
英文介绍好朋友示例30则1.Meet my good friend, who is one of the kindest and mostgenuine people I know.(译文:我的好朋友是我认识的最善良、最真诚的人之一。
)2.Not only is my friend incredibly intelligent, but they alsohave a great sense of humor that always keeps me laughing. (译文:我的好朋友不仅非常聪明,而且很有幽默感,总是让我捧腹大笑。
)3.My friend has an incredible work ethic and is always strivingto improve themselves in everything they do.(译文:我的好朋友拥有令人难以置信的职业道德,总是努力在各方面提升自己。
)4.I admire my friend's resilience and strength in facing difficulttimes. They never give up and always find a way toovercome obstacles.(译文:我钦佩我的好朋友在面对困难时所表现出的韧性和力量。
)5.My friend is an avid reader and lover of learning. Theyalways have interesting insights and perspectives to share. (译文:我的好朋友是个热爱阅读的求知者。
)6.I am grateful to have such a loyal and supportive friend inmy life. They truly are a gem to be cherished.(译文:生命中有这样一位忠诚且支持我的朋友,我感到很感激。

• 例二 要点: • 1.李雷是九年级学生,将于今夏毕业:
数学很好,喜欢集邮; • 2.他有礼貌,乐于助人,老师、同学都
很喜欢他; • 3.1995年出生于上海;他现在和祖父
• Li Lei is a ninth grade student. He will graduate this summer. He’s very good at Maths, and he enjoys collecting stamps. Li Ping is polite and helpful. Both his teachers and his classmates like him very much. Li Ping was born in Shanghai in 1995. Now he and his grandparents live in Nangjing.
• 例二 要点: • 1.米莉是我的同班同学,15岁,是我最
好的朋友;她住在我家隔壁,我们做朋友 已经差不多5年了; • 2.她高而苗条,一头长发,乐于助人; • 3.她长大后想当个导游,周游世界;我 们将永远是最好的朋友。
• Millie is my classmate. She is 15 years old. She is my best friend. She lives next door and we have been friends for almost 5 years. She is tall and slim, and she has long hair. She likes to help people. Millie wants to be a guide and travel around the world when she grows up. We will always be best friends.

雅思口语Part1答案:Friends朋友1. Do you have many close friends?Well, I have several lifelong friends who are very dear to me. Actually, we have been good friends since we were in primary school and we hit it off immediately.我有一些对我很珍贵的一辈子的好朋友。
2. Do you think friendship is important?Sure, definitely, a friend is someone who gives a hand in an emergency. On top of that, friends can also give you valuable and helpful advice and comfort you to overcome problems. Actually, I think real friends never separate from each other and never blow you off.当然,绝对的。
3. Which do you prefer to spend time with friends or spendtime alone?Well, I enjoy spending a great deal of time with friends, not only because it’s a good way to kill time but also we can learn from each other. Actually, my close friends are able to nurture my spirit and make me feel positive.我喜欢花时间和朋友待在一起,不但仅因为这是消磨时光的好方式,还因为我们能够从彼此身上学到东西。

英语口语话题朋友∙Are there any famous stories of friendship in your culture?∙Can you describe one of your closest friends.∙Do you have any childhood friendships that are still strong today? Tell us about them.∙Do you have any long distance friends?∙How do you keep in touch with your long-distance friends?∙How often do you see your long-distance friends?∙Do you think it is a good idea to borrow money from a friend? Why or why not?∙Do you make friends easily?∙Has a friend ever let you down?∙Have you made any friends over the Internet?∙How often do you write to them?∙Have you ever met them in person?∙How are your friendships different now than they were when you were a child?∙How do you maintain a good friendship?∙How do you make new friends?∙How many people do you consider your "best friends?"∙Is it common to have friendships across generations?∙What are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of friendships.∙Do you have any friends from a different generation than you?∙There is a saying "To have a good friend, you need to be a good friend."∙How can you be a good friend?∙What do you usually do with your friends?∙What factors may result in the breakdown of a good friendship?∙What is a best friend?∙What is the longest friendship that you have had?∙What makes friends different from family?∙What qualities do you think are important in a friend?∙What is a friend?∙What things should friends never do?∙Why do you like your best friend?∙What are some things you like about your best friend?∙Where is a good place to meet new friends?∙Where is a good place to meet a new boyfriend/girlfriend?∙Do you think it is possible to have a best friend of the opposite sex without becominga girlfriend or boyfriend?∙Do you think it would be possible for you still be friends with an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend?∙There is a proverb that says, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Do you agree?∙Do you believe that there is an end to any true friendships?∙Do you believe your parents should be your friends?∙What do you do if you receive a friend's call but you forgot his/her name?∙Friendship is the most important relationship. Do you agree? Why? Why not?∙What do you like best about your best friend(s)?∙What are some ways your best friend has influenced your life in a positive way?∙How close do you get to your friends?∙Why do you need a friend?∙What do you do when you have a misunderstanding with your friend?∙Do you trust all of your friends? Why?∙What is the best time for making new friends?∙What was your best friendship?∙Are you still friends with him or her?∙What life lessons did you learn from this relationship?∙What qualities do you appreciate in your friends? What makes someone special or best friend?∙Why are friendships important for you? Do you still maintain friendships from the past?∙How long have you known your best friend? Where did you meet and what did you have in common?∙What are some good opportunities to meet new people?∙How can you get to better know a person?∙What is the relationship between love and friendship?∙Who is the most interesting person you have ever met?∙Do you think famous people are happier than ordinary people? Why?∙What type of people do you get along with best?∙What quality do you admire most in people and which one do you find the most objectionable?∙What behavior of others hurts you most? When you have upset someone by your actions, what do you try to do?∙What do you consider to be your good and bad qualities?∙What qualities help you to have good relationships with others?∙What traits or actions make an interpersonal conflict worse?∙Are relationships among people better or worse than a few years ago? Why? Give some examples.∙Do you think that dysfunctional family life contributes to worsening relationships in society?∙Is getting along with others a natural ability from birth or does it have to be learnt? ∙How important is forgiveness in human relationships?∙What are friends for?∙Can you be friends with your student if you are a teacher?∙To what extent can you be friends with your child?∙What was your best friendship? Are you still friends with him or her? What life lessons did you learn from this relationship?∙Do you tell your best friend everything?∙Do you have a close group of friends?∙What do you usually do together∙Is it easy for you to make friends?∙Talk about friends you've made in this country.∙Are you good friends with your family members?∙Do you fight with your friends?∙How often do you talk with your friends?∙What is the difference between friendship and 'kinship' (blood relatives)?∙Do you have different groups of friends who never meet one another?∙*Are you a different 'self' with each group?∙* Do you think these groups would get along if you∙introduced them to one another?∙* Would you want these friends to mix,or do you get∙something different from each set of relationships?∙There is a saying that "to lose a friend you need to start sharing a flat with him/her".Do you agree? Why/Why not?∙What would you do if your best friend, that never betrayed you and you thought your relationship to be brother/sister asked you out on a date?∙Do you think you can find eternal friendships through the internet?∙What is your best friend like?。

英语口语经典话题——Friend ship(Interm ediat e)从古至今关于友谊有着经久不衰的话题,今天我们来学习英语口语中谈论朋友之间的那些事儿,看看通过这个英语口语对话,大家能从中学点什么?有人说益友是人生的一笔财富,希望大家能多多获取人生的财富!这篇是难度较大一点、更深层次的谈论朋友,相信大家一定会感兴趣!一起来看看吧!A: what kindof qualit ies do you look forin your friend s?B: I like people who are open and friend ly. Thosepeople are usuall y more active and fun to be with. I like spendi ng time with my friend s. We go to bars togeth er or play sports togeth er.A: I don’tlike to make friend s with peoplewhoaren’thonest. Honest yis very import ant to me.B: I thinkit’simport ant to most people. The proble mis that you can usuall y only find out if someon eis honest by gettin g to know them.A; you can find out from theirfriend s.B: if you know anyof theirfriend s.Y oucan’trely on your friend s to introd uce people to you allthe time. Y ou have to go out and makethe firstmove someti mes. I also like funnypeople.A: oh, I don’t.theydon’tseem to take anythi ng seriou sly. You neverknow when they are joking and when they are beingseriou s.B: someti mes it can be hard to tell, but if you knowthe person fairly well, you can usuall y see from theirexpres sionwhat they are really thinki ng. A: it seemsthat we genera lly like differ ent kindso f people. Howis it that we are such good friend s?B; maybepeopledon’tlike to have friend s that are all same. Most people like a little variet yin theirlives-includ ing a variet yof charac teris ticsi n theirfriend s.通过以上英语口语对话,我们看出,每个人的择友标准不一样,彼此开心,信赖很重要。

小升初英语口语面试十二个话题1. 自我介绍(Introduction)在这个话题中,你可以介绍自己的姓名、年龄、家庭情况、兴趣爱好、学习情况等。
例如:Hello, my name is Lisa. I am 12 years old. I live with my parents and younger brother. In my free time, I enjoy reading books and playing basketball. I am a diligent student and always strive to do my best in my studies.2. 我的家庭(My Family)在这个话题中,你可以描述你的家庭成员,他们的职业和兴趣爱好等。
例如:I have a small but loving family. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. They both work very hard to support our family. I also have a younger sister who is in kindergarten. We enjoy spending time together, going for picnics and watching movies.3. 我的学校(My School)在这个话题中,你可以介绍你的学校的名称、位置、校园设施以及你最喜欢的科目等。
例如:I study at ABC School, which is located in the heart of the city. Our school has a beautiful campus with a large playground, a library, and well-equipped classrooms. My favorite subject is English because I find it interesting and enjoy reading English storybooks.4. 我的爱好(My Hobbies)在这个话题中,你可以讲述你的爱好以及你为什么喜欢这些爱好。

• 3.介绍Introduction • 例一 要点: • 1.我叫李雷,16岁;九年级学生,今夏毕业; • 2.学习英语将近五年,学习情况良好; • 3.在北京出生,现在和父母住在上海; • 4.我有一只狗,名叫埃迪,我很喜欢他。
• 3、介绍Introductions • My name is Li Lei, and I’m现方式做保护处理对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑并不能对任何下载内容负责
初中英语口语_话 题简述
• 例一 要点: • 1.在学校我最好的朋友是汤姆;他长得
很高;酷爱体育,擅长打篮球; • 2.汤姆为人慷慨,愿意与朋友们分享他
的东西;总是乐于助人; • 3.很久以来,我们一直是最好的朋友。
• 例二 要点: • 1.南希14岁,是七年级学生; • 2.她放学后打排球,每周两次;她喜欢
这项运动,花很多时间练习; • 3.每周一她去“同伴俱乐部”;在那里,
老生给新生讲学校生活情况;同伴朱莉帮 助她全面了解新学校情况;朱莉是她的好 朋友。
• Nancy is 14 years old. She’s in the seventh grade. Twice a week, she plays volleyball after school. She loves this game and spends a lot of time practising. Every Monday, Nancy goes to a Buddy Club. There, older students talk to new students about school life. Her buddy Julie helps her learn all about her new school. Julie is her good friend.

关于友谊的雅思口语雅思口语描述自己朋友1. Do you think friends are important?解题思路:朋友这个大话题的论述在人物题的话题卡中出现频率也是不低的,所以第三部分中对于朋友相关的问题也是比较普遍的。
没有朋友大多数时间(much of the time )我们都会很孤独,虽然有的时候一个人也是很自在的(it’s nice to be left alone),这里对于nice 替换可以有brilliant, fantastic等一类的词语。
但是无人交谈(have no one to talk to)也是很可怕的。
有了朋友我们可以有相同的爱好(similar interests),聊聊我们的人生,分享自己的经历(share e某periences)。
朋友应该是被紧紧抓住的(Friends should be held close),因为他们是我们能拥有的最有价值的东西(the most valuable things)。
参考答案:Of course friends are important! Without friends we would be lonely much of the time, and although sometimes it’s nice to be left alone, it would be horrible to have no one to talk to. With friends we can enjoy similar interests, talk about our lives and share e某per iences. Friends should be held close, because they’re some of the most valuable things we can have. A true friend will always be there for you when you need them most. A strong group of friends is as good as, if not better than, a family.2. Do you prefer to have one or two close friends or a widecircle of friends?解题思路:这道题虽然是第三部分的题目,但是问的个人的观点,所以可以表明个人的观点及态度。

Friends/friendship赵云: Hey,my dear roommates!( 愁眉苦展 )嗨!我亲爱的室友!Lisha,周,章: Hey,zhaoyun!嗨!赵云!丽萨: Are you ok?你还好吗?赵:Yeah,I'm fine.The teacher arranged about the composition of friends or friendship.I think as a saying says "at home we count on parents,staying out we count on friends."That means nobody is utterly independent in the world . What do you think about friends or friendship.哎,我还好。
你们怎么看待朋友和友谊?章:From my point of view,friends are better than lovers,when I ’m in troble,I always get help from friends.They treat me patiently .Oh,how luck,I have friendship.I remember zhoulin have a interesting friends.他们对我从我的角度来看,朋友比情人更重要,当我遇到困难,我总是能得到朋友的帮助。
我记得你有一个有趣的朋友,zhoulin?周: Yeah! He is chuanchuan.耶!他叫川川张: I have a lot curiosity , can you introduce your friends?我好好奇,你能介绍一下他吗?周: Of course.He is a fat men but humorous and strange He often very confident. He have excellent acting talent, but sometimes very proud.by himself. One time we went to Shanghai, to help him take a posture I spent half an hour.他对食物精挑细选,Because he’fathers good at cooking. His mother likes playing mahjong,so he also like it.当然,他是一个自信又古怪的胖子。

小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0美联英语提供:雅思口语题库part1话题答案:friends朋友1. Are your friends mostly your age or different ages?Most of my friends are about the same age as me because we met at school or university. I've got one or two friends who are older or younger that I met through work.2. Do you usually see your friends during the week or at weekends?I tend to meet up with my friends at weekends because everyone's too busy during the week.3. The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together?It was one of my friends' birthday last weekend. Six of us went out for a meal to celebrate.4. In what ways are your friends important to you?I think it's important to have friends that you can talk to and share experiences with. My friends make me laugh, but I know I can also rely on them whenever I need help or support.小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0。

e) to have many similar interests and opinions
f) to like each other
g) to see and talk to someone
h) to stop talking to someone because you are angry with him or her
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Ask each other
• Are you a friendly person? Do you make friends easily? • Describe your best friend.
- My best friend is ___. I’ve known him/her for ___ year(s). We are best friends because… • Do you tell your best friend everything? Do you and your friends ever fight? • What things should friends never do? • Why do you need a friend?
• What do you usually do with your friends?

有关朋友英文作文开头英文:When it comes to friends, I believe that they are one of the most important parts of our lives. Friends are the people who we choose to surround ourselves with, and they can have a huge impact on our happiness and well-being.Having good friends means having people who we can rely on, who we can share our joys and sorrows with, and who we can trust. They are the people who we turn to when we need advice, when we need a shoulder to cry on, or when we just need someone to talk to.One of my closest friends is someone who I have known since we were kids. We grew up together, and even though we now live in different parts of the world, we still make an effort to stay in touch and see each other as often as possible. Whenever we talk, it's like no time has passed at all, and we can pick up right where we left off.Another friend of mine is someone who I met more recently, but who has become a very important part of my life. We share a lot of the same interests and hobbies, and we always have a great time when we hang out together. Whether we're exploring a new city, trying out a new restaurant, or just relaxing at home, we always have a lot of fun.中文:说到朋友,我认为他们是我们生活中最重要的一部分之一。

三年级英语朋友介绍范文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Best Friend AmyHi everyone! My name is Alex and I'm going to tell you all about my very best friend Amy. Amy and I have known each other since we were babies because our moms are best friends too. Our families spend a lot of time together and Amy and I are basically like sisters.Amy is the same age as me - we're both 8 years old and in 3rd grade. We look pretty different though. I have blonde hair and blue eyes, but Amy has beautiful long black hair and brown eyes. My favorite thing about how Amy looks is her smile. She has the biggest, brightest smile that lights up her whole face when she's happy. I love it when she smiles at me because it makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside.Even though Amy and I are really close, we actually have pretty different personalities in a lot of ways. I'm more of a shy, quiet person who likes to follow the rules. Amy on the other hand is super outgoing, loud, and loves to be the center ofattention. She's always telling jokes and being the class clown. Sometimes I get a little embarrassed when she acts silly in front of our friends and teachers, but I still think she's really funny.Amy is really athletic and strong too. At recess, she always wants to play sports like basketball, soccer, or kickball. I'm not as athletic as her and get tired easily, so sometimes I just sit out and read while she runs around. Amy is an amazing basketball player though and never misses a shot. I'm seriously impressed by how good she is! I prefer doing arts and crafts or playing pretend games during recess instead of sports.Another way Amy and I are different is our favorite subjects in school. My favorite is math because I'm really good at it and find it fun to solve problems. Amy struggles a bit with math though. Her favorite is art class because she's such a great artist. Amy draws the most beautiful pictures of animals, landscapes, and people. I wish I could draw as well as her!Speaking of animals, one of our biggest similarities is that we both LOVE pets and nature. We're always begging our parents to get us a puppy or kitten. Amy's family has a big backyard with a playground and lots of room for a dog to run around. My family lives in an apartment though, so a big dog might not work for us.Every summer our families go camping together in the woods. We always have such an amazing time! We go hiking, swimming in the lake, and make s'mores over the campfire in the evenings. My favorite part though is lying on the ground at night and looking up at all the bright stars. It's so peaceful and beautiful. Sometimes I think about what it would be like to be an astronaut and travel to those stars. Amy always says she wants to be a park ranger when she grows up so she can live in nature all the time.Even though Amy and I have some differences, we really are true best friends. We tell each other everything and can spend hours and hours just talking and giggling together. Amy is honestly the funniest, coolest, and all around best person I know. She's kind, loyal, adventurous, and just a total blast to be around.I feel so lucky to have a friend like her in my life. We've already pinky promised that we'll be best friends forever and ever, no matter what. I really believe that promise with my whole heart because our bond is unbreakable. Amy is my other half and means absolutely everything to me!篇2My Best Friend SarahI want to tell you about my very best friend in the whole wide world - Sarah! Sarah is the most fun, kindest, and funniest person I know. We have been best buddies since kindergarten when we were just 5 years old. That was already 4 years ago, which is like forever ago when you're just a kid!Sarah has beautiful long brown hair that goes past her shoulders. Her eyes are a pretty hazel color, which means they look brownish-green. She has a bright smile that shows her two adorable dimples. Sarah is just a little bit taller than me. We're both about 4 feet tall, but she's maybe an inch or two taller.Even though Sarah is a girl, she doesn't really act like a typical girl. She loves getting dirty and playing sports just as much as the boys in our class do! Her favorite sports are soccer, basketball, and running races during gym class. I'm not as athletic as Sarah, but I still try my best to keep up with her.Sarah is crazy about animals of all kinds. She has two cats named Cleo and Simba, a dog named Bingo, and even some pet mice! Whenever we're over at her house, we spend hours playing with her pets. We give them treats, brush them, and just watch them being silly and cute. Sarah's dream is to be a veterinarian when she grows up so she can take care of animals every day.One of my favorite things about Sarah is her great sense of humor. She is always telling funny jokes and making me and our other friends laugh with her silly voices and faces. Sometimes she gets us laughing so hard that we can barely breathe! Sarah's jokes never hurt anyone's feelings though. She knows how to be funny without being mean.Sarah is also an incredibly nice friend. She never brags or thinks she's better than anyone else. If someone is feeling left out at recess, Sarah always invites them to join our games. If someone forgets their snack or lunch money, Sarah shares her food with them. She's generous and thinks of others first.Another reason why Sarah is such a great friend is that she's a good student. She works really hard on her schoolwork and always gets good grades. Sarah sits next to me, so when I get stuck on a tough math problem or can't read a word, she helps me out. I'm lucky to have such a smart friend to learn from!My favorite memories with Sarah are from our fun sleepovers. We love having sleepovers at each other's houses as much as possible. We stay up late watching movies, baking sweet treats, playing board games and truth or dare, and seeing who can tell the spookiest ghost stories. We giggle and goof around all night long!Sarah and I have had some disagreements over the years, as all best friends do. Like when she accidentally broke my favorite toy or when I got mad because she was better than me at skateboarding at first. But we've never ever stayed mad at each other for long. We're just too incredibly close of friends to let small things come between us. A quick apology and hug, and everything is okay again.I feel so fortunate to have a friend as wonderful as Sarah. We've been by each other's side since we were little kids, and I know we'll remain best friends forever, no matter what. Sarah is kind, funny, generous, smart, and so much fun to be around. I can't imagine going through life without her as my partner in crime! She's an incredible person, and I love her like a sister. Thanks for being you, Sarah!篇3My Best Friend JessicaHey everyone! Today I want to tell you all about my very best friend in the whole wide world - Jessica! Jessica is awesome and I'm so lucky she's my friend.Jessica and I met way back in kindergarten on the very first day of school. I remember walking into the classroom feeling sonervous and scared. Everything was new and different. But then this smiley girl with pretty brown curls came up to me and said "Hi, I'm Jessica! Do you want to be friends?" Just like that, Jessica made me feel better. We've been best buds ever since that day.Jessica is really fun and always makes me laugh with her silly jokes and goofy dances. One of my favorite things about her is how imaginative she is. We have the best time coming up with crazy make-believe games and adventures to go on. Just last week, we pretended to be intrepid explorers trekking through a thick jungle. We used branches as walking sticks and made binoculars out of empty toilet paper rolls to look for exotic animals. Jessica is so creative!Another awesome thing about Jessica is that she's a awesome artist. She's always doodling or coloring pictures, and let me tell you - they look amazing! She has a real talent. Jessica made this beautiful drawing of a unicorn for my birthday, andI've hung it up in my bedroom. Whenever I look at it, it makes me smile and think of her. I wish I could draw as well as Jessica!But my favorite thing about Jessica is simply what a kind, caring friend she is. If I'm ever feeling sad or upset about something, Jessica is the first person I go to. She's such a good listener and always knows just what to say to make me feelbetter. Like this one time last year when I was really struggling with math and feeling dumb about it, Jessica cheered me up by saying "Don't be hard on yourself! Math is super hard for lots of kids. You're one of the smartest people I know." Hearing that from my best friend helped me stop being so down on myself.Jessica also sticks up for me if anyone is ever being a big meanie. This one time, a older kid was picking on me during recess and calling me names. Jessica didn't hold back - she marched right over and told that bully "Don't you dare talk to my friend like that!" She's brave and isn't afraid to stand up for what's right.Not only is Jessica kind to me, but she's kind to everyone. She's always complimenting people and saying nice things. If she sees someone sitting alone at lunch, Jessica will go over and invite them to join her. She never leaves anyone out. Jessica is the absolute opposite of a bully.My friend is also one of the most determined people I know. She never gives up, no matter how hard something is. Like when she was learning how to ride her bike without training wheels last summer. I remember she kept falling over and falling over, getting scrapes and bruises all over her legs. Most kids probably would've gotten frustrated and quit. But not Jessica! She just gotback up and tried again and again until she could finally pedal away all on her own. I was so proud of her perseverance.Speaking of perseverance, Jessica is also a really hard worker when it comes to school. Even though things like math and reading don't come naturally easy to her like they do for some kids, Jessica never slacks off. She always puts in her best effort and never complains about having to study or do homework. I really admire her stellar work ethic.Of course, no one is perfect - even someone as awesome as Jessica! If I had to name one tiny flaw about my BFF, it's that she can sometimes be just a little bit messy and disorganized. Jessica's backpack and desk are always overflowing with crumpled papers, broken pencils and stray erasers. And don't even get me started on her absolutely disastrous locker! It's a tornado of clutter and chaos in there. I'm constantly having to help her search through the mess to find her missing homework assignments and things. But hey, nobody's perfect!Overall, Jessica is quite simply the best friend anyone could ask for. We have so much fun together and she makes me feel so happy, valued and accepted for who I am. I feel like I can be my 100% authentic self around Jessica without any judgement. We may be totally different people in a lot of ways, but oursimilarities in the ways that truly matter - like our kind hearts and our ability to laugh together - are what make our friendship so special.I'm just so grateful to have Jessica in my life. She's hilarious, creative, compassionate, hard-working and loyal. I really don't know what I'd do without my best friend by my side through it all. Jessica is one in a million, and I'll cherish our amazing friendship forever!。

【篇⼀】关于介绍朋友的英语⼝语对话 A: Hi, Rose. I haven't seen you for ages. B: It really has been for ages. How is everything? A: Very well, thank you. Rose, do you know myfriend, Tom? B: I don't know. What's wrong? A: But he knew you, and asked me to say "hello" to you. B: Tom? Is he new here? A: Yes, he's from Boston Public School. B: It's an excellent school. And I think he will enjoyhimself in our school soon. A:嗨,罗斯,好久不见啦! B:是的,⼀切都好吗? A:很好,谢谢。
罗斯,认识我的朋友汤姆吗? B:我不认识,怎么了? A:但是他认识你,并要我向你问好。
B:汤姆?是新来的吗? A:是的,他以前是波⼠顿公⽴学校的学⽣。
B:那是⼀个好学校,我相信他很快会 喜欢我们学校的。
【篇⼆】关于介绍朋友的英语⼝语对话 A: Simon, let me introduce you to Mary. You don'tknow each other, do you? B: No, I've not had the pleasure of meeting her yet. C: How do you do? I'm pleased to meet you. B: How do you do? A: Please sit down. Help yourself just like at home. What would you like to drink? B: A cup of coffee, please. A:西蒙,请允许我把你介绍给玛丽。

那你知道有关朋友的英语对话有哪些吗?下面是本文收集整理的一些有关朋友的英语口语对话,大家一起来看看吧!【篇一】有关朋友的英语口语对话内尔: Hi, Millie. I was told you made another friend today. Is that true?你好啊.米利.听说你今天又交了个朋友.是真的吗?米利: Yeah. As life is full of strife and conflict, we need friends to support and help us out of difficulties.对啊.生活充满了竞争和矛盾.遇到困难时我们总需要朋友的支持和帮助.内尔: Sounds reasonable. What can friends do for us?是这么个道理.朋友可以为我们做什么呢?米利: Well, first. Friends can give us warnings against danger. Then they can offer us advice with regard to how to deal with various situations.这个嘛.首先.朋友可以提醒我们提防危险.并给我们出主意以便应对各种场合.内尔: And true friends share not only our joys but also our sorrows.真正的朋友不光可以和我们分享快乐.还可以和我们分担忧愁.米利: That`s right. With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. Without friendship, life is sad and unfortunate.对.正是因为有了友谊.生活才这么幸福和谐.没有友谊的生活是悲伤和不幸的.内尔: I agree with you. And we should be the same to our friends.我同意.我们要以同样的态度对待朋友.米利: I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends.我永远都不会忘了老朋友.同时也会不断地结交新朋友.内尔: And I will show concern for my friends even if it is only a comforting word.我会关心我的朋友.哪怕只是说些安慰的话语.米利: That`s a real friend.这才是真正的朋友.【篇二】有关朋友的英语口语对话马克:Hello Ralph, what a pleasant surprise! Haven`t run into you for ages!你好.洛夫.真没想到在这里遇见你!我们好久没见了!洛夫:It really is. It was good to see you. You`ve changed so much.是啊.见到你很高兴.你的变化真大.马克:Happy to see you, too. How`s your family?我见到你也很高兴.你家里人很好吗?洛夫:Pretty good. Thank you.很好.谢谢.马克:Oh, by the way, I would like you to know my friend John.John, this is my buddy Ralph.哦.顺便我想让你认识一下我的朋友约翰.约翰.这是我好兄弟洛夫.洛夫:How do you do?你好!约翰:How do you do?你好!【篇三】有关朋友的英语口语对话大卫: Hi, Smith. How are you doing?喂.史密斯.你好吗?史密斯: Well, can`t complain. And how are you?还可以.你呢?大卫: Same as always. Let me hang up your coat on the hook.还是老样子.让我把你的上衣挂到衣帽钩上.史密斯: Thank you. Am I late?谢谢.我来晚了吗?大卫: No, not in the least.不.一点不晚.史密斯: Nice to meet you again.很高兴再次见到你.大卫: It`s a long time since I saw you last. I heard you were in Beijing.自从上次见到你.已经好长时间没见了.听说你去北京了.史密斯: Yes, I went to see the Olympic Games. It was really a nice experience.是的.我去北京看奥运会去了.真是一种享受啊!【篇四】有关朋友的英语口语对话John:What’s the cheapest way to go there?到那里怎么去?Lily:By subway.坐地铁。

英语口语话题朋友∙Are there any famous stories of friendship in your culture?∙Can you describe one of your closest friends.∙Do you have any childhood friendships that are still strong today? Tell us about them.∙Do you have any long distance friends?∙How do you keep in touch with your long-distance friends?∙How often do you see your long-distance friends?∙Do you think it is a good idea to borrow money from a friend? Why or why not?∙Do you make friends easily?∙Has a friend ever let you down?∙Have you made any friends over the Internet?∙How often do you write to them?∙Have you ever met them in person?∙How are your friendships different now than they were when you were a child?∙How do you maintain a good friendship?∙How do you make new friends?∙How many people do you consider your "best friends?"∙Is it common to have friendships across generations?∙What are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of friendships.∙Do you have any friends from a different generation than you?∙There is a saying "To have a good friend, you need to be a good friend."∙How can you be a good friend?∙What do you usually do with your friends?∙What factors may result in the breakdown of a good friendship?∙What is a best friend?∙What is the longest friendship that you have had?∙What makes friends different from family?∙What qualities do you think are important in a friend?∙What is a friend?∙What things should friends never do?∙Why do you like your best friend?∙What are some things you like about your best friend?∙Where is a good place to meet new friends?∙Where is a good place to meet a new boyfriend/girlfriend?∙Do you think it is possible to have a best friend of the opposite sex without becominga girlfriend or boyfriend?∙Do you think it would be possible for you still be friends with an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend?∙There is a proverb that says, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Do you agree?∙Do you believe that there is an end to any true friendships?∙Do you believe your parents should be your friends?∙What do you do if you receive a friend's call but you forgot his/her name?∙Friendship is the most important relationship. Do you agree? Why? Why not?∙What do you like best about your best friend(s)?∙What are some ways your best friend has influenced your life in a positive way?∙How close do you get to your friends?∙Why do you need a friend?∙What do you do when you have a misunderstanding with your friend?∙Do you trust all of your friends? Why?∙What is the best time for making new friends?∙What was your best friendship?∙Are you still friends with him or her?∙What life lessons did you learn from this relationship?∙What qualities do you appreciate in your friends? What makes someone special or best friend?∙Why are friendships important for you? Do you still maintain friendships from the past?∙How long have you known your best friend? Where did you meet and what did you have in common?∙What are some good opportunities to meet new people?∙How can you get to better know a person?∙What is the relationship between love and friendship?∙Who is the most interesting person you have ever met?∙Do you think famous people are happier than ordinary people? Why?∙What type of people do you get along with best?∙What quality do you admire most in people and which one do you find the most objectionable?∙What behavior of others hurts you most? When you have upset someone by your actions, what do you try to do?∙What do you consider to be your good and bad qualities?∙What qualities help you to have good relationships with others?∙What traits or actions make an interpersonal conflict worse?∙Are relationships among people better or worse than a few years ago? Why? Give some examples.∙Do you think that dysfunctional family life contributes to worsening relationships in society?∙Is getting along with others a natural ability from birth or does it have to be learnt? ∙How important is forgiveness in human relationships?∙What are friends for?∙Can you be friends with your student if you are a teacher?∙To what extent can you be friends with your child?∙What was your best friendship? Are you still friends with him or her? What life lessons did you learn from this relationship?∙Do you tell your best friend everything?∙Do you have a close group of friends?∙What do you usually do together∙Is it easy for you to make friends?∙Talk about friends you've made in this country.∙Are you good friends with your family members?∙Do you fight with your friends?∙How often do you talk with your friends?∙What is the difference between friendship and 'kinship' (blood relatives)?∙Do you have different groups of friends who never meet one another?∙*Are you a different 'self' with each group?∙* Do you think these groups would get along if you∙introduced them to one another?∙* Would you want these friends to mix,or do you get∙something different from each set of relationships?∙There is a saying that "to lose a friend you need to start sharing a flat with him/her".Do you agree? Why/Why not?∙What would you do if your best friend, that never betrayed you and you thought your relationship to be brother/sister asked you out on a date?∙Do you think you can find eternal friendships through the internet?∙What is your best friend like?。

以好朋友为主题的英语口语对话Victor: Hello, 我们是戴尔老师Victor.Nancy: Nancy。
Victor: Hi, Nancy! How are you doing?Nancy: Fine, Victor. How are you doing?Victor: Fantastic!Nancy: Yeah.Victor: 这就是我们昨天学的'和好朋友打招呼的方式,那么“好朋友”用英文怎么说呢?Nancy: He's my best friend. Your best friends basically are your closest friend or your favorite friend, but we say "closest" instead.Victor: 噢,best friend是“最好的朋友”、“铁哥们”,那么,“比较不错的朋友”我们也可以说close friend。
Nancy, 我这个人最喜欢交朋友了,好朋友可不止一个,那怎么办啊?Nancy: Well, do you have a number of best friends? You are lucky. And you say: "He's one of my best friends." Victor, you are one of my best friends.Victor: Oh, Nancy, you're so sweet! 注意这里用的是复数friends。
Nancy: He's my best friend.Victor: He's my best friend.Nancy: He's one of my best friends.Victor: He's one of my best friends. Very nice! Okey, see you later, everybody.Nancy: See you next time!。
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英语口语话题朋友•Are there any famous stories of friendship in your culture?•Can you describe one of your closest friends.•Do you have any childhood friendships that are still strong today? Tell us about them.•Do you have any long distance friends?•How do you keep in touch with your long-distance friends?•How often do you see your long-distance friends?•Do you think it is a good idea to borrow money from a friend? Why or why not? •Do you make friends easily?•Has a friend ever let you down?•Have you made any friends over the Internet?•How often do you write to them?•Have you ever met them in person?•How are your friendships different now than they were when you were a child? •How do you maintain a good friendship?•How do you make new friends?•How many people do you consider your "best friends?"•Is it common to have friendships across generations?•What are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of friendships.•Do you have any friends from a different generation than you?•There is a saying "To have a good friend, you need to be a good friend."•How can you be a good friend?•What do you usually do with your friends?•What factors may result in the breakdown of a good friendship?•What is a best friend?•What is the longest friendship that you have had?•What makes friends different from family?•What qualities do you think are important in a friend?•What is a friend?•What things should friends never do?•Why do you like your best friend?•What are some things you like about your best friend?•Where is a good place to meet new friends?•Where is a good place to meet a new boyfriend/girlfriend?•Do you think it is possible to have a best friend of the opposite sex without becominga girlfriend or boyfriend?•Do you think it would be possible for you still be friends with an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend?•There is a proverb that says, "A friend in need is a friend indeed." Do you agree? •Do you believe that there is an end to any true friendships?•Do you believe your parents should be your friends?•What do you do if you receive a friend's call but you forgot his/her name? •Friendship is the most important relationship. Do you agree? Why? Why not? •What do you like best about your best friend(s)?•What are some ways your best friend has influenced your life in a positive way? •How close do you get to your friends?•Why do you need a friend?•What do you do when you have a misunderstanding with your friend?•Do you trust all of your friends? Why?•What is the best time for making new friends?•What was your best friendship?•Are you still friends with him or her?•What life lessons did you learn from this relationship?•What qualities do you appreciate in your friends? What makes someone special or best friend?•Why are friendships important for you? Do you still maintain friendships from the past?•How long have you known your best friend? Where did you meet and what did you have in common?•What are some good opportunities to meet new people?•How can you get to better know a person?•What is the relationship between love and friendship?•Who is the most interesting person you have ever met?•Do you think famous people are happier than ordinary people? Why?•What type of people do you get along with best?•What quality do you admire most in people and which one do you find the most objectionable?•What behavior of others hurts you most? When you have upset someone by your actions, what do you try to do?•What do you consider to be your good and bad qualities?•What qualities help you to have good relationships with others?•What traits or actions make an interpersonal conflict worse?•Are relationships among people better or worse than a few years ago? Why? Give some examples.•Do you think that dysfunctional family life contributes to worsening relationships in society?•Is getting along with others a natural ability from birth or does it have to be learnt? •How important is forgiveness in human relationships?•What are friends for?•Can you be friends with your student if you are a teacher?•To what extent can you be friends with your child?•What was your best friendship? Are you still friends with him or her? What life lessons did you learn from this relationship?•Do you tell your best friend everything?•Do you have a close group of friends?•What do you usually do together•Is it easy for you to make friends?•Talk about friends you've made in this country.•Are you good friends with your family members?•Do you fight with your friends?•How often do you talk with your friends?•What is the difference between friendship and 'kinship' (blood relatives)?•Do you have different groups of friends who never meet one another?•*Are you a different 'self' with each group?•* Do you think these groups would get along if you•introduced them to one another?•* Would you want these friends to mix,or do you get•something different from each set of relationships?•There is a saying that "to lose a friend you need to start sharing a flat with him/her".Do you agree? Why/Why not?•What would you do if your best friend, that never betrayed you and you thought your relationship to be brother/sister asked you out on a date?•Do you think you can find eternal friendships through the internet?•What is your best friend like?(注:文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,供参考。