英语课堂游戏 Games in Class




《英语课堂游戏》优秀教案一、教学内容本节课选自《英语课程标准》五年级上册,第十一章“Let’s Play Games”,具体内容包括游戏的基本词汇和常用表达方式,如:board game, card game, outdoor game, video game等,以及句型“How do you play…?”和“Can I join in…?”。

二、教学目标1. 让学生掌握游戏相关的词汇和表达方式,能够用英语描述不同类型的游戏。

2. 培养学生运用目标句型进行交流,提高学生的口语表达能力。

3. 培养学生的团队合作精神,提高学生参与课堂活动的积极性。



四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT,游戏道具(如纸牌、棋盘等)。

2. 学具:单词卡片,练习册,彩色笔。

五、教学过程1. 导入:通过展示不同类型的游戏图片,引导学生用英语说出游戏名称,激发学生的兴趣。

2. 新课内容展示:a. 教师展示PPT,呈现本节课的游戏词汇和表达方式。

b. 教师通过例句,展示目标句型的用法。

3. 实践活动:a. 学生两人一组,用目标句型讨论游戏玩法。

b. 教师邀请几组学生上台展示,并给予评价。

4. 随堂练习:学生完成练习册上的游戏相关题目,巩固所学内容。

六、板书设计1. 《英语课堂游戏》2. 主要内容:a. 游戏词汇:board game, card game, outdoor game,video game等。

b. 目标句型:How do you play…? Can I join in…?3. 重点句型:介绍游戏玩法和邀请参与游戏的句子。

七、作业设计1. 作业题目:a. 用英语写一篇关于你最喜欢的游戏的短文,包括游戏名称、玩法和为什么喜欢这个游戏。

b. 与同学互相交流,用目标句型讨论游戏玩法。

2. 答案:见附件。

games for english class

games for english class

Games for High school studentsTeam SpellingInstructionsPut the class into teams.The teacher shows a team a photograph or drawing and the team must each write down one letter of that word (without showing their teammates), depending on their position. The leftmost student writes down the first letter, the next student the second letter, etc.e.g. the teacher shows a group of five students a picture of an apple.The leftmost student writes down "a", the next student "p", the next student "p", the next "l" and the rightmost student "e".Give them a short timelimit (ten to twenty seconds depending on their English level) and then have them all reveal the letters they wrote. Award one point if the word is correctly spelled, then move on to the next group.VariationsAs preparing a lot of words all the same length (e.g. you have teams of 5 students each: it can be hard to think of lots of 5-letter words without going outside the students' knowledge of vocabulary) you can have words `wrap around`:If you give a six letter word to a team of five students then the first student has to write down both the first and last letters.Sitting the students in a ring can help them get the idea.NotesMaking the vocabulary relevant to a current event is of course best (Halloween, Christmas, New Year, Valentines', etc).1 commentKabura-NiceInstructionsTell the students that you are going to give them a topic. Each student is to write down (without the others seeing) an example of the topic.For example if the teacher says "fruit" then one student might write down "apple", another "orange", etc.They will have only ten seconds.Once the ten seconds are up, ask the students to, one by one, reveal their answers (if you wish you can now check spelling).In a large group the aim is for students to all have *different* answers. If everyone in the group has a different answer then they get one point (it can be made competitive by splitting the class into two groups).VariationsIn smaller groups (where it would be easy for everyone to have different answers) then reward one point for answers which are *the same*. Perhaps an additional point if a third person has that answer too, etc.NotesTopics depend on the English level of your students, and serve as a good lead-in to whatever class you will be teaching.For example if you lesson will finish with a restaurant roleplay then give them the topic of "fast food" or "restaurants".1 commentTelephoneInstructions1. Divide class into groups of 6 or more, and arrange each group in a straight line or row.2. Ask for a volunteer listener from each group. Take them outside of the classroom and give them a message (one sentence or more, depending on student level).3. Open the door, and let the students run to the first member of their group to whisper the message.4. Each member passes the message, by whispering, to their neighbor.5. When the message reaches the end, the last person should run to the board and write the message that they heard.The winner could be determined in various ways: first team to pass a legible, complete message (even if it's wrong), first team to finish, first team with a message closest to the original.Variations- Ask the last student to repeat the message to YOU, and write it on the board yourself. This is a good way to practice pronunciation, and to determine which sounds students have trouble with.NotesThis game could take up 5 minutes or 30, depending on how much time you have and how interested the kids are. I've used it with high schoolers in Korea and they loved it. We spent over half the class on this activity.10 commentsWrite Now!Instructions1. Break students into teams2. Each team will select a student to be the writer3. The teacher writes a sentence on the board with a blank in it,such as "I like ___."4. Each team must fill in the blank with as many English wordsas possible in one minute5. Have teams turn in their papers and mark the correctanswers6. Explain the incorrect ones.7. The team with the most correct answers wins8. Have teams change writers, write a new sentence, and playagainNotesMake sentences structures that allow students to practice grammar structures they are learning, such as countable and uncountable nouns. Students get pretty loud shouting out answers to their writers so be sure to close the doors and windows.A big thanks to Steve for this EFL/ESL game!8 commentsWords in WordsInstructions1. Make sure each team has a dictionary2. Write a large word or phrase on the board3. Give teams 10 minutes to come up with as many words aspossible by using the letters on the board4. When time is up, one leader from each team will say theteam's words5. Each word is scored as follows:▪1-letter words = 1 point▪2-letter words = 3 points▪3-letter words = 5 points▪4-letter words = 8 points▪5-letter words = 10 points▪6-letter words = 12 points▪7-letter words = 15 points▪8 or more letter words = 20 pointsVariations▪Have each time submit words one at a time and write them on the board, with no duplicate words allowed▪Words that every team has are omitted and have no point value▪Simply have teams hand in word sheets and tally scoresNotesUse words/phrases with an 'e' and 'r' so students can make words that end in 'er'. Do the same with 'ing', 'ly', 's' and other tails. You can have each team choose a 'secretary' to write down the words and 'seekers' to look in the dictionaries.Be sure to follow up this game by having students make sentences with some of the words (5 seems to works well) and use the words in listening exercises in future classes.A big thanks to Troy for this EFL/ESL game!7 commentsWord ChallengeInstructions1. Have students get into teams of 4-10 people2. One person from each team does rocks, paper, scissors3. Winner says a word and opponent tries to write the wordcorrectly4. If they get it right, their team gets a point5. If they get it wrong, the person who said the word can write itout for a point for their team6. Have another person from each team play 'Word Challenge' Variations▪Make an 'arena' in the middle of the class for two students to face off NotesStudents will start to look up difficult words to stump the other team. Remember to to a follow-up assignment for words used, such as teaching the class the meanings and having students make sentences with the new words.A big thanks to Nick for this EFL/ESL game!8 commentsTyphoonInstructions1. Draw a 6x6 bingo grid on the board2. Randomly write points in the squares3. In some squares, write 'Typhoon' instead of a number4. Stick words cards on top of the squares and cover thenumber/typhoon5. One team chooses a word card and must make a sentencewith the word6. If they make an incorrect sentence, move on to the next team7. If they make a correct sentence, they get the number ofpoints under the card8. Typhoons allow you to erase all the points from another team9. The team with the most points at the end winsVariations▪Play with 'Bankrupt' instead of 'Typhoon'▪Use category cards instead of word cards▪Make a minimum number of words for each sentence▪Have students listen and repeat after correct sentencesNotesKeep track of the sentences students make and use them for a follow-up activity.A big thanks to Katarina for the EFL/ESL game!17 commentsThree KingdomsInstructions1. Place a number of cards with the words "Who," "What,""Where," "When," "Why," and "How" face down2. Among the cards is a "China" card3. Divide the class into three groups and designate them as oneof the ancient Korean kingdoms: Shilla, Baekje, andGoguryeo4. All "kingdoms" start with 100 points5. Groups take turns flipping over and one card at a time andmake a question with the word6. For every correct question they make, they get two "Army"cards, which have a power of ten7. For every third correct question, they get a "Castle" cardwhich grants 50 bonus points. (Ask: "Who do you want toattack?)8. After making a correct question, groups can choose tocontinue taking Army cards OR they can choose to use uptheir army cards to attack another group and destroy theirpoints9. However, whoever turns over a "China" card will cause ALLgroups to lose one Castle (-50 points) and ALL their Armycards!Variations▪Make smaller groups and include other "kingdoms" such as Gaya and Mahan▪If you are teaching in other countries change names▪For example, if you are teaching in China,you can change the "Kingdom" names tostates or dynasties in Chinese history andhave the "Huns" or ;quot;Mongols" as thekiller card▪Include other question words, not just the standard who, what, where, when, why, and how▪Put grammar or trivia questions on cards▪Assign each group a "capital city" as a starter castle and city names or specific castle names to "castle cards," this way you can also"Who do you want to attack?" and "Where do you want to attack?" or"What do you want to attack?"NotesA big thanks to Ogedei for this ESL/EFL game!5 commentsThe Hot SeatInstructions1. Break class into 4 or less teams2. Place a 'hot seat' in front of the class and facing away fromthe board3. Each team selects a leader4. One team is up at a time and their leader sits in the hot seat5. Write ten words on the board so the leader can't see them6. Number the words 1-107. Each team member is assigned a word or words on the board8. Some team members may have more than one word9. Team members take turns communicating their word to theleader withoutsaying the word with no spelling, writing, or drawing allowed10. Team members can say 'pass' if their word is too difficult11. Each team has 1 minute to get as many words as possible12. The team with the most points at the end winsVariations▪Use simple words like animals or days of the week for weaker students▪Use the word 'pass' as one of the words on the board to challenge strong studentsNotesThis game can be challenging to explain so preparing directions in the student's native language can be helpful.A big thanks to Steve for this EFL/ESL game!26 commentsSpin the CoinInstructions1. Lay out an arbitrary number of flashcards in a circleformation, making sure the edges of the flashcards aretouching (i.e.no “holes” in the circle: taping the cards down helps)2. Give each player some marker pieces (colored chips workwell)3. Prepare a 'coin' from cardboard, etc. with a line on each side,from the center of the coin to the edge4. Spin the coin in the middle of the circle and have the firststudent slam their hand down on the coin5. Theline on the coin serves as a pointer and the student says thevocabulary word or grammar structure on the card the linepoints to6. If they are right, they place one of their markers on the card7. The first student to get rid of all of their markers wins Variations▪Use pictures for less advanced students▪Have special flashcards such as 'place your marker on any available card' or 'remove 1 marker from a card'▪Only allow one marker on each cardNotesIf you are using only a few flashcards, make the number of markers be equal to the number of flashcards.ShiritoriInstructions1. Divide the class in half2. Divide the blackboard/whiteboard in half with a line3. Students all stand up and form lines on opposite sides of theroom and can only write on their side of the board4. Provide a first word in the middle of the board5. Thefirst student in each team writes a word to follow the first word1. Theword must start with a letter that isthe same letter as the lastletter of the previous word2. For example, if the first word is"do g," then the next word is "g ood"3. The list goes one:dog->good->deer->read...6. Each student takes a turn and opposing teams attempt tomake the longest list7. Set a 5 to 10-minute time limit8. Words cannot appear twice on the listVariations▪Have several 4 to 5-minute game "rounds"▪In the first round, all teammembers participate▪In the second round, both teams choose their bestmember and those two students square off ina one-on-one match withteams providing support by shouting outwords▪In the third round, twoof the from each team square offNotesThis game is derived from a Japanese game of the same name. "Shiri" means "end" and "tori" means "take." The basic idea is to take the endof a word and use it as the start of another word. A Japanese example would be sa ke -> ken do -> doro bo -> bo ku -> kusu ri, etc.A big thanks to Ogedei for this ESL/EFL game!5 commentsSentence JumbleInstructionsPreparation:1. Make a series of sentences, three more than the number ofteams in your class2. Print the sentences in large text3. Cut each sentence into separate words4. Put each sentence into its separate envelopes5. Number each envelope with a markerInstructions:1. Diving the class into pairs or small groups2. Give each team one envelope3. Students arrange the words into a correct sentence, copy itinto their notebooks, and put words back into envelope4. When finished, students say the sentence, show theirnotebooks, and bring their envelope to the teacher5. If sentence is not correct, they go back and fix the error6. If sentence is correct, they can swap their envelope for a newone with a different sentence7. The first team to unscramble all of the sentences is thewinnerVariations▪Use easy sentences for less advanced students▪Use more complex sentences for more advanced students NotesThis game is a sure success with any level or age groupA big thanks to Brian for this ESL/EFL game!4 commentsRunning DictationInstructions1. Break students up into groups of 3-4, or pairs for smallclasses2. Put one sentence on a piece of paper for each team3. One leader from each team goes to the board and tries toremember their sentence4. The leader returns to their group and dictates the sentencewhile team members write it down5. First team to finish correctly gets a point6. Change words/sentences and switch leadersVariations▪Use pictures for children who can't spell and have them draw the picture instead of writing the words▪Use multiple sentences for more advanced students▪Placesentences around the room and have each group member do oneeach.▪Groups have to put the sentences into the right order before turning in the paperNotesMake each team's paper different so students don't simply listen to other teams. Leaders are not allowed to take their paper, write down anything, or yell across the room. They are allowed to return to board to look at their paper as many times as they like. Use words from class to reinforce learned vocabulary and grammar structures.What are your variations? Leave comments on other variations below...A big thanks to I for this EFL/ESL game!18 commentsRun and WriteInstructions1. Give each team a list of words2. Have each team select a leader3. Teacher says one word from list several times4. Teams search for word, then have leader go to board andwrite word5. Leaders must give teach a Hi-five after writing the wordcorrectly6. First leader to give the teacher hi-five gets five points7. Next leader to finished gets 4 points, next one 3, etc Variations▪Use sentences for higher levels▪See Running DictationNotesYou can make a word list or just use the word index in the back of your textbook. Students cannot shout letters out to leader but they can show it to her/him as many times as they need. Encourage them to say the letters out loud when the leader come over for help. Subtracting a point from noisy teams helps keep thingsunder control.Make sure to switch leaders after every word and do a follow up exercise with the words used.A big thanks to Nick for this EFL/ESL game!∙ 2 commentsNimInstructions1. Prepare sets of at least 12 flashcards for each group2. Lay out a number of flashcards in several rows3. Any number of rows is possible4. I like to use at least 12 cards in a 3x4 format5. Players take turns saying and removing any number of cardsfrom a single row6. The player who has to take the last card losesVariations▪Play with the alphabet where the student who says “Z” loses▪Play with numbers where a number is set ahead of time to be the last number▪Have the loser perform a silly taskNotesA big thanks to David for this EFL/ESL game!∙Add new commentMinesweepInstructions1. Place a number of flashcards face down2. Set one of the flashcards to be a whammy card3. Students take turns flipping over and one card at a time andsay the word/sentence4. Whoever turns over the whammy card must perform a sillytask5. After someone pulls the whammy card, shuffle the cards andstart againVariations▪Make the whammy card be a “safe” card, where everyone but the student who turned over the card has to perform the silly task ▪Have players get one point for each card the say/answer correctly ▪Play this game with regular playing cards to practice numbers, with one face card as the whammy▪Combineplaying cards with a list, using numbers 1-6 or so and having anumbered list on the side with six vocabulary words/grammarstructures▪If a student turns over a 3, they say the item that is third on the list▪Use grammar structures and/or questions for more advanced studentsNotesIf you use flashcards, make sure that you can’t see through the back!A big thanks to David for this EFL/ESL game!1 commentLove TrianglesInstructions1. Draw a triangle on the board2. Write three items on the triangle, such as 'spring water', 'CocaCola', and 'Coffee'3. Tell students to discuss the three items4. After they discuss them, ask them which one is best Variations▪Give students criteria to judge which is best▪Use a line for two items▪Use a square, pentagon, etc for more itemsNotesThis English game is a good lead-in to argumentative essays and debates. Large classes can get pretty noisy.A big thanks to James for this EFL/ESL game!Add new commentHow Many Words Do You Know?Instructions1. Divide chalkboard into four equal vertical sections (columns).2. Make two rows of deskbound students one team3. Have teams pick a team leader to go to the chalkboard4. Leaders write all the two-letter words they know on the countof 1, 2, 3, GO!5. Teammembers help their leader by shouting out words and bywriting words inbig letters on paper and holding it up for leader to see6. Stop with 10, 9, 8,...0, STOP!Variations▪Three-letter, four-letter words, etc.▪Words that begin with the letter 'S', 'R', 'Th', etc.NotesDecide beforehand whether dictionaries, textbooks, etc. are legal or not and rules for what kind of words can be used (ie names, acronyms that are accepted as words, etc). Will you count words if students don't know the meaning? Also, class gets noisy so make sure to close windows and doors.A big thanks to bill for this EFL/ESL game!2 commentsGuess WhoInstructions1. Identity a student leader for the class or individual groups2. Ask leader to think of a famous person3. In turn, group members will ask yes/no questions to getinformation about the target celebrity4. If a group member receives a 'yes' to their question, they canask one follow up question5. If the answer to a group member's question is no, playpasses to the next student6. Play continues until a student is ready to guess who it is7. Students can only guess who it is when it is their turn Variations▪This game can be played as 'Guess What', in which case students are playing to identify an object, animal, etc▪It is often good to start with an object in theroom until students get the hang of itNotesYou may choose to prepare a handout of possible questions to get things started and help weaker students as play progresses. Some possible questions are:▪Are you famous?▪Are you in this school?▪Are you a man?▪Are you a woman?▪Are you an actor?▪Are you a singer?▪etc.Thisgame is a part of the "Chris Moyles Show" on BBC Radio. The running music on the radio shows adds to the fun and tension of the game. Add recorded sound effects such as a ticking clock, Jeopardy, etc. to create a better atmosphere for the game. You could also give the leader two 'instruments' to make things more fun -- a hooter for 'no' answers and a bell or triangle for 'yes' answers.A big thanks to Anna for this ESL/EFL game!3 commentsFly SwatterInstructions1. Write vocabulary words scattered across the board2. Place two chairs in front of the board with a fly swatter oneach chair3. Divide class into two equal teams4. Have one student from each team sit in the chairs with theirbacks to the board5. Say one of the vocabulary words on the board6. Students stand and find the word on the board7. Students get one swat and the first student to hit the wordwith their fly swatter gets one point for their team8. If neither students hits the right word, the next students are upand no points are awarded.9. Repeat until everyone has had at least one turnVariationsUse pictures for young students who haven't learned the alphabetNotesThis game can be used with any level student who needs to practice vocabulary and is an exciting way to warm up the class. Students will often get loud so don't let teammates shout the answer or location of the word.。

英语课堂游戏 Games for English class

英语课堂游戏  Games for English class

1.抢椅子(get the chair)游戏说明:老师在教室前面摆三个椅子,然后叫四个小朋友到前面来,然后老师和学生一起读这个单词或句子,当老师停下来的时候学生就要去抢椅子,没抢到椅子的学生就要被罚读一个单词,然后回去。

2.照镜子(Look in the mirrow)游戏说明:老师一边说单词一边做动作,学生跟老师学和老师方向相同。

3.争分夺秒(urgent task)游戏说明:每组成员共同完成传词任务,一个传一个,用时少的小组获胜加分。

(也可传问题和句子)4.无敌转转转(turn turn)游戏说明:两名同学到前面背靠背站好,手中各持一张单词卡。


5..点手掌(catch the finger)游戏说明:说单词时让孩子点老师的手掌,老师来抓。

6..魔力手指(magic finger)游戏说明:先规定好每根手指说的遍数,然后用书挡住让同学猜是哪一个。


8..过山车(get on the train)游戏说明:学生们手拉手围成圈边走边说要操练的句子或单词,老师和一个圈里的学生手撑手扣住哪个学生,学生需说出所操练的句子或词。

9..相反动作(opposite actions)游戏说明:(适合单词的整体操练)老师上下前后左右拍手说单词,学生要和老师的动作相反,如相同则给那组减分。

10.谁最快(who is the best?)游戏说明:(适合单词的总体操练),老师说one two go 老师手中卡片如果是平放的,学生们就坐着说单词,如果卡片是立起来放的学生就立刻站起来说,谁最快就给他奖励。

11..下命令(up and down)游戏说明:五六个人拿新单词卡上前站成一圈,老师下第一个命令,如apple 手拿此卡片的学生马上边下蹲边说apple down apple down apple down banana down..那么手拿banana卡片的孩子马上下蹲并说自己的指令然后再给别人下指令。


English Classroom Games
- Available
• Introduction • Types of games suitable for English
classrooms • Game design and implementation • The application of games in teaching • Game case sharing
Prepare clear and simple rules that students can
understand easily
Teacher's role
Prepare the teacher's role in the game, so as being
the timer or scorer
Game Preparation
Prepare all necessary materials such as dice,
cards, timers, etc
Ensure that the classroom is large enough for the game to be played
Spoken language games
Role Play
Divide students into pairs and ask them to role play a given scenario using only English For example, a scenario where one student is a tour and the other is a local guide






大家一起数one two three,bomb,向他砸过去!有趣,气氛也好,学生在玩中也学得扎实!Game 2、补全句子:在学习句中,要慢读,必要时分解读。


比如:my name is rebecca.可让学生补rebecca、is rebecca、name is rebecca。


Game 3、此呼彼应:(1) 全班学生坐在原位。

(2) 教师描述一些事物,如果的是对的,例如:The dusks are swimming.学生就学叫“嘎嘎”,如果的是错的,学生就保持沉默。

(3) 做错的学生暂且退出游戏。


(4) 剩下的一个学生即游戏的优胜者。

(5) 变化:The bike is coming .或A cat can run. 等。

(6) 作用:可用于现在进行时态和can 句型的教学,可训练学生的听力。

Game 4、拍皮球:(1) 学生分两组坐在原位,合上眼,教师为两组打分。

(2) 教师拍皮球,学生默数教师拍了几下。


(3) 教师突然停下,问一个学生“What’s the number?”该学生应该答,“Nineteen”。


(4) 哪组学生得分多,就为胜者。

(5) 变化:教师拍球时可以在中间来个停顿。

如先拍4下,停一停,再拍3下,接着问:“What’sthe number?”学生应答“Seven”“Four plus three is seven.”(6) 作用:操练数词和加法运算句型。

Game 5、将错就错:(1) 学生坐在原位,注视着教师。



积极参与课堂游戏英语作文I love participating in classroom games because they make learning fun and interactive. When I play games in class, I feel more engaged and motivated to participate. It's a great way to practice English in a stress-free environment.During classroom games, I get to interact with my classmates and practice my English speaking skills. It's a great opportunity to improve my pronunciation and fluency. Plus, it's a lot more enjoyable than just sitting and listening to a lecture.Playing games in class also helps me to remember new vocabulary and grammar structures. When I have to use English in a game, it sticks in my mind better than just studying from a textbook. It's a more natural way to learn and retain information.One of the best things about classroom games is thatthey encourage teamwork and cooperation. I get to work with my classmates to solve problems and complete challenges.It's a great way to build communication and collaboration skills in English.Overall, participating in classroom games is afantastic way to improve my English skills while having fun.I always look forward to game days in class because I knowI'll have a great time while learning.。



I. 抢椅子(get the chair)游戏说明:老师在教室前面摆三个椅子,然后叫四个小朋友到前面来,然后老师和学生一起读这个单词或句子,当老师停下来的时候学生就要去抢椅子,没抢到椅子的学生就要被罚读一个单词,然后回去。

2. 照镜子(Look in the mirrow)游戏说明:老师一边说单词一边做动作,学生跟老师学和老师方向相同。

3. 争分夺秒(urgent task)游戏说明:每组成员共同完成传词任务,一个传一个,用时少的小组获胜加分。

(也可传问题和句子)4. 无敌转转转(turn turn)游戏说明:两名同学到前面背靠背站好,手中各持一张单词卡。


5.. 点手掌(catch the finger)游戏说明:说单词时让孩子点老师的手掌,老师来抓。

6.. 魔力手指(magic finger)游戏说明:先规定好每根手指说的遍数,然后用书挡住让同学猜是哪一个。


8.. 过山车(get on the train)游戏说明:学生们手拉手围成圈边走边说要操练的句子或单词,老师和一个圈里的学生手撑手扣住哪个学生,学生需说出所操练的句子或词。

9.. 相反动作(opposite actions)游戏说明:(适合单词的整体操练)老师上下前后左右拍手说单词,学生要和老师的动作相反,如相同则给那组减分。

10. 谁最快(who is the best?)游戏说明:(适合单词的总体操练),老师说one two go老师手中卡片如果是平放的,学生们就坐着说单词,如果卡片是立起来放的学生就立刻站起来说,谁最快就给他奖励。

II. .下命令(up and down)游戏说明:五六个人拿新单词卡上前站成一圈,老师下第一个命令,如apple手拿此卡片的学生马上边下蹲边说apple down apple down apple down banana down.. 那么手拿banana 卡片的孩子马上下蹲并说自己的指令然后再给别人下指令。



六年级英语校园规则单选题60题1.You should _____ in class.A.talk loudlyB.listen carefullyC.run aroundD.play games答案:B。

“listen carefully”意为认真听讲,在课堂上应该认真听讲。

“talk loudly”是大声说话,“run around”是到处跑,“play games”是玩游戏,这些在课堂上都不应该做。

2.Don't _____ when the teacher is speaking.A.look outB.look aroundC.look upD.look after答案:B。

“look around”意为四处张望,老师讲话的时候不应该四处张望。

“look out”是小心、向外看,“look up”是查找、向上看,“look after”是照顾,都不符合题意。

3.We must _____ our homework on time.A.doB.makeC.takeD.have答案:A。

“do homework”是做作业,固定搭配。


4._____ your books quietly in the library.A.ReadB.SpeakC.TellD.Say答案:A。

“read books”是读书,在图书馆应该安静地读书。


5.It's not allowed to _____ in the classroom.A.eatB.drinkC.sleepD.all of the above答案:D。



小学英语课堂游戏games colletction

小学英语课堂游戏games colletction

小学课堂游戏集Game:大小声(high and low voice)可适用于名词学习,将东西藏到教室的一个地方,让一个或一组同学去找。



Game:story composing根据课堂上所学的知识点的个数将全班分成若干组,每组经过组内讨论选择一个知识点并用其造句。



Game:Simon says1.用于指令性活动,如摸什么身体部位,做什么动作。

2.如果老师说了Simon says就做动作,如果没说就不做,否则out。




Games:listen and say1.准备几句与学习有关的句子。






Game:hot and cold1.先将全班分成两组,然后每组选一名自愿者到教室外。





Game:hang man1.老师可以根据单词的长度画下相应的空格2.学生猜任意的字母,如果所猜字母为单词中的一部分,则不用画一画,如果不对,就开始画吊死鬼场景中的一画3.该游戏主要用于考察学生对单词的拼写和构成方面的能力。















小学英语课堂游戏Games for English Teaching

小学英语课堂游戏Games for English Teaching
-West Cowboy
Teacher asks two students back to back, each of them holds a card in front of the body. When teacher counts one, two, three, the two students
– Passing Words or Sentences
Teacher will divide students into two groups, then murmur a word or sentence to the first two students. Then the two students should pass the word or sentence to the next student. Which group is faster, which group is the winner.
g) Cross the River
Teacher puts a rope on the floor, then makes the rope like a river, and puts some flashcards in a row in the river, when teacher reads one of the words, students should jump over the card and read aloud the word.
a) Touching Game Teacher reads the words and students touch the cards with hands, hammers, or fly pats. b) Matching Game Teacher asks the students to match the letters, like A and a, B and b;picture and word. c) Jumping or hopping to the flashcards Teacher reads the words and asks students to jump or hop to the flashcards. d) Yes/No Chair/Wall Game Teacher reads a right or wrong word or a



英语课堂上的小游戏(Little games in English class)1, size sound: I read aloud, you read quietly2, draw inferences: I read once, you read three times3, the word clap clap: (one, two, three, four,), take a few of these students out4, bomb: when practicing words, put a bomb on a word, in the process of reading words, you can't read the words with bombs5, the palm of the hand back: reach for the heart to read, stretch one's hand, do not read6 Jin fingers: how many times have you studied a few fingers?7, microphone: in the form of interviews to ask students, practice words, sentences8, the teacher stopped drumming drums pass: pass, who finally got the ball will stand up and read the words or sentences, reading time, teacher students lose, is the winner, then the teacher acting, such as: the rabbit jump, wall, eyes, big teapot9, grab chairs: read words or sentences at the same time, around the chair to turn, when the teacher said stop, see who grabbed the chair at the fastest speed, grab bonus points10, wood: such as: I can fiy I can jump read the sentences and perform the action, the teacher said, no matter what your attitude, do not move, the teacher choose a student to makeperformance students, who know who foulThe irony of: I, say, sit, down, You, say, stand, up12, small pistol: point to who, who reads the next word of the word13, find treasure: choose a classmate, back to everyone, cards or other things hid to a student where, everyone began to read words or sentences, when the treasure hunt students closer to the treasure, the greater the reading sound14, radish squat: use words instead of students' names, one after another squat15. Top cards: read the sentences and use the head to top the cards16, interactive Name: give students a new name (the words in class) to ask each other questions and answers17, police catch thief: pick a classmate, back to everyone, pick two students, we read the word together, these two students read the word does not pronounce18, words turn around: people standing under the word, everyone represents a word, read which word, quickly move, slow down, change for another person19, plus one: I read one, you read two, I, and you three, and so on, add, practice word, sentence20, take pictures: the production of good words, pictures posted on the blackboard, which one to read which to read,Several popular English Teaching Games in foreign countriesI. Running Dictation (mobile dictation)1. prepare several dictation materials (sentences, articles, etc.) and put them on the wall, or outside of the classroom separately.2. students will be divided into several groups, each one holding left behind (real seat), the rest to the classroom or outdoor around to find the content posted dictation, dictation and recite the content (not copy), and then let the group stay dictation, the last to see which team first complete the task.3. the purpose of this game is to train students' dictation ability, memory ability, coordination ability and team spirit.Two, Stop Game (pause writing words)1. divide the students into groups and name each group and senda blank sheet to each group.2. the teacher drew the form on the blackboard as follows:3. let a student to sing the alphabet song, the teacher said "Stop", then begin with the students just sings this letter, let each write out the words, can give each student 2 minutesof thinking and discussion, and then will slip up, look at the group to write several, finally calculate the total score.4. the purpose of this game is to consolidate vocabulary and develop cooperative spirit.Three, Listen and Say (a line)1. prepare a few sentences related to the content of the study.2. divide the students into groups and stand in line.3. the first classmate in each group comes to the teacher,Listen to the teacher's whisper, after listening, quickly run back to the group of second students, the last classmate loudly say the sentence. Which group is the winner?.4. the purpose of this activity is to train students' listening and speaking ability.Four, Honeycomb (honeycomb labyrinth)1. divide the students into 2 groups.2., the teacher painted on the blackboard, a honeycomb shaped figure (each grid is hexagonal), and write letters, as follows:3. decide by coin. The group that goes first chooses one letter, the teacher says one sentence, in this sentence contain a word, in the word contain this letter, such as A, the teacher says:"I like eatA. student answer: apple.". The answer is correct. Take this hexagon and return the wrong one last.4. if the road was blocked, the other. For example, a group of L, B and K occupy, another group to occupy M, then the M group lost, because the road is blocked.Five, Scramble, for, the, Seat (grab seat)1. place the seat in A or B, as shown below:2. let all students walking around the stool (one more than the number of students walked, stool) say a teacher prescribed English sentence, the teacher said stop, all the people stopped walking, began to rob stool, no one was eliminated to grab the students.3. the next round, take out a stool and move on.4., the purpose of this activity is to train students' ability of speech, movement, coordination and response.Six, Guessing (guess words)1. prepare large cards, each of which has an item or animal on it.2. ask one of the students to stand in front, and the others can ask the student with some questions, such as 1s, it, round, Does, it, eat, meat, and the answer is only Yes or No.3., students can guess what is on the card according to the information they can get from the question and answer.Seven, Bingo (dictation)1. the teacher squared the blackboard and asked the students to have one hand as follows:2., the teacher asked the students to dictation words, students can fill in the box.3. after dictation, if the words are written in a straight line or a diagonal line, the student becomes a lucky Bingo.4. the purpose of this game is to train students dictation ability.1, alphabet game.Find the pairs. After 26 letters are all out of order, they are issued to the students, each with a letter card,Ask students to find letters or lowercase letters corresponding to their letters. Case matching can also be changed to printing and handwriting matching.Classification of letters and sounds. Change the lyrics in ABC Song to the alphabetical order of the letters, so that the students can remember them in the song. An apple picking game is also made: an apple tree bears some apples (letters) so that students can pick it in the appropriate basket (vowel).2, instruction game.Instructions can be issued by the teacher or the student can issue instructions. Show me your... (Touch your... ) use head., mouth., nose., eyes., ears., hair., hand (s) or a, pen., a, pencil., rubber., book and other classified nouns. The starter is starting, each only have a wrong action, let students out, which group the rest, which group is the winner.3, a game.In groups, the host speaks one English to each of the students in the group, and asks them to turn in turn. Only when the legend said again, and not let the other hear and see which group travels fast and accurate.4 guessing game.The Touch and guess. teachers can some of the items will be put into the bag, let the students wear cotton gloves, into the bag, touch and guess items.Look, and, guess. training -Are you... Ing? When,率先在小纸条上写好:看电视。














可有一次我专门将全班分为三组,英语水平较高的为一组,充当裁判;其余的平均分为两组———A 组和B 组;先由A 组朗读单词,再换B 组,最后由“裁判”判定哪一组发音最准确,就是优胜者。




在《现代大学英语》这套教材中,有一篇名为Nightingale and Rose 的课文,这是一个童话故事,内容对于英语专业的学生来说并不难。




英语课堂游戏汇总操练单词的游戏:1.Snow ball这是个训练学生记忆单词能力的游戏,把学生分成若干组或男女两组。

游戏开始,第一位学生说一个单词(如:ruler)第二位学生在后任意加上一个字母(如:ruler pen)然后依次进行(如ruler…… ruler pen……ruler pen pencil……),说错了就被淘汰,说得多而准确的小组为胜。

2.Warm and cold(两种方式)①这是一个训练学生说和听的游戏,把全班同学分成两组,然后从每一组当中请出一位小朋友到前面来把眼睛闭上,这个时候老师就将刚学的比较难的单词卡片藏起来。






4.What s missing?(两种玩法)①这是训练学生记忆力的游戏。


然后说:“Pease guess What is missing?”猜的学生要在10秒钟内用英语把缺的东西说出来。



常用英语课堂教学游戏1、 Louder and lower . (大声小声游戏)When the teacher say a word or a sentence loudly, the student must say of them lowly. otherwise, when the teacher say lowly ,the pupil must say loudly.教师大声地说句型或单词,学生就必须得小声地说。

反过来,教师小声,学生就大声2、 Mouth words .(猜口型游戏)The teacher will say words or sentences with the mouth move only and without voice. The students must look at the teacher’s mouth carefully and tell out what is the teacher saying about.教师读一些单词或句子,只做嘴型,不发出声音。


3、 Remember games .(记忆力游戏)A group of students stand in line and try to remember things. The first student of the line will say a word or a sentence, the second one must repeat out what he/she says and then tell the word or sentences of his/her own. The third one must repeat out the first two student’s speaking and then tell his/her own. By this way runs the game. The last one must repeat out all the speaking above.一组学生依次站好,玩记忆力游戏。



28个经典课堂英语游戏(28 classic English games in class)Dear teachers, Lisa put myself from the accumulation of teaching 28 classic games sorted out to share, absolutely original, welcome to reprintFive part teaching methodStep 1----Revision reviewStep 2----Presentation inputStep 3----Drilling drillStep 4----Practice exerciseStep 5----Consolidation consolidationDetailed explanation:Revision:5-10 minutesThe heavy and difficult content review the last lesson, let students recall it in the shortest time. Note (single line (students), a group of students or a row), surface (class) combination. In the last class of problems, the correct gaps. The short game atmosphere, review and consolidate, establish learning confidence.Presentation (input): 10 minutesEnter today's new content (word, sentence pattern), in thislink, the teacher uses situational teaching, such as sound, animation, physical objects, simple strokes, cards, actions, facial expressions. The teacher is the leading role. The input to the full, vivid, vividly showing what to teach.Drilling:15-20 minutesPresenting the new content, or to the teacher as the main characters, such as teacher says students say, teacher says students do, by mechanical drills, in order to avoid the single way, can join the collective game, such as magic fingers, Golden touch, trick game, high and low voice.Practice (output): 10-15 minutesAlso known as mechanical output, after training, teachers and students change roles, students is the protagonist, such as teacher does students say, to join the collective competitive game, let the students master the knowledge in the relaxed and exciting activities.Consolidation (check): 10 minutesUse oral, written, listening to consolidate, check the knowledge learned by students, timely discovery and solve problems. The class assignments, should be creative and initiative to stimulate students to learn, such as washing dishes, the arrangement of students doing such a housework at home, and will be completed by parents to sign, for the completion of good students, teachers have publicly reward stimulation with learning.Basic classroom gamesThe purpose of the game is for teaching, it should be interesting, speculative, confrontational, the game is to stimulate students' interest and sense of competition, mobilize their enthusiasm, to achieve the best results. The game should be orderly, hierarchy, in order to teaching the game, the game is to combine the teaching contents of the day, and avoid from students to develop learning habits not only the game, after the teacher in this class is not good game.At the same time, each of the game is to play the role of good teaching in the classroom, the teacher is the key to the game: in this game to grasp and control the point which is the teacher must control, to understand grasp to mobilize students' exciting opportunity, the simple game play effect.For the game, the child is never satisfied, the teacher should let the students led by the nose, can not change the game for the game the students said, do not play not to play, to play many games, can be a lot of deformation and upgrade, will increase the difficulty.Class game, first of all to explain the game rules and procedures are simple and easy to understand, this process takes English, with the spoken language and body language, or drawings on the blackboard, let the students understand the rules of the game. Before the game, talk about a good incentive mechanism, arouse the enthusiasm of the game.The English explanation process can be as follows:Let 's play a game. (the name of the game)Now I will divide you into two groups, Group A and Group B.T he rules of the game.Group A and Group B, are you ready?Let 's have a match. (Group)让我们试一试。






关键词:英语思维能力,课堂教学指令,词语释义,句意浅释,课堂教学游戏现代心理语言学的观点认为:语言与思维两者相互作用,相互影响;语言作为一种“有声思维”,思维作为一种“无声语言”,是语言与思维在其发展中的一种融合;在学习某种语言时,如果掌握该语言的思维方法,对更好地学习这种语言将有极大的促进作用.因此,英语教师在教学过程中,应该有意识地培养学生的英语思维能力,以促进英语教学质量的提高.那么,应该怎样培养学生的英语思维能力呢?根据本人多年从事初中英语教学的经验,我认为,培养初中学生的英语思维能力可以从这几个方面入手:1.用英语下达课堂教学指令(Giving teaching instructions in English);2.用英语解释单词的意思(Explaining meanings of words in English);3.句意浅释(Paraphrase);4.课堂教学游戏(Games in class).下面分别来解释这几种方法如何实施.1.用英语下达课堂教学指令(Giving teaching instructions in English)课堂教学一般都要依靠课堂指令来开展各项教学活动,培养学生的英语思维能力要从用英语下达课堂教学指令开始.这是因为:根据语言学习的一般规律,要掌握一门语言,往往都是从语言的声音输入,也就是从听开始.用英语下达课堂教学指令,目的就在于从课堂教学活动一开始,就给学生提供英语语声输入,让学生尽早进入英语课堂的环境中.许多教师在下达课堂教学指令时,担心学生听不懂,用英语说完后又用汉语进行解释,这样一来,学生的思维过程总是这样一种模式:英语—汉语—实际意义(动作),汉语始终是英语和思维的中介.其实,在英语课堂上,下达教学指令没有必要加上汉语解释,只要多次反复,加上一些必要的动作手势,学生就可明白指令的意义.如叫学生看黑板,只需说Look at the blackboard, please.再配以指向黑板的动作,学生很容易就能明白这一指令的含义.又如叫全班学生朗读短文,只需说Please read aloud the passage all together.教师再做一下朗读示范,几次反复之后,学生也自然会明白这一指令的含义.经常这样训练,学生对所有的课堂教学指令都将会很容易理解,学生的思维模式也将变为:英语—实际意义(动作),英语成为思维的直接媒介,这也就是英语思维的模式.而学生一旦学会用英语进行思维,无疑对更好地掌握英语会有很大的促进作用.2.用英语解释单词的意思(Explaining meanings of words in English)词语释义是英语词汇教学的主要内容之一.在词汇教学中,如果直接用英语来解释单词的意思,对于培养学生的英语思维能力,无疑是一种极其有效的方式.有些教师可能有这样的想法:初中生词汇量有限,纯粹用英语来解释单词的意思是行不通的.因而在教学中总是使用母语来解释词义,使英语词汇教学基本上变成英汉词语翻译教学.其实不然,初中生英语词汇量尽管有限,但是教师在教学中用英语解释单词的意思,只要方法得当,学生也一样可以理解.如果是低年级,解释单词时,可以配上图片或者手势、动作表情等.如解释elephant这个词,可以这样进行:用英语解释It is the biggest animal on land, it has a long nose(trunk).如果学生不理解,可以给学生出示大象的图片,或者用手势给学生演示大象的长鼻子.高年级学生积累的词汇量多了一些,解释词义只需用语言,除非难度较大的单词,一般不需要配以图片和动作.如我在教screen一词时,就这样给学生解释:the glass face of a TV set or computer.大部分学生马上就能理解,其余部分学生在两三次解释后也理解了.又如,在教到afford一词时,这样解释:have enough money or time to do sth,学生理解起来比较容易,举几个例子来讲解它的用法,学生对这个词的记忆就很深刻.在进行词义解释时,一定要提醒学生注意:单词的真实含义要在句子中理解,否则可能会造成误解。

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Games in ClassAlphabet Shout OutRandomly choose an alphabet flashcard and award a point to the first student who shouts out a word beginning with that letter.Alphabet Writing RelayDivide and line up the students into two teams. Divide the board into two halves and have one student from each team run to the board, write 'A', then run to the back of the line. The next student writes 'B', etc. The first team to finish wins.Alphabet Erase relayAs 'Alphabet Writing Relay', but this time, write the alphabet on each half of the board and have each team race to erase the letters in order.Alphabet SculpturesDivide the students into teams and call out a letter of the alphabet. Award a point to the first team that can form the letter with their bodies.Alphabet SoupGive each student an alphabet flashcard and have them skip around the room to the 'ABC Song'. Stop the tape at random and have the students rush to line up in order, e.g. A-K.Alphabet TouchCall out letters and have the students find and touch them in the classroom, on posters, etc.Alphabet WaveGive each student a few ordered alphabet flashcards and play the 'ABC Song'. Have the students hold up the cards that correspond to the letters they hear in the song.Animal CrackersTake a big dice and assign an animal to each number. Have the students roll the dice and act like the animal!The BallThrow the ball to a student and ask that student a question. The student answers and throws the ball to another student asking the same question. E.g. "Can you...?", "Yes, I can. / No, I can't." "Do you like...?", "Yes, I do. / No, I don't."Balloon TossHave the students stand in a circle. Toss a balloon to one student and elicit vocabulary or a structure from that student. They must be able to tap the balloon in the air without missing the vocabulary or structure E.g. S1: "My name's Miki. What's your name?" (tap) "My name's Hiro. What's your name?" (tap).Basic Flashcard FunThe teacher simply holds up a flash card and elicits the answer from the students. This can be done in teams with points awarded for correct answers.can beat their fastest time.BingoBingo can be used with any topic. Blank Bingo sheets can be used, and students can write of draw randomly in the boxes. The winner is the first student to cross out all the numbers/letters etc. on the sheet.Blindfold ConversationArrange the class in a circle and choose one student to stand in the circle with a blindfold on. Spin the student and tell him/her to point. Tell the student to guess the name of the student he/she is pointing at by talking to him/her. E.g. "Hello. How are you? Do you like...?"BluffThe object of the game is to be the first student to get rid of all his/her cards. Divide the students into small group and deal flashcards to each student. Player 1 chooses a card from his/her hand and throws it face down on the table saying, for example, "I have (a cat)". Player 1 may be telling the truth or bluffing. If player 2 has a 'cat' in his/her hand then there's a good chance player 1 is bluffing. Player 2 should say "No, you don't". If player 1 was bluffing, player 2 gives player 1 a penalty card from his/her hand. If player 1 was telling the truth then he/she gives player 2 a penalty card from his/her hand. Continue until one student is out of cards.The BombPass a ball, object or a flash card around a circle of students. When the timer rings, the student holding the ball must answer a question, make a sentence or say a word.Car RaceArrange the flash cards in a long line with starting and finishing points. Give each student a counter. The first student throws the dice and moves. The student must say the word on the flashcard he/she lands on. If the student makes a mistake, he/she goes back to his/her original place. Add colored paper between cards to represent 'Take Another Turn', and assign a crash number e.g. #4 on the dice which means the student must return to the beginning.Catch The FruitToss a piece of plastic fruit to a student and ask, "What is it?" Elicit and prompt the correct vocabulary. Gesture the student to throw it back to you and repeat with different fruit and students. For a variation see 'The Ball'.CharadesDivide and line up the class into two teams. The first student from each team comes to the front. The teacher whispers a word or shows a flashcard to the two students and they act it out. The first team to call out the correct word gets a point. E.g. sleeping, eating, playing soccer...ClustersPlay any music and have the students walk, skip, jump, hop, etc around the room randomly. Stop the music and call out a number between 1-8. The students must quickly get together in a group or groups of that number, and the odd students must sit out until the next round.CommandoThe teacher is the commando and gives commands to the class and/or individual students. This is a great energy burner as well as review of actions colors, numbers or anything else you can throw in. E.g. "Jump 10 times", "Touch your (body part)", "Touch (classroom object", "Turn around", "Stand up / Sit down".saying the vocabulary. If the flashcards are a match, the student keeps the cards. If they are different, they remain face down. The student with the most pairs is the winner.Conversation RelayLine up the students in two teams and have the last student in each team tap the shoulder of the student in front and have a conversation E.g. "What's you name?", "How are you?". The student answering then starts the same conversation with the student in front, and so on. When the conversation reaches the front, the student at the front must run to the back and continue the procedure. The first team to get all the students back in their original positions wins.Crazy TrainStudents line up behind the teacher in a choo choo train line. Give commands such as "faster", "slower", "turn left", and "stop".Dance Of The OstrichesPair up students and attach a flashcard to their backs. The object of the game is to look at the other student's flash card and yell out the word before they see yours.Draw It RelayDivide the students into two teams. Whisper a flashcard to the first member of both teams and have them run to the board and draw the word as fast as possible. Award points to the fastest team.Duck Duck GooseStudents sit in a circle and the teacher starts by walking round the outside of the circle tapping the students on the head saying "duck". When the teacher says "goose" the student whose head was touched must jump up and chase the teacher round the circle. The teacher must sit down in the student's spot before being tagged. If tagged, the teacher must continue tapping heads. If not, the student walks around the circle touching heads. It might be easier to use vocabulary like "cat, cat, dog" or similar, or even "duck, duck, dog" to practice awareness of 'u' vs 'o' and 'g' vs 'ck' sounds.Fashion ShowHave each student stand up one at a time and elicit from the class what he or she is wearing.Find ItThe teacher holds up a letter flashcard. The students must search around the room to find either a corresponding object/picture that begins with that letter or find that same letter written somewhere in the room. The purpose of this game is letter recognition. It can be played as a relay race with two teams racing to find the letters first.First letterGive the students various picture flashcards. Go through the ABC's and instruct students to hold up the flashcards that begin with that letter.Flash Card Act OutChoose one or more students to come to the front. Show a flash card or whisper a word, and have the students act it out. Reward the first student to guess the correct answer. This can be used with many subjects (e.g. sports, actions, verbs, animals, etc.)Flash Card WalkArrange the flashcards in a big circle. Play some music while the students walk around the circle. When the music stops, call out a flashcard, and the student standing next to the flashcard wins.GesturesUse western gestures in your class.Expressions GesturesHello waveGoodbye waveIt's cold put arms around shouldersIt's hot fan your face with handsNo! shake your head "no"Come here move your index fingerMe! Touch your chestOK make the OK signI don'tpull shoulders and hands upknowShhhh index finger in front of mouthStop hand up, palm outStand up raise hand slightly, palm upSit down lower hand slightly, palm downGo FishHave students choose two flashcards each. Have the students hold the flashcards face up but not to show anyone. Choose a student and ask "Do you have a cat?" If the answer is yes, they have to give you the flash card. Have each student ask other students questions. A student with no cards is out.GrabUse Lego. Spread out the Lego and call out "(Five!)". The students should take five blocks, join them together to make a pattern and hold them up. Next say "two blue, one yellow" and other combinations to 5.Grab It Relay / Race to TouchLay the flashcards on the floor at one end of the room, and have the students line up in teams at the other end of the room. Call out a flashcard and have the first person in each team race to grab the card. Those students then go to the back and the next students race to grab the next flashcard the teacher calls.HangmanUse review words from past lessons. The teacher chooses a word and writes the appropriate number of spaces on the board. Students guess a letter one by one. If the student guesses correctly, write that letter in the space and give the student another turn. If they guess wrongly, start drawing a hanging man and have the next student guess a letter. Let the first student to guess the word take the teacher's place. You may prefer to draw a hanging spider (Spiderman?) instead.Hot PotatoPlay like 'Pass It' using a time limit for added motivation. Set the timer for 10 seconds. When the timer goes off, the student holding the flashcard must say the vocabulary / structure.I SpyThe teacher says "I spy with my little eye something beginning with G". Students try to guess the object (E.g. garbage can). Use classroom objects and with younger students use colors rather than letters e.g. "I spy with my little eye something (red)."sitting. Go at a fast pace so the students are sitting and standing rapidly.JeopardyMake a jeopardy grid on the white board as follows: Jeopardy Fruit Sports Animals Body1 0 ____________________________2 0 ____________________________3 0 ____________________________4 0 ____________________________5 0 ____________________________In teams, or individually, let the students randomly pick a category and the points to be attempted. The teacher will then ask a question and (a 40 point question should be more difficult than a 10 point question) if the students get the correct answer their team name is written in that box. When all the boxes are filled the team with the most points wins.Jumping The LinePut a piece of tape across the middle of the floor or draw an imaginary line dividing the room. Designate ones side as 'true' and the other side as 'false'. Line up the students on the line, hold up a flashcard and say a word. If the students think you said the word that matches the flashcard, they should jump to the 'true' side, otherwise they should jump to the 'false' side. Students who make a mistake should sit out until the next round.LegoSpread Lego on the floor and call a color for the students to pick up. Continue until all the colors have been called. Allow the students to play with the blocks for a few minutes before packing up. While the students are playing, talk to them about what they're making and the colors they're using.Letter To Word MatchGive each student an alphabet flashcard, and spread alphabet picture cards randomly around the room. Play and sing the 'ABC Song'. When finished, have the students match their alphabet card to an alphabet picture card and say the letter and vocabulary. Change cards and repeat.Listen and OrderPut the students into pairs and give them number cards (1-10). Call out numbers (out of order) and have the students put their cards in that order. When finished, have the students chant the numbers in the order you gave them.Magic FingerPrint a letter of the alphabet on the board. Instruct the students to stand and face the board. Raise your 'magic finger' and trace the letter in the air. Be silly and use other parts of your body to trace the letter, e.g. elbow, foot, nose, tongue.Make A SentencePut the students into teams and lay out a selection of flashcards or items. One student from each team chooses a vocabulary item and uses it correctly in a sentence. Give each student ten seconds on the timer. Reduce the time in the second and thirdUse a world map and elicit "Where are you from?", "Where do you live?", "Where do people speak Spanish?", "Where's China?", and any other questions you can think of. Also show and tell the students about where you are from.Memory BuzzHave the students sit in a circle and start building a sentence. Student 1 says "In the classroom, I see a clock", student 2 says "In the classroom, I see a clock and a map", student 3 says "In the classroom I see a clock, a map and a chair" etc. For a variation, see 'Question Chain'.Memory MasterHave the students sit in a circle. Designate one student to be the Memory Master. Arrange the flashcards face up in the center. Each student chooses a flashcard and says the word. They cannot touch the flashcards. After everyone has chosen, the Memory Master must hand the correct flash cards to each student.Memory TrayBring in a tray of various review or new objects. Elicit the names of the objects and give the students a minute to memorize what's on the tray. Take the tray away and see how many objects can be remembered. Older students should write a list of objects. The student who remembers the most objects gets a point. Can be done with flashcards.Musical ChairsLine up the chairs and place a flashcard on each one. Play some music and have the students walk, skip, jump around the chairs. When the music stops, the students should sit down on a chair and shout out their flash cards. For more excitement remove a chair while the music is playing and make the chair-less student sit out until the next round.Object TossSelect three soft objects. Assign object#1 the question "Do you want some milk?", assign object#2 the response "Yes, I do." And object#3, "No, I don't". Toss each object to a student and have them use the appropriate phrase. Then they toss the objects to different students.On My BackLine up the students in two teams and have them face the front. Show an alphabet flashcard to the student at the back of each line and have them use their finger to draw the letter on the back of the student in front. The next student draws on the next student and so on. The student at the front of each line then writes the letter on the board.Paper Airplane ContestGive students a couple of minutes to make an airplane and one minute to test them. Divide the students into two teams and have the teams stand at the back of the room. Ask a student a question and if the answer is correct that student gets a throw. Assign points to different objects in the room (white board = 10pts., far wall = 15pts., etc.). Each student should be asked a question and teammates can help if needed.Pass ItHave the students sit in a circle. The teacher holds up a flashcard or object (e.g. ball, pen, eraser, etc.), says the word and passes it to the next student. That student holds up the card/object and says the vocabulary and passes it on. After a couple of rounds start the flash cards/objects going in the opposite direction. Also try a speed round.Pass The SecretHave the students sit in a circle. Show them that they have to whisper to the person next to them. Start the secret by whispering it to the student next to you, e.g. "It's Windy." Have the students pass the secret around the circle. The last student says theHave a student come up to the front and show him/her a flashcard. That student should draw it on the board. The first student to guess the picture gets a point. This can also be played in teams.Question ChainHave the students sit in a circle. The teachers starts by asking the student on the right a question. That student must answer the question and ask the next student the same question. Go round the class then change the question. For a variation, see 'The Bomb'.Quick PeekCover a flashcard and quickly show it so the students get just a quick peek. Reward the student who can guess it correctly.Run And Get ItDivide the class into two teams and have them stand in two lines facing each other. Assign each team member a number from one to four. Place a few flashcards in the middle of the two teams. Call a number and a flashcard, e.g. "Student three - rabbit". The students assigned that number must run into the center and touch the flashcard and shout "rabbit". The member who touched and called first can take the flashcard to their side.ScrabbleWrite a selection of letters on the board. Explain to the students that they have to make up as many words as possible from the given letters. Model one or two examples on the board for them. Give them a time limit.Ship In The FogMake an obstacle course, put a blindfold on a student and have the other students verbally help him or her through the course. For example: Take 2 steps, turn left, one small step, etc.Shiri ToriThis is a popular Japanese game. Have everyone sit in a circle. The teacher says a word and each student must add a word that begins with the last letter of the word just spoken e.g. apple-egg-girl-lion-neck-etc.Shoot The BasketThis can be done in teams or individually. Ask a student a question and if the student answers correctly then he/she gets a shot at the basket. Variations include rolling a ball between 'posts', throwing a ball to knock a stuffed animal off a box, bouncing a ball into a bucket, etc. Award points.ShoppingUse plastic fruits, vegetables or corresponding flashcards. Gather the students around you and let them ask for what they want using a dialog such as: "What do you you want?", "An apple, please.", "Here you are.", "Thank you.", "You're welcome." Then the teacher calls back the objects from the students, "Apple, please". Then the students put the fruit back into the basket.Simon SaysPlay Simon Says as a review using "touch" body parts, classroom objects, etc., or with actions. E.g. "Simon says touch your toes" = Students touch their toes. "Touch your eyes" = Students don't move. When a student makes a mistake, he/she must sit out until the next round.SlamSlow MotionPut a flashcard in a bag or behind something. Pull it out very slowly showing only the top part of the picture at a time. Reward the first student who can guess it correctly.Spelling BeeThis can be done with the whole class or in two teams. The first player on team one is given a word to spell orally. The teacher writes the letters on the board as they are spelled out loud. If correct, the team gets a point. If you do a class competition, line the students up and give them words one by one. When they make a mistake they must sit down. The last student standing is the winner.Spelling GamePut a name or word on the board and have teams or individuals make as many words as possible from those letters, e.g. Brad Pitt = bat, rat, bad, at, etc.Spin The BottleUse the bottle to ask each student questions. The teacher spins the bottle and asks the student it points to a question. First ask basic warm-up questions and then move on to target structures or review structures.TenStudents stand in a circle and chorus counting from 1-10. Instruct the students to each call out one, two or three of the numbers in numerical order. The student who calls out 'ten' must sit down. Continue until only one student is standing. That student wins the game. E.g. "one, two", "three, four, five", "six", "seven, eight, nine", "ten (sits down)", "one"..... Try playing it backwards as an extra challenge.Tongue TwistersUse these tongue twisters with older students. They work well as an extension activity.1) She sells seashells by the seashore.2) Rubber baby buggy bumpers.3) Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.4) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?Topic TagGive a topic, e.g. fruit. The students must run around the room trying to avoid the teacher's tag. If the student is tagged, he/she has five seconds to name a fruit. If no fruit can be named or the fruit has already been said, that student should sit out until the next round.TouchOrder the students to touch various objects around the classroom e.g. "Touch your book", "Touch something red".Vocab with Rock, Scissors, PaperLay the flashcards in a straight line on the floor. Assign two teams and have them line up at each end of the flashcard line. When you say 'Go' the first member from each team starts to walk from their end of the line, straddling the flashcards, reading the vocabulary out loud as they walk. When the two students meet they have to Rock, Scissors, Paper, the losing student goes to the back of his/her line and the winning student continues along the flashcard line. The second student from the losing team starts walking and reading the vocabulary until the two students meet and Rock, Scissors, Paper, and so on. Give points for reaching the opposite end of the line.take away one flashcard. Tell the students to open their eyes and ask, "What's missing?". Reward the student that guesses correctly.What Time Is It, Mr. Wolf?Have the students line up against the back wall. The teacher should stand with his/her back turned to the class. The students must ask the teacher "What time is it, Mr. Wolf (or teacher's name if easier)?". The teacher answers with a random time, e.g. "It's four o'clock" - the students take four steps toward the teacher. The students should move the corresponding number of steps. If the teacher says "It's lunch time!", the students must run to safety at the back wall. The teacher chases the students and if tagged, the student must sit out until the next round.Who's Got What?Have the students sit in a circle and secretly pass a few objects or flashcards from hand to hand under the table or behind their backs. Say, "Stop", and ask "Who has the (apple)?" The students should point to who they think has the (apple) and say "He/She does." The first student to guess correctly should be rewarded.The Wind is Blowing (submitted by Wyatt Crane)A great game for all kids ages 6+, as long as they're producing full sentences, in a group of maybe 8-15 people. It is best played outside or in an area with a lot of space. Have the students make a spacious circle with you in the middle (there should be maybe a meter between each student). Each student needs to leave one item at there feet to mark a fixed spot in the circle (a shoe, a pencil case, a backpack, a rock... something they don't mind possibly getting stepped on). You start the game by making a statement that will correspond to some or all of the students. If it corresponds to them, they have to leave their spot and find a different one. So, for a food unit, you can use a beginner command structure: "Move if... you like bananas," or "Move if... you don't like onions," an intermediate structure: "You have to move if... you like bacon on your pizza," or an advanced structure: "The wind is blowing for everybody that..." (The command structures can be used with lots of different verbs and themes e.g. "have" for family members, "are wearing" for clothes, "want" for Christmas presents) Once you make the command, you have to run to take an abandoned spot, and one student will be left in the middle. For younger kids, its fun to chant "_______'s in the middle, ________'s in the middle!" in a sing-songy voice. That person is then in charge, and has to make a sentence using the same structure that you used. The game goes on for as long as you want, cycling through lots of students and putting them on the spot to make sentences using relevant vocab.Winner Says MA variation on the activity 'Ten'. Write a big 'M' on the board and have the students take turns reciting the alphabet, saying one or two letters each. The student who says "M" is the winner. E.g. "A", "BC", "DE", "F", "G", "HI", "J", "KL", "M" (winner)! Variations: Numbers 1-21 (winner says 21), Days of the week (winner says Sunday), Months of the year (winner says December).。
