



(第5题) A D CB注 意 事 项考生在答题前请认真阅读本注意事项及各题答题要求 1. 本试卷包含选择题(第1题~第10题,共10题40分)、填空题(第11题~第15题,共5题20分)和解答题(第16题~第20题,共5题40分),满分100分。




2. 答题前,请您务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用书写黑色字迹的0.5毫米签字笔填写在本试卷及答题卡上。

3. 请认真核对监考员在答题卡右上角所粘贴条形码上的姓名、准考证号是否与本人的相符合。

4. 答选择题必须用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。



绝密★启用前江苏省2012年高职院校单独招生文化联合测试试卷数 学参考公式:样本数据n x x x x ,...,,321的方差:()()()2222121n S x x x x x x n⎡⎤=-+-++-⎣⎦……,其中121()n x x x x n =++⋯+.一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)1.i 是虚数单位,5i 等于 ( ) A .i - B .i C .1- D .12.设集合{0}M x x =>,{11}N x x =-<<,则M N I 等于 ( ) A .{1}x x >- B .{0}x x > C .{11}x x -<< D .{01}x x <<3.过点(0,1)P 且斜率为2的直线的方程为 ( ) A .21y x =+ B . 21y x =- C .112y x =+ D .112y x =-4.已知角α的顶点与坐标原点重合,始边与x 轴的正半轴重合,终边经过点(3,4)P -,则cos α的值为 ( )A .45B .35-C .34-D .45-5.如图,ABCD 是一个44⨯的网格区域(由16个边长为1的正方形构成), 其中阴影部分是一个22⨯的网格区域.若向ABCD 区域内随机地投一粒小豆子, 则小豆子落在阴影部分内的概率为 ( )A .34B .13C .14D .186.根据如图所示的算法流程图,若输入x 的值为3y ( )A .1-B .1C .3D .9(第6题)7.已知12,e e u r u u r 是两个不共线的向量.设向量1212,2a ke e b e e =+=-r u r u u r r u r u u r,其中k 是实数,则//a b r r 的充要条件是 ( )A .2k =-B .12k =-C .12k = D .2k =8.一台机床连续10天生产某种零件,每天出现的次品数分别为:1,0,1,0,2,3,1,1,0,1.这组数据的平均数记为x 、方差记为2s ,则 ( )A .210,8x s ==B .210,0.8x s ==C .21,8x s ==D .21,0.8x s ==9.经过三点(0,0),(4,0),(0,2)的圆的标准方程为 ( ) A .()()222125x y -+-= B . ()()22+2+125x y += C .()()22215x y -+-= D .()()22+2+15x y +=10.若函数32213()2132f x x ax a x =-++在2x =处取得极小值,则实数a 的值为 ( )A .2B .1C .1-D .2-二、填空题(本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)11.函数sin(2)4y x π=+的最小正周期为 .12.不等式组40y x x y ⎧⎪⎨⎪⎩≤≤≥,表示的平面区域的面积为 .13.若双曲线()222105x y a a -=>的右焦点恰好是抛物线212y x =的焦点,则实数a 的值为 .14.若长方体的体积为32m ,它的底面是边长为()x m 的正方形,表面积为2()y m ,则y 关于x 的函数关系式为y = (0)x >.15.在等比数列{}n a 中,已知252,16a a ==.若22212201210()a a a t a a a +=⋅⋅⋅+=++⋅⋅⋅+,则实数t 的值为 .三、解答题(本大题共5小题,共40分.解答时应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤)16.(本题满分6分)已知函数()2xf x b =+,且()y f x =的图象过点(0,2). (1)求实数b 的值;(2)求函数()f x 在区间[1,1]-上的最大值. 17.(本题满分6分)在ABC ∆中,内角,,A B C 的对边分别为,,a b c.已知345,cos ,5A B a =︒== (1)求b 的值; (2)求sin C 的值.18.(本题满分8分)如图,在三棱锥P ABC -中,已知PC ⊥平面ABC ,PA BC ⊥. (1)求证:BC AC ⊥;(2)求证:平面PBC ⊥平面PAC . 19.(本题满分10分如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,已知椭圆()222210x y a b a b+=>>的右顶点为A ,上顶点B ,左焦点为F ,线段AB 的中点为M .(1)若点M 的坐标为31(,)22,求椭圆的标准方程; (2)若212MA MF a ⋅=-u u u r u u u r,求椭圆的离心率. 20.(本题满分10分)已知数列{}n a 的首项11a =,且对任意*,m n N ∈,m n m n a a a λ+=++,其中λ为常数. (1)当2λ=时,求2a 和3a ;(2)求证:数列{}n a 是等差数列;(3)设数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若2()m n m n S S S m n λ++++≤对任意*,m n N ∈恒成立,求λ的取值范围.(第19题)江苏省2012年高职院校单独招生文化联合测试试卷数学参考答案及评分建议说明:1.本参考答案给出的解法供参考,如果考生的解法与本参考答案不同,可根据试题的主要考查内容比照评分建议制定相应的评分细则.2.参考答案右端所注分数,表示考生正确做到这一步应得的累加分数.3.评分只给整数分数,填空题不给中间分数.。

















1.微型计算机中CPU是A.中央处理器B.主板C.显示适配器D.内存2.下列属于微型计算机输出设备的是A.键盘B.鼠标C.打印机D.扫描仪3.下列所表示的存储容量中,最大的是A.1MBB.1GBC.512BD.512KB4.字符“A”的ASCII码为1000001,对应的十进制数为A.64B.65C.66D.675.微型计算机使用的键盘中,Enter键是A.回车键B.制表位C.删除键D.插入键6.下列文件中表示图像文件的是A.a1.exeB.a2.jpgC.a3.txtD.a4.wav7.在Windows XP中,实现对多个不连续文件选取操作的方法是A.按住Alt键后选择文件B.按住Shift键后选择文件C.按住Ctrl键后选择文件D.按住Delete键后选择文件8.在Windows XP中,将屏幕分辨率调整为1024×768,可选择控制面板中的A.外观和主题B.添加/删除程序C.辅助功能选项D.性能和维护9.在Windows XP资源管理器中显示文件的修改日期,可选择“查看”菜单中的A.缩略图B.图标C.列表D.详细信息10.电子邮件地址的正确形式是A.用户名&域名B.用户名@域名C.用户名/域名D.用户名#域名11.在网址“”中“.cn”表示的是A.美国B.英国C.中国D.日本12.启动Word 2003,系统将自动创建新文档的文件名为A.文件1.docB.文档1.docC.Noname.docD.Untitled.doc13.在Word 2003中制作图文混排的文档,将一幅图片作为背景,设置此图片的环绕方式为A.嵌入型B.四周型C.浮于文字上方D.衬于文字下方14.在Word 2003编辑状态下,要在文档中添加特殊符号“★”,可使用的菜单是A.文件B.编辑C.格式D.插入15.在Excel 2003工作表中,单击行号选择的是A.1行B.1列C.1个单元格D.1个工作表16.在Excel 2003工作表中,排序最多允许设置的关键字个数是A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个17.在Excel 2003中,第5行第3列的单元格地址可表示为A.E3B.C5C.35D.5318.在PowerPoint 2003中,启动幻灯片放映的快捷键是A.F5B.F6C.F7D.F819.在PowerPoint 2003普通视图中,若将第2章幻灯片的标题设置为播放时单击跳转到第5张幻灯片,应设置A.自定义动画B.放映方式C.幻灯片切换D.超链接20.在PowerPoint 2003中,制作幻灯片母版,可使用的菜单是A.插入B.编辑C.视图D.工具二、简答题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)21.列出鼠标常见的5种操作方法。



12年中职升高职英语试卷12年中职升高职英语试卷辽宁省2012年中等职业学校升学考试英语试卷考试时间为120分钟I、语音及词语释义(每小题1分,共10分)A.单词辨音(找出划线部分发音不同的词)1. A. warm B. carC. armD. party2. A. south B. young C. shout D. round3. A. fear B. dear C. earth D. near4. A. cloud B. captain C. certainly D. cotton5. A. busy B. luck C. but D. busB. 词语释义2ⅠⅡ6. apply A. a formal meeting at which sb is asked questions7. major B. the ability to do sth. well8. resume C. to make a formal request9. skill D. very large or important10. interview E. a short summary or account of sth.II. 选择填空(每小题1分,共30分)11. I like taking __________.A. photosB. photoesC. photoD. photo’s312. What’s your plan_________ the afternoon?A. inB. forC. beforeD. after13. How _______milk is there in the bottle?A. manyB. fewC. littleD. much14. My father is ill in bed. I have to look after ______at home.A. heB. hisC. himD. himself415. The river_____ to the east. It is the longest river in the country.A. runsB. runC. in runningD. ran16. He jumps much _____ than I.A. farB. fatherC. fartherD. farthest17. Look at the picture. The children _______kites in the parkA. were flyingB. are flyingD. has flown18. Some are _________information booklets in the street.5A. handing inB. handing forC. handing withD. handing out19. Go along the road and turn right at ________crossroads.A. twiceB. the secondC. twoD. a second20. Please fill in this form __________.A. by personB. out personC. in personD. personality21. I find_______difficult to remember new words in the text..A. itB. one6C. itsD. itself22. Can you give me some ______ on how to study English?A. adviseB. adviceC. advicesD. advised23. We ________ to learn English five years ago.B. beginsC. beginD. has begun24. Did you do ________ to celebrate T eacher’s Day?A. special anythingB. anything specialC. something specialD.7special something25. ---I _____5,000yuan on this iPhone.---Wow, so much! I can’t afford it.A. tookB. costC. paidD. spent26. My brother__________ any food for 24 hours.A. hasn’t eatenB. doesn’t eatC. isn’t eatingD. didn’t eat27. A Halloween party sounds interesting but I prefer______ at home.A. stayingB. to stayC. for stayingD. to staying28. I can’t remember _____I put the8book, and I need it for my homework now.A. howB. whyC. whereD. what29. She looked pale and kept _________all the time.A. coughingB. coughedC. coughD. to cough30. Salt is _______ color ______snow.A. the same asB. as; asC. the same; likeD. the same; as31. You should buy a map ________you travel to a new city. 9A. asB. afterC. as soon asD. before32. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I ________ fishing.A. will goB. wentC. goD. have gone33. English is useful language. It ______more widely today.A. is usedB. is usingC. have been usedD. was used34. It is well known ______ Disneyland is the place children love most.A. whatB. thatC. whereD. those1035.I’ll have to have my watch ____because there is something wrong with thealarm.A. replaceB. replacingC. replacedD. replaces36. He didn’t go to school yesterday ________ he was ill.A. becauseB. because ofC. ifD. so37. I can work overtime and ________others.A. gets up withB. gets along withC. get along well withD. come along with38. Jane is one of the students in the class_____have ever been to China.11A. whoseB. whoC. whichD. whom39. ________ fine day it is!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a40. China is a ________ country, but with quite a long history.A. developmentB. developingC. developedD. developIII. 情景交际(每小题2分,共20分)41. ---Thank you so much for your help ---- ____________.A. Glad to hear thatB. Not worth thankingC. Not at allD. You’re too po lite42.---- What about going to the Ocean12Park?----- _____________.A. With pleasureB. Good ideaC. That’s rightD. I agree43.---- Have a cup of tea, _________?. ----- Thanks a lot.A. don’t youB. haven’t youC. didn’t youD. won’t you44.----How long have you been in London? ----- ______________.A. I had been here for a monthB. I’ve only been thereC. I was there for a weekD.I have been to London three times45. ---- _________________?----Sorry,13but she’s not here at the moment.A. Hello, May I speak to Mary, pleaseB. Hello, Are you MaryC. Where is MaryD. Do you know Mary46.----You look sad, ___________? ---- Oh, my grandmother’s very ill.A. what’s thatB. how are youC. what’s upD. how about you47. ---- _______________?----I like listening to pop music.A. What’s your jobB. Where are youC. What’s your hobbyD. What’s your major48. ----How will the woman get14there?----- ___________.A. In busB. On busC. With busD. By bus49. ---- __________?----- Well, it’s free.A. How much is the membershipB. How much money do you haveC. How many people are thereD. How is it going50. ---- _________ the movie?---- Oh, it’s great. The story is so moving.A. What do you likeB. What do you think ofC. What do you thinkD. What do you dislikeIV. 阅读理解(每小题1分,共20分)15AMr Brown is a very successful businessman. He has lots of money. However, he’s not happy. “Every day, I have to do so many kinds of things. I’m very tired. I really want to have a good rest.”he told the reporter. He’s going to giv e up his business and live an ordinary life so that he’s able to get an ordinary job in an office. He’ll go to work in the morning and get home in the evening. He’ll have more time to stay with his family. He’ll help his wife cook delicious meals and have them together at the table. He’ll take a long walk after supper with his wife and watch TV before going to bed. And he’ll sleep in his bed every night. “That will be a very comfortable bed!”he16added.But the next day, Mr Brown came to his company as early asbefore. Do you think Mr Brown’s dream will come true? Wait and see.51. Mr Brown is a very successful ________ .A. teacherB. doctorC. workerD. businessman52. Where does Mr Brown hope to work?A. In an officeB. At homeC. In the armyD. In the hospital53. With whom will he have supper17every evening?A. With his workmatesB. With his familyC. With his friendsD. With his classmates54. What will Mr Brown do before going to bed?A. He’ll talk to his friends.B. He’ll work at home.C. He’ll take a long walk by himself.D. He’ll take a long walk with his wife and watch TV.55. Where did he go the next day?A. A new place.B. His home.C. His company.D. A park.B18How do you like to go to school in Oxford, England? There are no real classes. The students go from one group to another when they want to. You may find students of fourteen, sixteen or twenty-two years old all in the same group. They work at their own studies. Nobody tells them what they should do or what they shouldn’t do.The day I visited, this school began at nine. Some students were listening to their own lessons. Others were watching TV on physics. A group was working in the library. I didn’t say anybody just doing nothing. Everybody was studying.At lunch time I could see19。



2012年浙江省高等职业技术教育招生考试化学试卷姓名__________准考证号码________________ 本试题卷共六大题。








(相对原子质量:H:1 C:12 O:16 N:14 Na:23 Cl:35.5)一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分)在每小题列出的四个备选答案中,只有一个是符合题目要求的。




下列有关叙述不正确的是()A.在燃料煤中加入适量的生石灰能有效减少二氧化硫的排放量B.利用太阳能、潮汐能、风力发电,以获取清洁能源C.大量排放SO2或CO2都会导致酸雨的形成D.采用纳米二氧化钛光触媒技术,将汽车尾气中的NO和CO转化为无害气体3.下列物质中,不导电的是()A.氯化钠晶体B.铜C.醋酸溶液D.盐酸溶液4.决定一个化学反应速率大小的主要因素是()A.反应物浓度B.温度和压强C.催化剂D.反应物的本性5.下列不属于有机化合物特性的是()A.容易燃烧B.熔点、沸点较低C.易溶于水D.反应速度较慢6.下列试剂不能用来鉴别丙醛和丙酮的是()A.土伦试剂B.酸性高锰酸钾溶液C.希夫试剂D.菲林试剂7.血清蛋白的等电点为4.7,在人体血液中血清蛋白的主要存在形式是()A.阳离子B.阴离子C.两性离子D.中性分子8.下列常见实验操作中主要发生化学变化的是()ABCD9.在其它条件不变时,压强变化不会使下列化学反应的平衡发生移动的是()A.H2(气)+I2(气) 2HI(气) B.3H2(气)+N2(气) 2NH3(气)C.2SO2(气)+O2(气) 2SO3(气) D.C(固)+CO2(气) 2CO(气)10.下列关于酸性溶液说法正确的是()A.只有H+的溶液B.含有H+的溶液C.c(H+)>c(OH-)的溶液D.c(H+)<c(OH-)的溶液11.下列有机物属于烃的是()A.CH3OH B.C2H5CHO C.CH3OCH3D.C7H812.胶体溶液区别于其它溶液的实验事实是()A.电泳现象B.布朗运动C.丁铎尔现象D.胶粒能通过滤纸13.下列叙述正确的是()A.1 mol任何气体的体积都约是22.4 LB.氧气在标准状况下占有的体积约是22.4 LC.1 mol任何物质在标准状况下体积都约是22.4 LD.1 mol二氧化碳在标准状况所占的体积约是22.4 L14反应3H2+N2 2NH3在2L的密闭容器内进行,0.5 min内有0.6 mol NH3生成,则用NH3表示的平均反应速率正确的是()A .0.3 mol ·L -1·min -1B .0.6 mol ·L -1·min -1C .0.2 mol·L -1·min -1D .0.1mol ·L -1·min -1 15.图中“”和“”表示两种不同元素的原子,下列方框中表示混合物的是( )16.下列物质水解的离子方程式正确的是( )A .醋酸钠 CH 3COO -+H 2O CH 3COOH +OH -B .氯化铝 Al 3++H 2O Al(OH)3+H +C .碳酸钠 CO 2-3+2H 2O H 2CO 3+2OH -D .氯化铵 NH +4+H 2O NH 3·H 2O +OH -17.2004年诺贝尔化学奖授予以色列科学家阿龙·切哈诺沃、阿夫拉姆·赫什科和美国科学家欧文·罗斯,以表彰他们在研究细胞控制蛋白质运动方面作出的成就。








一、(10分,每小题2分)1.下列词语加点字的读音完全正确的一项是【】A.燠.(ào)热奖券.(quàn)沙砾.(lì)奄奄..(yān)一息B. 贮.(chǔ)藏记载.(zǎi)横亘.(gèng)千首万阙.(què)C 岑.(cén)寂蓦.(mò)地狡黠.(xiá)万头攒.(cuán)动D. 濒.(pīn)临蠕.(rú)动遒劲.(jìn)百舸.(gě)争流2.依次填入下面句子横线上的词语,恰当的一项是【】①这件事一直没有人向上级。



A. 反映融化启示B. 反应溶化启事C. 反映溶化启示D. 反应融化启事3. 下面句子中没有语病的一项是【】A. 由于他的努力,使他得到了大学的认可。

B. 这次数学没有考出好的成绩,原因是没有细致的复习造成的。

C. 学生们特别喜欢张老师,一来到这里就非常高兴。

D. 大家都睁大眼睛屏住呼吸注视着电视屏幕。

4. 下面句子中标点符号使用正确的一项是【】A.“快点起床!”妈妈说:“要不上学就迟到了。




5. 下面作品、作者、国家或年代搭配完全正确的一项是【】A.《项链》—莫泊桑—美国B.《史记》—司马光—北宋C. 《雨巷》—余光中—现代D.《雷雨》—曹禺—现代二、(8分.每小题2分)阅读下面文字,完成6-9题。










A、外B、内C、内、外D、都不正确3. 蓄能器的作用是()。

A 作辅助能源B 补充泄漏和保压C吸收液压冲击 D 以上三个都是4. 液压系统中,压力的大小取决于()A. 流量B. 流速C. 负载D. 加压时间5. 下列液压元件中,能被用于实现机床的快速退回及工作进给的是()A. 空心双出杆液压缸B. 实心双出杆液压缸C. 单出杆液压缸D. 调速阀6. 单出杆活塞式液压缸,不论缸筒固定还是活塞杆固定,其运动范围均为液压缸有效行程的()倍A. 1B. 2C.3D.47. 合金渗碳钢渗碳后 ( )A.能直接应用 B.不能直接应用 C.视情况直接应用 D.不确定8. 合金调质钢的含碳量()A. W C=0.10%~0.25%B. W C=0.25%~0.50%C. W C=0.5%~0.7%D. W C=0.90%~1.5%9. 根据俯视图,选择出正确的局部剖主视图10. 选择正确的断面图()11. 灰铸铁的抗拉强度、塑性、韧性 ( )A.和钢差不多 B.比钢低很多 C.和钢一样 D.和钢基本一样12. 以下材料中,可用于制作锉刀的是()A. Q235AB. 45C. T8AD. T1213. 调质热处理用于各种()碳钢。

A. 低B. 中C. 高D. 工具钢14. 以下焊接类型中,属于压焊的是()A. 电弧焊B. 氩弧焊C. CO2焊D. 摩擦焊15. 合金渗碳钢其Wc=0.10~0.25%,是为了保证钢的表面经渗碳、淬火、低温回火后,有高的硬度和耐磨性,而零件心部有良好 ( )A.塑性和强度 B.塑性和韧性 C.硬度和韧性 D.弹性和韧性16. 工件的调质处理是指()A. 淬火+高温回火B. 正火+高温回火C. 淬火+回火D. 退火+中温回火17. 滚动轴承钢的牌号“GCr15”中的15表示含铬量为()A. 15%B. 1.5%C. 0.015%D. 0.0015%18. 球化退火的应用范围为 ( )A.亚共析钢、过共析钢和合金钢件 B.过共析钢和合金工具钢等C.不能用于过共析钢 D.以上都对19. 下列是普通热处理的是()A. 正火B.表面淬火C. 渗碳D. 碳氮共渗20. 某滑移齿轮与轴联接,要求轴向移动量不大,宜选用()联接A. 普通平衡B. 楔键联接C. 半圆键联接D. 导向平键21. 曲柄滑块机构中,在运动处于极限位置时会有“死点”现象发生,则作主动件的是()A. 滑块B. 曲柄C. 连杆D. 机架22. 在轴向窜动量较大,正、反转动频繁的传动中,宜采用()A.弹性套柱销式联轴器B.弹性柱销式联轴器C.滑块联轴器D.刚性可移性联轴器23. 杆长不相等的铰链四杆机构,以下叙述正确的是()A. 凡是以最短杆为连杆的,均为双摇杆机构B. 凡是以最短杆的对杆为机架的,均为双曲柄机构C. 凡是以最短杆相邻的杆为机架的均为曲柄摇杆机构D. 凡是以最长杆为机架的,均为双摇杆机构24. 在铰链四杆机构中不与机架直接相连的杆件,称为()A. 连杆B. 连架杆C. 静件D. 曲柄25. 以下运动副不属于低副的是()A. 轴与滑动轴承B. 链轮与链条C. 活塞与缸体D. 丝杠与螺母26. 以下关于机构急回特性的论述正确的是( )A. 急回特性只有曲柄摇杆机构具有B. 急回特性可用来缩短空回行程的时间,提高生产率C. 行程速比较小,急回特性越显著D. 极位夹角为0°时,机构具有急回特性27. 下列传动属于低副的是()A.齿轮传动B.链传动C.带传动D.蜗杆涡轮传动28. 下列四杆机构,运用了急回特性的是()A.机车主动轮联动装置B.脚踏缝纫机C.惯性筛D.对心式曲柄滑块机构29. 属于可移式刚性联轴器的是()A. 十字滑块联轴器B. 弹性圆柱销联轴器C. 尼龙柱销联轴器D. 套筒联轴器30. 轴上的下列结构,不能用车床加工的是()A.越程槽B.螺纹退刀槽C.键槽D.卸荷槽31. 当轴的某一段需要磨削时,轴上应留有()A. 键槽B. 销孔C. 退刀槽D. 越程槽32. 滚动轴承内、外圈不能分离时,装拆时必须施力于()A. 外圈B. 滚动体C. 内、外圈D. 内圈33. 下列螺纹中,具有密封性的是()A. 普通螺纹B. 圆锥管螺纹C. 梯形螺纹D. 锯齿形螺纹34. 在起重机、轧钢机等重型机械中得到广泛应用的联轴器是()A. 凸缘联轴器B. 套筒联轴器C. 齿式联轴器D. 万向联轴器35. A型普通平键长为20mm,宽为5mm则标记为()A. 键A20×5GB1099-79B. 键20×5 GB1099-79C. 键5×20 GB1099-79D. 5×20GB1096-7936. 角接触球轴承中公称接触角α=40°公差等级符合标准规定的4级,内径为50mm,尺寸系列为(0)2则轴承代号为()A. 7210B/P4B. 7250B/P4C. 7250C/ED. 62810E37. 一对相互啮合的标准直齿圆柱齿轮,当两齿轮分度圆相切时,啮合角和压力角的关系是()A.啮合角大于压力角B.啮合角小于压力角C.啮合角等于压力角D.无法确定38. 直齿圆柱齿轮传动可选以下哪种轴承支承()A.3000 B.5000 C.6000 D.700039. 有—V带传动,四根V带经过较长时间的工作后,有一根失效,则应()A. 更换失效的三角带B. 继续使用C. 更换两根D. 全部更换40. 下列关于连接件的叙述正确的是()A.三角形螺纹由于当量摩擦系数大、强度高,所以是常用的连接螺纹B.对受轴向载荷的普通螺栓连接适当预紧,可以提高螺栓的抗弯曲强度C.在受轴向载荷的螺栓连接结构中,在两个被连接件之间加入橡胶垫片,可以提高螺栓强度D.所有螺纹连接件都可以用来传动41. 齿轮的渐开线形状取决于()A. 齿顶圆大小B. 分度圆大小C. 基圆大小D. 齿根圆大小 42. 惰轮的作用是( )A. 作主动轮B. 作从动轮C. 改变从动轮的转向D. 改变传动化 43. 传动平稳、噪音较小,能传动较高速度,但摩擦力较大,易磨损的是( )A. 齿形链B. 套筒滚子链C. 牵引链D. 起重链 44. )A.愈小 B. 愈大 C. 不变 D. 不确定 45. 以下对斜齿圆柱齿传动的特点叙述正确的是( )A. 不适于高速传动B. 承载能力强C. 使用寿命短D. 可作变速滑移齿轮使用 46. 下列哪一项不能用游标卡尺来测量。






A.战争战事反映反应 B.战事战争反应反映C.战事战争反映反应 D.战争战事反应反映9.下列各项中,加点的虚词使用正确的一项是A.我没有勇气也.不愿去打破她心中那个完美的世界。


































2012年12月山东省高职高专英语应用能力考试真题及参考答案Paper One (试卷一)Part I Listening Comprehension (20 points, 20 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section A Choosing Proper Responses (10 points)Directions:In this section you will hear 10 questions. The questions will be spoken only once. After each question, there is a pause. During the pause, you should decide on the proper response from the 4 choices marked A., B., C. and D. given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. A. Yes, I am speaking. B. Yes, you are right. C. But who are you? D. No, this is Paul Blake.2. A. Yes, it is. B. Take it easy. C. Why not? D. Yes, of course.3. A. No, I wouldn‟t. B. Yes, here you are. C. Just coffee, please. D. Sorry, I don‟t know.4. A. No thanks. B. You are welcome. C. Thank you, too. D. No problem.5. A. It‟s about 100 meters down the street. B. What can I do for you?C. What‟s your name, please?D. Welcome to our city.6. A. It‟s a fine day. B. It‟s Monday. C. It‟s October 4th. D. It‟s five o‟clock.7. A. All right. B. No problem. C. It doesn‟t matter. D. I don‟t think so.8. A. Thank you very much. B. Nice to see you too, Bill.9. A. About six. B. No, in middle school.C. Yes, they have.D. Twice a term.10. A. Yes, they‟ll arrive. B. At the railway station.C. Of course, they come.D. At six o‟clock.Section B Conversations (5 points)Directions: In this section you will hear 2 conversations. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken twice. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A., B., C. and D. given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the conversation you have just heard.11. A. 40 dollars. B. 20 dollars. C. 17 dollars. D. 10 dollars.12. A. A tie. B. A piece of newspaper. C. A pair of shoes. D. A box of matches.Conversation 2Questions 14 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.13. A. He isn‟t very well. B. He has some trouble in his study.C. He feels lonely living in Bratain.D. He is not accustomed to the weather and food in the country.14. A. Because he seldom goes out.B. Because English people seldom go out.C. Because he lives in a place where there are few English people.D. Because he is busy studying.15. A. Peter‟s English is too poor. B. English people hate to be talked to.C. He never speaks first.D. He often asks stupid questions.Section C Spot Dictation (5 points)Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed on the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. The first reading is for you to get the general idea. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on Paper Two in order of the numberedblanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check what you have written. Now the passage will begin.注:该题请在试卷二上作答The universe means the earth, the (16) _____, the moon and the stars, and the space between them. Many of the stars are so far that we cannot see them. The moon, our satellite, travels around the earth. It has been visited by man (17) _____ the earth.Man-made satellites have been sent away into space by many (18) _____. They go round the earth. They are used for helping us to learn more about the earth, the weather and (19) _____things. They are also used for sending and receiving messages. It makes people from different nations understand each other much better. So people (20) _____ the world itself is becoming a much smaller place.16. A. sun B. son C. song D. soon17. A. form B. firm C. from D. farm18. A. countries B. counties C. centuries D. companies19. A. others B. another C. the others D. other20. A. see B. say C. think D. savePart II Vocabulary and Structure (20 points, 20 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 3 sections.Section A Grammar (10 Points)Directions:In this section, there are 10 incomplete statements. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A., B., C. and D.. You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.21. --- D o you know our town at all?--- No, this is the first time I _____ here.A. wasB. am comingC. cameD. have been22. The general public _____ , in my experience, very nice people.A. isB. wasC. areD. is being23. The young man drives _____ than he did three months ago.A. much carefullyB. much more carefulC. much more carefullyD. much careful24. It was there, the police believes, _____ she was able to run away.A. untilB. whenC. whereD. that25.Only when you have obtained enough data _____ draw a correct conclusion.A. you canB. can youC. did youD. you did26. If you had studied the problem carefully yesterday, you _____ any difficulty now.A. won‟t findB. would not have foundC. would not findD. have not found27. Laura was always speaking highly of her role in the play, _____ of course, made the others unhappy.A. whoB. whichC. thisD. what28. With the house _____ , the villagers became homeless.A. burning downB. having burned downC. being burned downD. burned down29. He didn‟t seem to mind _____ TV while he was trying to study.A. their watchingB. them to watchC. that they watchD. while30. _____, he refused to give give any explanation.A. When asked to comment on the quality of the goodsB. When he being asked to comment on the quality of the goodsC. When asking to comment on the quality of the goodsD. When he asked to comment on the quality of the goodsSection B Vocabulary (5 points)Directions: In this section, there are 5 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by choosing the most appropriate word or phrase from the 4 choices marked A., B., C. and D..Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.31. I am sorry, but I have a question to _____ you.A. treatB. meetC. askD. change32. Peter will _____ the job as Sales Manager when John retires.A. put awayB. take overC. work outD. make up33. We _____ importance not only to our development in this century, but even more to our development in the next.A. attemptB. attachC. attendD. attack34. The boss is quite satisfied with her new secretary who is quick and ______.A. sensitiveB. sufficientC. effectiveD. efficient35. The government has promised to take _______ to help the unemployed.A. waysB. methodsC. measuresD. meansSection C Substitution (5 points.Directions: In this section, there are 5 sentences. Each sentence has an underlined word or phrase. You are required to choose from the 4 choices marked A.,B.,C.,and D. the word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the underlined part. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.36. Please remember that not everyone is fortunate to have a health.A. healthyB. luckyC. hungryD. happy37. Our English teacher told us not to depend on the dictionary all the time.A. workB. relyC. holdD. put38. He didn‟t understand the significance of the sign.A. importanceB. impressionC. appreciationD. consideration39. More than seven million people have been affected by drought (旱灾).A. influencedB. impressedC. effectedD. afforded40. Finally, he gave up his job and started his novel writing.A. foundB. abandonedC. tookD. createdPart III Reading Comprehension (30 points, 30 minutes)Section A Passage Understanding (26 points, 2 points each)Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 3 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A., B., C. and D..You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a singleline through the center.Passage OneQuestions 41 to 44 are based on the following passage.A young man was walking through a supermarket to pick up a few things when he noticed an old lady following him around the supermarket. Thinking nothing of it, he went on. Finally, he went to the check-out line(结账处), but she stopped in front of him.“Beg your pardon?” she said,“I‟m sorry if my staring at you has made you feel uncomfortable, it‟s just because you look just like my son, who I haven‟t s een for a long time.”“ It doesn‟t matter,” answered the young man, “Is t here anything I can do for you?”“Yes,” she said, “as I‟m leaving, can you say …Good bye, mother‟? It wou ld make me feel so much better.”“Sure,” answered the young man.As the old woman was leaving, he called out, “Goodbye, mother !” As he walked to the checkout line, he saw that his total was $128.“How can that be?” he asked, “I only bought a few things!”“Your mother said that you would pay for her,” said the shop assistant.41. The young man went to the supermarket in order to ______.A. have a walkB. see the clerk of the supermarketC. buy a few things that he neededD. see his mother that he hadn‟t seen for many years42. When the old woman told the young man to say “Goodbye, Mother” to her, she really wanted ______.A. him to collect more things for herB. to show the young man was very politeC. to pay the money for the young man‟s thingsD. to cheat the young man to pay for her43. What happened to the young man when the old woman left the supermarket?A. He had lost all his money.B. He had to pay for the old woman.C. He thought the old woman was his mother.D. He became very happy because the old woman was like his mother.44. From this passage, we can infer(推断)that the old woman ______.A. was the young man‟s motherB. had cheated the young man of his moneyC. was a mother who had lost her son for a long timeD. was a kind woman who helped the young man pay the moneyPassage TwoQuestions 45 to 48 are based on the following passage.Teen Dating can be fun if you are aware of its pros and cons(利与弊)and are also aware of the ways to protect yourself. There are a couple of suggestions you would like to know before you are out for dating.Do not go out for dating with somebody whom you have seen only a few times and not known much about.Before leaving for a date, know the exact plans for the evening and make sure a parent or a friend knows these plans and what time to expect you home. Let your date know that you are expected to call or tell that person when you get in.Similarly, if you leave a party with someone you do not know well, make sure you tell another person you are leaving and with whom. Ask a friend to call and make sure you arrive home safely.No matter how good the person appears to you, trust your inner instincts (直觉). If a situation makes you uncomfortable, try to stay calm and think of a way to remove yourself from the situation without letting your date realize what is going on in your mind.Be aware of your decreased ability to react under the influence of alcohol or drugs and keep yourself in control when out for a date.Always stay firm, straightforward and clear in your relationships, thoughts, decisions and judgments. Never let a doubt come to your mind or face when out for dating. If you are firm and clear in your communication, your date will always be careful in dealing with you.You should think ahead about ways to be safe if you are in a dangerous or potentially(潜在的) dangerous relationship. Adults, like parents, teachers, counselors(指导老师), can be trusted in such cases.45. Which of the following is forbidden when dating according to the passage?A. Going out for dating with a stranger.B. Knowing the plan for the evening.C. Telling your parents about the date.D. Telling the person you date that your parents know about the date.46. The underlined word “date” in the third par agraph might mean _________.A. a timeB. a planC. a personD. a place47. If you feel uncomfortable, you should NOT ________.A. leave as soon as possibleB. tell your date what you are thinkingC. stay calmD. trust yourself48. The best title for this passage might be _________.A. Be Careful with Your FriendsB. Never Go Out DatingC. Safety Measures for Teen DatingD. Dating Out Is Always DangerousPassage ThreeQuestions 49 to 53 are based on the following passage.You have heard of Webster Toys. Webster has made good, safe and interesting toys for more than a hundred years. We sell them, and children play with them in different countries from Australia to Canada, from Japan to Italy. Now we are looking for someone to sell our toys in the Far East(远东地区). He must be between the age of thirty and forty. He must have some years of experience of selling toys in world markets. He can speak good English and at least one other language of the Far East.The person we are looking for will live in India and work there in our office, but he will travel for about six months in a year in other countries and above all, he must know how to sell in our old markets and where to find new ones. He must know how to make more money than ever before, for himself, and for Webster.Webster wants someone who can stand on his own fee t. If you think you are the right person we are looking for, please write to Mr. Roger Bradshaw at our headquarters(总部).Webster Toys Inc.Church Mill, WatfordHert. WD36HE.49. Webster is .A. a kind of good, safe and interesting toysB. a person who makes toys for childrenC. a person who lives in India and speaks good EnglishD. a company that makes and sells toys for children50. Webster writes this passage because it needs a person who .A. can sell more toys for themB. comes from the Far EastC. can make more toys for themD. knows children very well51. You can most probably read this passage .A. in a bookB. in a dictionaryC. in a newspaperD. in a novel52. The underlined sentence “who can stand on his own feet” means “ ”.A. who cannot sit down or lie downB. who has nothing wrong with his feetC. who can do his business all by himselfD. who stands all the time when he is working53. Which of the following is the most important if someone wants to be the right person?A. He can speak very good English.B. He has experience of selling in world markets.C. He can live and work in India.D. He can open new markets for Webster.Section B Short Answer Questions (4 points, 1 point each)Directions: Read the following two business letters. After reading them, you are required to complete the statements that follow the questions numbered 54 to 57. You should write your answers inLetter ADecember 1, 2011 Dear Mr. John Campbell,We have received your letter of November 20, 2011 about your latest model of mountain bikes, in which we are very much interested. We believe that they will sell well here in the U.S.A. Please send us further details of your prices and terms of sales. Your favorable quotation (报价) will be appreciated. We look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely,Robert LoftusMarketing ManagerLetter BDecember 4, 2011 Dear Mr. Robert Loftus,Thank you for your letter of December 1st inquiring about our latest model of mountain bikes. We are pleased to send you the catalogue and price list you asked for. You will find our quotation reasonable with attractive terms of sales. We are looking forward to receiving your order at the earliest time.Very truly yours,John CampbellSales Manager 注:该题请在试卷二上作答54. What product is inquired about in Letter A?The latest model of ___________________________________.55. What information of the product does Mr. Robert Loftus ask for?Further details of the prices and _________________________.56. What is enclosed with Letter B?The catalogue and ____________________________________.57. What does Mr. John Campbell say about the quotation of the product?He says it is __________________ with attractive terms of sales.Part IV Translation (20 points, 20 minutes)Section A (10 points)Directions: Translate the underlined sentences numbered 58 to 62 in the passage into Chinese, and write your Chinese versions on Paper Two.注:该题请在试卷二上作答(58) Many places in the world need more fresh water. Every country is trying to find ways to turn salt water into fresh water. (59) In some places, the sun is not hot enough or it does not shine every day. In such places, other ways of heating sea water can be used. (60) These ways cost more money, but they work faster than the sun. By boiling sea water with high heat, a lot of fresh water can be made quickly. But heating is not the only way to get fresh water from salt water. (61) Other ways are tried. One way is freezing. The fresh part of salt water freezes first. To get fresh water, the bits of ice are taken out. (62) Which way is the best? The one that gives the most water for the least money. It may be a different way for each place.Paper Two (试卷二)Part III Reading ComprehensionSection B Short Answer Questions (4 points)54. _________________________________________________________________55. _________________________________________________________________56. _________________________________________________________________57. _________________________________________________________________Part IV TranslationSection A (10 points)58. _________________________________________________________________59.60.61.62.Section B (10 points)Directions: Complete the sentences numbered 63 to 68 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. Then translate the sentences numbered 69 and 70 into Engli63. He decided to _______________________________(尽自己最大努力) to help the poor family.64. ______________________________ (这两个男孩长得很像) in that they both have blond hair and round faces.65. Onli in this way ______________________________(我们才能够完成这项任务).66. ___________________________ (对我个人来说), you can do whatever you like.67. Could you _________________________(帮我个忙) and turn off that light?68. Did you _____________________________(过得愉快)during the winter vacation?69. 吸烟对人体健康非常有害。



12012年内蒙古自治区高等职业院校 对口招收中等职业学校毕业生单独考试一、选择题1. 已知全集U={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},A={3,4,5},B={1,3,6,7},则)B C (A U =( )A. {2,4,5,8}B.{4,5}C. {3}D.∅ 2.不等式01|5|≤--x 的解集是( )A.}64|{><x x x 或B.}64|{<<x xC.}64|{≥≤x x x 或D.}64|{≤≤x x 3.由下列条件决定的角θ中,一定是第二象限角的是( )A.0cos 0sin <>θθ且B. 0cos sin <⋅θθC.0tan 0cos >>θθ且D. 0tan cos <⋅θθ 4.若向量),2(),3,1(x b a =-=,且b a //,则x 的值是( ) A. 6 B.23 C. -6 D. 32 5.在等比数列}{n a 中,已知9,696==a a ,则3a =( )A.4B.3C.23D. 9166.若直线4=+y ax 与直线014=-+ay x 互相垂直,则a 的值等于( ) A.4 B.2± C.2 D. 07.从4,5,7,11,13这五个数中,任取两个不同的数字组成分数,则不同的分数共有( ) A. 10个 B.15个 C.20个 D. 25个8. 若椭圆13610022=+y x 上一点P 到焦点1F 的距离等于6,则点P 到另一个焦点2F 的距离为( )A .2B .4C . 8 D. 149. 10)1(x +展开式的第8项是( )A. 7710x C B.3710x C C. 8810x C D. 2810x C 10. 下列命题中正确的是( )A. 垂直于同一直线的两条直线互相平行B. 垂直于同一平面的两条直线互相平行C. 垂直于同一直线的两条直线互相垂直D. 平行于同一平面的两条直线互相平行11.在同一直角坐标系中,函数a x y +=与)10(≠>=a a a y x 且的图象可能是( )A. B. C. D.12.若方程11222=+-+m y m x 表示双曲线,则m 的取值范围为() A. ),1(+∞- B.),2(+∞- C.),1()2,(+∞---∞ D.)1,2(-- 二、填空题13. 函数)32sin(2π-=x y 的最小正周期是 .14. 210325)25.0()32(25log 8log ---+⋅= .15. 经过两直线082=++y x 与03=++y x 的交点,且与直线0534=-+y x 平行的直线方程是 .16. 甲乙二人独立射击同一目标,甲击中目标的概率是52,乙击中目标的概率是31,两人各射击一次,目标恰中一枪的概率是 .217. 如图,正三角形ABC 的边长为4,ABC AE 平面⊥,且2=AE ,则点E 到BC 的距离为 .18. 抛物线y x 42=上的一点M 到焦点的距离为10,则点的坐标是 . 三、解答题19.(本小题满分8分)设等差数列}{n a 的前n 项和为n S ,已知62=a ,32631=+a a ,求n n S a 和.20.(本小题满分8分)已知向量212123),1,0(),0,1(e e a e e -===,214e e b +=.求下列各式的值: (1)∙ ; (2)||b a +.21.(本小题满分10分)已知51cos sin =-αα,且α为第一象限角,求下列各式的值: (1)α2sin (2)αtan22.(本小题满分10分)已知圆C 经过点)1,2(P ,圆心在直线x y =上,并且与直线026=+-y x 相切.求圆C的标准方程.23.(本小题满分12分)已知二次函数c x ax x f +-=4)(2的对称轴方程为2=x ,且满足1)2(-=f ,设)]([log )(2x f x g =.求:(1))(x f 的解析式;(2)函数)(x g 的定义域;(3)使得3)(>x g 成立的x 的集合.24.(本小题满分12分)如图,正方形ABCD 的边长为4,O 为对角线的交点,E 、F 分别是AB 和AD 的中点,ABCD GC 平面⊥,且2=GC . (1)证明:EFG BD 平面//; (2)求B 到平面EFG 的距离.ABCEBACDGFEO。

























每小题2分,共30分)1. 依次填入各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是①没有可以__________的快乐,只有独自承担的磨难,这不是软弱,而是坚强。



A.分担柔美宁可B.分享柔美宁愿C.分担柔和宁愿D.分享柔和宁可2. 句中画横线的词语运用恰当的一项是A.看到孩子们交上来的一份份精美的作业,老师受宠若惊了。




3. 下列各句中,标点符号使用正确的一项是A.记者走进售票处,马上有工作人员迎上来,问有什么事情需要帮助?B.在NBA林书豪一夜成名,成为民众关注的目标,到底是什么原因?是他的技术?他的肤色?还是他的什么?C.49岁的朱熹亲自为白鹿洞书院制订学规,提出:“博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之”的治学方法。


4. 下列各组中,加点字注音全部正确的一组是A.殷.(yīn)切怜悯.(mǐn)惊慌失措.(cuò)B.呼啸.(xiào)龟.(guī)裂因地制宜.(yì)C.虔.(qián)诚埋.(mái)怨美不胜.(shēng)收D.慰藉.(jì)瞩.(shǔ)目精疲力竭.(jié)5. 词语书写有误..的一组是A.寒伧叹为观止价值连城B.诱惑礼上往来藕断丝莲C.浩瀚心悦诚服全神贯注D.伟岸本末倒置莫名其妙6. 各句中,没有..语病的一句是A.不但他理论知识扎实,而且专业经验也很丰富。








县(区) :
25.在多级放大电路中,有时采用三极管构成的射极跟随器作隔离电路,是因为 ( )。 A.射极跟随器输人电阻和输出电阻都高 B.射极跟随器输人电阻低,输出电阻高 C.射极跟随器输人电阻高,输出电阻低
第 5页,共 14页 第 6页,共 14页
51.若要将一个最大幅值为 5.1V 的模拟信号转换成数字信号, 要求能分辨出 5mV 的 输人信号变化,应选用_ 位的 A/D 转换器。
52.某变压器次级输出电压有效值为 10V,经半波整流后接在 1K 欧姆负载上,则流 过负载的直流电流平均值为 mA。
33.80C51 单片机中,AJMP 跳转空间最大可达到( A. 2KB B. 256B C. 128B
34.设(A) =0C3H, (RO) =0AAH,执行指令 ANLA, R0 后,结果( A.(A)=82H B.(A)=6CH C.(R0)=82
35.可以使用以下哪条指令实现进位为 1 则转移的功能( A.JZ rel B.JC rel C.JB bit, rel
C.不用湿手、湿布擦带电的灯头、开关和插座等 D.用铜丝代替熔丝,免得总跳闸 5.在使用万用表测量时,下列哪项是正确的( )。
A.测电阻时,每换一次倍率档,可以不重新进行欧姆调零 B.所选档位使指针最好位于满刻度的 2 处附近 C.可带电测量电阻 D.测交流电压时,其读数为正弦交流电压的最大值 6.在 RLC 串联电路中,端电压与电流同相位,则该电路的性质是( A.电阻性 B.电容性 C.电感性 D.不能确定 )。
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山东省高职高专英语应用能力考试样卷九21. She ________ she had cancer five months age..A) was told B) were told C) is told D ) told22.The majority of people ___ to earn money and many enjoy the social life and workoutside the home.A) needs B) needed C) need D) will need23.We propose that the process _____ not later than April.A) concluded B) concludes C) be concluded D) isconcluded24. It is a belief that the everything in the present is superior __ the past.A) than B) to C) as D) in25. ____ the opportunity to come together, we didn't intend to let it go.A) Having given B) Having been given C) Giving D) To have given26. _____ food is related to illness is not a new discovery.A) What B) When C) Whether D) That27.He is the only person ___ was present at the time.A) who B)which C) that D) as28.____ he kept looking up at the sky, it was obvious that he could see nothing.A) If B) Although C) While D) As29.She returned three days later, her face ___ with mud.A) being covered B) having coveredC) covering D) to be covered30.So fast ___ that none of us was able to catch up with him.A) he walked B) did he walkC) does he walk D) he walks31. Please remember that you need to avoid ___ your wishes on us.A) imposing B) offering C) providing D) exposing32. Her letter __ that she wishes to meet you.A) supplies B) implies C) applies D) multiplies33. His whole life has been __ to the study of modern art.A) devoted B) engaged C) accustomed D) involved34. It is revealed that she is one strong ___ of tax reform.A) opposite B) opponent C) opportunity D) operation35. I am quite ____ with the history of China because I have read a lot of books about it.A) familiar B)similar C) peculiar D) regular36. The economic development occurring in China is remarkable.A) willing B) outstanding C) portable D) variable37. Since he was released a year ago, he was been prevented from working as a reporter.A) set about B) set free C) set off D) set aside38. They’ve been engaged in an essay for several months.A) willing to B) adapted to C) busy with D) sure of39.If you want to ensure that you catch the plane, take a taxi.A) make sure B)make up C) make sense D) make thedifference40. His foolish behavior led to his eventual failure in business.A) financial B)annual C) formal D)finalPart III Reading Comprehension (30 points, 30 minutes)Passage OneMichael, a typical American, stays home on workdays. He starts his personal computer in order to connect with the office which is about three hundred miles away in another city. After work, he puts on his headphones, watches a movie on his home video recorder, or plays baseball on the computer. On many days, Michael doesn’t talk to any other human beings, and he doesn’t see any people except the ones on television. Michael is imaginary, but his lifestyle is very possible. The inventions of modern technology seem to be cutting us off from contact with our fellow human beings.The world of business is one area in which technology is separating us. Experts say, for example, that many people will soon be able to work at home. With access to a large central computer, employees such as office clerks, insurance agents, and accountants could do their jobs at display terminals (终端) in their own homes. They would never have to actually see the people they’re dealing with. In addition, the way employees are paid will change. Workers’ salaries will be automatically paid into their bank accounts, making paper checks unnecessary. No workers will stand in line to receive their pay or cash their checks. Personal banking will change, too. Customers will deal with machines to put in or take out money from their accounts.Another area that technology is changing is entertainment. Music, for example, was once a group experience. People listened to music at concert halls or in small social gatherings. For many people now, however, music is an individual experience. Walking along the street or sitting in their living-rooms, they wear headphones to build a wall of music around them. Movie entertainment is changing as well. Movies used to be social events. Now, fewer people are going out to see a movie. Many more are choosing to wait for a film to appear on television or are borrowing videotapes to watch at home. Instead of laughing with others, viewers watch movies in their own living-rooms.41. After work, Michael likes to ______.A. listen to music at the concert hallB. watch a movie in his living-roomC. chat with his friends on the netD. play baseball with his workmates42. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A. Clerks will be able to work at home.B. One can play baseball on the computerC. One can listen to music without disturbing others.D. One can borrow books from libraries at home43.The underlined sentence “Michael is imaginary, but his l ifestyle is very possible” means ______.A. Michael is a person full of imagination and he can make his dreams come trueB. Michael is not a real person but the lifestyle of his kind does exist.C. Michael is only an ordinary person but he has his own way of living.D. Michael is a model who makes full use of modern technology in life.44. What is the main idea of the passage?A. We may no longer need to communicate wit other human beings.B. Modern technology seems to be separating human beings.C. We may no longer need to work in the office.D. Modern technology makes it possible for us to work and entertain ourselves at home. Passage T woDo you know of anyone who uses the truth to deceive? When someone tells you something that is true, but leaves out important information that should be included, he can give you a false picture.For example, some might say, "I just won a hundred dollars on the lottery. It was great.I took that dollar ticket back to the store and turned it in for one hundred dollars!"This guy's a winner, right? Maybe, maybe not. We then discover that he bought $200 worth of tickets, and only one was a winner. He's really a big loser!He didn't say anything that was false, but he left out important information on purpose. That's called a half-truth. Half-truths are not technically lies, but they are just as dishonest.Some politicians often use this trick. Let's say that during Governor Smith's last term, her state lost one million jobs and gained three million jobs. Then she seeks another term. One of her opponents says, "During Governor Smith's term, the state lost one million jobs!" That's true. However, and honest statement would have been, "During Governor Smith's term, the state had a net gain of two million jobs."Advertisers will sometimes use half-truths. It's against the law to make false statements so they try to mislead you with the truth. An advertisement might say, "Nine out of ten doctors advised their patients to take Yucky Pills to cure toothache." It fails to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Y ucky Company.This kind of deception happens too of often. It's a sad fact of life: Lies are lies, and sometimes the truth can lie as well.45.We may infer that the author believes people shouldA, buy lottery tickets if possible B. make use of half-truthsC. be careful about what they are toldD. not trust the Yucky Company46.What do the underline words "net gain" in Paragraph 5 mean?A. final increaseB. big advantageC. large shareD. total saving47. What can we know from the example of the Yucky Pill advertisement?A. False statements are easy to see through.B. Half-truths are often used to mislead people.C. Doctors like to act in advertisements.D. Advertisements are based on facts.48. Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?A) Using half truths is against the lawB) T echnically , half truths are in fact liesC) Yucky Pills is a very good medicine for toothacheD) Governor Smith did a good job during her last term49. Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?A) He’s really a big loser!B) Sometimes the truth can lie as wellC) Advertisers will sometimes use half truthsD) It’s against the law to make false statementsPassage ThreeABOUT LIPITORLipitor is a prescription medicine.Along with diet and exercise,it lowers “bad,’cholesterol(胆固醇)in your blood.It can also raise “good'’ cholesterol.[Lipitor can lower the risk of heart attack in patients with several common risk factors,including family history of early heart disease,high blood pressure,age and smoking.[ WHO IS LIPITOR FOR?Who can take LIPITOR:.People who cannot lower their cholesterol enough with diet and exercise· Adults and children over l0Who should NOT take LIPITOR:.Women who are pregnant,may be pregnant,or may become pregnant. Lipitor may harmyour unborn baby.[.women who are breast-feeding.Lipitor can pass into your breast milk and may harm your baby.[· People with liver(肝脏)problemsPOSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS OF LIPITORSerious side effects in a small number of people:.Muscle(肌肉)problems that can lead to kidney(肾脏)problems,including kidney failure .Liver problems.Y our doctor may do blood tests to check your liver before you start Lipitor and while you are taking it.Call your doctor right away if you have:.Unexplained muscle pain or weakness,especially if you have a fever or feel very fired .Swelling of the face,lips,tongue,and/or throat that may cause difficulty in breathing orswallowing· Stomach painSome common side effects of LIPITOR are:· Muscle pain· Upset stomach· Changes in some blood testsHOW TO T AKE LIPITORDO:.T ake Lipitor as prescribed by your doctor..T ry to eat heart-healthy foods while you take Lipitor.[.T ake Lipitor at any time of day, with or without food.[.If you miss a dose(一剂),take it as soon as you remember.[But if it has been more than12 hours since your missed dose,wait.T ake the next dose at your regular time.[Don’t:.Do not change or stop your dose before talking to your doctor.[.Do not start new medicines before talking to your doctor.[50 What is a major function of Lipitor?A. T o help quit smoking.B. T o control blood pressure.C. T o improve unhealthy diet.D. T o lower "bad" cholesterol.51 . If it has been over 12 hours since you missed a dose, you shouldA. change the amount of your next doseB. eat more when taking your next doseC. have a dose as soon as you rememberD. take the next dose at your regular time52. Which of the following is a common side effect of taking Lipitor?A. Face swelling.B. Upset stomach.C. Kidney failure.D. Muscle weakness.53.. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. T o teach patients ways for quick recovery.B. T o present a report on a scientific research.C. T o show the importance of a good lifestyle.D. T o give information about a kind of medicine.Section B Short Answer Questions (4 points, 1 point each)August 23rd, 2010Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to complain about the inconvenience caused to me last week by your company’s inadequate performance.I was booked to travel on the 08:00 train from Y ork to London on 19th August. This was due to arrive in London at 11:00. I had been assured, when I booked my ticket, that this would give me plenty of time to change platforms and catch the 11:35 train to Bedford, where I had an important appointment. However, we arrived in London at 11:47 , more than three-quarters of an hour late. I therefore missed my connection.I am more than disappointed with the service I received and feel I am entitled to compensation which reflects adequately the inconvenience suffered.I look forward to receiving your response within the next 14 days.Y ours sincerely,B. Anderson54. How much time was the writer supposed to have to change the train at London._____ ____________.55.Why did the writer want to travel to Bedford?He had an important ________________________________ there.56. What did the writer ask for?He asked for adequate ______________ ______________.for the inconvenience suffered.57. When is the writer expected to receive response from the railway company?Within the next_ ____________ days.Part IV Translation (20 points, 20 minutes)The growth of population during the past few centuries is no proof that population will continue to grow straight upward toward infinity and doom. (58)On the contrary, demographic history offers evidence that population growth has not been at all constant.(59)The first, a rapid increase in population around one million B. C., The next rapidjump in population started perhaps 10,000 years ago. (60) The above two stages show that when initial productive gains had been absorbed , the rate of population growth declined. The third great change, the present rapid growth, which began in the West between 250 and 350 years ago, (61)It may also slow down when, or if, technology begins to yield fewer innovations. Of course, the current knowledge revolution may continue without foreseeable end. Either way - contrary to popular belief in constant geometric growth - population can be expected in the long run to adjust to productivity.(62) when one takes this view, population growth is seen to represent economic progressand human triumph rather than social failure.63. W e are all (担心)her safety as we_ (已经失去联络好几天了) .64. (这些教授们为、、、做出了巨大的贡献)the modern educational reform.65.His brother wants to make his living in the arts (而不是在商界).66.(小女孩被困在)crashed carriage and could not move her legs..67. Bothe parents and students _(对新出版的课本表示怀疑).68. such activities (起到了重要的作用) in (塑造)one’s character.69.我真后悔住进了你们又脏又乱的酒店。
