写作教程第二版(邹申)unit1_General(I) 2
邹申写作教程2电子教案篇一:写作教程2Lecture1i.whatisaParagraph?ii.TopicSentence1.PurposesofTS2.TwoPartsofaTSe.g.(Thesubjectisunderlined;thecontrollingideaisinitalics.)?(1)Peopleformanyreasons.(sayingaboutthesubject)?(2)hasbeendisastrousforthefish-meninStarLake.(attitude)?oneofthebestinourtown.(attitude)?(4)itisimportant?harmfulforthehealth.(attitude)?(6)Thereareseveralfactorsthat(sayingaboutthesubject)?(7)Therearemanyadvantagesthesubject)?(8)apersoncaninseveraldifferentways.(sayingaboutthesubject) ?insultingtoawoman?sdignity.(attitude)?ahumorousscene.(attitude)3.whatisagoodTS?????agoodTShasthreecharacteristics:a.itincludesatopicandacontrollingidea;b.itislimited;c.itlendsitselftodevelopment.4.HowtowriteanidealTS?a.makeasinglepoint.(aparagraphthattriestodealwithtwotopicsatthesamet imeconfusesthereader.)?b.makeadiscussiblepoint.(aTSshouldstateyouropinion,pointofview,orfe elingsonthetopic,notafact.itshouldgiveyousomethingtosay.)?c.don?tbetoonarrow.(ifyourTSistoonarrow,itisdifficulttofindsomethingt oaddtoitanditisseldomdiscussible.)?d.don?tbetoobroad.(abroadTSmeansyouhavetoobigatopictodealwithina paragraph)5.in-classpractice6.ThepositionofTS(organizationalStructure)?Sample1?Livingwithmyex-roommatewasunbearable.First,shethoughteverythings heownedwasthebest.Second,shepossessednumerousfilthy(不道德的)habits.Finally,sheconstantlyexhibitedimmaturebehavior.??Sample2?althoughthebuildingsaretall,noneofthemblotsout(把…遮住,遮盖)thesky.PeoplerushaboutasinnewYork,butsomeonealwaysstopstoanswerquestionsaboutdirections.apersonwilllistenwhenheorsheisaskedquestions.ofte nasuddensmilewillflashfromthecrowdsofstrangerspushingdownStateStreet .itisasmileofwelcomeandofhappinessatthesametime.andthetraffic,itistough ,noisy,active,butapersonneverfeelsindangercrossingthestreet.chicagoisafin e,friendlycity.??Sample3?maryhasaplanfordoingwellinherclassesthissemester.Sheisnotgoingtomi ssanyclasses,andsheisgoingtotakenotesofallthelectures.Shehasblockedout (粗略计划)threehoursadayonweekdaystostudyaswellasSaturdayandSundayafternoons .Shehasalsoformedastudygroupwithherclassmates.Finally,maryhasdeclare dherown“deadweeks,”twoweekspriortofinalsforintensivestudyingsinceher poorfinalspreparationlastsemesterhurthergradesbadly.??Sample4?Theroomislocatedonthefifthfloorofthehighbuilding.onethirdofitstotalfl oorspaceistakenupbyadoublebed.Facingit,inthecornerbehindthedoor,stand sacupboard(食品柜,衣柜,橱柜)loadedwithpots(罐,壶,瓶等),bowls,dishes,bottles,andbagsofriceandflour(面粉).adeskcompletelyfillsthegapbetweenthebedandthewallwiththewindo w.Behindthedeskisachair,theonlyoneintheroom;anditalmosttouchestheboxesandtrunkspiledagainstthewallontheoppositeside.(impliedTS:whattheroo mlookslike.)iii.in-classPractice?1.Toidentifythetopicsentenceineachofthefollowingparagraphs.notethet opicsentenceisnotalwaysthefirstsentence.?1.Hurricanes?Hurricanes,whicharealsocalledcyclones,exerttremendouspower.Thesev iolentstormsareoftenahundredmilesindiameter(直径),andtheirwindscanreachvelocities(速度)ofseventy-fivemilesperhourormore.Furthermore,thestrongwindsandhe avyrainfallthataccompanythemcancompletelydestroyasmalltowninacouple ofhours.Theenergythatisreleasedbyahurricaneinonedayexceedsthetotalene rgyconsumedbyhumankindthroughouttheworldinoneyear.?2.Synonyms?Synonyms,wordsthathavethesamebasicmeaning,donotalwayshavethesa meemotionalmeaning.Forexample,thewords“stingy”(吝啬的,小气的)and“frugal”(节俭的,节约的)bothmean“carefulwithmoney.”However,tocallapersonstingyisaninsult,whi lethewordfrugalhasamuchmorepositiveconnotation.Similarly,apersonwant stobe“slender”(苗条的)butnot“skinny”(皮包骨的),and“aggressive”(贬义,好斗的;褒义,有进取性的,有冲劲的)butnot“pushy”(咄咄逼人的,盛气凌人的).Therefore,youshouldbecarefulinchoosingwordsbecausemanyso-calle dsynonymsarenotsynonymousatall.??3.Signsofspring?Theskyisclearblue.Sparrows(麻雀)chirp(叽叽喳喳地叫)intheearlymornings.Thefruittreesinthebackyardarebeginningtobloom.The hillsareturninggreen,andpurpleandyellowwildflowersareappearinginthefie lds.Thesnowontopofcamelmountainhasallmelted.itmustfinallybespring.? ?4.onYourown?movingawayfromhomeandgoingtocollegeisanexperiencethatteachesap ersonhowtobecomeindependentanddoparticulartasksonhisown.whenilived athomewithmyparents,everythingwaseasyundertheirguidance.mymotherw ouldputwarm,deliciousfoodonthetableformethreetimesaday.icouldthoroug hlyenjoymymealsinthecomfortofmyownhome.nowthati?mincollege,ihavet owalkacrossthecourtyard(庭院,院子)atthreespecifictimeseachdaytoeatreheatedcasseroles(炖锅/砂锅菜)andstarchy(含大量淀粉的)potatoes.Handlingyourownmoneycanbeadifficulttasktoo.wheniwasathome ,ialwayshadmyparentshelpmewithmybankingandmoneyproblems.nowthat i'monmyown,ihavetolearnhowtodothisbymyself.iamnowteachingmy selfhowtouseacheckbook,andbalanceitdiligently.agreatluxuryathomethatih avetogiveupwheniwentawaytoschoolwashavingmymotherdomylaundry(要洗的衣服).Everyweekathome,ihadnoproblematallfindingacleanshirtoranunused pairofunderwear.atcollege,irealizedthatthiswasnowmyjob.aftermakingawhiteshirtpinkandcreatingnewsizesforsomeT-shirts, isoonbecameanexpertatthistaskbylearningfrommymistakes.inthelasttwom onthsihavelearnedhowtodomanydifferenttasksandhandledifferentcircumst ancesonmyown.ihavebecomeusedtolivingawayfromhome,andthathasmade memoreindependentthanihaveeverbeen.2.PracticingwritingTSaccordingtothegiventopics/subjectsinclass.iV.assi gnments?1.doexercise3ofwritingafocusedtopicsentenceonPage10afterclass;?2.do exercise4ofwritingatopicsentenceofeachparagraphonPage10afterclass;?3.doexercise5ofUnderliningthetopicsentenceofeachparagraphonPage11 afterclass.?4.writeacomposition?Question:withtheincreasinguseoftheinternetmoreandmorestudentsareus ingtheircomputerstobuythingslikebooks,cosmeticsandmobilephones.Some peoplesaythatshoppingonlineisbestwhileothersprefershoppinginstores.whi chdoyouprefer?alternativeQuestions????1.whatisonemajoradvantageordisadvantageofshoppingonline?2.Theim portanceofshoppingonline.3.Theimportanceofshoppinginstores.4.contrasts hoppingonlinewithshoppinginstores5.whatisyourviewonshoppingonline? Brainstormingdisagree1.Shopkeeperslosebusiness.2.Peoplebecomedisloyal:theygotoashopforadvicebutbuyonline.3.Unsecuredpayment4.open24/7haremspeoplewithdiscipline.agree:1.Easy,youdon?thavetoleavethehouse.2.morejobsindeliveryandiT3.open24/7篇二:successfulwriting2湖南涉外经济学院20XX~20XX学年第一学期教学周历说明:1、教学内容按每次授课内容填写。
写作教程4 邹申第 二版 教案
写作教程4 邹申第二版教案下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。
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Sample 2 Find the T.S.
Shakespearian characters live. They are no stilted creations intended to represent differing points of view. They are people, with all the usual human foibles and weaknesses. As we laugh at or sympathize with them, we are learning something about our own selves. Shakespeare knew human nature so well and created his characters according to that knowledge. His understanding of human psychology is amazing and is one reason for the continued success of Shakespearian drama.
1. What is a paragraph supposed to do ?
inside 2. What should I keep in mind when I am writing one ?
To create a piece of writing, we have to start with paragraph.
1. General topic: 20th Century American Novelists Restricted: Hemingway and His Works More restricted: Hemingway and HiБайду номын сангаас Short Stories Topic chosen: Old People in Hemingway’s Short Stories
写作教程第二版 邹申 unit General I
Successful Writing
Rosalynzhao rosalynzhao@
Mobile-phone Attendance Assignment Participation Notebook
Unit 1 General (I) --- Paragraph
---too broad and can not be completed within the time allocated.
4. America needs stronger control laws.
--- boring or written about too often.
Unsatisat are those following sentences belongs to, subject or topic?
1. Alternative fuels. subject 2. Henry Ford’s development of the
assembly line resulted in the mass production of cars. topic 3. America’s legal system. subject 4. America needs a flat tax. topic 5. Butterflies. subject 6. Is intelligence determined by nature or by nurture? topic
Unsatisfactory Topics
2. America should lower the drinking age.
--- boring or written about too often.
写作教程第二版(邹申)unit1 General(I)
Sample 1 Find the T.S.
• One of the central preoccupations of arts and humanities is the observation of human beings. Painters and sculptors create images of the human form; writers tell stories or compose poems about human experience; musical artists give melodic contours to the human spirit; historians and philosophers ponder the essential qualities of human civilization and nature. And in our own lives, in our own ways, we spend a great deal of our energy and attention on our fellow creatures, being in families and other kinds of relationships, observing people with curiosity and interest in the course of the day, thinking about and forming our own character- deciding what kind of person we wish to be- as we grow.
Unusual, enough information, fresh, narrow & broad enough
写作教程第二版邹申unit1 GeneralI
? --- unfamiliar to you, so you can not write about it knowledgeably.
Good Topics
succeed 6. play games
surf the net …
Disadvantages 1. expensive 2. harmful radiation 3. disturbing in public 4. dangerous in driving 5. ring in embarrassing
Unsatisfactory Topics
? 2. America should lower the drinking age.
? --- boring or written about too often.
? 3. There are many different theories to explain the disappearance of the dinosaurs.
Unsatisfactory Topics
? 1. The major poets, painters, and dramatists of the Renaissance:
? --- too board and can not be completed within the time allocated
? 1. Alternative fuels. subject ? 2. Henry Ford's development of the
assembly line resulted in the mass production of cars. topic ? 3. America's legal system. subject ? 4. America needs a flat tax. topic ? 5. Butterflies. subject ? 6. Is intelligence determined by nature or by nurture? topic
大学英文写作 第二版 UNIT2=
Awareness Raising
The general grammar rule: To be used at the beginning of noun groups to refer to someone or something when a reader knows exactly who or what we are talking about, or when we go on to explain which person or thing we mean.
Eight Basic Usages (Collins Cobuild 1987)
4) Anaphoric reference—indirect (also called associative anaphora), where the first mentioned acts as a trigger for a related item. E.g. John bought a bicycle, but when he rode it one of the wheels came off.
Unit 2 The Use of “The”
To: understand the basic use of “the” use “the” appropriately practice the use of “the”
Practice: Keys to Tasks
Task 7 1) The best 2) the wrong 3) the right 4) the same 5) The next 6) the first
高级英语写作教程第二版Title: Advanced English Writing Tutorial - Second EditionIntroduction:Welcome to the Advanced English Writing Tutorial - Second Edition. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into various aspects of advanced English writing, focusing on essential techniques and strategies to enhance your proficiency in written communication. This tutorial aims to equip you with the necessary skills to craft well-structured, coherent, and persuasive essays, reports, and other written assignments.Chapter 1: Understanding Advanced English Writing1.1 The Importance of Advanced Writing SkillsIn this section, we will explore the significance of advanced writing skills in academic, professional, and personal contexts. We will discuss how effective writing can contribute to clear communication, critical thinking, and success in various fields.1.2 Differences Between Advanced and Basic WritingHere, we will highlight the disparities between advanced and basic writing, including the use of advanced vocabulary, complex sentence structures, nuanced arguments, and in-depth analysis. Understanding these differences will enable you to elevate your writing to an advanced level.Chapter 2: Developing a Strong Writing Foundation2.1 Grammar and SyntaxA solid understanding of grammar and syntax is crucial for advanced writing. We will discuss advanced grammar rules, common pitfalls, and techniques to improve sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, and punctuation.2.2 Vocabulary EnhancementExpanding your vocabulary will enable you to express your ideas precisely and concisely. This section will provide strategies to learn new words, develop word associations, and effectively incorporate advanced vocabulary into your writing.Chapter 3: Writing Techniques and Styles3.1 Writing with Clarity and CohesionIn this chapter, we will delve into techniques to ensure your writing is clear, concise, and coherent. We will explore the use of topic sentences, transitional phrases, and logical paragraph organization to enhance the flow of your ideas.3.2 Developing a Strong Thesis StatementA strong thesis statement forms the backbone of any well-structured essay or report. We will guide you on how to formulate a clear, arguable, and focused thesis statement that effectively guides your writing.Chapter 4: Advanced Writing Strategies4.1 Critical Analysis and EvaluationAdvanced writing involves the ability to critically analyze and evaluate different perspectives, theories, and research. We will discuss techniques such as identifying bias, evaluating evidence, and providing balanced arguments.4.2 Persuasive Writing and RhetoricIn this section, we will explore persuasive writing techniques, including the use of rhetorical devices, persuasive language, and appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos. These strategies will enable you to present compelling arguments and convince your readers effectively.Chapter 5: Editing and Proofreading5.1 Polishing Your WritingEven the most proficient writers make mistakes. This chapter will provide tips on self-editing and proofreading techniques to ensure your writing is error-free and polished. We will discuss common grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors, as well as techniques for improving clarity and conciseness.Conclusion:Congratulations on completing the Advanced English Writing Tutorial - Second Edition. By incorporating the techniques and strategies outlined in this guide, you are well-equipped to excel in advanced writing tasks. Remember, practice is key to improving your skills, so continue to write and seek feedback to refine your abilities. Best of luck in your writing endeavors!。
High and four feet wide, a space six by ten feet …
Expressions of shapes
crooked linear
square round rectangle
curved hooked symmetrical
2. Discuss with you partner your thoughts concerning UFOs and aliens. Have you ever seen a UFO /alien or has anyone you know seen one? Do you believe they exist? If you had to create from your imagination a UFO/alien, what would they look like? Describe the site where your imagined
3. Expressions of material /texture:
wood, paper, plastic, fabric, silk, rayon (人造丝), batik (蜡染印花布), nylon,wool, onionskin (薄的半透明纸), cotton, tissue, parchment(羊皮纸), , silky, velvety, smooth, coarse, grainy, gritty, rough
His/her/its hair
His/her/its clothes His/her/its color His/her/its habit …
写作教程第二版(邹申)写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Unit 7Social ProblemsBy Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Unit ObjectivesDefinition of cause effect Function of cause effectFeatures of cause effectOrganization of cause effectHow to choose right examplesTransitional phrasesBy Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Warm-up Activities--- college students’ taking part-time jobs1. short of pocket money 2. relieve financial burdens Reasons3. offer help to some fellow students who are in financial difficulties4. prepare for jobs in the future1. have to spend precious study time in finding or doing part-time jobs 2. lose interesting in learning 3. may do good to academic studies 4. gain experience or knowledge that cannot be obtained from booksBy Pizza. CResults写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Definition of cause effectSound reasoning or logic is naturally the most important quality of any analysis. In presenting cause and effect, we should try to be objective. Overstating or understating our position would only make the analysis unconvincing. It seems convenient to state the effect first and then explain the causes. The reverse order, however, is to be preferred when one cause leads to various effects. 1. To state an effect and devote the rest of the paragraph to examining the causes. 2. To state a cause and then mention or predict the effect.By Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Function of cause effect1. Cause and effect serves as a useful means to describe or analyze phenomena, problems, influences, etc. 2. We often find ourselves in situations where we need to discuss causes or effects in order to better understand what is being discussed: places, people, features, advantages or disadvantages. 3. How to express cause-and-effect relationships effectively is crucial to meaningful communication.By Pizza. C 写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Features of cause effectCause 1 Effect Cause 2 CauseEffect 1Effect 2 Effect 3By Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Fill out the forms with the appropriate and relevant informationLike English in high schoolbe easy to find a job after graduationhave an uncle who once majored in English be good at language learningless income employers do not like it save energymore free timeBy Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Study the following words and phrases and divide them into the following 2 groups.now that, the reason for, thanks to, becausesince, as, due to, because of, owing toconsequently, therefore, so, as a result, thusit follows that, accordingly, hence, so thatBy Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Sample 1- P67 Questions 1. This paragraph is developedaround the problem of “the lack of parking” complained about by US city residents. 2. Single effect and multiple causes. In this way, thewriting shows a logical cause-and-effect pattern, whichmight consequently attract more concern or efforts in the problem’s solution. 3. The 3 causes are presented from the most direct to the most indirect.By Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Causes 1. ______________________________ 2. More cars are constantly produced. 3.Both city governments or governmental ______________________________agencies have financial headachesEffectLack of parking in citiesOver a million cars are abandoned on the streets.Superficial / direct Deepest / indirectBy Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Sample 2 P68 Questions 1. The problem addresses refers to the issue of terrorist attacks. This issue has brought about at least three major aspects of consequence or effect. 2. The paragraph addresses the cause rather than effects right at the beginning. 3.No. It follows a pattern of single cause and multiple effects. Unlike Sample 1 in which effect is addressed first and causes are traced backwards, Sample 2 states briefly at the beginning the issue of terrorist attacks as a direct cause, and then dwells upon three major effects, some factual and some predicted.By Pizza. C 写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7CauseEffects1.The Americans feel very anxious and panicky.The terrorist strikes2. The government trends to make political errors.3. The public would wind up ignoring the one warning that really matters.By Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7CauseLack of regulationEffect-causeEffectsTiger’s power / beauty / mysteryTigers privately kept as pets in TexasLots of undertrained tiger ownersDisasters happening to childrenNeglect of commitment abandonmentBy Pizza. C写作教程第二版(邹申)-unit 7Cause / ReasonEffect / Impact…may be among other reasons … is the net result Transitional phrases Thanks to… It leaves some serious Account / find some reason for consequences. Linking phrases for causerise to a host of It may give / effect Attribute A to B problems. Be due to several factors The effect Be partly caused by… Just as… is… is evident. immediate result it produces Be precisely why… The resultThethat… is is… Why…? For one thing… … is precisely influence has not been The why… To stem from the fact that… confined to … …may be among other reasons To view…as a response to… The result is that… … factors weigh heavily for… There are a number of effects. Another im portant reason is… bring about… cause a sweeping change exert a profound influence That’s the reason why… Result in …By Pizza. C。
写作教程第二版(邹申)unit1_General(I) 2
Unsatisfactory Topicer the drinking age.
--- boring or written about too often.
3. There are many different theories to explain the disappearance of the dinosaurs.
3. Narrowing down the scope of your topic to a facets which can be developed into a research paper
4. Formulating the final topic
Is my topic:
1. too limited? 2. too broad? 3. too technical? 4. yesterday’s news? 5. too controversial? 6. likable enough?
Try to tell what are those following sentences belongs to, subject or topic?
1. General topic: 20th Century American Novelists Restricted: Hemingway and His Works More restricted: Hemingway and His Short Stories Topic chosen: Old People in Hemingway’s Short Stories
1. beginning of a paragraph 2. at the end 3. in the middle If there is no T.S at the end of a paragraph, there should be a concluding sentence there, it either restates the controlling idea or draws an inference(conclusion). A paragraph is not complete if it is not properly ended.
写作教程 第二册 答案
Follow-up exercises
Write a focused topic sentence for the following subject
Looking for jobs A person can look for a job in several ways. Penguins Penguins resemble human beings in many respects.
-- At last we settled on the Cafe Orleans where we had either a late lunch or an
early dinner.
5. Afterward, we spent the remainder of the day browsing in the specialty shops of the Magic
Personality One's personality plays an important role in foreign language learning. Weather Living in a place where the weather is always warm has many advantages.
a temple and visited friends and relatives to wish them Happy
3. Logical sequence of the sentences: 3–6–1–4–7–5–2
Relationship: Primarily, the organization of the paragraph represents movement in geographical space.
• Question:
• How does the paragraph achieve coherence?
• The paragraph follows the time order and uses many time indicators to make it easy for the reader to follow.
• 2) Shortly afterwards, the New England colonists laid siege to Boston, the location of the British headquarters.
• 2. In the second phase of the war, which began after the signing of the Declaration, both the British and the Americans made important military gains.
• 1. In September, he fell off the uneven bars and got a concussion.
• 2. A month later, he sprained his ankle, after a bad landing off the balance beam.
• 3. The fighting moved to the west and south during the last phase.
• 1) In 1778 and 1779 several battles occurred in Kentucky and Tennessee.
• 2) Then two years later, the final battle of the war was fought at Yorktown, Virginia.
第二版写作教程思考练习参考答案新编现代实用文写作教程参考答案第一章参考答案一、判断题1.对2.错3.对4.对5.对6.对7.错8.对9.对 10.错二、单项选择题1.C2.B3.C4.A5.A6.B7.C8.D9.A 10.D三、多项选择题1.ABCD2.ABCD3.ACD4.ACD5.BCD6.BCD7.ABD8.ABCD9.ABC10.ACD四、简答题(答案略)五、修改病句1.由于狠抓质量管理,某厂产品合格率从40%提高到65%。
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Unsatisfactory Topics
2. America should lower the drinking age.
--- boring or written about too often.
3. There are many different theories to explain the disappearance of the dinosaurs.
Try to tell what are those following sentences belongs to, subject or topic?
1. Alternative fuels. subject 2. Henry Ford’s development of the
assembly line resulted in the mass production of cars. topic 3. America’s legal system. subject 4. America needs a flat tax. topic 5. Butterflies. subject 6. Is intelligence determined by nature or by nurture? topic
5. Nanoscale “trees” improve efficiency in low-cost plastic solar cells.
--- unfamiliar to you, so you can not write about it knowledgeably.
Good Topics
what exactly is a paragraph? And what is a good paragraph?
II.1 Topic Sentence
Definition --- A sentence that names the topic of the paragraph and contains a controlling idea is called T.S.
1. Media producers should prosecute people who download copyrighted music…
Interesting, 2 sides (pro & against), sufficient information
2. Students should be placed in classes according to their academic ability, not their aUgnues…ual, enough information, fresh, narrow & broad enough
Successful Writing
Rosalynzhao rosalynzhao@
Mobile-phone Attendance Assignment Participation Notebook
Unit 1 General (I) --- Paragraph
is the kindest neighbor I have ever known.
has a profound effect on our health.
Choosing a topic
1. Selecting a general topic(subject) 2. Reading and thinking
Unsatisfactory Topics
1. The major poets, painters, and dramatists of the Renaissance:
--- too broad and can not be completed within the time allocated
Controlling idea
Television programs for children have become increasingly violent.
Learning a foreign language Cathy The food we eat
is more and more important for young people.
3. Narrowing down the scope of your topic to a facets which can be developed into a research paper
4. Formulating the final topic
Is my topic:
---too broad and can not be completed within the time allocated.
4. America needs stronger control laws.
--- boring or written about too often.
Unsatisfactorቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ Topics
3In.teWreshtiyngm, nyarrfoawt,heears/y rmesoeatrhche,rsuisfficmienyt dheetariols…
Try to do the exercises in P3
Try to narrow down the scope and make them specific topics on which you can write a paper.
1. too limited? 2. too broad? 3. too technical? 4. yesterday’s news? 5. too controversial? 6. likable enough?
Try to tell what are those following sentences belongs to, subject or topic?