、AD533 、A D534 、AD632 、BB4213 、BB421等。

相乘器的基本特性及实现方法:若输入信号分别用v 1 ( t ) 和v 2 ( t ) 表示,输出信号用v o ( t ) 表示,则理想模拟乘法器的传输特性方程可表示为v o ( t )= K v 1 ( t ) v 2 ( t ) (4-18)式中,K 是乘法器的比例系数或增益系数。

该式表明,对一个理想的相乘器,其输出电压的瞬时值v o ( t ) 仅与两个输入电压在同一时刻的瞬时值v 1 ( t ) 和v 2 ( t ) 的乘积成正比,而不包含任何其它分量。

输入电压v 1 ( t ) 和v 2 ( t ) 可以是任意的,即其波形、幅度、极性和频率 ( 包括直流 ) 均不受限制。




由式(4.3.1)可知, I0(t)与g(t)均是与u2无关的参数, 故iC与 u2可看成一种线性关系, 但是I0(t)与g(t)又是随时间变化的, 所以将这种工作状态称为线性时变工作状态。
若u1=Um1cosω1t, u2=Um2cos ω2t, 由图4.3.1可以看出, 在 周期性电压UQ+Um1cos·ω1t 作用下, g(t)也是周期性变化的,
对于变容二极管, 它的库伏特性不仅是一条曲线, 而且 它的法伏特性在C-u平面上也是一条曲线, 其表达式如第4章 (4.4.1)式所示。
由图例4.2可见, 当u=-UQ+Uscosωst时, 结电容Cj是一个 周期性的略为失真的余弦函数, 故可展开为傅里叶级数 Cj=C0+ cos nωst。将此式和u的表达式一起代入式(4.2.4), 可以求得i=-ωs
如果u2u1, 则可以认为晶体管的工作状态主要由UQ与u1
级数, 可以得到:
=f(UQ+u1)+f′(UQ+u1)u2+ (UQ+u1)un2+…
f″(UQ+u1)u22+…+ f(n)
因为u2很小, 故可以忽略u2的二次及以上各次谐波分量, 由此简化为:
虽然在线性放大电路里也使用了晶体管这一非线性器 件, 但是必须采取一些措施来尽量避免或消除它的非线性效 应或频率变换效应, 而主要利用它的电流放大作用。 例如, 使小信号放大电路工作在晶体管非线性特性中的线性范围 内, 在丙类谐振功放中利用选频网络取出输入信号中才有的 有用频率分量而滤除其它无用的频率分量, 等等。


ωs >> Ω
UΩm 调 系 : = 幅 数 m Usm
调 波 uo =Usm ( + mcosΩ )cosωst 幅 : 1 t
=Usm cosωst + m sm cosΩ cosωst U t 1 =Usm cosωst + m sm cos( s +Ω t U ) ω 2 1 + m sm cos( s −Ω t U ω ) 2
2 2
1 = KU 2 1 u o = KU 2
(1 + cos 2 ω s t ) cos 2 ω s t
2 Sm
§4 其他应用
ui E x y K
可控增益 放大器
uo = (K )ui E
ui x y -K
压控方波三角 波发生器
C Uc
uo1 = ± KU CU Z 可改变积分电容的充放电速率, 从而通过模拟乘法器实现频率可调
若 通 波 中 频 为 l −ωs, 宽 于 Ω 带 滤 器 心 率 ω 带 大 2 , 1 则 uo = K SmULm (1+mcosΩ )cos(ωl −ωs )t 有 U t 2
五 倍频
x y K
' uo
us = U
cos ω s t
2 Sm
u o = KU
cos ω s t
uo ' = KuiuR = KUsmURm (1+ mcosΩt) cos2 ωst 1 1 = KUsmURm (1+ mcosΩt)( + cos2ωst) 2 2 1 1 1 = KUsmURm (1+ cos2ωst + mcosΩt + mcosΩt cos2ωst) 2 2 2 1 1 = KUsmURm[1+ cos2ωst + mcosΩt 2 2 1 1 + mcos(2ωs + Ω)t + mcos(2ωs − Ω)t] 4 4






参考电压和输出的关系决定了DAC所处的象限:当参考电压为正,输出也为正时,该DAC属于第1象限;若参考电压为负,而输出为正,则该DAC属于第2象限;如果参考电压和输出的符号都可能发生反转,那么该DAC就属于 {1,4}象限;最后,如果参考电压和输出的符号都可能变为正负,那么该DAC就是四象限DAC。






接线图8引脚塑料DIP (N )包装"~.特点 四象限乘法 低成本8引脚封装 完整的,无需外部元件 激光微调精度和稳定性 总误差在满量程的2% 差分高阻抗X 和Y 输入 高阻抗单位增益求和输入 激光微调10伏标定参考值 应用 ! 乘法,除法,磨边调制/解调,相位检测 压控放大器/衰减器/过滤器 产品说明 该AD633是一个功能完整的四象限模拟乘法器。

它包括高阻抗,差动X 和Y 输入和一个高阻抗求和输入(Z 轴)。

低阻抗输出电压是由一个嵌入式齐纳二极管提供了一个标称10 V 全面。

该AD633是提供在价格适中的8引脚塑料DIP 和SOIC 封装这些功能的第一款产品。


非线性度为Y 输入通常小于%,并提到了输出噪声通常在10 Hz至10 kHz 的带宽小于100μVRMS 。

1 MHz 带宽,20 V/μs 压摆率,并且驱动容性负载的能力,使AD633有用在各种各样的应用中,简单性和成本是关键问题。


其Z 输入提供对输出缓冲放大器,使用户能够总结的两个或更多个乘法器的输出,增加乘法器的增益,其输出电压转换为电流,并配置各种应用。

该AD633是在一个8引脚塑料DIP 封装(N )和8引脚SOIC (R )。

它被指定为工作在0°C 至+70°C 商业级温度范围(十级)或-40°C 至+85°C 工业级温度范围(A 级)。

8引脚塑料SOIC (SO-8)封装 产品亮点1,AD633是在提供了一个完整的四象限乘法器 低成本的8引脚塑料封装。


2,无需外部元件或昂贵的用户校准是 以应用AD633必需的。

3,整体建设和激光校准使脱 副稳定可靠。

4,高(10M Ω)输入电阻使信号源负载可以忽略不计。

5,电源电压范围可以从± V 至±18 V 的 /内部标定电压是由一个稳定的齐纳二极管产生的;乘法器精度基本上是供应不区分大小写。



















1. 双平衡四象限模拟乘法器的基本原理双平衡四象限模拟乘法器主要由一个双平衡调制器和四象限运算放大器组成。



2. 工作原理分析两个输入信号分别经过双平衡调制器的处理,得到它们的正交相位信号。




3. 特点和优势双平衡四象限模拟乘法器具有高精度、高线性度、宽带宽、低失真等特点和优势。


4. 应用领域双平衡四象限模拟乘法器广泛应用于各种模拟信号处理系统中,比如射频调制解调、通信系统中的信号处理、微波信号处理、医学成像系统中的信号处理等。






四象限乘法器/除法器在伽玛相机中的应用AD734是Analog Devices(AD公司)的产品,与同类产品相比,具有挺直除法模式,可以利用外部输入挺直控制除法模式中的分母电压,用法起来相当灵便便利。



?1 AD734的基本结构及功能AD734是一个高精度、高速四象限模拟乘法器/除法器,他与符合工业标准的模拟乘法器/除法器AD534引脚相互兼容,其传递函数为W=XY/U。

他具有以下特点:(1) 高精度:0.1%的典型误差。

(2) 高速:10 MHz满功率带宽;450 V/μs的回转率;升高到满功率的0.1%需200 ns。

(3)低失真:随意输入信号的失真均为-80 dB。

(4)低噪声:10 Hz~20k Hz时,信噪比为94 dB;10 Hz~10M Hz时,信噪比为70 dB。


(6)增益为100时,带宽为2 MHz。




在满功率带宽10 MHz时,AD734的回转率(450V/μs)要比AD534(20 V/μs)高出20多倍。




外部输入在10 mV~10 V之间的随意值均可代替分母电压。



v ou t = vo+ - vo- = R ( iD1 + iD2 - iD3 - iD 4 )。( 3) 为了有效地抑制电路的耦合噪声, 输入电压通
收稿日期: 2006-09-25 基金项目: 2005年西安 - 应用材料创新基金资助项目 ( ZX 05097-XA-AM-200514) 作者简介: 王进军 ( 1980) ), 男, 陕西礼泉人, 陕西科技大学助教, 从事光电集成、混合信号集成电路设计研究。
1 四象限模拟乘法器的原理
基本的 模 拟乘 法 运 算 可 以由 工 作 在 线 性区
MOS管利用其漏极电流与栅源电 压之间的平方率 的特性来实现 [ 1] , 图 1给出了由 4 个工作在线性区 的 MOS管构成的 CMOS模拟乘法器, 由跨导运算放 大器 ( OTA ) 的特性可以得到运放的正向输 出端和 负向输出端的电压分别为
vout = R Bvx vy。
( 6)
2 B iCMOS 四象限模拟乘法器的原 理、设计与实现
211 模拟乘法器的 BiCM OS实现 由前面 的分 析 可 知, 要 完 成 模 拟 乘法 运 算,
CMOS 模拟 乘法 器 中的 MOS 管 必须 工作 在 线性 区 [ 2] , 这就要求图 2( a) 中 V a - V b - VTH > 0, 从而使 得输入范围受到了很大的限制。一种改进的方法是 采用图 2( b) 所示的 B iCMO S线性区跨导结构 [ 3] , 它 由一个被偏置在线性区的 NMO S 管 M i 和一个双极 晶体管 Q i 组成, 这种结构具有非常好的线性度和高 的输入阻抗。图 2 ( b) 中晶体管 Q i把 M i的漏极电位 钳位在 Vb - VBE, 如果满足 NMO S管工作在线性区的 条件: Vb - VBE < VDsat = V a - VTH, 即 Vb - VBE < V a - VTH, 在忽略衬偏效应的情况下可以得到


大器 ( T 的特 性 可 以得 到 运 放 的 正 向输 出端 和 O A) 负 向输 出端 的 电压分别 为

个 主要设 计 目标 , 它不但 可 以降低 系统 成本 ; 而且
可 以减 少 电路 的功耗 , 高 集成 密 度 和 便 携 式 电子 提
产品 的 电池 寿命 。 四象 限模 拟乘 法器 是模 拟信 号处 理系统 中常用 的 基 本 单 元 , 泛 地 应 用 于 调 制 、 广 解
作者简介 : 王进军 (9 O ) 男 , 1 8一 , 陕西礼泉人 , 陕西科技大学助教 , 从事光 电集成 、 合信号集成 电路设计研究 。 混

74・ 4 - — —
西北大学学报 ( 自然科学版 )
第3 7卷
常采 用差 分输 入 , + 1 和 一 1 即
lg e m utple o u li ir
= 。+ 一
入输 出信 号 幅度 和较 低 的噪 声 , 且 只 需 要单 电源 并

。 .
R(D o) t ‘ 3+i , 4 尺 l+ D) (D 2 。

() 1 () 2

1 四象 限模 拟 乘 法器 的 原 理
摘要: 目的
给 出一 种单 电源 BC O i M S四 象 限模 拟 乘 法 器 的 电路 结构 。方 法 采 用 电 压平 移 技 术
和 带有共 模反馈 的 全差 分折 叠共 源 共栅 O A 以提 高传 统 四 象 限模拟 乘 法 器 线性 输入 范 围。结 果 T
在 5V单 电 源供 电情 况下 , 乘 法器的 输入 线性 范 围约为 ±25V, 该 . 当输入 电压 范 围 限于 ± 时, 2V











1. 差分放大器:差分放大器由两个输入端口和一个输出端口组成。



2. 限幅器:限幅器用于限制差分电压的范围,以保证乘法运算的正常进行。


3. 积分器:积分器是一个电路,可以将差分电压积分为输出电压。



4. 反馈网络:反馈网络用于调节输出电压,使其与输入信号的乘积成正比。



1. 信号处理:在音频信号处理中,可以使用四象限乘法应用电路实现音频信号的调制、解调和混频等功能。


2. 模拟计算:在模拟计算中,四象限乘法应用电路可以用于模拟乘法运算。









1.一种高性能的CMOS四象限模拟乘法器 [J], 孙立平;刘阳
2.一种CMOS四象限模拟乘法器电路结构 [J], 赵玉山
3.一种结构简单的低压CMOS四象限模拟乘法器 [J], 管慧
4.一种基于亚阈值区特性的CMOS四象限模拟乘法器 [J], 管慧;汤玉生

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Design of an BJT analog multiplier1. IntroductionThe analog multiplier is a wildly used circuit that can take two analog inputs and produce an output proportional to their product. In modern IC industry, the analog multiplier is a very useful building block for the design of analog signal processing and the communication systems. Its application fields include signal modulation/demodulation, gain control, phase lock loops, frequency translation and waveform generation (Graeme, 1971). The purpose of this report is to explain the design method of a 4 quadrant analog multiplier using bipolar transistor. In this report, the theory of the analog multiplier is introduced. And then a suggested circuit based on the Gilbert multiplier provided. After that, the circuit simulation is processed with LTSPICE. In the last, the limitation and improvement of this design is being discussed.2. Principle of analog multiplier2.1 Characteristic of bipolar transistorThe basic cell of an analog multiplier is bipolar transistor. Here is a LTSPICE schematic diagram of a biased BJT.Fig.1. Schematic diagram of bipolar transistor Fig.2. I-V characteristic of bipolartransistorBecause of the semiconductor physical characteristic, the base-emitter voltage has an exponential relationship with the collector current (Ashburn, 2003). In most situations, the I-V characteristic can be written in the following equation:2exp()exp()nb i BE BE E C S th B AB qAD n V qV I I I V W N kT(Eq.1)Here, 2nb i S B AB qAD n I W N is saturation current of the base. th kT V q is thermal voltage, which can be considered equal to 26mV in room temperature. I C is the collector current. I E is the emitter current. V BE is the base-emitter voltage. I S is a constant which is determined by the geometric size of base and its doping density. V th is a constant which is only determined by the temperature. It can be seen from the equation that the collector current will exponential increase with the base-emitter voltage. Using LTSPICE DC simulation, the figure 2 can show this relationship directly. From the graph it can be seen that the I C equals nearly to 0 when V BE is less than 520mV. Also I C has a maximum value when V BE arrival 700mV. So the threshold voltage V T is in this range. And the exponential relationship only works in this range.2.2 Simple multiplierBased on the characteristic of bipolar transistor discussed above, a simple multiplier circuit can be developed. The structure of this circuit is shown in figure 3 and 4.Fig.3. the differential amplifier circuit Fig.4. 2 quadrant analog multiplier circuit In figure 3, Vx is the differential input. Io is the current source. Q1, Q2 are two NPN transistors. It can be seen that:And:According to these 2 equations, . From the Eq.1., we canobtain . In mathematics, when(about 2*26mV), . Thus we get:(Eq.2) The different current and can be used as the output, so we can get an output voltage which is proportional to the input voltage (Gray, 2001). This is:(Eq.3) The circuit of figure 4 is established on the circuit of figure 3. In this circuit, there isSubstitute this formula into the Eq.3, we have:(Eq.4) If, Eq.4 is approximately equal to:(Eq.5) In this equation, can be either positive or negative. But in order to ensure the Q3 is turned on, must be larger than , which means must be positive. Thus this analog multiplier can only work in 2 quadrants, the first quadrant and the second quadrant.2.3 The Gilbert CellThe basic Gilbert analog multiplier cell is presented in the figure 5.Fig.5 the circuit of Gilbert cellIn this circuit, the input voltage Vx and Vy can generate pairs of differential currents, which results in the collector currents of the transistors. According to Eq.2, there areThus, the combination of these 3 equations above gives the difference of two output currentsBecause the derivation of this derivation is based on the Eq.2, it must satisfy the same requirement, which is and . At this time, the output voltage isFrom this equation it can be seen that the output voltage is proportional to the product of Vx and Vy. However, different from the 2 quadrant multiplier, here the input signal Vy can be either positive or negative. So, an analog multiplier can be realised.3. Circuit design3.1 basic analog multiplier circuitThe circuit of the practical basic 4 quadrant multiplier build on the previous analysis is presented in the following figure.Fig.6 the 4 quadrant multiplier based on the Gilbert cellThe compositions of this circuit are resisters and transistors. For the rough design, current source is used directly. And the structure of two current sources is more sensitive than that of one current source, so the circuit will get a better balance characteristic. According to the analysis in 2.1, the exponential relationship between base-emitter voltage and collector current only remain in the range of 520mV-700mV. So the static base-emitter current can be chosen at 610mV, the middle point of thisrange. From figure 4, the corresponding collector current is about 0.2mA. In addition, the emitter current is approximately equal to the collector current. So 0.2mA can be set as the value of the current resources.In this circuit, the npn transistors are all 2N2222. It can be seen from the circuit that the function of the transistor pair Q7 and Q8 is transforming the voltage input signal into current input signal, so is the transistor pair Q5 and Q6. Thus, the multiplier operation is based on the variation of the currents. In addition, the four transistors Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10 and the resistor R2 consist of a block which can generate a signal of function. This current can compensate the function generated by the next transistors Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4. Thus, the output current signal has no relationship with function, that means there is no limitation of (Gray, 2001). This feature significantly expands the input signal magnitude. The transistors Q5, Q6 and resistor R1 have the same feature and the limitation is also cancelled. The output of the nonlinear compensation block in the front of Gilbert cell isFor Ic7 and Ic8, there areSubstitute Ic7 and Ic8 into Eq.9, the output of the nonlinear compensation block is given byIn the Gilbert cell block, the emitter resistors of Q5 and Q6 are much smaller than R1, so we have . So Ic5 and Ic6 is given byUse Eq.11, Eq.12 and Eq.10 to calculate the output voltage based on the Eq.6, Eq.7 and Eq.8. Finally we can obtainFrom this equation and the above derivation, it can be seen that:When R1 and R2 is big enough, the output voltage Vo is proportional to theproduct of Vx and Vy. And the circuit will get the nearly ideal multiplierfunction.Both Vx and Vy can be positive and negative, so it is a 4 quadrant multiplier.The gain coefficient , which is determined by the paramount Rc,R1, R2 andK has no relationship with Vth, so this circuit has a nice thermal stability.In this circuit, because the current sources are all 0.2mA, a several independentcurrent sources based on the current mirror can be used.From Gray and Hurst, there are mainly 3 types of current mirrors: the simple current mirror, simple current mirror with beta () helper, and the Wilson current mirror (Gray, 2001). For the first one, the output current . For the third one, the outputcurrent is . It can easily be seen that the Wilson current mirror can geta much more precise output current. Thus, in this report, the Wilson current mirror isused as the current source. The whole structure is shown in figure 7.Fig.7 the circuit structure with mirror current sourceIn order to get a precise value of the current , a resistor is added between the Vdd and the current mirror transistor. The aimed current is 0.2mV, so the value of this resistor .Use LTSPICE to simulate the circuit. Here is the DC sweep for the circuit.Fig.8. The DC sweep simulation resultThe settings of this simulation are as the follows: sweep Vx from -13V to 13V, and the increment is 1V; sweep Vy from 13V to -13V, and the increment is 1V. During the design, it can be noticed that the magnitude of input signals have a proportional relationship with the product of and R1 (or R2). Besides, to get high amplitude of Vo, Eq.13 must be considered. In this report, the circuit has a nice linear range of output signal when the input signal varies from -13V to +13V. And the output signal has the same range with the input signals.In order to obtain this amplitude of output signal, the V dd and V EE are set up at +32V and -15V respectively.Transient simulation:Fig.8 simulation result for AC inputs Fig.10 simulation results for squareoperationThe settings of the simulation of figure 8 are as the follows:Vx: amplitude=13V; frequency=10 kHz; phase=0. Vy: amplitude=13V; frequency=10 kHz; phase=90o. The Vx input is a sin(t) signal, the Vy input is a cos(t) signal. In this simulation, the Vx and Vy contain all 4 quadrant inputs combinations in one period, which are (Vx>0, Vy>0), (Vx>0, Vy<0), (Vx<0, Vy<0), (Vx>0, Vy>0). So the results proved the circuit can work in 4 quadrants. Furthermore, the frequency of the output signal is twice as the input signals and the amplitude is about half of the input ones. These features satisfy the functionof. So the result proved the circuit can work as an analog multiplier.One useful application of analog multiplier is square operation. As the figure 10 shows, make the two pulse input signal same, then we can obtain a parabola output signal. So the results of can be calculated.Frequency response simulation:Fig.11 Simulation result of frequency responseThis figure shows the frequency response of the circuit. When theAmplitude-frequency characteristic decrease from -22dB to -25dB (increased by -3dB), the relative operation frequency is 500.4 kHz. Below this frequency, the circuit can work nicely.Another useful application of analog multiplier is modulator. In the modulator, the low frequency signal is used to modulate, and the high frequency signal acts as a carrier.Fig.12. modulator simulation: Vx has no DC offset Fig.13 modulator simulation: Vx has a 1.5V DC offsetIt can be seen from the above 2 figures, the frequency of the output signal can be changed by change the magnitude of the input signal.3.2 improvement of output signal amplifyThe output signal of the 3.1 circuit has double ends, which is not so convenient to the following circuits. Besides, for some applications, people need large output signals and a wide band width. This can be realised by adding a Double-ended input single-ended output circuit (shown in figure 14). This additional circuitconsist of a differential amplifier and a basic common collector circuit (shown infigure 15 and 16).Fig.14 2 ended inputs 1 ended output circuit Fig.15 LTP with activeloadFig.16 basic commoncollector circuitThe practical circuit with this addition output circuit is shown below.Fig.17 the circuit followed with 2 input ended 1 output ended circuit The DC sweep simulation is as follow (same setting as 3.1):Fig.18 the relative DC simulationCompared with figure 8, the output voltage increased, but the amplitude of output signal decreased. Furthermore, the common mode signal was amplified by the differential amplifier circuit, so the average value of output voltagebecomes to 22V. When Vx=0 or Vy=0, the output voltage equals to 22V. Thiscircuit can not operate as a multiplier. In a word, this additional circuit did not get the expected result.4. DiscussionAs the analysis showed in 3.1, the circuit of figure 6 can cancel the influence caused by temperature. This is because the differential and balance structure of the nonlinear composition block can remove the common mode signal. The temperature is physical paramount, which change by the same value in a small electric circuit. So noise caused by the temperature can be considered as the common mode signal. The circuit design in this report has a nice thermal stability.Use LTSPICE simulation, the power consumption of each and total elements can be detected easily. In order to reduce the power of the circuit, the current source should relatively be at a small value. But at the same time, the current should ensure the operation of the transistors.The limitation of this design is the same of the bipolar transistor. As the figure 2 shows, bipolar transistor has a limited exponential operation range. This feature asks for a highly accurate collector current control. To solve this problem, one way is to change the physical paramount of the transistor. For example, reduce the cross-section area. Another way is to use MOS transistors. Because the CMOS operation is based on the movement of majority carriers, there is no exponential relationship between drain current and drain-source voltage.5. ConclusionIn this report, an analog multiplier is proposed. Firstly, the principle of the design is introduced. Then a practical circuit is proposed. At the same time, the methods of how to change the paramount to achieve a suitable output signal are described. During the design, theory analyses and explains are also presented. The simulation is processed with LTSPICE. For this report, the results of simulation can satisfy the principle derivation. The designed circuit achieves its porpours.ReferenceGraeme.J.G., Tobey.G.E. and Huelsman. L.P. 1971. Operational Amplifiers: Design and Application. New York: McGRAW-HILL Book Company. (p.397-398)Peter Ashburn. 2003. SiGe Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.GRAY Paul R. Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits. New York: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.。
