
1Pry A sll rre Pry B resoble ime or res i orde i e reuliosPry B sll ork uodiiolly i res dys i ere re seil irumsesI ddiio o e Sri Fesivl PryB ve o exr y or overime es2、甲方每月以货币或转账形式支付乙方工资报酬,月工资为元。
(具体参考本合同附件二,劳动报酬协议)2Pry A y remuerio i urrey or bk rser o Pry B moly,mo(reers o e Aex II--- Remuerio reeme)3、甲方不为乙方办理社会保险统筹。
3Pry A does’ilude Pry B or soil isureHoever,ordi o e ul siuio,Pry Ay or omese or ommeril isure or soil isure Pry B buys or imsel4、甲方为乙方提供上班所需用具。
4Pry A rovides eessry ools o Pry B or orkAordi o e relev reulios o e Sed is Muiiliy,Pry A rovides ouiol sey d el odiios or Pry B s ell seessry lbor roeio riles第五条在协议期间,乙方的责任和义务是Arile 5 Duri e reeme eriod,Pry B’s resosibiliies d obliios re1、应向甲方提供真实的身份证护照原件及本协议的个人信息,如有虚假,甲方可随时解除此协议,并扣除所有工资。

英文版劳动合同范本5篇篇1EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTThis Employment Contract is made and entered into by and between [Employer’s Name], hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”, and [Employee’s Name], hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”, on the terms and conditions set out below:1. EmploymentThe Employer hereby employs the Employee, and the Employee accepts the employment, on the terms and conditions stated in this Contract. The Employee will serve as [position title] at the [company branch/department].2. Duration of EmploymentThis Contract is effective as of [start date] and shall continue for a period of [duration] unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.3. Position Title and ResponsibilitiesThe Employee shall perform the duties and responsibilities assigned to the position of [position title]. The Employee’s specific duties may include but are not limited to [list specific duties].4. Working HoursThe Employee shall work regular hours as prescribed by the Company’s polici es and procedures. The Employee is also subject to reasonable changes in working hours as required by the Company’s operational needs.5. Salary and BenefitsThe Employee shall receive a salary of [salary amount] per [salary frequency] as stated in the Company’s pay policy. The Employee shall also be eligible for benefits as prescribed by the Company’s policies, including but not limited to [list benefits].6. ConfidentialityThe Employee agrees to maintain confidentiality concerning all Company secrets, confidential information, and any other information that is not intended for public disclosure.7. Termination of EmploymentEither party may terminate this Contract at any time with or without cause, upon notice as prescribed by Company policies or applicable laws. Termination of employment shall be made in accordance with the procedures and policies established by the Company.8. Intellectual Property RightsAll intellectual property rights arising out of the Employee’s work during the term of this Contract shall be owned by the Company. The Employee assigns all such rights to the Company.9. Lawful ConductThe Employee agrees to conduct himself/herself in a lawful and ethical manner while at work or representing the Company. The Employee shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and Company policies.10. Non-Discrimination and DiversityThe Company is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity and prohibits discrimination in all forms. The Employee shall respect diversity and not discriminate against any colleague or third party on any prohibited basis.11. Discipline and GrievancesThe Company has established procedures for addressing discipline and grievances. Any issues shall be resolved through these procedures, which are outlined in the Company handbook or other policies provided to Employees.12. MiscellaneousThis Contract contains the entire agreement between the parties regarding the terms of employment. Any changes must be made in writing and signed by both parties. This Contract is governed by the laws of [applicable jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of this Contract shall be resolved in accordance with such laws.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract on the dates indicated below:Employer: _____________________ Date: _________________Employee: _____________________ Date: _________________(Signature) (Signature)(Date) (Date)篇2本合同由以下双方自愿签署:雇主(Employer):____________有限公司(以下简称“公司”)地址:_________________________法定代表人:_________________________联系方式:_________________________雇员(Employee):姓名:_________________________性别:_________________________出生日期:_______年______月______日家庭住址:_________________________联系方式:_________________________邮箱地址:_________________________身份证号:_________________________护照号(如有):_________________________紧急联系人及其联系方式:_________________________雇主与雇员就雇员在本公司工作的相关事宜达成如下协议:一、职位及工作内容(Position and Job Description)(在此处详细列出雇员在公司担任的职位、职责、工作地点等具体信息。
劳务合同Labor Contract 英文文档

Labor ContractParty A :Legal Representative:Registered Address:Party B:ID Number:Domicile Nature:Home Address:According to the Labor Law of PRC and relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B sign this contract on the basis of equality, free will and mutual consultation.Article One Working Contents1.1T o meet the production demand, Party A agrees to employ Party B as . Party B agrees to accept the arrangement, observe the labor discipline and professional ethics, carry out rules of safe operation, improve professional skills and accomplishes production tasks.1.2P arty A may legitimately adjust Party B’s post according to business requirements.Article Two Term of ContractThis contract will be effect from (date, month, year) to (date, month, year), during which the probation period is months (from (date, month, year) to (date, month, year)). The contract w ill be terminated when the contract is at its expiry or agreed termi nation conditions occurs. Both parties may rescind or renew the c ontract via mutual consultation.Article Three Working Hours3.1Party A carries out standard working hours system of 40 hours per week and two rest days (maybe they are not Saturday, Sunday).3.2Party A may legitimate arrange Party B to work overtime or wo rk on general holidays due to business requirements on condition that Party B is willing to do so.3.3Party A may change working hours system for business require ment after approval by relevant government authorities and Party B shall execute it of his own will.Article Four Remuneration4.1 Party A pays RMB to Party B as basic wage per month. The aforesaid remuneration excludes all subsidies paid to Party B p ursuant to Party A’s stipulation.4.2 Party A shall strictly implement relevant regulations and stand ard per the lowest wage.4.3 Party A shall pay the wage on the day every month. Article Five Labor Protection and Labor ConditionsParty A shall give Party B education and training programs relating to labor safety, professional skills and labor disciplines etc. Accordi ng to the requirements of state labor protection and safe-producti on, Party A shall provide necessary working condition to ensure Pa rty B’s safety and health.Article Six Social Insurance and Welfare6.1 Party A shall transact social insurance and pay them for Party B . Party A shall withhold the social security contribution legally und ertook by Party B when paying the remuneration every month. 6.2 Party B will take all statutory holidays stipulated by the State.6.3 Party A carries out annual vocation system, Party B can take pa id annual vocation after continuously working for 1 year and the a pplying procedure for annual vocation shall be done pursuant to P arty A’s stipulation.Article Seven Party B’s Responsibility7.1 Party B must work earnestly and accomplish its own tasks with quality and quantity.7.2 Party B must report its job according to the facts and shall coo perate with its uppers and assist their jobs.7.3 Party B shall strictly implement the rules and regulations and Handbook legally stipulated by Party A.7.4 Party B shall take good care of Party A’s property and he/she must indemnify direct damage due to his/her liability and accepts P arty A’s punishment.7.5 Party B can not work for another employer without Party A’s written consent in the duration of Labor Contract.7.6 Party B shall strictly keep Party A’s trade secret and can not di vulge to any third party7.7 Party B shall state his/her curriculum vitae and educational ba ckground according to the facts.7.8 Party B shall observe Party A’s training rules and undertaking when Party A assigns Party B to be trained.Article Eight Cancellation of the Contract without Compensation by Party AParty A may cancel the Contract at any time without compensatio n to Party B under the following circumstances:8.1 When Party B is proven to be unqualified for Party A’s employ ment conditions during probation period, Party A need not give Pa rty B the reason for cancellation.8.2 Party B seriously violates rules and regulations, labor discipline legally stipulated by Party A.8.3 Party B seriously neglects his/her duty and grafts resulting in Party A’s great loss.8.4 Party B violates the laws of PRC and gains judicial punishmentor is found a guilty.Article Nine Cancellation of the Contract with Compensation by Party AUnder the following circumstances, Party A may cancel the Contra ct with 30 days prior written notice to Party B or paying one mont h basic wage instead and legally pay economic compensation or su bsidy to Party B.9.1 Party B is ill or non-work-related injured, and unable to do the former job or other job assigned by Party A after medical treatme nt.9.2 Party B is not competent for the job and still remains so after t raining or adjustment of the post.9.3 The basis for the conclusion of the contract has greatly changed so that the contract can no longer be carried out, while both par ties can not reach an agreement on modifying the contract by mut ual negotiation.9.4 Party A is close to bankruptcy and enters into legal rectificatio n period or it is in a severe difficulty to meet the standard of sever e difficult enterprise stipulated by the local government and the re trenchment is needed, and then Party A cancels the contract accor ding to legal procedure.Article Ten Cancellation of the Contract at Party B’s request10.1Party B shall give 30days prior written notice to Party A when requesting to cancel the Contract, but he/she shall indemnify Part y A according to Article the following circumstances, Party B may inform PartyA to terminate the Contract at any time.a. Be in probation period.Party A didn’t pay the remuneration or provide working conditions according to the Contact.c.Party A forces Party B to work by means of force, threat or illegal restriction of personal freedom.Article Eleven Liability for Breach of Contract11.1 Party A shall legally pay economic compensation to Party B w hen canceling the Contract pursuant to Article Nine.11.2Party B shall indemnify Party A for its economic loss according to laws and regulations and Training Agreement when he/she bre aches the Contract.Article Twelve Annexes of the Contract12.1 The Annexes are indivisible parts of this contract and they ha ve the same effect as this contract.12.2 Handbook and other rules and regulations legally stipulated by Party A are annexes of this Contract.Article Thirteen Labor DisputeIf labor dispute occurs, both parties shall resolve it through consul tation. In case of failing to reach an agreement, each party may su bmit the dispute to Labor Dispute Arbitration Committee having ju risdiction. If rejecting the award, each party can take a proceeding. The party applying for arbitration shall submit the arbitration appl ication to Labor Dispute Arbitration Committee within 60 days wh en the labor dispute arises. If rejecting the award, the party can su e to the court within 15 days after receipt of the award.Article Fourteen Effectiveness of the ContractThis contract is effective by signatures of both parties and shall be submitted to the surveyor.Article Fifteen Miscellaneous15.1If there is something unclear, both parties may conclude clause a supplement clause and the clause shall have the same effect as this contract.15.2If there is something undefined in this contract when implem enting this contract, it shall be executed according to relevant laws and regulations of the state and region. If there is a new stipulatio n per relevant clauses, they shall be carried out pursuant to afores aid stipulation.15.3 The modification of this contract shall be mutually agreed by both parties and shall be facilitated with the relevant procedure.The modified content can be agreed by both parties.15.4 This contract is made in duplicate and each party holds one counterpart.Party A(stamp): Party B(signature):Legal Representative (stamp):Dated this (date) of (month) (year) Dated this(date) of (month) (year)Survey body (stamp):Surveyor (signature and stamp):Dated this (date) of (month) (year)。

英文版劳动合同范本5篇篇1EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTThis Employment Contract is made and entered into by and between [Employer’s Name], hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”, and [Employee’s Name], hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”, on [Date].1. EMPLOYMENTThe Employee is employed by the Employer to work at the position of [Job Title] at the location specified by the Employer. The Employee shall perform the duties assigned to him/her by the Employer.2. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIESThe Employee shall perform the duties and responsibilities as stated in the job description provided by the Employer. The Employee shall also follow any reasonable guidelines or policies set by the Employer that are in line with the job description.3. HOURS OF WORKThe Employee shall work the hours specified by the Employer, which may include regular working hours, overtime, and any other work schedule required by the job.4. SALARY AND BENEFITSThe Employee shall receive a salary as specified in the offer letter or employment agreement. The salary may be subject to review and adjustments based on performance, job advancements, or changes in job responsibilities. The Employee shall also be entitled to any benefits provided by the Employer, including health insurance, paid time off, and any other benefits stated in this contract or employment agreement.5. CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-COMPETEThe Employee agrees to maintain confidentiality of all confidential information obtained during his/her employment and not to disclose any confidential information unless authorized by the Employer. The Employee also agrees not to engage in any activities that are in competition with the business interests of the Employer during the term of employment and for a specified period after employment ends.6. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYAll intellectual property developed or created by the Employee during his/her employment shall be owned by the Employer. The Employee acknowledges that any ideas, inventions, designs, or other intellectual property developed during work hours or using company resources shall be considered the property of the Employer.7. TERMINATIONThis contract can be terminated by either party giving notice as stipulated in this contract or as otherwise agreed upon by both parties. The termination clause should also include provisions for severance pay, if applicable, and any other matters related to termination.8. MISCELLANEOUSThis contract contains various other provisions, including but not limited to: rules on discipline, conduct, force majeure, disputes resolution, and applicable laws. Both parties shall adhere to the terms and conditions stated in this contract.9. NON-DISCRIMINATION AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITYThe Employer assures that no discrimination will be made against the Employee on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status, or anyother factor prohibited by law. The Employee shall be treated fairly and equally with respect to all aspects of employment.10. SIGNATURESThis contract is signed by both parties in the presence of witnesses to attest its validity and binding force. The signatures indicate that both parties have read and understood the terms and conditions stated in this contract and agree to abide by them.Employer: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________Employee: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________Witnesses: ______________________________________________ Date: ___________(Signature blocks should be filled with relevant details)This Employment Contract is intended as a general template and should be customized according to specific needs and circumstances. It is advisable to consult with legal professionals before finalizing any employment contract to ensure its legality and compliance with local labor laws.篇2EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTThis Employment Contract is made and entered into by and between [Employer’s Name], hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”, and [Employee’s Name], hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”, on [Date].1. EMPLOYMENTThe Employer agrees to engage the Employee on a full-time basis to work at the position designated by the Employer in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Contract. The Employee agrees to accept the engagement on the terms and conditions set out in this Contract.2. POSITION AND DUTIESThe Employee shall serve as [Job Title] and shall be responsible for the duties specified by the Employer in relation to that position. The Employee shall perform his duties diligently, honestly and to the best of his abilities.3. HOURS OF WORKThe Employee shall work regular hours as prescribed by the policies and procedures of the Employer. The Employee shall also comply with any reasonable requests for additional hours of work when required by the nature of the business or circumstances beyond control of the Employed.4. SALARY AND BENEFITSThe Employee shall be paid a salary of [salary amount] per [salary frequency] in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Employer. The Employee shall also be entitled to any benefits agreed upon by both parties in writing.5. CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-COMPETEThe Employee agrees not to disclose any confidential information related to the business of the Employer to any third party without the prior written consent of the Employer. Additionally, the Employee agrees not to engage in any activities that are in competition with the business of the Employer during the term of this Contract or for a specified period after its termination.6. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENTThis Contract may be terminated by either party giving written notice to the other party through proper channel. Thenotice period and related matters shall be in accordance with local labor laws and regulations and as stipulated in this Contract.7. DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS AND DISMISSALSThe Employee may be subject to disciplinary actions for misconduct, negligence or failure to perform duties as prescribed in this Contract or policies of the Employer. Dismissal may result if such actions are deemed serious enough by the Employer.8. FORCE MAJEUREIn case of force majeure events that cannot be anticipated or avoided, both parties shall seek to resolve any issues arising from such events through mutual consultation and negotiation.9. LAW AND JURISDICTIONThis Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of [Country/Region]. Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation first. If no settlement can be reached, either party may submit such disputes to [specify court/tribunal] for resolution.10. MISCELLANEOUSThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings, whether oral or written, related to the employment of the Employee by the Employer. No modification of this Contract shall be effective unless agreed upon by both parties in writing. Any provisions herein which by their nature continue after termination of this Contract shall remain in full force and effect after termination.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract on the date stated at the beginning of this document.EMPLOYER:Name:Title:Date:EMPLOYEE:Name:Date:Signature Page (to be attached if necessary)Both parties hereby acknowledge that they have read and fully understand the terms of this Employment Contract and agree to be bound by its provisions.(To be signed by both parties separately)EMPLOYER: _____________________EMPLOYEE: _____________________Date: _____________________Signature Page (to be stamped if necessary)This Employment Contract has been duly executed by both parties in [specify number] originals, each party retaining an equal number of originals for their respective records.(To be stamped by both parties separately) 司职员印鉴EMPLOYER: _____________________ EMPLOYEE: _____________________ Date: _____________________ (注:本模板为参考范本,实际合同需根据具体情况调整并可能涉及专业法律建议。

劳务合同-中英版劳务合同-中英版Labor Contract - Chinese-English Version甲方:(以下简称甲方)Party A: (hereinafter referred to as Party A)乙方:(以下简称乙方)Party B: (hereinafter referred to as Party B)一、合同目的1.1 本合同是甲乙双方在平等自愿的基础上,根据国家有关劳动法律、法规及规章,以及双方协商一致的原则,就甲方雇用乙方从事劳务工作事宜而订立的协议,约定双方权利、义务及相关事项。
1.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
二、双方权利和义务2.1 甲方的权利和义务:2.1.1 提供劳动工作岗位和必要的劳动条件;2.1.2 按照国家有关规定和本合同约定支付工资和其他福利待遇;2.1.3 保障乙方的人身安全和劳动保障;2.1.4 向乙方提供必要的工作培训;2.1.5 依法对乙方进行考核和管理;2.1.6 与乙方协商解决因工作产生的问题和纠纷。
2.2 乙方的权利和义务:2.2.1 忠实、勤勉地履行劳务工作;2.2.2 遵守甲方的工作纪律和合法命令,不得违法、违纪;2.2.3 保守甲方的商业秘密和其他机密信息,不得泄露给他人;2.2.4 不得在劳动期间从事与工作无关的活动;2.2.5 服从甲方的工作安排和调剂;2.2.6 维护甲方的形象和利益。
三、工资和福利待遇3.1 甲方将按照国家有关法规和本合同约定,向乙方支付工资和其他福利待遇。
3.2 工资支付标准:乙方的具体工资支付标准见附件一《工资支付标准表》。
3.3 福利待遇:甲方将向乙方提供社会保险、住房公积金、年终奖金、节假日福利等福利待遇。
四、保密条款4.1 乙方应当保守甲方的商业秘密和其他机密信息,不得泄露给他人。
4.2 乙方应当在离开甲方工作岗位之前,将已经掌握的机密信息交还给甲方。
五、解除合同5.1 在合同期限届满前,甲乙双方协商一致,可以终止合同。

国际劳务合同范本英文3篇篇一International Labor Contract Template (English)Preamble:This International Labor Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made and entered into on this [Date], between [Name of Employer], a pany incorporated under the laws of [Country of Incorporation] (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer"), and [Name of Employee], a citizen of [Country of Citizenship] (hereinafter referred to as the "Employee").recitals:WHEREAS, the Employer is engaged in the business of [Nature of Business], and requires the services of skilled professionals for its operations;WHEREAS, the Employee possesses the necessary qualifications, skills, and experience to perform the duties and responsibilities as specified in this Contract;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contned herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Employment Terms1.1 Position and DutiesThe Employee shall be employed as a [Job Title] and shall perform the following duties and responsibilities:[Detled description of duties and responsibilities]Employee: A person who provides labor or services to an employer under an employment contract, typically in exchange for wages or salary.Employer: A person or entity that hires and pensates employees for their work.1.2 Duration of EmploymentThe term of this Contract shall mence on [Start Date] and shall continue for a period of [Duration], unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.1.3 Place of WorkThe Employee shall be required to work at [Location of Work] and may be assigned to other locations as determined the Employer.1.4 Working HoursThe Employee shall work a maximum of [Number of Hours] per week, including overtime, as required the Employer.2. Salary and Benefits2.1 SalaryThe Employee shall be pd a gross annual salary of [Salary Amount] in the currency of [Country], payable in equal monthly installments.Salary: The fixed amount of money pd to an employee for their work, usually on a regular basis.2.2 AllowancesThe Employee shall be end to the following allowances:[Detled description of allowances, such as housing, transportation, meals, etc.]2.3 Bonuses and IncentivesThe Employee may be eligible for bonuses and incentives based on the achievement of certn performance targets, as determined the Employer.3. Leave and Time Off3.1 Annual LeaveThe Employee shall be end to [Number of Days] of annual leave per annum, in accordance with the laws of [Country].Annual Leave: Pd time off from work granted to an employee for a specified period during the year.3.2 Sick LeaveThe Employee shall be end to [Number of Days] of pd sick leave per annum, in accordance with the laws of [Country].3.3 Public HolidaysThe Employee shall be end to all public holidays recognized in [Country], as determined the laws of [Country].4. Termination of Employment4.1 Termination the EmployerThe Employer may terminate this Contract for any of the following reasons: [Detled description of termination reasons, such as misconduct, poor performance, etc.]4.2 Termination the EmployeeThe Employee may terminate this Contract giving [Notice Period] written notice to the Employer.Notice Period: The length of time an employee must provide advance notice to their employer before resigning from their position.5. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure5.1 ConfidentialityThe Employee agrees to keep confidential all information relating to the Employer's business, operations, and customers, and not to disclose such information to any unauthorized party.Confidentiality: The act of keeping sensitive information secret and not disclosing it to unauthorized parties.5.2 Non-DisclosureThe Employee agrees not to use or disclose any trade secrets, proprietary information, or confidential information belonging to the Employer for any purpose other than the performance of the Employee's duties under this Contract.Non-Disclosure: An agreement between parties not to disclose certn information to third parties.6. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution6.1 Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country].6.2 Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through [Dispute Resolution Method], such as negotiation, mediation, or arbitration.Dispute Resolution: The process of resolving disputes between parties, typically through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this International Labor Contract as of the date first above written.[Signature of Employee][Name of Employee][Signature of Employer][Name of Employer][Date][Note: This is a simplified version of a plex international labor contract. It is remended to consult with legal professionals for a more prehensive and tlored contract.]篇二International Labor Contract Template (English)Preamble:This International Labor Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is made and entered into as of [Date] (hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Date"), and between [Employee's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Employee"), and [Employer's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer"), collectively referred to as the "Parties".1. Employment Detls1.1 Position: The Employee shall be employed the Employer as a [Job Title], which is a position that requires the Employee to perform [duties and responsibilities related to the job ].Employee: A person who provides labor services to an employer under a contract of employment in exchange for remuneration (wage).Employer: An entity, whether corporate or individual, that hires employees to perform work for its business or organization.1.2 Duration: The term of employment shall mence on the Effective Date and continue for a period of [Duration], unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.1.3 Place of Work: The Employee shall perform his/her duties at [Location], and may be required to travel to other locations as determined the Employer.2. Duties and Responsibilities2.1 The Employee shall perform the following duties and responsibilities:a) [List specific duties and responsibilities related to the job ].b) Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and pany policies.c) Mntn a high standard of work ethics and confidentiality.d) Collaborate with colleagues and management to achieve the goals of the Employer.2.2 The Employee may be assigned additional duties and responsibilities as determined the Employer, provided that such duties are within the scope of the Employee's skills and expertise.3. Remuneration and Benefits3.1 Salary: The Employee shall be pd a gross annual salary of [Salary Amount] (hereinafter referred to as the "Salary"), payable in equal installments on a monthly basis.Salary: The total amount of money pd to an employee for the work they perform, usually expressed as an annual or monthly figure.3.2 Allowances: The Employee shall be end to the following allowances:a) [List specific allowances, such as housing, transportation, and meal allowances].b) Any other allowances as determined the Employer from time to time.3.3 Benefits: The Employee shall be end to the following benefits:a) [List specific benefits, such as health insurance, pd leave, and retirement plans].b) Any other benefits as determined the Employer from time to time.4. Working Hours and Leave4.1 Working Hours: The Employee shall work a maximum of [Number] hours per week, including overtime, as required the Employer.Overtime: Additional hours worked an employee beyond the standard working hours, usually pensated at a higher rate.4.2 Leave: The Employee shall be end to [Number] days of annual leave per year, in addition to [Number] days of sick leave and [Number] days of public holidays.5. Termination of Employment5.1 The Contract may be terminated either Party upon [Notice Period] written notice to the other Party.5.2 The Employer may terminate the Contract without notice in the event of gross misconduct or breach of this Contract the Employee.5.3 Upon termination of the Contract, the Employee shall be end to receive any outstanding salary and benefits, subject to applicable deductions.6. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution6.1 This Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].6.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiation between the Parties. If the Parties are unable to reach a resolution, the dispute shall be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of [Arbitration Institution].7. Miscellaneous7.1 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.7.2 Any amendments or modifications to this Contract shall be in writing and signed both Parties.7.3 This Contract may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this International Labor Contract as of the Effective Date first above written.[Employee's Name][Employee's Signature][Employer's Name][Employer's Signature]NAMES EXEMPLIFIED: The names provided in the contract are for illustrative purposes only and should be replaced with the actual names of the Employee and Employer.Arbitration: A method of dispute resolution involving a neutral third party who hears arguments and evidence from both sides and makes a binding decision.Jurisdiction: The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case. It refers to the geographical area where the court has authority.篇三International Labor Contract Template (English)This International Labor Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into as of [Date], and between [Employee's Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Employee," and [Employer's Name], a pany incorporated under the laws of [Country], hereinafter referred to as the "Employer."1. RecitalsWHEREAS, the Employer is engaged in the business of [describe the nature of the Employer's business];WHEREAS, the Employee possesses the necessary skills, qualifications, and experience to perform the duties and responsibilities required the Employer;WHEREAS, the Employer desires to employ the Employee as [Employee's Position], and the Employee desires to be employed the Employer on the terms and conditions set forth herein;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contned herein, the parties agree as follows:2. Employment Terms2.1 Position and DutiesThe Employee shall hold the position of [Employee's Position] and shall perform such duties and responsibilities as may be assigned to the Employee the Employer from time to time. The Employee acknowledges that the duties and responsibilities may change from time to time at the Employer's discretion.(Duties: The specific tasks or responsibilities assigned to the Employee)2.2 DurationThe term of this Contract shall mence on [Start Date] and shall continue for a period of [Duration], unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.(Duration: The length of time for which the Employee is employed the Employer)2.3 Place of WorkThe Employee shall perform the duties and responsibilities at [Location], or at any other location as may be designated the Employer from time to time.(Location: The physical location where the Employee is expected to perform their duties)3. Salary and Benefits3.1 SalaryThe Employee shall be pd a gross annual salary of [Salary Amount] (Salary), payable in [Payment Frequency] installments. The Salary shall be pd in the currency of [Currency], and the Employee shall be responsible for any applicable taxes.(Salary: The amount of money pd to the Employee for their work)3.2 Allowances and ExpensesThe Employee shall be end to the following allowances and expenses:[Allowance 1]: [Amount][Allowance 2]: [Amount][Allowance 3]: [Amount](Allowances: Additional payments made to the Employee for specific purposes)3.3 BenefitsThe Employee shall be end to the following benefits:[Benefit 1][Benefit 2][Benefit 3](Benefits: Additional perks or advantages provided to the Employee)4. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure4.1 ConfidentialityThe Employee agrees to keep confidential all information, data, and materials relating to the Employer's business, clients, and operations, whether obtned during the term of this Contract or otherwise, and not to disclose such information to any unauthorized party.(Confidentiality: The act of keeping information secret and not sharing it with unauthorized individuals)4.2 Non-DisclosureThe Employee agrees not to use or disclose any confidential information for any purpose other than the performance of their duties under this Contract.(Non-Disclosure: The act of refrning from revealing confidential information)5. Termination5.1 Termination the EmployerThe Employer may terminate this Contract at any time, with or without cause, upon [Notice Period] written notice to the Employee.5.2 Termination the EmployeeThe Employee may terminate this Contract upon [Notice Period] written notice to the Employer, provided that the Employee has not breached any of the terms and conditions of this Contract.5.3 Effects of TerminationUpon termination of this Contract, the Employee shall deliver to the Employer all property, records, and documents belonging to the Employer and shall cease to use the Employer's facilities and resources.(Termination: The act of ending an employment relationship)6. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction], and any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Jurisdiction].(Jurisdiction: The legal authority of a court to hear and decide a case)7. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this Contract.(Agreement: A legally binding arrangement between two or more parties) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this International Labor Contract as of the date first above written.[Employee's Name][Employer's Name](Signature: The act of signing one's name to a document to indicate agreement or authorization)。

Contract No.: [Contract Number]Effective Date: [Start Date]Expiry Date: [End Date]Parties Involved:1. Employer:[Employer's Name][Employer's Address][Employer's Contact Information]2. Worker:[Worker's Name][Worker's Address][Worker's Contact Information]Introduction:This Labor Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into between [Employer's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer") and [Worker's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Worker") in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China. The Employer and the Worker shall strictly abide by the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract. The Employer shall provide the Worker with a job position, and the Worker shall perform the job duties and obligations as required by the Employer.1. Position and Work Content:1.1 The Worker shall be employed as a [Job Title] at the Employer's [Workplace Name].1.2 The Worker's main duties and responsibilities include:a. To perform the tasks assigned by the Employer or the person in charge;b. To comply with the Employer's work regulations, procedures, and safety rules;c. To participate in training programs organized by the Employer as required;d. To protect the Employer's property and keep the work environment clean and tidy.2. Working Hours and Schedule:2.1 The Worker's working hours shall be [Number of Hours per Day] hours per day, [Number of Days per Week] days per week, for a total of [Total Number of Hours per Month] hours per month.2.2 The Worker's working schedule shall be [Specific Schedule, e.g., Morning Shift: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Afternoon Shift: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM].3. Salary and Compensation:3.1 The Worker's monthly salary shall be [Monthly Salary Amount] yuan, which shall be paid on the [Specific Day of the Month] of each month.3.2 The Worker shall be entitled to overtime pay at [Overtime Rate] of the regular salary for any work performed beyond the agreed working hours.3.3 The Worker shall also be entitled to [List Any Additional Compensation, e.g., performance bonuses, commissions, etc.] asstipulated by the Employer.4. Social Security and Benefits:4.1 The Employer shall provide the Worker with the following social security benefits in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations:a. Pension Insurance;b. Medical Insurance;c. Unemployment Insurance;d. Work-related Injury Insurance;e. Maternity Insurance.4.2 The Employer shall pay the Employer's and Worker's contributions for the above social security benefits as required by the law.5. Probation Period:5.1 The Worker shall undergo a probation period of [Number of Months] months from the date of employment.5.2 During the probation period, the Worker may be terminated without prior notice if the Worker fails to meet the requirements set forth in this Contract.6. Termination of Employment:6.1 Either party may terminate this Contract upon written notice to the other party, provided that such notice is given at least [Notice Period] days prior to the effective date of termination.6.2 The following circumstances shall constitute valid reasons for termination of this Contract:a. The Worker voluntarily resigns;b. The Worker is unable to perform the job due to illness or disability;c. The Worker is found to have violated the laws, regulations, or the。

This Labor Contract (hereinafter referred to as "the Contract") is made and entered into on [Date] between [Employer's Name or Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as "the Employer"), located at [Employer's Address], and [Employee's Name or Personal Information] (hereinafter referred to as "the Employee"), with the address at [Employee's Address]. The parties hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:1. Position and Employment Details1.1 The Employee shall be employed by the Employer in the position of [Position Title] (hereinafter referred to as "the Position").1.2 The Employee shall report to [Supervisor's Name or Department] and shall be responsible for [Duties and Responsibilities].2. Term of Employment2.1 The term of this Contract shall commence on [Start Date] and terminate on [End Date], unless terminated earlier in accordance withthe provisions of this Contract.2.2 The Employer may, at its sole discretion, renew this Contract for an additional term(s) of [Number of Years/Months] upon mutual agreement between the parties.3. Work Hours and Place of Work3.1 The Employee shall work full-time, which means [Number of Hours per Day/Week] hours per day/week.3.2 The place of work shall be [Employer's Address], unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties.4. Compensation and Benefits4.1 The Employee shall be paid a monthly salary of [Salary Amount] (inclusive of all taxes, deductions, and allowances) on the [Payment Date] of each month.4.2 The Employer shall provide the Employee with the following benefits:- Health insurance coverage as per the Employer's policy.- Paid annual leave as per the Employer's policy.- Paid sick leave as per the Employer's policy.- [Any other benefits applicable].5. Termination of Employment5.1 The Employee may terminate this Contract upon [Notice Period], in writing, to the Employer.5.2 The Employer may terminate this Contract immediately without notice in the event of any of the following:- Gross misconduct or violation of the Employer's policies.- Breach of confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement.- Committing an act of dishonesty or fraud.5.3 Upon termination of this Contract, the Employer shall pay the Employee all wages due up to the date of termination, as well as any accrued benefits.6. Confidentiality and Non-Compete Clause6.1 The Employee agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all confidential information of the Employer, both during the term of this Contract and for a period of [Number of Years] thereafter.6.2 The Employee agrees not to engage in any business activities that compete with the Employer's business for a period of [Number of Years] following the termination of this Contract.7. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution7.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].7.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through amicable negotiation between the parties. Ifthe parties fail to reach an agreement, the dispute shall be submitted to the competent court of [Jurisdiction] for resolution.8. Entire Agreement8.1 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, representations, or understandings, whether written or oral.9. Amendments9.1 Any amendment to this Contract must be made in writing and executed by both parties.In Witness Whereof, the parties have executed this Labor Contract as of the date first above written.[Employer's Name or Company Name]: ___________________________[Employer's Signature]: ___________________________[Date]: ___________________________[。

Contract of Labor Services甲方(Employer):[甲方全称]地址:[甲方地址]联系人:[甲方联系人]联系电话:[甲方联系电话]乙方(Laborer):[乙方全称]身份证号码:[乙方身份证号码]地址:[乙方地址]联系电话:[乙方联系电话]鉴于:1. 甲方需要乙方提供劳务服务,乙方同意按照甲方的要求提供劳务服务。
2. 双方本着平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则,经友好协商,达成如下协议:一、劳务内容1. 乙方同意按照甲方的要求,在[劳务开始日期]至[劳务结束日期]期间,为甲方提供以下劳务服务:- [具体劳务内容]- [具体劳务内容]二、工作地点乙方提供的劳务服务地点为:[具体工作地点]三、工作时间1. 乙方的工作时间为每天[工作时间],每周工作[工作天数]天。
2. 乙方的工作时间根据甲方的工作需要可能进行调整,具体安排由甲方决定。
四、工作报酬1. 甲方同意支付乙方劳务报酬,具体金额为每月[月薪]元,支付方式为[支付方式]。
2. 甲方应在每月[支付日期]前支付乙方上一个月的劳务报酬。
五、福利待遇1. 甲方为乙方提供以下福利待遇:- [福利待遇内容]- [福利待遇内容]2. 乙方享有国家法定节假日休息。
六、保密条款1. 乙方在提供劳务服务期间,应严格保守甲方的商业秘密。
2. 乙方不得向任何第三方泄露甲方的商业秘密。
七、违约责任1. 任何一方违反本合同约定的,应承担相应的违约责任。
2. 乙方未能按照约定提供劳务服务,甲方有权解除本合同,并要求乙方赔偿因此造成的损失。
八、争议解决1. 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应友好协商解决。
2. 如协商不成,任何一方均可向甲方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。
九、合同生效1. 本合同自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效。
2. 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。
甲方(盖章):乙方(签字):法定代表人(或授权代表)签名:乙方签名:日期:日期:---劳务合同Contract of Labor ServicesParty A (Employer): [Full Name of Party A]Address: [Address of Party A]Contact Person: [Contact Person of Party A]Phone Number: [Phone Number of Party A]Party B (Laborer): [Full Name of Party B]ID Number: [ID Number of Party B]Address: [Address of Party B]Phone Number: [Phone Number of Party B]Whereas:1. Party A requires Party B to provide labor services, and Party B agrees to provide such services according to Party A's requirements.2. Based on the principle of equality, voluntariness, fairness, honesty, and credit, the Parties have reached the following agreement through friendly negotiations:Article 1: Scope of Labor Services1. Party B agrees to provide the following labor services for Party A from [Start Date of Labor Services] to [End Date of Labor Services]:- [Specific Labor Services]- [Specific Labor Services]Article 2: Work LocationThe labor services provided by Party B will be at: [Specific Work Location]Article 3: Working Hours1. Party B's working hours are [Working Hours] per day, [Number of Working Days] days per week.2. Party B's working hours may be。

Contract Number: [Contract Number]Date of Execution: [Date]Contracting Party A: [Name of Employer][Address of Employer][Contact Information of Employer]Contracting Party B: [Name of Employee][Address of Employee][Contact Information of Employee]1. Scope of WorkContracting Party A hereby engages Contracting Party B to perform the following work under the terms and conditions set forth in this contract:1.1 Work Description:Contracting Party B shall be responsible for [specific job duties and responsibilities], including but not limited to [list specific tasks, e.g., cleaning, maintenance, teaching, etc.].1.2 Work Location:The work shall be performed at [specific location(s)] as designated by Contracting Party A.1.3 Work Duration:The duration of this contract shall be [specify the period, e.g., 1 year from the date of execution, renewable annually upon mutual agreement].2. Work Hours and Compensation2.1 Work Hours:Contracting Party B shall work [specify the number of hours perday/week/month], with [specify the days of the week or month] as working days.2.2 Compensation:2.2.1 Salary:Contracting Party B shall receive a monthly salary of [specify the amount] RMB (or equivalent in other currencies), payable at the end of each month.2.2.2 Overtime Compensation:In case of overtime, Contracting Party B shall be entitled to [specify the rate of overtime pay, e.g., 1.5 times the regular rate] for eachhour of overtime.2.2.3 Benefits:Contracting Party B shall be provided with [list any additional benefits, e.g., health insurance, transportation allowance, etc.] as per the provisions of this contract.3. Conditions of Employment3.1 Probation Period:Contracting Party B shall undergo a probation period of [specify the duration, e.g., 3 months] from the date of employment. During the probation period, Contracting Party B's employment may be terminated by either party with [specify the notice period, e.g., 7 days] notice.3.2 Confidentiality:Contracting Party B agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all information obtained during the course of employment, and shall not disclose any such information to any third party without the priorwritten consent of Contracting Party A.3.3 Compliance with Laws and Regulations:Contracting Party B agrees to comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and internal policies of Contracting Party A.4. Termination of Employment4.1 Termination by Contracting Party A:Contracting Party A may terminate this contract with [specify the notice period, e.g., 30 days] notice in the event of [list grounds for termination, e.g., misconduct, failure to meet job requirements, etc.].4.2 Termination by Contracting Party B:Contracting Party B may terminate this contract with [specify the notice period, e.g., 15 days] notice for any reason.4.3 Termination Due to Circumstances Beyond Control:In the event of [list circumstances, e.g., natural disasters, war, etc.], either party may terminate this contract immediately without liability.5. Dispute ResolutionIn the event of any disputes arising from or in connection with this contract, the parties agree to negotiate in good faith to resolve such disputes. If the parties fail to reach an agreement, the dispute shallbe submitted to [specify the competent court or arbitration panel] for resolution.6. Governing LawThis contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [specify the jurisdiction].7. SignaturesThis contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral. This contract may be amended only by written agreement signed by both parties.Contracting Party A: __________________________Contracting Party B: __________________________Witness: __________________________Date: __________________________[Note: This is a general template for a labor contract. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional to tailor the contract to the specific needs and circumstances of the parties involved.]。

劳务合同英文合同范本Employment ContractThis Employment Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into on [date] and between:Party A: [Employer's Name]Address: [Employer's Address]Contact Person: [Contact Person's Name]Telephone Number: [Employer's Telephone Number]Party B: [Employee's Name]Address: [Employee's Address]Contact Person: [Employee's Name]Telephone Number: [Employee's Telephone Number]1. Position and DutiesParty A here employs Party B as [Position Title], and Party B agrees to perform the duties and responsibilities associated with this position.2. Term of EmploymentThe term of this employment shall mence on [start date] and shall continue until [end date], unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.3. Working Hours and LocationThe normal working hours of Party B shall be [hours per week]. The working location shall be at [location].4. RemunerationParty A shall pay Party B a salary of [amount] per [payment period]. Payments shall be made on [payment date].5. BenefitsParty A shall provide the following benefits to Party B: [List of benefits, such as health insurance, vacation, etc.]6. Intellectual PropertyAll intellectual property developed Party B during the course of employment shall belong to Party A.7. ConfidentialityParty B shall mntn the confidentiality of all confidential information of PartyA.8. TerminationThis Contract may be terminated either party in accordance with the following circumstances: [List the termination conditions]9. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from this Contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. If negotiation fls, either party may submit the dispute to arbitration or litigation in accordance with the applicable laws.10. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of [jurisdiction].In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Party A (Signature and Seal): [Employer's Signature and Seal]Party B (Signature and Seal): [Employee's Signature and Seal]。

2.劳务合同英文版EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTContract No.:Employer (Party A):Employee (Party B):This Employment Contract is made and entered into on the day of______ , ______by and between______ (hereinafter referred to as“Party A”) and ______ (hereinafter referred to a s“ Party B”).1. Obligations of Two PartiesParty A hereby employs Party B and Party B hereby accepts to be employed by Party A to serve and perform the duties required of him in the job category provided below:(1) ______(2) ______(3) ______…2. Service PeriodThe term of this Contract shall be for the period of______, commencing upon ______, ______and ending on ______, ______.3. Working Hours and Working DaysParty B’s work da ys, hours and workweek shall be______ to ______, from ______ to______ , for a total______ hours per week.4. SalaryIn consideration of the services to be performed by Party B, Party A agrees to pay Party B compensation in the amount of:(1) ______per hour;(2) ______per hour for overtime compensation payable by check in biweekly intervals;(3) Other compensation (bonuses, commissions, etc.),amount and method of calculation specified as follows: ABC…5. Deductions______taxes and social security, if applicable, shall be withheld from Party B’s salary e ach pay period. No other deductions from Party B’s compensation shall be made by Party A unless specified herein and approved by the Chief of Labor or his authorized designee. Other deductions (set forth amount and purpose of deduction):6. Working PlaceParty B’s principal place of work shall be on______ . However Party B may be required to perform the duties at the other senatorial districts within______ depending on the nature of Party A’s business and upon Party A’s compliance with applicable labor policies and/or regulations.7. Labor Protection and Working ConditionParty A shall provide Party B with occupational safety, healthy working conditions and protective equipment conforming to the relevant provisions of the State. Party B shall follow all the rules and regulations on safe operation set forth by Party A during work.8. Social Insurance and WelfareParty A shall undertake to pay social insurance contributions for Party B according to the relevant laws and regulations.If suffers from an occupational disease or workrelated injury, or (female) during her pregnant,puerperal and infant-feeding period, Party B is entitled toenjoy the legal rights and benefits as stipulated in the State laws and government regulations.If Party B suffers from disease or injury not suffered at work, the medical treatment and sick leave pay enjoyed by Party B shall follow the stipulations in the State laws and government regulation9. Travel AllowanceParty A shall b e responsible for the payment of Party B’s return train ticket to his /her point of hire at the expiration or termination of the Employment Contract, regardless of the nature of the termination.10. Notification of KinsfolkIn the case of an emergency involving serious illness, accident or death of Party B, Party A shall immediately notify Party B’s next-of-kin whose name and address are as follows:11. LodgingWhich one you do choose? ______Party A shall ensure that the following facilities are provided:(1) ______ Party A-provided housing at a charge of______ per month.(2) ______ Party A-provided housing free of charge.(3) ______ Party B self-arranged housing(Attach statement or rental agreement).12. BoardingWhich one you do choose? ______(1) ______ (number) meals per day at a charge of______ per month.(2) ______ Party B to provide own food.13. Transportation_____Free transportation to and from job site at Party Adesignated pick-up points.Traffic Allowance ______.Other way: ______14. Other ProvisionsThe following additional provisions apply to this Contract: (Set forth or attach any work rules, living accommodation rules and standards for Party B conduct. Every page of every attachment must be signed by the Party A and Party B.)15. TerminationThis Contract may be terminated as follows:Without cause by either party by giving the other party______ days advance written notice; OrWith cause by either party by given the other party days______ advance written notice and only after an unsuccessful good faith attempt to settle any dispute has been made with the Chief of Labor or his designee.In the event of termination for cause,Party A shall pay Party B’s wages or salary through the effective date of the termination and shall purchase a one-way ticket for the return of Party B to point of hire.Termination for cause shall include any of the followings:(1) ______unauthorized absences and/or______ unauthorized tardiness to work byParty B;(2) Abandoning of job or assigned duty;(3) Incompetence or misrepresentation of the qualifications,skills,physical or mental fitness to satisfactorily perform the duties for which Employee was hired;(4) The breach of any provision of this Contract;(5) Others (specify):16. Lawsuit and SettlementAll disputes under this Employment Contract shall be subject to the following grievance procedure:Party B shall communicate to his supervisor,or if there is no supervisor, then directly to Party A, any and all disputes he may have regarding his employment;If the supervisor is unable to resolve the matter immediately,the dispute shall be reduced to writing by the supervisor which shall state the section of the Contract, law, or rules and regulations to have been violated. Party A shall have ten working days to resolve the grievance, dispute or state in writing his reasons why there is no violation.Or, any disputes arising from the execution of the Contract shall be settled through friendly consultations between both parties.In the case that no settlement can be reached through consultations, either party may submit the dispute to competent Labor Arbitration Commission for arbitration.17. RemittanceParty B shall be responsible for remitting any money to his family and payment of any taxes as required by his government in his country of origin.The foregoing terms and conditions constitute the sole,entire agreement of the parties herein and shall supersede any other agreement, either written, verbal, or otherwise.Party A:Party B:Date:Place:Attach:Certification by a NotaryOn this day of______ , ______ , personally appeared before me______ and______ , known to me to be the person(s) whose signature(s) is /are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and who acknowledged to me that the parties executed the same as a voluntary act for the purposes set forth therein.Notary Public (Signature):Date:______ Approved By:______Chief of Labor (Signature):。

劳务合同模板(英文版This Labor Contract (the "Contract") is made and entered into on this [insert date], by and between Company XYZ, having its principal place of business at [insert address] (the "Company"), and Employee ABC, residing at [insert address] (the "Employee").1. Position and Duties:The Company agrees to employ the Employee as [insert job title], and the Employee agrees to accept such employment with the Company. The Employee shall perform all duties and responsibilities as may be assigned to them by the Company, in accordance with the Company’s policies and procedures.2. Term of Employment:The employment of the Employee shall commence on [insert start date] and shall continue until terminated by either party. Either party may terminate this Contract by providing [insert notice period] written notice to the other party.3. Compensation:The Company shall pay the Employee a monthly salary of [insert salary amount], which shall be paid on a monthly basis. The Employee shall be entitled to any benefits as provided by the Company, including but not limited to health insurance, retirement benefits, and paid time off.4. Working Hours:The Employee agrees to work [insert number of hours] per week, in accordance with the Company’s normal business hours. Th e Employee shall be entitled to breaks and lunch periods as required by law.5. Confidentiality:During the term of employment and following termination of this Contract, the Employee shall maintain the confidentiality of all information and materials of the Company, including but not limited to trade secrets, customer lists, and financial information.6. Non-Compete:The Employee agrees that during the term of employment and for a period of [insert duration] following termination of this Contract, they shall not engage in any competitive business activities with the Company, either directly or indirectly.7. Termination:Either party may terminate this Contract at any time with [insert notice period] written notice. In the event of termination, the Employee shall be entitled to any unpaid salary and benefits as of the date of termination.8. Governing Law:This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [insert jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved by arbitration in [insert location].9. Entire Agreement:This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the employment of the Employee by the Company. Any modifications or amendments to this Contract must be in writing and signed by both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first written above.Company XYZ Employee ABCSignature: __________________ Signature: _________________Print Name: __________________ Print Name: _________________Date: _____________________ Date: _________________。

This Labor Contract is hereby entered into by and between the following parties:Employer:[Employer's Name][Employer's Address][Employer's Contact Information]Employee:[Employee's Name][Employee's Address][Employee's Contact Information]Date of Contract:[Date of Contract]Duration of Employment:This contract shall be effective from [Start Date] to [End Date], unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this contract.Position and Work Description:The employee shall be employ ed as a [Position Title] at the employer’s [Location of Work]. The employee’s primary responsibilities include, but are not limited to:1. [List of Primary Responsibilities]2. [List of Secondary Responsibilities]3. [List of Additional Duties]Work Hours and Schedule:The employee shall work a standard 40-hour workweek, which may include overtime as required by the employer. The standard working hours arefrom [Start Time] to [End Time] on [Days of the Week]. The employee agrees to work any additional hours as may be reasonably required by the employer.Salary and Compensation:The employee shall be paid a monthly salary of [Salary Amount] per month. The salary shall be paid in [Payment Method] on or before the [Payment Date]. The employee shall also be entitled to the following benefits:1. [List of Benefits]2. [List of Additional Compensation]Termination of Employment:Either party may terminate this contract with [Notice Period] prior written notice to the other party. In the event of termination, the employee shall be entitled to the following:1. [List of Termination Benefits]2. [List of Post-Termination Obligations]Confidentiality and Non-Compete Clause:The employee agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all confidential information obtained during the course of employment. The employeefurther agrees not to engage in any competing business within [Geographical Area] for a period of [Duration] following the termination of this contract.Grievance Procedure:Any disputes or grievances arising from the interpretation or performance of this contract shall be resolved through mutualnegotiation between the employer and the employee. If a resolutioncannot be reached, either party may seek mediation or arbitration in accordance with the procedures set forth in the [Applicable Laws or Regulations].General Provisions:1. This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.2. Any amendment or modification to this contract must be in writing and signed by both parties.3. This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].Acknowledgment of Receipt:The undersigned hereby acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to all the terms and conditions of this contract.Employer’s Signature:_________________________[Name of Employer]Employee’s Signature:_________________________[Name of Employee]Witnesses:[If applicable, list the names and signatures of any witnesses to the contract.]---This document is intended to serve as a template for a labor contract and may require customization to meet the specific legal and business needs of the parties involved. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional before entering into any contractual agreements.。

This Labor Contract is hereby entered into on [Date] between the following parties:Employer:[Employer's Name][Employer's Address][Employer's Contact Information]Outsourced Worker:[Outsourced Worker's Name][Outsourced Worker's Address][Outsourced Worker's Contact Information]WHEREAS, the Employer is engaged in the business of [Employer's Business Description], and requires the services of an Outsourced Worker to perform certain tasks within its operations;AND WHEREAS, the Outsourced Worker is willing to provide services to the Employer on the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows:1. Scope of Work:The Outsourced Worker shall perform the following duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Employer:- [List of specific tasks and responsibilities to be performed by the Outsourced Worker]- Adhere to all safety regulations and guidelines provided by the Employer.- Maintain confidentiality of all information provided by the Employer.2. Duration of Employment:This Contract shall be effective from [Start Date] to [End Date], unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.3. Work Hours and Compensation:The Outsourced Worker shall work [Number of hours per day/week] hours during the duration of this Contract. The compensation for the services rendered shall be as follows:- Hourly Rate: [Hourly Rate]- Overtime Compensation: [Overtime Compensation Rate]Total Compensation for the duration of the Contract: [Total Compensation Amount]4. Payment Terms:Payment for the services rendered by the Outsourced Worker shall be made on a [Weekly/Monthly] basis, following the completion of the services and submission of the necessary documentation. Payments shall be made within [Number of days] days from the date of submission of the invoice.5. Benefits:The Outsourced Worker shall not be entitled to any benefits provided by the Employer to its full-time employees, including but not limited to health insurance, retirement plans, or paid leave.6. Termination of Employment:This Contract may be terminated by either party upon written notice to the other party, with or without cause, provided that such notice is given at least [Notice Period] days prior to the termination date.In the event of termination without cause, the Employer shall pay the Outsourced Worker the pro-rata portion of the compensation due for the remaining period of the Contract.In the event of termination for cause, the Employer may terminate this Contract immediately without notice, and the Outsourced Worker shall not be entitled to any compensation or benefits upon termination.7. Confidentiality:The Outsourced Worker agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all information provided by the Employer, including but not limited to trade secrets, customer information, and business strategies.8. Governing Law:This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction].9. Entire Agreement:This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Employer's Signature:_________________________[Employer's Name]Outsourced Worker's Signature:_________________________[Outsourced Worker's Name]Witness:_________________________[Name of Witness][Contact Information]。

This Labor Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is hereby executed and entered into on [Date] between [Employer's Name], a legal entity with its principal place of business at [Employer's Address], represented by [Employer's Representative's Name] (hereinafter referred to as the "Employer"), and [Employee's Name], an individual with ID number [Employee's ID Number] (hereinafter referred to as the "Employee"), in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.Article 1: Position and Work Content1.1 The Employer hereby employs the Employee to work as a [Job Title] in the [Department/Division/Section] of the Employer.1.2 The main work content of the Employee shall include but not be limited to:- [Detailed job responsibilities and tasks]- Compliance with the Employer's internal rules and regulations.Article 2: Duration of Employment2.1 The duration of this Contract shall be [Duration, e.g., two years from the date of its signing], commencing on [Start Date] and terminating on [End Date].2.2 The Contract may be renewed upon mutual agreement of both parties, provided that the renewal does not exceed the maximum durationstipulated by the relevant laws and regulations.Article 3: Work Hours and Rest3.1 The Employee shall work a standard full-time workweek of [Number of hours per day] hours per day, [Number of days per week] days per week, and [Number of hours per month] hours per month, in accordance with the Employer's work schedule.3.2 The Employee is entitled to rest periods, holidays, and annual leave as provided for by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.Article 4: Compensation and Benefits4.1 The Employer shall pay the Employee a monthly salary of [Monthly Salary Amount] yuan, payable on the [Payment Date] of each month.4.2 The Employer shall provide the Employee with the following benefits and compensations:- Social Security and Housing Fund contributions as required by law.- Paid annual leave, sick leave, and maternity/paternity leave.- Other benefits as may be provided by the Employer from time to time.Article 5: Termination of Employment5.1 The Contract may be terminated by either party under the following circumstances:- By mutual agreement of both parties.- Due to the Employee's violation of the Contract or internal rules.- Due to the Employer's breach of the Contract or failure to fulfill its obligations.- Due to the Employee's resignation.5.2 In the event of termination of the Contract, the Employer shall pay the Employee any outstanding salary, benefits, and compensation as per the provisions of this Contract and the relevant laws and regulations.Article 6: Confidentiality and Non-Compete Clause6.1 The Employee agrees to keep confidential any and all confidential information of the Employer, including but not limited to trade secrets, customer information, and business plans.6.2 Upon termination of the Contract, the Employee shall not engage in any business activities that are in direct competition with the Employer for a period of [Non-Compete Period, e.g., two years] following the termination date.Article 7: Dispute Resolution7.1 Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation between both parties.7.2 If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation, either party may submit the dispute to the People's Court of [City/Country] for resolution.Article 8: General Provisions8.1 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Employer and the Employee and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.8.2 Any amendment or modification to this Contract。
劳务合同 英文版

劳务合同英文版Service ContractThis Service Contract (the “Agreement”) is entered into on [insert date] (the "Effective Date") by and between [insert the full legal name of the service provider] (the "Service Provider"), located at [insert address], and [insert the full legal name of the client] (the "Client"), located at [insert address].1. Services and PaymentThe Service Provider agrees to provide the services as described in Exhibit A (the “Services”), and the Client agrees to pay the Service Provider the amount as described in Exhibit A (the “Payment”) for such Services.2. TermThe term of this Agreement shall begin on the Effective Date and shall continue until the completion of the Services, unless otherwise terminated by either party in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.3. Client CooperationThe Client agrees to cooperate with the Service Provider and to provide all information and materials necessary for the Service Provider to perform the Services in a timely and efficient manner.4. Representations and WarrantiesThe Service Provider represents and warrants that it has the necessary qualifications, experience, and expertise to provide the Services. The Clientrepresents and warrants that it has the legal authority to enter into this Agreement.5. ConfidentialityThe Service Provider shall maintain the confidentiality of all client information and shall not disclose such information to any third party without the prior written consentof the Client.6. Termination and CancellationEither party may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other party if the other party materially breaches any term or condition of this Agreement. Upon termination, the Client agrees to pay the Service Provider for all Services rendered prior to the termination date.7. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China, and any dispute arising in connection with this Agreement shall be submitted to the designated court for resolution.8. Entire AgreementThis Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this Agreement.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.Service Provider: ____________________________ Date:___________________Client: _____________________________________ Date: ___________________Exhibit A: Services and PaymentServices:[Insert a detailed description of the services to be provided, including all tasks, milestones, and deliverables.]Payment:[Insert the amount to be paid for the Services. Include any payment terms, such as payment schedule or payment method.]。

This Labor Contract ("Contract") is hereby executed by and between [Employer's Name], a legal entity with its registered address at [Employer's Address], hereinafter referred to as "Employer", and [Employee's Name], an individual with identity card number [Employee's ID Number], hereinafter referred to as "Employee", on the basis of mutual agreement and in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.1. Employment Position and Work Content1.1 The Employee shall be employed as [Position] in the Employer's [Department/Division/Unit], and the main duties and responsibilities are as follows:- [Detailed job description, including specific tasks, responsibilities, and performance expectations]1.2 The Employee shall adhere to the Employer's rules, regulations, and work procedures, and ensure the quality and quantity of work meet the requirements set forth by the Employer.2. Employment Duration2.1 The term of this Contract shall be [duration, e.g., two years], starting from [start date] and ending on [end date].2.2 The parties may agree to extend the term of this Contract by mutual written consent. The extension shall not exceed [maximum extension period, e.g., one year].3. Work Time and Rest3.1 The Employee shall work [number of hours per day/week/month] according to the Employer's work schedule and regulations.3.2 The Employee shall be entitled to [number of days] of annual leave, [number of days] of sick leave, and [number of days] ofmaternity/paternity leave, as provided for by the laws and regulations and the Employer's internal policies.4. Salary and Benefits4.1 The Employee's monthly salary shall be [salary amount], which shall be paid in [currency, e.g., Renminbi] on the [payment date, e.g., 15th of each month].4.2 The Employee shall be entitled to the following benefits and compensation:- Social insurance and housing fund as required by the laws and regulations;- [List other benefits such as bonuses, overtime pay, etc.];- [Any other special benefits or compensation as agreed upon by the parties].5. Termination of Employment5.1 The Contract may be terminated in accordance with the following circumstances:- By mutual agreement of the parties;- In the event of a breach of the Contract by either party;- Due to the Employee's retirement, death, or disability;- Due to the Employer's liquidation or bankruptcy;- Other circumstances as provided for by the laws and regulations.5.2 In the event of termination of the Contract, the Employer shall pay the Employee the salary and benefits in accordance with the laws and regulations, as well as any severance pay as agreed upon by the parties.6. Confidentiality and Non-Competition6.1 The Employee agrees to keep confidential any and all confidential information of the Employer, including but not limited to trade secrets, customer information, and business strategies.6.2 Upon the termination of the Contract, the Employee agrees not to engage in any business activities that compete with the Employer for aperiod of [non-compete period, e.g., two years] after the termination date.7. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution7.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.7.2 Any disputes arising from the execution or interpretation of this Contract shall be resolved through friendly negotiations between the parties. If the parties fail to reach an agreement, the dispute shall be submitted to the people's court having jurisdiction over the Employer's registered address for trial.8. Miscellaneous8.1 Any amendment or supplement to this Contract shall be effective only if it is made in writing and signed by both parties.8.2 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, or commitments, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this Contract.In witness whereof, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[Employer's Name][Employer's Signature][Date][Employee's Name][Employee's Signature][Date]。

简单英文劳务合同模板This Labor Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") is entered into between [Employer's Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business located at [Address], and [Employee's Name], an individual residing at [Address] (hereinafter referred to as the "Employee").1. Position and Duties1.1 The Employee shall be hired as a [Job Title] and shall perform the duties as outlined in Exhibit A attached hereto.2. Term of Employment2.1 The term of employment shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue until terminated by either party.3. Salary and Benefits3.1 The Employee shall be paid a monthly salary of [Amount] for the performance of their duties.3.2 The Employee shall be entitled to [Number] of paid vacation days per year.3.3 The Employee shall be entitled to [Number] of sick days per year.3.4 The Employee shall be entitled to [Number] of paid holidays per year.4. Work Hours4.1 The Employee shall work [Number] hours per week, from [Start Time] to [End Time], with [Number] hours for lunch.5. Confidentiality5.1 The Employee agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all information and materials related to the Employer's business operations.6. Non-Compete6.1 The Employee agrees not to engage in any business that competes with the Employer's business during the term of employment and for a period of [Number] years after the termination of employment.7. Termination7.1 Either party may terminate this Contract with [Number] days' notice.7.2 The Employer may terminate this Contract immediately in the event of the Employee's breach of any provision of this Contract.7.3 The Employee may terminate this Contract immediately in the event of any material change to the terms and conditions of employment.8. Governing Law8.1 This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[Employer's Name]By: _________________________Name: _______________________Title: ________________________[Employee's Name]By: _________________________Name: _______________________Title: ________________________Exhibit AJob Description1. Duties and Responsibilities:- [Description of Duties]2. Qualifications:- [Qualifications Required]3. Reporting Structure:- [Reporting Structure]4. Performance Expectations:- [Performance Expectations]。
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EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTContract No.:Employer (Party A):Employee (Party B):This Employment Contract is made and entered into on the day of______ , ______by and between______ (hereinafter referred to as“Party A”) and ______ (hereinafter referred to a s“ Party B”).1. Obligations of Two PartiesParty A hereby employs Party B and Party B hereby accepts to be employed by Party A to serve and perform the duties required of him in the job category provided below:(1) ______(2) ______(3) ______…2. Service PeriodThe term of this Contract shall be for the period of______, commencing upon ______, ______and ending on ______, ______.3. Working Hours and Working DaysParty B’s work days, hours and workweek shall be______ to ______, from ______ to______ , for a total______ hours per week.4. SalaryIn consideration of the services to be performed by Party B, Party A agrees to pay Party B compensation in the amount of:(1) ______per hour;(2) ______per hour for overtime compensation payable by check in biweekly intervals;(3) Other compensation (bonuses, commissions, etc.), amount and method of calculation specified as follows:ABC…5. Deductions______taxes and social security, if applicable, shall be withheld from Party B’s salary e ach pay period. No other deductions from Party B’s compensation shall be made by Party A unless specified herein and approved by the Chief of Labor or his authorized designee. Other deductions (set forth amount and purpose of deduction):6. Working PlaceParty B’s principal place of work shall be on______ . However Party B may be required to perform the duties at the other senatorial districts within______ depending on the nature of Party A’s business and upon Party A’s compliance with applicable labor policies and/or regulations.7. Labor Protection and Working ConditionParty A shall provide Party B with occupational safety, healthy working conditions and protective equipment conforming to the relevant provisions of the State. Party B shall follow all the rules and regulations on safe operation set forth by Party A during work.8. Social Insurance and WelfareParty A shall undertake to pay social insurance contributions for Party B according to the relevant laws and regulations.If suffers from an occupational disease or workrelated injury, or (female) during her pregnant,puerperal and infant-feeding period, Party B is entitled to enjoy the legal rights and benefits as stipulated in the State laws and government regulations.If Party B suffers from disease or injury not suffered at work, the medical treatment and sick leave pay enjoyed by Party B shall follow the stipulations in the State laws and government regulation9. Travel AllowanceParty A shall be responsible for the payment of Party B’s return train ticket to his /her point of hire at the expiration or termination of the Employment Contract, regardless of the nature of the termination.10. Notification of KinsfolkIn the case of an emergency involving serious illness, accident or death of Party B, Party A shall immediately notify Party B’s next-of-kin whose name and address are as follows:11. LodgingWhich one you do choose? ______Party A shall ensure that the following facilities are provided:(1) ______ Party A-provided housing at a charge of______ per month.(2) ______ Party A-provided housing free of charge.(3) ______ Party B self-arranged housing(Attach statement or rental agreement).12. BoardingWhich one you do choose? ______(1) ______ (number) meals per day at a charge of______ per month.(2) ______ Party B to provide own food.13. Transportation_____Free transportation to and from job site at Party A designated pick-up points.Traffic Allowance ______.Other way: ______14. Other ProvisionsThe following additional provisions apply to this Contract: (Set forth or attach any work rules, living accommodation rules and standards for Party B conduct. Every page of every attachment must be signed by the Party A and Party B.)15. TerminationThis Contract may be terminated as follows:Without cause by either party by giving the other party______ days advance written notice; OrWith cause by either party by given the other party days______ advance written notice and only after an unsuccessful good faith attempt to settle any dispute has been made with the Chief of Labor or his designee.In the event of termination for cause,Party A shall pay Party B’s wages or salary through the effective date of the termination and shall purchase a one-way ticket for the return of Party B to point of hire.Termination for cause shall include any of the followings:(1) ______unauthorized absences and/or______ unauthorized tardiness to work byParty B;(2) Abandoning of job or assigned duty;(3) Incompetence or misrepresentation of the qualifications,skills,physical or mental fitness to satisfactorily perform the duties for which Employee was hired;(4) The breach of any provision of this Contract;(5) Others (specify):16. Lawsuit and SettlementAll disputes under this Employment Contract shall be subject to the following grievance procedure:Party B shall communicate to his supervisor,or if there is no supervisor, then directly to Party A, any and all disputes he may have regarding his employment;If the supervisor is unable to resolve the matter immediately,the dispute shall be reduced to writing by the supervisor which shall state the section of the Contract, law, or rules and regulations to have been violated. Party A shall have ten working days to resolve the grievance, dispute or state in writing his reasons why there is no violation.Or, any disputes arising from the execution of the Contract shall be settled through friendly consultations between both parties.In the case that no settlement can be reached through consultations, either party may submit the dispute to competent Labor Arbitration Commission for arbitration.17. RemittanceParty B shall be responsible for remitting any money to his family and payment of any taxes as required by his government in his country of origin.The foregoing terms and conditions constitute the sole,entire agreement of the parties herein and shall supersede any other agreement, either written, verbal, or otherwise.Party A:Party B:Date:Place:Attach:Certification by a NotaryOn this day of______ , ______ , personally appeared before me______ and______ , known to me to be the person(s) whose signature(s) is /are subscribed to the foregoing instrument andwho acknowledged to me that the parties executed the same as a voluntary act for the purposes set forth therein.Notary Public (Signature):Date:______ Approved By:______Chief of Labor (Signature):。