
一、洪恩巴迪英文童谣3A.洪恩巴迪英文童谣青苹果篇目录31.A B C D 字母歌32.Happy Birthday生日快乐4你好44.table number桌子号码45.Tell me告诉我46.I am a Boy我是个男孩47.What’s your name你叫什么名字58.We Wish You a Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐59.Row Your Boat划小船510.Ten Little Indians十个印度安小男孩5B.洪恩巴迪英文童谣金色阳光篇目录51. The Farmer in the Dell山谷里的农夫52. Bingo宾果53. The Clock时钟54. Goodbye little fish再见,小鱼65. Teddy Bear玩具熊66. Are You Sleeping还要睡吗?67. Sally萨丽68. I Can Hear The Bell我能听到钟声69. Come on and Join into the Game来参加游戏吧710. Greetings问候7C.洪恩巴迪英文童谣紫水晶篇目录71. Head Shoulders Knees and Toes头、肩、膝和脚趾72. Good Morning to You早上好73. January一月74. Rose玫瑰,玫瑰75. The Muffin Man松糕老人76. One Two Buckle My Shoe一、二,扣上鞋87. Fellow Me跟我做88. Fellow Me A B C跟我学ABC89. Make New Friends结交新朋友810. Pussy Cat小猫咪8D.洪恩巴迪英文童谣巧克力篇目录81. Polly, Put the Kettle On波莉,把水壶放在炉子上92. The More We Get Together大家在一起93. For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow一个快乐的好小伙94. Sweetly Sings the Donkey小驴欢乐地歌唱95. Starlight Star bright星光,灿烂96. Good Night to You All祝大家晚安107. Oh, How lovely Is the Evening夜晚多美好108. Rock-a-bye Baby宝宝的摇篮109. Sleep Baby Sleep睡吧,宝贝,睡吧1010. Hush, Little Baby.安静,宝贝10E.洪恩巴迪英文童谣蓝色海洋篇目录101. Billy Boy少年比利102. Old MacDonald老麦克唐纳113. I’m a Little Teapot我是小茶壶114. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star闪亮,闪亮的小星115. The Ants Go Marching蚂蚁行军116. One Bottle O’pop一瓶汽水127. London Bridge伦敦桥128. The Happy Song幸福歌139. Mary Had a Little Lamb玛丽有只小羊羔1310. Jingle Bells铃儿响叮当14二、洪恩巴迪节拍英语14F.洪恩巴迪节拍英语生活魔方目录141.Baby Sleep 宝宝睡觉142.Do Cleaning 打扫143.Knitting Knitting One Two Three 一二三,织呀织144.Baby's Love 宝宝的爱155.Make Friends!交个朋友吧!156.Rain On The Green Grass 雨落在绿草上157.Brush My Teeth 刷刷我的牙158.Have A Bath 洗澡1510.Diddle Diddle Dumpling 摇啊摇!小宝宝错误!未定义书签。

从现在起,将陆续更新,敬请大家下载分享!语文小天才0101 儿童启蒙韵律口诀歌02 汉语拼音字母歌03 语文儿歌联诵:汉语拼音、字母歌、单韵母歌、声母歌、声调歌、识字歌、出头歌、变字歌、小马虎、美丽的歌、识字歌04 春晓05 涌鹅06 悯农07 儿童歌曲:嘀哩嘀哩08 儿童歌曲:小白鹅09 儿童歌曲:幸福拍手歌语文小天才0201语文儿歌联诵:象声词歌-动物的叫声象声词歌、心字歌、量词歌小学作文要求歌作文十字诀、习作歌诀看图作文歌打醋买布常用标点符号口诀标点符号书写歌02登鹳雀楼03静夜思04清明05回乡偶书06儿童歌曲:小螺号07儿童歌曲:铃儿响叮当08儿童歌曲:种太阳09儿童歌曲:听妈妈讲过去的事情10儿童歌曲:我爱北京天安门11儿童歌曲:小兔子乖乖数学小天才0101加法口诀02减法口诀03乘法九九表口诀04除法口诀05数学儿歌联诵:你猜我得了多少分、数学歌五指歌、数数歌、一加已等几拍手歌、数字歌、四和十对花歌、数数歌06儿童歌曲:好妈妈数学小天才0201数学儿歌联诵:上学啦、学习歌弟弟是个小问号小树苗、小数点歌、小数歌诀符号歌、珠算指法歌妞妞和牛牛、小青蛙、放羊绣花迷、收红薯、放鸭排队水牛吃草、采蘑菇02珠算加法口诀03珠算减法口诀04儿童歌曲:英文字母歌05儿童歌曲:娃哈哈06儿童歌曲:李小多分果果07儿童歌曲:小红花08儿童歌曲:一分钱09儿童歌曲:小手拍拍英文小天才0101礼貌问候用语02家禽家畜名称03儿童歌曲:龟兔赛跑04家庭成员称呼05服装鞋帽名称06儿童歌曲:小小英雄07春夏秋冬四季08数自从一到十09儿童歌曲:黑猫警长10水果食物名称11人体五官名称12儿童歌曲:奇妙的萤火虫13社会职业名称英文小天才0201各种颜色名称02公园景物名称03儿童歌曲:阿童木之歌04天文地理名称05一周星期名称06儿童歌曲:小白船07野兽动物名称08交通工具名称09儿童歌曲:造飞机10文具用品名称11十二个月名称12儿童歌曲:我乘上小马车13学念英文字母英文小天才0301我爱我家02儿童歌曲:问候你03鸟类天地04儿童歌曲:勾勾手好朋友05卡通人物06儿童歌曲:懒娃娃07食品名称08儿童歌曲:我有两只手09上学校10儿童歌曲:我们长大了11学数数12儿童歌曲:摘星星13上下大小14儿童歌曲:一只小老鼠15昆虫世界16儿童歌曲:蜗牛与黄鹂17小手拍拍18儿童歌曲:拍手歌英文小天才0401动物园02儿童歌曲:波斯猫03花草树木04儿童歌曲:我是一只小小鸟05海洋动物名称06儿童歌曲:鱼儿游07自然天气08儿童歌曲:小小少年09体育运动名称10儿童歌曲:我是个好小孩11小宝贝12儿童歌曲:一年级小学生13家用电器14儿童歌曲:礼貌歌15职业名称16儿童歌曲:点虫虫17讲卫生18儿童歌曲:老鸡说小鸡儿歌小天才0101上学校02数蛤蟆03济公04布谷鸟05或车快飞06找朋友07种太阳08铁臂阿童木09小花猫10小燕子11春神来了12泥娃娃13问候你14坐火车15王老师先生有块地16小小少年17小螺号18妈妈你早19我心爱的小马车20北京有个金太阳儿歌小天才0201王老师先生有块地02拔罗卜03采蘑菇的小姑娘04小草05好爸爸,坏爸爸06我爱北京天安门07问候你08中华是咱们共同的家09春天在哪里10海鸥11外婆的澎湖湾12我们美丽的祖国13跨世纪的新一代14山里的孩子心爱山15小红花16白帆17童年的梦18春天在我们的歌声里儿歌小天才0301小青蛙你唱吧02野菊花03白云04快乐王国05吹草哨儿06让我们荡起双桨07铃儿响叮当08早晨的歌09音符歌10拍手歌11和风12在晴朗的夏天13拾稻穗的小姑娘14校园多美好15雨花石16三毛流浪17我向党来唱支歌18国旗红红的哩19春天的脚步20白杨和小河儿歌小天才0401童年的梦02红领巾之歌03彩色中国04好叔叔05金唢呐06小妹妹别害怕07三峡的孩子爱三峡08地球是我们的家09不老的老师10爸爸11最美的花12可爱的小白鸽13你我同行14我爱新疆15快乐的丑小鸭16玛亚历险记17可爱的小白杨18妈妈的吻19我给蓝天擦擦脸20祖国象妈妈儿歌小天才0501丑小鸭02红星歌03小鸟,小鸟04外婆桥05妈妈的眼睛06小司机07折个飞机当妈妈08捉泥鳅09紫金花回家了10祖国祖国我爱你11哦十分钟12每当我走过老师窗前13猜拳14太阳的梦15上学歌16可爱的家园17跨世纪的新一代18祝福你19我们的田野20绿色祖国儿歌小天才0601七色光02飞向远方03我们多么幸福04朵朵葵花向阳天05我们要做雷锋式的好少年06我们是共产主义接班人07少年少年祖国的春天08妈妈格桑拉09公鸡仔10一支竹仔11床前明月光12落雨大13头顶会长大西瓜14问问星星亮也晶15祝福你生日快乐16小燕子17小麻雀18故事小豆芽19生日快乐20鲁冰花儿歌小天才0701IQ博士02买懒03月光光04圣诞快乐05画叮当06问题天天都多07忍者小精灵08世界真细小09大苯象会跳舞10柴娃娃11我做得到12祝福你14读书郎15HAPPY BIRTHDAY16跳飞机17我爱北京天安门18童年的梦19快乐的丑小鸭20祖国象妈妈儿歌小天才0801祖国祖国我爱你02紫金花回家了03每当我走过老师窗前04我爱妈妈的眼睛05丑小鸭06爸爸07好叔叔08彩色的中国09我向党来唱支歌10小红花11白帆12种瓜13拾稻穗的小姑娘14拍手歌15春天的脚步16在老师身边17校园多美好18跨世纪的新一代19妈妈格桑拉20妈妈你早唐诗小天才0101客中行(李白)02月夜忆舍弟(杜甫)03逢入京使(岑参)04归雁(钱起)05题稚川山水(戴叔伦)06移家别湖上亭(戎昱)07枫桥夜泊(张继)08春兴(武元衡)09十五夜望月寄杜郎中(王建)10春晓书山家屋壁(贯休)11从军行(陈羽)12登玄都阁(朱庆余)13九月九日忆山东兄弟(王维)14军城早秋(严武)15军行(李白)16浪淘沙(刘禹锡)17农父(张碧)18少年行(令狐楚)19送上人(刘长卿)20题诗后(贾岛)21行军九日思长安故园(岑参)22塞上闻笛(高适)23春望(杜甫)24赛夏笛(卢伦)25 州词(张籍)26寄外征衣(陈玉兰)27观祈雨(李约)28绝句(杜甫)29舟中读元九诗(白居易)30竹枝词(刘禹词)唐诗小天才0201江雪(柳宗元)02静夜思(李白)03柳州二月榕叶落尽偶题((柳宗元)04梦天(李贺)05山亭夏日(高骈)06山行(杜牧)07题竹林寺(朱放)08答陆沣(张九龄)09送杜少府之任蜀州(王勃)10和李秀才边庭四时怨(卢汝弼)11怀良人(葛鸦儿)12送灵澈(刘长卿)13芙蓉楼送辛渐(王昌龄)14嫦娥(李商隐)15放言(白居易)16从军行(杨炯)17登乐游原(李商隐)18登岳阳楼(杜甫)19闺怨(王昌龄)20淮上渔者(郑谷)21溪边(吴融)22相思(王维)23泊秦淮(杜牧)24公子行(贯休)25官仓鼠(曹邺)26江南曲(李益)27雨晴(王驾)28再经胡城县(杜荀鹤)29早发白帝城(李白)30早梅(张谓)唐诗小天才0301邯郸冬至夜思家(白居易)02江南曲(储光羲)03金缕衣(无名氏)04踏歌词(刘禹锡)05田家(聂夷中)06闻乐天授江州司马(元镇)07戏问花门酒家翁(岑参)08雪(罗隐)09寻隐者不遇(贾岛)10夜宿山寺(李白)11已亥岁(曹松)12营州歌(高适)13咏蚕(将贻恭)14咏鹅(骆宾王)15咏柳(贺知章)16游子吟(孟郊)17杂诗(沉金期)18赠卖松人(于武陵)19白雪歌送武判官归京(岑参)20黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵(李白)21江楼感旧(赵嘏)22金陵酒肆留别(李白)23碛中作(岑参)24秋夕(杜牧)25送郑侍御谛闽中(高适)26田园乐(王维)27长乾曲(崔颢)28弹琴(刘长卿)29蚕妇(杜荀鹤)30润州听暮角(李涉)唐诗小天才0401登咸阳县楼望雨(韦庄)02少年行(王维)03别卢秦卿(司空曙)04江南春(杜牧)05山中(王维)06田翁(杜荀鹤)07西施滩(崔道融)08采莲曲(王昌龄)09池上(白居易)10 酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠(刘禹锡)11滁州西涧(韦应物)12峨眉山月歌(李白)13逢侠者(钱起)14感遇(张九龄)15春闺思(张仲素)16春夜喜雨(杜甫)17春怨(金昌绪)18渡汉江(李频)19对雪(高骈)20绝句(杜甫)21兰溪歌(戴叔伦)22柳絮(壅欲之)23陇西行(陈陶024南园(李贺)25宿建德江(孟浩然)26鹭(郑谷)27送友人(李白)28夜雪(白居易)29春雪(韩愈)30有太平公主山庄(韩愈)唐诗小天才0501赛下曲(卢纶)02秋思(张籍)03三月晦日送春(贾岛)04思君恩(令狐楚)05送人游岭南(戴叔伦)06送元二使安西(王维)07宿石邑山中(韩羽)08题菊花(黄巢)09望天门山(李白)10惜牡丹花(白居易)11小松(杜荀鹤)12晓日(韩层)13新嫁娘(王建)14已(韩层)15幼女词(施肩吾)16渔歌子(张志和)17元和十年自郎州承召至京戏赠看花诸君子(刘禹锡)18云(来鵠)19赠花卿(杜甫)20赠汪伦(李白)21中秋夜(李峤)22终南忘余雪(祖咏)23黄鹤楼闻笛(李白)24寄李元锡(韦应物)25桃花溪(张旭)26杂诗(王维)27白云泉(白居易)28除夕宿石头驿(戴叔伦)29春思(贾至)30漫兴(杜甫)唐诗小天才0601钓鱼湾(储光羲)02巴女谣(于鵠)03过华清宫绝句(杜牧)04海人谣(王建)05岭上逢久别者又别(权的兴)06农家(颜仁郁)07清明(杜牧)08秋风引(刘禹锡)09塞下曲(李白)10山中(王勃)11四怨诗(曹邺)12送人游吴(杜荀鹤)13题邻居(于鵠)14题乌江亭(杜牧)15田上(崔道融)16望庐山瀑布(李白)17夏夜(韩屋)18湘中(韩愈)19燕昭王(陈子昂)20咏史(高适)21咏绣障(胡令能)22寒食寄京师诸弟(韦应物)23望月怀远(张九龄)24漫兴(杜甫)25蜂(罗隐)26鸟鸣涧(王维)27寄人(张泌)28古怨别(孟郊)29 州词(王翰)30江畔独步寻花(杜甫)唐诗小天才0701送朱大入秦(孟浩然)02鹦鹉(罗隐)03绝句(杜甫)04越女词(李白)05次潼关先寄张十二阁老使君06逢病军人(卢纶)07无题(李商隐)08钱塘湖春行(白居易)09题都城南行(崔护)10公子行(孟宾于)11江南逢李龟年(杜甫)12江南曲(于鵠)13题君山(雍陶)14望洞庭(刘禹锡)15早春呈上部长十八员外16月夜(刘方平)17朱里馆(王维)18小儿垂钓(胡令能)19登鹳雀楼(王之涣)20过山农家(顾况)21渔父(李中)22夜上受降城闻笛(李益)23深院(韩层)24晚春(韩愈)25溪居即事(崔道融)26竹枝词(刘禹锡)27鹿柴(王维)28黄鹤楼(崔颢)29问刘十九(白居易)30回乡偶书(贺知章)唐诗小天才0801落桥晚望(孟郊)02牧竖(崔道融)04无题(李商隐)05逢雪宿芙蓉山主人(刘长卿)06金谷园(杜牧)07社日(王驾)08秋夜曲(张仲素)09边词(张敬忠)10汴河怀古(皮日休)11别董大(高适)12蝉(虞世南)13从军行(王昌龄)14焚书坑(章碣)15富贵曲(郑邀)16赋德古原草送别(白居易)17公子家(聂夷中)18和练秀才杨柳(杨巨源)19华清宫(吴融)20淮上与友人别(郑谷)21寄扬州韩绰判官(杜牧)22江陵使至汝州(王建)23江畔独步寻花(杜甫)24离思(元稹)26马坡(郑27陪待朗叔有洞庭醉后(李白)28塞下曲(许浑)29城东早春(杨巨源)30葡萄(韩愈)唐诗小天才0901暮江吟(白居易)02子夜吴歌(李白)03少年行(令狐楚)04八阵图(杜甫)05拜新月(李端)06成都曲(张籍)07赤壁(杜牧)08春草(唐彦谦)09春晓(孟浩然)10从军行(王昌龄)11村夜(白居易)12大林寺桃花(白居易)13登高(杜甫)14登科后(孟郊)15登幽州台歌(陈子昂)16独坐敬亭山(李白)17寒食(韩羽)18贾生(李商隐)19剑客(贾岛)20江村即事(司空曙)21旅次塑方(刘皂)22洛桥(李益)23洛阳道(储光羲)24悯农(李绅)25暮春归故山草堂(钱起)26山房春事(岑参)27长沙过贾谊宅(刘长卿)28咸阳城西楼晚眺(许浑)29东都望幸(章碣)30宫词(朱庆馀)唐诗小天才1001蜀相(杜甫)02送李判官润州行营(刘长卿)03台城(韦庄)04题金陵渡(张祜)05题李凝幽居(贾岛)06题三闾大夫庙(戴叔伦)07望月有感(白居易)08乌衣巷(刘禹锡)09易水送别(骆宾王)10雨过山村(王建)11玉阶怨(李白)12园果(王建)13照镜见白发(张九龄)14采莲曲(刘方平)15旅夜书怀(杜甫)16古别离(孟郊)17竹枝词(白居易)18赠桥侍御(陈子昂)19闻官军收河南河北(杜甫)20独望(司空图)21菊花(元稹)22夜雨寄北(李商隐)23罗项曲(刘采春)24喜见外弟又言别(李益)25南池(李郢)26城西访友人别墅(壅陶)27惊雪(陆畅)28山中.寡妇(杜荀鹤)29春怨(刘方平)30过故人庄(孟浩然)。

儿童节英文儿歌歌词翻译中文版Children’s Day is celebrated on June 1st every year to recognize and appreciate the value of children in our society. It is an important day for children around the world to enjoy and engage in various children-oriented activities. Apart from organizing games, performances, and giving gifts, we can also celebrate the day by singing some wonderful and catchy children’s day English songs.Here are some of the well-known English Children’s day songs that would be an excellent way to celebrate the day with your kids:1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star(中文翻译:小星星)Twinkle, twinkle, little starHow I wonder what you areUp above the world so highLike a diamond in the skyWhen the blazing sun is goneWhen he nothing shines uponThen you show your little lightTwinkle, twinkle all the nightThen the traveler in the darkThanks you for your tiny sparkHe could not see which way to goIf you did not twinkle so2. The Wheels on the Bus(中文翻译:公共汽车上的轮子)The wheels on the bus go round and roundRound and round, round and roundThe wheels on the bus go round and roundAll through the townThe wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swishSwish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swishThe wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swishAll through the townThe horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beepBeep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beepThe horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beepAll through the town3. If You're Happy and You Know It(中文翻译:如果你快乐就拍拍手)If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap, clap)If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap, clap)If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show itIf you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. (clap clap)If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp, stomp)If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp, stomp)If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show itIf you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet. (stomp, stomp)If you're happy and you know it, shout "hooray!" (hooray!)If you're happy and you know it, shout "hooray!" (hooray!)If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show itIf you're happy and you know it, shout "hooray!" (hooray!)4. Five Little Ducks(中文翻译:五只小鸭)Five little ducks went out one dayOver the hills and far awayMother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"But only four little ducks came back.Four little ducks went out one dayOver the hills and far awayMother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"But only three little ducks came back.Three little ducks went out one dayOver the hills and far awayMother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"But only two little ducks came back.Two little ducks went out one dayOver the hills and far awayMother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"But only one little duck came back.One little duck went out one dayOver the hills and far awayMother duck said, "Quack, quack, quack, quack"And five little ducks came back.5. The ABC Song(中文翻译:小母鸡学唱唱)A -B -C -D -E -F - GH - I - J - K - L - M – N.- O – PQ - R - S - T - U- V, W – X – Y – ZNow I know my ABC'sNext time won't you sing with me?以上这些歌曲都是经典的儿童节英文歌曲,每一个都包含着对孩子们的爱和关注。

儿童节英文儿歌歌词大全集播放Children’s day is a special day for all the kids around the world. It is a day where children are celebrated and reminded of how special they are. One of the best ways to celebrate Children’s day is through music. Children love music, and it is a great way to keep them engaged and happy. In this article, we will be providing you with a comprehensive list of Children’s day English nursery rhymes that you and your children can sing along to and have fun together.1. Twinkle Twinkle Little StarTwinkle, twinkle little starHow I wonder what you areUp above the world so highLike a diamond in the skyTwinkle, twinkle little starHow I wonder what you are2. The Wheels on the BusThe wheels on the bus go round and round,Round and round, round and round.The wheels on the bus go round and round,All through the town.The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish,Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish,All through the town.3. Old MacDonald Had a FarmOld MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O!And on his farm, he had some cows,E-I-E-I-O!With a moo-moo here and a moo-moo there,Here a moo, there a moo,Everywhere a moo-moo!Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O!4. Baa Baa Black SheepBaa, baa, black sheep,Have you any wool?Yes sir, yessir,Three bags full.One for the master,And one for the dame,And one for the little boyWho lives down the lane.5. Mary Had a Little LambMary had a little lamb,Its fleece was white as snow,And everywhere that Mary went,The lamb was sure to go.It followed her to school one dayThat was against the rules,It made the children laugh and playTo see a lamb at school.6. London Bridge is Falling DownLondon Bridge is falling down,Falling down, fallingdown,London Bridge is falling down,My fair lady.Build it up with wood and clay,Wood and clay, wood and clay,Build it up with wood and clay,My fair lady.7. If You’re Happy and You Know ItIf you're happy and you know it, clap your handsIf you're happy and you know it, clap your handsIf you're happy and youknow it, then your face will surely show itIf you're happy and you know it, clap your hands8. Head, Shoulders, Knees and ToesHead, shoulders, knees and toes,Knees and toes, knees and toes,Head, shoulders, knees and toes,Eyes, ears, mouth and nose!9. The Finger FamilyDaddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?Here I am, here I am, how do you do?Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?Here I am, here I am, how do you do?Brother finger, Brother finger, where are you?Here I am, here I am, how do you do?Sister finger, Sister finger, where are you?Here I am, here I am, how do you do?Baby finger, Baby finger, where are you?Here I am, here I am, how do you do?10. Row Row Row Your BoatRow, row, row your boat,Gently down the stream,Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily,Life is but a dream.These are just a few of the popular nursery rhymes that you and your children can enjoy singing on Children’s day. Music is a great way to connect with children, and it is a fun and engagingactivity for them. Singing along to these nursery rhymes is not only entertaining, but it also helps children develop language and memory skills. So, get ready to sing along and have a wonderful Children’s day celebration with your little ones!。


儿童节英文儿歌大全歌词翻译June 1st is International Children's Day, a day to celebrate and honor children around the world. And what better way to celebrate than with music? There are countless English children's songs that can be sung on this special day. In this article, we'll introduce you to some popular English sings and provide a translation for non-native English speakers.1. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star"Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky."这首歌是全球最为流行的儿童歌曲之一。
2. Old MacDonald Had a Farm"Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O, And on his farm he had a cow, E-I-E-I-O, With a moo moo here, And a moo moo there, Here a moo, there a moo, Everywhere a moo moo."这首歌是一首有趣的歌曲,它可以帮助孩子们认识常见的动物和他们的叫声。

以下是一些广受欢迎的英语儿歌及其翻译:1. 《一闪一闪小星星》(Twinkle Twinkle Little Star)原版歌词:Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder What You Are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.翻译:一闪一闪小星星,我想知道你是什么。
2. 《字母歌》(ABC Song)原版歌词:A B C D E F G, H I J K L M N O. P Q R S T U V, W X Y and Z too.翻译:A B C D E F G,H I J K L M N O。
P Q R S T U V,W X Y和Z也要。
3. 《玛丽有只小羊羔》(Mary Had a Little Lamb)原版歌词:Mary had a little lamb, Its fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Mary went, The lamb was sure to go.翻译:玛丽有只小羊羔,毛色雪白像雪花。
4. 《小蜜蜂》(The Bee Song)原版歌词:Here comes the bee, buzz buzz. He brings the honey back. Here comes the bee, buzz buzz. Fly fly little bee.翻译:小蜜蜂飞来,嗡嗡叫。

1. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star(小星星)Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are!Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.Shining in the dark black sky,Please stay with me, don't say goodbye,I want to hold you, oh so tight,And be with you 'til morning light.2. The Wheels on the Bus(公共汽车上的轮子)The wheels on the bus go round and round,Round and round, round and round.The wheels on the bus go round and round,All through the town.The people on the bus go up and down,Up and down, up and down.The people on the bus go up and down,All through the town.The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep,Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep,All through the town.3. Old MacDonald Had a Farm(老麦克唐纳有个农场)Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O,And on his farm he had some cows, E-I-E-I-O.With a moo-moo here and a moo-moo there,Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo-moo.Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O,And on his farm he had some pigs, E-I-E-I-O.With an oink-oink here and an oink-oink there,Here an oink, there an oink, everywhere an oink-oink.Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.4. Itsy Bitsy Spider(小蜘蛛)The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout.Down came the rain and washed the spider out.Out came the sun and driedup all the rain,And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again.小小的蜘蛛爬上了水管,大雨落下把它冲了出去。

英文小天才(01)儿童英语顺口溜18首English Prodigy (01) 18 Children's English Tongue TwistersLearning a new language can be a challenging yet rewarding experience especially for young children Their brains are like sponges absorbing new information at an incredible pace However one of the most difficult aspects of language acquisition is mastering the pronunciation of words and phrases This is where tongue twisters come in handy as they provide a fun and engaging way for children to practice their speaking skills and improve their fluencyTongue twisters are phrases or sentences that are designed to be difficult to pronounce due to the repetition of similar sounds or the unusual combination of letters They challenge the speaker to articulate words clearly and precisely which in turn helps to strengthen their command of the language's phonetics Over time as children become more adept at reciting tongue twisters their speech becomes more fluid and their confidence in speaking the language increasesIn this essay we will explore 18 children's English tongue twisters that can help young learners develop their English proficiency Each twister is accompanied by a brief explanation of its linguistic features and tips on how to practice them effectively1 She sells seashells by the seashore The repetition of the 's' sound in this classic tongue twister makes it challenging to pronounce clearly Encourage children to exaggerate the 's' sound and pay close attention to their lip movements to ensure they are articulating each word correctly2 Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers A peck is a unit of measurement equivalent to 2 gallons The alliteration of the 'p' sound coupled with the unusual word 'peck' makes this twister tricky to say smoothly Advise children to take their time and break the phrase down into smaller chunks if needed3 How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood This tongue twister plays with the similar sounds of'wood' and 'would' as well as the repetition of 'chuck' Encourage children to enunciate each word clearly and avoid running the phrases together4 I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream The repetition of the 'scream' and 'ice cream' sounds creates a rhythmic challenge forthe speaker Suggest that children exaggerate the 'ee' sound in'scream' and 'cream' to make it more distinct5 She sells seashells by the seashore the seashells she sells I'm sure are seashells I'm sure This expanded version of the first tongue twister adds an extra layer of complexity with the repetition of'seashells' and 'sure' Advise children to break it down into smaller segments and practice each part separately before attempting the full phrase6 Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy was he The alliteration of the 'f' and 'w' sounds as well as the repetition of 'fuzzy' make this twister tricky to say quickly Encourage children to emphasize the 'f' and 'w' sounds and to pause briefly between each line7 Can you can a can as a canner can can a can The repetition of the word 'can' in this tongue twister creates a tongue tying effect Suggest that children speak slowly and clearly focusing on enunciating each instance of 'can'8 She sells seashells by the seashore but the seashells she sells I'm sure are seashells This is another variation on the classic seashell twister that adds an extra layer of complexity with the inclusion of 'but' Advise children to pay close attention to their pronunciation of'seashells' and 'sure'9 Red lorry yellow lorry red lorry yellow lorry The alliteration of the 'l' sound combined with the color words makes this a challenging tongue twister for young learners Encourage them to speak slowly and clearly emphasizing each 'l' sound10 Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie This twister plays with the similar sounds of'imaginary' and 'menagerie' as well as the repetition of the 'm' sound Suggest that children break it down into smaller chunks and practice each part separately before attempting the full phrase11 She sells seashells by the seashore but the seashells she sells are surely seashells This is yet another variation on the classic seashell tongue twister that adds an extra layer of complexity with the inclusion of the word 'surely' Advise children to pay close attention to their pronunciation of 'seashells' and 'surely'12 The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick This tongue twister is challenging because of the repetition of the 'sixth' and 'sheik's' sounds as well as the unusual word 'sheik' Encourage children to speak slowly and clearly focusing on each individual sound13 I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream I scream youscream we all scream for ice cream This is a longer version of the earlier ice cream tongue twister that repeats the phrase twice Suggest that children practice each line separately before attempting the full twister14 The three trees in the three-tree garden grew to be the three trees they were The repetition of the 'three' and 't' sounds in this tongue twister makes it tricky to pronounce Advise children to take their time and focus on clearly articulating each word15 Can you can a can as a canner can can a can The repetition of the word 'can' in this tongue twister creates a tongue tying effect Encourage children to speak slowly and clearly focusing on enunciating each instance of 'can'16 Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie while the real menagerie manager manages the real menagerie This is an expanded version of the earlier imaginary menagerie tongue twister that adds an extra layer of complexity Suggest that children break it down into smaller chunks and practice each part separately17 She sells seashells by the seashore the seashells she sells I'm sure are seashore seashells This is another variation on the classic seashell tongue twister that adds the word 'seashore' to the mix Advisechildren to pay close attention to their pronunciation of 'seashells' and 'seashore'18 How can a clam cram in a clean cream can This tongue twister plays with the similar sounds of 'clam' 'cram' and 'clean cream can' Encourage children to speak slowly and clearly emphasizing each individual wordIn conclusion these 18 children's English tongue twisters provide a fun and engaging way for young learners to practice their speaking skills and improve their fluency in the language By repeatedly reciting these phrases children can strengthen their command of the language's phonetics and develop greater confidence in their ability to communicate effectively in English。

语文小天才0101 儿童启蒙韵律口诀歌02 汉语拼音字母歌03 语文儿歌联诵:汉语拼音、字母歌、单韵母歌、声母歌、声调歌、识字歌、出头歌、变字歌、小马虎、美丽的歌、识字歌04 春晓05 涌鹅06 悯农07 儿童歌曲:嘀哩嘀哩08 儿童歌曲:小白鹅09 儿童歌曲:幸福拍手歌语文小天才0201语文儿歌联诵:象声词歌-动物的叫声象声词歌、心字歌、量词歌小学作文要求歌作文十字诀、习作歌诀看图作文歌打醋买布常用标点符号口诀标点符号书写歌02登鹳雀楼03静夜思04清明05回乡偶书06儿童歌曲:小螺号07儿童歌曲:铃儿响叮当08儿童歌曲:种太阳09儿童歌曲:听妈妈讲过去的事情10儿童歌曲:我爱北京天安门11儿童歌曲:小兔子乖乖数学小天才0101加法口诀02减法口诀03乘法九九表口诀04除法口诀05数学儿歌联诵:你猜我得了多少分、数学歌五指歌、数数歌、一加已等几拍手歌、数字歌、四和十对花歌、数数歌06儿童歌曲:好妈妈数学小天才0201数学儿歌联诵:上学啦、学习歌弟弟是个小问号小树苗、小数点歌、小数歌诀符号歌、珠算指法歌妞妞和牛牛、小青蛙、放羊绣花迷、收红薯、放鸭排队水牛吃草、采蘑菇02珠算加法口诀03珠算减法口诀04儿童歌曲:英文字母歌05儿童歌曲:娃哈哈06儿童歌曲:李小多分果果07儿童歌曲:小红花08儿童歌曲:一分钱09儿童歌曲:小手拍拍英文小天才0101礼貌问候用语02家禽家畜名称03儿童歌曲:龟兔赛跑04家庭成员称呼05服装鞋帽名称06儿童歌曲:小小英雄07春夏秋冬四季08数自从一到十09儿童歌曲:黑猫警长10水果食物名称11人体五官名称12儿童歌曲:奇妙的萤火虫13社会职业名称英文小天才0201各种颜色名称02公园景物名称03儿童歌曲:阿童木之歌04天文地理名称05一周星期名称06儿童歌曲:小白船07野兽动物名称08交通工具名称09儿童歌曲:造飞机10文具用品名称11十二个月名称12儿童歌曲:我乘上小马车13学念英文字母英文小天才0301我爱我家02儿童歌曲:问候你03鸟类天地04儿童歌曲:勾勾手好朋友05卡通人物06儿童歌曲:懒娃娃07食品名称08儿童歌曲:我有两只手09上学校10儿童歌曲:我们长大了11学数数12儿童歌曲:摘星星13上下大小14儿童歌曲:一只小老鼠15昆虫世界16儿童歌曲:蜗牛与黄鹂17小手拍拍18儿童歌曲:拍手歌英文小天才0401动物园02儿童歌曲:波斯猫03花草树木04儿童歌曲:我是一只小小鸟05海洋动物名称06儿童歌曲:鱼儿游07自然天气08儿童歌曲:小小少年09体育运动名称10儿童歌曲:我是个好小孩11小宝贝12儿童歌曲:一年级小学生13家用电器14儿童歌曲:礼貌歌15职业名称16儿童歌曲:点虫虫17讲卫生18儿童歌曲:老鸡说小鸡儿歌小天才0101上学校02数蛤蟆03济公04布谷鸟05或车快飞06找朋友07种太阳08铁臂阿童木09小花猫10小燕子11春神来了12泥娃娃13问候你14坐火车15王老师先生有块地16小小少年17小螺号18妈妈你早19我心爱的小马车20北京有个金太阳儿歌小天才0201王老师先生有块地02拔罗卜03采蘑菇的小姑娘04小草05好爸爸,坏爸爸06我爱北京天安门07问候你08中华是咱们共同的家09春天在哪里10海鸥11外婆的澎湖湾12我们美丽的祖国13跨世纪的新一代14山里的孩子心爱山15小红花16白帆17童年的梦18春天在我们的歌声里儿歌小天才0301小青蛙你唱吧02野菊花03白云04快乐王国05吹草哨儿06让我们荡起双桨07铃儿响叮当08早晨的歌09音符歌10拍手歌11和风12在晴朗的夏天13拾稻穗的小姑娘14校园多美好15雨花石16三毛流浪17我向党来唱支歌18国旗红红的哩19春天的脚步20白杨和小河儿歌小天才0401童年的梦02红领巾之歌03彩色中国04好叔叔05金唢呐06小妹妹别害怕07三峡的孩子爱三峡08地球是我们的家09不老的老师10爸爸11最美的花12可爱的小白鸽13你我同行14我爱新疆15快乐的丑小鸭16玛亚历险记17可爱的小白杨19我给蓝天擦擦脸20祖国象妈妈儿歌小天才0501丑小鸭02红星歌03小鸟,小鸟04外婆桥05妈妈的眼睛06小司机07折个飞机当妈妈08捉泥鳅09紫金花回家了10祖国祖国我爱你11哦十分钟12每当我走过老师窗前13猜拳14太阳的梦15上学歌16可爱的家园17跨世纪的新一代18祝福你19我们的田野20绿色祖国儿歌小天才0601七色光02飞向远方03我们多么幸福04朵朵葵花向阳天05我们要做雷锋式的好少年06我们是共产主义接班人07少年少年祖国的春天08妈妈格桑拉09公鸡仔10一支竹仔11床前明月光12落雨大13头顶会长大西瓜14问问星星亮也晶15祝福你生日快乐16小燕子17小麻雀19生日快乐20鲁冰花儿歌小天才0701IQ博士02买懒03月光光04圣诞快乐05画叮当06问题天天都多07忍者小精灵08世界真细小09大苯象会跳舞10柴娃娃11我做得到12祝福你14读书郎15HAPPY BIRTHDAY 16跳飞机17我爱北京天安门18童年的梦19快乐的丑小鸭20祖国象妈妈儿歌小天才0801祖国祖国我爱你02紫金花回家了03每当我走过老师窗前04我爱妈妈的眼睛05丑小鸭06爸爸07好叔叔08彩色的中国09我向党来唱支歌10小红花11白帆12种瓜13拾稻穗的小姑娘14拍手歌15春天的脚步16在老师身边17校园多美好18跨世纪的新一代19妈妈格桑拉20妈妈你早唐诗小天才0101客中行(李白)02月夜忆舍弟(杜甫)03逢入京使(岑参)04归雁(钱起)05题稚川山水(戴叔伦)06移家别湖上亭(戎昱)07枫桥夜泊(张继)08春兴(武元衡)09十五夜望月寄杜郎中(王建)10春晓书山家屋壁(贯休)11从军行(陈羽)12登玄都阁(朱庆余)13九月九日忆山东兄弟(王维)14军城早秋(严武)15军行(李白)16浪淘沙(刘禹锡)17农父(张碧)18少年行(令狐楚)19送上人(刘长卿)20题诗后(贾岛)21行军九日思长安故园(岑参)22塞上闻笛(高适)23春望(杜甫)24赛夏笛(卢伦)25 州词(张籍)26寄外征衣(陈玉兰)27观祈雨(李约)28绝句(杜甫)29舟中读元九诗(白居易)30竹枝词(刘禹词)唐诗小天才0201江雪(柳宗元)02静夜思(李白)03柳州二月榕叶落尽偶题((柳宗元)04梦天(李贺)05山亭夏日(高骈)06山行(杜牧)07题竹林寺(朱放)08答陆沣(张九龄)09送杜少府之任蜀州(王勃)10和李秀才边庭四时怨(卢汝弼)11怀良人(葛鸦儿)12送灵澈(刘长卿)13芙蓉楼送辛渐(王昌龄)14嫦娥(李商隐)15放言(白居易)16从军行(杨炯)17登乐游原(李商隐)18登岳阳楼(杜甫)19闺怨(王昌龄)20淮上渔者(郑谷)21溪边(吴融)22相思(王维)23泊秦淮(杜牧)24公子行(贯休)25官仓鼠(曹邺)26江南曲(李益)27雨晴(王驾)28再经胡城县(杜荀鹤)29早发白帝城(李白)30早梅(张谓)唐诗小天才0301邯郸冬至夜思家(白居易)02江南曲(储光羲)03金缕衣(无名氏)04踏歌词(刘禹锡)05田家(聂夷中)06闻乐天授江州司马(元镇)07戏问花门酒家翁(岑参)08雪(罗隐)09寻隐者不遇(贾岛)10夜宿山寺(李白)11已亥岁(曹松)12营州歌(高适)13咏蚕(将贻恭)14咏鹅(骆宾王)15咏柳(贺知章)16游子吟(孟郊)17杂诗(沉金期)18赠卖松人(于武陵)19白雪歌送武判官归京(岑参)20黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵(李白)21江楼感旧(赵嘏)22金陵酒肆留别(李白)23碛中作(岑参)24秋夕(杜牧)25送郑侍御谛闽中(高适)26田园乐(王维)27长乾曲(崔颢)28弹琴(刘长卿)29蚕妇(杜荀鹤)30润州听暮角(李涉)唐诗小天才0401登咸阳县楼望雨(韦庄)02少年行(王维)03别卢秦卿(司空曙)04江南春(杜牧)05山中(王维)06田翁(杜荀鹤)07西施滩(崔道融)08采莲曲(王昌龄)09池上(白居易)10 酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠(刘禹锡)11滁州西涧(韦应物)12峨眉山月歌(李白)13逢侠者(钱起)14感遇(张九龄)15春闺思(张仲素)16春夜喜雨(杜甫)17春怨(金昌绪)18渡汉江(李频)19对雪(高骈)20绝句(杜甫)21兰溪歌(戴叔伦)22柳絮(壅欲之)23陇西行(陈陶024南园(李贺)25宿建德江(孟浩然)26鹭(郑谷)27送友人(李白)28夜雪(白居易)29春雪(韩愈)30有太平公主山庄(韩愈)唐诗小天才0501赛下曲(卢纶)02秋思(张籍)03三月晦日送春(贾岛)04思君恩(令狐楚)05送人游岭南(戴叔伦)06送元二使安西(王维)07宿石邑山中(韩羽)08题菊花(黄巢)09望天门山(李白)10惜牡丹花(白居易)11小松(杜荀鹤)12晓日(韩层)13新嫁娘(王建)14已(韩层)15幼女词(施肩吾)16渔歌子(张志和)17元和十年自郎州承召至京戏赠看花诸君子(刘禹锡)18云(来鵠)19赠花卿(杜甫)20赠汪伦(李白)21中秋夜(李峤)22终南忘余雪(祖咏)23黄鹤楼闻笛(李白)24寄李元锡(韦应物)25桃花溪(张旭)26杂诗(王维)27白云泉(白居易)28除夕宿石头驿(戴叔伦)29春思(贾至)30漫兴(杜甫)唐诗小天才0601钓鱼湾(储光羲)02巴女谣(于鵠)03过华清宫绝句(杜牧)04海人谣(王建)05岭上逢久别者又别(权的兴)06农家(颜仁郁)07清明(杜牧)08秋风引(刘禹锡)09塞下曲(李白)10山中(王勃)11四怨诗(曹邺)12送人游吴(杜荀鹤)13题邻居(于鵠)14题乌江亭(杜牧)15田上(崔道融)16望庐山瀑布(李白)17夏夜(韩屋)18湘中(韩愈)19燕昭王(陈子昂)20咏史(高适)21咏绣障(胡令能)22寒食寄京师诸弟(韦应物)23望月怀远(张九龄)24漫兴(杜甫)25蜂(罗隐)26鸟鸣涧(王维)27寄人(张泌)28古怨别(孟郊)29 州词(王翰)30江畔独步寻花(杜甫)唐诗小天才0701送朱大入秦(孟浩然)02鹦鹉(罗隐)03绝句(杜甫)04越女词(李白)05次潼关先寄张十二阁老使君06逢病军人(卢纶)07无题(李商隐)08钱塘湖春行(白居易)09题都城南行(崔护)10公子行(孟宾于)11江南逢李龟年(杜甫)12江南曲(于鵠)13题君山(雍陶)14望洞庭(刘禹锡)15早春呈上部长十八员外16月夜(刘方平)17朱里馆(王维)18小儿垂钓(胡令能)19登鹳雀楼(王之涣)20过山农家(顾况)21渔父(李中)22夜上受降城闻笛(李益)23深院(韩层)24晚春(韩愈)25溪居即事(崔道融)26竹枝词(刘禹锡)27鹿柴(王维)28黄鹤楼(崔颢)29问刘十九(白居易)30回乡偶书(贺知章)唐诗小天才0801落桥晚望(孟郊)02牧竖(崔道融)03出塞(王昌龄)04无题(李商隐)05逢雪宿芙蓉山主人(刘长卿)06金谷园(杜牧)07社日(王驾)08秋夜曲(张仲素)09边词(张敬忠)10汴河怀古(皮日休)11别董大(高适)12蝉(虞世南)13从军行(王昌龄)14焚书坑(章碣)15富贵曲(郑邀)16赋德古原草送别(白居易)17公子家(聂夷中)18和练秀才杨柳(杨巨源)19华清宫(吴融)20淮上与友人别(郑谷)21寄扬州韩绰判官(杜牧)22江陵使至汝州(王建)23江畔独步寻花(杜甫)24离思(元稹)25 州词(王之涣)26马坡(郑27陪待朗叔有洞庭醉后(李白)28塞下曲(许浑)29城东早春(杨巨源)30葡萄(韩愈)唐诗小天才0901暮江吟(白居易)02子夜吴歌(李白)03少年行(令狐楚)04八阵图(杜甫)05拜新月(李端)06成都曲(张籍)07赤壁(杜牧)08春草(唐彦谦)09春晓(孟浩然)10从军行(王昌龄)11村夜(白居易)12大林寺桃花(白居易)13登高(杜甫)14登科后(孟郊)15登幽州台歌(陈子昂)16独坐敬亭山(李白)17寒食(韩羽)18贾生(李商隐)19剑客(贾岛)20江村即事(司空曙)21旅次塑方(刘皂)22洛桥(李益)23洛阳道(储光羲)24悯农(李绅)25暮春归故山草堂(钱起)26山房春事(岑参)27长沙过贾谊宅(刘长卿)28咸阳城西楼晚眺(许浑)29东都望幸(章碣)30宫词(朱庆馀)唐诗小天才1001蜀相(杜甫)02送李判官润州行营(刘长卿)03台城(韦庄)04题金陵渡(张祜)05题李凝幽居(贾岛)06题三闾大夫庙(戴叔伦)07望月有感(白居易)08乌衣巷(刘禹锡)09易水送别(骆宾王)10雨过山村(王建)11玉阶怨(李白)12园果(王建)13照镜见白发(张九龄)14采莲曲(刘方平)15旅夜书怀(杜甫)16古别离(孟郊)17竹枝词(白居易)18赠桥侍御(陈子昂)19闻官军收河南河北(杜甫)20独望(司空图)21菊花(元稹)22夜雨寄北(李商隐)23罗项曲(刘采春)24喜见外弟又言别(李益)25南池(李郢)26城西访友人别墅(壅陶)27惊雪(陆畅)28山中.寡妇(杜荀鹤)29春怨(刘方平)30过故人庄(孟浩然)。

1.A B C D 字母歌A B C D E F GH I J K L M N O PQ R S and T U VW X and Y and ZHappy happy we shall be,when we learn our A B Cs.2.A re Y ou SleepingAre you sleeping ,are you sleeping, Brother John? Brother John? Morning bells are ringing,Morning bells are ringing,Ding dong ding3.B illy BoyOh , where have you been, Billy boy Billy boyOh Where have you been Charming BillyI have been to seek a wife She’s the joy of my life She’s a young thingAnd cannot leave her mother Did she ask you to come in Billy boy Billy boyDid she ask you to come in Charming BillyYes she asked me to come in There’s a dimple in her chin She’s a young thingAnd cannot leave her mother4.B ingoThere was a farmer had a dog,And bingo was his name,and bingo was his name O’B-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-O and Bingo was his name O5.F ollow Me A B CFollow me, follow meA B C A B CFollow me follow meIt’s easy as you seeEveryday everydayIn this way In this wayJust repeat Just repeatTill the tune’s complete6.F ollow MeFollow me follow me Hands up hands up Follow me follow me Hands down hands down Follow me follow me Wave your armsFollow me follow me Bend your kneesFollow me follow me Turn right turn right Follow me follow me Turn left turn left Follow me follow me Jump up-and-downFollow me follow me Turn around7.F or He’s a Jolly Good Fellow For he’s a jolly good fellow For he’s a jolly good fellow For he’s a jolly good fellow Which nobody can deny Which nobody can deny Which nobody can denyFor he’s a jolly good fellow Which nobody can denyFor she’s a jolly good fellow For she’s a jolly good fellow For she’s a jolly good fellow Which nobody can deny Which nobody can deny Which nobody can denyFor she’s a jolly good fellow Which nobody can deny9.G oodbye little fishLittle fish goodbye to youGoodbye goodbye goodbye to you May our lord bless youMay our lord bless youSee you see youSee you again See you again10.Good Morning to Y ouGood morning to youGood morning to youWe’re all in our placesWith sunshiny facesGood morning to you11.Good Night to Y ou AllGood night to you all and sweet be your sleepMay angels around you their silentwatch keepGood night good nightGood night good night12.GreetingsYour right hand says good morning Good morning to youYour right hand says good morning Good morning to youYour left hand says good night Good night to youYour left hand says good night Good night to you13.Happy BirthdayHappy birthday to youHappy birthday to youHappy birthday dear friend Happy birthday to you14.Head Shoulders Knees and ToesHead shoulders knees and toes knees and toesHead shoulders knees and toes knees and toesEyes and ears and mouth and nose Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toesHellohello hello hello hellohello hello how are youhello hello hello hellohello hello how are youhello hello hello hellohello hello how are youthank you thank youI am fine and I hope that you are too15.Hush, Little BabyHush little baby don’t you cry Mama’s going to sing you a lullaby Hush little baby don’t say a word Papa’s going to buy you a mockingbird16.I am a BoyI am a boy and you are a girlI am a boy and you are a girlI am a boy and you are a girlDo you want to be my friendI am a girl and you are a boyI am a girl and you are a boyI am a girl and you are a boyYes I want to be your friend17.I’m a Little TeapotI’m a little teapot short and stout Here is my handle here is my spout When the water’s boiling hear me shoutTip me over pour me outI’m a little snowman short and fat Here is my broomstick here is my hat When the jolly sunshine comes to stayThen I slowly melt away18.I Can Hear The BellI can hear I can hear I can hear the bellDing-a-dong Ding-a-dongI can hear I can hear I can hear the bellDing-a-dong Ding-a-dongI can hear the bellI can hear I can hear I can hear the rainPitter-patta Pitter-pattaPitter-patta the rainI can hear I can hear I can hear the rainPitter-patta Pitter-pattaI can hear the rain19.JanuaryJanuary February Sa la la la la la la March and April May and June Sa la la la la la laJuly August September Sa la la la la la laOctober November December Sa la la la la la la20.Jingle BellsDashing through the snowIn a one-horse open sleighO’er the fields we goLaughing all the wayBells on bobtail ringMaking spirits brightWhat fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight Jingle bells Jingle bells Jingle all the wayOh what fun it is to rideIn a one-horse open sleigh Jingle bells Jingle bells Jingle all the wayOh what fun it is to rideIn a one-horse open sleigh 21.London BridgeLondon Bridge is falling down Falling down falling down London Bridge is falling down My fair ladyBuild it up with iron barsIron bars iron barsBuild it up with iron barsMy fair ladyIron bars will bend and break Bend and break bend and break Iron bars will bend and breakMy fair ladyLondon Bridge is falling down Falling down falling down London Bridge is falling downMy fair lady22.Make New FriendsMake new friends but keep the old One is silver and the other gold Make new friends but keep the old One is silver and the other gold23.Mary Had a Little LambMary had a little lambLittle lamb little lambMary had a little lambIts fleece was white as snowAnd everywhere that Mary went Mary went Mary wentAnd everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to goIt followed her to school one day School one day school one dayIt followed her to school one day Which was against the rulesIt made the children laugh and play Laugh and play laugh and playIt made the children laugh and play To see the lamb at school24.Oh, How lovely Is the Evening Oh how lovely is the eveningIs the eveningWhen the bells are sweetly ringing Sweetly ringingDing dong Ding dong Ding dong25.Old MacDonaldOld MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-OAnd on this farm he had some chicks E-I-E-I-OWith a chick chick here and a chick chick thereHere a chick there a chick Everywhere a chick chickOld MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-OOld MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-OAnd on this farm he had some ducksE-I-E-I-OWith a quack quack here and a quack quack thereHere a quack there a quack Everywhere a quack quackOld MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O26.One Bottle O’popOne bottle O’popTwo bottles O’popThree bottles O’popFour bottles O’popFive bottles O’popSix bottles O’popSeven bottles O’pop POPDon’t eat too many picklesWith hamburger sandwichesDon’t eat too many picklesOr else you will POPHamburgers and apple pieApple pie apple pieHamburgers and apple pieApple pie and POP27.One Two Buckle My ShoeOne two buckle my shoeThree four shut the doorFive six pick up the sticksSeven eight lay them straightEight seven six five four three two one all done28.Polly, Put the Kettle OnPolly put the kettle onPolly put the kettle onPolly put the kettle onWe’ll all have teaSukey take it off againSukey take it off againSukey take it off againThey’ve all gone away29.Pussy CatPussy cat pussy cat where have you beenI’ve been up to London to look at the queenPussy cat pussy cat why are you thereI’ve frightened the little mouse under her chair30.Rock-a-bye BabyRock-a-bye baby on the tree top When the wind blows the cradle will rockWhen the bough breaks the cradle will fallAnd down will come baby cradle and all31.RoseRose Rose Rose RoseWill I ever see you bloomYes Y ou will see me bloom if you will wait32.Row Y our BoatRow row row your boatGently down the streamMerrily merrily merrily merrilyLife is but a dream33.Sleep Baby SleepSleep baby sleepYour father tends the sheepYour mother shakes the Dreamland tree and finds a dream forYou and meSleep baby sleep34.SallySally is wearing a white dress white dressWhite dressSally is wearing a white dress all day longSally is wearing black shoes black shoesBlack shoesSally is wearing black shoes all day long35.Sleep Baby SleepSleep baby sleepYour father tends the sheepYour mother shakes theDreamland tree and finds a dream forYou and meSleep baby sleep36.Starlight Star brightStarlight star brightFirst star I’ve seen tonightI wish I mayI wish I mightHave the wish I wish tonight37.Sweetly Sings the Donkey Sweetly sings the donkeyAt the break of dayIf you do not feed himThis is what he’ll sayHeehaw HeehawHeehaw Heehaw Heehaw38.table numberWe are table number one Number one ,number one We are table number one Where is number twoWe are table number two Number two ,number two We are table number two Where is number threeWe are table number three Number three ,number three We are table number three Where is number four39.Teddy BearTeddy bear T eddy bear Turn aroundTeddy bear T eddy bear Touch the guoundTeddy bear T eddy bearShow your shoesTeddy bear T eddy bearThat will do40.Tell meTell me tell me what it is?Tell me tell me what it is?It’s a book. It’s a book.It’s a book. Y es, it is a book.Tell me tell me what it is?Tell me tell me what it is?It’s a pen. It’s a pen.It’s a pen. Y es, it is a pen.Tell me tell me what it is?Tell me tell me what it is?It’s a ball. It’s a ball.It’s a ball. Y es, it is a ball.41.Ten Little IndiansOne little two little three littleIndiansFour little five little six little Indians Seven little eight little nine little IndiansTen little Indian boys42.The Ants Go MarchingThe ants go marching one by one Hurrah hurrahThe ants go marching one by one Hurrah hurrahThe ants go marching one by one The little one stops to eat a crumb And they all go marching downTo the ground to get out of the rain Boom Boom Boom BoomThe ants go marching two by two Hurrah hurrahThe ants go marching two by two Hurrah hurrahThe ants go marching two by twoThe little one stops to tie his shoe And they all go marching downTo the ground to get out of the rain Boom Boom Boom Boom43.The ClockHark to the sound of the old wooden clockTick Tock Tick TockCuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Bong Bong Bong BongIt tells the time for each minute and hourTick Tock Tick TockCuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Bong Bong Bong Bong44.The Farmer in the DellThe farmer in the dellThe farmer in the dellHeigh-o the derry-oThe farmer in the dell45.The Happy SongIf you’re happy and you know it Clap your handsIf you’re happy and you know it Clap your handsIf you’re happy and you know it And you really want to show it If you’re happy and you know it Clap your handsIf you’re happy and you know it Slap your kneesIf you’re happy and you know it Slap your kneesIf you’re happy and you know it And you really want to show it If you’re happy and you know it Slap your kneesIf you’re happy and you know itStamp your footIf you’re happy and you know it Stamp your footIf you’re happy and you know it And you really want to show it If you’re happy and you know it Stamp your footIf you’re happy and you know it Snap your fingersIf you’re happy and you know it Snap your fingersIf you’re happy and you know it And you really want to show it If you’re happy and you know it Snap your fingers46.The More We Get T ogether The more we get together Together togetherThe more we get togetherThe happier we’ll beFor your friends are my friends And my friends are your friends The more we get togetherThe happier we’ll be47.The Muffin ManOh do you know the muffin man The muffin man the muffin man Oh do you know the muffin man Who lives on Drury LaneOh yes I know the muffin manThe muffin man the muffin man Oh yes I know the muffin man Who lives on Drury Lane48.Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Twinkle twinkle little starHow I wonder what you areUp above the world so highLike a diamond in the skyTwinkle twinkle little starHow I wonder what you are49.We Wish You a Merry Christmas! We wish you a Merry Christmas! We wish you a Merry Christmas! We wish you a Merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year51.What’s your nameWhat’s your name?My name is Johnwhat’s your name?My name is John.。

儿童节英文儿歌歌词大全简单版Children's Day is a special day for all the children around the world. It is a day of fun, games, and laughter. On this day, children can enjoy themselves with their families and friends, and they can also sing and dance to their heart's content.In this document, we have compiled a list of simple and easy-to-learn English nursery rhymes and songs that are sure to put a smile on your child's face.1. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little StarTwinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are.2. Baa Baa Black SheepBaa, baa, black sheep,Have you any wool?Yes sir, yessir,Three bags full.One for the master,One for the dame,And one for the little boyWho lives down the lane.Baa, baa, black sheep,Have you any wool?Yes sir, yessir,Three bags full.3. Mary Had a Little LambMary had a little lamb,Its fleece was white as snow,And everywhere that Mary went,The lamb was sure to go.It followed her to school one day,Which was against the rule,It made the children laugh and play,To see a lamb at school.Mary had a little lamb,Its fleece was white as snow,And everywhere that Mary went,The lamb was sure to go.4. The Wheels on the BusThe wheels on the bus go round and round,Round and round, round and round,The wheels on the bus go round and round,All through the town.The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish,Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish,The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish,All through the town.The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep,Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep,The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep,All through the town.5. Old MacDonald Had a FarmOld MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O,And on his farm he had some cows,E-I-E-I-O.With a moo moo here,And a moo moo there,Here a moo, there a moo,Everywhere a moo moo.Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O.6. If You're Happy and You Know ItIf you're happy and you know it,Clap your hands. (Clap, clap)If you're happy and you know it,Clap your hands. (Clap, clap)If you're happy and you know it,Then your face will surely show it,If you're happy and you know it,Clap your hands. (Clap, clap)7. The Alphabet SongA-B-C-D-E-F-G,H-I-J-K-LMNOP,Q-R-S-T-U-V,W-X-Y-Z,Now I know my ABC's,Next time won't you sing with me?8. London Bridge Is Falling DownLondon Bridge is falling down,Falling down, fallingdown,London Bridge is falling down,My fair lady.Build it up with wood and clay,Wood and clay, wood and clay,Build it up with wood and clay,My fair lady.9. Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the BedFive little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head,Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"Four little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head,Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"Three little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head,Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"Two little monkeys jumping on the bed,One fell off and bumped his head,Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,"No more monkeys jumping on the bed!"One little monkey jumping on the bed,He fell off and bumped his head,Mama called the doctor and the doctor said,"Put those monkeys straight to bed!"10. Row, Row, Row Your BoatRow, row, row your boat,Gently down the stream,Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,Life is but a dream.Row, row, row your boat,Gently down the stream,If you see a crocodile,Don't forget to scream!In conclusion, singing nursery rhymes and children's songs with your child not only provides them with entertainment but also helps them with language development, memorization skills, and encourages creative thinking. Happy Children's Day!。

儿童节英文儿歌简短歌词中文版June 1st is International Children's Day, a day for children all over the world to enjoy the joy of being a child. It is a day for parents and teachers to show their love for children and let them know how much they are valued and appreciated. One of the best ways to do this is through music, and there are many English children's songs that are perfect for Children's Day.Here are some of the most popular English children's songs for Children's Day, along with their lyrics in Chinese.1. Twinkle Twinkle Little StarTwinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are.(小星星)小星星,你闪闪发光,我不知道你是什么样,你高高的飞在天上,像一颗钻石,美照人群。
2. If You're Happy and You Know ItIf you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it,If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands.(你快乐吗?)你快乐吗?你真高兴,鼓掌声能传透天,你真高兴就鼓掌,小脸上会笑开颜。

儿童节英语儿歌歌词翻译大全"Children's Day English Nursery Rhymes Lyrics Translation Collection"June 1st is Children's Day in China, a day to celebrate the health and happiness of all children. On this special day, parents and teachers often organize various activities to give children a happy and meaningful experience. One popular activity is to sing English nursery rhymes with children to help them learn English while having fun. In this article, we will introduce some of the most popular Children's Day English nursery rhymes with their lyrics and translations.1. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little StarTwinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.星星,闪耀小星星,啊!你在哪里呀?世界那么高远,你宛如天际里的宝石一样。
2. Mary Had a Little LambMary had a little lamb,Its fleece was white as snow.And everywhere that Mary went,The lamb was sure to go.玛丽有一只小羊羔,毛色雪白如银朵。


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目录01.礼貌问候用语来是come ; 去是go ;come, come ;go, go.点头yes;摇头no;yes,yes;no,no.我是I,你是you,I,I;you,you.见面问好说Hello! Hello! Hello!你好吗? How are you? How are you? How are you?谢谢你Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!熟人见面说声Hi! Hi! Hi!临走分手说Bye-bye! Bye-bye! Bye-bye!客人来了快请坐Sit down, please. Sit down, please.客人来了请喝茶Have some tea ,please. Have some tea,please.早上好Good morning . Good morning. Good morning.晚上好Good evening. Good evening. Good evening.临睡之前道晚安Good night .Good night .Good night.02.家禽家畜名称绵羊绵羊sheep;sheep;sheep;sheep 小猪小猪pig;pig;pig;pig 蜜蜂蜜蜂bee;bee;bee;bee 小鸟小鸟bird;bird;bird;bird小马小马horse;horse;horse;horse 小猫小猫cat;cat;cat;cat 小兔小兔rabbit;rabbit;rabbit 小狗小狗dog;dog;dog;dog 小鸡小鸡chick;chick;chick;chick;小鸭小鸭duck;duck;duck;duck03.儿童歌曲:龟兔赛跑04.家庭成员称呼爸爸爸爸daddy daddy daddy daddy 妈妈妈妈mami mami mami mami哥哥弟弟brother brother brother 姐姐妹妹sister sister sister爷爷爷爷grandpa grandpa grandpa 奶奶奶奶grandma grandma grandma伯伯叔叔和舅舅英文全部叫uncle uncle uncle uncle姑姑婶婶和阿姨英文全部叫auntie auntie auntie auntie05.服装鞋帽名称小闹钟叮当响小朋友们快起床衣服裤子自己穿人人夸我本领强衣服衣服clothes clothes clothes 裤子裤子trousers trousers trousers 袜子袜子socks socks socks 裙子裙子skirt skirt skirt外套外套coat coat coat 鞋子鞋子shoes shoes shoes06.儿童歌曲:小小英雄07.春夏秋冬四季春天来春天来燕子含泥柳条摆春天春天spring spring spring spring 夏天来夏天来青蛙唱歌荷花开夏天夏天summer summer summer summer秋天来秋天来农民丰收乐开怀秋天秋天autumn autumn autumn autumn冬天到冬天到树儿树儿戴雪帽冬天冬天winter winter winter winter 春天春天spring spring spring spring夏天夏天summer summer summer summer秋天秋天autumn autumn autumn autumn冬天冬天winter winter winter winter08.数字从一到十你拍一我拍一英文one就是一one one one你拍二我拍二英文two就是二two two two你拍三我拍三英文three就是三three three three你拍四我拍四英文four就是四four four four你拍五我拍五英文five就是五five five five你拍六我拍六英文six就是六six six six你拍七我拍七英文seven就是七seven seven seven你拍八我拍八英文eight就是八eight eight eight你拍九我拍九英文nine就是九nine nine nine你拍十我拍十英文ten就是十ten ten ten一二三四五六七八九十one two three four five six seven eight nine tenone two three four five six seven eight nine ten09.儿童歌曲:黑猫警长10.水果食物名称桃子桃子peach peach peach peach 苹果苹果apple apple apple apple梨子梨子pear pear pear pear 桔子桔子orange orange orange香蕉香蕉banana banana banana 葡萄葡萄grape grape grape 米饭米饭rice rice rice 面条面条noodle noodle noodle蛋糕蛋糕cake cake cake 猪肉猪肉pork pork pork鱼肉鱼肉fish fish fish 鸡蛋鸡蛋egg egg egg大豆大豆beans beans beans11.人体五官名称刷刷牙洗洗手我们都是好朋友我问眼睛怎样讲眼睛眼睛eyes eyes eyes eyes鼻子鼻子怎样讲鼻子鼻子nose nose nose nose牙齿牙齿怎样讲牙齿牙齿tooth tooth tooth tooth嘴巴嘴巴怎样讲嘴巴嘴巴mouth mouth mouth mouth耳朵耳朵怎样讲耳朵耳朵ear ear ear ear头发头发怎样讲头发头发hair hair hair hair手和脚怎样讲手是hand 脚是foot hand hand hand foot foot foot 头和脸怎样讲头是head 脸是face head head head face face face12.儿童歌曲:奇妙的萤火虫13.社会职业名称老师老师teacher teacher teacher 工人工人worker worker worker 农民农民famer famer famer 司机司机driver driver driver 军人军人soldier soldier soldier 医生医生doctor doctor doctor 14.各种颜色名称黑狗黄狗是朋友看谁画画是能手黑狗画个红太阳红色红色red red red red黄狗画片绿草地绿色绿色green green green green黑狗又画个蓝天空蓝色蓝色blue blue blue blue黄狗画朵白云彩白色白色white white white white黑狗画只黄香蕉黄色黄色yellow yellow yellow yellow黄狗又画只大黑熊黑色黑色black black black black15.公园景物名称星期天上公园小朋友们多喜欢park park是公园park park是公园男孩男孩在唱歌boys boys在唱歌boys boys在唱歌女孩女孩在跳舞girls girls在跳舞girls girls在跳舞一只小船水上漂boat boat水上漂boat boat水上漂绿树绿树把头摇trees trees把头摇trees trees把头摇鲜花鲜花点头笑flower flower点头笑flower flower点头笑16.儿童歌曲:阿童木之歌17.天文地理名称天上星亮晶晶小朋友们看星星星星星星star star star star 太阳太阳sun sun sun sun月亮月亮moon moon moon moon 夜晚夜晚night night night night白天白天day day day day 高山高山mountain mountain mountain mountain大河大河river river river river 湖泊湖泊lake lake lake lake18.一周星期名称monday monday星期一小朋友爱做滑梯monday monday Monday monday monday monday tuesday tuesday星期二小朋友真逗人爱tuesday tuesday Tuesday tuesday tuesday tuesday wednesday wednesday星期三小朋友爱去爬山wednesday wednesday Wednesday wednesday wednesday wednesdaythursday thursday星期四小朋友明天要考试thursday thursday Thursday thursday thursday thursday friday friday星期五小朋友能歌又善舞friday friday Friday friday friday fridaysaturday saturday星期六小朋友们拍皮球saturday saturday Saturday saturday saturday saturday sunday sunday星期天小朋友休息上公园sunday sunday Sunday sunday sunday Sunday19.野兽动物名称老虎老虎怎样讲老虎老虎tiger tiger tiger tiger熊猫熊猫怎样讲熊猫熊猫panda panda panda panda狮子狮子怎样讲狮子狮子lion lion lion lion狗熊狗熊怎样讲狗熊狗熊bear bear bear bear狐狸狐狸怎样讲狐狸狐狸fox fox fox fox猴子猴子怎样讲猴子猴子monkey monkey monkey monkey灰狼灰狼怎样讲灰狼灰狼wolf wolf wolf wolf大象大象怎样讲大象大象elephant elephant elephant elephant 鳄鱼鳄鱼怎样讲鳄鱼鳄鱼crocodile crocodile crocodile crocodile 20.交通工具名称火车火车train train train train 轮船轮船ship ship ship ship飞机飞机plane plane plane plane 单车单车bike bike bike bike 卡车卡车truck truck truck truck 轿车轿车car car car car公车公车bus bus bus bus出租车怎么讲出租车taxi taxi taxi taxiplane plane天上飞bus bus地上跑ship ship水上行train train呜呜叫21.儿童歌曲:造飞机22.文具用品名称书桌书桌desk desk desk 钢笔钢笔pen pen pen书本书本book book book 铅笔铅笔pencil pencil pencil盒子box box box 尺子尺子ruler ruler ruler书包书包bag bag bag 橡皮橡皮rubber rubber rubber 23.十二个月名称一月一月January January January 二月二月February February February三月三月March March March 四月四月April April April五月五月May May May 六月六月June June June七月七月July July July 八月八月August August August九月九月September September September十月十月October October October十一月十一月November November November十二月十二月December December December24.儿童歌曲:我乘上小马车25.学念英文字母A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z26.儿童歌曲:小白船27.我爱我家爸爸妈妈我会说daddy mammy 我都爱兄弟叫他brother 姐妹就是sistermy home 不算大一年四季有鲜花房子房子house house house house卧室卧室bedroom bedroom bedroom bedroom客厅客厅living-room living-room living-room living-room餐厅餐厅dining-room dining-room dining-room dining-room 浴室浴室bathroom bathroom bathroom bathroom门和窗door and window door and window door and window door and window床和沙发bed and sofa bed and sofa bed and sofa bed and sofa 桌子桌子table table table table 茶几茶几teapoy teapoy teapoy teapoy书架书架bookshelf bookshelf bookshelf bookshelf衣柜衣柜wardrobe wardrobe wardrobe wardrobe28.儿童歌曲:动物怎样叫29.鸟类天地小麻雀爱吵架小鹦鹉会说话小鸽子会送信小天鹅多优雅大老鹰真威风燕子飞春来啦小麻雀小麻雀sparrow sparrow 小鹦鹉小鹦鹉parrot parrot小鸽子小鸽子pigeon pigeon 小天鹅小天鹅swan swan大老鹰大老鹰eagle eagle 小燕子小燕子swallow swallow30.儿童歌曲:不动脑筋别发言31.卡通人物迪斯尼真好玩卡通人物大联欢米老鼠唐老鸭白雪公主小矮人还有可爱的灰姑娘美人鱼水里游得欢游得欢米老鼠米老鼠mickey mouse mickey mouse mickey mouse mickey mouse唐老鸭唐老鸭donald duck donald duck donald duck donald duck白雪公主白雪公主snow-white snow-white snow-whitesnow-white灰姑娘灰姑娘cinderella cinderella cinderella cinderella美人鱼美人鱼mermaid mermaid mermaid mermaid米老鼠真可爱mickey mouse mickey mouse唐老鸭太淘气donald duck donald duck白雪公主真漂亮snow-white snow-white灰姑娘真幸福cinderella cinderella美人鱼真浪漫mermaid mermaid32.儿童歌曲:牛娃娃33.食品名称蔬菜蔬菜怎么说vegetable 是蔬菜vegetable vegetable vegetable 黄瓜黄瓜怎么说cucumber 是黄瓜cucumber cucumber cucumber 土豆土豆怎么说potato 是土豆potato potato potato番茄番茄怎么说tomato 是番茄tomato tomato tomato萝卜萝卜怎么说radish 是萝卜radish radish radish菠菜菠菜怎么说spinach 是菠菜spinach spinach spinach水果水果怎么说fruit 是水果fruit fruit fruit西瓜西瓜怎么说watermelon 是西瓜watermelon watermelon watermelon菠萝菠萝怎么说pineapple 是菠萝pineapple pineapple pineapple 樱桃樱桃怎么说cherry 是樱桃cherry cherry cherry草莓草莓怎么说strawberry 是草莓strawberry strawberry strawberry桃子桃子怎么说peach 是桃子peach peach peach面包面包怎么说bread 是面包bread bread bread火腿火腿怎么说ham 是火腿ham ham ham香肠香肠怎么说sausage 是香肠sausage sausage sausage汉堡包怎么说hamburger 汉堡包hamburger hamburger hamburger冰淇淋怎么说ice-cream 冰淇淋ice-cream ice-cream ice-cream34.儿童歌曲:我有一双小手手35.上学校牛奶牛奶怎么说milk 是牛奶milk milk milk茶水茶水怎么说tea 是茶水tea tea tea咖啡咖啡怎么说coffee 是咖啡coffee coffee coffee汽水汽水怎么说soda water 是汽水soda water soda water soda water早晨cock 喔喔叫get up 起床了穿好cloths 背书包go to school 上学校good morning 早上好teacher夸我有礼貌早晨公鸡喔喔叫起床了起床了穿好衣服背书包上学校上学校早上好早上好老师夸我有礼貌36.儿童歌曲:我们长大了37.学数数一只鸭子摇呀摇两只鸟儿跳呀跳三只蜜蜂到处飞四只羊儿咩咩叫老师教我们学数数one two three four 学会了一二三四五六七八九十one two three four five six seven eight nine ten一二三四五六七八九十one two three four five six seven eight nine ten一个苹果one apple 两个苹果two apples 三个苹果three apples 四个苹果four apples 五个苹果five apples 六个苹果six apples 七个苹果seven apples 许多苹果and more38.儿童歌曲:小星星39.上下大小天上飞机高又高桥下船儿漂呀漂西瓜长得大又大芝麻结籽小又小老师教我们学识字up down big small 学会了上是up 下是down up up up down down down左是left 右是right left left left right right right前是front 后是back front front front back back back短是short 长是long short short short long long long大是big 小是small big big big small small small多是many 少是few many many many few few few高是tall 矮是short tall tall tall short short short冷是cold 热是hot cold cold cold hot hot hot40.儿童歌曲:一只小老鼠41.昆虫世界小蝴蝶怎么说butterfly 是蝴蝶butterfly butterfly butterfly小蜻蜓怎么说dragonfly 是蜻蜓dragonfly dragonfly dragonfly 小蜗牛怎么说snail 是蜗牛snail snail snail小蚂蚁怎么说ant 是蚂蚁ant ant ant小蚯蚓怎么说earthworm 是蚯蚓earthworm earthworm earthworm小蟋蟀怎么说cricket 是蟋蟀cricket cricket cricket小蜘蛛怎么说spider 是蜘蛛spider spider spider小蜜蜂怎么说bee 是蜜蜂bee bee bee42.儿童歌曲:快乐的小蜗牛43.小手拍拍小手拍拍hands拍拍手指伸出来finger伸出来眼睛在哪里eyes在这里用手指出来眼睛眼睛eyes;eyes;eyes;eyes 小手拍拍hands拍拍手指伸出来finger伸出来鼻子在哪里nose在这里用手指出来鼻子鼻子nose;nose;nose;nose 小手拍拍hands拍拍手指伸出来finger伸出来嘴巴在哪里mouth在这里用手指出来嘴巴嘴巴mouth;mouth;mouth;mouth小手拍拍hands拍拍手指伸出来finger伸出来耳朵在哪里ear在这里用手指出来耳朵耳朵ear;ear;ear;ear;小手拍拍hands拍拍手指伸出来finger伸出来眉毛在哪里eyebrow在这里用手指出来眉毛眉毛eyebrow;eyebrow;eyebrow44.儿童歌曲:拍手歌45.动物园动物园里真热闹猴子猴子满山跳老虎老虎大声叫老狼见人眼发红狮子整天睡大觉孔雀开屏多漂亮小狗闷得汪汪叫骆驼背着两座山小朋友们看得哈哈笑动物园里真热闹monkey monkey 满山跳tiger tiger 大声叫wolf 见人眼发红lion 整天睡大觉peacock 开屏多漂亮dog 闷得汪汪叫camel 背着两座山小朋友们看得哈哈笑猴子猴子monkey monkey monkey monkey 老虎老虎tiger tiger tiger tiger老狼老狼wolf wolf wolf wolf 狮子狮子lion lion lion lion孔雀孔雀peacock peacock peacock peacock 小狗小狗dog dog dog dog骆驼骆驼camel camel camel camel46.儿童歌曲:老鼠和花猫47.花草树木大自然多美丽花草树木要爱护环境保护做得好人类永远都幸福花儿花儿flower flower flower flower 草儿草儿grass grass grass grass 树木树木tree tree tree tree 森林森林forest forest forest forest48.儿童歌曲:我是一只小喜鹊49.海洋动物名称海风吹海浪摇鲨鱼鲨鱼怎么讲,shark shark是鲨鱼,shark,shark,shark;企鹅企鹅怎样讲,penguin是企鹅,penguin,penguin,penguin;海鸥海鸥怎么讲,sea-gull是海鸥,sea-gull,sea-gull,sea-gull;海豚海豚怎样讲,dolphin是海豚,dolphin,dolphin,dolphin;海龟海龟怎样讲,turtle是海龟,turtle,turtle,turtle;海马海马怎样讲,sea-horse是海马,sea-horse,,sea-horse,sea-horse;海蟹海蟹怎样,sea-crab是海蟹,sea-crab,sea-crab,sea-crab;海象海象怎样讲,walrus是海象,walrus,walrus,walrus;海星海星怎样讲,starfish是海星,starfish,starfish,starfish;海蛇海蛇怎样讲,sea-snake是海蛇,sea-snake,sea-snake,sea-snake50.儿童歌曲:小娃娃,不像话51.自然天气雪花snow六个瓣rain rain 小雨点雷声thunder 轰隆隆lightning 是闪电wind 是风fog 是雾自然天气常变幻雪花雪花snow snow snow snow 雨水rain rain rain rain雷声雷声thunder thunder thunder thunder闪电闪电lightning lightning lightning lightningwind wind 就是风fog fog 就是雾52.儿童歌曲:冬冬,胆小鬼53.体育运动名称篮球篮球basketball basketball basketball排球排球volleyball volleyball volleyball足球足球football football football乒乓球乒乓球table tennis table tennis table tennis羽毛球羽毛球badminton badminton badminton网球网球tennis tennis tennis棒球棒球baseball baseball baseball赛跑赛跑race race race跳高跳高high jump high jump high jump游泳游泳swimming swimming swimming滑冰滑冰skating skating skating运动运动sport sport sport大家都来做运动身体练得顶呱呱英文也练得顶呱呱顶呱呱54.儿童歌曲:做个好娃娃55.小宝贝小宝贝怀里抱好了好了别哭了继续哭又继续叫妈妈急得满屋绕对不起对不起瞧一瞧我给你牛奶好不好一双小手不再摇宝贝宝贝快吃饱小baby 怀里抱well well 别哭了go on crying 又继续叫妈妈急得满屋walk sorry sorry 瞧一瞧我给你milk 好不好一双hands不再摇baby baby 快吃饱56.儿童歌曲:一年级小学生57.家用电器电视机怎么讲television television电视机television television television收音机怎么讲radio radio 收音机radio radio radio录音机怎样讲recorder recorder 录音机recorder recorder recorder 电冰箱怎样讲icebox icebox 电冰箱icebox icebox icebox电风扇怎样讲electric fan electric fan电风扇electric fan electric fan electric fan电话电话怎样讲telephone telephone电话telephone telephone telephone组合音响怎样讲music center music center组合音响music center music center music center计算机怎样讲computer computer 计算机computer computer computer游戏机怎样讲video game video game游戏机video game video game video game58.儿童歌曲:礼貌歌59.职业名称我是一名科学家I am a scientist你是一名音乐家You are a musician他是一名警察He is a policeman她是一名作家She is a writer科学家scientist scientist scientist音乐家musician musician musician警察policeman policeman policeman作家writer writer writer我是一名学生I am a student 你是一名老师You are a teacher他是一名厨师He is a cook 他是一名服务员He is a waiter学生student student student 老师teacher teacher teacher厨师cook cook cook 服务员waiter waiter waiter60.儿童歌曲:金豆豆,银豆豆61.讲卫生小弟弟早早起叠好被子穿好衣牙齿刷得真干净手儿脸儿自己洗起床get up 刷牙clean my teeth 洗脸wash my face梳头comb my hair 穿衣put on my coat 吃早饭have break fast 吃午饭have lunch 吃晚饭have dinner62.儿童歌曲:老鹰捉小鸡。