牛津英汉双解大辞典 Y(A至Z)

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牛津英汉双解大辞典 Y, y

/ waI; waI/ n (pl Y's, y's / waIz; waIz/) the twenty-fifth letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第二十五个字母: `Yak' begins with (a) Y/`Y'. yak 一字以 y 字母开始.

Y chromosome

(biology 生) chromosome that occurs singly and only in male cells, and produces a male after combining with an X chromosome during thereproductive process Y染色体. Cf 参看 X chromosome(X).


n [pl] (Brit propr 专利名) men's underpants, with seams and an opening in the front sewn in the shape of an inverted Y 男用内裤(前有倒Y形开口者): a pair of Y-fronts 一条男用内裤(前有倒Y形开口者).

-y (also -ey)

suff 後缀 1 (with ns forming adjs 与名词结合构成形容词) full of; having the quality of 充满...的; 多...的; 有...性质的: dusty * icy * clayey. 2 (with vs forming adjs 与动词结合构成形容词) tending to 有...倾向的; 易...的: runny * sticky.


(forming advs 用以构成副词).


(forming uncountable ns 用以构成不可数名词).


suff 後缀 1 (with vs forming ns 与动词结合构成名词) action or process of ...的行动或过程: inquiry * expiry. 2 (also -ie) (with ns forming diminutives or pet names 与名词结合构成指小词或昵称): piggy * doggie * daddy * Susie.


abbr 缩写 = 1 yen1. 2 / waI; waI/ (US infml 口) = YMCA, YWCA.


/ waI; waI/ symb 符号 (a) (also y) (mathematics 数) unknown quantity 未知数: x = y + 2. (b) (fig 比喻) second unknown or unspecified person, number or influence 第二个未知的或未指明的人、数或影响力: Mr X met Miss Y. X先生遇见了Y小姐.


/ jCt; jBt/ n 1 light sailing-boat, esp one built specifically for racing 快艇; (尤指专为竞赛用的)帆船: [attrib 作定语] a yacht race, club, crew 帆船竞赛、俱乐部、(一组)选手 * a sand yacht, ie a yacht-like vehiclewith wheels for use on sand 沙滩车. 2 large (usu power-driven) vessel used for private pleasure cruising 大型(通常为机动的)游艇. Cf 参看 dinghy.


v [I] (usu in the continuous tenses 通常用於进行时态) travel or race in a yacht, especially as a hobby 乘坐快艇、帆船、游艇或进行比赛(尤指作为爱好): I go yachting most weekends in the summer. 在夏天, 我大多数周末都乘快艇游玩. yachting n [U] art, practice or sport of sailing yachts 帆船驾驶(术); 帆船驾驶运动: [attrib 作定语] yachting equipment 帆船驾驶设备.


/ -smEn; -smEn/ n (pl -smen / -smEn; -smEn/, fem 阴性作 `yachtswoman) person who has

yachting as a hobby 帆船运动爱好者: a round-the-worldyachtsman 环游世界一周的帆船运动爱好者.


/ jAk; jAk/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (away/on) (about sb/sth) (sl 俚) talk continuously and often noisily (usu about sth unimportant) 唠唠叨叨, 闲扯(常为高声地): Joy kept yacking (on) about the wedding. 乔伊唠唠叨叨地聊著婚礼的事.


n (usu sing 通常作单数) (sl 俚) persistent or trivial conversation; chatter 絮絮叨叨的谈话; 聊天; 唠叨: having a good old yack with the neighbours 与邻居痛快地闲扯往事.


/ 9jAkEtI 5jk; 9jAkEtI `jAk/ n [U] (sl 俚) persistent chatter 絮絮叨叨的谈话; 唠叨.


/ jE5hu:; jE`hu/ n (pl ~s) coarse brutish person 粗鲁的人: [attrib 作定语] a yahoo attitude 粗鲁的态度.


/ jAk; jAk/ n wild or domesticated ox of Central Asia, with long horns and hair 牛(产於中亚、西藏).


/ jeIl; jel/ n (also `Yale lock) (propr 专利名) type of lock with revolving internal parts, commonly used for doors, etc 耶鲁锁, 撞锁(常用作门等的锁): have a Yale (lock) fitted 安装耶鲁锁 * [attrib 作定语] a Yale key 耶鲁锁的钥匙.


/ jAm; jAm/ n 1 (a) edible starchy tuber of a tropical climbing plant 薯蓣(通称山药). (b) this plant 薯蓣. 2 (US) type of sweet potato 甘薯(通称白薯或红薯). yammer

/ 5jAmE(r); `jAmL/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (on) (aboutsb/sth) (infml derog 口, 贬) talk noisily and continuously; complain or speak in a whining, grumbling manner 高声不停地说; 抱怨; 嘟嘟囔囔地说: I do wish they'd stop yammering on about the size of the bill. 我真希望他们别再嘟嘟囔囔地抱怨帐单的价钱了.


/ 5jAmE(r); `jAmL/ v [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (on) (aboutsb/sth) (infml derog 口, 贬) talk noisily and continuously; complain or speak in a whining, grumbling manner 高声不停地说; 抱怨; 嘟嘟囔囔地说: I do wish they'd stop yammering on about the size of the bill. 我真希望他们别再嘟嘟囔囔地抱怨帐单的价钱了.


/ jAN; jAN/ n [U] (in Chinese philosophy) the active bright male principle of the universe (中国哲学)阳. Cf 参看 yin.


/ jANk; jANk/ n (infml 口) = Yankee.


/ jANk; jANk/ v [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (infml 口) pull (sth) with a sudden sharp tug (often in a specifieddirection) 猛拉(某物)(常为向某方向): She yanked (on) the
