基础口译教程-U10 词汇短语表

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U10 Culture and history

Warming-up Practice

1. Everyday etiquette

etiquette /'etɪket/ n.the formal rules for polite behaviour in society or in a particular group礼仪,礼节

spoil /spɒɪl/ vi. to start to decay〔开始〕变质,变坏,腐败

delicately /'delɪkətlɪ/ adv. 谨慎地;委婉地

that is to say也就是说,换句话说

tone /təʊn/ cn. the way your voice sounds, which shows how you are feeling or what you mean〔说话的〕语气,口气,腔调

in case万一

contact sb.联系某人

replacement /rɪ'pleɪsmənt/ un. when you get something that is newer or better than the one you had before更换;替换

2. The American national flag

national flag国旗

stripe /straɪp/ n. a line of colour, especially one of several lines of colour all close together条纹,


original /ə'rɪdʒɪnəl/ adj. existing or happening first, before other people or things原先的,最早的,最初的

decorative /'dekərətɪv/ adj. pretty or attractive, but not always necessary or useful装饰(性)的,装饰用的

3. Christmas traditions

wreath /riːθ/ n. a circle of leaves or flowers that people use to decorate their houses at Christmas 〔圣诞节期间装饰屋子的〕花环

get the custom of ...沿袭了……的传统

holly /'hɒlɪ/ n. a small tree with sharp dark green leaves and red berries ( berry ), or the leaves and berries of this tree, used as a decoration at Christmas冬青树〔用作圣诞节装饰的〕冬青树叶及浆果

dark, bitterly cold winter阴沉苦寒的冬天

symbolize /'sɪmbəlaɪz/ v. if something symbolizes a quality, feeling etc, it represents it象征,代表;用符号表示

promise /'prɒmɪs/ n. a sign that something, usually something good, may happen迹象;〔通常指〕吉兆

Passage Interpretation

Part A English-Chinese Interpretation

Passage 1

Paragraph 2

presidential election总统选举

candidate /'kændɪdeɪt/ n. someone who is being considered for a job or is competing in an election 候选人;申请者

strengthen /'streŋθən/ v.变强,加固

Paragraph 3

status /'steɪtəs/ n. the official legal position or condition of a person, group, country etc〔人、团体、国家等的〕法律地位;身份,状况

imply /ɪm'plaɪ/ v. to suggest that something is true, without saying this directly暗示,暗指

insult /ɪn'sʌlt/ n. a remark or action that is offensive or deliberately rude辱骂;侮辱;冒犯abbreviation /əbriːvɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n/ n. a short form of a word or expression缩略语,缩写

recommend /rekə'mend/ v. to advise someone to do something, especially because you have special knowledge of a situation or subject劝告;建议

Paragraph 4

medium /'miːdɪəm/ n. a way of communicating information and news to people, such as newspapers, television etc传播媒介〔如报纸、电视等〕

exchange /ɪks'tʃeɪndʒ/ n. the act of giving someone something and receiving something else from them交换,互换

Passage 2

faculty /'fækəlti/ n. all the teachers in a university〔大学的〕全体教员

Paragraph 1

treasure our present happiness珍惜我们眼前的幸福

Paragraph 2

force n.军队

conquer /'kɒŋkə/ v. to get control of a country by fighting征服

ally /ˈælaɪ/ n. a country that agrees to help or support another country in a war同盟国

Paragraph 3

navy base海军基地

Pearl Harbor珍珠港

Paragraph 4

retreat /rɪ'triːt/ v. to move away from the enemy after being defeated in battle撤退

surrender /sə'rendə/ v. to say officially that you want to stop fighting, because you realize that you cannot win投降
