以下是陆空通话用语的相关参考内容:1. 通话建立:- 飞行员:XXX塔台,这里是XX航空公司ABC123航班请求起飞。
- 空管员:ABC123,XXX塔台收到,请确认飞行计划。
2. 地面指令:- 空管员:ABC123,塔台可以许可你起飞,请前往进近航线并等待起飞许可。
- 飞行员:复制,进近航线等待起飞。
3. 起飞准备:- 飞行员:XXX塔台,ABC123起飞准备完毕,请许可起飞。
- 空管员:ABC123,你已获许可起飞,请确认跑道情况。
4. 起飞:- 飞行员:XXX塔台,ABC123开始起飞。
- 空管员:ABC123,已确认你的起飞,请保持航向。
5. 爬升:- 空管员:ABC123,你可以继续爬升至XXX高度。
- 飞行员:复制,继续爬升至XXX高度。
6. 巡航:- 飞行员:XXX塔台,ABC123到达巡航高度,请告知下一阶段指令。
- 空管员:ABC123,已确认,你可以在巡航高度飞行。
7. 下降:- 空管员:ABC123,你可以开始下降至XXX高度。
- 飞行员:复制,开始下降至XXX高度。
8. 进近:- 飞行员:XXX塔台,ABC123进入进近航线。
- 空管员:ABC123,已确认,注意保持你的降落航路。
9. 复飞:- 飞行员:XXX塔台,ABC123计划复飞,请提供指令。
- 空管员:ABC123,明白,你可以执行复飞程序。
10. 降落:- 空管员:ABC123,你已获准降落,请注意跑道情况。
- 飞行员:复制,注意跑道情况。
11. 地面滑行:- 飞行员:XXX塔台,ABC123请求滑行至指定停机位。
- 空管员:ABC123,你已获准滑行至指定停机位。
12. 关闭引擎:- 飞行员:XXX塔台,ABC123已关机。
- 空管员:感谢合作,ABC123。
昆明地面,早上好, CES-747(东方拐四拐),机型737,申请停机位。
Kunming ground, good morning, China eastern 747, type Boeing 737, request for a parkingCES-747,停机位A3,准备好报告Roger, gate A3, report when ready, China eastern 747地面,CES-747,停机位A3到位了,计划已提交Ground, Chinaeastern 747, gate A3, flight plan SubmittedCES-747,雷达已识别,联系放行,再见China eastern 747, radar contact, contactdelivery on , good day联系放行,再见,CES-747Contactdelivery on , good day, China eastern 747联系放行:昆明放行,CES-747,停机位A3,去虹桥,申请放行Kunming delivery, China eastern 747 on gate A3, request clearance to Shanghai hongqiaoCES-747,可以沿计划航路飞行至上海浦东,起飞跑道21,SL-2D(马过河两号)离港,起始上升修正海压3000保持,修正海压1016,应答机6431,离场,巡航高度9500CES-747, cleared to Shanghai airport as filed,cruising level 9500 meters, departure runway 21, Sierra Lima 2 Delta departure,initially climb and maintain 3000 meters on QNH, QNH 1016, departure frequency willbe ,squawk 6431.可以沿计划航路飞行至上海,起飞跑道21,SL-2D离场,起始上升修正海压3000保持,修正海压1016,应答机6431,离地联系,巡航高度9500,CES-747Cleared toShanghai airport as filed, cruising level 9500 meters, departure runway 21,Sierra Lima 2 Delta departure, initially climb and maintain 3000 meters on QNH1016, call when airborne, squawk 6431, China eastern 747CES-747复述正确,准备好叫China eastern 747, read back is correct,report when ready.准备好叫,CES-747Report when ready, China eastern 747.放行,CES-747,停机位A3,完全准备好了,请求推开Delivery, Chinaeastern 747, ready for push-backCES-747,联系地面,再见China eastern 747, contact Ground on ,good day.地面,再见,CES-747Contact Ground on , bye,China eastern747地面推开及滑行:昆明地面,CES-747,停机位A3,申请推开Kunming Ground, China eastern 747 on gate A3, request push-back.CES-747,地面,稍等推开,离港排队CES-747, Ground, standby push-back due to flow control.收到,CES-747Roger, China eastern747.CES-747,地面China eastern747,Ground.CES-747,你好请讲China eastern747,go-aheadCES-747可以推出开车,跑道21号China eastern747,cleared for push-back and start-up runway 21.可以推出开车,CES-747Push-back and start-up approved, runway 21, China eastern747.地面,CES-747,推出完毕,请求滑出Ground, China eastern747,request taxi.CES-747,可以沿C滑行,在A外稍等一下,A上有经过M滑进K8的,是祥鹏的320,注意避让一下China eastern747,cleared for taxi to runway 21 by C, hold short of A, there's a Lucky-air A320is taxing on A, by M to K8.沿C在A外等待,CES-747Taxi by C andhold short of A, China eastern747.祥鹏320目视了,CES-747Have the Lucky-air A320 in sight, China eastern747.CES-747,收到了,在A外等待China eastern747,roger, hold short before A.CES-747,左转A继续滑行,跑道21等待点等待China eastern747,turn left to A and continue taxi, hold short of runway 21.左转A继续滑行,跑道21等待点等待,CES-747Turn left Aand continue taxi, hold short of runway 21, China eastern747CES-747,A继续滑行,联系塔台再见China eastern747,continue taxi, contact tower , good day,再见,东方747, China eastern747,bye塔台部分:塔台,早上好,CES-747,A滑行Tower, good morning, China eastern747, taxi on A.CES-747,塔台,早上好,A继续滑行跑道21号等待点等待China eastern747, tower, good morning, continue taxi and hold short of runway 21.A继续滑行跑道21号等待点等待,CES-747Continue taxi and hold short of runway 21, China eastern747.CES-747,等待点继续等待,5边有多架落地China eastern747, hold at the hold position, few aircrafts on final.收到,等待点继续等待,CES-747Roger, hold at the hold position, China eastern747.CES-747,短五边飞机落地后进入跑道21号China eastern747, after the aircraft on final has touched down, line up runway 21.进入跑道21号,CES-747After the aircraft on final has touched down, line up runway 21, CES-747.CES-747,跑到内等待China eastern747, lining up on the runwayCES-747,对正跑道后可以起飞,地面风220,8米,阵风14,修压1016,离地联系,再见China eastern747, cleared for takeoff runway 21, surface wind 220 degrees at 8 meters per second, gusting14 meters, QNH1016, contact departure when airborne, good day.可以起飞,离地自主脱波,再见,CES-747Cleared for takeoff, contact departure when airborne, good day China eastern747.离场部分:昆明进近早上好,CES-747,21跑道起飞了,通过2100上升高度3000Kunming approach, good morning, China eastern747, runway 21 airborned, passing 2100m for 3000m.CES-747,昆明进近雷达已识别,上升高度4200保持China eastern747, Kunming Approach radar contact, climb and maintain 4200 meters.上高度4200,CES-747Climb and maintain 4200m, China eastern747.进近,CES-747到达4200了Approach, China eastern747 Approaching 4200m.CES-747,稍等上升,由于间隔China eastern747standby for climb, due to separation.收到,CES-747Roger, China eastern747.进近,CES-747请求继续上升Approach, China eastern747 request for higher.CES-747再稍等一分钟China eastern747, maintain your present level for 1 minute.收到,CES-747Roger, China eastern747.CES-747,继续上升到标准气压6300保持China eastern747,climb and maintain 6300 meters on standard.上标压6300,CES-747Climb and maintain 6000 meters, China eastern747.CES-747,联系区调再见China eastern747,contact control on , bye.联系区调再见,CES-747Control , bye-bye, China eastern747.区调部分:昆明区调,早上好, CES-747,通过6100上升6300,听你指挥Kunming Control good morning, China eastern747, passing 6100m for 6300m, with you.CES-747,昆明区调雷达已识别,继续上升高度8900保持China eastern747, Kunming Control radar identified, climb and maintain 8900.继续上8900保持,CES-747Climb and maintain 8900m, China eastern747.CES-747,联系高空再见CES-747, contact control on , good day.再见,CES-747switching, CES-747, bye.昆明你好,CES-747,高度8900,听你指挥Kunming good morning, China eastern747on 8900, with you.CES-747,继续上升高度9500保持CES-747, continue your climb to 9500.上9500,CES-747Climb and maintain 9500, China eastern747CES-747,航路左侧偏置3nmChina eastern747, offset 3 miles, left of track.左偏3海里,CES-747offset 3miles, left of track, China eastern747.CES-747联系贵阳再见China eastern747,contact Guiyang on , good-bye.联系贵阳再见Guiyang on , bye-bye, China eastern747.贵阳早上好,CES-747,高度9500,听你指挥Guiyang good morning, China eastern747,maintain 9500m, with you.CES-747,贵阳区调雷达已识别,保持高度,取消偏置,回归航路China eastern747, Guiyang, radar contact, maintain present level, cancel the offset, back to your assigned track.取消偏置,保持高度,CES-747Cancel the offset and maintain present level, China eastern747.(中间区调部分省略)CES-747雷达服务终止,联系上海区调,再见China eastern747, radar service terminated, contact Shanghai Control, good day.联系上海区调,再见,CES-747上海区调,CES-747,高度9500,距离MADUK5海里,听你指挥Shanghai Control, China eastern747 on level 9500m, 5 miles to MADUK, with you.CES-747,上海区调雷达已识别,自主领航China eastern747, Shanghai Control, radar identifiied, maintain own navigation.自主领航,CES-747Own navigation, China eastern747.CES-747,区调China eastern747, Shanghai Control.CES-747,请讲Chinaeastern747 go ahead.CES-747由于浦东方面有雷雨和强风,浦东机场当前关闭,你现在可以选择在GS点做盘旋等待,或者落备降China eastern747, due to the severe thunderstorm and strong wind in Shanghai, Shanghai Pudong airport is currently closed. You have two options, make a hold at Golf Sierra, or divert to another near-by airport.稍等,CES-747Stand-by,China eastern747上海区调,CES-747叫ShanghaiControl, CES-747CES-747请讲China eastern747, Control, go ahead.CES-747,我们还是选择等待航线吧Chinaeastern747 perfer the hold pattern.CES-747,调速270,加入GS等待,右航线,China eastern747, reduce your speed to 270 knots, enter the right turn hold at Golf Sierra on heading 100, 15miles leg, until futher advise.Rightturn hold at Golf Sierra on heading 100 with 15 miles leg, 280 knots reducing,China eastern747.CES-747,取消等待,下降到7500,回归航线飞VMBChina eastern747, exit the hold when finishthis pattern, descend and maintain 7500 meter and own navigation to Victor MikeBravo.取消等待,回归航线飞向VMB,下7500,CES-747Exiting the hold and continue proceed own navigation to Victor Mike Bravo, descend and maintain 7500, China eastern747.CES-747,注意在你11点钟方向,6000米,距你22公里,空客340,目视报告China eastern747,caution the traffic at your11 o' clock, decenting 6000 meters, 22 kilometres, Airbus 340, report when traffic insight.目视了,CES-747Traffic insight, China eastern747.CES-747,下降到4500,下降率2000China eastern747,descend and maintain4500 meters, with 2000 feet per minute下4500,下降率2000,CES-747Descend and maintain 4500 meters with 2000 feet perminute, China eastern747.CES-747,4500保持,距VMB12海里Chinaeastern747,4500 meter maintaining, 12 miles to Victor Mike Bravo.CES-747下降到3900,联系上海进近,再见China eastern747, descend and maintain 3900meters, contact Shanghai Approach on , good day.联系进近,再见,CES-747Approach on , China eastern747, bye.进近部分:上海进近,CES-747通过4200下降3900,5海里到无锡,听你指挥Shanghai approach, China eastern747 descending through 4200 for 3900, 5 miles to VMB, with you.CES-747,上海进近收到,加入VMB 12号进场,落地跑道17R,过EKIIMU报China eastern747, Shanghai approach roger, followVMB12A arrive, landing runway 17R, report when passing EKIMU.加入VMB 12号进场,落地跑道17R,过EKIMU报,CES-747 Follow VMB12Aarrive, landing runway 17R,report passing EKIMU, China eastern747.CES-747,已过EKIMUChinaeastern747, passing EKIMU.CES-747,收到了,下降到修正海压1500米保持,修正海压1006,尽快通过1800,过PK不低于2100China eastern747 roger, descend and maintain1500 meters on QNH 1006, expedite when passing 1800, Pass Papa Kilo not belowthan 2100 meters.下1500,尽快通过1800,过PK不低于2100,CES-747 Descend andmaintain 1500 meters, pass Papa Kilo not below than 2100, expedite when passing1800, China eastern747.上海进近,CES-747,请求航向100,由于CB(雷雨云)ShanghaiApproach, CES-747 request fly heading 100, due to CB occured.CES-747,航向100同意China eastern747, heading 100 approved航向100,谢谢,CES-747Heading 100, thankyou, China eastern747.CES-747,请求航行140Chinaeastern747, request heading 140在1500的高度上许可机动China eastern747, you're cleared for option at1500 meter.1500 cleared for option, China eastern747.CES-747,下900,回归标准进场China eastern747, descend and maintain 900meters, back to your track加入标准进场,下900,CES-747Back to trackand descend to 900 meters, China eastern747.CES-747,第三个进场,右转航向140,切入17R航道China eastern747, you're the number 3, turnright heading 140, intercept localizer runway 17R.航向140,切入17R航道Heading 140, intercept localizer runway 17R.,China eastern747.CES-747,在你10点钟方向,据你8海里,高度900的飞机是16的China eastern747, traffic on your 10 o’clock, 8miles, 900m is runway 16TCAS上看见了TCAS insight, China eastern747航向道已建立,CES-747Loclizer established, China eastern747CES-747,收到,可以盲降进近跑道17R,距离接地点12nm,联系塔台再见China eastern747, roger, cleared for ILS runway 17R approach, 12miles from touch- down, contact tower on , byebye.盲降进近17R,联系塔台再见,CES-747Cleared for ILSrunway 17R approach, tower on , bye,China eastern747.塔台部分:浦东塔台,CES-747,五边12海里,听你指挥Pudong tower,China eastern747, 12 miles on final, with you.CES-747,浦东塔台,继续进近,前机5nm,调速最小,注意尾流,前机是777China eastern747, pudong tower, continue approach, reduce your speed to minimum, Aircraft at your 12 o’clock,5 miles, Boeing777,caution wake turbulence继续进近,注意尾流,CES-747Continue approach, caution wake turbulence, China eastern747.CES-747,地面风200,9米,注意低空风切影响,可以落地跑道17RChina eastern747, wind 205 at 9 mps, caution wind shear is occuring at low altitude, cleared to land runway 17R可以落地跑道17R,注意风切,CES-747Cleared toland 17R , caution wind shear, China eastern747CES-747,落地了Chinaeastern747,touched down.CES-747,左转D4脱离,联系地面,再见China eastern747, turn left join D4, contactPudong ground on , good day.左转D4,联系地面,再见,CES-747Left D4,contact ground, bye-bye, China eastern747地面部分:浦东地面,CES-747,D4脱离,听你指挥PudongGround, China eastern747, vacated by D4, with you.CES-747,沿D,D3跑道17L外等,停机位 206China eastern747, taxi via D, D3, hold shortof runway 17L, parking 206.沿D,D3跑道17L外等,停机位206,CES-747Taxi via D,D3, hold short of runway 17L, parking 206, China eastern747.CES-747,17L外等,请求穿越跑道Chinaeastern747, hold short of runway 17L , request cross runway.CES-747可以穿越跑道17L,在A外等待China eastern747, cleared cross runway 17L,then hold short of A可以穿越跑道,A外等待,CES-747Cleared corssthe runway, hold short of A, China eastern747.CES-747,左转A,目视引导车了么?China eastern747, turn left join A, do youhave the follow me car insight?目视引导车了,CES-747follow me carinsight, China eastern747收到,CES-747,跟随引导车到位,再见了Roger, China eastern747, follow follow me carapproach to gate, good day.跟随引导车,再见了,CES-747follow follow me car, bye, China you~。
42、Are you in contact with Guangzhou Control?
43、Try to contact Kun Ming Control on 8931KC
44、If you can not contact Baiyun Tower, maintain(remain\keep) on this frequency.
3、Read you loud and clear.
4、Give me a long (short ) call.
5、Give me a long(short) count for radio check.
25、If contact Guangzhou Control is broken, Please switch back (turn back) to 118.1MC.
26、If contact lost call Guangzhou Tower please.
77、Keep contact with us on this frequency as far as possible. If contact lost call me on 8931.
78、Advise when you have contact with Guangzhou Control.
基本陆空通话基本陆空通话--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1、Baiyun Tower,This is china252,preflight check on118.1,how do you read me over?白云塔台,这是中国252,飞行前检查118.1,你听我怎样,回答?2、China252,This is Baiyun Tower,read you5,use118.1as primary,119.7as secondary frequency over.中国252,这是白云塔台,听你5个,使用118.1作主用频率,119.7为备用频率。
3、Read you loud and clear.听你声音洪亮而清楚。
4、Give me a long(short)call.给我一个长(短)呼叫。
5、Give me a long(short)count for radio check.给我一个长(短)数以检查无线电。
6、I can’t read you(unable to read you)(you are unreadable).我听不到你。
7、I read you loud but distortion.(Read you with difficulty).听你声音洪亮但失真。
)8、Speak loud and distinctly.说慢和清楚些。
9、Your signal unreadable(unstable\jammed).你的信号听不清(不稳定、失真)。
10、Adjust your transmitter.调整你的发射。
11、Say again please.请再说一遍。
12、Read back for check..为了检查请重复。
13、Standby please.请等一下。
陆空对话学习笔记VLN C2内训班陆空对话学习笔记ATC通话结构:1. 首次联系时应采用的通话结构为:对方呼号+己方呼号+通话内容。
2. 首次通话以后的各次通话,空中交通管制员宜采用下列通话结构:对方呼号+通话内容。
3. 航空器驾驶员宜采用的通话结构为:对方呼号+己方呼号+通话内容。
4. 空中交通管制员肯定航空器驾驶员复诵的内容时可仅呼对方呼号。
2.申请放行:申请放行的三个要素:1.停机位,2.目的地,3.收到的通波管制员回复时需要记录的:①.飞行高度②.预计使用跑道③.起始高度④.修正海压⑤.离场程序⑥.应答机⑦.离场频率---------- 申请放行的步骤是在你【已停在相应停机位上并联线后申请。
最后,以下是一些常用的标准陆空通话用语:1. 起飞许可,Ground, this is Flight 123, request takeoff clearance.地面,这里是123航班,请求起飞许可。
2. 空中交通管制,Control, this is Flight 123, request permission to climb to FL 350.管制,这里是123航班,请求升至35000英尺的许可。
3. 气象信息,Tower, this is Flight 123, request current weather at destination airport.塔台,这里是123航班,请求目的地机场的当前天气信息。
4. 紧急情况,Mayday, mayday, mayday. This is Flight 123, declaring an emergency, engine failure.紧急情况,紧急情况,紧急情况。
5. 着陆许可,Tower, this is Flight 123, request permission to land, runway 27L.塔台,这里是123航班,请求着陆许可,27L跑道。
陆空通话的作用原理和应用1. 介绍陆空通话是一种使用无线电技术进行地面与空中通信的方法。
2. 作用原理陆空通话的作用原理主要依赖于无线电波的传输和接收。
3. 应用陆空通话系统在航空领域中有多个应用场景,以下是其中的一些常见应用:•空中交通管制:陆空通话系统是航空交通管制的重要工具。
4. 优势和挑战陆空通话系统的应用在航空领域中具有以下优势:•实时性:地面人员和飞行员可以在实时的情况下进行通信,提高了飞行的安全性和效率。
陆空对话实例1北京为例[中文版]【放行 121.6】滑行<50KM 停机坪<20KM根据风向、离场程序、目的地、停机位选跑道区内4100-4177,国内3001-3077,国际0001-0077A :北京放行,国航2763,晚上好。
B :国航2763,北京放行,计划已收到,准备好叫.A :北京放行,国航2763,波音777,停机位222,目的地太原(北京本场五边训练),收到通播C,巡航高度7200,请求放行许可.B :国航2763,许可放行至太原武宿机场(北京本场五边训练),按计划航路飞行,巡航高度7200,预计使用跑道18左,石各庄22号离场(雷达引导石各庄离场),起始一边高度1200(西跑道1500),修压1013,离场频率119.7,应答机3201。
A :同意放行至太原武宿机场(北京本场五边训练),按计划航路飞行,巡航高度7200,预计使用跑道18左,石各庄22号离场(雷达引导石各庄离场),起始一边高度1200(西跑道1500),修压1013,离场频率119.7,应答机3201,国航2763。
B: 国航2763复述正确,(准备好叫)联系地面121.7A: 联系地面121.7。
【地面 121.7/121.9】Z6只向右,M只向左,尽快上主滑A、C, 滑M、Z2,L要等A :北京地面,国航2763,波音777,停机位222,请求推出开车.B :国航2763,地面温度10度,可以推开跑道18左,(机头向北),修压1013.A: 可以推开,(机头向北), 修压1013,国航2763.A :北京地面,国航2763,准备好,请求滑行.B :国航2763,可以滑出,A,18左外等,修压(直接上跑道18左等).(原地等,避让,跟随)A : 可以滑出,Z3,A3,A,18左外等(直接上跑道18左等),国航2763.A :北京地面,国航2763,18左跑道外等待,请求上跑道.B :国航2763,联系塔台118.5,再见!A :联系塔台118.5,国航2763.【塔台 118.5/124.3】A :北京塔台,国航2763,18左外等待.B :国航2763,北京塔台, (目视前机离地/落地后),可以进跑道18左.A :(目视前机离地/落地后),进跑道18左,国航2763。
航路里程是643海里,选用浦东机场起飞跑道为17 L,选用首都机场落地跑道36R。
Pudong GND, Good evening,CES123,Boeing767,request stand.C:东方123,浦东地面,停机位廊桥205号。
CES123,GND,Stand/spot/bay/gate/parking bay 205.站调席位发放停机位时,须使用中文,严禁使用“GATE xxxx”、"P ARKINGxxxx"等英文。
Bay 205,CES123.—————————————————————————2、申请放行P:浦东放行,晚上好,东方123,停机位廊桥205号,机型波音76 7,通波ALFA已抄收,申请放行至北京。
Pudong DEL,Good evening,CES123, stand 205,boeing767,I have infor mation A,request IFR clearance to Beijing.联系放行时,首先你需要告诉管制你在哪儿(机位),你的机型,你是否抄收机场情报通波(包含起飞使用跑道,起始上升高度,标准离场程序,离场频率及气象信息;怎样抄收机场ATIS情报通波如何抄收?请见:/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=14313 &highlight=ATIS)以及你要到哪儿去(目的地)。
航路里程是643海里,选用浦东机场起飞跑道为17 L,选用首都机场落地跑道36R。
Pudong GND,Good evening,CES123,Boeing767,request stand.C:东方123,浦东地面,停机位廊桥205号。
CES123,GND,Stand/spot/bay/gate/parking bay 205.站调席位发放停机位时,须使用中文,严禁使用“GATE xxxx”、"P ARKINGxxxx"等英文。
P:停机位廊桥205号,东方123.Bay 205,CES123.—-————-——-—-—-———-————-——2、申请放行P:浦东放行,晚上好,东方123,停机位廊桥205号,机型波音767,通波ALFA已抄收,申请放行至北京。
Pudong DEL,Good evening,CES123, stand 205,boeing767,I have infor mation A,request IFR clearance to Beijing.联系放行时,首先你需要告诉管制你在哪儿(机位),你的机型,你是否抄收机场情报通波(包含起飞使用跑道,起始上升高度,标准离场程序,离场频率及气象信息;怎样抄收机场ATIS情报通波如何抄收?请见:http://www。
cn/bbs/viewthread.php?tid= 14313&highlight=ATIS)以及你要到哪儿去(目的地).C:东方123,浦东放行,许可放行至北京,按计划航路飞行,预计使用跑道17L,起始高度900米,修正海压1012,PIKAS11号离场,离场频率126。
陆空通话特情案例——无线电通讯失效和燃油问题一、无线电通讯失效处置程序:1.当飞行员在航路上怀疑无线电通讯失效时,首先应检查下列几点:a) 确保麦克风和/或耳机插上插头,接通电源b) 音频面板上的无线电选择正确c) 无线电音量调节适当位c) 选择正确频率d) 检查跳开关位置,证实未跳开e) 电台未超出联络范围f) 电台服务正在运行飞行员同时应在先前指定的频率上尝试和地面管制建立联络。
2. 当不能在指定频率上和地面管制建立联络时,飞行员应:尝试用此航路上合适的备用频率和地面管制建立联络,如果失败,应:a) 尝试和其它飞机或其它地面电台建立联络。
b) 守听VHF频率,看是否有其它飞机帮助呼叫。
如果上述所有尝试都失败,飞行员应在某指定频率上发送两遍电文,发送的电文前应加上“TRANSMITTING BLIND”。
3. 当飞行员判断仅由于接收机失效而不能和地面管制建立联络时,飞行员必须:a) 按规定的时间或位置在原频率上发送电文。
c) 如上述格式,发送完整的电文两遍。
4. 如果飞行员证实接收机工作正常,而只是因为发送机故障不能和地面管制建立联络时,应将应答机编码设定为7600。
5. 当判断为地面电台失效,不能在某指定频率上和航空器建立联络时,管制员a) 请求其它地面电台帮助呼叫航空器b) 请求相邻的航空器帮助,尝试再次建立联络相关词汇:A TC =air traffic controller:(n.)空中管制员captain: (n.)机长copilot (first officer): (n.) 副驾驶crew: (n.)机组estimate: (v.) 预计flight attendant: (n.) 乘务员message:(n.) 电文observe :(v.) 观察,看到pass instructions: 发送电文purser: (n.) 乘务长receiver: (n.) 接收机relay: (v.) 转报,转达SSR=secondary surveillance radar: (n.)二次监控雷达transmission: (n.) 发送transmitter: (n.)发送机transmitting blind: 盲发transponder: (n.)应答机VHF=very high frequency: (n.)甚高频空中通话例句:当通讯状况不稳定时,管制员会:C: If radio contact lost, …. (instructions)如果无线电联络中断,…..(具体指令)C: If no transmissions received for 10 minutes/seconds,…. (instructions)如果10分钟/秒内未收到指令,….(具体指令)。
【A/C CALLSIGN】,DWP Deliver,request PDC(DCL),information 【code】is valid.b)【航空器呼号】,可以沿计划航路放行至【目的地】,巡航高度层XXX,【沿SID离场】,起始高度修正海压XXX(值),在航路上申请变更高度,应答机编码XXX,通播【代码】有效。
【A/C CALLSIGN】,clear to 【DEST】via flight planned route, FL XXX,【SID】departure, initial altitude 1500 meters on QNH,request level change enroute,squwk【CODE】, information【code】is valid。
【A/C CALLSIGN】,runway in use【25/07】,QNH【number】,temperature 【number】,surface wind【number】degrees【number】meters per second,【other information】。
d)取消标准离场:【航空器呼号】,取消标准离场,起始航向 XXX,雷达引导.【A/C CALLSIGN】,cancel SID, initial heading XXX,radar vecter。
【A/C CALLSIGN】,report ready for (pushback and)start up。
《陆空通话》考试题一、填空题(1分*10空=10分)(1). PIL:Wuhan Delivery HDA853. Good morning, ( ) M1, destination Hong Kong,( ) C, request ATC ( ).(2). CTL: HDA853 cleared to Hong Kong ( ) flight planned route, ( ) LKO-1D Departure, ( ) climb to 1200m, request level change ( ) route to 9500m, ( ) 3351.(3). CTL: HAD853 ( ) SID, fly heading 200 direct to LKO, climb and ( ) 4800m on standard.二、单词翻译(2分*10道=20分)Emergency evacuation ExplosionHostage engine flame outWindshield Belly landingfoam carpet fuel dumpingFuel leak Stall三、连线题(20分)请连线每个英文指令对应的正确中文翻译。
1、Confirm A、是的2、Approved B、请认收3、Disregard C、更正4、Affirm D、正确5、Correct E、可以6、Acknowledge F、证实7、Correction G、作废8、Cleared H、联系9、Monitor I、守听10、Contact J、同意四、阅读理解(10分)ATIS:Frankfurt information A, time 15.20. Runways in use 25, 18, transition level 60, met report as of 15.20: wind 260° 11 knots, visibility 20 kilometres and recent snowshower, cloud 3 oktas 2700, 3 oktas 9000 feet, temperature 1, dew point -1 centigrade, QNH 1015, hectopascal equals 29.97 inches, trend no sig. Warning for Frankfurt, weather announcement tomorrow morning 6 o'clock, strong winds 320° at 15 knots gusts up to 34 knots.–ATIS______ TIME_____ RUNWAY______ VIS_____ TL_____五、英译汉(20分)C: VIR7937, cleared to Hong Kong via flight planned route, RENOB8B Departure, initial climb to 900 meters on QNH1014, maintain 10100 meters on standard, squawk 3475.P: Dongfang Delivery, say again all after QNH1014.C: VIR7937, maintain 10100 meters on standard, squawk 3475.P: Cleared to Hong Kong via flight planned route, RENOB8B Departure, initial climb to 900 meters on QNH1014, maintain 10100 meters on standard, squawk 3475, VIR7937.六、汉译英(20分)驾驶员:东方地面,KLM889,无线电检查121.6。
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ICAO4 笔试题目Part 1 Listening1. C: CSN 981 contact 125.25 correction 135.25.P: 135.25 CSN 981.What is the frequency? BA. 125.25B. 135.25C. 125.35D.135.352. P: Nanjing Ground CES 4410 bay 20 request taxi information CC: CES 4410 taxi beyond the 310 on your left then turn right to taxiway B.What should CES4410 do at last? CA. turn left to taxiway BB. turn left to taxiway CC. turn right to taxiway BD. turn right to taxiway C3. P: Wuhan Tower, CCA 105 approaching holding point runway 35L.C: CCA 105 hold short of runway 35L, report B737 on final in sight.What should CCA105 do? BA. hold short of runway 35L, report B757 in sightB. hold short of runway 35l, report B737 in sightC. hold at holding point, report B757 in sightD. hold at holding point, report B737 in sight4. C: CSN 122 turn right heading 040 for separationP: right 040 CSN122What is the situation in the dialogue? DA. CSN 122 should turn right heading 050 for separationB. CSN 122 should turn right heading 040 for navigationC. CSN 122 should turn right heading 050 for navigationD. CSN 122 should turn right heading 040 for separation5. P: Guangzhou control, we have to accept their requirement to fly to Hong Kong, CSN 221C: CSN 221, roger, direct to VYK, any message we can pass to the police for you?What’s the reason causing the aircraft fly to Hong Kong? CA. because of the weatherB. because of flight conflictC. because of hijackingD. because of low visibility6---8P:Beijing control, JAL727,we have an indication of weather about 50 km ahead of us ,request turn left to go round it.C: JAL727, negative due dangerous area, turn right 40 degrees, track out 30km,report clear ofbuild-up.P: Turning 40 degrees right for 30km, JAL727.C: JAL727, keep us advised if conditions continue or get worse.P: Roger, Beijing control, I will call you back when cleared of CB , coming back to the course.P: Beijing control, JAL727, now cleared of CB and coming back to the course.C: JAL727, roger, report joining.P: JAL727, now on course at 8100m ETO VYK 27.QUESTION:6. What is the position of the weather? AA. 50km ahead of the A/CB. 15km ahead of the A/CC. 25km ahead of the A/CD. 50km ahead of the A/C7. What will the A/C do to go round the weather? CA. Turning 40 degrees right for 40kmB. Turning 40 degrees left for 30kmC. Turning 40 degrees right for 30kmD. Turning 30 degrees right for 40km8. Which flight level the A/C will use when pass VYK? CA. 8100mB. 900mC. 9100mD. 800m9---11C: CES907, Beijing Control, confirm squawk.P: Beijing Control, ten hijackers attempted to hijack our aircraft.C: CES907, Beijing control, what kind of weapons they have?P: Not only do they have guns but also a bomb, CES907.C: CES907, what’s their intention?P: The hijacks intimidated us to fly to TOKYO, and threatened to kill the hostage, if we fail to comply with their requirement.C: CES907, report you intentions.P: Beijing Control, we have to accept their requirement to fly to Tokyo, CES907.C: CES907, roger, direct to VYK, any message we can pass to the police for you?P: I will call you back if the condition improved.QUESTION:9. What kind of weapons do the hijackers take? CA. a bombB. ten gunsC. some guns and a bombD. knife10. What will the hijackers do if the pilots fail to comply with their requirement? BA. they will blow up the aircraftB. they will kill the hostageC. they will kill the stewardessD. they will kill everyone in the aircraft11. Where will the aircraft fly to? CA. BeijingB. Hong KongC. TokyoD. Shanghai12---15P: Beijing Tower, ILS approach runway 18L established, CCA2763C: CCA2763, Beijing Tower, continue approach, report out marker.P: Continue approach, report out marker. CCA2763.P: Beijing tower, out marker, CCA2763.C: CCA2763, you are cleared to land runway 18L, surface wind160, 7m, landing (vacated) report P: cleared to land runway 18L, surface wind160, 7m/s, landing (vacated) A2763P: Beijing tower, CCA2763, we have a full emergency now. We are unable to lower the nose wheel; we would like to make a low pass so that you can check whether nose wheel is down.C: CCA2763, Beijing tower, nose wheel does not appear down.P: Beijing tower, we have trouble with extending the nose wheel.C: CCA2763, what is your intention?P: request holding procedure, checking the undercarriage will take a while.C: All stations, tower, stop transmitting, MAYDAY.P: we cannot even crank it down, request foam carpet at the touchdown zone of runway16LC: CCA2763, ground is ready .clear to land.P: Roger. Clear to land CCA2763.QUESTION:12. Which runway did the ATC plan to use? CA: 18RB: 16RC: 18LD: 16L13. What caused the aircraft to claim MAYDAY? DA: bird strikeB: instrument failureC: missed approachD: undercarriage failure14. What is the ATC clearance? DA: straight landB: divert to alternateC: foam carpet at the touchdown zoneD: holding15. What problem will lead to nose wheel failure? BA .mid—air fireB. hydraulic system failureC .engine failureD. control system failurePART 2 RetellingFlight attendant Michelle Honda, who was standing near rows #15 and #16, was thrown violently to the floor during the decompression. Despite her injuries, she was able to crawl up and down the aisle to assist and calm the terrified passengers. Flight attendant Jane Sato-Tomita, who was at the front of the plane, was seriously injured by flying debris and was thrown to the floor. Passengers held onto her during the descent into Maui. The explosive decompression severed the electrical wiring from the nose gear to the indicator light on the cockpit instrument panel. As a result, the light did not illuminate when the nose gear was lowered, and the pilots had no way of knowing if it had fully lowered. Before landing, passengers were instructed to don their life jackets, in case the aircraft did not make it to Kabuli.The crew performed an emergency landing on Kabuli Airport's runway 2 at 13:58. Upon landing, the crew deployed the aircraft's emergency evacuation slides and evacuated passengers from the aircraft quickly. First Officer Mimi Tompkins assisted passengers down the evacuation slide. In all, 65 people were reported injured, eight seriously. At the time, Maui had no plan for a disaster of this type. The injured were taken to the hospital by the tour vans from Aramaic Tours (now defunct) driven by office personnel and mechanics, since the island only had a couple of ambulances. Air traffic control radioed Kamahi and requested as many of their 15 passenger vans as they could spare to go to the airport to transport the injured. Two of the Aramaic drivers were former medics and established a triage on the runway. The aircraft was a write-off.PART 3 Listening and Answer the QuestionP: Wuhan Approach, CES277, 6000m descending, estimated HZ 30.C: CES277, Wuhan Approach, roger, report over HZ.P: Roger, Report over HZ, CES277.P: Wuhan Approach, CES277, over HZ 5100m, estimate time arrival 44.C: CES277, descend and maintain altitude 2700 meters on QNH1017, report reaching.P: Descend and maintain 2700m on QNH1017 CES277.C: CES277 please copy landing information: follow the HZ-01, runway 04.....P: MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, Wuhan Approach, CES277, number one engine is overheating due unknown object strike. Request priority landing and emergency services on arrival.C: CES277, descend to 900m, cleared for ILS approach RWY04, you are NO.1, emergency equipment is standing by.QUESTION:NO.1: When will the plane pass HZ? 44NO.2: What is the runway in landing information? Runway04NO.3: Why is the engine overheating? Due to unknown object strike.A Pakistani passenger aircraft on the way to the Islamabad international airport form Karachi with131 onboard busted into flames while making an emergency landing due to a bad weather.The Pakistani airliner with up to 131 people on board crashed in bad weather as it came in to land in Islamabad on Friday, scattering wreckage and leaving no sign of survivors. The Boeing 737, operated by local airline Bhoja Air, rammed into a wheat field near a village on the suburbs of Islamabad, about 9 km from the airport. The magnitude of the crash leaves no possibility of survivors.However, the rescue operations are going on. So far the rescue officials have collected as many as 110 bodies from the wreckage of ill-fated crashed aircraft. The local people have also joined the search operation to help the authorities in find the passengers' remains. The lighting facility was done in the accident spot to carry out the search operation in the night.The government has no word on whether air mishap was due to any foul play. The initial reports, however, have indicated the bad weather for this tragedy.Meanwhile, the TV channels in Pakistan have reported the recovery of the black box of crashed passenger plane. However, there was no official confirmation on the speculation.Questions to consider:1. What may have caused the tragedy?Answer:The bad weather.2. Has it been confirmed that the black box has been found?Answer: the TV channels in Pakistan have reported the recovery of the black box of crashed passenger plane3. How many people died in this accident and are there any survivor?Answer: All of the 131 people onboard was died and there were no survivor.Part 4 Oral Interactive SimulationP: Beijing Delivery, CCA1475, radio check 118.1, How do you read.C: CCA1475, Beijing Delivery, your signal is unstable, check your transmitter and give me a short count.P: Roger, CCA1475, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, how do you read.C: CCA1475, read you 4, go ahead.P: CCA1475, destination Wuhan, gate 1, request ATC clearance.C: CCA1475, confirm you have got information B.P: Affirm, ready to push-back and start.C: Approved, CCA1475 cleared to Wuhan via Bekol, fight planned route maintain 8900m, Bekol One Alpha Departure, Squawk 5325.P: Cleared to Wuhan via Bekol, flight planned route, maintain 8900m, Bekol One Alpha Departure, Squawk 5325.C: Read back correct.P:Beijing Delivery, all engines have been started, check everything normal, request taxi, CCA1475. C: Approved, CCA1475, taxi via taxiway M and C to holding point,Runway 36L.P: Taxiway M and C, CCA1475.……P: Beijing Delivery, approaching holding point, request take off.C: Negative, hold short of runway, give way to the landing B747.P: Wilco, traffic in sight.C: CCA1475, are you ready for immediate departure.P: Affirm, CCA1475.C: CCA1475, line up, be ready for immediate departure.P: CCA1475, lining up.C: CCA1475 cleared for take-off.P: Cleared for take-off, CCA1475.C: CCA1475, Beijing Tower, cancel take-off, I say again, cancel take-off, suspected bomb on board, after the FOLLOW ME car, taxi back to the apron.P: Wilco, CCA1475.……After examination and take-off.C: CCA1475, expedite climb to 8900m due traffic, contact Beijing Control 128.3, good-day.P: Expediting to 8900m, 128.3, CCA1475, good-day.C: CCA1475, report distance from VYK.P: 50km to VYK.C: CCA1475, maintain 8900m until further advertised.P: Maintain 8900m, CCA1475.……C: CCA1475, 40 DME 351 radial WXI.P: CCA1475.P: CCA1475, 40 DME 351 radial WXI, WXI 48.C: Roger, CCA1475, contact Zhengzhou Control on 122.20, good-day.P: 122.20 for Zhengzhou Control, CCA1475, good-day.……P: Zhengzhou Control, CCA1475.C: CCA1475, go ahead.P: CCA1475, request clearance to join A461 at 8900m.C: CCA1475 cleared to join A461 at 8900m.……P: Zhengzhou Control, CCA 1475, we have established contact with Wuhan Control, good-day. C: CCA1475, good-day.P: MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY, Wuhan Control, CCA1475, 8900m, request emergency descent due to cabin altitude rising fast, position 15 miles north of ZF.C: CCA1475, descend to 3000m.Shall we call medical assistance for you?P: Affirm, request oxygen supply on landing for about 10 passengers because several oxygen masks did not drop at decompression.C: CCA1475, roger, oxygen will be ready for you on landing.C: CCA1475, contact Wuhan Approach 112.2.P: 112.2, CCA1475.P: Wuhan Approach, CCA1475, request priority landing.C: Approved, continue descend to 1200m, join right hand downwind, you are number 1.P: Wlico.C: CCA1475, expect ILS approach, runway 04, QNH 1004.P: Runway 04, QNH 1004, request straight in approach on ILS, CCA1475. C: CCA1475, cleared straight in approach, report established.P: CCA1475.P: CCA1475 established, runway in sight.C: CCA1475 contact Tower 110.1.P: 110.1 CCA1475.C: CCA1475, vacate runway next left, after the FOLLOW ME car.P: Wlico.ICAO4 口试题目热身1、Tell us something about your family.2、Why do you choose this job?初步校验3、How do you cope with pressure in your daily life?4、Do you think teamwork is very important to your work?5、How do define the relationship between controller and pilot?深度校验6、What is the purpose of ATC?7、Say something about the ILS.8、How to deal with control system failure situation?结束9、What is the most important thing is dealing with the unusual events?10、Say something about the prospect of civil aviation.看图说话。