






NISSAN以关爱环境和消费者为己任,率先研发出可量产的新一代XTRONIC CVT无级变速器,采用众多创新技术,既保证加速顺畅迅捷,又兼顾优异的燃油经济性。






什么是CVT无级变速器· CVT无级变速器与传统的变速箱采用的多齿轮组传动不同,它不采用齿轮变速,而是采用两个由高抗拉强度钢带连接的高科技扇形滑轮,通过无级性的改变滑轮直径从而连续性的改变速比,实现无缝加速。


· XTRONIC CVT是最新一代的CVT无级变速器,操控更加顺畅、迅捷,且能量损失更少。

NISSAN的CVT研发:· NISSAN 很早就关注到CVT的无缝加速性能和优异的燃油经济性,自1992年就注重于CVT的研究和开发,一直是CVT研究领域的领先者。

· NISSAN 成功地开发出了世界上第一部可用于3.5L大功率引擎的CVT(XTRONIC CVT-M6)· XTRONIC CVT无级变速器是NISSAN研发的最新一代CVT,加速更加顺畅持久、更加环保节能。


01 简介
03 性能 05 车型
02 安全 04 试驾体验 06 新款未来版
翼神是东南汽车向消费者推出的一款车型,全称为:蓝瑟翼神(Lancer EX)。它交出的一份比较成功的答 卷,是把握市场需求、保持产品与时俱进的成功案例。
EX(15张)其次,蓝瑟翼神在车身侧面和后面关键部位大量采用比高强度材料(高张力钢板,相当于普通钢板 4倍强度)更加坚固的超高强度材料(超高张力钢板),车侧A柱、B柱、底盘横梁采用高张力钢板,而门槛下方 纵向大梁全部采用超高张力钢板。
蓝瑟翼神运用了诸多全新的设计,前悬挂系统采用了麦弗逊式支柱带螺旋弹簧和稳定杆,后悬挂系统采用了 五连杆式螺旋弹簧带稳定杆,前后悬挂都带有副车架,进一步提高了驾乘的舒适性和操控性能。 0.29的风阻系 数比中高级车凯美瑞(报价图库口碑论坛)还强上一等,最小转弯半径为5.0m,最大限度提高了狭窄弯曲地带以及 避绕不可越过障碍的能力,体现出良好机动性能。而只有在F1方程式赛车上广泛应用的镁合金材质换挡拨片安置 于方向盘的后部,驾驶中只需用一个手指轻轻拉动左右拨片就可以控制自动变速箱进行加减档操作,真正为速度 操控而配备,搭配上EVO标志性的后扰流尾翼造型,极具爆发感,9.8秒实现0-100km/h加速相信能够让广大消费 者享受到推背的驾驭快感。
由东南汽车生产的三菱蓝瑟·翼神Lancer EX将于2009年11月12日正式上市,此次上市的车型为6款,比之 前预售的5款增加了1款——1.8L时尚版睿智型MT,而这款最低配置的车型,将拉低蓝瑟·翼神的价格区间。

带副变速器CVT、奥迪01J CVT技术详解

带副变速器CVT、奥迪01J CVT技术详解

汽车无级变速CVT技术详解在传统的CVT变速器箱体内,不再依靠复杂的齿轮组传动,所以在性能上与MT、AT 相比有着很大不同,它的特点是:理论上挡位可以无限多,换挡加速基本上没有顿挫感;燃油经济性好于液力式自动变速器;多见于前轮驱动和混合动力汽车。





并且,多数CVT 都设有手动模式,也就是具有手自一体的功能。


新一代CVT变速器然而在AT变速器已经发展到8挡甚至9挡的今天,限于传统CVT的工作原理,CVT 变速器若想实现大速比,就只能通过不断加大压盘也就是带轮的直径,这样一来不仅带来变速器体积的几何级增长,更会带来机械效率的下降。





非常感谢您选择三菱变频器。 本手册包括有变频器使用时的操作说明和注意事项。 不正确的使用可能会发生意想不到的事故。使用变频器前,请仔细阅读本手册并正确地使用 变频器。 请将此手册交给最终用户。 安全注意事项
在仔细阅读本使用手册及附属资料并能正确使用前,请不要安装,操作,维护或检查变频器。 在熟悉机器的知识,安全信息以及全部有关注意事项以后使用。 在本使用手册中,将安全等级分为“危险”和“注意”。
(5) 紧急停止
(6) 维护, 检查和元件更换
(7) 报废后的处理
(8) 一般注意事项
在本使用手册的很多图片和图表中所示的变频器拆开了盖板或部分打开,不要在这种情况下运行变频器。必 须恢复盖板并按使用手册的规定运行变频器。
(2) 布线
●不要安装移相电容,噪声滤波器或浪涌吸收器到变频器的输出侧。 ●请正确连接输出侧与电机之间电缆的U、V、W ,这将影响电机的旋转方向。
(3) 试运行
(4) 操作
●当选择使用再试功能时,由于报警停止后会突然再启动,请远离设备。 ●仅当功能设定时[STOP]键才有效。请单独准备一急停开关。 ●复位变频器报警前请确认启动信号断开。否则电机会突然恢复启动。 ●使用负荷应该仅仅是三相鼠笼电机。连接其它电气设备到变频器的输出侧可能会造成设备的损坏。 ●不要对设备进行改造。

1 概述



- JATCO有限公司经理Tsutomu Saito先生-
第一届“自动变速箱、混合动力及电力驱动技术” CTI中国论坛,上海
3-2. 磨擦减少
- 40%( Nm ) Nhomakorabea油搅动
测量条件 发动机速度: 1500rpm 输入扭矩: 40Nm 带 轮 比: O.D
2-3. 结构
CVT8及CVT8HT的基本结构几乎与现有的 CVT(CVT2)的基本结构相 同,但是我们对总共约500个零件中的300多个CVT零件进行了认真评审 及分析。
前进,后退 主动带轮
输入轴 引擎输入
输出齿轮 空转齿轮
减速齿轮 提供给轮胎的输出
1. 产品概念
CVT燃油经济性的提高 CVT8 : +12% CVT8HT : +10% ※US-Comb
合并 2⇒1个系列
FWD HEV的基础变速器
第一届“自动变速箱、混合动力及电力驱动技术” CTI中国论坛,上海 - JATCO有限公司经理Tsutomu Saito先生-
2-1. 扭矩范围
3-2. 磨擦减少
・ 降低了油量 ・ 改进了挡板 测试结果
差速器 = 1500rpm 普通差速器,无负载 现有CVT
齿轮 环形齿轮 挡板
降低了 油量
- 60%
磨擦 [Nm]



老技师分享:三菱翼神自动变速箱常见故障分析,及维修图解今天维修一辆2010年三菱翼神,排量1.8装配模拟6档CVT 的变速器,车辆起步开始伴随“嘎啦嘎啦”的响声,随着车速的增加响声越大,目前除了异响问题之外换挡品质无任何问题。




拆解的时候发现变速箱内部油品颜色不对,本应是淡绿色的CVT 专用油,这个地方需要提醒一下,错加变速箱油品,会加剧机械部分磨损,因为粘度过大,电磁阀卡滞,轴承烧蚀,进而会引起波箱损坏的,请一定要注意油品品质问题。










09 LANCER EX CHIN AWM (车间维修手册)组别标题00概述00概述00E概述< 电气>11发动机11A发动机机械<4B11>11B发动机大修<4B11>11C发动机机械<4B12>11D发动机大修<4B12>12发动机润滑13燃油13A多点燃油喷射(MPI) <4B11>13B多点燃油喷射(MPI) <4B12>13C燃油供给14发动机冷却系统15进气和排气16发动机电气17发动机和排放控制系统23自动变速器(FF)23A CVT23B无级变速器的大修26前桥27后桥31车轮和轮胎32发动机- 变速器总成支架33前悬架34后悬架35行车制动器35A基本制动系统35B防抱死制动系统(ABS)35C主动稳定控制系统(ASC)36驻车制动器37动力转向系统42车身42A车身42B无钥匙操作系统(KOS)42C无线控制模块(WCM)51外部件52内部件及辅助乘员保护系统(SRS)52A内部件52B辅助乘员保护系统(SRS)54底盘电气系统54A底盘电气系统54B本地互联网络(LIN).54C控制器区域网络(CAN)(见下页)WM (车间维修手册) (续)组别标题55暖风、空调和通风装置70部件位置图80布置图90电路图底盘电气系统CONTENTS目录底盘电气系统 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54A 本地互联网络(LIN). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54B 控制器区域网络(CAN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54C底盘电气系统CONTENTS蓄电池. . . . . . . . . . . . . .54A-8检修规格. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54A-8车上检修. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54A-8液位和比重检查. . . . . . . . . . . . 54A-8充电. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54A-8蓄电池测试. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54A-9拆卸与安装. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54A-10点火开关. . . . . . . . . . . . .54A-11专用工具. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54A-11故障排除. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54A-14故障诊断排除的标准流程. . . . . . . . 54A-14故障症状表. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54A-14症状检测程序. . . . . . . . . . . . . 54A-15检查程序 1:点火钥匙锁芯照明灯未正常点亮/熄灭。



調整從油泵至各元件所需的油壓 依駕駛條件調整至前進合器的油壓
調整油壓至扭力轉換器運作所需的油壓 鎖定排檔桿。有3個位置 (PN,R and D Ds)依據排檔 桿的移動來切換油壓行經從一端至另一端。 依據步進馬達及主皮帶盤之間的差異行程來控制管 路油壓流經主皮帶盤 控制油壓流經前進離合器及倒檔制動器 調整到扭力轉換器之鎖定離合器的液壓油 調整管路油壓至副皮帶盤的液壓油 切換介於手動閥與鎖定控制閥之間的液壓油路徑 控制壓力調整閥 調整鎖定控制壓力閥。(當鎖定時)調整液壓油至 前進離合器及倒檔制動器 控制副皮帶閥 控制排檔開關閥 控制皮帶盤齒比
變速箱包含扭力轉換器與齒輪傳動組。三-元件(主、被、固 定葉輪),一-階段(被動),兩-相位式(直接、扭力)扭力 轉換器搭配內建的扭力轉換器離合器 。 F1CJA 變速箱的 齒輪傳動組包含 1 組多片式離合器,1 組多片式制動 器,以及 1 組含有太陽齒輪,齒輪架,環齒輪的行星齒 輪,2 組皮帶盤以及 1 組鋼帶。
300 250 200 CVT 油溫 ( ºC ) 150 100 50 0 - 50 -100 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TCM 異常時的故障保護控制。
感知器 TPS 檔位開關 油溫 剎車開關 主皮帶 RPM 副皮帶 RPM 第一油壓 第二油壓 鎖定電磁閥 管路電磁閥 鎖定/排檔切換 步進馬達 保安控制與替代訊號 最高轉數3000RPM 以D檔行駛 固定值80℃ 解除直接接合功能 依APS與副皮帶(VSS)執行換檔,以D檔控制 依APS執行換檔,以D檔控制 停止#1油壓回饋以固定值控制管路油壓,抑制扭力 停止#2油壓回饋以固定值控制管路油壓,抑制扭力 以”OFF”控制,釋放鎖定 以”OFF”控制,達到最大管路油壓 以”OFF”控制,以釋放鎖定 線圈A→D為”OFF”位置,以保持異常時齒輪比

三菱Lancer EX轿车F1CJA型CVT无级变速器

三菱Lancer EX轿车F1CJA型CVT无级变速器

三菱Lancer EX轿车F1CJA型CVT无级变速器
【摘要】三菱F1CJA型CVT无级变速器(图1)被装备在2008年款进口Lancer EX和运动模式。




1.奥迪01J型无级变速器(CVT)的结构与工作原理 [J], 罗新闻;梁春兰
2.海马欢动轿车VT2型CVT无级变速器 [J], 陈喜元
3.海马欢动轿车VT2型CVT无级变速器 [J], 陈喜元
4.比亚迪L3轿车VT2型CVT无级变速器 [J], 王艳
5.轩逸轿车CVT无级变速器 [J], 杨作涛


双特智能传动 Xi’an FC
双特智能传动 Xi’an FC
发动机必须为电控发动机(国III或 以上);
整车通讯符合SAE J1939 或 SAE J1587通讯协议;
发动机飞轮壳必须留有工艺安装孔; 发动机飞轮必须加工工艺安装孔; 根据需要使用后部辅助支撑。
2800 140
2800 140
270/302/309 270/302/309 411/415
/310/342 494/498
411/415 494/498
双特智能传动 Xi’an FC
双特智能传动 Xi’an FC
FC系列自动变速器(带取 力器箱型)带有三个位置的取 力器接口。
最大连续扭矩 /Nm 转速 (与发动机)
旋向 (与发动机)
单个侧PTO 单个后PTO 全部PTO 单个侧PTO 单个后PTO 全部PTO
z 油位检查条件 ¾ 变速箱油加热到60℃以上 ¾ 发动机处于低怠速 ¾ 变速箱处于空挡(N)位置 ¾ 车辆静止并位于水平地面
z 油位检查方法 ¾ 利用油位传感器检查油位 ¾ 利用油尺检查油位
z 油位检查周期 ¾ 变速箱每工作10个小时
同时按下上下箭头可 启动油位检查程序
双特智能传动 Xi’an FC






·PIPERCORSS VIPER风箱: 1.8改进气最好的选择两层聚氨酯纤维网+冷进气高硫管+风箱内漩涡整流·SFPRINT FILTER风箱:这是完全按照发动机特性定制的产物,意大利制,4层聚氨酯纤维,独有的谐振腔。


只适合4B11·INJEN SP系列,长管冷进气铜鼓:全段提升,雾灯后进气,专利的MR技术,国内能用的只有4B11.(我就是用的这)进气部分到此完毕:一共4款产品,各有特色,各有针对。



另外两款针对4B11开发的产品更是好物,SFPRINT FILTER风箱不必多说,定制级产品可谓量体裁衣,不过购买渠道稀有且价格也很让人心跳。






2. 规格
2.1 扭矩覆盖范围
JATCO 公司拥有全系列的 CVT,从适用于微型汽车的 CVT 到适用于由 3.5L-级发动机驱
动的大型汽车的 CVT。以前型号组合包括专为用于微型汽车、小型汽车、中型汽车及大型汽车
而设计的四种类型。 2009 年,推出了适用于 在小型汽车上使用的带
开发等级 普通 CVT
对钢片几何形状的改进使我们可优 化带轮的刚度,从而减少磨擦。磨擦的 减少可实现想要的传扭能力(图 7)。
新带轮 现用带轮
现 用 带 新带


图 7 皮带轮效率
我们改进了新型 CVT 的挡板以减少磨擦(图 8 及图 9)。 除了上述措施外,我们还采用了粘度低的 CVT 液,优化了离合器压力并改进了汽车上市期
产生液压以便传递及转移扭矩的油泵位于第一轴的下面,由来自与发动机直接连接的轴入轴的 链系统驱动。就现有 CVT 而言,控制系统所用的液压回路位于变速箱下面的油底壳中。(图 2)。
前进,后退 主动带轮
变矩器 输入轴 引擎输入
减速齿轮 提供给轮胎的输出
输出齿轮 空转齿轮 末端传动齿轮
3.3 新的 CVT 控制
CVT 具有顺畅无缝变速的特点。这是有级自动变速箱(AT)没有的特性。新型 CVT 在其 先进的变速控制系统中充分利用此特性,从而展现出汽车固有的驾驶乐趣(图 10)。
新型 CVT 包括 1,000 多种变速方式。这使精准调节的变速控制适合各种不同的驾驶环境。 另外,变速控制可从车辆状态及驾驶操作输入推断驾驶员的意图,从而每次相应地改变变速方 式。



2011款福克斯主要弱点 福克斯发动机技术落后, 福克斯发动机技术落后,散热难
攻击话术: 攻击话术:
你知道吗?11款福克斯虽然是新款,但是发动机还是采用最早的老式发动机, 这款发动机在夏天和高速行驶负荷比较大时,散热这一技术难题一直没有得到 完美的解决增加了爆缸的危险性。 三菱翼神采用的是三菱独步全球的双MIVEC技术的原装进口发动机,这也是同级 别车中唯一一款采用原装进口的车型,它能保证强大动力输出的同时还能解决 散热问题,并更加节油!
2011款福克斯主要弱点 福克斯变速箱技术落后, 福克斯变速箱技术落后,动力输出不顺畅
福克斯采用技术落后4AT的古董变速箱,无论从动力性能还是操控性能,都无法称 得上运动轿车,换档顿挫感前,动力输出不顺畅,对变速箱的损害也比较大。很多 用户都反映福克斯的变速箱漏油,并且一直都未能得到有效的解决 三菱蓝瑟翼神采用日本三菱原装进口的6速CVT无极变速箱,技术先进,动力输出顺 畅、换档平顺无顿挫感,无论起步加速反应都能灵敏自如。
11款三菱翼神 VS 11款福特福克斯 款三菱翼神 款福特福克斯
对比车型 车身尺寸(mm): 车身尺寸(mm): (mm) 室内全长(mm): 室内全长(mm): (mm) 室内宽度(mm): 室内宽度(mm): (mm) 室内高度(mm): 室内高度(mm): (mm) 前排头部空间(mm): 前排头部空间(mm): (mm) 后排头部空间(mm): 后排头部空间(mm): (mm) 前排座椅腿部空间(mm): 前排座椅腿部空间(mm): (mm) 后排座椅腿部空间(mm): 后排座椅腿部空间(mm): (mm) 轴距(mm): 轴距(mm): (mm) 整备质量(Kg): 整备质量(Kg): (Kg) 发动机 最大功率(kW/rpm) 最大功率(kW/rpm) : 最大扭矩(N- (kg-m)/rpm): 最大扭矩(N-m (kg-m)/rpm): (N 百公里加速(S): 百公里加速(S): 综合工况油耗(L/100KM): 综合工况油耗(L/100KM): 风阻系数: 风阻系数: 轮胎尺寸 11款三菱翼神1.8 11款三菱翼神1.8 L 致尚版 款三菱翼神 4570* 1760*1490 2030 1390 1190 803 868 401 863 2635 1365



老技师分享:三菱翼神自动变速箱常见故障分析,及维修图解今天维修一辆2010年三菱翼神,排量1.8装配模拟6档CVT 的变速器,车辆起步开始伴随“嘎啦嘎啦”的响声,随着车速的增加响声越大,目前除了异响问题之外换挡品质无任何问题。




拆解的时候发现变速箱内部油品颜色不对,本应是淡绿色的CVT 专用油,这个地方需要提醒一下,错加变速箱油品,会加剧机械部分磨损,因为粘度过大,电磁阀卡滞,轴承烧蚀,进而会引起波箱损坏的,请一定要注意油品品质问题。













加特可的绝大部分型号变速箱都特供日产车型,而这一次广州工厂的探访活动中,我们特别针对加特可最新型号的CVT变速箱——XTRONIC CVT进行了了解。

XTRONIC CVT目前装载的国产车型包括天籁和骐达,也是日后新轩逸的变速箱。

, CVT变速箱工作原理很多人可能会有个误解,认为CVT无级变速箱相对于更早普及的AT变速箱发展时间短,不够成熟可靠。






在解读日产车型逐渐全面搭载的新一代CVT之前,我们先来了解一下AT和CVT 的工作原理。




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23-1GROUP 23 CONTINUOUSLYVARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)CONTENTSCVT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23-2 GENERAL INFORMATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-2 PRINCIPLE OF IMPROVEMENTS IN FUELECONOMY AND PERFORMANCEWITH CVT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-4 DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE ANDOPERATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-6 SECTIONAL VIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-6 TORQUE CONVERTER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-7 OIL PUMP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-7 FORWARD/REVERSE SWITCHINGMECHANISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-8 FINAL DRIVE AND DIFFERENTIAL. . . . . . 23-8 PULLEY AND STEEL BELT. . . . . . . . . . . . 23-9 TRANSMISSION FLUID WARMER(TRANSMISSION FLUID COOLER). . . . . . 23-11 POWER FLOW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-12 OIL PRESSURE CONTROL SYSTEM. . . . 23-16 CONTROL DESCRIPTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-16 SHIFT MECHANISM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-18ELECTRONIC CONTROL SYSTEM. . . . . . 23-25 CONTROL DESCRIPTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-25 CVT CONTROL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-26 LINE PRESSURE CONTROL. . . . . . . . . . . 23-30 DIRECT CONTROL (TORQUE CONVERTERCLUTCH CONTROL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-31 CONTROL BETWEEN N (P) AND D (R). . . 23-31 CONTROLLER AREA NETWORK (CAN)COMMUNICATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-32 SELF-DIAGNOSIS FUNCTION. . . . . . . . . . 23-32TRANSAXLE CONTROL . . . . . . . . . .23-34 GENERAL INFORMATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-34 SELECTOR LEVER ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . 23-35 CVT ERRONEOUS OPERATIONPREVENTION MECHANISMS . . . . . . . . . . 23-36 SHIFT LOCK MECHANISM . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-36 KEY LOCK MECHANISM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23-38 PADDLE SHIFT<VEHICLES WITH SPORT MODE>. . . . . . 23-38CVTCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-2CVTGENERAL INFORMATIONM2231000100132The new CVT has been developed to achieve excel-lent fuel economy, further easy driving, and fun to drive. This CVT has achieved a quick and smooth acceleration feel suitable for LANCER, when the vehicle accelerates from any speeds. The CVT com-bines "torque converter" and "continuously variable transaxle mechanism by steel belt and pulley" toachieve "high driving performance" and "better fuel economy." Depending on the driving conditions, the comfortable pulley ratio is automatically and continu-ously selected from low to overdrive, ensuringdriver-intended smooth driving without shift shocks due to acceleration pedal operation.SPECIFICATIONSItemStandard value Transaxle model F1CJATorque converterModel3-element, 1-stage, 2-phase Stall torque ratio 1.99Lock-upPresentTransaxle type Forward automatic continuously variable (steel belt-driven), reverse 1 speed Pulley ratio Forward 2.349 − 0.394Reverse1.750Shift positionP-R-N-D-L or P-R-N-D+6-speed sport mode (with paddle shift)Final reduction gear ratio 6.120Control type Electronically-controlled FunctionShift controlPresent Line pressure control Present Select control Present Lock-up control Present Self-diagnosis function Present Fail-safe functionPresentSpeedometer gear − (detected by the ABS sensor rotor)Oil pumpModel Vane-type pumpDrive type Driven by the engine, sprocket, and chain Transmission fluidBrand name DIA QUEEN CVTF-J1Capacity dm3 (qt)Approximately 7.8 (8.2)CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-3CVTSYSTEM CONFIGURATIONCVTCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-4OVERVIEWPRINCIPLE OF IMPROVEMENTS IN FUEL ECONOMY AND PERFORMANCE WITH CVTM2231001000031The general concept of CVT is described as follows:PRINCIPLE OF IMPROVEMENTS IN FUEL ECONOMYCVT can continuously vary the pulley ratio, so the vehicle can be driven in the high engine fuel effi-ciency range all the time, resulting in excellent fuel economy.CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-5CVTPRINCIPLE OF IMPROVEMENTS IN POWER PERFORMANCEThe figure shows the maximum driving force diagram Array representing the power performance. The compari-son with A/T shows that when the throttle is fullyopen, A/T causes a step change in driving force dueto a step shift, but CVT changes driving forcesmoothly because it can accelerate with the enginekept in the high output range. Therefore, CVT pro-vides more smooth and shockless driving withoutdriving loss as much as the shaded area in the figureshown.CVTCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-6DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE AND OPERATIONSECTIONAL VIEWM22310004000141.Converter housing2. Driven sprocket3.Chain5.Oil pump6.Forward clutchCVTCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-7TORQUE CONVERTERM2231000200010The torque converter with the "3-element, 1-stage, 2-phase" lock-up mechanism has been adopted.OIL PUMPM2231000500011The vane-type oil pump driven by the engine via the oil pump drive chain has been adopted to increase efficiency of the pump discharge amount at low engine speed and optimise the pump discharge amount at high engine speed. The oil discharged from the oil pump flows to the control valve, and is used as operating fluid for the primary and second-ary pulleys, operating fluid for the clutch, and lubri-cant for each part.7.Planet carrier 8.Primary pulley 9.Sun gear 10.Steel belt 11.Side cover 12.Internal gear 13.Parking gear14.Secondary pulley 15.Final gear16.Differential case 17.Idler gear18.Reduction gear 19.Taper roller bearing 20.Output gear 21.Drive sprocket 22.Input shaft23.Torque converterCVTCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-8FORWARD/REVERSE SWITCHING MECHANISMM2231000600018ing mechanism has been installed between the torque converter and primary pulley.the input shaft and hydraulically activates the wet multi-disc device to switch between forward and reverse gears.FINAL DRIVE AND DIFFERENTIAL•primary reduction (a pair of the output gear and idler gear) and secondary reduction (a pair of the reduction gear and final gear). All the gears are •The transmission fluid (Mitsubishi genuineDia-Queen CVTF-J1) which lubricates the entire transaxle is also used as lubricant.CVTCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-9PULLEY AND STEEL BELTM2231000800012This unit is comprised of a pair of pulleys of which groove width can be changed freely in the axial direction, and a steel belt made of a continuous series of steel elements guided by multilayer steel rings on the both sides. This groove width is hydrauli-cally controlled by the primary and secondary pul-leys, varying continuously from the low status (pulley ratio: 2.349) to the overdrive status (pulley ratio: 0.394) depending on the winding radius of the steel belt on the pulley.STEEL BELTThis is composed of approximately 400 steel elements and two 12-layer steel rings. The steel belt has the following features. Other belts such as a rubber belt transfer driving force by their pulling effect. On the other hand, the steel belt transfers driving force by compression effect of the steel elements. The steel elements require a friction force with the pulley slope to transfer driving force. The mechanism is as follows:The secondary pulley hydraulically activates to pinch the ele-ments. → The elements are pressed outwards to expand. → The steel rings hold out against the force. → Tension is gener-ated at the steel rings. → The elements on the primary pulleyside are pinched between the pulleys. →Friction force is gener-ated between the steel belt and pulley. This means that theCVTCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-10steel elements which transfer the driving force by compression and the steel rings which maintain the required friction force share the roles. Then, the tension of the steel rings is distrib-uted over the entire unit with little stress variation, resulting in excellent durability.PULLEYThe primary and secondary pulleys are both com-prised of the fixed pulley with 11-degree slope and movable pulley. Each has a hydraulic chamber (the primary or secondary chamber) behind the movable pulley. The movable pulley can slide along the axis with a ball spline to change the groove width of thepulley. The groove width of the pulley is controlled by changing the operating pressure at the primary and secondary pulleys using the engine load (accelerator angle), primary pulley speed, and secondary pulley speed (vehicle speed) as input signals.CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-11CVTTRANSMISSION FLUID WARMER(TRANSMISSION FLUID COOLER)M2231000900019 The water-cooled transmission fluid warmer (transmission fluid Array cooler) has been adopted. The transmission fluid warmer(transmission fluid cooler) has been installed directly to thefront of the transaxle to shorten the fluid passage.The transmission fluid warmer (transmission fluid cooler)warms the transmission fluid up to an optimum temperature [70− 80°C (158 − 176°F) ] quickly for transaxle performance rightafter engine start. Once the transmission fluid has reached theoptimum temperature, the warmer starts cooling down the fluidto stabilize the temperature.TRANSMISSION FLUID FILTERThe transmission fluid filter integrated in the transaxle assem-bly has been adopted. Any impurity in the transmission fluidhas been removed to increase operational reliability of the tran-saxle assembly.CVTCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-12POWER FLOW M2231001100016P RANGEferred to the primary pulley because the forward clutch and reverse brake are ponents upstream of the secondary pulley because the parking gear is fixed.CVTCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-13 R RANGEgear in the reverse direction because the reverse brake is engaged and the planet carrier is fixed.reverse direction, thus the driving force is output in the reversed state.CVTCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-14N RANGEferred to the primary pulley because the forward clutch and reverse brake are released.because the forward clutch and reverse brake are released, thus the planet carrier rotates inde-pendently.CVTCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-15 D RANGEgear in the normal direction via the forward clutch because the forward clutch is engaged.normal direction, thus the driving force is output in the normal state.CVTCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-16OIL PRESSURE CONTROL SYSTEMCONTROL DESCRIPTIONM2231005000033HYDRAULIC CONTROLThe hydraulic control mechanism is comprised of the vane-type oil pump driven by the engine via the oil pump drive chain, the hydraulic control valve which controls the line pressure and shift change, and the input signal system.CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-17CVTGENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING THE MAIN COMPONENTSComponent FunctionManual valve Distributes the clutch operating pressure to each circuit,depending on each shift position.Torque converter regulator valve Regulates the supply pressure to the torque converter tooptimal pressure for the driving conditions.Clutch regulator valve Regulates the clutch operating pressure depending on thedriving conditions.Pressure regulator valve Regulates the discharge pressure from the oil pump to optimalpressure (line pressure) for the driving conditions.Ratio control valve Controls in/out flow of line pressure to/from the primary pulleydepending on the stroke difference between the stepper motorand primary pulley.Lock-up/select switching solenoid valve Controls switching of lock-up solenoid valve control pressurebetween when lock-up engagement/disengagement isSelect switch valveperformed and when forward/reverse clutch (forward clutch andreverse brake) engagement/disengagement is performed.Line pressure solenoid valve Controls the pressure regulator valve.Lock-up solenoid valve Controls the lock-up control valve.Lock-up/select switching solenoid valve Controls the select switch valve.Stepper motor Controls the pulley ratio.Secondary valve Reduces the line pressure to regulate the secondary pressure. Select control valve Engages when select. Regulates the forward clutch pressureand reverse brake pressure.Lock-up control valve Regulates the engagement pressure and disengagementpressure of the torque converter.Secondary pressure solenoid valve Controls in/out flow of the line pressure to/from the secondarypulley depending on the driving conditions.CVTCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-18SHIFT MECHANISMM2231001200013SHIFTING FROM LOW TO HIGHbecause the line pressure circuit is closed by the ratio control valve.ley because the secondary valve has moved downwards.CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-19CVTfluid in the secondary pulley.stepper motor. This moves the ratio control valvelinked to the pulley ratio linkage to open the linepressure circuit, and then the line pressure isapplied to the primary pulley.CVTCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-20moves the movable pulley to the right, pressing the steel belt outwards to expand.•When the movable pulley of the primary pulley moves to the right, the ratio control valve starts moving to the right via the pulley ratio linkage linked to the movable pulley.side to move the movable pulley of the secondary pulley to the right.CVTmoves to the right, the ratio control valve also moves to the right to close the line pressure cir-cuit. This completes the shift change process.the line pressure to the secondary pulley, clamp-ing the steel belt.SHIFTING FROM HIGH TO LOWstepper motor. This moves the ratio control valve linked to the pulley ratio linkage to drain the fluid in the primary pulley.ley because the secondary valve has moved downwards.CVTmoves the movable pulley to the left, pressing the steel belt outwards to expand.•The steel belt is pulled toward the secondary pul-ley side to move the movable pulley of the pri-mary pulley to the left.moves to the left, the ratio control valve starts moving to the left via the pulley ratio linkage linked to the movable pulley.moves to the left to press the steel belt outwards to expand, the movable pulley of the primary pul-ley moves further to the left accordingly.moves to the left, the ratio control valve also moves to the left to close the drain circuit. This completes the shift change process.CVTELECTRONIC CONTROL SYSTEMCONTROL DESCRIPTIONM2231005000044The electronic control mechanism is comprised of various sensors, actuators, and TCM which controls them.TCM calculates the vehicle status from various sen-sor information and drives each solenoid valve to perform the following controls:•Shift control (INVECS-III, sport mode <Vehicles without sport mode>)•Line pressure control•Control between N (P) and D (R)•Direct control•Engine and CVT integrated control (CAN commu-nication)•Self-diagnosis functionCONTROL SYSTEM DIAGRAMSENSOR LISTCVT CONTROLM2231001400017 INVECS-IIIINVECS-III has been newly developed based onINVECS-II utilizing continuous variable characteris-To select the pulley ratio which can provide the driv-ing force corresponding to the driver's intention and vehicle conditions. TCM selects the optimal pulley ratio and determines the shift strategy to obtain it by detecting the vehicle driving conditions such as the vehicle speed, accelerator angle. Then, it outputs the command to the stepper motor, controls in/out flow of the line pressure to/from the primary pulley, positions the movable pulley of the primary pulley, and controls the pulley ratio.Engine brake feature on the descending slopePulley ratio is controlled to obtain the engine brake suitable for the driver’s feelings.Name FunctionSensor Primary pulley speed sensor Outputs the primary pulley (input shaft) speed as apulse signal to TCM.Secondary pulley speed sensor Outputs the secondary pulley (output shaft) speedas a pulse signal to TCM. The pulse signal isconverted to the vehicle speed by TCM.Transmission fluid temperature sensor Detects the transmission fluid temperature.Primary pressure sensor Detects the pressure applied to the primary pulley.Secondary pressure sensor Detects the pressure applied to the secondarypulley.Transmission range switch Detects the selector lever position by thecontact-type switch.Shift switch assembly <Vehicles with sport mode>Detects the request in the sport mode by the contact-type switch at the selector lever.Paddle shift switch <Vehicles with sport mode>Detects the operation status of the paddle shift switch.CVTEngine brake learning feature on the descending slopeLearning compensation is made to meet the tastes ofa driver by judging the amount of the engine brakefrom the application of the accelerator or the brake.Driving feature on the ascending slopeIf the foot leaves the accelerator pedal during drivingon the ascending slope (called lift foot), driving capa-bility is secured by preventing excessive upshifting.Learning feature corresponding to tastes and habits of driversRatio patterns are continuously switched accordingto the driving method of the driver.RATIO PATTERNThe pulley ratio is controlled based on the ratio pat-tern for each predetermined range to achieve theoptimal pulley ratio.<D RANGE>The shift change is performed in the entire shiftrange from the lowest to the highest pulley ratio.CVT <L RANGE (VEHICLES WITHOUT SPORT MODE)>By limiting the shift range to the area around the low-est pulley ratio, the powerful driving force and engine brake is secured.<SPORT MODE (VEHICLES WITH SPORTMODE)>When the sport mode is switched ON with the selec-tor lever or paddle shift, the fixed shifting line isdetermined. The upshift/downshift operation enablesto shift in steps according to the predetermined shift-ing line, providing M/T-like shifting. The 6-speedtransmission which is suitable for sporty driving isadopted.LINE PRESSURE CONTROLM2231001300010 The high-precision line pressure control and second-ary pressure control have reduced the friction for bet-CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-31CVTNORMAL HYDRAULIC CONTROLThe optimal line pressure and secondary pressureare determined by the accelerator angle, enginespeed, primary pulley (input) speed, secondary pul-ley (output) speed, stoplight switch signal, transmis-sion range switch signal, lock-up signal, voltage,target pulley ratio, fluid temperature, and oil pres-sure, depending on driving conditions.SECONDARY PRESSURE FEEDBACKCONTROLIn the normal hydraulic control or select hydrauliccontrol, the more precise secondary pressure hasbeen set by detecting the secondary pressure withan oil pressure sensor, and by performing the feed-back control.DIRECT CONTROL (TORQUE CONVERTER CLUTCH CONTROL)M2231007000039 ArrayBy carefully controlling the direct operating pressuredepending on the driving conditions, the shock-freedirect operation from low speed has been achieved.CONTROL BETWEEN N (P) AND D (R)M2231001500014 When operation between N (P) and D (R) ranges isperformed, the optimal operating pressure is deter-mined by the accelerator angle, engine speed, andsecondary pulley (output) speed to reduce the shockcaused by selecting.CVTCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-32CONTROLLER AREA NETWORK (CAN) COMMUNICATIONM2231017000030The information transaxle between each control unit has been ensured via the CAN communication. For further details on CAN, refer to GROUP 54C, CAN P.54C-2.ENGINE AND CVT INTEGRATED CONTROL (CAN COMMUNICATION CONTROL)•To control better shift feeling and preventing the engine speed from dropping, the ECM and TCM communicate each other to exchange the engine output control signal to provide the real-time link-age control depending on the vehicle driving con-ditions.•TCM transmits information such as the rapid deceleration signal, lock-up in progress signal, torque down request signal to the ECM. It also receives information such as the torque down permission/prohibition signal, lock-up permis-sion/prohibition signal, accelerator angle.SELF-DIAGNOSIS FUNCTION M2231001600011DIAGNOSTIC FUNCTIONTCM is equipped with the diagnostic function to mon-itor the input signals from each sensor and output signals from the actuators. If abnormality occurs in the signal system, the diagnostic function memorises the abnormal symptoms and outputs a diagnosis code via M.U.T.-III.FAIL-SAFE FUNCTIONIf abnormality occurs in signals from various sensors, switches, or solenoids, this function allows control-ling them with the minimum adverse effect to the driving performance. The following shows thefail-safe controls when an abnormal signal is input to TCM from each sensor.Item Control content Secondary pulley speed sensorPerforms the shift control depending on the accelerator angle. Also,prohibits the sport mode and controls as the D range <Vehicles with sport mode>.Primary pulley speed sensorPerforms the shift control depending on the accelerator angle and secondary pulley rotation (vehicle speed). Also, prohibits the sport mode and controls as the D range <Vehicles with sport mode>.Transmission range switch Controls as the D range.Transmission fluid temperature sensorControls using the fixed value for the fail-safe function.Secondary pressure sensorStops the secondary pressure feedback control and controls the line pressure using the fixed value for the fail-safe function. Also, suppresses the engine torque.Primary pressure sensorStops the primary pressure feedback control and controls the line pressure using the fixed value for the fail-safe function. Also, suppresses the engine torque.Line pressure solenoid valveSwitches the line pressure solenoid valve OFF to achieve the maximum line pressure.CVTCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-33Secondary pressure solenoid valve Switches the secondary pressure solenoid valve OFF to achieve themaximum secondary pressure.Lock-up solenoid valve Switches the lock-up solenoid valve OFF to release lock-up.Stepper motor Switches all the coils A to D of the stepper motor OFF to retain thepulley ratio just before the abnormality occurs.Lock-up/select switching solenoid valve Switches the lock-up/select switching solenoid valve OFF to release lock-up.Back-up power supply If the control memory back-up power supply from the battery is notsupplied to TCM, limits the engine torque to protect the transmissionmain body. After the normal power is supplied, turning the key switchfrom OFF to ON once resumes the normal status.Paddle shift switch <Vehicles withsport mode>Prohibits the paddle shift operation.Shift switch assembly <Vehicles with sport mode>Prohibits the sport mode operation.Item Control contentTRANSAXLE CONTROLCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-34TRANSAXLE CONTROLGENERAL INFORMATIONM2232000600011The selector lever with the gate-type has beenadopted. For vehicles with sport mode, in addition to the manual gate of selector lever, the paddle shift has been equipped around the steering wheel to achieve "Fun to Drive." The selector lever has the following features:•The shift gate configuration and the operating power at each shift position have been properly tuned, ensuring the firm and smooth operation feel.•The sport mode (6-speed) has been installed to allow the driver to shift manually according to his/her intention. <Vehicles with sport mode>•The shift knob painted in metallic silver with a high-grade appearance has been adopted, and for higher level specifications, the genu-ine-leather shift knob has been provided.•The main components have been made of resin to reduce weight and number of components.•The electrical control-type shift lock mechanism with the solenoid to facilitate the tuning work in assembly.•The cable control-type key interlock mechanism which is field proven has been adopted.CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-35TRANSAXLE CONTROLSELECTOR LEVER ASSEMBLYM2232002000189 ArrayThe electrical control-type shift lock (the shift lever islocked in the "P" position if the brake pedal is notdepressed) mechanism has been adopted for theselector lever assembly. The functions of eachswitch are as follows:Name FunctionShift lock release button If the shift lock system has failed, remove the coverand press the shift lock release button to release theshift lock forcibly (mechanically).Shift indicator bulb Illuminates the present selector lever position in theshift indicator.Shift switch assembly <Vehicles with sport mode>Detects the selector lever activation in sport mode. Shift lock solenoid Switches the shift lock mechanism ON/OFF.Shift lock control relay Switches the shift lock solenoid power supply circuitON/OFF.P position detection switch Detects the "P" position.TRANSAXLE CONTROLCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-36CVT ERRONEOUS OPERATION PREVENTION MECHANISMSSHIFT LOCK MECHANISMM2232000400017STRUCTURE OF SHIFT LOCK SYSTEMThis system is comprised of the following compo-nents.•Lock lever•Shift lock solenoid •Shift lock control relay•P position detection switchSHIFT LOCK CIRCUITWhen all of the following conditions are true, the shift lock sole-noid is energised, allowing the selector lever to move from the P position to another position.•Ignition switch: ON•P position detection switch: ON (the selector lever is in the P position)•Stoplight switch: ON (brake pedal is depressed)OPERATIONAL DESCRIPTIONSHIFT LOCK STATUSWith the shift lock status, the shift lock solenoid is not ener-gized, so when the select operation of the selector lever is attempted, no select operation is possible because the lock lever blocks the lever assembly path.TRANSAXLE CONTROLCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-37SHIFT LOCK RELEASE STATUSWhen the ignition switch is ON, the selector lever is in the P position, and the brake pedal is depressed, the shift lock sole-noid is energized to move the shift lock solenoid toward the direction A shown in the figure. Then the lock lever linked to the shift lock solenoid moves as shown in the figure, and no longer blocks the lever sub assembly path when the select operation is performed, enabling the operation.RELEASE USING THE SHIFT LOCK RELEASE BUTTONIf the shift lock no longer operates properly due to a dead bat-tery or the like, remove the cover and press the shift lock release button to enable shift operation from the P position. Pressing the shift lock release button moves the lock lever to the position shown in the figure, enabling shift operation.TRANSAXLE CONTROLCONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSAXLE (CVT)23-38KEY LOCK MECHANISMM2232000500014This mechanism is basically same as that used for OUTLANDER.PADDLE SHIFT <VEHICLES WITH SPORT MODE>M2232000300021The paddle-shaped upshift/downshift lever has been fitted near the steering wheel to allow the driver to operate upshift or downshift with his/her hands kept on the steering wheel. The paddle shift has the fol-lowing features:•The lever on the right of the vehicle is for upshift and that on the left is for downshift.•As the paddle shift is fixed on the steering column to maintain the certain position regardless of the steering wheel angle, the proper operation can be performed without possibility of improper up/down position even when the steering wheel is fully turned.•The paddle shift can perform the upshift/down-shift operation whether the selector lever is in the sport mode or automatic shifting to provide a rapid shift operation.NOTE: When the mode is changed to the sport mode using the paddle shift during automatic gear shifting, the sport mode is cancelled under the following conditions.•The upshift lever is pulled for 2 seconds or more.•The vehicle is stopped.•No operation is carried out for 4 minutes and 25 seconds.•The main components have been made of mag-nesium alloy to achieve the considerable weight reduction and pursue a sporty impression.。
