



• 1月1日:新年元旦 • 1月26日:国庆 • 为纪念白人进入澳大利亚的建国纪念日,(1788 年,菲力浦船长宣布澳大利亚为英国领地)但在 一些州,也以接近周末的周一、周五作为国庆节 假。澳大利亚国庆日里最大的庆祝活动将在悉尼 市中心以及悉尼港前滩上举行。达令湾(Darling Harbour)是活动的中心,以家庭娱乐为主,美味 来自全世界,夜间将有音乐与眩目多彩的焰火表 演上演。其他的精彩节目还包括Ferrython大街游 行活动、高桅横帆船赛,以及冲浪板挑战赛,比 赛区域从悉尼歌剧院到麦马翰角。
• 墨尔本旧国会大厦(旧国会大楼Old Parliament House)建于1927年, 是联邦议会会议大楼。曾有两次大的扩建。自新国会大厦1988年落成 后,它即完成了长达61年的使命,成为一座历史博物馆。

圣保罗大教堂(St.Paul Cathedral)建于1931年,高96米。史旺斯顿街是墨尔本市最重要的南 北向交通干道,许多公共建筑的设立,更增加其重要性。青石是这座哥德式大教堂的主要建 材,内部彩色玻璃窗、釉烧地砖、木制设备,将圣保罗大教堂妆点得更加庄严高雅。教堂外 竖立的塑象是由墨尔本雕塑家吉伯(Charles Webster Gillbert)所做,以纪念澳洲早期移民的 探险家,马修福林德(Matthew Flinder)。
• 2003年,年仅18岁的她发行首张专辑《 Innocent Eyes(纯真眼眸)》,便创造了 5首澳洲排行榜冠军单曲;该专辑本身也在 澳洲排行榜榜首停留了25周,并攻下英国、 新西兰以及无数的欧洲排行榜,共创下250 万张的专辑销售,其中光是英国一地便创 下逾百万张销售。


澳大利亚英语 PPT 课件
• Introduction to Australian English • Pronunciation of Australian English • Vocabulary of Australian English • The Grammar of Australian English • The Application of Australian
Comparison between Australian English, British English, and American English
Differences from British English
Although Australian English originates from British English, there are some differences in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. For example, Australian English tends to use "mate" instead of "friend".
There are also many abbreviations and abbreviations in
Australian English, such as "VIP" (important person), "BRB"


coast,the southeast and Tasmania. 2.The reason why they migrated is that it was a
period when low sea levels permitted the simplest forms of land and water travel.
3、Australia is widely known as "the Dry Continent" due to its low rainfall.The aridity of Australia stems from its proximity to the equator.
4、The hot and dry conditions of Australia bring about recurring droughts across the country. The 1895 to 1903 drought is considered Australi's worst draught in terms of severity and scale.
The rising crime rate compelled Britain to find somewhere to house the population of its overcrowded prisons.



悉尼同性恋狂欢节 2月底开始,为期两周。阳光明媚、观念颠覆、大都市和同性恋。欢迎在 一年一度的同性恋狂欢节期间来到悉尼。无论您是何种性取向,也无论您 是什么年纪,都会喜欢上从二月底开始在市内迸发出的这种欢快迷人的能 量。

澳大利亚的文化是基于英国的基础之上,澳大利亚人的饮食 习惯和英国人类似。从第二次世界大战之后,世界各地的移 民陆续到来成为人口的多数。澳大利亚的饮食受到了来自世 界各地人们的影响。欧洲、中东、印度、亚洲等地的饮食都 是很常见的。麦子、大米、橙子、香蕉和葡萄是澳大利亚广 泛种植的作物,肉食是澳大利亚人饮食的主要部分。奶制品 如牛奶、乳酪也食用很多。肉食烧烤很受欢迎。澳大利亚还 生产大量的葡萄酒,人们喜欢在吃饭的时候饮用葡萄酒或是 啤酒。澳大利亚还有一些当地特有的食品。丛林野食是一种 在土著人饮食基础上产生的食品 ,是用很种野草、野菜、野果 和野生动物肉制成的。
澳洲人比起中国人来说,是比较喜欢甜食的。他们的那些点心大都很甜。 澳洲的菜肴是西式的,一般主菜旁边会放生的蔬菜。感觉他们还是讲究饮 食平衡的,总要吃点蔬菜。不过肉类是必须的。 价钱很难说,没办法比较。 蔬菜有按量卖的,一捆几颗。也有按分量卖的。季节不同价格可以差三分 之一。肉类也按质量价格差很多。要省钱,蔬菜水果就要买当季的,肉类 可以到华人店买
பைடு நூலகம்

Townsville 汤斯维尔 Canberra 堪培拉 今天的堪培拉已是澳大利亚拥有 26万人口和众多现代化建筑的、 发展最快的城市。 Sydney 悉尼 悉尼是新南威尔士州的首府,也 是澳大利亚第一大城市,面积为 2400平方公里,位于围绕杰克 逊湾的低丘之上,是用当时英国 内务大臣悉尼子爵的名字命名的

英语国家概况之澳大利亚 共19页

英语国家概况之澳大利亚 共19页

Australia Day
• On 26 January each year, Australians celebrate Australia Day. Australia Day is a public holiday in every state and territory in Australia.
National Flag:
National Symbols
National Emblem:
National Symbols
National Anthem: Advance Australia Fair
National Flower:
National Bird: emu
Australia’s farms mostly locate on the middle and western area, where feeds swarms of cattle and sheep.
The climate is very suitable.
As for the economy in Australia:
Australia's system of government
• Australia’s system of government is founded in the liberal democratic tradition. Based on the values of religious tolerance, freedom of speech and association, and the rule of law, Australia’s institutions and practices of government reflect British and North American models. At the same time, they are uniquely Australian.

英美国家概况 Australia 澳大利亚 PPT

英美国家概况 Australia 澳大利亚 PPT
❖ The early pre-colonial period ❖ The colonial period before Federation ❖ Modern times after Federation
The earliest residents
❖ Aborigines
❖ Around 50,000 to 60,000 years ago
❖ 1755 Royal Navy
❖ 1768 an expedition to the south pacific with a secret purpose to find the southern continent
❖ 1770 discovered the eastern coast of Australia (New South Wales) and soon claimed the entire continent for the Britain
❖1688 William Dampier was the first English navigator to see Australia (northwest coast)
❖ 1770 Captain James Cook discovered the eastern coast of Australia (New South Wales)


Early HisFra Baidu bibliotekory
1.The Aborigines were the first inhabitants of Australian from southeast Asia at least 50,000 years ago and they mainly lived in the northern
Western Plateau •Central-Eastern Loelands the Eastern Highlands
Mount Kosciuszko(科修斯科山)
Southwest in Canberra of new south wales
The highest point in Australia and Oceania
coast,the southeast and Tasmania. 2.The reason why they migrated is that it was a
3、Australia is widely known as "the Dry Continent" due to its low rainfall.The aridity of Australia stems from its proximity to the equator.


《澳大利亚英文介绍wk.baidu.comPPT课 件
澳大利亚,位于南太平洋西北部,是一个美丽多彩的国家。它拥有壮丽的海 滩、壮观的自然景观和独特的文化遗产。
澳大利亚是位于南半球的一个国家,是世界上最大的岛屿和最小的大陆。 它的邻国有巴布亚新几内亚、印度尼西亚和东帝汶(东部),以及新西兰 (东南)。 澳大利亚是一个富有自然资源和多元文化的国家。
澳大利亚的教育体系享誉全球,拥有高水平的教育资源。 这个国家拥有世界一流的大学和研究机构,吸引了许多国际学生。 教育在澳大利亚社会中扮演着重要的角色,被广泛认可和重视。
从壮丽的大堡礁和世界遗产地、令人叹为观止的自然景观、迷人的城市风光, 到丰富多彩的文化体验,无处不展现着它的魅力。
澳大利亚位于南太平洋和印度洋之间,地理位置独特。 它距离亚洲和南美洲相对较近,是一个重要的地缘政治和经济枢纽。 这个国家由六个州和两个领地组成,各地区拥有独特的自然风光和文化特色。
澳大利亚是一个多元文化的国家,人口来自世界各地。 主要族群包括英国裔、爱尔兰裔、意大利裔、希腊裔、中国裔和印度裔等。 人口密度较低,大部分人聚居在城市和沿海地区。
无论您是想度假放松、探索大自然、体验刺激的冒险活动还是追寻充满文化 底蕴的旅行体验,澳大利亚都能满足您的需求。



Australia's system of government
• Australia’s system of government is founded in the liberal democratic tradition. Based on the values of religious tolerance, freedom of speech and association, and the rule of law, Australia’s institutions and practices of government reflect British and North American models. At the same time, they are uniquely Australian.
National Flag:
National Symbols
National Emblem:
National Symbols
National Anthem: Advance Australia Fair
National Flower:
Australia's Economy

英语国家概况 澳大利亚

英语国家概况 澳大利亚

European Settlement
Causes: the industrial revolution transformed the country from a largely rural society almost entirely dependent on agriculture to a towncentered one engaged increasingly in commercial manufacturing. However, the rapid population growth in London and other areas also brought about various social problems.
coast,the southeast and Tasmania. 2.The reason why they migrated is that it was a
period when low sea levels permitted the simplest forms of land and water travel.
areas using fire in order to stimulate the growth of grazing pastures and drive out small animals that they could easily


coast,the southeast and Tasmania. 2.The reason why they migrated is that it was a
Western Plateau •Central-Eastern Loelands the Eastern Highlands
Mount Kosciuszko(科修斯科山)
Southwest in Canberra of new south wales
The highest point in Australia and Oceania
Chapter 16 Australia
Geography & History
Location and Size Geographic Regions Climate Major Cities
Location & Size
Size—With a total area of 7.7 million square kilometers, Australia is the sixth largest country in the world, after Russia, Canada, China, the U.S. and Brazil
3370 kilometers long, watershed covers one 7 of the land area of Australia, is Australia's most important agricultural area. The name of this river basin is from the basin's two major rivers, the Murray and darling rivers.


➢Darwin: the capital of the Northern Territory; the only large city in northern Australia
Fires Tick Farming
The Aborigines used fire as a hunting tool,they cleared
3370 kilometers long, watershed covers one 7 of the land area of Australia, is Australia's most important agricultural area. The name of this river basin is from the basin's two major rivers, the Murray and darling rivers.
coast,the southeast and Tasmania. 2.The reason why they migrated is that it was a
period when low sea levels permitted the simplest forms of land and water travel.
areas using fire in order to stimulate the growth of grazing pastures and drive out small animals that they could easily
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Lake Eyre(艾Fra Baidu bibliotek湖)
The lowest point in the country
Some 12 meters below sea level
1、Southern Hemisphere ➢ January and February are the hottest summer months ➢ June and July are the coldest winter months 2、Vary greatly from region to region ➢ tropical area—hot all year without winter ➢ temperate regions of the south: ➢ enjoy a moderate climate, with hot summers and mild winters ➢ The coldest areas are the highlands and plateaus of Tasmania and the southeastern portion of the mainland.
3、Australia is widely known as "the Dry Continent" due to its low rainfall.The aridity of Australia stems from its proximity to the equator.
4、The hot and dry conditions of Australia bring about recurring droughts across the country. The 1895 to 1903 drought is considered Australi's worst draught in terms of severity and scale.
Early History
1.The Aborigines were the first inhabitants of Australian from southeast Asia at least 50,000 years ago and they mainly lived in the northern
Western Plateau •Central-Eastern Loelands the Eastern Highlands
Mount Kosciuszko(科修斯科山)
Southwest in Canberra of new south wales
The highest point in Australia and Oceania
Major Cities
➢Canberra: Between Sydney and Melbourn. The name Canberra originally means meeting place in the Aboriginal language
➢Sydney: the capital city of New South Wales; Australia's largest and oldst city.
3370 kilometers long, watershed covers one 7 of the land area of Australia, is Australia's most important agricultural area. The name of this river basin is from the basin's two major rivers, the Murray and darling rivers.
➢Melbourne: the capital city of Victoria; Australia's second largest city
➢Brisbane: the capital of Queenland;
Australia's third largest city
Early History Discovery and Exploration European Settlement Colonization The Road Toward Federation Australia in the 20th Century
Location—Australia lies in the Southern Hemisphere, between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. The country is surrounded by sea on all sides
Geographic Region
2228 meters above sea level
Poland explorer schmitz, lai kay found the mountain in 1839, and the polish hero named after (1746-1817).
Murray-Darling Basin
coast,the southeast and Tasmania. 2.The reason why they migrated is that it was a
Chapter 16 Australia
Geography & History
Location and Size Geographic Regions Climate Major Cities
Location & Size
Size—With a total area of 7.7 million square kilometers, Australia is the sixth largest country in the world, after Russia, Canada, China, the U.S. and Brazil