
备考公共英语二级考试单项填空题(1篇)备考公共英语二级考试单项填空题 1第一节单项填空从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡l__该项涂黑(1)—I had a very good weekend at my uncle’s. —Oh,really? ______A. That will d0.B. Cheer up!C. It’s a pleasure.D. Glad to hear that.(2)We can give you a lift to the post office.We are going thatway______.A. nearlyB. eitherC. anywayD. however(3)Bob made a mistake but I don’t hold______agains t him—we all make mistakes.A. oneB. itC. thisD. that(4)Put your seat belt on.The plane will be______in a few minutes.A. taking offB. taking awayC. taking upD. taking down(5)John thought l was blaming him,______in fact,1 was blaming myself.A. asB. whetherC. unlessD. while(6)I'd like to fix______date for our next meeting,butselecting______suitable day is not easy.A. the;theB. a;aC. /;aD. the;/(7)______a supporter of this basketball club for many years now.A. will beB. wasC. was beingD. have been(8)It would seem to be a general truth______nothing is as straightforward as it at first seems.A. thatB. whenC. becauseD. if(9)Just give me a______yes or no.I don’t need any explanations.A. sharpB. strictC. straightD. small(10)The guards______to see her I.D.before they allowed her in the building.A. demandB. demandedC. had demandedD. will demand。

全国英语二级等级考试真题及答案English: The National English Level 2 Exam is designed to test the English proficiency of non-native speakers. The exam typically consists of listening, reading, writing, and speaking sections, each assessing different language skills. In the listening section, test-takers are required to listen to recordings and answer comprehension questions. The reading section tests comprehension and vocabulary through passages and questions. The writing section usually requires test-takers to write essays or short responses on given topics. The speaking section assesses oral communication skills through conversations with examiners or recorded prompts. Overall, the exam aims to evaluate a test-taker's ability to understand and communicate effectively in English.中文翻译: 全国英语二级等级考试旨在测试非母语人士的英语水平。

A.提高学习的效果B.关注信息的反馈C.减少培训的成本D.强调课程的重点【答案】 C2、企业薪酬管理的目标不包括()。
A.减少企业人工成本B.肯定员工对企业的贡献C.增强企业产品的竞争力D.谋求员工与企业共同发展【答案】 A3、以下方法中,有效性特别好,开发性比较好,经济性比较差的绩效考评方法是()。
A.行为定位法B.强制分布法C.关键事件法D.目标管理法【答案】 A4、面试考官在面试前,根据简历信息对应聘者做出主观评价,这属于()。
A.第一印象B.对比效应C.晕轮效应D.录用压力【答案】 A5、下列选项中,属于企业部门结构纵向设计的方法是( )A.自上而下法B.自下而上法C.业务流程法D.变量测评法【答案】 D6、若选用集中方式对员工进行素质测评,则测评时间应该选在()。
[2011年5月二级真题]A.星期一B.星期三C.星期五D.周末【答案】 B7、()薪酬策略的特点是员工的薪酬与实际绩效关系不大。
A.高稳定类B.高风险类C.折中类D.高弹性类【答案】 A8、()是指用人单位除了非全日制用工形式外无书面劳动合同或无有效书面劳动合同形成的法律劳动关系。
A.劳动关系B.劳动法律关系C.事实劳动关系D.劳务关系【答案】 C9、企业员工的劳动活动按照工作性质进行区分,不包括()劳动。
A.工艺性B.技术性C.辅助性D.重复性【答案】 D10、()的对象一般具有明显的数量关系,量化后的数据直接提示了测评对象的实际特征。
A.一次量化B.二次量化C.模糊量化D.类别量化【答案】 A11、孔子曾说过,君子“敬于事而慎于言”,其含义是( )。
A.谨慎言语,不要因夸口而失信B.言多有失,少说为佳C.想明白了事情的原委,然后再去行动D.明白了事情的原委,然后再去行动【答案】 A12、SWOT分析法中,O表示()A.劣势B.优势C.威胁D.机会【答案】 D13、不属于常见的绩效辅导的方式的是()A.指导型辅导B.指示型辅导C.鼓励型辅导D.方向型辅导【答案】 A14、制定培训总体目标的主要依据不包括()。

2023年企业人力资源管理师之二级人力资源管理师通关试题库(有答案)单选题(共30题)1、领导者失败的原因往往在于( )。
A.智力不足B.能力不足C.经验不足D.人格特质不适合【答案】 D2、可采用()的方法,将KPI体系按组织结构层级进行纵向分解。
A.目标—流程相结合B.目标—结果相结合C.目标—手段相结合D.目标—责任相结合【答案】 C3、()是企业根据外部环境存在的机会与威胁及自身的条件所作出的具有总体性、长期性、关键性的薪酬决策。
A.薪酬管理B.薪酬技术C.薪酬计划D.薪酬战略【答案】 D4、工资集体协商开始前( )内,协商双方应提供与工资集体协商有关的直实情况和资料。
A.5日B.7日C.10日D.15日【答案】 A5、较客观公正,但考评结果的准确性和可靠性较低的绩效考评方法是( )。
A.上级考评B.同级考评C.下级考评D.外部人员考评【答案】 D6、集体合同由( )代表职工与企业签订。
.A.工会组织B.企业人事部门C.企业法人D.职工所在部门负责人【答案】 A7、关于劳动法律关系,以下说法正确的是( )。
A.主体只能尽义务B.它是一种双务关系C.主体只享有权利D.它是一种单务关系【答案】 B8、《北京市工伤保险条例实施办法》属于()A.劳动规章B.地方性劳动法规C.劳动法律D.国务院劳动行政法规【答案】 B9、利润定义为企业生产经营的总收入减去()的差额部分。
A.生产费用B.总费用C.原材料费用D.人工费用【答案】 B10、薪酬水平对外具有竞争性的企业。
A.5%B.15%C.50%D.75%【答案】 B11、以下不属于行为导向型考评方法的是()。
A.强制分配法B.强迫选择法C.成对比较法D.直接指标法【答案】 D12、《劳动合同法》于()起施行。
A.2006年1月1日B.2006年5月1日C.2007年1月1日D.2008年1月1日【答案】 D13、让应聘者对某一问题做出明确的答复的面试提问方式是( )。

上海市企业人力资源管理师考试一、单项选择题1. ()不仅具有鲜明的能动性,而且有再生性,是取之不尽、用之不竭的资源。
[单选题] *A. 自然资源B. 矿山资源C. 物质资源D. 人力资源(正确答案)2. 能够推动整个经济和社会发展的具有智力和体力劳动能力的人们的总和被称为()。
[单选题] *A. 劳动力资源B. 人口资源C. 人力资源(正确答案)D. 人才资源3. “好吃懒做、唯利是图”符合下面哪种思想假设?() [单选题] *A. “经济人”假设(正确答案)B. “社会人”假设C. “自我实现人”假设D. “复杂人”假设4. 主张集体奖,而不是主张个人奖。
这是哪种假设的思想?() [单选题] *A. “经济人”假设B. “社会人”假设(正确答案)C. “自我实现人”假设D. “复杂人”假设5. 组织制定人力资源规划的依据是() [单选题] *A. 社会的经济状况和政治局势B. 社会的就业观念和失业人数C. 企业的地理位置和自然环境D. 组织的战略目标和外部环境(正确答案)6. 为完成某项特定工作所必须具备的知识、技能、能力以及其他一些个性特征的目录清单被称为() [单选题] *A. 职位分类B. 工作规范(正确答案)C. 职位说明D. 工作说明7. 德尔菲是指邀请在某领域的一些专家或有经验的管理人员对企业未来人力资源需求量进行分析、评估和预测,并最终达成一致意见的方法。
它的特色在于() [单选题] *A. 专家们互相切磋B. 专家们集体讨论C. 专家们互不见面(正确答案)D. 专家们相互座谈8. 员工的职务晋升、降级、转岗和工作轮换流动属于() [单选题] *A. 组织间流动B. 改变隶属关系的流动C. 组织内流动(正确答案)D. 自由流动9. 与人员数相等的是() [单选题] *A. 任务数B. 职责数C. 职位数(正确答案)D. 职务数10. ()表示管理必须强调个人和整体的配合,创造整体和个体的高度和谐。

人力资源管理师英语作文范文(仅供参考)(一)写作(共20分)某公司欲招聘一位会计主管(chiefaccountant),需要人力资源管理部门为其编制一份职位说明书(JobDescription),假如公司总经理要求你来完成这项工作,请你[]35–PositionchiefaccountantDepartmentfinancialdepartmentAccountabletoCFOSalary/paygrade3[yes]35–40hrs/wk[]20–35hrs/wk[]lessthan20hrs/wkJobsummary工作概要Workcloselywiththecompany’sCFO,andensurethatalloftheresponsibilitiespertainingtotheaccountingdepartmentaremet.Developanddirecttheactivitiesoftheprofessionalstaffinvolvedwiththefinancialaspectsofo perations,(财务运营方面)includingforecasting,planning,budgeting,creditandcollections,costaccounting,andfinanc ialcontrolsystems.翻译:开发和直接参与财务运营方面的专业人员活动,包括预测,计划,预算,信用和收款,成本会计,财务控制系统。
Responsibilities/dailytasks职责/日常任务ReporttotheCFOandberesponsiblefor allaccountingfunctions.Administrationdepartment;Marketingdepartment;Manufacturingdepartment;R&Ddepartmenteta:00,起薪为每月4000元,试用期3个月。

英语二级考试真题2021English:The 2021 English Level 2 exam is designed to assess candidates' proficiency in English language skills, including listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The exam typically consists of multiple-choice questions, listening comprehension tasks, reading passages with accompanying questions, and writing prompts. It aims to evaluate candidates' ability to understand spoken and written English, as well as their capability to express themselves effectively in both written and oral forms. To excel in this exam, candidates need a strong grasp of English grammar, vocabulary, comprehension skills, and the ability to communicate ideas clearly and coherently. Additionally, they must practice regularly to improve their listening and speaking skills, as well as their reading speed and comprehension. Overall, the 2021 English Level 2 exam assesses candidates' overall proficiency in English and their readiness to communicate effectively in various contexts.中文翻译:2021年英语二级考试旨在评估考生的英语语言能力,包括听力、阅读、写作和口语。

第1次尝试D 题目Wouldn't it be _______wonderful world if all nations lived in _______peace with oneanother? a. a; the c. the; the d. a; /C 题目2Do you know ________ in English?a. how saying itb. how say itc. how to say itC 题目3You don't mind ___you Xiao Li, do you?a. to callb. to callingc. callingB 题目4I don't know _______ to deal with such matter. a. which b. how d. whatA 题目5This maths problem is easy ______________.a. to work outb. workedc. work outd. to be working outC 题目6You ____ buy some reference books when you go to college.a. mustb. must toc. will have tod. have toD 题目7The reason I didn't go to Canada was _______ a new job.a. because I gotb. why I gotc. how I gotd. that I gotA 题目8- Take this medicine twice a day, Peter? - Do I have to take it? It ________ so terrible.a. tastes c. is tasted d. is tastingD 题目9- Do you want to wait? - Five days ________ too long for me to wait.a. areb. wasc. wered. isA 题目10Peter worked so fast with the maths problems ______ a lot of mistakes.a. that he made c. that made d. to makeB 题目11The new assembly line having been adopted, the factory produced ____ cars in 1999 asthe year before. a. as many as twice b. twice as manyc. twice many asd. as twice manyA题目12Stars have better players, so I _______them to win. a. expect c.want d. hopeB题目13When will you finish _______the outing for next Friday?a. to planb. planning d. planB题目14I didn't buy the apples; she gave them to me ______ nothing.a. byb. forc. with题目15The dean of the Philosophy Department requested that the visiting scholar ____a lectureon Sartre. a. would give b. give c. gave d. had givenC题目16You have finished the work, _____you? a. don't b. have c. haven'tdoA题目17The baby is hungry,but there's___ milk in the bottle. a. little b. a few c.few d. a littleB题目18______ his examination of the patient, the doctor wrote out a prescription.a. Finishingb. Having finishedc. Having been finishedA题目19Both the kids and their parents ______ English, I think. I know it from their accent.a. areb. wasc. isd. beenD题目20If you ride your bike too fast, there may be _____accident. a. A b. The c.不填 d. AnC题目21Would you like something_________ ? a. drink b. drinking c. to drinkd. for drinkingD题目22Nobody _________to smoke in the cinema.a. Allowsb. are allowedc. allowd. is allowedA题目23It's time we ____ the lecture because everybody has arrived.a. started c. will start d. startC题目24Each person at the reunion was required to talk to other relatives to find out if theywould buy one of the histories____ it were printed. a. whether b. after c. ifd. whenB题目25It is believed that if a book is ________, it will surely ________ the reader.A interested… interest b. interesting… interestc. interested… be interestingB题目26I'll have a cup of coffee and _____.a. two breadsb. two pieces of bread two piece of breads d. two pieces of breadsC题目27It is said that______ boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, thoughothers prefer basketball. a. quite a little b. very little c. quite a fewquite a bitA题目28The people in this city have planted ________ trees along both sides of the streets.a. a lot ofb. a large amount ofc. a great deal of ,d. muchB题目29A sudden noise of a fire-engine made him ___to the door.a. hurryingb. hurryc. hurriedd. to hurryD题目30Uncle Sam sent him a _______ bicycle as a birthday present.a. new sports redb. red sports newc. sports new redd. new red sports 第2次尝试D题目1This is the student _______ I know will pass the TOEFL test.a. whatb. whomc. whoseD 题目2It is said that______ boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, thoughothers prefer basketball. a. quite a bit b. quite a little c. very little d. quite a fewB题目3Robert, there's a man at the front door, saying he has _____news of great importance.a. anb. / d. theC题目4You had better ______ a doctor as soon as possible.a. seeingb. seenc. seeC题目5-- _____? -- She's our history teacher.a. Where does the woman workb. Where is she fromc. Who is she How is the womanD题目6Either the shirts or the sweater ______ a good buy.a. wasb. hasc. ared. isD题目7Our house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many housesa. from each otherb. among themc. far apartd. in betweenD题目8I'll have a cup of coffee and _____.a. two pieces of breadsb. two breadsc. two piece of breadsd. two pieces of breadB题目9The boys enjoyed _______football very much.a. playb. playingc. to playd. playedD题目10James Watt ______ the steam engine.a. has inventedb. was inventingc. had inventedd. inventedC题目11Important ___ his discovery was, it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time.a. whenb. althoughc. asC题目12In the fourth paragraph, “a high priority” means__第四段“a high priority”什么意思?a. a less important thingb. a good businessc. a first concern 首要考虑。

A.不同的行政区域可以有不同的工资指导线水平B.各地根据具体情况确定当地的工资指导线水平C.工资水平较高的企业突破预警线D.制定工资指导线应当实行协商原则【答案】 C2、()是人员规划活动的落脚点和归宿。
A.人力资源供求达到协调平衡B.人力资源需求预测C.人力资源供给预测D.人力资源系统设计【答案】 A3、企业员工培训规划的基础是()。
A.人力资源开发体系B.培训需求分析C.企业薪酬管理体系D.组织结构分析【答案】 B4、面对同样的工作任务,小王一天完成,小李则需要三天时间,这体现了员工素质测评的()。
A.个体差异原理B.工作差异原理C.环境差异原理D.组织差异原理【答案】 A5、(2015年5月)薪酬水平都是在直接或间接进行的薪酬调查的基础上确定的是()A.岗位薪酬B.职位薪酬C.特定岗位薪酬D.专业岗位薪酬【答案】 C6、()是以劳动关系和劳动法律规范为前提而形成的社会关系,是法律对人们的劳动行为及其相互关系进行调整而出现的一种状态。
A.劳动法律规范B.劳动法律关系C.劳动法律规定D.劳动法律原则【答案】 B7、经理办公会上,经理提议由你来做他的助理,但是这项提议遭到其他几位副经理的反对而未果。
A.感到很失落B.找经理说道说道C.分析原因,改进工作D.以后不再那么拼命工作了【答案】 C8、依法能够引起劳动法律关系产生、变更和消灭的客观现象是( )。
A.劳动契约关系B.劳动法律事实C.劳动合同关系D.劳动合同事实【答案】 B9、企业在制定培训规划时。
必须达到的要求不包括(),A.系统性B.标准化C.先进性D.有效性【答案】 C10、下列哪项不属于劳动安全卫生管理制度的内容()A.安全生产责任制度B.安全技术措施计划管理制度C.安全生产教育制度D.工伤保险制度【答案】 D11、企业薪酬调查与分析基本程序中的第一步骤是()。

A.利润最大化B.效率最大化C.效用最大化D.差额最大化【答案】 C2、下列选项中,()属于薪酬体系中的弹性部分。
A.基本工资B.奖金C.福利D.津贴【答案】 B3、工资指导线的()是年度货币工资平均增长目标,是对生产经营正常、有经济效益的企业合理的工资增长水平。
A.上线B.基准线C.下线D.预警线【答案】 B4、()的工资结构比较适用于责、权、利明确的企业。
A.以绩效为导向B.以行为为导向C.以工作为导向D.以技能为导向【答案】 C5、绩效考评的()容易增加工作压力,降低工作满意度,不利于调动业务骨干的积极性、主动性和创造性。
IA.苛严误差B.中间倾向C.宽厚误差D.晕轮误差【答案】 A6、()的工资结构主要根据员工所具备的工作能力与潜力来确定员工工资。
A.以绩效为导向B.以行为为导向C.以工作为导向D.以技能为导向【答案】 D7、关键绩效指标法的核心是()A.考评标准的确立B.新型激励机制的构建C.KPI指标的提取D.企业战略目标的明确【答案】 C8、劳务派遣单位与接受单位双方所确立的权利义务关系,属于()。
A.实际劳动关系B.劳动法律关系C.形式劳动关系D.民事法律关系【答案】 D9、由于某人某方面的品质和特征特别明显,使观察者容易产生错觉,忽略了其他的品质和特征,这属于()A.感情效应B.近因相似效应C.以点概面效应D.对比效应【答案】 C10、在安全生产责任制度中,( )在各自的岗位上承担严格遵守劳动安全技术规程的义务。
A.企业法定代表人B.分管安全卫生的负责人和专职人员C.总工程师D.工人【答案】 D11、薪酬对员工的工作行为和态度产生很强的引导作用,体现薪酬对企业()的功能。
A.增值B.导向C.塑造企业文化D.改善经营绩效【答案】 C12、面试考官在面试前,根据简历信息对应聘者做出主观评价,这属于()。
二级ms office题库

二级ms office题库(中英文版)Title: Secondary MS Office Question BankSubject: Importance and BenefitsIn the globalized world of today, proficiency in MS Office applications is crucial for both academic and professional success.Microsoft Office, including programs such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and others, plays a significant role in enhancing productivity and efficiency in various fields.Therefore, creating a comprehensive question bank for the secondary level MS Office is of paramount importance.在当今全球化的世界中,精通MS Office应用程序对于学术和职业成功都至关重要。
Microsoft Office,包括Word,Excel,PowerPoint等程序,在各个领域提高生产力和效率方面发挥着重要作用。
因此,为中学水平的MS Office 创建一个全面的题库至关重要。
This question bank serves as a valuable resource for students preparing for secondary-level exams.It provides a diverse range of questions, covering all aspects of MS Office, thus enabling students to develop a strong foundation in the subject.The question bank also helps students to familiarize themselves with different question types and examination patterns, which can be highly beneficial during their exam preparation.这个题库成为中学生备考的宝贵资源。


单项选择题汇总1. Executives or managers who coach, advise, and encourage employees of lesser rank are called .C. mentors2. As an appraiser(评价者), you should try to do all of the following except .B. change the person, not the behavior3. Individuals working internationally need to know as much as possible about all of the following host-country characteristics except .D. cultural trends4. Questions contained in structured job interviews should be based on .A. job analysis5. Outplacement services are .B.designed to help terminated employees find a job elsewhere6. Which of the following is not a core skill that is critical for success abroad .B. effective delegatory(授权的) skills7. If your primary objective for a performance appraisal is to give employees developmental feedback, which ofthe following appraisal methods should you use .C. behavior method8. Compensation programs that compensate employees for the knowledge they possess are known as .A. skill-based pay plans9. To implement a successful program in basic and remedial training, managers should do all of the followingexcept .e a classroom-oriented approach so employees learn by lectures10. Which of the following is not true of self-ratings of performance .D. They are free of most biases that other rating sources may have1. Performance appraisal methods can be broadly(大体上) classified as either , , or approaches.B. trait, behavioral, results2.The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers from within the organization is known asthe .A. internal labor market3. Coaching is a technique that can be used to develop individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes.A. on-the-job4. The primary reason why organizations train new employees is to .A.increase their knowledge, skill, and ability level5. The HR department in an overseas unit must be particularly responsive to all of the following environments except .C. technological6. Which of the following is not a primary impact that technology has had on HRM .C. It has diminished the role of supervisors in managing employees.7. Which management group has primary responsibility for the development of disciplinary policies and procedures .C. the HR department8. To create a more flexible pool of employees, managers might most likely .B. rely on skill-based pay structures9. Which of the following does not alter the nature of jobs and the requirements of individuals needed to successfully perform these jobs .C. stable growth in product demand10. Wage survey data will normally be collected with the use of .B. key jobs1. When setting performance measures for incentive systems, we can say that the best measures are .A. quantitative, simple to understand, and show a clear relationship between output and reward2. To facilitate an egalitarian environment, which of the following HR practices should managers implement .C. profit sharing3. If a job analyst doubt the accuracy of information provided by employees, he or she should .D. obtain additional information from them or from their supervisors4. Reasons for not hiring from within include all of the following except .A. motivational concerns6. Which of the following is an example of a well-written performance standard .A. Desk clerks are expected to check out approximately fifteen customers every half-hour7. In the development of a factor comparison scale, key jobs are normally ranked against all of the following factors except .B. performance8. An incentive plan is more likely to succeed in an organization when all of the following are true except .D. employees believe that incentive payment are deferred9. If you were developing a performance appraisal system for individuals on international assignments, it would be best to base individual’s appraisals on information from .C. both home- and host-country evaluations10. Human capital of a firm include the following except .D. the behavior of a firm’s workers1. In general, in recent years the role of people in a determining a firm’s competitive advantage has .C. increased in importance in both service and manufacturing firms2. Objectives accomplished through job analysis include all of the following except .C. eliminating discrepancies between internal wage rates and market rates3. 360-degree feedback might be used for the following except .D. recruitment4. Employees who are coached, advised, and encouraged by employers of greater rank are known as .D. protégés5. Which of the following isn’t a form of performance-based compensation .C. minimum wage6. Advantage of employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs)include all of the following except .B. the employees’ pensions are less vulnerable(易受批评) due to diversification7. Lee, a new supervisor, wants to correctly document(记录,证明) the poor performance of an employee. Which of the following would he not have to do .A. perform a current performance appraisal of the employee8. All of the following benefits are realized by aligning(支持、校正) employee rewards with performance except .B. employees will pursue outcomes that beneficial to themselves9. Staffing the organization, designing jobs and teams, developing skillful employees, identifying approaches for improving employee performance, and other “HRM” issues are duties typically reserved for .C. HR and line managers10. Job analysis is called the cornerstone of HRM because .C. the information it collects serve so many HRM functions1. During the selection procedure, an applicant may be rejected .D. at any step in the procedure2. Which type of training allows students to get real-world experience in organizations while still receiving college credit .C. internships3. Self- appraisals are best for .B. developmental purposes4. An employer wishing to set up the job classification system of job evaluation would have to .C. describe job grades with increasing amount of responsibility, skill, knowledge, or ability5. When a combination salary and commission plan is used to compensate sales employees, the percentage of cash compensation paid in commission is called .C. an incentive6. To enhance the degree(程度) of rareness in employee skill and abilities, organizations should develop competencies in their employees that .D. are not equally available in the labor market7. Sometimes organizations provide services to terminated employees that help them bridge the gap between their old position and a new job. These services are known as .C. outplacement assistance8. Organizations like to hire older workers because .A. they have proven employment experience9. When determining where training emphasis should be placed, an examination of the goals, resources, and environment of the organization is known as .B. organization analysis10. While a career development program requires special processes and techniques, a basic requirement is .C. management support1. The worth and compensation of a job should depend on all of the following except .D. the gender of the employees2. Regardless of the selection methods used, it is essential that the selection procedure be .C. reliable and valid3. A supervisor who provides a continuing flow of instructions, comments, and suggestions to the subordinate is engaging in what type of on-the-job training .B. coaching4. Performance appraisal systems sometimes yield disappointing results for all of the following reasons except .D. use of appraisal systems in validating job analysis5. An employer wishing to raise the “real wages” of em ployees would have to .A. grant wage increases larger than the cost of living6. Disadvantages of profit sharing include all of the following except .C. effective profit sharing plans require a second HR program7. All of the following as attributes of successful global managers has been identified except .D. capability to manage a highly centralized organization8. To attain a sustainable competitive advantage through people, organizations should develop competencies in their employees that .D. are designed around unique team processes9. Which of the following is not an outcome of low salary budget .B. increased employee output10. Benefits of orientation programs frequently reported by employers include all of the following except .A. higher turnover(营业额)1. In order to play a more active role in influencing change within organizations, HR department must do all of the following except .C. view themselves as primarily performing a service function2. Job requirements are .A. the different duties, tasks, and responsibilities that make up a job3. The technique of training managers that emphasizes the need to involve supervisory trainees in handling real-life employee problems and to receive immediate feedback on their own performance is .D. behavior modeling4. All of the following are basic skills needed for successful career management except .D.putting responsibility for your career in the hands of your supervisor5. The term pay-for-performance can encompass all of the following except .B. base salary6. Disorientation(迷失) that causes perpetual stress in people who settle overseas for lengthy periods of time is commonly referred to as .B. culture shock7. Smaller organizations can achieve a system approach to organizational design that maximizes employee performance and well-being by combining all of the following except .C. organizational strategy8. Which of the following an appropriate strategy to create a training environment conducive to learning .A. using negative reinforcement(负强化)9. An organization wishing to establish greater job-staffing flexibility would likely use which pay system .B. skill-based pay10. If labor costs represent 50% of an or ganization’s sales dollars and the organization pays a bonus to employees whenever labor costs drop below this percentage, which type of incentive plan is it using .A. team bonuses1. The benefits of providing job applicants with a balanced, honest, and realistic portrayal(描述) of a job position include all of the following except .D. enhanced expectations and aspirations2. The interview method that best reduces the possibility of discrimination is the .D. structured interview3. Which of the following is not a fundamental issue related to training design .D. trainee ethnic characteristics4. Compensation programs that compensate employees for the knowledge they possess are known as .A. skill-based pay plans5. .In order for a merit pay plan(记功支付计划) to work effectively, all of the following should occur except .D. a supervisor’s subjective evaluation must be used in computing the raise6. Which of the following is not one of the ways in which international HRM differs from domestic HRM .A. international HRM must be concerned with obeying local laws and regulations7. All of the following benefits are realized by redesigning work around key business processes except .B. it standardizes employees’ skills8. “Tell me about the last time you disciplined an employee” is an example of a .A. behavioral description interview question9. The piecework system is more likely to succeed when all of the following are true except .B. the quality of the product is critical(决定性的)10. Which management group has primary responsibility for the development of disciplinary policies and procedures .C. the HR department1. Which of the following organizations is pursuing a transnational strategy .B. a brewery trying to achieve scale economies while simultaneously customizing its taste and marketing efforts for local markets2. Recent technological advancements have led to all of the following except .A. an increased number of unskilled jobs3. If 200 resumes were obtained from an employment agency(职业介绍所), 40 of the applicants submitting those resumes were qualified, 20 of the applicants submitting those resumes were invited for an on-site interview, and 10 were offered employment, what is the cumulative yield-ratio .D. 40 percent=(40/200+20/40+10/20)/3=40%4. Which of the following is not a benefit of orientation programs .C. more comprehensive task analysis5. When setting performance measures for incentive systems, we can say that the best measures are .A. quantitative, simple to understand, and show a clear relationship between output and reward6. To facilitate an egalitarian environment, which of the following HR practices should managers implement .C. profit sharing7. If a job analyst doubt the accuracy of information provided by employees, he or she should .D. obtain additional information from them or from their supervisors8. If you were developing a performance appraisal system for individuals on international assignments, it would be best to base individual’s appraisals on information from .C. both home- and host-country evaluations9. In general, in recent years the role of people in a determining a firm’s competitive advantage has .C. increased in importance in both service and manufacturing firms10. To obtain employee input regarding benefits packages, employers often use .D. opinion surveys1. Which of the following methods focuses the evaluator’s attention on those behaviors tha t are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively .D. Critical incidents2. Recruiting from within means that organization prefers to recruit people from .C. internal labor market3. Human resource and succession planning provides information on .B. future skill requirements and management training needs4. Multiperson comparisons evaluate one individual’s performance against one or more others. There are three most popular comparisons except .C. graphic rating scales5. Extrinsic rewards include the following except .A.job enrichment6. In a company, if people currently employed are 300, annual wastage rate is 20%, and number required at end-year is 350, then the company should recruit .B.110 =350-0.8*300=1107. In the broader meaning of the term, human resource planning plays a(an) in the HR function.A. strategic role8. What is the main aim of job rotation .B. broaden experience9. The aim of the labor turnover index is to .A. measure labor turnover10. The basis philosophy of the managerial grid training is that .B. the task of the individual manager is to achieve production through people。

一、英汉互译(每题2分,共30分)1. Apprenticeship:学徒2。
Career support:职业支持3。
Database:数据库5. Employee empowerment:员工授权6. Goals:目标7。
Human resource information system (HRIS):人力资源信息系统8。
Job rotation:岗位轮换9. Learning organization:学习性组织10. Psychological contract:心理契约11. 薪资调查:Salary survey12。
任务分析:Task analysis13. 招募:Recruit14。
绩效管理:Performance management15. 工作丰富化:job enrichment二、选词填空(每题2分,共20分)A.feedback B。
benchmarking C。
rewards D。
Human resource management E。
benefitF.on—the-jobG. performance H。
downsizing I。
Direct cost J。
refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job。
Labor turnover rates provide a valuable means of the effectiveness of HR policies and practices in organizations.3. Labor turnover can be costly。
of recruiting and training replacements should be considered.4。

2022-2023年企业人力资源管理师之二级人力资源管理师能力测试试卷A卷附答案单选题(共50题)1、在中国传统儒家道德思想中,处于核心地位的范畴是()A."礼"B."仁"C."态"D."气"【答案】 B2、业务价值树是对()进行分析和评价的工具。
A.工作岗位说明书B.关键绩效C.企业的价值体系D.企业的战略方案【答案】 D3、企业定员的新方法不包括( )。
A.零基定员法B.效率定员法C.运用概率推断确定医务人员人数D.运用数理统计方法对管理人员进行定员【答案】 B4、下列选项中,()不属于人力资源管理的三大基石。
A.定编定岗定员定额B.员工技能开发C.员工的绩效管理D.员工的引进与培养【答案】 D5、岗位横向分类的原则,不包括()。
A.程度原则B.时间原则C.单一原则D.协调原则【答案】 D6、()就是通过多方面信息的采集和处理,并对企业成功的关键点进行跟踪和监控。
A.关键绩效指标B.关键分析法C.标杆基准法D.关键竞争法【答案】 B7、以下方法中,有效性特别好,开发性比较好,经济性比较差的绩效考评方法是()。
A.行为定位法B.强制分布法C.关键事件法D.目标管理法【答案】 A8、()是培训管理者为实现整体培训规划而制定的支持性规划。
A.员工培训开发战略规划B.员工培训开发管理规划C.员工培训项目评估规划D.培训需求分析规划【答案】 B9、课程内容选择的基本要求中,()既是课程内容存在的前提,也是培训课程开发的内在动力。
A.价值性B.有效性C.相关性D.系统性【答案】 C10、主要作用是对岗位评价的计量误差进行调整的权重系数类型是( )。
A.总体加权B.局部加权C.内部加权D.外部加权【答案】 A11、在岗位评价的方法中,( )最适合能随时掌握较为详细的薪酬调查资料的企业采用。
A.排列法B.分值法C.因素比较法D.评分法【答案】 C12、在确定了工作产出、得到绩效考评指标之后,应采用( )提取关键绩效指标。

英语(二)-阶段测评一成绩:98.5分一、单选题共10 题题号: 1 本题分数:1.5 分She insisted that what she had done ___ right.A、isB、wasC、beD、had been看见insist,后面从句中一定是虚拟语气的考点,需要原型动词,选择C。
标准答案:C考生答案:C本题得分:1.5 分题号: 2 本题分数:1.5 分Riding on a bus without paying the fare___ cheating the bus company.A、leads toB、amounts toC、contribute toD、bring to从句子含义上分析“乘车不买票等于欺骗公交公司”,选择B。
标准答案:B考生答案:B本题得分:1.5 分题号: 3 本题分数:1.5 分The book written by the famous writer is worth ___(read).A、readingB、being readC、to readD、to have read从教材中我们学习到be worth doing是固定的搭配用法,因此A。
标准答案:A考生答案:A本题得分:1.5 分题号: 4 本题分数:1.5 分There was more than ___ rain and snow last year, so some parts of the country have been flooded this spring.A、extraB、efficientC、permanentD、adequate句子含义表明“充足的,充沛的”,选择D。
标准答案:D考生答案:D本题得分:1.5 分题号: 5 本题分数:1.5 分Bob was completely ___ by the robber‟s disguise.A、taken awayB、taken downC、taken toD、taken in句子含义表明“受骗,欺骗”,选择D。

专业英语写作模拟题1、某外资公司计划近期内在公司内部推行全方位的绩效评估体系,包括上司评估(supervisor evaluation)、同事评估(peer evaluation)和员工自我评估(employee self-evaluation)。
假设公司人力资源总监要求你来设计制作一份员工自我评估(employee self-evaluation)的样本,请你用英文完成这项工作。
2、360度反馈(360-degree feedback)是近年来出现的一种绩效管理的新方法。
请结合你在工作中对这种绩效评估方法的运用,用英文写一篇100字左右的讨论360度反馈的优点和缺点的文章,题目为“Advantages and disadvantages of 360-degree feedback”。
3、某外资公司是一家专门从事财务软件开发的公司,为了保护公司的商业秘密(business secrets)不被公司员工泄露,公司打算与每一位员工签订一份保密协议(Secrecy and Noncompetition Covenant),规定员工必须保守公司的商业秘密,在任职期间以及离职后,均不能向任何第三方泄露;离职后3年内,不得自己经营或帮助别人经营相同或类似业务;以及公司认为必要且正当的其他条款。
4、由于近年来的持续经济衰退,Addison Systems 公司打算在年底进行一次裁员,辞退的对象主要是公司去年招聘的临时工(temporary workers),Thomas就是即将被辞退的临时工。
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单项选择题汇总1. Executives or managers who coach, advise, and encourage employees of lesser rank are called .C. mentors2. As an appraiser(评价者), you should try to do all of the following except .B. change the person, not the behavior3. Individuals working internationally need to know as much as possible about all of the following host-country characteristics except .D. cultural trends4. Questions contained in structured job interviews should be based on .A. job analysis5. Outplacement services are .B.designed to help terminated employees find a job elsewhere6. Which of the following is not a core skill that is critical for success abroad? .B. effective delegatory(授权的)skills7. If your primary objective for a performance appraisal is to give employees developmental feedback, which of the following appraisal methods should you use? .C. behavior method8. Compensation programs that compensate employees for the knowledge they possess are known as .A. skill-based pay plans9. To implement a successful program in basic and remedial training, managers should do all of the following except .e a classroom-oriented approach so employees learn by lectures10. Which of the following is not true of self-ratings of performance? .D. They are free of most biases that other rating sources may have1.Performance appraisal methods can be broadly(大体上)classified as either , , or approaches.B. trait, behavioral, results2.The area from which employers obtain certain types of workers from within the organization is known as the .A. internal labor market3. Coaching is a technique that can be used to develop individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes.4. The primary reason why organizations train new employees is to .A.increase their knowledge, skill, and ability level5. The HR department in an overseas unit must be particularly responsive to all of the following environments except .C. technological6. Which of the following is not a primary impact that technology has had on HRM? .C. It has diminished the role of supervisors in managing employees.7. Which management group has primary responsibility for the development of disciplinary policies and procedures? .C. the HR department8. To create a more flexible pool of employees, managers might most likely .B. rely on skill-based pay structures9. Which of the following does not alter the nature of jobs and the requirements of individuals needed to successfully perform these jobs? .C. stable growth in product demand10. Wage survey data will normally be collected with the use of .B. key jobs1. When setting performance measures for incentive systems, we can say that the best measures are .A. quantitative, simple to understand, and show a clear relationship between output and reward2. To facilitate an egalitarian environment, which of the following HR practices should managers implement? .C. profit sharing3. If a job analyst doubt the accuracy of information provided by employees, he or she should .D. obtain additional information from them or from their supervisors4. Reasons for not hiring from within include all of the following except .A. motivational concerns6. Which of the following is an example of a well-written performance standard? .A. Desk clerks are expected to check out approximately fifteen customers every half-hour7. In the development of a factor comparison scale, key jobs are normally ranked against all of the following factors except .B. performance8. An incentive plan is more likely to succeed in an organization when all of the following are true except .D. employees believe that incentive payment are deferred9. If you were developing a performance appraisal system for individuals on international assignments, it would be best to base individual’s appraisals on information from .C. both home- and host-country evaluations10. Human capital of a firm include the following except .D. the behavior of a firm’s workers1. In general, in recent years the role of people in a determining a firm’s competitive advantage has .C. increased in importance in both service and manufacturing firms2. Objectives accomplished through job analysis include all of the following except .C. eliminating discrepancies between internal wage rates and market rates3. 360-degree feedback might be used for the following except .D. recruitment4. Employees who are coached, advised, and encouraged by employers of greater rank are known as .D. protégés5. Which of the following isn’t a form of performance-based compensation? .C. minimum wage6. Advantage of employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs)include all of the following except .B. the employees’ pensions are less v ulnerable(易受批评)due to diversification7. Lee, a new supervisor, wants to correctly document(记录,证明)the poor performance of an employee. Which of the following would he not have to do? .A. perform a current performance appraisal of the employee8. All of the following benefits are realized by aligning(支持、校正)employee rewards with performance except .B. employees will pursue outcomes that beneficial to themselves9. Staffing the organization, designing jobs and teams, developing skillful employees, identifying approaches for improving employee performance, and other “HRM” issues are duties typically reserved for .C. HR and line managers10. Job analysis is called the cornerstone of HRM because .C. the information it collects serve so many HRM functions1. During the selection procedure, an applicant may be rejected .D. at any step in the procedure2. Which type of training allows students to get real-world experience in organizations while still receiving college credit? .C. internshipsB. developmental purposes4. An employer wishing to set up the job classification system of job evaluation would have to .C. describe job grades with increasing amount of responsibility, skill, knowledge, or ability5. When a combination salary and commission plan is used to compensate sales employees, the percentage of cash compensation paid in commission is called .C. an incentive6. To enhance the degree(程度)of rareness in employee skill and abilities, organizations should develop competencies in their employees that .D. are not equally available in the labor market7. Sometimes organizations provide services to terminated employees that help them bridge the gap between their old position and a new job. These services are known as .C. outplacement assistance8. Organizations like to hire older workers because .A. they have proven employment experience9. When determining where training emphasis should be placed, an examination of the goals, resources, and environment of the organization is known as .B. organization analysis10. While a career development program requires special processes and techniques, a basic requirement is .C. management support1. The worth and compensation of a job should depend on all of the following except .D. the gender of the employees2. Regardless of the selection methods used, it is essential that the selection procedure be .C. reliable and valid3. A supervisor who provides a continuing flow of instructions, comments, and suggestions to the subordinate is engaging in what type of on-the-job training? .B. coaching4. Performance appraisal systems sometimes yield disappointing results for all of the following reasons except .D. use of appraisal systems in validating job analysis5. An employer wishing to raise the “real wages” of employees would have to .A. grant wage increases larger than the cost of living6. Disadvantages of profit sharing include all of the following except .C. effective profit sharing plans require a second HR programD. capability to manage a highly centralized organization8. To attain a sustainable competitive advantage through people, organizations should develop competencies in their employees that .D. are designed around unique team processes9. Which of the following is not an outcome of low salary budget? .B. increased employee output10. Benefits of orientation programs frequently reported by employers include all of the following1. In order to play a more active role in influencing change within organizations, HR department must do all of the following except .C. view themselves as primarily performing a service function2. Job requirements are .A. the different duties, tasks, and responsibilities that make up a job3. The technique of training managers that emphasizes the need to involve supervisory trainees in handling real-life employee problems and to receive immediate feedback on their own performance is .D. behavior modeling4. All of the following are basic skills needed for successful career management except .D.putting responsibility for your career in the hands of your supervisor5. The term pay-for-performance can encompass all of the following except .B. base salary6. Disorientation(迷失)that causes perpetual stress in people who settle overseas for lengthy periods of time is commonly referred to as .B. culture shock7. Smaller organizations can achieve a system approach to organizational design that maximizes employee performance and well-being by combining all of the following except .C. organizational strategy8. Which of the following is an appropriate strategy to create a training environment conducive to learning? .A. using negative reinforcement(负强化)9. An organization wishing to establish greater job-staffing flexibility would likely use which pay system? .B. skill-based pay10. If labor costs represent 50% of an organization’s sales dollars and the organization pays a bonus to employees whenever labor costs drop below this percentage, which type of incentive plan is it using? .1. The benefits of providing job applicants with a balanced, honest, and realistic portrayal(描述)of a job position include all of the following except .D. enhanced expectations and aspirations2. The interview method that best reduces the possibility of discrimination is the .D. structured interview3. Which of the following is not a fundamental issue related to training design? .D. trainee ethnic characteristics4. Compensation programs that compensate employees for the knowledge they possess are known as .A. skill-based pay plans5. .In order for a merit pay plan(记功支付计划)to work effectively, all of the following should occur except .D. a supervisor’s subjective evaluation must be used in computing the raise6. Which of the following is not one of the ways in which international HRM differs from domestic HRM? .A. international HRM must be concerned with obeying local laws and regulations7. All of the following benefits are realized by redesigning work around key business processes except .B. it standardizes employees’ skills8. “Tell me about the last time you disciplined an employee” is an example of a .A. behavioral description interview question9. The piecework system is more likely to succeed when all of the following are true except .B. the quality of the product is critical(决定性的)10. Which management group has primary responsibility for the development of disciplinary policies and procedures? .C. the HR department1. Which of the following organizations is pursuing a transnational strategy? .B. a brewery trying to achieve scale economies while simultaneously customizing its taste and marketing efforts for local markets2. Recent technological advancements have led to all of the following except .A. an increased number of unskilled jobs3. If 200 resumes were obtained from an employment agency(职业介绍所), 40 of the applicants submitting those resumes were qualified, 20 of the applicants submitting those resumes were invited for an on-site interview, and 10 were offered employment, what is the cumulative yield-ratio? .D. 40 percent=(40/200+20/40+10/20)/3=40%4. Which of the following is not a benefit of orientation programs? .5. When setting performance measures for incentive systems, we can say that the best measures are .A. quantitative, simple to understand, and show a clear relationship between output and reward6. To facilitate an egalitarian environment, which of the following HR practices should managers implement? .C. profit sharing7. If a job analyst doubt the accuracy of information provided by employees, he or she should .D. obtain additional information from them or from their supervisors8. If you were developing a performance appraisal system for individuals on international assignments, it would be best to bas e individual’s appraisals on information from .C. both home- and host-country evaluations9. In general, in recent years the role of people in a determining a firm’s competitive advantage has .C. increased in importance in both service and manufacturing firms10. To obtain employee input regarding benefits packages, employers often use .D. opinion surveys1. Which of the following methods focuses the evaluator’s attention on those behaviors that are key in making the difference between executing a job effectively or ineffectively? .D. Critical incidents2. Recruiting from within means that organization prefers to recruit people from .C. internal labor market3. Human resource and succession planning provides information on .B. future skill requirements and management training needs4. Multiperson comparisons evaluate one individual’s performance against one or more others. There are three most popular comparisons except .C. graphic rating scales5. Extrinsic rewards include the following except .A.job enrichment6. In a company, if people currently employed are 300, annual wastage rate is 20%, and number required at end-year is 350, then the company should recruit .B.110 =350-0.8*300=1107. In the broader meaning of the term, human resource planning plays a(an) in the HR function.A. strategic role8. What is the main aim of job rotation? .B. broaden experience10. The basis philosophy of the managerial grid training is that .B. the task of the individual manager is to achieve production through people。