在小说中,主人公弗雷德里克·亨利(Frederic Henry)经历了数次雨水的洗礼,每一次他都感到无助和迷茫。
关键词:象征主义;地点;天气;象征性的人物Symbolism in a farewell to armsAbstract:Hemingway, one of the most brilliant novelists in the history of the western literature, is famous for his symbolism. In the novel A Farewell to Arms, he applied the symbolism under different scenes, which endows rain, snow, mountain, plain, and water with different kinds of implication to highlight the ruthless, sad, miserable and desolate atmosphere of the war and discloses the people's depression, helplessness and desperation in the war. In addition, the characters also have the strong symbolic meaning. Therefore, this paper mainly analyzes the symbolic meanings of the mountain,plain,rain,snow and the characters in the novel,and interprets their significance and value in the appreciation of the novel.Key words: symbolism; landscapes; weather; emblematic people目录一、内容简介 (XX)(一)《永别了,武器》故事梗概 (XX)(二)象征主义的含义 (XX)二、自然景物的象征意义 (XX)(一)高山的象征意义 (XX)(二)平原的象征意义 (XX)三、天气象征意义 (XX)(一)“雨”的象征意义 (XX)(二)“雪”的象征意义 (XX)四、人物的象征意义 (XX)(一)凯瑟琳的象征意义 (XX)(二)神父和雷纳第的象征意义 (XX)五、结论·························································· ()参考文献 (XX)一、内容简介(一)《永别了,武器》,故事梗概《永别了,武器》(A Farewell to Arms),又译《战地春梦》,是美国作家欧内斯特·海明威于1929年写成的半自传体小说。
文学评论·外国文学从原型批评视角分析《永别了,武器》的象征意义高慧鑫 哈尔滨师范大学摘 要:原型批评理论是流行于二十世纪五六十年代的一种文学批评形式,旨在发现文学作品中反复出现的各种意象、人物类型背后的基本形式,强调作品中的神话类型。
[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2018)-08-130-02引言:海明威是二十世纪最伟大的美国小说作家之一,他的早期长篇小说代表作《永别了,武器》于1929的问世给他带来了声誉,为其在文坛的发展打下了坚实的基础。
试析海明威 《 永别 了,武器 》中的象征主义手法
吴伟 奇
( 福建 电力 职 业技 术 学 院 ,福 建 泉州 3 6 2 0 0 0) 摘 要:《 永别 了 ,武 器 》是海 明威 的一 部名 著 。这 部作 品 节奏 明快 ,流 畅 自然 ,朴 实无 华 ,精 炼简 洁 。人 物对 话 口语 化 、性 格 化 ,三 言两 语 就 使 人物 形象 跃 然纸 上 。在 这部 小说 里 ,海 明 威通 过描 写 具体 的 事物 表现 人 物 的抽 象 的 、复杂 的思 想感 情 ,把 象征 主 义 手法 运用 得 淋漓 尽致 。本 文试 从 高 山 与平原 、亮光 与黑 夜 和河 流 与雨 水三 个方 面 分析 这一 创作 手 法 。
关键词 :象征;象征主义 ;象征主义手法 ;象征意义
欧内斯特 ・ 海明威是一位诺 贝尔文学奖获得者 , 美 国最负成名 的 作 家之一 。1 9 2 9 年 出的 《 永别了 ,武器 》 使 他声誉鹊起 , 奠定 了他在 文坛 的地位 。文学评论家认为 ,海明威的这部小说 体现了象 征主义特 征 。美 国 当代著 名的文学史 家与评论 家哈里代 写的 《 海 明威 的双 重 性 :象 征主义 和讽刺 》一 文 ,阐述 了海 明威作 品 中几个 重要 的典 型 人物具有象征主义特色 , 作 品中表现 出的高 山平原 、冬天和下雨 、老 人 、马林鱼及大海都具有象征意义。 很多评论 家赞扬 这部小说 ,称它 是海明威 在 “ 艺 术上 的最 高成
国护士凯 瑟琳 , 彼此相爱 。亨利受 了重伤 ,愈后返回前 线。在一 次慌 麻醉 自己。 乱的撤退 途中 ,亨利被意大利军官误认为是德军奸细。亨利被捕 后 , 后来亨利在战场上受 了伤 ,神父到医院去探望他 。他告诉亨利与 设法逃 跑 ,找到了凯瑟琳 ,两人一起逃亡到瑞士。过了一段短暂 的幸 妓女寻欢作 乐并不是爱 ,那只是 “ 情欲 ”。如果一个人爱别人的话 , 福生活后 , 凯 瑟琳 不幸 死于难 产。享利孤零零地在雨中返 回旅馆 , 享 他就会为所爱之人 “ 付 出” 、 “ 牺牲 ”,因而他才会有快乐 。神父离 利的世界里再次只剩下孤独。 开后 ,亨想着他告诉 自己的有关他家 乡的事 ,阿布卢 齐的春天是全意 海 明威 曾把他 的文学创作 比作漂浮在大洋上 的冰山 ,文字直接写 大利最美的。那儿有山有水 ,山上有 熊 , 河里有鱼 , 林里有 鸟,既可 出来的部分 ,仅仅是 “ 露出水面的八 分之一 ”,还有 “ 八分之七”隐 打猎 ,又可垂钓 。这里神父象征着传 统的价值 观念 ;神父 的家乡则象 藏在水下 。因此深沉含蓄 、简明清新是海 明威创作 的一个突 出特点 。 征着一片净 土。 在本书的第五部分 ,亨利和凯瑟琳 双双逃往瑞 士 ,开始了告别战 现在文学评 论家把 他的这种艺 术风格称 为 “ 冰 山风格” 、 “ 冰 山原 场 以后 的新生活 。他们住在 山里一间褐色的木房子里。这里的一切都 理”或 “ 冰山原则”。 “ 冰 山风格”主要表现在 : 。 1 .电报式文体 ,即那种简洁 、清新 、明晰 、干净 的散文文体。海 是那 么美 丽,高 山上 白雪皑皑 ,溪流边绿草如茵 。他们携手出游 ,登 明威总是避免使用描写 手法 和堆砌华丽辞藻 ,而昼采用直截了当的叙 山涉水 ,远足旅行 , 赏 阅诗文 , 甜蜜地勾画着的生活蓝图 。在海明威 述和准确 、精炼 、鲜明 、生动的短小语句 。由此其 “ 冰 山风格”又被 的笔下 ,在亨利的心 目中 , 这 里的群 山 、 气候 和河流恰似神父 的的家 称作 “ 电报式风格”。 乡:青 山绿水 ,气候寒 冷 ,是一 片净土 。在 这里他 可以暂 避开战争 2 .含蓄 、凝练 的意境。海明威 既然倡 导以八分之一 部分 来表现 的,忘却心 中的炳 ,与的凯瑟琳厮守在一起 。 八分之七部分 ,即 “ 以少胜多” ,努力要追求 一种言外 之意 、弦外之 然而好景不长 ,随着凯 瑟琳 临产 日 期 的迫近 ,他们 决定移 居到山 下靠近 医院的地方 。于是 ,他们 冒雨搬到瑞士的大城市洛桑。不久 , 音、趣外之 旨。而为 了获得这种艺术效果 , 作 家又主要依赖 了象征 、 简洁和零式结局 的手法 。海 明威相 当广泛地使用象征手法 , 表 现在其 凯 瑟琳便 f f 缶 产住进 了医院。由于难产 ,她生下的男孩夭折了。而她 自 作品 中,无 论是情 节 、主题 、意象 以至通篇诸方 面 ,均 富有突 出的 己了因为大出血 ,已奄奄一息 。亨利守在医院直到她最后死亡。告别 象征性。如 《 永别了 ,武器》中的 “ 武器”一词又可作 “ 怀抱”解 , 了战场的亨利 ,此刻 又与情场永别 。他失去属于 自己的一切 :相濡 以 暗示战争与爱情的双重主题。运用 简洁手法来安排人物对话 ,作者退 沫的妻子和即将诞生的孩子。他再 也没有什 么可做 的了……。在这个 避一旁 ,完全同人物 自己说 话 ,以此让读者去体 味厂家 的潜 台词 ,去 悲剧的后面 ,海明威暗示了这样一个 寓意 , 平原低地是人脏污秽 的地 捕捉人物稳秘的情感活动 ,以补充和再 现作家故 意省略 的八分之七部 方 ,在这里你将一无所有。 分 。如 《 永别 了,武器 》的结尾 。海明威小说 的结尾 ,一反传统 的大 2 亮光与熏夜 团圆模式一 不是那种精心安排的有头有尾的收场 ,而是 戛然 而止,给 在海明威笔下 , “ 亮光”代表着一种安全感 ,而 “ 黑夜”则和睡 人 中途刹车 、 故事似乎并没有讲完 的感觉。 觉相关联 ,睡觉象征着人死之后的长眠 , “ 黑夜” 象征着 “ 人死之后 ( T k 别 了,武器 》中的文字节奏鲜明 ,流畅 自然 ,朴实无华 , 精 所必须面对的黑暗”。 炼准确。人物对话 口 语化、 性格化 ,三言两语就使人物跃然纸上。特 凯瑟琳一开始就与 “ 亮光”连在一起 。花园里她与亨利初次相见 别值得注意的事 在表现手法 上 , 海 明威善于通过描写具体的事物表 时 ,穿 着魄 的护 士制服 ,头发 闪闪发亮 ;她 去探望 负伤 的亨梨 那 现抽 象的 、复 杂的思想 感情 ,这种 手法就是 象征手法 。在这部小 说 天 ,他一醒来 ,就看见 “ 房间里有 明亮 的阳光 ”。这预示着凯瑟琳的 里 ,海明明威的笔 下 , “ 高山 ”象 征着 “ 纯洁与 美好 ” , “ 平原 低
关键词:海明威;自然现象;象征主义The Analysis of the Symbolism in A Farewell To ArmsABSTRACTA farewell to Arms is one of the most outstanding works written by Hemingway. The novel is a great masterpiece in doom as well as a tragedy in modern sense. This thesis is written to study different symbolic meaning and reveal the new insinuation of symbolic objects by firstly introducing Hemingway and his living backgrounds, then analysing different characters and similarities of his works, reviewing the contents of A Farewell to Arms, and especially focusing on analysing Henry, Catherine, the rain, the mountain, and the arms.The thesis is written to enable readers to get a better understanding of symbolism presented in this novel and to comprehend the eternal charm of this novel, knowing the genuine purpose of Hemingway's writing.Keywords:Hemingway; arms; symbolismCONTENTS摘要 .....................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
( 一) 雨与雪的象征意义 在《 永 别 了, 武器 》 中, 雨 的意象贯 穿始 终 , 象征
着不幸 、 灾难、 厄运 、 死亡 以及 生的渴望。小说开 篇就 展现 了一幅 萧瑟凄惨 的场 景 ,漫天尘 土与枯黄 的落 叶, “ 冬 季一开始 , 就 下起 了绵绵不绝 的雨 , 淫雨又带 来 了霍乱 ” ,因而使 整部作 品的格 调低沉 、’ 间怅 、 迷
者 的青睐 , 被誉 为“ 主题与创作手法的完美 的结合” 的 典范。 文学 家伯 ・ 贝瑞孙说过 , 真正 的艺术家不是 象征
化和寓言化 , 而是每部作 品都散发 着象征和 寓言 的意 味 。毫无疑 问 , 海 明威就 是这样 的作 家 , 他 刻意追 求 “ 冰 山原则 ” 所要 求的境界 , 用有限 的语言表达无 穷的 意味 , 《 永别了, 武器》 就是这样 的著作 。
惘, 带有浓重的悲剧气氛 。从 第 1 9章开始 , “ 雨” 就像
在《 永别 了 , 武 器》 中, “ 平原” 寓意 肮脏 和痛苦 , 是罪恶 的聚 集地 ; “ 高地 ” 寓意纯洁和 美好 , 表 达 了人
们对 自由、美好 生活的 向往 。亨利提 出度假 的想法 后 ,军 官热心 向他 推荐各种 好玩 的地 方,如佛 罗伦
论< < 永别 了, 武器 的 象征 意义
◎杨 雪
( 许 昌学院公共外语教 学部 , 河南 许 昌 4 6 1 0 0 0 )
海 明威是美国 2 0世纪 “ 迷惘 的一代”的代 表人
使整部小说笼罩于不祥 的气氛之 中。 在《 永 别 了, 武器 》 中, 雪 总是与 家园 、 和平 联系 在 一起 , 象征 着净化 的力量 、 安 宁的 氛围 , 与频 频 出 现 的雨相 比 , 雪总共 出现 过三次 , 雪的 出现 总会 带来 短暂 的和平 与幸福。第一次 出现 于第 2章 , “ 又迟缓 又沉 重” 的大 雪突然 降临 , 掩盖 了满 目疮痍 的大地 , 并宣告第一年战事的结束。之后 , 教士提议亨利到阿 布卢奇度假。那里 非常寒冷 , 下雪就像撒粉一样。庄 稼人见你就脱 帽喊“ 老爷” , 似乎是远离 战争 的世外桃 源 ;雪最后一次 出现于亨利与凯瑟琳生活的阿尔卑斯 山, “ 天天是 明亮寒冷的 白昼和凛冽的寒夜……湖对面 的高山一片雪白,罗纳河河谷 的平原也给 雪罩住 了” , 亨利与凯瑟琳在雪地里漫步 , 憧憬着美好未来 , 但 随着 雪的融化和雨声的再度 出现 , 灾难再次降临。 2
作者将自身的思想和情感赋予在一系列的意象之中,使小说简洁有力,又引人深思,回味无穷. 过对作品中意象的整体性把握和分析,从而把握小说情节的发展,展现作者的创作意图,深刻的理解作品的内涵。
一.天气的意象及其象征意涵1. 雨象征痛苦、毁灭、死亡雨的出现往往暗示着厄运和悲剧的到来。
“……The rain beg ins to fall in the October …the leaves all fell from the trees and the branches were bare and the trunks black with rain … all the country wet and brown and dead with the autumn ..... ”在小说的开头部分描写了冬季来临,雨水没完没了的下着,霍乱也随之充斥着人们的生活。
时我看 见你 也在 雨 中死去 。”1 雨 中分别 不仅 仅 [。 1 H 是伤感 , 暗示 了未 知 的前 路 。 更
亨利 重返 前 线 。 等待 他 的却 是 随雨 而来 的大
撤退 : 计其 数 的伤病 员 、 意射 杀 的 战事 警 察 、 不 肆 内 心惶 惶 的逃 亡 战 士 …… 不 停 歇 的 大雨 不 仅 使
战火 之下的虚无 印象
《 永别 了, 器》 武 中的 象征意义剖析
肖 健 吴 宇
( 西安 建 筑 科 技 大 学 , 安 西 705 ) 10 5
摘 要 : 文 以海 明 威 的 长 篇 反 战 小 说 《 别 了 , 器 》 为 研 究 文 本 , 其 中具 有 典 型 象 征 意 义 的 比 本 永 武 作 对 对 强 烈 的 三 组 自然 景 物 描 写 加 以 分 析 , 解 读 这 部小 说 的深 刻 意 义 和永 恒魅 力 。 来 关键词 : 征 ; 征意义 ; 象 象 比对 ; 主题
停 的凄雨 转 瞬 又至 。伤 感 的细 雨 渐渐 下 大 了 , 让
练 。《 永别 了 , 武器 》 更将 这一 叙述语 调 贯彻 至终 。 但 极简 语 调之 下 的场 景铺 设 、 物 活动 却 又蕴 含 人
了 丰富 的象征 寓意 。这 些象 征化 的描 写不着 痕迹 地把 主题 引入 深化 的轨 道 。 海 明 威 在 小 说 中把 战争 的惨 烈 、 暗 、 乱 黑 混 和 多变 , 主人 公 的 内心迷 失 、 困惑 、 怒和 绝 望都 愤
作 者简 介 : 肖健 (9 6 )女 , 安 建 筑 科 技 大 学 文学 院讲 师 , 士 , 要 研 究 方 向 : 17 一 , 西 硕 主 外语 教 学 ; 宇 (9 8 )女 , 安 建 筑科 技 大 学 吴 17 一 , 西 文学院讲师 , 士, 硕 主要 研 究 方 向 : 言 学 。 语
[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2014)-12-0-02《永别了,武器》是一部自传色彩浓烈的长篇小说。
谈海明威《永别了,武器》中意象手法的运用A Talk about the Use of Imagery in Hemingway’s A Farewellto Arms摘要在众多伟大的美国作家中,海明威以其独特的写作风格而著称。
关键词:意象手法高山平原水雨Being distinguished from many great American writers, Hemingway is noted for his writing techniques. Among all of his works,A Farewell to Arms is a typical one which can display his unique writing techniques among his novels. The language Hemingway uses in this novel is simple and natural superficially but actually they're selected deliberately and artificial. The simplicity of the novel is highly suggestive and often reflects the strong undercurrent of emotion. In A Farewell to Arms,Hemingway uses his unique imagery technique that is a metaphor to describe the characters or settings in a novel. He employs the nature as the background of his novel. This essay not only analyzes the clarity of the mountains, the danger of the plains and the unknown of the rain and so on, but also mainly discusses the use of image in the novel. There are seven symbols analyzed in this essay: mountains, plains, water, stars on Frederic’s uniform, rain, snow and Catherine’s hair. And it analyzes the metaphorical and symbol meanings of mountains, plains, water, stars on Frederic’s uniform, rain, snow and Catherine’s hair. It’s clear that Hemingway is good at employing the imagery technique. By analyzing the metaphorical and symbolic meaning of mountains, plains, water, stars on Frederic’s uniform, rain, snow and Catherine’s hair,presented in i t. The paper aims to explore the features of Hemingway’s use of imagery in the novel and make readers have a good comprehension of the different symbolic meanings from different perspectives and understand the theme fully from different aspects in order to read this novel, the world classic work.Key words: imagery technique mountains plains water rain1Introduction (1)2 A General Introduction to Ernest Hemingway and his Novel, A Farewell toArms (2)2.1A Brief Introduction to Hemingway (2)2.2A Brief Introduction to A Farewell to Arms (3)3 Comment on Writing Technique of Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms─theUse of Image (5)3.1 The Imagery Use of Mountains and Plains (5)The Mountains (6)The Plains (8)3.2 The Imagery Use of Water and the Stars on Frederic’s Uniform (9)Water (9)The Stars on Frederic’s Uniform (11)3.3 The Imagery Use of Rain and Snow (11)Rain (11)Snow (14)3.4 The Imagery Use of Catherine’s Hair (15)4 Conclusion (15)References (17)1. IntroductionErnest Hemingway has always been one of the world's best-known novelists for the use of imagery techniques. His writing styles and techniques of image are more different from others especially. He uses them very well that the readers do not always pick them up. The novel A Farewell to Arms written by Hemingway is a classic about the love story of a nurse and a war-ridden soldier. The story starts as Henry, the main character in A Farewell to Arms, serving in the Italian Army. He meets his future love in the hospital that he gets put in for various reasons; A Farewell to Arms is a good novel with a lot of symbols. Imagery is placed strategically through the novel.In A Farewell to Arms, Hemingway uses his unique imagery technique that is a metaphor to describe the characters or settings in a novel. He uses the nature to structure the novel. Nature serves as a basic structure for the plot and the actions that occur and the background of his novel. It also emerges as a source of symbols that replace human sentiment or feelings. When Catherine, the heroine dies, there is no mention of sadness or pain. Instead, Hemingway only uses rain as the symbol of her death. The replacement of emotions with symbols allows Hemingway to frequently understate what is really going on in the action. He further uses symbols to completely omit references to sentiments or feelings. This essay not only analyzes the clarity of the mountains, the danger of the plains and the unknown of the rain and so on, but also mainly discusses the use of image in the novel. It can be divided into seven symbols analyzed in this essay: mountains, plains, water, stars on Frederic’s uniform, rain, snow and Catherine’s hair. And it analyzes the metaphorical and symbolic meanings of mountains, plains, water, stars on Frederic’s uniform,rain, snow and Catherine’s hair. It’s clear that Hemingway is good at employing the imagery technique. By analyzing the metaphorical and symbolic meaning of mountains, plains, water, stars on Frederic’s uniform, rain, snow and Catherine’s hair, the paper aims to explore the features of Hemingway’s use of imagery in the novel and make readers have a good comprehension of different symbolic meanings from the different perspectives and understand the theme fully from different aspects in order to read this novel──the world classic work. A Farewell to Arms is full of facts, most of which comes from Hemingway's own experience. So the way to use a variety of symbols is also a very important writing technique employed in this novel. This essay mainly discusses the symbols of the novel. And it's clear thatHemingway is good at presenting images.2. A General Introduction to Ernest Hemingwayand his Novel, A Farewell to Arms2.1 A Brief Introduction to HemingwayErnest Hemingway was born in Oak Park, near Chicago on July 21, 1899. His father, a well-to-do physician bequeathed his son a way of life, and of death, initiated him into the rituals of hunting and fishing in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. In 1917, after graduation from high school, Ernest Hemingway went to work as a reporter for The Kansas City Star. Rejected for army service in the World War I because of poor vision, he volunteered to serve as a driver for an American ambulance unit in France. Hemingway then transferred to duty on the Italian front, where he was seriously wounded in the explosion of a mortar shell. He was the first American to be wounded in Italy during World War I. After his recovery, and with decorations for which he believed he did not deserve, Hemingway returned home. He worked for the Toronto Star, covered the Grace-Turkish war as a foreign correspondent, and then returned to Paris, Hemingway-along with Gertrude Stein, Ezra Pound, T.S.Eliot, and James Joyce-accomplished a revolution in literary style and language.They were called the Last Generation in American Literature. Hemingway developed a spare, tight, reportorial prose based on simple sentence structure, the use of a restricted vocabulary, precise imagery, and an impersonal, dramatic tone. His three stories and ten poems were published in 1923.With the publication of The Sum Also Rises, three years later, Hemingway became the spokesman for what Gertrude Stein had called “The Lost G eneration”.His works have sometimes been read as an essential commentary on a modern world filled with sterility, failure, and death. Yet such a nihilistic vision is repeatedly modified by Hemingway affirmative assertion of the possibility of living with style and courage. His primary concern was an individual’s “moment o f truth,” and his fascination with the threat of physical emotional or psychic death is reflected in his novels (A Farewell to Arms, published in 1929, and For Whom the Bell Tolls, published in which mainly described the cruel war and the scenes of the wars, 1904), The bullfight (Death in the Afternoon, 1932), [9] and the hunt (The Green Hills of Africa, 1935). To Hemingway, man’s greatest achievement is to show grace under pressure, or what he described in The SunAlso Rises as holding the “purity of line through the maximum of exposure”.Hemingway’s stat us as a writer was confirmed with the publication of in his novel, A Farewell to Arms, 1929.The novel chiefly portrayed the main characters’desire for saying a farewell to war and longing for gaining love. Hemingway had rejected the romantic ideal of the ultimate unity of loves, suggesting instead that all relationship of the main characters would end in their death. In1937, he became a foreign correspondent covering the Spanish Civil War. Three years later he published For Whom the Bell Tolls. Witnessing and experiencing the Spanish Civil War. Hemingway restated his view of love which was lost due to the war and described the indomitable spirit of the common people .In 1952 the same judgment was reflected in his portrayal of the old fisherman, Santiago, triumphant even in defeat, in the old Man and the Sea.For his novels and for his shout stories, which include some of the finest in the English language? Hemingway received wide acclaim. In 1954 he was award ed a Nobel Prize for his “mastery of the art of modern narration.” He became a public figure whose pronouncements and adventures were publicized and scrutinized throughout the world. Numerous Parallels exist between the events of Hemingway’s life and those of his characters, but few were closer than those of Richard Cantwell, the hero of Across the River and into the Trees (1950), whose eventual suicide foreshadowed the struggles and defeats of Hemingway’s final years. In the early morning of July 2, 1961, standing beside his beloved gun rack in his home, he died of head wounds resulting from the discharge of his favorite shotgun, in his own hand.2.2 A Brief Introduction to A Farewell to ArmsA Farewell to Arms is one of Ernest Hemingway’s famous novels which announce Hemingway’s opposition to wars. The author wrote the novel by adopting the first call to narrate the story.Lieutenant Frederic Henry, a main character was a young American attached to an Italian ambulance unit on the Italian front. When Henry returned to the front leave he learned from his friend, Lieutenant Rinaldi, which a group of British nurses had arrived during his absence to set up a British hospital unit. Rinaldi introduced him to a nurse named Catherine Barkley.Between ambulance trips to evacuation posts at the front, Henry called on Barkley, The young man and girl fell in love with each other but he couldn’t stay with her because he should go to the front. Before he left for the front to take, shegave him a St. Anthony medal as a gift.At the front, as Henry and some Italian ambulance drivers were eating in a dugout, an Austrian projectile exploded over them Henry, badly wounded in the legs, was taken to a field hospital. Later he was moved to a hospital in Milan. Catherine Barkley came to the hospital and Henry recognized that she was in his lover and he became very excited. The doctors told Henry that he would have to lie in bed for six months before they could operate on his knee. Meanwhile, Catherine Barley managed to stay with Henry constantly. After his operation Henry convalesced in Milan with Catherine Barkley as his attendant.Summer passed into autumn. Henry’s wound healed and he was due to take convalescent leave in October. He and Catherine planned to spend the leave together, but he came down with jaundice before he could leave the hospital. The day before he left for the front, Henry and Catherine stayed together in a hotel room; already she had disclosed to him that she was pregnant.Henry returned to the front with orders to load his three ambulances with hospital equipment and go south into the Povalley. Morale was at low ebb. Rinaldi admired the job, which had been done on the knee and observed that Henry acted like a married man. War weariness was all- pervasive. At the front, the Italians, having learned that Germ divisions have reinforced the Austrians, began their terrible retreat from Caporetto. During the night the retreat was halted in the rain for hours.At daybreak Henry cut out of the long line and drove across country in an attempt to reach Udine by side roads. The ambulance got stuck in a muddy side road.By that time the Italian army was nothing but a frantic mob Soldiers were throwing down their arms and officers were cutting insignia of rank from their sleeves. Henry was detained, but in the dark of night he fled free, plunged into the river, and escaped on a log. He crossed the Venetian plain on foot. Then jumped aboard a freight train and rode to Milan, where he went to the hospital in which he had been a patient. There he learned that the English nurses had gone to Stresa.During the retreat from Caporetto Henry had made his farewell to arms. He borrowed civilian clothes from an American friend in Milan and went by train to Stresa, where he met Catherine, who was on leave. The bartender of the hotel in which Henry was staying offered his boat by means of which Henry and Catherine could escape to Switzerland. Henry rowed all night. They reachedSwitzerland safely and were arrested. Henry told the police that he was a sportsman who enjoyed rowing and that he had come to Switzerland for the winter sports. The valid passports and the ample funds that Henry and Catherine possessed saved them from serious trouble with the authorities.During the rest of the fall and the winter the couple stayed at an inn outside Montreux.When the time for Catherine’s confinement approached, she and Henry went to Lausanne to be near a hospital, because Catherine was to give birth to a baby. At the hospital Catherine’s pains caused the doctor to use an anesthetic on her. Suffering from pair for hours she gave birth to a dead baby. The nurse sent Henry out to get something to eat. When he went back to the hospital, he learned that Catherine had had a hemorrhage. He went into the room and stayed with her until she died. Experience the sctrence grief, there was nothing he could do, no one he could talk to, and no place could he go. He left the hospital and walked back to his hotel in the dark. It was raining.3. Comment on Writing Technique of Hemmingway’s AFarewell to Arms—The Use of Imagery The novel A Farewell to Arms written by Ernest Hemingway is a classic about the love story of a nurse and a war-ridden soldier. The story starts as Frederick Henry is serving in the Italian Army. He meets his future love in the hospital that he gets put in for various reasons. I thought that A Farewell to Arms was a good novel because of the symbolism, the exciting plot, and the constant moving of the main character.Hemingway is capable of employing symbols in his novel to mean something more .The symbols convey his sense of the world’ s futility and horror that were always more significant than the characters who personified them . A Farewell to Arms marks Hemingway’s maturity at his writing techniques. In this novel Hemingway employs an imagery way to create the characters and plots to symbolize the different meanings and sense of the characters, theme of the novel. This paper will take about seven images used by Hemingway.3.1 The Imagery Use of Mountains and PlainsHemingway makes use of some very important images in this novel. Even as early as the first paragraph, he sets up two major symbols — the plains and the mountains —which will be in conflict throughout the story. Hemingwayrepresents the plains as dangerous, miserable, dry, and barren. The mountains, on the other hand, represent safety, happiness, and good health. The military action that Frederic Henry witnesses takes place on the plains, and his escape, through the cleansing, baptismal ritual of jumping into the river, reaches its end in the secluded mountain chalet with Catherine. But Frederic must take Catherine out of the mountains and back down to the city below to the hospital where she is to give birth, disaster strikes again. The critic Carlos Baker's essay, "The Mountain and the Plain,"[1] is an excellent source for studying these aspects of Hemingway's use of symbolism.The MountainsThere are some uses of imagery of mountains following in which the author uses the mountains to replace some special meanings.(a) Fredrick is wounded at the end of the long mountain road leading to the front.(b) Fredrick is bothered by the strategic difficulties of mountain warfare.(c) Fredrick and Catherine go to Switzerland because it is "snowing" in the mountains there.(d) The lovers are anxious to get a mountain cabin in the snow.(e) Catherine dies in the mountainous country of Switzerland.The author adopts the mountains to provide a sense of safety to Fredric Henry. Henry and the ambulance driver are eating in a small dugout, waiting for the battle to start. Henry comment on the battle, which was to begin for four hundred twenty or mineworker. He said that the battle would start. But the battle fields aren’t any four hundred twenties away in the mountains. This statement indicates the characters of more safety, from the mountains because the enemy’s larger guns are harder to transport in the mountains. It implies that fighting is also less successful in the mountains for enemy. Tactically speaking, a mountain is not very mobile, so “in the old days the Austrians were always whipped them there”[3].The mountains do not only provide safety in the war; they also give a convenience for Henry and Catherine to escape to Switzerland. As they row across the lake, the mountains in the moonlight are watching over them. As the novel puts “Looking back I could see the long dark point of Castagnola and the lake with white-caps and beyond, the moon on the high snow mountains”[3] The police in Switzerland, as well, are helpful and courteous to the two runaways. When they are arrested in the customs town, the policeman, after seeing theyhave money and passports, His attitude toward them become less haughty. This is another image of safety in the mountains added to Hemingway’s description. Switzerland is a country full of mountains. Hemingway designed the plot of Henry and Catherine’s escaping there. It is evident the author symbolize the mountains as a safe place for the couple. Hemingway also points out Switzerland with it’s blending in so simple and moving a fashion of the eternal notes of love. The plot also states it can be allowed that the lovers are not free of the contaminating shadow of war until they have escaped up the lake and mountains of Switzerland established themselves in their little chalet above Montreux.The mountains give a sense of home in A Farewell to Arms. After Henry and escaped into the Swiss Alps, they stayed, “in a brown wooden house in the pine trees on the side of the mountain and at night there was frost so that there was a thin ice over the water on the two pitchers on the dresser in the morning. Their stay in the Alps continued until the spring rains came and they decided to move into town. Carlos Baker, a literary critic explains the conditions they found there, saying that they were very happy. This vision of home is the main point of discussion in Carlos Bader’s The Mountain and the Plain. He argues the Home-concept, for example, is associated with the mountains; with dry-cold weather; with peace and quiet; with love, dignity, healthy, happiness, and the good life [1]. It is clear that the mountains portray all of those things Baker lists.With the mountains comes the cold, and with the cold comes clarity. While on the Alps with his girlfriend, Henry gained an appreciation for the cold, as he opened the windows and saw the night and the cold stars and the pine trees below the window and then got into bed as fast as he could, It was lovely in bed with the air so cold and clear and the night outside the window. While isolated from the war by the mountains, it was never lost on Henry that the war was still going on, He thought, the war seemed as far away as the football games of some one else’s college. But he knew from the papers that they were still fighting in the mountains because the snow would not come. This is an interesting description with an implication. If they were still fighting it would not snow again. The description is also an image which would have a meaning that the war was actually affecting the weather, and stopping the peaceful snows. There is more interestingly snowing hard outside. The snow in the mountains shows Carlos Baker’s notion of love, dignity, health, happiness and the good life.The majesty and serenity of the mountains soon begins to portray religiousideas. The clearest example of this is a priest, whom Henry made a friend with. The priest is from Abuzzi, a mountain town where his family still lives. Henry mentioned his upcoming leave, and the priest said:I would like you to go to Abuzzi” As Henry travel ed through the lower mountains he saw more and more mountains, mounting on top of each other which looked like the Pope in the celebrated. Alps on Alps arise’ Hemingway us es the mountains here to symbolize more safety and friendship from his priest friend to Henry. The priest continued to extend his kindness to Henry after him injured by the trench mortar, and he completed a bridge between religions and kindness, in the mountains.Although the mountains have a very strong presence in the novel as a place of home, safety, and kindness, there is still some ambiguity in how Hemingway has presented it. Through the first chapter of the novel, Hemingway presents a situation where the war is taking place within the mountains that are so sacred, He wrote that there was fighting in the mountains and at night they could see the flashes from the artillery. In the dark it was like summer lightning, but the nights were cool and there was not the feeling of a storm coming. The fighting in the mountains, with the death and the suffering, causes some doubt that the mountains are all forgiving and benevolent. It brings to light that it is the cold that is associated with the mountains and the snow there that symbolizes the good things in life. E. M. Halliday notes this in his writings, which comment on Hemingway’s image of the mountains, would expect to find, despite this difficulty, a salient artistic emphasis of the plain in symbolic association with all those images which his interpretation sets against those coalescing around the mountain symbol. [2]3.1.2 The PlainsThe second image used by Hemingway is the plains. He uses plains to symbolize a more unsafe feeling of the main characters in A Farewell to Arms. The plains provide a contrast to the mountains, both in a physical sense and in a literary sense. Where the mountains provide an image of safety, the plains have a more unsafe feeling. Henry’s retreat through Italy moved him through the countryside. He and the other drivers stopped at an abandoned farmhouse to rest, but the girls they brought from the town wouldn’t go in. As they get closer to Udine, they start seeing German troops along the bridges. Aymo, one of the men Henry drove with, was shot, and Henry said it was because they started across the field. The cleanliness and clarity are shown in A Farewell to Arms if themountains are also brought into opposition. The captain who was always picking up the priest was from the plains, and their contrasts are brought out when the captain said “Come on. We go to the whorehouse before it shuts”. Nearing the end of the novel, Henry and Catherine go to the town of Lausanne from Montreux. It seems depressing, and quite a change when they took the train from Lausanne to Montreux. Looking out the window toward where they had lived they could not see the mountains for the clouds. This plot shows Henry and Catherine left the mountains and also went out of their safety. The train was moving forward the plain. It brought them unsafe feeling.War images and associations are linked to the plains very strongly throughout the novel. As a contrast between the mountains and the plains again, wars are always launched and held in the plains.However the link between the plains and bad things is enough evidence which comes to the unsafe feeling of the main characters. They may not have an absolute association. At the beginning of the novel there is a description of the place in which Henry lived. Hemingway describes how Henry left from his village and then was across the river and the plain to go for the mountains. This description implies Hemingway’s image that the plain would be war, pestilence, and plague. At the same time Hemingway describes the plains with crops; there are many orchards of fruit trees in the plains and beyond the plain, the mountains are brown and bare. On the superficially such description of the plains seems contradictory. Actually the author wants to make his artistic emphasis of the plain in symbolic association with all those images which his interpretation sets against those coalescing around the mountain symbol.3.2 The Imagery Use of Water and the Stars on Frederic’s UniformWaterThe two symbols best noticeable in this novel are the water. The third image used by Hemingway is water. In the novel there are some representative symbolic uses of the water:(a) The city of Gorizia, where Fredrick is stationed, is separated from the Austrian front by a river.(b) During the Caporetto retreat in Book III, Fredrick and his company are trapped on the "enemy" side of the river, a place where the distinction betweenallies and opponents becomes blurred. In this symbolic no-man’s land, Aymo is killed by a retreating fellow Italian and Fredrick is assumed to be an Austrian in an Italian uniform.(c) Fredrick escapes being executed by the caribinieri by jumping into the Tagliamento River(d) Fredrick and Catherine escape to the neutral country of Switzerland by rowing across Lake Maggiori in Book IVIn the novel the water symbolizes new, clean life that Henry is going to live a new life after escaping from the war. In the novel water is also depicted as a way for Henry to escape. Hemingway uses rivers and lakes repeatedly as an escape device. Henry, while being captured by the ‘battle police’ of the Italian army, witnessed two other officers were killed, At that point, he decided to flee by means of the river, diving in the river with a splash. He escaped from the Italians with luck and through a fast flowing river, Malcolm Cowley, a literary critics states that ‘he is performing a rite of baptism that prepares us for the new life he is about to lead as a deserter from the Italian army. Henry’s anther escape gained success by way of Lake Geneva as Henry and Catherine left Italy for Switzerland, as he saw the lights of the hotel he was rowing out until they didn’t see the lights. They come near a sea running but they were going with the wing.The cleaning power of water, seen in other literary works, is also described very evident in this novel. Fredric Henry’s jump into the Tagliamento River became a huge turning point in the story. It signaled his departure from the life of a man in the army, and he said anger was washed away in the river along with any obligation. This left him free of any connection to the Italian army or to anything associated with it, at least in his mind. More symbolically, water provides clarity for Fredric when he thinks about it.The bed of the river in the middle distance referring to the first paragraph of the novel produces a sense of clearness, dryness, whiteness, and sunniness, which is to grow very subtly under the artist’s hands until it merges with one of the novel’s two dominant symbols, the mountain-image. However river image is completely separate from the mountain image. The river must, of course, flow from the mountains, but in the perspective seen from the house occupied by Fredric Henry, it would appear to be very close it hand-closer than the plain, and quite in contrast to the distant mountains. Most likely, it is a combination of both. All rivers do begin in the mountains, yet they also flow through the plains。
过程 中, 海 明威 运 用 多种 写 作 手 法表 现 主人 公 曲折 的 人 生 , 通 过 借 景 抒 情 来展 现 人 物 悲 惨 遭 遇 和 坎 坷 命 运。 《 永 别 了, 武器》 通 过 一 个 个 事例 , 用 象征 手 法 的描 述 , 揭 示 了 战争 摧 残 人 性 , 毁灭爱情 , 威 胁 人 类 生 活
2 0 1 4 年 8期
嵌 放唷. 高教 S h a a n x i J i a o y u・ Ga o j i a o
文 化 艺 术
探寻海明威《 永别 了s 武器》 中的
写 作 特 点 与 象 征 作 用
【 摘 要 】 美 国现 代 著 名 作 家海 明威 的 写作 风 格 , 一 直 以 象征 表 现 为 特 点 , 在《 永别 了, 武器》 这 部 作
环境 与心境之 间很好地表达出来 ,充分体现 了海 明威作 品的简 约之美 。 在表现静态环境时, 海明威善 于抓住静态 中最能表现环 境氛围的词语 , 能让读者深切感受到这种环境下 的特殊氛 围。 在
洗礼 , 使得他的文学作 品选材经常 以战争为 内容 , 并 在战争中表
现 自己厌恶战争 ,反对破坏的思想 ,在世 界范围内产生深远 影 响。 海 明威作 品特点鲜明 , 兼具马克 ・ 吐温的语言风格 , 福楼拜的 严谨叙事 特点 , 莫泊 桑的故事布局结构 , 成为集众家之 长 , 又独
辟蹊径的著名作 家。《 永别了 , 武器》 是海 明威早期代表作之一 , 在这部作品 中, 他 以第一次世界 大战为创作背景 , 以爱情为叙事
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关键词:象征主义;地点;天气;象征性的人物Symbolism in a farewell to armsAbstract:Hemingway, one of the most brilliant novelists in the history of the western literature, is famous for his symbolism. In the novel A Farewell to Arms, he applied the symbolism under different scenes, which endows rain, snow, mountain, plain, and water with different kinds of implication to highlight the ruthless, sad, miserable and desolate atmosphere of the war and discloses the people's depression, helplessness and desperation in the war. In addition, the characters also have the strong symbolic meaning. Therefore, this paper mainly analyzes the symbolic meanings of the mountain,plain,rain,snow and the characters in the novel,and interprets their significance and value in the appreciation of the novel.Key words: symbolism; landscapes; weather; emblematic people目录一、内容简介 (XX)(一)《永别了,武器》故事梗概 (XX)(二)象征主义的含义 (XX)二、自然景物的象征意义 (XX)(一)高山的象征意义 (XX)(二)平原的象征意义 (XX)三、天气象征意义 (XX)(一)“雨”的象征意义 (XX)(二)“雪”的象征意义 (XX)四、人物的象征意义 (XX)(一)凯瑟琳的象征意义 (XX)(二)神父和雷纳第的象征意义 (XX)五、结论·························································· ()参考文献 (XX)一、内容简介(一)《永别了,武器》,故事梗概《永别了,武器》(A Farewell to Arms),又译《战地春梦》,是美国作家欧内斯特·海明威于1929年写成的半自传体小说。
小说讲述了第一次世界大战后期,美籍中尉Frederic Henry因为在意大利前线受伤,被转送到米兰的医院接受治疗,认识了英国女护士Catherine Barkley,互生爱意。
这部小说中天(weather),地( landscape),人(emblematic people)的描写都具有深刻的象征意义。