新视野大学英语(第二版)听说教程1 原文及答案Unit 1一、short conversations三、passageUnit 2二、long conversation三、passageUnit 3一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 4一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 5一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 6一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 7一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 8一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 9一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 10一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 1Short Conversations 1.B 2. C 3. A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7. C 8.A 9.B 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. B 3.B 4. D 5. APassage 1. A 2.A 3. C 4. D 5. DUnit 2Short Conversations 1.C 2. C 3. D 4.B 5.B 6.D 7. B 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. C 3.D 4.C 5.APassage 1.D 2.B 3. A 4. C 5. AUnit 3Short Conversations 1.C 2. C 3. A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7. A 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. B 3.D 4.A 5.CPassage 1.B 2.C 3. A 4. C 5. BUnit 4Short Conversations 1.D 2. B 3. B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7. A 8.D 9.B 10.C Long Conversation 1.D 2. C 3.C 4.C 5.DPassage 1.C 2.A 3. B 4. D 5. DUnit 5Short Conversations 1.B 2.A 3. C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.C Long Conversation 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.CPassage 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.AUnit 6Short Conversations 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.DLong Conversation 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.DPassage 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.BUnit 7Short Conversations 1. B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.C, 6.D 7.B 8.D 9. C 10.DLong Conversation 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.CPassage 1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.CUnit 8Short Conversations 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.CLong Conversation 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C.5.APassage 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5. DUnit 9Short Conversations : 1.D 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A Long Conversation 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.DPassage: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.CUnit 10Short Conversations 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.ALong Conversation 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.CPassage 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D8、这个世界并不是掌握在那些嘲笑者的手中,而恰恰掌握在能够经受得住嘲笑与批忍不断往前走的人手中。
新视野大学英语(第二版)听说教程第一册的听力原文Book1Uni t 1W armin g UpWelco me to Clic k her e for Lang uageLearn ing,the h ome o f liv e, na tural onli ne la nguag e lea rning.Cli ck He re fo r Lan guage Lear ninghelps youimpro ve yo ur la nguag e ski lls,and o ffers themostposit ive1learn ing e xperi enceyou m ay ev er ha ve. W hethe r you’re l earni ng En glish, Chi nese, Fren ch, S panis h, or anyother lang uage, just clic k her e! Us ing t he la test2tech nolog y, we offe r for eignlangu age c lasse s ata min imal3 cost andgiveyou a lear ningexper ience unli ke an y oth er.C lickHerefor L angua ge Le arnin g pro vides cons tantfeedb ack(回馈,反馈) so y ou’ll feel conf ident in y our a bilit y tospeak, lis ten,write, and read theforei gn la nguag e ofyourchoic e.Cl ick H ere f or La nguag e Lea rning is a clic k tow ardssucce ss, a nd yo u can star t lea rning from home toda y! Yo u can lear n a f oreig n lan guage on y our o wn sc hedul e, wh eneve r it’s con venie nt, o n CD-ROM o r onl ine.Click Here forLangu age L earni ng he lps y ou le arn a seco nd la nguag e asnatur allyasle arnin g you r fir st!注释:1. posi tive a. 积极的,肯定的,明确的pas sive a. 被动的,消极的ne gativ e a.否定的,反面的,消极的2. la te—la ter—l atestlatea. (原级)迟的,晚的la ter a.(比较级)更迟的,更晚的 latt er a. (位于the, this, the se后)后面的;〔t he la tter〕后者 late st a.(最高级)最迟的,最晚的,最新的3.minim al a. 最小的,最低的mi nimiz e vt. 使…成极少,减到最少minim um n. 最少max imize vt.把…增大(扩大)到最大限度max imum n. 最大量,最高值Unde rstan dingShort Conv ersat ionsNow y ou wi ll he ar te n sho rt co nvers ation s. Aquest ion w ill f ollow each conv ersat ion.Liste n car efull y and choo se th e bes t ans wer f rom t he fo ur po ssibl e cho ices.1. W: I s aw an ad o n the Inte rnetabout onli ne la nguag e stu dies.M: M e too. I s aw an ad f or, “Click Here forLangu age L earni ng”.Q: Wh at do theman a nd th e wom an ha ve in comm on1? B2. M: Youhaveto be 18 y earsold t o ent er so me on linelangu age c lasse s.W: Real ly? I hadno id ea th at th ere w as aminim um ag e req uired forsomeclass es.Q: Wha t did thewoman NOTknowabout onli ne la nguag e cla ssesbefor e? C3. M:Unlik e reg ularclass es, o nline clas ses c an be take n atyourhome.W: T hat’s exac tly w hy Idecid ed to begi n stu dying onli ne!Q: Why didthe w omandecid e tostudy onli ne? A4. W: I ke ep on maki ng2 n ew fr iends as I stud y onl ine.M: So do I! The re ar e somanypeopl e onl ine,and I want to m eet t hem a ll!Q: Wha t isone b enefi t ofstudy ing o nline? C5.M: My onli ne te acher aske d the clas s for sugg estio ns to make theclass bett er.W: Tha t’s g reat! I al wayslikeit wh en ateach er do es th at.Q: Wha t did theman’s teac her w ant t o do? D6. M: I h ad no idea that onli ne la nguag e lea rning coul d beso ef fecti ve!W: Itsurehas h elped me p racti ce my lang uageskill s!Q: What is i t abo ut on linelangu age l earni ng th at su rpris ed th e man? C7. M: M y cla ssmat es an d I h elp e ach o thersolve home workprobl ems o nline.W:It so undslikeyou’r e usi ng th e Int ernet in a usef ul wa y.Q: What does theman d o onl ine?C8. M:Onlin e lea rning is i dealfor a nyone whodoesn’t ha ve ti me to trav el to scho ol. W: Yes, but it a lso h as it s own chal lenge s.Q: What does thewoman have to s ay ab out o nline lear ning?A9. M:Virtu al cl assro om ar e cha nging howstude nts s tudy!W: T hey s ure a re! A nd I, forone,am ve ry ex cited abou t it.Q: A ccord ing t o the man, what is h appen ing t o stu dents beca use o f vir tualclass rooms? B10. M: W hat a dvice didyourprofe ssorgiveyou?W: H e sai d tha t tak ing a n onl ine c lasswould help me l earn.Q: W hat d id th e wom a n’sprofe ssorsugge st? D注释:1. hav e sth. incommo n 在…有共同点havemuchin co mmon在...有很多共同点have noth ing i n com mon 在…没有共同点2.keepon do ing 继续做,坚持做kee p sb. on 继续雇用某人kee p onabout sth.继续谈论某事ke ep on at s b. 不断地向某人提出请求不断地抱怨(纠缠,困扰)某人U nders tandi ng aLongConve rsati onNo w you will hear a lo ng co nvers ation foll owedby fi ve qu estio ns. L isten care fully andchoos e the best answ er fr om th e fou r pos sible choi ces.W:How’s your newonlin e cla ss, B ill?Is it ever ythin g you hadhoped for?M: I t’s e veryt hingand m ore,Susan. You shou ld gi ve it a tr y!W: Oh,reall y? Wh at’sthe b est t hingabout it?M: In an o nline clas s, yo u tal k wit h oth ers o ver t he In terne t. Si nce t hey a re no t rig ht ne xt to1 you, the y don’t bo theryou s o muc h.W: That soun ds gr eat!I too k a c lasswithsomeo ne wh o wou ld ma ke me feel smal lwhe never I ma de amista ke. H e wou ld te ll me howstupi d I w as an d int imida te(威胁,恐吓)me so that I ne ver w anted to p artic ipate.M:Not a prob lem i n the virt ual c lassr oom.How w ouldyou l ike t o sig n up2? I t hinkthatyou c ouldstart on t he th ird o f nex t mon th.W: I d on’tknow, Bill. You know allthose prob lemsabout havi ng di fficu lt pe oplein th e cla ssroo m?M: Yeah?W:We do n’t r eally have them anym ore s inceyou l eft.1. Whic h ofthe f ollow ing i s NOT true abou t Bil l? A2. Ac cordi ng to Bill, why areother stud entsNOT a conc ern i n anonlin e cla ss? B3. Whydid S usanNOT l ike t o par ticip ate i n cla ss? B4. W hen c ouldSusan star t stu dying onli ne? D5. W hy di d Sus an NO T mak e upher m ind t o joi n onl ine c lass? A注释:1. nex t: a.其次的,紧接的n ext t o 1)仅次于2)靠近,贴近2.sign: n. 记号,符号;预兆,迹象;标记,牌子vt.签名;做手势,打信号sig n in签到;记录某人到达的时间si gn ou t 用签名的办法记录某人离开的时间si gn up签约参加工作(或组织,活动等)U nders tandi ng aPassa geNo w you will hear a pa ssage foll owedby fi ve qu estio ns. L isten care fully andchoos e the best answ er fr om th e fou r pos sible choi ces.The f irstrequi remen t for my o nline lang uageclass wasto me et in an o nline foru m(论坛).I e ntere d the foru m ear ly an d saw stud entsappea r onthe s creen oneafter anot her.Stran gelyenoug h, wh en it wastimeto be gin,the t eache r sti ll ha dn’tshown up1.Howe ver,we be gan s harin g inf ormat ion a nd ta lking abou t the newclass. Unl ike m e, al l ofthe o therstude nts w ere n ew to theonlin e cla ss. I told them abou t myexper ience andmy th ought s. Th en Inotic ed so methi ng. T herewere27 pe oplein th e for um. T his w asst range beca use I know ther e wer e onl y 26peopl e inthe c lass.“Hey,”I w rote, “whi ch on e ofyou i s the teac her?”Theteach er ma de he rself know n atlast. Shesaidthatshe w anted to g et ou rhon est o pinio ns ab out t he on lineclass. Als o, sh e wan ted t o hav e a l ittle funwithus. “Humor will be i mport ant i n myclass,”she said.1. Wha t was thefirst requ ireme nt of theonlin e cla ss? A2. Wh at wa s str angeabout thebegin ningof th e onl ine c lass?A3. H ow we re th e oth er st udent s dif feren t tha n the spea ker?C4.Whatdid t he sp eaker noti ce? D5. Whydid t he te acher NOTmakeherse lf kn own t o the clas s atfirst? D注释:1.show: vt.展示,显示;露出;展出,陈列;n. 展示,展览;演出sho w up揭露,拆穿;显眼,露出;出席,到场sh ow of f 炫耀,卖弄;使显眼H omewo rkSu pplem entar y Lis tenin gTas k 1 Now y ou wi ll he ar alongconve rsati on fo llowe d byfivequest ions. List en ca reful ly an d cho ose t he be st an swerfromthe f our p ossib le ch oices.M:All r ight, ever yone. Good work. Tha t’s a ll fo r tod ay’sclass. Doe s any one h ave a ny qu estio ns?W: Exc use m e, Pr ofess or. I have a qu estio n. I’m wor riedabout my E nglis h ski lls.I get good mark s ontests, but I do n’t f eel t hat I’m le arnin g a l ot.M: Not exac tly a ques tionis it, Win nie?But i t’s a good conc ern.Manyadvan ced E nglis h lea rners have a la rge “passi ve vo cabul ary”, buttheyworry abou t the ir “a ctivevoca bular y”. T hey c an un derst and m any d iffic ult E nglis h wor ds wh en re adingor l isten ing,but t hey d on’tuse m ost o f the m whe n spe aking or w ritin g inEngli sh. T hey f eel t his i s a p roble m. Th ey wo uld l ike t o use allthe d iffic ult w ordsthattheyknow.W: D o you thin k tha t I u se to o few word s?M: That’s no t wha t I’m sayi ng at all. Actu ally, I’msayin g the oppo sitething.W:I’m a fraid I do n’t u nders tand.M: I n you r nat ive l angua ge, t hereare a lso t housa nds o f wor ds th at yo u und ersta nd bu t you don’t use. Soyouractiv e voc abula ry in your nati ve la nguag e ismuchsmall er th anyo ur pa ssive voca bular y. An d I g uessthatyou a re no t wor riedabout that.W:No, I’m no t. Bu t I w ouldliketo us e the newwords that I le arn i n myEngli sh cl asses. How else am I goin g toremem ber t hem?M: No w tha t’s a very good ques tion.W: I washopin g tha t you hadan an swerto th is qu estio n.M: Winn ie, y ou do n’t n eed t o wor ry ab out u sing“too f ew”En glish word s. As your need s for diff erent thin gs gr ow, y ou wi ll be able to u se yo ur ne w wor ds mo re an d mor e. Ithink you’d besurpr isedby ho w muc h you know.W:So yo ur ad viceto me is “Don’t worr y.”?Now I’m wo rried that I’mpayin g too much forschoo l.1. Wh o are like ly to worr y abo ut th eir a ctive voca bular y? D2.Whatis “a ctive voca bular y”acc ordin g tothe p rofes sor?D3. W hat d o man y Eng lishlearn ers w ant t o do? A4. Wha t doe s the prof essor sayabout voca bular y inone’s nati ve la nguag e? B5. What does theprofe ssorwantto te ll Wi nnie? DTas k 2 Now y ou wi ll he ar apassa ge fo llowe d byfivequest ions. List en ca reful ly an dcho ose t he be st an swerfromthe f our p ossib le ch oices. Thebigge st pr oblem most peop le fa ce in lear ningEngli sh is thei r own fear. The ywor ry th at th ey wo n’t s ay th ingscorre ctlyso th ey do n’t s peakEngli sh at all. Don’t dothis. Don’t let a li ttlefearstopyou f rom g ettin g1 wh at yo u wan t.Th e bes t way to l earnEngli sh is to s urrou nd yo ursel f wit h it. ThemoreEngli sh ma teria l you have arou nd yo u, th e fas ter y ou wi ll le arn a nd th e mor e lik ely y ou wi llbe gin t hinki ng in Engl ish.Music canbe averyeffec tivetoolto le arnin g Eng lish. Thebestway i s touse t hely rics(歌词) a nd tr y toreadthemas th e art ist s ings. This wayyou c an pr actic e you rlis tenin g and read ing a t the same time.Wat ching Engl ish m ovies is n ot on ly fu n but also very effe ctive. Bywatch ing E nglis h mov ies,you c an ex pand2 your voca bular y and lear n the natu ral f lowsof sp eechfromactor s.1. Wh at is thebigge st pr oblem that many Engl ish l earne rs ha ve? B2. W hy do some Engl ish l earne rs NO T spe ak En glish at a ll? B3. Wh at is thebestway t o lea rn En glish acco rding to t he sp eaker? D4. What is t he be st wa y tolearn Engl ish t hroug h mus ic? A5. Howcan y ou be nefit from watc hingEngli sh mo vies? C注释:1. s top s b. fr om do ingk eep s b. fr om do ing 阻止某人做某事p reven t sb. from doin g2.expan d: vt. 使膨胀,使扩充,扩大,发展exte nd: v t. 伸长,延伸,扩大,扩展exte nt: n. 广度,宽度,长度,范围,程度BookIUni t 2W armin g UpHavin g pro blems with your pare nts?Becau se so ciety hasbeenchang ing s o rap idlydurin g the last fewyears, the gapbetwe en th e gen erati ons h as be comelarge r. So it c an bediff icult forchild ren a nd th eir p arent s torelat e1. P arent s oft en fi nd th e ide as an d way s oftheir chil drenoffen sive(冒犯的,无礼的).And c hildr en, o ftenteena gers, tend to b e reb ellio us an d act badl y.Mo re th an at anyother time, Chi lling Outwiththe F olks(和父母轻松相处),a setof s elf-h elp r ecord ingsthatbring thegener ation s tog ether, isneces sary. Chil lingOut w ith t he Fo lks w ill h elp y ou de velop thepatie nce a nd to leran ce(容忍,宽容)neces saryto br idge(弥合起来) anygener ation al di vide(分歧).Hones tly,it wi llch angeyourlife! List en to thes e rec ordin gs to day,and b eginyourtripdownthe r oad t o pea ce an d per fecti on!注释:1. it i s﹢a.﹢for s b.todo st h.对某人来说做某事是…的e g. It is d iffic ult f or me to f inish thetaskthisafter noon.对我来说今天下午完成任务是不可能的 Itis im possi ble f or th e man to b etray(背叛)his c ountr y. 对那个人来说背叛祖国是不可能的Un derst andin g Sho rt Co nvers ation sNow youwillhearten s hortconve rsati ons.A que stion will foll ow ea ch co nvers ation.Lis ten c arefu lly a nd ch oosethe b est a nswer from thefourpossi ble c hoice s.1. W: H ow ab out s pendi ng th e eve ningchill ing o ut wi th th e fol ks?M: Com e on, Mom. I’dreall y lik e toget o ut wi th my frie nds.Q: Wh at do es th e you ng ma n wan t todo? C2. W: H onest ly, I don’t kno w wha t tosay a boutour s on’smusic.M:Leave himalone abou t it. Afte r all, you r mot her d idn’t like your musi c eit her1.Q: W hat s hould thewoman do a ccord ing t o the man? C3. W: I’m surp rised to s ee yo u out andabout so e arlyin th e mor ning.M: Y ou kn ow my mom. Shedoesn’t li ke me slee pingin(睡懒觉), e ven o n wee kends. Q:Why i s the manout a nd ab out s o ear ly in themorni ng? D4. M: A l ittle teen age r ebell ion i s nor mal.Yourson w ill g et ov er it.W:I kno w. I’m jus t wor riedabout himdoing some thing that will ruin hislife.Q: W hy is thewoman worr ied a bouther s on? B5. W: Get a pi ercin g inmy no se? N o way! Myparen ts wo uld b e ang ry!M: You’re n ot gi vingthemenoug h cre dit.I don’t th ink t hey’d be u psetat al l.Q: Whywould n’t t he wo man g et apierc ing i n her nose? B6. W: What bugs youmostabout your daug hter’s eat ing h abits?M:I can’t st and t he wa y she eats so q uickl y.Q: Whydoesthe m an ha ve aprobl em wi th th e way hisdaugh ter e ats? D7.M: Wh at’swrong with outkids? They thin k the y’reentit led t o2 ev eryth ing w e hav e!W: Well, I f eel i t’s m y fau lt fo r giv ing t hem t oo mu ch.Q: Wha t doe s the woma n thi nk ab out t heirkids’ prob lems? B8.W: Da d, I’ve go t a d ate t onigh t wit h Mik e. I’ll be back late.M:Him a gain? I wi sh yo u wou ldn’t date a gu y wit h a t attoo!Q:Whatdoesthe f ather wish forhis d aught er? C9. W: My m other want s meto go into bank ing,but I like writ ing.M: Yo u can’t le t you r mot her c hoose your care er fo r you.Q:Accor dingto th e man, wha t sho uld t he wo man’s moth er NO T do?D10. W: Dad, I’ma gro wn wo man,and y ou ca n’t m ake c hoice s for me.M: H a! If youwerea gro wn wo man,you w ouldn’t wa tch c artoo ns al l day!Q:Why d oes t he gi rl’sfathe r NOT beli eve t hat s he is a gr own w oman? D注释:1. ei ther: 1) a. 两者之中任一的;eg.You m ay re ad ei therbook.两本书中你可以读任意一本。
新视野大学英语(第二版)听说教程1 原文及答案Unit 1一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 2一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 3一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 4一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 5一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 6一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 7一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 8一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 9一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 10一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 1Short Conversations 1.B 2. C 3. A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7. C 8.A 9.B 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. B 3.B 4. D 5. APassage 1. A 2.A 3. C 4. D 5. DUnit 2Short Conversations 1.C 2. C 3. D 4.B 5.B 6.D 7. B 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. C 3.D 4.C 5.APassage 1.D 2.B 3. A 4. C 5. AUnit 3Short Conversations 1.C 2. C 3. A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7. A 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. B 3.D 4.A 5.CPassage 1.B 2.C 3. A 4. C 5. BUnit 4Short Conversations 1.D 2. B 3. B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7. A 8.D 9.B 10.C Long Conversation 1.D 2. C 3.C 4.C 5.DPassage 1.C 2.A 3. B 4. D 5. DUnit 5Short Conversations 1.B 2.A 3. C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.C Long Conversation 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.CPassage 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.AUnit 6Short Conversations 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.DLong Conversation 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.DPassage 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.BUnit 7Short Conversations 1. B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.C, 6.D 7.B 8.D 9. C 10.DLong Conversation 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.CPassage 1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.CUnit 8Short Conversations 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.CLong Conversation 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C.5.APassage 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5. DUnit 9Short Conversations : 1.D 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A Long Conversation 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.DPassage: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.CUnit 10Short Conversations 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.ALong Conversation 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.CPassage 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D8、这个世界并不是掌握在那些嘲笑者的手中,而恰恰掌握在能够经受得住嘲笑与批忍不断往前走的人手中。
Unit 1第二册新视野听说教程听力原文
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新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册Unit 1 International Clock Talk原文Warming UpGood evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to “International Clock Talk”, our weekly radio program about cultural differences. Today we are honored to have invited a number of people form different countries to give us their view.You my be interested to know that some of our guests arrived at the studio very early, while others turned up at the last minute!Time, and how different cultures deal with it, it what we are going to talk about first. Please stay with us and hear about the different views of time.Understanding Short ConversationsNow you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.1 W: It’s time for “International Clock Talk”(国际时间交谈)! Time to discuss how you feel about time!M: Well, since we all come from the same country, I think our views will be similar1. Q: Why does the man believe the people will have similar views?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题是针对某件事情的原因提问2 W: It annoys me the way my foreign friends treat time.M: I just read a book about this problem! It’s entitled2 International Clock Talk.Q: Which problem is the book about?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题涉及对话主题3 M: Australians are so relaxed about time! It drives me mad!W: That’s the way they are. While you’re here, you’ll have to get used3 to it.Q: What advice does the woman give the man?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题是对整个对话的理解4 M: Have you noticed differences between our cultures?W: Sure. In my country, people don’t care about time very much. Here, you take it seriously4.Q: How do people in the woman’s country feel about time?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题是问对话中they对待时间的态度5 W: Can you explain why you’re always five minutes late for conferences(会议)? M: O h, I’m sorry. In my country, people are often late.Q: Why is the man late for conferences?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题是问对话中he的某种行为或态度的原因6 W: What do you appreciate most about life in Germany?M: German people are rarely late for meetings. I never have to deal with latecomers. Q: What does the man like best about life in Germany?解析:A B俩个选项涉及对话中he的态度,C D俩个选项涉及对话中Germans 对待迟到的态度态度,注意听懂对话和问题才能进行选择7 M: I’v heard that Chinese people are very relaxed about time.W: That used to be true. Nowadays, people are increasingly bothered by lateness. Q: According to the woman, how have Chinese people changed?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题涉及对话主体对时间或迟到的观点8 M: Why did you walk out of the restaurant abruptly(粗鲁地,突然地)? We had just started talking5.W: Just started? We were there for two hours! In my country, meals take 15 minutes! Q: Why did the woman walk out of the restaurant so abruptly?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问对话中she 做某件事情的原因9 W: What did Mon think about her trip to Russia? I’m so looking forward to6 hearing about it.M: She didn’t say much. When I picked her up7 at the airport this morning, she was just eager to get home to see Dad. She just said the food was great there.Q: What is the relationship between the two speakers?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问两个对话者的关系10 M: It’s only 6:30, and you’re done! I won’t finish work till 10. You are very efficient.W: Well, Tom finished two hours earlier than me. That’s a sign of efficiency(效率)in my country.Q: How many hours earlier did the woman finish her work than the man?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问时间,学生在听时应注意各个时间所涉及的行为及各个时间之间的关联Understanding a Long ConversationNow you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.M: You travel a lot. Which people do you think are the most time-conscious?W: I think it’s probably the Swedes.M: Really, what makes you say that?W: Well, on my last trip to Sweden, I ordered a taxi to pick me up at my hotel at 6:25 am. I got to the street at 6:27, but the taxi had already left.M: That’s a little hard to believe. Is it true?W: Absolutely, everything runs on time there. There’s no room for mistakes. Everyone is very time-conscious!M: They must seem very stiff and serious!W: Sure, but once you get to know them, you find kind, caring people behind their serious faces.M: This is very different from my experiences traveling in South America. Of course, people there are very kind, but they don’t care much about time.W: I agree. South Americans don’t put very much stress on time. They’re always late for everything, but no one seems to mind.Questions:1 What does the woman think about Swedish people?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问they具备什么样的特质2 How long did the taxi driver wait for the woman?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是关于时间,学生在听时应注意各个时间所涉及的行为及各个时间之间的关联3 Why does the woman say “there’s no room for mistakes” in Sweden?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问某件事情或某种现象的原因4 According to the woman, what are Swedes usually like?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问某人的性格5 What do the man and the woman say about people in South America?解析:该题可从常识进行判断:A和B选项不符合逻辑常识,如果有压力,就不应该经常迟到,D选项中的different(冷漠的) 和kind(友好的)语义上相互矛盾,所以C才是正确答案Understanding a PassageNow you will hear a passage followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.The biggest problem in my company has to do with culture, in particular our different ways of looking at time. People from some countries think it is OK to show up1 late for a meeting and some people even don’t think they need to come at all! As president of the company, however, it is my responsibility to tell them that this is not acceptable. Whereas2 in some other countries attending meetings is not considered very important, in this country, and especially in this company, meetings must be attended on time. Not being on time causes inefficiency. I spent all night thinking about the exact words that I would use to explain my feelings. I even wrote my words down. I planned to discuss this problem at the meeting today, and entitled my speech “International Clock Talk”. Unfortunately, I have a problem---no one came to the meeting!Questions:1 What is the company’s greatest problem?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问某些人对待开会的态度2 Which of the following does the speaker consider is his duty as president of the company?解析:通过浏览该题四个选项,同学在听时应该注意抓住某人要做什么3 Why does lateness cause a decrease in efficiency?解析:该题四个选项都是涉及原因,听时应该理解全文,把握全局4 What did the company president do the previous night?解析:从该题四个选项可知这个问题涉及的对象是he,而且是he做了某件事5 Why couldn’t the president do what he had planned?解析:从已知四个选项可知该题应该是问某个现象或某件事的原因HomeworkSupplementary ListeningTask 1 Now you will hear a long conversation followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.W: I always thought that culture shock was something that would happen to otherpeople, not to me.M: Actually, I’m not totally certain what the words “culture shock” refer to.W: Culture shock is the anxiety that occurs when a person moves to completely new surroundings.M: Does it include a lack of direction and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate?W: It sure does. And, it generally sets in a few weeks after arriving in a new place. M: Is it a physical or mental discomfort?W: It’s both. Most people suffer stress in their body and mind. It can result in feeling very tired, getting sick, becoming depressed and doing things you might otherwise think are wrong.M: I t hink I’v experienced all of the symptoms(症状).W: It’s only natural. When you first arrive, you don’t speak the language, don’t know how to use banking machines, don’t know how to use the telephone and so forth.M: At the same time it can also be an opportunity.W: I agree. It can help you develop a better understanding of yourself and encourage a sense of creativity.Questions:1 What did the woman first think about culture shock?解析:该题四个选项并没有给我们提供太多的有用信息,因此学生要认真听懂该对话和问题后才能解答2 Which of the following statements is NOT true about people experiencing culture shock?3 How may culture shock affect people’s lives?4 When the woman talks about the newcomer’s inability, which of the following is NOT mentioned?5 How can culture shock also be an opportunity?Task 2 Now you will hear a passage followed by five questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.Even though you may not be able to eliminate1 culture shock, there are ways to ease the stress. The following are some activities that can help:Get out of your room or apartment, so you are able to experience first-hand what Americans are doing.Make friends so you can talk to them and ask about what you don’t understand.Read to learn about the culture of the country you’re in.Find an activity that you can enjoy so you will be able to reduce stress and depression. Americans like to jog(慢跑)and they also like to play sports.Find out from your host family or other Americans about community activities, religious services, or volunteer opportunities. Make the most of this opportunity to become a member of their community.Improve your English. Ask about anything you don’t understand. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Someone will be happy to put you right.Questions:1 Why is it advised to get out of your room or apartment?解析:从该题四个选项可知这个问题涉及某件事的原因2 To whom can you talk when you want to understand the American culture?解析:从该题四个选项可知这个问题涉及某个人群3 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to reduce your stress and depression?解析:从该题四个选项可知这个问题涉及某个对象或行为4 How might you become a member of the community?解析:从该题四个选项可知这个问题涉及做某件事的方式5 What should you do if you are NOT sure about how to say something?解析:从该题四个选项可知这个问题涉及某个行为新视野大学英语听说教程【第二版】第二册。
新视野大学英语听说教程1(第二版)听力原文及答案1-10全新视野大学英语(第二版)听说教程1 原文及答案Unit 1一、s hort conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 3一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 4一、s hort conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 5一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 6一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 7一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 8一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 9一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 10一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passage新视野大学英语听说教程第一册答案Unit 1 Click Here for Language Learning Short Conversations 1.B 2. C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7. C 8.A 9.B 10.D Long Conversation1.A2. B3.B4. D5. A Understanding a Passage 1.A 2.A 3. C 4. D 5. D Understanding a Movie Speech1.honored,2.interesting3.invitation,4.great,5.wise,6.reason,7.key,8.sense,9.impressions, 10. importantly Homework Listening Task 1 1.D 2. D 3.A 4.B 5.D Task 2 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C Task 3 1. added, 2.agreed, 3.create 4.increasingly important, 5.graduate, 6.expanded , 7.included, 8.the mostcommonly taught language, 9.followed, nguage program Unit 2 Chilling Out with the Folks Short Conversations 1.C 2. C 3. D 4.B 5.B 6.D 7. B 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. C 3.D 4.C 5.A Understanding a Passage 1.D 2.B 3. A 4. C 5. A Understanding a Movie Speech 1.quick, 2.end, 3.remember, 4.future, 5.ten, 6.look, 7.none, 8.eyes , 9.blackness, 10. wish Homework Listening Task 1 1.D 2. D 3.A 4.B 5.D Task 2 1.B 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C Task 3 1. added, 2.agreed, 3.create 4.increasingly important, 5.graduate, 6.expanded , 7.included, 8.the most commonly taught language, 9.followed, nguage programUnit 2 Chilling Out with the Folks Short Conversations 1.C 2. C 3. D 4.B 5.B 6.D 7. B 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. C 3.D 4.C 5.A Understanding a Passage 1.D 2.B 3. A 4. C 5. A Understanding a Movie Speech 1.quick, 2.end, 3.remember, 4.future, 5.ten, 6.look, 7.none, 8.eyes , 9.blackness, 10. wish Homework Listening Task 1 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D Task 2 1.A 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C Task 3 1. free, 2.sales, 3.prepare 4.needs, 5.supplies, 6.average,7.increase, puter, 9.teenaged children, 10.save moneyUnit 3 Give and Sacrifice Short Conversations 1.C 2. C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7. A 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conversation1.A2. B3.D4.A5.C Understanding a Passage 1.B 2.C 3.A 4. C 5.B Understanding a Movie Speech 1.agree ,2.suggestion,3.France ,4.foreigners,5.please,6.fun,7.twice,8.hands,9.happiness, 10. peace Homework Listening Task 1 1.C 2. D 3.B 4.D 5.C Task 2 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C Task 3 1. designed, 2.show, 3.experienced anize, 5.pilot 6.observe, 7.expert, 8.emergency, 9.beating, 10.outdoorUnit 4 Making a Good Impression Short Conversations 1.D 2. B 3. B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7. A 8.D 9.B 10.C Long Conversation 1.D 2. C 3.C 4.C 5.D Understanding a Passage 1.C 2.A 3. B 4. D 5. D Understanding a Movie Speech 1.numbers, 2.lead, 3.lifetime, 4.decides, 5.physical, 6.back, 7.career, 8.mysterious, 9.love, 10. found Homework Listening Task 1 1.B 2. D 3.A 4.C 5.C Task 2 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B Task 3 1.ruled, 2.require, 3.equal 4.acceptable, 5.provides, 6.private, 7.poor quality, 8.needed, 9.supported and improved, 10.a majority ofUnit 5 The battle Against AIDS Short Conversations 1.B 2.A 3. C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.C Long Conversation 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C Understanding a Passage 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.A Homework Listening: Task 1: 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C, Task2: 1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B TASK3: 1.efforts 2.living 3.central, 4.extended 5.violence, 6.appears, 7.questioned, 8.culturally unacceptable, 9.media, 10.entertainmentUnit 6 Consider Collar Colors Carefully! Short Conversations 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.D Long Conversation 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.D Understanding a Passage 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B Understanding a Coving Speech 1.looking for, 2.get rid of, ed to, 4.project, plete, 6.close to, 7.share, ugh, 9.tough, plete, Story-telling 1)I felt differently, 2)that it made me, 3)Though he made, 4)I hurt my back, 5)I usually did Homework Listening Task 1: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.BTask 2: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.C Task 3: 1.political, 2.lower, 3.angry, 4.expected, 5.exporting, 6.economy, 7.praise, 8.seek, 9.resulted from, 10.new opportunitiesUnit 7 Guns for Trouble? Short Conversations 1. B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.C, 6.D 7.B 8.D 9. C 10.D Long Conversation 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.C Understanding a Passage 1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.C Movie Speech1.Americans,2.experience,3.back,4.color,5.situation,6.promise,7.first,8.step,9.behind, 10.together Homework Listening Task 1 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C Task 2 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C Task 3 1.Threat, 2.native, 3.appeared, 4.air, 5.powerful, 6.including, 7.taste, ter, 9.fear 10.surviveUnit 8 Rack Your Brain for Creativity Short Conversations 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.C Understanding a Passage 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5. D Understanding a Movie Speech 1.join, 2.battle, 3.meaning, 4.differences, 5.united, 6.fate, 7.freedom, 8.exist, 9.declared, 10.celebrate Homework Listening Task 1 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5. A Task2: 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.B Task 3: 1.honors, 2.record, 3.entered, 4.mathematics, 5.invited, 6.creativity, 7.faster, 8.advance, 9.75,000, 10.excellentUnit 9 School Days Short Conversations : 1.D 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A Understanding a Passage: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C Understanding a Movie Speech: 1.faint, 2.sick, 3.afraid, 4.intention, 5.supporting, 6.relieved, 7.stupid,8.cared, 9.smarter, 10.actions Homework Listening : Task 1: 1.C 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.B , Task 2: 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B Task 3: 1.college, 2.many students graduate, 3.17,000 dollars, 4.the full picture, 5.borrowing by their parents, 6.about ten years, 7.high paying jobs, 8.other public service, 9.their first house, 10.earn very muchUnit 10 Stand Up for Honesty Short Conversations 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A Long Conversation 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.C Understanding a Passage 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D Understanding a Movie Speech 1.rule, 2.possible, 3.happiness, 4.hate, 5.rich, 6.beautiful, 7.poisoned, 8.shut, 9.knowledge,10.qualities Homework Listening Task 1: 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.C Task 2: 1.A 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D Task 3: 1.results, 2.welcomed, 3.forced, 4.theater, 5.cure, 6.painful, 7.responsibilities, 8.in person, 9.as clear as, 10.cannot be hidden。
新视野大学英语(第二版)听说教程1 原文及答案Unit 1一、short conversations三、passageUnit 2二、long conversation三、passageUnit 3一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 4一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 5一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 6一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 7一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 8一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 9一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 10一、short conversations二、long conversation三、passageUnit 1Short Conversations 1.B 2. C 3. A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7. C 8.A 9.B 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. B 3.B 4. D 5. APassage 1. A 2.A 3. C 4. D 5. DUnit 2Short Conversations 1.C 2. C 3. D 4.B 5.B 6.D 7. B 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. C 3.D 4.C 5.APassage 1.D 2.B 3. A 4. C 5. AUnit 3Short Conversations 1.C 2. C 3. A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7. A 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conversation 1.A 2. B 3.D 4.A 5.CPassage 1.B 2.C 3. A 4. C 5. BUnit 4Short Conversations 1.D 2. B 3. B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7. A 8.D 9.B 10.C Long Conversation 1.D 2. C 3.C 4.C 5.DPassage 1.C 2.A 3. B 4. D 5. DUnit 5Short Conversations 1.B 2.A 3. C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.C Long Conversation 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.CPassage 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.AUnit 6Short Conversations 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.DLong Conversation 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.DPassage 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.BUnit 7Short Conversations 1. B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.C, 6.D 7.B 8.D 9. C 10.DLong Conversation 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.CPassage 1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.CUnit 8Short Conversations 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.CLong Conversation 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C.5.APassage 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5. DUnit 9Short Conversations : 1.D 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A Long Conversation 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.DPassage: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.CUnit 10Short Conversations 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.ALong Conversation 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.CPassage 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D8、这个世界并不是掌握在那些嘲笑者的手中,而恰恰掌握在能够经受得住嘲笑与批忍不断往前走的人手中。
新新视野大学英语第二版第一册读写教程Unit 1短对话1.W: I SaW an ad Onthe Internet about OnIine IangIlage StUdleS. M: Me too. I SaW an ad for, n CIick Here for LangUage Learlrling.t, Q: What do the man and the WOman have in common?2.M: YbU have to be 18 years OId to enteIr SOme OnIine IangUage CIaSSeS.W: Really? I had no idea that there WaS a minimum age required for SOme classes. Q: What did the Wornan NOT know about Online IangUage CIaSSeS before?3.M: UnIike regular CIaSSeS I Online CIaSSeS Can be taken at your home.W: That,s exactly why I decided to begin StUdying OnIinelQ: Why did the WOman decide to StUdy online?厂W: I keep on making newfriends as I StUdy online.M: So do I! There are So many PeOPle Online, and I Want to meet them all!Q: What is One benefit Of StUdying Online?匚M: My Online teacher asked the CIaSS for SUggeStiOns to make the CIaSS better W: That,s great! I always Iike it When a teacher does that.Q: What did the man,s teacher Want to do?M: I had no idea that online Ianguage Ieaming COUId be SO effective!W; K SUre has helped me PraCtiCe my IangUage skills!Q: What is it about Onlr i ne IangUage Iearning that SUrPriSed the man?7・M: MyCIaSSmateS and I help each Other SOlVe homework PrObIemS online. W: It SOUndS Iike you're USing the Internet in a useful way.Q: What does the man do online?8.M: OnIine Iearning is ideal for anyone WhO doesn,t have time to travel to SChOoL W; YbS l but it also has its OWrl challenges.Q: What does the WOman have to Sayabolrt Online Iearning?M: What advice did your PrOfeSSOr give you?W: He Said that taking an OnIine ClaSS WQUld help me Iearn lQ: What did the WOman,s PrOfeSSOr suggest?长对话W: HOW,s your new Online CIaSS I Bill? IS it everything you had hoped for?M: lt,s everything and more, SUSan. YOU ShOUldl give it a try!W: Oh l really? WharS the best thing about it?M: In an OnIine class, you talk With OtherS OVer the Internet. SinCe they are nOt right next to you, they don,t bother you so much.W: That SOUndS great! ItoOk a CIaSS With SOmeOne Who WOUId make me feel SmaIl WheneVer I made a mistake. He WQUId tell me how StUPid I WaS and intimidate me SO that I never Wanted to participate.M: NOt a PrObIem in the VirtUal classroom. HOW WOUId you Iike to Sign up? Ithink that you COUId Stairt On the third Of next month.W: I don't know. BilL YbU know all those PrObIemS about having CiiffiCUlt PeOPIe in the classroom? M: ∖feah?W; We don't really have them anymore SirtCe you left. 短文The first requirement for my OnIine IangUage CIaSS WaS to meet in an Online forum. I entered the forum early and SaW StUdlentS appear On the SCreen One after another. StrangeIy enough, When it WaS time to begin the teacher StiIl had n't ShOW n up. HOWeVer l We began Sharing information and talking about the new class. Unlike me. all Of the Other StUdentS Were new to the Online class. ItOId them about my experiences and my thoughts. Then I noticed SOmething. There Were 27 PeOPIe in the forum. ThiS WaS Strange because I knoW there Were Onlly 26 PeOPh in the class,"Hey,T WrOte l M WhiCh One Of you is the teacher?*1The IeaCher made herself known at last. She Said that She Wanted to get OUr honest OPiniOnS about the OnIine class. AISO l She Wanted to have a ISttIe fun With USrHUrnOrWiIl be important in my CIaSS f M She Said.Uni t2短对话W: HOW about SPending the evening Chiliing OUt With the folks?M; COme On l Mom. Γd really like to get OUtWith myfriends.Q: What does the young man WanttO do?2・W: HOnestly, IdOrft know Whatto SayabOlit OUr SOn l S music.M: LeaVe him ClIOne about it After all, your mother didn't Iike your music either.Q: What ShOUId the WOman do according to the man?3.W: Γm SUrPriSed to See you Ollt and about SO early m the morning.M; VbU know my mom4 She doesn't Iike me SIeePing iri l even On Weekends.Q: Why is the man Out and about SO early in the morn⅛ng?4・M: A IittIe teenage rebellion is normal. YbUr SOn Wtll get OVer it.W: I know. Γm just WOrried about him CIOing SOmething that WiIl ruin his life.Q: Why is the WOman WOrried about her son?W: Get a PierCing in my nose? NO Wayi My ParentS WOUICi be angry!M; YOU,re not giving them enough CrediL I don't think they l d be UPSet at all. Q: Whywouldnl the WOman get a PierCing in her nose?βΓ5~7.M: WhafS WrOng With OUr kids? Theythink they,re entitled to everything We have! W: Well I IfeeI its my fault for giving them too much,Q: WhatdOeS the WOmanthink about their kids, PrObIems?S.W: Dad, Γve got a date tonight With Mike. Γll be back late. M: Htm again? IWiSh you wouldn't date a guy with a tattoo! Q: What does the fntheir wish for his daughter?9.W: My mother WantS me to go into banking, but I Iike Writing・ M: YbU can,t Iet your mother ChOOSe your Career for you.Q: ACCOrding to the man. What ShOUId the WOman,s mother NOT do?M: YbU ShOUld get a SenSe Of humor, Mom. W: Γm sorry, but Ijust don,t think that breaking ShOP Windows is funny. M: Ifit isn,tfunny, then I don,t know What is. TheSe ShOP WindOWS Only ShOW things OLlt Ofdate and Olrt Of fashion. They1 re misleading. Anyway1 its fun to break OId stuff.W: And thats What Γm Saying. YDU don,t know WhatS funny. When I WaS a teenager. I enjoyed movies and going OUt With my friends, not CaUSmg trouble Or breaking things・M: ThiS is just the big difference betweenyourgenerationand mine.W: No3 it isn,t! IknOWteenagerS Of your age, and they dOn,t have your bad attitude! And they Certainly never break ShOP Windows!M: WhateVer, Mom. Γve got to go now. W: Huh? Where do you t hink you're going? M: I don,t know. Maybe ∏l go OUt and break stuff.短对话1.W: In Order to have a meaningful life, you must be ready to give and SaCrifice. M: I agree totally: AncI I try to remember this every day.Q; What Wi Il be POSSibIe if you gi ve and SaCrifiCe according to the woman?W; My mother neve∣r COrrlPlained about hard Work in front Of the family.M: WOW l that,s Something to Iearnfrom!Q: VVhat did the WOman l S mother never COmPIain about?6. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________W: S rbLfVe got to meet Inyfather. He,s handicapped and he has a IOt to Share.M; Γd Iike to. Vbu just tell me when.Q: Why ShOUld the man meet the WOman,s father?W: YbU are the first PerSOn to extend help When I needed itM: DOn f t WOrry about ⅛t. ThatS What friends are for.Ql Why CIOeS the man tell the WOman NOT to worry?10・W: My ITIOther never interrupted me WhiIe I told her my ProbIemS.M: Sometimes that,s the best Way to help someone.Q: Whatdid the mother do to help the woman?长对话W: I heard a bang On my Way to CIaSS this morning.M: SOme guy brought a gun to SChOOl and tried to ShOot SOmeone.W: YbLlYe kidding! IS everyone OK?M: Ybah. The teacher managed to take the gun from him.W: OUr history teacher?M: ThafS the one.W: He never StOPS amazing me.M: He WaS CIefiniteIythe right PerSOn at the right time・ After he hit the student and grabbed the gun, he talked to the boy about his PrObIemS. While IWaS Onthe PhOne With the POIiCe and the ParentS I he WaS holding the StUdent. If I WaS not mistaken, I thought the StUdent WaS crying. W: Did the teacher help the boy SOIVe his PrOblems?M: I don,t think so. The StUdent WaS CIearly bothered by something Pretty big. I don,t think PrObIemS Iike that Can be SOlVed SO quickl½ But I When the POIiCe Came to take him away, OUr teacher told him that he WOUId See him again.短文The friendship and SymPathy Ofa SPeCial PerSOn Changedl my Iife l and l,d Iike to tell you about it LOOking at me now, you might not guess that I WaS not Very POPUIaIrWhen I Started my Uni verSIty studies. I WaS thin and didn't look very handsome With my glasses・ InfaCl my CIaSSmateS StiIl IaUghed at me f just as they did in high SChoOI.One day, When I WaS IeaVing the SCienCe building, SOmeOne ran PaSt me and knocked the books Out Of my hands.dress right, how to talk to girls, and above all. how to be SOCiaLUnit4 短对话2・M: Γve had a good rest, and am ready to make a good impressiOn On my boss. W: That's the attitude! Ybu,re going to be great!Q: What is the man ready to do?M: Ybu ve become SO mature SinCe I IaSt SaW you.4.M: Don,t Ic)Ok SO aggressive. Calm down and IOok relaxed.W: OK l 111 remember to SmiIe during my meeting With my new boss・Q: WhatWiIl the VVOman remember to do?5.W; My boss never notices me. Ithink I IaCk the SkiIIS to get a better job at my company. M: NO. YDUjUSt need to have more COnfidenCe in yourself.Q: What does the WOman IaCk according to the man?短文Uπιt5短对话长对话短文A young Fnan WithAIDS refuses to take medicine that COUld make his Iife IOnger and more COmfOrtabIe I because he,s afraid the medicine Will kill him. InCOrreCt beliefs about AIDS are COmmOn l and they CaUSe greater Pam and help to SPread the disease・ThiS is Why the United NatiOnS SendS educators to the world's POOreSt PIaCeS I Where PeOPIe have the IeaStedUCatiIOn about AIDS. OnCe there, they talk With PeOPIe l giving CIaSSeS and meeting in CIiniCS to discuss IiVing WithAlDS. They tell PeOPIeWhat CiOCtOrS have CliSCoVered about the disease, and ask them to VustAIDS medicines.In Order to StOP the SPread OfAlDS I education must reach more PeOPIe・ It is not enough OnlyfOr money to be SPent. And more medicines WorYt SOIVe all Ofthe PrObIemS・W: SinCe you WOrk S nan OffiCe l you can Wear nice ClOtheS every day.M: Ib be frank, I'd Irather Wear a T-Shirt than a SUit Q: WhatWOUId the man Iike to CIreSS for work?M: When We Were kids, We didn't think much about SOdal StatUS・ We PIayed the Part Of doctors Or PIUmberS and didn,t really Understand Why One was better than the other.W: Right! We didn,t COnSr l der COlIar CoIOrS CarefUlly. Later f We Iearned to respect PeOPle Iike business executives, IaWyerS I and doctors more than others.M: DO you think We Iearned the right idea?W: Yfeah, I do. SOme PeOPIe are more important than OtherS for society. A PIUmber J for example, does important WOrk. BUt he Can be replaced easily. AdOCtOr l Onthe Other hand, doesimportant work and it is difficult to replace him. We ShoillCt then, respect PeOPIe Iike doctors ΓΠOG.M; What about PllUrTibers? Shouldnl We respect them, too?W: EVeryOne WhO WOrkS hard ShOUld get respect, but its not necessary to respect everyone the Same. OfCOUrSe I l,m friendIy and nice to my plumber, but ldon*t think he,s as VaIUabIe as SOme PeOPIe.短文There WaS a time When I WaS afraid to tell PeOPIe I am a COnStrUCtiOn WOrken NOWadayS I Γm PrOud Of it. In fact, I boast about itMy Iife Changed One day when my daughter came home from SChOOl and told me that I had a better job than any Of the ParentS Of her classmates. AtfilrSIlWaS surprised. I knew many Of her CIaSSmateS had ParentS WhO Were important business PeOPIe・ I reminded her that business PeOPle get more respect from SOCiety I Often make more money and WOrk in an OffiCe ・She told me that I didn't UnderStandl What WaS important in life. ReSPeCt l money and OffiCeS aren,t as important as time. BUSineSSmen must WOrk IOng hours, SO they can,t See their children as much. BiliIding houses. Ionlywork SiX hours a day. ThiS gives me more free time to SPend With her.Unit?短对话M; WhafS the problem? KeePing a gun in my home for Safety isn't a Crime J W: In this COUntry it is against the law. YDU,Il have to give it to the POIiCe right awayl Q: What is the PrObIem With the man having a gun?3.M: MyanXietyIeVel always goes UP When I See SOmeOne Iate at night W: Ybuwouldnl be SO WOrried if you Carried a gun I IIike I do.Q: Why does the WOman NOT get worried?4. _____________________________________________________________________________________M: MydaUghter WaS arrested for having a PiStOl at SChOOLW: I know. She told me that She brought it because She didn't feel Safe・Q; What does the WOman know?W: Γm Calrtiouδ When Γm OIrt I I Pay attention and Stay OUrt Of trouble,M: If you COntinUe to do SO I you WOn,t have to WOrry about needing a gun.Q: Why does the WOman NoT need a gun according to the man?7.M; Did you See What the robbers IOOked Iike before they started Shooting?W: They had On nylon masks, SO I COUIdn't See. I WaS SCareCI When they ShOt at me・ Q: Why r COUId the WOman NOT tell What the robbers IOOkeCl like?9. __________________________________________________________________________________________M: I became an advocate OftOugher gun IaWS after my SOn WaS killed・ W: I know you mean well, but I don't think you're doing What he,d want.Q: What does the WOman doubt?M; BefOre the robbery, GaSeS OfgUnVioIenCe Were OnIy StatiStiCS to me, numbers that I would read in the newspaper. But now, things WlIl never be the Same.W: What do you remember?M: I remember everything Ihat I WOUIei Iike to forget. MOSt Of all, I remember the ShOtS. Bang!The SOUnd Ofthe first bullet being fired rang in my ears. I turned and SaW a ViCtim CoIIaPSe.She grabbed her chest. And then, in a moment, She WaS still.W: YbUjUSt StoOd there?M: IWaS SO SCareCI; it was Iike IWaS frozen.W: WhydidtheydO it?• ∙M: The robbers? TheyWanted money, Of COUrSe. BUt I blame SOCietyfOr allowing PeOPIe to have guns.W: I don,t think Γd Iike it much if I WaS told I COUldn,t have a gun. HaVing a gun makes me feel safer.MiIIBOns Of PeOPIe IiVe in fear of being a ViCtim OfgUn ViOIenCe J and many Ofthem think guns ShOUId be destroyed. I Understand how they feel, but I don't Share their opiniorι. SinCe Γve OWnedl guns my entire Iife I my thoughts OnthiS issue are Clifferent・The reality Of the SitUatiOn is that guns don't kill PeOPIe. PeOPIe kill people. SO We ShOUId think IeSS about the PrObIemS Of guns, and think more about the PrObIemS Of people. We ShOUId think about joblessness and POOredUCatiOn I WhiChare at the foundation OfthiS issue. And We ShOUId act to reduce these PrObIemS by promoting better schools.ECiUCatiOn ShOWS US how to rise above ViOIenCe I teaching US how to be responsible 3nd how to SUPPOrt OUrSeIVeS by our WOrk. MOrB PeOPIe need to Iearn these important Iessons3 and then we Can reduce gunviolence in society.Unit6短对话W: SlnCe you became an executive at the firιn i you never have time for the kidδ. M: I know. AIl the respect and money I get now isn't WOrth missing my Children. Q: HOW does the man feel about being an executive?3.M; MyaUnt ViSitS schools to ConVinCe gi,rls to become plumbers.W: Γd be SUrPriSed if m any girls IiStened to her. MOSt Want to WOrk in OffiCeS・Q: What WOUId SUrPriSe the woman?4.M: Did you hear the big news? The ViCe-PreS⅛dent died! And I might get his job! W: Are you SUre you WaInt it? The job WaS What gave him the heart attack!Q; Why ShOUId the man think more about taking the job according to the woman?。
新视野大学英语(第二版)听说教程1原文及答案Unit 1一、short conversationsW: I saw an ad on the Internet about online language studies.M: Me too. I saw an ad for, "Click Here for Language Learning/' Q; What do the man and the woman have in common?M: Vbu have to be 18 years old to enter some online language classes.W: Really? I had nc idea that there was a minimum ags required for some classes. Q: What did the woman MOT know about online language classes before?M: My online teacher asked the class for suggestions to make the class better. W: Thafs great! I always like it when a teacher does that.Q: What did the man h s teacher want to do?M: I had no idea that online language learning could be so effective! W: It sure has helped me practice my language skiills!Q: What is it about online language learning that surprised the man?M: My classmates and I help each other solve homework problems online.W: It sounds like you're using the Internet in a useful wayQ: What does the man do online?M: Online learning is ideal for anyone who doesn't have time to travel to school. W: Yes t but it also has its own challenges.Q: What does the woman have to say about online learning?M; Virtual classrooms are changing how students study!Wi They sure are! And I, for one, am very excited about it.Q: According to the man, what is happening to students because of virtual classrooms?M: What advice did your professor give you?W: He said that taking an online class would help me leam+Q: What did the womans professor suggest?、long conversationW: How's your new online class, Bill? Is it everything you had hoped for?M: Ilfs everything and more, Susan. You should give it a try!W: Oh, really? What's the best thing about it?M: lln an online class, you talk with others over the Internet. Since they are not right next to you, they don't bother you so much.W: That sounds great! I took a class with someone who would make me feel small whenever I made a mistake. He would tell me how stupid I was and intimidate me so that I never wanted to participate.start on the third of next month.W: I don't know, Bill. Vbu know all those problems about having difficult people in the classroom? M: Yeah?W: We don't really have them anymore since you left.Which of the following is NOT true about Bill?2 According Io Bill* why are other students NOT a concern in an online class?3 Why did Susan NOT liike to participate in class?When could Susan start studying on line?5 Why did Susan NOT make up her mind to join online class?二、passageThe first requirement for my online language class was to meet in an online forum. I entered the forum earlyand saw students appear on the screen one after another. Strangely enough, when it was time to begin, the teacher still hadn't shown up* However, we began sharing infomnation and talking about the new class. Unlike me b all of the other students were new to theopinions about the online class. Also, she wanted to have a little fun with us” "Humor will be important in my class/ she said.What was the first requirement of the online class?2What was strange about the beginning of the online class? 3How were the other students different than the speaker? 5 Why did the teacher NOT make herself known to the class at first?Unit 2、short conversationsW: How about spending the evening chilling out with the folks? M: Come on, Mom. rd really like to get out with my friends, Q ; What does the young man want to do?'门】Honestly I don^t know what to say about our son's music.M: Leave him alone about it. After all your mother didn't like your music either. Q: What should the woman do according to the man?W: rm surprised to see you out and about so early in the morning.M: You know my mom. She doesn't like me sleeping imP even on weekerids. Q: Why is the manout and about so early in the morning?M: A little teenage rebellion is normal Ybur son will get over itW: I know, fm just worried about him doing something that will ruin his life. Q: Why is the woman worried about her son?W: Get a piercing in my nose? No wayl My parents would be angry!M: YouYe not giving them enough credit. I don't think the^d be upset at alL Q: Why wouldn't the woman get a piercing in her nose?What did the speaker notice?W: Dad h Tve got a date tonight with Mik&. Ill be back late. M: Him again? I wish you wouldn1 2 3 4 5t date a guy with a tattoo! Q: What does the father wish for his daughter?W: My mother wants me to go into banking, but I like writing.M; You can't let your mother choose your career for you-Q: According to the man t what should the womans mother NOT do?、long conversationAccording to the son, what should the mother do?2What is wrong with the shop windows according to the son?3What did the mother enjoy when she was a teen?4How is the son different from other teens according to the mother?5What does the son say he might do next?二、passageW: Do you think we should give aid to people in need?M: I think it's the we should do for them.Q: What should be done for people in need, according to the man?M: Believe it or not my baseball coach taught me a lot about being kind.W: That really isn't so unusual After all, it isn't always parents who teach us. Q: Who taught the man to be kind?W: My mother never complained about hard work in front of the family.M: Wow, that's something to learn from!Q: What did the woman's mother never complai口about?M: Whatever, Mom Fve got to go now,W; Huh? Where do you think you're going?M: Idonl knew. Maybe DI go out and break stuff.1 What did the speaker do to his daughter when his "educator methods' failed?2 What did the speaker End his daughter do while having ice cream?3 What happened at the bookstore?4 How often did the speaker and his daughter decide to go out together?5 What was the main purpose for the speaker's outing with his daughter?Unit 3一、short conversationsW: In order to have a meaningful life, you must be ready to give and sacrifice.M: I agree totally. And I try to remember this every day.Q: What will be possible if you give and sacrifice according to the woman?W: Ybufve got to meet my father. He h s handicapped and he has a lotto share.M: rd Hike to. \bujust 怕II me when,Q: Why should the man meet the woman's father?、long conversationWhat did the woman hear on her way to class?2 Who managed to take the gun?3 What was the teacher doing while the man was on the phone?4 According to the man. what may have the student been doing?5 Why does the man NOT think that the students problems were solved?二、passageThe friendship and sympathy of a special person changed my life, and Fd like to tell you about it. Looking at me now. you might not guess that I was not very popular when I started my university studies. I was thin and didn't look very handsome with my glasses. In fact, my classmates still laughed at me f just as they did in high schoolOne day when I was leaving the science building, someone ran past me and knocked the books out of my hands・I was feeling sad and lonely. But then, someone else approached me and helped me pick up my books. That day, I made my first university friend. Suddenly, life improved. I helped him with his studies. And he helped me with everything else. He taught me how to dress right, how to talk to giris t and above all+ how to be socialWhat changed the speaker's life?2 How was life at the university similar to the speaker^ life in high school?3 What happened when the speaker was leaving the science building?4 What did the speaker help his friend with?5 What did the speakers friend help him with?Unit 4一、short conversationsW;『d really like to make a good impression in class.M: Well, so long as you pay attention, you shouldn't have a prob皑nrQ: How can the woman make a good impression in class?M: I've had a good rest, and am ready to make a good impression on my boss.W: That's the attitude! YbuYe goir»g to be great!Q: What is the man ready to do?M: You h ve become so mature sincm I last saw you.W: Nah h it just seems that way because fm wearing nice clothes. I'm really still like a child. Q: According to the woman, why does she seem different?、long conversationWhat is very important for the man to do according to the woman?2 Where is the man going?3 What does the woman assume?4 What does everyone like according to the woman?5 Why should the man NOT be worried according to the woman?二、passage1 What does the speaker do for his company?2 What should a person do before the interview?3 Why should you learn about the company's special needs?4 Who does the speaker see everyday?5 What kind of people impress the speaker the most?Unit 5一、short conversationsM: Some AIDS groups emphasize education and some emphasize research.W: Yfeah, maybe you're like me, and you don't knew which to join.Q: What is the woman having trouble with?W; If people were more giving, our group would have more resources in the battle against AIDS. M: YbuYe right, but we can 1 force people to help.Q: What would happen if people gave more?W; I started educating people about AIDS when I discovered I was infected.M: Lots of people help for many different reasons. Pm glad you're here.Q: Why did the woman start educating people about AIDS?二、long conversationW; I know many people who are active i n the battle against AIDS. Take my uncle for example,.He1s trying to find a cure.M: That's great! Has he made any progress?W: Some・Right now he1s working on a medicine to clean the AIDS virus out of the body M: How is this medicine different from others?W: Some AIDS medicines can help a little. But the AIDS virus is so good at hiding that it remains.This new medicine will be able to find the virus and get rid of itM: So why isn't this medicine being used now?W: Well, its not ready yet. Doctors are concerned about the side effects, like a bad reaction to the use of other AIDS medicines.I'm very impressed with what your uncle has done, rd like to do the same kind of work some day.艸:That would be good. But until then d you couldl atieast give money to support research.1 Who does the woman know?2 How is the new AIDS medicine different from others?3 What concern do doctors have about the new medicin巳?What would the man like to do in the future?5 What can the man do now to support the AIDS research according to the woman?二、passageA young man withAlDS refuses to take medicine that could make his life longer and more comfortable, because he's afraid the medicine will kill him. Incorrect beliefs about AIDS are commort and they cause greater pain and help to spread the disease.This iis why the United Nations sends educators to the world's poorest places, where people have the least education about AIDS- Once there, they talk with people, giving classes and meeting in clinics to discuss living with AIDS. They tell people what doctors have discovered about the disease, and ask them to trust AIDS medicines,Inorder to stop the spread of AIDS, education must reach more people- It is not enough only for money to be spent. And more medicines won't solve all of the problems,1 Why does the young man NOT want to take his medicine?2 What is the result of NOT taking AIDS medicines?3 Who goes to the world's poorest places for the battle against AIDS?4 What are people told to trust?5 What must be done for AIDS to stop spreading?Unit 6一、short conversationsW: I really admire people who work hard to build roads and clean the city.M: That's nice to hear. Many people don't respect laborers-Q: According to the man, what is nice to hear?W: You had options after college. Why did you choose to be a window washer? M: I think its exciti ng to be high up, outside of tall buildings.Q: Why did the man choose his job?M: H took me 30 hours to write that proposal. II havenl slept and I want to cry, W: It's finished now. And you can relax by playing some golfQ: What might make the man relax according to the woman?W; Since you work in an office, you can wear nice clothes every dayM: To be frank, Fd rather wear a T-shirt than a suit.Q; What would the man like to dress for work?二、long conversation1 What did the two speakers NOT think much about as kids?2 What did they learn as they got older?3 Why are doctors more important than plumbers according to the woman?4 How does the woman feel about respecting plumbers?5 What does the woman do toward her plumber?二、passagearen't as important as time. Businessmen must work long hours, so they canl see their children as much. Building houses. I only work six hours a day. This gives me more free time to spend with her.What does the man boast about?2 What did his daughter tell him about being a construction worker?3 What did the man know about some of her classmates' parents?4 According to his daughter, what was most important in life?5 What does the construction worker do when he is free?Unit 7、short conversationsMi My daughter was arrested for having a pistol at school.W: I know. She told me that she brought it because she didn't feel safe. Q: What does the woman know?M: Did you see what the robbers looked like before they started shooting?W: They had on nylon masks, so I couldn't see. I was scared when they shot at me.Q: Why could the woman NOT tell what the robbers looked like?M: I became an advocate of tougher gun laws after my son was killed.W: I know you mean well, but I don't think youYe doing what he'd want. Q: What does the woman doubt?二、long conversationHow did the man see gun violence before the robbery?2 What happened right after the first shot?3 Why did the man NOT do anything?4 Why does the man blame society?5 How does the woman feel about guns?、passage1 What are millions of people afraid of?2 What are the real gun problems according to the speaker?3 What is at the foundation of gun violence according to the speaker?4 How can we reduce problems behind the gun violence according to the speaker?5 Which important lesson do we need to learn?Unit 8、short conversationsM; YouYe a great inventor. How do you get your great ideas?W: They usually come to me suddenly when Cm well rested and relaxed.Q: When does the woman get her great ideas?W: Please, tell me how you get ideas for your novels.M: Ideas burst into my mind while fm walking in the park. I donl know how.Q: When does the man get ideas for his novels?W: I just can*! think of a good topic formy essayl I don't know what to do! M: Try running. Exercise always helps me clear my mind and think of ideas.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do to think of a good essay topic?W: When I turned 50, ideas just started flashing in my mind. It was mysterious.M: I've heard stories like that. h h s really not unusualQ: What has the man heard before?W: I just came up with an idea for passing this test!M: Quick! Write it downl Ideas are fleeting! And it may be our only hope!Q: Why should the woman write the idea down?、long conversationM: Hey that's what I was doing last week! But when she saw me doing it she threatened to fire me!] Why does the man tell the woman to start working?2 What didi the boss tell the woman to do?3 When will the woman begin her work?4 What was the man doing last week?5 What will the woman do?二、passage1 How do creative ideas come?2 When do creative ideas come?3 Most often, what will a person do after having a creative idea?4 What does the speaker say is necessary for having a creative idea?5 When will the perfect, most creative answer occur to you?Unit 9一、short conversationsM: I remember my school days. I don^t think I was half as good as you were. W: That's not exactly true. I may work harder, but your grades were as good. Q: What difference separates the man and woman as students?M: Did you ask the professor about improving your marks?W: Vbah, And he gave me a list of study methods that’ll help me to prepare for tests. Q: What did the woman's teacher do?W: Ybu were the last person to finish the test Why? \bu have problems with it?M: Nah! It was simple! I just wanted to check my answers. I'm sure I did wellQ: Why did the man take a long time completing the test?M: I studied all night for this test. I bet Fll score higher than you.W: I'll take that bet. There's no way a person can do well afte『a sleepless nightQ: Why does the woman believe she will get a higher grade?M: Vbu took that class in study methods, didn't you? How f d you like it?W: OKI haven1! noticed my grades improve yet, but I’m more organized now. Q: What has changed for the woman?、long conversationM: Whafs all this stuff in your basket? It looks like youVe trying to buy up the store!W:怡8h? I guess I do have a Hot here. School shopping, you know. Everything you see here will help me be a better student.M: Hmm, several notebooks..・W; One for each class. I like to keep my notes separate, you know, to be organized. Yeah, and DI have lots of paperM: Enough to write down every word the teacher says.W: Well, maybe not every word. But DI write down the important things, so I can review later for tests.What is the woman doing?What will help the woman be a better student?What will the woman put in her notebooks?Whatw川be in the woman's planner?According to him, why might a daily planner be useful for the man?二、passageWhat does the speaker think about students working alone?What is a student responsible for?What must a student try his best to do?When can you ask your professor questions according to the professor?Why is asking questions useful?Unit 10一、short conversationsW: I was so upset about stealing money from work. I could n't sleep at all. M: Ah, your conscience got the better of you. I hope you return the money now. Q: What does the man hope?M: Since you became company president there have been zero cases of theft. W: That's because rm very firm against stealing - once I catch one, he h s fired!Q: Why have there been no incidents of stealing since the woman became president?M: Why shouldnl I lie? Everyone else does it and it helps me get ahead!W: That's a very cynical attitude. And I donl think what you're saying is all true.Q: How does the woman feel about the man's attitude?W: I always try to be honest, even at the expense of losing friends.M: And that F s why I like to be with you. lean always trust you to tell the truth.Q: Why does the man like to be with the woman?M: I assure you, when you start lying, it becomes harder and harder to tell the truth. W: I know. And rve been thinking about always standing up for honesty.Q: What has the woman been thinking about?二、long conversationWhy is the woman NOT worried?According to the woman, what will happen if the man listens to her? What does the woman do about essays?What does the woman do about tests?What does the man tell the woman?三、passageWhat did the speaker's girlfriend ask hiim?2 Why did the speakers girHriend begin trusting him more?3 What happens when the speaker doesn h t agree with his boss?4 What does the boss do when he needs a straight answer?5 What does the speaker tell other people about honesty?Unit 1Short Conv ersati ons 1.B 2. C 3. A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7. C 8.A 9.B 10.D Long Conv ersati on 1.A 2. B 3.B 4. D 5. APassage 1. A 2.A 3. C 4. D 5. DUnit 2Short Con versatio ns 1.C 2. C 3. D 4.B 5.B 6.D 7. B 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conv ersati on 1.A 2. C 3.D 4.C 5.APassage 1.D 2.B 3. A 4. C 5. AUnit 3Short Con versatio ns 1.C 2. C 3. A 4.C 5.D 6.B 7. A 8.C 9.D 10.D Long Conv ersati on 1.A 2. B 3.D 4.A 5.CPassage 1.B 2.C 3. A 4. C 5. BUnit 4Short Con versatio ns2. B3. B4.A5.C6.B7. A8.D9.B 10.C 1.DLong Conv ersati on 1.D 2. C 3.C 4.C 5.DPassage 1.C 2.A 3. B 4. D 5. DUnit 5Short Conv ersati ons2.A3. C4.A5.C6.B7.D8.A9.C 10.C 1.BLong Conv ersati on 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.CPassage 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.AUnit 6Short Co nversatio ns 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.D Long Con versation 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.DPassage 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.BUnit 7Short Co nversatio ns 1. B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.C, 6.D 7.B 8.D 9. C 10.D Long Co nversation 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.CPassage 1.D 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.CUnit 8Short Co nversatio ns 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.C Long Conversation 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C.5.APassage 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5. DUnit 9Short Con versatio ns : 1.D 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.A Long Con versation 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.DPassage: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.CUnit 10Short Co nversati ons 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A Long Con versation 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.CPassage 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.D。