
存款证明翻译(5篇)第一篇:存款证明翻译CertificationTo Canadian Embassy in China,We hereby certify that Wang Jinggao has opened a current account with our bank, account No.: ***.As of July 14, 2008, Wang Jinggao has deposited CNY/81000.00(Capital Letters: eighty-one thousand yuan only)with our bank.This Certification is issued solely for the Customer Wang Jinggao as a financial proof for his application for overseas mercial Bank of Taian City Shizhong Sub-BranchOfficial Business Seal of Commercial Bank of Taian City Shizhong Sub-Branch(1)(seal)July 14, 2008Issuer: Su FenglingOffice Tel: 86 538 8228495Mobile Phone: 0***Address: No.86 Dongyue Street, Taian City, Shandong, China 第二篇:银行存单和存款证明翻译BANK OF CHINAAuto-renewalWithdrawal by password2012 DEPOSIT CERTIFICATENo.B 00000000(Depositor’s Seal)Afterwards Supervisor:Approved: 0Operated: 8888888No.B(Sealed by Han Lu)CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITNo.: 333333 Date: 2012/05/24We hereby certify that up to Ms.has deposit accounts with this Bank as follows:Special seal of Deposit Certificate, Bank of China ** City ** Sub-Branch第三篇:存款证明(精选)存款证明服务产品名称存款证明产品说明因自费留学、申请国外移民、探亲、境外旅游等事由需开具存款证明。

bank of chinapersonal certificate of deposit no.: *******date: ******* we hereby certify that from mr/ms (type of valid identification id no. )have deposit accounts with the bank as follows: remarks: for notes of the personal certificate deposit, please refer to the termsand conditions on the back. please read carefully. bank of china limited branch (seal)篇二:银行存款证明办理参考银行存款证明办理参考银行存款证明是证明存款人在银行有在以后某个时点前不可动用的存款余额。

financialsupervisor’sname&signature:___________________单位财务主管姓名、签名telephone&faxnos:___________________财务主管电话及传真telephoneno:___________________单位主管电话importantnote:pleaseenclosecopiesofthefollowingdocumentsify ouarethe请注意:请呈上下列文件如果您是:employer--photocopyofbusinessregistrationcertificate雇主-营业执照复印件employee—additionalbankstatements员工-其他银行存款证明复印件以证明家庭经济能力银行存款证明见以下模版:篇二:银行存款证明书存款证明书日期:年月日兹证明先生/女士截止至年月日,在我行存款如下:银行盖章:有权人签字:说明:1、本“存款声明书”复印无效2、本“存款声明书”不得转让、不得质押、不得为他人担保、不能作为提取上述存款的凭证。
签证——银行存款证明银行对账单翻译样板[五篇模版]第一篇:签证——银行存款证明&银行对账单翻译样板存款证明样板:CERTIFICATE OF BALANCE OF ONE FOR ALL CARD OF BANK OF CHINA(English Translation)No.of Client:Date:2006/xx/xxName: XXXX Time:Current Accounting A/C No.11 Currency RMB Kind Current AccountingFixed Time Accounting Serial No.0001 Currency RMB Kind Value Date Balance xxxxx Satus Activity Balance xxxxx Status Activity Fixed Time and 20060808CurrentAccountingBank of China Beijing Chaoyangmen Branch(seal)银行对账单样板1:Agriculture Bank of ChinaBank Reconciliation Name XXXA/c NumberXXXXSubject NumberXXXPage XX银行对账单样板2:Agriculture Bank of ChinaBank ReconciliationPrint Date: 2011/11/18第二篇:银行存款证明翻译银行存款证明是我们出国时的重要材料之一。

Bank of ChinaPersonal Time Deposit CertificateNo. A 017271523 A/C No. 179709695979 A/C NameAmount In Figure CNY 180,000.00Transaction Date Interest from Type Term Interest Date Maturity Date 30/01/2011 30/01/2011 Lum 3 Months 2.2500% 30/04/2011Authorised Signature:Bank of China Tongling Aiguo Branch (seal)A/C No.: 1217979988810034761 Name:Volume No.: 001*1 Withdrawal Method: Cipher Symbol: Universal Cash Saving and Withdrawing China Construction Bank Special Seal for Passbook of China Construction BankShanghai City Luban Road Branch Passbook No.: 310001736925 Issue Date: 06/04/20091 06/04/09 Open theaccountRMB RMB 11 2 years 06/04/2011 100,000.00 2.79000% 7639000062 06/04/09 Open theaccountRMB RMB 11 2 years 06/04/2011 100,000.00 2.79000% 7639000063 06/04/09 Open theaccountRMB RMB 11 2 years 06/04/2011 50,000.00 2.79000% 763900006No. Date Remarks DCUR. E/C Type Period. Due Date Principal/Interest Int. Rate/Tax RateTeller Please check all entries before leaving the counter.China Postal SavingsDeposit CertificateWan A 7406488540Opening Branch TransactionDateValue Date Term Due Date AnnualDate%TransferTypeRe-depTermS.C. Oper340701006 19/02/2011 19/02/2011 3Months 19/05/2011 2.6000 Re-dep 3MonthsCipher 3420130Account No.: 0303340701005209403 Depositor: Original Account No. Amount: RMB 40,000.00Authorised Signature: LI LanhongChina Postal Savings Zhongheyuan Branch (seal)Industrial and Commercial Bank of ChinaDeposit CertificateZhe A 17417944Transaction Date Value Date Term Due Date Do You Wantto Renew onMaturityRe-depTermAnnualDateInterestDateNoticeDate06/04/2010 06/04/2010 7 DaysNature S.C. Free Dep Oper001 Cipher Free 05235 Account No.: 1203281508100535003* Depositor: Original Account No.Amount: RMB 210,000.00Authorised Signature:Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Rui’an Hongqiao Branch (seal)Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Lump-Sum Time Deposit Certificate (Large Amount)Certificate No.: No.: Ji ATransaction Date Value Date Nature S.C Free Dep TermCipher Free 6 Months Re-dep Term Annual Rate %Due Date Interests Due Operator 000A/C No.:Depositor:Amount: RMB 80,000.00Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Tangshan City Zhaozhuang Branch (seal)A/C No. Depositor:Tag of Issuing Card:Special Seal for Passbook of China Industrial and Commercial Bank Tangshan City Xueyuan Lu BranchNo. 1Site Name: Xueyuan Lu Savings BankCertificate No.:Authorized Signature:Issue Date: Free Deposit and Withdrawal: free S.C.: CipherNo.Date Nature Notes Term DueDateR.T.Currency(E/C)Principal/InterestInterest Rate/TaxS.N.Operator001001Open theaccount003000RMB¥ 1.7100003185001001Withdrawal003000RMB¥7.193185 002001Deposit012000RMB¥ 1.9800003185 003001Deposit012012RMB¥ 2.2500003029China Construction BankLump-Sum Special Deposit Certificate No.The amount on this deposit certificate should be no more than RMB 1,000,000.00 (or foreign currency with the same value). Otherwise the deposit certificate will be invalid.A/C No. Depositor:Currency RMB (C Currency)Amount (in figures): (in figure )TransactionDate Term Interest Rate Value Date Due Date Due Interest WithdrawalModeRe-depositTermWithdrawalDate A/C No.Withdrawal Amount Fromthe CapitalInterest Serial Number Free Deposit /WithdrawSavings Counter of China Construction Bank Tangshan City Xueyuan Lu Branch (official seal) Checked by: Withdrawal checked by: Accounts kept by:Deposit checked by: Accounts kept by:(seal)Please read the “Client Notice” on the back of this deposit certi ficate carefully.。
【精品文档】存款证明中英文-优秀word范文 (3页)

Name: XXXX Time:
Current Accounting
A/C No.CurrencyKindBalanceStatus
11RMBCurrent AccountБайду номын сангаасngxx-xxxActivity
Fixed Time Accounting
Name: XXXX Time:
Current Accounting
A/C No.CurrencyKindBalanceStatus
11RMBCurrent Accountingxx-xxxActivity
Fixed Time Accounting
Serial No.CurrencyKindValue DateBalanceSatus
No. of Client:Date:/xx/xx
Name: XXXX Time:
Current Accounting
A/C No.CurrencyKindBalanceStatus
11RMBCurrent Accountingxx-xxxActivity
Fixed Time Accounting
Serial No.CurrencyKindValue DateBalanceSatus
0001RMBFixed Time and Current Accounting201X0808xx-xxxActivity
中国银行存款证明 正面

个人存款证明PERSONAL CERTIFCATE OF DEPOSIT号码No.:1906813开立日期Date:兹证明先生/女士截止到年月日We hereby certify that up to(DD/MM/YYYY)Mr/Mrs/Ms在我行存款如下:has deposit accounts with this bank as follows:存款账号存款种类货币金额存入日备注:有关本个人存款证明相关说明详见背面条款,请您仔细阅读。
Remark the relevant details of thisin the back clause,please read it carefully.中国银行股份有限公司行(盖章)Bank of China Limited Branch(stamp),说明:Notes:1.本个人存款证明 (以下简称:存款证明)为一联正本(盖章有效) 其复印件或影印等对 外无证明效力。
The individual certificates of deposit (hereinafter referred to as: certificates of deposit) is a joint originals (stamp valid), which copies or photocopies and other external no proof of effectiveness.2.本“存款证明”不得转让,不能作为提取上述证明的凭证。
The "certificates of deposit" not negotiable and can not be used as proof of extracting the credentials.3.本“存款证明”不具有银行经济担保作用,不得作为质押凭证:本“存款证明”仅证明存 款人在一定期限内在银行有一定存款,且该存款在“存款证明”有效期限内不得办理取现、 转账。

BANK OF CHINACERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITNo. 2781354Date: 2009/05/20 We hereby certify that up to 20/08/2009 (DD/MM/YYYY) Mr/Mrs/Ms QI DAN has deposit accounts with thisbank as follows:Seal: Bank of China Shan Dong BranchDEPOSIT CERTIFICATE(001) 姓名:李宏翻译 Name: Li Hong Translator证书名称:翻译等级证书Certificate: CATTI CERTIFICATE证书编号: 09692 Certificate No.: 09692公司名称:北京美英爱翻译有限公司Company Name: Beijing Merrier Translation Co., LTD公司地址:北京市朝阳区南磨房路37号2108室Company Add.: Room 2108, No.37, Nanmofang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing City联系电话:86-10-51908951 Contact Tel: 86-10-51908951Seal: JINAN BRANCH BANK OF CHINA LIMITED2009.05.19TRANSFER COMPLETED证书名称:翻译等级证书Certificate: CATTI CERTIFICATE证书编号: 09692 Certificate No.: 09692公司名称:北京美英爱翻译有限公司Company Name: Beijing Merrier Translation Co., LTD 公司地址:北京市朝阳区南磨房路37号2108室Company Add.: Room 2108, No.37, Nanmofang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing City联系电话:86-10-51908951 Contact Tel: 86-10-51908951Seal: JINAN BRANCH BANK OF CHINA LIMITED2009.05.19TRANSFER COMPLETED证书名称:翻译等级证书Certificate: CATTI CERTIFICATE证书编号: 09692 Certificate No.: 09692公司名称:北京美英爱翻译有限公司Company Name: Beijing Merrier Translation Co., LTD 公司地址:北京市朝阳区南磨房路37号2108室Company Add.: Room 2108, No.37, Nanmofang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing City联系电话:86-10-51908951 Contact Tel: 86-10-51908951。

存款证明英文篇(一)No. of Client:Date:2008/xx/xxName: XXXX Time:Current AccountingA/C No.CurrencyKindBalanceStatus11RMBCurrent Accountingxx-xxxActivityFixed Time AccountingSerial No.CurrencyKindValue DateBalanceSatus0001RMBFixed Time and Current Accounting20080808xx-xxxActivityBank of China Guangzhou Branch (seal)No. of Client:Date:2006/xx/xxName: XXXX Time:Current AccountingA/C No.CurrencyKindBalanceStatus11RMBCurrent Accountingxx-xxxActivity存款证明英文篇(二)Fixed Time AccountingSerial No.CurrencyKindValue DateBalanceSatus0001RMBFixed Time and Current Accounting20060808xx-xxxActivityBank of China Beijing Chaoyangmen Branch (seal)CERTIFICATE OF BALANCE OF ONE FOR ALL CARD OF BANK OF CHINA (English Translation)No. of Client:Date:2006/xx/xxName: XXXX Time:Current AccountingA/C No.CurrencyKindBalanceStatus11RMBCurrent Accountingxx-xxxActivityFixed Time AccountingSerial No.CurrencyKindValue DateBalanceSatus0001RMBFixed Time and Current Accounting20060808xx-xxxActivityBank of China Beijing Chaoyangmen Branch (seal)存款证明英文篇(三)CERTIFICATE OF BALANCE OF ONE FOR ALL CARD OF BANK OF CHINA (English Translation)No. of Client:Date:2008/xx/xxName: XXXX Time:Current AccountingA/C No.CurrencyKindBalanceStatus11RMBCurrent Accountingxx-xxxActivityFixed Time AccountingSerial No.CurrencyKindValue DateBalanceSatus0001RMBFixed Time and Current Accounting20080808xx-xxxActivityBank of China Guangzhou Branch (seal)【2017存款证明英文版格式范本】。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
No. 2640870
Date: 2009/05/05 We hereby certify that up to 05/11/2009 (DD/MM/YYYY) Mr/Mrs/Ms DONG FANGYUAN has deposit accounts with this bank as follows:
CD/Passbook No. Type of Deposit Currency&Accou
V alue
3826880011100029807 TIME DEPOSIT CNY 150,000.00 2009/05/05
Seal: Bank of China Shan Dong Branch
姓名:李宏翻译Name: Li Hong Translator
证书编号:09692 Certificate No.: 09692
Company Name: Beijing Merrier Translation Co., LTD
Company Add.: Room 2108, No.37, Nanmofang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing City
联系电话:86-10-51908951 Contact Tel: 86-10-51908951
Automatically Redeposited To Draw upon Password No. 109640643 BANK OF CHINA RENMINBI TIME DEPOSIT RECEIPT Teller: J1K8
Date: 2009/05/05 Name: DONG FANGYUAN
Account No. 4058660011100262031 Amount: CNY 150,000.00
Period: 06 Interest Rate: 1.980000% Maturity: 2009/11/05
Accountant: ZHU XIAOMENG Double check: Transactor:
No. 109640643
Customer Notes
1. Deposit requires real names. Customers should check the printing information on the receipt as soon as they get the receipt.
2. Please remember the password and guard against leakage. If you forget the password, you should deal with the loss procedure for password, following the relative regulation.
3. The receipt should be kept in safe place. Do not destroy or loss the receipt.
4. If you loss the receipt, please report to the bank for loss procedure at once with your account name, account number, amount, period, date,etc.
5. The pledge and transfer are not effective without confirmation.
6. The following information is needed when you want to draw before the maturity:
Account Name: Certificate Name: Certificate No. Account Address: Agent Name: Certificate Name: Certificate No. Agent Address: Note:
姓名:李宏 翻译 Name: Li Hong Translator
证书编号: 09692 Certificate No.: 09692
公司名称: 北京美英爱翻译有限公司
Company Name: Beijing Merrier Translation Co., LTD
Company Add.: Room 2108, No.37, Nanmofang Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing City
联系电话:86-10-51908951 Contact Tel: 86-10-51908951 BANK SIGNA TURE: JINAN BRANCH BANK OF CHINA LIMITED。