英国文学I 教学大纲.doc

二、课程内容和建议学时分配课程内容:第一章盎格鲁-撒克逊时期(2学时)《贝奥武甫》第二章盎格鲁-诺曼时期(2学时)《高文和他的绿衣骑士》第三章杰弗里•乔叟(2学时)《坎特伯雷故事集》第四章英国文艺复兴时期的文学(6学时)(1)文艺复兴运动(2)人文主义思潮(3)文艺复兴时期的重要作家(4)威廉•莎士比亚a、莎士比亚生平及戏剧创作生涯b、莎士比亚作品的思想意义及艺术成就c、《威尼斯商人》片断赏析d、《哈姆雷特》片断赏析e、《第十八首十四行诗》赏析第五章十七世纪资产阶级革命和王朝复辟时期(10学时)(1)历史背景(2)约翰•邓恩a、玄学派诗简介及玄学诗的特点b、邓恩生平及其创作生涯c、《别离辞•节哀》赏析d、十四行待《死亡,别傲慢》赏析(3 )约翰•弥尔顿a、弥尔顿的生平及文学创作b、史诗《失乐园》的主要内容及其特色c、《失乐园》选读第六章十八世纪(启蒙时期)(10学时)(1)启蒙运动(2)新古典主义(3)新古典主义时期的启蒙文学(4 )乔纳森•斯威夫特a、乔纳森•斯威夫特的政治及创作生涯b、乔纳森•斯威夫特的人文观c、乔纳森•斯威夫特讽刺散文的语言风格d、《格列佛游记》的梗概、结构及主题e、《格列佛游记》选读(5)理查德•比•谢立丹a、谢立丹戏剧创作生涯及主要作品b、谢立丹戏剧主题及写作技巧c、《造谣学校》选读(6)威廉•布莱克a、生平、政治宗教观点和诗歌创作主张b、《天真之歌》《经验之歌》c、布莱克诗歌的主要特点及思想意义d、《伦敦》赏析e、《老虎》赏析三、教材和参考书目(一)使用教材吴伟仁编:《英国文学史及选读》(第一册),外语教学与研究出版社,1997年(二)参考书目1、王佐良、李赋宁等主编:《英国文学史》(五卷本),外语教学与研究出版社,2005年2、王守仁主编:《英国文学选读》,高等教育出版社,2003年3、刘炳善编著:《英国文学简史》,河南人民出版社,1993年4、陈嘉编著:《英国文学史》(四卷英文版),商务印书馆,1998年5、陈嘉编著:《英国文学作品选读》(三卷本),商务印书馆,2003年6、王佐良等主编:《英国文学名篇选注》,商务印书馆,1989年7、庄锡昌主编:《西方文化史》,高等教育出版社,2003年8、吴伟仁、印冰编著:《英国文学史及选读学习指南》(第一册),中央民族大学出版社,2002 年四、课外学习要求要求学生课前预习下一次课的上课内容,了解作家的生平和创作特点;课后要求学生复习并撰写读书报告。

英国文学选读》课程教学大纲课程编号: 01120280 学分:2 学时: 34(其中实践学时: 0) 授课学期:第 5 学期一、课程的性质、地位、作用及与其他课程的联系该课程的目的在于培养学生阅读、欣赏、理解英语文学原著的能力,掌握文学批评的 基本知识和方法。
通过阅读和分析英国文学作品,使学生了解英国的历史、地理、社会、政 治等方面的情况及文化传统, 促进学生对西方文学及文化的了解, 提高学生对文化差异的敏 感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性, 培养学生的跨文化交际能力。
授课的内容包括: ( 1) 文学导论;英语文学常识;( 2)英国文学史;( 3)英国文学经典作品导读;( 4)英国文 学批评。
选用《新编英国文学选读》(上、下册),罗经国 编著;北京大学出版社; 2005。
期望达到如下教学要求:1. 对英国文学的发展概况有清晰的了解;2. 对重要的文学术语有相当的了解并能在文学批评中加以运用; 3. 能读懂英语国家出版的有一定难度的历史传记和文学作品; 4. 熟悉英国主要作家代表作、其写作风格和所属流派;5. 要求在理解的基础上分析文章的思想观点、篇章结构、语言特点、修辞手法、文体 风格;6. 要求学生有较强的跨文化交际的能力。
二、课程的教学内容与要求Chapter One The Anglo-Saxon Period (450-1066)教学目标】帮助学生了解古英语诗歌的源泉及其韵律特点 教学内容】 1. Historical background2. Northumbrian School and Wessex Literature3. Anglo-Saxon Poetry : Beowulf教学重点与难点】古英语文学的代表人物 King Alfred; BeowulfChapter Two The Norman Period (1066-1350)教学目标】帮助学生了解诺曼时期英国骑士文学和法国文学对英国文学的影响。

二、正文(一)课程讲授的教学内容1、英国文艺复兴时期的文学(1)文艺复兴运动(2)人文主义思潮(3)文艺复兴时期的重要作家(4)威廉·莎士比亚a、莎士比亚生平及戏剧创作生涯b、莎士比亚作品的思想意义及艺术成就c、《威尼斯商人》片断赏析d、《哈姆雷特》片断赏析e、《第十八首十四行诗》赏析2、十七世纪资产阶级革命和王朝复辟时期(1)历史背景(2)约翰·邓恩a、玄学派诗简介及玄学诗的特点b、邓恩生平及其创作生涯c、《别离辞·节哀》赏析d、十四行待《死亡,别傲慢》赏析(3)约翰·弥尔顿a、弥尔顿的生平及文学创作b、史诗《失乐园》的主要内容及其特色c、《失乐园》选读3、十八世纪(1)启蒙运动(2)新古典主义(3)新古典主义时期的启蒙文学(4)乔纳森·斯威夫特a、乔纳森·斯威夫特的政治及创作生涯b、乔纳森·斯威夫特的人文观c、乔纳森·斯威夫特讽刺散文的语言风格d、《格列佛游记》的梗概、结构及主题e、《格列佛游记》选读(5)理查德·比·谢立丹a、谢立丹戏剧创作生涯及主要作品b 、谢立丹戏剧主题及写作技巧c、《造谣学校》选读(6)威廉·布莱克a、生平、政治宗教观点和诗歌创作主张b 、《天真之歌》《经验之歌》c、布莱克诗歌的主要特点及思想意义d、《伦敦》赏析e、《老虎》赏析4. 浪漫主义时期(1)浪漫主义时期英国社会的政治、经济、文化背景(2)浪漫主义文学的渊源(3)浪漫主义文学创作的基本主张(4)英国浪漫主义文学(5)威廉·华兹华斯a、华兹华斯的生平及创作生涯b 、华兹华斯的诗歌创作主张c、华兹华斯诗歌的主要特点及思想意义d、华兹华斯诗歌的艺术成就e、《她住在人迹罕至的地方》赏析f、《十四行诗,作于西敏寺桥上》赏析g、《水仙》赏析h、《孤独的收割者》赏析(6)乔治·戈登·拜伦a、拜伦的生平b 、拜伦的诗歌创作c、拜伦的主要诗作d、拜伦诗歌的主要特点及社会意义e、“拜伦式英雄”f、《当我俩分手时》赏析g、《她走在美的光彩中》赏析h、《咏锡隆十四行诗》赏析(7)珀·比·雪莱a、雪莱的生平和诗歌创作主张b、雪莱的主要作品c、雪莱诗歌的主要特点及思想意义d、《给英国人之歌》赏析e、《西风颂》赏析(8)约翰·济慈a、济慈的生平及创作生涯b、济慈的美学思想c、济慈的主要诗作d、济慈诗歌的主要特点及思想意义e、《秋颂》赏析f、《亮星》赏析(9)简·奥斯汀a、奥斯汀的生平及创作生涯b、奥斯汀的小说创作思想c、奥斯汀小说的主要特点及社会意义d、《傲慢与偏见》的故事梗概、主题结构、人物塑造、语言风格及作品的意义e、《傲慢与偏见》选读(二)主要思考题及教学方法1. How do you understand the relationship between mercy and justice?2. What kind of person do you think Shylock is?3. What is the theme of Sonnet 18?4. The poem is organized around a contrast of two kind of lovers;What two major contrasts are drawn between these two kinds of lovers?5. Why is the poem typical of metaphysical poetry?6. What kind of spirit does Milton eulogize here?7. What is the relationship between a parson and a squire?8. Why is the poem London praised as the ‘mightiest brief poem’?9. Discuss the symbolic meaning of The Tiger.10.What is the theme of the poem The Daffodils?11.How will you define the tone of the poem The Solitary Reape r?12.What elements in the poem When We Two Parted foretell the degeneration of thewomen? Why does the poet mention the dew in the morning?13.What is the theme of the poem Ode to the West Wind? What does the West Windsymbolize?14.What are the two images employed in the poem On First Looking into Chapman’sHomer?15.What specific aspect of autumn is described in To Autumn.(三)本课程考核方式、方法采取撰写评论文章与考试相结合的方式进行考核三、教学参考书目(一)使用教材吴伟仁编:《英国文学史及选读》,外语教学与研究出版社,1997年(二)参考书目1、庄锡昌主编:《西方文化史》,高等教育出版社,2003年2、王佐良等主编:《英国文学名篇选注》,商务印书馆,1989年3、Ross Murfin, Supryia M. Ray,The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary TermsMacmillan Press LTD, 19974、王守仁主编:《英国文学选读》,高等教育出版社,2003年5、蒋承勇主编:《世界文学史纲》,复旦大学出版社,2003年6、刘炳善编著:《英国文学简史》,河南人民出版社,1993。

第一课Introduction to English literature.课时:第一周,共2课时教学内容Introduction to English literature.第一节Why should we take this course.The importance of studying literature.English literature from the medieval period to the present思考题:1.What do you know about English literature?2.Are you interested in literature?第二节How to prepare for this course.How to make an oral presentation.How to participate in classroom discussions.How to do research through the Internet and in the library第二课Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales”课时:第二周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the author/story.2、Oral presentations on the author/ story.3、Detailed study of the text / story.思考题:1.What is the season and setting of the General Prologue and how are these important to the Tale?2.In what order are the pilgrims introduced? Does the order and grouping of the pilgrims suggest anything about medieval English society?3.Critics find that some of the characters are being satirized in their initial presentation. Pick two characters--one presented seriously (or respectfully) and the other satirized. Describe why you selected each and why they fit into that category.4.Discuss Chaucer’s writing style.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第三课Spenser’s “Faire Queene”课时:第三周,共2课时教学内容第一节textPre-reading questions and background information of the author/poems.Oral presentations on the author/poemsDetailed study of the text思考题:1.The Faerie Queene is historical, moral, allegorical, and literal. Think about the different ways that this is so for the sections you've read.2.In what ways can you see the section you've read as commenting on religious or cultural turmoil in England, Ireland or the Continent.3.How is the episode you're considering an important part of the character's growth? What could it mean for the reader's growth?4.In what ways is what you're reading Epic and in what ways is it Romance?5.What do you think Redcrosse symbolize? What do you think Una symbolize?6.Discuss Spenser’s stylistic features as shown in the section you’ve read.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第四课Shakespeare’s Sonnets课时:第四周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the poet/his sonnetsOral presentations on the poet/his sonnetsDetailed study of the text思考题:1.Figure out the rhyme scheme of Shakespeare’s sonnets.2.Identify the theme of each of the sonnets you’ve read.3. What are some of the literary devices that the poet employs in the sonnets and how effectivelydo they help to express the themes?第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第五课Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice”课时:第五周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the playwright/his dramas.Oral presentations on the playwright/his dramas.Detailed study of the text思考题:1.What do you know about Humanism? In what ways does the play demonstrate Shakespeare’shumanism?2.Analyze the major characters in the play such as Shylock, Portia, Antonio, etc.3.Discuss the social significance and artistic value of Shakespeare’s dramas.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第六课Donne’s Sonnets课时:第六周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the poet/poems.Oral presentations on the poet/poems.Detailed study of the poems.思考题:1.What do you know about “metaphysical poetry”?2.What is a “metaphysical conceit”? Can you identify the “metaphysical conceits”in thesonnets you’ve read?3.What are the themes of the sonnets and what do you think of Donne’s views?4.Summarize Donne’s poetic features.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第七课Bunyan’s “The Pilgrim’s Progress”课时:第七周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the author/book.Oral presentations on the author/book.Detailed study of the novel.思考题:1.In what ways can we read the book as an allegory?2.What evils does the piece we’re reading expose and attack ?3.What is admirable about Bunyan’s prose?第二节Questions and answersDiscussion and responses from the studentsHomework第八课Swift’s “Gulliver’s Travels”课时:第八周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the author/novel.Oral presentations on the author/novel.Detailed study of the text.思考题:1.What is “Neo-classical” literature?2.What are some of the Neo-classic writers’ views on Nature and literary creation?3.Discuss the themes in the novel.4.Discuss the stylistic features of Swift’s prose, using examples from the text as illustrations.. 第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第九课Wordsworth’s Poetry课时:第九周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the poet/poems.Oral presentations on the poet/poems.Detailed study of the poems.思考题:1.Discuss English Romanticism. Where did many English Romantic poets believe the source ofpoetry was? How did this differ from the views of the past poets?2.What is the difference between Wordsworth’s ideal of good poetry versus the classical idealsof good poetry?3.In what ways do the poems we read fit the poet’s philosophy about poetry?4.What are the themes of the poems and what literary devices does the poet employ toeffectively express them?5.Summarize the artistic characteristics of Wordsworth’s poetry.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第十课Coleridge’s “Kubla Khan”课时:第十周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background of the poet/poems..Oral presentations on the poet/poems.Detailed study of the text.思考题:1.Discuss Coleridge’s romanticism in his poems.2.Can we take “Kubla Khan” as a complete poem? State your reasons.3.What do you think is (are) the possible theme(s) in the poem?第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第十一课Shelley “Ode to the West Wind”课时:第十一周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the poet/poetry.Oral presentations on the poet/poetry.Detailed study of the text思考题:1.What are some of the important views Shelley voices about poetry in his “A Defense ofPoetry”? Does he practice them in this poem?2.What does the wind signify in this ode? How is it used symbolically?3.How does the poet use the images of autumn and fire in the poem? How does this compare toShakespeare’s use of these in his sonnets?第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第十二课Keat s’“Ode to a Nightingale”课时:第十二周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the poets/poems.Oral presentations on the poetsDetailed study of the poems思考题:1.What are Keats’ views on poetry?2.What three sensations does the speaker feel in the poem’s opening scene? What images ofsound, sight, smell, taste, or touch have led you on a journey of imagination, perhaps back to some remembered occurrences/3.Discuss Keats’ style.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第十三课Dickens’“A Tale of Two Cities”课时:第十三周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the author/novelsOral presentations on the author/novels .Detailed study of the text.思考题:1. Discuss Dickens’ critical-realism as represented in the novel.2. Discuss Dickens’ humor and writing styles.3. According to your reading, what is the theme of the novel?第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第十四课Charlotte’s “Jane Eyre”课时:第十四周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the author/novelsOral presentations on the author/novels .Detailed study of the text.思考题:1. Discuss Charlotte’s realism as represented in the novel.2. According to your reading, what is the theme of the novel?3. Analyze the author’s characterization of Jane Eyre, the heroine.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework.第十五课George Eliot’s “Adam Bede”课时:第十五周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the author/novels.Oral presentations on the author/novels.Detailed study of the text.思考题:1.Discuss Eliot’s psychoanalysis.2.Discuss the major theme in Eliot’s novels: the relationship between the individual and thesociety3.Analyze the theme of the novel “Adam Bede”.第二节Questions and answersDiscussion s and responses from the studentsHomework第十六章Hardy’s “Tess of the D’Urbervilles”课时:第十六周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background information of the author/novels.Oral presentations on the author/novels.Detailed study of the novels.思考题:1.Discuss Hardy’s fatalism.2.Discuss the character of Tess. To what extent is she a helpless victim? When is she strong andwhen is she weak? Who hurts Tess more? Alec or Angel?3.Discuss Hardy’s writing styles.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第十七课Woolf’s “Mrs. Dalloway”.课时:第十七周,共2课时教学内容第一节TextPre-reading questions and background of modern writers.Oral presentations on the modern writers.Detailed study of text.思考题:1.How much do you know about modernism?2.Discuss .Woolf’s feminist ideas.3.Discuss the new devices Woolf uses in her novels such as the narrow framework of time,symbolic structures, and the shift of the psychic presentation.第二节Questions and answersDiscussions and responses from the studentsHomework第十八课Papers and Final Exams.课时:第十八周,共2课时教学内容: Discuss how to write an acceptable essay.参考书目:1.张伯香:《英国文学教程》上、下册。

- 1 -2.英国文学的各个时期:掌握各时期的时代背景、文学流派特点、代表作者以及重要作品欣赏。
3. 按时上课,上课认真听讲,积极参与课堂讨论、随堂练习和测试。
四、教学进度课堂讲授32学时,其中Old English Literature 2学时,Middle English Literature 2学时,Renaissance and Reformation 4学时,Revolution and Restoration 4学时,The Eighteenth Century 4学时,The Romantic Period 4学时, Victorian Literature 4学时, The Twentieth Century(1900 –1945) 4学时, English Literature since 1945 4学时(阅读材料目录后附)五、参考教材与主要参考书1.《新编英国文学》(第二版),左金梅张德玉主编,出版社,2011年62. 《英国文学简史》常耀主编,南开大学出版社,2006年8月3.《新编英国文学教程》,申富英等主编,山东大学出版社,2001年8月六、成绩评定(一)考核方式 A :A.闭卷考试 B.开卷考试 C.论文 D.考查 E.其他(二)成绩综合评分体系:- 2 -七、学术诚信学习成果不能造假,如考试作弊、盗取他人学习成果、一份报告用于不同的课程等,均属造假行为。

《英国文学》课程教学大纲一、教师信息二、课程基本信息课程名称(中文):英国文学课程名称(英文):English Literature课程类别:□通识必修课□通识选修课 专业必修课□专业方向课□专业拓展课□实践性环节课程性质*: 学术知识性□方法技能性□研究探索性□实践体验性课程代码:04103031周学时:2节总学时:32节学分:2先修课程:无授课对象:2016级英语专业和英语师范专业三、课程简介本课程是为英语专业学生开设的一门专业必修主干课程,旨在培养学生对英国文学作品的阅读、分析与欣赏的能力。
要求精读Romeo and Juliet和Hamlet的英文全本,并撰写不少于500字的读书报告。
要求背诵”Sonnet 18”, “To Be Or Not to Be”和“A Red, Red Rose”。

第一部分古英语和中古时期的英国文学目的:了解中古时代的文学特征和代表作品学时:8学时教学内容:1. Anglo-Saxon 时期的文学特征2. 十四世纪文学概述3. 十五世纪民间文学概况重点与难点:Beowulf; Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales第二部分文艺复兴时期的英国文学目的:了解文艺复兴时期的文学特点、主要作家及作品学时:12.5学时教学内容:1. 文艺复兴时期文学概述(0.5学时):文艺复兴的发端、概念、特征、关键词2. 文艺复兴时期的戏剧、诗歌(0.5学时):戏剧源流与分类、大学才子派、十四行诗3. 马洛(1学时):生平、三部作品及其特征4. 莎士比亚(9.5学时):生平、创作阶段(1学时)、历史剧与Falstaff 形象分析(1学时)、喜剧(The Merchant of Venice)(1学时)、悲剧(5学时)、十四行诗(1学时)、莎士比亚的文学成就与历史地位与莎士比亚研究综述(0.5学时)5. 文艺复兴时期的散文1学时重点与难点:Marlowe’s plays: Tamburlaine, The Jew of Malta, Doctor Faustus; William Shakespeare and his plays: Romeo and Juliet, The Merchant of Venice, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Sonnets,Shakespeare’s achievements in literature第三部分十七世纪的英国文学目的:了解资产阶级革命时期的文学特征及代表作品学时:5学时教学内容:1. 资产阶级革命时期的文学特征(0.5学时)2. 玄学派诗歌和骑士派诗歌(1学时)3. John Milton的诗歌成就(2学时)4. 王政复辟时期的文学特征(0.5学时)5. John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress(1学时)重点与难点:works of John Milton and John Banyan: Paradise Lost, Samson Agonistes, The Pilgrim’s Progress; John Donne and Metaphysical poems第四部分十八世纪的英国文学目的:熟悉新古典主义文学和现实主义小说、了解前浪漫主义诗歌特征与诗人学时:10.5学时:教学内容:1. 启蒙主义运动对英国文学的影响(0.5学时)2. 古典主义文学(2.5学时):Addison, Steele, Pope,书信体小说、古典主义文学特征3. 现实主义文学(5学时):Swift, Defoe and the rise of the English novel, Fielding, Sheridan, Johnson Goldsmith, Gibbon4. 感伤主义文学(0.5学时):Thomas Gray, etc.5. 前浪漫主义时期的诗歌(2学时):William Blake and Robert Burns重点与难点:novels of Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift and Henry Fielding; William Blake and his poems第五部分十九世纪英国浪漫主义文学目的:了解英国浪漫主义的发端、发展、特征,了解其代表人物William Wordsworth, George. G. Byron, Percy B. Shelley, John Keats,Sir Walter Scott等人的文学成就、特色,熟悉并赏析他们的作品。

《英国文学》课程教学大纲课程编码: 030904总学时:32学时,本科英语专业三年级第一学期开课适用专业:2011级英语本科,2013英语专升本先修课程:精读、泛读及其它专业基础课程一、本课程地位、性质和任务:本课程为英语专业高年级学科基础必修课程,旨在使学生对英国文学形成和发展的全貌有一个大致的了解;并通过阅读具有代表性的重点作品,理解作品的内容,学会分析作品的艺术特色,并努力掌握正确评价文学作品的标准和方法,提高学生的文学欣赏水平及其文学批评能力。
二、课程学时分配、教学要求及主要内容(一) 课程学时分配一览表(二) 课程教学要求及主要内容通过文学史的教学,拓宽学生的知识面,提高学生的文学修养,使学生了解英美文学各个历史时期的文学思潮、文学流派、主要作品;通过英美文学作品的教学,教养学生的语感,提高学生对英文原著的理解能力、鉴赏能力和自学能力。
Part I The Anglo-Saxon Period (449—1066)教学目的和要求:1.了解古英语文学的概况;2.掌握古英语诗歌的特点。
教学重点和难点:1.The classification and features of ancient English poetry2.The epic Beowulf and its features3.Alliteration and narration4.alliterative analysis of Beowulf教授内容:1. Historical background•Before410 A.D., Britain had been a Roman province. After the fall of the Roman Empire (410 A.D.), the aboriginal Celtic population was conquered by the Teutonic Tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes who named the central part of Albion Anglia, or England.•About 449 Jutes left Denmark, landed in the Isle of Thanet. And Angled and Saxons followed.•Angles, an important Teutonic tribe furnished their new home England. The dialects gradually grew into a single language called Anglo-Saxon, or Old English.2. Literature characteristics3.Representative achievement of Anglo-Saxon period—The Song of Beowulf4. Writing Features of the Poem:5.Literary terms: Alliteration, EpicPart II The Anglo-Norman Period教学目的和要求:1.了解中世纪英语文学的发展状况;2.掌握这一时期各种文学形式及代表人物的特点。

But thy eternaBlutsyuomur myouetrh sshhalal nllont foadtef,ade, Nor lose possNeosr swiollnyoou flotshe athte fbaeairutyththoaut yoouwp’ossts;ess; Nor shall DeaNBtheocrbawursialelgidnetamhthyoceultaeiwrmnaaylnovuderfesoerry’hsoitsuoiwnwilnhl,liisvesfhoraevdeer.,
Old words:
Dost/doest=do (2nd sing), doth/doeth=does Hast=have (2nd sing), hath= has , hadst=had (past) layst, mak’st, canst, whilst
我们知道凡是有两个以上音节的英文单词,都有重读音节 与轻读音节之分,在一句话中,根据语法、语调、语意的 要求,有些词也要重读,有些要轻读。如He went to town
to buy a book. I’m glad to hear the news. 英文中有重读和 轻读之分,重读的音节和轻读的音节,按一定模式配合 起来,反复再现,组成诗句,听起来起伏跌宕,抑扬顿 挫,就形成了诗歌的节奏。多音节单词有重音和次重音, 次重音根据节奏既可视为重读,也可视为轻读。读下面 这两句诗:
打开。pate,脑袋。 fancy,动词:以为,想象。)

武昌理工学院2011-2012学年第二学期教学大纲学院文法与外语学院系室英语系专业英语科目英国文学名著选读负责人谭宗燕《英国文学名著选读》教学大纲课程名称:《英国文学名著选读》英文名称:History and Anthology of British Literature学分:2学分总学时:36学时适用专业:英语1001-1002先修课程:《综合英语》(1,2,3,4册)一、课程性质、教学任务课程类别:专业通用课课程性质:专业选修课本课程的教学对象是高等学校英语专业(四年制)三年级学生。
三、课程教学内容与要求1.盎格鲁撒克逊时期文学/英国早期文学《贝奥武夫》2.盎格鲁诺曼时期文学/中世纪文学骑士文学3. 英诗之父:乔叟及其代表作《坎特伯雷故事集》4.英国的文艺复兴(1)莎士比亚的戏剧和诗歌(2)散文家培根:《论读书》5.十七世纪英国资产阶级革命时期文学革命诗人密尔顿:《失乐园》6.十八世纪英国新古典主义文学(1)斯威夫特和《格列佛游记》(2)笛福和小说的兴起(3)苏格兰农民诗人彭斯7.十九世纪早期英国的浪漫主义文学(1)湖畔派诗人华兹华斯(2)浪漫主义诗人拜伦和雪莱(3)简.斯汀与《傲慢与偏见》8.十九世纪末批判现实主义时期(1)犹更斯与《雾都孤儿》(2)女性小说家勃郎特姐妹(3)丁尼生和布朗宁夫妇9.二十世纪英国文学(1)心理分析和D·H·劳伦斯(2) 哈代与《苔丝》(3)意识流和乔伊斯、沃尔夫四、教学重点与难点五、学时分配六、实验、实训等实践教学要求无七、说明1.教学方法、教学手段教学方法:讲授、选段分析、课堂演练教学手段:理论教学+多媒体教学+网络课堂2.作业及辅导答疑要求作业不少于4次辅导答疑:要求教师给学生交代辅导答疑的计划安排(时间、地点、联系方式等),主要在课外进行。

《英国文学史》课程教学大纲一.课程教学目标学生通过本课程的学习,在知识方面应对英国文学发展脉络有一个清晰系统地把握,内容主要涉及文学背景,文学思潮,文学流派,文学术语,主要作家作品等;在能力方面经过一个学年的系统学习基本掌握文学欣赏的基本方法,为以后进一步深造或进行学术科学研究打下良好的基础.二课程性质,目的与任务:《英国文学史》是全日制大学本科教育英语专业本科学生的必修课程,是为培养和检验学生英美文学的基本知识和理解、鉴赏英美文学原著的能力而设置的一门专业理论课程.本课程的教学任务和目的是:培养学生阅读、欣赏、理解英语文学原著的能力,掌握文学批评的基本知识和方法,通过阅读和分析英美文学作品,促进学生语言基本功和人文素质的提高,增强学生对西方文学及文化的了解.使学生了解和认知英国文学史上一些较有影响的作家的创作倾向、思想方法、在文学史上的地位和成就以及对本国文学乃至世界所产生的影响等等.在此基础上,使学生了解一些名家的代表作品的思想意义、文学价值、写作手法、语言技巧等,为学生的教学、研究打下基础.三基本要求:本课程要求学生对英国文学形成与发展的全貌有个大概的了解: 了解各个发展时期的文学特色及作家、作品,并通过阅读具有代表性的英国文学作品,理解作品的内容,学会分析作品的艺术特色并努力掌握正确评价文学作品的标准和方法,努力提高语言水平,增强对英美文学原著的理解,特别是对作品中表现的社会生活和人物情感的理解,提高他们对各种形式的文学作品如小说、诗歌、戏剧等阅读能力和鉴赏水平。
大纲内容Part oneⅠ、Aims: The study of this part aims at offering a general knowledge to the students about the important literary forms ﹠the most important writer, Geoffrey Chaucer in this period.Ⅱ、DemandsStudents are required to get acquainted with the general knowledge mainly by the way of self-study.Ⅲ、ContentsA .The Introduction to LiteratureB. Beowulf, the national epic of English PeopleC. Romance, an important literary form which is popular from 11th –14th CenturyD. Ballad, an important literary form which is popular in 15th century.E. Geoffrey Chaucer, the most important writer in this period. IV. Points emphasizedGeoffrey Chaucer and his masterpiece, Canterbury Tales.V. Direction for studyA. Getting acquainted with literature.B. Consulting reference books for the convince of self-study.VI. ExercisesQuestions to be answered.1. What is the theme of Beowulf?2. What are the differences between Romance & Ballad?3. Why is Geoffrey Chaucer considered as the greatest writer in early& medieval English literary period.VII. SummaryThe dearly and medieval English literary period is comparably a less important literary period. The most important issue of this period is something about Geoffrey Chaucer.Part Two. The English RenaissanceI. AimsThe study of this part aims at getting to know something about Renaissance Movement, humanism, Elizabethan drama and William Shakespeare.II. DemandsStudents are required to get acquainted the basic characters of Renaissance literature & master the corresponding part of Elizabethan drama and William Shakespeare.III. ContentsA.Introduction to Renaissance Movement & HumanismB.Elizabethan Prose1.Utopian prose2.Francis Bacon’s essaysC.Elizabethan Poetry1. General introduction to Elizabethan poetry2. Edmund Spenser, the poets’ poetD. Elizabethan Drama1.Introduction to Elizabethan drama2.Introduction to William Shakespeare’s literary career3.The themes in William Shakespeare’s works4.The comedy of William Shakespeare5. The tragedy of William Shakespeare6.The historical plays of William Shakespeare7.The sonnet of William Shakespeare8.Other Elizabethan DramatistsIV. Points emphasizedA. Elizabethan dramaB. William ShakespeareV. Direction for studyA.Read as many works of William Shakespeare as possibleB.Consult the reference books to have a general knowledge on Renaissance literatureVI. Exercises1. What is your understanding of English Renaissance Movement?2. What is your comment on William Shakespeare3.What is your comment on Hamlet?4.What is your comment on The Merchant of Venice?VII. SummaryRenaissance period is one of the most important literary periods in English literary history, which witnesses the prosperity of prose, poetry and drama. Yet Elizabethan drama is the most important literary form in this period, William Shakespeare is the great writers in the world as well as in Great Britain. It is rather necessary for us to have a thorough going study on him.Part Three. The Period of English Bourgeois RevolutionI. AimsThe study of this part aims at providing students with a general knowledge of English revolutionary period & detail information of John Milton & John Bunyan.II. DemandsStudents are required to grasp the main idea of the literary achievement of this century and master the corresponding part to introduce John Milton & John Bunyan.III. ContentsA.Introduction to the two dominant literary thoughts in this period1.Revolutionary spirit2.Anti revolutionary tendencyB.John Milton1.John Milton, the great pamphleteer2.John Milton, the greatest poet3.Paradise Lost, the masterpiece of John MiltonC.John Banyan1.John Banyan, the great prose writer2.Pilgrims Progress, the masterpiece of John MiltonD.Metaphysical poets & Cavalier PoetsIV. Points EmphasizedJohn Milton the great pamphleteer and greatest poetV. Direction for studyA.Getting to know something about English revolutionB.Reading Paradise LostVI. ExercisesQuestions to be answered.1.What is your common on Milton Paradise LostVII. SummaryThe period is comparably less important than other period, and the most significant issue is to master the great achievement of John Milton & masterpiece of him: Paradise Lost.Part Four. The Eighteenth CenturyI. AimsThe study of this part aims at providing students with the knowledge of Enlightenment movement. Neo-classicism and realistic literature.II. DemandsStudents are required to study eighteenth century as an enlightenment century & Enlightenment movement as an intellectual movement but only a literary movement. Realistic literature is the most important literary tread they should master.III. ContentsA.Introduction to Enlightenment movementB.Introduction to Neo-classicism and Alexander PopeC.Brief introduction to Joseph Addison & Richard Steele1.The basic characteristics of 18th century English realistic novel.2.Daniel Defoe & Jonathan Swift3.Detail study of Henry FieldingD.Sentimentalist writers and pre-romanticism writersIV. Points EmphasizedA.Enlightenment MovementB.Realistic novelV. Direction for studyA.Having a comprehensive study of Enlightenment movementB.Reading as many realistic novels in period as possibleVI. ExercisesQuestions to be answered1.What is the influence of 18th century Enlightenment thought on literature2.What are the basic characteristics of 18th century English realistic novel?3.What do we say Henry Fielding is the greatest realistic novelist in 18th century?VII. SummaryEighteenth century is a very important period in English literary history. Enlightenment thought is the dominant literary thought prevailing in the whole century, upon the influence of the Enlightenment thought, there emergesNeo-classicism in poetry and prose, realism in the field of novel. To have a comprehensive study of Enlightenment thought and study realistic literature of this century is of vital importance for students to have a good understanding of this part of literary history in this period.Part Five. Romanticism in EnglandI. AimsThe study of this chapter aims at having a comprehensive understanding of the characters of romanticism and getting acquainted with a group of world famous romantic poets esp. William Wordsworth, Percy Bysshe Shelley, George Gordon Byron & John Keats.II. Demands1. Having a comprehensive study on Romanticism2. Having a detail study of romantic poetsIII. ContentsA. Detail introduction to romanticismB. Detail analysis of Lake poets1. William Wordsworth2. S. T. ColeridgeC. Detail analysis of active romanticists1. Percy Bysshe Shelly2. Gorge Gordon Byron3. John KeatsD. Brief introduction to romantic prose writersE. Brief introduction to Walter ScottIV. Point EmphasizedA. RomanticismB. Romantic poetsV. Direction for studyA. Getting acquainted with romantic literature through the comparison between romantic literature and classical literatureB. Reading as many romantic poems created in this period as possibleVI. Exercises1. Why does romantic poetry become popular in early 19th century?2. How can we appreciate a piece of poem?3. What’s your comment on bake poets4. What’s your comment on William Wordsworth?VII. SummaryThe part is one of another most important literary period in English period. The great achievement in this period lives in the poetic field. To study romantic poetry is the most important task of the students.Part Six. English Critical RealismI. AimsThe study of this part aims at cultivating the ability of students to appreciates, analysis the mot complex literary form, novel.II. RemandsStudents are asked to have a clear knowledge of realistic tradition in 18th century and have the solid foundation of English language.II. ContentsA. Introduction to critical realismB. Charles Dickens, the greatest critical realism writer1. A panoramic description of the English society in 19th century.2. Bitter criticism on all social evils3. Basic characteristics of his novel4. Detail analysis his representative worksC. William Makepeace ThackerayD. Women novelist1. Bronte sisters2. Mrs. Gaskell3. George EliotIV. Points EmphasizedA. The comprehensive understanding of critical RealismB. A comprehensive study of Charles DickensV. Direction for studyA. Making comparison between 18th century English realism and critical realismB. Reading as many critical realism novels as possibleVI. ExercisesA. Questions to be answered1. What is critical realism2.What’s your comment on Charles Dickens children images3. What are the similarities and difference of 18th century realistic novel and 19thcentury critical realism novel4. How do you understand the image of Jane Eyre in Charlotte Bronte’ Jane Ey re?B. Essay writing: writing an essay on Charles DickensVII. SummaryCritical realism represents the greatest achievement of English writers in English literary history. The novels of Charles Dickens give a panoramic description of the social condition at that time in the second half of 19th century. All critical realism writer have made painstaking efforts to enable English literature achieve her maturity. To have a thorough-gong study of critical realism literature is of great significant to the students.Part Seven. Prose writers and Poet of the mid and late 19th centuryI. AimsThe study of this part aims at providing students with general knowledge of prose writers and detail information of Victorian Poets.II. DemandsStudents are requirement to make full use of the textbook and all kinds of information channels to get acquainted with Victorian literature.II. ContentsA. Introduction to Victorian periodB. General survey on prose writerC. Detail Analysis of Victorian poets1. Tennysona. Tennyso n’s life and careerb. “In Memoriam”c. “The Idylls of the king”2. The Browning’sa. Browning’s early life careerb. Elizabeth Barrett (Mrs. Browning)c. Browning’s Main Achievement in poetryd. Browning’s short lyricsD. General survey on literary trends at the end of the century1. Naturalism2. Neo-romanticism3. AestheticismIV. Points EmphasizedVictorian PoetsV. Direction for studyA. Consult as many reference books as possibleB. Read short lyrics of Victorian writersVI. Exercises1. What is Browning’s main achievement in poetry2. What is naturalism?3. What is your comment on aestheticism?VII. SummaryThe period is notable main because of the literary and social criticism represent by Carlyle Ruskin. The development of English poetry, of course, did not stop. New poets appeared who wrote poems under the influence of their romantic predecessors and did much to perfect the form of English poetry. Another significant literary phenomenon appeared in the end of this period is the arising of new literary trends especially the appearance of naturalism and aestheticism.Part Eight Twentieth Century English LiteratureI. AimsThe study of this part aims at providing students with clear idea about Modernism literature and the new characters of realistic literature in 20th century.II. DemandsStudents are required to have a comprehensive study of modernism literature and master the new techniques wired by modernist writers.III. ContentsA. General introduction to English novels in 20th century.B. Thomas Hardy1. Life and work2. “Tess of the D’UrbervillesC. The Irish Dramatic movement:Bernard ShawD. Modernism in poetry1. Imagism Movement2. W.B. Yeats3.T.S. EliotE. The Psychological Fiction1. Introduction psychological fiction2. D.H. Lawrence3. The stream of Consciousness school of novela. James Joyceb. Virginia WoolfIV. Points emphasizedModern literatureV. Direction for studyA. Read as many works of modernist writer as possibleB. Get acquainted with new techniques of modernist writersVI. Exercises1. What is modernism2. What is your comment on imagist movement3. What is your comment on stream of conscious novels?4. How do you understand D.H Lawrence’s new relation ship between man and woman?VII. SummaryThis period is one of the most important literary periods in English literary history. We can find from the works of realistic writers in this period the inheritance of the literary tradition of the last century and also the arising of new literary trend of modernism. Modernism literature is the most important literary achievement of 20th century and we can find the best refection of modernism from the works of D.H Lawrence, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf.六、课程的有关说明本大纲是依据1999年国家教育部批准实施的高等教育英语专业英语教学大纲并且依据本系办学特点及学生实际情况而编写的.本课程大纲的教学对象是师范本科英语专业三年级学生。

《英国文学选读》课程教学大纲课程编号:009一、课程说明1. 课程代码ZJ04010192. 课程类别专业基础课3. 适应专业及课程性质英语(师范)专业必修4. 课程目的《英国文学选读》课程是英语专业本科学生三年级的专业必修课,其主要目的在于:(1)通过对英国各历史断代背景和重要作家及其代表作品的介绍,使学生了解英国文学发展的历史及各个时期的主要文学流派及其创作特点;(2)通过文本学习提高学生的文学阅读、理解与鉴赏能力以及口头与书面表达等语言技能;(3)通过大量阅读与讨论加强学生对文学本质的意识,提高学生的综合人文素养,增强其对西方文学及文化的理解;(4)通过大量教学实践活动培养学生独立学习的习惯和创造潜能。
5. 学时与学分学时为30,学分为1.5.6. 建议先修课程基础英语,英语阅读,英语国家社会与文化二、课程教学基本内容及要求第一章中古英语时期计划学时:3基本要求:(1)了解中古英语时期英语语言及英国文学发展的特点;(2)掌握杰弗雷•乔叟的生平及其文学地位和作品;(3)理解文学术语“史诗”、“传奇”和“英雄双行体”的涵义;(4)运用《坎特伯雷故事集》、《序言》部分的节选,赏析语言风格。
思考题:(1)How is The Canterbury Tales structured?(2)What is expressed in the opening lines of The Canterbury Tales?(3)What is the function of the General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales?第二章文艺复兴时期计划学时:3.5基本要求:(1)了解文艺复兴时期的英国历史背景;(2)掌握文学发展变化的趋势和特点,以及该时期文学家的生平和作品;(3)理解文学术语“文艺复兴”、“十四行诗体”和“散文”的涵义;(4)赏析戏剧节选《哈姆雷特》,诗歌节选“十四行诗第十八首”以及散文选读《论学习》。
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4. 浪漫主义时期
1. How do you understand the relationship between mercy and justice
2. What kind of person do you think Shylock is
3. What is the theme of Sonnet 18
4. The poem is organized around a contrast of two kind of lovers;
What two major contrasts are drawn between these two kinds
of lovers
5. Why is the poem typical of metaphysical poetry
6. What kind of spirit does Milton eulogize here
7. What is the relationship between a parson and a squire
8. Why is the poem London praised as the ‘mightiest brief poem’
9. Discuss the symbolic meaning of The Tiger.
10. What is the theme of the poem The Daffodils
11.How will you define the tone of the poem The Solitary Reape r
12. What elements in the poem When We Two Parted foretell the
degeneration of the women Why does the poet mention the dew in the morning
13.What is the theme of the poem Ode to the West Wind What does
the West Wind symbolize
14.What are the two images employed in the poem On First
Looking into Chapman’s Homer
15. What specific aspect of autumn is described in To Autumn. (三)本课程考核方式、方法
3、Ross Murfin, Supryia M. Ray,
The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms
Macmillan Press LTD, 1997