高中英语选修7 Unit 2 课件

2. 单项选择:(2014年高考重庆卷)
I. A smile costs _______.but gives much.
A. anything
B. something
C. nothing D. everything
2. -- Jack, I'd like to have your opinions about my written report.
① leave behind_落__下__;__忘_带__;__留__下 ② leave out _遗__漏__…__;_省__略__…__;忽__视…
③ leave aside __把__…__放__在__一__边___ ④ leave over 剩__下__的__食__物__;__把__(_ 工作)
alarmed in all desire
sympathy favour
accompany ring up satisfaction necklace
10. 考验出;检验完(短语)test out
New words and phrases:
1. turn around 转身;翻转;好转
2. declare vt. 宣布;声明;表明
__L__e_a_v_e__ ___a_s_i_d_e___, for a moment, the question of who’s
④ 不要漏掉一个字母。 Don’t __l_e_a_v_e__ ____o_u_t__ a letter.
⑤ 聚会结束后剩了很多事物。
There was a lot of food ___le_f_t____ __o__v_e_r__ after the party.
I. A smile costs _______.but gives much.
A. anything
B. something
C. nothing D. everything
2. -- Jack, I'd like to have your opinions about my written report.
① leave behind_落__下__;__忘_带__;__留__下 ② leave out _遗__漏__…__;_省__略__…__;忽__视…
③ leave aside __把__…__放__在__一__边___ ④ leave over 剩__下__的__食__物__;__把__(_ 工作)
alarmed in all desire
sympathy favour
accompany ring up satisfaction necklace
10. 考验出;检验完(短语)test out
New words and phrases:
1. turn around 转身;翻转;好转
2. declare vt. 宣布;声明;表明
__L__e_a_v_e__ ___a_s_i_d_e___, for a moment, the question of who’s
④ 不要漏掉一个字母。 Don’t __l_e_a_v_e__ ____o_u_t__ a letter.
⑤ 聚会结束后剩了很多事物。
There was a lot of food ___le_f_t____ __o__v_e_r__ after the party.
人教版英语选修七unit2 单词精品PPT课件 图文

be/ feel embarrassed in the presence of strangers embarrass sb. with sth./ by doing sth.
做…使某人尴尬/害羞/窘迫 不要问隐私,会让他们觉得不好意思 Don’t___e_m_b_a_r_r_a_s_s_t_h_e_m__w_i_t_h___ (by asking) personal questions.
那夜子都想,自打他俩分手以来,他 看着若 总觉得 隔着、 不透亮 ,像在 雾里, 掩着纱 帘…… 是由于 他不适 应新角 色、心 理有问 题,还 是她的 确有事 儿瞒了 他…… 他画着 问号, 一时又 理不出 头绪… … 第二天上午,也就是周五上午,子都 给亦冰 打电话 问若的 情况, 亦冰说 昨晚他 走后若 就没再 醒过来 ,早晨 他离家 的时候 她还在 床上躺 着;说她 应该是 不去上 班了, 是他给 雨馨准 备的早 饭、送 的学校 ……子 都想一 定是若 的酒劲 还没缓 过来。 他不想 打扰她 休息, 想下午 与她联 系。 下午子都给若打电话,那时她正在去 单位的 路上, 子都说 都三点 了,问 她这么 晚还去 单位干 吗,她 说单位 有事儿; 他又约 她吃晚 饭、或 是找个 地方坐 会儿; 她说晚 上约了 人…… 子都心 里很是 不爽, 嘴上又 不便说 什么, 就说她 身体不 好,办 完事儿 早点回 家,到 家后告 诉他一 声;她应 承着 …… 那晚子都在家心不在焉地看着电视, 总觉着 要发生 点什么 事儿… …“她 这叫归 家吗?今 天这事 儿、明 天那事 儿,以 前也没 说这么 忙过; 还说身 体不好 ,好人 又怎样? 谁经得 起天天 这般折 腾…… 唉!碍 着我啥 事儿了 ,跟着 瞎起哄 ,爱咋 咋吧… …”他 说是不 挂念, 心里别 扭着。 九点过 半,仍 无若的 消息, 他心神 不宁… …“又 喝了? 不要命 了?昨晚 的事情 过眼就 忘…… 可怜的 亦冰, 这些年 真够难 为他的 ……” 他待要 给若发 信息, 问她是 不是还 在外面 ,她给 他发来 信息, 说她到 家了, 要他放 心…… 他悬着 的心算 是告一 段落地 放下来 ,也该 洗洗睡 了…… 子都刚躺下,有电话打进来,是杨巍 的,他 吃了一 惊,第 一反应 就是若 ……这 还是杨 巍初次 用手机 给他打 电话, 他的手 机号码 也是上 次找他 办事儿 时存下 的。“ 若是不 是还在 外面没 回家?出 什么事 儿了… …”他 刚待接 听,那 边挂了 ,等了 几分钟 ,对方 没再打 过来… …“诶 ?怎么 回事儿 ?这么 晚了, 误碰… …不对 ……不 管怎样 ,打过 去问问 。”于 是他就 把电话 打过去 ,电话 通着, 没人接 听,他 心犯狐 疑,一 连又打 了七、 八个过 去…… “莫非 他与若 在一起 ……绝 不是误 碰…… ”他随 即给若 打电话 ,没人 接,再 打…… “她俩 一定在 一起… …发生 了什么? 不行, 得去找 她…… ”他毫 无迟疑 ,起身 穿上衣 服…… “今晚 一定要 见着她 ……” 一种不 安袭击 着他。 他想给 亦冰打 电话, 问若在 不在家 ,又一 想先别 大惊小 怪的, 过去看 看若的 车是否 在家再 做道理 。他匆 匆离家 ,走的 时候连 屋里的 灯也没 顾得关 …… 路上车少,子都心似弹飞,往日的路 程此刻 只用了 一半的 时间。 他留心 过往车 辆,生 怕路上 与她错 过。在 距若的 家不足 一分钟 里程时 ,他发 现前面 路边上 停着一 辆白色 的小车 ,尾灯 闪亮着 ……“ 车上一 定有人 ……” 他心里 一惊, 因为杨 巍家就 在这儿 附近。 “莫非 若的车 ……” 车速太 快,他 急点刹 车,错 车的一 刹凝眸 望去, 正是若 的车, 前排影 影绰绰 的两个 人影, 他脑袋 嗡地一 声,竟 至于狠 踩了一 脚油门 ,那车 轰的一 声穿窜 出去多 远…… 待他回 过神来 ,赶忙 把车停 靠在路 边,深 呼吸… …
做…使某人尴尬/害羞/窘迫 不要问隐私,会让他们觉得不好意思 Don’t___e_m_b_a_r_r_a_s_s_t_h_e_m__w_i_t_h___ (by asking) personal questions.
那夜子都想,自打他俩分手以来,他 看着若 总觉得 隔着、 不透亮 ,像在 雾里, 掩着纱 帘…… 是由于 他不适 应新角 色、心 理有问 题,还 是她的 确有事 儿瞒了 他…… 他画着 问号, 一时又 理不出 头绪… … 第二天上午,也就是周五上午,子都 给亦冰 打电话 问若的 情况, 亦冰说 昨晚他 走后若 就没再 醒过来 ,早晨 他离家 的时候 她还在 床上躺 着;说她 应该是 不去上 班了, 是他给 雨馨准 备的早 饭、送 的学校 ……子 都想一 定是若 的酒劲 还没缓 过来。 他不想 打扰她 休息, 想下午 与她联 系。 下午子都给若打电话,那时她正在去 单位的 路上, 子都说 都三点 了,问 她这么 晚还去 单位干 吗,她 说单位 有事儿; 他又约 她吃晚 饭、或 是找个 地方坐 会儿; 她说晚 上约了 人…… 子都心 里很是 不爽, 嘴上又 不便说 什么, 就说她 身体不 好,办 完事儿 早点回 家,到 家后告 诉他一 声;她应 承着 …… 那晚子都在家心不在焉地看着电视, 总觉着 要发生 点什么 事儿… …“她 这叫归 家吗?今 天这事 儿、明 天那事 儿,以 前也没 说这么 忙过; 还说身 体不好 ,好人 又怎样? 谁经得 起天天 这般折 腾…… 唉!碍 着我啥 事儿了 ,跟着 瞎起哄 ,爱咋 咋吧… …”他 说是不 挂念, 心里别 扭着。 九点过 半,仍 无若的 消息, 他心神 不宁… …“又 喝了? 不要命 了?昨晚 的事情 过眼就 忘…… 可怜的 亦冰, 这些年 真够难 为他的 ……” 他待要 给若发 信息, 问她是 不是还 在外面 ,她给 他发来 信息, 说她到 家了, 要他放 心…… 他悬着 的心算 是告一 段落地 放下来 ,也该 洗洗睡 了…… 子都刚躺下,有电话打进来,是杨巍 的,他 吃了一 惊,第 一反应 就是若 ……这 还是杨 巍初次 用手机 给他打 电话, 他的手 机号码 也是上 次找他 办事儿 时存下 的。“ 若是不 是还在 外面没 回家?出 什么事 儿了… …”他 刚待接 听,那 边挂了 ,等了 几分钟 ,对方 没再打 过来… …“诶 ?怎么 回事儿 ?这么 晚了, 误碰… …不对 ……不 管怎样 ,打过 去问问 。”于 是他就 把电话 打过去 ,电话 通着, 没人接 听,他 心犯狐 疑,一 连又打 了七、 八个过 去…… “莫非 他与若 在一起 ……绝 不是误 碰…… ”他随 即给若 打电话 ,没人 接,再 打…… “她俩 一定在 一起… …发生 了什么? 不行, 得去找 她…… ”他毫 无迟疑 ,起身 穿上衣 服…… “今晚 一定要 见着她 ……” 一种不 安袭击 着他。 他想给 亦冰打 电话, 问若在 不在家 ,又一 想先别 大惊小 怪的, 过去看 看若的 车是否 在家再 做道理 。他匆 匆离家 ,走的 时候连 屋里的 灯也没 顾得关 …… 路上车少,子都心似弹飞,往日的路 程此刻 只用了 一半的 时间。 他留心 过往车 辆,生 怕路上 与她错 过。在 距若的 家不足 一分钟 里程时 ,他发 现前面 路边上 停着一 辆白色 的小车 ,尾灯 闪亮着 ……“ 车上一 定有人 ……” 他心里 一惊, 因为杨 巍家就 在这儿 附近。 “莫非 若的车 ……” 车速太 快,他 急点刹 车,错 车的一 刹凝眸 望去, 正是若 的车, 前排影 影绰绰 的两个 人影, 他脑袋 嗡地一 声,竟 至于狠 踩了一 脚油门 ,那车 轰的一 声穿窜 出去多 远…… 待他回 过神来 ,赶忙 把车停 靠在路 边,深 呼吸… …
人教英语选修7 Unit2 Reading(共19张PPT)

another Gladys
She fell off
a ladder
WaCslaCirleaihreadsaatissefniesde wofitfhaiTluoreny?
She was not
Her house was not elegantz x x k
The salesman was rude
______________ her firmly in his arms .
Claire had a sense of failure
She was not
Her house was not elegant
The salesman was rude
to her
She wanted to be
Unit 2 Robots
rescue work
take care of human
And so on…
Play with human
help can robots us housework dangerous do and some work
Robots can help us do housework and some dangerous work
E. trusted him
F. loved him
RReeaaddiinngg ffoorr dDeettails
How did Claire feel?
alarmed ____________ embarrassed ____________
What happened?
She saw Tony was _t_a_ll___ and _h_an_d_s_o_m_e_. He had s_m_o_o_t_h_hair and his voice was _d_e_e_p___.
She fell off
a ladder
WaCslaCirleaihreadsaatissefniesde wofitfhaiTluoreny?
She was not
Her house was not elegantz x x k
The salesman was rude
______________ her firmly in his arms .
Claire had a sense of failure
She was not
Her house was not elegant
The salesman was rude
to her
She wanted to be
Unit 2 Robots
rescue work
take care of human
And so on…
Play with human
help can robots us housework dangerous do and some work
Robots can help us do housework and some dangerous work
E. trusted him
F. loved him
RReeaaddiinngg ffoorr dDeettails
How did Claire feel?
alarmed ____________ embarrassed ____________
What happened?
She saw Tony was _t_a_ll___ and _h_an_d_s_o_m_e_. He had s_m_o_o_t_h_hair and his voice was _d_e_e_p___.
人教版选修七unit2 重点词汇复习(26张PPT)

12.将……放在一边,节省或保留 s_e_t _as_i_de_____
Revision of important words
turn around = turn round 意思为:
• accompany • vt.陪伴;伴随;补充;为…伴奏 vi.伴奏;伴唱
• 【词语回顾 •
accompany sb.to a place
• a_c_c_o_m__p_a_n_y_s_th_._w_i_t_h_/ _b_y_s_t_h___
④ leave over __把__…__放__在__一__边___
【即学即用】 ① 别不管我。
leave me alone
② 忘记带行李了.The luggage has been _l_ef_t_______b.ehind
③ 暂且先把谁是正确的这个问题搁到一边吧。
Translate: 请保持沉默。
_________________________K__e_ep__si_le_n_t_, _p_le_a_s_e.__
用本单元学过的词汇补全下文: I have a seven-year-old son. He has ___d_es_ir_e_d(渴望) a
robotic toy for a long time. To meet his ___d_es_ir_e(渴望), we
人教版选修7 第2单元词汇讲解课件

alarmed adj. 担心的; 害怕的 alarming adj. 使人害怕的; 吓人的 give/raise/sound the alarm 发警报 sound/ring the alarm响警报;吹警号笛 be alarmed at/by… 被……吓一跳 in alarm 惊慌地
9.set aside
10.leave ... . alone
desire n. 渴望 vt.希望得到想要;要求;希望(无进行时)
必 have a desire for sth.
渴望得到saw the smoke and __r_ai_s_e_d_t_h_e_a_l_ar_m____ (发出警报).
2) _E_v_e_ry_b_o_d_y__w_a_s_a_l_a_rm__e_d_a_t___ (人人都感到惊恐)
the news that war might break out.
去请他进来。__P_le_a_s_e_d_e_s_i_re__h_im__t_o_c_o_m__e_i_n_. _
test out 试验出;考验完
昨晚我叫他过来测试我的新电脑。 I asked him to test out my new computer last night. 科学家靠实验检验理论。
vt.喜爱;偏袒 必 ask sb. a favour = ask a favour of sb.请某人帮忙

Adjective words
An adjective word that refers to a system or device that can function independently without human intervention.
An adjective word that refers to a system or device that has the ability to think, reason, and make decisions like a human being.
An adjective word that refers to a system or device that is equipped with machines and automation for performing tasks.
03 The word usage of Robots
Noun words
A noun word that refers to a machine that can perform tasks automatically or semi-automatically.
A noun word that refers to a system of moving parts that work together to perform a specific task.
Key questions
What are robots? How do they work? What are the benefits and challenges of robots in our daily lives?
高中英语选修7:Unit 2 Robots Language points课件 (共42张PPT)

Best p22翻译8
embarrassed adj.尴尬的,难堪的,害羞的 他对我衣服的评论使我很尴尬.
_I _w_a_s_e_m__b_a_r_r_a_s_s_e_d_by his comments about my clothes.
embarrassing adj. 使人尴尬的;令人难堪的
你什么时候最尴尬? What has been
alarm vt. 使警觉;惊动;使惊慌
be alarmed at (the news)被(那消息)吓了一跳. be alarmed for (the safety of …) 放心不下;担心(…的安全)
1. A small boy saw the smoke and __ra_i_s_e_d_t_h_e__a_la_r_m___(发出警报).
2.我们希望有个好结果。 __W__e__d_e_s_i_re__t_o__h_a_v_e__a__g_o_o_d__r_e_s_u_l_t.___
3.他们要求你马上回来。 They desire_t_h_a_t_y_o_u___s_h_o_u_ld__c_o__m_e__a_t__o_n_ce.
desire n. (1)愿望;欲望 (2)要求
2._E_v_e_r_y_b_o_d_y_w__a_s_a_l_a_r_m_e_d__a_t _(人人都感到惊恐) the news that war might break out.
3.不要惊慌 _D_o_n_’_t _a_la_r_m__y_o_u_r_s_e_lf_._.
adj. alarmed alarming (惊人的、吓人的) e.g. She felt __al_a_r_m_e_d_when she saw the snake. e.g. The news is really__a_la_r_m_i_n_g___.
embarrassed adj.尴尬的,难堪的,害羞的 他对我衣服的评论使我很尴尬.
_I _w_a_s_e_m__b_a_r_r_a_s_s_e_d_by his comments about my clothes.
embarrassing adj. 使人尴尬的;令人难堪的
你什么时候最尴尬? What has been
alarm vt. 使警觉;惊动;使惊慌
be alarmed at (the news)被(那消息)吓了一跳. be alarmed for (the safety of …) 放心不下;担心(…的安全)
1. A small boy saw the smoke and __ra_i_s_e_d_t_h_e__a_la_r_m___(发出警报).
2.我们希望有个好结果。 __W__e__d_e_s_i_re__t_o__h_a_v_e__a__g_o_o_d__r_e_s_u_l_t.___
3.他们要求你马上回来。 They desire_t_h_a_t_y_o_u___s_h_o_u_ld__c_o__m_e__a_t__o_n_ce.
desire n. (1)愿望;欲望 (2)要求
2._E_v_e_r_y_b_o_d_y_w__a_s_a_l_a_r_m_e_d__a_t _(人人都感到惊恐) the news that war might break out.
3.不要惊慌 _D_o_n_’_t _a_la_r_m__y_o_u_r_s_e_lf_._.
adj. alarmed alarming (惊人的、吓人的) e.g. She felt __al_a_r_m_e_d_when she saw the snake. e.g. The news is really__a_la_r_m_i_n_g___.

6declare vt.宣布;声明;表明;宣称
注意:declare用作及物动词时,后面不可接不定 式,可以接名词或that从句。 (1)declare sth.宣布某事 declare that...宣布……;宣称…… (2)declare sb./sth.(to be)+adj./n.宣布某人/某 物…… declare for/against...公开表示支持/反对 declare oneself发表意见,表明态度 declare war on/against...(对……)宣战 declare off取消
by Russian President.
【解析】 accompany指“以同等地位陪伴某人”,此
【答案】 B
5satisfaction n.满意;满足;令人满意的事物
①Tomorrow the mayor is to ________ a group of
Canadian businessmen on tour of the city.
【解析】 accompany此处意为“陪同”,后面直接跟
All of us were ________ to hear that Lily , our
company's most valued clerk,should say she would leave the

accompany sb. on/at sth. 用…为某人伴奏
It is her first time to go on a long journey;
__I_’d__l_ik__e_t_o__a_c_c_o_m__p_a_n_y__hetor the station.
狂风夹着暴雨 。
Strong winds _a_re__a_c_c_o_m_p_a_n__ie_d__b_y__heavy rain.
8. declare vt. 宣布;声明;表明;宣称
declare for/against 声明赞成/反对
declare that ... 宣布…;声明…
(2)人民声明反对这场战争。 The people declare__a_g_a_i_n_st_t_h_e_w__ar__.
9. junior adj. 较年幼的; 资历较浅/地位较低的
n. 年少者;晚辈;等级较低者 be junior to sb.比某人年少,
职位较……低 be senior to sb. be junior/senior to sb. by+年龄
11.declare vt.
12.envy n.& vt. __嫉__妒__;__羡__慕_______
13.theoretical adj. __理__论__(__上_)__的__;__假__设的
14.staff n.& v.
(优质)人教版选修7Unit2单 词课件PPT课件
It is her first time to go on a long journey;
__I_’d__l_ik__e_t_o__a_c_c_o_m__p_a_n_y__hetor the station.
狂风夹着暴雨 。
Strong winds _a_re__a_c_c_o_m_p_a_n__ie_d__b_y__heavy rain.
8. declare vt. 宣布;声明;表明;宣称
declare for/against 声明赞成/反对
declare that ... 宣布…;声明…
(2)人民声明反对这场战争。 The people declare__a_g_a_i_n_st_t_h_e_w__ar__.
9. junior adj. 较年幼的; 资历较浅/地位较低的
n. 年少者;晚辈;等级较低者 be junior to sb.比某人年少,
职位较……低 be senior to sb. be junior/senior to sb. by+年龄
11.declare vt.
12.envy n.& vt. __嫉__妒__;__羡__慕_______
13.theoretical adj. __理__论__(__上_)__的__;__假__设的
14.staff n.& v.
(优质)人教版选修7Unit2单 词课件PPT课件
高中英语 Unit2( M7)课件 新人教选修7

辨析:especially 和specially • especially adv.强调尤其、特别地、格外地 • specially adv. 强调专门地、特意地
I bought a present specially for you. The ring is of especial importance to their marriage. = The ring is especially important to their marriage.
A. serve
B. satisfies
C. promises D. supports
3. test out sth.=put sth. to the test 对新试做的物品或新产生的理论进行 “试用”或“检验考验”, 检验其试用 的程度或有效性, 以便加以改进。
e.g. Their theory is going to be tested out.
at one’s desire
我们都希望幸福健康。 We all desire happiness and health. Everyone has a desire for success, but not everyone desires to get rich. 每个人都渴望成功,但并非人人都渴望有钱。 He desires you to go to see him at once. = He desires that you (should) go to see him at once.
smooth away / over difficulties / problems... 排除/ smooth the way for ... 为……铺平道路/排除障碍 7. She felt embarrassed and quickly told
I bought a present specially for you. The ring is of especial importance to their marriage. = The ring is especially important to their marriage.
A. serve
B. satisfies
C. promises D. supports
3. test out sth.=put sth. to the test 对新试做的物品或新产生的理论进行 “试用”或“检验考验”, 检验其试用 的程度或有效性, 以便加以改进。
e.g. Their theory is going to be tested out.
at one’s desire
我们都希望幸福健康。 We all desire happiness and health. Everyone has a desire for success, but not everyone desires to get rich. 每个人都渴望成功,但并非人人都渴望有钱。 He desires you to go to see him at once. = He desires that you (should) go to see him at once.
smooth away / over difficulties / problems... 排除/ smooth the way for ... 为……铺平道路/排除障碍 7. She felt embarrassed and quickly told

4.……使某人尴尬\害羞 embarrass sb. w;ith sth.
accompany sb. to a;place
have a talent f;or
7.不管,让……独自呆着 leave… alone ;
take … serious;ly
人尴尬的→ adj.尴尬的 embarrassed ;
用所给的词正确形式填空 1.Shedesired much money and her desire for
wealth made her crazy. (desirable) 2. When they talked about the embarrassingnews about the girl. She became so embarrassetdhat
1)He rang up his friends as soon as he got to American. (give sb. a call)
2) I try to set aside a few minutes to do some exercise each day. (lay aside, spare)
3) She insisted on accompanying the professor to the airport.( go somewhere with sb.)
4) You’d better leave him alone for a while when he gets angry. (not stay with, not show attention to)
a musician. 2.尽管她很忙,但每天都会抽出时间锻炼。(set aside) 2. Although she is busy, she sets aside some time to
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over- _t_o_o_m__u_c_h_ 人口过剩 _o_v_e_r_p_o_p_u_l_a_ti_o_n 做得过分 ___o_v_e_r_d_o_____ 吃得过饱 ___o_v_er_e_a_t_____ weight 短语:体重增加 _p_u_t_o_n__w_e_i_g_h_t _ 体重减轻 __lo_s_e__w_e_i_g_h_t___
Step 5 Explaining(3:48-3:57)
Error correction
1. A junior doctor, a man of many talents, had a desire to knowledge.
have a desire for sth. 渴望… at one’s desire/at the desire of sb. 应某人的要求
6. favo(u)r n.喜爱;恩惠 vt.喜爱;偏袒
帮某人的忙 do sb. a favor=give sb. a hand 支持 in favo(u)r of _f_a_v_o_(_u_)r_i_te__n.& adj.最喜爱的
7. accompany vt.陪伴;伴奏 __c_o_m_p_a_n_y__n. 陪伴;公司 _c_o_m__p_a_n_i_o_n___n. 伙伴;同伴
2. Present the answers to part 4 on the blackboard.
Larry Belmont … for a company that … robots. Recently it had begun … with a … robot. It was going to be …by Larry's wife, Claire.
_b_e_/g_e_t_m__a_r_r_ie_d__t_o_s_b_.___ 与……离婚 _bd_eiv_/go_er_tc_de_i_svb_o._r_c_ed__f_r_o_m sb.
12. obey vt. 服从,顺从 → disobey vt.&vi. 不服从,违抗
遵守规则 _o_b_e_y_t_h_e__r_u_le_s_ 违背规则 _b_r_e_a_k_t_h_e__ru__le_s
desire (sb. ) to do sth. 希望、想要(某人)做某事 desire that 从句应用_(_sh__o_u_ld) 虚拟语气
I1 important words 较年幼的 天才 想要 离婚, junior talent desire divorce, 惊动 全体员工 宣布 服从, alarm staff declare obey, 喜爱 陪伴 同情 (他)。 favour accompany sympathy (him)
3. alarm vt.使警觉;惊动 n.警报;惊恐 →alarmed adj.担心的;
__a_la_r_m__c_l_o_c_k___ 闹钟 4. sympathy n.同情(心) v(phr). __fe_e_l_s_o_r_r_y_f_o_r____
5. overweight adj.超重的;体重超常的
Unit 2 Robots
Period 1 New words
Step 1 leading-in (3:15-3:18)
1. desire n. 渴望 vt. 希望得到 desire/long to do sth.
2. satisfaction n.满意 →__s_a_t_is_f_y__v.使满意 →__sa_t_i_sf_y_i_n_g___ adj.令人满足的 → __s_a_ti_s_fi_e_d___ adj.感到满意的
8. declare vt.宣布;表明 →declaration n.宣言;公告
9. junior adj.较年幼的;资历较浅的 n.年少者;晚辈
→_s_e_n_i_o_r_ n. & adj.(反义词) 比某人资历深或年长
be senior to sb. 比某人资历浅或年轻
be junior to sb. A比B大/小两岁 A is senior/junior to B by two years.
1. desires to succeed. /has a desire for success. 2. To our satisfaction, the work was finished ahead of time. 3. He accompanied his father to the hospital 4. He is junior to me by four years. 5. It is said that they have been divorced 6. declared war on / against
10. talent n.天才;特殊能力 →talented adj.有才气的
(同义词) n.天赋_g_i_ft__ _h_a_v_e_a__g_if_t_/t_a_l_en__t _fo_r__有……的天赋 11. divorce n.离婚vt.与……离婚
(反义词)结婚_m__a_r_r_y 与……结婚 _m_a_r_r_y__sb_./
Step 2. Thinking (3:18-3:31) (深入学习)
1. Read and recite the important
language points (9mins).
2. Finish the exercises in part 4
Step 3 Discussing (3:31-3:40)
1. Discuss your answers with your partners (2mins). 2. Recite the first paragraph on page 11 (7mins).
Step 4 Presenting (3:40-3:48)
1. Present the words that you recited just now as many as possible.
Step 5 Explaining(3:48-3:57)
Error correction
1. A junior doctor, a man of many talents, had a desire to knowledge.
have a desire for sth. 渴望… at one’s desire/at the desire of sb. 应某人的要求
6. favo(u)r n.喜爱;恩惠 vt.喜爱;偏袒
帮某人的忙 do sb. a favor=give sb. a hand 支持 in favo(u)r of _f_a_v_o_(_u_)r_i_te__n.& adj.最喜爱的
7. accompany vt.陪伴;伴奏 __c_o_m_p_a_n_y__n. 陪伴;公司 _c_o_m__p_a_n_i_o_n___n. 伙伴;同伴
2. Present the answers to part 4 on the blackboard.
Larry Belmont … for a company that … robots. Recently it had begun … with a … robot. It was going to be …by Larry's wife, Claire.
_b_e_/g_e_t_m__a_r_r_ie_d__t_o_s_b_.___ 与……离婚 _bd_eiv_/go_er_tc_de_i_svb_o._r_c_ed__f_r_o_m sb.
12. obey vt. 服从,顺从 → disobey vt.&vi. 不服从,违抗
遵守规则 _o_b_e_y_t_h_e__r_u_le_s_ 违背规则 _b_r_e_a_k_t_h_e__ru__le_s
desire (sb. ) to do sth. 希望、想要(某人)做某事 desire that 从句应用_(_sh__o_u_ld) 虚拟语气
I1 important words 较年幼的 天才 想要 离婚, junior talent desire divorce, 惊动 全体员工 宣布 服从, alarm staff declare obey, 喜爱 陪伴 同情 (他)。 favour accompany sympathy (him)
3. alarm vt.使警觉;惊动 n.警报;惊恐 →alarmed adj.担心的;
__a_la_r_m__c_l_o_c_k___ 闹钟 4. sympathy n.同情(心) v(phr). __fe_e_l_s_o_r_r_y_f_o_r____
5. overweight adj.超重的;体重超常的
Unit 2 Robots
Period 1 New words
Step 1 leading-in (3:15-3:18)
1. desire n. 渴望 vt. 希望得到 desire/long to do sth.
2. satisfaction n.满意 →__s_a_t_is_f_y__v.使满意 →__sa_t_i_sf_y_i_n_g___ adj.令人满足的 → __s_a_ti_s_fi_e_d___ adj.感到满意的
8. declare vt.宣布;表明 →declaration n.宣言;公告
9. junior adj.较年幼的;资历较浅的 n.年少者;晚辈
→_s_e_n_i_o_r_ n. & adj.(反义词) 比某人资历深或年长
be senior to sb. 比某人资历浅或年轻
be junior to sb. A比B大/小两岁 A is senior/junior to B by two years.
1. desires to succeed. /has a desire for success. 2. To our satisfaction, the work was finished ahead of time. 3. He accompanied his father to the hospital 4. He is junior to me by four years. 5. It is said that they have been divorced 6. declared war on / against
10. talent n.天才;特殊能力 →talented adj.有才气的
(同义词) n.天赋_g_i_ft__ _h_a_v_e_a__g_if_t_/t_a_l_en__t _fo_r__有……的天赋 11. divorce n.离婚vt.与……离婚
(反义词)结婚_m__a_r_r_y 与……结婚 _m_a_r_r_y__sb_./
Step 2. Thinking (3:18-3:31) (深入学习)
1. Read and recite the important
language points (9mins).
2. Finish the exercises in part 4
Step 3 Discussing (3:31-3:40)
1. Discuss your answers with your partners (2mins). 2. Recite the first paragraph on page 11 (7mins).
Step 4 Presenting (3:40-3:48)
1. Present the words that you recited just now as many as possible.