
感恩节英文资料加翻译感恩节英文资料加翻译感恩节是西方的一个传统节日,下面就是小编为您收集整理的感恩节英文资料加翻译的相关文章,希望可以帮到您,如果你觉得不错的话可以分享给更多小伙伴哦!感恩节英文资料加翻译什么是感恩节Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday of November, a different date every year. The President must proclaim that date as the official celebration.Thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. Even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. All give thanks together for the good things that they have.In this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless. On most tables throughout the United States, foods eaten at the first thanksgiving have become traditional.感恩节在11月的第四个星期四,一个不同的日期。

感恩节英文介绍_感恩节感恩节英文介绍_感恩节感恩节英文介绍(双语)thanksgiving day is the united states and canada shared festival, created by the people of the united states, the intention was to thank god given good harvest, thanks to help from the indians. in america, thanksgiving day is the fourth thursday in november every year, and from that date will be on leave for two days; while the canadian and american thanksgiving at different times, the second monday of october. everyone agrees the dinner must be roast turkey. a turkey with a bread dressing to absorb the delicious juices flowing during baking, but cooking techniques often because of family and regions vary, what filler application is difficult to get consistent. what are the thanksgiving day game?the game, cranberry race: put a bowl with cranberries on the floor, 4-10 player in the sitting around, each sent her a. the beginning of the game, they first sewing clothes, and then to a series cranberry, one to 3 minutes; who was the longest string, who will get the prize. as for the string of the slowestperson, we also make fun of to send him a worst award.game two, game of corn: corn five people hid in the house, we go separately, find corn five toparticipate in the competition, other people watched. the start of the game, five on the rapid exploitation of maize grain in a bowl, who finished first stripping who the winners, then by no race around the bowlnext to guess how many grains of corn, guess the number of the nearest award to a bag of popcorn.game three, the game with a teaspoon of pumpkin run, the rules can not be touched by hand pumpkin, who won a first destination. the smaller spoon with the competition, the game is more interesting.【参考译文】感恩节是美国和加拿大共有的节日,由美国人民独创,原意是为了感谢上天赐予的好收成、感谢印第安人的帮助。

感恩节就要到了,店铺给大家收集了关于感恩节的英文介绍,欢迎大家阅读了解!【感恩节英语介绍】thanksgiving day fourth thursday in november almost every culture in the world has held celebrations of thanks for a plentiful harvest. the american thanksgiving holiday began as a feast of thanksgiving in the early days of the american colonies almost four hundred years ago.in 1620, a boat filled with more than one hundred people sailed across the atlantic ocean to settle in the new world(新大陆).this religious group had begun to question the beliefs of the church of england and they wanted to separate from it. the pilgrims settled in what is now the state of massachusetts. their first winter in the new world was difficult.they had arrived too late to grow many crops, and without fresh food, half the colony died from disease. the following spring the iroquois indians(美国纽约州东北部易洛魁族印第安人)taught them how to grow corn, a new food for the colonists. they showed them other crops to grow in the unfamiliar soil and how to hunt and fish.in the autumn of 1621, bountiful crops of corn, barley(大麦), beans and pumpkins were harvested. the colonists had much to be thankful for, so a feast was planned. they invited the local indian chief and 90 indians. the indians brought deer to roast with the turkeys and other wild game offered by the colonists. the colonists had learned how to cook cranberries and differentkinds of corn and squash dishes from the indians. to this first thanksgiving, the indians had even brought popcorn.in following years, many of the original colonists celebrated the autumn harvest with a feast of thanks.after the united states became an independent country, congress recommended one yearly day of thanksgiving for the whole nation to celebrate. george washington suggested the date november 26 as thanksgiving day.then in 1863, at the end of a long and bloody civil war, abraham lincoln asked all americans to set aside the last thursday in november as a day of thanksgiving.thanksgiving falls on the fourth thursday of november, a different date every year. the president must proclaim that date as the official celebration.thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. all give thanks together for the good things that they have.in this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless. on most tables throughout the united states, foods eaten at the first thanksgiving have become traditional.【symbols of thanksgiving】turkey, corn, pumpkins and cranberry sauce(酸果曼沙司)are symbols which represent the first thanksgiving. now all of these symbols are drawn on holiday decorations and greeting cards. the use of corn meant the survival of the colonies. "indian corn" as a table or door decoration represents the harvest and the fall season.sweet-sour cranberry sauce, or cranberry jelly, was on the first thanksgiving table and is still served today. the cranberry is a small, sour berry. it grows in bogs(沼泽), or muddy areas, in massachusetts and other new england states. the indians used the fruit to treat infections. they used the juice to dye their rugs and blankets. they taught the colonists how to cook the berries with sweetener(甜味佐料)and water to make a sauce.the indians called it "ibimi" which means "bitter berry." when the colonists saw it, they named it "crane-berry" because the flowers of the berry bent the stalk over, and it resembled the long-necked bird called a crane. the berries are still grown in new england.in 1988, a thanksgiving ceremony of a different kind took place at the cathedral of st. john the divine. more than four thousand people gathered on thanksgiving night. among them were native americans representing tribes from all over the country and descendants of people whose ancestors had migrated to the new world.the ceremony was a public acknowledgment of the indians' role in the first thanksgiving 350 years ago. until recently most schoolchildren believed that the pilgrims cooked the entire thanksgiving feast, and offered it to the indians.in fact, the feast was planned to thank the indians for teaching them how to cook those foods. without the indians, the first settlers would not have survived.【感恩节的介绍英文】。

感恩节的由来英文简短介绍(优秀4篇)感恩节的由来英文简短介绍篇一Thanksgiving day is the united states and canada,the originated in more than 300 years ago a shipment of 100 many immigrants from europe to america,hunger and cold it is difficult to live,and most people in the first year was dying of hunger in winter,more than 50 people at the local residents,the indian help to go fishing,hunting,and to plant corn and second year of harvests,a thank god,and invited to attend.The indians is the origin of thanksgiving r,president lincoln proclaimed the united states each year on the fourth thursday in november for thanksgiving.感恩节的由来英文简短介绍篇二Thanksgiving is an important American holiday. The fourth Thursday of November each year, the American family are going to have a great Thanksgiving feast. The most mon type of traditional foods have Turkey, pumpkin pie and Indian pudding cornmeal.Thanksgiving originated from an early settler in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Known as the pilgrims when these immigrants in the UK, because of their religious reform of the church of England is not pletely, and the king and the church of England repression of their political and religious persecution, so the pilgrims from the church of England, go to the Netherlands, then decided to move to the other side of the Atlantic that desolate land, hope to be able to freely according to their wishes religious life. First governor William brad therefore suggested to set up a holiday blessing, celebrate the harvest, thank you for the gift of god.At the same time, also want to borrow the Thanksgiving strengthening concord between whites and indians. In late Thursday in November 1621, the pilgrims and massa soder 90 indians gathered, celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in American history. Male pilgrims go out hunting, capture the Turkey, women in the home made from corn, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and fruit such as delicacies. In this way, whites and indians around the bonfire, chating at, also singing and dancing, the whole celebration lasted three days. Moved to the United States in the north American continent europeans largely followed a in the form of the first Thanksgiving celebrations.In 1789, the first American President Washington, November 26, for the first unified national Thanksgiving celebration. However, for a long time, every state holiday date stipulate according to their own situation. In 1941, congress passed a bill with the approval of President Roosevelt and proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day throughout the country.感恩节的由来英文简短介绍篇三On Thanksgiving Day, the newspaper ran a story about a first-grade teacher who asked the class to draw their Thanksgiving Day. The children were poor, so she guessed that most of them would draw a table of Thanksgiving treats, such as an aromatic Turkey. But after seeing darth's picture, she was very surprised because it was painted with a hand! Whose hand is this? The class began to wonder, it must be god's hand, giving us food. Said one of the students. No, the farmer's hand. He USES it to raise the Turkey. Said another. After a controversy, the students ran back to their seats to draw. It was the teacher who walked to him and bent down to ask him whose hand it was. That's your hand, teacher. He looked at theteacher and bowed his head timidly.Darth was small and unlovely, but the teacher would always hold his hand in the next class. She used to do that, feel very ordinary, but for darfur, meaning is different, maybe after the true meaning of Thanksgiving is not accept tangible material giving, but to take this opportunity to give back to others, whether how little pay.感恩节的由来英文简短介绍篇四The early Thanksgiving has no fixed dates, temporary decision, by the states until after the independence, to become a National Day of Thanksgiving. Every Thanksgiving Day this day, the United States national lively very, christians according to custom to church to do Thanksgiving prayer, urban villages and towns are everywhere costume parade, theater or sports competition, etc. Respectively a year of relatives will be back from the country and the family reunion, taste to Turkey give priority to a meal.America's most famous local celebration was started in 1924 Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade (Macy 's Thanksgiving Day making).Every Thanksgiving Day this day, the United States national jollification, people according to custom to church to do Thanksgiving prayer, urban and rural towns everywhere make-up marches, drama performances and sports competitions, such as schools and shops are given by the regulation off. Children to imitate the indians appearance in strange costumes and draw on facebook or wear a mask to the street singing, trumpet. Scattered in exile abroad will be home for the family, the family sit together, munch delicious Turkey, and the family said: thanks! . After Thanksgiving, the school will let the students draw a Thanksgiving picture, most of the students are drawing is Turkey.At the same time, the hospitality of americans also not forget this day invite friends, bachelor or away from home for the holidays. Since the 18th century, the United States began to appear a give poor people a basket of food customs. There was a group of young women want to choose a day in a year for good, think that Thanksgiving is selected the most appropriate nevertheless. So Thanksgiving Day arrived, they were fitted with a full basket of food personally delivered to the poor. Soon it far or near, there are many people learn their appearance to do. No matter who meet, they would say: thank you!阅读是学习,摘抄是整理,写作时创造。

感恩节介绍中英文比较【篇一:感恩节英语介绍】the story of american thanksgiving(contributed by bing wei, granny bettys story time )每逢 11 月第四个礼拜四,美国人迎来了自己最重要的传统节日感恩节。
下文以历史为脉络,研究了感恩节的渊源,并把眼光锁定在 1621 年翔实的感恩“盛宴”上。
thanksgiving day is an american holiday and not celebrated in continental europe. on the fourth thursday of each november,families and friends gather together for the occasion tocelebrate with a traditional turkey dinner, usually in the mid-afternoon. thanksgiving originated as a celebration of theyears harvest and is similar to the mid-autumn festival in china.the origin of the thanksgiving daythis american tradition started in 1621 before the unitedstates of america was established. it was a huge celebrationfor a hard-earned harvest the first year after arriving in the newworld.on september 6, 1620, the mayflower ship set sail fromplymouth, devon, england, taking all the english pilgrims(清教徒) to the new world. the english pilgrims numbered about a hundred people, and left england to escape religiouspersecution. their voyage to the new world was financed bymerchant adventurers, an english investor group.the pilgrims sailed sixty-six days, arrived in the new world in november of the same year. they first settled in a cornfieldabandoned by native indians and named it plymouth plantation.they worked on the land with much difficulty and were besetby a devastating plague in which half of the pilgrim died in thenamed squanto and her wampanoag(瓦帕浓人,北美印第安人阿尔琴族一部落) tribe came to their help. the tribe taught thepilgrims how to work the earth and plant corn, beans,pumpkins, squash and other crops.the thanksgiving feast in 1621in late september 1621, the pilgrims were pleased with their great harvest. tocelebrate their first harvest, the pilgrims wanted to thank god and the native indian. they invited squanto and the entire wampanoag tribe that celebrate together in a shared feast.it was said about ninety wampanoag turned up, much to the surprise of the pilgrims, whose population had shrunk to no more than 50. the chief of the tribe had his men hunt five deer to bring to the feast. the first thanksgiving dinner had an elaborate menu with venison, wild turkey, goose, duck, crane, swan, and other waterfowl; they also has local seafood: clams, lobsters, mussels, salmon, cod, bass, herring, shad, bluefish, lots of eel and oysters. they also cooked plenty of vegetables, among them squash, pumpkins and beans were the most popular.they ate raspberries, strawberries, grapes, plums, cherries, blueberries, walnuts, chestnuts, acorns, hickory and ground nuts, wheat flour, indian corn and corn meal and they made beer out of barley. the pumpkin pudding was later developed into the traditional pumpkin pie.the first thanksgiving dinner is said to have lasted from three days to one week with much food, beer and liquor. the pilgrims and the native indian sat together on the ground, shared food with fingers or used rough plates made of wood or stale bread. they ran races, played old english games and staged parades during the festive, with marches, drums and firing of their muskets.thanksgiving related to the biblethe phrase thanksgiving initially comes from the bible. the pilgrims of plymouth, however, were mainly puritans and strict calvinist protestants. they only observed three religious holidays from the new testament: sunday sabbath, days of fasting and humiliation and thanksgiving. thanksgivingmarked favourable (mercies) in community life.the first thanksgiving festival was indeed a time of happiness, fellowship and rejoicing for the pilgrims. they arranged a friendly treaty with the native american indians, built houses in the wilderness, and raised sufficient crops to feed themselves for the upcoming long winter. the pilgrims had become the firstgeneration of settlers in this new land holding somuch promise.from then on, thanksgiving became a holiday forcelebrating the harvest in the new world, dates varied from october to november each year over the next 150 years. thanksgiving, the national holidaythe first national thanksgiving was declared by the continental congress in 1777. on october 3, 1789, president george washington declared that the people of the united states should observe a day of public thanksgiving and prayer on thursday, 26 november.in 1941, a congressional joint resolution set the fourth thursday of november as a national holiday for thanksgiving. there you are - the brief history of thanksgiving- a day in america for families and friends to gather together. the festival is also celebrated by americans living abroad. thanks to the native americans and the pilgrims who created this idea of a day of thanksgiving all those live in the new world can be thankful for all we have and share the joy with our family members and friends.thanksgiving day is a harvest festival. traditionally, it is a time to give thanks for the harvest and express gratitude in general. it is a holiday celebrated primarily in the united states and now is primarily identified as a secular holiday.this thursday is thanksgiving day. the writer o. hey called itthe one day that is purely american. thanksgiving is not a religious holiday. but it has spiritual meaning. some americans attend religious services on the day before thanksgiving, or on thanksgiving morning. others travel long distances to be with their families. they have a large dinner, which is the main part of the celebration.for many americans, thanksgiving is the only time whenall members of a family gather. the holiday is a time offamily reunion.对很多美国人来说,感恩节这天是全部家庭成员欢聚一堂的难得光阴。

每年一度的总统放生火鸡仪式始于1947 年杜鲁门总统当政时期,但实际上这个 传统仪式可以追溯到美国内战林肯总统 当政的时期。1863年的一天,林肯的儿 子泰德突然闯入内阁会议请求赦免一只 名叫杰克的宠物火鸡,因为这只被送进 白宫的火鸡,即将成为人们的圣诞节大 餐。
In addition, people at the table can also eat apples, orange, chestnut, walnuts , and grape, as well as meat pie, small cranberry sauce and so on.
感恩节宴会(Thanksgiving dinner)后,人们 有时会做些传统游戏,比如南瓜赛跑是比赛者用一 把小勺推着南瓜跑,规则是不能用手碰南瓜,先到 终点者获胜。比赛用的勺子越小,游戏就越有意思。 还有一种游戏叫蔓越桔竞赛,是把一个装有蔓越桔 的大碗放在地上,4-10名竞赛者围坐在周围,每人 发给针线一份。比赛一开始,他们先穿针线,然后 把蔓越桔一个个串起来,3分钟一到;谁串得最长, 谁就得奖。至于穿得最慢的人,大家还开玩笑地发 给他一个最差奖。 (蔓越莓、蓝莓和康科特葡萄 是美国特产的三种水果)
1620年,不堪忍受英国国内宗教迫害的清教徒 102人乘坐"五月花(the Mayflower)"号船满载到 达美洲(America)。
1620年和1621年之交的冬天,他们遇到了难以想象的 困难,处在饥寒交迫之中,冬天过去时,活下来的移民 只有50多人。这时,心地善良的印第安人(the Indians) 给移民送来了生活必需品,还特地派人教他们怎样狩猎、 捕鱼和种植玉米、南瓜。
自16世纪上半叶,欧洲开始了一场宗教改 革运动,基督教新教发生了巨大的变化, 新教徒中出现了加尔文教和英国国教等。 历史上,将在英国的新教徒,那些信奉加 尔文教义、不满英国国教教义的人称为清 教徒。他们认为《圣经》才是唯一最高权 威,任何教会或个人都不能成为传统权威 的解释者和维护者的基督徒。而由于英国 的宗教迫害,大部分清教徒都逃亡到了美 国。

感恩节英文介绍篇一:感恩节的英文介绍Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival. Traditionally, itis a time to give thanks for the harvest and expressgratitudein general. It is a holidaycelebrated primarily in Canada and the United States. While perhaps religious in origin, Thanksgiving is now primarily identified as a secular holiday.The date and location of the first Thanksgiving celebration is a topic of modest contention. Though the earliest attested Thanksgiving celebration was onSeptember 8, 1565 in what is now Saint Augustine, Florida[1][2], the traditional “first Thanksgiving”is venerated as having occurred at the site of Plymouth Plantation, in 1621.Today, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. Thanksgiving dinner is held on this day, usually as a gathering of family members and friends.Thanksgiving Dayin America is a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holidaymeals. A time of turkeys, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. A time for Indian corn, holiday parades andgiantballoons.在美国,感恩节是一个感谢恩赐,家庭团聚,合家欢宴的日子;是一个家家餐桌上都有火鸡、填料、南瓜馅饼的日子;是一个充满了印第安玉米、假日游行和巨型气球的日子。

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竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除感恩节介绍中英文对照篇一:感恩节介绍中英文对照Intheunitedstates,thefourthThursdayinnovemberiscall edThanksgivingDay.onthatday,Americansgivethanksfort heblessingstheyhaveenjoyedduringtheyear.在美国,每年11月的最后一个周四称为‘感恩节’,在那天,美国人为每年得到的上天赐福表示感激。
ThanksgivingDayisthemosttrulyAmericanofthenationalh olidaysintheunitedstatesandismostcloselyconnectedwi ththeearliesthistoryofthecountry.感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日,而且它和早期美国历史最为密切相关。
In1620,thesettlers,orpilgrims,theysailedtoAmericaon themayflower,seekingaplacewheretheycouldhavefreedomofworship.1620年,一些朝圣者(或称为清教徒)乘坐"五月花"号船去美国寻求宗教自由。
Afteratempestuoustwo-monthvoyagetheylandedatinicyno vember,whatisnowplymouth,massachusetts.他们在海上颠簸折腾了两个月之后,终于在酷寒的十一月里,在现在的马萨诸塞州的普里茅斯登陆。
Duringtheirfirstwinter,overhalfofthesettlersdiedofs tarvationorepidemics.Thosewhosurvivedbegansowingint hefirstspring.在第一个冬天,半数以上的移民都死于饥饿和传染病,活下来的人们在第一个春季开始播种。
感恩节 中英介绍

学会感激——感激我的父母,因为 他们给了我宝贵的生命 Say thanks to your family! 学会感激——感激我的老师,因 为他们给了我无穷的知识 Say thanks to your teachers! 学会感激——感激我的朋友,因 为他们给了我克服困难的力量 Say thanks to your friends! 学会感激——感激我周围的一切, 因为他们给了我和谐健康的成长空间 Say thanks to everyone! 不要忘记说声——“谢谢”
1、Time 感恩节的时间 2、Origin 感恩节的由来 3、Food 感恩节的美食 4、Activity 感恩节的活动 5、Blessings 感恩节祝福
Time 感恩节的时间
American:the fourth Thursday in November
Origin 感恩节的由来
Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family. 给你们全家感恩节的祝福。 Thanksgiving is a great time to tell you that we love you kids. 孩子们,感恩节这时刻,我们要说: 我们都爱你们。
感恩节(Thanksgiving Day),美国和加拿大节日,由 美国首创的,原意是为了感谢印第安人,后来人们常在这 一天感谢他人。 1620年,一批在英国受到宗教压迫的102名清教徒为追 求宗教和政治自由,乘坐"五月花"号船横渡大西洋,他们 在海上颠簸了两个月之后,终于在酷寒的十一月里,在现 在的马莎塞州的普里茅斯登陆。 在第一个冬天,半数以上的移民都死于( die )饥饿和传 染病,活下来的人们在第一个春季即1621年开始播种。整 个夏天( summer )他们都热切地盼望着丰收的到来,他们 深知自己的生存以及殖民地的存在都将取决于即将到来的 收成。最后( finally ),庄稼获得了意外的丰收,为了感谢 上帝赐予的丰收,举行了3天的狂欢活动。从此,这一习俗 就沿续下来,并逐渐风行各地。1863年,美国总统林肯宣 布每年十一月的第四个星期四为感恩节。

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Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth,Massachusetts.During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of[1] starvation or epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring.All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest. Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed[2]. Years later, President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed on that date until today.The pattern of the Thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. The big family dinner is planned months ahead. On the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash. The best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. They have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Day throughout the years.Everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed with a bread dressing[3] to absorb the tasty juices as it roasts. But as cooking varies with families and with the regions where one lives, it is not easy to get a consensus on[4] the precise kind of stuffing for the royal bird.Thanksgiving today is, in every sense, a national annual holiday on which Americans of all faiths and backgrounds join in to express their thanks for the year' s bounty and reverently ask for continued[5] blessings.感恩节是美国国定假⽇中最地道、最美国式的节⽇,⽽且它和早期美国历史最为密切相关。

英文介绍感恩节10句话以下是关于感恩节的10句话英文介绍:1. The origin of Thanksgiving can be traced back to the 1621 Plymouth Colony, when the Pilgrims held a feast to give thanks for the bountiful harvest they had achieved.2. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November each year.3. The traditional Thanksgiving celebration includes a feast with family and friends, featuring a variety of dishes such as roasted turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.4. The turkey is the most iconic dish of the Thanksgiving feast, but there are also many other traditional dishes that are prepared, such as yams, green beans, and gravy.5. Watching football games and playing games such as cards or board games are also traditional activities of the Thanksgiving holiday.6. The meaning of Thanksgiving is to express gratitude for all the blessings received throughout the year, including family, friends, and good health.7. Thanksgiving is a time for family reunions, when loved ones come together to share food, conversation, and stories of their lives.8. In addition to family gatherings, Thanksgiving is alsoa time for community gatherings, where neighbors come together to share their meals and enjoy each other's company.9. Many nursing homes and elderly centers also hold special Thanksgiving celebrations for their residents, allowing them to feel a sense of belonging and community.10. Turkey is a traditional dish of the Thanksgiving feast, but not everyone enjoys it. Other popular dishes include roasted chicken, ham, and various side dishes such as mashed potatoes and green beans.。

感恩节英文资料篇一:感恩节英文介绍(双语)感恩节英文介绍(双语)ThanksgivingdayistheUnitedStatesandcanadasharedFestival,createdbythe peopleoftheUnitedStates,theintentionwastothankGodgivengoodharvest,th ankstohelpfromtheindians.inamerica,ThanksgivingdayisthefourthThursda yinnovembereveryyear,andfromthatdatewillbeonleavefortwodays;whileth ecanadianandamericanThanksgivingatdifferenttimes,thesecondmondayof october.Everyoneagreesthedinnermustberoastturkey.aturkeywithabreaddressingto absorbthedeliciousjuicesflowingduringbaking,butcookingtechniquesoften becauseoffamilyandregionsvary,whatfillerapplicationisdifficulttogetconsis tent.whataretheThanksgivingdaygame?Thegame,cranberryrace:putabowlwithcranberriesonthefloor,4-10playerint hesittingaround,eachsenthera.Thebeginningofthegame,theyfirstsewingclot hes,andthentoaseriescranberry,oneto3minutes;whowasthelongeststring,wh owillgettheprize.asforthestringoftheslowestperson,wealsomakefunoftosen dhimaworstaward.Gametwo,gameofcorn:cornfivepeoplehidinthehouse,wegoseparately,findcornfivetoparticipateinthecompetition,otherpeoplewatched.Thestartofthegame,fiveo ntherapidexploitationofmaizegraininabowl,whofinishedfirststrippingwhot hewinners,thenbynoracearoundthebowl nexttoguesshowmanygrainsofcorn,guessthenumberofthenearestawardtoab agofpopcorn.Gamethree,thegamewithateaspoonofpumpkinrun,therulescannotbetouche dbyhandpumpkin,whowonafirstdestination.Thesmallerspoonwiththecomp etition,thegameismoreinteresting.【参考译文】感恩节是美国和加拿大共有的节日,由美国人民独创,原意是为了感谢上天赐予的好收成、感谢印第安人的帮助。

感恩节中英文介绍感恩节中英文介绍作家欧·亨利把感恩节这一天称为“纯美国式”的节日,下面就由yjbys店铺来跟大家介绍一下感恩节吧!【美国人怎么过感恩节】Thanksgiving Day. The writer O. Henry called it the one day that is purely American. Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday. But it has spiritual meaning.Some Americans attend religious services on the day before Thanksgiving, or on Thanksgiving morning. Others travel long distances to be with their families. They have a large dinner, which is the main part of the celebration.感恩节。
For many Americans, Thanksgiving is the only time when all members of a family gather. The holiday is a time of family reunion.对许多美国人来说,感恩节这一天是所有家庭成员欢聚一堂的难得时光。
Thanksgiving week is generally one of the busiest travel times of the year.Many Americans who usually visit family and friends by plane are driving shorter distances instead this week. Some mental-health experts say the attacks have frightened people. They say people feel safer and happier close to home.感恩节这一周通常是全年中人们出行最为繁忙的时段之一。
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Thanksgiving Day is the United States and Canada shared Festival, created by the people of the United States, the intention was to thank God given good harvest, thanks to help from the indians. In America, Thanksgiving Day is the fourth Thursday in November every year, and from that date will be on leave for two days; while the Canadian and American Thanksgiving at different times, the second Monday of October.
Everyone agrees the dinner must be roast turkey. A turkey with a bread dressing to absorb the delicious juices flowing during baking, but cooking techniques often because of family and regions vary, what filler application is difficult to get consistent.
What are the Thanksgiving Day game?
The game, cranberry race: put a bowl with cranberries on the floor, 4-10 player in the sitting around, each sent her a. The beginning of the game, they first sewing clothes, and then to a series cranberry, one to 3 minutes; who was the longest string, who will get the prize. As for the string of the slowest person, we also make fun of to send him a worst award.
Game two, game of corn: corn five people hid in the house, we go separately, find corn five to participate in the competition, other people watched. The start of the game, five on the rapid exploitation of maize grain in a bowl, who finished first stripping who the winners, then by no race around the bowl next to guess how many grains of corn, guess the number of the nearest award to a bag of popcorn.
Game three, the game with a teaspoon of pumpkin run, the rules can not be touched by hand pumpkin, who won a first destination. The smaller spoon with the competition, the game is more interesting.
感恩节英文歌曲 Colors Of The Winds