




它将Android 2.1系统平台、全触摸操作与720P 高清视听的应用完美融合,更为令人震撼的是其299元/4GB(399元/8GB)的超低售价,待上市后必将对现有的MP4市场有着极大的冲击。

1、基本参数:● 4.3英寸、480*272点阵真彩触摸屏●支持MP3、WMA、AAC、APE、FLAC等多种音频格式●音乐播放支持多种音效、循环模式●支持音乐歌词视屏字幕同步显示●支持RM/RMVB、A VI、MKV、VOB、MOV、DA T、FL V等多种格式视屏播放,最高可支持720P分辨率视屏格式播放●集成电视输出功能●支持IPG、BMP、PNG、GIF等格式图片浏览、旋转、自动播放●内置麦克风,超长时间录音●节能设置、字体颜色、显示亮度、界面背景等自由设置●支持FM收音机功能●支持电子书阅读,独立书签、自动浏览、横竖屏切换功能●USB2.0高速传输接口●支持Micro SD卡,可扩展存储空间●支持exF A T磁盘格式,突破4GB以上大容量文件限制2、基本功能:全面提升,实现Android 2.1智能平台支持昂达VX570R将内置Android系统平台中,最为丰富的软件/游戏资源与最为稳定的Android 2.1系统平台。

相比其它智能MP4的Android 1.5系统平台,VX570R搭载的Android 2.1系统平台拥有诸多实用的全新功能:动态桌面让VX570R表现得更加动感和酷炫;锁屏待机设置即贴心实用又省电;PDF硬解码支持和类似iPad的动态翻页效果,让电子书阅读体验更佳;此外,在游戏方面,Android 2.1系统的兼容性更为突出、丰富。


Transcend TS8XDVDRW 说明书

Transcend TS8XDVDRW 说明书

使用者手冊薄式攜帶型CD/DVD燒錄機TS8XDVDRW(1.3 版)目錄產品介紹︱ (1)包裝內容︱ (1)產品特色︱ (2)系統需求︱ (2)一般使用 (2)資料寫入 (3)電源 (3)提醒您 (4)產品概觀︱ (5)基本操作︱ (6)連接CD/DVD燒錄機 (6)放入光碟片 (6)退出光碟片 (9)由電腦安全移除︱ (11)隨機附贈軟體︱ (11)疑難排解︱ (13)規格︱ (14)系統需求︱ (15)訂購資訊︱ (15)回收和環保︱ (16)保固條款︱ (17)感謝您購買創見 8X 薄式攜帶型CD/DVD 燒錄機。

輕巧易攜的CD/DVD 燒錄機優雅大方,是絕佳的撥放媒介及備份寶貴的檔案的CD/DVD 燒錄機。

此款CD/DVD 燒錄機外型輕薄,方便攜帶,並且符合 USB2.0 高速資料傳輸規格,可輕鬆在桌上型或筆記型電腦上播放電影,安裝軟體,或備份檔案,資料夾,文件,照片,音樂和影片。

此外,CD/DVD 燒錄機附贈實用的軟體套件*,讓您輕鬆燒錄您專屬的CD/DVD。

本使用手冊及軟體使用手冊所提供的資訊,將協助您更了解本產品,提醒您在使用CD/DVD 燒錄機之前,請詳細閱讀本使用手冊與軟體使用手冊的內容。

*備註:Power2Go是訊連科技®的註冊商標. 此軟體僅適用於Windows®XP, Windows Vista® and Windows®7作業系統。


包裝內容︱此CD/DVD 燒錄機包裝內含以下物品:CD/DVD燒錄機軟體光碟USB 傳輸線快速使用手冊符合高速 USB 2.0 高速資料傳輸規格DVD±R 讀寫最高可達8x ,CD-R/RW讀寫最高可達24x支援多種光碟媒介 CD-R/RW, DVD±R, DVD±RW, DVD±R DL, DVD-RAM讀取和寫入雙層光碟附贈 CyberLink Power2Go套裝軟體由 USB 埠直接供電,無需其他電源或電池優雅超薄圓滑的設計便於攜帶安裝簡易,隨插即用防滑橡膠設計系統需求︱具備正常功能之USB連接埠且已安裝於下列任一作業系統的桌上型或筆記型電腦:• Windows®XP• Windows Vista®• Windows® 7• Mac OS® 10.4 or later安全注意事項︱下列使用步驟及安全說明非常重要,請務必詳讀並遵照指示進行。

ABOV半导体 MC80F0708 0704 MC80F0808 0804 8位单片机 中文手册

ABOV半导体 MC80F0708 0704 MC80F0808 0804 8位单片机 中文手册

A BO V半导体有限公司8位单片机MC80F0708/0704MC80F0808/0804中文手册(1.01版)2008.6ABOV修订记录1.01版(6.3.2008)本册修改内部晶振规范1.0版(2.27.2008)在7.4A/D转换特性中增加最小电压参数AV REF。





0.3版 (5.2.2007)增加28 QFNP封装。

0.21版(5.2007)增加了T VDD参数规格并且改变了T POR的直流电器特性。


0.1版 (8.2006)最初版本1.0版出版发行F A E Tea m©2006A BO V s e m ic ondu c t o r L t d.A ll r ig h t r e s e r v e d.本手册的其它资料由ABOV半导体有限公司韩国办公室或者销售商和代理人提供。




MC80F0708/08081. 概述.............................................................................................................. 描述................................................................................................................. 特性................................................................................................................. 开发工具.......................................................................................................... 订购须知..........................................................................................................2. 系统方框图.....................................................................................................3. 引脚分配.......................................................................................................4. 封装尺寸.......................................................................................................5. 引脚功能.......................................................................................................6. 端口结构.......................................................................................................7. 电器特性.......................................................................................................极限参数.......................................................................................................... 推荐操作参数................................................................................................... A/D转换特性.................................................................................................... DC电器特性.................................................................................................. AC特性............................................................................................................ 典型特性..........................................................................................................8. 存储器结构..................................................................................................... 寄存器.............................................................................................................. 程序存储器........................................................................................................ 数据存储器........................................................................................................ 寻址方式............................................................................................................9. I/O 口............................................................................................................ R0 和R0IO 寄存器........................................................................................... R1 和R1IO 寄存器........................................................................................... R2 和 R2IO 寄存器…………………………………………………………………. R3 和R3IO 寄存器...........................................................................................10. 时钟发生器................................................................................................... 振荡电路..........................................................................................................11. 基本间隔定时器............................................................................................12. 看门狗定时器..............................................................................................13. 定时器/事件计数器....................................................................................... 8位定时/计数器方式....................................................................................... 16位定时/计数器方式...................................................................................... 8位(16位) 比较输出....................................................................................... 8位捕捉方式................................................................................................... 16位捕捉方式.................................................................................................. PWM 方式.........................................................................................................14. 模数转换器...................................................................................................15. 串行输入/输出口(SIO)…………………………………………………………... 发送/接受定时……………………………………………………………………...... 串行I/O的使用………………………………………………………………………..16.蜂鸣器功能…………………………………………………………………………17. 中断............................................................................................................1 1 1 3 4 5 6 7 10 12 16 16 16 16 16 17 18 19 22 22 26 28 33 37 37 40 41 42 42 44 46 49 52 57 58 59 63 66 70 73 74 76 77 79MC80F0708/0808中断优先级 (81)BRK 中断 (83)中断嵌套 (83)外部中断 (85)18. 节电模式操作 (87)Sleep模式 (87)Stop模式 (88)Stop模式(内部RC-振荡看门狗定时器方式) (91)最小消耗电流 (93)19.复位 (95)20.电源失效处理 (97)21.抗干扰措施 (99)振荡噪声保护 (99)振荡失效处理 (100)22.器件配置区 (101)23.仿真器EV A.板安装 (102)A. 指令图 (i)B. 指令集 (ii)MC80F0708/0808 MC80F0708/0704MC80F0808/08041、概述1.1、描述CMOS8位单片机10位A/D转换器MC80F0708(4)/0808(4)是拥有8K(4K)字节FLASH(MTP)程序存储器的CMOS8位单片机。





目录简介 (2)参数: (3)外观 (4)操作 (7)NVS Matrix解码器控制软件简介 (7)安装NVS Matrix (7)启动NVS Matrix (9)顶部菜单栏 (10)文件选项 (10)操作选项 (10)解码器选项 (10)工具选项 (11)帮助选项 (11)分配摄像头 (12)解码器参数设置 (15)报警参数设置 (15)虚拟键盘 (17)透明串口 (17)搜索解码器 (18)NVS Matrix主界面操作说明 (20)网络嵌入式解码器软件升级 (22)问题解答 (24)简介非常感谢您购买我公司的产品。






产品功能:✧采用嵌入式设计,产品体积小,集成度高,便于组网✧可还原网络视频服务器及网络摄像机输出的音视频编码信号;✧具有两路独立的音视频输出通道,同时输出两路音视频信号,可应用于多种流行的矩阵主机中;✧具有一路音频输出接口,可实现与前段视频服务器对讲;✧每个视频通道可以显示4个不同的IP地址,实现在一个监视器上多画面显示;✧具有4路报警输出接口,响应前端视频服务器发回的报警信息;✧配套NVS Matrix控制软件,可实现系统设置和对前端摄像机的控制。

✧支持完全透明的RS232和RS485接口参数:外观1、 整机尺寸:262(W)mm*140(D)mm*43(H)mm2472622. 前面板:USB接口:该版本暂时不用; TX/RX : 控制数据传输指示; LNK : 网络连接工作状态指示; PWR : 电源指示;RST : 系统复位,恢复出场设置,非专业人员请不要按此按钮。

Aspen Plus IGCC Model

Aspen Plus IGCC Model
6 Simulation Approaches.......................................................................................10
7 Simulation Results .............................................................................................13
5 Chemical Reactions ..............................................................................................7 Coal Gasification ............................................................................................ 7 Desulfuration................................................................................................. 8 Power Generation........................................................................................... 8 WGS ............................................................................................................ 8 Methanation .................................................................................................. 9



©1985 Burr-Brown Corporation PDS-463A Printed in U.S.A. April, 19962®MPC800SPECIFICATIONSELECTRICALAt T A = +25°C and ±V CC = 15V, unless otherwise noted.The information provided herein is believed to be reliable; however, BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for inaccuracies or omissions. BURR-BROWN assumes no responsibility for the use of this information, and all use of such information shall be entirely at the user’s own risk. Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. No patent rights or licenses to any of the circuits described herein are implied or granted to any third party. BURR-BROWN does notauthorize or warrant any BURR-BROWN product for use in life support devices and/or systems.3®MPC800SPECIFICATIONS (CONT)ELECTRICALAt T A = +25°C and ±V CC= 15V, unless otherwise noted.NOTES: (1) Reference voltage controls noise immunity, normally left open for TTL compatibility and connected to V DD for CMOS compatibility. (2) V IN = ±10V, I OUT = 100µA. (3) Single-ended mode. (4) Logic levels specified for V REF (pin 13) open. (5) For single-ended operation, connect output A (pin 28) to output B (pin 2) and use A 3 (pin 14) as an address line. For differential operation connect A 3 to –V CC . (6) Derate 8mW/°C above T A = +75°C. (7) 10Vp-p sine wave on all unused channels.See Typical Performance Curves. (8) For 20V step input to ON channel, into 1k Ω load.ORDERING INFORMATIONMODEL PACKAGE TEMPERATURE RANGEMPC800KGSingle-Wide Cerdip–0°C to +75°CPIN CONFIGURATIONTop View+V CC Out B NC IN16/8B IN15/7B IN14/6B IN13/5B IN12/4B IN11/3BIN10/2B IN9/1B GND V REF A 3 Out A –V CC IN8/8A IN7/7A IN6/6A IN5/5A IN4/4A IN3/3A IN2/2A IN1/1A ENABLE A 0 A 1 A 21 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 1428 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 PACKAGE INFORMATIONPACKAGE DRAWINGMODEL PACKAGENUMBER (1)MPC800KG28-Pin Single-Wide Cerdip228NOTE: (1) For detailed drawing and dimension table, please see end of data sheet, or Appendix D of Burr-Brown IC Data Book.4®MPC800TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVESAt T A = +25°C and ±V CC = 15V, unless otherwise noted.R ON DRIFT vs TEMPERATURETemperature (°C)R O N (Ω)0257550040030020010035455565LEAKAGE CURRENTS vs TEMPERATURETemperature (°C)L e a k a g e C u r r e n t (n A )0.01257510001001010.135455565CROSS TALK vs SIGNAL FREQUENCYSignal Frequency (Hz)C r o s s T a l k (% o f O F F C h a n n e l S i g n a l )0.0000110010M10.1 0.010.0010.00011k10k100k1MSETTLING TIME vs SOURCE RESISTANCE(10V Step Change, R L = 1k Ω)Source Resistance (k Ω)S e t t l i n g T i m e (n s )001001000800 6004002000.010.1110COMBINED CMR vs FREQUENCY FOR MODEL 3630 AND MPC800Frequency (Hz)C M R (d B )40101M140120100 80601001k10k100k5®MPC800DISCUSSION OF PERFORMANCESTATIC TRANSFER ACCURACYThe static or DC transfer accuracy of transmitting the mul-tiplexer input voltage to the output depends on the channel ON resistance (R ON ), the load impedance, the source imped-ance, the load bias current, and the multiplexer leakage current.Single-Ended Multiplexer Static AccuracyThe major contributors to static transfer accuracy for single-ended multiplexers are:Source resistance loading error Multiplexer ON resistance errorDC offset error caused by both load bias current and multiplexer leakage current.Resistive Loading ErrorsThe source and load impedances will determine the ON resistance loading errors. To minimize these errors:• Keep loading impedance as high as possible. This mini-mizes the resistive loading effects of the source resistance and multiplexer ON resistance. As a guideline, load impedance of 108Ω or greater will keep resistive loading errors to 0.002% or less for 1000Ω source impedances. A 106Ω load impedance will increase source loading error to 0.2% or more.• Use sources with impedances as low as possible. A 1000Ω source resistance will present less than 0.002%loading error and 10k Ω source resistance will increase source loading error 0.02% with a 108Ω load impedance.Input resistive loading errors are determined by the follow-ing relationship (see Figure 1):Source and Multiplexer Resistive Loading Error∈(R S + R ON ) =x 100%where,R S = R SOURCER L = Load resistanceR OS = Multiplexer ON resistanceFIGURE 1. MPC800 Static Accuracy Equivalent Circuit(Single-ended Operation).R S + R ONR S + R ON + R LInput Offset VoltageBias and leakage currents generate an input offset voltage as a result of the I R drop across the multiplexer ON resistance and source resistance. A load bias current of 10nA, a leakage current of 1nA, and an ON resistance of 700Ω will generate an offset voltage of 19µV if a 1000Ω source is used, and 118µV if a 10k Ω source is used. In general, for the MPC800the offset voltage at the output is determined by:V OFFSET = (I B + I L )(R ON + R SOURCE )where:I B = Bias current of device multiplexer is driving I L = Multiplexer leakage current R ON = Multiplexer ON resistance R SOURCE = Source resistanceDifferential Multiplexer Static AccuracyStatic accuracy errors in a differential multiplexer are diffi-cult to control, especially when it is used for multiplexing low level signals with full scale ranges of 10mV to 100mV.The matching properties of the multiplexer, source and output load play a very important part in determining the transfer accuracy of the multiplexer. The source impedance unbalance, common-mode impedance, load bias current mismatch, load differential impedance mismatch, and com-mon-mode impedance of the load all contribute errors to the multiplexer. The multiplexer ON resistance mismatch, leak-age current mismatch and ON resistance also contribute to differential errors.Referring to Figure 2, the effects of these errors can be minimized by following the general guidelines described in this section, especially for low level multiplexing applica-tions.FIGURE 2. MPC800 Static Accuracy Equivalent Circuit(Differential Operation).Load (Output Device) Characteristics•Use devices with very low bias current. Generally FET input amplifiers should be used for low level signals less than 50mV FSR. Low bias current bipolar input amplifi-ers are acceptable for signal ranges higher than 50mV FSR. Bias current matching will determine input offset.6®MPC800•The system DC common-mode rejection (CMR) can never be better than the combined CMR of the multiplexer and driven load. System CMR will be less than the device which has the lower CMR figure.•Load impedances, differential and common-mode should be 1010Ω or higher.Source Characteristics•The source impedance unbalance will produce offset,common-mode, and channel-to-channel gain scatter errors. Use sources which do not have large impedance unbalances if at all possible.•Keep source impedances as low as possible to minimize resistive loading errors.•Minimize ground loops. If signal lines are shielded, ground all shields to a common point at the system analog common.If the MPC800 is used for multiplexing high level signals of 1V to 10V full scale ranges, the foregoing precautions should be taken, but the parameters are not as critical as for low level signal applications.SETTLING TIMESettling time is the time required for the multiplexer to reach and maintain an output within a specified error band of its final value in response to a step input. The settling time of the MPC800 is primarily due to the channel capacitance and a combination of resistances which include the source and load resistances.If the parallel combination of the source and load resistance times the total channel capacitance is kept small, then the settling time is primarily affected by internal RCs. For the MPC800, the internal capacitance is approximately 20pF differential or 40pF single-ended. With external capacitance neglected, the time constant of source resistance in parallel with load resistance and the internal capacitance should be kept less than 40ns. This means the source resistance should be kept to less than 2k Ω (assume high load resistance) to maintain fast settling times.ACCESS TIMEThis is the time required for the CMOS FET to turn ON after a new digital code has been applied to the Channel Address inputs. It is measured from the 50 percent point of the address input signal to the 90 percent point of the analog signal seen at the output for a 10V signal change between channels.CROSSTALKCrosstalk is the amount of signal feedthrough from the 7 differential or 15 signal-ended OFF channels appearing at the multiplexer output. Crosstalk is caused by the voltage divider effect of the OFF channel, OFF resistance, and junction capacitances in series with the R ON and R SOURCE impedance of the ON channel. Crosstalk is measured with aFIGURE 3. Settling Time Effect (Single-ended).FIGURE 4. Settling and Common-Mode Effects (Differential).7®MPC80020Vp-p, 1000Hz sine wave applied to all OFF channels. The crosstalk for these multiplexers is shown in the Typical Performance Curves.COMMON-MODE REJECTION (Differential Mode Only)The matching properties of the load, multiplexer and source affect the common-mode rejection (CMR) capability of a differentially multiplexed system. CMR is the ability of the multiplexer and input amplifier to reject signals that are common to both inputs, and to pass on only the signal difference to the output. Protection is provided for common-mode signals of ±2V above the power supply voltages with no damage to the analog switches.The CMR of the MPC800 and Burr-Brown’s model 3630instrumentation amplifier is 120dB at DC to 10Hz with a 6dB/octave rolloff to 80dB at 1000Hz. This measurement of CMR is shown in the Typical Performance Curves and is made with a Burr-Brown model 3630 instrumentation am-plifier connected for a signal of 1000 and with source unbalance of 10k Ω. 1k Ω and no unbalance.Factors which will degrade multiplexer and system DC CMR are:• Amplifier bias current and differential impedance mis- match.• Load impedance mismatch.• Multiplexer impedance and leakage current mismatch.• Load and source common-mode impedance.AC CMR rolloff is determined by the amount of common-mode capacitances (absolute and mismatch) from each sig-nal line to ground. Larger capacitances will limit CMR at higher frequencies; thus, if good CMR is desired at higher frequencies, the common-mode capacitances and unbalance of signal lines and multiplexer to amplifier wiring must be minimized. Use twisted-shielded pair signal lines wherever possible.INSTALLATION ANDOPERATING INSTRUCTIONSThe ENABLE input, pin 18, is included for expansion of the number of channels on a single-node as illustrated in Figure 5. With the ENABLE line at a logic 1, the channel is selected by the Channel Select Address (shown in the Truth Tables).If ENABLE is at logic 0, all channels are turned OFF, even if the Channel Address Lines are active. If the ENABLE line is not to be used, simply tie it to logic 1.For the best settling time, the input wiring and interconnec-tions between multiplexer output and driven devices should be kept as short as possible. When driving the digital inputs from TTL, open collector output with pullup resistors are recommended.To preserve common-mode rejection of the MPC800 use twisted-shielded pair wire for signal lines and inter-tierconnections and/or multiplexer output lines. This will help common-mode capacitance balance and reduce stray signal pickup. If shields are used, all shields should be connected as close as possible to system analog common or to the common-mode guard driver.LOGIC LEVELSThe logic level is user-programmable as either TTL-compat-ible by leaving the V REF (pin 13) open or CMOS-compatible by connecting the V REF to V DD (CMOS supply voltage).16-CHANNEL SINGLE-ENDED OPERATIONTo use the MPC800 as a 16-channel single-ended multi-plexer, output A (pin 28) is connected to output B (pin 2) to form a single output, then all four address lines (A 0, A 1, A 2and A 3) are used to address the correct channel.The MPC800 can also be used as a dual 8-channel single-ended multiplexer by not connecting output A and B, but then only one channel in one of the multiplexers can be addressed at a time.8-CHANNEL DIFFERENTIAL OPERATIONTo use the MPC800 as an 8-channel differential multiplexer,connect address line A 3 to –V CC , then use the remaining three address lines (A 0, A 1 and A 2) to address the correct channel. The differential inputs are the pairs of A 1 and B 1, A 2and B 2, etc.TRUTH TABLESMPC800 used as 16-channel single-ended multiplexer or 8-channel dual multiplexer.USE A 3 AS DIGITAL ADDRESS INPUT“ON” CHANNEL TO ENABLEA 3A 2A 1A 0OUT A OUTB L X X X X None None HL L L L 1A None H L L L H 2A None H L L H L 3A None H L L H H 4A None H L H L L 5A None H L H L H 6A None H L H H L 7A None H L H H H 8A None H H L L L None 1B H H L L H None 2B H H L H L None 3B H H L H H None 4B H H H L L None 5B H H H L H None 6B H H H H L None 7B HHHHHNone8BFor 16-channel single-ended function, tie “out A” to “out B”, for dual 8-channel function use the A 3 address pin to select between MUX A and MUX B, where MUX A is selected with A 3 low.8®MPC800A 3 CONNECT TO –V CC“ON” CHANNEL TO ENABLEA 2A 1A 0OUT A OUTB L X X X None None HL L L 1A 1B H L L H 2A 2B H L H L 3A 3B H L H H 4A 4B H H L L 5A 5B H H L H 6A 6B H H H L 7A 7B HHHH8A8BMPC800 used as 8-channel differential multiplexer.CHANNEL EXPANSIONSingle-Tier ExpansionUp to four MPC800s can be connected to a single node to form a 64-channel single-ended multiplexer or up to eight MPC800s can be connected to two nodes to form a 64-channel differential multiplexer. Programming is accom-plished with a 6-bit address and a 1-of-4 decoder for 64-channel single-ended expansion (see Figure 5), and an 8-bit address and a 1-of-8 decoder for 64-channel differen-tial expansion. The decoder drives the enable inputs of the MPC800, turning on only one multiplexer at a time.Two-Tier ExpansionUp to seventeen MPC800s can be connected in a two-tier structure to form a 256-channel single-ended multiplexer (see Figure 6) or up to nine MPC800s can be connected in a two-tier structure to form a 64-channel differential multi-plexer. Programming is accomplished with an 8-bit address.Single vs Multitiered Channel ExpansionIn addition to reducing programming complexity, two-tier configuration offers the added advantages over single-node expansion of reduced OFF channel current leakage (reduced offset), better CMR, and a more reliable configuration if a channel should fail in the ON condition (short). Should a channel fail ON in the single-node configuration, data can-not be taken from any channel, whereas only one-channel group is failed (8 or 16) in the multitiered configuration.FIGURE 5. 32- to 64-Channel, Single-tier Expansion.FIGURE 6. Channel Expansion up to 256 Channels Using16 X 16 Two-tiered Expansion.。

Transcend 8X Slim Portable CD DVD Writer TS8XDVDS

Transcend 8X Slim Portable CD DVD Writer TS8XDVDS

User’s Manual Slim Portable CD/DVD WriterTS8XDVDS(Version 1.1)Table of ContentsIntroduction︱ (1)Features︱ (2)System Requirements︱ (2)General Use (2)Writing Data (3)Power (3)Reminders (4)Product Overview︱ (5)Basic Operation︱ (6)Plugging in the CD/DVD Writer (6)Inserting a Disc (6)Ejecting a Disc (9)Disconnecting from a Computer︱ (11)Software Download︱ (11)Troubleshooting︱ (13)System Requirements︱ (14)Ordering Information︱ (14)Recycling & Environmental Considerations︱ (15)Two-year Limited Warranty︱ (16)Introduction︱Congratulations on purchasing Transcend’s 8X Slim Portable CD/DVD Writer.This slim, elegant high-speed portable CD/DVD writer is perfect for playing, backing up your vital data and discs. With its slim easy-to-carry size and advanced high-speed media writing capabilities, the CD/DVD Writer is ideal for playing movies, installing software, or backing up your files, folders, documents, photos, music and videos when using a compact notebook computer or netbook. In addition, the CD/DVD Writer comes with a full-version of CyberLink’s extremely useful Power2Go* software that lets you easily create your own CDs and DVDs. This User’s Manual is designed to help you get the most from your new device. Please read it in detail before using the CD/DVD Writer.*Power2Go is a registered trademark of CyberLink®. This software can be only used in Windows®XP, Windows Vista® , Windows®7 and Windows®8.Features︱USB 2.0 interface for high-speed data transfer8x DVD±R read/write, 24x CD-R/RW read/writeCompatible with CD-R/RW, DVD±R, DVD±RW, DVD±R DL, DVD-RAM mediaReads and writes Dual Layer discsUSB powered –No external power adapter neededElegant slim modern design with rounded edgesCompact and easy-to-carryEasy Plug and Play installationAnti-slip rubber feetSystem Requirements︱Desktop or notebook computer with two working USB ports.One of following Operating Systems:•Windows®XP•Windows Vista®•Windows® 7•Windows® 8•Mac OS® X 10.4 or laterSafety Precautions︱These usage and safety guidelines are IMPORTANT! Please follow them carefully.Please ensure that you connect the USB cable to the CD/DVD Writer and your computer correctly (small end CD/DVD Writer, large end PC)General Use•During operation, avoid exposing your CD/DVD writer to extreme temperatures above 40℃or below 5℃.•Never drop your CD/DVD Writer.•Only use the CD/DVD Writer face-up, on a stable flat surface•Do not allow your CD/DVD Writer to come in contact with water or any other liquids.•Do not use a damp/wet cloth to wipe or clean the exterior case.•Never look directly into the laser lens, as it can be harmful to your eyes.•Do not attempt to open the outer case (doing so will void your product warranty).•Do not store your CD/DVD Writer in any of the following environments:o Direct sunlighto Next to an air conditioner, electric heater or other heat sourceso In a closed car that is in direct sunlighto In an area with strong magnetic fields or excessive vibration• Never touch the laser lens.Writing Data• Do not touch, pick up, or move the CD/DVD Writer during the write process. This candamage the device and will cause errors on the disc being written• Transcend does not take any responsibility for data loss or damage resulting fromuse of this product . If using this product to backup data, we strongly advise using high-quality recordable media, and that you fully test and verify the contents of all written discs. It is also a good idea to regularly backup important data to a different computer or other storage medium.• To ensure High-Speed USB 2.0 data transfer rates when using your CD/DVD Writer witha computer, please check that the computer has the relevant USB drivers. If you are unsure about how to check this, please consult the computer or motherboard User’sManual for USB driver information.Power• The CD/DVD Writer is powered directly from your computer’s USB port. However, theUSB ports of certain computers may not supply enough power to use the CD/DVD Writer when using a single USB port. Please make sure to connect both large connector ends of the provided USB Cable to the USB ports on your computer. This will ensure the CD/DVD Writer receives adequate power for stable operation.• Only use the USB cable that came with the CD/DVD Writer to connect it to a computer,and always ensure that the cable is in good condition. NEVER use a cable that is frayedThe second USB connector provides additional power forthe CD/DVD Writer. Please make sure to connect bothUSB connectors to your computer’s USB ports.or damaged.•Ensure nothing is resting on the USB cable and that the cable is not located where it can be tripped over or stepped on.•If you have connected all ends of the USB cable and still have power-related problems while reading / writing data, we recommend that you purchase a Transcend USB Power Adapter (TS-PA2A) to provide the power necessary to operate the CD/DVD Writer.Reminders•Always follow the procedures in the “Disconnecting from a Computer” section to remove the CD/DVD Writer from your computer.Product Overview︱A Disc TrayB Read/Write Activity IndicatorC Eject ButtonD Emergency EjectE Anti-slip Rubber FeetF USB ConnectorBasic Operation︱Plugging in the CD/DVD Writer1. Plug the small end of the USB Cable into the Mini USB port on the CD/DVD Writer.2. Plug the large end(s) of the cable into available USB ports on your desktop computer, notebookor netbook.Note: Please be sure to connect the CD/DVD Writer to two USB ports on your computer using the provided USB Cable.3. When the CD/DVD Writer is successfully connected to a computer, a new drive with a newlyassigned drive letter will appear in the My Computer window, and a Removable Hardwareicon will appear on the Windows System Tray.*D: is an example drive letter. The letter in your "My Computer" window may differ4. Once properly connected, you can use the CD/DVD Writer as an optical device to read CDsand DVDs, and create/write your own discs with the included Power2Go software.Inserting a Disc1. Press the Eject Button on the front of the CD/DVD Writer to release the disc tray.2. Gently pull the disc tray out until it stops.3. Place a CD or DVD onto the tray.4. Using two or more fingers, press down on the center of the disc until it snaps into place.5. Push the disc tray back into the CD/DVD Writer. When completely closed, the LED indicatorwill flash.Ejecting a Disc1. Press the Eject Button on the front of the CD/DVD Writer to release the disc tray.2. Gently pull the disc tray out until it stops.3. Place your thumb on the spindle and use your other fingers to gently pry the disc upwards untilit pops free.Disconnecting from a Computer︱NEVER disconnect the CD/DVD Writer from a Computer when the disc is spinning.1. Select the Hardware icon on the system tray.2. The Safely Remove Hardware pop-up window will appear. Select it to continue.3. A window will appear stating, “The ‘USB Mass Storage Device’ device can now be safelyremoved from the system.”Always use this procedure to safely remove the device from a Windows computer.Software Download︱The free software download includes: CyberLink® Power2Go (LE Version) and CyberLink®MediaShow (trial version).Note: CyberLink®Power2Go and MediaShow can only be installed in Windows® XP/Vista/7/8.Make sure that the DVDS is connected to your computer before installing:1. Download the CyberLink Media Suite 10 from Transcend’s online Download Center at/downloads.2. Double click on the Zip file you have just downloaded fromthe Transcend website.3. Extract the file to a temporary directory on your hard disk and double click on the fileCyberLink.Media.Suite.10.exe to run the setup program.4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.CyberLink Power2Go: Power2Go lets you burn music, data, video and even bootable discs in a variety of CD and DVD formats. CyberLink Power2Go also includes several handy discutilities and an express mode that makes burning convenient and easy.CyberLink MediaShow: MediaShow is a useful tool for compiling, arranging, and producing media files with a simple and straightforward software interface.Troubleshooting︱If a problem occurs with your CD/DVD Writer,please check the information listed below before sending your CD/DVD Writer in for repair. If you are unable to remedy a problem after trying the following suggestions, please consult your dealer, service center, or local Transcend branch office. We also have FAQ and Support services on our website at .Operating system cannot detect the CD/DVD WriterCheck the following:1. Is your CD/DVD Writer properly connected to the USB port? If not, unplug it and plug it inagain. If it is properly connected, try using another available USB port.2. Are you using the USB cable that came in the CD/DVD Writer package? If not, try using theTranscend-supplied USB cable to connect the CD/DVD Writer to your computer.3. The CD/DVD Writer is powered directly via a computer USB port; however, the power suppliedby the USB port on some older computers is below the 5V DC required to power the CD/DVD Writer. Please make sure to connect the USB cable to both USB ports on your computer. This will provide the additional power necessary to run the drive.Both USB connectors are required to provide adequate power.4. Is the USB port enabled? If not, refer to the user’s manual of your computer (or motherboard)to enable it.5. If you have connected all ends of the USB cable and still have power-related problems whilereading / writing data, we recommend that you purchase a Transcend USB Power Adapter (TS-PA2A) to provide the power necessary to operate the CD/DVD Writer. (Please see the Transcend Website or contact your local dealer for availability)My computer does not recognize CD/DVD Writer1. A single USB port may not provide enough power for the CD/DVD Writer to function. Makesure you plug both large ends of the USB cable directly into your computer’s USB ports.2. Avoid connecting the CD/DVD Writer through a USB hub.The CD/DVD Writer does not Power On (LED does not flash)Check the following:1. Ensure that the CD/DVD Writer is properly connected to the USB port(s) on your computer.2.Ensure that the USB port is working properly. If not, try using an alternate USB port.The CD/DVD Writer Cannot Read a DiscThe disc may be dirty, scratched or damaged. Try cleaning the disc with water or a CD/DVDcleaning solution.Writing to a Blank Disc FailsIn most cases, this problem is a result of trying to write to poor quality recordable media. For best results, please use only retail-packaged name brand recordable discs.System Requirements ︱Hardware CPU: Intel Pentium III 800 MHz or equivalent (minimum )Intel Pentium IV 2.0 GHz or higher (recommended )Memory: 256MB or greaterHard Drive: 20GB of free space requiredSoftwareOperating System: Windows ® XP , Windows Vista ® , Windows ® 7 or Windows ® 8Ordering Information ︱Device Description Transcend P/N USB Power Adapter TS-PA2ARecycling & Environmental Considerations︱Recycling the Product (WEEE): Your product is designed and manufactured with high quality materials and components, which can be recycled and reused. When you see the crossed-out wheel bin symbol attached to a product, it means the product is covered by the European Directive 2002/96/EC:Never dispose of your product with other household waste. Please inform yourself about the local rules on the separate collection of electrical and electronic products. The correct disposal of your old product helps prevent potential negative consequences on the environment and human health.Battery Disposal: Your product contains a built-in rechargeable battery covered by the European Directive 2006/66/EC, which cannot be disposed of with normal household waste.Please inform yourself about the local rules on separate collection of batteries. The correct disposal of batteries helps prevent potentially negative consequences on the environment and human health.For products with non-exchangeable built in batteries: The removal of (or the attempt to remove) the battery invalidates the warranty. This procedure is only to be performed at the end of the product’s life.Two-year Limited Warranty︱This product is covered by a Two-year Limited Warranty.Should your product fail under normal use within two years from the original purchase date, Transcend will provide warranty service pursuant to the terms of the Transcend Warranty Policy. Proof of the original purchase date is required for warranty service. Transcend will inspect the product and in its sole discretion repair or replace it with a refurbished product or functional equivalent. Under special circumstances, Transcend may refund or credit the current value of the product at the time the warranty claim is made. The decision made by Transcend shall be final and binding upon you. Transcend may refuse to provide inspection, repair or replacement service for products that are out of warranty, and will charge fees if these services are provided for out-of-warranty products.LimitationsAny software or digital content included with this product in disc, downloadable, or preloaded form, is not covered under this Warranty. This Warranty does not apply to any Transcend product failure caused by accident, abuse, mishandling or improper usage (including use contrary to the product description or instructions, outside the scope of the product’s intended use, or for tooling or testing purposes), alteration, abnormal mechanical or environmental conditions (including prolonged exposure to humidity), acts of nature, improper installation (including connection to incompatible equipment), or problems with electrical power (including undervoltage, overvoltage, or power supply instability). In addition, damage or alteration of warranty, quality or authenticity stickers, and/or product serial or electronic numbers, unauthorized repair or modification, or any physical damage to the product or evidence of opening or tampering with the product casing will also void this Warranty. This Warranty shall not apply to transferees of Transcend products and/or anyone who stands to profit from this Warranty without Transcend’s prior written authorization. This Warranty only applies to the product itself, and excludes integrated LCD panels, rechargeable batteries, and all product accessories (such as card adapters, cables, earphones, power adapters, and remote controls). Transcend Warranty PolicyPlease visit /warranty to view the Transcend Warranty Policy.By using the product, you agree that you accept the terms of the Transcend Warranty Policy, which may be amended from time to time.Online registrationTo expedite warranty service, please access /register to register your Transcend product within 30 days of the purchase date.Transcend Information, Inc.*The Transcend logo is a registered trademark of Transcend Information, Inc.*The specifications mentioned above are subject to change without notice.*All logos and marks are trademarks of their respective companies.。



一.2091N通用软件板子明细:1. 板子:SCC91-002(超薄苹果)和SCC91-020(苹果二代),CJ91-002苹果二代,程序通用。

2. 板子:B803, B806, B 832 , B8201 (超薄苹果), B841 (苹果二代) ,程序通用。

3. 板子:SCC91-004V0.3(双喇叭机),SRX-A9-91N(双喇叭机),程序通用。

4. 板子;LS101V11(超薄苹果),LS101V12(苹果二代),K101V11(超薄苹果),TJ101V11(超薄苹果),LS316 (超薄苹果),LS91008(超薄苹果) , LS917 , DX91008 , K919H , K916H , CJ91-808 , LS120(黑钻),程序通用。

5. 板子: QY-030FV2(金苹果), QY-042FV2(超薄诺基亚), QY-960FV2(小宝马) , QY-693FV2(超薄苹果) ,QY781FV2 , QY052FV2 ,QY751V1 , QY050(苹果二代),QY-793FV2(超薄苹果)程序通用.6. 板子: LS112V1(小宝马) , HX-8793(超薄苹果), CYTY693(超薄苹果), 程序通用.7. 板子: QY065FV2 , QY-052FV2(小经典),QY-881FV2(小博士) ,QY-063FV1, 程序通用.8.板子:B828V4(苹果二代),B835(小宝马),程序通用。

二.2093H通用软件板子明细:1. 板子:ZX693A(超薄苹果),ZX6012M(苹果二代),QY042A(超薄诺基亚),QY030(青苹果机) ,QY051(苹果二代),QY-059小魔镜,QY-061A(花花公子),程序通用。

2. 板子:ZX308A(小博士),ZX-763A(名片机), HX8822A(小博士),程序通用。

3. 板子:ZX885A(小彩电),HX8833A(小彩电),程序通用。



W78E58B规格书8位微控制器目录:1.概述 (3)2.特性 (3)3.管脚配置 (4)4.管脚描述 (5)5.方块图 (7)6.功能描述 (8)6.1 RAM (8)6.2 定时器0,1,2 (8)6.3 时钟 (9)6.4 晶体振荡器 (9)6.5 外部时钟 (9)6.6 电源管理 (9)6.7 减少EMI辐射 (9)6.8 复位 (9)6.9 I/O口4 (11)6.10 INT2/INT3 (12)6.11 P4口基地址寄存器 (14)6.12 在线编程(ISP)模式 (15)6.13 在线编程控制寄存器(CHPCON) (17)6.14 F04KBOOT 模式(从LDROM启动) (18)7.保密位 (22)7.1 锁止位 (22)禁止 (22)7.2 MOVC7.3 加密 (22)8.电气特性 (23)8.1 绝对最大额定值 (23)8.2 DC特性 (23)出版日期: December 22, 20048.3 AC特性 (25)8.3.1时钟输入波形 (25)8.3.2程序读取周期 (26)8.3.3数据读取周期 (26)8.3.4数据写周期 (27)8.3.5端口访问周期 (27)9.时序波形图 (28)9.1 程序读取周期 (28)9.2 数据读周期 (28)9.3 数据写周期 (29)9.4 端口访问周期 (29)10.典型应用电路 (30)10.1 扩展的外部程序存储器和石英晶体 (30)10.2 扩展的外部程序存储器和振荡器 (31)11.封装尺寸 (32)11.1 DIP40 (32)11.2 44 管脚PLCC (33)11.3 44 管脚PQFP (34)12.应用指南 (35)12.1 ISP 软件编程示例: (35)13.文件版本描述 (42)1. 概述W78E58B是具有带ISP功能的Flash EPROM的低功耗8位微控制器;ISP功能的Flash EPROM可用于固件升级。



Continuous DrainParameter T =25°C Gate-Source Voltage Drain-Source Voltage Absolute Maximum Ratings T =25°C unless otherwise notedAOT10N60 / AOTF10N60DSDSSymbolMin Typ Max Units600V 700V BV DSS /∆T J 0.65V/ oC 110I GSS ±100nA V GS(th)345V R DS(ON)0.60.75Ωg FS 15S V SD 0.731V I S 10A I SM36A C iss 110013201600pF C oss 105130160pF C rss 7.59.311pF R g33.86ΩQ g 31.140nC Q gs 6.410nC Q gd 14.420nC t D(on)2835ns t r 6680ns t D(off)7695ns t f 6480ns t rr 290350ns Q rr3.94.7µC4.4THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DESIGNED AND QUALIFIED FOR THE CONSUMER MARKET. APPLICATIONS OR USES AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED. AOS DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF SUCH APPLICATIONS OR USES OF ITS PRODUCTS. AOS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO IMPROVE PRODUCT DESIGN,FUNCTIONS AND RELIABILITY WITHOUT NOTICE.V DS =480V, T J =125°C Breakdown Voltage Temperature CoefficientI D =250µA, V GS =0V Gate Threshold VoltageV DS =V GS , I D =250µA V DS =600V, V GS =0V V DS =0V, V GS =±30V Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current Gate-Body leakage current Body Diode Reverse Recovery TimeI D =250µA, V GS =0V, T J =25°C V GS =10V, I D =5A Reverse Transfer Capacitance I F =10A,dI/dt=100A/µs,V DS =100VV GS =0V, V DS =25V, f=1MHz SWITCHING PARAMETERS I DSS µA Maximum Body-Diode Pulsed CurrentElectrical Characteristics (T J =25°C unless otherwise noted)STATIC PARAMETERS Parameter Conditions Static Drain-Source On-Resistance Forward TransconductanceDiode Forward Voltage I S =1A, V GS =0V V DS =40V, I D =5ATurn-On Rise Time Turn-Off DelayTime V GS =10V, V DS =300V, I D =10A, R G =25ΩGate resistanceV GS =0V, V DS =0V, f=1MHzTurn-Off Fall TimeTotal Gate Charge V GS =10V, V DS =480V, I D =10AGate Source Charge Gate Drain Charge BV DSS Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage I D =250µA, V GS =0V, T J =150°C Body Diode Reverse Recovery Charge I F =10A,dI/dt=100A/µs,V DS =100VMaximum Body-Diode Continuous Current Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Turn-On DelayTime DYNAMIC PARAMETERS A: The value of R θJA is measured with the device in a still air environment with T A =25°C.B. The power dissipation P D is based on T J(MAX)=150°C, using junction-to-case thermal resistance, and is more useful in setting the upper dissipation limit for cases where additional heatsinking is used.C: Repetitive rating, pulse width limited by junction temperature T J(MAX)=150°C.D. The R θJA is the sum of the thermal impedence from junction to case R θJC and case to ambient.E. The static characteristics in Figures 1 to 6 are obtained using <300 µs pulses, duty cycle 0.5% max.F. These curves are based on the junction-to-case thermal impedence which is measured with the device mounted to a large heatsink, assuming a maximum junction temperature of T J(MAX)=150°C.G. L=60mH, I AS =4.4A, V DD =50V, R G =25Ω, Starting T J =25°CRev 0. July 2008VdsC ha rgeG ate Charge Test Circuit & W av eformResistiv e Switching Test Circuit & W av eformsVddVdsI dVgsB V I Unclamped Inductive Switching (UIS) Test Circuit & W av eformsARDSS2E = 1/2 LI VddARAR。



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LaCie 4big Quadra 4-Bay RAID存储设备说明书

LaCie 4big Quadra 4-Bay RAID存储设备说明书

4big QuadraD E S I G N BY N E I L P O U LTO NProfessional 4-Bay RAIDeSATA 3Gb/s | FireWire 800 & 400 | USB 2.0Videomaker’s “Best Hard Drive” of 20102010Best ProductsRAID ProtectionThanks to the secure RAID modes, including RAID 5, RAID 3 and RAID 10, the 4big Quadra enables you to keep data access even if one disk fails. The hot-swappable disk trays even allowmaintenance without affecting your workflow. “Spare” modes allow a second level of protection; a sort of “automatic maintenance” that will immediately start rebuilding the RAID protection in case of a disk failure. Extra spare disks are also available as an option for immediate replacement.Terabytes of PowerThe LaCie 4big Quadra is the most complete 4-bay RAID solution for professionals who demand exceptional performance from a storage device. Offering up to 12TB of capacity and amazing bandwidth speeds through eSATA 3Gb/s and FireWire 800, it also features FireWire 400 and USB 2.0 ports for maximum compatibility with any Mac ® or PC. Featuring seven RAID modesto customize performance and data protect ion levels, the4big Quadra fits most speed-demanding applications and backup needs for today’s workstations and small servers.RAID PerformanceTaking advantage of a native RAID controller that preserves computer resources, the 4big Quadra offers superior support for the most demanding applications. Pre-configured in RAID 0 for full speed and capacity, it can reach up to 260MB/s through eSATA 3Gb/s. Alternative RAID modes—such as RAID 5—can be configured in seconds on startup to manage speed, security, andavailable capacity.Audio/Video StreamingWith the capacity to store hours of A/V streams, the 4big Quadra has been developed to suit the demands of digital content creators, such as editors who work with Apple ® Final Cut Pro ®. It comes with eSATA andFireWire 800, so you can get the highest bandwidth. FireWire or iLink DV cameras can be chained via FireWire, helping you make the most of your equipment if your number of open ports is limited. When used in RAID 0 or RAID 5, the 4big Quadra supports multiple audio, DV, SD,and HD streams, and up to one stream of uncompressed 10-bit NTSC video in playback. Greater performance can even be achieved when connecting several units together to a multilane eSATA four-port host adapter, in order to support multi-stream uncompressed 10-bit 1080i HD post-production.Photography / Pre-Press / ImagingConfigured in secured RAID mode, the 4big Quadra canarchive and protects hundreds of thousand of raw photos with comfortable speed for imaging experts, such as Apple Aperture ® and Adobe Creative Suite ® specialists. This makes it a fantastic tool to produce and manage professional projects and artwork. The LaCie Shortcut Button on the front of the 4big makes it even easier to open or back up your favorite libraries with a push of a button.Backup, Restore, and RecoverThe 4big Quadra comes with Genie ® Backup Manager Pro forWindows ® and Intego ® Backup Manager Pro for Mac. This software enables you to reliably and efficiently back up your documents, emails, settings, or other digital assets. With its ease of use, you can schedule and customize the type of backup you create. Ideal for creativeprofessionals, the Genie and Intego programs can easily find previous versions of your documents and restore them. With computer recovery options, professionals will be able to restore their configuration and to go right back to work in the event of a disaster with their workstation. It’s easy to back up directly from your Mac with the native solution, since the 4big is compatible with Time Machine ®.RAID 0 mode benchmark***LACIE SHORTCUT BUTTON****LACIE SHORTCU TBUTTON ②Launch Any Backup/Library Application In 1 PushVersatility and Space-savingWith the 4big Quadra, your options for storage are near limitless. Designed with a sturdy aluminum body by industrial designer Neil Poulton, the 4big Quadra has been developed to be stackable, and enhance any work environment with its space-saving abilities. Thanks to the FireWire bus, it can be daisy-chained fewer cables connected to your computer. By using a four-port eSATA multi-lane host adaptor, you can connect up to four 4big Quadra and reach up to 48TB and speeds up to 600MB/s using programs such as Apple Disk Utilities to add an extra level of RAID 0 performance.Power SavingsTraditional RAID systems can consume a lot of power, but the 4big Quadra is different. LaCie has reduced power consumption by 30% compared to the previous 4-disk RAID generations. Moreover, with the “Auto” mode of the triple position power button, the 4big is able to automatically go into standby mode—synchronized with the computer activity—and reduces the power consumption by up to 80%. For maintenance, the 4big can optionally be disconnected from thecomputer during a RAID protection rebuild—the 4big will complete the task in standalone mode, and you can switch off your computer!Quiet and Reliable OperationFor the best and most reliable cooling system for the 4big Quadra,LaCie has chosen the Noctua and the NF-P12 fan technology, designed in Austria, and automatically thermoregulated by SMART commands. The nine-blade design and the vortex-control notches of the blower provide superior pressure and airflow performance, all at a volume fewer than 19dBA. The best-in-its-class Noctua is rated at 150,000hours MTBF, and its ultra-quiet design makes it perfect for even the most noise-sensitive creative environment. This attention to detail allows the 4big Quadra to be from 30% (seek) to 46% (idle) quieter than traditional comparable systems.To find out more about Noctua technology, please visit www.noctua.atULTRA QUIETFeatures• eSATA 3Gb/s, FireWire 800, FireWire 400, USB 2.0• RAID 0, 10, 3, 3+Spare, 5, 5+Spare, Concatenation• Fast burst transfer rates: up to 260MB/s (eSATA)• Sturdy aluminum design• LaCie Shortcut Button• Triple Power Management: Auto/On/Off• Easy to set up: plug and play, driver-free• Compatible with Time MachineBox Content• LaCie 4big Quadra• eSATA-to-eSATA (3Gb/s) cable• FireWire 800 (9-to-9 pin) cable• FireWire 400 (6-to-6 pin) cable• USB 2.0 cable (USB 1.1 compatible)• Power supply kit• Quick Install Guide• LaCie Utilities and User Manual:- Genie Backup Manager Pro software with computer recoveryfor Windows XP, Vista, 7- Intego Backup Manager Pro software with computer recoveryfor Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6Minimum System Requirements• Computer with an eSATA, FireWire 800, FireWire 400, or USB 2.0 port • Latest version of Windows XP , Windows Vista®, Windows 7 / Mac OS X 10.5, 10.6• Minimum free disk space: 600MB recommendedA spare drive anddrawer for use with theLaCie 4big Quadra.LACIE 4BIg QUAdRA SpARE dRIvEPremium 3 Year WarrantyThe LaCie 4big Quadra comes with a 3 Year Limited Warranty.For superior service, it also comes with an optional LaCieAdvance Care Option, which can be purchased separatelyonline within 30 days of the purchase date. Under the AdvanceCare Option, LaCie will immediately swap out the productwithout it needing to be returned first for minimal interruptionof your workflow. LaCie covers all freight costs. Availabilitydepends on the sales area. See for details.*Maximum interface transfer rate = theoretical bus bandwidth, whereas burst transfer rate = maximum drive speed. Performance depends on the RAID mode selected and burst transfer rates vary from one computer to another and may vary slightly from one drive to another. Average speed is usually lower depending on host configuration.**Hot-swapping is not possible in RAID 0 and concatenation modes.***These measurements have been made in RAID 0 through eSATA 3Gb/s and may vary with computer and 4big configurations.②The LaCie Shortcut Button feature is available via FireWire and USB but not eSATA.②②1TB (Terabyte) = 1000GB. 1GB = 1000MB. 1MB = 1,000,000 Bytes. Total accessible capacity varies depending upon operating environment (Typically 10% or less for 1TB). Capacity and cache memory vary depending upon RAID mode.②②②Calculations are based on 1080i 60 (8-bit) for uncompressed HD video, NTSC DV 25 standard-definition 720x486, 29.97 fps for digital video; and an estimation of Digital SLR resolution of 10 megapixels for RAW photos of 12MB. These calculations are only estimations and may vary with the codec used.Indicative reference, when compared with the previous generation LaCie Biggest RAID tower.  Windows XP does not support hard drives with capacities greater than 2TB.  These measurements are indications and may vary by ±10%.†This measurement has been made under normal conditions, 1 meter from the front of the product. It may vary with the condition and product configuration.Adobe and Adobe Creative Suite are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the U.S. and/or other countries. Apple, Aperture, Final Cut Pro, Time Machine, and Mac OS are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.© 2011, LaCie. The LaCie logo is a trademark of LaCie. Other products and brand names mentioned herein may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Specifications and appearance are given as guidelines and may change without notice. 1101284big QuadraD E S I G N B Y N E I L P O U LTO NLaCie 2big Quadra LaCie d2 QuadraLaCie Little Big Disk QuadraLaCie 4big Quadra。



外文资料译文ADC0808/ADC0809 MP兼容的8位A/D转换8通道多路复用器一.总体描述ADC0808,ADC0809的数据采集组件是一个8位模拟 - 数字转换器的单片CMOS器件,8通道多路复用器和微处理器兼容控制逻辑。

8位A / D转换使用连续逼近作为转换技术。





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独具时空切换的功能,可以同时支持PCB3控制软件和最新版控制软件,有些网友可能会感到奇怪,腾龙2008为什么要支持老的软件?原因其实很简单,因为新版软件0.99E,0.99E+等对W27C512和A T28C64B(程序存储器芯片,常用的单片机程序存储外置)等等芯片的支持的没有老版的98系列软件稳定,比如经典的97JA软件在烧写W27C512的成功律能达到100%,另外需要注意的一点是,站长本人在制作ICD2的过程中发现,0.97Ja烧写PIC16F877A的可靠性也是最一流的,而0.99e反倒不如0.97Ja那样完美,但是对于烧写BIOS芯片而言,0.98D2,0.98E等要更快一些。







SINUMERIK和SIMODRIVE Configurator(NCSD 2008-2)读取说明说

SINUMERIK和SIMODRIVE Configurator(NCSD 2008-2)读取说明说

ReadmeNCSD2008-2E1.doc:SINUMERIK and SIMODRIVE Configurator (NCSD 2008-2)1. Important Configuration Notes1.1 The NCSD Configurator is a selection aid and does not replace the project configuration!W e do not assume any responsibility for the correctness and completeness of the configuration.P lease check if the configuration complies with the currently applicable project configurationguidelines!1.2 Be aware of the selection predefined under “Global Settings“.S IMODRIVE 611 analog and 1FT5 AC servo motors are no longer included in NCSD 2003-2 or l ater. Older projects still including SIMODRIVE 611 analog and 1FT5 motors cannot therefore be loaded into NCSD 2008-2.1.3 If direct absolute measuring systems are used on SIMODRIVE 611 universal/digital controllerswith a second measuring system input, additional electronic points are to be considered for this absolute encoder.1.4 Be also aware that the NCSD Configurator does not include all connecting cables. This mainlyrelates to the PROFIBUS DP cables and connections! For more information, please refer to the wiring diagrams of the corresponding component of the NC 60-2006 catalog.2. Important General Notes2.1 Compared to the NCSD version 2008-1, the SINUMERIK and SIMODRIVEConfigurator 2008-2 have been developed further (see 3).2.2 The NCSD language versions English/French/Italian/Spanish/Chinese are updated in parallelto the German version. From the NCSD version 2005-1d, two further languages are incorporated: Russian and Czech. From the NCSD version 2005-2a, one further language is incorporated: Swedish. With NCSD 2006-1a or later, the Configurator is also available in Polish.2.3 The current versions 2001-2MMC and 2001-3PCU of the SINUMERIK and SIMODRIVEConfigurator used so far still exist and the components used up to now (MMCs, OPs, NCUs) can still be ordered in the new business.2.4 The NCSD 2008-2 Configurator can be executed on a PC under the operating systemsWindows NT 4.0 (service pack 3 or later), Windows 2000 or Windows XP.The executability under Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows ME has not been tested.2.5 Due to the structural extension of the Configurator with regard to the control-converter interfaces(PROFIBUS/drive bus) e.g. for POSMO drives and 840 Di as well as due to new operator components instead of the components used so far, the new version is NOT downwardcompatible with older MMC versions such as the NCSD Configurator 12/99, 2000-1, 2001-1 and 2001-2 or to the SimoPro, SinuKonf predecessor programs.This means that existing project files from these systems CANNOT be loaded and edited with the present version of the Configurator! If components - which are no longer included in new NCSD Configurators - are deleted in project files used so far, these project files can also be loaded in later NCSD Configurators and edited with these Configurators.2.6 Selection and assignment of power units and control modules for the individual motor:When selecting a motor, first of all a suitable power unit with control (SIMODRIVE 611 digital High Performance) is assigned automatically. The control module can be adjusted manually to the individual motor under screen form “Drive module”.When changing motor data - e.g. by selecting and setting reduced motor data or changed motor over-temperature - a suitable power unit with control (SIMODRIVE 611 digital High Performance) is assigned again automatically. Please note that the control module may need manualadjustment.3. Extensions/Modifications in NCSD 2008-2 Compared to the NCSD 2008-1 Version3.1 Controllers: + The option “Direkt key/handwheel connection“ can be freely selected for“Operator Components/Machine Control Panel/Foil Version“.+ New memory extensions and CompactFlash Cards for PCUs.+ Mounting brackets 6FC5248-0AF20-2AA0 are no longer required for OPs/TPswithTCU.integrated3.2 Drives: + The order numbers for SIMODRIVE 611 universal control plug-insfor positioning have been corrected.+ New 1FT7 034/036/086/108 motors3.3 General: + Documentation:When selecting the tab “General Documentation“, one copy of each languageis entered in the parts list.Under the tab “User and Manufacturer / Service Documentation“, only thedocumentation belonging to the previously selected hardware and softwarecomponents is displayed. After selecting the (preferred !) language anddocumentation, you have to enter a specifictherelevantnumber (1…99). This number is then indicated in the list ahead of therelevant documentation. Only then will the documentation be immediatelyentered in the parts list. The language selection comprises the 10 languagesin which the NCSD Configurator has been prepared. The country-specificlanguage is encoded in the third to last place of the order number:ChineseR / German A / English B / French D / Italian C /N / Russian P / Swedish F / Spanish E / Czech T.PolishIf a specific documentation is not available in the required can select the same documentation in another language(e.g.B).EnglishDocumentations are continuously updated and translated.The latest documentations can be downloaded from the Internet (s. link)and ordered via the Internet.+ The input of user-defined order numbers for the part list has been customized: After being deleted, the entries are retained under “Order no.““Number“.andFor information on how to install the Configurator NCSD 2008-2,please refer to "InstallNCSD2008-2E1.doc".file.。



1Gb Q-die DDR2 SDRAM Specification60FBGA & 84FBGA with Pb-Free & Halogen-Free(RoHS compliant)INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED IN RELATION TO SAMSUNG PRODUCTS, AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.NOTHING IN THIS DOCUMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS GRANTING ANY LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE,TO ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN SAMSUNG PRODUCTS OR TECHNOLOGY. ALL INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDEDON AS "AS IS" BASIS WITHOUT GUARANTEE OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.1. For updates or additional information about Samsung products, contact your nearest Samsung office.2. Samsung products are not intended for use in life support, critical care, medical, safety equipment, or similar applications where Product failure couldresult in loss of life or personal or physical harm, or any military or defense application, or any governmental procurement to which special terms or provisions may apply.* Samsung Electronics reserves the right to change products or specification without notice.Table of Contents1.0 Ordering Information (4)2.0 Key Features (4)3.0 Package Pinout/Mechanical Dimension & Addressing (5)3.1 x4/x8 package pinout (Top View) : 60ball FBGA Package (5)3.2 x16 package pinout (Top View) : 84ball FBGA Package (6)3.3 FBGA Package Dimension (x4/x8) (7)3.4 FBGA Package Dimension (x16) (8)4.0 Input/Output Functional Description (9)5.0 DDR2 SDRAM Addressing (10)6.0 Absolute Maximum DC Ratings (11)7.0 AC & DC Operating Conditions (11)7.1 Recommended DC Operating Conditions (SSTL - 1.8) (11)7.2 Operating Temperature Condition (12)7.3 Input DC Logic Level (12)7.4 Input AC Logic Level (12)7.5 AC Input Test Conditions (12)7.6 Differential input AC logic Level (13)7.7 Differential AC output parameters (13)8.0 ODT DC electrical characteristics (13)9.0 OCD default characteristics (14)10.0 IDD Specification Parameters and Test Conditions (15)11.0 DDR2 SDRAM IDD Spec Table (17)12.0 Input/Output capacitance (18)13.0 Electrical Characteristics & AC Timing for DDR2-800/667 (18)13.1 Refresh Parameters by Device Density (18)13.2 Speed Bins and CL, tRCD, tRP, tRC and tRAS for Corresponding Bin (18)13.3 Timing Parameters by Speed Grade (19)14.0 General notes, which may apply for all AC parameters (21)15.0 Specific Notes for dedicated AC parameters (23)Revision HistoryRevision Month Year History1.0September2007 - Initial Release1.01November2007 - Typo CorrectionSpeed DDR2-800 5-5-5DDR2-800 6-6-6DDR2-667 5-5-5Units CAS Latency 565tCK tRCD(min)12.51515ns tRP(min)12.51515ns tRC(min)57.56060nsNote :1. Speed bin is in order of CL-tRCD-tRP.2. RoHS Compliant.3. “H” of Part number(12th digit) stand for RoHS compliant and Halogen-free products.Org.DDR2-800 5-5-5DDR2-800 6-6-6DDR2-667 5-5-5Package 256Mx4K4T1G044QQ-HC(L)E7K4T1G044QQ-HC(L)F7K4T1G044QQ-HC(L)E660 FBGA 128Mx8K4T1G084QQ-HC(L)E7K4T1G084QQ-HC(L)F7K4T1G084QQ-HC(L)E660 FBGA 64Mx16K4T1G164QQ-HC(L)E7K4T1G164QQ-HC(L)F7K4T1G164QQ-HC(L)E684 FBGA•JEDEC standard 1.8V ± 0.1V Power Supply •VDDQ = 1.8V ± 0.1V•333MHz f CK for 667Mb/sec/pin, 400MHz f CK for 800Mb/sec/pin •8 Banks •Posted CAS•Programmable CAS Latency: 3, 4, 5, 6•Programmable Additive Latency: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5•Write Latency(WL) = Read Latency(RL) -1•Burst Length: 4 , 8(Interleave/nibble sequential)•Programmable Sequential / Interleave Burst Mode •Bi-directional Differential Data-Strobe (Single-ended data-strobe is an optional feature)•Off-Chip Driver(OCD) Impedance Adjustment •On Die Termination•Special Function Support- PASR(Partial Array Self Refresh)- 50ohm ODT- High Temperature Self-Refresh rate enable •Average Refresh Period 7.8us at lower than T CASE 85°C, 3.9us at 85°C < T CASE < 95 °C •All of Lead-free products are compliant for RoHSThe 1Gb DDR2 SDRAM is organized as a 32Mbit x 4 I/Os x 8banks, 16Mbit x 8 I/Os x 8banks or 8Mbit x 16 I/Os x 8 banks device. This synchronous device achieves high speed double-data-rate transfer rates of up to 800Mb/sec/pin (DDR2-800) for general applications.The chip is designed to comply with the following key DDR2SDRAM features such as posted CAS with additive latency, write latency = read latency - 1, Off-Chip Driver(OCD) impedance adjustment and On Die Termination.All of the control and address inputs are synchronized with a pair of externally supplied differential clocks. Inputs are latched at the crosspoint of differential clocks (CK rising and CK falling). All I/Os are synchronized with a pair of bidirectional strobes (DQS and DQS) in a source synchronous fashion. The address bus is used to convey row, column, and bank address information in a RAS/CAS multiplexing style. For example, 1Gb(x8) device receive 14/10/3 addressing.The 1Gb DDR2 device operates with a single 1.8V ±0.1V power supply and 1.8V ±0.1V VDDQ.The 1Gb DDR2 device is available in 60ball FBGAs(x4/x8) and in 84ball FBGAs(x16).Note : The functionality described and the timing specifications included in this data sheet are for the DLL Enabled mode of operation.Note : This data sheet is an abstract of full DDR2 specification and does not cover the common features which are described in “DDR2 SDRAM Device Operation & Timing Diagram”.1.0 Ordering Information2.0 Key FeaturesNote:1. Pins B3 and A2 have identical capacitance as pins B7 and A8.2. For a read, when enabled, strobe pair RDQS & RDQS are identical in function and timing to strobe pair DQS & DQS and input masking function is disabled.3. The function of DM or RDQS/RDQS are enabled by EMRS command.4. VDDL and VSSDL are power and ground for the DLL.A B C D E F G H J K LVDD NU/VSSDQ6VSSQ VDDQ VDDQ VDDQ VSSQ VSSQ DQS DQS DQ7DQ0VDDQ DQ2VSSQ DQ5VSSDL VDD CK RAS CK CAS CS A2A6A4A11A8NCA13NCA12A9A7A5A0VDD A10/APVSSVDDQ VSSQ DQ1DQ3DQ4VDDLA1A3BA1VREF VSS CKEWE BA01 2 3 7 8 9VDDVSS ODTBA2Ball Locations (x4/x8): Populated Ball +: Depopulated BallTop View (See the balls through the Package)++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++123456789A B C D E F G H J K L++++++++DM /RDQSRDQS+3.1 x4/x8 package pinout (Top View) : 60ball FBGA Package3.0 Package Pinout/Mechanical Dimension & AddressingNote :1. VDDL and VSSDL are power and ground for the DLL.2. In case of only 8 DQs out of 16 DQs are used, LDQS, LDQSB and DQ0~7 must be used.A B C D E F G H J K L VDD NC VSS DQ14VSSQ UDM VDDQ VDDQ VDDQ VSSQ VSSQ UDQS UDQS DQ15DQ8VDDQ DQ10VSSQ DQ13VSSQ VDDQ RAS CK CAS CS A2A6A4A11A8NCNCNCA12A9A7A5A0VDDA10/APVSSVDDQ VSSQ DQ9DQ11DQ12VDD A1A3BA1NC VSS CKEWE BA0 1 2 3 7 8 9VDDVSSODTBA2Ball Locations (x16): Populated Ball +: Depopulated BallTop View (See the balls through the Package)M N P RDQ6VSSQ LDM VDDQ VDDQ VSSQ LDQS DQ7DQ0VDDQ DQ2VSSQ DQ5VSSDL VDD CK VDDQ VSSQ DQ1DQ3DQ4VDDLVREF VSS LDQS 123456789++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++A B C D E F G H J K L M N P R+3.2 x16 package pinout (Top View) : 84ball FBGA Package3.3 FBGA Package Dimension (x4/x8)A B CD E F H J K LG3.4 FBGA Package Dimension (x16)A B C D E FH J K L M N P RGSymbol Type FunctionCK, CK Input Clock:CK and CK are differential clock inputs. All address and control input signals are sampled on the crossing of the positive edge of CK and negative edge of CK. Output (read) data is referenced to the crossings of CK and CK (both directions of crossing).CKE Input Clock Enable: CKE HIGH activates, and CKE Low deactivates, internal clock signals and device input buffers and out-put drivers. Taking CKE Low provides Precharge Power-Down and Self Refresh operation (all banks idle), or Active Power-Down (row Active in any bank). CKE is synchronous for power down entry and exit, and for self refresh entry. CKE is asynchronous for self refresh exit. After V REF has become stable during the power on and initialization swquence, it must be maintained for proper operation of the CKE receiver. For proper self-refresh entry and exit, V REF must be maintained to this input. CKE must be maintained high throughout read and write accesses. Input buffers, excluding CK, CK, ODT and CKE are disabled during power-down. Input buffers, excluding CKE, are disabled during self refresh.CS Input Chip Select: All commands are masked when CS is registered HIGH. CS provides for external Rank selection on sys-tems with multiple Ranks. CS is considered part of the command code.ODT Input On Die Termination: ODT (registered HIGH) enables termination resistance internal to the DDR2 SDRAM. When enabled, ODT is only applied to each DQ, DQS, DQS, RDQS, RDQS, and DM signal for x4/x8 configurations. For x16 configuration ODT is applied to each DQ, UDQS/UDQS, LDQS/LDQS, UDM, and LDM signal. The ODT pin will be ignored if the Extended Mode Register (EMRS(1)) is programmed to disable ODT.RAS, CAS, WE Input Command Inputs: RAS, CAS and WE (along with CS) define the command being entered.DM Input Input Data Mask: DM is an input mask signal for write data. Input data is masked when DM is sampled HIGH coinci-dent with that input data during a Write access. DM is sampled on both edges of DQS. Although DM pins are input only, the DM loading matches the DQ and DQS loading. For x8 device, the function of DM or RDQS/RDQS is enabled by EMRS command.BA0 - BA2Input Bank Address Inputs: BA0, BA1 and BA2 define to which bank an Active, Read, Write or Precharge command is being applied. Bank address also determines if the mode register or extended mode register is to be accessed during a MRS or EMRS cycle.A0 - A13Input Address Inputs: Provided the row address for Active commands and the column address and Auto Precharge bit for Read/Write commands to select one location out of the memory array in the respective bank. A10 is sampled during a Precharge command to determine whether the Precharge applies to one bank (A10 LOW) or all banks (A10 HIGH). If only one bank is to be precharged, the bank is selected by BA0, BA1. The address inputs also provide the op-code dur-ing Mode Register Set commands.DQ Input/Out-putData Input/ Output: Bi-directional data bus.DQS, (DQS)(LDQS), (LDQS) (UDQS), (UDQS) (RDQS), (RDQS)Input/Out-putData Strobe: output with read data, input with write data. Edge-aligned with read data, centered in write data. For the x16, LDQS corresponds to the data on DQ0-DQ7; UDQS corresponds to the data on DQ8-DQ15. For the x8, an RDQS option using DM pin can be enabled via the EMRS(1) to simplify read timing. The data strobes DQS, LDQS, UDQS, and RDQS may be used in single ended mode or paired with optional complementary signals DQS, LDQS, UDQS, and RDQS to provide differential pair signaling to the system during both reads and writes. An EMRS(1) control bit enables or disables all complementary data strobe signals.In this data sheet, "differential DQS signals" refers to any of the following with A10 = 0 of EMRS(1)x4 DQS/DQSx8 DQS/DQS if EMRS(1)[A11] = 0x8 DQS/DQS, RDQS/RDQS, if EMRS(1)[A11] = 1x16 LDQS/LDQS and UDQS/UDQS"single-ended DQS signals" refers to any of the following with A10 = 1 of EMRS(1)x4 DQSx8 DQS if EMRS(1)[A11] = 0x8 DQS, RDQS, if EMRS(1)[A11] = 1x16 LDQS and UDQSNC No Connect: No internal electrical connection is present.V DD/V DDQ Supply Power Supply: 1.8V +/- 0.1V, DQ Power Supply: 1.8V +/- 0.1V V SS/V SSQ Supply Ground, DQ GroundV DDL Supply DLL Power Supply: 1.8V +/- 0.1VV SSDL Supply DLL GroundV REF Supply Reference voltage4.0 Input/Output Functional Description5.0 DDR2 SDRAM Addressing1Gb AddressingConfiguration256Mb x4128Mb x 864Mb x16 # of Bank888Bank Address BA0 ~ BA2BA0 ~ BA2BA0 ~ BA2Auto precharge A10/AP A10/AP A10/APRow Address A0 ~ A13A0 ~ A13A0 ~ A12Column Address A0 ~ A9,A11A0 ~ A9A0 ~ A9 * Reference information: The following tables are address mapping information for other densities.256MbConfiguration64Mb x432Mb x 816Mb x16 # of Bank444Bank Address BA0,BA1BA0,BA1BA0,BA1Auto precharge A10/AP A10/AP A10/APRow Address A0 ~ A12A0 ~ A12A0 ~ A12Column Address A0 ~ A9,A11A0 ~ A9A0 ~ A8512MbConfiguration128Mb x464Mb x 832Mb x16 # of Bank444Bank Address BA0,BA1BA0,BA1BA0,BA1Auto precharge A10/AP A10/AP A10/APRow Address A0 ~ A13A0 ~ A13A0 ~ A12Column Address A0 ~ A9,A11A0 ~ A9A0 ~ A92GbConfiguration512Mb x4256Mb x 8128Mb x16 # of Bank888Bank Address BA0 ~ BA2BA0 ~ BA2BA0 ~ BA2Auto precharge A10/AP A10/AP A10/APRow Address A0 ~ A14A0 ~ A14A0 ~ A13Column Address A0 ~ A9,A11A0 ~ A9A0 ~ A9 4GbConfiguration 1 Gb x4512Mb x 8256Mb x16 # of Bank888Bank Address BA0 ~ BA2BA0 ~ BA2BA0 ~ BA2Auto precharge A10/AP A10/AP A10/APRow Address A0 - A15A0 - A15A0 - A14 Column Address/page size A0 - A9,A11 A0 - A9 A0 - A9Note :1. Stresses greater than those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability.2. Storage Temperature is the case surface temperature on the center/top side of the DRAM.Symbol ParameterRating Units Notes V DD Voltage on V DD pin relative to V SS - 1.0 V ~ 2.3 V V 1V DDQ Voltage on V DDQ pin relative to V SS - 0.5 V ~ 2.3 V V 1V DDL Voltage on V DDL pin relative to V SS - 0.5 V ~ 2.3 V V 1V IN, V OUT Voltage on any pin relative to V SS - 0.5 V ~ 2.3 V V1T STGStorage Temperature-55 to +100°C 1, 2Note : There is no specific device V DD supply voltage requirement for SSTL-1.8 compliance. However under all conditions V DDQ must be less than or equalto V DD .1. The value of V REF may be selected by the user to provide optimum noise margin in the system. Typically the value of V REF is expected to be about 0.5 x V DDQ of the transmitting device and V REF is expected to track variations in V DDQ .2. Peak to peak AC noise on V REF may not exceed +/-2% V REF (DC).3. V TT of transmitting device must track V REF of receiving device.4. AC parameters are measured with V DD , V DDQ and V DDL tied together.Symbol ParameterRatingUnits NotesMin.Typ. Max.V DD Supply Voltage 1.7 1.8 1.9V V DDL Supply Voltage for DLL 1.7 1.8 1.9V 4V DDQ Supply Voltage for Output 1.7 1.8 1.9V 4V REF Input Reference Voltage 0.49*V DDQ 0.50*V DDQ0.51*V DDQ mV 1,2V TTTermination VoltageV REF -0.04V REFV REF +0.04V37.0 AC & DC Operating Conditions6.0 Absolute Maximum DC Ratings7.1 Recommended DC Operating Conditions (SSTL - 1.8)7.2 Operating Temperature Condition1.Operating Temperature is the case surface temperature on the center/top side of the DRAM.2.At 85 - 95 °C operation temperature range, doubling refresh commands in frequency to a 32ms period ( tREFI=3.9 us ) is required, and to enter to self refresh mode at this temperature range, an EMRS command is required to change internal refresh rate.7.3 Input DC Logic Level7.4 Input AC Logic Level7.5 AC Input Test ConditionsNote :1. Input waveform timing is referenced to the input signal crossing through the V IH/IL (AC) level applied to the device under test.2. The input signal minimum slew rate is to be maintained over the range from V REF to V IH (AC) min for rising edges and the range from V REF to V IL (AC)max for falling edges as shown in the below figure.3. AC timings are referenced with input waveforms switching from V IL (AC) to V IH (AC) on the positive transitions and V IH (AC) to V IL (AC) on the negative transitions.Symbol Parameter Rating UnitsNotesTOPEROperating Temperature0 to 95°C 1, 2Symbol Parameter Min.Max.Units NotesV IH (DC)DC input logic high V REF + 0.125V DDQ + 0.3V V IL (DC)DC input logic low- 0.3V REF - 0.125VSymbol ParameterDDR2-667, DDR2-800Units Min.Max.V IH (AC)AC input logic high V REF + 0.200V V IL (AC)AC input logic lowV REF - 0.200VSymbol Condition Value Units Notes V REF Input reference voltage0.5 * V DDQV 1V SWING(MAX)Input signal maximum peak to peak swing1.0V 1SLEWInput signal minimum slew rate1.0V/ns2, 3V DDQ V IH (AC) minV IH (DC) min V REFV IL (DC) max V IL (AC) maxV SS< AC Input Test Signal Waveform >V SWING(MAX)delta TRdelta TFV REF - V IL (AC) maxdelta TFFalling Slew =Rising Slew =V IH (AC) min - V REFdelta TRV DDQCrossing pointV SSQV TR V CPV IDV IX or V OX< Differential signal levels >7.6 Differential input AC logic LevelNote :1. V ID (AC) specifies the input differential voltage |V TR -V CP | required for switching, where V TR is the true input signal (such as CK, DQS, LDQS or UDQS) and V CP is the complementary input signal (such as CK, DQS, LDQS or UDQS). The minimum value is equal to V IH (AC) - V IL (AC).2. The typical value of V IX (AC) is expected to be about 0.5 * VDDQ of the transmitting device and V IX (AC) is expected to track variations in VDDQ . V IX (AC) indicates the voltage at which differential input signals must cross.7.7 Differential AC output parametersNote :1. The typical value of V OX (AC) is expected to be about 0.5 * VDDQ of the transmitting device and V OX (AC) is expected to track variations in VDDQ . V OX (AC) indicates the voltage at which differential output signals must cross.Symbol ParameterMin.Max.Units Notes V ID(AC)AC differential input voltage 0.5V DDQ + 0.6V 1V IX(AC)AC differential cross point voltage0.5 * VDDQ - 0.1750.5 * VDDQ + 0.175V2Symbol ParameterMin.Max.Units Note V OX (AC)AC differential cross point voltage0.5 * VDDQ - 0.1250.5 * VDDQ + 0.125V1Note : Test condition for Rtt measurementsMeasurement Definition for Rtt(eff):Apply V IH (ac) and V IL (ac) to test pin separately, then measure current I(V IH (ac)) and I( V IL (ac)) respectively. V IH (ac), V IL (ac), and VDDQ values defined in SSTL_18Measurement Definition for VM: Measure voltage (V M ) at test pin (midpoint) with no load.PARAMETER/CONDITIONSYMBOL MIN NOM MAX UNITS NOTES Rtt effective impedance value for EMRS(A6,A2)=0,1; 75 ohm Rtt1(eff)607590ohm 1Rtt effective impedance value for EMRS(A6,A2)=1,0; 150 ohm Rtt2(eff)120150180ohm 1Rtt effective impedance value for EMRS(A6,A2)=1,1; 50 ohm Rtt3(eff)405060ohm 1Deviation of VM with respect to VDDQ/2delta VM- 6+ 6%1Rtt(eff) =V IH (ac) - V IL (ac)I(V IH (ac)) - I(V IL (ac))delta VM =2 x Vm VDDQx 100%- 18.0 ODT DC electrical characteristicsNote :1. Absolute Specifications (0°C ≤ T CASE ≤ +95°C; VDD = +1.8V ±0.1V, VDDQ = +1.8V ±0.1V)2. Impedance measurement condition for output source dc current: VDDQ = 1.7V; VOUT = 1420mV; (VOUT-VDDQ)/Ioh must be less than 23.4 ohms for values of VOUT between VDDQ and VDDQ- 280mV. Impedance measurement condition for output sink dc current: VDDQ = 1.7V; VOUT = 280mV; VOUT/Iol must be less than 23.4 ohms for values of VOUT between 0V and 280mV.3. Mismatch is absolute value between pull-up and pull-dn, both are measured at same temperature and voltage.4. Slew rate measured from V IL (AC) to V IH (AC).5. The absolute value of the slew rate as measured from DC to DC is equal to or greater than the slew rate as measured from AC to AC. This is guaranteed by design and characterization.6. This represents the step size when the OCD is near 18 ohms at nominal conditions across all process and represents only the DRAM uncertainty. Output slew rate load :7. DRAM output slew rate specification applies to 667Mb/sec/pin and 800Mb/sec/pin speed bins.8. Timing skew due to DRAM output slew rate mis-match between DQS / DQS and associated DQs is included in tDQSQ and tQHS specification.DescriptionParameterMinNomMaxUnit Notes Output impedanceNormal 18ohmsSee full strength default driver characteristics ohms 1,2Output impedance step size for OCD calibration 0 1.5ohms 6Pull-up and pull-down mismatch 04ohms 1,2,3Output slew rateSout 1.55V/ns1,4,5,6,7,825 ohmsV TTOutput (V OUT)Reference Point9.0 OCD default characteristics(IDD values are for full operating range of Voltage and Temperature, Notes 1 - 5)Symbol Proposed Conditions Units NotesIDD0Operating one bank active-precharge current;t CK = t CK(IDD), t RC = t RC(IDD), t RAS = t RASmin(IDD); CKE is HIGH, CS\ is HIGH between valid commands;Address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are SWITCHINGmAIDD1Operating one bank active-read-precharge current;IOUT = 0mA; BL = 4, CL = CL(IDD), AL = 0; t CK = t CK(IDD), t RC = t RC (IDD), t RAS = t RASmin(IDD), t RCD =t RCD(IDD); CKE is HIGH, CS\ is HIGH between valid commands; Address businputs are SWITCHING; Data pat-tern is same as IDD4WmAIDD2P Precharge power-down current;All banks idle; t CK = t CK(IDD); CKE is LOW; Other control and address bus inputs are STABLE; Data bus inputs are FLOATINGmAIDD2Q Precharge quiet standby current;All banks idle; t CK = t CK(IDD); CKE is HIGH, CS\ is HIGH; Other control and address bus inputsare STABLE; Databus inputs are FLOATINGmAIDD2N Precharge standby current;All banks idle; t CK = t CK(IDD); CKE is HIGH, CS\ is HIGH; Other control and address bus inputs are SWITCHING;Data bus inputs are SWITCHINGmAIDD3P Active power-down current;All banks open; t CK = t CK(IDD); CKE is LOW; Other control and address businputs are STABLE; Data bus inputs are FLOATINGFast PDN Exit MRS(12) = 0mASlow PDN Exit MRS(12) = 1mAIDD3N Active standby current;All banks open; t CK = t CK(IDD), t RAS = t RASmax(IDD), t RP = t RP(IDD); CKE is HIGH, CS\ is HIGH between valid commands; Other control and address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are SWITCHINGmAIDD4W Operating burst write current;All banks open, Continuous burst writes; BL = 4, CL = CL(IDD), AL = 0; t CK = t CK(IDD), t RAS = t RASmax(IDD), t RP= t RP(IDD); CKE is HIGH, CS\ is HIGH between valid commands; Address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data businputs are SWITCHINGmAIDD4R Operating burst read current;All banks open, Continuous burst reads, IOUT = 0mA; BL = 4, CL = CL(IDD), AL = 0; t CK = t CK(IDD), t RAS = t RAS-max(IDD), t RP = t RP(IDD); CKE is HIGH, CS\ is HIGH between valid commands; Address bus inputs are SWITCH-ING; Data pattern is same as IDD4WmAIDD5B Burst auto refresh current;t CK = t CK(IDD); Refresh command at every t RFC(IDD) interval; CKE is HIGH, CS\ is HIGH between valid com-mands; Other control and address bus inputs are SWITCHING; Data bus inputs are SWITCHINGmAIDD6Self refresh current;CK and CK\ at 0V; CKE ≤ 0.2V; Other control and address bus inputs areFLOATING; Data bus inputs are FLOATINGNormal mALow Power mAIDD7Operating bank interleave read current;All bank interleaving reads, IOUT = 0mA; BL = 4, CL = CL(IDD), AL = t RCD(IDD)-1*t CK(IDD); t CK = t CK(IDD), t RC= t RC(IDD), t RRD = t RRD(IDD), t FAW = t FAW(IDD), t RCD = 1*t CK(IDD); CKE is HIGH, CS\ is HIGH between valid commands; Address bus inputs are STABLE during DESELECTs; Data pattern is same as IDD4R; Refer to the fol-lowing page for detailed timing conditionsmA10.0 IDD Specification Parameters and Test ConditionsNote :1. IDD specifications are tested after the device is properly initialized2. Input slew rate is specified by AC Parametric Test Condition3. IDD parameters are specified with ODT disabled.4. Data bus consists of DQ, DM, DQS, DQS\, RDQS, RDQS\, LDQS, LDQS\, UDQS, and UDQS\. IDD values must be met with all combinations of EMRS bits 10 and 11.5. Definitions for IDD LOW is defined as Vin ≤ VILAC(max) HIGH is defined as Vin ≥ VIHAC(min)STABLE is defined as inputs stable at a HIGH or LOW level FLOATING is defined as inputs at VREF = VDDQ/2 SWITCHING is defined as:inputs changing between HIGH and LOW every other clock cycle (once per two clocks) for address and controlsignals, and inputs changing between HIGH and LOW every other data transfer (once per clock) for DQ signals not including masks or strobes.For purposes of IDD testing, the following parameters are utilizedDetailed IDD7The detailed timings are shown below for IDD7.Legend: A = Active; RA = Read with Autoprecharge; D = DeselectIDD7: Operating Current: All Bank Interleave Read operationAll banks are being interleaved at minimum t RC(IDD) without violating t RRD(IDD) and t FAW(IDD) using a burst length of 4. Control and address bus inputs are STABLE during DESELECTs. IOUT = 0mATiming Patterns for 8bank devices x4/ x8-DDR2-667 5/5/5 : A0 RA0 D A1 RA1 D A2 RA2 D A3 RA3 D D A4 RA4 D A5 RA5 D A6 RA6 D A7 RA7 D D-DDR2-800 6/6/6 : A0 RA0 D A1 RA1 D A2 RA2 D A3 RA3 D D D A4 RA4 D A5 RA5 D A6 RA6 D A7 RA7 D D D -DDR2-800 5/5/5 : A0 RA0 D A1 RA1 D A2 RA2 D A3 RA3 D D D A4 RA4 D A5 RA5 D A6 RA6 D A7 RA7 D D DTiming Patterns for 8bank devices x16-DDR2-667 5/5/5 : A0 RA0 D D A1 RA1 D D A2 RA2 D D A3 RA3 D D D A4 RA4 D D A5 RA5 D D A6 RA6 D D A7 RA7 D D D-DDR2-800 6/6/6 : A0 RA0 D D A1 RA1 D D A2 RA2 D D A3 RA3 D D D D A4 RA4 D D A5 RA5 D D A6 RA6 D D A7 RA7 D D D D -DDR2-800 5/5/5 : A0 RA0 D D A1 RA1 D D A2 RA2 D D A3 RA3 D D D D A4 RA4 D D A5 RA5 D D A6 RA6 D D A7 RA7 D D D DDDR2-800DDR2-800DDR2-667Units Parameter 5-5-56-6-65-5-5CL(IDD)565tCK t RCD(IDD)12.51515ns t RC(IDD)57.56060ns t RRD(IDD)-x4/x87.57.57.5ns t RRD(IDD)-x16101010ns t CK(IDD) 2.5 2.53ns t RASmin(IDD)454545ns t RP(IDD)12.51515ns t RFC(IDD)127.5127.5127.5ns(T A=0o C, VDD= 1.9V)Symbol256Mx4 (K4T1G044QQ)Unit Notes 800@CL=5800@CL=6667@CL=5CE7LE7CF7LF7CE6LE6IDD0757570mAIDD1858580mAIDD2P158158158mAIDD2Q303030mAIDD2N353535mAIDD3P-F353535mAIDD3P-S181818mAIDD3N555550mAIDD4W110110100mAIDD4R130130115mAIDD5140140135mAIDD6156156156mAIDD7245245225mA(T A=0o C, VDD= 1.9V)Symbol128Mx8 (K4T1G084QQ)Unit Notes 800@CL=5800@CL=6667@CL=5CE7LE7CF7LF7CE6LE6IDD0757570mAIDD1858580mAIDD2P158158158mAIDD2Q303030mAIDD2N353535mAIDD3P-F353535mAIDD3P-S181818mAIDD3N555550mAIDD4W115115105mAIDD4R135135120mAIDD5145145140mAIDD6156156156mAIDD7250250230mA11.0 DDR2 SDRAM IDD Spec Table(T A=0o C, VDD= 1.9V)Symbol64Mx16 (K4T1G164QQ)Unit Notes 800@CL=5800@CL=6667@CL=5CE7LE7CF7LF7CE6LE6IDD0909085mA IDD110010095mA IDD2P158158158mA IDD2Q303030mA IDD2N353535mA IDD3P-F353535mA IDD3P-S181818mA IDD3N555550mA IDD4W130130115mA IDD4R175175155mA IDD5145145140mA IDD6156156156mA IDD7265265245mASpeedDDR2-800(E7)DDR2-800(F7)DDR2-667(E6)UnitsBin (CL - tRCD - tRP)5-5-56-6-65 - 5 - 5Parameter min max min max min max tCK, CL=358--58ns tCK, CL=4 3.758 3.758 3.758ns tCK, CL=5 2.583838ns tCK, CL=6-- 2.58--ns tRCD 12.5-15-15-ns tRP 12.5-15-15-ns tRC 57.5-60-60-ns tRAS457000045700004570000ns ParameterSymbol DDR2-667DDR2-800Units Min Max Min Max Input capacitance, CK and CK CCK 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0pF Input capacitance delta, CK and CK CDCK x 0.25x 0.25pF Input capacitance, all other input-only pins CI 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.75pF Input capacitance delta, all other input-only pins CDI x 0.25x 0.25pF Input/output capacitance, DQ, DM, DQS, DQS CIO 2.5 3.5 2.5 3.5pF Input/output capacitance delta, DQ, DM, DQS, DQSCDIOx0.5x0.5pF13.0 Electrical Characteristics & AC Timing for DDR2-800/667(0 °C < T OPER < 95 °C; V DDQ = 1.8V + 0.1V; V DD = 1.8V + 0.1V)13.1 Refresh Parameters by Device DensityParameterSymbol256Mb 512Mb 1Gb 2Gb 4Gb Units Refresh to active/Refresh command time tRFC 75105127.5195327.5ns Average periodic refresh intervaltREFI0 °C ≤ T CASE ≤ 85°Cµs 85 °C < T CASE ≤ 95°C3.µs13.2 Speed Bins and CL, tRCD, tRP, tRC and tRAS for Corresponding Bin 12.0 Input/Output capacitance。

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Instantaneous Reverse Leakage Current - MicroAmperes versus Percent Of Rated Peak Reverse Voltage - Volts
Figure 4 Peak Forward Surge Current 600
500 400 300 Amps 200 100
Electrical Characteristics @ 25°C Unless Otherwise Specified
Average Forward Current Peak Forward Surge Current Maximum Forward Voltage Drop Per Element IF(AV) IFSM 40.0A 400A TJ = 55°C 8.3ms, half sine

Revision: 5 2004/06/21
MAX 28.70 11.23 --19.10 1.07 --11.90 6.00

Revision: 5 2004/06/21
MP4005W thru MP4010W
Figure 1 Typical Forward Characteristics 100 60 40 20 10 6 4 2 25°C Amps 1 .6 .4 .2 .1 .06 .04 .02 .01 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 10 6 4 2 1 .6 .4 .2 µAmps .1 .06 .04 .02 .01 .006 .00 4 .002 .001 20 40 60 TJ=25°C
Maximum Ratings
• • Operating Temperature: -50°C to +150°C Storage Temperature: -50°C to +150°C Maximum Recurrent Peak Reverse Voltage MP4005W MP4005W 50V MP401W MP401W 100V MP402W MP402W 200V MP404W MP404W 400V MP406W MP406W 600V MP408W MP408W 800V MP4010W MP4010W 1000V MCC Catalog Number Device Marking Maximum RMS Voltage 35V 70V 140V 280V 420V 560V 700V Maximum DC Blocking Voltage 50V 100V 200V 400V 600V 800V 1000V

omponents 20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth !"# $
% !"#
Micro Commercial Components
40 Amp Single Phase Bridge Rectifier 50 to 1000 Volts
• • • • Mounting Hole For #8 Screw Plastic Case with Metal Bottom Any Mounting Position Surge Rating Of 400 Amps
Micro Commercial Components Figure 2 Typical Reverse Characteristics
80 Volts
Volts Instantaneous Forward Current - Amperesversus Instantaneous Forward Voltage - Volts Figure 3 Forward Derating Curve 60
IFM = 20A per element; TJ = 25°C*
DIM A B C D E G H i INCHES MIN 1.118 .432 .769 .673 .038 .193 .429 .169
DIMENSIONS MM MIN 28.40 10.97 19.53 17.10 .97 4.90 10.90 4.30
Байду номын сангаас
30 Amps 20
10 Single Phase, Half Wave 60Hz Resistive or Inductive Load 0 0 25 50 75 °C Average Forward Rectified Current - Amperes versus Ambient Temperature - °C 100 150 175 0 1 2 4 6 8 10 Cycles Peak Forward Surge Current - Amperesversus Number Of Cycles At 60Hz - Cycles 20 40 00 60 80 100
Maximum DC Reverse Current At IR 10µA TJ = 25°C Rated DC Blocking 1.0mA TJ = 100°C Voltage *Pulse test: Pulse width 300 µsec, Duty cycle 1%
MAX 1.130 .442 --.752 .042 --.468 .236