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Years in a hurry, now I have entered junior high school, along the way, experienced a lot of tribulations, whenever I step into difficulties, I always remember the young girl waiting quietly under the lush poplar, and the warm waves in my heart, bring me the courage to move forward.


In the quiet campus, I walk alone on the empty corridor, and sometimes turn my head to the empty playground. My heart is like stagnant water. A kind of inexplicable loneliness invades and makes the whole person lonely. Today, I took part in the campus competition. The competition time didn't end until six o'clock. Now, I'm the only one on campus.



I walked slowly down the stairs, past the noisy classroom. I stopped and looked into the silent classroom, standing in rows of lonely desks, without the noise of my classmates, it seemed as lonely as I was, as if to verify the fact, and finally left alone.


Turn around and go downstairs, and walk out of the teaching building slowly with heavy steps. What are you laughing about? Just stepped out of the gate, the girl under the poplar trees in a hurry across the street attracted all my eyes. I was staring at her high ponytail stuck behind her. With the small head shaking from time to time, a pair of clear and bright eyes were inlaid on her white face. The twinkling eyes are anxiously looking around, like looking for an important person. Suddenly, she looked at me and met my eyes. At

this time, I was too shocked to speak. This girl is not someone else, but one of my many friends!


When she saw me, her pink face lit up with a sunny smile, and she opened her legs like a little swallow flying towards me. I rushed up. “Oh, you're here at last. I've been waiting for you for a long time!” Say, then smile of exte nd a hand, pat my shoulders lightly. “You, waiting for me?” I say it word by word. “Hey, what expression are you so surprised? This girl is waiting for you. “ She shook her head and replied with a smile. “Oh, by the way,” “what?” She turned the bag off her back and felt for a while? A pair of watery eyes always look at me, and then, out of a bag of chips, “here, your favorite.” Then he put it in my hand. “You're the first one among my friends to wait for me,” I smiled. “That's right, I can help you!”
