MAN B&W 与 CPP匹配工作时的操作规程




(一)人物介绍测试题班级:姓名:成绩:一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项,并将序号填在()内.(6分)() 1。

A.grandma B.grandpa 2.A。

dad B.teacher C。

mom() 3.A.boy B。

girl C.student() 4、A、China B、panda C、Canada() 5、A、friend B、student C、teacher() 6、A、boy B、girl C、pupil二、选择恰当的单词填空,把正确答案的序号填在括号里。

(13分)()1.-is that man?He is my grandfather。


What B.Who()2.-Who’s that ?She's my grandmother。


A:Who’that_______?B:She'my mother。 B。

woman C。

girl D。


A:Who’s that man?B:_________is my father。


He B.She C.he D。


A:Who’s that woman?B:________my mother.A.She’s B。

she’s C.he’s D.He's()6。

This_________my friend,Ann。

She______from America。……isC.Is…am D。


A:Who'this______?B:He’s my brother.A.boy B。

girl()8.A:Who’this girl?B:________my sister。

A.He’s B。

She’s()9.A:Let's watch TV。

B:___________!A.Great B。

Welcome()10. ----Nice to see you again! -——-_____________A。



项目十一柴油主机典型气动操纵系统【项目描述】Item Description主机(Main Engine)遥控系统(Remote System)的组成主要包括遥控操纵台(Remote Console)、车钟系统(Telegraph System)、逻辑控制单元(Logic Control Unit)、转速与负荷控制单元(Speed and Load Control Unit)、安全保护装置(Safeguard Protection Device)以及包括遥控执行机构(Actuator)在内的主机气动操纵系统(Main Engine Pneumatic Manipulating System)。

船舶主机气动操纵系统可靠工作与船舶安全操纵直接关联,作为轮机管理人员,熟悉船舶柴油机气动操纵系统的基本原理(Basic Principle),本章详细介绍了几种运用比较多的柴油主机典型气动操纵系统。

一、知识要求(knowledge demand)1.要求熟悉典型主机气动操纵系统的操作原理;2.要求读懂典型主机气动操纵系统工作的原理图。

二、能力要求(ability demand)1.要求对主机启动、换向、停车、安保系统简单故障会诊断;2.要求会操纵模拟主机(如启动、正倒车、停车操纵)3.要求对操纵系统会维护保养。

三、素质要求(quality demand)1.养成善于动脑、勤于思考、及时发现问题的学习习惯;2.培养理论联系实际、善于分析和解决工程实际问题的能力;3.培养理性思维能力和科学求实的精神;4.培养学习新技术的能力,增强创新意识。

【项目实施】Item Implementation任务一MAN B&W MC型主机气动操纵系统一、学习目标(learning target)1.掌握MAN B&W MC型主机气动操纵系统的操作原理;2.读懂MAN B&W MC型主机操纵系统气路原理图;3.掌握各种操纵(机旁、集控室遥控、驾驶台遥控)工作原理;4.掌握MAN B&W MC型主机操纵系统的启动、停车、换向及安全保护的工作过程;5.学会MAN B&W MC型主机操纵系统故障诊断和维护。



M A N B&W和W a r t s i l a是世界船用柴油机的两大著名品牌。

在世界船用低速机市场,MANB&W品牌的占有率高达80%,Wartsila品牌占16%;在世界船用中速机市场,Wartsila品牌的占有率达到38%,M A N B&W品牌占27%。

拥有这两大品牌产品的M A N柴油机公司和瓦锡兰公司在船用低、中、高速柴油机的设计、研发和售后服务等领域始终居于世界前列,保持着绝对垄断的地位。

一、M A N公司——世界船用低速机的霸主MAN柴油机公司(MAN DieselSE)是德国曼恩集团的子公司之一,总部设在德国,是世界最主要的船用柴油机设计、开发和制造企业,在柴油机研制方面有百余年的丰富经验。


1.历史沿革M A N柴油机公司拥有最悠久的柴油机生产历史,1897年德国工程师鲁道夫·狄赛尔(RudolfDiesel)在MAN柴油机公司的奥格斯堡(Augsburg)工厂发明了世界上第一台柴油机,英文“Diesel”即是以狄赛尔(Diesel)的名字命名。

1898年,鲁道夫·狄赛尔授权丹麦B&W公司(Burmeister & WainA/S)生产柴油机。


该公司世界两大船用柴油机巨头——MAN和瓦锡兰公司发展情况中国船舶工业经济研究中心 刘贵浙于1971年将船厂和柴油机制造分离为两个独立的公司,柴油机制造部分于1980年被德国曼恩集团收购,改名为M A N B&W柴油机丹麦公司(MAN B&W Diesel A/S),而整个曼恩集团的柴油机业务由当时的MAN B&W柴油机公司(MAN B&W Diesel AG)负责。



世界两大船用柴油机巨头来源:《船艇·船舶工业版》2008刘贵浙作者:发表时间:2009-12-07 22:51:31《船艇·船舶工业版》2008刘贵浙MAN B&w和W&rtsil&是世界船用柴油机的两大著名品牌。

在世界船用低速机市场,MANB&W品牌的占有率高达80%,W&rtsila品牌占16%;在世界船用中速机市场,Wartaila 品牌的占有率达到38%,MANB&W品牌占27%。


一、MAN公司——世界船用低速机的霸主MAN柴油机公司(MAN Diese]SE)是德国曼恩集团的子公司之一,总部设在德国,是世界最主要的船用柴油机设计、开发和制造企业,在柴油机研制方面有百余年的丰富经验。





该公司于1971年将船厂和柴油机制造分离为两个独立的公司,柴油机制造部分于]980年被德国曼恩集团收购,改名为MAN B&W柴油机丹麦公司(MAN B&W Diese0 A/S),而整个曼恩集团的柴油机业务由当时的MAN B&W柴油机公司(MANB&W Diesel AG)负责。

MAN B&W ME-B 柴油机介绍

MAN B&W ME-B 柴油机介绍
Page 1 of 7
ME-B Mark 8 Engine Description
Please note that engines built by our licensees are in accordance with MAN Diesel drawings and standards but, in certain cases, some local standards may be applied; however, all spare parts are interchangeable with MAN Diesel designed parts. Some components may differ from MAN Diesel’s design because of local production facilities or the application of local standard components. In the following, reference is made to the item numbers specified in the ‘Extent of Delivery’ (EoD) forms, both for the ‘Basic’ delivery extent and for some ‘Options’. Bedplate and Main Bearing The bedplate is made with the thrust bearing in the aft end of the engine. The bedplate consists of high, welded, longitudinal girders and welded cross girders with cast steel bearing supports. For fitting to the engine seating in the ship, long, elastic holdingdown bolts, and hydraulic tightening tools are used. The bedplate is made without taper for engines mounted on epoxy chocks. The oil pan, which is made of steel plate and is welded to the bedplate, collects the return oil from the forced lubricating and cooling oil system. The oil outlets from the oil pan are normally vertical and are provided with gratings. Horizontal outlets at both ends can be arranged for some cylinder numbers, however, this must be confirmed by the engine builder. The main bearings consist of thin walled steel shells lined with bearing metal. The main bearing bottom shell can be rotated out and in by means of special tools in combination with hydraulic tools for lifting the crankshaft. The shells are kept in position by a bearing cap. Frame Box The frame box is of triangular plate welded or rib design. On the exhaust side, it is provided with relief valves for each cylinder while, on the manoeuvring side, it is provided with a large hinged door for each cylinder. The crosshead guides are welded onto the frame box. The frame box is bolted to the bedplate. The bedplate, frame box and cylinder frame are tightened together by stay bolts. Cylinder Frame and Stuffing Box The cylinder frame is either welded or cast. It is provided with access covers for cleaning the scavenge air space, if required, and for inspection of scavenge ports and piston rings from the manoeuvring side. Together with the cylinder liner, it forms the scavenge air space. The cylinder frame is fitted with pipes for the piston cooling oil inlet. The scavenge air receiver, turbocharger, air cooler box, lubricators and gallery brackets are located on the cylinder frame. At the bottom of the cylinder frame there is a piston rod stuffing box, provided with sealing rings for scavenge air. Oil scraper rings in the stuffing box prevent crankcase oil from coming up into the scavenge air space and polluting the crankcase oil with combustion waste products. Drains from the scavenge air space and the piston rod stuffing box are located at the bottom of the cylinder frame.



















man 怎么读

man 怎么读

man 怎么读













第 23 卷增 刊 1 2003年 11月
文章编号: 1008- 7842 ( 2003) S0- 0056- 04
Vol1 23 Suppl1 1 Nov1 2003
MAN- B&W MC/ MC- C 系列船用低速柴油机的发展及改进
张 坚, 李永强, 张其发 ( 中国船舶工业集团公司沪东重机股份有限公司, 上海 200129)
1430 1940 1180
91 0
L50MC 500 1620 148~ 111 810
1330 1810 1170
91 7
L42MC 420 1360 176~ 132 810
995 1355 1180 1519
L35MC 350 1050 210~ 178 7135
880 1184 1515
11 90
151 0
1998 S35MC
11 91
141 5
2001 L70MC- C,
L60MC- C 7
11 90
81 5/ 81 3
151 0
通过市场调查表明: 一种提高功率的新柴油机将
会拥有广阔的市场要求。为此, MAN- B&W 公司把提
( 2) 带有阻尼关闭装置的排气阀
排气阀壳进行了设计改进, 壁厚增加, 冷却水量
减少, 目的是为了消除阀壳腐蚀的危险。此外, 为了
阀座之间的撞击, 采用了阻尼关闭机构。



MAN B&W ME-C/B船用电喷柴油机从2003年面世至今,以其低油耗、低排放、易操作等优良的性能,得到市场的高度认可。



一、MAN B&W ME-C/B柴油机润滑油系统的结构和原理此处液压动力供应就是指200~300bar(20~30MPa)的伺服油供应单元。

图1 HPS—Hydraulic Power Supply液压动力供应结构和系统图由图1不难看出,系统滑油经过滑油自清滤器后有大约10%成为液压伺服油(说明书一般称为HYDRAULIC OIL),经过过滤精度6μ的精滤器进入液压动力单元。




图2 FIVA工作原理图一旦主机系统滑油产生变质,FIVA阀极易损坏,严重时会造成主机无法正常工作。


二、FXH轮主机FIVA故障案例FXH轮由广州文冲船厂建造,该轮2016年5 月16日~5月21日试航,2016年11月28日交接,11月30日离厂投入营运。

该轮主机型号为MAN B&W 5S60ME-C8.2,额定功率为8050kW 额定转速为89r/min 营运转速为84.5r/min。

1、故障处理经过FXH轮2017年1月07日No.5缸FIVA阀故障(ELEI/FIVE FEEDBACK SIGNAL FAILURE)(CCU5) (SLOW DOWN),船存备件一套,整体更换后恢复正常航行。



2020-2021学年第二学期期末测试人教版英语三年级试题学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子,将序号填入题前括号中.(10分)( ) 1. A . Who’s th A t B oy? B . Who’s th A t girl?( ) 2. A . C ome here, C hilD ren. B . WelC ome!( ) 3. A . It hA s A long nose. B . HA ve A gooD time!( ) 4. A . Let’s B uy some fruit. B . Let’s go home.( ) 5. A . The B lA C k one is A B irD . B . It’s in your D esk.二、听录音,给下列图片标序号.(12分)三、听对话,选图,打“√”.(8分)1. 2.( )( )( )( )3. 4.( )( )( )( )选出每组单词中划线部分读音不同的一项。

1. A . B A g B . hA nD C . nA me2. A . egg B . erA ser C . leg3. A . B rother B . B ox C . on4. A . thin B . B ig C . niC e5. A . unD er B . pupil C . run读单词,选出不同类的一项。

6. A . thin B . tA ll C . twelve7. A . mA n B . unD er C . womA n8. A . C hinA B . C A nA D A C . C hA ir9. A . teA C her B . twelve C . twenty10. A . in B . on C . fA t找出和图片相对应的单词,并用手写体抄写在四线格上。



技 术 主 要针 对 中型船 舶市 场 , 一 步扩 大 进
了公 司 的 市 场 份 额 和 客 户 群 。近 年 来 , 该 公 司 在 稳 步 扩 大 压 载 水 处 理 系 统 新 建 市
场 的 同时 , 在 关注 压 载 水 处 理 系 统 改 装 也 市场 。 公司新 推 出的Ma l 该 r I 水处 理 k 压载
的时 机 与 更 多像 日立公 司这 样 的企 业 开展
2 1年 , 00 日本 日立 公 司 为 一 艘 常 规 货 船 制 造 了型 号 为 MAN &W 6 4 MC C8 B S6 -
MAN &W 6 4 MC-C 所 安 装 的 B S6 - 8
SR C 系统 具有 以下特点 : 在载荷 循环 时能 降
的 船 用柴 油 机 , 柴 油 机 的 最 大输 出功率 该
考 虑 了S R (e ci tl i R d ci ) C S l t e Caay c e u t n e c c l i ) G E h u t s e i ua o 两种 技 G r tn
场 推 出一 个 最 优 化 的发 动机 动 力/ 放 组 排
外 , r 载 水处 理 系统 还 采 用了性 能 Mak I I 压 更 好 的过滤 技 术 。
Oc a S v r 司 在 大 型 船 舶 市 场 一直 e n a e公 占据领 先地 位 . 00 该 公 司新 接2 套 油 21年 2 船 压 载 水 处 理 系 统 订 单 , 一 步 奠 定 了公 进
大 门。 司的一 位 高管 表 示 , r I 载 公 Mak 压 I 水处 理 系统 将 扩 大本公 司 的市 场份 额 , 而 且 还 可 以缩 短 改装 和 新建 项 目的 时间 , 降 低 其复 杂性 。

外研版英语七年级上册Module 2 综合素质评价

外研版英语七年级上册Module 2 综合素质评价

Module 2 综合素质评价(100分钟100分)一、单项选择(每小题1. 5分, 共15分)1. — Who's ________ old man in this photo, David?— Yuan Longping, a great old man from China.A. aB. anC. theD. /2. — Miss Li teaches ________ English this term.— You are very lucky. ________ is a very good teacher.A. our; SheB. us; SheC. us; HerD. ours; Hers3. Lucy, ________ are Peter and John. __________ are my good friends.A. this; HeB. he; ThisC. they; TheseD. these; They4. Oh, Alice and Sue are sisters. ________ mother is my English teacher Mrs Smith, and you know her.A. ItsB. TheirC. HerD. His5. — John's new movie (电影) is on at the ________ this evening.— Great! Let's go and see it.A. classroomB. hotelC. shopD. theatre6. — How many ________ are there in this photo?— Two. They're my grandma and mum.A. manB. menC. womanD. women7. — Hey, Betty! Are Bob and Joe at Green School?— Yes, they're at the ________ grade. They're in Grade Seven.A. bigB. smallC. sameD. new8. — What is Mike's brother's job, Linda?— His brother is a(n) ________.A. bus driverB. English boyC. table tennisD. first name9. [2023·天津河西区期中]— Are these your friends?— ________.A. No, these are notB. No, they aren'tC. Yes, they aren'tD. Yes, those are10. — Sally? ________?— That's my friend Emma.A. How old is sheB. Who's thisC. Where's she fromD. What's her name二、完形填空(每小题1. 5分, 共15分)Hi! I'm Bill Read. I'm twelve years old. This is my 11 . Her name is Jenny Read. 12 is 10 years old. We are 13 the USA. But now we are in 14 . We are in the same school. But we are in different 15 . My father is 16 English teacher and my mother is a doctor. I love 17 . At school I 18 a good friend. 19 name is Ben. He's twelve years old, 20 . He's from England. We like China.11. A. sister B. father C. brother D. mother12. A. He B. She C. It D. We13. A. of B. from C. at D. on14. A. England B. China C. America D. Chinese15. A. grade B. class C. grades D. Grade16. A. a B. the C. / D. an17. A. he B. she C. them D. they18. A. have B. had C. has D. having19. A. Her B. His C. My D. Your20. A. either B. too C. to D. also三、阅读理解(每小题2分, 共20分)AMy name is Jenny. I am from Canada and I'm in China now. I am 12 years old. I am in Class 2, Grade 7. I have a Chinese friend called Han Mei. She is 13. She is in Class 3, Grade 8. Her Chinese is good. She helps me with my Chinese. Her mother isa doctor. And her father is a policeman. I want to be a teacher like my mother. She always makes her classes interesting and she is nice to her students. So they like her very much. I am patient(有耐心的), and I think I will be good with my students.21. Where is Jenny from?A. China.B. America.C. Canada.D. England.22. How old is Jenny?A. 11.B. 12.C. 13.D. 14.23. What class is Han Mei in?A. Class 2, Grade 7.B. Class 2, Grade 8.C. Class 3, Grade 7.D. Class 3, Grade 8.24. What is Han Mei's mother?A. A doctor.B. A teacher.C. A student.D. A policeman.25. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Jenny's Chinese is good.B. Han Mei wants to be a teacher.C. Han Mei likes her teacher very much.D. Jenny will be patient with her students.BHi Alice,My name is Tom Harper. I'm 13 years old and I go to a middle school in Chicago, USA.There are four people in my family. My dad is a teacher. He teaches maths in my school. My mum makes birthday cakes and sells(卖) them. She's really creative. She can make ship cakes, panda cakes, flower cakes and so on. She works at home but she doesn't work on the weekend. My brother, Greg, is 18. He's very clever. He likes science and he wants to be a scientist (科学家). He's at college (在大学读书) so he doesn't live at home.In my free time, I usually play basketball. I'm not very tall but I play well. I'm3sending (发送) you a photo of me and my family by e-mail. I wear a white T-shirt and my brother wears a black T-shirt.Your friend,Tom26. Who is a teacher?A. Tom's mum.B. Tom's dad.C. Alice's mum.D. Alice's dad.27. The underlined word “creative” means “____”。


LOGO LD32-2/27-2油田
3 1 2 3 4
主机启动空气系统功能 主机启动空气系统组成 主机启动空气系统流程
主机启动空气系统 主机启动空气系统的功能是为主机初始启动提 供推动气缸活塞运动的动力,使主机达到燃油 运行需要的转速。
启动阀 启动滑阀 滤器 应急启动阀组 M329/1 盘车装置 喷油 凸轮轴 主启动阀 安全阀 慢盘车装置 主启动阀控制阀 M317 示功阀 12bar
现场紧急停车装 置阀组M329/2
减压阀M409 控制气8bar,急停关 断阀、急停泄压阀
LOGO LD32-2/27-2油田
主要是: 主机启动的动力源 主机控制系统的动力源 启动时涡轮增压器的助推气
外部启动空气 系统:启动空 压机(2台一 用一备)、启 动气瓶、阀门 及管线构成。
内部启动空气 系统:主启动 阀、启动阀、 启动滑阀,启 动器、控制阀 组及管线等部 件构成。
应急启动及应急停车阀组 M 329 / 1 and M 329 / 2
启动气空压机故障无法启动 涡轮增压管线阀门泄漏 涡轮增压管线蛇皮管老化泄漏 控制气管线蛇皮管老化泄漏 启动气瓶排液管线泄漏
启动空气 低压

MAN B&W型主机操纵系统浅议

MAN B&W型主机操纵系统浅议

MAN B&W型主机操纵系统浅议良好的主机操纵系统使主机可以安全可靠的操作,包括主机停车、换向、制动、启动、供油运行、速度调控、安全保护等。



笔者做过一些MAN B&W型主机,试着阐述主机操纵系统中一些名词、阀件的检查及故障实例。










排 气 阀 敲击 ,主要 有 滑 油 系统 中气 垫 与滑 油失 效引起 ,从根本 上来说 ,可能有 以下几个方 面的因 素 : 3.1 滑 油供 应不 足而 引起 排气 阀 敲击 ,可 以从 三方 面查 找 原 因 :
a.油温过高 ,导致滑油粘度降低 ; b.供油 压力 下 降 ; c.油 泵 吸人侧 吸人 空气 ,油 中形成 泡沫 。 3.2 气垫弹簧系统发生故障 ,当出现以下两种情况 时 ,将会 引起 气垫 弹簧 系统 发生 故 障 ,从而 导致 排气 阀敲击 : a.供 气压 力过 高 ; b.安全阀损坏或压力调节不 当。供气压力和安 阀开启压力非常重要 ,应正确调节到标准值 ,即供 压力 0.7MPa,安 全 阀开启 压力 2.1MPa。
除 No.6缸 排 气 阀 因 敲 击 换 件 ,其 他 缸 排 气 阀 均有 敲缸 而换 件 的记 录 。排 气 阀敲 裂 ,对 船 舶 造成 的危 害性 ,主要表 现在 以下 几个 方 面 :
1)造成 船舶停 航更 换 备件 ,影 响航行 安全 ; 2)造 成缸套 裂纹 ,No.6缸 套 曾产 生裂 纹 ; 3)导致 凸轮 轴 链 轮 传 动 联 接 螺 栓 断 裂 等 恶 性 故 障 。 2 排气 阀结构 及工作 原 理 MAN—B&W 6LSOMC型 主 机 排 气 阀采 用 单 阀 结构,直流扫气 ,其排气 阀为液压开启 ,弹簧空气作 用关 阀 。 排气 阀通过 止 回阀 由凸轮 轴油 泵 向各缸 液压驱 动机 构供 油 ,当排 气 凸轮 由凸轮 向基 圆运 行 时 ,排气 阀活塞上部 油压 逐 渐 消失 ,在压 缩 空 气 控 制 的气 动 活塞作用下排气阀逐渐关闭。压缩空气 由止 回阀建 立 ,在汽缸体的下侧 ,装有一安全 阀,并 以孔道与泄 放 阀连通 。 当排 气 凸轮 由基 圆 向 凸轮 运 动 时 ,通 过 凸轮轴 驱动 的排气 阀液 压驱 动泵产 生很 高 的油 压作 用在液 压活塞上 面 ,则 排气 阀打开 。同时缓 冲空 气腔 内的



HHM-MAN-B&W 船舶柴油机原理和结构(仅供参考)编写:蒋爱民2006年7月柴油机概述柴油机是内燃机的一种,是一种把燃油的热能转变为机械能的动力机械,柴油机也是一种热机。








图1 柴油机工作过程示意图比较:内燃机与外燃机柴油机与汽油机、双燃料发动机发火方式常用术语上止点TDC:活塞在气缸内运动时能到达的最上端位置。






缸径D:气缸的内径压缩室容积V C:活塞在气缸内上止点时,活塞顶上的全部空间(活塞顶、缸盖底部与气缸套内表面所包围的空间)容积,亦称气缸余隙容积。

气缸工作容积V h:活塞在气缸内从上止点移动到下止点时所扫过的容积。



Publication Number MAN0007313Revision 2.00B-27® Supplement (50X)DescriptionB-27® Supplement is an optimized serum-free supplement used to support the growth and viability of embryonic, post-natal, and adult,hippocampal and other central nervous system (CNS) neurons. B-27® Supplement is provided as a 50X liquid and is intended to be used withNeurobasal ® Medium or Neurobasal ®-A Medium for cell culture of nearly pure populations (<0.5% Glial cell) of neuronal cells without the need for an astrocyte feeder layer. B-27® Supplement includes a cocktail of antioxidants to reduce reactive oxygen damage.Product UseFor Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.Safety InformationRead the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and follow the handling instructions. Wear appropriate protective eyewear, clothing, and gloves.Prepare Medium1. Neurobasal ® Medium is recommended for primary neuronalcultures. Neurobasal ® Medium requires supplementation with GlutaMAX ™-I (200mM) and B-27® Supplement (50X) prior to use. Thaw B-27® Supplement overnight at 4°C.2. Aseptically add GlutaMAX ™-I to 0.5 mM final concentration(2.5 mL/L) to the medium before use.3. Aseptically add 2% B-27® Supplement (20 mL/L) to the mediumbefore use.Note: Remaining B-27® Supplement may be aliquoted intoworking volumes and stored at –20°C to –5°C. Thaw aliquots as needed. Do not freeze-thaw B-27® Supplement more than twice. 4. For primary rat hippocampus neuron cultures, the completeNeurobasal ® medium (prepared from the previous steps) requires additional supplementation with 25 μM L-Glutamate up to the fourth day in culture.Once supplemented, the complete Neurobasal ® Medium is stable for up to one week when stored in the dark at 2°C to 8°C.Use• Use B-27® Supplement to supplement Neurobasal ® Medium foroptimal viability and long-term survival of pre-natal and embryonic neuronal cells. • Use B-27® Supplement to supplement Neurobasal ®-A Medium foroptimal viability and long-term survival of post-natal and adult brain neuronal cells. • B-27® Supplement when used as a supplement to Neurobasal ®Medium is effective for the viability of tumor cell lines of neuronal origin. • B-27® Supplement when used as a supplement to DMEM/F12mixture has been demonstrated to support the expansion of EGF-responsive precursor cells from rat embryonic striatum and mesencephalon.Cell Culture ProcedureThe following procedure has been tested on freshly isolated 18-day gestation rat hippocampal and cortical neurons, Gibco ® Primary Rat Cortex Neurons, Gibco ® Primary Rat Hippocampus Neurons, and neuroblastoma cell lines.1. Coat culture surface (German glass or cell culture grade plastics)with a sterile 0.05 mg/mL solution of cold poly-D-lysine in water at 0.15 mL/cm 2 surface area and incubate for 1 hour at ambient temperature.2. Remove poly-D-lysine solution, and rinse twice with steriledistilled H 2O. (Rinse thoroughly, since poly-D-lysine can be toxic to the cells). Leave the plates uncovered in the hood until the wells are completely dry. Plates can be used immediately once dry or can be stored dry at 4°C for up to 2 weeks.3. Isolate primary rat neurons or thaw cryopreserved primary ratneurons according to standard laboratory procedure orinstructions supplied with the cells (See Recovery and Culturing of Cryopreserved Neurons ).4. Plate cells in pre-warmed (37°C) complete Neurobasal ® Media(prepared as described above) at a suggested density of 160 cells/mm 2, or another optimized density if required. Note: For hippocampal neurons, use the complete medium supplemented with 25 μM L-Glutamate, see Prepare Medium . 5. Incubate the culture dish at 36°C to 38°C in a humidifiedatmosphere of 5% CO 2 (in air is acceptable but 9% oxygen with 5% CO 2 is preferable).6. After 4–24 hours of incubation, aspirate half of the medium andreplace with same volume of fresh medium. Return the plate to the incubator.7. Non-hippocampal cultures: Four days after plating, feed thecultures by aspirating half of the medium from each well and replacing with same volume of fresh medium. Repeat every three days thereafter.Hippocampal cultures: Three days after plating, replace half of the medium with complete medium without L-Glutamate. Repeat every three days thereafter.Note: Improved long-term survival of hippocampal neurons may be obtained by the addition of 25 µM 2-mercaptoethanol.Isolate Primary Fetal Neurons1. The following procedure is recommended for cultured 18-dayembryonic rat hippocampal or cortical neurons.2. Dissect cortex or hippocampi pairs from rat embryos at Day 18 ofgestation (E18).3. Collect all the tissue in a conical tube containing Hibernate-Ecomplete medium. Leave the tissue in this tube (1 pair/2 mL) until all the dissections are completed.4. Let the tissue settle to the bottom of the tubes and then carefullyremove supernatant leaving only the tissue covered by a minimum amount of medium.5. Enzymatically digest the tissue in Hibernate-E, without Ca 2+(BrainBits ® LLC, Cat. No. HE-Ca) medium containing 2 mg/mL filter sterilized papain at 30°C for 30 minutes with gentle shaking of the tube every 5 minutes (2 pairs/mL).6. Restore divalent cations with 2 volumes of Hibernate-E completemedium.7. Allow non-dispersed tissue to settle for 2 minutes and thentransfer the supernatant to a 15-mL tube and centrifuge for 5 minutes at 150 × g .For additional technical information such as Safety Data Sheets (SDS), Certificates of Analysis, visit /support . For further assistance, email techsupport@© 2014 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified. B-27 is a registered trademark of Southern Illinois University. Brain Bits is a registered trademark of Brain Bits LLC.DISCLAIMER: LIFE TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION AND/OR ITS AFFILIATE(S) DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THIS DOCUMENT, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALLLIFE TECHNOLOGIES AND/OR ITS AFFILIATE(S) BE LIABLE, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY, OR UNDER ANY STATUTE OR ON ANY OTHER BASIS FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, MULTIPLE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING FROM THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE USE THEREOF.8. Gently resuspend the pellet in 1 mL complete Neurobasal ®medium and take an aliquot (e.g., 10 μL) for cell counting. Proceed to Recovery and Culturing of Cryopreserved Neurons steps 8–10. Note: Gibco ® Primary Rat Cortex and Rat Hippocampus Neurons (isolated from day-18 Fisher 344 rat embryos and cryopreserved in a medium containing 10% DMSO) are a quality ready-to-use alternative to freshly isolated neurons.(See Recovery and Culturing of Cryopreserved Neurons ).Recovery and Culturing of Cryopreserved NeuronsImportant: Primary neuronal cells will adhere to bare plastic and glassware; to maximize cell recovery and yield we recommend pre-rinsing all plastic and glassware with complete medium before use. Do not vortex or centrifuge cells at any time during this procedure as cells are extremely fragile upon recovery from cryopreservation. We recommend thawing one vial at a time. Transfer cryovial from liquid nitrogen storage to 37°C water bath minimizing handling time. A small amount of liquid nitrogen in an ice bucket can be used to transport the vials from liquid nitrogen to the water bath. 1. Rinse a sterile 15-mL conical culture tube with completeNeurobasal ® Media and leave in the hood prior to thawing cells. 2. If removing vial from liquid nitrogen storage, twist cap slightly torelease pressure and then retighten cap.3. Rapidly thaw (<2 minutes) frozen vial by gently swirling in a 37°Cwater bath. Remove from water bath when only one tiny ice crystal is left (vial should still be cold to the touch).4. Transfer the vial into the hood and disinfect with 70% isopropylalcohol. Collect the liquid to the bottom of the vial by gently tapping the vial on the hood’s surface.5. Use a pre-rinsed P-1000 pipette tip to very gently transfer the cellsto the pre-rinsed 15-mL conical tube.6. Rinse the cryovial with 1 mL of pre-warmed completeNeurobasal ® Media and extremely slowly add to the cells in the 15-mL tube at the rate of one drop per second. Mix by gentle swirling after each drop. Do not add the full amount of media to the tube at once. This may lead to decreased cell viability due to osmotic shock.7. Slowly (dropwise) add an additional 2 mL of pre-warmedcomplete Neurobasal ® Media to the tube (for a total suspension volume of 4 mL). Mix the suspension very gently with P-1000 pipette without creating any air bubbles.8. Add 10 μL of cell suspension to a microcentrifuge tube containing10 μL of 0.4% Trypan blue, using a pre-rinsed tip. Mix only by gently tapping the tube. Determine the viable cell density using a manual (i.e., hemocytometer) counting method. The viability of thawed cells should be >50%.9. Plate ~1 × 105 cells (see Cell Culture Procedure , steps 4–5) (ordesired cell density) per well in a poly-D-lysine coated 48-well plate (see Cell Culture Procedure , steps 1–2). Dilute cellsuspension to 500 μL per well by adding pre-warmed complete Neurobasal ® Media.10. Follow Cell Culture Procedure steps 6–7 to maintain neuronal cellcultures. Incubate at 36°C to 38°C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO 2 (in air is acceptable but 9% oxygen with 5% CO 2 is preferable).Cell LinesNote: Some cell lines may require an initial attachment in 2% serum-supplemented Neurobasal ® Medium. Serum-free completeNeurobasal ® Medium can then be added after incubation for 2 hours or overnight.Subculture Immortalized Cell Lines1. Aspirate spent media and wash cells with Hank’s Balanced Saltsolution (HBSS) without calcium and magnesium.2. Add sufficient 0.25 % trypsin/1.0 mM EDTA to cover cellmonolayer, aspirate excess trypsin/EDTA solution.3. Incubate for 2–4 minutes at 37°C; a strong tap to the vessel shoulddetach cells from the substratum.4. Add 5 mL HBSS with calcium and magnesium containing0.05% Soybean Trypsin Inhibitor to quench Trypsin activity. 5. Transfer to a sterile 15-mL tube and centrifuge at 200 × g for2 minutes at room temperature.6. Aspirate supernatant and gently resuspend cell pellet in completeNeurobasal ® Medium. Determine viable cell density using a Countess ® Automated Cell Counter.7. Dilute cells into poly-D-lysine coated culture vessels withcomplete Neurobasal ® Medium at ~160 cells/mm 2 or another user optimized density if required.Explanation of Symbols and WarningsUse By:Manufacturer Batch code Keep away from lightTemperature LimitationCatalog Consult instructionsfor useCaution, consult accompanying documents Sterilized using aseptic Limited Product WarrantyLife Technologies Corporation and/or its affiliate(s) warrant their products as set forth in the Life Technologies’ General Terms and Conditions of Sale found on LifeTechnologies’ website at /termsandconditions . If you have any questions, please contact Life Technologies at /support .Important Licensing Information:This product may be covered by one or more Limited Use Label Licenses. By use of this product, you accept the terms and conditions of all applicable Limited Use Label Licenses.。

五年级下册英语一课一练 Unit 5 I'm cleaning my room. Lesson 29∣人教

五年级下册英语一课一练 Unit 5 I'm cleaning my room. Lesson 29∣人教

人教精通版(三起点)2019-2019学年小学英语五年级下册英语Unit 5 I'm cleaning my room.Lesson 29课时练习一、选出下列单词的正确汉语意思。

1.moon ()A. 月亮B. 太阳C. 星星2.picture ()A. 礼物B. 铅笔C. 图画 ()A. 男人B. 女人C. 男孩4.only ()A. 全部B. 所有C. 仅仅5.cousin ()A. 哥哥B. 妹妹C. 表兄妹二、选出不同类的一项。

6.选出不同类的一项()A. sunB. moonC. starD. picture7.选出不同类的一项()A. manB. childrenC. womanD. boy8.选出不同类的一项()A. heB. youC. herD. we9.选出不同类的一项()A. sisterB. brotherC. cousinD. meet10.选出不同类的一项()A. justB. lookC. singD. talk三、读一读,给下列图片选择正确的短语。

11.给下列图片选择正确的短语A. the moonB. the sunC. my cousinD. look at thepicture(1)________(2)________(3)________(4)________四、按要求写单词。

12.按要求写单词(1)look(现在分词)________(2)sing(现在分词)________(3)is not(简略形式)________(4)do not (简略形式)_________(5)talk(现在分词形式)________五、单项选择。

13.Look at the man ____the picture.A. inB. forC. of14.Glad____ meet you.A. withB. toC. for15.Is he looking at _____sun?A. aB. anC. the16.He's only ______ over there.A. singB. singsC. singing17.This is _____cousin.A. meB. myC. I18.I ______think so.A. doesn'tB. notC. don't六、情景选择。

船舶电喷柴油机-MAN B&W共轨技术

船舶电喷柴油机-MAN B&W共轨技术
HCU Unit – 60ME-C.
Fuel Pump
Exhaust Valve Actuator
Elva Elfi
Alpha Lubricator
Plug Valve
Common supply of HP Oil
2006.01.16 (4140 / PWN)
工作原理-The ME Engine Hydraulic Oil Loop
Cyl. 4 CCU
Fine aut. filter Main lube pump Servo oil return to sump Piston cooling + bearings
Safety and Accumulator blok Servo oil
From sump 2006-01-23
ISO 4406: 13/16 NAS Code: 7
Alpha Lubricator for ME-Engine
Cylinder lub. oil inlet Inductive proximity sensor for feed-back signal to control of piston movement Signal for lubrication from controller
2006.01.16 (4140 / PWN)
Hydraulic pushrod
Exh. Valve actuator
ELVA valve
Double wall pipe
(4140 / PWN)
ME Starting Air System
MC-C design
Level sensor for cylinder oil in lubricator
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柴油机MAN B&W 与可变螺距桨(CPP)匹配工作时的操作规程




1) 只有当可变螺距浆的步聚为零时,才能从中央控制室实现启动,如果可变螺距浆具有其他步骤,发动机启动被锁闭。

2) 将“CCS——WH”转换开关放在“CCS”(中央控制室)位置
3) 将可变螺距桨螺距控制手柄放在零螺距位置,根据外接式步距,指示器(OPI)监视可变螺距桨系统的控制执行情况。

4) 按下“慢转”按钮,并将控制手柄放在“起动”位置,当发动机转一圈后,将起动控制手柄放在“停”位置,放松“慢转”启动按钮。

5) 当得到来自舵机间WH命令“进”或“退”之后,将发动机传令手柄放到所需要的位置,

6) 当发动机达到起动转速10~15r/m时将起动手柄放在所需的航行速度(舵机间发出见操纵台上的工况表)相对应的发动机的转速的位置上。

7) 如果起动失败,即发动机没有用燃油运转时,为了重新起动,在起动期间应按住“接触限制”按钮,它断开限制装置对发动机调速器作用。


.] 2.控制发动机和可变螺距的步骤




















