用户手册AC3737目录1 重要事项 (1)安全 (1)电磁场 (EMF) (2)回收 (2)2 您的二合一空气加湿净化器 (3)产品概述 (4)控件概述 (5)3 使用入门 (6)安装加湿滤网 (6)安装空气净化滤网 (6)了解 Wi-Fi 指示灯 (6)Wi-Fi 连接 (7)4 使用二合一空气加湿净化器 (8)切换工作模式 (8)了解空气质量指示灯 (8)打开和关闭 (9)缺水提示 (9)加水 (10)设置目标湿度 (10)更改显示设置 (11)更改模式设置 (11)使用灯光开/关功能 (12)童锁 (12)5 清洁和保养 (13)清洁计划 (13)清洁机身 (13)清洁水箱 (13)清洁净化滤网表面 (14)清洁加湿滤网 (15)更换净化滤网 (16)提前重置净化滤网 (17)更换加湿滤网 (17)6 存储 (18)7 故障排除 (18)8 保修和支持 (21)1 重要事项安全使用本产品之前,请仔细阅读本用户手册,并妥善保管以备日后参考。
危险• 切勿让水或任何其它液体或易燃性清洁剂进入产品,以免发生触电和/或火灾。
• 切勿用水或任何其它液体或(易燃性)清洁剂来清洁产品,以免发生触电和/ 或火灾。
• 切勿在产品周围喷洒杀虫剂或香水等任何可燃材料。
• 水箱中的水不适合饮用。
警告• 在将产品接通电源以前,首先确认产品一侧所标示的电压是否与当地的电源电压相符。
• 如果电源软线损坏,为避免危险,必须由制造厂或其维修部或类似的专职人员来更换。
• 如果插头、电源线或产品本身受损,请勿再使用本产品。
• 本产品不适合由肢体不健全、感觉或精神上有障碍或缺乏相关经验和知识的人(包括儿童)使用,除非有负责他们安全的人对他们使用本产品进行监督或指导。
1.净化音乐新武器隆宇Magic"魔力"LY-6KW香港版之第5代电源处理器 [J], 杨宏
2.它来自霍格沃茨试用隆宇香港版MAGIC(魔力)电源处理器 [J], 木在烧
3.隆宇香港版Magic(魔力)大功率电源处理器--一台魔术式的专利再生电源 [J],
4.隆宇第五代LY-6KW香港版黑(银)Magic“魔力”——经典版发烧电源处理器 [J], 无
5.隆宇LY-6KW“魔力Magic”发烧电源处理器 [J],
靜 3.0
消 2.8 除
時 間
(sec)2.4Leabharlann 靜電消除的時間變化(代表例)
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
測量條件:從±1000V 到±100V 的靜電消除時間 使用規格為 150mm x 150mm (20pF) 的CPM 氣體供給 0.1Mpa,下降氣流 0.3m/s
全新 超高速、清潔氣體屏蔽靜電清除器
選擇KEYENCE SJ系列產品的理由
不論是在空氣中使用時,還是在無加下降氣流的 情況下,都能照常發揮強大的靜電消除能力。
經過時間 (h)
L.P.C.功能確保省維護效能在任何 環境條件下都能得到發揮
具備可準確控制 “+”、“-” 離子產生的L.P.C.功能。延長振動週期,即 使在不能使用Air的場地也可以發揮省維護性。
業界最佳 靜電消除能力
比傳統快5倍 新研發 I.R.G.(環狀接地)構造實現世界上最快除電速度【Insert Ring Ground】
f 睦 舶
点撬兵 兵
彻 底的 隔 离 。面板 正 中 是一 个 即 时监 察 电 网电 压的 教位 LD E 显示屏 。机背有八个镀金 电源输出插座 ,中间六个 是美
式插 座 .左 右 边 缘 两 个 是 万 用 插 座 , 八 个 插 座 互 相 独 立 ,
产品 已有十 多年 的历史 ,其生 产的放大器 和电源净化器
主国内屡次获奖 。今年推 出的 “ 隆宇m g c 魔力) ai( 电源处理 香港签名版 ”究 竟能否成 为发 烧友的宠儿 呢? 当然要试 才知分晓 。
拿人讨厌的E R I …/ F 干扰
大部分的发烧 友都应该 有过 以下的经验 : 听音乐 时在 免间听 比在 日间听特别靓声 。我 所指的晚 间是夜 阑人静 , 部分人都已入睡之 时 。这个时候聆 听环境 比较宁静 ,当 是靓声原因之一 : 主要的原 因 ,其实 是电源中令人讨 但 的E IR I H /F 干扰在晚 间较 少的缘故 。
国产 电器和 电子器材的产 品 ,经过多 年的发展 ,已经
蒌渐进入 了成熟的 阶段 。以重庆 的隆宇 电子为例 .研制这
EI H 电磁波 干扰 ,普遍 存在 于我们 的空 间 ,大至 高压
电塔小至手机 和遥控器都 会发出 电磁波 干扰 。电磁波 干扰 不 仅影响音响器材 声音的质 素 ,对人体健 康也有一定 的危 害 。另一方面 ,R I F 射频干扰对音响器材的影响也令发烧友 备 受困扰 ,它的频谱很 宽 ,大约 从3 H  ̄ 3 O H ,情 况严 M z UO G z 重 时 ,R I F 会使你的喇叭发出微弱的电台广播 ,也会使你的 音 乐器材产 生噪 音 。R I F 不单可 以从空气中接收 ,亦会从电
DeviceNet安全系統 型錄編號:Z907-TW5-01
型錄編號:SCHG-024A-TW5-01 型錄編號:F087-TW5-01
G9SX-SM/LM 停止監控模組 型錄編號:SGFM-038A-TW-01
基本型系列 MS/MSF4800B
φ30mm φ40mm
20mm 30mm
280~2120mm 360~2040mm
(最多可支援共256個光軸) (僅限MSF4800) 無需連接控制器,最多即可串接4台(最多可支援256個光軸),因此可減少工時。此外,還
能夠與不同MOS (最小檢測物體)的機型互相連接,因此可靈活因應所有的應用。
輔助輸出(PNP電晶體x 1或是NPN電晶體x 1)
○ *1
浮動無效化(Floating Blanking) 固定無效化(Fixed Blanking) 監控無效化功能 降低解析度之清除功能 檢測距離設定 啟動輸入方式 反應時間調節
*1. 使用可程式診斷模組(PDM)即可進行設定。 *2. 使用可程式診斷模組(PDM)或是配線連接方式,即可進行設定。
○ *1 (僅MSF4800A)
○ *1 ○ *1 ○ *1 ○ *1 ○ *1 ○ *1 ○ *1
औѴጣ 型式
串聯專用 (暫時無效化專用*1) 主機 MSF4800A-30-□ 子機*2 MSF4800-30-□-XR2 主機 MSF4800A-40-□ 子機*2 MSF4800-40-□-XR2 主機 MSF4800B-30-□ 子機*2 MSF4800-30-□-XR2 主機 MSF4800B-40-□ 子機*2 MSF4800-40-□-XR2
次 了 ,现 在 也 算 是 玩 到 了 相 当 高 的 档 次 ,清 一 色 的 进
口 Hi n —E d名 器 。这 次 去 时 见 他 的 器 材 并 无 任 何 变 化 , 不 过 添 加 了 一 些 如 避 震 板 、脚 钉 之 类 的 小 道 具 ,听 过 几 曲之 后 大家 都 异 口 同声 称 声 音 又 有 了 明显 的 提 升 ,
》 瓣
# #
# #
《# 搿
葺 ≤ 《 攀
《§ # 瓣
何 ,心 中 将 信 将 疑 ; 加 之 价 格 偏 高 , 以 前 在 本 地 无 代 理 ,所 以 无 法 实 际 感 受 。没 想 到 老 王 这 次 成 了 第 一 个 吃 螃 蟹 的 人 ,当 然 对 老 王 来 说 这 个 重 达 十 几 公 斤 的 黑 家 伙也 就 是 相 当 于 一根 稍 好 点 儿 的 线 而 已 。 我 和 老 王 是 朋 友 也 是 同 事 , 关 系 甚 好 。 于 是 乎 向 老 王 请 求 将 隆 宇 抬 回 家 中 供 奉 两 周 ,仔 仔 细 细 聆 听 了 两 周 之 后 ,总 结 了 一 些 感 觉 供 大 家 切 磋 。至 于 隆 宇 香 港 版 ma i 魔 力 ) 源 处 理 器 的 结 构 原 理 , 由 于 本 人 g c( 电 不 懂 电 子 技 术 ,此 处 就 不 多 谈 了 , 以 免 弄 出 错 来 贻 笑
波 ,合 唱 团 齐 唱 的 饱 满 能 量 感 更 能 听 出 中 频 厚 度 更 加 完 整 了 ,不 但 像 新 增 加 了 许 多 唱 歌 的 人 , 并 且 各 声 部
Ramik Bars 鼠鼠杀毒棒说明书
Ramik® Barskills rats and miceMold & Moisture ResistantKills Norway Rats, Roof Rats and House Mice in Wet or Dry Areas This product may only be used inside and within 100 feet of buildings or inside of transport vehicles(ships, trains, or aircraft).{Text For Individual Container: It is Illegal to Sell This Package Individually.}{Text For Container: This Product May Not Be Sold in Packaging that Holds Less Than 4 Pounds of Bait.}Diphacinone(2-Diphenylacetyl-1,3-Indandione) ............................. 0.005%OTHER INGREDIENTS:......................................... 99.995% TOTAL:.................................................................... 100.000%EPA Reg. No. 61282-12 EPA Est. No. 61282-WI-01PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTSHAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALSCAUTION: Harmful if swallowed or absorbed through theskin. Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact witheyes, skin, or clothing. Keep away from children, domesticanimals and pets.Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):All handlers (including applicators) must wear long-sleevedshirt, long pants, shoes, socks and water-proof gloves. Anyperson who retrieves carcasses or unused bait followingapplication of this product must wear waterproof gloves.User Safety RequirementsFollow manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning/maintainingPPE. If no such instructions for washables, use detergent andhot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.Remove PPE immediately after handling this product. Washthe outside of gloves before removing. As soon as possible,wash hands thoroughly after applying the bait and beforeeating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using thetoilet and change into clean clothing.ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDSThis product is extremely toxic to mammals, birds and otherwildlife. Dogs, cats and scavenging mammals and birds mightbe poisoned if they feed upon animals that have eaten this bait.Do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface wateris present or to intertidal areas below the mean high watermark. Do not allow bait to be exposed on soil surface. Do notapply where runoff is likely to occur. Do not contaminatewater when disposing of equipment wash water or rinsate.DIRECTIONS FOR USEIt is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.READ THIS LABEL: Read this entire label and follow all use directions and use precautions. Use only for the sites, pests, and application methods described on this label. IMPORTANT:Do not expose children, pets or other non-target animals to rodenticides. To help to prevent accidents:1.Store product not in use in a location out of reach ofchildren and pets.2.Apply bait in locations out of reach of children, pets,domestic animals and non-target wildlife, or intamper-resistant bait stations. These stations must beresistant to destruction by dogs and by children undersix years of age, and must be used in a manner thatprevents such children from reaching into baitcompartments and obtaining bait. If bait can beshaken from stations when they are lifted, units mustbe secured or otherwise immobilized. Even strongerbait stations are needed in areas open to hoofedlivestock, raccoons, bears, or other potentiallydestructive animals, or in areas prone to vandalism.3.Dispose of product container, and unused, spoiled,and unconsumed bait as specified on this label.Note: Bait stations are mandatory for outdoor, above-ground use. Tamper-resistant bait stations must be used if children, pets, non-target mammals, or birds may access the bait.USE RESTRICTIONS:This product may only be used to control the following rodent pests in and around man-made structures: House mouse (Mus musculus), Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus), Roof rat (Rattus rattus), Cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus), Eastern harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys humuli), Golden mouse (Ochrotomys nuttalli), Polynesian rat (Rattus exulans), and Meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus). This product must be used in and within 100 feet of man-made structures constructed in a manner so as to be vulnerable to commensal rodent invasions and/or to harboring or attracting rodent infestations. Examples of such structures include homes and other permanent or temporary residences, food processing facilities, industrial and commercial buildings, trash receptacles, agricultural and public buildings, transport vehicles, (ships, trains, aircraft), docks and port or terminal buildings and related structures around and associated with these sites. Fence and perimeter baiting, beyond 100 feet from a structure as defined above, is prohibited. This product must not be applied directly to food or feed cropsBurrow baiting with Ramik Bars is prohibited.Do not sell this product in individual containers holding less than four (4) pounds of bait. SELECTION OF TREATMENT AREAS: Determine areas where rats or house mice will most likely find and consume the bait. Generally, these areas are along walls, by gnawed openings, in or beside burrows, in corners and concealed places, between floors and walls, or in locations where rodents or their signs have been seen. Protect bait from rain or snow. Remove as much alternative food as possible. APPLICATION DIRECTIONS: Each Ramik® Bar consists of either a 12 oz. block scored so that it can be broken into 12 one ounce pieces or a 16 oz. block scored so that it can be broken into 16 one ounce pieces.RATS: Apply 4 to 16 one-ounce Ramik Bar per placement. Space placements at intervals of 15 to 30 feet in infested areas. Maintain an uninterrupted supply of fresh bait for at least 10 days or until there no longer are signs of new feeding by rats. MICE: Break Ramik Bar into discrete 1-ounce. pieces. Apply one 1-ounce piece per placement. Space placements at 8- to12-foot intervals. Placement of two 1-ounce pieces each may be needed at points of very high house mouse activity. Maintain an uninterrupted supply of fresh bait for at least 15 days or until there no longer are signs of new feeding by house mice.FOLLOW-UP: Replace contaminated or spoiled bait immediately. Using waterproof gloves collect and dispose of all dead, exposed animals and leftover bait properly. To discourage reinfestation, limit sources of rodent food, water and harborage as much as possible. If reinfestation does occur, repeat treatment. Where a continuous source of infestation is present, establish permanent bait stations and replenish as needed.STORAGE AND DISPOSALDo not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. Pesticide Storage: Store in original container in a cool, dry place inaccessible to children and pets. Keep containers closed and away from other chemicals.Pesticide Disposal: Dispose of wastes resulting from the use of this product in trash or at an approved waste disposal facility.Container Handling: Nonrefillable container. Do not reuse or refill this container.Plastic Containers: Triple rinse (or equivalent) then offer for recycling or reconditioning; or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill; or incineration.Paper Containers: Dispose of empty container by placing in trash, at an approved waste disposal facility or by incineration.DISCLAIMERDISCLAIMER: To the extent permitted by applicable law, seller makes no representation or warranty, either express or implied, for results due to misuse, improper handling or improper storage of this material. Nor does Seller assume any responsibility for injury to persons, crops, animals, soil or property arising out of misuse, improper handling or improper storage of this material.ORLIMITED WARRANTYTo the extent permitted by applicable law, Neogen Corporation makes no warranty concerning uses which extend beyond the use of the product under normal conditions in accord with the statements made on this label. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Neogen Corporation shall not be liable for (1) any consequential, incidental or special damages related in any way to this product or its uses, or (2) any damages related in any way to resistance to pesticides.ORCONDITIONS OF SALE AND LIMITATION OFWARRANTY AND LIABILITY NOTICE: Read the entire Directions for Use and Conditions of Sale and Limitation of Warranty and Liability before buying or using this product. If the terms are not acceptable, return the product at once, unopened, and the purchase price will be refunded.To the extent permitted by applicable law Manufacturer and Seller warrant that this product conforms to the chemical description on the label and is reasonably fit for the purposes stated in the Directions for Use, subject to the inherent risks referred to above, when used in accordance with directions under normal use conditions. To the extent permitted by applicable law this warranty does not extend to the use of this product contrary to label instructions, or under abnormal conditions or under conditions not reasonably foreseeable to or beyond the control of Seller or Manufacturer, and Buyer and User assume the risk of any such use. To the extent permitted by applicable law, MANUFACTURER AND SELLER MAKE NO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE NOR ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY EXCEPT AS STATED ABOVE.To the extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Manufacturer or Seller be liable for any incidental, consequential or special damages resulting from the use or handling of this product. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE USER OR BUYER, AND THE EXCLUSIVE LIABILITY OF MANUFACTURER AND SELLER FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LOSSES, INJURIES OR DAMAGES (INCLUDING CLAIMS BASED ON BREACH OF WARRANTY, CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE) RESULTING FROM THE USE OR HANDLING OF THIS PRODUCT, SHALL BE THE RETURN OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT OR, AT THE ELECTION OF THE MANUFACTURER OR SELLER, THE REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCT.Manufacturer and Seller offer this product, and Buyer and User accept it, subject to the foregoing Conditions of Sale and Limitations of Warranty and Liability, which may not be modified except by written agreement signed by a duly authorized representative of Manufacturer.For non-emergency (e.g., current product information),Call: 1-800-621-8829Manufactured By:HACCO, Inc.110 Hopkins DriveRandolph, WI 53956 U.S.A.Ramik® is a Registered Trademark of HACCO, Inc. Alternate Brand Names:Ramik® Bars kills rats andmiceRamik® Bars All-WeatherRat and Mouse KillerUltraStop® Bait Bars Optional Marketing Statements:Made in the U.S.A.<American Flag Graphic>Item No.: Not ApplicableNet Contents: 12 ounceUPC: Not ApplicableFormat: Not ApplicableLabel: RSItem No.: Not ApplicableNet Contents: 16 ounceUPC: Not ApplicableFormat: Not ApplicableLabel: RS 220452Item No.: 116334Net Contents: 4 x 16 ounce (4 pounds)UPC: ***********(8)Format: UPC-ALabel: IC 288530Item No.: 116364Net Contents: 18 x 12 ounce (13.5 pounds)UPC: 00095242 16364 (4)Format: Interleaved 2-of-5Label: DIS 288830Item No.: 116366 (TSC)Net Contents: 18 x 12 ounce (13.5 pounds)UPC: 00023626 16365 (1)Format: Interleaved 2-of-5Label: DIS 220404Item No.: 116334Net Contents: 4 x 4 x 16 ounce (16 pounds)UPC: 00023626 00610 (2)Format: Interleaved 2-of-5Label: Case Label。
UsermanualSpace series CocoonProfessional studio large-diaphragm condenser microphoneImportant Safety Instructions1. Read this manual thoroughly before using this unit.2. Keep this manual for future reference.3. Take notice of and comply with all warnings included in the user's manual or indicated on theappliance.4. Follow all instructions included in this manual.5. Do not expose this unit to rain or moisture. Avoid having water or other liquids spilled on thisunit.6. When cleaning the cabinet or other parts of this appliance, use only a dry or slightly damp soft cloth.7. Do not block any ventilation openings or interfere with the proper ventilation of this unit. Installin accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.8. Do not use or store near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other heat-producing appliances.9. Do not interfere with the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plughas two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding-type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. These are designated for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician.10. Protect the power cord from being walked on or otherwise damaged by items placed on oragainst them. Particular attention should be given to the plugs, receptacles, and the point where the cord exits the appliance.11. To avoid the risk of electrical shock, do not touch any exposed wiring while the unit is inoperation.12. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.13. Unplug this unit and all connected electrical equipment during lightning storms or when leftunused a long period of time.14. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the appliance hasbeen damaged in any way or fails to operate normally.WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this unit to rain or moistureContentsIntroduction (4)What's in the package? (4)Register your ICON ProAudio product to your personal account (5)Features (6)Operating the Cocoon (7)Specifications (9)Services (10)IntroductionThank you for purchasing the ICON ProAudio pace series Cocoon professionalstudio large-diaphragm condenser microphone. We sincerely trust this productwill provide years of satisfactory service, but if anything is not to your completesatisfaction, we will endeavor to make things right.In these pages, you'll find a detailed description of the features of the Cocoon, step-by-step instructions for its setup and use, and full specifications.Please register the product on our website at the below link www.iconproaudio.com/registration:Please follow the step by step procedures starting from input the device’s serialnumber to your personal information etc. By registering your product online, you will entitle to several different services and after-sales supporting at our ACS help center by visiting our website at . Also, all the registered products under your account will be listed on your personal product page where you could get update information such as firmware/driver upgrade, software bundle and user manual download etc for your device.With proper care,your Cocoon will operate without any trouble for many years.What's in the package?●Space series Cocoon professional studio large-diaphragm condenser microphone●This User Manual●Suspension Shock mount●Carry case4Register your ICON ProAudio product to your personal account1. Check serial number of your devicePlease go to http:// /registration or scan the QR codebelow.Input your device’s serial number and the other information on the screen. Click “Submit”.A message will pop up showing your device information such as model nameand its serial number - Click “Register this device to my account” or if you seeany other message, please contact our after-sales service team2. Log in to your personal account page for existing user orsign up for new userExisting user: Please log into your personal user page by inputing youruser name and password.New user: Please click “Sign Up” and fill in all the information.3. Download all useful materialsAll your registered devices under your account will show on the page. Eachproduct will be listed along with all its available files such as drivers, firmware,user manual in different languages and bundled software etc. for download.Please make sure you have download the necessary files such as driver beforeyou begin device installation.5Features●Build in Latvia with quality construction●Unique design with sound quality and performance as well as stylish in mind●Extended upper clarity with smooth mid-range for any voice or instrumentapplications●Professional hand-build large-diaphragm capsule for full, open-sound andunsurpassed audio quality●Ideal as main and support microphone for most differing recording situations●Cardioid pickup pattern for outstanding sound source separation and feedbackrejection●Pressure-gradient transducer with shock-mounted capsule●External 36-52 Volt phantom power operation●Heavy-duty suspension mount included●Prefect for vocals and acoustic instruments●Special designed aluminum case well protect the microphone with stylish●Durable metal pop-filter included●Ultra-rugged construction with metal die-cast body●High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life 6Operating the Cocoon1. Powering the CocoonThe "Cocoon" is a large diaphragm condenser microphone and therefore needs to be operated by connecting a phantom power supply. Phantom power isstandard on most quality mixers, outboard MIC-pres and hard disk recorders. Ifnecessary an external phantom power supply can also be used. The "Cocoon"receives the phantom power directly from a MIC cable when connected to amixer or other microphone input that includes a phantom supply. The power isactually sent OUT of the microphone INPUT, riding silently along with the audiosignal. Most mixers have a switch to engage the phantom power so be sure tocheck that the phantom power is on.2. Setting up the signal levelWhen connecting the "Cocoon" to a mixer or recorder input, be sure that theinput is of microphone level. Also, be sure that the phantom power is engagedas explained at the previous section “Powering the Cocoon”. Most mixers andrecorders of reasonable quality will offer a microphone input with MIC trim (usually called Trim or Gain) control. The purpose of the MIC trim control is to optimizethe amount of good signal to any noise associated with the mixers electronics.A good MIC pre with trim also will have a Peak or Clip LED. To set a good levelon the MIC, set the "Cocoon" up in front of the desired sound source and slowly raise the MIC trim control until you see the Peak LED light up. Then, turn themix trim control down until the LED does not light any more. On most mixers,the ideal setting is that the trim control is turned up as much as possible without lighting the Peak LED.3. Microphone PlacementIn order to maximize the sound quality, you must pay careful attention tothe placement of your "Cocoon" and how it is positioned for the instrumentor vocalist that you are miking. All microphones, especially unidirectional orcardioid microphones, exhibit a phenomenon know as the “proximity effect”.Very simply put, proximity effect is a resulting change in the frequency response of a microphone based on the position of the MIC capsule relative to the soundsource. Specifically, when you point a cardioid MIC directly at the sound source (on-axis) you will get the best frequency response, however, when you startpointing the microphone slightly away (off-axis) you will notice the low frequency dropping off and the microphone will start to sound thinner.For most vocal applications you'll want to position the microphone directly infront of the artist. The same may be true for miking instruments. However, youcan make some pretty amazing equalization adjustments by slightly changingthe angle of the capsule to the sound source. This can be a very usefultechnique in capturing the optimum sound of drum set, acoustic guitar, piano or other instruments in a live room or sound stage. Experimentation and experience are the best teachers in getting good sounds, so plug in!7SpecificationsTransducer type .........................................................................electrostatic Operating principle ....................................................................presure gradientThe diaphragms active diameter ...............................................35 mmFrequency range .......................................................................20 Hz to 20 kHzPolar pattern ..............................................................................unidirectional,cardioid Sensitivity at 1 kHz into 1000 Ω load.........................................21 mV/PaOutput impedance .....................................................................50 ΩRated load impedance...............................................................1000 ΩSuggested load impedance .......................................................> 500 ΩMaximum SPL for 0,5% THD at 1000 Ω load ............................138 dBS/N Ratio DIN/IEC 651 A-weighten ...........................................85 dB-AEquivalent noise level DIN/IEC A-weighten.............................8dB-ADynamic range of the microphone preamplifier.........................130 dBPhantom powering voltage on pin 2&3 of XLR ........................+48V (+/-4V)) Current consumption ..............................................................< 2mAOutput connector .......................................................................3-pin XLR male Dimension..................................................................................69mmX65mmX150mm Weight .......................................................................................0.32kgPad ............................................................................................noHPF ...........................................................................................no9ServicesIf your Cocoon needs servicing, follow these instructions.Check our online Help Center at /hc/en-us, for information, knowledge, and downloads such as:1. FAQ2. Download3. Learn More4. ForumVery often you will find solutions on these pages. If you don’t find a solution, create a support ticket at our online Help Center at the link below, and our technical support team will assist you as soon as we can.Navigate to /hc/en-us and then sign in to submit a ticket.As soon as you have submitted an inquiry ticket, our support team will assist you to resolve the problem with your ICON ProAudio device as soon as possible.To send defective products for service:1. Ensure the problem is not related to operation error or external system devices.2. Keep this owner's manual. We don't need it to repair the unit.3. Pack the unit in its original packaging including end card and box. This is veryimportant. If you have lost the packaging, please make sure you have packedthe unit properly. ICON is not responsible for any damage that occurs due tonon-factory packing.4. Ship to the ICON tech support center or the local return authorization. See ourservice centers and distributor service points at the link below:If you are located in USS end the product to:North AmericaMixware, LLC – U.S. Distributor 11070 Fleetwood Street – Unit F. Sun Valley, CA 91352; USA Tel.: (818) 578 4030Contact: /help If you are located in EuropeSend the product to:Sound Service GmbHEuropean HeadquarterMoriz-Seeler-Straße 3D-12489 Berlin Telephone: +49 (0)30 707 130-0 Fax: +49 (0)30 707 130-189E-Mail:*********************If you are located in Hong Kong Send the product to:ASIA OFFICE:Unit F, 15/F., Fu Cheung Centre, No. 5-7 Wong Chuk Yueng Street, Fotan,Sha Tin, N.T., Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2398 2286Fax: (852) 2789 3947Email: @icon-global. com5. For additional update information please visit our website at:1011www.twi tter .com/iconp roaudio www.youtu /icon proaudio www.insta gr /iconp roaudio www.fa ce /iconp roaudioTwi tter Insta gr am Fa ce book Youtub e We bsite iconp r /dashboa r d/Dashboard Suppo r tsuppo r t.iconp r www.iconp r 中国地区用户微信号iCON-PRO 微信公众号B 站iCON Pro Audio。
DPtech FW1000系列应用防火墙安装手册v2.01
由于产品版本升级或其他原因,本手册内容有可能变更。杭州迪普科技 有限公司保留在没有任何通知或者提示的情况下对本手册的内容进行修 改的权利。本手册仅作为使用指导,杭州迪普科技有限公司尽全力在本 手册中提供准确的信息,但是杭州迪普科技有限公司并不确保手册内容 完全没有错误,本手册中的所有陈述、信息和建议也不构成任何明示或 暗示的担保。
DPtech FW1000 系列应用防火墙安装手册
2.2.4 抗干扰要求............................................................................................................................... 3 2.2.5 防雷击要求............................................................................................................................... 3 2.2.6 接地要求................................................................................................................................... 3 2.2.7 布线要求................................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 安装工具......................................................................................................................................4
音 乐背景更加
负面 的影 响为
动态 被压 缩
中低频 被瘦 身
次如果纯粹是站在音响器材 的角度 来考 虑 升 现 有 音 响器 材 的音 质
选 择 使 用 电源 滤 波器
乐的气势与规模感 被缩小
正 因为如此
音 色 及 音 乐 l生 的
材搭配 所 出来 的声音情 况 已经 是相 当熟悉 了
80 元
价格最高的肯定是 声音最 好的产
20 8
,Байду номын сангаас
我 曾多方 尝试搭配试 听
总 想 从 中找 出最
生 什么 不 同 的变化
结果 发现
当去 下
20 8
性价 比的而 非价格最 贵的产 品为我所 用 友
并推荐给 发
马上 就有
种若有所 失 的感 觉
与 以往 不 同 的 是
次 的努 力似乎 没 有
音 色变得 暗淡 没 有光泽 了
声音也 变得 平淡平板
. .
净化音乐的魔力 隆宇香港签名版Magic电源处理器
2 O O 6 ・ 1O
电 源 线 传 入 ,所 以 涉 及 的 不 仅 是 所 谓 的 无 线 电频 谱 ,还 有 电源 线 , 括 从 直 流 到 数 百 兆 赫 兹 的 辐 射 ,所 以 电 源 包 受到 的 干扰 可 以说 是 无所 不 在 。
净化音乐的 魔力
隆宇香 港签
■ 紫
基本 规 格
■ 额 定 工作 电压 :2 0 / 0 / 0H 《 定 造 1 0 2 V 5 Hz 6 z 可 1 V供 电标准 或 1 0 / 2 V 2 V世 界 通 用的 版 式 )一 1 V 2 0 20 额 定 工作 电流 :4 A ■ 额 定输 出功 率 :8 0 W ■ 最 大 输 出功 率 :1 0 W ■ 最大 输 出电 流 : 1 0 0 00 0 6 A 2 ■ 单 路插 口最 大 输 出电 流 :1 A ■ 谐 波调 制 范 围 :5 HZ 5 0 1 0mH ■ 谐 波干 扰 消 除 方 式 : 同步 、 同 z 相调 制 ■ 全频 带 突 波脉 冲 平 均 抑 制率 :1 %一 0 ■ 功 率 因数 《 正 )密度 增 强 率 : 0 3% 校
否 威 为 香 港 发 烧 友 的 宠 儿 呢 ? 当 然
灯 等 , 许 多 射 频 源 无 时 无 刻 不 在 我
们 左 右 。 由 于 手 机 和 蓝 牙 的 应 用 日 渐 普 及 , 一 问 题 更 加 突 出 。 令 人 这 更 头 疼 的 是 ,射 频 的 频 谱 很 宽 ,大 约 从 3H M z到 3 0 z 情 况 严 重 时 , RF 0 GH , I
m ag1 魔 力 )电 源 处 理 器 香 港 签 名 c(
版” ,是 公 司 的重 点 之 作 ,隆 宇 亦 借
因此 此 时的入 室
得 至U令 自 E
如 电源 处 玛 来进 行 搭 酥
音的 时 候
你的确需 要
电流 杂 波 进 行 净化 和 稳 定
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
— — — — — — — — —
, , . . . . .
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
色万 用 插 座
背板 下 部左 右
雄 壮 的 外 形
扎 实 的 用 料
还各设 有 1 只 镀金 电源输 入 插 座 ,电 盐
可 以两路为本机 同时
电源 处理
保 证 充 足 的 17 K W 电源 供 给
随机 隆宇还 配有 2
这家 成 立 刁 阳线材 款 M
提 到 L Y 的
保 证 实 际 效 果
推 出
目前 已 经 发 展 到 第 5 代
可 谓 非 常 成 熟
6 K W 的设
不 得 不 了 解 隆 宇 自行 研 发
眼看到 L Y
6K W
多半 会把人吓
外形 与
模 拟 波 自然 编 码 分 频
技 术
据介 绍这 项 技 术的
声 音必 然受 到
1(800) 624-8511/switchesJC102Easy switches with two position teachable optionSERIES JC1 SWITCHESJC1Teachable 2 PositionStandardSingle Positiond r o p -i nNEW DESIGN2(800) 624-8511/switchesJC102© Copyright 2015, by PHD, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A .INDEX:Ordering Data Page 2Benefits Page 3Dimensions and Engineering Data Pages 4 and 6Programming Guide Page 5Applications Page 7ORDERING DATA: MODEL JC1 SWITCHESTO ORDER SPECIFY:Cable Options.3(800) 624-8511/switchesJC102Common Benefits for Both Styles• Fits into 4mm switch slot • IP67 Environmental Protection• LED indicator for convenient setting and troubleshooting • Integrated protection circuitry including short circuit protection • Polyurethane (PUR) jacketed cable• Available in solid state sensing only for longest life and most reliable operation Improved switch hysteresis and magnetic response uniformity recommended PHD Products use• GrIPPErS: Series GRA, GRK, EGRK, GRB, GRF, GRS, GRV, GRH, 8400, & 190/191• rOtArY ACtuAtOrS: Series RI, RCC• SLIDES: Series SFP , SFM, SHP , STP , SIP , SMx, & SxL, SxH• CYLINDErS: Series CRS & CTSStandard Series JC1 Switches• Available in cabled (5 meter) or quick connect versions • Available in solid state sensing only for longest life and mostreliable operation• Offered in 10 – 30 VDC current sinking (NPN) and currentsourcing (PNP) versions for simple interfacing to system controllers.STANDARDUse two position teachable switches for:• Reduced cabling Standard JC1 Switches can be used on many PHD Standard ActuatorsTilt switchto drop in, then rotate logo up.NEW DESIGNImproved mounting, easier adjustment4(800) 624-8511/switchesJC102This switch provides the ability to identify two separately programmable positions with a single switch. Programmable capability means no “fine-tuning.” With switch properly aligned, just place actuator in desired positions and program. Solid-state sensing technology provides a highly reliable switch. Elliptical housing allows for easy “drop-in” installation from the side, and does not have to be inserted from the end of the slot. LED indicators on module for positioning and programming. Available with 2 meter cable or 8 mm threaded Quick Connect.JC1STP-2DIMENSIONS: SERIES JC1ST TEACHABLE SWITCHESENGINEERING DATA: SERIES JC1ST TEACHABLE SWITCHESSErIES JC1St twO POSItION tEACHABLE MAGNEtIC SwItCH.150[3.8].02[0.DETECTION AREA.050 [1.3] HEXC to 75C TYP . DETECTION AREA0-50 mmJC1STP-2JC1STP-K PNP (Source), Solid State, 12-30 VDC, 2 meter cablePNP (Source), Solid State, 12-30 VDC, Quick ConnectMATCHING CORDSET PART NO.81284-1-001DESCRIPTIONM8, 4 pin, Straight Female Connector, 5 meter cableTEACHABLE5(800) 624-8511/switchesJC102PROGRAMMING GUIDE: SERIES JC1 TEACHABLE SWITCHES13Insert sensor into the C-slot in the middle from above and tighten it using the Allen key.Connect the sensor to operating voltage (see specifications).Teach-in of the switching points:Set the position for the 1st switching point Press the teach button for 3 s; LED 1 blinksRelease teach button; 1st switching point is stored.LED 2 blinks (2nd switching point).Set the position for the 2nd switching pointPress the teach button for a short time; 2nd switching point is stored.Check the first and second switching points:Move to the position for the first switching point. LED of the first switching point lights. If it does not light, check the application conditions and realign. Move to the position for the second switching point; LED of the first switching point turns off, and the LED of the second switching point lights. If the first LED does not turn off or the second LED does not light, check the application conditions and realign.MaintenancePHD magnetic cylinder sensors do not require any maintenance. We recommend that you inspect the cable and plug in connections at regular intervals.123Test6(800) 624-8511/switchesJC102LED indicator for convenient means of positioning. Available with PNP or NPN output. Available with cable or 8 mm threaded Quick Connect.ENGINEERING DATA: SERIES JC1SD STANDARD SWITCHESJC1SDx-5JC1SDx-K (Quick Connect)[3.8].15 [3.8]SWITCH ONPART NO.JC1SDP-5JC1SDP-K JC1SDN-5JC1SDN-K SWITCH DESCRIPTIONPNP (Source), Solid State, 10-30 VDC, 5 meter cable PNP (Source), Solid State, 10-30 VDC, Quick Connect NPN (Sink), Solid State, 10-30 VDC, 5 meter cable NPN (Sink), Solid State, 10-30 VDC, Quick ConnectJC1SDN-xJC1SDP-xNEW DESIGNeasier adjustment7(800) 624-8511/switchesJC102APPLICATIONS:Series JC1 Magnetic Switches replace Series SIPSeries CTSSeries SFM, SFPSeries SHPSeries GRBSeries STPSeries RISeries RCCSeries CROld Series 6790SwitchSeries GRSSeries GRKwith JC1STP 2-Position TeachableSeries 8400 and 190/191 with bracket and JC1STP 2-Position TeachableSeries GRA8(800) 624-8511/switches JC1025M-I 4/15 9780。
LG 吸尘器 A9T-ULTRA 使用说明书
简体中文A9T*******MFL69883693Rev.02_© 2021-2024 乐金电子(中国)有限公司版权所有目录本手册可能包含与您购买型号不同的图片或内容。
安全说明请在使用前阅读所有说明 (3)警告 (3)注意 (8)安装产品概览 (9)收纳配件 (13)操作使用前须知 (15)产品充电 (17)使用拖地吸头 (18)使用吸头和工具 (21)智能功能使用 LG ThinQ 应用程序 (25)智能诊断功能 (27)维护清理产品 (28)清洁吸头 (31)故障排除呼叫服务之前 (35)附录提醒信息 (39)3安全说明简体中文安全说明请在使用前阅读所有说明以下安全指南旨在预防因不安全或不正确操作产品出现的意外⻛险或损坏。
如果电器不能正常工作、或掉落、损坏、留在⼾外或掉进水中,请将其送回至LG 电子服务中心。
然后我把我最近最爱听的cS O srdv r so od Ic ta iai n g l u
c 放入 C d D抽屉 内,一开声 ,真的是有点令人意想不 到的效果。 S 3 5 播放 出来的小提琴音 色保留了胆味 L / A
用于 C D机或前级之上。由于这些电源处理器设计简单 , 大部分只是在市电和器材之间加一个滤波设计 , 没有考 虑到功率输出的问题 , 如果
项技术的特点是把通过的电能进行分频化解 , 再加以整
合和调制, 使得各种干扰 的谐波与电能的5 Hz 0 基波一起 再生成同步 、同相宽频带的
把它和后级接上 , 效果是立
得模糊不清, 重播 如是说 时更显得杂乱无章 。 这部隆 宇香港版 Ma i( gc魔力) 电源处理器的零售价是人 民币 9 ,
60 看上去不算便宜 , 8, 但我们一班兄弟对电源处理器的 态度都是 一是干脆不用 , 因为廉价低质素的电源处理器 反而会劣化音质和压缩动态 ;如果要用 ,一定要用优质
因为从前用过的电源净化器不大理想 ,所 以我现今 只是用没有滤波的 电源插座 。我常 听的电晶体前后级是 麦景图 C 9 3 前级和 MC 2 0 2 0 后级 , 真空管前后级则是科
宝 Ln 3 1 ie . 前级 和 A 9 MKI 后级 ,讯 源 则是 C yn S I I a i
I / A 中重 现 。J en o wi 的 人声 一 入 ,那 独 35 S h e ald c k
理器通过了严格 的测试 ,频谱仪测试出的宽频谱图像参
数证明了经Ma i 魔力) gc ( 电源处理器处理后的电源, 电网 电源中的大量毛 噪和高频谐波形成的浑浊雾状电晕全部
M200 电源 用户手册说明书
M200电源用户手册本手册包含了有关世伟洛克®(Swagelok®)焊接系统 M200 电源安全有效运行的重要信息。
用户在运行 M200 电源之前应当阅读并理解其中的内容。
2M200电源用户手册M200电源用户手册 3目录安全 5安全概要5本手册中使用的信号词与安全警报符号5M200 电源警告标签 10参考资料 11安装与设置 13说明14M200 电源拆包16注册信息 17所需的工具和附件 18电气要求18设置M200电源19安装焊头 20设置气源系统 21典型的外径保护/内径吹扫气源系统 21M200 电源首次送电 22M200 电源断电22重新启动 M200 电源22使用触摸屏 23用户界面23操作 25主群组25焊接屏幕 28实施焊接 34文件屏幕 35程序屏幕 38焊接记录屏幕 39设置屏幕 42以太网说明43悬吊遥控器 49维护 50打印机51换纸 51安装和更换可选风机滤网 53焊接参数开发54焊接参数更改 55建立焊接程序指导55焊接程序指导工作表564M200电源用户手册高级焊接程序技术 66点焊67斜坡时间 68象限 1 中的斜升 69增加焊接前的转子延迟时间 71多象限焊接程序的步骤程序 73焊接参数指导工作表参考数据 82单象限模式运行86单象限电流控制指轮 87单象限时间控制指轮 87单象限焊接过程按钮 88单象限状态指示灯89单象限焊接状况 89单象限焊接程序指导 90评估焊接质量98辨别合格的焊缝 98辨别典型的不当焊接98不当焊接 99未贯穿内径 99内径凸度和焊缝宽度过大100熔池覆盖100规格101 M200电源输出与暂载率101输入电压为 115 V 的 M200 电源101M200 电源周期102 M200 电源尺寸102使用 M200 电源的延长线102故障排除103焊接状况 103禁止103可运行105焊接错误107焊接系统硬件与焊接过程问题109电源维修117词汇表118世伟洛克嵌入系统最终用户许可协议123世伟洛克有限永久质量保证124M200电源用户手册 5 安全安全概要电弧焊具有危险性。
Static Eliminator manualThank you for using factory static eliminator.The use of static eliminator,please read this manual carefully and understand the correct method of operation.IntroductionThe existence of static and anti-static technology applications are increasingly affected by social concern and attention,factory production line factory technical personnel eliminator look at the Japanese import models,using a special process developed carefully.Factory production of various specifications of the eliminator with a stable performance,reliable and constant power output.At the same time using high-voltage output transformer oil-immersed type,completely overcome the similar products available on the market using epoxy resin and bitumen cast of high-voltage transformer easy to short-circuit,often sparking drawbacks,making the availability of fire discharge equipment can be prolonged output short-circuit of the advantages. WorksThe machine at work,in the discharge around the needle generate substantial positive and negative ions,when an object with static electricity pass through the plasma zone to produce and in response,and in the static objects brought to achieve the purpose of eliminating static electricity.Discharge rodDischarge stick is an essential package,discharge discharge needle stick work that is part of the high pressure from the static elimination device,discharge a high voltage is applied after the needle so that needle into the surrounding air ionization ion.In fact,the use of environmental conditions,according to the discharge in the form of rods,specification size,the length of power lines,installation methods are not uniform.Customer order should be customized after explaining in detail.Factory production of the discharge rod points directly to type and capacitive are two of them stick with the elimination of capacitive discharge effect is good,fire-retardant and do not produce the advantages of sources of interference.Product Specifications(Dimensions Unit:mm)SpecificationsOperating Voltage:AC220V±15%,50/60HZOperating ambient temperature:-10~40℃Working environment relative humidity:≤80%RHMethods of work:continuousNotes1、Eliminator Power for the exchange of220V,is strictly prohibited the use of 380V,use terminal must be reliable and machine-metal body and the ground phase, otherwise fragile Eliminator!2、Discharge rod at both ends of earth to be reliable grounding,electrostatic discharge needle to be vertically aligned objects,eliminate static electricity from the closer the better.3、Machine work,the operation of the Do not touch or near high-voltage output devices discharge needle.4、High-voltage output line and ground line is to be separated by a certain distance,and not near any metal objects.5、In a clean maintenance,you must cut off the power.6、Discharge body and fixation should always wash with gasoline Sassafras.7、In the transport,storage,use the process,no rain and exposure to corrosion objects.8、In use,if found sparks gradually weakened or non-spark output,is generally 630V, 1.5uF capacitor failure,therefore,to replace an equivalent capacitance that is back to normal.A fter-sales service1,since the date of purchase within one year from the factory to provide free maintenance service.2way for warranty repair,that is,the user shall deliver products to the factory repair.3,more than the warranty period products,such as the need to replace parts, spare parts small additional fees for nominal fee.4,all man-made damage,does not belong to the scope of the warranty,but can be sent to plant maintenance.For example:(1)failure to require the specification installation damage;(2)damage caused by force majeure.CompanyRealtek Ruian City,Zhejiang Industrial Control Instrument Factory was established in1999,is a research and development,production,marketing printing,flexible packaging,plastics and other mechanical areas of electrical automotive and industrial control equipment,professional enterprise.As a many years in industrial control equipment manufacturer,we always adhere to customer-centric in order to"quality first,the eternal purpose of the enterprise,the customer expectation is that business goal"as quality policy,in product development and technical updating the introduction of high technology,and draw on the essence of similar products at home and abroad,to provide customers with better and better products.For high-quality will be never-ending pursuit,but for customer service and will also be our relentless focus on improving one of the important work.We are the spirit of"doing my best to meet customer's needs,"the service concept,relying on high-quality products in order to price to the amount of sincerity in order to quickly win customers,with all our wisdom and sweat wholeheartedly for the customer to solve problems make every effort to meet or achieve customer requirements and expectations,and strive to be innovative and sustained through its own efforts to create value for customers in the customer satisfaction will also enable the company continue to develop and continuously improve the service system,and look forward to new and old customers with more cooperation and common development!The main products are:RY300/RY3000InverterDCZLY series DC motor winding tension(speed)control instrument(board)DC,TS,TSB,TSG,TSBG series DC motor speed control boardRTS,RTSG series DC motor controllerLJKY Series Torque Motor Controller(board)ZLMK Series Manual Tension ControllerSZK Series Manual Tension ControllerZXT Series Constant Tension ControllerSWK Series Displacement ControllerHSK Series Hall two-speed controllerZX series of counters,MetersGK Series Photoelectric correction controllerCTE-XC10Series corona processor(electronic shock machine)BF-Ⅰtype blown film makeup air controllerStatic Eliminator,etc.Distribution:Permanent magnet DC motor,torque motor,photoelectric switches,as well as packaging,plastics,printing machinery and other electronic accessory products and accessories.。
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频 晌 大 动 态 低 失 真 喇 叭 ) 斯 巴 克 ( 供 西 雅 土 喇 叭 、 提
与 胆 石 功 放 ) 隆 宇 ( 供 功 放 及 大 功 率 、 高 信 噪 、 提
比 、 微 功 、 提 D
机 )、 珠 海 电 子 城 (提 供 1 0 0 / 5 V 与 0 0 F 4 0 “ 摩 组 打
1 0 0 F 8 V 浸 低 损 耗 电 容 ) 进 行 0 00 / 0 油
合 , 播 放 《 色 娘 字 军 》 与 中 芭 、 中 交 同 名 交 响 乐 红 现 场 演 奏 的 音 效 感 受 对 比 , 结 果 是 吻 合 的 … … 可 以
说 C 与 M 3 都 足 高 保 真 声 源 , 而 实 际 音 响 播 放 系 D 等 P
令 人讨厌 的E Mi
l f扰
约 从 3 H 到 3 0 H , 况 严 重 时 ,会 使 到 你 的 喇 叭 发 HZ 0G Z 情
大部分 的发烧友都有过以下的经验 :听音乐时在晚
间 听 比 在 日 间 听 更 靓 声 。环 境 比 较 亍 静 ,当 然 足 靓 声 原 因 之 一 ;但 主 要 的 原 因 是 电 源 中 令 人 讨 厌 的 E I R I M / F 干 扰在 晚 间较 少 的缘 故 。
干扰 ,大 至 高 压 电 塔 小 至 手 机 和 遥 控 器 都 会 发 出 电 磁 波
! !! ! j !! !! i !! !! ! i! ! ! ; i! !!| z i! !! !z ! !! !!; i !! !! ;!
( 上 页 ) 播 放 器 输 出 端 ( ~ O W 右 功 率 信 号 ) 的 接 5 2m 左
8 B 内 ,8 H ~ 0 H ( 升 +4 B, 下 降 - d d 以 k Z 2 Z 可 k d 8 B
以内 ) 可认 为音 箱有 效频 响延 伸的原 则是 双 向对等 , 。 频 响 平 衡 ( 如 1 z 0 H 声 源 ,音 箱 高 音 向 上 延 伸 例 ~1 0 z H k 到4 H 0 Z,同 时 低 音 应 向 下延 伸 到 1 H ) k Z。 5 笔 者 实 际 验 证 上 述 “ 准 ” 采 用 了 惠 威 ( 供 宽 标 提
信 噪 比 可 达 6 ~ 5 B 右 , 把 H 3 ( ) 播 放 器 直 驳 功 0 9 d 左 P 4 放 ,按 I C 8 系 列 标 准 原 则 ( 放 比 前 置 及 综 合 放 大 1 E 5 功
8H-d k Z 4 B, 即 其 中 3 + O~ 1 O Z段 可 升 + d O H 4 B、降
・ 于 苜 tY p 至 O,
口 紫 荆
隆 宇 公 司 新 推 出 了 一 部 “ 宇 m g ( 力 ) 电 隆 a1 C 魔
干扰 。此干扰不单影响音乐器材 声音的质素 ,对人体健
康 也 是 有 害 的 。 另 一 方 面 , R I ( a 1 e U n y F R d F q e c 0 r I f e e) 射 频 干 扰 对 音 响 器 材 的 影 响 也 令 发 烧 友 e n n r C
以 电源 受 到 的 干 扰 可 以说 是 无所 不 在 。
大 功率设 计 电源处 理器
电源 处 理 器 我 用 过 不少 ,从 年 轻 时在 鸭 寮 街 买 套 件
D 制 作 ,到 近 一 万 元 的 电 源 处 理 器 都 用 过 ;对 电 源 净 I Y
z !! !! ! !! !! i! !! ! i ! !i! !! ! l! ! !!! ; !! !! !i! ! i i! 1
器的信噪 比至少大 2 d ) 3 B ,所 用 功 放 信 噪 比 至 少 是 8 - 3 l 8 B,按 功 放 与 音 箱 组 合 的 最 低 动 态 应 比 相 应 声 源 1d ( 0 9 B 动 态 高 3 d ( 以 上 ) 的 原 则 ,针 对 6 ~ 5d ) ~1 B 或 5
备 受 困扰 。 射 频 来 源 更 为 厂 泛 ,从 厂 播 台 、电 视 台 、室 内 无 线 电话 和 手 机 、以 至 日光 灯 等 ,而且 频 谱 很 宽 ,大
源处 理 器 香 港 签 名 版 ” ,足 该 公 司 的 重点 之 作 , 并先 打 入
香 港 币 场 ,希 望 香 港 的 发 烧 友 认 识 隆 宇 。 这 部 m g a1 C ( 力 )电源处理器究竟能否成为香港发烧友的宠儿呢? 魔 当然 要 试 过 才 知 分 晓 。
不 同 的 M 3 放 器 ,我 们 现 有 的 功 放 与 音 箱 组 合 的 最 低 播 P
动 态 高 于 6 ~ / 8 1 d 才 是 H 一F 的 多 媒 体 音 响 , 3 7 9 ~l O B 5 1 1 其 最 低 H 一F 标 准 范 围 比 C 系 统 范 围 宽 松 , 但 满 足 C 1 1 D D 最 低 H F 标 准 的 组 合 才 能 播 好 高 标 准 多 媒 体 声 源 1 1 ( 比劣 质 C 组 合 好 ) D 。 6 .音 箱和 耳 机 的高 保 真最 低 频 响指 标标 准 ( 论 ) 讨 : I C 8 1 3 4 准规 定 厂 播接 收 调 谐 、 卡 座 、 电 唱 机 卜 //标 E5
E I ( 1 C o M g e 1 f e c H E t ' a n t I e n e) 电 磁 波 e r C n r
出微 弱 的 电台 厂 播 ,也会 使 你 的音 乐器 材 产 生噪 音 。
R I 单 指 可 以从 空 气 中 接 收 ,亦 会 从 电 源 线 传 入 ,所 F不