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Yesterday Once More (昨日重现)

歌手:Carpenter When I was young I'd listen to the radio 当我还年轻的时候,就喜欢收听广播Waiting for my favorite songs 等待我最喜爱的歌曲

When they played I'd sing along 当他们演奏时,我会随之吟唱

It made me smile 这使我心情欢畅

Those were such happy times and not so long ago那是多么快乐的时光,就在不久以前

How I wonder where they'd gone 我多想知道它们哪儿去了

But they're back again, just like a long lost friend 而今它们再次出现,就像失散的旧友重逢

All the songs I love so well 所有那些我爱过的歌曲

Every sha-la-la-la every wo-wo-o still shines 每段旋律,每个音符,依旧闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每个迷人的音节

That they're starting to sing so fine 他们演绎得如此美妙

When they get to the part where he's breaking her heart 当他们唱到他使她伤心的那个地方

It can really make me cry, just like before 我不禁泪流满面,一如往昔

It's yesterday once more 这是昨日的重现

(Shoobie do lang lang) (Shoobie do lang lang) 无比惆怅无比惆怅

Looking back on how it was in years gone by 回首过去的岁月

And the good time that I had 想起过去的美好时光

Makes today seem rather sad 使得今昔倍加伤感

So much has changed 一切都已不再

It was songs of love that I would sing to them 这就是那些我跟着唱过的情歌And I'd memorize each word 我要记住歌中的每字每句

Those old melodies still sound so good to me 那些熟悉的旋律,依旧打动我心坎

As they melt the years away 时光阻隔融化无踪

* Every sha-la-la-la every wo-wo-o stills 每段旋律,每个音符,依旧闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每个迷人的音节

That they're starting to sing so fine 他们演绎得如此美妙 *

All my best memories come back clearly to me 一切最美好的回忆,清晰地重现于眼前

Some can even make me cry just like before有些甚至让我泪流满面,一如往昔Its yesterday once more 这是昨日的重现

