有关美国节假日的英语 American Holidays and Idioms
American and British Holiday and Festivial英美传统节日介绍

Notting Hill Carnival
• The Notting Hill Carnival is an annual event that since 1966 has taken place on the streets of Notting Hill, London, UK each August, over three days (the August bank holiday Monday and the two days beforehand). It is led by members of the West Indian community. The carnival has attracted around one million people in the past years, making it one of the largest street festivals in the world
American and British Holidays and Festivials
• American Holidays and Festivals
• British Holiday and Festivals • Brief introduction of Some American and British Festivals
St. David's Day
• Saint David's Day is the feast day of Saint David, the patron saint of Wales, and falls on 1 March each year. The first day of March was chosen in remembrance of the death of Saint David. Tradition holds that he died on that day in 569. The date was declared a national day of celebration within Wales in the 18th century.

3、总统日(英文:Presidents' Day)联邦节日,美国的10个法定节日之一,定在每年二月的第三个星期一,与阵亡将士纪念日,感恩节等享有同等地位。
4、阵亡将士纪念日(Memorial Day):是美国大多数州都要纪念的节日,时间原为5月30日,1971年以后,为保证联邦雇员都能享有这一休息日,许多州将它改在5月的最后一个星期一。
5、独立日(Independence Day,又称Fourth of July或July Fourth)是美国的主要法定节日之一,日期为每年7月4日,以纪念1776年7月4日大陆会议在费城正式通过《独立宣言》。
7、哥伦布日(英语:Columbus Day)是美洲部分国家的法定假日,用以纪念意大利探险家、殖民者、航海家克里斯托弗•哥伦布于1492年发现美洲新大陆,开拓新天新地及扩展西方文明。
8、老兵节,退伍军人节或退伍军人纪念日(Veterans Day)是美国联邦假日,定于11月11日。
9、感恩节(英语:Thanksgiving Day,法语:Jour de l'Action de grace),是美国的全国节日,为感谢上帝赐予一年度丰收的祝福。
有关美国节假日的英语课件ppt American Holidays and Idioms

4th of July
• We celebrate the 4th of July by having a parade in each person’s home city or town.
• Usually, students in the high schools who play instruments march and play in the parade. (I did this when I was in high school)
American Holidays!
• Today is Easter • The dateLeabharlann of Easter changes
each year, but usually falls around the end of March or early April. • It is celebrated in two ways: • For Christians, it is celebrated as the day Jesus came back to life after sacrificing his life for all of humanity. • It is also a day where children get candy.
• Halloween has since evolved into a holiday where children wear costume’s and go around and ask their neighbor's for candy.
day of the year where the dead could come back to earth for one night. • To ward off the dead, ancient people used to carve pumpkins, called Jack-o-laterns. We still carve them today!

二、美国(United States)1. New Year's Day - January 1st2. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - Third Monday in January3. Presidents' Day - Third Monday in February4. Memorial Day - Last Monday in May5. Independence Day - July 4th6. Labor Day - First Monday in September7. Columbus Day - Second Monday in October8. Veterans Day - November 11th9. Thanksgiving Day - Fourth Thursday in November10. Christmas Day - December 25th三、英国(United Kingdom)1. New Year's Day - January 1st2. Good Friday - Friday before Easter3. Easter Monday - Monday after Easter Sunday4. May Day - First Monday in May5. Spring Bank Holiday - Last Monday in May6. Summer Bank Holiday - Last Monday in August7. Christmas Day - December 25th8. Boxing Day - December 26th四、我国(China)1. 元旦 (New Year's Day) - January 1st2. 春节 (Chinese New Year) - 1st day of 1st lunar month3. 清明节 (Qingming Festival) - April 4th or 5th4. 劳动节 (Labor Day) - May 1st5. 端午节 (Dragon Boat Festival) - 5th day of 5th lunar month6. 中秋节 (Mid-Autumn Festival) - 15th day of 8th lunar month7. 国庆节 (National Day) - October 1st五、法国(France)1. Jour de l'An (New Year's Day) - January 1st2. Fête du Trav本人l (May Day) - May 1st3. Victoire 1945 (Victory in Europe Day) - May 8th4. Fête Nationale (Bastille Day) - July 14th5. Assomption (Assumption of Mary) - August 15th6. Touss本人nt (All S本人nts' Day) - November 1st7. Armistice 1918 (Armistice Day) - November 11th8. Noël (Christmas Day) - December 25th六、日本(Japan)1. New Year's Day - January 1st2. Coming of Age Day - Second Monday in January3. National Foundation Day - February 11th4. Showa Day - April 29th5. Constitution Memorial Day - May 3rd6. Greenery Day - May 4th7. Children's Day - May 5th8. Marine Day - Third Monday in July9. Mount本人n Day - August 11th10. Respect for the Aged Day - Third Monday in September11. Health and Sports Day - Second Monday in October12. Culture Day - November 3rd13. Labor Thanksgiving Day - November 23rd14. Emperor's Birthday - December 23rd七、结语随着全球化的推进,了解世界各国的节假日已经成为一种必要的文化素养。
American Holidays 美国人的节日

National Holidays
• There are many commonly observed celebrations in the United States that are not federal holidays. Some of these observances honor groups of people, such as National African American History Month and Women's History Month, or causes, such as National Oceans Month and National Substance Abuse Prevention Month. Many of these holidays and observances are proclaimed by the President ever year.
Thanksgiving Day
• Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on பைடு நூலகம்he fourth Thursday in November.
• In the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims held a three-day feast to celebrate a bountiful harvest. Many regard this event as the nation's first Thanksgiving.
Washington's Birthday
• Washington's Birthday is observed the third Monday of February in honor George Washington, the first President of the United States.
American Holidays 美国人的节日

Columbus Day
• Columbus Day is celebrated on the second Monday in October. • The day commemorates October 12, 1492, when Italian navigator Christopher Columbus landed in the New World • The holiday was first proclaimed in 1937 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt
American Holidays & Traditions
Federal Holidays
• Federal law establishes the following public holidays for federal employees. If the holiday falls during the weekend, it may be observed on a different day. • Many government offices are closed on federal holidays and some private businesses may close as well. • Schools and Universities also observe Federal Holidays
Valentine's Day
• Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14. • The day was named after an early Christian martyr • Valentine's Day, Americans give presents like candy or flowers to the ones they love. • The first mass-produced valentine cards were sold in the 1840s.
American Holidays 美国节日 英文

National Holidays
• There are many commonly observed celebrations in the United States that are not federal holidays. Some of these observances honor groups of people, such as National African American History Month and Women's History Month, or causes, such as National Oceans Month and National Substance Abuse Prevention Month. Many of these holidays and observances are proclaimed by the President ever year.
New Year's Day
New Year's Day is January 1. The celebration of this holiday begins the night before, when Americans gather to wish each other a happy and prosperous coming year. Many Americans make New Year's resolutions. Some Resolutions include: •Drink Less Alcohol •Eat Healthy Food •Get a Better Education •Get a Better Job •Get Fit •Lose Weight •Manage Debt •Manage Stress •Quit Smoking •Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle •Save Money •Take a Trip •Volunteer to Help Others
美国节日 American Holidays and Festivals英文版

5 Memorial Day(last Monday in May)
This day embodies the spirit of American culture , brotherhood and compromise. And it shows that American culture rejects vindictiveness and advocates reconciliation.
Easter Sunday (A Sunday in March or April)
American children are told that the Easter bunny brings
the baskets , so they carry baskets to look for colored eggs that have been hidden in somewhere. The Easter Parade is popular in the United States . The most famous one is along the Fifth Avenue in
Say “Happy New Year to you and your family ” to
express their hope for the happiness in the coming new year
New Year’s Day
Stay up late to watch the old year out and the new year in
Believe Christmas trees bring good luck
Lighting ceremony : The president pull the

美国的节日圣诞节.(Christmas Day),每年12月25日,基督徒庆祝基督诞生的日子,是美国最隆重的节日。
1.元旦节(New Years Day),每年1月1日庆祝新的一年开始。
人们举办各种各样的新年晚会,到处可以听到"辞旧迎新"的钟声,3. 圣瓦伦丁节(St. Valentines Day ),每年2月14日,是3世纪殉教的圣徒圣瓦伦丁逝世纪念日。
情人们在这一天互赠礼物,故又称"情人节"(the lovers day)。
4. 华盛顿诞辰(George Washingtons Birthday),每年2月22日,庆祝华盛顿诞辰,为美国的联邦假日。
6.复活节(Easter Day, Easter Sunday),一般在每年春分后月圆第一个星期天,约在3月7日左右。
该节是庆祝基督( Jesus Christ)的复活,过节人们吃复活节彩蛋( Easter Eggs),为美国的联邦假日。
7.愚人节(April Fools Day),每年4月1日,该节出自于庆祝"春分点" (Venal equinox)的来临,在4月1日受到恶作剧愚弄的人称为"四月愚人" (April Fools)。
8.母亲节(Mothers Day), 每年5月份的第2个星期日,政府部门和各家门口悬挂国旗,表示对母亲的尊敬。
11.父亲节(Fathers Day), 每年6月份的第3个星期天,表示对父亲的尊敬。
12.国庆节(Independence Day), 每年7月4日,庆祝美国建国,为美国的联邦假日。
15.万圣节(Halloween;Eve of All Saints Day),每年10月31日,孩子们多化装成鬼,打着灯笼或点燃篝火尽情地玩耍。
18. 感恩节(Thanks giving Day),每年11月最后一个星期四,干且上帝所赐予的秋收,为美国的联邦假日。

美国英语节日作文The Importance of American Holidays。
Holidays are an important part of American culture. They provide us with an opportunity to celebrate, reflect, and spend time with loved ones. American holidays are diverse, ranging from religious and cultural celebrations to national observances. Each holiday holds its own significance and traditions, contributing to the rich tapestry of American society.One of the most widely celebrated holidays in the United States is Thanksgiving. This holiday, which falls on the fourth Thursday in November, is a time for families and friends to come together and give thanks for the blessings in their lives. The tradition of Thanksgiving dates back to the early 17th century when the Pilgrims and Native Americans shared a feast to celebrate a successful harvest. Today, Thanksgiving is celebrated with a bountiful mealthat typically includes turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce,and pumpkin pie. It is a time for people to express gratitude for their blessings and to enjoy the company of their loved ones.Another important holiday in the United States is Independence Day, also known as the Fourth of July. This holiday commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, which marked the birth of the United States as an independent nation. Independence Day is celebrated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, and other festivities that bring communities together to honor the country's history and freedom. It is a time for Americans to reflect on the values of liberty and democracy that the nation was founded upon.In addition to these national holidays, there are also religious and cultural observances that hold great significance for many Americans. Christmas, Hanukkah, Eid al-Fitr, and Diwali are just a few examples of holidays that are celebrated by various religious and cultural groups in the United States. These holidays are marked by traditions such as gift-giving, feasting, and religiousceremonies, and they provide an opportunity for people to connect with their heritage and faith.American holidays are not only a time for celebration, but they also serve as a reminder of the country's history and values. They provide an opportunity for people to come together and strengthen their sense of community. Holidays also contribute to the economy, as they often stimulate consumer spending and tourism. For example, the National Retail Federation reported that Americans spent over $730 billion during the 2020 holiday season, demonstrating the significant impact of holidays on the economy.Moreover, holidays play a crucial role in preserving cultural traditions and passing them down to future generations. They provide an opportunity for people to learn about their heritage and the customs of their ancestors. For example, many families have specific traditions and rituals that they follow during holidays, such as lighting the menorah for Hanukkah or decorating a Christmas tree. These traditions help to create a sense of continuity and identity within families and communities.In conclusion, American holidays are an essential part of the nation's culture and society. They provide an opportunity for people to come together, celebrate, and reflect on the values and traditions that are important to them. Whether it is a national, religious, or cultural holiday, each observance holds its own significance and contributes to the rich tapestry of American life. Holidays play a crucial role in preserving cultural traditions, strengthening community ties, and fostering a sense of national identity. As such, they are an integral part of American society and will continue to be celebrated and cherished for generations to come.。

美国的节日圣诞节.(Christmas Day),每年12月25日,基督徒庆祝基督诞生的日子,是美国最隆重的节日。
1.元旦节(New Years Day),每年1月1日庆祝新的一年开始。
人们举办各种各样的新年晚会,到处可以听到"辞旧迎新"的钟声,3. 圣瓦伦丁节(St. Valentines Day ),每年2月14日,是3世纪殉教的圣徒圣瓦伦丁逝世纪念日。
情人们在这一天互赠礼物,故又称"情人节"(the lovers day)。
4. 华盛顿诞辰(George Washingtons Birthday),每年2月22日,庆祝华盛顿诞辰,为美国的联邦假日。
6.复活节(Easter Day, Easter Sunday),一般在每年春分后月圆第一个星期天,约在3月7日左右。
该节是庆祝基督( Jesus Christ)的复活,过节人们吃复活节彩蛋( Easter Eggs),为美国的联邦假日。
7.愚人节(April Fools Day),每年4月1日,该节出自于庆祝"春分点" (Venal equinox)的来临,在4月1日受到恶作剧愚弄的人称为"四月愚人" (April Fools)。
8.母亲节(Mothers Day), 每年5月份的第2个星期日,政府部门和各家门口悬挂国旗,表示对母亲的尊敬。
11.父亲节(Fathers Day), 每年6月份的第3个星期天,表示对父亲的尊敬。
12.国庆节(Independence Day), 每年7月4日,庆祝美国建国,为美国的联邦假日。
15.万圣节(Halloween;Eve of All Saints Day),每年10月31日,孩子们多化装成鬼,打着灯笼或点燃篝火尽情地玩耍。
18. 感恩节(Thanks giving Day),每年11月最后一个星期四,干且上帝所赐予的秋收,为美国的联邦假日。

also known as the Fourth of July, is a holiday in the celebrating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. It is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, family reunions, political speeches and ceremonies and various other public and private events
Today, Saint Patrick's Day is widely celebrated in America by Irish and non-Irish alike
Christmas Day
for Christians, the holiday commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ
In the days or even weeks before Christmas Day, many people decorate their homes and gardens with lights, Christmas trees and much more.
St. Patrick’s Day
Saint Patrick's Day is a religious holiday on the 17th of March. It is named after Saint Patrick (387– 461), the patron of Ireland.

[美国传统节日一览表(中英文对照完整版) ]
1月1日新年(New Year’s Day)
2月12日林肯纪念日(Lincoln’s Birthday)
2月14日圣瓦伦丁节(情人节)(St. Valentine’s Day)
2月18日华盛顿诞辰日(Washington’s Birthday)
3月17日圣帕特里克节(St. Patrick’s Day)
4月1日愚人节(All Fool’s Day/ April Fool’s Day)
5月***日植树节(Arbor Day)(五月的第二个星期五,各州不一)5月***日母亲节(Mother’s Day)(五月的第二个星期日)
5月***日阵亡将士纪念日(Memorial Day)(五月的最后一个星期一)
6月14日国旗日(Flag Day)
6月***日父亲节(Father’s Day)(六月的第三个星期日)
7月4日独立日(Independence Day)
9月***日劳动节(Labor Day)(九月的第一个星期一)
10月12日哥伦布日(Columbus Day)
10月***日 1节(Veteran’s Day)(十月的第四个星期一)
11月***日感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)(十一月的最后一个星期四)

3 Thanksgiving Day
Fourth Thursday of November
Thank God for the blessings they have enjoyed
during the year
Theme : peace and plenty, health and happiness
The first Thanksgiving Day was celebrated by
English settlers , known as pilgrims , in
Plymouth , Massachusetts on December 13,1621.
Thanksgiving Day
A holiday for family reunion
Hold a big family dinner
Traditional food : roast turkey,
pumpkin pie, apples, cranberry sauce, squash, etc.
4 Independence Day Legal holiday
July 4 It’s a national day making the birthday of nation, is like…
Believe Christmas trees bring good luck
Lighting ceremony : The president pull the
switch that lights decorated the national Christmas tree on the White House lawn.
Gather in the Times Square to watch the big clock

美国节日的英语介绍作文Title: Exploring American Holidays。
America, the land of diversity and celebrations, is home to a myriad of festivals and holidays that reflect its rich cultural tapestry. From solemn remembrances to vibrant festivities, each holiday carries its unique significance, reflecting the values, history, and traditions of the American people. Let's embark on a journey to explore some of the most prominent American holidays.1. Independence Day (July 4th)。
Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, commemorates the Declaration of Independence in 1776, when the thirteen American colonies declared themselves independent from British rule. It is a day filled with patriotic fervor, marked by grand celebrations across the nation. Fireworks light up the night sky, parades march through the streets, and families gather for barbecues andpicnics, adorned in red, white, and blue.2. Thanksgiving (Fourth Thursday in November)。

美国节日的英语作文In the United States, festivals and holidays are a big part of our culture and traditions. They bring people together, celebrate special moments, and give us a reason to enjoy ourselves.One of my favorite American holidays is Thanksgiving. It's a time for family and friends to gather around a big table filled with delicious food. From turkey and mashed potatoes to cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie, the meal is always a feast for the senses. Plus, it's a chance to give thanks for all the good things in our lives.Another big holiday is Christmas. The whole country seems to get into the spirit of the season, with bright lights, festive decorations, and Christmas trees in every window. People exchange gifts, sing carols, and enjoy special holiday treats like cookies and hot chocolate. It's a magical time that brings joy to everyone.Independence Day, or July 4th, is a day of celebration and patriotism. People across the country hold parades, fireworks displays, and barbecues to commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It's a time to remember our history and show pride in being American.And of course, we can't forget about。

Mother's Day 母亲节(5月第二个星期日) Memorial Day 阵亡将士纪念日(美国,5月26日) Independence Day 美国独立纪念日(7月4日) the Summer Bank Holiday 夏季公假(英国,8月最后 8 一个星期一) Columbus Day 哥伦布日(10月12日) Halloween 万圣节前夕(10月31日) Hallowmas/All Saint's Day 万圣节(11月1日) Armistice day or Veterans Day 第一,二 次世界大战的停战纪念日(11月11日)
New Years Day 新年,元旦(பைடு நூலகம்月1日) St. Valentine's Day 圣瓦伦丁节,情人节(2月14日) All Fools' Day/April Fools's Day 愚人节(4月1日) ' Good Friday 耶稣受难日(复活节前的星期五) Easter 复活节(春分月圆后第一个星期日,4月) Easter Monday 复活节后的星期一 Holy Thursday耶稣升天节(复活节后40天的星期四) ; May Day/Labour Day 五一劳动节 the Spring Bank Holiday 春假(英国5月 最后一个星期一)

美国节假日列表1.元旦节(New Year's Day),每年1月1日庆祝新的一年开始。
2.林肯诞辰(Abraham Lincoln's Birthday),每年2月12日,庆祝林肯诞辰,为大多数州的节日。
3.圣瓦伦丁节(St. Valentine's Day ),每年2月14日,是3世纪殉教的圣徒圣瓦伦丁逝世纪念日。
情人们在这一天互赠礼物,故又称"情人节"(the lovers' day)。
4.华盛顿诞辰(George Washington's Birthday),每年2月22日,庆祝华盛顿诞辰,为美国的联邦假日。
5.圣帕特里克节(St. Patrick's Day ),每年3月17日,是悼念爱尔兰的守护神圣帕特里克的节日。
6.复活节(Easter Day, Easter Sunday),一般在每年春分后月圆第一个星期天,约在3月7日左右。
该节是庆祝基督( Jesus Christ)的复活,过节人们吃复活节彩蛋( Easter Eggs),为美国的联邦假日。
7.愚人节(April Fool's Day),每年4月1日,该节出自于庆祝"春分点" (Venal equinox)的来临,在4月1日受到恶作剧愚弄的人称为"四月愚人" (April Fools)。
8.母亲节(Mother's Day),每年5月份的第2个星期日,政府部门和各家门口悬挂国旗,表示对母亲的尊敬。
9.阵亡烈士纪念日(Memorial Day),每年5月份的最后一个星期一,纪念为美国献身的阵亡烈士,为美国的联邦假日。
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• Dinner usually features meat, since, if you are Christian, you are not supposed to eat any mean during the month before Easter as part of Lent.
• Every year, the White House (where the President lives) does an Easter egg hunt and other activities.
• If you are Christian, you usually go to a special ceremony at Church on Easter in the late morning.
• Later in the day, you eat them!
• Other families will take those eggs and hide them around the house and around outside.
• The person who finds the most eggs, wins!
• A bunny does not leave them…their parents do.
• Another part of Easter is taking eggs and boiling them.
• After they are boiled you dip them in the colored water and die them.
• Halloween has since evolved into a holiday where children wear costume’s and go around and ask their neighbor's for candy.
4th of July
• We celebrate the 4th of July by having a parade in each person’s home city or town.
• Usually, students in the high schools who play instruments march and play in the parade. (I did this when I was in high school)
• …of course, sometimes, you forget an egg or two, and then your house smells really bad!
• So some people use plastic eggs, and fill them wi in the United States are told that a giant bunny comes into their homes while they are sleeping and leaves them candy!
• When children wake up in the morning, there is a basket filled with candy and small gifts for them.
• At night, there are fireworks shows and they play the national anthem.
• My favorite holiday! • Originated in Europe, a
long time ago. • It was originally the one
day of the year where the dead could come back to earth for one night. • To ward off the dead, ancient people used to carve pumpkins, called Jack-o-laterns. We still carve them today!
4th of July
• You should know this one! • From history… • July 4th, _____, the United
States signed their Declaration of Independence from _______? • This is celebrated as the birth of the United States as a country.
American Holidays!
• Today is Easter • The date of Easter changes
each year, but usually falls around the end of March or early April. • It is celebrated in two ways: • For Christians, it is celebrated as the day Jesus came back to life after sacrificing his life for all of humanity. • It is also a day where children get candy.