RPN Intergrated Test VII (A)
注射用重组人凝血因子VIIa说明书.人凝血酶原复合物说明书-山东泰邦生物制品有限公司.“Baxter” FEIBA说明书.王兆钺, 凝血酶原复合物的临床应用. Chinese Journal of Thrombosis and Hemostasis 2008;14(5):238.
Gompertset al.
Proplex 75 U/kg,Proplex SX 75 U/kg,最多2剂
1996~2013年,超过4,000,000次标准剂量 (90 µg/kg体重)注射
病人数≥1 TE
rFVIIa规格:1 mg (50,000 IU)/支复溶1 mL含1 mg/50,000 IU 1
PCC规格:300 IU/20 mL/瓶复溶20 mL含四种凝血因子2
产品说明书Rhinogen®胰蛋白酶(测序级)Rhinogen® Trypsin (Sequencing Grade)重组生产,不含动物源性成分,纯度高,比活高,适用于蛋白质组学研究中肽谱图、肽指纹谱或蛋白序列分析产品货号:QIP-003-A,QIP-003-B目录产品信息 (2)试剂包装 (2)产品来源 (2)产品质量 (2)产品特性 (2)保藏条件 (2)产品综述 (3)背景 (3)概述 (3)应用 (3)特性 (3)操作方法 (4)试剂准备 (4)推荐使用方法 (4)操作说明 (4)相关产品 (5)参考文献 (6)产品文档及支持 (7)产品文档 (7)技术支持 (7)试剂包装Rhinogen® Trypsin (Sequencing Grade)包装规格如下:目录号规格QIP-003-A 20μgQIP-003-B 5×20μg产品来源Rhinogen® Trypsin (Sequencing Grade)是利用重组大肠杆菌系统表达生产并经过多步层析纯化得到的重组胰蛋白酶,其氨基酸序列与猪源胰蛋白酶序列同源,分子量大小约为25kDa。
产品特性最适pH为7.0~8.0;比活(单位/mg)≥4500USP units/mg。
使用50mM HAc或1mM HCl溶解后,-70℃存放;若溶解后存于2-8℃,需在24hr内使用完毕。
Agg RAM TM血小板聚集仪新建Worklist步骤运行仪器控制软HemoRam后,点击file→worklist或图标入工作列表窗口在Worklist ID输入工作列表名称(如ADP+AA)Test Type栏中从下拉菜单中选择Platelet Aggregation血小板聚集检测,Test栏选择要做的诱导剂检测。
(如Test栏选择Adenosine Diphosphate则4个通道默认为Adenosine Diphosphate诱导剂检测血小板聚集;带*号的是组合检测,可以根据所组合项目选择*Screen2或3)Stir Speed 为磁珠转数,默认为600rpm。
每个通道可以在Reagent 栏中从下拉菜单选择不同的诱导剂,可将默认的诱导剂修改实际要选择的诱导剂类型,单项的不可修改。
Patient ID 栏输入要做检测的病人ID 号,如不填则仪器认为该通道不检测样本。
Unit of Measure 栏为所选择的诱导剂的浓度单位。
Concentration 栏为所选择的诱导剂的浓度。
Lot Number 栏为所选择的诱导剂的批号信息,可不填。
点击Save ,保存工作列表信息。
注意:每次在Worklist 中修改的诱导剂检测组合,并在Patient ID 输入了要检测标本的病人ID 号,则所做的组合检测项目修改将保存在工作列表中。
如在Patient ID 栏不输入病人ID 号,则下次在选择该Worklist 时,则将恢复为默认的诱导剂检测组合。
下表为各诱导剂的浓度单位和最终浓度试剂名称二磷酸腺苷肾上腺素胶原花生四稀酸花生四稀酸(2倍稀释)缩写ADP EPN COLL ACA ACA 最终浓度5umol /L75umol /L (0.075mmol/L )2.5ug /ml500ug /ml (0.5mg /ml))250ug /ml (0.25mg /ml))本文由心我飞羊根据aggAM 仪器操作手册编制,发布于百度文库,仅提供给仪器操作人员参考。
准备材料LB液体试管,LB半固体培养基,LB固体培养基,20%(w/v)葡萄糖溶液,1M CaCl2溶液,1M MgSO4溶液,氯仿,1M柠檬酸三钠溶液;效价109-1010(pfu/mL) P1噬菌体储液,大肠杆菌溶源性供体菌,大肠杆菌受体菌;TM buffer:10mM Tris-HCl(pH7.4)buffer加入10mM MgSO4;P1盐溶液:10mM CaCl2与5mM MgSO4的混合溶液;实验步骤平板培养法准备野生菌种子液自保存甘油管或划线培养平板上,转接到3mL LB液体试管中,37℃,250rpm,培养过夜(12hr)。
制备野生型P1噬菌体1.将野生型菌株的过夜种子液,按1%(v/v)转接5mL LB液体试管,摇床培养至对数中期(~2*108细胞/mL,OD600=0.2~0.3)。
2.加入5mM CaCl2,继续培养至菌体细胞OD600=1。
3.取出野生菌培养液,低温聚菌,加入2倍体积的TM buffer重悬菌体。
4.倒下层平板,LB固体培养基中加入5mM CaCl2。
RNA it ra ai g d e Ri o r e n e c l t y b G e n,w i o a i g w t h l s t x r s in o A b L S n h | c mp rn i t e p a ma i e p e so f CE y E I A. e h c
新 的检 测 血 清蛋 白质 的新 技 术 :7R A 聚合 酶 催 T N
化 的 荧 光Βιβλιοθήκη 扩 增 (loecn e a pict n ct ye f rsec m l ai a lzd u i f o a b 7R A p l eaet h iu ,F T ) 它将 T yT N oy rs e nq e AC T , m c 7
t h iu a 1 3 ( 2 6 ) h e c o f A C r T R a r e s i a L S o t l e nq ew s . % 5 / 4 .T e t t n o F C Tf E T w s esn iv t nE IA c n os c 8 d ei oh mo te h r ( 0 0 ) C n l s n F C T h sahg e e s i t ta L S rted tc o f T R .I P< . 1 . o c i s A C a i rsn iv y h n E IA f e t n o h E T t uo h t i o h ei
T N 7R A聚合 酶催 化 的荧 光 扩 增 技 术检 测 结 直 肠 癌循 环 肿 瘤 细 胞 h E T TR
魏 晓 军 李世拥 陈光
【 摘要 】 目的
h E T表达 。方法 TR
蔡 慧云
T N 7R A聚合 酶催化 的荧 光扩增技术 ( eu r A T ) Cll CT 检测人循环肿 瘤细胞 中 la F
.— —
.— —
Xl AO Mu 。 ,XU J i a n 一,HE L e ,L I U Ch u n - l i n ,RUAN Yi n g ’
( 1 C o l l e g e o f B i o s c i e n c e a n d B i o t e e h n o l o g y ,H u n a n A g r i c u l t u r a l U n i v e r s i t y , C h a n g s h a , H u n a n 4 1 0 1 2 8 , C h i n a ; 2 P r e —S t a t e K e y L a b o r a t o r y o f C r o p G e r m p l a s m I n n o v a t i o n a n d U t i l i z a t i o n , H u n a n A g r i c u l t u r a l U n i v e r s i t y ,C h a n g s h a ,H u n a n 4 1 0 1 2 8 ,C h i n a )
Ye a s t Two- - - h y br i d Ex p r e s s i o n Co n s t r u c t i o n a n d Tr a n s f o r ma t i o n o f a n d p GADT 7 N PR1 Ve c t o r s p GBK T7 NPR1
校准方法 Calib Type Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear Logit-Log(5p) Logit-Log(5p) Logit-Log(4p) Linear Linear
1浓度 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0
2浓度 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# #
50 50
50 75 100 100 50 100 75 50 150 90 90 40 40 50 40 50 150 60 30 60 40
18800 11700 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000 0 32000 32000 32000 0 5000 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000 32000
2-2 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-2 6-3 6-3 6-3 6-3 6-3 6-3 6-3 5-3 2-2 2-2 2-2 6-3 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-2 6-3 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-2
实时荧光定量PCR仪ViiA操作步骤7——以 RNase P示例实验为例一、定义384孔样品模块的实验属性打开电脑访问ViiA 7 软件,然后打开左侧仪器开关。
单击Experiment Setup 图标。
单击Experiment Properties 以访问 Experiment Properties 屏幕。
在 ViiA 7 软件中设计 RNase P实验示例时,请输入:二、使用Define 屏幕定义RNase P 示例实验的目标基因、样品。
1.单击 Define 以访问 Define 屏幕。
2.定义目标基因a.单击 New 以增加和定义目标基因。
b.在目标基因表中,单击 Target Name 列中的一个单元格,并输入:c.(可选)单击 Save 以便将新增或原有的正在编辑的目标基因保存到Target Library 。
d.单击 Add Saved 从目标基因库添加目标基因。
3.定义样品a.单击 New 以增加和命名样品。
b.在样品表中,单击 Sample Name 列中的一个单元格,并输入:c. (可选)单击Save 以将新增或原有的正在编辑的样品保存到Sample Library 。
d.单击 Add Saved 从样品库添加样品。
4.(可选)定义生物学平行测定a. 在 Define Biological Replicates Groups 表中,单击 New 以增加和命名生物学平行测定组。
b.从下拉菜单选择 Color 。
c.单击 Comments 列,以便为该生物学平行测定组添加注释。
保留Biological Replicate Groups 空白。
5.选择用作参比荧光的染料ROX 。
三、分配目标基因、样品和生物学组利用 Assign(分配)屏幕将目标基因、样品和生物学平行测定组分配到RNase P 实验示例反应板内的各孔。
血清PLA2R抗体及THSD7A抗体检测在特发性膜性肾病中的临床意义张文贤,田梦蕾,赵松,迟雁青,刘茂东,李英【摘要】目的通过检测特发性膜性肾病(Idiopathic membranous nephropathy,IMN)患者血清PLA2R及THSD7A抗体水平,探讨二者对IMN诊断及病情评估的意义。
采用ELISA测定各组血清PLA2R 抗体及THSD7A抗体水平,并分析二者与临床指标的关系。
②IMN 组双抗体阳性患者24小时尿蛋白定量9.4(4.9~14.0 ) g/d,血白蛋白(21.2±3.7) g/L;PLA2R抗体阳性患者24小时尿蛋白定量[4.9(0.9~14.2) g/d],血白蛋白(24.4±5.6) g/L;THSD7A抗体阳性患者24小时尿蛋白定量7.1(2.1~14.0) g/d,血白蛋白(25.5±6.6) g/L;双抗体阳性与PLA2R抗体阳性患者比较:24小时尿蛋白定量及血白蛋白差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);与THSD7A抗体阳性患者比较:24小时尿蛋白定量差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),血白蛋白差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
2 介绍
Tgradient是Biometra产品系列中新型的高端热循环仪。开发一款快速优化反应参数以及常规分析的 高性能仪器一直是Biometra的目标。而通过新型的模块构建和最先进的Peltier技术,实现了这两个目 标。 为了增加PCR反应的特异性,退火温度是最关键的参数之一。利用新型的Tgradient,通过一次试验 可以测试出最佳的退火温度,在程序的任何步骤设定的温度梯度最大可以达到40°C。Biometra通过 不懈努力使温度梯度尽可能的呈线性。同时确保每一排均一的温度分布也非常重要,每一排的温度 可以通过帮助菜单进行查看。 新型的Tgradient是一款出众的仪器,不仅提供先进的温度梯度,还保证了常规运用时的高速度和可 靠的准确性。镀金银模块设计保证了高效的热传导性,确保了快速的升降温速度和模块的温度平衡。 新型的Tgradient会大大加快实验室的工作效率,因为它在优化反应条件和常规运用中节省了大量的 时间。
Directory: 5
Program no: 0 Lid temp: °C Edit
preheating: on
B files C pgm OK D enter
5.5 输入热盖的温度
您现在可以输入热盖的温度了。一般来说,盖子的温度应该比协议中的最高温高 10°C。例如:如果
rt i oa ms(R v P V)s a U wee ds n d acri o t u lh d sq e cs h C rd c o t i OS r ei e codn t h p bi e eu ne.T e P R pou t f rn g g e s
系较 近 , 为一 个进 化群 。
关键词:猪轮状病毒;V 7 P 基因;克隆;序列分析
mRNA疫苗研究明星爆品——T7RNA聚合酶T7 RNA Polymerase,即T7 RNA聚合酶,是T7噬菌体DNA编码的酶,对T7启动子序列具有高度特异性。
本酶是依赖于DNA的RNA聚合酶,具有5′→3′的RNA聚合酶活性,可以催化单链或双链DNA T7启动子下游NTP的掺入,合成与T7启动子下游的模板DNA 互补的RNA。
质量保证:1.SDS-PAGE胶检测仅可见清晰单一的目的条带,毛细管电泳检测纯度在95%以上;2.酶动力学实时荧光法显示无DNA酶及RNA酶污染;3.光度测定法显示内毒素含量≤10 EU/mg。
纯度验证RNA酶残留定量检测应用实例【RNA体外转录合成】1. 在RNase free的离心管中加入右侧表格中各组分配制反应体系2. 将上述反应液混合均匀,低速离心至管底,37℃孵育4个小时。
若转录本长度小于100 nt,增加反应时间至4-8个小时;3. 转录后取样品进行凝胶电泳,取样1µL稀释到5 µL,然后用1%的琼脂糖凝胶进行检测,以确定转录是否成功.4. 反应完成后,加入DNase 1 (RNase free) , 37 ℃孵育30 min 以去除模板DNA.注:(I)为了特定区域的有效转录,建议在其区域下游把模板DNA预先切成平端或5'突出末端.(2)反应体系于室温配置。
由于10xTranscription Buflfer中含有亚精胺,低温下亚精胺浓度过高容易引起DNA模板沉淀,建议最后加入模板DNA.(3)建议在PCR仪中进行反应,为防止蒸发,建议开启热盖功能.(4)使用试剂、容器等无RNA酶污染。
(10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 2014.12.17C N 104211786A (21)申请号 201410461064.1(22)申请日 2014.09.11C07K 14/14(2006.01)C12N 15/46(2006.01)C12N 15/70(2006.01)(71)申请人黑龙江省兽医科学研究所地址161006 黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市建华区西二道街112号申请人侯喜林(72)发明人侯美如 高俊峰 侯喜林(74)专利代理机构哈尔滨市松花江专利商标事务所 23109代理人侯静(54)发明名称牛轮状病毒重组VP7蛋白抗原及其制备方法(57)摘要牛轮状病毒重组VP7蛋白抗原及其制备方法,涉及一种蛋白抗原及其制备方法。
牛轮状病毒重组VP7蛋白抗原由644bp 碱基编码,大小为40kDa 。
方法:一、提取牛轮状病毒BRV-DQ 株的基因组RNA ;二、反转录,PCR 扩增,纯化后与pMD18-T 载体连接,得pMD18-T-VP7质粒;三、对pMD18-T-VP7和pET30a 双酶切,连接,转入宿主菌,得重组菌pET30a-VP7/BL21;四、重组蛋白的诱导表达;五、重组蛋白的纯化,即得到牛轮状病毒重组VP7蛋白抗原。
(51)Int.Cl.权利要求书1页 说明书5页序列表2页 附图1页(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请权利要求书1页 说明书5页序列表2页 附图1页(10)申请公布号CN 104211786 A1.牛轮状病毒重组VP7蛋白抗原,其特征在于该牛轮状病毒重组VP7蛋白抗原由644bp碱基编码,大小为40kDa,碱基序列如序列表中SEQIDNO:1所示。
包括甲型血友病(凝血因子VIII缺乏)、乙型血友病(凝血因子IX缺乏)和丙型血友病(因子XI 缺乏),以甲型血友病最多见,亚洲患者约为万分之一至二,欧洲患者比率达到万分之二。
2、血友病的临床表现特点出血部位广泛且严重,且不易止血,出血特点是延迟、持续而缓慢的渗血,可自发出血,出血常持续数小时甚至数周, 但主要是轻伤后出血不易停止;终身有轻微损伤和手术后长时间出血;常有自发性关节积血,并反复发生而引起血友病性关节炎。
M2O LAB 9 (11-28/29)BACKGROUND:The last few labs of this quarter are dedicated to letting you develop as a scientist by honing your skills for making solutions, and using those solutions for experiments. In this lab you will make the solutions needed for Akaline Lysis Mini-Preps and then use them for isolating a small amount of plasmid DNA from bacteria. The plasmid that you will isolate is pET-14b, an expression vector that is described below. Next quarter we will clone a gene (likely GFP) into this plasmid in frame with a polyhistidine tag. We will then induce the expression of the His-tagged gene using IPTG. If GFP is used, then the bacteria will fluoresce green. These bacteria can then be used for protein analysis utilizing techniques such as Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis, Western Blots, and protein purification. We could also use them for some interesting phagocytosis experiments with Tetrahymena!PART I: Read the following literature about the pET expression system.Novagen • pET System Manual• 11th EditionI ABOUT THE SYSTEMA. DescriptionThe pET System is the most powerful system yet developed for the cloning and expression of recombinant proteins in E. coli. Target genes are cloned in pET plasmids under control of strong bacteriophage T7 transcription and (optionally) translation signals; expression is induced by providing a source of T7 RNA polymerase in the host cell. T7 RNA polymerase is so selective and active that, when fully induced, almost all of the cell’s resources are converted t o target gene expression; the desired product can comprise more than 50% of the total cell protein a few hours after induction. Although this system is extremely powerful, it is also possible to attenuate the expression level simply by lowering the concentration of inducer. Decreasing the expression level may enhance the soluble yield of some target proteins. Another important benefit of this system is its ability to maintain target genes transcriptionally silent in the uninduced state. Target genes are initially cloned using hosts that do not contain the T7 RNA polymerase gene, thus eliminating plasmid instability due to the production of proteins potentially toxic to the host cell. Once established in a non-expression host, target protein expression may be initiated either by in fecting the host with λCE6, a phage that carries the T7 RNA polymerase gene under the control of the λ p L and p I promoters, or by transferring the plasmid into an expression host containing a chromosomal copy of the T7 RNA polymerase gene under lacUV5 control. In the second case, expression is induced by the addition of IPTG or lactose to the bacterial culture or using an autoinduction medium. Although in some cases (e.g., with innocuous target proteins) it may be possible to clone directly into expression hosts, this approach is not recommended as a general strategy. Two types of T7 promoters and several hosts that differ in their stringency of suppressing basal expression levels are available, providing great flexibility and the ability to optimize the expression of a wide variety of target genes.All of the pET vectors and companion products are available as kits designed for convenient cloning, expression, detection, and purification of target proteins. The pET Expression Systems provide the plasmids and host strains. The background information in Section VII, Additional Guidelines, will help you determine the best vector/host combination for your application.Regulation of Protein Expression in the pET System (Dr. Brabban)•Double induction by IPTG–DE3 lysogen encodes T7 RNA polymerase.–LacIQ gene is always expressed and proteinproduct binds to both operators when IPTGis absent.–Cloned gene is only transcribed when by T7RNA polymerase enzyme in presence ofIPTG.–T7 RNA polymerase is only transcribed inpresence of IPTG.•IPTG absent: Growth period.–lacIQ protein binds to both operator sites(T7RNA polymerase and your cloned gene)both genes are silent.•IPTG added: Protein production period–IPTG binds to lacIQ and LacIQ proteinleaves both operator sites.–T7 polymerase gene is transcribed/translated.–T7 polymerase enzyme binds to T7 promotersite and your gene is expressed.PART II: Making solutions and performing Alkaline Mini Preps.A. Open up the PDF entitled “ alkalineminiprep” and read thr ough it.B. Team up with a partner to create a set of solutions (I, II, and III).C. Follow the instructions for alkaline mini preps. Each person should make 5 preps each so that you have enough plasmid to work with next week and next quarter. We will provide the overnight bacteria culture.。
7-AAD (7-氨基放线菌素D) 用户手册说明书
7-AAD (7-氨基放线菌素D)产品编号 产品名称包装 ST515-1mg7-AAD (7-氨基放线菌素D)1mg产品简介:7-AAD ,英文全称为7-aminoactinomycin D ,中文名称为7-氨基放线菌素D ,是一种能够染色核酸的远红外荧光探针。
7-AAD 与DNA 形成的复合物在546nm 激发光下能够产生647nm 远红外区的最大发射光。
7-AAD 的远红外区发射光这一特性,使其常用于多重荧光染色实验中。
7-AAD 和碘化丙啶(PI)类似,是一种非细胞膜通透性的荧光染料,不能通透具有生物活性的细胞膜,只能染色丧失细胞膜完整性的坏死细胞或被固定和通透处理后的细胞,常被用于荧光染色区分坏死细胞或者固定通透处理后的广谱性染色。
与碘化丙啶(PI)不同的是,7-AAD 被546nm 的氩离子激光激发后,其发射光谱较PI 窄,且发射波长更长并在远红外区,对其它检测通道的干扰更小,在多重荧光染色时是PI 的理想替代品,可与多种488nm 激发光激发的荧光染料联合使用,如FITC (异硫氰酸荧光素)、PE (藻红蛋白)、APC (别藻蓝蛋白)等,在600nm 波长左右有较弱的荧光,可用普通的荧光显微镜检测红色荧光,而在远红外区650nm 波长左右有较强的荧光,可用流式细胞仪FL3通道或配备650nm 长通滤光片的荧光显微镜检测远红外荧光。
7-AAD 的分子式为C 62H 87N 13O 16,分子质量为1270.45,CAS number 为7240-37-1。
染色DNA 后的最大激发光波长为546nm ,最大发射光波长为647nm 。
7-AAD 的化学结构式以及染色DNA 后的激发光与发射光光谱参考图1。
图1. 7-AAD 的化学结构式(图A)以及与DNA 形成的复合物的激发光谱与发射光谱(图B)。
本产品提供1mg 包装,推荐使用DMSO 配制成10mM 的贮存液。
7-AAD 的使用浓度一般为1-10μM ,孵育时间一般为15~60分钟。
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RPN – Integrated Practice Test VII (A):1.What assessment should the PN be alarmed for possibility of toxicity due to cardiac glycosides?a.K⁺ level of 3.1 mEq/L – hypokalemia is a predisposing factor to Digoxin toxicity and NOT a signs ofDigoxin toxicityb.Hearing lossc.Yellow vision, poor appetite – these are signs of Digoxin toxicityd.Dry mucous membranesAnswer: C – these are signs of Digoxin toxicity2.Twenty four hours post laparoscopy, the nurse noted bleeding in dressing. Important nursing action:a.assess for abdominal distentionb.check patient vital signsc.position the client to semi-fowler‘s positionrm the physicianAnswer: B – vital signs (hypotension and tachycardia) are additional assessment that will confirm bleeding3. A 9-month old baby had repair of the foot and medication for pain was given as ordered. The mother said,―Why is the drug not working on my baby?‖ What is the right response?a.call the doctor for analgesicb.explain the meds will have an effect this timec.re-assess the child for further complicationsd.give another dose of pain analgesicAnswer: C – following pain medication, some pain relief is expected, however, other factors (post op complications) may contribute to discomfort.4. A child who sustained burn was treated successfully. On discharge teaching, the P N will teach the child‘smother that infection can be prevented by:a.Holding the baby with sterile glovese bleach when doing the laundryc.Changing the diaper as necessaryd.F requent hand washingAnswer: D –hand washing is the single and most effective way of preventing infection5.Top priority to promote safe nursing action to newborn following delivery?a.perform APGAR scoring at 1-5 minute after birthb.warm the infantc.establish respiratory rate and heart rated.place in supine positionAnswer: C –keeping the newborn‘s airway is the top priority following birth. Suctioning, side lying, and trendelenburg positions are different ways of keeping the airway patent.6.Which diet is appropriate to a client with stage 4 ulcer in the posterior chest?a.ice cream; milk; fruitskshake using skim milk; green vegetables; fruitsc.diet high in roughage; milkshake; fruitsd.c itrus fruits; green vegetables; white chicken; milkAnswer: D – vitamins and minerals (from fruits and vegetables) along with protein (milk and chicken) promote tissue repair and healing7. A student nurse, supervised by the PN, has performed the wound dressing on a client with abdominal wound.When documenting the procedure in the progress note, thea.Student nurse should documentb.The RN should documentc.The teacher should documentd.The attending physician should documentAnswer: A – the student has performed the wound care and wound dressing and thus she/he is responsible for the documentation8.Which of the following foods will promote tissue repair?a.Vegetablesb.Roughagec.Carbohydratesd.N utsAnswer: D – nuts contain protein and this is good for tissue repair9.Thrombus formation is a danger for all post operative patients. The nurse should act independently toprevent this complication by:a.Applying elastic stockingsb.Massaging gently with lotionc.Encouraging in-bed exercisesd.Providing adequate fluids intakeAnswer: C –inactivity causes venous stasis, hypercoagulability, and external pressure against the veins, all of which lead to thrombus formation.10. The PN recognizes that a pacemaker is indicated when a patient is experiencing:a.Anginab.Chest painc.Heart blockd.TachycardiaAnswer: C – This is the primary indication for pacemaker because there is an interference with the electrical conduction system of the heart.11. An essential nursing function in the care of a patient with arterial insufficiency in the left foot caused by generalized arteriosclerosis should be to:a.Maintain elevation of the legs.b.Massage the legs when painful.c.Check arterial pulse frequently.d.Apply a hot water bag to the feet.Answer: C – an altered quality of a variety of pulses in the extremity is the earliest indication of limited circulation.A – would interfere with gravity.B- this can release an embolus into the circulation; it may also cause tissue trauma.D – altered sensation may limit sensitivity to heat, which could result in burns.12. A client can‘t take deep breath and refuses to get out of bed because his chest tube is causing himdiscomfort. To promote the cli ent‘s compliance with ambulation and deep breathing, the PN should:a.Administer pain medication before having the client deep breathe, cough or get out of bedb.Tell the client the importance of lung expansionc.Arrange a care schedule to provide rest periodd.Teach the client how to use an incentive spirometerAnswer: A – ambulation and deep breathing are causing discomfort to the patient. Pre-medication will help the patient to perform these activities more effectively13. A client is recovering from an ileostomy performed to treat inflammatory bowel disease. During dischargeteaching, the PN should stress:a.Increasing fluid intake to prevent dehydrationb.Wearing an appliance pouch only at bedtimec.Consuming a low protein, high fiber dietd.Taking only enteric-coated medicationsAnswer: A – ileostomy continuously drain liquid or very soft stools. Adequate and extra fluids must be taken by the patient14. A client with increasingly difficulty swallowing, weight loss and fatigue had just received a diagnosis ofesophageal cancer. Because this client has difficulty in swallowing, the PN should give the highest priority to which action?a.Helping the client to cope with body image changesb.Ensuring adequate nutritionc.Maintaining patent airway – this is not necessary for the affected part is the esophagusd.Preventing injuryAnswer: B – difficulty swallowing may prevent the patient to eat necessary amount of food needed by the body. Soft or pureed diet or foods via NGT ensure nutrition15. A client with heart failure develops pink frothy sputum, coarse crackles and restlessness. Which of thefollowing actions should the PN take first?a.C heck the client‘s BPb.Place the client in high fowler’s positionc.C alculate the client‘s fluid balanced.Notify the physicianAnswer: B – these manifestations are indication of congestion in the lungs. High fowl er‘s position will provide relief from breathing problem. The physician must be notified after.16.The PN is observing a one day-old neonate. Which assessment finding indicates that oxygen needs are notbeing met by current treatments?a.RR 54 bpm – the normal RR is 30 to 60 bpmb.Abdominal breathing – newborns are abdominal breathersc.Nasal flaringd.Acrocyanosis – this is normally observed in most newborns due to the developing peripheral vascularsystemAnswer: C – nasal flaring is a sign of breathing problem in newborn17. A 15-month-old toddler is admitted with a diagnosis of croup and was placed in a mist tent with oxygen.The PN checks the child when he‘s asleep and notes the heart rate has increased to 120 b pm and RR to 36.What should the nurse do?a.Notify the MD immediatelyb.Notify the ICU for possible admissionc.Check the child’s SaO2 level using pulse oxymetryd.Check the child‘s BPAnswer: C - the normal heart rate for 15 month old ranges from 90 to 110 bpm; normal RR should be less than 40 bpm; the child is in the croup tent and sound asleep with HR of 120 and RR of 36.18. A 3-week-old infant was admitted with possible diagnosis of pyloric stenosis. When caring for the baby,which nursing intervention would be most important?a.Place the infant on his back for sleepb.Weigh the infant Q 12 hoursc.Position the infant in an infant seatd.Take the infant‘s VS q 8 hoursAnswer: A – supine position is the safest to all newborn babies, however, following feeding, upright position is preferred to prevent aspiration specially if the newborn vomits. Side lying or prone positions are highly associated with SIDS.19. A 3-year-old is brought to the ER with fractured wrist and suspicious looking bruising on his arms. Thestep father claims that the boy fell out of bed. What is the most important criterion for the PN to considerwhen deciding to report suspected child abuse?a.Inappropriate parenteral concern for the degree of injuryb.Absence of parents for questioning about the injuryc.Inappropriate response of the child to the injuryd.Incompatibility between the history and injuryAnswer: D – in child abuse, the historical account is greater than the actual injury20. A 28-year-old was admitted in the ER with multiple laceration and bruises to her face. The PN is aware thatthe client has a history of being abuse. What is the role of the PN in domestic abuse?a.Document the findings and provide support to the victimb.Protect the client privacy by not documenting the abuse – documenting the finding is a legal responsibilityc.Provide counseling for the abuse –this is not the RN‘s roled.Provide counseling to the victim –this is not the RN‘s roleAnswer: A – reporting abuse, documenting the finding, and providing support to the victims are the primary responsibilities of the PN21.The PN is caring for a client with wound infection who’s on strict isolation. When leaving the room of theclient, which protective equipment should the PN remove first?a.capb.maskc.gownd.glovesAnswer: D – wound will prov ide the RN’s direct exposure to the patient’s wound. Clean gloves will afford protection to the PN22.One of the most important aspects of pre-operative care of a neonate born with myelomeningocele ispositioning. Which of the following position is most important?a.supine and flatb.side-lying and flatc.prone with hips elevatedd.prone with head elevatedAnswer: C – prone position prevent pressure on the sac in the spine23.After performing a physical examination and obtaining a health history on a newly admitted client, the PNshould document her finding. When documenting the information in a client medical record, the PN should do which of the following?a.Erase any errore # 2 lead pencilc.Leave one line blank before each new entryd.End each entry with the PN’s sign ature and titleAnswer: D –the legal aspect of nurse‘s documentation and each entry made by the RN include date, signature, and title of the nurse.24. A PN is preparing a client with AIDS for discharge to home. Which instruction should the PN be sure toinclude?a.apply disposable gloves before showeringb.sterilize all plates and utensils in boiling waterc.avoid sharing toothbrushes and razorsd.avoid eating foods from serving dishes shared by other family membersAnswer: C – insignificant bleeding from minor cuts may results with the use of toothbrush and razor blades. The cuts in the skin will serve as port of entry for HIV virus25.Mrs. H was admitted with severe dehydration. She was placed in an isolation room with a foley cath inplace. The RN noted no ―urine output‖ in the foley bag. What pertinent assessment performed by the PN is important?a.Check the tube placementb.Palpate the bladder–the patient was severely dehydrated and perhaps there was no urine form yetc.Remove the catheter and reinsertrm the physician26.The patient was admitted with dehydration. Which question asked by the PN can be used as basis inassessing the patient‘s hydration status?a.When was the last you peed?–this is an assessment of fluid in the bodyb.When was the last time you drink?c.When was the last you ate?d.When was the last time you moved your bowel?27.Seven days following a successful recovery from TURP, which of the following statement made by the PNfocuses on preventing possible post op complication?a.―You will expect your urine to have small amount of blood‖b.―You must continue doing kegal exercise‖c.―You may now resume sexual intercourse‖d.“You need to avoid strenuous exercise”–this may precipitate bleeding28.While you were doing your late afternoon rounds, you‘ve noticed fire coming from the nurse‘s lounge.What will be the most appropriate initial action?a.Pull the fire alarm–remember the acronym RACE when dealing with fireb.Close all doors in the unitc.Try to put out the fired.Start evacuating the patient to a safer place29. A nurse manager from the medical unit asks one of the staff to continue working after a 12 hour shiftbecause one of the staff was not able to come to work. What would be the staff appropriate response?a.Accept the offer if the hospital compensates fairlyb.Stay and ensure for an overtime payc.Ask the manager to call for a relief and continue working until the relief arrives–the welfare of thepatient should be the top priority when working extra shift; if the nurse is already tires, anarrangement like this should be doned.Stay and manage the complexity of the workload by distributing the load to the staff30.Your patient handed you an enveloped with large sum of money. What would you do?a.Take it as an appreciation to your excellent nursing careb.Take the money and inform your colleaguec.Instruct the patient to donate the funds to the hospital–this is appropriated.Take the money and keep it in the unitCase Study:Three days ago, Mr. Arnold is a 78-year-old ♂ patient, was admitted in the community hospital due to exacerbation of his emphysema and chronic bronchitis. In preparation for his discharge, he was referred to the respiratory therapist (RT) and was taught deep breathing and coughing exercises to improve his oxygenation.Questions 79 to 83 refer to this case31.Based on the progress‘ note entry made by the RT, Mr. Arnold was not performing deep breathing andcoughing exercises taught to him. In this situation, the most appropriate action the PN takes would be:a.Assess and identify if the patient has some learning issues.b.Investigate if the patient‘s discharge can be delayed until he learns the procedure.c.Emphasize the importance of deep breathing and coughing exercises to the patient.d.Refer the patient to the respiratory therapist.Answer: A – the most common cause of the inability of the patient to perform the coughing and breathing exercises taught to him was lack of understanding of the importance of the teaching. The nurse needs to validate this aspect before taking further steps.32.How would the PN ensure that Mr. Arnold adheres to the coughing and breathing exercises post-discharge?a.Set up a follow-up appointment.b.Provide thorough health teachings before discharge.c.Refer the patient to the visiting nurse.d.Refer the patient to the home care management.Answer: A – setting up a follow up appointment enables the nurse to assess the patient and his compliance with the health teaching.33.While still in the hospital, Mr. Arnold fell on the floor from his chair. The PN rushed to rescue and foundthe patient very pale, cold, and clammy. Which actions made by the PN is most appropriate?a.Call the doctor; perform CPR.b.Loosen the patient‘s shirt‘s buttons and tie.c.Call for assistance.d.Ask the nursing aide to stay with the patient; while the nurse gets the code blue cart.Answer: C – if appropriate, the nurse may need an assistance to carry the patient back to the bed.Case StudyFatima is a 75-year-old-♀ patient, origina lly came from Iran, was admitted in the medical cardiac unit. Questions 84 to 85 refer to this case34.She complains of chest pain although it was described as mild, she was given NTG SL. After the 3rddose, she claims that she was still feeling the mild chest pain. Which of the following actions taken by the PN is appropriate?rm the RNb.Monitor VSc.Ensure strict bedrestd.Give another NTGAnswer: A – the physician must be informed since the patient has already received the maximum doses of NTG. Usually if chest pain persists after the 3rd dose of NGT, a more complicated and serious heart problem (like MI-myocardial infarction) has occurred.35.Fatima‘s serial cardiac enzymes tests confirmed an MI complicated by an acute heart failure or congestiveheart failure. Upon learning the outcome, Fatima became very depressed. The PN has taken the mostappropriate course of action by doing which of the following?a.Arrange that the patient be transferred to a private room.b.Arrange that the patient be transferred to th e room nearest to the nurse’s station.c.Place the patient in an orthopneic position.d.Ensure that the patient strictly follows her prescribed diet.Answer: B –the patient is depressed and very prone to suicide attempts. A room closer to the nurses‘ statio n will allow the nurses and other staff to constantly see and/or observe the patient.Case Studyboratory tests are performed on a patient with diabetic ketoacidosis. The PN should expect the tests toreveal:a.Low serum glucose, increased acidity, high carbon dioxide.b.Low serum glucose, decreased acidity, low carbon dioxide.c.Elevated serum glucose, normal acidity, high carbon dioxide.d.Elevated serum glucose, increased acidity, low carbon dioxide.Answer: D – diabetic ketoacidosis literally means high blood glucose; the pathophysiologic process includes the production of ketones (causing acidity) as the liver unconventionally uses ketones from fatty acids for energy; CO2 is low because this involves a metabolic process.37.The family of the elderly, aphasic patient, complains that the PN failed to obtain a signed consent beforeinserting an indwelling catheter to measure hourly output. This is an example of:a. A catheter inserted for the patient‘s benefit.b. A treatment that does not need a separate consent form.c.Treatment without consent of the patient, which is an invasion of rights.d.Inability to obtain consent for treatment because the patient was aphasic.Answer: B – on admission, patients or their proxy signs consent for general, non-invasive procedure that are commonly performed. These include starting peripheral IV; venipuncture; IM injection; inserting foley cath, ect.38.The patient has a bronchoscopy in ambulatory surgery. To prevent laryngeal edema, the PN should:a.Place ice chips in the patient‘s mouth.b.Offer the patient liberal amounts of fluid.c.Keep the patient in the semi-fowler’s position.d.Tell the patient to suck on medicated lozenges.Answer: C- with the head elevated, rather than horizontal or dependent, fluid will not collect in the interstitial spaces around the trachea.39.Christy is a 75-year-old elderly female patient who has a history of controlled diabetes mellitus andosteoarthritis of her right arm. She lives alone in her apartment and able to manage her activities of dailyliving without assistance. Three days ago she was admitted in the hospital for a total hip replacement of the L hip. She is now on her 2nd day post op. Nursing care plan promoting circulation for Christy would include:a.Isometric quadriceps exercise.b.Range of motion exercise.c.Active and passive range of motion exercise.d.Place abduction pillows in between the legs.Answer: A – this is the best and safest exercise that promotes circulation and prevents hip dislocation post hip replacement post hip replacement. Post hip replacement, the affected hip should remain extended and abducted. Isometric Exercise, no joint movement but has muscle contraction.40.The incidence of anemia among young adults is progressively increasing. Which of the followingpredisposing factors may cause anemia among young adults?a.sleeping patternb.not eating meat & vegetablesc.WBC 9000d.drinking too much alcoholic beveragesAnswer: B – meat and vegetables are rich in iron. Iron is essential in RBC production.41.James is a young-13-year-old teen-ager who presented himself to the school nurse due to his acne andlesions noticeable in his forehead and chin. The boy claims that he is seriously bothered by his physicalappearance and that he needs help to clear up the lesions. Based on this assertion, the nurse will suggestthat the young boya.avoids exposing himself, especially his face, to the sunb.dries his face with 100% cotton towel following a warm shower.es mild soap for his face and face wash that contains the lowest concentration of alcohol andhydrogen peroxide.d.limits or avoids sweets, chocolate, and fried foods.Answer: D – foods traditionally blamed for acne breakouts include nuts, chocolate, sweets, fried foods and milk. Thus, the best way to teat acne is by changing the diet.42.Mr. Chu was admitted in the hospital with a diagnosis of kidney infection. On physical assessment, hecomplains of tenderness in his flank area. He said that he has been eating poorly for about 3 days nowand he is also nauseated. In v iew of the nurses‘ findings, an appropriate intervention for the patientwould be:a. To d rink at least 3 to 4 L of fluid per day.b. To take sitz baths 3 to 4 times per day for urethral burning.c. To void immediately after sexual intercourse.d. To avoid exposure to persons with upper respiratory infections.Answer: A - kidney infection occurs when bacteria gets access to the bladder. Large amount of fluids promote urination, empty and wash out bacteria in the bladder.43.Michael is a 33-year-old openly self- pronounced homosexual, was admitted for a pulmonary infection. Heis positive for HIV and an active user of illicit drug. He was treated with combinations of antibiotics. His recovery was uneventful and today he is being discharged to home. Which of the following patient‘sstatements indicate a thorough understanding of the discharge instructions?a.―Condom will not be required for u s during sex as my partner and myself are both HIV⁺.‖b.―I will start donating blood again as soon I‘m fully recovered.‖c.―I will keep a box of condom in my glove compartment and make them readily available.‖d.“I’ll see to it that a sharp container for my used needles is placed in a secured place at home.”Answer: D – sharp container for used needles promote safety not only for the patient but also for other people living with the patient.44.In evaluating the client‘s fluid balance, which of the following findings would most likely require anintervention:a.Intake is greater than outputb.Output is greater than intakec.Weight lossd.Weight gainAnswer: A – output is essentially desired to be greater than intake. Intake more than output can stress the heart especially in elderly patients and/or patients with heart and kidney problems45.Pritzy, a 21-year-old young lady, was raped by her boyfriend. Following an extensive investigation in theemergency department, Pritzy decided to withdraw charges against her boyfriend. The PN who is involved in the care of the patient will appropriately do which of the following?a.The PN states, ―It‘s really upsetting when people have different opinions.‖b.The PN states, “The client’s decision must be respected”.c.The PN agrees with the medical team that the patient should press charges against her boyfriend.d.The medical team should perform a more extensive investigation.Answer: B –the patient‘s decision must be respected even if it is against the health team‘s view.46.Candice is a young girl who was admitted in the ER due to an acute asthma attack. She was placed inthe ER holding area and waiting for a bed in the medical unit. She receives bronchodilating agents(Albuterol) via hand held nebulizer and was started on IV Solucortef. Which of the following changes in the patient‘s condition best indicates th at Candice is responding favorably to the medications?a.RR 22; wheezing decreased.b.HR 90; BP 100/64.c.Urine output 40 ml last 2 hours; BP 100/64.d.RR 18; HR 54.Answer: A – normal respiratory rate and decreased wheezing are signs of bronchodilation, a desired effect of the albuterol.47.Nursing assessment indicating effective fluid resuscitation on a patient who sustained 2nd and 3rd degreeburnsinclude:a.Urine output of 100 ml for the last 2 hours.b.Skin recoils when pinch.c.Hematocrit level higher than the previous reading.d.Increasing heart rate.Answer: A – increased urine output is a good indication that the fluids replaced in a burn patient was successful. This means that the kidneys are adequately perfused.rry is a 38 year-old male patient, HIV+ and has history of Hepatitis C, presents with 4-day history of earproblem. He also complains of dizziness, headache, and loss of balance when ambulating. He states, ‗I feel bugs crawling to my left ear, I need a flush‘. He has seen 4 different doctors about his ear problem but‗nothing was ever done‘ he claimed. Following otoscopic examination, the physician ordered earirrigation. The PN who performs the procedure can prevent transmission of HIV infection by which of thefollowing precautionary measures?a.Wear gloves when irrigating the patient’s ear.b.Wear mask and gown when irrigating the patient‘s ear.c.Isolate the patient during the ear irrigation procedure.d.Wash hands before and after the procedure.Answer: A – HIV virus can be transmitted through body fluids. Used of clean gloves when irrigating the ear of the patient who is HIV⁺ prevents the nurse from being directly exposed to the body fluids of the patient. This is usually sufficient protection.49.Viktoriya, a 74-year-old Russian immigrant, was being discharge to home following blood sugar controlfor her diabetes. She was diagnosed with type 1 DM when she was 8 years old. She sustainedpoor/impaired vision from her DM; had a mild stroke 5 years ago; heart failure; and well-controlledhypertension. She was prescribed different medications for maintenance of her blood pressure, heartproblem and other medical condition. An important discharge teaching for this patient who will be takingdifferent medications that come in tablets forms and different colors would be:a.Encourage the technique of color flagging.b.Encourage the patient to use magnifying glass.c.Instruct the patient to store the pills in different places in the house.cate the patient on the sizes and shapes of the pills.Answer: D – a patient who is visually impaired usually has a well-developed sense of touch (as well as other senses) to compensate for loss of good vision.50.Understanding that there is a need to protect susceptible persons from exposure to chickenpox during theacute phase, the PN should question the mother of a child with chickenpox about relatives or friends whoare receiving:a.Long-term anticonvulsant therapy.b.Prolonged topical antibiotic therapy.c.High doses of systemic steroid therapy.d.Therapeutic doses of vitamins and minerals.Answer: C – individuals taking steroids have lowered resistance and may become fatally ill if exposed to varicella virus.51.The patient weighed 210 pounds on admission to the hospital. After 2 days of diuretic therapy the patientweighs 205.5 pounds. The PN could estimate that the amount of fluid the patients has lost is:a.0.5 Lb. 1.0 Lc. 2.0 Ld. 3.5 LAnswer: C – one liter weighs approximately 2.2 pounds; therefore, a 4.5 pound weight loss equal approx 2 liters.52.When taking the BP of a patient who has AIDS the PN must:a.Wear clean gloves.e barrier techniques.c.Wear a mask and gown.d.Wash the hands thoroughly.Answer: D – blood and body fluid precautions require that hands be washed before and after patient care to minimize the risk of transmission.Case Study。