



ASHRAE Handbook 2010 Refrigeration 中文目录2 2010 Refrigeration 46Dedication 46编著人员 46技术委员会、工作组、和技术资源组 46ASHRAE 研究:提高生活品质 46序 46系统和方法(Systems and Practices) 462.1.1 卤代烃制冷系统 462.1.2 氨制冷系统 472.1.3 二氧化碳制冷系统 472.1.4 过量充液系统(Liquid Overfeed Systems) 482.1.5 制冷系统的部件匹配(Component Balancing in Refrigeration Systems) 48 2.1.6 制冷剂系统的化学 482.1.7 制冷剂系统内水分和其它杂质的控制 482.1.8 设备和系统脱水、充注和试验 492.1.9 制冷剂的密封、恢复、回收和再利用 49部件和设备 492.1.10 制冷剂管路的绝热系统 492.1.11 制冷剂控制元件 502.1.12 制冷剂系统内的润滑油 502.1.13 制冷系统的载冷剂 512.1.14 受迫对流空气冷却器 512.1.15 零售食品存储冷冻和设备 512.1.16 食品服务和一般商业冷冻设备 522.1.17 家用冰箱和冷冻机 522.1.18 吸收设备 52食品冷却和储藏 522.1.19 食品的热力性质 522.1.20 食品的冷却和冷冻时间 532.1.21 日用品储藏设备 532.1.22 食品微生物和冷藏 532.1.23 冷藏设备设计 542.1.24 冷藏设备负荷 54冷冻运输 542.1.25 货运集装箱、轨道运输、拖车和卡车 542.1.26 海运冷冻 552.1.27 航空运输 55食品、饮料和花卉应用 552.1.28 水果、蔬菜和鲜花的预冷 552.1.29 工业食品冷冻系统 562.1.30 肉类产品 562.1.31 禽类产品 562.1.32 鱼类产品 572.1.33 乳类产品 572.1.34 蛋和蛋类产品 572.1.35 阔叶树和藤类水果 582.1.36 柑橘类水果、香蕉和亚热带水果 582.1.37 蔬菜 592.1.38 果汁浓缩物和冷藏果汁产品 592.1.39 饮料 592.1.40 已处理食品,预加工过的食品和精制食品 602.1.41 烘焙食品 602.1.42 巧克力、糖果、坚果、干果和干燥蔬菜 61工业应用 612.1.43 制冰 612.1.44 溜冰场 612.1.45 混凝土坝和次表土 622.1.46 化工中的制冷 622.1.47 低温应用 622.1.48 超低温制冷 632.1.49 生物医学应用和低温制冷 632.1.50 制冷术语 632.1.51 规范和标准 63ASHRAE Handbook 2009 Fundamental 中文目录花了三天的业余时间才把《ASHRAE Handbook 2009 Fundamental》目录翻译成中文,因为涉及的学科太多,很多专业名称采用的是直译,后续如果在阅读过程中有新发现我会修改过来。



浅谈提高设备管理水平的有效途径[ 摘要] 设备是企业不可缺少的组成部分,直接影响到企业的经济效益,如何保持良好的技术状况,使之更好地服务于油田生产,坚持以人为本、强化基础管理、运用先进技术、赋予创新理念是提高企业设备管理水平的有效途径,才能最大限度地发挥其效能,提高企业经济效益。



1 坚持以人文本,提高职工参入设备管理的积极性企业是由人组成的,人不仅是管理的对象又是管理的主体,决定一个企业、一个社会发展能力的,主要并不在于设备,而在于人们拥有的知识、智慧、才能和技巧。


1.1 组织灵活多样的职工培训采取多种形式定期组织职工培训,不断学习更新知识,引导他们面对现实去研究市场的新变化、技术的新动向,及时了解国内外设备的先进技术,掌握新设备的结构、原理及维修方法等,不断提高设备管理、操作人员的业务素质。

1.2 塑造平等竞争的良好氛围摆正位置,尊重职工权利,尊重职工的主人翁地位。

只有这样,职工才愿意尽主人之责,干主人之事,实实在在的关心企业, 充分发挥自身的积极性,管理好和维护好企业设备;通过各种形式对职工进行市场经济教育,重视职工在企业竞争中的作用,依靠良好的设备,促进企业发展。

1.3 建立适当的激励机制提高职工素质,调动职工积极性,是搞活企业的根本所在。

首先,开展“红旗设备” 、“设备管理能手”评选活动,组织以“比速度、赛质量,比节约、赛效益”为主题的劳动竞赛,最大限度地发挥职工群众的积极性和创造性,评先进找经验,给予适当奖励。


RIYUE CM1-100H/3300 100A
RIYUE CM1-100H/3300 32A
RIYUE CM1-100H/3300 63A
RIYUE CM1-225H/3300 225A
RIYUE CM1-100M/3300/50A
RIYUE CM1-100M/33002 63A
RIYUE CM1-63L/33002 10A
RIYUE CM1-100M/33002/20
RIYUE CM1-160M/3300/100
RIYUE CM1-63M/3300
RIYUE CM1-63M/33002
RIYUE CM1-100M/3320/100A
RIYUE CM1-100M/33202/25A
RIYUE CM1-100M/33202/40A
RIYUE CM1-100M/3330/63A
RIYUE CM1-225M/3330/125A
RIYUE CM1-225M/3330/140A
RIYUE CM1-225M/3330/225A
RIYUE CM2-125M/3320/125A
RIYUE CM2-125M/3330/100A



FOREWORDThis Standard is intended to be used within and for Iranian Ministry of Petroleum (N.I.O.C, N.I.G.C, N.P.C., N.I.O.R.D.C. and other affiliate organizations and companies) and has been prepared on the basis of the recognized standards, scientific publications, technical documents, accumulated knowledge and experiences in petroleum industries at national and international levels.Iranian Petroleum Standards are prepared by Iranian Petroleum Standards Organization reviewed and amended by the relevant technical standard committees to incorporate acceptable comments made by oil, gas and petrochemical experts.Standards are finally approved by the “Standards High Council” of Iranian Ministry of Petroleum.Iranian Petroleum Standards (IPS) are subject to amendment withdrawal, if required, thus the latest edition of IPS shall be applicable.Any comment or recommendation submitted to the “Iranian Petroleum Standards Organization” will be evaluated in the relevant technical committee and will be considered in the next revision, upon approval.GENERAL DEFINITIONS:Throughout this Standard the following definitions shall apply.“COMPANY” : Refers to one of the related and/or affiliated companies of the Iranian Ministry of Petroleum such as National Iranian Oil Company, National Iranian Gas Company, National Petrochemical Company etc.“PURCHASER” : Means the “Company “ Where this standard is part of direct purchaser order by the “Company”, and the “Contractor” where this Standard is a part of contract documents.“VENDOR” and “SUPPLIER” : Refers to firm or person who will supply and/or fabricate the equipment or material.“WILL” : Is normally used in connection with the action by the “Company” rather than by a contractor, supplier or vendor.“MAY”: Is used where a provision is completely discretionary.“SHOULD”: Is used where a provision is advisory only.“SHALL”: Is used where a provision is mandatory.IRANIAN PETROLEUM STANDARDS.No. 19, Street 14, North Kheradmand Karimkhan Avenue, Tehran, Iran.66153055:Tel.88810460:88810462:Fax.2005FebruaryGENERAL REQUIREMENTSFORINDUSTRIAL INCINERATORSFIRST EDITIONFEBRUARY 2005This Standard is the property of Iranian Ministry of Petroleum. All rights are reserved to the owner. Neither whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to any third party, reproduced, stored inany retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent ofthe Iranian Ministry of Petroleum.CONTENTS : PAGE No.1. SCOPE (2)2. REFERENCES (2)3. UNITS (3)4. PROCESS DESIGN CONDITIONS (3)5. PROCESS DATA (3)6. DESIGN (3)6.1 General (3)6.2 Burners (4)6.3 Furnace Accessories and Attachments (4)6.4 Furnace Observation Ports and Instrument Connections (5)6.5 Pilots (5)6.6 Piping (5)6.7 Refractory (5)6.8 Platform and Ladder Assembly (6)6.9 Instrumentation (6)7. FABRICATION REQUIREMENTS (6)7.1 General (6)7.2 Welding (6)7.3 Noise Limits (6)7.4 Painting (7)7.5 Nameplates (7)7.6 Explosion Precautions (7)7.7 Weatherproofing (7)7.8 Warning Plates (7)8. INSPECTION (7)9. PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT (8)10. GUARANTEES AND WARRANTIES (8)10.1 General (8)10.2 Requirements (8)10.3 Tools (8)10.4 Spare Parts (8)10.5 Assistance at Site (9)11. INFORMATION REQUIRED WITH QUOTATIONS (9)11.1 General (9)11.2 Schedule of Vendor’s Documentation (9)12. DOCUMENTATION AND INFORMATION REQUIRED AFTERCONTRACT AWARD (9)APPENDICES:APPENDIX A TYPICAL ARRANGEMENT OF INCINERATOR (11)APPENDIX B PROCESS DATA (12)APPENDIX C REFRACTORY DATA (13)APPENDIX D INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR PROCUREMENT (14)This Standard specification covers the minimum requirements for material, design, fabrication and preparation for shipment and guarantee of the incinerators, for use in petroleum and gas refineries, as well as in petrochemical plants and oil industry applications.Note: This is a revised version of the standard specification for incinerators, which is issued as revision (1). Revision (0) of the said standard specification is withdrawn.2. REFERENCESThroughout this Standard the following dated and undated standards / codes are referred to. These referenced documents shall, to the extent specified herein, form a part of this Standard. For dated references, the edition cited applies. The applicability of changes in dated references that occur after the cited date, shall be mutually agreed upon by the Company and the Vendor: For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced documents (including any supplements and amendments) applies.ASME (AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS)Piping"ASME B 31.3"ProcessASME Section IX "Qualification Standard for Welding and Brazing Procedures,Welding and Brazing Operators"andBrazers,Welders,ASTM (AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS)C 20 "Test Methods for Apparent Porosity, Water Absorption, Apparent SpecificGravity, and Bulk Density of Burned Refractory Brick and Shapes byBoiling Water"C 410 "Specification for Industrial Floor Brick"C 583 "Standard Test Method for Modulus of Rupture of Refractory Materials atElevated Temperature"IPS (IRANIAN PETROLEUM STANDARDS)IPS-C-TP-102"Construction Standard for Painting"IPS-E-EL-110"Engineering Standard for Hazardous Area"IPS-E-GN-100"Engineering Standard for Units"IPS-E-PI-221/1 "Engineering Standard for Piping Material Selection (On-Plot Piping) Part1"IPS-E-PI-221/2 "Engineering Standard for Piping Material Selection (On-Plot Piping) Part2"IPS-E-SF-400"Engineering Standard for Industrial Stairs, Ladders and Platforms andScaffolds"IPS-G-SF-860"General Standard for Air Pollution Control"IPS-M-IN-280"Material and Equipment Standard for Miscellaneous Items Part 1"IPS-G-SF-900"General Standard for Noise Control and Vibration"000International System of Units (SI) in accordance with IPS-E-GN-100 shall be used, except where otherwise specified.4. PROCESS DESIGN CONDITIONS4.1 Incinerators are required to totally incinerate the waste, solids, oily liquids and gases produced in regenerator acid gas and absorber flash gas together with the disulfide oil effluent from the gas refinery plants and units. Separate burners are required for each service.4.2 Combustion air is preferred to be induced by the natural draught of the incinerator and stack.4.3 Incineration is to take place such that sufficient fuel gas and air are used to burn all sulfur bearing compounds to sulfur dioxide and to dilute the incinerated products such that the concentration of sulfur dioxide in the incinerator exit gas does not exceed 800 ppm (volume).4.4 Incinerator shall be capable of burning either individually or in combination solid, liquid or gaseous wastes such as sulfur plant tail gas, sour water stripper gas, asphalt plant overhead gases and etc.4.5 All sulfur compounds shall be completely burned to SO2; Unburned H2S shall be less than 10 ppm in the stack gas.4.6 No credit may be taken for the heating value of the combustibles in the sulfur plant tail gas when calculating the amount of fuel gas required.4.7 Negative pressure shall be maintained throughout the natural draft incinerator.4.8 The incinerator shall be provided with proper furnace volume for complete combustion of the gases and sufficient furnace length to prevent flame impingement on the inlet tube sheet of the waste heat boiler.4.9 The incinerator shall be provided with a combination burner designed to burn refinery gas during start-up operation; burn all of the sour gas, burn part of the acid gas and pass all of the combustion air through the burner resulting in excess air burner operation for normal operation.The remainder of the acid gas shall enter the incinerator through a semi-tangential auxiliary acid gas nozzle, mix and burn with the hot burner products and reduce the excess air operation of the flue gases to stoichiometric conditions before leaving the furnace. The combination burner shall be capable of operation with or without refinery gas or sour gas. The burner furnished by the furnace manufacturer shall be of a proven design and suitable for this type of service.5. PROCESS DATAThe physical characteristics and design maximum and minimum flow rates shall be given by the Purchaser as shown in Appendix B of this Standard.Note that a large turndown is required and consequently multiple burners will probably have to be provided.6. DESIGN6.1 General6.1.1 A typical sketch showing the major features of the incinerator and stack is given in Appendix A of this Specification.6.1.2 The incinerator shall be designed to maintain external furnace metal temperature above thedew point of the furnace gases.6.1.3 All material and component shall be fabricated and provided by manufacturer and installed at site.6.1.4 The natural draft incinerator shall be complete with burners, burner fittings, burner controls, recording temperature controller, stainless steel refractory anchors and other required materials.6.1.5 The Vendor shall provide external shielding and/or insulation to maintain inner steel shell temperatures above the flue gas dew point and to prevent injury to personnel.6.1.6 Stack shall be designed for a maximum flue gas velocity of 15.2 meter per second using 50% excess air.6.1.7 Stack shall be provided with:- A rain shield for entire length of stack.- Trolley ring for access to inside and outside.- Access ladder (depending on the height of the stack).6.1.8 The burner panel shall be fully protected against the effects of dust storms, rain storms and ambient and sun temperature extremes.6.1.9 A suitable personnel shield shall be fitted around the burner panel to protect operators from the weather extremes described in Clause Observation windows shall be provided in the burner panel to permit the maximum practical view of the incinerator interior.6.1.11 Two sample points should be provided below and above the damper in stack for sampling the gas for analyzers and draft gauges if required.6.2 Burners6.2.1 A separate burner or set of burners may be provided for each fluid handled.6.2.2 The disulphide oil burner(s) shall be of the atomizing type and shall be supplied complete witha flanged connection for atomizing medium.6.2.3 The burners shall be fitted with both primary and secondary air inlets such that each burner may be operated independently.6.2.4 The burner panel shall be provided with louvered air inlet panels to supply secondary air for the fuel gas burners and for oxidations of the combustibles in the feed gases plus the excess air requirements.6.2.5 The burner shall be provided with a flame scanner.6.3 Furnace Accessories and AttachmentsEach furnace shall be provided with the following accessories and attachments:6.3.1 One burner wind box, steel plate welded construction, complete with flanged combustion air inlet connection and shop mounted on front head of furnace.6.3.2 One removable, bolted type, steel burner front plate for mounting burners and accessories, and providing access in to the inside of furnace.6.3.3 One center fired acid gas burner with Type 316 L, 317 stainless steel or host alloy nozzle with elbow and connection flange (PN20 (Class 150) raised face) for inlet gas connection.6.3.4 At least one ring type refinery gas/natural gas burner, with pipe fittings and PN20 (Class 150) raised face flange for inlet gas connection, all constructed of Type 316 L stainless steel materials.6.3.5 One spark-ignited, refinery gas pilot with Type 316 L stainless steel nozzle. Pilot shall be complete with electrode, ignition cable, ignition transformer and local push button station. Pilot assembly shall be arranged with forged steel gate valve and packing gland so that pilot may be removed without causing furnace shutdown.6.3.6 One burner peephole assembly with purge air connection arranged for cleaning or replacing peephole glass without causing furnace shutdown.6.3.7 One scanner mounting assembly with purge air connection arranged for removing and replacement of scanner without causing furnace shutdown.6.3.8 One special burner throat tile form for use in replacing high temperature castable throat tile in field.6.3.9 One special acid gas burner nozzle with butt welded inlet connection. Nozzle shall be constructed of Type 316 L, 317 stainless steel or host alloy material and shop welded to furnace shell.6.4 Furnace Observation Ports and Instrument Connections6.4.1 Two observation ports shall be shop installed in the outlet transition section of the furnace. The observation ports shall be of the type furnished for the combination burner per Paragraph The following PN20 (Class 150), R.F. welding necks with blind flanges, for instrument connections, shall be provided on the furnace. Location and sizes will be given during furnace drawing approval:a) Two thermocouple connections.b) Two sampling connections.c) One furnace pressure connection.6.5 Pilots6.5.1 Each burner shall be provided with a fixed gas pilot. The pilots must be easily visible in normal operation and be sized to remain alight under maximum incinerator drought conditions.6.5.2 Each pilot must have its own lighting port independent of any viewing ports. The lighting ports shall be freely accessible and suitable for portable electric igniter.6.6 Piping6.6.1 All piping and fittings material shall be in accordance with IPS-E-PI-221 "Piping Material Selection". Flexible hoses shall not be used.6.6.2 Pipework shall be arranged to allow ready removal of main and pilot burners for cleaning.6.7 Refractory6.7.1 Refractory shall be supplied in accordance with Appendix C of this Standard. Refractory anchor studs shall be of the "Y" type and welded to the burner panel on a 150 mm square pitch arrangement. The anchors shall extend to 19 mm below refractory face.6.7.2 The combustion chamber refractory lining shall consist of a 150 mm thickness of firebrick witha maximum thermal conductivity of 1.0 W/m.°K.6.8 Platform and Ladder AssemblyPlatforms shall be a minimum of 1000 mm wide and shall provide ample work space at the buners panel elevation. Platforms adjacent to incinerators should be self-supporting from the incinerator steel. Platforms, stairways, and ladders shall be provided to allow access to all relief valves, stop-check valves, sample valves, gas pressure gages, manholes and peepholes.Platforms shall be designed for a live load of 250 kg/m². The incinerators will be spaced side-by-side at distances recommended by the incinerator manufacturer for adequate maintenance, repair, erection and operation.All structural parts for each incinerator shall be of bolted construction and shall be shop assembled and matched marked before shipment.All stairs, platforms and walkways shall be adequately safeguarded with handrailing and toe plates, as per IPS-E-SF-400 "Engineering Standard for Industrial Stairs, Ladders, Platforms and Scaffolds".6.9 Instrumentation6.9.1 The instrumentation technology employed shall be based on Single Loop Digital Controllers (SLDC) or Distributed Control System (DCS) as indicated in the purchase order.6.9.2 The instrumentation system shall be in accordance with IPS-M-IN-280: Part 1 "Packaged Equipment Instrumentation".7. FABRICATION REQUIREMENTS7.1 General7.1.1 The incinerator shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with the requirements of this specification. Items of design, construction, fabrication, inspection and special requirements not specifically stated herein shall be in accordance with the applicable IPS standard specifications, unless otherwise specified.7.1.2 The incinerator shall be complete with: Outlet transition section, internal refractory lining, combination burner with wind box, auxiliary burner nozzle, observation doors, instrument connections, lifting lugs and saddle supports.7.2 WeldingJoints shall be made by welding wherever possible, unless otherwise specified. All pipework shall be suitably prepared for welding where welding is required. The connections shall be in accordance with ASME Code B 31.3 "Process Piping"(Clause 328.5.4 Welded Branch Connection).All welding shall be done by qualified welders. Qualification tests for welders and welding procedures shall comply with Section IX of the ASME "Qualification Standard for Welding and Brazing Procedures, Welders, Brazers and Welding and Brazing Operators" or any other code stated by the Company.7.3 Noise LimitsUnless otherwise specified, the maximum allowable sound pressure level shall be 85 dB(A) in the work area i.e., any position accessible to personnel not less than 1 m from equipment surfaces. If the equipment produces impulsive and/or narrow band noise, the above limit shall be taken 5 dB(A) more stringent, thus 80 dB(A). Other requirements shall be in accordance with IPS-G-SF-900 "General Standard for Noise Control and Vibration".7.4 PaintingAll support brackets, etc., shall be painted in accordance with the requirements of IPS-C-TP-102 "Construction Standard for Painting" after the installation work has been completed. Surfaces which will be inaccessible afterwards shall be painted before installation with at least two coats of primer. Plant-mounted instruments and stainless steel impulse lines shall not be painted. Painting shall not jeopardize the proper operation of moving parts such as linkages on control valve positioners, etc., or foul threaded connections.7.5 NameplatesAll plant-mounted instruments shall be provided with name plates. Where necessary, the fixing facilities shall be made locally. Tapping points for analyzer on/off valves, sequential control valves, ROV’s, Motor Operated Valves (MOV’s) shall also be fitted with nameplates.If not otherwise specified, the Vendor shall make proposals, for approval by the Company at an early stage in the project, on how to fix the instrument name plates.Note: When impulse lines are very long and the tapping points are not visible from the instrument location, a nameplate shall be fitted at these "tapping points" with the same tag number as the corresponding instrument, to facilitate identification during installation, operation and maintenance to avoid mistakes. Examples of such tapping points are; for draught gages on large furnaces, analyzer, impulse lines, etc.7.6 Explosion PrecautionsAll electric/electronic instruments which may operate in gas hazardous atmospheres shall be installed in accordance with specified requirements for preventing ignition of flammable vapors. Reference is made to IPS-E-EL-110 "Engineering Standard for Hazardous Area".7.7 WeatherproofingAll plant-mounted instruments shall be weatherproof after installation. Where necessary the instruments shall be provided with protective shades.7.8 Warning PlatesWarning plates, when required, shall be attached to the incinerator in a prominent position as follows:7.8.1 Stress Relieved incinerator "WARNING-DO NOT BURN, WELD, CHIP, GRIND, OR ALLOW ARC STRIKES ON THIS EQUIPMENT".7.9 Nocturne flasher lights on the top of stack to be installed.8. INSPECTION8.1 Fabrication and testing of all equipment is subject to inspection by the Company or his representative. Such inspection does not relieve the Vendor of this responsibility to meet the requirements of this specification and the purchase order.8.2 Purchaser’s inspector shall have free access to check all materials and fabrication and witness all tests.8.3 The Vendor shall have full responsibility for inspection of materials. The Purchaser shall have the right, upon request, to inspect all materials at source.8.4 All materials and work including the work of sub-suppliers shall be subject to inspection as indicated in the conditions of contract.8.5 Quality control system shall be made available for the inspector by the manufacturer.9. PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT9.1 All unpainted exterior surfaces shall be coated with rust preventative grease. Interior metal surfaces shall be sprayed with a suitable rust preventative.9.2 All openings shall be provided with substantial wooden or metal closures, securely fastened and suitable for long exposure prior to final installation. All tapped openings shall be plugged with solid steel pipe-plugs.9.3 Equipment must be suitably crated, packaged and weather protected to guard against damage during transportation. All pieces of equipment and spare parts shall be identified by item number and services, and boxes shall be suitably marked.10. GUARANTEES AND WARRANTIES10.1 GeneralThe conditions and period of guarantee shall be as shown on the Purchase order.10.2 Requirements10.2.1 The vendor shall guarantee all materials and workmanship to be free of defects.10.2.2 The Vendor shall guarantee that the equipment meets the performance requirements described in this specification. In particular, the Vendor shall guarantee that:- All combustibles will be incinerated to their standard combustion products, such as., sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide and water.- The disulphide oil mixture will be totally atomized and incinerated at all flow rates between the maximum and minimum quoted in Appendix 2 (company’s data sheet).- The burner(s) will have sufficient capacity to ensure that the products of combustion which leave the incinerator contain less than 800 ppm of sulphur dioxide.- The incinerator meets the relevant Iranian Environmental Standards and Regulations.- The utility consumption of the incinerator meets the design requirements.10.2.3 The Vendor shall confirm that the design and construction of the equipment complies with the health and safety requirements in accordance with IPS-G-SF-860.10.3 ToolsSpecial tools required for maintenance and operation shall be provided. These furnished tools are to be used only for purchaser’s maintenance. Any other special tools required for carrying out normal maintenance, should be specified and provided.10.4 Spare PartsVendor shall include with his quotation a list of recommended spare parts, necessary for two years of operation. He shall warranty the availability of parts at least for 10 years.10.5 Assistance at Site10.5.1 In the event of failure or malfunction of the equipment within the guarantee period, for any reason, the Vendor shall provide the Company with immediate and comprehensive assistance at the Company’s jobsite.10.5.2 The temporary repair or modification of any equipment at site shall not necessarily release the Vendor from his obligation to replace defective and/or inadequate parts/equipment in accordance with the provision of Para’s 10.2.1 to 10.2.3 (inclusive).11. INFORMATION REQUIRED WITH QUOTATIONS11.1 GeneralAll documents and correspondences shall be in English language. The supplier shall provide all drawings, design details, operation and maintenance manuals, and other information necessary for the design assessment, erection, operation and maintenance of the installation.All information, especially the manuals for operation and maintenance shall be clear and not open to misinterpretation and shall apply specifically to the installation supplied.11.2 Schedule of Vendor’s DocumentationThe following documentation and information shall be given by supplier.a) Drawings of:- dimensioned general arrangement, front and side elevations of completeinstallation showing incinerator burners, galleries and ladders, ducting and stack;- dimensioned front and side sectional elevation of incinerator showing, furnace,burners, access and observation ports. The furnace in particular shall be fullydimensioned including burner center lines.b) Description of:- extent of shop fabrication;- general description of installation;- incinerator indicating site fabrication required;furnace;-- refractory ,insulation, stack lining;-burners;- mountings, valves and fittings, including safety valves;- control schemes and description of all controls, especially combustion control scheme.12. DOCUMENTATION AND INFORMATION REQUIRED AFTER CONTRACT AWARDThe following shall be submitted after the contract has been awarded:- Detailed calculations of furnace dimensions and accessories and materials for parts of them.- All necessary information on mass, moments, location of foundation bolts, etc., for the design of the foundation. Supplier shall approve the foundation drawings.- Mounting and foundations of fans, pumps and drives.- Resistance characteristics on the air and the flue gas side over the whole installation.- Characteristic of the combustion air flow-metering system.- List of manufacturers of all major equipment.- List of all spare parts, including list of initial spare parts necessary for start-up and two years of operation, with detailed prices and time of delivery.- List of all tools necessary for operation, maintenance, inspection and cleaning insofar as not normally found in a refinery workshop.- Six copies of the operation and maintenance manuals.APPENDIX ATYPICAL ARRANGEMENT OF INCINERATOR Burner Panel with Separate Burners for:1) Absorber Flash Gas.Oil.Disulphide2)3) L.P. Fuel Gas.Pilots4)Dimensions:A = Combustion chamber length ............. mB = Combustion chamber I.D ........ ........ mC = Breaching see Note 1D = Minimum I.D of stack lining at top .... mNotes:1) minimum cross sectional area of breaching to be ...... MT²2) provide slip joints for expansion in breaching.3) normal operating temperature is ......°C4) maximum operating temperature for 15 minutes duration is ....°C5) refractory to be in accordance with Appendix C.PROCESS DATAThe physical characteristics of the disulphide oil at operation conditions will be:Average mol. weight ..............................Vapor pressure …………………….......mm Hg at 150°C (decomposes between 150°C and 200°C) ……........................... mm Hg at 50°C Density..................................................... Kg/m³Heat of combustion ................................. Kcal./kgChemical analysis ................................... wt % Hydrogen. .................................. wt % Carbon.................................. wt % SulfurNote: This material will not support combustion.Combustion Air CharacteristicsTemperature max. ...................°CTemperature min. .................... °CMaximum water content .......... mol%Pressure bar approx. equivalent to elevation of ................ meters above sea level.Minimum flow rate………………m3/hMaximum flow rate………………m3/hIncineration is to take place such that sufficient air fuel (if required) is used to burn the sulfur components of the feed gases to sulfur dioxide. The products of combustion at the breaching will be maintained at 700°C to burn all combustibles to their standard combustion products viz. carbon dioxide, water and sulfur dioxide.。

第六章 第七章

第六章 第七章

在小型消费品的金属表面镀铬,也是20世纪30年代工业设 计中的一大特色。
无缝钢管,这种材料质量轻、强度大,并且有强烈的现代 感,引起了许多现代设计师,特别是包豪斯设计师们的极 大兴趣。
第五节 技术与设计
一方面,对于廉价的追求需要采用标准化的大批量生 产;另一方面,对于新奇的追求又要求很快地改变型 号以保持消费者的兴趣。正是这种双重压力孕育了所
福特公司最大的竞争对手是通用汽车公司。通用 汽车公司在20世纪20年代制定了一年一度的换型方针, 作为竞争的武器,并推出了别克、雪佛莱等各具特色 的产品系列,以此与日益多变的美国市场协调同步, 为消费者提供更多的选择余地。
第六章 工业、技术与设计
1.福特汽车的“实用型汽车”计划失败说明了什 么?




Everybody seems to pay more attention to my little sister Lisa. I've 1 enough of thisbig-sister thing!So I decide to 2 , with my favorite toys and other 3 like clothes. Mother 4 my running away. However, she's not as upset as she 5 be, "Are you going to Grandma's?" I can't believe she can even 6 this out. She's like a witch!I don't 7 her and go out. So 8 on my leaving, I'm unaware Mother is9 me. Finally I get to Grandma's. 10 I even knock, the door opens. I realize Mother has 11 ahead.Mother comes in and sits down, patting her thigh (大腿), "Come here." I don't want to, but I'm hot and tired, so I 12 her thigh. She pushes my hair behind my ear and asks 13 , "Dear, why have you left?" And it all comes out: "It's 14 and all the time with Lisa, I get into trouble..."Taking my face in her hands, Mum says, "I don't want you to be so 15 . If it's hard for you, I'll call the orphanage and send her away tomorrow." I start to 16 and I beg her, "No. Don't send her away!" Seeming 17 , Mother agrees.18 , whenever we have a(n) 19 , if I say, "Mum, Lisa's being mean to me!" Mum smiles, "You had your 20 ."1. A. seen B. had C. done D. thought2. A. argue B. move C. talk D. leave3. A. necessities B. facilities C. valuables D. tools4. A. monitors B. enjoys C. ignores D. notices5. A. could B. must C. should D. would6. A. put B. take C. bring D. figure7. A. forgive B. answer C. watch D. accept8. A. keen B. dependent C. focused D. impressed9. A. seeking B. following C. missing D. scolding10. A. Before B. When C. Until D. After11. A. called B. arrived C. known D. asked12. A. push away B. fall off C. get on D. hold onto13. A. quickly B. impatiently C. unhappily D. gently14. A. unimportant B. improper C. unfair D. impolite15. A. ridiculous B. sad C. unconfident D. nervous16. A. cry B. laugh C. nod D. jump17. A. puzzled B. unsatisfied C. exhausted D. unwilling18. A. Afterwards B. Instead C. Frankly D. Generally19. A. discussion B. plan C. quarrel D. choice20. A. life B. chance C. experience D. fortune【答案】(1)B;(2)D;(3)A;(4)D;(5)C;(6)D;(7)B;(8)C;(9)B;(10)A;(11)A;(12)C;(13)D;(14)C;(15)B;(16)A;(17)D;(18)A;(19)C;(20)B;【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,因为每个人更多关注妹妹,作者一气之下,离家出走。

年终总结计划圣诞年会汇报PPT模板可编辑 (57)

年终总结计划圣诞年会汇报PPT模板可编辑 (57)

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拥有国内顶尖的PPT制作技术、 顶级的PPT设计团队, 坚持精益
Suitable for the annual meeting and exhibition


二、股东信息 .........................................................................................................................................................6 三、对外投资信息 .................................................................................................................................................6 四、企业年报 .........................................................................................................................................................7 五、重点关注 .........................................................................................................................................................8
一、企业背景 .........................................................................................................................................................5 1.1 工商信息 ......................................................................................................................................................5 1.2 分支机构 ......................................................................................................................................................5 1.3 变更记录 ......................................................................................................................................................5 1.4 主要人员 ......................................................................................................................................................6 1.5 联系方式 ......................................................................................................................................................6
















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