
费加罗气体传感器KE-25 KE-50信息费加罗气体传感器KE-25 KE-50性能:测量范围:0-100%O2精度:氧气传感器KE-25:±1%(全量程);氧气传感器KE-50:±2%(全量程)工作温度:5~40℃储存温度:-20~+60℃响应时间:KE-25:14±2秒;KE-50:60±5秒初始输出:KE-25:10.0–15.5mv;KE-50:47.0-65.0mv期望寿命:KE-25:5年;KE-50:10年费加罗气体传感器KE-25 KE-50特性:长寿命(KE-25-5年,KE-50-10年)不受CO2,CO,H2S,NOx,H2影响低成本,在常温下工作信号输出定,无需外部电源不需加热以上费加罗气体传感器技术参数以《OIML60号国际建议》92年版为基础,最新具体变化可查看《JJG669—12FIGARO广州南创传感器事业部检定规程》产品特性描述:氧气传感器KE-25 KE-50属于半导体气体传感器不受CO2,CO,H2S,NOx,H2影响,氧气传感器KE-25 KE-50低成本在常温下工作信号输出定,无需外部电源不需加热;精度氧气传感器KE-25:±1%(全量程);氧气传感器KE-50:±2%(全量程)。

可燃气体报警控制器JK-S02使用说明书天津费加罗电子有限公司20030530目录产品使用须知.....................................1一、概述............................................2二、产品规格..........................................3三、面板各部名称及功能................................3四、控制器结构说明..................................5五、接线..............................................5六、操作方法......................................... 6七、注意事项..........................................7产品使用须知在使用本产品之前,请仔细阅读本说明书,以便正确使用。

对没有特别指定的⽤户,我们推荐使⽤开关量输出的BA T51-2;对有特别要求的⽤户,我们提供4~20mA 输出的TC-F02。
⼆.技术规格BAT51-2可燃⽓体探测器技术指标适⽤⽓种:可燃⽓体、有机溶剂等;防爆等级:ExdⅡCT6;报警浓度:爆炸下限的25%以下;电源:DC24V±15%;耗电:2.5VA以下;输出信号:R型=开关量(继电器输出)、V型=模拟量;连接控制器:JK-S02(R型)、JK-P06(V型)、其他;报警⽅式:报警信号输出给控制器;其它功能:故障信号传给控制器;使⽤温度:-40℃~+70℃;外型尺⼨:W 117mm×H 173mm×D 102mm;重量:约1200g;安装⽅式:固定⽀架(如在户外安装,请选购专⽤防⾬箱170mm×120mm×201mm);执⾏标准:GB 15322.x-2003。
TC-F02可燃⽓体探测器技术指标适⽤⽓种:可燃⽓体、有机溶剂等;防爆等级:ExdⅡCT6;报警浓度:爆炸下限的25%以下;电源:DC24V±15%;耗电:2.5VA以下;输出信号:4~20mA恒流输出(或1~5V);显⽰量程:爆炸下限的0~50%以下;消耗功率:2.5VA以下;负载能⼒:0~900Ω;使⽤温度:-40℃~+70℃;重量:约1600g;安装⽅式:固定⽀架(如在户外安装,请选购专⽤防⾬箱170mm×120mm×201mm);执⾏标准:GB 15322.x-2003。


SFJ-11A/T 系列点型可燃气体探测器 安装使用说明书1、 产品特点:采用日本费加罗技研株式会社的半导体传感器,具有功耗低、使用年限长、稳定性好和不需调零或校准等特点。
2、 适用范围:适用于存在可燃气体泄漏危险的固定场所(有防爆要求的场所除外)。
注意: 本产品不适用于存在硅蒸汽或长期存在浓度较高的可燃气体、有害气体的环境!3、 主要技术指标:工作电压:DC24V ; (最低允许工作电压:DC12V ) 适用气种和报警值: 天然气(甲烷):10%LEL ;适用环境:室内使用,环境温度 -10~55℃,相对湿度<95%;功 耗:监视状态:<1W(约0.5W),报警状态:<1W ; 响应时间:≤30s ; 预热时间:180s贮存温度:-25~70℃ 使用年限:5年(仅限于正常使用环境和条件下) 尺寸及净重: Ф107X43mm ,110g 联动功能(选配):⑴ 联动关断紧急切断阀: 可联动口径50mm 及其以下的直流电磁切断阀(布线距离10米以内); ⑵ 输出无源常开接点信号:接点容量:DC24V/1A4、安装接线说明:4.1 探测器可以吸顶安装或壁挂安装,壁挂安装时应安装在距所保护空间的顶部30厘米以内;4.2 应避免将探测器安装在空气流动过大的地方,并应使探测器距可能的泄漏点的水平距离在3~4米的范围以内。
4.3 应先安装探测器底座,可将底座固定于86式预埋盒或用膨胀螺丝固定于墙上或顶棚上;壁挂式安装时,应注意使底座的方向指示箭头朝上。
吸顶式安装壁挂式安装(注意底座方向指示箭头朝上)4.4 接线说明: ⑴、布线要求:所布电源线的线径应保证在每个探测器端的电压绝对不低于12V (一般应按15V 计算),这应该根据布线距离和总消耗电流计算确定(具体计算方法参见附录1);所布的信号总线(S+)和联动接线等应有足够的抗拉性,一般其截面积应不低于1.2 mm 2。
日本费加罗FIGARO卤素气体传感器 TGS832

Applications:Features:TGS 832-A00 - for the detection of ChlorofluorocarbonsThe figure below represents typical sensitivity characteristics, all data having been gathered at standard test conditions (see reverse side of this sheet). The Y-axis is indicated as sensor resistance ratio (Rs/Ro) which is defined as follows: Rs = Sensor resistance of displayed gases at various concentrations Ro = Sensor resistance at 100ppm of R-134a The figure below represents typical temperature and humidity dependency characteristics. Again, the Y-axis is indicated as sensor resistance ratio (Rs/Ro), defined as follows: Rs = Sensor resistance at 100ppm of R-134a at various temperatures/humidities Ro = Sensor resistance at 100ppm of R-134a at 20°C and 65% R.H.The sensing element of Figaro gas sensors is a tin dioxide (SnO 2) semiconductor which has low conductivity in clean air. In the presence of a detectable gas, the sensor's conductivity increases depending on the gas concentration in the air. A simple electrical circuit can convert the change in conductivity to an output signal which corresponds to the gas concentration.The TGS 832-A00 has high sensitivity to refrigerant gases commonly used in air conditioning systems and refrigerators such as R-134a, R-404a, R-407c, and R-410.TGS832-A00 has a gas diffusion hole in the sensor cap as well as in the sensor base. By using the sensor with a suction pump, response speed can be accelerated, making it suitable for portable gas leakage checkers.* Portable and fixed installation refrigerant leak detectors* High sensitivity to refrigerant gases * Quick response * Long term stability* Uses simple electrical circuitTemperature/Humidity Dependency:Sensitivity Characteristics:1.21.0Structure and Dimensions:1 Sensing Element: SnO2 is sintered to form a thick film on the surface of an alumina ceramic tubewhich contains an internal heater.2 Sensor Cap 3 Sensor Base: Nylon 664 Flame Arrestor: 100 mesh SUS316 double gauzeStandard Circuit Conditions:Pin Connection and Basic Measuring Circuit:The numbers shown around the sensor symbol in the circuit diagram at the right correspond with the pin numbers shown in the sensor's structure drawing (above). When the sensor is connected as shown in the basic circuit, output across the Load Resistor (V RL ) increases as the sensor's resistance (Rs) decreases, depending on gas concentration.Sensor Resistance (Rs) is calculated by the following formula:Power dissipation across sensor electrodes (Ps) is calculated by the following formula:Standard Test Conditions:TGS 832 complies with the above electrical characteristics when the sensor is tested in standard conditions as specified below:Test Gas Conditions: 20°±2°C, 65±5%R.H.Circuit Conditions: V C = 10.0±0.1V (AC or DC), V H = 5.0±0.05V (AC or DC), R L = 10.0kΩ±1%Preheating period before testing: More than 7 days Electrical Characteristics:Basic Measuring Circuit:REV: 10/12Rs = ( -1) x R LV CV RLPs =V C 2 x Rs(Rs + R L )217 ± 0.59.516.5±0.56.5±0.51.0±0.563425145˚45˚um : mm。

TGS681x 气体传感器是采用独一无二的失效保护理念设计而成的非常独特的催化燃烧式传感器。
目 录概要.....................................................................................................................................2电路设计 基本电路................................................................................................................2 传感器故障............................................................................................................3 加热过程中的报警预防......................................................................................3 报警延迟电路.......................................................................................................3印刷电路板和壳体设计 传感器的位置依赖性...........................................................................................3 快速响应之壳体设计 (4)制造工艺 传感器操作和保管...............................................................................................4 印刷电路板装配...................................................................................................4 传感器装配............................................................................................................4 预热...................................................................................................4 校正........................................................................................................................5 最终装配................................................................................................................6 气体调校................................................................................................................6 成品的保管 (6)采用TGS681x的可燃气体检测器应用手册重要提示:费加罗传感器的使用条件将因不同客户的具体运用不同而不同。
日本费加罗FIGARO TGS5042民用一氧化碳传感器

Technical Information for Carbon Monoxide SensorsF igaro’s TGS5042 is a battery operable electrochemical sensor which offers several advantages over traditional electrochemical sensors. Its electrolyte is environmentally friendly, it poses no risk of electrolyte leakage, can detect concentrations as high as 1% CO, operates in a range from -5˚ and +55˚C, and it has lower sensitivity to interference gases. With a long life, good long term stability, and high accuracy, this sensor is the ideal choice for CO detectors with digital display. OEM customers will find individual sensors data printed on each sensor in bar code from, enabling users to skip the costly gas calibration process and allowing for individual sensor tracking. TGS5042 utilizes a standard AA battery-sized package.S p e c i f i c a t i o n s P a g e Features..................................................................................................2 Applications...............................................................................................2 Structure...........................................................................................2 Basic Measuring Circuit...........................................................................2 Operating Conditions & Specifications...................................................3 Mechanical Strength..............................................................................3 Dimensions...................................................................................................3Operation Principle ......................................................................................................4Basic Sensitivity Characteristics Sensitivity to Various Gases............................................................5 Temperature and Humidity Dependency.............................................5 Gas Response Pattern.................................................................................6 Repeatability.............................................................................6 Influence of Storage...................................................................................6 Normal Operation Test.....................................................................................7 Sensitivity Test...................................................................................7Reliability Interference Gas Test......................................................................................8 Long-Term Stability................................................................................9 Corrosion Test...........................................................................................9 Variable Ambient Temperature Test................................................................9 Humidity Test.............................................................................................10 Stability Tests..................................................................................................11 Sequential Test...........................................................................................11 Dust Test................................................................................................12 Water Loss Test.......................................................................................12Marking ..........................................................................................................................12Cautions .......................................................................................................13Appendix . (14)a n I S O 9001 c o m p a n yIMPORTANT NOTE: OPERATING CONDITIONS IN WHICH FIGARO SENSORS ARE USED WILL VARY WITH EACH CUSTOMER’S SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS. FIGARO STRONGLY RECOMMENDS CONSULT-ING OUR TECHNICAL STAFF BEFORE DEPLOYING FIGARO SENSORS IN YOUR APPLICATION AND, IN PARTICULAR, WHEN CUSTOMER’S TARGET GASES ARE NOT LISTED HEREIN. FIGARO CANNOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY USE OF ITS SENSORS IN A PRODUCT OR APPLICATION FORWHICH SENSOR HAS NOT BEEN SPECIFICALLY TESTED BY FIGARO.TGS5042 is a UL recognized component in accordance with the requirements of UL2034. Please note that component recognition testing has confirmed long term stability in 15ppm of carbon monoxide; other characteristics shown in this brochure have not been confirmed by UL as part of component recognition.1. Specifications1-1 Features* Battery operable* High repeatability/selectivity to carbon monoxide * Linear relationship between CO gas concentration and sensor output* Simple calibration* Long life* UL recognized component* Meets UL2034, EN50291, and RoHS requirements 1-2 Applications* Residential and commercial CO detectors* CO monitors for industrial applications* Ventilation control for indoor parking garages* Fire detection1-3 StructureFigure 1 shows the structure of TGS5042. The gas sensing layer is sandwiched between a stainless steel washer (counter electrode) and a stainless steel cap (working electrode), together with gas diffusion control stainless film and backing layers. This assembly is placed in the compartment of the stainless steel can. Water is stored in the bottom compartment and a charcoal filter is installed inside the stainless steel cap.1-4 Basic measuring circuitF igure 2 shows the basic measuring circuit of TGS5042. The sensor generates a minute electric current which is converted into sensor output voltage (Vout) by an op-amp/ resistor (R1) combination.Figaro recommends the following electrical parts:R1 : 1MΩC1 : 1µFIC : AD708An additional resistor or F ET is required to prevent polarization of the sensor when circuit voltage is off. NOTE: When voltage is applied to the sensor output terminal, the sensor may be damaged. Voltage applied to the sensor should be strictly limited to less than ±10mV.1-5 Operating conditions & specifications (Table 1)Figure 1 - Sensor structureFigure 2 - Basic measuring circuit(Including equivalent circuit)Cap /Working electrodeVoutNOTE 1: Sensor output in air under operating conditionsNOTE 2:If the water in the reservoir should freeze very rapidly (typically occurs only under artifically created conditions), irreversible change to sensor characteristics would occur. To avoid this risk, the sensor is recommended to be positioned with its cap (working electrode) facing up. NOTE 3: Please contact Figaro for more information if the required temperature range would exceed the specified limits.Table 1 - Operating conditions and specifications1-6 Mechanical strengthThe sensor shall have no abnormal findings in its structure and shall satisfy the above electrical specifications after the following performance tests: Withstand force -withstand force of 10kg (cap from metal can) along a vertical axisVibration - frequency--10~500Hz (equiv. to 10G), duration - 6 hours, x-y-z directionShock - acceleration-100G, repeat 5 times 1-7 Dimensions (see Fig. 3)Figure 3 - DimensionsAll sensor characteristics shown in this brochu re represent typical characteristics. Actu al characteristics vary from sensor to sensor and from production lot to production lot. The only characteristics warranted are those shown in the Specification.NOTE: The sensor can be supplied with lead pins. Please refer to the Appendix for detailsTop viewBottom viewSide view2. Operation PrincipleThe electrolyte of TGS5042 is a very low concentra-tion of mixed/prepared alkaline electrolyteconsisting of KOH, KHCO 3, and K 2CO 3. Themixed alkaline electrolyte acts as a buffer solution with a pH value maintained between 7~10. When CO passes through the backing layer and reaches to the working electrode, electrons are generated resulting from the reaction between CO and anionsin the electrolyte such as OH -, HCO 3-, and CO 32-(see equations 1a~1c ). By creating a short circuitbetween the working and counter electrodes with external wiring, electrons move to the counter electrode through the external wiring. At that point, the consumed anions in the electrolyte at the working electrode are replenished and move to the electrolyte by the reaction of CO 2, water, and electrons as shown in equations 2a~2c. The total reaction is expressed as shown in equation 3.A linear relationship exists between the sensor'selectric current and CO concentration (see equation 4). By calibrating the sensor with a known concentration of CO gas, the output current of the sensor can then be used to quantitatively determine CO concentration.Since, unlike conventional dry batteries, there is no consumption of active materials or of the electrodes, TGS5042 possesses excellent long-term stability for its output signal and enables maintenance-free operation. Furthermore, the sensor's self-generating output current makes it ideal for usage in battery-operated CO detectors.Figure 4 - Operation principleFigure 5 - Schematic diagram of TGS5042operating principleSeparator immersed in liquid alkaline electrolyteWorking electrode (Anodic reaction)CO + 2OH - → CO 2 + H 2O + 2e - (equation 1a )CO + 2HCO 3- → 3CO 2 + H 2O + 2e - (equation 1b )CO + CO 32- → 2CO 2 + 2e - (equation 1c )Counter electrode (Cathodic reaction)1/2O 2 + H 2O + 2e - → 2OH - (equation 2a ) 1/2O 2 + 2CO 2 + H 2O + 2e - → 2HCO 3- (equation 2b ) 1/2O 2 + CO 2 + 2e - → CO 32- (equation 2c )Total reactionCO + 1/2 O 2 → CO 2 (equation 3)Theoretical output current valueI = F x (A/σ) x D x C x n (equation 4) where :F : Faraday constant A: Surface area of diffusion filmD: Gas diffusion co-efficient C: Gas concentration σ: Thickness of diffusion filmn: Number of reaction electrons深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司3. Basic Sensitivity Characteristics 3-1 Sensitivity to various gasesF igure 6 shows the sensor’s sensitivity to various gases. The Y-axis shows output current (Iout/µA) in each gas. The output current is linear to CO concen-tration, with a deviation of less than ±5% in the range of 0~500ppm. Cross sensitivity data for other gases than those in Figure 6 are tabulated in Table Y.3-2 Temperature and humidity dependencyF igure 7a shows the temperature dependency of TGS5042 under a constant humidity of 50%RH. The Y-axis shows the ratio of output current in 400ppm of CO at various temperatures (I) to the output current in 400ppm of CO at 20˚C/50%RH (Io). Temperature dependency is based on the difference in the catalytic reaction rate on the electrodes, and it can be simply compensated by utilizing a thermistor. This linear relationship between I/Io and CO concentration is constant regardless of CO concentration range, according to the sensor's operating principle.F igure 7b shows the humidity dependency of TGS5042 under constant temperatures of 20˚C and 50˚C. The Y-axis shows the ratio of output current in 400ppm of CO at various relative humidities (I) to the output current in 400ppm of CO at 20˚C/50%RH (Io). This data demonstrates that humidity dependency is negligible as temperature varies.Figure 6 - Sensitivity to various gasesFigure 7a - Temperature dependency at 400ppm CO/50%RH(Io=sensor output current at 20˚C)Figure 7b - Humidity dependency at 400ppm CO(Io=sensor output current at 50%RH) Humidity (%)Note : The figures in this table are typical values and should not be used as a basis for cross calibration. Cross sensitivity for various gases may not be linear and should not be scaled. All data based on a 4 minute exposure. For some gases, filter saturation and gas breakthrough mayoccur if gas is applied for a longer time period. (˚C)3-3 Gas response patternF igure 8 shows the gas response pattern of the output signal when the sensor is placed into 30, 70, 150 and 400ppm of CO and then returned to normal air. The response time to 90% of the saturated signal level is within 60 seconds, and the recovery of the signal back to 90% of the base level is within 120 seconds. This data demonstrates that TGS5042 possesses sufficient response speed for meeting UL requirements for CO detectors.3-4 RepeatabilityF igure 9 shows the pattern of the output signal when the sensor is repeatedly exposed to 400ppm of CO at a constant interval of 240 seconds. The data demonstrates extremely high reproducibility of the output signal, the deviation being less than ±5%.3-5 Influence of storageF igure 10 shows the initial action of the sensor's output current signal in fresh air. F or the purpose of this test, sensors were stored for more than six months under two separate conditions between the working and counter electrodes: in short-circuited condition, and in open-circuited condition. The chart illustrates the behavior of sensor output current for each group just after installation into the operating circuit. The output current signal of sensors stored in a short-circuited condition reaches its saturated level quickly, while those stored with an open-circuit exhibit much slower behavior. Since sensors are shipped in an open-circuit condition, stabilization time of one hour (typical) is recommended. If an anti-polarization circuit is used (see Item 2-5 in Application Notes for TGS5042), placing the sensor onto the pcb for one hour should be sufficient to stabilize the output. If no anti-polarization circuit is used, placing the sensor into the detector circuit and powering the circuit for about one hour should be sufficient to stabilize sensor output.Figure 8 - Response patternFigure 9 - Repeatability (in 400ppm of CO) (sec.)- (sec.)Figure 10 - Influence of storage(in fresh air)Figure 11a shows the result of the “Normal Operation Test” required by UL2034, Sec. 35.3 where the sensor is exposed to 600ppm of CO for 12 hours at 20˚C/40%RH. Stable output current signal can be seen throughout the exposure.In addition, F igure 11b shows the CO sensitivity characteristics of the sensor before, during, and after the Normal Operation Test, demonstrating that TGS5042 is hardly influenced by exposure to high concentrations of CO.3-7 Sensitivity testFigure 12a shows the results of the “Sensitivity Test” as required by UL2034, Sec. 38. Under this test, the sensor was exposed to 30, 70, 150 and 400ppm of CO at 20˚C/40%RH. The period of exposure was varied by concentration, corresponding with the maximum time in which a CO detector should generate an alarm for the subject concentration. Throughout the test exposures, TGS5042 displayed a reasonable and stable output current signal.Figure 11a - Normal operation test (CO 600±30ppm for 12 hours at 20˚C/40%RH) 11b - Normal operation test(20˚C/40%RH) 12a - Sensitivity test(20˚C/40%RH)In addition, Figure 12b indicates the CO sensitivity characteristics of the sensor before, during, and after the Sensitivity Test, demonstrating the excellent reproducibility of TGS5042's CO sensitiv-ity characteristics.4. ReliabilityT ests conducted in this section demonstrate that TGS5042 can meet the requirements of various testing standards without incurring adverse long term effects from such tests.4-1 Interference gas testFigure 13a shows the results of testing the TGS5042 sensor for durability against various interference gases as specified by UL2034, Sec. 39. The test was conducted by exposing the sensor to each gas shown in Figure 13a (starting with CO 30ppm) for two hours, then removing the sensor to fresh air for just one hour, and followed by inserting the sensor into the next gas. This procedure was repeated for the full range of gases shown in Figure 13a. Because the sensor is exposed to each of the test gases consecutively, to some small extent the effect of the previous test gas may affect subsequent tests for a short period. However, despite the short-term effects of such gases remaining after exposure, the sensor still shows significantly less sensitivity to each test gas when compared to 30ppm of CO, and CO sensitivity remains unaffected.In addition, F igure 13b shows the CO sensitivity characteristics of the sensor before and after this test, further demonstrating the excellent reproducibility of the CO sensitivity characteristics of TGS5042, demonstrating its durability against the interference gases listed in the requirements of UL2034, Sec. 39.Fig. 12b - Sensitivity test(20˚C/40%RH)Figure 13a - Interference gas test(20˚C/40%RH)- O30p pM et h an e500ppB ut a ne300p pH ep t an e500ppE th yl ac et a te200p pI P A200ppC O25000ppN H3100p pE th an ol200p pT ol u en e200ppT ri c hl o ro et h an e200ppA ce t on e200ppC O30p p AFigure 13b - Interference gas test(20˚C/40%RH)深圳市深国安电子科技有限公司4-2 Long-term stabilityigure 14 shows long-term stability data for TGS5042. Test samples were stored in natural clean air under a short-circuit condition and measured at various intervals as dictated by the standard test conditions of UL2034, Sec. 38. The Y-axis shows the ratio of output current in 300ppm of CO at any point in time (I) over output current in 300ppm of CO on the first day of the test (Io). This chart demonstrates very stable characteristics with a variation of less than ±15% for more than 7 years.4-3 Corrosion testTo demonstrate the durability of TGS5042 against corrosion, samples were subjected to test conditions called for by UL2034, Sec.58-Corrosion Test. Over a three-week period, a mixture of 100ppb of H2S, 20ppb of Cl2, and 200ppb of NO2 was supplied to the sensors at a rate sufficient to achieve an air exchange rate of five times per hour. Figure 15 shows the CO sensitivity characteristics before and after exposure in the above conditions, demonstrating that TGS5042 is hardly influenced by such corrosive gases. In addition, the sensor's stainless steel housing did not show any sign of corrosion as a result of this test.4-4 Variable ambient temperature testTo demonstrate the ability of TGS5042 to withstand the effects of high and low temperature, the “Variable Ambient Temperature Test” of UL2034, Sec. 45 was conducted.(1) Operation in high and low temperature test Figure 16a shows the results for the “Operation in High and Low Temperature Test” of UL2034, Sec.45.1. The sensor was exposed to environments of 0˚C/15%RH and 49˚C/40%RH for at least three hours each, with measurements taken before and during the exposure in accordance with the test conditions of UL2034, Sec. 38. By plotting the output current values from these test measurements atop the data taken prior to this test at a constant 50%RH (representing standard temperature dependency), it can be seen that the test data are still in line with data taken at a constant RH. The conclusion which can be drawn is that, regardless of exposure to extremes of temperature and humidity, the sensor's output is not affected by humidity. As a result, TGS5042 can meet the requirements of UL2034, Sec. 45.1 by utilizing a simple temperature compensation method.Figure 14 - Long term stabilityFigure 15 - Durability against corrosionFigure 16a - Operation in high and low temperature (all data at 50%RH except Sec. 45.1 test points) (days)(2) Effect of shipping and storageTo verify the effects of shipping and storage, the sensor was tested under the conditions of UL2034, Sec. 45.2. Test samples in a short-circuited condition were subjected to 70˚C for 24 hours, allowed to cool to room temperature for 1 hour, subjected to -40˚C for 3 hours, and then allowed to warm up to room temperature for 3 hours. Figure 16b shows the CO sensitivity characteristics before and after the test, demonstrating that TGS5042 meets the requirement of UL2034, Sec. 45.2.4-5 Humidity testF igure 17a shows the results of testing the sensor under UL2034, Sec. 46A. The sensor was exposed in an atmosphere of 52±3˚C/95±4%RH for a period of 168 hours, returned to normal air for 2 days, then followed by 168 hours exposure at 22±3˚C/10±3%RH. The data demonstrates the stable characteristics in both low and high humidity conditions.Figure 17b shows data taken prior to the above test at a constant relative humidity of 50%. These curves represent the typical temperature dependency of the sensor. When plotting measurements taken at the environmental extremes specified on UL2034, Sec. 46A (52±3˚C/95±4%RH and 22±3˚C/10±3%RH) onto the temperature dependency curves, it can be seen that measurements taken at these extreme conditions still fall in line with the temperature dependency curve derived prior to testing. The conclusion which can be drawn is that, regardless of exposure to extremes of temperature and humidity, the sensor's output is not affected by humidity. As a result, TGS5042 can meet the requirements of UL2034, Sec. 46A by utilizing a simple temperature compensation method.Figure 16b - Effects of shipping and storageFigure 17a - Humidity testFigure 17b - Humidity test(all data at 50%RH except Sec. 46A test points))4-6 Stability test(1) False alarm testTo show the sensor’s behavior under continuous low level exposure to CO, samples were tested against the procedure detailed in UL2034, Sec.41.1(c)-Stability Test. Test samples were exposed to 30ppm of CO continuously for a period of 30 days under standard circuit conditions. Figure 18 shows the CO sensitivity characteristics before and after the exposure test, demonstrating that detectors using TGS5042 will not give a false alarm as a result of continuous low level CO exposure.(2) Temperature cycle testIn accordance with UL2034, Sec. 41.1(e)-Stability Test, test samples were exposed to ten cycles (<1 hour and >15 minutes) of temperature from 0˚C/100%RH to 49˚C/40%RH. F igure 19 shows CO sensitivity characteristics before and after the cycle test, demonstrating that TGS5042 is hardly influenced by the extreme conditions of the temperature cycle test.4-7 Sequential testIn UL2034, Sec. 41.3, a single lot of sample detectors are to be subjected to the following sequence of tests: Section 38, Section 41.1, Section 39, Section 45, and Section 46A. While TGS5042 meets the requirements of each of these test individually (as shown elsewhere in this brochure), this test is designed to demonstrate the sensor's ability to withstand all of these test when conducted in sequence. Figure 20 shows the results of sequentially testing the same lot of sensors. The good stability of the sensor's output signal indicates that TGS5042 can satisfy the requirements of UL2034, Sec. 41.3-Sequential Test.Figure 18 - False alarm testFigure 19 - Temperature cycle testB ef o re te st i ngA ft e rS ec.38t e stA ft e rS ec.41.1t e stA ft e rS ec.39t e stB ef o re Se c.45.1v ar.am bi e nt t em pt e stA ft e rS ec.45.1v ar.am bi e nt t em pt e st(0˚C)A ft e rS ec.45.1v ar.am bi e nt t em pt e st(49˚C)B ef o re Se c.45.2s hi p pi n g/s to r ag et e stA ft e rS ec.45.2s hi p pi n g/s to r ag et e st(-40˚C)A ft e rS ec.45.2s hi p pi n g/s to r ag et e st(70˚C)B ef o re Se c.46Ah i gh hu mi d it yt e st t es tA ft e rS ec.46A hi g hh um id i ty te st t es tA ft e rS ec.46A lo wh um id i ty te st t es tA ft e rs eq ue nt i al t es tA ft e rS ec.35.3t e stFigure 20 - Sequential test4-8 Dust testTo judge the effect of dust contamination on TGS5042, approximately 2 ounces (0.06 kg) of cement dust, capable of passing through a 200 mesh screen, was circulated for 1 hour by means of a blower, enveloping the sensor in the test chamber. Air flow was maintained at an air velocity of approximately 50 fpm (0.25 m/s) at 20˚C/40%RH. Figure 21 shows the sensor's CO sensitivity characteristics before and after the dust exposure test. This data demonstrates that the dust test of UL2034, Sec. 53 has a negligible effect on CO sensitivity.4-9 Water loss testF or evaluating the life expectancy of TGS5042 from the viewpoint of its water reservoir (which prevents the electrolyte from drying up), the weight loss of TGS5042 was periodically measured when stored at 20˚C/40%RH and 70˚C/5%RH respectively. F igure 22 demonstrates that the sensor’s weight decreased linearly with time due to evaporation of the water. The rate of water loss under various temperature was related with the water vapor pressure at each temperature. According to calculations based on this rate of water loss and the differences in water vapor pressure in 20˚C and 70˚C, the water (>4.5g initially) will last more than 10 years under natural residential conditions such as 20˚C/40%RH.5. MarkingThe TGS5042 comes with a sticker attached to the sensor housing which contains important information. The one dimensional bar code indicates the sensor's sensitivity (slope) in numeric value as determined by measuring the sensor's output in 300ppm of CO:xxxx = x.xxx nA/ppmIn user readable format, the sensor's sensitivity per ppm (nA) is printed below the one dimensional bar code and the sensor's Lot Number is printed to the left of the sensitivity data. Please note that three decimal places should be added to the sensitivity reading (e.g. 1827 should be read as 1.827 nA/ppm).-0.10-0.08-0.06-0.04-0.020.00020*********Time (days)Figure 22 - Water loss testFigure 21 - Dust test1827Sensitivity to CO (nA/ppm)FIGAROTGS5042(Ex.1827 = 1.827nA/ ppm)Figure 23 - TGS5042 markings(NOTE:UL Mark may appear on shrink tube)6. Cautions6-1 Situations which must be avoided1) Disassembling the sensorUnder no circumstances should the sensor be disassem-bled, nor should the sensor can and/or cap be deformed.2) Contamination by alkaline metalsSensor characteristics may be significantly changed when the sensor is contaminated by alkaline metals, especially salt water spray.3) Exposure to high concentration of basic (non-acidic) gases Sensor characteristics may be irreversibly changed by the exposure to high concentrations of basic gases such as ammonia.4) High temperature exposureAt temperatures of 80˚C or higher, the sensing membrane may deteriorate, resulting in irreversible change of sensor characteristics.5) Contact with waterSensor characteristics may be changed due to soaking or splashing the sensor with water.6) Application of excessive voltageIf higher than specified voltage is applied to the sensor, breakage may occur or sensor characteristics may drift, even if no physical damage or breakage occurs. Do not use the sensor once excessive voltage is applied.6-2 Situations to avoid whenever possible1) Exposure to silicone vaporsAvoid exposure of sensor where silicone adhesives, hair grooming materials, or silicone rubber/putty may be present. Silicone vapors may cause clogging of the gas diffusion route.2) Dew condensationIf severe dew condensation occurs for a long period inside of the sensor or on the sensor surface, it may cause clogging of gas diffusion route or deterioration of the sensing membrane. Mild dew condensation which occurs in normal indoor air would not cause any significant damage.3) Storage in sealed containerDo not keep the sensor in a sealed containers such as sealed bag. Due to ambient temperature change, dew condensation may occur inside the sensor if the sensor is stored in this manner.4) FreezingWhen subjected to temperatures below 0˚C, it is possible that the water in the reservoir may freeze. Since water volume will expand when freezing, the sensor can may undergo some deformation. Care should be taken in the design of the detector to ensure that the sensor is not placed too close to other components or the circuit pattern on a PCB, as such deformation may cause the sensor to come in contact with these items. In addition, if the freezing process were to occur very rapidly, the sensor will undergo irreversible change in its characteristics. To avoid this risk, it is recommended that the sensor be positioned with the cap (working electrode) facing up (for more information, refer to Item 3-1 Position Dependency of the Sensor in the document Application Notes for TGS5042).5) Exposure to hydrogen sulfide or sulfuric acid gasIf the sensor is exposed to hydrogen sulfide or sulfuric acid gas, sensor components such as the gas diffusion film, can, and cap may be corroded, resulting in the sensor damage.6) Vibration and shockVibration and shock may cause an open or short circuit inside the sensor.7) Dust and oil mistExtremely high concentrations of dust or oil mist may cause clogging of the sensor's internal structure. When such conditions are expected to be encountered, installation of an external air filter is recommended.8) Flux for solderingManual soldering is recommended since high concen-trations of flux may affect sensor characteristics when the sensor is soldered by wave soldering. When wave soldering is used, a test should be conducted before production starts to see if there would be any influence to sensor characteristics. Please refer to Item 5-3 of Application Notes for TGS5042 for advice on manual soldering conditions. 9) Exposure to organic vaporsIf the sensor is exposed to organic vapors such as alcohols, acetone, or volatile oils, these gases may adsorb on the sensor surface, resulting in temporary sensor drift.6-3 Additional cautions for installationThis sensor requires the existence of oxygen in the operating environment to function properly and to exhibit the characteristics described in this brochure. The sensor will not operate properly in a zero oxygen environment. Figaro USA Inc. and the manufacturer, Figaro Engineering Inc. (together referred to as Figaro) reserve the right to makechanges without notice to any products herein to improve reliability, functioning or design. Information contained in this document is believed to be reliable. However, Figaro does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, nor the rights of others.F igaro's products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support applications wherein a failure or malfunction of the products may result in injury or threat to life.。
费加罗 CMM5042 植入式 CO 传感器模块说明书

重要提示: 费加罗传感器的使用条件将因不同客户的具体运用不同而不同。
CMM5042 设备植入式CO传感器模块* 直线性很高的线性输出特性* 驱动电压范围大* 内置温度补偿回路* 自诊断控制信号输入端口特点:应用:* 家用一氧化碳报警器* 商用一氧化碳报警器* 换气扇的自动控制* 燃气锅炉与石油液化气暖炉的一氧化碳监测等CMM5042为一款嵌入式CO 传感器模块,解决了气体传感器的灵活运用与单体灵敏度调整等传感器特有的技术问题,让短时间内完成CO 报警器的研发设计成为了可能。
本模块搭载了我司引以为傲的电化学式传感器TGS5042,这款具有优异耐久性与长期稳定性的传感器,已被广泛应用于家庭和商用各领域的CO 报警器。
由于本传感器模块可即插即用,因此CO 报警器的研发设计变得非常容易。
另外,关于传感器的详细特性,请参阅TGS5042技术手册,关于应用电路设计,请参阅 TGS5xxx 应用手册。
(插口型号:BH05B-XMSK)推荐对应插头: JST: XMP-05V*1 关于TEST 引脚的功能,请参阅背面的自诊断(步骤)。
输出特性:引脚设置: concentration (ppm)V C O N C (V)有的产品未贴标签(仅印刷)REV.11/22在此产品规格书中所显示的都是传感器的典型特性,实际的传感器特性因产品不同而不同,详情请参阅各传感器唯一对应的规格表。

精品推介I Product Express的省空间化做出贡献。
用户现在还可以依靠新的扩展模块——PNOZ m EF8DI2DOT双极半导体输出模块来实现对机械压力机的安全监控。
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甲烷 乙醇 醋酸乙酯 丙酮 甲苯 辛烷 异丁烷 氢气
LEL 相对灵敏度
浓度(%) TF6812F-WOF
基本测试回路: TF6812F-A00/W0F 传感器是由两个元件组成:
1) 检测元件(D)对可燃性气体很敏感 ;2)参考 元件(C)对可燃性气体不敏感。这两个部分加到惠斯 顿电桥上。当环境中不存在可燃性气体时,调节可变 电阻使得惠斯顿电桥输出一个稳定的基准信号。当环 境存在可燃性气体时,可燃气体在检测元件表面燃烧, 使得它的温度上升,电阻值相应增大,桥式电路不再 平衡,可以测得相应输出电压的变化
TF6812F-A00/WOF 防爆型可燃气体传感器规格书
特点: ・隔爆设计 ・线性输出 ・体积小 ・满足 RoHS 要求
应用: ・防爆场所固定式安装的可燃气体和有机溶剂的泄 漏检测
天津费加罗生产的 TF6812F-A00/W0F 防 爆型接触燃烧式气体传感器,具有精度高, 耐久性好,稳定,响应速度快,和线性输出 等特点。
在 3300ppm 浓度下 输出 13-19mV
在 2200ppm 浓度下 输出 7-13mV


日本费加罗催化燃烧可燃气体传感器TGS6812 Technical Information for Hydrogen Gas SensorsThe Figaro TGS6812 catalytic type gas sensor can detect levels of hydrogen up to 100%LEL. This sensor features high accuracy, good d urability and stability, quick response, and linear output. This sensor can detect hydrogen as well as methane and LP gas, making it an excellent solution for monitoring gas leakage from stationary fuel cell systems which transform combustible gases into hydrogen.P a g e Basic Information and SpecificationsFeatures (2)Applications (2)Structure..........................................................................2 Basic Measuring Circuit....................................................2 Circuit & Operating Conditions.. (3)Specifications (3)Dimensions...............................................................................3Typical Sensitivity Characteristics Sensitivity to Various Gases................................................4 Temperature Dependency...........................................................4 Humidity Dependency...........................................................4 Heater Voltage Dependency.............................................5 Gas Response....................................................................................5 Initial Action........................................................................5Reliability Long Term Characteristics.............................................................6 Durability to Hydrogen.......................................................................6 Durability to Sulphur Dioxide...........................................................6 Durability toNitrogen Dioxide.........................................................7 Durability to HMDS....................................................................7 Effects of Air Flow.............................................................................7Cautions (8)a n I S O 9001 c o m p a n yIMPORTANT NOTE: OPERATING CONDITIONS IN WHICH FIGARO SENSORS ARE USED WILL VARY WITH EACH CUSTOMER’S SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS. FIGARO STRONGLY RECOMMENDS CONSULTING OUR TECHNICAL STAFF BEFORE DEPLOYING FIGARO SENSORS IN YOUR APPLICATION AND, IN PARTICULAR, WH EN CUSTOMER’S TARGET GASES ARE NOT LISTED H EREIN. FIGARO CANNOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY USE OF ITS SENSORS IN A PRODUCT OR APPLICATION FOR WHICH A SENSOR HAS NOT BEEN SPECIFICALLY TESTED BY FIGARO.1. Basic Information and Specifications 1-1 Features* Linear output * Compact size* Small sensitivity to alcohol* Sensitive to hydrogen, methane, and LP gas * Meets RoHS requirements 1-2 Applications* Hydrogen and combustible gas leak detectors for fuel cell applications1-3 StructureFigure 1 shows the structure of TGS6812. The sensor is comprised of two elements: element (D) which is sensitive to combustible gases, and a reference element (C) which does not have sensitivity to combustible gases. The sensing element (D) is made of alumina doped with catalysts, while the reference element (C) is made of alumina. Both coils are made of Pt wire,and the wires of both elements (D) and (C) are connected to nickel pins No. 2 & 3 and No. 1 & 4 respectively. The sensor base and cap are made of reinforced Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT). The upper opening in the cap is covered with a double layer of 100 mesh stainless steel gauze (SUS316). The TGS6812 utilizes a zeolite filter inside the cap for reducing the influence of interference gases.1-4 Basic measuring circuitThe T GS6812 i s c omprised o f t wo e lements: 1) e lement (D) which is sensitive to combustible gases and 2) a reference element (C) which is not sensitive to combustible gases. These elements are installed into a “Wheatstone Bridge”. A variable resistor should be adjusted so that the bridge will produce a stable baseline signal when in an environment free of combustible gases. When combustible gases are present, they will be combusted on the detecting element, causing its temperature to rise. Accordingly the resistance of this element will increase. This results in an “out-of-balance” signal across the bridge and a corresponding change in output voltage which can be measured.Fig. 1 - Sensor structureFig. 2 - Basic measuring circuitTop viewSide viewu/m = mmCapBottom viewBaseDetector sideCompensator side1-4 : Compensator 2-3 : Detector1-5 Circuit & operating conditionsThe ratings shown below should be maintained at all times to insure stable sensor performance:1-6 Specifications NOTE 1Mechanical Strength:The sensor shall have no abnormal findings in its structure and shall satisfy the above electricalspecifications after the following performance tests: Vibration - Drop test -frequency:10~150H z, accel-eration: 2G, duration:10 times, direction: three dimensions drop onto a cement floor from a height of 250mm, repeated 5 times NOTE 1:Sensitivity characteristics are obtained under the following standard test conditions:(Standard test conditions)Temperature a nd humidity: 20 ± 2?C, 65 ± 5% RH Circuit conditions:V H = 3.0±0.05V AC/DC Preheating period: 30 seconds or more under standard circuit conditions 1-7 Dimensions Fig. 3 - Sensor dimensionsAll sensor characteristics shown in this brochurerepresent typical characteristics. Actualcharacteristics vary from sensor to sensor andfrom production lot to production lot. The only characteristics warranted are those shown inthe Specification table above.-101020304050020*********Relative humidity (%RH)2-2 Temperature dependencyFigure 5 shows the temperature dependency of TGS6812 at 65%RH in 10%LEL of methane, LP gas, and hydrogen. Since the temperature dependency of element (D) is compensated by element (C), the temperature dependency of sensor output in the range from -10?C to +70?C is very small.2-3 Humidity dependencyFigure 6 shows the relative humidity dependencyof TGS6812 under constant temperature of 20?C in 10%LEL of methane, LP gas, and hydrogen. This data demonstrates that the humidity dependency of TGS6812 is negligible as humidity varies.Fig. 4 - TGS6812 sensitivity to various gasesFig. 6 - TGS6812 humidity dependency-10010203040502.902.953.003.05 3.10Operating voltage (V)2-4 Heater voltage dependencyFigure 7 shows the change in the sensor output according to variations in the heater voltage (V H ).Note that 3.0±0.1V as a heater voltage must be maintained because variance in applied heater voltage will cause the sensor’s characteristics to be changed from the typical characteristics shown in this brochure.2-5 Gas responseFigure 8 shows the change pattern of sensor output (Vout) for TGS6812 when the sensor is inserted 4000ppm of hydrogen.As these charts display, the sensor’s response speed to the presence of gas is extremely quick.2-6 Initial actionnormal air and later energized in clean air.warm-up process is called “Initial Action”.powering on, it is recommended that an initial delay circuit be incorporated into the detector’s design. This is esp ecially recommended for intermittent-operating devices such as portable gas detectors.Fig. 7 - Heater voltage dependencyFig. 8 - Gas responseFig. 9- Initial action-1010201020-101020period.3-2 Durability to hydrogenconcentration exposure to hydrogen gas. The measurement was taken, the sensor was exposed to 1% of H 2 for over 2000 hours. At each measurement point, the sensor was removed from H 2measuring sensor output.characteristics after exposure to high concentrations of hydrogen.3-3 Durability to sulphur dioxideFigure 12 shows the effect on TGS6812 of exposure to SO 2. The initial point of the graph shows the value of sensor output prior to SO 2 exposure. After the initial measurement was taken, the sensor was exposed to 25ppm of SO 2 for over 2400 hours in total. At each measurement point, the sensor was removed from SO 2 and energized in normal air for 10 hours prior to measuring the sensor output.The data demonstrates that TGS6812 shows stable characteristics after exposure to SO 2.Fig. 11 - Durability to hydrogenFig. 12 - Durability to SO 2-101020-101020characteristics after exposure to NO 2. 3-5 Durability to HMDSFigure 14 shows the effect on TGS6812 of exposure to HMDS.The initial point of the graph shows the value of sensor output prior to HMDS exposure. After the initial measurement was taken, the sensor was exposed to 10ppm of HMDS for one hour in total. At each measurement point, the sensor was removed from HMDS and energized in normal air for 1 hour prior to measuring the sensor output.This data demonstrates that TGS6812 shows stable characteristics after exposure to HMDS.3-6 Effects of Air FlowTable 1 shows how the sensor is affected by airflows (refer to Fig. 15 for illustration of airflows in Table 1). This data demonstrates that there is no significant influence on the sensor by an air flow of 3.1 meters/sec.Fig. 14 - Durability to HMDSFig. 15 - Air flow testing direction (ref. Table 1)Table 1 - Effects of air flow on output voltage4 Cautions on Usage of Figaro Gas Sensors4-1 Situations which must be avoided1) Exposure to silicone vaporsIf silicone vapors adsorb onto the sensor’s surface, the sensing material will be coated, irreversibly inhibiting sensitivity. Avoid exposure where silicone adhesives, hair grooming materials, or silicone rubber/putty may be present.2) Highly corrosive environmentHigh density exposure to corrosive materials such as H2S, SOx, Cl2, HCl, etc. for extended periods may cause corrosion or breakage of the lead wires or heater material.3) Contamination by alkaline metalsSensor drift may occur when the sensor is contaminated by alkaline metals, especially salt water spray.4) Contact with waterSensor drift may occur due to soaking or splashing the sensor with water.5) FreezingIf water freezes on the sensing surface, the sensing material would crack, altering characteristics.6) Application of excessive voltageIf higher than specified voltage is applied to the sensor, the lead wires and/or sensor elements may be damaged or sensor characteristics may drift, even if no physical damage or breakage occurs.7) Operation in zero/low oxygen environment TGS6812 requires the presence of a certain amount of oxygen in its operating environment in order to generate a combustion reaction of gas on the sensor’s surface. It cannot properly operate in a zero or low oxygen content atmosphere.8) Excessive exposure to alcoholIf TGS6812 is exposed to high concentrations of alcohol (such as 10,000ppm or more) for a long period, the filter may become saturated. In this case, the sensor would show a lower resistance in alcohol than indicated in Figure 4.9) VibrationExcessive vibration may result in zero drift or cause the sensor or lead wires to resonate and break. Usage of compressed air drivers/ultrasonic welders on assembly lines may generate such vibration, so tests should be conducted to verify that there will be no influence on sensor characteristics.10) ShockZero drift and breakage of lead wires may occur if the sensor is subjected to a strong shock. To avoid shock, please keep the sensor in the original packing foam during storage.4-2 Situations to be avoided whenever possible1) Water condensationLight condensation under conditions of indoor usage should not pose a problem for sensor performance.H owever, if water condenses on the sensor’s surface and remains for an extended period, sensor characteristics may drift.2) Usage in high density of gasSensor performance may be affected if exposed to a high density of gas for a long period of time, regardless of the powering condition.3) Storage for extended periodsWhen stored without powering for a long period, the sensor may show a reversible drift in resistance according to the environment in which it was stored. The sensor should be stored in a sealed bag containing clean air; do not use silica gel. Note that as unpowered storage becomes longer, a longer preheating period is required to stabilize the sensor before usage. 4) Long term exposure in adverse environment Regardless of powering condition, if the sensor is exposed in extreme conditions such as very high humidity, extreme temperatures, or high contamination levels for a long period of time, sensor performance will be adversely affected.5) SolderingIdeally, sensors should be soldered manually.H owever, wave soldering can be done under the following conditions:a) Suggested flux: rosin flux with minimal chlorineb) Speed: 1-2 meters/min.c) Preheating temperature: 100±20?Cd) Solder temperature: 250±10?Ce) Up to two passes through wave soldering machine allowed Results of wave soldering cannot be guaranteed if conducted outside the above guidelines since someFigaro USA Inc. and the manufacturer, Figaro Engineering Inc. (together referred to as Figaro) reserve the right to make changes without notice to any products herein to improve reliability , functioning or design. Information contained in this document is believed to be reliable. H owever, Figaro does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, nor the rights of others.Figaro’s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support applications wherein a failure or malfunction of the products may result in injury or threat to life.flux vapors may cause drift in sensor performance similar to the effects of silicone vapors.。

前 言随着各种燃气(天然气、液化石油气、煤制气等)的普及,在储运或使用各阶段,因设备原因或使用不当而发生燃气泄漏,从而引起爆炸、火灾,或因一氧化碳、有机溶剂蒸气而引起的中毒事故等频繁发生。
1、公司概要天津费加罗电子有限公司是 1990年 2月成立的中日合资高新技术企业,采用日本费加罗技研株式会社的独特技术,引进全套生产线及检测设备。
气体传感器的年生产能力达 500万只,主要用于出口。
天津费加罗公司早在1995年 4月就取得 ISO-9001国际质量体系认证。
又于2000年 11月取得 ISO-14001环境管理体系认证。
费加罗公司的质量方针是:提供可靠的气敏报警系统, 防止气体的火灾爆炸事故, 保障人类的生命财产安全, 创造舒适的社会生活环境。
ISO-9001 ISO-14001FM58766 EMS56654费加罗报警装置设计手册第 1.(1)页2、费加罗气体传感器2.1气体传感器所谓气体传感器,严格的定义是,将气体(一般指空气)中含有的特定气体(即待测气体)以适当的电信号检测或定量的器件。
日本费加罗FIGARO可燃气体传感器 TGS813

Technical Information for Combustible Gas SensorsFigaro TGS 8-series sensors are a type of sintered bulk metal oxide semiconductor wh ich offer low cost, long life, and good sensitivity to target gases while utilizing a simple electrical circuit. Th e TGS813 displays h igh selectivity and sensitivity to LP Gas and methane.PageSpecificationsFeatures..........................................................................2 Applications...................................................................2 Structure..........................................................................2 Basic measuring circuit....................................................2 Circuit & operating conditions.........................................3 Specifications..............................................................................3 Dimensions...............................................................................3Basic Sensitivity Characteristics Sensitivity to various gases................................................4 Temperature and humidity dependency............................5 Heater voltage dependency..........................................................6 Gas response....................................................................................6 Initial action........................................................................7 Long term characteristics.............................................................7Cautions . (8)See also Technical Brochure ‘Technical Information on Usage of TGSSensors for Toxic and Explosive Gas Leak Detectors’.IMPORTANT NOTE: OPERATING CONDITIONS IN WHICH FIGARO SENSORS ARE USED WILL VARY WITH EACH CUSTOMER’S SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS. FIGARO STRONGLY RECOMMENDS CONSULTING OUR TECHNICAL STAFF BEFORE DEPLOYING FIGARO SENSORS IN YOUR APPLICATION AND, IN PARTICULAR, WH EN CUSTOMER’S TARGET GASES ARE NOT LISTED H EREIN. FIGARO CANNOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY USE OF ITS SENSORS IN A PRODUCT OR APPLICATION FOR WHICH SENSOR HAS NOT BEEN SPECIFICALLY TESTED BY FIGARO.a n I S O 9001 c o m p a n y1. Specifications 1-1 Features * General purpose sensor for a wide range of combustible gases* High sensitivity to LP gas and methane * Low cost * Long life* Uses simple electrical circuit1-2 Applications* Domestic gas leak detectors and alarms * Recreational vehicle gas leak detectors * Portable gas detectors1-3 StructureFigure 1 shows the structure of TGS813. This sensor is a sintered bulk semiconductor composed mainly of tin dioxide (SnO 2). The semiconductor material and electrodes are formed on an alumina ceramic tube. A heater coil, made of 60 micron diameter wire, is located inside the ceramic tube. Lead wires from the sensor electrodes are a gold alloy of 80 microns in diameter. Heater and lead wires are spotwelded to the sensor pins which have been arranged to fit a 7-pin miniature tube socket.The sensor base and cover are made of Nylon 66, conforming to UL 94H B (Authorized Material Standard). The deformation temperature for this material is in excess of 240˚C. The upper and lower openings in the sensor case are covered with a flameproof double layer of 100 mesh stainless steel gauze (SUS316). Independent tests confirm that this mesh will prevent a spark produced inside the flameproof cover from igniting an explosive 2:1 mixture of hydrogen/oxygen.1-4 Basic measuring circuitFigure 2 shows the basic measuring circuit for use with TGS813. Circuit voltage (Vc) is applied across the sensor element which has a resistance between the sensor’s two electrodes and the load resistor (R L ) connected in series. The sensor signal (V RL ) is measured indirectly as a change in voltage across the R L . The Rs is obtained from the formula shown at the right.Fig. 1 - Sensor structureFig. 2 - Basic measuring circuitVc- V RLV RLRs = x R LFormula to determine RsSensor elementFig. 3 - Sensor dimensions1-5 Circuit & operating conditionsThe ratings shown below should be maintained at all times to insure stable sensor performance:1-6 Specifications NOTE 1Mechanical Strength:The sensor shall have no abnormal findings in its structure and shall satisfy the above electrical specifications after the following performance tests:Withdrawal Force - Vibration - Shock -withstand force > 5kg in eachdirectionfrequency-1000c/min., totalamplitude-4mm, duration-one hour, direction-verticalacceleration-100G, repeated 5timesNOTE 1: Sensitivity characteristics are obtained under the following standard test conditions:(Standard test conditions)Temperature and humidity: 20 ± 2˚C, 65 ± 5% RH Circuit conditions:Vc = 10.0±0.1V AC/DC V H = 5.0±0.05V AC/DC R L = 4.0kΩ ± 1%Preheating period: 7 days or more under standard circuit conditions17ø±0.516.5±0.56.5±0.59.5ø1ø±0.0545˚45˚132645u/m:mm1-7 DimensionsTop viewSide viewBottom view2. Basic Sensitivity Characteristics 2-1 Sensitivity to various gasesFigure 4 shows the relative sensitivity of TGS813 to various gases. The Y-axis shows the ratio of the sensor resistance in various gases (Rs) to the sensor resistance in 1000ppm of methane (Ro).Using the basic measuring circuit illustrated in Figure 2, these sensitivity characteristics provide the sensor output voltage (V RL ) change as shown in Figure 5.NOTE :All sensor characteristics in this technical brochure represent typical sensor characteristics. Since the Rs or output voltage curve varies from sensor to sensor, calibration is required for each sensor (for additional information on calibration, please refer to the Technical Advisory ‘Technical Information on Usage of TGS Sensors for Toxic and Explosive Gas Leak Detectors’).12-2 Temperature and humidity dependencyFigure 6 shows the temperature and humidity dependency of TGS813. The Y-axis shows the ratio of sensor resistance in 1000ppm of methane under various atmospheric conditions (Rs) to the sensor resistance in 1000ppm of methane at 20˚C/65%RH (Ro).under various ambient conditionsTable 1 - Temperature and humidity dependency(typical values of Rs/Ro for Fig. 6)Table 1 shows a chart of values of the sensor’s resistance ratio (Rs/Ro) under the same conditions as those used to generate Figure 6.Figure 7 shows the sensitivity curve for TGS813 to methane under several ambient conditions. While temperature may have a large influence on absolute Rs values, this chart illustrates the fact that effect on the slope of sensor resistance ratio (Rs/Ro) is not significant. As a result, the effects of temperature on the sensor can easily be compensated.For economical circuit design, a thermistor can be incorporated to compensate for temperature (for additional information on temperature compensation in circuit designs, please refer to the Technical Advisory ‘Technical Information on Usage of TGS Sensors for Toxic and Explosive Gas Leak Detectors’).1010Rs (kΩ)102-6 Initial actionclean air.process is called “Initial Action”.circuit be incorporated into the detector’s design (TGS Sensors for Toxic and Explosive Gas Leak Detectors’). This is especially recommended for intermittent-operating devices such as portable gas detectors.2-7 Long-term characteristicsFigure 13 shows long-term stability of TGS813 as measured for more than 8 years. The sensor is first energized in normal air. Measurement for confirming sensor characteristics is conducted under ambient air conditions rather than in a temperature/humidity controlled environment. The cyclic change in sensitivity corresponds to the seasonal changes of temperature/humidity in Japan (peak T/H conditions occur in July, as corresponds with the sensitivity peaks in this chart ). The Y-axis represents the ratio of sensor resistance in 1000ppm of methane on the date tested (Rs) to sensor resistance in 1000ppm of methane at the beginning of the test period (Ro).As this chart illustrates, TGS813 shows stable characteristics over a very long period of time.Fig. 12 - Long term stability(Ro = Rs on day 1)3 Cautions3-1 Situations which must be avoided1) Exposure to silicone vaporsIf silicone vapors adsorb onto the sensor’s surface, the sensing material will be coated, irreversibly inhibiting sensitivity. Avoid exposure where silicone adhesives, hair grooming materials, or silicone rubber/putty may be present.2) Highly corrosive environmentHigh density exposure to corrosive materials such as H2S, SOx, Cl2, HCl, etc. for extended periods may cause corrosion or breakage of the lead wires or heater material.3) Contamination by alkaline metalsSensor drift may occur when the sensor is contam-inated by alkaline metals, especially salt water spray.4) Contact with waterSensor drift may occur due to soaking or splashing the sensor with water.5) FreezingIf water freezes on the sensing surface, the sensing material would crack, altering characteristics.6) Application of excessive voltageIf higher than specified voltage is applied to the sensor or the heater, lead wires and/or the heater may be damaged or sensor characteristics may drift, even if no physical damage or breakage occurs.7) Application of voltage on lead wiresOn six-pin type sensors, if a voltage is applied on the lead wires between pins 1 and 3 and/or pins 4 and 6, this would cause breakage of the lead wires.8) Operation in zero/low oxygen environment TGS sensors require the presence of around 21% (ambient) oxygen in their operating environment in order to function properly and to exhibit characteristics described in Figaro’s product literature. TGS sensors cannot properly operate in a zero or low oxygen content atmosphere.3-2 Situations to be avoided whenever possible1) Water condensationLight condensation under conditions of indoor usage should not pose a problem for sensor performance.H owever, if water condenses on the sensor’s surface and remains for an extended period, sensor characteristics may drift.2) Usage in high density of gasSensor performance may be affected if exposed to a high density of gas for a long period of time, regardless of the powering condition.3) Storage for extended periodsWhen stored without powering for a long period, the sensor may show a reversible drift in resistance according to the environment in which it was stored. The sensor should be stored in a sealed bag containing clean air; do not use silica gel. Note that as unpowered storage becomes longer, a longer preheating period is required to stabilize the sensor before usage. 4) Long term exposure in adverse environment Regardless of powering condition, if the sensor is exposed in extreme conditions such as very high humidity, extreme temperatures, or high contamination levels for a long period of time, sensor performance will be adversely affected.5) VibrationExcessive vibration may cause the sensor or lead wires to resonate and break. Usage of compressed air drivers/ultrasonic welders on assembly lines may generate such vibration, so please check this matter.6) ShockBreakage of lead wires may occur if the sensor is subjected to a strong shock.7) SolderingIdeally, sensors should be soldered manually. For soldering conditions of 8-series gas sensors, refer to Technical Advisory for Soldering 8-type Gas Sensors. 8) PolarityIf the polarity of Vc is reversed during powering, sensor characteristics may temporarily become unstable.15 24 36Figaro USA Inc. and the manufacturer, Figaro Engineering Inc. (together referred to as Figaro) reserve the right to make changes without notice to any products herein to improve reliability, functioning or design. Information contained in this document is believed to be reliable. H owever, Figaro does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, nor the rights of others.Figaro’s products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support applications wherein a failure or malfunction of the products may result in injury or threat to life.。
费加罗技研株式会社 EC01 气体传感器评价试验箱 操作使用说明书

112468费加罗技研株式会社EC01(气体传感器评价试验箱)操作使用说明书(1)(2)(3)(4)1. 安全注意事项请务必遵守2. 使用注意事项本产品是一种简易型的试验箱。
由于氨气、VOC 、有机溶剂蒸汽等吸附性很强的气体很容易吸附在试验箱的内壁之上,因此本产品不适用于这些气体的测试用途。
请勿在对气体爆炸下限为(LEL) 50%以上浓度的可燃性气体进行测试时使用。

徐洁 ,天津 费加 罗 电子有 限公司 ,工程 师 ,研 究方 向为
气体传 感器的评价 与应用研 究 。 庞 炳 海 ,天 津 费加 罗 电 子 有 限 公 司 ,工 程 师 , 研 究 方 向
为气体传 感器 的评 价与应用研 究 。
读 者服 务 卡 编 号 0 5 0 口
业标准 【】 S
暴 露的话 ,硅氧 烷化合物 ( HMDS )浓 度应约为 lp m。 Op 如 按 5年浓 度为 1p m 计算 的话应 为 4 h 0p 0 。该项技 术指 标 的制定是 为报 警器 能安全的使用 5年提供保 障【。 2 ] 除 了硅 物质 的影 响 ,半 导体式 传感器 还应避 免 高腐
s mma i e i a e ,o eo wh c , h a e s r , r u rz d i t s p r n f i h t e g ss n o s a e nh p
t e k y rs f r q lt on r aa m s h e pa t o ua iy c tolof lr .By t ki he a ng t
通信地 址:天津经 济技术开 发区微 山路 1 9号
邮 编 :3 0 5 047 邮 箱 :z ad l j g r. m h o ai f aoc @t i o
能避 免产生
刘 天 庆 , 津 费加 罗 电 子 有 限 公 司 , 工 程 师 ,研 究 方 向 天 用 燃 气 报 警 器 的抗 气 体 决 报 警 器 误 为报警 l y f f mm a l a l r s a d p o u e f le t l b e g s a a m n r d c as
a ar l m
蜂鸣器含 有硅胶 、绝缘漆这类 物质 的散 发对与 T 2 1 GS 6 0 传感器无 明显影 响;在 大量含有硅 胶 ( 含有硅成 分 ) 、绝 缘漆这类 物质环境 的散发对 T 2 1 GS 6 0传感器 却能造成很 大 的影 响,建议 传感器 尽可 能的远 离这两 种物质 。例 如 变压 器上 的绝缘 漆要彻底 干燥 以后再 焊接 到基板 上 ,另 外在 探测器 安装 场所 ,有装修 要求 的 ,最 好能 多通风 一

因为采用小型化芯片,TGS2600 的加热器所需电流仅为 42mA,并且安置于标准 TO-5 封装 中。
检测B麲空气质量V O <C传感器TG S2600
特征: ★低 功耗,5V供电 ★对气态空气污染物灵敏度高 ★长寿命, 低成本 ★小尺寸, 应用电路简单
应用: ★ 空气净化器 ★ 新风系统,智能家居 ★ 空气质量检测 ★ 1807*0430*980,zheng_xinghui@163.com
敏感元件由一个以金属铝做衬底的金属氧化物敏感芯片 和一个完整的加热器组成。在检测气体时, 传感器的传导率 依赖于空气中气体浓度的变化。 一个简单的电路能将该传导 比率的变化转化成对应于气体浓度变化的输出信号.
标准测试 抗
条件下的 加热器电 IH 42±4mA
电气特性 流
加热器消 PH 210mW VH=5.0V DC
传感器阻 RS 10K-90 kΩ在空气中
灵敏度 测试气体条件
RS (10 ppm,氢气) RS (空气)
在20±2°C, 65±5%RH的正常空气
标准测试 电路条件
VC = 5.0±0.01V DC
RS=清新空气中的传感器在不同 温、湿度条件下的阻值
R0=清新空气中的传感器在 20℃ 及 65%相对湿度下的阻值
基本测量电路: 此传感器要求有两个电压输入:加热器电压 VH
FAGIRO TGS 传感器 TGS822 有机溶剂蒸气检测用 说明书

TGS822 有机溶剂蒸气检测用特点: 应用:・对乙醇等有机溶剂有高灵敏度 ・酒精检测器・长期稳定性优良 ・工厂、干洗店、半导体产业的 ・长寿命、低成本 有机溶剂检知 ・以简单电路即可使用费加罗气体传感器的气敏素子,使用在清洁空气中电导率低的二氧化锡(SnO2)。
(请看背面)纵坐标以传感器电阻比(Rs/Ro )表示,Rs ,Ro 的定义如下:Rs =不同浓度气体中的电阻值 Ro =300ppm 乙醇中的电阻值灵敏度特性: 下图为受温度、湿度影响的典型曲线。
图中纵坐标也以传感器电阻比(Rs/Ro )表示,这里的Rs ,Ro 定义如下:Rs=含300ppm 乙醇、各种温/湿度下的电阻值 Ro=含300ppm 乙醇、20℃65%R.H.下的电阻值温/湿度的影响:SUNSTAR传感与控制 0755-********SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************规格: 结构及尺寸:型 号 TGS822 素子类型 8系列标准封装塑料、SUS 双重金属网对象气体 酒精、有机溶剂 检测范围50~5,000 ppm 加热器电压VH 5.0±0.2V DC/AC 回路电压 VC MAX 24VPs ≦15mW标准回路 条件负载电阻 RL 可变 Ps ≦15mW 加热器电阻RH 38±3.0 Ω(室温) 加热器功耗PH 660±55mWVH =5.0V传感器电阻Rs300ppm 乙醇中 1~10K Ω 标准试验 条件下的 电学特性灵敏度(Rs 的变化率)0.4±0.1Rs(EtOH:300ppm)Rs(EtOH:50ppm)试验气体条件20±2℃, 65±5%RH 回路条件 VC =10.0±0.1V DC/AC VH =5.0±0.05V DC/AC RL=10.0 K Ω±1%标准试验 条件预热时间7天以上功耗(Ps)值可用下式计算: 传感器电阻(Rs ),可用下式计算:管脚连接 1或3:传感器4或6:传感器2 :加热器5 :加热器SUNSTAR传感与控制 0755-********SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************FIGAROApplications:Features:TGS 822 - for the detection of Organic Solvent VaporsThe figure below represents typical sensitivity char-acteristics, all data having been gathered at standard test conditions (see reverse side of this sheet). The Y-axis is indicated as sensor resistance ratio (Rs/Ro) which is defined as follows:The figure below represents typical temperature and humidity dependency characteristics. Again, the Y-axis is indicated as sensor resistance ratio (Rs/Ro), defined as follows:Rs = Sensor resistance at 300ppm of ethanol* High sensitivity to organic solvent vaporssuch as ethanol* High stability and reliability over a longperiod* Long life and low cost* Uses simple electrical circuit* Breath alcohol detectors* Gas leak detectors/alarms* Solvent detectors for factories, dry clean-ers, and semiconductor industriesThe sensing element of Figaro gas sensors is a tin dioxide (SnO 2) semiconductor which has low conductivity in clean air. In the presence of a detectable gas,the sensor's conductivity increases depending on the gas concentration in the air. A simple electrical circuit can convert the change in conductivity to an output signal which corresponds to the gas concentration.The TGS 822 has high sensitivity to the vapors of organic solvents as well as other volatile vapors. It also has sensitivity to a variety of combustible gases such as carbon monoxide, making it a good general purpose sensor. Also available with a ceramic base which is highly resistant to severe environments as high as 200°C (model# TGS 823).IMPORTANT NOTE: RECOMMENDS CONSULTING OUR TECHNICAL STAFF BEFORE DEPLOYING FIGARO SENSORS IN YOUR APPLICATION AND, IN PARTICULAR, WHEN CUSTOMER’S TARGET GASES ARE NOT LISTED HEREIN. FIGARO CANNOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY USE OF ITS SENSORS IN A PRODUCT OR APPLICATION FOR WHICH SENSOR HAS NOT BEEN SPECIFICALLY TESTED BY FIGARO.SUNSTAR自动化/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************Structure and Dimensions:1 Sensing Element:SnO 2 is sintered to form a thick film on the surface of an alumina ceramic tube which contains an internal heater.2 Cap:Nylon 663 Sensor Base:Nylon 664 Flame Arrestor:100 mesh SUS 316 double gauzePin Connection and Basic Measuring Circuit:The numbers shown around the sensor symbol in the circuit diagram at the right correspond with the pin numbers shown in the sensor's structure drawing (above). When the sensor is connected as shown in the basic circuit, output across the Load Resistor (V RL ) increases as the sensor's resistance (Rs) de-creases, depending on gas concentration.Sensor Resistance (Rs) is calculated by the following formula:Rs = (-1) x R LV CV RL Power dissipation across sensor electrodes (Ps) is calculated by the following formula:Ps = 2V C x Rs 2(Rs + R L )Basic Measuring Circuit:REV: 9/99when the sensor is tested in standard conditions as speci-fied below:Test Gas Conditions:20°±2°C, 65±5%R.H.Circuit Conditions:V C = 10.0±0.1V (AC or DC),V H = 5.0±0.05V (AC or DC),R L = 10.0k Ω±1%Preheating period before testing: More than 7 daysFor information on warranty, please refer to Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale of Figaro USA Inc.17 ± 0.59.516.5±0.56.5±0.51.0±0.563425145˚45˚um : mmSUNSTAR自动化/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************TGS822TF 人工煤制气检测用特点: 应用:・对煤制气中的氢气和一氧化碳有高灵敏度 ・家庭用、业务用煤制气报警器 ・乙醇等有机溶剂的干扰小 ・便携式煤制气检知 ・长寿命、低成本 ・以简单电路即可使用费加罗气体传感器的气敏素子,使用在清洁空气中电导率低的二氧化锡(SnO2)。
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