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Diana F+ 使用教程0 Diana F+是台超棒的相機為什麼要用這台diana f+?因為潮男必備,是最佳首飾,掛在脖子上可以激發出具有玩心的潮流感女孩們見到都會驚呼"好可愛喔" "真的可以拍嗎?" "拍完了我要看" "什麼還要洗喔好專業喔"等等客套話..虛榮感馬上up up,還可以"改天來外拍吧"如果再問一些比較深入一點的問題"按哪邊才可以拍照阿?" "哪個N跟B是什麼?" 這時有稍微看過說明書的型男(至少要學會裝底片吧)還可以照本宣科唬爛幾句遇到扛著鏡頭上面有一圈類似橡皮筋的紅圈,或是閃耀著金色光芒的黃圈,相機還是正方形的攝影大哥專業感濃厚的攝影大哥(說不定還穿著攝影戰術背心)"你那台玩具相機光圈快門多少?" "那焦段勒?" "120底片喔,好久沒碰了"此時如果來個好奇心重一點的,問這台相機的祖宗十八代,此時型男有如裸體般尷尬,恨不得將相機收回潮包之內。
好不容易型男拍完一捲120,還請沖洗店的店員幫忙取出底片,回去盼阿盼終於等到那底片的那一天,一拿出來看"咦!怎麼只有兩張!"店員耐心的解釋"這是因為大部分都曝光不足,而且很多都疊片了,所以只有兩張是成功的"潮男猛然一看"我在夜店裡跟正妹合照都不見了阿阿阿!" "而且成功的這兩張,說好的暗角哩,顏色也太灰了吧"於是在心灰意冷的情況下"哼!我還是背單眼好了,至少還可以拍得出來,但是好重喔,當型男也太辛苦了吧"這台diana就被冷落在一旁,不然就是po上網"99%new 100%real 只用過一次潮男必備單品"轉移到下一位潮男手中------------------------分隔線-------------------------------------------------------以上就是大多數diana相機的淒慘下場但是! 選擇這台相機絕對不是他傻呼呼的可愛外表而已(說實在的也沒有到太可愛)她有一個非常強大的優點is "擴充性最強"的玩具相機之王那你說她有個親戚叫做Holga勒,我只能說holga是改裝相機之王兩者之間有些微妙的差別改裝holga的高手很多,120改135,改快門線,掛濾鏡,改B快,改光圈,改寬景,改腰平觀景窗等不可思議之改機方法都有相對於diana就少很多啦,頂多就是改135holga跟diana在遠古時代一樣只能裝120底片,他們也沒啥特殊才藝,但隸屬於不同公司之後在未來有了不一樣的路重點來了---------------------------前言跟本文的分隔線------------------------------------------------holga走的是"再買一台"路線,為了滿足大家(老闆)的需求,於是每一種版本都出一台常見的135BC 135BC暗角加強版? 120NC 120GCFN(玻璃鏡頭彩色閃光燈) 連雙眼相機都可以出一台這樣的做法就玩死的holga,沒前途,不是永續經營的方式,誰會沒事買這麼多台一樣的相機舉例來說要是ricoh GXR這樣搞,你每買一個鏡頭模組就多一個機背,請問這樣是在搞誰阿不然就是要買L鏡一定要連同機身一起買,這樣大三元不是更難湊了沒錯! holga就是個"很多台"搞人的相機,光是要決定選哪個版本就可以使人考慮到海枯石爛我完全不相信會有人去蒐集全套holga,蒐藏家應該都是蒐集萊佧、哈酥之流的頂級相機反觀在lomography旗下的diana,雖然在台知名度不及holga,但是lomography是家永續經營的公司(底片全面停產她應該還是有辦法)他採取數位單眼的產品線路線,你只需要購買相機一台,就會開始掉入他的陷阱(誤)跟單眼一樣,kit鏡用一用就想試試廣角的威力,不然望遠鏡來拍人像好像也不賴,再買個近攝鏡來拍小東西好不容易集滿五顆鏡頭,發現齒孔好有味道,來個135背板好了,還有四種格式沖洗費又比較便宜再來是晚上出門很需要台閃光燈,這樣才可以跟朋友開心合照可是常常要等好久才可以看到照片,不然裝拍立得背板,挖賽,根本是屌翻天了,潮男一定很後悔賣掉diana,那可是超稀有把妹神器組裝起來根本跟變型金剛一樣威猛,再掛個大大的廣角鏡以及附加的觀景窗,跟正妹合照不求人再加裝快門線,天啊,一台相機快比我家的貓還大隻背在路上路人的詢問度根本爆表,加上若有所思的轉轉對焦環,撥幾下光圈桿,帥氣的等閃光燈充電,真的是太帥了所以各位兄弟姊妹們,快把你家裡面不知道放哪去的diana挖出來,並且買齊所有配件(要不少錢),跟著我一起當專業的diana玩家!成為diana大師,應該比成為數位單眼大師來的容易多了,畢竟沒什麼競爭者嘛後記:不用怕底片停產,如果這天真的來臨,lomography絕對會出數位機背來海撈一筆(誤),是永續經營拉!而且還會出CCD跟CMOS兩種版本喔!以及FF跟APS-C不同的片幅,我想FF片幅機背應該會賣不超過兩萬塊吧,佛心來的吧!1 你一定要知道Diana的三圍分享: 首發受到大家的熱烈回響(不超過十位),有人跟我說上一篇文章有些攝影的專有名詞看不懂,專有名詞的問題就要靠各位用心向學的"大大"們去估狗一下答案,如果要上零壹討論區發問的話,切記一定要先爬文,不然會被板上的"大大"砲的體無完膚,千萬不要透露說你要買Diana的念頭,只會被推薦別的相機!-----------------------------前言跟本文分隔線---------------------------------就像要買一台單眼相機一樣當然很需要把她的所有規格數據都了解並且熟背不然怎麼在競爭激烈的攝影界生存,連自己的T91都不會拆了,我看你只能用槍托來戰鬥本文主旨在於由器材面剖析diana這台相機的種種特性,並透露說明書沒有告訴你的事首先diana的光圈有四段可以調整,分別是F11陰天,F16晴時多雲,F22晴天,F150針孔快門速度則是1/60秒,他還有B快,聰明的你一定知道那是長時間曝光的意思這樣的設定可以得出一些事實:這樣的組合是符合陽光16法則的!只是光圈減一級變F22,快門自然要加一級變成1/60秒那你一定會問那幹嘛不用F16搭配1/100,問的實在是切入重點因為他是一台120相機提醒一下各位片幅越大景深就越淺,這是小學三年級課本就有寫的(不信自己去翻)舉個例子就知道,有些人從DC跳到DSLR就是不滿意DC的景深不夠淺沒錯,片幅非常小的DC們的景深*真的很深*景深:焦平面的合焦範圍,翻成白話是"對焦點前後清楚的範圍",這是最簡單的解釋了吧如果還是不懂沒關係,當初我也花了好幾秒才領悟很深代表合焦範圍很廣,很淺反之大家也都明白大光圈會帶來淺景深,如果diana的光圈做得很大,那我保證泛焦的對焦方式可以讓每張都對不到焦再來第二個理由就是各種片幅都有所謂的最佳光圈,不一定是開最大就很棒,開最小就很銳利中國人說的中庸之道就是應用在光圈上面,而我聽說120的最佳光圈就是11 16 22(135是4~8)---------------------------------------------------------------------------解開diana光圈快門之謎之後(雖然也沒有人在討論這個),我們再來談談焦段的問題diana是可以換鏡頭的,雖然她沒有反光鏡,所以也算是可交換鏡頭的相機之列而且他絕對比xex3跟GFx這些相機輕量多了,片幅又大這麼多(完勝!有前面那兩台的讀者可以拿給我保管)6x6 片幅(56mmX56mm)的對角線長約為80mm,所以換算成135焦段...就是120鏡頭的焦段要乘上0.5375diana有五顆鏡頭焦段分別是20mm 38mm 55mm 75mm 110mm我好心的用心算幫大家換算一下10.75mm 20.425mm 29.5625mm 40.3125mm 59.125mm但是此時我才發現diana不是6x6(56mmX56mm)的片幅,而是52mmX52mm(真冏)要重算一遍,真的很法Q阿!52mmX52mm的對角線長度約73.5mm所以43mm/73.5mm=0.585 我再好心的幫大家心算一次11.7mm 22.23mm 32.175mm 43.875mm 64.35mm都跟官方的數據有點小小差距從魚眼廣角小廣角人像小望遠都有了,喔還有外掛近拍鏡可以拍的題材更多了,當然還包括"針孔",之後再提------------------------------------------------------------Diana可以拍的格式也是非常多樣化使用120底片有爽度爆表的12張正方形,16張則是分比較省錢的小正方形以及有夠燒底片的接合式全景模式135背板則有四種格式1 24x36mm可以拍出36張一般長方形的照片2 24x48mm可以拍出27張寬景照片3 33x34mm可以拍出36張含有齒孔的正方型照片4 33x48mm可以拍出27張含有齒孔的寬景照片拍立得背板使用最便宜最好買的fuji instax mini iso800拍立得底片但是加裝拍立得背板必須加裝套件內附的焦距調整鏡,並且使iso值降到400diana的拍立得背板裡底片是橫的放的,所以一般拿法會是橫式構圖,大家要切記,跟fuji的拍立得不一樣還有聽說有人很天才的以為裝了背板,快門就變成按背板上面的底片輸出鈕,這樣只會一直吐黑片根本沒曝過光,不要這麼天真無邪ok?再來就是instax mini的片幅對角線跟6x6的差不多大,所以可以鏡頭焦段就直接參考6x6但是instax mini是長方形的所以在觀景窗裡面看到的要比實際的大上下會切到,但是左右就還好-----------------------------------------------------------------------好了到這邊你已經比一般人還了解Diana了當然這只是個開頭,之後會再介紹各種拍法,讓你在任何場合下都可以使用他你們根本是賺到了今天要來談diana的針孔模式你以為針孔攝影是那種下流的東西嗎?是的,她是很下流在攝影界裡面算是非主流、不入流,所以下流而且我常常拿他來偷拍,所以下流但是我愛上用diana來進行針孔攝影,拍攝過程跟結果都給我帶來很大的快樂(好下流)國內用diana拍針孔的人,如果我自稱第二,一定會有人說我不要臉老實說,當初買diana也是為了拍針孔攝影因為我受到台灣針孔之神管伯伯的啟發這位神人最令我讚賞的傑作就是拍一位妙齡女子的洗澡過程這完全符合"針孔攝影"的真諦阿!請先不要報警或是搜尋管伯伯(我知道你很急),因為管伯伯跟這位妙齡女子有達成共識(私底下的那種) 已經昇華到藝術創作之流了,所以其實也不會有什麼養眼的畫面,要靠自己想像但我想還是有一狗票的朋友不知道針孔攝影是什麼相信常跟我吃飯的朋友,基本上都會看到我在吃飯時會把diana架出來絕對不是擺好看的而已,其實你們都已經入鏡了活該我還是稍微解釋一下,請各位把想像力放在手上其實針孔攝影跟錄影很像,只是針孔攝影是一張照片,錄影是一狗票照片連貫起來針孔攝影就是把一狗票的照片全部疊在同一張意味著針孔攝影將時間的流動記錄在一張照片裡面有點頭腦的人就會想到這跟長時間曝光有什麼不一樣針孔攝影就是長時間曝光的一種,只是要曝特別久很多人都有拍夜景的經驗,一張照片可能要曝個好幾秒鐘但是夜景對於針孔相機實在是太暗了所以至少都要曝光半小時以上才會顯影,反正晚上這麼暗只要天不要亮想曝多久就曝多久至於白天的話,也至少要個三秒起跳,為什麼?有點常識的你一定會問憑什麼可以拍這麼久因為人家光圈小嘛!小到跟針孔一樣小一般小DC最小光圈不過就f8~f11,DSLR到f22~f32但是diana的最小光圈是f150連肉眼測光超強的我遇到f150時我也不知道要怎麼換算所以我相信你也不知道去估狗大神找換算表吧講半天還是要提一下diana這位主角說明書上說要將鏡頭拆掉,可以得到非常廣角的照片這點我印證了,的確是有點廣再來幫各位複習一下光圈越小景深越...............深當光圈值來到f150的時候,照理來說應該從肉毒桿菌到北極星上的外星人都要一清二楚但是絕無可能!你只會得到一張從毛細孔到銀河系都很模糊的照片3 拍立得背板不裝焦距調整鏡可變成超近拍機diana的拍立得背板有附一個焦距調整鏡是要裝在底片跟鏡頭中間讓拍立得可以順利對焦並且讓iso值降到400Diana instax不裝焦距調整鏡是就只能近拍官方網站上面有外國的朋友發表了lca instax超近拍的秘技以及計算公式我就大發慈悲的幫大家計算一下diana instax但每顆鏡頭跟底片的距離都不一樣,會影響最近對焦距離經過我精密的計算把對焦距離設定在1~2m 在裝75mm標準鏡的情況下近拍距離為10.1cm比他的55mm近拍鏡15cm還要近而在裝上38mm超廣角鏡的情況下近拍距離比鄉民的稍短一點,29.2cm我沒有其他的鏡頭看有沒有人可以贊助我的研究?以上皆為理論請大家自行去驗證有圖有真相這張是用38mm超廣角鏡拍的,對焦距離理論上應該是29.2cm 不過手機離鏡頭太近了大約15cm所以沒有很清楚手的部分有比較好一點請看看後面的背景,已經糊的跟油畫沒兩樣很難想像小光圈也可以有這麼淺的景深但是!這招有些缺點在放底片之前就要決定要不要放焦距調整鏡就是你要一捲10張都只能拍近拍的東西除非把相機放到暗袋裡拆焦距調整鏡還有iso會變成800,晴天容易過曝以上真是簡短的一篇哪天有靈感了來個近拍特集4 Diana F+是台超爛的相機前面捧了這麼多集的diana,但其實她也有很多缺點很多會困擾使用者的地方基於愛之深責之切,在這邊提出他的十大缺點也算是十個你不需要買diana的理由1 會被貼標籤:Diana f+算是lomography旗下的"lomo"相機lomo的黃金十誡(就是使用lomo相機的守則)誤導了很多人很多人只看標題不看內容,就他跟K書是一樣的其中一條"不要想,拍就對了"原本是要你不要因為理性思維而扼殺了瞬間的靈感但是大部分的人解讀為"不要思考,傻呼呼的按快門"這樣子跟用數位相機調成auto拍一千張挑一張好的根本沒兩樣! 這樣還能拍出好照片只能歸因於運氣很好所以一般人對於使用lomo相機的人第一印象都是"不懂攝影" 解決辦法:如果你真的有diana這類玩具相機,那要怎麼補救呢?很簡單,當你帶diana出門的時候,再多帶一台底片單眼現在人手一台的氾濫數位單眼已經不能代表專業度了最好是機械式不用電的那種,而且越舊越怪越好絕對要金屬材質,還會反光刺眼的那種讓人家知道你是來真的有真功夫,而不是瞎攪和2 已經退流行了:他曾經是潮流配件之一,但自從她妹diana mini出了以後diana就被打入冷宮了,原因很簡單因為大家不喜歡太複雜又不了解的東西diana mini只吃隨處可見的135底片比起只能拍12張的120底片親切多了解決辦法:如果你只是追求潮物的話掛這個相機在脖子上只會被貼不懂攝影的標籤(或許真的不懂) 作人何必自曝其短呢別浪費錢買lomography的產品了也只是在浪費地球僅剩不多的底片買拍立得隨拍隨看還可以送禮自用或許會比較潮3 要花很多錢其實也沒多少,之前有出diana大全套要價9400那時候還沒出拍立得背板,要價3500加起來剛好是13K找一張國父這樣的價格都可以買數位相機了而且後續還有底片及沖洗的費用只有真的熱愛的人才有需要蒐集全套解決辦法:如果你因為看了我的文章真的很想買diana先問問潮男有沒有diana放在家裡陰暗的角落動之以情的殺價或是直接借用(借十年)都沒有的話再去網路找二手貨我保證絕對是100%real不灌水的90%new因為不會用的人拍個幾捲就放棄了,當然很新4 她很脆弱diana是位嬌羞的弱女子由塑膠製成的她既不堅固又不耐用像是閃光燈只要摔過一次就會壞掉而且久了上面的漆會無法阻止的漸漸剝落快門調整桿用久了會鬆弛,在跟N跟B之間搖擺不定有一次diana從腳架上面摔了下來脖子折斷直接宣告不治而拍立得背板讓我常常遇到吃底片卻不吐底片出來的情形後面剩下的底片全浪費了解決辦法:只要壞了但還在一年的保固期之內就毫不猶豫帶保固卡去大使館換一台新的!他都賣這個價錢了不用覺得很不好意思閃光燈因為摔到不能用也要跟他說突然就不能閃如果有些小配件沒壞就不用帶去還給他反正他會給你整盒新的過了保固期的話就請自求多福5 體積很大diana真的不是普通的大他很輕,但是一點都不輕便還被問過是不是單眼相機而且專用相機袋又貴呼呼放在自己包包裡面又會撞個稀巴爛他真的很礙手礙腳!解決辦法:買個年輕有活力一點的相機包又可以保護diana並增加專業感不想花錢的話就直接掛在身上吧唯一可取就是他很輕但是裝了一堆配件之後這個優勢又消失了6 你必須學攝影這是不愛念書的小孩的噩夢光是學校的課業都要搞不定還要去學習博大精深的攝影有沒有搞錯該不會還要半夜埋首在電腦前面爬文放假還要窩在書店裡面狂翻攝影集把高中之後就沒用的心算拿出來用像我那樣算換算焦段還被說宅我常常看到一些人用不合理的方式使用diana 例如在昏暗的室內沒用閃光燈拍一張過片一張如果你是用iso400以上還可以拍出"一點東西"在這邊告訴大家diana最大光圈是f11搭配著1/60秒的快門時間我告訴你通常在室內用數位相機光圈都常常開到f2.8或更大快門時間都會降到1/30秒或更慢diana的光圈快門組合根本無法應付室內昏暗的場合光是陰天就很難用了即使用iso400也只是增感兩格還是不夠用講了這麼多我相信你應該也看不太懂不然一知半解結論就是你不學點基礎的話你根本無法使用這台相機解決辦法:如果你對於拍照僅是負責按快門其餘不管的狀態下我沒有辦法提供無痛的解決方式你必須要仔細閱讀說明書好幾遍了解相機上每個部位的功用些許的現場光源判斷能力還要定期收看我的攝影人生系列再不然就直接問我吧在耐心還沒消失之前我會很樂意分享的7 很難找同好平常晚餐找個伴都有困難了更何況是diana伴你的朋友圈要剛好有志同道合的diana玩家比湊大三元清一色還困難簡直直逼天聽等級你的diana就會跟你一樣一直處於單身階段始終翻不了身,最後只好跟diana在一起解決辦法:認識我,你就多一名diana伴更快的方法是每個周末去參加lomography辦的workshop每周都會有不同主題的講座,反正去就對了,一定可以認識新朋友拉沒有相機也不要緊,他有提供租借服務,只要你跟他簽賣身契約(誤) 每次300元,附一捲lomography包裝的底片8 diana不保值一般來說會賣二手的都是因為用不到而出清那種九點九成新的至少會砍個五百起跳全套的有看過砍了兩千但是過了九成新的階段他就完全不保值了轉賣的錢應該夠你去買個宵夜吃吃他不像萊卡哈蘇還有增值空間解決辦法:哪一天diana停產之後,就有可能會增值喔賺到的差價應該可以去吃個大餐之類的想要投資的話還是另謀高就吧9 沒有螢幕這就是底片相機麻煩卻又有趣的地方出去玩開開心心跟大家拍完照其他人都聚在一起分享剛剛拍的你卻只能孤僻的默默把相機收起來因為你還要把底片拿去洗雖然說等待的過程也是種享受但是第一時間不能看只能在旁邊乾瞪眼如果你是個拍一捲可以拖半年的人等底片洗出來了你的朋友們早就忘記這回事也懶得再去看你拍出來的精彩大作照片只好躲在電腦的D槽裡哭泣久而久之還會被大家排擠即便你裡面沒裝底片假裝拍照也沒人知道解決辦法:多帶一台數位相機出去玩吧這樣還可以參與大家的討論你的底片佳作就等洗出來自己慢慢欣賞這樣你出門就要帶三台相機了好重阿!10 會被長輩碎碎念家裡年紀稍長的長輩平時要沒有代溝就有點困難更何況是這台名不見經傳的玩具相機看到他的外型還以為你是幫小姪子買了生日禮物要跟一般年輕人解釋這台相機的美好就很困難要是繳不出精采的作品那更是會被念到臭頭通常他們只會想得很表面認為沖洗底片很浪費錢殊不知他們是從底片相機的年代存活過來的而從數位相機開始接觸攝影的年輕人回頭去使用底片相機才會被底片的成像給感動解決辦法:絕對不要告訴他們diana的真實價錢說兩百塊就買到了這樣他們才會稍微安心的讓你玩再來就是拍出讓他們下巴脫臼的精彩影像這樣他們下巴受傷就無法在碎碎念拉要娶到完美無缺的老婆幾乎是不可能的事一些小小的缺點跟不合要去包容忍耐當以上十大缺點對你來說都不算什麼的話那請快把diana娶回家用吧讓她當你的終身伴侶5 Diana超簡單入門分享: 各位有在用Diana的觀眾大家好有鑒於前面的入門文章太過艱澀因為有些朋友完全沒有攝影基礎於是我決定來弄一篇超簡單教學依照指示人人都可以拍出好照片你最常遇到的問題就是曝光不足每次洗出來不是很暗就是很晃動那你絕對要繼續給我看到最後面一定要完全遵照以下的指示操作就可以保證會有曝光正常的照片我宣佈超無腦教學~~開~~始~1 鏡頭下面四個選項,永遠調成"雲"的圖案2 鏡頭上面兩個選項,永遠調成"N"的圖案3 裝上120底片,不要用135底片4 估好被攝物跟鏡頭之間的距離,在去轉鏡頭前方的焦距調整器5 戒煙,以免手抖,手要非常之穩6 使用拍攝12張的格式,說明書有寫怎麼調成12張的格式以上就準備好相機了再來是拍攝環境1 在大太陽底下拍照,不要有任何防曬措施,尤其是雨傘2 被攝物一定要被太陽照到,陰影底下萬萬不可3 一定要在室外,室內的話直接收起來4 一定要在白天,晚上的話想到別想再來是拍攝心態1 千萬不要"隨手拍",這個只是拍失敗的藉口,每張都給我認真拍2 他不是數位相機,不要無腦的亂按快門,只會得到一堆無意義的照片3 絢麗的色彩跟暗角跟你這種新手沒有關係,一張好照片不是暗角大不大、顏色怪不怪怎麼有種越寫越氣的感覺太多沒有攝影基礎的人妄想著駕馭diana連一點點的攝影基礎都不願意了解就想拍出跟攝影集裡面一樣的照片所以這篇只是給你們入門而已減少一些挫折感剩下的造化全看自己玩玩而已的心態就趁早把diana送人吧反正也是個可愛的裝飾品不是嗎。
Gaggenau CI 282 电磁灶台 使用说明书
Gaggenauzh使用说明书CI 282电磁灶台zh 安全性2目录1安全性................................................................... 22避免损坏............................................................... 43环境保护和节约..................................................... 44合适的烹饪容器..................................................... 55了解机器............................................................... 66控制元件 TwistPad............................................... 77首次使用前............................................................ 78操作基本知识........................................................ 79Flex Zone............................................................. 810超级可变区域........................................................ 911时间功能............................................................. 1012火力推进功能...................................................... 1013时间推进功能...................................................... 1014保温功能............................................................. 1115应用设置............................................................. 1116专业烹饪功能...................................................... 1117煎炸传感器.......................................................... 1218童锁.................................................................... 1319防刮擦保护.......................................................... 1320自定义安全自动关机............................................ 1421基本设置............................................................. 1422炊具测试............................................................. 1523功率限制............................................................. 1524Home Connect 晶御智能 ................................. 1525基于灶具控制吸油烟机........................................ 1726清洁和保养.......................................................... 1827常见问题............................................................. 1828处理故障............................................................. 1929处理旧机器.......................................................... 2030技术数据. (2131)客户服务 (21)1 安全性请注意以下安全注意事项。
AXIS Q3538-LVE 语音智能防盗相机说明书
AXIS Q3538-LVE Dome CameraAdvanced8MP dome with deep learningWith superior4K resolution,Lightfinder2.0,Forensic WDR,and OptimizedIR,AXIS Q3538-LVE delivers outstanding image quality even in the harshest weather and environments.The IR-shielded dome prevents IR reflections ensuring clear,sharp video every time.Built on ARTPEC-8,it offers advanced features and powerful applications based on deep learning.For instance,AXIS Object Analytics comes preinstalled offering highly nuanced object classification.Enclosed in a metal casing,this robust camera features redundant power,sensors for intrusion-and shock detection,and built-in cybersecurity features such as Axis Edge Vault and a FIPS140-2level2certified Trusted Platform Module(TPM).>Superior image quality in4K>Analytics with deep learning>IR-shielded dome to prevent reflections>Robust,metal casing>Built-in cybersecurity featuresDatasheetAXIS Q3538-LVE Dome Camera CameraImage sensor1/1.2”progressive scan RGB CMOSLens Varifocal,6.2–12.9mm,F1.6–2.9Horizontal field of view:103°–49°Vertical field of view:56°–28°Varifocal,Remote focus and zoom,P-Iris control,IR correctedDay and night Automatically removable infrared-cut filterMinimum illumination Color:0.07lux at50IRE,F1.6 B/W:0lux at50IRE,F1.6Shutter speed1/66500s to2sCamera angleadjustmentPan±180°,tilt-43to+80°,rotation±175°System on chip(SoC)Model ARTPEC-8Memory2048MB RAM,8194MB Flash ComputecapabilitiesDeep learning processing unit(DLPU) VideoVideo compression H.264(MPEG-4Part10/AVC)Baseline,Main and High Profiles H.265(MPEG-H Part2/HEVC)Main ProfileMotion JPEGResolution Up to3840x2160Frame rate With WDR:25/30fps with power line frequency50/60HzWithout WDR:50/60fps with power line frequency50/60Hz Video streaming Multiple,individually configurable streams in H.264,H.265andMotion JPEGAxis Zipstream technology in H.264and H.265Controllable frame rate and bandwidthVBR/ABR/MBR H.264/H.265Video streaming indicatorMulti-viewstreamingUp to8individually cropped out view areasImage settings Saturation,contrast,brightness,sharpness,Forensic WDR:Up to 120dB depending on scene,white balance,day/night threshold,tone mapping,exposure mode,exposure zones,defogging,barrel distortion correction,electronic image stabilization,compression,rotation:0°,90°,180°,270°including CorridorFormat,mirroring,text and image overlay,dynamic text andimage overlay,privacy masks,polygon privacy maskPan/Tilt/Zoom Digital PTZ,optical zoom,preset positionsLimited guard tour,control queue,on-screen directional indicatorTour recording(max10,max duration16minutes each),guardtour(max100)2x optical zoomAudioAudio streaming Two-way,full duplexAudio encoding24bit LPCM,AAC-LC8/16/48kHz,G.711PCM8kHz,G.726ADPCM8kHz,Opus8/16/48kHzConfigurable bit rateAudio input/output External microphone input or line input(balanced or unbalanced), line output,digital audio input,automatic gain control Microphone power:Microphone power5V on tip,ring power12V on ring, phantom power12V on tip/ringNetworkSecurity Password protection,IP address filtering,HTTPS a encryption,IEEE802.1x(EAP-TLS)a network access control,digestauthentication,user access log,centralized certificatemanagement,brute force delay protection,signed firmware,secure boot,signed video,Axis Edge Vault,Axis device ID,securekeystore(CC EAL4certified),TPM(FIPS140-2certified)Network protocols IPv4,IPv6USGv6,ICMPv4/ICMPv6,HTTP,HTTPS a,HTTP/2,TLS a,QoS Layer3DiffServ,FTP,SFTP,CIFS/SMB,SMTP,mDNS(Bonjour),UPnP®,SNMP v1/v2c/v3(MIB-II),DNS/DNSv6,DDNS,NTP,NTS,RTSP,RTCP,RTP,SRTP,TCP,UDP,IGMPv1/v2/v3,DHCPv4/v6,ARP,SSH,SIP,LLDP,CDP,MQTT v3.1.1,Syslog,Link-Local address(ZeroConf)System integrationApplicationProgrammingInterfaceOpen API for software integration,including VAPIX®andAXIS Camera Application Platform;specifications at One-click cloud connection(O3C)ONVIF®Profile G,ONVIF®Profile M,ONVIF®Profile S,andONVIF®Profile T specification at OnscreencontrolsElectronic image stabilizationDay/night shiftDefoggingWide dynamic rangeVideo streaming indicatorIR illuminationHeaterEvent conditions Analytics,external input,supervised external input,edge storageevents,virtual inputs through APIAudio:audio detection,audio clip playingCall:state,state changeDevice status:above operating temperature,above or belowoperating temperature,below operating temperature,IP addressremoved,network lost,new IP address,shock detected,casingopen,storage failure,system ready,within operating temperatureDigital audio:digital signal contains Axis metadata,digital signalhas invalid sample rate,digital signal missing,digital signal okayEdge storage:recording ongoing,storage disruption,storagehealth issues detectedI/O:digital input,manual trigger,virtual inputMQTT subscribeMQTT:statelessScheduled and recurring:scheduleVideo:tampering,average bitrate degradation,day-night mode,live stream openEvent actions I/O:toggle I/O once,toggle I/O while the rule is activeRecord video:SD card and network shareUpload of images or video clips:FTP,SFTP,HTTP,HTTPS,networkshare and emailPre-and post-alarm video or image buffering for recording oruploadNotification:email,HTTP,HTTPS,TCP and SNMP trapCalls:end SIP call,make SIP call,answer callMQTT publishOverlay text,external output activation,play audio clip,zoompreset,day/night mode,make call,flash status LED,use lights,set defog mode,send MQTT publish message,set WDR modeBuilt-ininstallation aidsLeveling assistant,straighten image,image grid,pixel counterAnalyticsAXIS ObjectAnalyticsObject classes:humans,vehicles(types:cars,buses,trucks,bikes)Trigger conditions:line crossing,object in area,time in area BETAUp to10scenariosMetadata visualized with trajectories and color-coded boundingboxesPolygon include/exclude areasPerspective configurationONVIF Motion Alarm eventMetadata Object data:Classes:humans,faces,vehicles(types:cars,buses,trucks,bikes),license platesConfidence,positionEvent data:Producer reference,scenarios,trigger conditionsApplications IncludedAXIS Object AnalyticsAXIS Video Motion Detection,active tampering alarm,audiodetectionSupportedSupport for AXIS Camera Application Platform enablinginstallation of third-party applications,see /acapGeneralCasing IP66-,IP6K9K-,NEMA4X-and IK10+-ratedPolycarbonate hard coated domeAluminum and plastic casing,polycarbonate(PC)dome,sunshield(PC/ASA)Color:white NCS S1002-BThis product can be repaintedFor repainting instructions of casing and impact on warranty,contact your Axis partner.Mounting Mounting bracket with junction box holes(double-gang,single-gang,4”square,and4”octagon)¾”(M25)conduit side entrySustainability PVC freePower Power over Ethernet(PoE)IEEE802.3at Type2Class4Typical9W,max23W10–28V DC,typical9W,max24WConnectors Shielded RJ4510BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T PoEDC input,3.5mm mic/line in,3.5mm line outTerminal block for two configurable supervised inputs/digitaloutputs(12V DC output,max load50mA)IR illumination OptimizedIR with power-efficient,long-life850nm IR LEDsRange of reach40m(130ft)or more depending on the scene Storage Support for microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC cardSupport for SD card encryption(AES-XTS-Plain64256bit)Recording to network-attached storage(NAS)For SD card and NAS recommendations see Operating conditions -50°C to55°C(-58°F to131°F)Maximum temperature according to NEMA TS2(2.2.7):74°C (165°F)Start-up temperature:-40°C(-40°F)Humidity10–100%RH(condensing)Storage conditions -40°C to65°C(-40°F to149°F) Humidity5-95%RH(non-condensing)Approvals EMCCISPR35,EN50121-4,EN55032Class A,EN55035,EN61000-3-2,EN61000-3-3,EN61000-6-1,EN61000-6-2,FCC Part15Subpart B Class A,ICES-3(A)/NMB-3(A),IEC62236-4,KS C9832Class A,KS C9835,RCM AS/NZS CISPR32Class A,VCCI Class ASafetyCAN/CSA-C22.2No.60950-22,CAN/CSA C22.2No.62368-1,IEC/EN/UL62368-1,IEC/EN/UL60950-22,IEC62471,IS13252EnvironmentIEC60068-2-2,IEC60068-2-6,IEC60068-2-14,IEC60068-2-27,IEC60068-2-78,IEC/EN60529IP66,ISO20653IP6K9K,IEC/EN62262IK10+(50J),NEMA250Type4X,NEMA TS2(2.2.7-2.2.9)NetworkNIST SP500-267Dimensions Height:124mm(4.9in),184mm(7.3in)including weathershield ø183mm(7.2in)Weight 2.1kg(4.6lb)including weathershieldIncludedaccessoriesInstallation guide,Windows®decoder1-user license,drill holetemplate,terminal block connectors for DC and I/O,RESISTORX®L-key,connector guard,cable gasket,conduit adapter,mountingbracket,weathershieldOptionalaccessoriesAXIS T8415Wireless Installation ToolAXIS Surveillance CardsAXIS TQ3807-E Dome Smoked,AXIS T94M01D Pendant KitFor more accessories,see VideomanagementsoftwareAXIS Companion,AXIS Camera Station,video managementsoftware from Axis Application Development Partners availableat /vmsLanguages English,German,French,Spanish,Italian,Russian,SimplifiedChinese,Japanese,Korean,Portuguese,Polish,Traditional Chinese Warranty5-year warranty,see /warrantya.This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit.(),and cryptographic software written by Eric Young (*****************).Environmental responsibility:/environmental-responsibility©2021-2022Axis Communications AB.AXIS COMMUNICATIONS,AXIS,ARTPEC and VAPIX are registered trademarks ofAxis AB in various jurisdictions.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.We reserve the right tointroduce modifications without notice.T10168579/EN/M11.2/2211。
可攜式投影機 V300X V260X V230X V260 V230 使用手冊说明书
2011 年 1 月第一版
DLP 和 BrilliantColor 是 Texas Instruments (德州儀器有限公司)的商標。 IBM 爲 International Business Machines Corporation (國際商業機器公司)的商標或註冊商標。 Macintosh, Mac OS X 和 PowerBook 爲 Apple Inc. (蘋果公司)在美國和其他國家註冊的商標。 Microsoft、Windows、Windows Vista、Internet Explorer、 .NET Framework 和 PowerPoint 爲 Microsoft Corporation (微軟公司)在美國和/或其他國家的註冊商標或商標。 MicroSaver 爲 ACCO 品牌的一個分公司 Kensington Computer Products Group 的註冊商標。 Virtual Remote Tool (虛擬遙控工具)使用 WinI2C/DDC library, © Nicomsoft Ltd。 HDMI、HDMI 標誌和 High-Definition Multimedia Interface 爲 HDMI Licensing LLC.的商標或註冊商標。
切勿讓紙夾和紙屑等異物掉入投影機內。切勿試圖找回可能掉入投影機內的任何物品。切勿將鐵絲或者螺絲起子 等金屬物體插入投影機內。若發現有物體掉入投影機內部,須立即斷開電源,然後委託有維修資格的維修服務人 員取出物體。 切勿在投影機上面放置任何物體。 雷雨天不要觸摸電源插頭。此舉可能引起電擊或者火災。 投影機規定操作電源爲 200-240 伏特 50/60 赫茲交流電。在使用投影機之前,須確認所用電源是否符合本投影機 要求。 切勿在投影機啓動狀態下窺視鏡頭。此舉會導致眼睛嚴重受傷。
ADIDT RE1000ND 多功能无线相机遥控器 说明书
使用说明书ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
祝贺阁下拥有了 ADIDT RE1000ND 多功能无线相机 遥控器,RE1000ND 可以扩展您的相机功能,使您拍照时更 方便,尽享摄影乐趣。
要了解 RE1000ND,请在使用之前详细阅读本说明书。 我们建议您把本说明书收藏在方便取阅的地方。
RE1000ND 的主要功能
远程无线遥控,快门释放有效遥控距离最远达 20 米 , 自动对焦有效遥控距离最远达 15 米①
最大遥控距离 快门释放: 自动对焦:
20 米 10 米(F90x) 15 米 7 米(F90x)
发射频率/功率 315MHz / <10 mw
相机信号电缆长度 100 cm
数据电缆长度 75cm
相机端: PC端:
中程遥控发射器 RF1000M 100m 对焦/200m 快门
RE1000ND 具备数据转换功能,可以通过与相机对应的 专用软件调整相机功能及下载拍摄数据。
使用时请先将 RE1000ND 与相机连接,再将数据电缆 插入扩展接口 4,将数据电缆另外一端插入计算机的串行 接口。使用 USB 连接附件可以提供 USB 连接能力。
扩展接口在与计算机通讯时具备热拔插能力,但是软件 与相机通讯过程中不建议这样做。
RICOH Caplio R1 说明书
© 2004 RICOH CO.,LTD. All rights reserved.•關於本書內容,將來若有變更,恕不另行通知。
Microsoft ,MS ,Windows ,DirectX 是美國Microsoft Corporation 在美國及其他國家登錄的注冊商標。
Macintosh 是在美國及其他國家已登錄的美國Apple Computer.Inc.的商標。
Adobe 和Adobe Acrobat 是Adobe Systems Incorporated 的商標。
此時,敬請進行如下處置:•盡可能的遠離電視機或收音機•改變電視機或收音機等的天綫方向•使用其他的插座1裝載4.8倍高倍率廣角變焦鏡頭厚25mm 的薄型小型機身,裝載能夠彌補通常攝影距離28~135mm*、4.8倍的高倍率的廣角鏡頭。
R H C 580_I B _F A _220322 P a r t N o . T 22-9002712FREEDOM CORDLESS IRON2 YEAR WARRANTYMODEL RHC580IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDSWhen using this appliance, basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following: Read all instructions before, and follow whilst using this appliance.1. To protect against electrical hazards, do not immerse the power cord, plug or iron in wateror any other liquid.2. Do not use outdoors or in damp or moist areas.3. Do not touch hot surfaces, always use the appliance handles.4. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical,sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.5. This appliance must be attended whilst plugged in.6. Ensure the iron is standing on its heel and with the soleplate clear of any surrounding objects whenswitching on.7. The iron must only be used with the stand provided.8. When placing the iron on its stand, ensure the surface on which the stand is placed is stable9. Ensure the iron is unplugged during filling and emptying.10. Always turn off and unplug from the wall power outlet when not in use.11. To avoid possible burns, ensure the appliance is off and has cooled before cleaning.12. To disconnect, turn off the wall power outlet, then grasp and pull the plug from the wall outlet. Neverpull by the cord.13. Do not operate this appliance with a damaged cord/plug or after the appliance has been dropped, isleaking, damaged or has malfunctioned in any manner. Contact Customer Service for examination, adjustment, repair or replacement.14. There are no user serviceable parts. If repairs are required, they must be performed by themanufacturer or a suitably qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.15. Do not use on an inclined or unstable surface.16. Keep the appliance and the power cord away from the edge of tables or countertops and out of reachof children and persons with reduced physical, sensory and mental capacities.17. Ensure the power cord does not present a tripping hazard.18. Do not place on or near any heat sources.19. Follow the instructions when cleaning this appliance.20. Cleaning or user maintenance shall not be carried out by children without the supervision of a personresponsible for their safety.21. Do not use this appliance for other than its intended purpose.22. Misuse of the appliance may cause injury.23. Do not leave the iron unattended when switched on or where it may be touched by children or personswith reduced physical, sensory and mental capacities while it is still hot.24. This appliance is not a toy. Children should be supervised to ensure they do not play with theappliance.25. This appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an external timer or separate remote controlsystem.26. For added safety, electrical appliances should be connected to a power outlet that is protected by aresidual current device (RCD / ‘Safety Switch’) having a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30mA. Your switchboard may already incorporate an RCD. If unsure, call an electrician for verification and fitting if necessary.27. This appliance is intended to be used in household and similar applications such as:a. Staff kitchen areas in shops, offices and other working environments;b. Farm houses;c. By clients in hotels, motels, and other residential type environments;d. Bed & breakfast type environments.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS.BEFORE USING FOR THE FIRST TIME• Fill the water tank with clean water, and then empty the water to ensure the tank is clean of any manufacturing residues. Refill the tank.• The iron may give off an odour and small amount of vapour when switched on for the first time. This is normal and will stop as the element cures.• Press the burst of steam button 3 or 4 times, to prime and flush clean water through the burst of steam pump.• Press the cool spray mist button 3 or 4 times, to prime and flush clean water through the cool spray mist pump.• Iron an old piece of dampened cotton fabric or linen, to clean the soleplate.CAUTION: HOT SURFACESbcause an air lock and the water may overflow.• Do not fill past ‘max’, or water may spill whilst in use.• Wipe up any spillage.HEATING YOUR IRONYour iron is heated by placing it onto the stand. The smart status light will show you when you need to reheat your iron and when it is ready to use. The smart status light operates as follows: Smart Status Light RemarksSteady red Your iron is heating upFlashing green Your iron is ready to useFlashing red Your iron needs reheating but you can carry on ironing for alittle longerFlashing red, 3 beeps Your iron must be reheated as soon as possibleSlowly pulsing red Auto shut-off activatedImportant Note:1. 2. 3.REDUCING TEMPERATURESTEAM IRONINGMake sure the water tank is full.• • • • NOTE:COOL SPRAY MISTNOTE: tank.• • Lift the iron off the fabric.• Aim the cool spray mist nozzle at the fabric.•Press the press it 2 or 3 times to pump water through the system.BURST OF STEAMthere is water in the tank, and the temperature control dial is set to or above.• • • Lift the iron off the fabric.•Press the burst of steam button – you may have to press it • temperature to recover.• • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • •SELF CLEAN• Fill the tank to the • • flashes green.• • • CAUTION: • • • • •CLEANING• • • Wipe outer surfaces with a damp cloth. If necessary, use a little dishwashing liquid.•Remove spots, or burnt on fabrics, by ironing a damp cotton or linen cloth with the iron hot. Take care not to scratch the soleplate.• Do not immerse the iron in water or any other liquid.• Do not use harsh or abrasive cleaning agents, solvents or scourers on the soleplate asthese will damage the coating.AUTO SHUT-OFF• • The smart status light will slowly pulse red.• smart status light flashes green.DISPOSAL/RECYCLINGWarranty Conditions4. The Goods must be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. ThisWarranty does not apply should the defect in or failure of the Goods be attributable to misuse, abuse, accident or non-observance of manufacturer’s instructions on the part of the user. As far as the law permits, the manufacturer does not accept liability for any direct or consequential loss, damage or other expense caused by or arising out of any failure to use the Goods in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.5. Exhaustible components (such as batteries, ironing board cover, filters and brushes) ofthe Goods are included under this Warranty only where there is a defect inworkmanship or materials used.6. The warranty granted under clause 3 is limited to repair or replacement only.7. Any parts of the Goods replaced during repairs or any product replaced remain theproperty of the manufacturer. In the event of the Goods being replaced during the Warranty Period, the warranty on the replacement Goods will expire on the samedate as for the Warranty Period on the original Goods which are replaced.8. In order to claim under the warranty granted under clause 3 you must:(a) Retain this warranty with your receipt/proof of purchase; and(b) Return the Goods to us at the relevant address or to the Supplier by prepaidfreight within the Warranty Period accompanied with (i) the legible and unmodified original proof of purchase, which clearly indicates the name and address of theSupplier, the date and place of purchase, the product name or other product serial number and (ii) this warranty.9. This warranty is immediately void if:(a) Any serial number or appliance plate is removed or defaced;(b) The Goods have been serviced or otherwise repaired by a person not authorisedto do so by us or where non approved replaced parts are used.10. The Goods are designed for domestic use only. The Goods must be connected to theelectrical voltage requirements as specified in the ratings label located on the Goods.11. This warranty does not cover the cost of claiming under the warranty or transportof the Goods to and from the Supplier or us.12. This warranty is only valid and enforceable in Australia against Spectrum BrandsAustralia Pty Ltd and in New Zealand against Spectrum Brands New Zealand Ltd. Contact us or the Supplier for further details.Register your product onlineIf you live in Australia please visit: .au/warrantyIf you live in New Zealand Please visit: /warranty Registration of your warranty is not compulsory, it gives us a record of your purchase AND entitles you to receive these benefits: Product information; Hints and tips; Recipes and news; Information on special price offers and promotions.Any questions? Please contact Customer Service for advice.We suggest you use local waste management centres to recycle this product at end of life.NOTESNOTES。
FR S131-22F 90° 八度筒型无线红外门磁传感器说明书
S131-22FDétecteur de mouvement LS filaire, 90°Sommaire1. Présentation (2)2. Préparation (3)2.1 Ouverture (3)2.2 Options defonctionnement (3)3. Pose du détecteur (4)3.1 Choix del’emplacement (4)3.2 Fixation (4)3.3 Raccordement (7)3.4 Orientation et test (9)4. Caractéristiques..............10Le détecteur infrarouge est utilisé pour la protection intérieure des locaux.Il détecte les variations de rayonnement infrarouge produites par le mouvement d’un corps dans une zone de détection de 90°. Il se place dans les pièces à risque (salon, bureau, chambre…).Il est raccordé à la centrale mixte ou filaire.RecommandationsT out accès aux composants internes peut endommager le produit pardécharges d’électricité électrostatique. Lors d’une intervention sur le produit prendre les précautions suivantes:• éviter tout contact, direct ou parl’intermédiaire d’un outil métallique, avec les composants électroniques ou les parties métalliques desborniers de connexion,• utiliser des outils non magnétiques,• avant d’accéder aux composants internes, toucher une surfacemétallique non peinte telle qu’une canalisation d’eau ou un matérielélectrique relié à la terre,• limiter au maximum lesdéplacements entre deux accès aux composants internes. Sinon répéter l’opération ci-dessus avant chaque nouvelle intervention sur le produit.Voyantderrièrela lentilleS131-22FS131-22F2.1 OuvertureOuvrir le boîtier du détecteur en desserrant la vis de verrouillage avec un tournevis cruciforme.2.2 Options de fonctionnementLes micro-interrupteurs permettent d’effectuer les paramétrages ci-dessous:micro-interrupteurs3.1 Choix de l’emplacementLe détecteur doit être placé :• à l’intérieur, • à 2,20 m du sol,• perpendiculairement aux issues à protéger, la détection volumétrique est plus efficace quand l’intrus coupe perpendiculairement les faisceaux,• orienté vers l’intérieur du local à protéger.Le détecteur ne doit pas être placé :• dans un endroit susceptible d’être frappédirectement par les rayons du soleil ou par une source lumineuse très puissante,• en face ou au-dessus d’une source de chaleur,• à l’extérieur ou dans un courant d’air,• à proximité directe d’une ventilation.3.2 FixationAvant la fixation, percer le gabarit passe-câble du socle selon l’emplacement prévu du (ou des)câble(s).Le détecteur peut être fixé au mur selon 3 types de fixation :• sur rotule,• à plat• ou en angle.Capot de l’embase Vis+ rondelle de serrageRotule Vis-tigeEmbase Aux 3 types de fixation correspond un n° de pion d’autoprotection :• sur rotule : pion n° 0,• à plat : pion n° 1,• en angle : pion n° 2.Fixation sur rotule1. Positionner au mur l’embase à l’endroit choisi pour repérer les 2 trous de perçage.2. Percer le mur.3. Insérer la vis-tige par l’arrière de l’embase et fixer l’embase.4. Positionner le capot de l’embase.5. Assembler les deux parties de la rotule.6. Insérer la rotule montée dans la vis-tige.7. Positionner le socle du détecteur de mouvement (une figurine indique le sens de montage).8. Visser la vis de serrage sans forcer de façon àpouvoir ajuster l’orientation du détecteur.(déjà montéFixation à plat1. Pré-percer le socle du détecteur de mouvement aux 2 points de préperçages.2. Positionner le socle au mur à l’endroit choisi pour repérer les trous de perçage (une figurine indique le sens de montage).3. Percer le mur et fixer le socle.4. Retirer le pion positionné en usine.5. Détacher le pion n° 1 de la grappe fournie.6. Positionner le pion dans son emplacement.Préperçages pour unefixation Fixation en angle1. Pré-percer le socle du détecteur de mouvement aux 2 points de préperçages.2. Positionner le socle au mur à l’endroit choisi pour repérer les trous de perçage (une figurine indique le sens de montage).3. Percer le mur et fixer le socle.4. Retirer le pion positionné en usine.5. Détacher le pion n° 2 de la grappe fournie.6. Positionner le pion dans son emplacement.2 vis de fixationune fixationen angle3.3 RaccordementLe raccordement doit être effectué hors alimentation de la centrale.La longueur maximale du câble entre la carte de la centrale Hager et le détecteur de mouvement le plus éloigné est de :• 50 m si Ø des conducteurs = 0,6 mm,• 150 m si Ø des conducteurs = 0,9 mm.3.4 Orientation et testPositionner le détecteur de mouvement sur son socle, resserrer la vis de fermeture et l’orienter approximativement s’il est monté sur rotule.Pour vérifier le bon fonctionnement du détecteur infrarouge, les tests suivants peuvent être effectués :• liaison filaire (cf. § Vérification des liaisons filaires décrit dans la notice de la centrale),• zone de détection : patienter 2 minutes après la mise sous tension.Si l’option “Voyant éteint lors d’une détection” a étésélectionnée : appuyer sur la touche test afin que le détecteur passe en mode test pour une durée de 90 s.Traverser la zone protégée perpendiculairement aux faisceaux : à chaque mouvement détecté, le voyant test du détecteur s’éclaire.En l’absence de détection : modifier l’orientation du détecteur sur sa rotule, vérifier qu’aucun obstacle nese situe entre la zone de détection et le détecteur.DETECTEUR INFRA ROUGE Normes NF C 48-205 ou C 48-450NF C 48-255 ou C 48-456C 48-435NF EN 60950 ou NF EN 60065NF&A2P 2 BoucliersSuivant référentiel de certification NF324-H58MARQUE COMMERCIALE : HAGER REFERENCE DU PRODUIT : S131-22F N° DE CERTIFICATION : 2620002771CNPP Département Certification Route de la Chapelle BP 2265F-27950 Saint Marcel AFNOR Certification11 rue Francis de PressenséF-93571 Saint Denis La Plaine Cedex Conformité CE des produits de la gamme LS300Le marquage CE des produits de la gamme LS300 filaire, attestent de leurs conformités aux dispositions essentielles des directives Européennes :• Directives compatibilité électromagnétique (CEM) 2004/108/CE • Directive Basse tension (BT) 73/23/CEEainsi qu’aux normes harmonisées associées pour ce qui concerne la Sécurité et la CEM.H a g e r 10.2012Hager SAS132 Boulevard d’EuropeBP 78F-67212 OBERNAI CEDEX Tél. +333 88 49 50 50Document non contractuel, soumis à modifications sans préavis.805315/A Pour obtenir des conseils lors de l’installation ou avant tout retour de matériel, contactez l’assistance technique HAGER dont les coordonnées figurent sur la notice de la centrale.Une équipe de techniciens qualifiés vous indiquera la procédure à suivre. www.hager.frTraitement des appareils électriques et électroniques en fin de vie (Applicable dans les pays de l’Union Européenne et autres pays européens disposant d’un système de collecte). Ce symbole, apposé sur le produit ou sur son emballage, indique que ce produit ne doit pas être traité avec les déchets ména-gers. Il doit être remis à un point de collecte approprié pour le recyclage des équipements électriques et électroniques. En vous assu-rant que ce produit est bien mis au rebut de manière appropriée, vous aiderez à prévenir les conséquences négatives pour l’environ-nement et la santé humaine. Pour toute infor-mation supplémentaire au sujet du recyclage de ce produit, vous pouvez vous adresser àvotre municipalité, déchetterie ou au magasin où vous avez acheté le produit.。
LG VitaFresh 60cm 电子手柄无障碍冰箱 KGN36HI32 商品说明书
Serie | 6, combiné pose libre avec surgélateur en bas, 187 x 60 cm, inox-easycleanKGN36HI32VitaFresh : conserve le croquant des aliments frais pluslongtemps : grâce à des températures très basses pour laviande et le poisson et un taux d'humidité ajustable pour lesfruits et légumes2 circuits de refroidissement: réfrigérateur et congélateurcontrôlables séparément- empêche le transfert d'odeurs.Données techniquesType de construction : Pose librePorte habillable : impossibleLargeur (mm) : 600Profondeur : 650Poids net (kg) : 78,566Puissance de raccordement (W) : 160Intensité (A) : 10Charnière de la porte : À droiteTension (V) : 220-240Fréquence (Hz) : 50Certificats de conformité : CE, VDELongueur du cordon électrique (cm) : 240Autonomie en cas de coupure de courant (h) : 16Nombre de compresseurs : 1Nombre de circuit de froid : 2Y a-t-il un ventilateur dans le compartiment réfrigérateur : NonPorte réversible : NonNombre de clayettes dans le réfrigérateur : 2Clayettes spéciales bouteille : OuiCode EAN : 4242002847474Marque : BoschRéférence Commerciale : KGN36HI32Classe énergétique (2010/30/CE) : A++Consommation énergétique annuelle (kWh/annum) - NOUVEAU(2010/30/CE) : 239,00Capacité net du réfrigérateur (l) - nouveau (2010/30/EC) : 234Capacité net du congélateur (l) - nouveau (2010/30/EC) : 86Froid ventilé : Réfrigérateur et congélateurAutonomie : 16Pouvoir de congélation (kg/24h) - nouveau (2010/30/EC) : 14Classe climatique : SN-TNiveau sonore (dB(A) re 1 pW) : 42Type d'installation : N/A'!2E20A C-i e h e h e!1/3Serie | 6, combiné pose libre avecsurgélateur en bas, 187 x 60 cm, inox-easycleanKGN36HI32Informations générales-Volume net total: 320 l-Volume net partie réfrigérateur: 234 l-Volume net partie surgélateur ****: 86 l-NoFrost - plus jamais dégivrer-Réglage et contrôle de la température séparément pourchaque zone-Alarme sonore pour porte ouverte-Système d'alarme optique et acoustique en casd'augmentation de la température-Niveau sonore: 42 dB(A) re 1 pW-Pieds réglables en hauteur à l'avant, roulettes à l'arrière-Portes Inox AntiFingerprint, parois inox-metallic-Charnières de porte à droitePartie réfrigérateur-Super-froid avec désactivation automatique-Système MultiAirflow-Support à bouteilles spécial, chromé-2 petit(s) et 1 grand(s) compartiments de porte-Eclairage LED-1 compartiment VitaFresh avec contrôle de l'humidité - lesfruits et légumes restent frais et riches en vitamines pluslongtempsPartie surgélateur-Capacité de surgélation: 14 kg/24h-Conservation en cas de coupure de courant: 16 h-VarioZone - clayettes en verre extractibles pour plus d'espace!-Commutateur de supercongél.: manual activation-3 tiroirs de surgélation transparentsAccessoiresInformations techniques-Dimensions de l'appareil (H x L x P): 187 x 60 x 65 cm-Classe climatique: SN-T2/3Serie | 6, combiné pose libre avecsurgélateur en bas, 187 x 60 cm, inox-easycleanKGN36HI323/3。
爱的衔接 Frigga家庭远程关照器
说明书V2.1版目录第1章背景1-6安全和法规1特殊说明2-5免责声明6第2章简介7关于FIFISH PRO W67标准包装8-11潜航器组成说明12遥控器组成说明13卷筒组成说明14第3章入水前说明15-21安装FIFISH应用程序15硬件连接16-18软件连接19-20传感器校准与下放和回收21第4章控制器22-23控制器组成说明22控制模式23第5章出水后说明24-32数据拷贝24-27水下电池28-30遥控器充电31维护32第6章FIFISH应用程序33-47用户界面33-25系统设置36-37控制设置38-39传感器校准40摄像机设置41激光标尺42直播43自动驾驶仪44-45工具箱,HDMI BOX46-47第7章其它信息48-55规格48-50Q接口51-53第1章背景安全和法规切勿触摸运转中的螺旋桨。
操作ROV 时要注意环境(潮汐、水位、水流量等)。
3B 类激光辐射。
FIFISH PRO W6属于专业设备,在第一次下水前需要多加训练及练习。
请联系当地的授权经销商、培训学校或QYSEA 技术支持部门。
出自:汇源果汁爱的就是你! 出自:娃哈哈一种可以世袭的古典浪漫出自:房产实力创造价值出自: CCTV爱生活,爱拉芳!出自:拉芳人类失去联想,世界将会怎样?出自:联想做女人挺好!出自:丰胸世界在你眼中?出自:新浪网今天你有否亿唐?出自:亿唐网只溶在口,不溶在手。
出自: m&m巧克力三千烦恼丝,健康新开始。
出自: Kisses巧克力牛奶香浓,丝般感受。
LG CBG-700 拍照精灵 使用说明书
服务点或经销商处以寻求帮助。 • 锂离子电池属于危险组件,可能会导致人身伤害。 • 由非合格专业人员更换电池可能会损坏设备。 • 请勿自行更换电池,否则可能会损坏电池,导致过热和
CAM Plus
LG拍照精灵 与所有国家/地区的 G5 兼容 (韩国、加拿大和 AT&T 除外)
REV 3.0 CN
CAM Plus
LG拍照精灵 与所有国家/地区的 G5 兼容 (韩国、加拿大和 AT&T 除外)
保留所有权利。 LG Electronics Inc.,2016
视产品规格而定,某些功能可能无法使用。 8
连接 插入电池 1 对齐电池和模块上的箭头,将电池端子牢固连接到模块。
2 将电池与下边缘对齐,小心地将模块滑回设备内。
• 将模块插入设备中时,切勿按模块弹出键。 • 将电池插入设备中时,确保电池已连接到模块。
取出电池 1 按模块弹出键以将模块从设备中弹出一部分。
本产品的环保使用期限标识如图所示。 该标识的环保使用期限以本说明书中所述的正常使用 条件为基准。
有限保修 根据此有限保修的条件,LG Electronics 保证本产 品自消费者最初购买产品的时间起并在随后的一 (1) 年时期内在设计、材料和制造工艺上无缺陷。如果您 的产品需要保修服务,请将它退回到原来购买它时的 经销商,或者联系您本地的 LG Electronics 联系中 心以获得其它信息。
载和安装),可以执行固件升级(支持的操作系 统:Android 6.0(M 操作系统)或以上版本)。 • 也可以通过使用 LG Friends Manager 应用程序来进 行固件升级。
DOF Adapter User GuideThe ULANZI DOF Adapter is an advanced smartphone SLR/DSLR & Cinema lens adapter.It allows you to use an SLR/DSLR & Cinema* lens with the powerful smartphone camera that you have in your pocket for an incredible bokeh, shallow depth-of-field and film-style look and the ability to pull focus manually like on professional cinema cameras.Please note: Using a DOF adapter is not simply "point and shoot" capable; it takes time and practice to achieve the desired results. DOF adapters are a great way to express your artistic nature, allowing you to create unique photographs andvideos with your camera phone.ULANZI DOF Adapter is a Sony E-Mount adapter, most of the full-frame manual lens can be used with the proper adapter rings to E mount.Note :Only Full Frame Manual lens is compatible.For best results, we recommend using fast lenses (f0.9-f2.8)DOF adapter will decrease the quality of photos and videos taken with itThere may be visible texture, dimples and/or specks of the focusing screen on the imageVignetting, barrel distortion and chromatic aberration are common issues with any DOF adapterThe DOF adapter flips the image upside-down. Need Apps to use the DOF. Recommended AppsThe DOF Adapter displays your image upside down. For the bestexperience, we recommend using one of the third-party apps below to flipthe image back to normal while shooting:Mounting the DOF Adapter1. Mount your phone into the ULANZI U-Rig Metal or other 17mm Lens Mount PhoneCase and align the lens mount with your phone’s main camera.Note: it is compatible with all ULANZI Phone Case and Phone Cage.2. Screw the DOF Adapter into the lens mount.3. Release the Screw (A) and rotate the barrel (B) clockwise until the focusing screen isaligned horizontally; then lock the Screw.4. Attach your SLR or DSLR lens to the bayonet mount.Getting started1. Launch your camera app and invert the image back to its normal orientation.2. Lock your phone's focus (usually by tapping/holding the screen or the square on someapps).3. Turn the focus dial on your SLR/DSLR lens until your image is in focus.Compatible lensesThe main purpose of the DOF Adapter is to add a beautiful, real shallow depth-of-field and bokeh to your photos and videos. For the best results, we recommend using lenses that meet the following criteria:Fast There is some light loss when using the DOF Adapter. For the best results, we recommend using fast lenses with an aperture between f0.9 - f2.8, and opening your aperture as wide as possible. You can use lenses with a slower/closed aperture, but results may vary.Full frame The DOF Adapter is designed for full-frame lenses.Manual/mechanical focus Your lens needs to be able to focus manually withoutbeing attached to a DSLR camera body. Lenses rely on electronics or a camera body to focus are not compatible with the DOF Adapter.Compatible lens mountsDirect mountSony E Mount Manual lenses can be mounted directly onto the DOF AdapterAdaptable mountThe following lenses can be mounted on the DOF Adapter with a simple adapter ring. Note: We will offer these adapter rings on our web store soon - stay tuned! Canon EF、Nikon F 、Nikon G 、Pentax K 、M42Attention: Mirrorless and/or Micro Four Thirds lenses are not compatible with the DOF Adapter.If you're unsure if your lens is compatible, please send us a link to the technical specs of ********************the lens at and we will do our best to find out for you.MaintenanceThe DOF Adapter is mostly maintenance-free. The sensitive focusing screenis fully enclosed for protection from dust and damages. Due to thenature of this technology, there may still be microscopic imperfectionsor specs on the diffuser surface of the focusing screen - which isnormal.ATTENTION: Disassembling the DOF Adapter will void the warranty and likely damage the internal optical components.。
Crane EE-5951AD 个人超声波加湿器和香薰扩散器使用说明书
PERSONAL Ultrasonic Cool Mist Humidifier and Aroma DiffuserFOR MODEL: EE-5951ADPLEASE READ AND SAVE ALL INSTRUCTIONS TO ENSURE THE SAFE AND EFFECTIVE USE OF THIS HUMIDIFIER.SAVE YOUR DATED PROOF OF PURCHASE![ You will need this in case of warranty ]TABLE OF CONTENTSCRANE & SUSTAINABILITYCrane USA is dedicated to your environment both inside and outside your home. We know ifcleaned and maintained properly, our products last for years helping to reduce unnecessary use of resources and emissions making new products.The Crane manual you are holding is from recycled materials with no added finishes or harmful dyes. If the humidifier should no longer operate, please be sure to dispose of the unit in anenvironmentally friendly way by taking it to a public collection point.PLEASE DO NOT PLACE BROKEN HUMIDIFIERS WITH YOUR REGULARHOUSEHOLD WASTE.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNING!READ AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Failure to follow all of the instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious personal injury.1.It is advisable to carry filled Water Tank with two hands.2.DO NOT operate outdoors. This humidifier is intended for indoor use only.3.Always have water in the Water Tank when operating the unit.e only clean, cool tap water to fill the Water Tank (filtered or distilled water isrecommended to avoid white dust if tap water is too hard. DO NOT use hot water. 5.Be sure that the Water Tank Cap is firmly tightened on Water Tank. Always have theMist Lid in place while the unit is operating. Place the humidifier so the mist aims away from children, walls, furniture and electrical appliances.e only a 110-120VAC outlet.* ALWAYS plug and unplug unit with dry hands to avoid electric shock.7.Never operate the unit with a damaged cord or plug.8.Always place the unit on a smooth, flat, lint-free, non-metallic, waterproof and levelsurface and position unit away from direct sunlight. Keep the cord away from heated surfaces and areas where it could be walked on or tripped over. Unplug the unit when not in use and whenever you clean or move the unit.9. Do not cover any openings on the unit or insert objects into any openings.10.The unit should not be left unattended in a closed room as the air could becomesaturated and leave condensation on walls or furniture. Leave room door partly open when humidifier is being operated.11.When cleaning the inside of the humidifier, keep water away from the Fan Vent. Turnoff and unplug the humidifier to wipe the exterior (except the electrical controls) with a damp cloth. Humidifier requires regular cleaning. Please refer to the CLEANINGINSTRUCTIONS in this manual.12.Do not tilt or tip the humidifier or attempt to empty or fill it while it is in operation.13.Do not use a detergent to clean any parts of the unit that contain water. Detergentfilm dissolved in the water supply can interfere with the output of the unit. Instead,always use white vinegar mixed with water to clean the humidifier.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS!GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNING!Read and understand all instructions. Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fire or serious personal injury. The warnings, cautions, and instructions discussed in this instruction manual cannot cover all possible conditions and situations that may occur. It must be understood by the user that common sense and caution are a factor which cannot be built into this product, but must be supplied by the user.THIS HUMIDIFIER IS NOT A TOY!Do not let your child play with this humidifier. Serious injury and electrocution might be possible. This humidifier has to be operated by an adult only. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the humidifier.SAVE ALL INSTRUCTIONS!CAUTION:A short Power Supply Cord is provided to reduce the risk of personal injury resulting from becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord. Extension cords are available from local hardware stores and may be used if care is exercised in their use. If an extension cord is required, special care and caution is necessary. Also the extension cord must be (1) marked with an electrical rating of 125 V and at least 13 A., 1625 W., and (2) the cord must be arranged so that it will not drape over the countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or accidently tripped over.ELECTRIC POWERIf the electric circuit is overloaded by other appliances, your humidifier and/or appliances may not operate properly. The humidifier should be operated on a separate electrical circuit from other operating appliances.POLARIZED PLUGThis humidifier has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other).As a safety feature to reduce the risk of electrical shock, this plug isintended to fit in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fitfully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact aqualified electrician. Do not attempt to defeat this safety feature.SAFETY WARNINGAlthough your humidifier is easy to operate, for your safety, the below warnings must be followed:1.Do not place the humidifier near a heat source.2.Never leave the humidifier unattended while connected to the electrical outlet.3.To avoid any accidents, never cover the Mist Lid when the humidifier is in operation.e the humidifier on a smooth, flat, lint-free, non-metallic, waterproof, and level surfaceaway from water.5.Do not unplug from the wall socket by pulling on the supply cord.6.The humidifier must be unplugged:A.Before either filling or emptying the Water Basin and/or Water Tank.B.Before any cleaning or maintenance is performed.C.After each use.D.If it appears to be faulty.THIS PRODUCT IS INTENDED FOR HOUSEHOLD USE ONLY.LIST OF MAIN PARTS215748 936TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSBEFORE EACH USE:CHECK HUMIDIFIER PLACEMENT:Place the Humidifier on an elevated, non-metallic, lint-free, waterproof, level surface at least 2 feet above the floor.• DO NOT PLACE ON CARPET OR TOWEL. Thefan vent is located on the bottom of the humidifierbase. The fan vent MUST NOT be obstructed.• DO NOT PLACE ON WOOD SURFACE or nearfurniture that can be damaged by too muchmoisture.CAUTION• DO NOT attempt to operate the humidifier without water in the Water Tank. • DO NOT plug or unplug the Power Cord with wet hands as electric shock could occur.ASSEMBLY & USEALWAYS use fresh cool water when operating the humidifier.1.Turn Water Tank upside down, unscrew Water Tank Cap and fill with cool water only.ALWAYS HOLD WATER TANK WITH TWO HANDS WHEN FULL.DO NOT fill water all the way to the rim.DO NOT use hot water.DO NOT pour water into Mist Lid.*Add essential oils as desired2.Screw Water Tank Cap back onto Water Tank and turn the tank over to place onHumidifier Base, making sure it fits together securely.Note: Do not attempt to move the humidifier while Water Tank is placed on the Humidifier Base. Doing so may cause leakage of water and/or Humidifier Base to overfill.3.Plug the power cord into a wall socket and turn on the unit by pressing the powericon on the humidifier base.4.The Power Indicator Light will illuminate in blue indicating that there is enough waterin the Humidifier Base and mist will begin emitting through the Mist Lid.1st Press Power Icon: Humidifier on Low2nd Press Power Icon: Humidifier on High3rd Press Power Icon: Humidifier will turn off1st Press Light Icon: Humidifier light will cycle through colors2nd Press Light Icon: Humidifier light will stay on the last color3rd Press Light Icon: All Light options off* Light options can function without the humidifier on5.When the humidifier runs out of water, the Power Indicator Light will flash 3 times andbeep once before powering off. This is a safety feature to prevent the humidifier from possibly overheating and damaging the Nebulizer. Unplug the unit beforeremoving and refilling the water tank.A NOTE ABOUT HUMIDITY▪To reduce excessive humidity or condensation, especially in small rooms, leave the room door open or turn the humidifier to low.▪Too much humidity in the room may allow moisture to accumulate on surfaces where bacteria and fungi can grow. Moisture that gathers may also damage furniture and walls, especially wallpaper.MAINTENANCECleaning and disinfecting on a regular basis is important for maintaining the performance of your humidifier.IMPORTANT:Water left in the tank or base when not in use may result in buildup of mineral deposits and bacteria which may inhibit the output efficiency as well as void the warranty. If water remains in the Water Tank for more than a day or two, bacterial growth is possible.DAILY MAINTENANCE1.Turn off, unplug from outlet and empty water from tank & base daily.2.Wipe and dry humidifier base with a clean, dry cloth or paper towel.3.Allow tank & base to air dry.4.Leave cap off the tank until ready for next use.WEEKLY MAINTENANCE1.Turn off, unplug from outlet and empty water from tank & base.2.Fill the water tank halfway warm water and add 2 Tablespoons of white vinegar.Shake vigorously and let sit for 20-30 minutes. Empty tank and rinse with plainwater.3.Fill base with warm water, add 1 tablespoon of white vinegar and let sit for 30min. Empty base & wipe with a dry cloth.TIP: Clean the nebulizer with a damp cloth or cotton swab after soaking.4.Allow tank & base to air dry and leave cap off the tank until the next use.NEVER IMMERSE HUMIDIFIER BASE IN WATER.END-OF-SEASON MAINTENANCE & STORING YOUR HUMIDIFIER1.Turn off, unplug from outlet, and empty water from tank & base.2.Follow instructions for weekly maintenance above.3.Let all parts dry completely.4.Store humidifier in a cool, dry place.CRANE CUSTOMER CARECALL US: 888-599-0992 (Mon-Fri 9:00am – 4:00pm CST)EMAIL US: ******************************LIVE CHAT: available at TROUBLESHOOTINGDO NOT attempt to repair the motor yourself.If the humidifier continues to not operate, please contact Crane Customer Care.NOTE: Spare Parts can also be purchased online at 。
LG 智能冰箱 FlexZone 多温度抽屉 Wi-Fi 和 Bixby 支持说明书
ConvenienceDesign• Counter Depth• Fingerprint Resistant Finish • M odern External Filtered Water and Ice Dispenser• High Efficiency LED Lighting • E Z-Open Handle ™ on Freezer Door and FlexZone ™ Drawer• Tempered Glass Spill-Proof Shelves • Gallon Door Bins • Dispenser LightFlexZone ™ DrawerFamily Hub ™RatingENERGY STAR ® rated: 690 kWh/yrPerformance• Twin Cooling Plus ®• Metal Cooling • I ce Max - Stores up to 2.7 lbs of ice • ENERGY STAR ® Compliant• Power Freeze and Power Cool Options • Two Humidity-Controlled Crispers • CoolTight Door • Door AlarmRF22R7551SR22 cu. ft. Counter-Depth, 4-Door French Door Refrigerator with 21.5" Connected Touchscreen Family Hub ™Signature FeaturesFood • S ee inside your refrigerator from anywhere, with 3 built-in cameras. • C reate and share shopping lists, plan meals based on the food inside your refrigerator and automically set expiration dates.Family • C reate your own home screen with Family Board, by adding personalized pictures, stickers and handwritten notes.• Customize your screen saver with picture slide show, weather and animations.Fun• Stream your favorite music service directly on your Family Hub ™ screen.• Mirror your Samsung TV or Samsung phone, right on your Family Hub ™.Your Home • A ccess your smart devices and Samsung appliances from your Family Hub ™ screen; set lights, hear and speak to someone at your front door,monitor your baby’s room and receive laundry end-of-cycle notifications.• R eceive Wi-Fi updates so your fridge stays up to date with the latest features and apps.• Intelligent voice assistant allows hands-free navigation.• Recognizes user’s voice and provides a personalized experience.Voice 2.0Actual color may vary. Design, specifications, and color availability are subject to change without notice. Non-metric weights and measurements are approximate.©2019 Samsung Electronics America, Inc., 85 Challenger Road, Ridgefield Park, NJ 07660. Tel: 800-SAMSUNG. . Samsung is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.RF22R7551SR22 cu. ft. Counter-Depth, 4-Door French Door Refrigerator with 21.5" Connected Touchscreen Family Hub ™Installation Specifications36 1/4"1. M easure the height, width and depth of the opening, making sure to include baseboards, molding tile, countertop overhang, etc. Check to be sure there is enough room to open the door (consider walls, islands or other obstacles when measuring).2. Refer to illustration below to determine dimensions.3. A llow 2.5" of clearance on hinge side of refrigerator when installing next to a wall where handle may make contact.4. A llow 1" minimum clearance at rear for proper air circulation and water/electrical connections. Allow a 3/8" minimum clearance at sides and top for ease of installation.5. E nsure each door and entryway in the home is wide enough for the refrigerator to be moved through easily. For optimal usage and to be able to open refrigerator doors completely, do not install next to a wall.Please note: The following dimension and cutout information is for planning purposes only. For complete installation details, consult manual packed with product, or download manual online at .Total Capacity: 22 cu. ft.Refrigerator: 12.6 cu. ft.• 2 Humidity-Controlled Crispers• 5 Tempered Glass Spill-Proof Shelves – 1 Slide-In– 1 Foldable Half – 3 Fixed • 6 Door Bins– Right Door: 3 Door Bins – Left Door: 3 Regular Bins • Metal Cooling• High Efficiency LED LightingFlexZone ™ Drawer: 3.1 cu. ft.• EZ-Open Handle ™• 4 Temperature Zones with Smart Divider – Meat/Fish (29°F) – Cold Drinks (33°F) – Deli/Snacks (37°F)– Wine/Party Dishes (42°F)Freezer: 6.5 cu. ft.• EZ-Open Handle ™• Take Out Box • 1 Drawer Divider• High Efficiency LED LightingWarrantyOne (1) Year Parts and Labor on Refrigerator Five (5) Years Parts and Labor on Sealed Refrigeration System Only*3/RF22R7551SR 887276345291RF22R7551SG 887276345284RF22R7551DT887276345277687/423/4"621/8"131/4"D70"。
父亲节送礼指南:Cleer ARC 3 音弧 送到老爸心坎儿上
父亲节送礼指南:Cleer ARC 3 音弧送到老爸心坎儿上中英文两版父亲节送礼指南:Cleer ARC 3 音弧送到老爸心坎儿上Father's Day Gift Guide: Cleer ARC 3 Audio Arc Hits Dad's Sweet Spot每年的父亲节,如何为父亲选购一份既实用又贴心的礼物总是让人头疼。
今年,我们推荐一款科技感十足的礼物——Cleer ARC 3 音弧耳机。
Every year on Father's Day, choosing a gift that is both practical and thoughtful for your dad can be quite a headache. This year, we recommend a high-tech gift - the Cleer ARC 3 Audio Arc headphones. These headphones not only have a stylish appearance but are also packed with features that will undoubtedly surprise your father.首先,Cleer ARC 3 音弧耳机采用了先进的音频技术,能够提供高品质的音效。
Firstly, the Cleer ARC 3 Audio Arc headphones use advanced audio technology to deliver high-quality sound. Whether your father likes listening to music, watching movies, or making phone calls, these headphones provide an exceptional auditory experience. They are equipped with active noise cancellation, effectively isolating external noise so he can focus on his own audio world in any environment.其次,这款耳机的人体工学设计也值得一提。
8504052 5寸Air Angle Grinder用户手册说明书
8504052 5 in. Air Angle GrinderUser manual※Technical DataSanding pad……………………………………………………………………….4”(100mm) to 5”(127mm) Free speed………………………………………………………………………………………10,000rpm Air consumption………………………………………………………………………………..5cfm(140 l/min) Operating pressure……………………………………………………………………………...90psi(6.3bar) Air inlet size…………………………………………………………………………………….1/4”Weight…………………………………………………………………………………………2.86Lbs(1.3kgs) A-Weighted sound pressure level……………………………………………………………….72.7dBSound power level………………………………………………………………………………..83.7dBVibration in the handle……………………………………………………………….………….. 1.44m/s2※Important Safety Rules1. Always wear safety goggles or glasses.2. Always ensure machine is switched off before connecting to air supply.3. Disconnect any machine from the air supply before changing blades or discs, and before servicing any type of machine.4. Always keep your air tool clean and lubricated. Daily lubrication is essential to avoid internal corrosion and possible failure.5. Do not wear watches, rings bracelets or loose clothing when using air tools.6. Using only light weight coil hoses from a tool to the wall or compressor coupling. Do not fit quick change couplings onto the machine as vibration can cause the coupling to fail.7. Do not overload the machine. Allow the tool to operate at its optimum speed for maximum efficiency.8. Do not increase the air pressure above the manufacturers recommended level, as excessive overload can cause the machine casing to split. Also this creates excessive wear on moving parts and possible failure.9. In the interests of safety and possible damage to the machine/operator, always ensure that the machine has stopped before putting it down after use.10. Always ensure that the work piece is firmly secured leaving both hands free to control the machine.11. Always ensure that the accessories such as blades, discs, sockets, etc. are rated/designed for use with the machine. Also correctly and securely fastened before connecting the machine to the air supply.12. When grinding, sanding or cutting always wear an appropriate face mask or respiratory equipment.※Operating InstructionDescriptionRugged Die-cast aluminum body for durable using, Ergonomic rubber grip is available for comfortable using, Built-in regulator for positive speed control, Screened inlet to prevent dirts particles from entering air intake, Ideal for smoothing concrete, removing burrs from metal and for finishing weld seams etc, Side exhaust;Air supply1.Ensure tool air valve (or trigger) is in the “off” position before connecting to the air supply.2.You will require an air pressure of 90psi, and an air flow according to specification.3.WARNING! Ensure the air supply is clean and does not exceed 90psi while operating thewrench. Too high an air pressure and unclean air will shorten the product life due to excessive wear, and may be dangerous causing damage and/or personal injury.4.Drain the air tank daily. Water in the air line will damage the wrench.5.Clean air inlet filter weekly. Recommended hook-up procedure is shown in fig 1.6.Line pressure should be increased to compensate for unusually long air hoses (over 8 metres).The minimum hose diameter should be 1/4”I.D. and fittings must have the same inside dimensions.7.Keep hose away from heat, oil and sharp edges. Check hose for wear, and make certain that allconnections are secure.LubricationAn automatic in-line filter-regulator-lubricator is recommended (Fig4) as it increases tool life and keeps the tool in sustained operation. The in-line lubricator should be regularly checked and filled with air tool oil.Proper adjustment of the in-line lubricator is performed by placing a sheet of paper next to the exhaust ports and holding the throttle open approximately 30 seconds. The lubricator is properly set when a light stain of oil collects on the paper. Excessive amounts of oil should be avoided.In the event that it becomes necessary to store the tool for an extended period of time (overnight, weekend, etc.), it should receive a generous amount of lubrication at that time. The tool should be run for approximately 30 seconds to ensure oil has been evenly distributed throughout the tool. The tool should be stored in a clean and dry environment.●It is most important that the tool be properly lubricated by keeping the air line lubricator filled and correctlyadjusted. Without proper lubrication the tool will not work properly and parts will wear prematurely.●Use the proper lubricant in the air line lubricator. The lubricator should be of low air flow or changing air flowtype, and should be kept filled to the correct level. Use only recommended lubricants, specially made for pneumatic applications. Substitutes may harm the rubber compounds in the tools O-rings and other rubber parts.IMPORTANTIf a filter/regulator/lubricator is not installed on the air system, air operated tools should be lubricated at least once a day or after 2 hours work with 2 to 6 drops of oil, depending on the work environment, directly through the male fitting in the tool housing.Loading and operation1. Connect the air tool to the air hose .2. Press the trigger to operate the tool.3. The flow of air may be regulated by adjusting flow valve at the base of the handle.4. Ensure the air supply is clean and does not exceed 90psi while operating the tool. Too high an air pressure and unclean air will shorten the product life due to excessive wear, and may be dangerous causing damage or personal injury.5.Make children away from the tool and workplaces when using the tools.DO NOT use any additional force upon the tool.DO NOT allow tool to free run for an extended period of time as this will shorten its life.※Maintenancemaintenance. Replace or repair damaged parts. Use genuine parts only. Non-authorised parts may be dangerous and will invalidate the warranty.1. Lubricate the air sander daily with a few drops of air tool oil dripped into the air inlet2. Clean the tool after use. DO NOT use worn, or damaged tool.3. Loss of power or erratic action may be due to the following:a) Excessive drain on the air line. Moisture or restriction in the air pipe. Incorrect size or type of hose connectors. To remedy check the air supply .b) Grit or gum deposits in the tool may also reduce performance. If your model has an air strainer (located in the area of the air inlet), remove the strainer and clean it.5. When not in use, disconnect from air supply, clean tool and store in a safe, dry, childproof location.※Trouble ShootingThe following form lists the common operating system with problem and solutions. Please read the form carefully and follow it.any of the following symptoms appears during your operating, stop using the tool immediately, or serious personal injury could result. Only a qualified persons or an authorized service center can perform repairs or replacement of tool.Disconnect tool from air supply before attempting repair or adjustment. When replacing O-rings or Cylinder, lubricate with air tool oil before assembly.※Parts Breakdown※Parts listNote: Please contact with us if customer need to know parts material .If you need spare parts of this model, pls feel free to contact us or the distributor where you bought this tool. Tks!。
機型 DAQ6510 快速入門使用者指南说明书
Keithley 產品是設計用於具有低暫態過電壓之量測、控制和資料 I/O 連接的電子訊號,並且不可直接連接到主電壓或帶有高暫態過電壓的電源。
量測類別 II (如IEC 60664 中所示) 中需要高暫態過電壓保護的連接通常都與當地的交流主電源連接有關。
某些 Keithley 量測儀器需要連接至主電源。
這些儀器將會標示為類別II 或更高。
美國國家標準學會 (ANSI) 指出,當電壓位準超過 30 V RMS、42.4 V 峰值或 60 VDC 時,便可能發生電擊危險。
sharp AQUOS V使用說明書说明书
P前言i表內容第1章:操作入門 (1)1.1 部件名稱 (1)正視圖 (1)後視圖 (1)左視圖 (2)右視圖 (2)頂視圖 (3)底部視圖 (3)1.2 配件 (4)1.3 安裝SIM卡和存儲卡 (4)取下nanoSIM / microSD托盤 (4)安裝nanoSIM卡 (5)安裝內存(microSD)卡 (5)更換nanoSIM / microSD托盤 (5)1.4 給電池充電 (6)1.5 打開或關閉設備 (7)打開或關閉設備 (7)重啟設備 (7)將設備設置為飛航模式 (7)將設備設置為睡眠模式 (7)1.6 鎖定和解鎖螢幕 (8)1.7 使用耳機 (9)1.8 調整音量 (9)第2章:基礎知識。
(10)2.1 主螢幕 (10)狀態欄 (11)通知小組 (12)打開應用程式 (12)查看最近使用的應用程式 (12)控制面板 (13)小工具 (13)文件夾 (14)設置壁紙 (15)管理資源 (15)更改手機設置 (16)第3章:聯絡人 (17)3.1 添加聯絡人 (17)3.2 複製聯絡人 (18)3.3 與聯絡人通信 (18)呼叫聯絡人 (18)文字聯絡人 (18)電郵聯絡人 (19)3.4 管理聯絡人 (19)編輯聯絡人 (19)刪除聯絡人 (20)發送聯絡信息 (20)將聯絡人添加到黑名單 (20)3.5 喜愛的聯絡人 (21)查看收藏夾 (21)加入“最喜歡的 (21)從收藏夾中刪除 (21)3.6 正在搜索聯絡人 (22)第4章:使用電話 (23)4.1 打個電話 (23)4.2 接聽電話 (24)4.3 結束通話 (25)4.4 通話選項 (25)4.5 通話記錄 (26)第5章:電子郵件和消息 (27)5.1 簡訊 (27)創建和發送短信 (27)接收和管理消息 (27)刪除消息線程 (27)刪除所有消息線程 (27)5.2 多媒體消息 (29)創建和發送彩信 (29)5.3 自定義消息設置 (30)5.4 電郵帳戶 (32)設置電子郵件帳戶 (32)添加更多電子郵件帳戶 (33)選擇電子郵件帳戶 (34)刪除電子郵件帳戶 (34)5.5 使用Email (35)撰寫和發送電子郵件 (35)接收電子郵件 (35)閱讀和回復電子郵件 (36)管理電子郵件文件夾 (37)自定義電子郵件設置 (39)第6章:使用Internet (40)6.1 連接到Internet (40)無線上網 (40)蜂窩數據網絡 (42)6.2 瀏覽網頁 (43)管理網頁 (43)第7章:使用藍牙 (45)7.1 連接藍牙設備 (45)第8章:多媒體應用程式 (46)8.1 照片和視頻 (46)拍照 (46)錄製視頻 (47)捕捉模式 (48)查看照片 (49)查看視頻 (50)配置相機設置 (50)8.2 查看照片和視頻 (52)第9章:程序 (53)9.1 Chrome (53)9.2 計算器 (53)9.3 相機 (54)9.4 Gmail (54)9.5 檔案 (55)9.6 時鐘 (56)9.7 使用手電筒 (58)9.8 消息 (59)9.9 相片 (59)9.10 聯絡人 (59)9.11 手機 (59)9.12 設置 (59)9.13 日曆 (60)第10章:管理電話 (61)10.1 設備設置 (61)10.2 更改基本設置 (66)日期和時間 (66)顯示設置 (67)10.3 使用無線和網絡 (68)10.4 保護你的手機 (68)加密電話 (68)啟用SIM卡鎖定 (68)10.5 配置移動數據限制 (69)10.6 重置設備 (70)第11章:規格 (71)第1章:入門1.1 部件名稱正視圖後視圖趨近/光源感測器前鏡頭聽筒/揚聲器螢幕麥克風揚聲器USB Type C連接埠後相機LED燈指紋感應器左視圖右視圖nanoSIM/ micro SD托盤音量加/減鍵電源鍵頂視圖麥克風 3.5mm耳機孔底部視圖麥克風揚聲器USB Type C連接埠1.2 配件您的包裝附帶以下物品。
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潮爸潮妈们真的舍得放下年幼的宝宝吗?事实上, 宝宝尽管不在身边,但是却一向没有脱离父母们重视的视野。
有了长途关照的功用, 年青的父母不再被间隔所捆绑。
不仅如此, FG05A强壮的夜视功用,也是许多年青父母看好的原因之一。