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8.__p_la_t_fo_r_m__n.台;平台;讲台;(火车站的)月台 9. _p_a_r_ti_c_ip_a_t_evi.参与;参加 →_p_a_r_ti_c_ip_a_t_io_n_n.参加;参与 10.i_n_te_r_p_r_et_e_r n.作口译的人 →_i_n_te_r_p_r_et_ vi.解释;翻译vt.说明;口译 重点单词 11. o_t_h_e_rw__is_e_ conj.否则;不然adv.用别的方法;其他方面 12. p_r_iv_i_l_eg_e_n.特权;特别优待 13.a_r_ra_n_g_e_m__e_n_t n.安排;排列 →_a_r_ra_n_g_e_v.安排;排列 14. t_o_a_st_vt.烤(面包等);敬酒n.烤面包(片);吐司面包; 干杯
选修7 Unit 4 Sharing
1._f_o_rt_n_ig_h_t_ n.两星期 2. _m_u_d_d_y__ adj.泥泞的;泥土般的 →m__u_d_ n.泥vt.弄脏;用泥涂 3. c_o_n_c_e_p_t_ n.观念;概念 4. _re_l_e_v_an_t_ adj.有关的;切题的 重点单词 →_re_l_e_v_an_c_e_ n.中肯;切题 →_re_l_e_v_an_t_l_y adv.有关地;切题地 →_ir_re_l_e_v_a_n_tl_y adv.无关地;不切题地 5. _re_m__o_te_ adj.遥远的;偏僻的 6. _w_e_e_d_ n.杂草;野草vt.& vi.除去草 7. _ad_j_u_s_t vt.& vi.调整;(使)适合 →_ad_j_u_s_ta_b_l_e adj.可调整的;可调节的 →a_d_j_u_s_tm__e_n_t n.调整
We walked for two and a half hours to get there— first up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fantastic views and then down a steep path to the valley below. (教材P29)
sth. (1) adjust to doing sth.
adjust oneself to adapt oneself to
adjustment n.调整,调节,适应 make an adjustment作出调整
Mr.Brown has some difficulty in adjusting to the new climate. 布朗先生不大容易适应新的气候。
(2) give/make/present a donation to...捐赠给…… send a donation to...把捐款寄至……
(3) donator n.捐赠者,赠送者
They used to donate large sum of money to the Red Cross every year. 他们过去每年都向红十字会捐献大笔的钱。
The documents are largely irrelevant to the present investigation. 这些文件与目前进行的调查基本上不相干。
2 adjust vt.& vi.调整;使适合
The hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust. (教材P30) 小屋内很黑,因此我们的眼睛过了好一阵才适 应过来。
Students are encouraged to participate in the running of the college. 学生们被鼓励参与学院的管理工作。
All the participants in the debate will have an opportunity to speak. 所有参加辩论的人都有机会发言。
1.__h_e_ar__fr_o_m_._..接到……的信 2. _(_b_e_)_d_y_in_g__to_ 极想;渴望 3. _t_h_e_o_t_h_e_r _d_a_y 前几天 4. _c_o_m__e_a_c_ro_s_s_偶然遇到或发现;碰见 5. _b_e__re_l_e_v_an_t_t_o 与……有关 重点短语 6. _d_r_y_o_u_t_(使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透 7. _d_r_y_u_p__(指河流、井等)干涸 8. _i_n_n_e_e_d__在困难中;在危急中 9. _p_a_r_ti_c_ip_a_t_e_in参加;参与 10. d_i_s_tr_ib_u_t_e_.._.t_o_... 把……分配给……
be relevant to...= have sth.to do with 与……有关 be irrelevant to...与……不相关 totally/completely/largely irrelevant完全/绝对/基本上无 关紧要
I don’t think his remarks are relevant to our discussion. 我认为他的话不切我们的议题。
15. a_s_tr_o_n_a_u_t_n.宇航员;太空人 16. c_a_t_al_o_g_u_e_n.目录
17._d_o_n_a_te__vt.捐赠;赠送 →_d_o_n_a_t_io_n_n.捐赠;赠送 18. v_o_l_u_n_ta_r_y_adj.自愿的;志愿的;无偿的 →_v_o_l_u_n_te_e_r_n.自愿者;志愿者 19. p_u_r_c_h_a_se__vt.& vi.买;购买 重点单词 20.a_n_n_i_v_e_rs_a_r_yn.周年纪念(日) 21. s_e_e_d__n.种子;萌芽 →_s_e_e_d_li_n_g__n.秧苗;树苗 22. s_e_w__vi.(用针线)缝vt.缝制;缝合 23. t_ru_n_k_ n.树干;躯干;大衣箱 24. c_l_ic_k_ vi.& vt.(使)发出咔哒声n. 咔哒声 25. d_i_s_tr_ib_u_t_io_n_n.分配;分发;分布状态 26. s_e_c_u_ri_t_y___n.安全;保护;保障
Local people lined up to donate blood for the brave girl. 当地群众排队给这位勇敢的姑娘献血。
He asked for a donation but went away empty handed. 他请求人们捐款,却一无所获地离开了!
5 distribution n.分配;分发;分布 This gift covers the cost of production and distribution of seedlings, as well as training in tree care for the local villagers who are working hard to prevent their land from turning into desert. (教材P35) 这份礼物包含了幼树苗的培育和销售费用,也包含了为阻止田地 沙漠化而辛勤劳动的当地村民参加护树培训的费用。
1 relevant adj.有关的;切题的 Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to the kids, most of whom will be going back to their villages after Year 8. (教材P29) 有时候,我真想知道,化学对这些孩子究竟有多大的用 处。他们中的大多数学完八年级以后就要回到他们的村 庄去了。
(1) have a wide distribution 分布广泛 distribute vt.分配;分发
(2) distribute sth.to 把某物分(配,发)给…… distribute sth. among 把某物分(配,发)给……
It’s cold in here, can you adjust the thermostat? 这屋里很冷,你能把恒温器调一下吗?
Everybody knows that we need to make some necessary adjustments to thi源自文库 new situation and need to get better. 大家都知道我们需要做些调整适应新形势,以使我们形 势变得更好。
But last weekend another teacher, Jenny, and I did visit a village that was the home of one of the boy, Tombe. (教材P29)
重点句型 2.“from where...”的结构功能
3.with 复合结构在句中作定语 Tombe’s father, Mukap, led us to his house, a low bamboo hut with grass sticking out of the roof—this shows it’s a man’s house. (教材P29) 重点句型 4.not...but... 连接两个并列成分 The gift you give is not something your loved one keeps but a contribution towards the lives of people who really need it. (教材P34)
复习限制性定语从句 I’ve included some photos which will help you picture the places I talk about. (教材P29) 语法要点 ...first up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fantastic views....(教材P29) The only possessions that I could see were a few tin plates and cups and a couple of pots. (教材P29)
participate with sb.in sth. (1)与某人分担……/同某人参与某事
participate in sth./doing sth.参加……/参与做…… (2) participant n.参加者;共享者 (3) participation n.参与;分担;共享
If only I could participate in your good fortune. 要是我能分享你的好运就好了。
3 participate vi.参与;参加;分享
I loved listening to the family softly talking to each other in
the language, even though I could not participate in the conversation.(教材P30) 尽管我不能参与他们的交谈,但我喜欢听他们用他们自己 的语言互相轻声说话。
We want more participation in the decision making. 我们想更多地参与决策。
4 donate vt.捐赠 Would you like to donate an unusual gift? (教材P34) 你愿意捐献一份不平常的礼物吗?
(1) donate sth.to...向……捐献某物 donation n.捐献,捐赠;捐款,捐赠物