Bermuda Triangle




Many explanations have been offered to account for all the mysterious happenings during the many thousands of years.
This area has a high degree of electromagnetic energy and is often thought of as a portal or wormhole to somewhere off planet Earth. 这个区域电磁能巨大,时常被想到作为一个入口—旋涡—或离开行星地球到达某地的虫 洞。
At 2 pm on December 5, 1945,five military planes took off in perfect flying weather from an airport in Florida on a training task. Two hours later, the leader aboard radioed that he was "completely lost". The Navy also failed to find the planes.
Bermuda Triangle or Devil's Triangle
Bermuda has temperate climate, and the weather there like spring all year round. The scenery there is very exquisite. But people’s attitude toward it is about its dangerous instead of its beautiful scenery.

The Bermuda Triangle翻译

The Bermuda Triangle翻译

14 . The Bermuda TriangleⅡ.参考译文百慕大三角海域百慕大三角海域被认为是世界上最神秘的地方之一。


是什么导致了这些事件的发生呢?大西洋中有个地方, 在那儿船只、飞机失踪的事件似乎比地球上其他地方发生得更为频繁。

它位于迈阿密、百慕大和波多黎各以东海域之间, 看上去像是个三角形区域。

自从1945 年以来,已有100 多只轮船和飞机在那里消失, 1 000 多人在那里失踪。

那些失踪的飞机似乎像是飞进了天空中的一个洞里, 而那些失踪的轮船则好像被突然吸入了一个巨大的漩涡中。

最奇怪的事情是, 在此之后什么也没有找到过: 水里看不到尸体, 也没有被冲到海滩上。

最大的一起飞机失踪事件发生在1945 年12 月。


飞机上共有14 名男子。

他们用无线电向基地发回报告说, 他们的飞行装置失灵了。



他们回答说尽管天气很好, 他们却看不见太阳。

他们还说, 大海看上去有些异样。

最后他们说他们听不到基地的讯号, 但基地控制塔仍能听到他们在谈论着“白水”。

控制塔最后听到的是“: 不要跟着我们。


与此同时, 乘坐着另一架飞机的13 名男子已被派去营救他们,但是他们却只发回了一个信息, 说他们就要到达飞机失踪的地点。

接着这架飞机也失踪了, 再也没有听到过它的音信。

经过好几个月的调查和搜寻, 一名海军官说, “他们差不多就像是去了火星一样。

”有的时候, 一架飞机或一艘轮船就在刚刚发回信息说一切正常时, 却消失了。

在1963 年的圣诞节期间, 一架DC—3 客机正要进入迈阿密着陆。

飞行员要求给予着陆指示, 接着他说, “你会相信吗? 乘客们还正唱着圣诞颂歌呢!”接着飞机的无线电讯号突然中断。




百慕大三角The Bermuda triangle百慕大三角(英语:Bermuda Triangle;又称魔鬼三角),位于北大西洋的马尾藻海,是由英属百慕大群岛、美属波多黎各及美国佛罗里达州南端所形成的三角区海域,据称经常发生超自然现象及违反物理定律的事件,面积约116万平方公里.The Bermuda Triangle (English: Bermuda Triangle, also known as the devil's Triangle), located in the north Atlantic the Sargasso Sea, is made up of the British Bermuda, Puerto Rico and waters of the Triangle formed by the southern tip of Florida, allegedly supernatural occur frequently and the events of violation of the laws of physics, an area of about 116 square kilometers.“百慕大魔鬼三角区”名称的由来,是1945年12月5日美国19飞行队在训练时神秘失踪,当时预定的飞行计划是一个三角形,于是人们后来把美国东南沿海的大西洋上,北起百慕大,延伸到佛罗里达州南部的迈阿密,然后通过巴哈马群岛,穿过波多黎各,到西经40°线附近的圣胡安,再折回百慕大,形成的一个地区,称为百慕大三角区域“魔鬼三角”。


The origin of the name "Bermuda triangle", which was on December 5, 1945, the United States in the 19th flying team mysteriously disappeared during the training, the scheduled flight plan was a triangle, and then the United States on the southeast coast of the Atlantic, north Bermuda, extends to the south of Miami, Florida, and then through the Bahamas, through the Puerto Rico, to 40 ° west longitude line near SAN Juan, returning the Bermuda, the formation of a region, called the "devil's triangle" the Bermuda triangle area. In this region, there have been hundreds of ships and aircraft crash, and thousands of people died here.从1876到1980年间,约有158次失踪事件,其中大多是发生在1949年以来的30年间,曾发生失踪事件97次,至少有2000人在此丧生或失踪。


Be来自muda Triangle 百慕大三角
The Bermuda triangle includes the north to the Bermuda, the south to Puerto Rico, the west to Florida, an area of about one hundred square kilometers. Because of the missing piece to the surface of the folded, it is called “black hole” of the earth or “the devil‘s triangle”. It is a complete mystery. Many strange disappearances have taken place in this particular area. And it is said that many events and phenomena which are supernatural(超自然的,神奇 的) and against the laws of physics were frequently occurred there.
On December 5, 1945, a
team was composed of five
U.S. navy avenger torpedo
bombers squadrons of the
disappearances in the
Bermuda triangle, and even dispatched [dɪ‘spætʃt]派遣 rescue naval [’neɪvl] 海军的 sea plane was missing. 1945年12月5日,一支由有 五架美国海军复仇者鱼雷轰 炸机(U.S. Navy TBM Avenger)在百慕大三角训 练时失踪。不只没有发现这



百慕大三角英语作文The Mystery of Bermuda Triangle。

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where ships and planes have mysteriously disappeared. The triangle is formed by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico, and covers an area of about 500,000 square miles.Over the years, many theories have been proposed to explain the strange phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle. Some people believe that the area is cursed or haunted by supernatural forces, while others think that it is a portal to another dimension or a secret base for extraterrestrial life. However, most scientists and experts agree that there are more rational explanations for the disappearances.One of the most plausible theories is that the Bermuda Triangle is prone to severe weather conditions such ashurricanes, waterspouts, and rogue waves, which can easily overwhelm and sink ships and planes. In addition, the area is also known for its strong currents and underwater sea mounts, which can cause magnetic anomalies and interfere with navigation systems.Another possible explanation is human error or mechanical failure. Many of the missing vessels andaircraft were found to have been poorly maintained, overloaded, or operated by inexperienced or intoxicated crews. Moreover, some of the disappearances were due to pilot error, navigation mistakes, or communication breakdowns.Despite the numerous investigations and studies conducted on the Bermuda Triangle, the mystery remains unsolved. The exact number of disappearances is also disputed, with some estimates ranging from 50 to 1,000 over the past century. Some of the most famous cases include the USS Cyclops, a US Navy cargo ship that vanished without a trace in 1918 with 309 crew members on board; Flight 19, a group of five US Navy bombers that disappeared in 1945during a routine training mission; and the Mary Celeste, a British-American merchant ship that was found abandoned in 1872 with no signs of struggle or foul play.Despite the dangers and uncertainties of the Bermuda Triangle, many people still venture into the area for various reasons. Some are thrill-seekers who want to explore the unknown and challenge the odds, while others are scientists and researchers who hope to uncover the secrets of the triangle and find ways to prevent future disasters.In conclusion, the Bermuda Triangle remains one of the greatest mysteries of the modern era. Whether it is a natural phenomenon, a human-made disaster, or a supernatural phenomenon, it continues to fascinate and intrigue people around the world. Until more conclusive evidence is found, the truth behind the Bermuda Triangle will remain shrouded in mystery and speculation.。



百慕大三角1.英文介绍district profile:The so-called Bermuda Triangle, refers to the North from Bermuda, the West Island to Miami, Florida, south of Puerto Rico a triangular area. In this area of 400 O00 square miles of sea, from the beginning of 1945, hundreds of aircraft and ships, where mysteriously missing. So there will be a Bermuda Triangle of fans 。

2.百慕大三角形成观点概括The Bermuda triangle from a view summary:So far, the “Bermuda triangle area” explanation of induction as follows (1)The first opinion :these missing was attributed to supernatural causes, associate to whether aliens ,UFO.(2) Second views: this is the nature causes, such as magnetic anomaly (地磁异常), the ocean floor empty(洋底空洞), even proposed bubble (泡沫说),clear air turbulence( 清空湍流说),water bridge(水桥说),black holes(黑洞说) and views, with some strange nature phenomenon “Bermuda triangle”(3)the new point view: Methane bubbles 沼气泡新观点A cause of Bermuda waters often appear sunken ship or crash the culprit is the huge gas bubble.(4)相反的观点:opposite viewsIn contrast, some people think that these strange phenomenon of themissing each other without contact, and thus denied the existence of the Bermuda triangle .结束语:Bermuda this mysterious veil is opened, yet to be descendants of the research study.。



百慕大三角的英语作文The Bermuda Triangle is a mysterious place where ships and planes seem to disappear without a trace. Some people believe that it's a place of supernatural phenomena, while others think it's just a result of natural disasters.There have been many theories about what causes the strange occurrences in the Bermuda Triangle. Some people think that it's because of magnetic anomalies, while others believe that it's due to underwater methane gas explosions. However, no one really knows for sure what's behind the disappearances.Despite the mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle, many ships and planes continue to travel through the area without any problems. It's possible that the disappearances are just a result of bad weather or human error.The Bermuda Triangle has captured the imagination of people all over the world, and it's been the subject ofmany books, movies, and documentaries. Some people are fascinated by the idea of a place where strange and unexplained things happen, while others are skeptical and think that it's all just a myth.In the end, the Bermuda Triangle remains a mystery, and it's unlikely that we'll ever know for sure what's behind the strange disappearances. It's a place that will continue to intrigue and puzzle people for years to come.。



People who have discovered in the Bermuda Triangle include experienced sellers, aviators, and even tours on chart flights
Some appearances are attributed to accidents, but others remain unexplained
Theories about Atlantis
There are numerous theories about Atlantis, including that it was a highly advanced civilization with technology beyond our current understanding Others believe that Atlantis was a hub for extracurricular activity and was destroyed by an alien race
+Wind and Wave Patterns: The area is known for its unique wind and wave patterns, which can create streams conditions for ships and aircraft
Summary: The unique magnetic fields and geological structures of the Bermuda Triangle have been proposed as explanations for the appearances that occur there



英语作文介绍未解之谜The Bermuda Triangle, often referred to as the "Devil's Triangle," is one of the most infamous and perplexing mysteries of our time. This region, bounded by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico, has gained notoriety for the unexplained disappearances of numerous ships and aircraft over the decades. Despite extensive research and numerous theories,the enigma surrounding the Bermuda Triangle remains largely unsolved, captivating the imagination of many.One of the most striking aspects of the Bermuda Triangleis the sheer number of vessels and planes that have seemingly vanished without a trace. Historical accounts date back tothe early 19th century, when ships began to mysteriously disappear in this region. The most notable incident occurredin December 1945, when Flight 19, a military training flight consisting of five TBM Avenger torpedo bombers, vanishedduring a routine exercise. A rescue plane sent to find them also disappeared, adding to the growing list of lost souls in the Triangle. Such incidents have led to widespread speculation about the causes behind these unexplained occurrences.Several theories have emerged seeking to explain the Bermuda Triangle phenomenon. One popular hypothesis suggests that the area is prone to unpredictable weather patterns, including sudden storms and rogue waves that can easily take unprepared vessels by surprise. Another theory posits the existence of underwater geological features, such as methane hydrate deposits, that could release gas bubbles, potentially sinking ships and causing aircraft to crash. Additionally, some have speculated about the presence of magnetic anomalies that might interfere with navigational instruments, leading to disorientation and accidents.Despite these theories, many researchers argue that human error, navigational challenges, and the high volume oftraffic in the region are the most plausible explanations for the disappearances. The Bermuda Triangle is one of thebusiest flight paths in the world, which increases the likelihood of accidents. In fact, investigations have often revealed that many incidents attributed to the triangle canbe explained by natural causes and human mistakes.Ultimately, the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle endures.It symbolizes our fascination with the unknown and the limits of our understanding of the natural world. While some may dismiss the tales of vanished vessels and lost flights asmere folklore, the stories continue to inspire countless investigations, documentaries, and fictional portrayals. The combination of real-life incidents and the allure of the supernatural keeps the mystique of the Bermuda Triangle alive, reminding us that some secrets of the sea may never be fully unraveled.。


Do you want a chance to travel through time?
Let's read a real story happened there.
In 1990,there was a ballute(热气球式降落伞) suddenly appeared at the area of Cuba(古巴).
Later, a PBM Mariner Flying Boat exploded (爆 炸)while searching for them having 13 crew members. None of the investigators was able to tell the reason behind this terrible incident.
And this made the government of Cuba very nervous.They treated it as a secret weapon(秘密 武器) from Ameria and made it touched down.
At the same time,the two balloon driver were also confused,they said they participated in a ballute race,and suddenly felt a little pain,then they saw the blue sky and a plane which make them down.
Yes,there was a ballute race at Caribbean(加勒比 海) in 1954.It was a lovely day for the race,but suddenly one of the ballutes disappeared from the sky. That is to say the two drivers had flied from 1954 to 1990 unconsciously.

The Bermuda Triangle翻译

The Bermuda Triangle翻译

14 。

The Bermuda TriangleⅡ.参考译文百慕大三角海域百慕大三角海域被认为是世界上最神秘的地方之一。


是什么导致了这些事件的发生呢?大西洋中有个地方, 在那儿船只、飞机失踪的事件似乎比地球上其他地方发生得更为频繁。


自从1945 年以来,已有100 多只轮船和飞机在那里消失,1 000 多人在那里失踪。


最奇怪的事情是, 在此之后什么也没有找到过: 水里看不到尸体,也没有被冲到海滩上。

最大的一起飞机失踪事件发生在1945 年12 月.从佛罗里达州起飞的五架海军飞机当时正一起飞行。

飞机上共有14 名男子。

他们用无线电向基地发回报告说, 他们的飞行装置失灵了。


基地给他们回电说让他们朝着太阳向西飞行.他们回答说尽管天气很好, 他们却看不见太阳。

他们还说,大海看上去有些异样.最后他们说他们听不到基地的讯号, 但基地控制塔仍能听到他们在谈论着“白水”。



与此同时,乘坐着另一架飞机的13 名男子已被派去营救他们,但是他们却只发回了一个信息, 说他们就要到达飞机失踪的地点。

接着这架飞机也失踪了,再也没有听到过它的音信.经过好几个月的调查和搜寻, 一名海军官说,“他们差不多就像是去了火星一样。

”有的时候, 一架飞机或一艘轮船就在刚刚发回信息说一切正常时,却消失了.在1963 年的圣诞节期间, 一架DC—3 客机正要进入迈阿密着陆。

飞行员要求给予着陆指示,接着他说,“你会相信吗?乘客们还正唱着圣诞颂歌呢!" 接着飞机的无线电讯号突然中断。




百慕大三角英语作文英文回答:The Bermuda Triangle has long been a mystery that has fascinated people all over the world. The area, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is located in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. It is notorious for the disappearance of numerous ships and airplanes under mysterious circumstances. Many theories have been proposed to explain these disappearances, ranging from natural explanations such as violent weather and underwater earthquakes to more supernatural explanations involving UFOs and alien abductions.One of the most famous incidents in the Bermuda Triangle is the disappearance of Flight 19, a group of five U.S. Navy bombers that vanished during a training flight in 1945. The aircrafts were never found, and the disappearance remains unexplained to this day. Another well-known case is the disappearance of the USS Cyclops, a massive cargo shipthat vanished without a trace in 1918 with over 300 crew members on board.There have been numerous other incidents of vessels and aircrafts disappearing in the Bermuda Triangle, leading to a wide range of speculations and theories about what might be causing these mysterious events. Some people believethat there are natural explanations for the disappearances, such as the presence of powerful underwater currents or pockets of methane gas that could cause ships to sink without a trace. Others are convinced that there is something more otherworldly at play, such asextraterrestrial activity or even a portal to another dimension.中文回答:百慕大三角长久以来一直是一个让全世界人都着迷的谜团。

the bermuda triangle课文14-16段总结

the bermuda triangle课文14-16段总结

the bermuda triangle课文14-16段总结这是一篇有趣的英语课文,在故事的开篇,讲了一位名叫巴特先生的老人,带着他的孙子,来到一座美丽的城市,进行参观和学习。




1.知识目标:能认识 the bermuda triangle这几个单词。





1、理解课文14-16段中所说的四个重点词汇: house、 lucky、 why、 little。

2、知道三个主要人物之间有什么关系: lucky、 why?6、学习不同动物的行为习惯: lucky、 why?





百慕大三角之谜Bermuda Triangle

百慕大三角之谜Bermuda Triangle

• 4. 一艘前苏联潜水艇在百慕大海域水下航行,可一分钟 后竟在印度洋上。在几乎跨越半个地球的航行中,潜艇中 九十三名船员全部都骤然衰老了五至二十年。 • 5.1981年8月,海风号的英国游船在百慕大海区失踪,时 过八年,这艘船又在百慕大原海区出现了,船上六人安然 无恙。 这六个人共同的特点就是当时已失去了感觉,当 日他们只感觉过了一会儿,似乎什么也没干。 • 6. 1989年2月26日,人们发现一白色布袋在海面上一沉一 浮,里面竟是一个活人。这个人在1926年死于癌症,他随 身携带的一些文件证明了这点。此人1918年移居百慕大, 1923年患癌症,他的妻子遵照其生前要求海葬的遗愿,把 他装在帆布袋里海葬,抛到百慕大以南的海里。
Are they abducted by UFO or ET?
Time warp?
Swallowed by monsters?
It could be……?
• Do you want to know the truth?
•Next time, I will introduce it for you!!!
That's one of the mysterious and fantastic things happened in Bermuda Triangle. • Yes,there was a ballute race at Caribbean in 1954.It was a lovely day for the race,but suddenly one of the ballutes disappeared from the sky. • That is to say the two drivers had flied from 1954 to 1990 unconsciously.


1.The magnetic field hypothesis 磁场说
2.The black hole hypothesis 黑洞说
3.Time the voice hypothesis 次声说 4.The water bridge hypothesis 水桥说 5.The clear sky swift flow hypothesis 晴空湍流说
从1876到1980年间,约有158次 失踪事件,其中大多是发生在1949 年以来的30年间,曾发生失踪事件 97次,至少有2000人在此丧生或失 踪。这些奇怪神秘的失踪事件,主 要是发生在西大西洋的一片叫“马 尾藻海”地区,为北纬20°-40°、 西经35°-75°之间的宽广水域。
Here is the world famous o f the Gulf Stream flows 120 -190 km per day and night, and vortex, typhoon and tornad oes. Besides that, but here the sea about 40005000 meters deep, Puerto Rico trench, more than 700 0 meters deep, the deepes t part of 9218 meters.
百慕大三角位于北大西洋的马尾藻海,是由英属百 慕大群岛、美属波多黎各及美国佛罗里达州南端所形 成的三角区海域,据称经常发生超自然现象及违反物 理定律的事件,面积约116万平方公里
The origin of the name "Bermuda triangle", which was on Decembe r 5, 1945, the United States in the 19th flying team mysteriously dis appeared during the training, the scheduled flight plan was a triangl e, and then the United States on the southeast coast of the Atlantic, north Bermuda, extends to the south of Miami, Florida, and then th rough the Bahamas, through the Puerto Rico, to 40 °west longitud e line near SAN Juan, returning the Bermuda, the formation of a re gion, called the "devil's triangle" the Bermuda triangle area. In this r egion, there have been hundreds of ships and aircraft crash, and th ousands of people died here.

Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda Triangle

Bermuda TriangleTh e Bermu da Tria n gle(百慕大三角)is in t he Nort h At la ntic. It I s f orme d by Puert o Rico island (波多黎各岛),Am erica M iam i (迈阿密) an d Berm uda island. It ha s a n area of ab out 390 squar e kilomet er s It is fa mous ar ou nd wor ld b eca use of it s my stery. Hun dre ds of sh ip s an d p lan es d isap peare d, a nd at lea st two th ou sand of p eop le were kille d or m issin g. Oth er p eop le can’t f in d the ir b od ie s a nd sun ken sh ip s. That’s a lso why it ma ke s som e sc ient ists pu zzled.There are also som e surv iv ors. They de scr ib ed t he ir t errib le e xper ien ce s. On e ma n sa id that he was dr iv in g h is p lan e a cross t he area th e sea. It was sun ny. But su dde n ly, a b ig st orm a ppear ed ar ou nd h im. He wa s trap ped in t he c loud an d he wa s very worr ie d. Th en h e sa w a gap (缺口). He f lied int o it. It was n arrow (窄) and long. He also sa w som e stra n ge line s like a wh ir lp ool (漩涡). He f elt t hat he wa s pu sh ed by a n u nknown power. A fe w m inute s later, lu ckily h e got out of da n ger. But h e foun d that h e ha s arriv ed t he d est ination. That m ean s h e flied ab out 200 kilomet ers with in 5 m inute s, h e f lie d at a sp eed of 2500 kilomet er s per hour. But h is p lan e ca n only r eac h on e ov er ten of t he sp eed. It was un e xp la ine d.There are m any point sc ient ist s sup port to t hose stran ge t h in gs.●F ir st, a lien s are involve d in t he se ca se s. Th ey ta ke peop lea way.●Se cond, it is c au sed by th e natur e-----som e un known natura lp ower.●Th ird, t hey fe ll int o th e sea be cau se t he mac hine wa s broke n.●F ourt h, t hey met a b lac k hole.●F ift h, t hey c ome t hrough tim e an d spa ce. They we nt to t he pa stor th e f uture and ot her pla ce s.●And so on.All th e point m ight be r ight, b ut t hey d on’t h ave hard ev id en ce t o pr ove the ir v iewpoint. S o it is st ill a my stery.S o, what d o you th in k of it? L et’s e xplore it. We will f ind t he tr uth one day.。



百幕大三角英语作文The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, has long been a subject of fascination and fear. This infamous region, located in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, is bounded by Miami, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. It is renowned for the unexplained disappearances of ships and aircraft that have ventured into its waters.The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle dates back to the early20th century, with the disappearance of the USS Cyclops in 1918 being one of the earliest recorded incidents. Since then, numerous vessels and planes have vanished without a trace, leading to a plethora of theories attempting to explain the phenomenon.One of the most popular theories is that of magnetic anomalies, suggesting that the compasses of ships and planes might be disrupted by the Triangle's unique geological features, leading them off course. Another theory points tothe possibility of human error, as the area is heavily trafficked and subject to natural disasters like hurricanes and tropical storms.The paranormal is also not off the table for some, with theories ranging from extraterrestrial activity to the lostcity of Atlantis. Some believe that the Triangle is a portalto another dimension or that it houses powerful beings that can manipulate the elements.Despite the allure of the unknown, scientific investigations have not found any evidence to support the idea that the Bermuda Triangle is more dangerous than any other area of the ocean. The United States Board of Geographic Names does not recognize the Triangle's existence, and the term is not used in maritime or aviation charts.In conclusion, the Bermuda Triangle remains a captivating enigma that sparks the imagination of many. Whether one attributes the disappearances to natural causes, human error, or the supernatural, the Triangle continues to be a topic of intrigue and debate. As technology advances and our understanding of the ocean deepens, perhaps one day the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle will finally be revealed.。



The Exploration of Bermuda
Though no scientific evidence has been found, reports of unexplained occurrences have continued from the 19th century to the present.
Incidents in sea
1918:USS Cyclops ,collier ,left 1921 :A five- masted abandonment 1872 The Grampus schooner built 1843:USSmysteriousschoonerlast in fiveBarbadosCarroll A. Deering was found 1919, the on March 4,lostsunk 309 1872 March282seen of the 282-ton brigantine Mary 15 presumed with in a crew aground and abandoned to hard and often but inaccurately Celeste ispassengers en routeat Diamond gale off Charleston ,South Carolina. Baltimore toCaop Hatteras, North Shoals, near the Triangle, the ship connected,Maryland. Carolina on abandoned off the having beenJanuary 31, 1921. coast of Portugal.
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